
《国际贸易实务(双语)》三习题库第一章国际贸易简介Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to International Trade预习题1. What is international trade?2. Why do nations trade?练习题3. What are the differences between international trade and domestic trade?4. P17-20 专业术语、课后练习复习题5. What are the characteristics of international trade?6. What are the forms of international trade?7. Useful certificates for your future job-hunting.第二章进出口交易的一般程序General Procedure of International Trade一、国际贸易的基本流程Basic procedure of international trade预习题:1. Suppose you are an exporter, what will you do before you enter into a business with a trade partner?2.我国某出口公司与香港C公司签订了一笔总值25万美元销售猪肉的合同,FOB青岛,目的港韩国釜山,付款方式为D/A远期120天办理托收。

学院学年度第二学期期末考试卷 (A)课程名称:国际贸易实务(双语)适用班级: 系别: 专业: 考试日期: 姓名: 班级: 学号:Ⅰ.Translate the following phrases into English or Chinese (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. Quality Tolerance2.对等样品3. Non-Delivery4.付款交单5. Cargo in Bulk6.议付行7.Advanced B/L8.多式联运9.More or Less Clause 10.皮重11.Settlement12.商业发票13.Sale by Specification 14. 支票15.Confirmed L/CII. To explain the meaning of the words or phrases below as requested (本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、Trade Terms(please explain this phrase in English)2、品质公差3、General Average(please explain this phrase in English):4、仲裁5、逾期接受III、Judge the following statement, mark True (T) or False(F) (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151、交易磋商中的发盘都是由卖方提出的,因此卖方是发盘人。
2、The party who incurs a force majeure event may delay the performance of the contract if this party is able to continue the contract.3、依据《2010通则》的解释,DAT是所有贸易术语中,卖方承担风险责任费用最高的术语。

Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort;
Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources or both;
Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results; Report and present findings.
Section 2 Oversห้องสมุดไป่ตู้as Market Research and Analysis
Learning Objectives
● to know what the typical steps for market research ● to know what we are supposed to research about the international market ● to know the main resources for information about the international market
2.4 Analyzing the Research Findings and Preparing a Report 调查结果分析及报告
The final step in market research is to analyze the
data and prepare a report that a market. Comprehensive research and quality interpretation can provide the market researcher time with a detailed map, but only proper analysis can determine whether it is a good to start to market the products. will be a guide to the production and sales of the products for which there is

国际商会International Chamber of Commerce
In 1936
E、F、C、D四组13个贸 易术语
《2000年通则》 四组术语(共13种)
E 组 启运 EXW EX Works 工厂交货 货交承运人 船边交货 适用于各种运输方式, 包括多式联运 同上 适用于海运及内河运输 FCA Free Carrier F 组 主运费 FAS Free Alongside Ship 未付 FOB Free On Board CFR Cost and Freight CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight
Under FOB terms , the risk separation was the rail of the ship , during the shipment of goods, if they didn’t across the ship's rail, and fell to the sea, the seller should bear the risk . When the goods across the ship's rail, fall in the deck, the buyer should bear the corresponding risks. In this case, falling into the cargo deck, the buyer can assume the risk is no doubt.
1、deliver the goods at the time stipulated in the contract,provides sufficient notice 2、obtains the export licenses and authorizations and carry out all export formalities and procedures 3、assume all risks of loss or damage to the goods until they have passed the ship’s rail 4、provides the buyer with a proof of delivery or a transport document (such as B/L ,inspection documents) The most important is deliver the goods on time and notice to the buyer.
国际贸易实务双语 国贸双语Chapter5

CIF FOB、CFR、CIF三种贸易术语的换算
Export Exchange Cost
Definition 定义 It refers to the amount of RMB required for a unit of foreign currency of certain export commodity.

安排学生到相关外贸企业或机构进行 实习,亲身参与国际贸易实务操作, 加深对理论知识的理解和应用。
组织学生参加国际贸易实务相关的学 科竞赛,如模拟商务谈判、外贸单证 制作等,提高学生的实践能力和综合 素质。
鼓励学生开展与国际贸易相关的社会 调查,了解行业动态和市场需求,培 养独立思考和解决问题的能力。
针对教师的不同需求,设计个性 化的培训内容,包括教学方法、 语言能力、专业知识等方面,采 用线上与线下相结合的培训形式
制定科学的培训效果评估标准, 对教师的培训成果进行跟踪和反
设立优秀教师奖、教学成果奖等 激励机制,鼓励教师在教学、科 研等方面取得优异成绩,同时提
组建由专业带头人、骨干 教师、行业企业专家等组 成的国际贸易实务双语课 程教学团队。
明确团队成员的职责和分 工,建立有效的合作机制 ,实现资源共享和优势互 补。
定期举办学术研讨、教学 经验交流、企业实践等活 动,提高团队成员的专业 素养和实践能力。
通过本课程的学习,学生将掌握国际贸易实务的基本知 识和技能,提高英语应用能力和跨文化交流能力,为未 来的职业发展打下坚实基础。
01 知识目标
掌握国际贸易实务的基本概念、原理、规则和惯 例。
02 能力目标
能够运用英语进行国际贸易实务操作,具备跨文 化交流能力。
03 素质目标
国际贸易实务双语Chapter 2

Chapter Two Part A English Tex
Pricing Components of Commoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ity
Commission Commission is the remuneration paid to the middlemen for their intermediary service for principals. In modern international trade practices, commission takes the form of remuneration which either side of a transaction pays to the middlemen. For example, exporters pay commissions to sales agents or importers pay commissions to purchase agents. Commission is applicable to the contract signed by the exporter/importer and the middlemen. If a percentage as commission rate is specified in the contract, such a commission rate is called defined commission. If there is no such a percentage rate appeared in the contract, we call it an undefined commission. Commission is defined in the following ways: a. Specified with words. Example: USD 150 per M/T CIF San Francisco including 2% commission b. Specified with trade terms. Example: USD 150 per M/T CIFC 2 San Francisco c. Defined by number. Example: Commission: USD25 per Metric Ton
《 国际贸易实务(双语) 》课程教学大纲

《国际贸易实务(双语)》课程教学大纲《Practice of International Trade》课程代码:571004 课程性质:必修课适用专业:国际经济与贸易开课学期:第5学期总学时数:72总学分数:4编写年月:2004年4月修订年月:2007年6月执 笔:易露霞一、课程的性质和目的课程性质本课程是本科国际经济与贸易专业的一门主干专业知识课, 也是该专业的必修课程,其专业性、实践性、政策性和操作性都很强。


选择 自己的产 品 ,明确 产品的基本资料 { 此阶段除了借助 实验软
容和 方 法 , 以 及现 阶段 开 设这 门课 程 的 难度 。
[ 关键 词】 国 际 贸易 实 务
目前国 内相当多的学校国际贸易专业 开设 了国际贸易实务模
拟实验 。尽 管各校 的实务模拟实验名称各有不 同 .但实验 的内容 主要都是利用计 算机软件 ,在一个 虚拟 的贸易环境 中 学生扮演
3 实 验 流 程
在通过 网上函电的方式进行合同的准 备、谈判 、签订和履行 象 ,这就需要实验指导老 师的监督 。 () 1 准备阶段 ①了解 、学 习实验软硬件环境 : ②学生成立公 司 ( 或银行 ) ,
对面的谈判有利于培养学生的谈判技巧和临场应 变发挥能 力。 3 培养团队协 作精 神 .
及相关单证填制 ,提 高实际操 作能力 ,提高对专业外语的应用 , 贸易的各个环节 。这些环节包括成立虚拟的进 出 1公司 ,发布和 : 3 熟练使用计 算机办公软件和网络。实验 中虽然用到英语 但是从 搜集公司及产 品信息 ,书写外贸函电.核算商 品价格 ,报价与还
课程设 置、实验 目的、实验 内容安排的角度看 .英语的使用只是 价 ,磋 商交易条件 签订 国际货物买卖合 同 信用证的制作与审
国际贸易实务 模拟 实验 开设 双语教 学的意义
《 国际贸易实务》 模拟实验是 学生快速全面了解 国际 贸易实践 易对象也是在本组内完成。第二种方法是不将学生细分成小组 , 的主要平台。它是学生综合多 门课程知识 将理论应 用于实践、 趣味性 比较强 提高实际操作能力的重要途径 ,是提 高学 生就业能力 、尽快进入 确定地 自由选择。以上两种方法的好处是仿真性、

KeyChapter1I. Answer my questions1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders。
It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation,tourism,banking,advertising, construction, retailing,wholesaling, and mass communications.It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental。
Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies。
To gain profit.4。
To seej out foreign markets and procurement。
5. There are four major forms which are the following:Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports,Investment and Multinational Enterprise。
6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg。

The laws are applicable to international sales contracts
◆International Trade Practice
☆International Rules for the Interpretation
of Trade Terms《国际贸易术语解释通则》
Packing mark
• Packing mark includes shipping mark, indicative mark and dangerous cargo mark
• Shipping mark can be chosen by us, or by the customer.
Packing charges
(International Trade Practice In Chinese and English)
• 《进出口贸易实务教程》 吴百福主编 上海人民出版社 2002版
• 《国际贸易实务》,程怀儒主编,人民教育出版社。 • 《国际贸易双解词典—全球贸易手册》爱德华.G.辛克尔
Stipulate the flexible range
Use various kinds of expression methods properly

《国际贸易实务》双语课堂案例剖析Chapter Two and ThreeGeneral Procedures of Export and Import Transaction&Contracts for the International TradeCase One 案例一1.Mr. Smith, an American businessman, sold a batch of IBM computers to a Hong Kong importer, Mr. Chen .The sales was concluded in the United States of America on the terms of CIF Hong Kong. During execution of the contract, disputes arose between the seller and the buyer on the form an interpretation of the contract. In such a case, did the law of the USA or the law of Hong Kong apply to the disputes? Why?Case Two 案例二2.Mr. Anderson intended to sell a plane to Mr. Johnson. In his cable, Mr. Anderson offered: “Confirm sale of a plane…Please send 5000 pounds by telegraphic transfer.” Mr. Johnson cabled back immediately: “Confirm purchase of your plane, terms and conditions same as your cable. I’ve sent the 5000 pounds to your Account Bank who keeps your money on your behalf until delivery of the plane. Please confirm delivery within 30 days from the date of this cable.”Mr. Anderson did not reply and sold the plane to another buyer at a much higher price. Disagreements occurred between the two parties about whether the contract was concluded effectively. In such a case, was the contract concluded? Why?Case Three 案例三3. A Chinese export company sent on July 1 an offer to a French trading company ,stipulating for the reply to reach them before July 10. The French trading company cabled its acceptance of the offer on July 8. Because of the delay by the post office, the acceptance did not reach the Chinese company till on the morning of July 11.And before receiving the acceptance, the Chinese company was informed that the prices of the said products were rising rapidly,the seller refused the acceptance immediately.Question: Was the acceptance effective? Why?Case Four 案例四4.A French buyer visited a Chinese trading company to buy some goods in the morning. When Chinese seller offered the price, he didn’t say anything. But in the afternoon, the French buyer visited again and accepted the morning’s offer. At this moment, Chinese company found the price of this goods on the international market was rising, so how could the Chinese trading company deal with? Why?Case Five 案例五5. Our company made an offer with Italian buyer, which is valid before 10th of this month. Because of the post bureau’s late in delivery, we have received the acceptance on 11th. At thismoment, we found the price of these goods on the market was rising, How can we do?Case Six 案例六6. Company A made an offer for a farm product to Company B stating: “Packing in sound bags”. Within the validity, Company B replied “Refer to your telex first accepted, packing in new bags”.On receiving the reply, Company A began to purchase the goods for export. Days later, as market price of the commodity was falling, Company B wrote to Company A “No contract is entered between us, as you failed to confirm our changing of the packing requirement.” Company A argued that Company B’s acceptance was effective and the contract was established then. Question:1)What is your opinion?2)Give the reason to support your opinion3)How to prevent such dispute.Case Seven 案例七7. In 1996, a certain export company of China sent a group of businessman to the United States for purchase of equipment. In New York, both parties reached an oral agreement on such items as specifications, unit price, and quantity. Upon leaving, the group indicated to the other party that, when they go back to Beijing, they would draw a contract, which would become effective after being signed by both parties. After going back to Beijing, the group found that the clients withdrew their import of the equipment, and thus the contract was not signed and the L/C was not opened either. The US side urged the Chinese side to perform the contract; otherwise they would lodge a claim with the Chinese side in the US. Please analyze the case and give an opinion on how the Chinese export company was to deal with this case and why?Case Eight 案例八8. A Chinese export company sent on June 1 an offer to a businessman living in Italy, stipulating for the reply to reach them before June 10. The Italian businessman cabled his acceptance of the offer on June 8. Because of the delay by the post office, the acceptance did not reach the Chinese company till on the morning of June 11. And before receiving the acceptance, the Chinese company was informed that the prices of the said products were rising rapidly. What do you think is the best way for the Chinese company to deal with this case? Why?Chapter Two and ThreeGeneral Procedures of Export and Import Transaction&Contracts for the International TradeAnalysis: 案例分析1 The law of the United States of America applies to this contract because: (a) this was a CIF contract; (b) the place of conclusion of the contract was in the USA; (c) the place of the execution of the contract was also in the USA. The seller completed these responsibilities after he delivered the goods at the port of the USA.2. This contract was not concluded effectively. Item 1 of Article 19 of the CISG indicates, " A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection to the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.In this case, though Mr. Johnson accepted Mr. Anderson's offer, his acceptance contained some additions to and modifications of the offer; for example, Mr. Anderson asked for " telegraphic transfer", Mr. Johnson sent the money to the bank to be kept there. According to Item 3 of Article 19 of the CISG, alteration to the mode of payment is material one, thus Mr. Johnson might keep silent and reject the acceptance.3.According to Item 2 of Article 21 of CISG: “If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect. In this case, in order to avoid unnecessary loss, the Chinese company should telephone or dispatch immediately a notice informing that the acceptance is ineffective as it is late.4.中国与法国均系《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》缔约国,洽谈过程中,双方对《公约》均未排除或作出任何保留。
国际贸易实务双语示范课案例精选[全文] 国际贸易实务(双语)案例集山东工商学院中加学院国际贸易教研室2009-8目录1【Case 1】CIF or Not?2【Case 2】CFR & Shipping Notice3【Case 3】CFR & Goods Quality4【Case 4】The buyer delays the sending of the vessel underFOB1></a>.5【Case 5】Damage caused by serious quality mistake 6【Case 6】Fraud by quality clause8【Case 7】The buyer refuses to take delivery because of shortage 9【Case 8】Damage caused by improper packing 10【Case 9】Missing address in documentary collection 11【Case 10】Refusal of payment under D/P 12【Case 11】A dispute caused by D/A13【Case 12】D/P changed into D/A14【Case 13】Discrepancies in documents 1 15【Case 14】Discrepancies in documents 2 16【Case 15】Discrepancies in documents 3 17【Case 16】Discrepancies in documents 4 18【Case 17】Discrepancies in documents 519【Case 18】Discrepancies in documents 6 20【Case 19】Dispute onpartial shipment23【Case 20】Is it a right decision?24【Case 21】The issuing bank refuses to make payment25【Case 22】Damage caused by early shipment26【Case 23】“Gum” or “Gum Rosin”?27【Case 24】A quantity clause with “about”28【Case 25】 Trap clause 130【Case 26】Trap clause 231【Case 27】Whose fault is it?33【Case 28】Silence amount to acceptance?34【Case 29】A promise made to be broken【Case 1】CIF or Not?An import and export company H in China signed with a British company D a contract on CIF basis, whereby company H exported some light industrial products to company D. There were two special clauses in the contract: (1). “The goods must be shipped to a port in Britain fro m Shanghai in October 1996; the relevant L/C opened by company Dshould reach company H by the end of August; company H must guarantee that the loaded vessel arrives at the destination not later than December 1. (2) Should the loaded vessel arrive at the port of destination later than December 1, company D is entitled to cancel the contract. If the payment has been made at the time, it must be returned to company D exactly the amount.” After that, in the course ofclearing up contract files, a controversy arose in company H about the nature of this CIF contract. Some people held the opinion that the contract was on CIF basis in spite of the two particular terms, giving following reasons: firstly, the contract was signed under the trade term of CIF, which indicated the nature of the contract; secondly, company D made such special requirements only to protect their benefits; thirdly, the contract provided payment by L/C, which was in accordance with CIF term’s characteristic of payment against documents. Othe rs believedthat according to INCOTERMS 2000, the seller’s delivery obligations are fulfilled as long as the seller has completed shipment of goods at the appointed point and handed over to the buyer documents stipulated in the contract and so the seller is not required to guarantee the arrival of goods at the destination. Therefore, this contract was a false CIF contract, as it changed the nature of CIF term by taking physical delivery as a condition of fulfillment. The contract must be renegotiated. Finally, company H reached a common perception and got the two special clauses amended through negotiation with company D. The contract was carried out smoothly.Analysis:Although the contract was concluded on CIF basis, it was not a genuine CIF contract. This caseindicates the significance of CIF term’s sphere of application. The two special clauses in the original contract not only contradicted withthe nature of CIF term, but also disagreed with the practices of international justice and arbitration.First, the original contract not only set a limit to the date of arrival, but also stipulated that the buyer was entitled to cancel the contract or demand back the payment that had already been made. Evidently, the restrictive date of arrival served not as the date of payment, but as a condition of payment. Therefore, legally the contract was not a genuine CIF contract as it made physical delivery a condition of payment.Second, under CIF terms, the risk of loss of or damage to the goods passes from the seller to the buyer when the goods have passed the ship’s rail at the port of shipment. A contract that expands the buyer’s risk from the port of shipment to the port of destination is not a CIF contract. According to the provision in the original contract, company H was obligated to refund the payment in case of natural calamities or accidents during the course of delivering the goods, which evidenced that the seller assumed all the risks during the transport.Third, under CIF terms, the buyer must make payment against documents rather than against the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, provided that the seller has fulfilled his delivery obligations and presented the required documents. As per the original contract, whether company H could receive the payment for goods or not depended on buyer’s receiving on schedule. Although the seller might receive the payment by means of L/C, the payment would be taken back bythe buyer if the goods could not duly arrive at the port of destination. Besides, company D could take advantage of relevant L/C clauses that are in accordance with those in the contract to deny the seller the payment for goods. Company H could hardly make a claim for his rights under a normal CIF contract since this contract was the one “in name but not in reality”.【Case 2】CFR & Shipping NoticeAn import and export company in China signed an export contract with an importer in Marseilles, France on drawnwork tablecloth with an amount of USD80, 000, payment by D/P at sight.On the morning of January 8, 1997, the goods were all loaded ontothe named vessel. The export salesperson in charge of this contract got so busy that he did not remember to send the buyer the shipping advice until the next morning. Unexpectedly, when the French importer went to the local insurance company to insure the goods, the latter had already learned that the ship suffered a wreck on January 9 and refused to underwrite the goods. The French importer immediately sent a telex saying, “owing to your delayed sh ipping advice, we are unable to insure the goodsbecause the vessel has been destroyed in a wreck. The loss of goods should be for your account. At the same time, you should compensate our profit and expense losses which amount to USD8, 000.” Soon all the shipping documents sent through the collecting bank were returned to theexport company, for the reason that the importer refused to take up the documents. Being aregular client of the exporter’s, the French importer did notinsist on claiming for compensation after the exporter explained his difficult situation and apologized for the whole thing. However, the exporter should learn his lesson from this experience.Analysis:1. Under CFR terms, all the risks, duties and expenses after goods’ passing sh ip’s rail are normally borne by the buyer. However, Incoterms 2000 provides that “the seller must give the buyer sufficient notice……”. Here the word “sufficient” refers to both “sufficient” content and “sufficient” time. The latter means the seller must gi ve the shipping notice in a timely manner toallow sufficient time for the buyer to effect insurance of the goods. The later the seller sends the shipping notice, the less time the buyer has to insure the goods. In this case, the buyer’s failure to send t he “sufficient notice” led to his loss of both goods and money. On the other hand, if theseller had informed the buyer immediately after shipping the goods, the buyer would have insured the goods in time at the local insurance company. In that case, the insurance company would have assumed its liability for compensation even if the accident had happened prior tothe buyer’s effecting insurance as both the buyer and the insurance company were ignorant of the accident. Thus, it can be seen howimportant it is to send the shipping advice to the buyer in time under CFR terms. That is why shipping advice is often referred to as “insurance notice” in trade practices.2. When CFR terms or FOB terms are used in combination with payment by collection, the buyer ma y cover the goods against “seller’sinterest risk” before exporting the goods to counteract the buyer’s failure to effect insurance or the buyer’s refusal to retire the documents. Had the seller in this case covered the shipment against the said risk, the loss would have been somewhat mitigated.【Case 3】CFR & Goods QualityA French company imported a batch of wheat on CFR basis. Thecontract provided that the landing quality of the goods should be taken as final. However, when the goods arrived at the destination, the import quarantine bureau detained the goods as they had found that the goods contained a great deal of bacterium forbidden to enter the country. Unfortunately, the goods were consumed by a fire while in detainment. A dispute broke out between the buyer and the seller.Analysis:Under CFR terms, the buyer should bear all the risks after the goods have passed the ship’s rail and been loaded on board. However, should the seller be held responsible for any default before that point?In this case, it was the seller who should assume the risks. The reason is that although this was a CFR contract, the seller breached it by delivering the goods which failed to meet the quality standardprovided in the contract. This fundamental default has caused the detainment and then the loss of the goods. Therefore, while the risks had been transferred to the buyer, the seller’s default returned the risks to the seller.Of course, under CFR contract, when the seller’s default is not fundamental, the buyer should bear all the risks for any loss of the goods at the port of destination. Meanwhile, the seller should make due compensation to the buyer as per the contract and relevant laws.【Case 4】The buyer delays the sending of the vessel under FOB.Company A in China signed a contract on FOB basis to export wheat to Company B in Africa. It was contracted that shipment should be made in four lots. The shipping clause ran as follows: “the vessel nominated by the buyer should reach the port of shipment within eight days before the date of shipment. Otherwise, any of the seller’s loss or damage thus incurred shall be borne by the buyer.” The contract also specified, “The buyer must give the seller a notice of vessel name and the estimated date of arrival by telecommunication five days before the vessel arrives at the port of shipment.” During the course of fulfillment, the first three lots were shipped smoothly according to the contract. However, the buyer was slow to send the vessel for the last shipment. In reply t o Company A’s repeated urges, company B said that they were unable to book shippingspace because of shipping company’s busy schedule and asked for postponing delivery for two months. Company A replied as follows:“according to the contract, you are bound to send the vessel to pick up the goods. In case of any difficulties in this aspect, we may allow you to delay the shipment on condition that you make a compensation which amounts to USD200, 000.” Finally, the bargain of compensation was settled at USD150, 000 and company B was allowed todelay vessel sending for two months.Analysis:Under FOB terms, it is the buyer’s obligation to arrange for delivering the goods. With reference to INCOTERMS 2000, “the buyer must contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named port of shipment.” It also provides that “the buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and required delivery time”. If the buyer’s vessel fails to arrive at the port of shipment duly, or fails to accept the goods, or stops loading ahead of the schedule specified in the contract, all the risks and loss of and damage to the goods are to be borne by the buyer as of the appointed date for delivering the goods or the expiry date of the time limit.It was learned later that during the implementation of the last shipment, the international market price of wheat dropped drastically, which greatly influenced the sales of company B who then attempted to cancel the delivery of the last shipment by hanging it up. However, company A made good use of INCOTERMS explanation for FOB terms and protected its own interests through proper means.【Case 5】Damage caused by serious quality mistakeAn export company in China concluded a deal on edible citric acid. While delivering the goods, they mistook inedible citric acid for the edible kind. Not until several days after the vessel’s departure did they discover the mistake. By now, the relevant documents had already been sent by the negotiating bank. To avoid severe consequences, the export company tried to withhold the documents at the post office, while, on the other hand, it urgently informed the ocean shipping agency to ask the agent in Hong Kong to intercept the goods when the ship called atthe port. Though an accident has been avoided, the export company has suffered a great loss.Analysis:It can be clearly seen in this case that the export company has severely violated the stipulations of relevant international conventions. CISG indicates that the seller must supply the goods of contracted quality; otherwise, the buyer is entitled to claim compensation or to reject the goods and cancel the contract. It is a very serious fault for the export company to have mistaken inedible citric acid for the edible kind. If the mistake had remained undiscovered, and theinedible citric acid had been misused in food, serious consequences would have occurred. While found out early, the mistake has caused great troubles in handling the matter and a consequent loss therefrom.There are two lessons to be drawn from the case:a. A sound management system should be established. Follow-ups are necessary to ensure that the goods are manufactured in accordance with the orders.b. The personnel in charge should develop strong sense of responsibility. If the personnel in charge had marked “edible” or“for industrial use”, the said accident could have been avoided.【Case 6】Fraud by quality clauseIn October 1997, a Chinese enterprise signed a sales contract with a Hong Kong trading company. The contract prescribed that the buyer should order from the seller 5000 metric tons of castiron well cover on FOB basis at unit price USD610/MT. The total amount reached USD3, 050, 000. It was also provided in the contract that the goods should be shipped bimonthly in ten equal lots, 500 metric tons each lot. The goods must be manufactured according to the sample provided by the buyer and must go through the buyer’s examination before acceptance.According to the quality clause, the surface of the casting shouldbe smooth, and there must not be any casing defects such as cracks, air holes, sand holes, shrinkage holes, and slag inclusions etc.The contract also stipulated “that the seller must pay a sum of caution money equal to 10% of the payment of the first delivery; the seller may take back the caution money within 5 days after the first delivery of 500 tons of goods have been found to meet the quality standard; the seller must ask the buyer to come to the place of origin to sample the goods and sign a quality confirmation document; the buyerhas the right to reject the goods if they do not meet the quality requirement; without mutual agreement, neither party should terminate the contract unilaterally, otherwise all the economic losses thus incurred will be sustained by the party whoterminates the contract.”The seller remitted the caution money of RMB250, 000 to the buyer immediately after signing the sales contract, and put in a lot of work and money to trial-produce the product as p er the buyer’s pattern.After producing some samples, the seller telexed the buyer to inspect the samples as per the agreement so that the seller may start the mass production once the samples were recognized. However, the buyer at first excused himself from coming with a busy schedule, and then proposed that the buyer ask the local commodity inspection office to conduct the inspection instead of the seller. In order to obtain the quality confirmation for the timely delivery of the goods, the seller had to accept the proposal. When the quality inspectors came and checked the contract and the complementary agreement, they found that the word “smooth”appearing in the first clause of quality was a vague concept without any specific criteria, and that the hidden danger of the second clause was even greater. The inspectors immediately realized that this was probably a fraud by means of quality clauses. Having sealed up the sample for keeping, the inspectors asked the seller to urge the buyer to come round for inspection as provided in the contract, and told theseller not to produce on a large scale before obtaining the quality confirmation. However, the buyer did not come, but claimed in the reply that they were going to sue the buyer because the buyer had not produced the required products within the time limit provided in the contract and thus constituted a default. Not until then did the seller completely wake up to the reality that the Hong Kong Company had not only swindled the caution money but also made a false countercharge.Later it was evidenced that the Hong Kong Company had defrauded several other trading companies on Chinese mainland. With the help of the inspection office, the seller stopped the production to avoidfurther loss. However, the caution money could not be recovered.Analysis:This is a typical case of defraud in which the buyer took advantage of the evadable contract. The so-called evadable contract means that one of the two parties tricks the other party into a default by signing a contract, which bears one or more clauses that are impossible for the other party to meet. This kind of contract has the following characteristics: (1) there is always an attractive price clause serving as the “bait”; (2) there are impracticable or ambiguous technical standards serving as the “trap”; (3) there is always a caution money clause or a penalty clause; (4) the target is always the poorly managed and inexperienced small trading companies who are eager for instant profit.Here are some countermeasures:(1) Be cautious about your trading partner. Investigation should be made on the creditability of the trading partner.(2) Make sure that quality clause is reasonable. Quality clause matters because it provides the only basis by which both the seller and the buyer evaluate the goods. Therefore, whether theseller can fulfill the contract or not depends on whether a reasonable quality clause can be reached or not. An ambiguous quality clause without any specific criteria or range is unacceptable. For those products that are hard to get away from potential defects, methods like specifications, grades, quality tolerance can be applied to define quality. Otherwise, the seller may give the buyer a handle and find himself in a passive position.(3) Ask the departments concerned to check the contract. In China, most defraud cases are attributable to the loopholes in contracts. Therefore, it is necessary for the foreign trade companies to consult certain departments about technical problems before signing the contract and, after signing the contract, ask organizations such as commodity inspection bureau, CCPIT and law consultation service to look through the contract so as to revise or terminate the contract when necessary.(4) Do not easily accept caution money clause or penalty clause and the like. These clauses are added to the contract only when the deal is truly substantial to avoid any damage to the other party.(5) Try to convert the “buyer’s sample” into “counter sample”.【Case 7】The buyer refuses to take delivery because of shortageAn export company in China signed a fruit export contract with a Hungarian firm, payment to be made upon the acceptance inspection after the arrival of the goods. However, the goods arrived were found to be 10% short in total weight; the individual weight was also less than that stipulated in the contract. The Hungarian firm neither made payment nor took the delivery. The fruits all rot away. The Hungary’s custom charged the export company USD50, 000 for the storageand disposal of the goods. The export company got into a hobble.Analysis:Quantity of goods is one of the indispensable terms of international sales contract of goods. According to the laws of certain countries, the quantity of the goods delivered by the seller must agree with the stipulation of the contract, otherwise the buyer has the right to claim for compensation or even reject the goods. In this case, although the export company wasapparently in a passive position, it was possible to retrieve the loss by arguing on just grounds. First, the export company should investigate whether the shortage of weight was caused by normal loss during transportation or by its own default. If the export company wasin breach of the contract, it should be identified whether the breach was fundamental or not. Should the breach was not fundamental, the Hungarian firm had no right to reject the goods and refuse to make payment but could only demand price reduction or compensation for the loss. Should the breach was fundamental, the Hungarian firm might rejectthe goods, but it should take good care of the goods, or resell thefresh goods on behalf of the seller to reduce the loss to the minimum. CISG Article 86 specifies clearly “If the buyer has received the goods and intends to exercise anyright under the contract or this Convention to reject them, he must take such steps to preserve them as are reasonable in the circumstances. He is entitled to retain them until he has been reimbursed his reasonable expenses by the selle r.” The Hungarian firm failed tofulfill the obligation to preserve the goods and abate the loss. Therefore, the export company should negotiate with the Hungarian firm about the damage of the goods and retrieve the loss as much as possible.【Case 8】Damage caused by improper packingA Chinese company imported some flammable liquid chemical rawmaterial from a French company. When the goods arrived at the destination, it was found that there was a slight leakage caused by the defect in a few packages. However, the Chinese company failed to takeany measures to save the loss and prevent the damage from expanding. Asa result, the leakage worsened after the warehousing of the goods andled to a self-ignited fire. Afterwards, the Chinese company claimed against the French company for full compensation of the total loss, but was refused.Analysis:In 5></a><B style='color:white;background-color:#880000'>view of the situation in this case, the buyer could not make a claim for the totalloss. While receiving the goods, the buyer had already taken possession of the goods. Besides, with the awareness of the leakage and the knowledge about the danger of the inflammability of the goods, the buyer should have taken reasonable precautions to prevent the expansion of the damage. Under these circumstances, it was the buyer’s responsibilities to protect the goods and prevent the damage from expanding. Since the goods’ self-ignition had resulted from the buyer’s failure to fulfill such responsibilities, the sellershould not answer for the expansion of the damage. As per CISGArticle 86 (1), the buyer was only entitled to claim the compensationfor the damage caused by the slight leakage induced by the deficiency of the few packages, rather than claim the compensation for the damage expanded because of the buyer’s failure to take precautions. Therefore, the French company was justified in turning down the claim against total loss lodged by the Chinese company.【Case 9】Missing address in documentary collectionAn agricultural products import and export company (company A) in China sold a batch of Hempseeds worth USD985, 000. It was written in the contract that “payment by the seller’s draft 20 days after sight to be accepted by the buyer upon presentation. Documents are to be delivered to the buyer against acceptance. Payment is to be made on the date of maturity.” Company A shipped the goods according to the contract on time and presented the documents on March 15 to its remitting bank forcollection. The remitting bank appointed Bank D.K. as the collecting bank and mailed the documents to it.On April 25, a message was received from company B, the buyer:“Re xxxxx tons of Hempseeds under Contract No. xxxxx, as per your shipping notice on March 14, we have contacted the shipping agency. The goods have arrived for a long time, but presently we still have not received the documents covering the goods. Please check with your bank about it.”Company A replied on April 28:“Thank you for your fax of April 25. Re xxxxx tons of H empseeds under Contract No. xxxxx, we have checked and hereby confirm that we entrusted the handling of D/A 20 days to Bank C on March 15. Bank C sent the documents to you on March 16. Please check.”On April 30, company B sent another message:“Thank yo u for your fax of April 28. We have inquired our correspondent bank W repeatedly but found nothing related to this collection. Please find it out with the collecting bank D. K. through your remitting bank. Look forward to your reply.”Upon receiving the message, company A contacted the remitting bank who at the same time received a message from the collecting bank D. K.: “We acknowledge documents No.xxxxx and the collection instruction. Because the drawee’saddress on the documents and the collection order is not in detail (only contains the name of the city, no road name and house number), wehave tried hard to find it out but in vain. Please tell us immediately what to do.”Checking with the file copies, company A found that what the collecting bank said was indeed the case. The person who dealt with this business missed out the drawee’s address when filling out relevant instructions to the documentation department. Company A also realized that it should have chosen Bank W, the correspondent bank of the payer, as the collecting bank. In fact, as company A did not appoint collecting bank, the remitting bank chose Bank D. K., which had no business relations with the payer, to do the job.After study, the remitting bank immediately sent the detailed address of the payer to Bank D. K. so that Bank D. K. could make presentment for acceptance.However, a protest note was received from the collecting bank. Because of the delayed documents, the buyer could not pick up the goods in time. As a result, the goods were first damaged by rain and then were stored in the customs warehouse with high expenses. Therefore, the buyer refused to make acceptance.Company A negotiated with the buyer but could not reach agreement. Finally, company A had to commit the goods to an institution stationed in the buyer’s country for disposal and sustained a big loss.Analysis:In accordance with URC522 Article 4. b. iii, a collectinginstruction should include “details of thedrawee including full name, postal address, or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers.” It is also provided in Article 4. c that “collection instructions should bear the complete address of the drawee or of the domicile atwhich the presentation is to be made. If the address is incompleteor incorrect, the collecting bank may, without any liability and responsibility on its parts, endeavor to ascertain the proper address. The collecting bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuring del ay as a result of an incomplete/incorrect address being provided.”Obviously, in this case, the collecting bank was not responsible for the loss incurred because company A did not provide detailed address of the drawee on the collection instruction.【Case 10】Refusal of payment under D/PAn agricultural products import and export company (company A) in China exported a batch of frozen prawns to company B. The contract provided that “payment by draft drawn on buyer payable at sight, documents against payme nt.” Company A followed the stipulation of the contract and shipped the goods on September 15.In July of that year, the buyer sent company A a notice of relocation. Due to negligence, the person who prepared the documents applied the old address to the “notified party” on the bill of lading and the collection instruction. Meanwhile, considering safety of payment, company A made out the bill of lading “to order of The。

requires that the quantity of goods delivered should be
identical to that described in the contract.
Section 1 Description of a Commodity
1.2 Quantity 数量
Section 1 Description of a Commodity
1.1.2 Quality clauses in the contract 合同中的质量条款
The quality clauses are different subject to the methods for describing the quality of goods. The name of goods, the
Section 1 Description of a Commodity
1.2 Quantity 数量
The quantity clause is one of the necessary conditions for
the conclusion of a sales contract. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Section 1 Description of a Commodity
1.1.1 Methods for describing the quality of goods 表示货物品质的方法
Sale by brand name or trade mark
“Brand or Trade Mark” is based on high quality, which is used by the manufacturers to distinguish their high quality goods with the others of the like.

25Conditioned weight is, in fact, the actual weight of the moisture of a certain commodity.( )
V. Case Analysis. In this part there are 6 cases, three of which are in Chinese, three English. Please analyze the cases. If the case is in Chinese, you can answer in Chinese. If it is in English, you should answer in English.(5 for 1, 25%)
10When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods within the stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrage to the ship-owner. ( )
11Sometimes when the buyer cannot determine a specific port of discharge, he may require two or three ports to be written on the contract for option. ( )
6A letter of indemnity is issued by the seller to the buyer to certify that the goods delivered are in goods condition. ( )
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国际贸易操作实验室运用Teach Me Trade 软件为学生搭建一个仿真贸易环境的实习平台,在此学生可以进行国际货物买卖实务的具体操作,能很快掌握进出口的成本核算、询盘、发盘与还盘等各种基本技巧;熟悉国际贸易的物流、资金流与业务流的运作方式;切身体会到国际贸易中不同当事人面临的具体工作与他们之间的互动关系;学会外贸公司利用各种方式控制成本以达到利润最大化的思路;认识供求平衡、竞争等宏观经济现象,并且能够合理地加以利用。
目录实验一建立业务关系 (5)实验二发盘 (6)实验三还盘 (6)实验四成交 (7)实验五审证 (8)实验六审证 (10)实验七托运订舱 (10)实验八报关、投保 (11)实验九制单 (12)实验十审单 (15)实验十一善后 (18)实验十二总结 (20)一、课程信息二、课程简介国际贸易实务模拟(双语)课程是为国际经济与贸易和商务英语专业开设的专业主干课,国际贸易操作实验室运用Teach Me Trade软件为学生搭建一个仿真贸易环境的开放式实习平台,通过项目主管、教师、学员三端之间的互动,营造仿真的商务活动环境,从建立业务关系到业务磋商、合同签订、合同履行直至最后的交单结汇善后,涉及国际货物买卖的全过程,而每一环节又具体包括操作要求、操作提示、参考答案和业务反馈(如,国外客户的来函以及海关、船公司、保险公司和银行等机构的回复单据及文件)四个板块。
五、实验设备及实验材料配置Teach Me Trade软件、计算机和网络。
八、实验教材及主要参考书实验教材:出口贸易模拟操作教程,祝卫、程洁、谈英著,上海人民出版社,2008年自编实验指导书,王小平编写,内蒙古财经大学商务学院国际贸易系,2008年修订实验项目的主要内容实验一:建立业务关系实验目的和要求:1. 掌握商业信函的格式和书写方法。
2. 掌握信函符合5C原则并体现成熟的业务思维。
3. 掌握建交函的内容与和书写方法。
实验学时:3学时实验内容:1.1 复习磋商、合同条款及履约程序1.2进出口交易前的准备1.2.1寻找客户建立业务关系1.2.2广告宣传树立企业形象1.2.3市场调研确立营销计划1.3 Golden Rules for Writing Letters1.3.1 Plan ahead1.3.2 Short principle1.3.3 Separate paragraph1.3.4 5C’s1.4 Structure of Start Letter1.4.1 Source of information1.4.2 Purpose of writing1.4.3 Company profile1.4.4 Product introduction1.4.5 A pushing end实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:建交函实验二:发盘实验目的和要求:1、了解商品实际成本的计算方法。
4、发盘的内容及写法实验学时:3学时实验内容:2.1 FOB,CFR,CIF三种价格的构成2.2 成本、费用及利润的计算2.3 STRUCTURE of Offer2.3.1 Acknowledgement of inquiry2.3.2 Advantage of the product2.3.3 Main Trade Terms2.3.4 Offer validity2.3.5 A pushing end实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:报价核算和发盘函实验三:还盘实验目的和要求:1、根据对方还盘计算我方利润及利润率。
实验学时:3学时实验内容:3.1 按照对方还盘计算我方的利润及利润率。
3.2 按照对方还盘,计算我方保持一定利润率条件下的国内收购成本。
3.3 计算费用和数量发生变化后的利润及利润率。
3.4 计算重新报价、利润及利润率3.5 Structure of Counter offer3.5.1 Acknowledgement of receipt counter offer3.5.2 Acceptability of the original offer (reasons)3.5.3 Counter offer3.5.4 A pushing end实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:还盘核算和还盘函实验四:成交实验目的和要求:1、掌握成交后总利润、利润率的计算。
4.2 General Terms and Conditions of Contract4.2.1 Main Clause:A.Commodity & SpecificationsB.QuantityC.PackingD.Unit Price, Contract ValueE.Shipment/DeliveryF.PaymentG.Insurance4.2.2 Other Clause:A.InspectionB.ClaimC.Force MajeureD.Arbitration4.3 Structure of SC letter4.3.1. Concluding of Negotiation4.3.2. Countersigning the Contract4.3.3. Speed up opening the L/C实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:成交核算、合同和成交函实验五:审证实验目的和要求:1、掌握信用证的审核依据。
实验学时:3学时实验内容:5.1信用证内容5.1.1 信用证本身:号码、日期、金额、当事人等5.1.2 单据:汇票、商业发票、运输单据、保险单据等5.1.3 货物:品名规格、数量、单价、包装及合同号码等5.1.4 运输:起运地、目的地、装运时间、分批转运等5.1.5 其它:特殊条款、寄单指示、索偿办法等5.2 信用证审核5.2.1信用证审核的原则-符合合同条款5.2.2信用证审核的依据-合同5.2.3信用证本身的审核1信用证是否有效2信用证是否不可撤销3信用证是否加保兑4信用证所适用的规则5信用证的当事人6信用证的到期时间、到期地点5.2.4信用证专项审核1信用证金额、币种、付款期限2商品品名、货号、规格、数量、包装3装运期限、装运港、卸货港、可否分批转运4议付单据5交单日5.2.5 软条款审核1 Limitation to effective2 Limitation for Beneficiary’s presentation3 Limitation for payment responsibility5.3 信用证修改5.3.1 恰当掌握改与不改的界限5.3.2存在问题尽可能一次提出5.3.3全部接受修改意见或拒绝修改全部5.3.4改证未到暂缓发货5.4 Structure of amendment letter5.4.1 Acknowledge the receipt of L/C5.4.2 List the discrepancies and state how to amend 5.4.3 Look forward to the early amendment实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:审证意见和修改函实验六:复习审证实验目的和要求:1、熟练审核各种版本的信用证。
2、重点掌握SWIFT信用证的内容实验学时:3学时实验内容:6.1 大米交易信用证的审核6.2 缝纫机交易信用证的审核6.3 纺织品交易信用证的审核实验考核方式:做教材中的练习实验七:托运订舱实验目的和要求:1、掌握填写发票、装箱单及订舱委托单的方法。
实验学时:3学时实验内容:7.1托运订舱及装船程序7.2依照信用证及修改的要求制作发票7.2.1 发票金额应扣除佣金7.2.2 信用证要求的所有承载的内容7.3 依照信用证及修改的要求制作装箱单7.4 依照信用证及修改的要求制作订舱委托书7.4.1 信用证及修改对提单的要求7.4.2 信用证及修改的运输条款实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:发票、装箱单和订舱委托书实验八:报关、投保实验目的和要求:1、熟悉海关通关程序。
实验学时:3学时实验内容:8.1进出口通关主要步骤8.1.1 申报8.1.2 查验8.1.3 征税8.1.4 放行8.2 报关所需文件及报关单的填制(包括代码)8.3保险险别及条款种类8.3.1保险险别8.3.2保险条款8.4 出口货运保险流程及投保单的填制8.4.1 保险流程8.4.2 投保单据的填制方法8.5装船通知内容8.5.1 信用证要求8.5.2 货物描述、金额、运输情况实验考核方式:提交教学软件中要求的作业:报关单、投保单和装船通知实验九:制单实验目的和要求:1、掌握各种议付单据的制作方法。