
由开放手机联盟(open Handset Alliance 谷歌领导)所开发的android 系统是一个被广泛看好的一个手机开源系统,该系统提供一个基本的操作系统,一个中间件应用层,一个java开发工具和一个系统应用收集器(collection of systemapplications )。
尽管android SDK自2007年就发布了,但是第一部android 手机却在2008年10月才诞生。
Android手机外文翻译---应用程序基础Android Developers

英文原文及译文Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code —along with any data and resource files required by the application —is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application.In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world:1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications.3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well.It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same VM.Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises.For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application (no main() function, for example). Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use —including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications donot call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers.Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.Activating components: intentsContent providers are activated when they're targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The other three components —activities, services, and broadcast receivers — are activated by asynchronous messages called intents. An intent is an Intent object that holds the content of the message. For activities and services, it names the action being requested and specifies the URI of the data to act on, among other things. For example, it might convey a request for an activity to present an image to the user or let the user edit some text. For broadcast receivers, the Intent object names the action being announced. For example, it might announce to interested parties that the camera button has been pressed.There are separate methods for activating each type of component:1. An activity is launched (or given something new to do) by passing an Intent object toContext.startActivity() or Activity.startActivityForResult(). The responding activity can look at the initial intent that caused it to be launched by calling its getIntent() method. Android calls the activity's onNewIntent() method to pass it any subsequent intents. One activity often starts the next one. If it expects a result back from the activity it's starting, it calls startActivityForResult() instead of startActivity(). For example, if it starts an activity that lets the user pick a photo, it might expect to be returned the chosen photo. The result is returned in an Intent object that's passed to the calling activity's onActivityResult() method.2. A service is started (or new instructions are given to an ongoing service) by passing an Intent object to Context.startService(). Android calls the service's onStart() method and passes it the Intent object. Similarly, an intent can be passed to Context.bindService() to establish an ongoing connection between the calling component and a target service. The service receives the Intent object in an onBind() call. (If the service is not already running, bindService() can optionally start it.) For example, an activity might establish a connection with the music playback service mentioned earlier so that it can provide the user with the means (a user interface) forcontrolling the playback. The activity would call bindService() to set up that connection, and then call methods defined by the service to affect the playback.A later section, Remote procedure calls, has more details about binding to a service.3. An application can initiate a broadcast by passing an Intent object to methods like Context.sendBroadcast(), Context.sendOrderedBroadcast(), and Context.sendStickyBroadcast() in any of their variations.Android delivers the intent to all interested broadcast receivers by calling their onReceive() methods. For more on intent messages, see the separate article, Intents and Intent Filters.Shutting down componentsA content provider is active only while it's responding to a request from a ContentResolver. And a broadcast receiver is active only while it's responding to a broadcast message. So there's no need to explicitly shut down these components.Activities, on the other hand, provide the user interface. They're in a long-running conversation with the user and may remain active, even when idle, as long as the conversation continues. Similarly, services may also remain running for a long time. So Android has methods to shut down activities and services in an orderly way:1. An activity can be shut down by calling its finish() method. One activity can shut down another activity (one it started with startActivityForResult()) by calling finishActivity().2. A service can be stopped by calling its stopSelf() method, or by calling Context.stopService().Components might also be shut down by the system when they are no longer being used or when Android must reclaim memory for more active components. A later section, Component Lifecycles, discusses this possibility and its ramifications in more detail.The manifest fileBefore Android can start an application component, it must learn that the component exists. Therefore, applications declare their components in a manifest file that's bundled into the Android package, the .apk file that also holds the application's code, files, and resources.The manifest is a structured XML file and is always named AndroidManifest.xml for all applications. It does a number of things in addition to declaring the application's components, such as naming any libraries the application needs to be linked against (besides the default Android library) and identifying any permissions the application expects to be granted.But the principal task of the manifest is to inform Android about the application's components. For example, an activity might be declared as follows:The name attribute of the <activity>element names the Activity subclass that implements the activity. The icon and label attributes point to resource files containing an icon and label that can be displayed to users to represent the activity.The other components are declared in a similar way —<service>elements for services, <receiver>elements for broadcast receivers, and <provider>elements for content providers. Activities, services, and content providers that are not declared in the manifest are not visible to the system and are consequently never run. However, broadcast receivers can either be declared in the manifest, or they can be created dynamically in code (as BroadcastReceiver objects)andregistered with the system by calling Context.registerReceiver().For more on how to structure a manifest file for your application, see The Android Manifest.xml File.Intent filtersAn Intent object can explicitly name a target component. If it does, Android finds that component (based on the declarations in the manifest file) and activates it. But if a target is not explicitly named, Android must locate the best component to respond to the intent. It does so by comparing the Intent object to the intent filters of potential targets. A component's intent filters inform Android of the kinds of intents the component is able to handle. Like other essential information about the component, they're declared in the manifest file. Here's an extension of the previous example that adds two intent filters to the activity:The first filter in the example —the combination of the action "android.intent.action.MAIN" and the category"UNCHER" —is a common one. It marks the activity as one that should be represented in the application launcher, the screen listing applications users can launch on the device. In other words, the activity is the entry point for the application, the initial one users would see when they choose the application in the launcher.The second filter declares an action that the activity can perform on a particular type of data.A component can have any number of intent filters, each one declaring a different set of capabilities. If it doesn't have any filters, it can be activated only byintents that explicitly name the component as the target.For a broadcast receiver that's created and registered in code, the intent filter is instantiated directly as an IntentFilter object. All other filters are set up in the manifest.For more on intent filters, see a separate document, Intents and Intent Filters.应用程序基础Android DevelopersAndroid应用程序使用Java编程语言开发。

Android、Android, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 26 kernel、The system is very lightweight and full featured、Android applications aredeveloped using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform、If youhave not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail theinstallation of the development environment in Chapter 2、Other features of Androidinclude an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), databasesupport powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser、If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort,you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UIplacement which is handled directly within the program code、Android, whilerecognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer,XML-based UI layout、XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the averagedesktop developer、I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UIdevelopment in the supporting chapters of this book、One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because ofareits architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the coresystem、This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded systemapps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created bythird-party developers、Also, each application is executed within its own threadusing a very lightweight virtual machine、Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that areavailable to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers isthat we now have access to anything the operating system has access to、In otherwords, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to thephone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’sGPS (if equipped), you have access t o it、The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open、On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing features of its own、Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search、Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android、Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development、You will learn the how’s a nd why’s o f using specific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse、Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it)、For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own、Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it、Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises、For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part、Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application (no main() function, for example)、Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed、There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake、For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions、 A text messaging a pplication might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings、Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others、Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class、An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several、What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design、Typically, oneof the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched、Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one、Each activity is given a default window to draw in、Typically, the window fills、the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen、The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class、Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window、Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children、Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space、Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place、For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when theuser taps that image、Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use —including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more、A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity、setContentView() method、The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy、(See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy、)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time、For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it、Each service extends the Service base class、A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list、The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them、However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different、To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background、The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen、It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running)、While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes、For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback、Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process、So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback)、SeeProcesses and Threads, later、Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements、Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture、Applications can also has been taken, or that the user changed a language preferenceinitiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use、An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important、All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class、Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface、However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user、Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on、They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message、Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications、The data can be stored in the , in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense、The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls、However, applications do not call these methods directly、Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead、 A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved、See the separate C ontent Providers document for more information on usingcontent providers、Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary、Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the main、xml fileCreating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse、When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin、Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application、Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New Android Project wizard、CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu、While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application、Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications、If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed、Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this、The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android、jar file, andties the project into the Android Emulator、This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, a nd also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment、Your first shell files for the new project、These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you will be building your programs、In much the same way as creating a Microsoft 、NET application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code、In addition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project、For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldText、This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that you will be creating in this chapter、In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked、This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory、The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy、For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory、If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will be C:/Users/<username>/workspace, a s shown in the previous illustration、However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project、One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate f rom other Android projects、For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own、If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project、。

Android应用基础毕设论文外文翻译Android ns are developed using the Java programming language。
The Android SDK tools are used to compile the code。
and resource files into an Android package。
which is an archive file with an。
apk n。
A single。
apk file contains all the code for an n and is used by Android-powered devices to install the n.After n。
each Android n XXX。
The Android operating system is a multi-user Linux system。
and each n is treated as a separate user。
By default。
the system assigns a unique Linux user ID to each n。
which is only known to the system and not to the n。
The system sets ns for all files in an n。
so that only the user ID assigned to that n can access them.Furthermore。
each process has its own virtual machine (VM)。
which means that an n's code XXX that an n's code cannot interfere with the code of other ns.By default。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Android Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The Android SDK tools compile the code—along with any data and resource files—into an Android package, an archive file with an .apk suffix. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application and is the file that Android-powered devices use to install the application.Once installed on a device, each Android application lives in its own security sandbox:The Android operating system is a multi-user Linux system in which each application is a different user.By default, the system assigns each application a unique Linux user ID (the ID is used only by the system and is unknown to the application). The system sets permissions for all the files in an application so that only the user ID assigned to that application can access them.Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so an application's code runs in isolation from other applications.By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's components need to be executed, then shuts down the process when it's no longer needed or when the system must recover memory for other applications. In this way, the Android system implements the principle of least privilege. That is, each application, by default, has access only to the components that it requires to do its work and no more. This creates a very secure environment in which an application cannot access parts of the system for which it is not given permission.However, there are ways for an application to share data with other applications and for an application to access system services:It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same Linux user ID, in which case they are able to access each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same user ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process and share the same VM (the applications must also be signed with the same certificate).An application can request permission to access device data such as the user's contacts, SMS messages, the mountable storage (SD card), camera, Bluetooth, and more. All application permissions must be granted by the user at install time.That covers the basics regarding how an Android application exists within the system. The rest of this document introduces you to:1、The core framework components that define your application.2、The manifest file in which you declare components and required device features for your application.3、Resources that are separate from the application code and allow your application to gracefully optimize its behavior for a variety of device configurations.Application ComponentsApplication components are the essential building blocks of an Android application. Each component is a different point through which the system can enter your application. Not all components are actual entry points for the user and some depend on each other, but each oneexists as its own entity and plays a specific role—each one is a unique building block that helps define your application's overall behavior.There are four different types of application components. Each type serves a distinct purpose and has a distinct lifecycle that defines how the component is created and destroyed.Here are the four types of application components:ActivitiesAn activity represents a single screen with a user interface. For example, an email application might have one activity that shows a list of new emails, another activity to compose an email, and another activity for reading emails. Although the activities work together to form a cohesive user experience in the email application, each one is independent of the others. As such, a different application can start any one of these activities (if the email application allows it). For example, a camera application can start the activity in the email application that composes new mail, in order for the user to share a picture.An activity is implemented as a subclass of Activity and you can learn more about it in the Activities developer guide.ServicesA service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations or to perform work for remote processes. A service does not provide a user interface. For example, a service might play music in the background while the user is in a different application, or it might fetch data over the network without blocking user interaction with an activity. Another component, such as an activity, can start the service and let it run or bind to it in order to interact with it.A service is implemented as a subclass of Service and you can learn more about it in the Services developer guide.Content providersA content provider manages a shared set of application data. You can store the data in the file system, an SQLite database, on the web, or any other persistent storage location your application can access. Through the content provider, other applications can query or evenmodify the data (if the content provider allows it). For example, the Android system provides a content provider that manages the user's contact information. As such, any application with the proper permissions can query part of the content provider (such as ContactsContract.Data) to read and write information about a particular person.Content providers are also useful for reading and writing data that is private to your application and not shared. For example, the Note Pad sample application uses a content provider to save notes.A content provider is implemented as a subclass of ContentProvider and must implement a standard set of APIs that enable other applications to perform transactions. For more information, see the Content Providers developer guide.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate from the system—for example, a broadcast announcing that the screen has turned off, the battery is low, or a picture was captured. Applications can also initiate broadcasts—for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use. Although broadcast receivers don't display a user interface, they may create a status bar notification to alert the user when a broadcast event occurs. More commonly, though, a broadcast receiver is just a "gateway" to other components and is intended to do a very minimal amount of work. For instance, it might initiate a service to perform some work based on the event.A broadcast receiver is implemented as a subclass of BroadcastReceiver and each broadcast is delivered as an Intent object. For more information, see the BroadcastReceiver class.A unique aspect of the Android system design is that any application can start another application’s component. For example, if you want the user to capture a photo with the device camera, there's probably another application that does that and your application can use it, instead of developing an activity to capture a photo yourself. You don't need to incorporate or even link to the code from the camera application. Instead, you can simply start the activity in the camera application that captures a photo. When complete, the photo is even returned to your application so you can use it. To the user, it seems as if the camera is actually a part of your application.When the system starts a component, it starts the process for that application (if it's not already running) and instantiates the classes needed for the component. For example, if your application starts the activity in the camera application that captures a photo, that activity runs in the process that belongs to the camera application, not in your application's process. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point (there's no main()function, for example).Because the system runs each application in a separate process with file permissions that restrict access to other applications, your application cannot directly activate a component from another application. The Android system, however, can. So, to activate a component in another application, you must deliver a message to the system that specifies your intent to start a particular component. The system then activates the component for you.Activating ComponentsThree of the four component types—activities, services, and broadcast receivers—are activated by an asynchronous message called an intent. Intents bind individual components to each other at runtime (you can think of them as the messengers that request an action from other components), whether the component belongs to your application or another.An intent is created with an Intent object, which defines a message to activate either a specific component or a specific type of component—an intent can be either explicit or implicit, respectively.For activities and services, an intent defines the action to perform (for example, to "view" or "send" something) and may specify the URI of the data to act on (among other things that the component being started might need to know). For example, an intent might convey a request for an activity to show an image or to open a web page. In some cases, you can start an activity to receive a result, in which case, the activity also returns the result in an Intent (for example, you can issue an intent to let the user pick a personal contact and have it returned to you—the return intent includes a URI pointing to the chosen contact).For broadcast receivers, the intent simply defines the announcement being broadcast (for example, a broadcast to indicate the device battery is low includes only a known action string that indicates "battery is low").The other component type, content provider, is not activated by intents. Rather, it is activated when targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. T he content resolver handles all direct transactions with the content provider so that the component that's performing transactions with the provider doesn't need to and instead calls methods onthe ContentResolver object. This leaves a layer of abstraction between the content provider and the component requesting information (for security).There are separate methods for activating each type of component:You can start an activity (or give it something new to do) by passingan Intent to startActivity() or startActivityForResult() (when you want the activity to return a result).You can start a service (or give new instructions to an ongoing service) by passingan Intent to startService(). Or you can bind to the service by passing an Intent to bindService().You can initiate a broadcast by passing an Intent to methodslike sendBroadcast(), sendOrderedBroadcast(), or sendStickyBroadcast().You can perform a query to a content provider by calling query() on a ContentResolver.For more information about using intents, see the Intents and Intent Filters document. More information about activating specific components is also provided in the following documents: Activities, Services, BroadcastReceiver and Content Providers.Declaring componentsThe primary task of the manifest is to inform the system about the application's components. For example, a manifest file can declare an activity as follows:In the <application> element, the android:icon attribute points to resources for an icon that identifies the application.In the <activity> element, the android:name at tribute specifies the fu lly qualified class name of the Activity subclass and the android:label attributes specifies a string to use as the user-visible label for the activity.You must declare all application components this way:1、<activity>elements for activities2、<service> elements for services3、<receiver>elements for broadcast receivers4、<provider>elements for content providersActivities, services, and content providers that you include in your source but do not declare in the manifest are not visible to the system and, consequently, can never run. However, broadcast receivers can be either declared in the manifest or created dynamically in code (as BroadcastReceiver objects) and registered with the system bycalling registerReceiver().Declaring component capabilitiesAs discussed above, in Activating Components, you can use an Intent to start activities, services, and broadcast receivers. You can do so by explicitly naming the target component (using the component class name) in the intent. However, the real power of intents lies in the concept of intent actions. With intent actions, you simply describe the type of action you want to perform (and optionally, the data upon which you’d like to perform the action) and allow the system to find a component on the device that can perform the action and start it. If there are multiple components that can perform the action described by the intent, then the user selects which one to use.The way the system identifies the components that can respond to an intent is by comparing the intent received to the intent filters provided in the manifest file of other applications on the device.When you declare a component in your application's manifest, you can optionally include intent filters that declare the capabilities of the component so it can respond to intents from other applications. You can declare an intent filter for your component by addingan <intent-filter>element as a child of the component's declaration element.For example, an email application with an activity for composing a new email might declare an intent filter in its manifest entry to respond to "send" intents (in order to send email). An activity in your application can then create an intent with the “send” action (ACTION_SEND), which the system matches to the email application’s “send” activity and launches it when you invoke the intent with startActivity().For more about creating intent filters, see the Intents and Intent Filters document.Declaring application requirementsThere are a variety of devices powered by Android and not all of them provide the same features and capabilities. In order to prevent your application from being installed on devices that lack features needed by your application, it's important that you clearly define a profile for the types of devices your application supports by declaring device and software requirements in your manifest file. Most of these declarations are informational only and the system does not read them, but external services such as Google Play do read them in order to provide filtering for users when they search for applications from their device.For example, if your application requires a camera and uses APIs introduced in Android 2.1 (API Level7), you should declare these as requirements in your manifest file. That way, devices that do not have a camera and have an Android version lower than 2.1 cannot install your application from Google Play.However, you can also declare that your application uses the camera, but doesnot require it. In that case, your application must perform a check at runtime to determine if the device has a camera and disable any features that use the camera if one is not available.Here are some of the important device characteristics that you should consider as you design and develop your application:Screen size and densityIn order to categorize devices by their screen type, Android defines two characteristics for each device: screen size (the physical dimensions of the screen) and screen density (the physical density of the pixels on the screen, or dpi—dots per inch). To simplify all the different types of screen configurations, the Android system generalizes them into select groups that make them easier to target.The screen sizes are: small, normal, large, and extra large.The screen densities are: low density, medium density, high density, and extra high density.By default, your application is compatible with all screen sizes and densities, because the Android system makes the appropriate adjustments to your UI layout and image resources. However, you should create specialized layouts for certain screen sizes and provide specialized images for certain densities, using alternative layout resources, and by declaring in your manifest exactly which screen sizes your application supports withthe <supports-screens> element.For more information, see the Supporting Multiple Screens document.Input configurationsMany devices provide a different type of user input mechanism, such as a hardware keyboard, a trackball, or a five-way navigation pad. If your application requires a particular kind of input hardware, then you should declare it in your manifest with the <uses-configuration> element. However, it is rare that an application should require a certain input configuration.Device featuresThere are many hardware and software features that may or may not exist on a given Android-powered device, such as a camera, a light sensor, bluetooth, a certain version of OpenGL, or the fidelity of the touchscreen. You should never assume that a certain feature is available on all Android-powered devices (other than the availability of the standard Android library), so you should declare any features used by your application withthe <uses-feature> element.Platform VersionDifferent Android-powered devices often run different versions of the Android platform, such as Android 1.6 or Android 2.3. Each successive version often includes additional APIs not available in the previous version. In order to indicate which set of APIs are available, each platform version specifies an API Level (for example, Android 1.0 is API Level 1 and Android 2.3 is API Level 9). If you use any APIs that were added to the platform after version 1.0, you should declare the minimum API Level in which those APIs were introduced using the <uses-sdk> element.It's important that you declare all such requirements for your application, because, when you distribute your application on Google Play, the store uses these declarations to filter which applications are available on each device. As such, your application should be available only to devices that meet all your application requirements.For more information about how Google Play filters applications based on these (and other) requirements, see the Filters on Google Play document.Application ResourcesAn Android application is composed of more than just code—it requires resources that are separate from the source code, such as images, audio files, and anything relating to the visual presentation of the application. For example, you should define animations, menus, styles, colors, and the layout of activity user interfaces with XML files. Using application resources makes it easy to update various characteristics of your application without modifying code and—by providing sets of alternative resources—enables you to optimize your application for a variety of device configurations (such as different languages and screen sizes).For every resource that you include in your Android project, the SDK build tools define a unique integer ID, which you can use to reference the resource from your application code or from other resources defined in XML. For example, if your application c ontains an image file named logo.png (saved in the res/drawable/ directory), the SDK tools generate a resource IDnamed R.drawable.logo, which you can use to reference the image and insert it in your user interface.One of the most important aspects of providing resources separate from your source code is the ability for you to provide alternative resources for different device configurations. For example, by defining UI strings in XML, you can translate the strings into other languages and save those strings in separate files. Then, based on a language qualifier that you append to the resource directory's name (such as res/values-fr/ for French string values) and the user's language setting, the Android system applies the appropriate language strings to your UI.Android supports many different qualifiers for your alternative resources. The qualifier is a short string that you include in the name of your resource directories in order to define the device configuration for which those resources should be used. As another example, you should often create different layouts for your activities, depending on the device's screen orientation and size. For example, when the device screen is in portrait orientation (tall), you might want a layout with buttons to be vertical, but when the screen is in landscape orientation (wide), the buttons should be aligned horizontally. To change the layout depending on the orientation, you can define two different layouts and apply the appropriate qualifier to each layout's directory name. Then, the system automatically applies the appropriate layout depending on the current device orientation.For more about the different kinds of resources you can include in your application and how to create alternative resources for various device configurations, see theApplication Resources developer guide.安卓应用基础在Java编程语言编写的Android应用程序的Android的SDK工具编译代码以及与任何数据和到一个Android的包,一个归档文件档案资源的.apk后缀,所有的在一个单一的代码.apk文件被认为是一个应用程序,是Android的文件,供电设备来安装应用程序。

默认情况下,每个应用程序的系统分配一个唯一的Linux用户ID (该ID仅用于由系统是未知的应用程序),系统设置所有的应用程序中的文件权限,以便只有用户ID分配给该应用程序可以访问它们。
Android 的启动过程时,应用程序的任何组件需要被执行,然后关闭该进程时,它不再需要或恢复时,系统必须为其他应用程序的内存。
为了节约使用相同的用户ID系统资源,应用程序还可以安排运行在相同的Linux进程和共享同一个VM (应用也必须使用相同的证书签名)。

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文献出处:Philippe Nier, The operation and application of Android system [J]. International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering, 2014,13(05):15-26(声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。
)原文The Operation and Application of Android SystemPhilippe·NierI. INTRODUCTIONAndroid is a software stack for mobile devices which includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Since its official public release, Android has captured the interest from companies, developers and the general audience. From that time up to now, this software platform has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware and, at the same time, extended to new types of devices different from the originally intended mobile ones. Google entered into the mobile market not as a handset manufacturer, but by launching mobile platform called as “Android” for mobile devices such as Smart phones, PDA and net books on 5th November 2007. Google has a vision that Android based cell phone will have all the functions available in the latest PC. In order to make this effort possible, Google launched the Open Handset Alliance. Google introduced Android as an OS which runs the powerful applications and gives the users a choice to select their applications and their carriers. The Android platform is made by keeping in mind various sets of users who can use the available capacity within Android at different levels. Android is gaining strength both in the mobile industry and in other industries with different hardware architectures.The increasing interest from the industry arises from two core aspects: its open-source nature and its architectural model. Being an open-source project, Android allows us to fully analyze and understand it, which enables feature comprehension, bug fixing, further improvements regarding new functionalities and finally, porting to new hardware. On the other hand, its Linux kernel-based architecture model also adds the use of Linux to the mobile industry, allowing to take advantage of the knowledge andfeatures offered by Linux. The Android platform consists of several layers which provide a complete software stack.Android applications are Java-based and this factor entails the use of a virtual machine VM environment, with its advantages. Android uses its own VM called Dalvik, which interprets and executes portable Java-style byte code after transforming it, which is optimized to operate on the mobile platform. All of these aspects make Android an appealing target to be used in other type of environments.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II briefly describes the Android’s background including architecture, features & programming framework. Section III presents detailed analysis of Android market including comparison with Symbian & Windows Mobile. Finally Section IV concludes this paper.II. ANDROID BACKGROUNDA . Android ArchitectureAndroid Architecture is shown in fig1, which consist of number of layers as Applications, Application framework, Libraries, Android runtime & Linux kernel [1]. Application layer is the uppermost layer which provides a set of core applications including an email, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. It should be mentioned that applications can be run simultaneously; it is possible to hear music and read an email at the same time. The Application Framework is a software framework that is used to implement a standard structure of an application for a specific operating system. With the help of managers, content providers and other services programmers it can reassemble functions used by other existing applications.Layer which is present below Application framework consist of two parts as Libraries which are all written in C/C++. They will be called through a Java interface. This includes the Surface Manager, 2D and 3D graphics, Media Codecs like MPEG-4 and MP3, the SQL database SQLite and the web browser engine WebKit. Second part is Android Runtime which includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java programming language. Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvikvirtual machine. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint. The lowest layer is Linux Kernel, Android basically relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.B. Features of AndroidGoogle Android has many features which make it special, but one important feature is Dalvik virtual machine (DVM) [5]. Which is a major component of Android platform. It is optimized for low memory requirements and is designed to allow multiple VM instances to run at the same time. The DVM runs Java applications. However, it is different from standard Java virtual machine in some ways. First, most virtual machines use a stack-based architecture, but Dalvik is a register-based architecture. Second, Dalvik runs Java applications which have been transformed into the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionality such as threading and low-level memory management. Java virtual machine tool interface (JVM TI) is a native programming interface on Java virtual machine. The interface provides functionalities to inspect the state of a virtual machine, gather information during run time, and also control the execution of applications running on the Java virtual machine. Android has built in integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine & built in powerful SQL database engine called SQLite, use for structured data storage. Android support for common audio, video, and still image formats such as AAC, MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AMR, & contains Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, & a plug-in for the Eclipse.C. Android Programming FrameworkThe environment requires to develop application for Android consists of the Android SDK, the Eclipse IDE and the Java Development Kit (JDK) which has to be preinstalled for the installation of both, Android SDK and Eclipse. The following versions of the tools mentioned above are used & presented in figure below.1) Android Software Development Kit: The Android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. These include libraries, a handset emulator, documentation, sample code, tutorials & tools such as dx - Dalvik Cross-Assembler, aapt – Android Asset Packaging Tool & adb– Android Debug Bridge. Applications are written using the Java programming language and run on Dalvik, a custom virtual machine designed for embedded use which runs on top of a Linux kernel. The officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) is Eclipse (3.2 or later)2) Android Emulator: The Android SDK includes a mobile device emulator -- a virtual mobile device that runs on your computer. The emulator lets you prototype, develop, and test Android applications without using a physical device. The Android emulator mimics all of the hardware and software features of a typical mobile device, except that it cannot receive or place actual phone calls. It provides a variety of navigation and control keys, which you can "press" using your mouse or keyboard to generate events for your application. It also provides a screen in which your application is displayed, together with any other Android applications running. To let you model and test your application more easily, the emulator supports Android Virtual Device (A VD) configurations. A VDs let you specify the Android platform that you want to run on the emulator, as well as the hardware options and emulator skin files that you want to use.III. ANDROID MARKET ANALYSISA. Android MarketThe Android Market, an online software store, is developed by Google for Android devices. It was made available to users on October 22, 2008. Most of the Android devices come with preinstalled “Market” application which allows users to browse, buy, download, and rate different available applications and other content for mobile phones equipped with the open-source operating system. Unlike with the iPhone App Store, there is no requirement that Android apps should be acquired from Android Market [2]. Android apps may be obtained from any source including a developer's own website. Also, Android developers can create their own application market. Google does not have a strict requirement for the application to show up on theAndroid Market compared to the process used by Apple. Lastly, the Android Market follows a 70/30 revenue-sharing model for applications developed by developers. The developers of priced applications receive 70% of the application price and remaining 30% distributes. As of May 04, 2010, Android apps hit around 49,000 applications which were around 12,500 in August 2009 and 20,000 in December 2009. The global smart phone sell in second quarter of 2009 & 2010 are shown bellow.B. Android vs. Symbian vs. Windows MobileComparison is based on main criteria as follows.1) Portability: Portability is a very important assessment criterion. Symbian OS has many references in this area and having standardized architecture and the openness to software. But the fact that Symbian mostly runs on Nokia cell phones and that it is not Java based lets it fall behind Android. Unfortunately Windows Mobile also has several applications that are specific to certain hardware platforms and therefore are not portable. The Android Mobile platform is a Linux & Java based which allow us to use it on many different platforms unlike Symbian & Win Mobile. As a result Android gets one point, Symbian OS gets half a point and Windows Mobile zero points.译文安卓系统的操作与应用菲利普·尼埃1引言安卓是一个包括操作系统和关键应用程序的移动软件堆栈设备。

移动应用开发外文文献+翻译文献1: "移动应用开发的最佳实践"摘要:本文提供了一些移动应用开发的最佳实践,旨在帮助开发者在设计和开发移动应用时遵循一些成功的方法和策略。
关键字:移动应用开发,最佳实践,成功策略移动应用开发,最佳实践,成功策略文献2: "移动应用用户体验的关键因素探讨"摘要:本文探讨了移动应用用户体验的关键因素,以帮助开发者设计和开发用户友好的移动应用。
关键字:移动应用,用户体验,界面设计移动应用,用户体验,界面设计文献3: "移动应用开发中的安全性挑战"摘要:本文讨论了在移动应用开发过程中所面临的安全性挑战,并提供了一些增强应用安全性的建议。

AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third- party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internalGPS (if equipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of using specific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse.Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises.For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application (no main() function, for example). Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when theuser taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use —including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). SeeProcesses and Threads, later.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on usingcontent providers.Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the main.xml fileCreating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin. Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New Android Project wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications.If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android.jar file, andties the project into the Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you will be building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft .NET application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. In addition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldText. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that you will be creating in this chapter.In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked. This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will be C:/Users/<username>/workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)1 什么是Android1.1 主要技巧和思想●历史的嵌入式器件编程●开放手机联盟的解释●第一眼看到Android的主屏幕可以这么说,暂时,传统的桌面应用程序开发者已经被惯坏了。
注解:我提到两种不同的开发商在此讨论:传统的桌面应用程序开发,他们能在任何语言环境下工作,而且最终的产品和程序是用来运行“桌面”操作系统的;还有Android 程序开发者,那些开发Android平台开发工具的JAVA程序开发人员。
1.2 嵌入式器件编程的简要历史有很长一段时间,手机的开发者由大的著名嵌入式的开发团队中的少数人组成,作为嵌入式设备的开发者。

外文资料:WLANWhy use WLANFor one of the main local area network management, for the laying of cables, or check the cable is disconnected this time-consuming work, it is easy to upset, not easy to break in a short time to find out where. Furthermore, for the business and application environment constantly updating and development of enterprise network must be matched with the original re-layout, need to re-install the network lines, although the cable itself is not expensive, but requested the technical staff to the high cost of wiring, especially the old building, wiring project costs even higher. Therefore, the construction of wireless local area network has become the best solution.What conditions need to use WLANWLAN is not limited to alternative local area network, but to make up for lack of wired local area networks, in order to achieve the purpose of extending the network, the following circumstances may have wireless local area network.●no fixed workplace users●wired local area network set up by the environmental constraints●As a wired local area network backup systemWLAN access technologyCurrently manufacturers in the design of wireless local area network products, there are quite a variety of access design methods can be divided into three categories: narrowband microwave, spread spectrum (Spread Spectrum) technology, and infrared have their advantages and disadvantages, limitations, and more, followed by detailed discussion of these techniques. (Infrared) technology, each technique has their advantages and disadvantages, limitations, and more, followed by detailed discussion of these techniques.Technical requirementsAs wireless local area network needs to support high-speed, burst data services, need to be addressed in the indoor use of multipath fading, as well as issues such ascrosstalk subnets. Specifically, wireless local area network must achieve the following technical requirements:1)Reliability: Wireless LAN system packet loss rate should be lower than 10-5,the error rate should be lower than 10-8.2)Compatibility: For indoor use of wireless local area network, so as far aspossible with the existing wired LAN network operating system and networksoftware compatible.3)Data rate: In order to meet the needs of local area network traffic, wirelessLAN data transfer rate should be more than 1Mbps.4)The confidentiality of communications: As the data transmitted in the air viawireless media, wireless local area networks at different levels must takeeffective measures to improve communication security and data security.5)Mobility: support for all mobile networks or semi-mobile network.6)Energy Management: When receiving or sending data to the site when themachine is in sleep mode, when activated again when the data transceiver toachieve the savings in power consumption.7)small size and low price: This is the key to the popularity of wireless local areanetwork can be.8)Electromagnetic environment: wireless LAN should consider thehumanbodyand the surrounding electromagnetic environment effects.AndroidGoogle Android is a Linux-based platform for developing open-source phone operating system (registered trademark in China called "Achi;). It includes operating systems, user interface and applications - mobile phone work required by the software, but there is no past, the exclusive right to impede innovation and barriers to mobile industry, called mobile terminal is the first to create a truly open and complete mobile software. Google and Open Handset Alliance to develop the Android, the alliance by including China Mobile, Motorola, Qualcomm and T-Mobile, including more than 30 technology and the composition of a leader in wireless applications. Google with operators, equipment manufacturers, developers and other interested parties to formdeep-level partnerships, hoping to establish a standardized, open software platform for mobile phones in the mobile industry to form an open ecosystem .It uses software stack layers (software stack, also known as the software stack) architecture, is divided into three parts: the core of the underlying Linux-based language developed by the c, only basic functions. Middle layer consists of library. Library and Virtual Machine Virtual Machine, developed by the C +. At the top are a variety of applications, including the call procedures, SMS procedures, application software is developed by the companies themselves to write java.To promote this technology, Google, and dozens of other phone company has established the Open Handset Alliance (Open Handset Alliance).Characteristic●application framework to support component reuse and replacement●Dalvik virtual machine specifically for mobile devices is optimized●Internal integrated browser, the browser-based open-source WebKit engine●optimization of 2D and 3D graphics library includes graphics library, 3Dgraphics library based on OpenGL ES 1.0 (hardware-accelerated optional)●# SQLite for structured data storage●Multimedia support includes the common audio, video and static image fileformats (such as MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)●GSM phone (depending on hardware)●Bluetooth Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)●Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)●Rich development environment including a device emulator, debugger,memory and performance analysis charts, and the Eclipse integrateddevelopment environment plug-insApplicationsA core Android application package together with the release of the application package, including email client, SMS short messaging program, calendar, maps, browser, contact management procedures. A ll applications are written using JA V A.Android Application Framework Developers have full access to core applicationsused by the API framework. The application framework designed to simplify the reuse of software components; any application can publish its functional blocks and any other applications can use the function block its release (but must follow the framework of security restrictions). Reuse mechanism allows the application form can be user replaced.All of the following applications by the composition of a range of services and systems, including:●an expanded view (Views) can be used to build applications, including a list of(lists), grid (grids), text boxes (text boxes), buttons (buttons), and even an embeddable web browser.●Content Manager (Content Providers) allows applications to access data fromanother application program (such as the contact database), or to share their own data.● A resource manager (Resource Manager) to provide access to non-coderesources, such as local strings, graphics, and hierarchical file (layout files).● A notification manager (Notification Manager) allows applications to customersin the status bar display notification information.●An activity class Manager (Activity Manager) to manage the application lifecycle and provides common navigation rollback feature.Ordering the systemOrdering the system information using automated software tools to achieve la carte, side dishes, stir fry vegetables to the transfer of all management processes; completion point, the computer management menu, point the menu and the kitchen, front-end checkout synchronization print; achieved without the menu paper-based operation; backstage manager of inquiry; warehouse inventory management and so on.In addition, ordering the system can also effectively manage customer data, archiving and future reference, put an end to the restaurant "leakage List", "run list" phenomenon; help restaurants using computer data processing capability and powerful ability to process optimization to achieve automated management, streamline workflow restaurant, reduce waste and man-made phenomenon of management oversight, re-optimal allocation of corporate resources, the operating costs to a minimum.Powerful addition to ordering the system to support the general application of stand-alone and LAN in addition to support head office / branch of multi-level framework used for remote network using the POS system to achieve front store sales cashier, sales of small-ticket instantly print sales day-end, reporting sales data and receive information of new features dishes.There are three currently ordering the system to achieve mode:First, the touch screen a la carte model: It uses the currently most popular touch-computer ordering process to achieve that members can to order the software screen prompts, simply click on the screen with your fingers can complete the entire ordering process and convenient This model applies to the practice of rich dishes and large restaurants, restaurants, and restaurant, etc..Second,the wireless PDA ordering mode: it uses a wireless WiFi technology, a la carte interface by PDA display, use touch pen to complete the ordering process, virtually anywhere, anytime to order real-time response, this model is more suitable for dishes and practices simple restaurant, features a restaurant and special mood of senior restaurants.Third, the wireless ordering Po mode: it uses the ISM band, can be a floor or other obstruction in the case of seamless coverage up to 10 meters away, while the signal remained stable, which is the ratio of the wireless PDA ordering model's greatest strength, this model applies to simple dishes and practices and other requirements with fewer fast food restaurants, pot shops.中文翻译:无线局域网为何使用无线局域网络?对于局域网络管理主要工作之一,对于铺设电缆或是检查电缆是否断线这种耗时的工作,很容易令人烦躁,也不容易在短时间内找出断线所在。

Android应用程序API中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料对照外文翻译Android API级别当你开发你的Android应用程序时,了解该平台API变更管理的基本方法和概念是很有帮助的。
关于如何使用“以API级别进行过滤”来使用API参考手册,从本文末尾的文档过滤(Filtering the documentation)中可以得到更多信息。
API级别是什么?API级别是一个整数值,它唯一标识了一个具体版本的Android 平台,及其框架的API的版本。
外文文献-Android Application Fundamentals安卓应用基础

外文文献-Android Application Fundamentals安卓应用基础毕业设计外文文献原文及译文Android Application Fundamentals安卓应用基础学生姓名: 学号:计算机系系别:网络工程专业:指导教师:2015年 5 月中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文Android Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The Android SDK tools compile the code—along with any data and resource files—into an Android package,an archive file with an .apk suffix. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application and is the file that Android-powered devices use to install the application.Once installed on a device, each Android application lives in its own security sandbox:, The Android operating system is a multi-user Linux system in which eachapplication is a different user., By default, the system assigns each application a unique Linuxuser ID (the ID isused only by the system and is unknown to the application). The system setspermissions for all the files in an application so that only theuser ID assigned tothat application can access them., Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so an application's code runs inisolation from other applications., By default, every application runs in its own Linux process.Android starts theprocess when any of the application's components need to be executed, then shutsdown the process when it's no longer needed or when the system must recovermemory for other applications.In this way, the Android system implements the principle of least privilege. That is,each application, by default, has access only to the components that it requires to do its work and no more. This creates a very secure environment in which an application cannot access parts of the systemfor which it is not given permission.However, there are ways for an application to share data with other applications and for an application to access system services: , It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same Linux user ID, inwhich case they are able to access each other's files. To conserve system resources,中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文applications with the same user ID can also arrange to run in the same Linuxprocess and share the same VM (the applications must also be signed with thesame certificate)., An application can request permission to access device data such as the user'scontacts, SMS messages, the mountable storage (SD card), camera, Bluetooth, andmore. All application permissions must be granted by the user at install time. That covers the basics regarding how an Android application exists within the system. The rest of this document introduces you to:, The core framework components that define your application., The manifest file in which you declare components and required device featuresfor your application., Resources that are separate from the application code and allow your applicationto gracefully optimize its behavior for a variety of device configurations.Application ComponentsApplication components are the essential building blocks of an Android application. Each component is a different point through which the system can enter your application. Not all components are actual entry points for the user and some depend on each other, but each one exists as its own entity and plays a specific role—each one is a unique buildingblock that helps define your application's overall behavior.There are four different types of application components. Each type serves a distinct purpose and has a distinct lifecycle that defines how the component is created and destroyed.Here are the four types of application components:ActivitiesAn activity represents a single screen with a user interface. For example, an emailapplication might have one activity that shows a list of new emails, another activity中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文to compose an email, and another activity for reading emails. Although the activities work together to form a cohesive user experiencein the email application, each one is independent of the others. As such, a different application can start any one of these activities (if the email application allows it). For example, a camera application canstart the activity in the email application that composes new mail, in order for the user to share a picture.An activity is implemented as a subclass of Activity and you canlearn more about it in the Activities developer guide.ServicesA service is a component that runs in the background to performlong-running operations or to perform work for remote processes. A service does not provide a user interface. For example, a service might play music in the background while the user is in a different application, or it might fetch data over the network without blocking user interaction with an activity. Another component, such as anactivity, can start the service and let it run or bind to it in order to interact with it. A service is implemented as a subclass of Service and you can learn more about it in the Services developer guide.Content providersA content provider manages a shared set of application data. You can store the data in the file system, an SQLite database, on the web, orany other persistent storage location your application can access. Through the content provider, other applications can query or evenmodify the data (if the content provider allows it). For example, the Android system provides a content provider that manages the user'scontact information. As such, any application with the properpermissions can query part of the content provider (such as ContactsContract.Data) to read and write information about a particular person.Content providers are also useful for reading and writing data thatis private to your中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文application and not shared. For example, the Note Pad sample application uses acontent provider to save notes.A content provider is implemented as a subclass of ContentProvider and mustimplement a standard set of APIs that enable other applications to performtransactions. For more information, see the Content Providers developer guide. Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that responds to system-wide broadcastannouncements. Many broadcasts originate from the system—for example, abroadcast announcing that the screen has turned off, the battery is low, or a picturewas captured. Applications can also initiate broadcasts—for example, to let otherapplications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and isavailable for them to use. Although broadcast receivers don'tdisplay a userinterface, they may create a status bar notification to alert theuser when a broadcastevent occurs. More commonly, though, a broadcast receiver is just a "gateway" toother components and is intended to do a very minimal amount of work. Forinstance, it might initiate a service to perform some work based on the event.A broadcast receiver is implemented as a subclass of BroadcastReceiver and eachbroadcast is delivered as an Intent object. For more information,seetheBroadcastReceiver class.A unique aspect of the Android system design is that any application can start another application’s component. For example, if you want the user to capture a photo with the device camera, there's probably another application that does that and your application can use it, instead of developing an activity to capture a photo yourself. You don't need to incorporate or even link to the code from the camera application. Instead, you can simply start the activity in the camera applicationthat captures a photo. When complete, the photo is even returned to your application so you can use it. To the user, it seems as if the camera is actually a part of your application.中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文When the system starts a component, it starts the process for that application (if it's not already running) and instantiates the classes needed for the component. For example, if your application starts the activity in the camera application that captures a photo, that activity runs in the process that belongs to the camera application, not in your application's process. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point (there's no main() function, for example).Because the system runs each application in a separate process with file permissions that restrict access to other applications, your application cannot directly activate a component from another application. The Android system, however, can. So, to activate a component in another application, you must deliver a message to the system that specifies your intent to start a particular component. The system then activates the component for you.Activating ComponentsThree of the four component types—activities, services, and broadcast receivers—areactivated by an asynchronous message called an intent. Intents bind individual componentsto each other at runtime (you can think of them as the messengers that request an action from other components), whether the component belongs to your application or another.An intent is created with an Intent object, which defines a message to activate either a specific component or a specific type of component—an intent can be either explicit orimplicit, respectively.For activities and services, an intent defines the action to perform (for example, to "view" or "send" something) and may specify the URI of the data to act on (among other things that the component being started might need to know). For example, an intent might convey a request for an activity to show an image or to open a web page. In some cases, you can start an activity to receive a result, in which case, the activity also returns the result in an Intent (for example, you can issue an intent to let the user pick a personal中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文contact and have it returned to you—the return intent includes a URI pointing to thechosen contact).For broadcast receivers, the intent simply defines the announcement being broadcast (for example, a broadcast to indicate the device battery is low includes only a known action string that indicates "battery is low").The other component type, content provider, is not activated by intents. Rather, it is activated when targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The content resolver handles all direct transactions with the content provider so that the component that's performing transactions with the provider doesn't need to and instead calls methods on the ContentResolver object. This leaves a layer of abstraction between the content provider and the component requesting information (for security).There are separate methods for activating each type of component: , You can start an activity (or give it something new to do) by passingan Intent to startActivity() or startActivityForResult() (when you want the activityto return a result)., You can start a service (or give new instructions to an ongoing service) by passingan Intent to startService(). Or you can bind to the service by passingan Intent tobindService()., You can initiate a broadcast by passing an Intent to methodslike sendBroadcast(), sendOrderedBroadcast(), orsendStickyBroadcast()., You can perform a query to a content provider by calling query()ona ContentResolver.For more information about using intents, see the Intents and Intent Filters document. More information about activating specific components is also provided in the following documents: Activities, Services, BroadcastReceiver and Content Providers.Declaring components中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文The primary task of the manifest is to inform the system about the application's components. For example, a manifest file can declare an activity as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest ... ><application android:icon="@drawable/app_icon.png" ... ><activity android:name="com.example.project.ExampleActivity"android:label="@string/example_label" ... ></activity>...</application></manifest>In the <application> element, the android:icon attribute points to resources for an icon that identifies the application.In the <activity> element, the android:name attribute specifies the fully qualified class name of the Activity subclass and theandroid:label attributes specifies a string to use as the user-visible label for the activity.You must declare all application components this way:, <activity> elements for activities, <service> elements for services, <receiver> elements for broadcast receivers, <provider> elements for content providersActivities, services, and content providers that you include in your source but do not declare in the manifest are not visible to the system and, consequently, can never run. However, broadcast receivers can be either declared in the manifest or created dynamically in code (as BroadcastReceiver objects) and registered with the system by calling registerReceiver().中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文Declaring component capabilitiesAs discussed above, in Activating Components, you can use an Intent to start activities, services, and broadcast receivers. You can do so by explicitly naming the target component (using the component class name) in the intent. However, the real power of intents lies in the concept of intent actions. With intent actions, you simply describe the type of action you want to perform (and optionally, the data upon which you’d like to perform the action)and allow the system to find a component on the device that can perform the action and start it. If there are multiple components that can perform the action described by the intent, then the user selects which one to use.The way the system identifies the components that can respond to an intent is by comparing the intent received to the intent filters provided in the manifest file of otherapplications on the device.When you declare a component in your application's manifest, you can optionally include intent filters that declare the capabilities of the component so it can respond to intents from other applications. You can declare an intent filter for your component by adding an <intent-filter> element as a child of the component's declaration element.For example, an email application with an activity for composing a new email might declare an intent filter in its manifest entry to respond to "send" intents (in order to send email). An activity in your application can then create an intent with the “send” action (ACTION_SEND), which the system matches to the email application’s “send” activityand launches it when you invoke the intent with startActivity().For more about creating intent filters, see the Intents and Intent Filters document.Declaring application requirementsThere are a variety of devices powered by Android and not all of them provide the same features and capabilities. In order to prevent your application from being installed on中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文devices that lack features needed by your application, it'simportant that you clearly define a profile for the types of devices your application supports by declaring device and software requirements in your manifest file. Most of these declarations are informational only and the system does not read them, but external services such as Google Play do read them in order to provide filtering for users when they search for applications from their device.For example, if your application requires a camera and uses APIs introduced in Android 2.1 (API Level 7), you should declare these as requirements in your manifest file. That way, devices that do not have a camera and have an Android version lower than 2.1cannot install your application from Google Play.However, you can also declare that your application uses the camera, but does not require it. In that case, your application must perform a check at runtime to determine if the device has a camera and disable any features that use the camera if one is not available.Here are some of the important device characteristics that youshould consider as you design and develop your application: Screen size and densityIn order to categorize devices by their screen type, Android defines twocharacteristics for each device: screen size (the physical dimensions of the screen)and screen density (the physical density of the pixels on the screen, or dpi—dotsper inch). To simplify all the different types of screen configurations, the Androidsystem generalizes them into select groups that make them easier to target.The screen sizes are: small, normal, large, and extra large.The screen densities are: low density, medium density, high density, and extra highdensity.中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文By default, your application is compatible with all screen sizes and densities, because the Android system makes the appropriate adjustments to your UI layout and image resources. However, you should create specialized layouts for certain screen sizes and provide specialized images for certain densities, using alternative layout resources, and by declaring in your manifest exactly which screen sizes your application supports with the <supports-screens> element.For more information, see the Supporting Multiple Screens document.Input configurationsMany devices provide a different type of user input mechanism, suchas a hardware keyboard, a trackball, or a five-way navigation pad. If your application requires a particular kind of input hardware, then you should declare it in your manifest with the <uses-configuration> element.However, it is rare that an application should require a certain input configuration.Device featuresThere are many hardware and software features that may or may not exist on a given Android-powered device, such as a camera, a light sensor, bluetooth, a certain version of OpenGL, or the fidelity of the touchscreen. You should never assume that a certain feature is available on all Android-powered devices (other than the availability of the standard Android library), so you should declare any features used by your application with the <uses-feature> element.Platform VersionDifferent Android-powered devices often run different versions ofthe Android platform, such as Android 1.6 or Android 2.3. Each successive version often includes additional APIs not available in the previous version. In order to indicate which set of APIs are available, each platform version specifies an API Level (for example, Android 1.0 is API Level 1 and Android 2.3 is API Level 9). If you use any APIs that were added to the platform after version 1.0, you should declare the 中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文minimum API Level in which those APIs were introduced usingthe <uses-sdk> element.It's important that you declare all such requirements for your application, because, when you distribute your application on Google Play, the store uses these declarations to filter which applications areavailable on each device. As such, your application should be available only to devices that meet all your application requirements.For more information about how Google Play filters applications based on these (and other) requirements, see the Filters on Google Play document.Application ResourcesAn Android application is composed of more than just code—it requires resources thatare separate from the source code, such as images, audio files, and anything relating to the visual presentation of the application. For example, you should define animations, menus, styles, colors, and the layout of activity user interfaces with XML files. Using application resources makes it easy to update various characteristics of your application without modifying code and—by providing sets of alternative resources—enables you to optimizeyour application for a variety of device configurations (such as different languages and screen sizes).For every resource that you include in your Android project, the SDK build tools define a unique integer ID, which you can use to reference the resource from your application code or from other resources defined in XML. For example, if your application contains an image file named logo.png (saved in the res/drawable/ directory), the SDK tools generate a resource ID named R.drawable.logo, which you can use to reference the image and insert it in your user interface.One of the most important aspects of providing resources separate from your source code is the ability for you to provide alternative resources for different device configurations. For example, by defining UI strings in XML, you can translate the strings中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文into other languages and save those strings in separate files. Then, based on a language qualifier that you append to the resourcedirectory's name (suchas res/values-fr/ for French string values) and the user's language setting, the Android system applies the appropriate language strings to your UI.Android supports many different qualifiers for your alternative resources. Thequalifier is a short string that you include in the name of your resource directories in order to define the device configuration for which those resources should be used. As another example, you should often create different layouts for your activities, depending on the device's screen orientation and size. For example, when the device screen is in portrait orientation (tall), you might want a layout with buttons to be vertical, but when the screen is in landscape orientation (wide), the buttons should be aligned horizontally. To change the layout depending on the orientation, you can define two different layouts and apply the appropriate qualifier to each layout's directory name. Then,the system automatically applies the appropriate layout depending on the current device orientation.For more about the different kinds of resources you can include in your application and how to create alternative resources for various device configurations, see theApplication Resources developer guide.中北大学信息商务学院2015届毕业设计外文文献原文及译文Android Application Fundamentals安卓应用基础在Java编程语言编写的Android应用程序的Android的SDK工具编译代码以及与任何数据和到一个Android的包,一个归档文件档案资源的.apk后缀,所有的在一个单一的代码.apk文件被认为是一个应用程序,是Android的文件,供电设备来安装应用程序。

AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine based on hardware support, database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface UI development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internalGPS if equipped, you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of using specific development environments or integrated development environments IDE, and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse.Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications provided those applications permit it. For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of the other application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises.For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application no main function, for example. Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views those at the bottom of the hierarchy draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use — including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to bind to an ongoing service and start the service if it's not already running. While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks like music playback. See Processes and Threads, later.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react tobroadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers.Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, startingit if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the fileCreating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment see Figure 5-1, which is where you want to begin. Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New Android Project wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the file, and ties the project into the Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you will be building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. In addition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldText. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World project from the others that you will be creating in this the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked. This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will be C:/Users/<username>/workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.。

(完整版)基于Android开发的外文文献AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internal GPS (if equipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of using specific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse.Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Your application doesn't incorporate the code of theother application or link to it. Rather, it simply starts up that piece of the other application when the need arises.For this to work, the system must be able to start an application process when any part of it is needed, and instantiate the Java objects for that part. Therefore, unlike applications on most other systems, Android applications don't have a single entry point for everything in the application (no main() function, for example). Rather, they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. There are four types of components:ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and otheractivities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use — including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background musicas the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service baseclass.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the music playback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts —for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start anactivity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways —flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers.Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the main.xml fileCreating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin. Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New AndroidProject wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications.If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android.jar file, and ties the project into the Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you willbe building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft .NET application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. In addition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldT ext. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that you will be creating in this chapter.In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked. This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace pathwill be C:/Users//workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply overridethe Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.。
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应用程序组件(Application Components)Android的核心功能之一就是一个应用程序可以使用其它应用程序的元素(如果那个应用程序允许的话)。
共有四种组件类型:活动(Activities)一个 activity代表用户界面的一个独立屏幕。
例如,一个邮件应用程序应该有一个activity 用于显示新邮件列表,另一个activity 用于撰写一封邮件,还有一个activity 用于读取邮件。
尽管所有activitie 协同工作以构成邮件应用程序的用户体验,但彼此之间相对独立。
应次,不同的应用程序能够从任何一个activity 启动(只要邮件应用程序允许)。
例如,用户需要分享一张照片,一个拍照应用程序能够启动邮件应用程序的activity 。
activity 是一个实现了 Activity 的子类,你可以在 Activities 开发者指导部分了解更多。
service 不提供用户界面。
例如,当用户在另一个应用程序时,一个service 可在后台播放音乐,或者是从网络上获取数据,而不阻断用户与当前activity 的交互。
其他组件,比如一个activity ,为了与该service 互动,可以启动或者绑定它。
service 是一个实现了 Service 的子类,你可以在 Services 开发者指导部分了解更多。
广播接收器(Broadcast receivers)广播接收器是一个专注于接收广播通知信息,并做出对应处理的组件。
内容提供者(Content providers)内容提供者将一些特定的应用程序数据供给其它应用程序使用。
内容提供者继承于ContentProvider 基类,为其它应用程序取用和存储它管理的数据实现了一套标准方法。
然而,应用程序并不直接调用这些方法,而是使用一个ContentResolver 对象,调用它的方法作为替代。
参阅独立的内容提供者Content Providers 章节获得更多关于使用内容提供者的内容。
激活组件(Activating Components)四大组件中的三个组件——activities、services和broadcast receiver——是由一种叫intent的异步消息来激活的。
有时,你可以启动一个activity来得到返回的结果,在这个例子中这个activity的返回的结果也是一个Intent(比如,你可以发送一个intent让用户选择一个personal contact并返回给你——这个返回的intent就包含了一个指向用户选择的联系人的URI)。
最后一种组件类型content provider并不是由intent来激活的(activate)。
或者你可以通过把一个Intent 传递给bindService()来绑定一个service。
你可以通过调用ContentResolver的query()方法来执行一次content provider 的查询操作。
更多的关于intent的内容,可以参看文档中的Intents and Intent Filters。
更多的关于激活特定组件的内容可以参看文档中的:Activities、Services、BroadcastReceiver、Content Providers。