
1.词的定义(What Is a Word)什么是词?这一问题长期受到语言学家的关注,虽然人们提出了很多的定义,但似乎没有一个看起来完美无缺,迄今为止,学者们也未能在词的定义这个问题上达成一致。

3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by

Chapter 2 Development
1. 印欧语系的谱系关系 分支: Eastern set: Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, BaltoIndoArmenian and Albanian, Western set: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, Germanic
4) Characteristics of the borrowed words / loan words P19 Denizens 同化词: assimilated Aliens 非同化词: original pronunciation and spelling Translation-loans译借词: Translation-loans译借词: foreign language pattern with existing material Semantic-loans借义词:borrow Semantic-loans借义词:borrow meaning
3) Characteristics of basic word stock All national character 全民性:common 全民性:common Stability 稳定性: remain unchanged 稳定性: Productivity 多产性: root words 多产性: Polysemy 多义性: more than one meaning 多义性: Collocability 搭配性: set expressions, idioms, 搭配性: proverbs
2. Types of Morphemes
Free morphemes: morphemes: independent/ free grammatical units, complete meanings Bound morphemes: not separate words, bound to

语素是音义相结合的最小的语言单位。 一般地说,一个语素就是一个音节,书面上就是一个汉字,有时侯还是一个词。但是音节是从语音学角度分析的结果,文字是书面记录的符号,语素则是语言中构词的基本成份,词是指音义相结合的能够独立运用的最小的语言单位。这四者角度不同,并不是一回事。 1、同一个汉字,可以代表不同的语素。 汉字虽然相同,但读音不同:会议/会计 汉字和读音都相同,但是词性不同:老人/老虎/老是捣乱 汉字、读音和词性都相同,但是意义不同:公家/公牛 2、汉语的语素绝大多数是单音节的,但有时侯,一个汉字并不代表一个语素,只代表一个音节,也就是说,一个语素也可以是两个以上音节。 连绵词:磅礴;口语词:尴尬;音译词:咖啡,奥林匹克 3、有时侯,一个汉字在不同场合,有的是语素,有的不是语素。 马匹(语素)/马达(非语素) (邵敬敏,现代汉通论,上海教育出版社,2001,P113-4)
Sound and meaning
Sound and meaning
This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary. There is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. Lodwig and Barrett, 1973
Why the written form is not always similar to the oral form?
The development of the language letters from Romans for 46 sounds in English The pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. Some of the differences were created by the early scribes.

Chapter 11.1 What Is a Word词的概念:A word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters.(一个词可以被定义为一组有意义的字母)词包含以下几点:① a minimal free form of a language.一门语言中最小的形式② a sound unity.一个声音统一体③ a unit of meaning.一个意义单位④ a form that can function alone in a sentence.能在句子中起独立作用的一个形式A word is a free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntacticfunction.词是一门语言中具有一定的声音,意义和句法功能的最小形式Words can be simple and complex.词可以是简单的也可以是复杂的1.2 Sound and Meaning声音与意义之间的关系:This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary,and there is no logical relationship between the sound and the actual thing and idea itself .The relationship between them is conventional. 这种象征性的联系几乎总是任意的,声音与实际的事物和观念本身没有逻辑关系。
1.3 Sound and Form读音与拼写不一致的原因:①The English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.②The pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years.③Some of the differences were created by the early scribes.①英语字母表是从罗马人那里采用的,罗马人没有一个单独的字母来代表语言中的每个声音。

词汇elusive adj. 难懂的notion n. 见解,概念outset n.开端criteria n.标准,条件(criterion的复数linguist n. 语言学家horizontally adv. 水平地;地平地semanticists n. 语义学者vocal adj. 歌唱的;声音的,有声的comprise vt. 包含;由…组成syntactic adj. 句法的polysyllabic adj. 多音节的compel vt. 强迫compulsion n. 强制;强迫;强制力concealment n. 隐藏,隐蔽;隐匿处discreditable adj. 丢脸的;不名誉的;有损信用的;败坏名声的hence adv. 因此;今后symbolic adj. 象征的;符号的;使用符号的arbitrary adj. [数] 任意的;武断的;专制的conventional adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的cluster n. 群;簇;丛;串scribe n. 抄写员;作家deliberately adv. 故意地;谨慎地;慎重地haste n. 匆忙vertical adj. 垂直的alike adj.相似的sacred adj. 神的;神圣的assimilated 吸收dialect n. 方言accumulated adj. 累积的constitute vt. 组成,构成monosyllabic 单音节的undergoing vt. 经历suffice vt. 使满足illustration n. 说明endure vt. 忍耐instance n. 实例monosemous adj. 单义的mere adj. 仅仅的blunt adj. 钝的justify V 证明stylistically adv. 在文体上heterogeneity n. [生物] 异质性;[化学] 不均匀性;[化学] 多相性cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的reveal vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧第一章一:1.Lexicology is a branch of linguistics,inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.词汇学算哪一门学科的分支(语言学)2.Lexicology:morphology(词法,词态学),semantics,stylistics,etymology(语源学),lexicography (词典学)词汇学和哪些重要学科建立了联系3.Diachronic approach(历时语言学),Synchronic approach(共时语言学)研究词汇的两大方法二:1.词的特点:1)a minimal free form of a language.2)a sound unity. 3) a unit of meaning . 4)a form that can function alone in a sentence什么是词:A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2.词的分类(按发音):simple words(man),complex words(balckmail)3.sound and meaning:1) There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning2)The relationship between them is conventional and arbitrary (e.g.dog,girl)3)In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.(e.g.woman means ‗Frau‘ in German, ‗Femme‘ in French and ‗Funv‗in Chinese. ) .4) The same sound can denote different things.(knight,night)4.sound and formrelation:1)the written form is the written record of the oral form,so it should agree with the oral form. 2)with the development of the languages,more and more differences occur between the two.The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each s ound in the language. (more phonemes than letters)b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spellingc). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language (e.g.stimulus(L),eureka(Gr)influenced by Romans,Pronunciation changed,early scribes,borrowing三.vocabulary:all the words四.分类:frequency:1.the basic word stock:1).all national character( national phenomena;names of plants,andanimals;action,size,stage,domain;human body andrelations;numerals, pronouns, preposition,conjection)2).productivity(root words,monosyllabic words e.g. foot)3).stability4).collocability (heart)5).polysemy(take)2.non-basic word stock:1.) terminology-technical terms2).jargon-specialized vocabulary in certain professions.3).slang -- substandard words often used in informal occasions4).argot –words used by sub-cultured groups5).dialectal words –only by speakers of the dialect6).archaisms –words no longer in common use or restricted in use7).neologism –newly created words with new meaningnotion:1.Content word (notional word) – denote clear notions. (numerous,growing)2.Functional word(empty/form word)-express the relationbetween words and sentences.(small,stable,do far more work of expression than content words. )origin:1.native words-are words brought to Britain in the 15thcentury by the German tribes特点1.) neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2.)frequent in use (in academic fields and science French, Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)2.Borrowed words (loan words, borrowing)- words taken over from foreign language. 80 %分四种(按同化程度和取得方式)1).Denizens –words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language. (port from portus(L) shift, change, shirt, pork)2).Aliens –retained their original pronunciation and spelling(décor(F) emir, intermez, rowtow, bazaar, rajar, status quo)3).translation loans –formed from the existing material in the English language but modelled on thepatterns taken from another language.a). Word translated according to the meaningb). Words translated according to the sound4). Semantic loans –their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dumpdream old joy and peacepioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering worknew a member of the young pioneerfresh old impertinent, sassy, cheeky。

全国2019年4月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832第一部分选择题(共30分)Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)1.The process of meaning relation is also called .()A.extension B.degradation C.specialization D.elevation2.Idioms in the coursebook are used in a . ()A.broad sense B.narrow sense C.figurative sense D.special sense3.The relationship between the linguistic sign and a referent is . () A.conventional B.non-conventionalC.concrete D.specific4.The way to define an antonym is based on . ()A.contradiction B.contrarinessC.oppositeness D.relativeness5.The fact that the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields can be exemplified by .()A.Roget’s Thesaurus B.Concise Oxford DictionaryC.New Webster’s Dictionary D.Co-build Dictionary6.Context meaning.()A.explains B.interprets C.defines D.all the above7.Though still at work today , can hardly compare with what it was in the past. ()A.word-formation B.borrowing C.derivation D.conversion8.Structural stability means the structure of an idiom is generally . ()A.movable B.unstableC.unchangeable D.ununderstandable9.Sentence idioms can be divided into . ()A.declarative and imperative B.interrogative and exclamativeC.verbal and adverbial D.both A and B10. is considered to be a highly-inflected language. ()A.Old English B.Middle EnglishC.Early Modern English D.Late Modern English11.A morpheme that can stand alone as a word is thought to be . ()A.affixational B.derivational C.free D.bound12.The introduction of at the end of the 6th century had a great impact on the English vocabulary. ()A.printing B.Christianity C.French words D.all the above13.Which of the following statements is true? ()A.Every word has reference.B.E very word has sense.C.E very word is semantically motivated.D.Every word is conceptually motivated.14.Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ()A.The English language is noted for its modest borrowings.B.L oan words only refer to those borrowings in form.C.L oan words are all unrecognisable as being foreign in origin.D.Loan words can be grouped according to manner of borrowing.15.The relationship between words and things in the world is established by means of . ()A.reference B.sense C.concept D.meaning第二部分非选择题(共70分)Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16.The degraded meaning “sexual desire ”of the word “lust ”comes from its old meaning “”.17.Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and .18.The headword or entries are defined in the same language in a dictionary.19.The basic word stock forms the common of the language.20 Conceptual meaning is also known as meaning.Ⅲ.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) sense relations , 2) types of context , and 3) modes of word-meaning changes.(10%)A B()21.difference in connotation A. fond (from “foolish” to “affectionate”)()22.perfect homonym B. homely /domestic()23.degradation C. date ;date()24.transfer D. diseasing (from “discomfort ”to “illness”)()25.elevation E. fabulous (from “resembling a fable ”to “incredible”) ()26.narrowing F. jour nal (from “daily paper” to “periodical” )()27.extension G. silly (from “happy” to “foolish”)()28.generalization H. pitiful (from “full of pity” to “deserving pity”)()29.grammatical context I. It was a nice ball.()30.lexical context J. Visiting aunts can be boring.Ⅳ.Study the following words and expressions and identify 1) types of word formation , 2) types of affixes, 3) types of dictionaries, and 4) the type of idiom. (10%)31.LDCE ()32.deadline ()33.-ize,-en,-ate ()34.an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ()35.VOA ()36.The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology ()37.CED ()38.telephone →phone ()39.fly in the ointment ()40.hostess ()Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.a variation of an idiom42.morphs43.synonym44.jargon45.semantic motivationⅥ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (12%)46.What is the role of context?47.Is it true that archaic and obsolete words in English will remain for ever out of use?48.What is the difference between partial and full conversion? Explain with two examples.Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.Read the extract, pick out the idioms and explain their meanings. Then rewrite the extract in standard non-figurative language.Sam is getting on ,too .His hair is pepper and salt, but he knows how to make up for lost time by taking it easy.ment on the following pairs of sentences in terms of subordinates and superordinates.a. The girl got a book in the university.b. The girl borrowed a dictionary from the department.。

characteristics of native elements -- all-national character -- great stability -- word-forming ability -- wide collocability -- plurality of meanings -- stylistically neutral
(b) Aliens舶来词 舶来词 ---- borrowed words which have kept their original pronunciation and spelling.
coup d'etat [ku: dei’ta:] vis-à-vis [vi: za:vi:] resume elite
Further readings: 1.莫塞 英语简史 外语教学与研究出版社 莫塞 2.汪榕培,卢小娟 英语词汇学 上海外语教育出版社 汪榕培, 汪榕培 卢小娟. 3. 张韵斐 .现代英语词汇学概论 北京师范大学出版社 现代英语词汇学概论 4. 秦秀白 英语语体和文体要略上海外语教育出版社 秦秀白. 5.汪榕培 王之江 英语词汇学高级教程读本 上海外 .汪榕培, 王之江.英语词汇学高级教程读本 语教育出版社
means to borrow foreign elements (a) Denizens归化词 归化词 --- words borrowed early in the past and now are well assimilated into the English language. call, die, husband
Native elements denote words of Anglo-Saxon origin. They belong to original English stock. Foreign elements refer to words taken over from any other languages.

11 C h a p t e r 1 B a s i c C o n c e p t s 基本概念 1.1 the definition of a word(he definition of a word comprises the following points: (1) a minimal free form of a language; (2) a sound unity; (3) a unit of meaning; (4) a form that can function alone in a sentence. A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.)1.2 sound and meaning :symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary and conventional. A dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up theword just automatically suggest the animal in question.1.3 sound and form :1.4 vocabulary 1.5 classification of words 词汇分类 basic word stock 基本词汇 nonbasic vocabulary 非基本词汇 by use frequency 按使用频率分: basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary 基本词汇和非基本词汇 by notion 按概念分: content words and functional words 实义词和功能词 by origin 按起源分: native words and borrowed words 本地词和外来词 all national character 全民性 stability 稳定性 productivity 多产性 p ol ysemy 一词多义 collocability 搭配性 terminology 术语 jargon 行话 slang 俚语 argon 黑话 dialectal words 方言词 archaism 古语词 neologism 新词 neutral in style 文体上中性frequent in use 使用频繁native words本地词borrowed words外来词denizens 同化词aliens 异形词translation-loans 译借词semantic-loans 借义词1. No enough letters: alphabet from latin2. Pronunciation changed more rapidly3. Early scribes: change spelling for easier recognition4. Borrowing: different rules of pronunciation and spelling obvious characteristics 明显的特点22C h a p t e r 2D e v e l o p m e n tIt is assumed that the world has approximately 3, 000 (some put it 5, 000 ) languages, which can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar. 2.1 Indo-European 印欧语Eastern set : 东部诸语族: Western set : 西部诸语族: Balto-Slavic 波罗的海-斯拉夫语 Indo-Iranian 印度-伊朗语 Armenian 亚美尼亚语 Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚语 Celtic 凯尔特语 Italic 意大利语Hellenic 希腊语 ——GreekGermanic 日耳曼语Persian 波斯语 Bengali 孟加拉国语 Hindi 印地语 Romany 普吉赛语 Prussian 普鲁士语Lithuanian 立陶宛语 Polish 波兰语 Czech 捷克语 Bulgarian 保加利亚语 Slovenian 斯洛文尼亚语 Russian 俄语 Portuguese 葡萄牙语 Spanish 西班牙语 French 法语 Italian 意大利语 Roumanian 罗马尼亚语Scottish 苏格兰语 Irish 爱尔兰语 Welsh 威尔士语 Breton 布里多尼语 Latin 拉丁语言2.2 Historical review历史概述2.3 Growth of Present-day English VocabularyNorwegian 挪威语Icelandic 冰岛语Danish 丹麦语Swedish 瑞典语German 德语Dutch 荷兰语Flemish 佛兰德语English 英语Scandinavian languages斯堪的纳维亚语50000-60000 words 5万~6万间词汇Highly inflected 高度转折complex endings 复杂的结尾vowel changes 元音变化French words 法语词汇leveled endings 水平结尾Early Modern English (1500-1700)早期现代英语Late Modern English (1700-up to the present)晚期现代英语Borrow 借词new words 新词no endings 无结尾from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present analytic language。

要记住以上四句话中的关键词: 1) influenced by Romans2) Pronunciation changed3) early scribes4) borrowing 你能不能举出外来语对英语发音,拼写造成不一致的例子有哪些? e.g. stimulus (L) ,fiesta (Sp) ,eureka (Gr), kimono (Jap) 外来语对英语造成的最大的影响就是‘sound and form ’不一致。
What are the characteristics of basic word stock?1) All national
character2) Stability3) Productivity4) Polysemy5) Collocability
要把握住‘All national character’词,就是和我们日常生活息息相关的,最普通词 稳定性是基本词的一个很大特点,请你举例说明? e.g. man, woman , fire, water „e.g. machine, video, telephone „e.g. bow, cha riot , knightStability is relative, not absolute.

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学意在调查和研究英语单词和单词旳等价物旳形态构造,其语义构造、关系、历史发展、形成和使用方法。
2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary1.Word(词旳定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小旳自由形式,拥有固定旳声音和意义以及句法作用。
2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一旳四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary (5)printing、standardization、dictionary—Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than itis today. 古代英语中旳口语比今天更忠实旳代表书面语—The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。

英语词汇学⾃考题1英语词汇学⾃考题-1(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)⼀、Ⅰ.(总题数:30,分数:30.00)1.A tricycle has ______ wheels.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:词缀“tr-”是表⽰数字的前缀,它表⽰的意思是“三……”。
例如,a triangle指的是三⾓形。
2.The idiom Jack of all trades results from ______.A. additionB. position-shiftingC. dismemberingD. shortening(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:缩短法(shortening)偶尔出现在部分格⾔或者谚语中,这些格⾔或谚语以⼀部分指代整个句⼦所代表的含义。
习语“jack of all trades”的完整形式是“jack of all trades and master of none”。
3.Degradation of meaning is the opposite of ______.A. semantic transferB. semantic pejorationC. semantic elevationD. semantic narrowing(分数:1.00)D.解析:4.______ is unstable, varying considerably according to culture, historical period, and the experience of individuals.A. Stylistic meaningB. Connotative meaningC. Collocative meaningD. Affective meaning(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:内涵意义(connotative meaning)指的是词的语法意义所包含的暗⽰意思和相关联想。

such incan esp. In to as )a and a :foot, hand,(表示形为、come, go, eat,things necessary unchanged.undergoinghave nowsuch wordscomputer, things and.footer,footman,father ofdog-ear,dogsleep, toword stockbecause mostchanges inpolysemous.stock enter quiteidiomaticheart for example: have one's heart heart and soul;and so on.…alluse fromdo the language., hepatitis, penicillin, trigonometryin music:, sonata(清唱)to theof particular(商业领域)version‟,chips forthe parties in winning‟, holdfor the finish‟;for: buster forpeople outsidebear , dip(匕)bluidbog )Addison82% 18%Swift75% 25%Pope 80% 20%Johnson 72% 28%Hume 73% 27%Gibbon70% 30%Macaulay 75% 25%Tennyson 88% 12%S. Robertson(rev.)1957: 174Words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed wordsor loan words or borrowings in simple terms. English is a heavy borrower and has adopted words from all other major languages of the world. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80 percent of the modern English vocabulary. As is stated in Encyclopedia Americana, “The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed”(1980 V ol.10, p.423).The English language is noted for the remarkable complexity and heterogeneity of its vocabulary because of its extensive borrowings. Baugh(1978)talks of the English vocabulary as “cosmopolitan vocabulary”, which reveals the true nature of the English vocabulary. According to the degree of assimilation(同化)and manner of borrowing(借词的方式), we can bring the loan-words under four classes.1. Denizens.(同化词)Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now well assimilated into the English language.本句翻译:同化词是早期借来的单词,现在被完全同化,完全吸收。

自考英语(一)00012大纲词汇3500音标释义附录:词汇表注:本表共收录词汇约3500个36a/an/E/A n/一个additional/E5d I F E n l/额外的ability/E5b I l E t I/能力address/E5d r e s/地址able/5e I b l/能够的adequate/5A d I k w I t/充足的abnormal/A b5n C:mE l/反常的adjust/E5d V Q st/调整about/5E b a J t/关于admire/E d5ma I E/钦佩above/E5b Q v/在上面admission/E d5mI F E n/准许进入abroad/E5b r C:d/国外admit/E d5mI t/承认absence/5A b sE n s/缺席adopt/E5d D p t/采用absent/5A b sE n t/缺席的adult/E5d Q l t/成人absolute/5A b sE l u:t/绝对的advance/E d5v B:n s/提前absorb/E b5sC:b/吸收advantage/E d5v B:n t I d V/优势academic/7A k E5d e mI k/学术的adventure/E d5v e n t F E/冒险accent/5A k sE n t/口音advertise/5A d v E t a I z/广告accept/E k5se p t/接受advertisement/ad[?d?v?:t?sm?nt][?d]广告access/5A k se s/接近advice/E d5v a I s/建议accident/5A k sI d E n t/意外advise/E d5v a I z/建议accomplish/E5k D mp l I F/完成affair/E5f e E/事件account/E5k a J n t/解释affect/E5f e k t/影响accurate/5A k j J r I t/精确的afford/E5f C:d/负担得起ache/e I k/疼痛afraid/E5f r e I d/害怕的achieve/E5t F i:v/实现Africa/5A f r I k E/非洲achievement/E5t F i:v mE n t/成就African/5A f r I k E n/非洲的acquire/E5k w a I E/获得after/5B:f t E/之后across/E5k r D s/穿过afternoon/5B:f t E5n u:n/下午act/A k t/行为afterward(s) ['ɑ:ft?w?d][?ɑ:ft?w?dz]adv.以后,过后;然后,后来action/5A k F E n/行动again/E5^e I n/再一次active/5A k t I v/积极的against/E5^e n st/反对activity/A k5t I v I t I/活动age/e I d V/年龄actor/5A k t E/演员agency /5e I d V E n sI/机构actress/5A k t r I s/女演员aggressive/E5^r e sI v/侵略性的actual/5A k t j J E l/实际的ago/E5^E J/以前adapt/E5d A p t/适应agree/E5^r i:/同意AD/A d/广告agreement/E5^r i:mE n t/协议add/A d/添加agriculture/5A^r I k Q l t F E/农业addition/E5d I F E n/附加ahead/E5h e d/向前地37aid/e I d/帮助angry/5A N^r I/愤怒的AIDS/e I d z/艾滋病animal/5A n I mE l/动物aim/e I m/目标announce/E5n a J n s/宣布air/e E/空气announcement/E5n a J n smE n t/公告air-conditioning ['e?rk?nd'??n??]空调annoy/E5n C I/惹恼aircraft/5e E k r B:f t/飞机another/E5n Q T E/另一个airline/5e E l a I n/航空公司answer [?ɑ:ns?(r)]回答airplane/aeropl ane [?e?ple?n][?e?r?ple?n]飞机ant/A n t/蚂蚁airport/5e E p C:t/机场Antarctic[?n?tɑ:kt?k]adj.南极的; alarm/E5l B:m/警报Antarctica/A n t5B:k t I k E/南极洲alcohol/5A l k E h D l/酒精anxious/5A Nk F E s/焦虑的alike/E5l a I k/同样地any/5e n I/任何alive/E5l a I v/活着的anybody/5e n I7b D d I/任何人all/C:l/全部的anyhow/5e n I h a J/无论如何allow/E5l a J/允许anything/5e n I W I N/任何东西almost/5C:l mE J st/几乎anyway/5e n I w e I/无论如何alone/E5l E J n/单独地anywhere/5e n I w e E/在任何地方along/E5l D N/沿着apartment/apt [??pɑ:tm?nt][?pt]公寓/恰当的aloud/E5l a J d/大声地apologize/-ise[??p?l?d?a?z][?'p?l?d?a?z] 道歉already/C:l5r e d I/已经apology/E5p D l E d V I/道歉also/5C:l sE J/也appear/E5p I E/出现although/C:l5T E J/虽然appearance/E5p I E r E n s/外观altogether/7C:l t E5^e T E/总共appetite/5A p I t a I t/食欲always/5C:l w E z/总是apple/5A p l/苹果am/A m/是application/7A p l I5k e I F E n/应用a.m./A.M./AM [?e??em]上午apply/E5p l a I/应用amaze/E5me I z/令人惊奇appointment/E5p C I n t mE n t/约会amazing/E5me I z I N/太神了apply/E5p l a I/应用ambulance/5A mb j J l E n s/救护车appreciate/E5p r i:F I e I t/欣赏America/E5me r I k E/美国approach/E5p r E J t F/方法American/E5me r I k E n/美国人April/5e I p r E l/四月among/amongst[??m??] [?'m??st]在其中Arab/5A r E b/阿拉伯的amount/E5ma J n t/数量Arabic/5A r E b I k/阿拉伯amuse/E5mj u:z/娱乐Arctic/5B:k t I k/北极的amusement/E5mj u:z mE n t/娱乐area/5e E r I E/地区analysis/E5n A l I sI s/分析argue/5B:^j u:/争论ancestor/5A n sI st E/祖先argument/5B:^j J mE n t/论点ancient/5e I n F E n t/古代的arise/E5r a I z/出现and/A n d/和arithmetic [??r?θm?t?k] n. 算术,计算; 算法; anger/5A N^E/愤怒arm/B:m/臂38army/5B:mI/军队attraction/E5t r A k F E n/吸引力around/E5r a J n d/围绕attractive/E5t r A k t I v/有吸引力的arrange/E5r e I n d V/安排audience/5C:d j E n s/观众arrangement/E5r e I n d V mE n t/安排august/C:5^Q st/八月arrest/E5r e st/逮捕aunt/B:n t/阿姨arrival/E5r a I v E l/到达Australia/D s5t r e I l j E/澳大利亚arrive/E5r a I v/到达Australian/D s5t r e I l I E n/澳大利亚人arrow/5A r E J/箭头author/5C:W E/作者art/B:t/艺术autumn/5C:t E m/秋天article/5B:t I k l/文章avenue/5A v I n j u:/大街artist/5B:t I st/艺术家average/5A v E r I d V/平均的as/A s/作为avoid/E5v C I d/避免ash/A F/灰awake/E5w e I k/唤醒ashamed/E5F e I md/惭愧的award/E5w C:d/奖Asia/5e I F E/亚洲aware/E5w e E/意识到的Asian/5e I F E n/亚洲的awareness/E5w e E n I s/意识aside/E5sa I d/在一边away/E5w e I/离开ask/B:sk/问baby/5b e I b I/宝贝asleep/E5sl i:p/睡着的bachelor/5b A t F E l E/学士assignment/E5sa I n mE n t/分配hack/h A k/乱劈assist/E5sI st/帮助background/5b A k^r a J n d/背景assistance/E5sI st E n s/援助backward(s)[?b?kw?d][?b?kw?dz] 向后assistant/E`sI st E n t/助理bacon/5b e I k E n/培根associate/E5sE J F I e I t/联合bacteria [b?k?t??ri?] n.细菌(bacterium的名词复数association/E7sE J sI5e I F E n/协会bad/b A d/坏的astonish/E s5t D n I F/震惊badly/5b A d l I/非常astronomer/E5st D D n E mE(D)/天文学家bag/b A^/袋at/A t/在baggage/5b A^I d V/行李athlete/5A W l i:t/运动员bake/b e I k/烤atlantic/E t5l A n t I k/大西洋bakery/5b e I k E r I/面包店atmosphere/5A t mE sf I E/气氛balance/5b A l E n s/平衡atom/5A t E m/原子balcony/5b A l k E n I/阳台attach/E5t A t F/贴上ball/b C:l/球attack/E5t A k/攻击balloon/b E5l u:n/气球attempt/E5t e mp t/尝试bamboo/b A m5b u:/竹attend/E5t e n d/出席ban/b B:n/禁令attention/E5t e n F E n/注意banana[b??nɑ:n?] n. 香蕉; 芭蕉属植物; 喜剧attentively/E5t e n t I v l I/用心band/b A n d/乐队attitude/5A t I t j u:d/态度bandage/5b A n d I d V/绷带attract/E5t r A k t/吸引bang/b A N/发巨响39bank/b A Nk/银行beef /b i:f/牛肉bar/b B:(r)/酒吧beer/b I E/啤酒barbecue/5b B:b I k j u:/烧烤before/b I5f C:/之前barely/5b e E l I/仅仅beg/b e^/乞求bargain/5b B:^I n/交易beggar/5b e^E/乞丐bark/b B:k/树皮begin/b I5^I n/开始barrier/5b A r I E/障碍beginning/b I5^I n I N/开始base/b e I s/基础behavio(u)r[b?'he?vj?] 行为baseball/5b e I sb C:l/棒球behind/b I5h a I n d/后面basement/5b e I smE n t/地下室being/5b i:I N/存在basic/5b e I sI k/基本的belief/b I5l i:f/信仰basically/5b e I sI k E l I/基本上believe/b I5l i:v/相信basin/5b e I sn/盆地bell/b e l/钟basis/5b e I sI s/基础belong/b I5l D N/属于basket/b B:sk I t/篮子below/b I5l E J/在下面basketball/5b B:sk I t b C:l/篮球belt/b e l t/带bat/b A t/蝙蝠bench/b e n t F/长凳bath/b B:W/洗澡bend/b e n d/弯曲bathe/b e I T/洗澡beneath/b I5n i:W/在下方bathroom/5b B:W r u:m/浴室beneficial/b e n I5f I F E l/有益的battery/5b A t E r I/电池benefit [?ben?f?t] n.利益battle/5b A t l/战争beside/b I5sa I d/在旁边battleground['b?tlɡra?nd] 战场besides/b I5sa I d z/此外bay/b e I/海湾best/b e st/最好的BC [?bi:'si:]公元前best-seller[?best?sel?(r)]n.畅销书或唱片; 畅销书作者be/b i:/是bet/b e t/打赌beach/b i:t F/海滩better/5b e t E/更好的beam/b i:m/梁between/b I5t w i:n/之间bean/b i:n/豆beyond/b I5j D n d/超过bear/b e E/熊big/b I^/大的beard/b I E d/胡须bike/bicycle[ba?k][?ba?s?kl] 自行车/自行车beast/b i:st/野兽bill/b I l/账单beat/b i:t/击败billion [?b?lj?n] n.十亿; 数以十亿计; 大量beautiful/5b j u:t E f J l/美丽的biology/b a I5D l E d V I/生物学beauty/5b j u:t I/美女bird/b\:d/鸟because/b I5k D z/因为birth/b\:W/出生become/b I5k Q m/成为birthday/5b\:W d e I/生日bed/b e d/床biscuit/5b I sk I t/饼干bedroom/5b e d r J m/卧室bit/b I t/一点bee/b i:/蜜蜂bite /b a I t/咬40bitter/5b I t E/苦的boxing/5b D k sI N/拳击blackboard/5b l A k b C:d/黑板boy/b C I/男孩blame/b l e I m/责备brain/b r e I n/脑blank/b l A Nk/空白的brake/b r e I k/刹车blanket/5b l A Nk I t/毯子branch/b r B:n t F/分支bleed/b l i:d/流血brand/b r A n d/品牌bless/b l e s/祝福brave/b r e I v/勇敢的blind/b l a I n d/失明的break/b r e I k/打破block/b l D k/块breakfast/5b r e k f E st/早餐blog[bl?g]博客breath/b r e W/呼吸blood/b l Q d/血breathe/b r i:T/呼吸blouse/b l a J z/衬衫brick/b r I k/砖blow/b l E J/吹bride/b r a I d/新娘blue/b l u:/蓝色bridegroom/5b r a I d^r u:m/新郎board/b C:d/板bridge/b r I d V/桥boat/b E J t/船brief/b r i:f/简明的body/5b D d I/身体bright/b r a I t/明亮的boil/b C I l/煮bring/b r I N/带来bomb/b D m/炸弹Britain/5b r I t E n/英国bone/b E J n/骨British/5b r I t I F/英国的book/b J k/书broad/b r C:d/宽阔的booklet/5b J k l I t/小册子broaden/5b r C:d n/拓宽bookmark/5b J k mB:k/书签broadcast/5b r C:d k B:st/广播bookshelf/`b J k F e l f/书架broken/5b r E J k E n/破碎的boot/bu:t/靴子brother/5b r Q T E/兄弟booth/b u:W/售货棚brown/b r a J n/棕色的border/5b C:d E/边境browse/b r a J z/浏览boring/5b C:r I N/真无聊brunch/b r Q n t F/早午餐born/b C:n/出生brush/b r Q F/刷borrow/5b D r E J/借budget/5b Q d V I t/预算boss/b D s/老板bug/b Q^/缺陷both/b E J W/二者都build/b I l d/建造bottle/5b D t l/瓶子building/5b I l d I N/建筑bottom/5b D t E m/底部bunch/b Q n t F/束bound/b a J n d/跳跃burden/5b\:d n/负担bow/b a J/弓burial/5b e r I E l/埋葬bowel/5b a J E l/激burn/b\:n/燃烧bowl/b E J l/碗burst/b\:st/爆发box/b D k s/箱bury/5b e r I/埋葬41bus/b Q s/公共汽车card/k B:d/卡片bush/b J F/灌木care/k e E/照顾business/5b I z n I s/商业careful/5k e E f J l/仔细的busy/5b I z I/忙碌的careless/5k e E l I s/粗心的but/b E t/但是carpet/5k B:p I t/地毯butcher/5b J t F E/屠夫carriage/5k A r I d V/马车butter/5b Q t E/黄油carrier/5k A r I E/载体butterfly/5b Q t E f l a I/蝴蝶carrot/5k A r E t/胡萝卜button/5b Q t n/按钮carry/5k A r I/携带buy/b a I/购买cartoon/k B:5t u:n/卡通by/b a I/通过case/k e I s/案例bye/b a I/再见cash/k A F/现金bystander/5b a I st A n d E(r)/旁观者cashier/k E5F I E/出纳cab/k A b/驾驶室cast/k B:st/铸造cabbage/5k A b I d V/甘蓝castle/5k B:sl/城堡cafe/5k A f e I/咖啡馆casual/5k A V j J E l/随便的cage/k e I d V/笼子cat/k A t/猫cake/k e I k/蛋糕catch/k A t F/抓住calculate/5k A l k j J l e I t/计算cattle/5k A t l/牛call/k C:l/呼叫cause/k C:z/原因calm/k B:m/平静的cave/k e I v/洞穴camel/5k A mE l/骆驼CD n.激光[镭射]唱片camera/5k A mE r E/照相机CD-ROM(信息容量极大的)光盘只读camp/k A mp/营地ceiling/5si:l I N/天花板campus/5k A mp E s/校园celebrate/5se l I b r e I t/庆祝can/k A n/可以celebration/7se l I5b r e I F E n/庆典Canada/5k A n E d E/加拿大cell/se l/细胞Canadian/k E5n e I d j E n/加拿大人cellar/5se l E/地窖canal/k E5n A l/运河cent/se n t/分cancer/5k A n sE/癌症center/-tre['sent?][?sent?(r)] 中心candle/5k A n d l/蜡烛centigrade/5se n t I^r e I d/摄氏度candy/5k A n d I/糖果centimeter/-tre['sent??mi:t?/(r)] 厘米canteen/k A n5t i:n/食堂central/se n5t r B:l/中心的cap/k A p/帽子century/5se n t F J r I/世纪capable/5k e I p E b l/能干的ceremony/5se r I mE n I/仪式capital/5k A p I t E l/资本certificate/sE5t I f I k I t/证明书car/k B:/汽车chain/t F e I n/链carbon/5k B:b E n/碳chair/t F e E/椅子42chairman/5t F e E mE n/主席Christmas/5k r I smE s/圣诞节chalk/t F C:k/粉笔church/t F\:t F/教堂challenge/5t F A l I n d V/挑战cigar/sI5^B:/雪茄challenging/5t F A l I n d V I N/具有挑战性的cigaret(te)[?s?g?'ret] 香烟champion/5t F A mp j E n/冠军cinema/5sI n I mE/电影院chance/t F B:n s/机会circle/5s\:k l/圆圈change/t F e I n d V/改变citizen/5sI t I z n/公民channel/5t F A n l/通道city/5sI t I/城市chapter/5t F A p t E/章civil/5sI v l/公民的character/5k A r I k t E/性格claim/k l e I m/声称characteristic/7k A r I k t E5r I st I k/特征clap/k l A p/鼓掌charge/t F B:d V/指控class/k l B:s/班chart/t F B:t/图表classic/5k l A sI k/经典chat/t F A t/聊天classical/5k l A sI k E l/古典的cheap/t F i:p/便宜的classmate/5k l B:sme I t/同学cheat/t F i:t/欺骗classroom/5k l B:sr J m/教室check/cheque[t?ek]支票clean/k l i:n/清洁的cheek/t F i:k/脸颊clear/k l I E/清楚的cheer/t F I E/欢呼clerk/k l B:k/店员cheerful/5t F I E f J l/令人愉快的clever/5k l e v E/聪明的cheese/t F i:z/奶酪click/k l I k/点击chemical/5k e mI k E l/化学的climate/5k l a I mI t/气候chemist/5k e mI st/化学家climb/k l a I m/攀登chemistry/5k e mI st r I/化学clinic/5k l I n I k/诊所chess/t F e s/国际象棋clock/k l D k/时钟chest/t F e st/胸部clone/k l E J n/克隆chew/t F u:/咀嚼close/k l E J z/关闭chicken/5t F I k I n/鸡cloth/k l D(:)W/布chief/t F i:f/首领clothes/k l E J T z/衣服child/t F a I l d/小孩clothing/5k l E J T I N/服装childhood/5t F a I l d h J d/童年cloud/k l a J d/云chimney/5t F I mn I/烟囱cloudy/5k l a J d I/多云的China/5t F a I n E/中国club/k l Q b/俱乐部Chinese/5t F a I5n i:z/中国人clue/k l u:/线索chip/t F I p/炸薯条coach/k E J t F/教练chocolate/5t F D k E l I t/巧克力coal/k E J l/煤choice/t F C I s/选择coast/k E J st/海岸choke/t F E J k/窒息coat/k E J t/外套choose/t F u:z/选择Coca-cola [?k??k??k??l?]可口可乐Christian/5k r I st j E n/基督教的cock/k D k/公鸡43coffee/5k D f I/咖啡conceited/k E n5si:t I d/自负coin/k C In/硬币concentrate[?k?nsntre?t] vt.& vi.专心于; 注意; 集中cold/k E J l d/寒冷的concentration/7k D n se n5t r e I F E n/浓度collar/5k D l E/衣领concert/5k D n sE t/音乐会colleague/5k D l i:^/同事conclude[k?n?klu:d] vt.& vi结束,终止; 推断;collect/k E5l e k t/收集conclusion/k E n5k l u:V E n/结论collection/k E5l e k F E n/收集condition/k E n5d I F E n/条件college/5k D l I d V/学院conduct/5k D n d Q k t/行为color/5k Q l E/颜色conductor/k E n5d Q k t E/导体comb/k E J m/梳子conference/5k D n f E r E n s/会议combine/k E m5b a I n/结合confidence/5k D n f I d E n s/信心come/k Q m/来confident/5k D n f I d E n t/自信的comedy/5k D mI d I/喜剧片confuse/k E n5f j u:z/混淆comfort/5k Q mf E t/安慰congratulate/k E n5^r A t j J l e I t/祝贺comfortable/5k Q mf E t E b l/舒适的congratulation/k E n7^r A t j J5l e I F E n/祝贺command/k E5mB:n d/命令connect/k E5n e k t/连接comment/5k D me n t/评论connection/k E5n e k F E n/连接commercial/k E5m\:F E l/商业的conscious/5k D n F E s/有意识的commit/k E5mI t/犯罪consequence/5k D n sI k w E n s/结果committee/k E5mI t I/委员会conservation/7k D n sE(:)5v e I F E n/保护common/5k D mE n/常见的conservative/k E n5s\:v E t I v/保守的communicate/k E5mj u:n I k e I t/沟通consider/k E n5sI d E/考虑communication/k E7mj u:n I5k e I F n/通信considerate/k En5sI d E r I t/体贴的communism/5k D mj J n I z E m/共产主义consideration [k?n?s?d??re??n]n.考虑,考察; 照顾,关心;communist/5k D mj E n I st/共产主义者consist/k E n5sI st/包括community/k E5mj u:n I t I/社区constant/5k D n st E n t/常数companion/k E m5p A n j E n/同伴construct/k E n5st r Q k t/建造company/5k Q mp E n I/公司construction/k E n5st r Q k F E n/建设compare/k E m5p e E/比较consume/k E n5sj u:m/消费compete/k E m5p i:t/竞争consumer/k E n5sj u:mE/消费者competition/k D mp I5t I F E n/竞争contact/5k D n t A k t/接触competitive/k E m5p e t I t I v/竞争的contain/k E n5t e I n/包含complain/k E m5p l e I n/抱怨container/k E n5t e I n E/容器complete/k E m5p l i:t/完成content['k?ntent] 内容complicated/5k D mp l I k e I t I d/复杂的context/5k D n t e k st/语境compose/k E m5p E J z/组成continent/5k D n t I n E n t/大陆composition/k D mp E5z I F E n/作文continual/k E n5t I n j J E l/不间断的comprehension/7k D mp r I5h e n F E n/理解continue/k E n5t I n j u:/持续computer/k E m5p j u:t E/计算机continuous[k?n?t?nju?s]adj.连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联comrade/5k D mr I d/同志contrary/5k D n t r E r I/相反的44contribute/k E n5t r I b j u:t/贡献cream/k r i:m/奶油contribution/7k D n t r I5b j u:F E n/贡献create/k r I5e I t/创造control/k E n5t r o l/控制creation/k r I5e I F E n/创造convenience/k E n5v i:n j E n s/方便creative/k r I(:)5e I t I v/创造性的convenient/k E n5v i:n j E n t/方便的creator/k r i:5e I t E(r)/造物主conversation/7k D n v E5se I F E n/会话credit/5k r e d I t/信用cook/k J k/烹调crew/k r u:/全体船员cool/k u:l/凉爽的crime/k r a I m/罪行cooperation/k E J7D p E5r e I F E n/合作criminal/5k r I mI n l/罪犯cop/k D p/警察crisis/5k r a I sI s/危机cope/k E J p/处理critical/5k r I t I k E l/批评的copy/5k D p I/复制criticize/-ise [?kr?t?sa?z]vt.& vi. 分析,评估; 批评copyright/5k D p I r a I t/版权crop/k r D p/作物cordless/5k C:d l I s/无绳cross[kr?s]vt. 杂交; 横跨,穿越; 划corn/k C:n/玉米crossing/5k r D sI N/十字路口corner/5k C:n E/角crossroad['kr?:sr??d] 十字路口corporation/7k C:p E5r e I F E n/公司crowd/k r a J d/人群correct/k E5r e k t/对的crowded/5k r a J d I d/拥挤correspond/k D r I s5p D n d/符合cruel/5k r J E l/残酷的cost/k D st/成本cry/k r a I/哭泣costly/5k D st l I/昂贵的cube/k j u:b/立方体cottage/5k D t I d V/小屋culture/5k Q l t F E/文化cotton/5k D t n/棉cup/k Q p/杯子cough/k C:f/咳嗽cupboard/5k Q b E d/橱柜could/k J d/能够cure/k j J E/治愈count/k a J n t/计数curious/5k j J E r I E s/好奇的counter/5k a J n t E/柜台current/5k Q r E n t/现在的country/5k Q n t r I/国家curse/k\:s/诅咒countryside/5k Q n t r I sa I d/乡村curtain/5k\:t E n/窗帘county/5k a J n t I/县cushion/5k J F E n/垫couple/5k Q p l/夫妇custom/5k Q st E m/习俗courage/5k Q r I d V/勇气customer/5k Q st E mE/顾客course/k C:s/课程cut/k Q t/切court/k C:t/法院cycle/5sa I k l/周期courtyard/5k C:t j B:d/庭院cyclist/5sa I k l I st/骑自行车的人cousin/5k Q z n/表妹daily/5d e I l I/每日的cover/5k Q v E/盖dam/d A m/水坝cow/k a J/奶牛damage/5d A mI d V/损害cowboy/5k a J b C I/牛仔damp/d A mp/潮湿的crazy/5k r e I z I/疯子dance/5d B:n s/跳舞45danger/5d e I n d V E/危险delightful/d I5l a I t f J l/令人愉快的dangerous/5d e I n d V r E s/危险的deliver/d I5l I v E/传送dare/d e E/敢demand/d I5mB:n d/需要dark/d B:k/黑暗的density/5d e n sI t I/密度darkness/5d B:k n I s/黑暗dental/5d e n t l/牙科dentist/5d e n t I st/牙医dash/d A F/vi.猛冲;赶紧离data/5d e I t E/数据deny/d I5n a I/否认date/d e I t/日期department/d I5p B:t mE n t/部门daughter/5d C:t E/女儿departure/d I5p B:t F E/离开dawn/d C:n/黎明depend/d I5p e n d/依赖day/d e I/白天dependence/d I5p e n d E n s/依赖daylight/5d e I l a I t/日光dependent/d I5p e n d E n t/依赖的dead/d e d/死去的depth/d e p W/深度deadline/5d e d l a I n/最后期限descibe [d??skra?b]描述deaf/d e f/聋的description [d??skr?p?n]n.描述; 形容; 种类; 类型;deal/d i:l/处理desert/d I5z\:t/沙漠dear/d I E/亲爱的design/d I5z a I n/设计death/d e W/死亡desire/d I5z a I E/欲望debate/d I5b e I t/辩论desk/d e sk/书桌debt/d e t/债务despite/d I s5p a I t/尽管decade/5d e k e I d/十年dessert/d I5z\:t/甜点December/d I5se mb E/十二月destroy/d I s5t r C I/破坏decide/d I5sa I d/决定destructive/d I s5t r Q k t I v/破坏性的decision/d I5sI V E n/决策detail/5d i:t e I l/细节declare/d I5k l e E/声明detective/d I5t e k t I v/侦探decorate/5d e k E r e I t/装饰determination/d I t\:mI5n e I F E n/决心decoration/7d e k E5r e I F E n/装饰determine/d I5t\:mI n/决定decrease/d i:5k r i:s/减少develop/d I5v e l E p/发展deed/d i:d/行为development/d I5v e l E p mE n t/发展deep/d i:p/深的devote/d I5v E J t/致力于deer/d I E/鹿dial/5d a I E l/拨号defeat/d I5f i:t/击败dialect/5d a I E l e k t/方言defect/d I5f e k t/缺陷dialog(ue) ['da??l?g]对话defend/d I5f e n d/保卫diamond/5d a I E mE n d/钻石defense/-ence[d?'fens]防御/影响diary/5d a I E r I/日记degree/d I5^r i:/度dictation/d I k5t e I F E n/听写delay/d I5l e I/延迟dictionary/5d I k F E n E r I/词典delete/d I5l i:t/删除die/d a I/死亡delicious/d I5l I F E s/美味的diet/5d a I E t/饮食delight/d I5l a I t/喜悦的differ/5d I f E/相异46difference/5d I f E r E n s/差异distract/d I s5t r A k t/分散different/5d I f r E n t/不同的distribute [d??str?bju:t]分配difficult/5d I f I k E l t/困难的district[?d?str?kt] 地区difficulty/5d I f I k E l t I/困难disturb/d I s5t\:b/打扰dig/d I^/挖掘dive/d a I v/潜水digest/d I5d V e st/消化divide/d I5v a I d/分digital/5d I d V I t l/数字的division/d I5v I V E n/分开dine/d a I n/设宴款待divorce/d I5v C:s/离婚dinner/5d I n E/晚餐dizzy/5d I z I/头晕dip/d I p/浸DNA [?di: en ?e?]脱氧核糖核酸diplomat/5d I p l E mA t/外交官do [du]做direct/d I5r e k t/直接的doctor/5d D k t E/医生direction/d I5r e k F E n/方向document/5d D k j J mE n t/文件directly/d I5r e k t l I/直接地dog/d D^/狗director/d I5r e k t E/主任dog/d D^/狗dirt/d\:t/污垢doll/d D l/娃娃dirty/5d\:t I/肮脏的dollar/5d D l E/美元disabled/d I s5e I b(E)l d/禁用donation/d E J5n e I F E n/捐赠disadvantage/7d I sE d5v B:n t I d V/缺点door/d C:/门disagree/7d I sE5^r i:/不同意dormitory/5d C:mI t r I/宿舍disappear/7d I sE5p I E/vi.不见,消失dot/d D t/点disappoint/7d I sE5p C I n t/令人失望double/5d Q b l/双重的disapprove/7d I sE5p r u:v/不赞成doubt/d a J t/怀疑disater/d I sE/灾害down/d a J n/向下disaster/d I5z B:st E/灾难download[?da?n?l??d] 下载discipline/5d I sI p l I n/学科downstairs/d a J n5st e E z/楼下discount/5d I sk a J n t/折扣downtown/5d a J n t a J n/市中心discourage/d I s5k Q r I d V/劝阻dozen/5d Q z n/打discover/d I s5k Q v E/发现drag/d r A^/拖曳discovery/d I s5k Q v E r I/发现drama/5d r B:mE/戏剧discrimination/d I s7k r I mI5n e I F E n/歧视dramatic/d r E5mA t I k/戏剧性的discuss/d I s5k Q s/讨论draw/d r C:/画discussion/d I s5k Q F E n/讨论drawer/5d r C:E/抽屉disease/d I5z i:z/病drawing/5d r C:I N/绘画dish/d I F/盘dream/d r i:m/梦想dress/d r e s/连衣裙disk/disc [d?sk] 圆盘; 唱片; 磁dislike/d I s5l a I k/不喜欢drift/d r I f t/漂流dismiss/d I s5mI s/解雇drill/d r I l/训练disorder/d I s5C:d E/混乱drink/d r I Nk/喝distance/5d I st E n s/距离drive/d r a I v/开车distant/5d I st E n t/遥远的driver/5d r a I v E/司机47drop/d r D p/滴education/7e d j J(:)5k e I F E n/教育dropout [?dr?pa?t]辍学者,effect/I5f e k t/影响drown/d r a J n/淹没effective/I5f e k t I v/有效的drug/d r Q^/药物effort/5e f E t/努力drum/d r Q m/鼓egg/e^/鸡蛋drunk/d r Q Nk/醉的eggplant/5e^p l B:n t/茄子dry/d r a I/干的Egypt/5i:d V I p t/埃及dryer/5d r a I E/烘干机Egyptian/I5d V I p F(E)n/埃及的duck/d Q k/鸭子eight/e I t/八due/d j u:/由于eighteen/5e I5t i:n/十八dull/d Q l/迟钝的eighth/e I t W/第八dumpling/5d Q mp l I N/饺子eighty/5e I t I/八十during/5d j J E r I N/在期间either/5a I T E(r)/任何一个dusk/d Q sk/黄昏elder/5e l d E(r)/长者dust/d Q st/灰尘elderly/5e l d E l I/老年人dustbin/5d Q st b I n/垃圾箱elect/I5l e k t/选举dusty/5d Q st I/尘埃election/I5l e k F(E)n/选举duty/5d j u:t I/责任electric/I5l e k t r I k/电的electrical/I5l e k t r I k(E)l/与电有关的DVD[?di: vi: ?di:]数字化视频光盘each/i:t F/每个electricity/I l e k5t r I sI t I/电eager/5i:^E/渴望的electronic/I l e k5t D D n I k/电子的eagle/5i:^l/鹰elementary/7e l I5me n t E r I/初级的ear/I E/耳朵elephant/5e l I f E n t/大象early/5\:l I/早期的eleven/I5l e v E n/十一earn/\:n/赚else/e l s/其他的earth/\:W/地球elsewhere/5e l s5h w e E/在别处earthquake/5\:W k w e I k/地震email/e-mail电子邮件/电子邮件ease/i:z/缓解embassy/5e mb E sI/大使馆easily/5i:z I l I/容易地emergency/I5m\:d V n sI/紧急情况east/i:st/东emotion/I5mE J F E n/情感eastern/5i:st E n/东方的emotional/I5mE J F E n l/情感的easy/5i:z I/容易的emperor/5e mp E r E/皇帝easy-going/5i:z I^E J I N/随和emphasis/5e mf E sI s/强调eat/i:t/吃emphasize/-ise [?emf?sa?z]强调economics/7i:k E5n D mI k s/经济学empire/5e mp a I E/帝国economy/I(:)5k D n E mI/经济employ/I m5p l C I/雇用edge/e d V/边缘employment/I m5p l C I mE n t/就业edition/I5d I F E n/版本empty/5e mp t I/空的editor/5e d I t E/编辑enable/I5n e I b l/使可能educate/5e d j J(:)k e I t/教育encourage/I n5k Q r I d V/鼓励48encouragement/I n5k Q r I d V mE n t/鼓励even/5i:v E n/即使end/e n d/结束evening/5i:v n I N/傍晚ending/5e n d I N/结束event/I5v e n t/事件endless/5e n d l I s/无止境的eventually/I5v e n t j J E l I/最后enemy/5e n I mI/敌人ever/5e v E/曾经energetic/7e n E5d V e t I k/精力充沛的every/5e v r I/每一个energy/5e n E d V I/能量everybody/5e v r I b D d I/每个人engage/I n5^e I d V/从事everyday/5e v r I d e I/每天的engine/5e n d V I n/发动机everyone/5e v r I w Q n/每个人engineer/7e n d V I5n I E/工程师everything/5e v r I W I N/一切England/5I n^l E n d/英格兰everywhere/5e v r I h w e E/到处English/5I N^l I F/英语evidence/5e v I d E n s/证据enjoy/I n5d V C I/享受evolution/7i:v E5l u:F E n/进化enlarge/I n5l B:d V/扩大exact/I^5z A k t/准确的enough/I5n Q f/足够地exam(ination) [?g?z?m] [?g?z?m??ne??n] 考试(考试)ensure/I n5F J E/确保examine/I^5z A mI n/检查enter/5e n t E/进入example/I^5z B:mp l/例子entertainment/e n t E5t e I n mE n t/娱乐excellent/5e k sE l E n t/杰出的entire/I n5t a I E/整个的except/I k5se p t/除了entrance/I n5t r B:n s/入口exchange/I k s5t F e I n d V/交换entry/5e n t r I/进入excite/I k5sa I t/激发envelope/5e n v I l E J p/信封excitement/I k5sa I t mE n t/兴奋environment/I n5v a I E r E n mE n t/环境exciting/I k5sa I t I N/令人兴奋的envy/5e n v I/嫉妒excuse/I k s5k j u:z/借口equal/5i:k w E l/平等的exercise/5e k sE sa I z/运动equality/I(:)5k w D l I t I/平等exhibition/7e k sI5b I F E n/展览equip/I5k w I p/装备exist/I^5z I st/存在equipment/I5k w I p mE n t/设备existence/I^5z I st E n s/存在era/5I E r E/时代exit/5e k sI t/出口error/5e r E/错误expand/I k s5p A n d/扩大escape/I s5k e I p/逃跑expect/I k s5p e k t/期待especially/I s5p e F E l I/尤其地expectation/7e k sp e k5t e I F E n/期望essay/5e se I/散文expense/I k5sp e n s/费用establish/I s5t A b l I F/建立expensive/I k s5p e n sI v/昂贵的establishment/I s5t A b l I F mE n t/建立experience/I k s5p I E r I E n s/经验estimate/5e st I me I t/估计experiment/I k s5p e r I mE n t/实验Europe/5j J E r E p/欧洲experimental/e k s7p e r I5me n t l/实验的European/7j J E r E5p I(:)E n/欧洲的expert/5e k sp\:t/专家evaluate/I5v A l j J e I t/评价explain/I k s5p l e I n/解释eve/i:v/前夕explanation/7e k sp l E5n e I F E n/解释49explode/I k s5p l E J d/爆炸farm/f B:m/农场exploit/I k s5p l C I t/开发farmer/5f B:mE/农民explorer/I k s5p l C:r E/资源管理器farther/5f B:T E/更远的export/5e k sp C:t/出口fashion/5f A F E n/时尚expose/I k s5p E J z/暴露fashionable/5f A F E n E b l/流行的express/I k s5p r e s/表达fast/f B:st/快速的expression/I k s5p r e F E n/表达fasten/5f B:sn/系牢expressway/I k5sp r e sw e I/高速公路fat/f A t/脂肪extend/I k s5t e n d/延伸father/5f B:T E/父亲extensive/I k s5t e n sI v/广泛的fault/f C:l t/过错extent/I k s5t e n t/程度favo(u)r['fe?v?] n. 好感; 宠爱; 关切; 欢心external/e k s5t\:n l/外部的favo(u)rite['fe?v?r?t]特别喜欢的人(或物); 收extra/5e k st r E/额外的fax/f A k s/传真extraordinary/I k s5t r C:d n r I/非凡的fear/f I E/害怕extreme/I k s5t r i:m/极端feather/5f e T E/羽毛eye/a I/眼睛February/5f e b r J E r I/二月eyesight/5a I sa I t/视力federal/5f e d E r E l/联邦的eyewitness/5a I w I t n I s/目击者fee/f i:/费用face/f e I s/面对feed/f i:d/喂养facial/5f e I F E l/面部feel/f i:l/感觉fact/f A k t/事实feeling/5f i:l I N/感觉factory/5f A k t E r I/工厂fellow/5f e l E J/同伴fade/f e I d/褪色female/5f i:me I l/女性的fail/f e I l/失败fence/f e n s/栅栏failure/5f e I l j E/失败festival/5f e st E v E l/节日fair/f e E/公平的fetch/f e t F/取来fairness/5f e E n I s/公平fever/5f i:v E/发烧faith/f e I W/信仰few/f j u:/很少的faithful/5f e I W f J l/忠实的fiber/-bre['fa?b?] n.光纤;(织物的)质地; 纤fall/f C:l/落下fiction/5f I k F E n/小说false/f C:l s/假field/f i:l d/领域familiar/f E5mI l j E/熟悉的fierce/f I E s/激烈的family/5f A mI l I/家庭fifteen/5f I f5t i:n/十五famous/5f e I mE s/著名的fifth/f I f W/第五fan/f A n/风扇fifty/5f I f t I/五十fancy/5f A n sI/设想fight/f a I t/战斗fantastic/f A n5t A st I k/好极了figure/5f I^E/图形fantasy/5f A n t E sI/幻想file/f a I l/文件far/f B:/远的fill/f I l/填满fare/f e E/票价film[f?lm]n. 影片; 电影; 胶片; 薄层50final/5f a I n E l/最终的fold[f??ld] vt. 折叠; 合拢; 抱住; 笼finally/5f a I n E l I/最后folk/f E J k/人们financial/f a I5n A n F E l/金融的follow/5f D l E J/跟随find/f a I n d/找到following/5f D l E J I N/下列的finding/5f a I n d I N/发现fond/f D n d/喜欢的fine/f a I n/好的food/f u:d/食物finger/5f I N^E/手指fool/f u:l/傻瓜finish/5f I n I F/完成foolish/5f u:l I F/愚蠢的fire/5f a I E/火foot/f J t/脚firefighter[?fa??fa?t?(r)] 消防队员football/5f J t b C:l/足球firewall [?fa??w?:l]防火墙for/f C:/对于firewood [?fa??w?d]柴forbid/f E5b I d/禁止firm/f\:m/公司force/f C:s/力first/f\:st/第一forecast/5f C:k B:st/预测fish/f I F/鱼forehead/5f D r I d/额头fisherman/5f I F E mE n/渔夫foreign/5f D r I n/外国的fist/f I st/拳头foreigner/5f D r I n E/外国人fit/f I t/适合foresee/f C:5si:/预见five/f a I v/五forest/5f D r I st/森林fix/f I k s/修理forever/f E5r e v E/永远flag/f l A^/旗帜forget/f E5^e t/忘记flame/f l e I m/火焰forgetful/f E5^e t f J l/健忘flash/f l A F/闪光forgive/f E5^I v/原谅flat/f l A t/平的fork/f C:k/叉flee/f l i:/逃走form/f C:m/形式flesh/f l e F/肉formal/5f C:mE l/正式的flexible/5f l e k sE b l/灵活的former/5f C:mE/前者的flight/f l a I t/航班fortnight/5f C:t n a I t/两星期float/f l E J t/浮动fortunate/5f C:t F E n I t/幸运的flood/f l Q d/洪水fortunately/5f C:t F E n E t l I/幸运地floor/f l C:/地板fortune/5f C:t F E n/财富flour/5f l a J E/面粉forty/5f C:t I/四十flow/f l E J/流forward/5f C:w E d/向前地flower/5f l a J E/花found/f a J n d/建立flu/f l u:/流感foundation/f a J n5d e I F E n/基础fluent/5f l J(:)E n t/流利的fountain/5f a J n t I n/喷泉fluid/5f l J(:)I d/流体four/f C:/四fly/f l a I/飞fourteen/5f C:5t i:n/十四focus/5f E J k E s/集中fourth/f C:W/第四fog/f D^/雾fox/f C:k s/狐狸51franc/f r A Nk/法郎garage/5^A r B:(d)V/车库France/f r B:n s/法国garbage/5^B:b I d V/垃圾free/f r i:/自由的garden/5^B:d n/花园freedom/5f r i:d E m/自由gas/^A s/气体freeway/5f r i:w e I/高速公路gate/^e I t/大门freeze/f r i:z/冻结gather/5^A T E/聚集French/f r e n t F/法语gay/^e I/同性恋者Frenchman/5f r e n t F mE n/法国人general/5d V e n E r E l/一般的frequent/5f r i:k w E n t/频繁的generally/5d V e n E r E l I/通常地fresh/f r e F/新鲜的generation/7d V e n E5r e I F E n/一代Friday/5f r a I d I/星期五genetic/d V I5n e t I k/遗传的friend/f r e n d/朋友genius/5d V i:n j E s/天才friendly/5f r e n d l I/友好的gentle/5d V e n t l/温和的friendship/5f r e n d F I p/友谊gentleman/5d V e n t l mE n/绅士frighten/5f r a I t n/吓唬geography/d V I5D^r E f I/地理frog/f r D^/青蛙geometry/d V I5D mI t r I/几何学from/f r D m/从German/5d V\:mE n/德国的front/f r Q n t/前面Germany/5d V\:mE n I/德国frontier/5f r Q n t j E/边界gesture/5d V e st F E/手势frost/f r D st/霜get/^e t/得到fruit/f r u:t/水果get-together [ɡet t?'ɡee?(r)] 聚会fry/f r a I/油炸gift/^I f t/礼物fuel/f j J E l/燃料gifted/5^I f t I d/有天赋的full/f J l/满的giraffe/d V I5r B:f/长颈鹿fun/f Q n/乐趣girl/^\:l/女孩function/5f Q Nk F E n/功能give/^I v/给funeral/5f j u:n E r E l/葬礼glad/^l A d/高兴的funny/5f Q n I/有趣的glance/^l B:n s/一瞥fur/f\:/毛皮glare/^l e E/怒目而视furnished/5f\:n I F t/带家具的。
? Invention, expansion, omission, justification, modernization, description
? 这几个都是词素变体。
? 请在以下单词前加前缀,使其具有“不” 的意思:
? Perfect, balance, mobile ? Responsible ? Logical ? Flexible, excusable ? im-, ir-, il- 都是in-的词素变体
? How much vocabulary should a Chinese student have?
? most frequently used coverage of reading materials
? 1,000
? 2,000
? 3,000
? 4,000
? 5,000
? English lexicology
– The study of English vocabulary
? Exercises:
– To be done after class
1.2 The Structure of English Words
? Lead-in
? What is a word?
– Cf: German 185,000 – French 100,000
? How much vocabulary did literary masters have?
– Shakespear: 24,000 – Milton: 16,000 – …… – English educated people: 25,000 √ – Chinese educated people: 5000
• English, Latin and French existed side by side. • Middle English was one of leveled endings.
• 3 Modern English Period (1500-now):
• Vocabulary --- all the words in a language make up its vocabulary .
• The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.
Non-basic vocabulary --
• (1)Terminology(术语) • (2)Jargon(行话) • (3)slang(俚语) • (4)Argot(暗语) • (5)Dialectal words(方言) • (6) Archaisms(古语) • (7) Neologisms(新词语)
• Morpheme(词素)---the minimal meaningful unit of a language.
3.3 types of morphemes
• Free morphemes (自由词素) • Bound morphemes (粘附词素)
• a free morpheme refers to a morpheme that can stand alone.
• bound morpheme refers to a morpheme that accurs with at least one other morpheme.

⾃考英语词汇学重点及⼤题⾃考英语词汇学00832重点及⼤题⽬录Chapter 1 (1)课⽂重点 (1)名词解释 (4)简答题 (4)Chapter 2 (5)课⽂重点 (5)名词解释 (6)简答题 (7)分析题 (7)Chapter 3 (7)课⽂重点 (7)名词解释 (8)简答题 (9)分析题 (9)Chapter 4 (9)课⽂重点 (9)名词解释 (12)简答题 (12)分析题 (13)Chapter 5 (13)课⽂重点 (13)名称解释 (15)简答题 (15)分析题 (16)Chapter 6 (16)课⽂重点 (16)名词解释 (19)简答题 (20)分析题 (21)Chapter 7 (22)课⽂重点 (22)名词解释 (23)简答题 (23)分析题 (23)Chapter 8 (24)课⽂重点 (24)名词解释 (24)简答题 (25)分析题 (25)Chapter 9 (26)课⽂重点 (26)名词解释 (28)简答题 (29)分析题................................................................................... 29Chapter 10 .. (29)课⽂重点 (29)名词解释 (30)简答题 (30)部分试卷中的⼤题 (31)2016-10 (31)2009-04 (32)Chapter 1课⽂重点1 - The definition of a word comprises the following points: (1) a minimal free form of a language; (2) a sound unity; (3) a unit of meaning; (4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1 词定义包括以下⼏点:(1 )⼀门语⾔中最⼩的⾃由形式;(2 )⼀个声⾳的统⼀体(3 )⼀个意义单位;(4 )在⼀个句⼦中独⽴起作⽤的⼀个形式。

自考《英语词汇学》复习资料自考《英语词汇学》复习资料第一章1. Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional. E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound.3. The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling c). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500 d). Borrowing of foreign language4. Vocabulary ——Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,byorigin1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.1. all national character (most important)–natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animalsaction,size,domain,statenumerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj.2. stability – they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – pastelectricity,machine,car,plane —— now3. productivity – they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes.e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer4. polysemy –often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.e.g. take to move or carry from one place to anotherto remove5. collocability –quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and otherse.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——1. terminology – technical termsphotoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus2. jargon – specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold himback,hold him in,paranoid3. slang ——substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener,dip,persuadercant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words – only by speakers of the dialectbeauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism – newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mail old meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation between notions,words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words – are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words,50,000-60,000What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. 2.frequent in use (in academic fields and science French,Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words,borrowing)–words taken over from foreign language. 80%According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.1.Denizens –words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.e.g. port from portus(L)shift,change,shirt,porkcup from cuppa(L)2.Aliens – retained their original pronunciation and spellinge.g. décor(F)blitzkreeg(G)emir,intermez,rowtow,bazaar,rajar,status quo3.translation loans – formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.1). Word translated according to the meaninge.g. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noirlong time no see,surplus value,master piece2). Words translated according to the sounde.g. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchuptea4. Semantic loans –their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dumpnew sassydream old joy and peacepioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering worknew a member of the young pioneerfresh old impertinent,sassy,cheeky。
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1、Natural phenomena 自然现象
2、Human body and relations 人体和亲属关系
3、Names of plants and animals 动、植物名称
4、Action,size,domain,state 行为、尺寸、范围和状态
5、Numerals, pronouns,prepositions, conjunctions 数词、代词、介词和连词Stability 稳定性Productivity 多产性Polysemy 多义性Collocability 搭配能力强Terminology 专业术语Targon 行业术语Tlang 俚语
Trgot 行话,黑话
Tialectal words 方言
Archaisms 古语
Aeologism 新词,旧词新意
Content word 实用词The difference between content word and functional word Functional word 功能词1、neutral in style 文体中性
2、frequent in use 使用频繁
1、Denizens 同化词
Aliens 异形
Semantic loans 借义词
Translation loans 译借词1、Words translated according to the meaning
2、Words translated according to the sound
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary Native words 本族词语Borrowed words
外来词语 By origin 起源1、Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are
numerous.Functional words are in a small number.
2、 Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.
3、 Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.
All national character 全民性Nonbasic Vocabulary 非基本词汇 By notion 有无实意Classification of Words By use frequency 使用频率Basic word stock 基本词汇