



雅思口语关于电影的话题1 What type film do you like / what kinds of films do you like to watch?I like to watch action and science fiction films.Action , Science-fiction, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Thriller, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, War, Animated,G (general),PG-13 (parental guidance),R-rated (restricted)2 are these kinds of films popular in your country?Yes, very popular. People love to go to cinema to wch those kinds of films to let them relieve their stress and relax.3 Which was the best film you ever saw?The talented Mr. Ripley.4 What type of film do your friends likeAlmost all my friends like action film.5 Will the interesting change with the age of the people Yeah! I think so! Different age groups of people like to watch different kinds of movies. Normally its like that kids like cartoon films, teenagers like fantasy films, young people like romantic and action films, adults like all kindsof films and old people like drama and ethical films.6 who is your favorite actor/ actress?My favorite actor is Nicholas cage and actress is Catherine Zeta-jones.7 would you like to be a film star?Yes, I would if I could!3 4雅思口语person similar to you话题Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.Who is this person?How is he/she similar to you?What kind of family is yours? Is it of a typical family structure in China?My family is a typical family in China. There are grandparents, parents, a brother, my wife and I in my family.I look just like my father. Medium build ,pointed nose and dense black hair. My father is very kind and easy going. His love is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schoolinghimself. He believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more opportunity for me to study (no matter how poor my family was) To sum up, my family is harmony and our life is very happy.1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have caused these changes? In the past, there were several children in a family. But now, government has is sued one--child policy to limit the size of the family. So, there is only one child in a family. Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child. This is one -- child policy .2)What is your opinion of one--child policy?I agree with one--child policy. Because it is difficult to provide enough food and education for a large number of people. So, government must control the population. Also, it is the best way that we can find to control population.3)What has your government done to support families?Such as Project Hope . It means that government supports the students in poor families to continue their schooling and improving their education conditions. In addition, our government establishs beadhouse to provide services for oldpeople who have more difficulties or no families to take care of them.。



以下是整理的《雅思⼝语话题:Movie》,希望⼤家喜欢!Part One: MoviesDo you like watching movies?What kinds of movies do you like?Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with your friends?How do you think movies will change in the future?Part Two:A movie star:Discuss a movie star you likeYou should say:Who the movie star isWhat he/she looks likeWhat kind of roles he/she typically playsand explain why you like this movie star.A movie:Describe a movie you saw based on a real person or an event.You should say:Who or what the movie was aboutWhen you saw itWhere you saw itAnd explain how you felt about this movie描述电影的话题在雅思⼝语Part Two⾥常出现,相关考题还包括: describe a foreign movie,describe a movie about future,describe an interesting movie,describe a movie that you don’t like等。

考试的时候⼤家⼀定要注意紧扣话题!A film about the futureDescribe a film you saw was about the future.You should say:When you watched itWhat the film was aboutWhy you watched itAnd explain your opinion was on this film提⽰:问题⼀要求⼤家讲故事,电影⾥的故事,我们不可能把整本电影的所有细节都描述详尽,⽽且听故事的⼈会觉得很⽆趣,因此要有所取舍,明确其中⼀个亮点(⽐如主⼈公锲⽽不舍的精神、牺牲⼩我的精神,或是爱情故事感天动地,或是⼈们⾯对⾃然灾难时的⽆助与⾃救)讲故事时要注意有⼀定的逻辑顺序,最常见的就是时间顺序。



雅思口语电影话题你最喜欢的电影类型是什么?为什么?Example: My favorite type of movie is action adventure because they are exciting and full of suspense.描述一部让你印象深刻的电影,并解释为什么它对你很特别。

Example: The movie "Titanic" left a strong impression on me because of its romantic story and the powerful performances of the actors.你认为电影对社会有何影响?Example: Movies can have a significant impact on society by raising awareness about important issues, promoting cultural understanding, and entertaining audiences. 你觉得电影中的哪个角色最能代表你自己?为什么?Example: I think the character of Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" series represents me because she is intelligent, determined, and loyal to her friends. 在线电影与电影院观影体验有何不同?Example: Watching movies online is more convenient, but watching them in a theater provides a more immersive experience with better sound and visuals.你认为电影中的哪个场景最具有创新性或最具视觉效果?Example: The opening scene of "Avatar" with the floating mountains and alien landscapes was incredibly innovative and visually stunning.你认为电影对于教育有何作用?Example: Movies can be used as effective teaching tools in education as they canhelp students understand complex concepts and historical events in a more engaging way.你喜欢与朋友一起看电影还是独自观看?为什么?Example: I prefer watching movies with friends because it adds to the fun and we can discuss the plot and characters together.。



雅思口语电影类范文Describe your favorite movie.Well, my all time favorite movie has got to be "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. I'm just crazy about it!First of all, the story is mind blowing. It's set in this epic fantasy world, Middle earth. There are hobbits, which are these small, cute looking creatures with big furry feet. And they're on this huge adventure todestroy the One Ring. Frodo, the main hobbit, is just so brave considering he's so tiny compared to all the big, scary enemies like the orcs and the Nazgûl. I mean, can you imagine being a little hobbit and having to carry this super powerful and evil ring all the way to Mount Doom? It's like alittle mouse trying to take down an elephant.The characters in the movie are also amazing. Aragorn is the coolest.He's a ranger, all rugged and handsome, and he's got this noble air about him. He's a great leader and you can really see his character develop throughout the story. And then there's Gandalf, the wizard. He's like the wise old grandpa of the group, but he can also kick some serious butt when he needs to. His magic and his long white beard make him look super mysterious.The special effects in "The Lord of the Rings" are out of this world. The battles, like the one at Helm's Deep, are just jaw dropping. You cansee all these different creatures fighting, the huge elephants like Mumakil, and the elves shooting their arrows so gracefully. And the landscapes! New Zealand, where they filmed it, looks like a magical land. The mountains,the forests, and the rivers all add to the feeling that you're really in Middle earth.I've watched this movie so many times that I can almost recite some of the lines. Every time I watch it, I feel like I'm going on this grand adventure with the characters. It's not just a movie; it's like a whole new world that I can escape to whenever I want. And that's why it's my favorite movie.。





1. Do you often go to the cinema?Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time when our favorite star is playing a lead role in the movie.2. Do you often go to the cinema?Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. In films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen the movie ‘Titanic’, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time.3. Do you often go to the theater?No. I have never been to the theater. It is too expensive for me. I prefer to go to the cinema. Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring. What I mean to say is that the actors are on the same stage the whole time. I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.4. What kinds of movies do you like best?I like comedies. First of all, comedies are of great fun. What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them. Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly, comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Robbie Williams in ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is considered one of the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.5. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her.My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.。






正文内容:1. 电影的类型1.1 主流电影:大众喜闻乐见的商业电影,如动作片、喜剧片和爱情片。

1.2 独立电影:注重艺术性和独立思考的电影,如文艺片和纪录片。

1.3 科幻电影:以未来科技为背景的电影,如《星际穿越》和《黑客帝国》。

1.4 恐怖电影:以恐怖和惊悚为主题的电影,如《咒怨》和《闪灵》。

1.5 动画电影:以动画形式制作的电影,如迪士尼和宫崎骏的作品。

2. 影评的撰写2.1 简要介绍电影:包括电影的名称、导演和主演等基本信息。

2.2 评价电影的剧情和演员表演:对电影的故事情节和演员的表演进行客观评价。

2.3 分析电影的主题和意义:探讨电影所传达的主题和对社会的影响。

2.4 讨论电影的制作水平:包括摄影、音效和剪辑等方面的评价。

2.5 提出自己的观点和建议:对电影的优点和不足进行总结,并提出自己的观点和建议。

3. 影片的观赏方式3.1 在电影院观看:享受大屏幕和震撼音效带来的沉浸式观影体验。

3.2 在家中观看:通过电视、电脑或平板观看电影,可以随时随地选择观影时间。

3.3 在线观看:通过各大视频平台或影院订阅服务观看电影,提供更多的选择和便利。

4. 电影对社会的影响4.1 文化交流和传播:电影作为一种文化形式,可以促进不同国家和民族之间的交流和理解。

4.2 经济发展和就业机会:电影产业的发展可以带动相关产业的兴起,并提供大量的就业机会。

4.3 社会问题的关注和呼吁:电影可以通过讲述社会问题的故事引起观众的关注,并呼吁社会改变。

5. 个人对电影的喜好5.1 喜欢的电影类型:根据自己的兴趣和喜好,选择喜欢的电影类型。

5.2 喜欢的导演和演员:对某些导演或演员的作品有特别的喜爱。



雅思口语之电影介绍范例I'm going to talk about a famous movie called "Forrest Gump". This film is a touching and powerful story about a man named Forrest Gump who, despite his intellectual disability, experiences love, war, and ultimately, success in life.The film is directed by Robert Zemeckis and stars Tom Hanks in the title role. It's a movie that anyone can relate to, regardless of their intelligence or background. It also features a powerful and Academy Award-winning soundtrack by Alan Silvestri.In terms of why you should watch this movie, I think it's a film that explores the themes of courage, perseverance, and the American Dream. It's a movie that will leave you feeling emotional and inspired, and it's one that I highly recommend watching.As for how to score high in the movie section of your IELTS exam, I would recommend studying Forrest Gump 's powerful monologues and dialogues, as well as paying attention to the film's powerful cinematography and music.In conclusion, I think "Forrest Gump" is a movie that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their background or age. It's a film that explores important themes and is sure to leave a lasting impact on viewers.。



Do you like to watch films?Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?What kinds of movies do you like best?What was the first film that you watched?I’m really into watching films because some films are very entertaining and provoking. I sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the weekends.我很喜欢看电影,因为有些电影很有趣,也很刺激。


Well, if I had to choose between the two, I would probably choose foreign films, especially Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted, with lots of charismatic celebrities and are often enormous box-office hits; whereas you know, Chinese films are usually low-budget, so they are not as attractive as their American counterparts.好吧,如果要我在两者之间做出选择,我可能会选择外国电影,尤其是好莱坞电影,因为它们大多都是演技精湛的,有很多魅力非凡的名人,而且往往是票房大片;然而,你知道,中国电影通常是低成本的,所以他们不像美国电影那样有吸引力。





当考官问到,Describe a film that you want to watch again,我们应该从以下几个角度去展开叙述,1)what type of film it was;2)who the actors were;3)what the film was about ;4)explain what you liked about this film. 具体介绍这部电影的详细内容,不会显得空洞。



比如“饥饿游戏”系列:The Hunger Games;Catching Fire;Mocking-jay或是其他电影。




但是只能选一个说的话,我会选择Hunger Games。

”范文:第一段:Being a bit of a film buff I have seen a bunch of foreign films; there're a few flying around my mind right now. But if I really had to choose just one I’d say the Hunger Games. I watched the 3rd one not long ago, but I preferred the first one, so I’ll talk about that in stead.第二段:The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic future. It is set in a fictional country, with a wealthy capital and 12 poor districts. Each year boys and girls from these districts are picked to participate the Hunger Games. This game is basically a giant fight to the death with the last man, or woman, standing being the winner. It's all watched live by the people in power as some sort of sick entertainment.第三段:Long story short, the main character, a girl who volunteers for the game in place of her little sister wins, which came as no surprise to me, although I still worried about her when I was watching the film. Is she going to survive and such? You can really feel the tension in the cinema.结尾:Another thing I liked about the film is that it really makes you think. Why is the capital still watching people kill each other for fun when it’s such a highly developed place and its technology so advanced? I’m sure there is some irony there.以上就是前程百利雅思小编为大家介绍的备考雅思口语考试,考生们要做好充分的准备。




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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思口语电影话题范文(热门7篇)雅思口语电影话题范文第1篇Topic:Describe your favorite movieYou should say :when and where you saw itwhat type of film it waswhat the film was aboutand eXplain why it is your favorite film参考范文:My favorite movie is Zootopia(疯狂动物城),which is a 3D animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney pictures.I watched it with my best friend in thecinema in March this year when it was on show in China.It is a story about that in a city where all animals live in harmony ,the rabbit Judy became a policewoman through her own efforts , realizing her dream in childhood.The reason that I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible.Miss Judy ,however, finally made it brilliantly and perfectly.The way that she became a cop went through ups and downs(经历人生起起伏伏),she also almost gave up in the duration.But her friend Mr.FoX pulled her through (渡过难关)I feel that when someone is suffering his or her tough time , it is really important he or she could be supported by their friends or families who just like life savers at that time.Moreover ,I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything ,which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up when I come to a standstill ( 停滞不前 )or in a trouble._I wont give up no I wont give in.Till I reach the end and then Ill start again.NO I wont leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail _ The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties.So that is my favorite movie,which is determined to fulfill my aspirations ,eXtremely impressive and touching.雅思口语电影话题范文第2篇My friend and I got a blast last month when we saw the 3-D MaX movie called Transformers: Dark of the Moon which is an American science fiction-action film directed by Michael Bay.In this cast, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson,and John Turturro reprised their roles but English model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley replaced Megan FoX as the lead female character.The films story structure revolves around a genuine NASA manned mission to the Moon.Three years after the events of thesecond film and 42 years after the Apollo 11 space race, the Autobots continue to work for the NEST military force.Meanwhile,the Decepticons unveil a plan to use the new groundbreaking technology, the Pillars, to enslave Humanity in order to save the home planet of the Transformers, Cybertron.First of all, I dont think the image of a truck transforming into a twenty-foot tall robot has never captured on screen,but now it became true, and I think a bunch of people are rocked because of this.Moreover, the film is marvelous with its spectacular visual effect and 3-D action sequences.Those special effects are the best 3-D eXperience since Avatar in my perspective.雅思口语电影话题范文第3篇1.Do you often go to the cinema?Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible.I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies.We have a great time when our favorite star is playinga lead role in the movie.2.Do you often go to the cinema?Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible.I believe that films are a wonderful form of art.In films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and sciencefiction.For eXample, recently I have seen the movie ‘Titanic’,which has been described as the most eXpensive film ever made.The eXtent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding.Another eXample would be the thriller ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role.It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time.3.Do you often go to the theater?No.I have never been to the theater.It is too eXpensive for me.I prefer to go to the cinema.Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring.What I mean to say is that the actors are on the same stage the whole time.I cannot see how that can be as eXciting as a good movie.4.What kinds of movies do you like best?I like comedies.First of all,comedies are of great fun.What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them.Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes.For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting,fighting, and so on in a stly, comedies often contain eXcellent acting by famous stars.For eXample, Robbie Williams in ‘Mrs.Doubtfire’ is considered one of the most eXtraordinary performances ever by an actor.5.Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her.My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng.He is handsome and very funny.He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.雅思口语电影话题范文第4篇I’d like to describe a movie I like very much which is called The Butterfly Effect.It tells a story of a boy who often has blackouts in his childhood.So the doctor suggests that he keep a journal of the things he can’t remember eXperiencing.When he is in college many years later, he happens to read the things in his journal and somehow, he winds up revisiting the events he has no memory of.I watched it several years ago, when I was still living in my old apartment in Shanghai.I remember I was really bored that day and wanted to watch a movie to pass time.So I looked on the Internet and found this movie that had the best reviews.At the beginning of the movie, things went very slowly,which made me think maybe I selected the wrong movie.However,as the story unwound, it gradually drew me in and I was totally captivated by the plot.Finally, let me eXplain why I like this movie so much.First of all, the movie is a combination of science fiction andthriller, both of which are my favorite genres.In other words,I like something mysterious and imaginative that keeps me in suspense.I mean it’s really fascinating to learn how changing the past affects the present.Also, I admire Evan, the main character for his courage and determination.In the movie, in order to save this girl, he just keeps going back to the past running a risk of losing his own life.I think he is another reason why I like this movie so much.亮点总结:winds up 最终reviews 评分as the story unwound 随着故事的展开drew me in 吸引我was captivated by 被……迷住genres 种类雅思口语电影话题范文第5篇Ok, a popular movie I have watched is called Raise the Red Lanterns.Basically, its a tragedy, and I first saw the movie in _, about two years after it was released.I saw it on video,and I watched it with a group of my friends.I first saw this movie because a friend of mine said it was very artistic and even kind of eerie.Since I like those kindsof films, I decided to see it.I remember how fascinated I was with the film.Well, basically it was about a young bride who becomes a concubine and finds out that there are a lot of inner politics going on among the concubines, and she gets caught up in it and even accidentally causes the death of one of the wives.She tries to fight against it all, and as she does, things just seem to get worse and worse.She finds out that there is one concubine in particular who is behind most of her problems.The story deals with the whole theme of repression and its effect on people.Mainly its about how repression can drive some people to cruelty and madness.I think the impact this story had on me was it taught me that there are situations that are so bad for people that the best thing to do is either get out or be swallowed up by it.After seeing this movie, I decided to quit my job and do what I really wanted because I realized that my job would only drive me crazy if I continued with it.雅思口语电影话题范文第6篇Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch againYou should say :What type of movie it wasWhat it was aboutWhere you watched itAnd eXplain why you would like to watch it again雅思口语电影话题范文第7篇Lately, I haven’t had much time to go to the cinema to watch a movie since I’ve been snowed under with work.Hence,to relaX and boost my morale, I streamed a movie on NetfliX called “Silver Linings Playbook” which has turned out to be one of my all-time favorites and I already can’t wait to watch it again!I don’t usually enjoy Oscar-nominated movies due to their compleXity and lack of entertainment but Silver Linings Playbook was an eXception.I’ve always preferred something which is a little sentimental, light-hearted, yet meaningful and this movie had it all.Silver Linings Playbook is an adaptation of the novel written by Matthew Quick, starring two incredibly talented actors Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.It’s a romantic comedy about two wounded souls who found solace together.Pat, a former teacher, was just released from a mental institution and is trying to reconcile with his deceitful wifedespite his family’s protest.He meets Tiffany, a woman with problems of her own, and things get complicated.Two people bearing hidden scars with no hope in their futures finally had some light in their lives again.The movie wasn’t heavy at all but rather entertaining with some laugh-out-loud moments.The underlying message is aimed at anyone who believes they have hit rock bottom, that is: “When one door closes, another one opens”.Therefore, keep moving forward and don’t lose hope.If you’re like me and occasionally need some inspiration in your life, I highly recommend watching “Silver Linings Playbook”.。






在口语考试中,考官可能会问考生一些与电影相关的问题,例如:“What is your favorite movie?”、“Do you like watching movies at the cinema or at home?”、“What type of movies do you prefer, comedy or drama?”、“What was the last movie you watched?”、“Have you ever acted in a movie or in a play?”等等。














Cue Card
Describe a film about the future you read or watched.
You should say:
What the name of it was
When you read or watched it
What it was about
And explain how you felt about it.










以下是一个可能的雅思口语Part 2的回答,以及一些可能会用到的词汇和表达:Part 2: 描述一个给你留下深刻印象的电影。

-电影名称:The Shawshank Redemption(《肖申克的救赎》)-导演/演员:Frank Darabont / Tim Robbins 和Morgan Freeman-情节简介:这部电影讲述了银行家安迪·杜佛兰(Tim Robbins)被错误定罪谋杀妻子及其情人,被判无期徒刑,关押在肖申克监狱。










可能会用到的词汇和表达:- Emotional depth(情感深度)- The human spirit(人类精神)- Resilience(韧性)- Inspiring(鼓舞人心的)- Character development(人物发展)- Theme of hope(希望的主题)- Corruption and justice(腐败与正义)- Human complexity(人性的复杂性)- Critical thinking(批判性思维)在雅思口语考试中,确保你的回答具有连贯性和逻辑性,并且使用丰富的词汇和表达来展示你的英语能力。



雅思讲述电影口语1. 介绍电影的类型和主题- 这部电影是一部动作片,讲述了一位英雄救美的故事。

- 这是一部浪漫喜剧片,情节围绕着两个陌生人之间的爱情展开。

- 电影主题是关于家族和友谊的,通过一个家庭的故事展现人情味。

- 这部影片是一部科幻片,讲述了一个宇宙探险的故事。

2. 描述电影的剧情- 故事围绕着一群年轻人的成长和冒险展开,他们面临了许多挑战和困难。

- 主人公在电影中经历了一场打击,然后努力克服困难并取得了胜利。

- 故事展示了一个角色在某个事件或冲突中的变化和发展。

- 电影中有一些悬念和转折点,让观众紧张和期待下一步的发展。

3. 描述电影的演员表演和角色塑造- 主角的表演非常出色,他们成功地塑造了角色的个性和情感。

- 演员们很好地诠释了角色的复杂性和内心冲突。

- 演员的表现让观众对角色产生了共鸣。

- 配角也有很突出的表现,为电影增加了很多喜剧和张力。

4. 描述电影的视觉效果和特效- 电影拥有令人印象深刻的视觉效果,包括华丽的特效和制作精良的场景。

- 影片的摄影手法非常出色,镜头运动和画面切换很流畅。

- 电影的特效制作非常逼真,让观众感觉身临其境。

- 影片的配乐和音效也很好地配合了故事情节,增加了观影的乐趣。

5. 对电影的评价和推荐- 这是一部非常出色的电影,我强烈推荐观众观看。

- 故事情节紧凑,表演精彩,特效出色,是不容错过的一部作品。

- 这部电影让人沉浸在其中,带给观众无数感动和思考。

- 无论你是喜欢浪漫喜剧还是动作片,这部电影都能满足你的口味。



雅思口语描述电影_雅思口语怎么描述电影电影话题在雅思口语里的Part 2有多么高频,就不用强调了对吧,相信各位备考雅思的童鞋关于N种电影类型都是各有所爱,下面是雅思口语描述电影的方法,跟我一起来了解下吧:我们先从电影入手,一般描写电影的套路,就是先介绍这是哪种类型的电影,还可以说说很多方面和细节,例如导演是谁(directed by),什么时候上映的(released in),是否是由小说或者真人真事改编的(adapted from),由谁主演的(star)等等。

无论是喜爱的电影还是不喜爱的,我们都可以用同样的开头:Id like to talk about a Chinese horror movie called Another World. Its the first 3-dimensional movie/thriller Ive ever seen in my life. I went to the movie theater with my friends when I was in the 9th grade.首先,关于电影的出产国,如果题目让大家写一部foreign film,那么请大家果断的把Chinese换成Japanese。


再然后,关于电影类型,我们这里来补充一下horror movie是恐惧片,thriller是惊悚片,suspense movie是悬疑片,还有大家熟悉的science fiction科幻和fantasy movie魔幻片。

最后,关于大家的观影时间,如果以后考了什么小时候看的电影啦,最近看的电影啦,请大家自行把9th grade替换即可。

下面的一步,就是扣题,如果是喜爱的电影,请用下面这句话扣题:and I was deeply impressed by the special effect and the storyline. 自然引出电影剧情。





Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?Definitely, watchin g movies is my cup of tea. You know, I’m always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.Why do you like to watch films?Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely. You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror. So you can understand the story and the roles’ emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.What kind of films do you like?I love fancy film the most. They are full of magic, imagination and creativity.I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful. My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies. I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it; I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!Who is your favorite movie star?My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood. She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world. She’s good at martial arts. She’s not verybeautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful. I think she’s the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.What’s the difference between American films and Chines e films?I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom. You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently. But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.以上就是为大家整理的一篇关于电影的雅思口语话题答题范例,同学们不仅可以学习以下这篇雅思口语话题范文的用词以及句子,也可以从逻辑、构思的角度上进行深度的学习,并要灵活运用。

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武汉新思达国际英语为大家整理了雅思口语话题之电影——Describe a film that you disliked,在描述这个这个话题时,新思达提醒各位考生要注意一下几个方面:①这部电影的名字②你在哪里看的这部电影③当时为什么选择去看这部电影④说出你不喜欢这部电影的理由。

Describe a film that you disliked
You should say:
What the name of it was
Where you watched it
Why you chose to watch it
And explain why you disliked it
Ok right then, well after thinking for a bit just now, the film
I've decided to talk about is called Angels and Demons, which was adapted from the novel by Dan Brown. And I watched it at home on my laptop a few months ago, cos I downloaded it off the Internet, which is what most people do here in China when they wanna watch a film.
Anyway, as to the reason why I chose to watch it, well it was simply because I had already read the book, which I really enjoyed, and so I was quite curious to know what the film would be like.
But I’m afraid to say that it was no way near as good as the book. You know, I just couldn’t get into it, and I almost turned it off half way through. In hindsight, I probably should have done! Because I mean, first of all, the acting was pretty dreadful, which was surprising seeing as there were quite a few big names in the cast. And
in terms of the storyline, I kind of just felt that it left out too many details from the book. So as a result, you know, it just wasn’t very captivating, and I didn’t really feel any suspense, even though it was meant to be a thriller.
So yeah, all in all, I was pretty disappointed with the film, and I definitely won’t be watching it again!
The film was adapted from the novel - 电影是由小说改编的
It was no way near as good as the book –远远没有书好看
Get into it –投入其中
In hindsight - 有了事后的认识;后见之明
Dreadful –awful (really bad!)
Seeing as –鉴于
Big name = big star 明星
Cast –(戏剧、电影的) 全体演员The cast of a play or film is all the people who act in it.
Storyline = plot 故事情节
Captivating –有吸引力的
Suspense -悬念
Thriller -惊悚片
All in all –总而言之
Other useful phrases:
I didn’t find it funny at all
It was too slow-moving
The film went on too long
Nothing seemed to happen throughout the whole film
It was non-stop violence
The special effects were terrible
The storyline wasn’t very realistic
It was a bit too predictable
