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、听力理解(本题共20小题,每小题1分,满分20 分)

A. 请根据所听到的对话,选出最合适的图片或选项。每段对话读两遍。

)2. When does the shop open?

)3. Where does Tom usually go on Sun day after noon?

( )5. Who can make a model plane?

A. Joe.

B. San dy.


)6. What ' s Sim on doi ngow?

A. He is read ing in his room.

B. He is in the ci nema. TV.

( )7. What is Li Lei ' s mother?

A. A doctor.

B. A teacher. ( )8. Can Andy go to see a film with Rose?

A. Yes, he can.

B. No, he can ' t.


)9. How many Chinese students are there in Tom's class?

A . 41.

B. 39.

C. 36.

C. Sally.

C. He is watching C. A policewoma n.

C. I don ' t know.

)1. What does she look like?

( )4. What does Nick often do after school?

( )10.Where are they talk ing?

A. On the playgro und.

B. In the supermarket.

C. In the library.



( )11. Which club is Dan iel in?

A. Maths club.

B. Football club.

C. Read ing club

.( )12. What can we know about

Mrs. Wu?

A. She is short.

B. She has short hair.

C. She is tall.


( )13. What does Mr. Green do first in the morning?

A. He drives to work.

B. He takes his childre n to school.

C. He rides a bike to work.

( )14. Who has lunch at home?

A. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green.

B. Mrs. Green.

C. Mr. Green. ( )15. How do the childre n come back home in the after noon?

A. By bus.

B. By bike.

C. On foot.


( )16. You know a lot about English but maybe you _______ .

A. can speak it

B. can ‘ t speak it

C. can ' t study it

( )17. You must get into the river ______ .

A. to lear n how to swim

B. to play with

C. to go boati ng

( )18. Do you want to be a football player? Please . .

A. borrow a good football

B. buy a good football

C. play football

( )19. How can we lear n En glish well?

A. We must have a good English book.

B. We must have a good English teacher

C. We must use it often.

( )20. Who can you speak En glish to in class?

A. Only my classmates.

B. My En glish teacher and my classmates.

C. My father and and teacher.


( )21. -- ____ did you write to your e-frie nd yesterday?—For more tha n half an hour.

A. How ofte n

B. How much

C. How long

D. How soon

( )22. Tha nks for ________ me ________ my homework.

A. help, do

B. help ing, doing

C. help ing, do

D. help, doing

( )23. They give us can dies _________ a treat.

A. as

B. like

C. for

D. i n
