1、不要再用more and more了;该词组被评为中国恶俗词组榜第一!!老师说。
可以用a growing number of..2、inevitable。
4、physically beneficial身体健康;副词+形容词的表达方式,比较好看,接下来也会有举例;5、worldwide/globly/internationally famous 举世闻名6、科技类作文;科技发展。
outlineFOR:Convenient&efficient 方便、高效Enrich lifestyle 丰富生活Environmentlly friendly(副词修饰形容词)绿色环保AGAINST:Physically harmful/detrimental 危害健康Negative impact on the youth 危害青少年Insecurity of information 信息不安全7、开头方法一:BackgroundCon troversy (2 different/opposite ideas)As/Being a controversial issue,。
Now days,the issue on。
is highly debatable,and ideas vary from person to person。
(不要用different people 。
)Some would claim 。
,while some others may suggest。
Some would claim。
,while the idea。
is still held by some others。
(3种)58 He can play the violin (4种)59 He wants to join the chess club. (4种)单词、词组、句子Unit31到达(三单,动名词)2火车(复数)3公共汽车(复数)4地铁(复数)5乘地铁6v.骑n.旅程(动名词)7自行车(复数)8骑自行车(2种)9六十10七十11八十12九十13一百14分钟(复数)15远;远的16千米;公里(复数)17新的;刚出现的18每一;每个19每天20(表示方式)乘(交通工具)21开车(三单,动名词)他开车上班去。
以下介绍了6个基本方法供参考:1. 逐字翻译逐字翻译是最基础的文言文翻译方法,一般用于词语和词组的翻译。
2. 词语置换翻译词语置换翻译方法是指将原文中的部分词语或短语用其在现代汉语中对应的形式进行替换。
3. 句式倒换翻译句式倒换翻译方法是指将原文中的句子结构调整为现代汉语中常用的结构。
4. 补充解释翻译文言文中常含有一些现代汉语中不常见或不具备明确含义的词语和短语。
5. 上下联结翻译上下联结翻译是指通过掌握原文的上下文语境,在翻译中注意衔接前后句子和段落的关系。
6. 诗意再现翻译文言文中常有富有诗意和修辞效果的表达方式,用现代汉语进行直译可能会失去原文的韵味。
精读3课后练习词组和翻译Unit 11.define the word:给这个词下定义2.resent the treatment:反感这种对待3.frustrate the students:使学生沮丧4.declare war:宣战5.evaluate the result:对结果作出评估6.perform one’s duty:履行义务7.narrow the gap:缩小差距8.expand business:扩大业务9.present the facts:陈述事实1.realize one’s strengths and weaknesses:认识自己的优缺点2.enter the work world:进入职场3.learn to handle one’s personal finances:学会管理个人财务4,have excessive need for parental approval:凡事都得请父母做主5.project our future roles as men or women:为我们将来如何扮演男人或女人的角色作准备6.internalize religious faith,value and morals:逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德和价值观念7.learn to choose one’s wardrobe:学会选择着装8.establish one’s identity:确定个人身份9.question and rebel against old ideas:怀疑并反抗旧观念10.defy and challenge authority:向权威叫板和挑战1. He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
化学中常见英语单词或词组的英文翻译AcidA compound that yields H+ ions in solution or a solution with the co ncentration of H+ exceeding OH-.Acid ionization constantThe equilibrium constant describing the degree of dissociation of an a cid.ActinidesThe row of elements below the periodic table, from thorium to lawre ncium.AlkaliSynonym for base.Alkali metalsThe column of elements from lithium to francium.Alkaline earthsThe column of elements from beryllium to radium.AlkaneA hydrocarbon without a double bond, triple bond or ring structure. AlkeneA hydrocarbon with one or more double bonds and no triple bond. AlkyneA hydrocarbon with one or more triple bonds.Alpha particleA cluster of 2 protons and 2 neutrons emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity.AnionAn atom or molecule with a negative charge.AnodeThe negative electrode at which oxidation occurs.AqueousRefers to a solution with water as solvent.AromaticRefers to an organic compound with a benzene-like ring.AtomThe smallest amount of an element; a nucleus surrounded by electro ns.Atomic numberThe number of protons in the nucleus of the chemical element. Atomic weightThe weight in grams of one mole of the chemical element; approxim ately the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.Avogadro's LawEqual volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules. Avogadro's Number6.02 x 1023 , the number of molecules in 1 mole of a substance.BaseA compound that yields OH- ions in solution or a solution with the co ncentration of OH- exceeding H+.Beta particleAn electron emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity. Boiling pointThe temperature at which a liquid changes to a gas.Boiling point elevationAn increase in the boiling point of a solution, proportional to the con centration of solute.Boyle's LawThe volume of a gas varies directly with temperature.CalorieA unit of energy, equal to 4.184 joules.CatalystA substance that accelerates a chemical reaction without itself beinga reactant.CathodeThe positives electrode at which reduction occurs.CationAn atom or molecule with a positive charge.Charles's LawThe volume a gas varies directly with temperature.CompoundA substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more ele ments.ConcentrationThe relative abundance of a solute in a solution.CongenersElements with similar properties, found in one column of the periodic table.ConjugateAn acid and base that are related by removing or adding a single hy drogen ion.Covalent bondAtoms linked together by sharing valence electrons.Critical pointA point in a phase diagram where the liquid and gas states cease to be distinct.CrystallineThe regular, geometric arrangement of atoms in a solid.DecompositionA chemical reaction in which a compound is broken down into simple r compounds or elements.DissociationThe separation of a solute into constituent ions.Electric cellA device that uses a chemical reaction to produce an electric current. ElectrodeA conducting substance that connects an electrolyte to an external ci rcuit.Electrolys isThe decomposition of a substance by an electric current.ElectrolyteAn ionic substance that has high electrical conductivity. Electromotive forceThe electrical potential produced by a chemical reaction. It was abbre viated as EMF.ElectronA light subatomic particle with negative charge; found in orbitals surr ounding an atomic nucleus.ElectronegativityA number describing the attraction of an element for electrons in a c hemical bond.ElementA substance that cannot be decomposed; each chemical element is c haracterized by the number of protons in the nucleus. See the period ic table and the introduction for elements.EMFThe electrical potential produced by a chemical reaction, or electromo tive force.EndothermicRefers to a reaction that requires heat.EnergyThe concept of motion or heat.EnthalpyThe thermodynamic quantity measuring the heat of a substance. EntropyThe thermodynamic quantity measuring the disorder of a substance. EquilibriumA balanced condition resulting from two opposing reactions. Equilibrium constantThe ratio of concentrations of products to reactants for a reaction at chemical equilibrium.ExothermicRefers to a reaction that releases heat.FaradayA unit of electric charge equal to that on 1 mole of electrons. Faraday's LawsTwo laws of electrolysis relating the amount of substance to the qua ntity of electric charge.FluidA liquid or gas.Free energyThe thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a reaction to proceed; also called Gibbs free energy.Freezing pointThe temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid.Freezing point depressionThe decrease in freezing point of a solution, proportional to the conc entration of solute.Gas constantR equals 0.082 liter-atmospheres per mole-degree.Gram formula weightAn amount of a substance equal in grams to the sum of the atomic weights.Ground stateThe electronic configuration of lower energy for an atom.GroupA column of elements in the periodic table.Half-reactionAn oxidation or reduction reaction with free electrons as a product or reactant.HalogensThe column of elements from fluorine to astatine.Heat capacityThe amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a substanc e by 1°C.HydrocarbonAn organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen. Hydrogen bondA weak, secondary bond between a negative ion and a hydrogen ato m that has a strong primary polar bond to another atom.HydroxylRefers to the OH- ion.Inert gasesThe column of elements from helium to radon; also called noble gase s.IonAn tom with an electric charge due to gain or loss of electrons. Ionic bondAtoms linked together by the attraction of unlike charges.IonizationAdding or subtracting electrons from an atom; alternatively, the disso ciatoion of a solute into ions.IsoelectronicRefers to several dissimilar atoms or ions with identical electronic configurations.IsomersSeveral molecules with the same composition but different structures. IsotopeA variety of an element characterizd by a specific number of neutron s in the nucleus.JouleA unit of energy equal to 0.239 calorie.LanthanidesThe row of elements beneath the periodic table, from cerium to luteti um; also called rare earths.Le Chatelier's PrincipleA system that is disturbed adjusts so as to minimize the disturbance. LitmusAn indicator that turns red in acid and blue in alkaline solution.Melting pointThe temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.Metallic bondAtoms linked together by the migration of electrons from atom to ato m.MetalsThe elements in the middle and left parts of the periodic table, excep t for hydrogen.MolalityThe number of moles of solute in 1 kilogram of solvent.MolarityThe number of moles of solute in q liter of solution.MoleAn amount of substance equal in grams to the sum of the atomic we ights.Molecular formulaDescribe the ratio of elements in a molecule.MoleculeA group of atoms linked together by covalent bonds.NeutralizationThe chemical reaction of an acid and base to yield a salt and water. NeutronA heavy subatomic particle with zero charge; found in an atomic nucl eus.Noble gasesThe column of elements from helium to radon; also called inert gases. NonmetalsThe elements in the upper right part of the periodic table, and also h ydrogen.NucleonA proton or neutron found in an atomic nucleus.NucleusThe core of an atom, containing protons and neutrons.OrbitalA classification of the energy level occupied by up to 2 electrons. OrganicRefers to compounds based on carbon.OxidationA reaction involving the loss of electrons by an element.Oxidation numberA signed integer representing the real or hypothetical charge on an a tom.OxideA compound of oxygen and another element.Periodic tableDisplay of the elements in order of atomic number with similar eleme nts falling into columns.PHA number describing the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. PhaseA substance with uniform composition and definite physical state. Polar bondAtomic linkage with both ionic and covalent characteristics. PolyproticRefers to an acid with several hydrogens that can dissociate. PrecipitateA solid that separates from solution.ProductA substance on the right side of a chemical reaction.ProtonA heavy subatomic particle with a positive charge; found in an atomi c nucleus.RadioactivityThe emission of subatomic particles from a nucleus.Rare earhsThe elements from cerium to lutetium; lanthanides.ReactantA substance on the left side of a chemical reaction.RedoxRefers to a reaction with simultaneous reduction and oxidation. ReductionA reaction involving the grain of electrons by an element.SaltA solid compound composed of both metallic and nonmetallic element s.SaturatedDescribes a solution that has as much solute as possible.ShellA set of electron orbitals with the same principal quantum number.SolubilityThe upper limit to the concentration of a solute.Solubility productThe constant obtained by multiplying the ion concentrations in a satu rated solution.SoluteThe substance that is dissolved in a solution.SolventThe host substance of dominant abundance in a solution.Transition metalsThe three rows of elements in the middle of the periodic table, from scandium to mercury.Triple pointA point in a phase diagram where the three states of matter are in e quilibrium.ValenceA signed integer describing the combining power of an atom as a rea l or hypothetical charge.Valence electronsThe outermost shell of electrons.Weak electrolyteAn acid, base, or salt that dissociates only slightly to ions in an aqueous solution.。
【篇⼀】 1:好⾼鹜远——骛:通“务”,追求。
指不切实际的追求过⾼、过远的⽬标 2:有恃⽆恐——因为有倚仗就⽆所畏惧或顾忌。
含贬义 3:淋漓尽致——形容⽂章或讲话等表达的详尽细致、充分彻底。
尽致:到达极点 4:"愤世嫉俗——不满⿊暗的世道,憎恶不合理的社会习俗" 5:涣然冰释——涣然:流散的样⼦。
⽐喻疑虑、误会等⼀下⼦完全消除 6:庸⼈⾃扰——庸⼈:平凡的⼈;⾃扰:⾃⼰搅乱⾃⼰。
指本来⽆事⽽去⾃找⿇烦 7:引吭⾼歌——放开喉咙⾼声歌唱 8:"⽼*巨猾——深历世故,⼗分*诈狡猾的⼈" 9:略见⼀斑——喻指⼤致看到了事物的某个⽅⾯,斑:斑纹 10:味同嚼蜡——像吃蜡⼀样,没有⼀点味⼉。
形容⼼境、语⾔或⽂章等枯燥⽆味【篇⼆】 1:"绵⾥藏针——喻外表看来温柔,软弱,实则内⼼刻毒强硬" 2:⼀语破的——⼀语:⼀句话。
⽐喻⼀句话就说到问题的实质 3:买椟还珠——椟:⽊匣⼦。
⽐喻没有眼光,不识货,取舍失当 4:匠⼼独运——匠⼼,巧妙的⼼思。
多指⽂学艺术的创作构思 5:安之若素——素:平常。
指⾝处逆境、遇到困难或遭受挫折时能泰然处之,跟平常⼀样 6:"刚愎⾃⽤——固执⼰见,对阻⽌、劝告或建议不耐烦" 7:弱不禁风——弱得受不住风吹。
形容⼈体质虚弱 8:门可罗雀——罗:张捕捉。
形容门前冷落,宾客往来稀少 9:动辄得咎——辄:就。
⼀有举动就会获罪或受到责备 10:莫衷⼀是——莫:不能。
一、固定搭配1. have trouble/difficulty (in)doing…做…有困难,有麻烦(have trouble/difficulty with sth.)My mother would encourage me every time I have trouble/difficulty learning something important.He had trouble/difficulty concentrating on the experiment.2. used to do 过去常常…(be used to do 被用来做…be used to doing 习惯于…)He used to travel by air.His nephew used to visit him at Christmas.He used to be as thin as she.She used to burn the midnight oil(开夜车).3. stick to坚持,忠于,信守to stick to one's plansstick to a task until it is finished 坚持完成任务4. in spite of =despite尽管,不管,虽然He set off once again in spite of his friends’ attempts to stop him.In spite of all the efforts they did not succeed.In spite of his illness, he was determined to carry out his plan.In spite of their in telligence, they aren’t doing well in school.In spite of his wealth, he isn’t very happy.In spite of his height, he isn’t a very good basketball player.The children went to school in spite of the storm.She did it in spite of our efforts to stop her.The headmaster decided to hire this young man in spite of the fact that he had had no teaching experience at all.5. take… for granted 认为…理所当然He never praises his wife: he just takes her for granted. 他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她一切理当如此。
英语重要词组翻译( 请认真背诵)1. 到达学校get to school / 到达北京get to Beijing /到家get home / 到那儿get there / get here2. 乘坐火车take the train / 乘坐地铁take the subway/ 乘坐公共汽车take the bus3. 骑自行车ride a bike = ride the bike4. 吃大量的蔬菜eat lots of / a lot of / many vegetables5. 在周三晚上on Wednesday evening = on the evening of Wednesday6. 品尝起来味道好taste great / nice / good7. 或看电视或弹钢琴either watch TV or play the piano8. 在二月三日的上午on the morning of February 3rd9. 步行去上班walk to work / 步行回家walk home /步行去上学walk to school = go to school on foot10. 忙着打扫教室be busy cleaning the classroom11. 差一刻钟到十二点 a quarter to twelve /差二十分钟到八点twenty to eight12. 在一家广播电台work at a radio station /在一家服装店工作work at a clothes store13 擅长讲故事be good at telling stories14. 祝(你)过得愉快!Have a good / great / nice time !/ 祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you !15. 在周末on the weekend = on weekends/ 在平日on weekdays = on the weekday16. 在上学的日子里on school days17. 在上学的晚上on school nights18. 会下中国象棋can play Chinese chess19. 学校演出招聘音乐人Musicians Wanted for School Show20. 来到学生运动中心come to the Students’ Sports Center第16周词组翻译Part One :1. 上班迟到be late for work = arrive late for work2. 学好历史learn history well3. 把数学课本忘在家里leave the math book at home4. 忘记清洗餐具forget to do the dishes5. 记住铺床remember to make the bed6. 忙着做早饭be busy making breakfast7. 练习弹钢琴practice playing the piano练习讲英语practice speaking English8. finish reading the story-book 看完这本故事书9. 对他们要求很严be strict with them/ 对他的工作要求很严be strict in his work / job10. 不得不穿他们的校服have to wear their school uniforms11. 保持厨房干净keep the kitchen clean13. 必须遵守学校的规章制度must follow the school rules14. 在图书馆里不得不保持安静have to keep quiet in the library15. 数百名村名hundreds of villagers/ 八百名中学生eight hundred middle school students 16. 按时到达火车站arrive at the train station on time/ 及时到达南京arrive in Nanjing in time17. 欢迎来我们班welcome to our class18. 擅长讲故事be good at telling stories19. 会中国功夫can do Chinese kung fu20. 对孩子们有办法be good with children21. 帮助我复习地理help me with my geography22. 招聘音乐家Musicians Wanted / Teachers Wanted23. 穿上衣服get dressed24. 差一刻钟到十一点 a quarter to eleven25. 在早晨五点半at half past five in the morning/ at 5:50 in the morningPart Two :1. 太多的动物too many animals太多的作业too much homework2. 实在太懒much too lazy3. 有点害羞kind of shy = a little shy4. 生活在澳大利亚的南部live in the south of Australia5. 整天睡觉sleep all day / 整天工作work all day6. 会用两条腿走路can walk on two legs7. 对他们友好be friendly to them8. 来自南非come from South Africa来自泰国南部be from the south of Thailand9. 觉得难受;觉得可怕feel terrible10. 把她的作业忘在家里了leave her homework at home11. 按时到达北京arrive in Beijing on time/ 及时到达火车站arrive at the train station in time 12. 一头聪明的大象 a smart elephant一只美丽的长颈鹿 a beautiful giraffe 13. 一只可爱的袋鼠熊 a cute koala一头可怕的狮子 a scary lion14. 迷路get lost在这条河的上面over the river15. 一个12岁的孩子a twelve-year-old child = one 12-year-old child16. 喜欢听音乐like listening to music = like to listen to music17. 把他的字典忘在图书馆里了leave his dictionary in the library 18. 听起来很有趣sound interesting19. all kinds of animals 所有种类的动物20. 周末休息relax on weekends = relax on the weekend Part Three :1. 记住有食物和水的地方remember the places with food and water2. 泰国的象征之一one of Thailand’s symbols3. 一个幸运的象征 a symbol of good luck4. 一面五星红旗 a five-star red flag5. 一位十一岁的中学生an eleven-year-old middle school student6. 擅长画画be good at drawing7. 处于极大的危险之中be in great danger8. 能长时间的行走can walk for a long time9. 失去他们的家园lose their homes10. 为了象牙而猎杀大象kill elephants for their ivory11. 想买象牙制品buy things made of ivory12. 砍到树木cut down the trees13. 欢迎来北京welcome to Beijing14. 生活在中国的南方live in the south of China15. 一只五个月大的长颈鹿 a five-month-old giraffe16. 在课堂上吵闹be noisy in class17. 忙着为我做早餐be busy making breakfast for me18. 开车去上班drive the car to work = go to work by car= go to work in the car19. 步行去上学walk to school = go to school on foot20. 穿过这座桥cross the bridge生活在这个村子里live in the village。
二、利用在线词典进行学习1. 单词查询与学习在线词典是学习英语或其他外语的必备工具。
2. 词组与短语学习在线词典不仅可以查询单个单词,还可以查询词组、短语和习语等。
3. 学习语法和语言知识在线词典不仅能够帮助我们学习单词和词组,还可以提供更多的语法和语言知识。
三、利用在线词典进行翻译1. 单词和词组的翻译在线词典可以帮助我们进行单词和词组的翻译。
一、表达尊敬之词1. 谨:表示谦逊、恭敬。
)2. 贵:尊贵、高贵。
)3. 贤:贤良、有德。
)二、表达谦让之词1. 畏:敬畏、谦卑。
)2. 谦:谦虚、谦逊。
)3. 敬:敬重、尊敬。
)三、表达谦虚之词1. 谨:谦虚、谨慎。
)2. 恭:恭敬、谦恭。
)3. 愚:愚钝、愚昧。
)四、表达感激之词1. 感激:感激、感谢。
)2. 感德:感激恩德。
)3. 感激涕零:感激得流泪。
)五、表达遗憾之词1. 惋惜:惋惜、痛惜。
)2. 愧:愧疚、遗憾。
)3. 未能:未能做到、未能实现。
词组——mother tongue母语;catch on(to sth.)开始明白.了解某事;get accustomed to习惯于...的;according to根据...所示(所说);on one's part在某人方面,就某人而言;or else否则,不然的话;it's no use doing sth.做...是没用处的,无益的;no doubt多半,很可能,必定;to an\some\what\a certain\such an\extent在某个、某种、什么、一定、这样的程度上;have an advantage(over)(对...而言)具有优势;go to extremes走极端;vice visa反之亦然;provide (sb.)with为...提供,供给;let alone更谈不上,更不用说;base sth. on\upon sth.以...为基础,以...为根据;be fond of doing sth.喜欢做某事;in one's opinion在...看来;relate sth. to sth. else将...与...联系起来;be worth (doing) sth.值得做某事;be similar to和...相似;at all costs不惜任何代价;clear up彻底扫除,清理;rid...of...使摆脱掉;sure enough果然,果真。。。
8)事先没有仔细阅读合同(contract)就签了名是吉姆的错误。(on one's part):It was a mistake on Jim's part to sign the contract without reading it carefully.
中高级口译需要强记的词组+翻译必备黄金词组+完形填空的词组...来源:彭菲的日志Give the floor to 请…发言It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸…Relevant issues 相关问题Updated research research result 最新的调查结果Attach the importance to 对…给予重视Lead-edge technologies领先技术Minister Counselor公使Natural heritage自然遗产Shared concern 共同关心的问题Well-deserved reputation良好的信誉对…表示衷心的感谢express sincere gratitude to请…讲话Let’ s welcome to give a speech双边会议bilateral conference以掌声对…表示的最热烈的欢迎propose the warmest applause to主办单位sponsor颁奖仪式the Award Ceremony贺词greeting speech隆重举行observe the grand opening of请…颁奖Let’s invite to present the awa rd取得圆满成功achieve complete ceremony全球庆典global celebration ceremony宣布…结束declare the closing of请全体起立,奏国歌Please rise for the national anthem.Collective stewardship集体管理Competitive job market充满竞争的就业市场Financial institutions金融机构Forward-looking进取Gross National Product国民生产总值Meet the challenges 迎接挑战Public authorities公共机构Regulatory mechanism 法规机制The threshold of our transition into the new millenmum跨越新千年的门槛UNCHS (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)联合国人居中心Urban residents 城市居民Well-serviced formal city服务齐全的高尚城市把…列为重要内容place as the priority不放松工作never neglect the work节约用水water conservation对…表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation使…取得预期效果attain the results expected授予…光荣称号confer honorable awards on为…而奋斗strive for严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage有关单位units concerned与…比有差距compared with ,there is still some way to go预祝…圆满成功wish a complete success开源与节流并重broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade国内生产总值National Gross Products欢聚一堂merrily gather活跃的经济带vigorous economic region基础雄厚solid foundation留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression盛世the grand occasion祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport春意盎然spring is very much in the airforest coverage森林覆盖率global warming全球变暖principal element主要因素toxic emission废气排放迸发出心灵的火花ignite the sparks of understanding建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation内容翔实substantial in content能源大省major province of energy日程紧凑tight in schedulecall upon 号召conservation benefits节水的好处industrial reuse and recycling工业中水利用pollution fines 污染罚款urban water conservation城市节水water saving fixtures节水装置地区经济regional economic港口经营多元化diversification in port operation责任和义务perform our duties and fulfill our obligations地区行业盛会a well-known regional event of the industry发起港initiating portsbreak free 冲破藩篱civil society民间团体ethnic lines种族genuine partnership真正的合作伙伴squatter settlements 违章建筑区without access to 享受不到畅所欲言open dialogues计划经济的束缚the bounding of planning economy紧迫问题pressing issues科教兴省和走可持续发展的道路vitalize the province by science and technology and sustainable development空前膨胀unprecedentedly inflated控制增长势头curb the trend of steep rise面临严峻挑战face severe challenges清醒地看到acutely aware生态恶化ecological deterioration提高意识strengthen the awareness相互尊重,求同存异,平等互利,优势互补,借鉴经验,拓展合作,立足当前,着眼未来respect each o ther, seek the common ground while putting aside difference, enjoy equality and mutual benefits, complement each other’s advantages, learn each other’s experience, expand the coop eration, sta nd from the present and look forward to the future以此会议为契机take the opportunity of this seminar滞后lag behind转轨建制过程缓慢the tr4ansition of mechanism is slow总结经验教训draw lessons from the pastcommunity development oriented 以发展社区为宗旨的deserved winners当之无愧的获奖者ethnic minorities少数民族gainful employment有报酬的gender issues性别问题handicraft works 手工艺品income generation 工薪阶层in-depth knowledge深入了解the handicapped残疾人不求最大,但求最好seek the best instead of the largest产业结构industrial structure城乡一体化the unified design between the city and the countryside短期行为short-term conduct房地产开发real estate development扶贫帮困help and support the poor公共绿地public lawn公用事业public utilities会展中心convention center基建规模infrastructure scale精品意识consciousness for the best精品住宅区model human settlements企业效益enterprise revenue文明乘车civil bus ride希望工程Hope Project一、政治类:1. 日益昌盛become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展develop rapidly3. 隆重集会gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平love peace5. 追求进步pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务perform the responsibilities and obligations7. 回顾奋斗历程review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动urge governments of all countries to takeaction12. 和平共处coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放open up both externally and internally14. 经历两个不同时期experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利win one victory after another17. 完全意识到be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步make an important step19. 采取各种措施adopt various measures20. 得出结论,告一段落draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立realize national independence22. 追求真理seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度establish a socialist system24. 根除(防止,消除)腐败root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25. 响应号召respond to the call26. 进入新时期enter a new period27. 实行新政策practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and和国际竟争力international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列edge into the advanced ranks in the world31. 解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增increase every day34. 实现夙愿fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈hold peace talks39. 修改法律amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关)play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in重要作用41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to42. 遵循规则follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判end the violence and resume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌look upon … as a threat to society57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charities58. 维护世界和平maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义be opposed to all forms of terrorism62. 宣布。
牛津9A Unit 5英语词组整理和翻译
牛津9A Unit 5英语词组整理和翻译put away放好pack my school bag收拾我的书包come third得第三名a thank-you letter一封感谢信the rest of the evening晚上得剩余时间argue about…对。
进行争论surprising ending意外的结果stop daydreaming停止做白日梦stand by各就各位one of Hollywood’s all-time favorite actresses好莱坞空前受欢迎的女演员之一mourn the loss of为失去。
而感到哀痛a great humanitarian一个伟大的人道主义者at a very young age在很年轻的时候put all her effort into把所有的努力用在。
attract the writer’s attention引起那位作家的注意(be)made into a play被改编成戏剧mark the beginning of标记。
的开端a big success一次巨大的成功win an Oscar for Best Actress获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖play the lead role of..领衔主演。
角色her final appearance in films她在电影中的最后一次露脸act in TV series在电视剧中演出show us the beauty of nature展示给我们自然之美devote…to…把。
奉献给work closely with与。
密切合作help needy children帮助需要帮助得儿童pass away辞世present sb with sth授予某人。
(荣誉)(be) known for…因。
而出名bring…alive on screen把。
活生生地搬上银幕have a bad effect on sb.对。
短语翻译复习题1. up to the hammer2. to break even3. to put all one’s eggs in one basket4.to a man5. rain cats and dogs6. to show one’s colors7.a leap in the dark8. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth9. a bed of roses10. to hold the purse string 1. 第一流的2. 不赔不赚3. 孤注一掷4. 无一例外5. 下倾盆大雨6. 原形毕露7. 轻举妄动8. 说错话9. 安乐窝10. 掌管金钱1.kick the bucket2. once in a blue moon3. much cry and little wool4. to face the music5. to flog a dead horse6. share ups and downs7. a wet blanket8. to seek a hare in a hen’s nest9. a bull in a china shop10. to keep upright 1. 蹬腿;呜呼哀哉2. 千载难逢3. 雷声大,雨点小4. 临危不惧5. 徒劳无益6. 同甘共苦;风雨同舟7. 令人扫兴的人或事8. 缘木求鱼9. 鲁莽的人10. 请勿倒置1.to fly off the handle2.agreeable sweetness3.to bring down the house4.a dog in the manger5.to rain cats and dogs6.to face the music7.to hold the purse string8.to cry up wine and sell vinegar9.with tongue in cheek10.in the pink 1.生气2甜而不腻3.博得全场喝彩4狗占马槽5大雨倾盆6临危不惧7掌管财权8..挂羊头,卖狗肉9说说而已,假仁假义10.健康情况良好。
sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”)dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”)lover 情人(不是“爱人”)busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)heartman 换心人(不是“有心人”)mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”)blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”)p ersonal remark 人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)sweet water 淡水(不是“糖水”或“甜水”)confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)service station 加油站(不是“服务站”)rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)dressing room 化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)black tea 红茶(不是“黑茶”)black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是“白煤”)white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)American beauty 一种玫瑰,名为“美国丽人”(不是“美国美女”)English disease 软骨病(不是“英国病”)Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)eat one's words 收回前言(不是“食言”)an apple of love 西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)You don't say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。
英语句子、词组翻译1.Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。
2.a gentleman’s agreement君子协定3.a night owl夜猫子4.to throw cold water on sb. 向某人泼冷水5.混水摸鱼to fish in troubled water6.背后捅刀子to knife sb. in the back7. She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him. 她又想呆在家里看电视连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身乏术。
8. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。
9. Spurred and inspired by the support and solitude shown by people in all walks of life, the Municipal Party Committee and Government are determined to do a better job and fulfill their expectations.市委、市政府决心变压力为动力,借各方面对本市服务工作的关心、支持和期待的东风,把服务工作大大提高一步。
10.I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise.because he is stillaround, excitement because he never forgot me. .我看了他的来信,既惊又喜。
He is as good as dead.他几乎死去。
1) television
n. 电视
2) electricity
n. 电
3) wheat
n. 小麦
4) 坐
v. sit
5) 小
a. small
6) 和
conj. and
总的说来,汉英两种语言中单词的对等程度要高一 些,一方面是单词的文化背景比较简单,另一方面 是单词本身的语义结构比较简单。当然, 两种语言 中存在着差异的"对等"单词也有不少,例如:从语义 上来讲,"杯子"并不完全对等于"cup",而是对等于 "cup + mug + glass +…","桌子" 的对等表达是 "table + desk",从感情色彩上来讲,"宣传"并不完 全对等于"propaganda","农民"并不完全对等于 "peasant","地主"也并不完全对等于“Landlord"。
成语的对等是从3个方面体现出来的,一个是比喻 意义,一个是比喻形式,再一个是感情色彩。三者 中比喻意义是最重要的,当三者发生矛盾时,我们 得优先保留比喻意义。感情色彩的对等同比喻意义 的对等几乎同样重要。如果感情色彩不对等,这条 成语就肯定不能用。至于比喻形式,能对等则应尽 量对等,实在对等不了,就应当机立断,大胆放弃。
59) 你为什么要引狼入室? Why did you set the wolf to keep the sheep?
I don’t have all day, so let’s cut to the chase and discuss the important details.
“Don’t cry over spilled milk” - don’t spend time worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed
“Hit the sack”这个词组是用来形容上床睡觉的。当我们感到疲倦并且想要休息时,可以使用这个词组。比如,工作了一整天回到家后,我们经常会说“我现在想去hit the sack”。
“Break a leg”这个词组通常用来给演员或者表演者祝福,希望他们在演出时能够取得成功。这个词组来源于西方戏剧表演的传统,表示对演员的祝福和鼓励。比如,在朋友即将参加一场演出时,可以对他说“break a leg”。
“At the drop of a hat” - immediately and without any hesitation
If you need my help, just call me. I’ll come over at the drop of a hat.
“Cost a fortune” - to be extremely expensive
Yes, I made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over spilled milk. Let’s focus on finding a solution.
那么,你知道词组的英文单词是什么吗词组的英文释义:phrase word group word combination 词组的英文例句:引入语,推导语例如于是或由于那个原因,等表现推理的词或词组A word or phrase, such as hence or for that reason, that expresses an inference. 使用象我们的前任会计这样的词组来指仍然健在不过不掌管相关的职位的人,在字义上是正确的,但是在这样的情况下,former一词能够避免尴尬的误解发生It is technically correct to use a phrase such as our late treasurer to refer to a person who is still alive but who no longer holds the relevant post, but the use of former in this context will ensure that no embarrassing misunderstanding is created. 下划线划在符号,词或词组下的线,用以表示强调或斜体打印A line under something, such as a symbol, word, or phrase, used to indicate emphasis or italic type. 词组的英文单词句子可以分解为词组,词组可以分解成单词。
Sentences can be broken up into phrases and phrases into words. 连接词是用来连接句子里的词语或词组的。
A connective is a word that connects words or groups of words into a sentence.用来把船里的水舀空的容器常用词组。
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树碑 饲养家禽 引起恐惧 养家 招募一支军 使死者复生
raise the prices raise a question raise a loan
抬高物价 提出问题 借款
有些固定词组和习语不能简单地将各 个单词的词义相加,而是具有特别的 意思,要通过上下文进行理解。 Nobody can ever say you waste money on selling yourselves. 谁也不能说你们浪费钱宣传自己。
吃回扣 get commission 吃香 to be very popular 吃惊 to be surprised; to be amazed 吃苦 to bear hardships 吃一堑,长一智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
三)词的搭配 英语和汉语在长期使用中都会形成一 些固定的词组或常见的搭配,这些比 较固定的说法有的可以逐字翻译,有 的则需要根据各自的习惯选择确切的 词义。
1) 词义的直接转化 A personnel deficit has existed for years. 人员短缺的问题已经存在好多年了。
2)词义抽象化引申 For twins they are dissimilar. Bob is tall and active while Tome is short and middle-aged. Every life has its roses and thorns.
汉语在表达一些较复杂的思想时往往 借助动词,按时间顺序,逻辑顺序, 逐步交代,层层铺开,给人以舒缓明 快的感觉。因此英译汉时,很多英语 名词需要按照汉语的表达习惯转换成 汉语动词
The doctor’s quick arrival and careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. 医生迅速达到,并仔细地检查了病人, 因此病人很快就康复了。
“没有!”老太太说。“只有当一个人 爱你、把你当作比他父母还要亲的人的 时候;只有当他把他全部的思想和爱情 都放在你身上的时候;只有当他让牧师 把他的右手放在你的手里、答应现在和 将来永远对你忠诚的时候,他的灵魂才 会转移到你的身上去,而你就会得到一 份人类的快乐。他就会分给你一个灵魂, 而同时他自己的灵魂又能保持不灭。”
英语词的概念或涵义范围比相应的汉 语词宽泛 president 总统、长官、校长、主 席、董事长 uncle 伯父、舅舅、姑父、姨夫 stand 站、立、坐落、位于、停 滞、坚持、忍受
There will be no school tomorrow. Susan works at the School of African and Asian Studies. How do you like the one-day schools that we run for teachers? The scholar does belong to the Kantiall schooled in foreign languages.
“为什么我们得不到一个不灭的灵魂 呢?”小人鱼悲哀地问。“只要我能够 变成人,可以进入天上的世界,哪怕在 那儿只活一天,我都愿意放弃我在这儿 所能活的几百岁的生命。” “你决不能有这种想法,”老太太说。 “比起上面的人类来,我们在这儿的生 活要幸福和美好得多!”
“那么我就只有死去,变成泡沫在水 上漂浮了。我将再也听不见浪涛的 音乐,看不见美丽的花朵和鲜红的 太阳吗?难道我没有办法得到一个 永恒的灵魂吗?”
a hot forehead a hot temper a hot debate hot line hot spring hot news
发烫的前额 急噪的脾气 激烈的讨论 热线 温泉 最新的消息
raise a monument raise poultry raise fears raise a family raise an army 队 raise the dead
四)词义的褒贬 1)原文中本身具有褒贬意义的词要相 应地表达出来 He was a man of high fame. 他是位有名望的人。 He is so stubborn that he would not accept any of our proposals. 他很固执,不肯接受我们的建议。
3)有些中性词在一定的上下文中可能 有褒贬的意味 She is a woman of noble character. 她是一名品格高尚的女性。 They predicted the youth of China would have a bright future. 他们预言中国青年将有光明的前途。
英语词的概念或使用范围比相应的汉 语词狭窄。 山 hill, mountain 大学 university, college 说 speak, talk, say 拿 hold, bring, fetch, get, capture, seize
吃 吃药 吃亏 吃后悔药 吃老本
take medicine suffer losses regret, feel remorse live off one’s past gains
一 词汇使用的差异 汉语的形式连接手段明显要少, 汉语的形式连接手段明显要少,汉语既没 有词形变化, 有词形变化,也没有英语中频繁使用的关 代或副) 连接(代或副) 系(代或副)词,连接(代或副)词,介 连词等虚词不仅数量较少, 词、连词等虚词不仅数量较少,而且使用 也远不如英语中的类似词语那样普遍。 也远不如英语中的类似词语那样普遍。汉 语更多地依据词序,注重逻辑顺序, 语更多地依据词序,注重逻辑顺序,强调 意义连贯。 意义连贯。
“再见了,”狐狸说,“我有一个秘 密,一个非常简单的秘密。只 有用心去看,你才看得清楚; 重要的东西,眼睛是看不清楚 的。” “重要的东西眼睛是看不清楚 的,”小王子重复道,以便能 把它记在心里。
“正因为我在玫瑰身上花费了太多 的时间”, 小王子重复道,以便 能记住。 “男人往往忘了这个道理,”狐 狸说,“但你必须记住。对你所 驯服的东西,你得花一辈子的时 间来负责。你对你的玫瑰有责 任。” “我对我的玫瑰有责任” 小王子 重复道,要自己不要忘记。
Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries. 农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低, 这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的困境。
4)由于文化上的差异,一个英语词具褒义, 而相应的汉语却具有贬义或相反。 He laid down a fresh set of middle-of-theroad policies with aims on housing, profit sharing and job satisfaction. 他制定了一系列新的稳健的政策,旨在改 善住房条件、利益分配以及满足工作的要 求。
• the worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship? ( Francis Bacon). • “最可怕的孤寂就是完全没有忠诚 的友谊”(弗朗西斯·培根)。
I love tranquil solitude? (Percy Bysshe Shelley). • “我热爱安静的独处”(帕西·碧 西·雪莱)。
二 英汉词义对比与翻译
英语词汇的一个重要特点就是一词多 译。如何在许多不同的词汇中选出最 确切的词义,是正确理解的一个基本 环节。
John passed. John runs very fast. John decided to run for mayor this year.
词和词组的翻译 一 词汇使用的差异 二 英汉词义对比与翻译 三)词的搭配 四)词义的褒贬 五)词义的引申
一 词汇使用的差异 英语强调形式上的严整,词与词之间, 小句与小句之间的关系通常都需要借 助于语言形式加以表达。英语句子中 手段不仅形式多样,种类繁多,而且 使用频率颇高。英语的连接手段包括 使用关系词、连接词、介词、代词以 及有关的形态变化形式。
2)本身具有褒贬意义的词在一定的上下文 中却是中性词,不具褒义或贬义。 They attempted to assassinate the president, but their schemes went bankrupt. They are working on a scheme for building a new highway. Our conference did in the end make detained plans for the invasion.
This machine runs perfectly well. Mr. Smith runs this night school. The story runs that the chairman of the board highly praised your plan.
2) 词义的大小 英语词的概念完全与汉语词相对应, 主要是专有名词、术语及日常生活中 的一些事物的名称。 联合国 the United Nations 太平洋 the Pacific Ocean 赤道 equator 肺炎 pneumonia
3)词义具体化引申 At thirty-two, she had first learned what it is to be an immigrant. 她32岁时生平第一次尝到了做移民的 滋味。 滋味
4) 词义修辞方面的引申 He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 他摇摇头,睁大双眼,接着又眯成一 条线,脸上露出了愤怒的神色。