
合同范本之三方贸易合同英文5篇篇1THREE-PARTY TRADE CONTRACTI. INTRODUCTIONThis Three-Party Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and among the following three parties:1. Party A: [Name of Party A]2. Party B: [Name of Party B]3. Party C: [Name of Party C]The parties hereby agree to engage in a trade transaction under the terms and conditions set forth below.II. CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP1. The parties agree that the relationship established by this Contract is that of independent contractors, and nothing hereinshall be deemed to create a partnership, joint venture, or any other form of co-employment.2. Each party shall be responsible for its own actions and omissions, and shall not be liable for the actions or omissions of the other parties.3. The parties agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and to conduct their respective business activities in a lawful and ethical manner.III. TRADE TRANSACTION1. Party A shall provide the following goods/services to Party B: [Description of goods/services provided by Party A to Party B].2. In consideration of the goods/services provided by Party A, Party B shall pay Party A the following amounts: [Amount payable by Party B to Party A].3. Party C shall provide the following goods/services to Party A: [Description of goods/services provided by Party C to Party A].4. In consideration of the goods/services provided by Party C, Party A shall pay Party C the following amounts: [Amount payable by Party A to Party C].5. The parties agree that the trade transaction shall be completed within a reasonable time frame, as agreed upon by the parties.6. All payments under this Contract shall be made in accordance with the payment terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.IV. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS1. Each party represents and warrants to the other parties that it has the legal right and ability to enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder.2. Party A represents and warrants that the goods/services provided to Party B are of good quality and are suitable for their intended use.3. Party C represents and warrants that the goods/services provided to Party A are of good quality and are suitable for their intended use.4. The parties agree that any breach of these warranties shall give rise to a claim for damages against the breaching party.V. INDEMNIFICATION1. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties from and against any claims, actions, or proceedings arising out of or in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Contract, except to the extent such claims, actions, or proceedings are caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the indemnified party.2. The parties agree that any costs or expenses incurred by an indemnified party in defending against any such claims, actions, or proceedings shall be borne by the indemnifying party, except to the extent such costs or expenses are caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the indemnified party.VI. TERMINATION1. This Contract may be terminated by any party at any time upon written notice to the other parties. However, such termination shall not affect any rights or obligations that have already accrued to either party prior to such termination.2. If this Contract is terminated by any party due to the breach of a material term or condition by another party, the breaching party shall be liable for any resulting damages suffered by the non-breaching party.3. The parties agree that any termination of this Contract shall not affect any pending transactions or obligations that have been entered into prior to such termination, and that such transactions or obligations shall continue to be performed under their respective terms and conditions.VII. MISCELLANEOUS1. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State name], without giving effect to any choice of law provisions that might otherwise apply.2. The parties agree that any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation or mediation before resorting to litigation. However, if such disputes cannot be resolved through negotiation or mediation, either party may seek relief in court or arbitration as provided for in its respective jurisdiction.3. The parties agree that their respective signatures below constitute a binding agreement on their part to perform their respective obligations under this Contract.4. This Contract may not be modified or amended except by written agreement executed by all three parties hereto. Allmodifications or amendments shall be deemed effective as of the date they are executed by all three parties. 5. This Contract is made effective as of the date it is signed by all three parties hereto: Date: [篇2三方贸易合同Contract of Three-Party Trade三方当事人Three Parties1. 买方:_________,其注册地为______,主要营业地为______。

二、合同条款1. 交货期甲方将按照合同规定的交货期向乙方提供产品或服务。
2. 产品质量与规格甲方应确保所提供产品或服务的质量符合国际标准及合同约定的规格。
3. 付款方式乙方应按照合同约定向甲方支付相应的货款或服务费用,并应确保付款及时到账。
4. 知识产权保护甲方应确保所提供的产品或服务不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
5. 违约责任任何一方违反本合同约定的条款和条件,应承担相应的违约责任。
6. 法律适用及争议解决本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。
四、其他事项1. 本合同及其附件为合同双方之间的完整协议,合同双方不得擅自修改合同条款。

外贸中英文三方合同范本合同编号(Contract No.):[具体合同编号]签订日期(Date of Signing):[具体签订日期]签订地点(Place of Signing):[具体签订地点]一、三方主体1. 甲方(Party A):名称(Name):[甲方公司名称]地址(Address):[甲方公司地址]电话(Telephone):[甲方联系电话](Fax):[甲方号码]电子(E-):[甲方电子]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[甲方法定代表人姓名] 2. 乙方(Party B):名称(Name):[乙方公司名称]地址(Address):[乙方公司地址]电话(Telephone):[乙方联系电话](Fax):[乙方号码]电子(E-):[乙方电子]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[乙方法定代表人姓名] 3. 丙方(Party C):名称(Name):[丙方公司名称]地址(Address):[丙方公司地址]电话(Telephone):[丙方联系电话](Fax):[丙方号码]电子(E-):[丙方电子]法定代表人(Legal Representative):[丙方法定代表人姓名]二、合同标的及相关条款1. 产品描述(Product Description):产品名称(Product Name):[产品具体名称]规格型号(Specification and Model):[产品规格型号]数量(Quantity):[产品数量]单价(Unit Price):[产品单价]总价(Total Price):[产品总价]2. 质量标准(Quality Standard):产品的质量应符合[具体质量标准]。
3. 包装(Packaging):产品的包装应符合[具体包装要求]。
4. 交货地点(Place of Delivery):产品的交货地点为[具体交货地点]。
5. 交货时间(Time of Delivery):甲方应在[具体交货时间]前将产品交付给丙方。

三方合同-中英文版三方合同Triangular Contract本合同议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关三方在平等互利基础上达成,按三方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This contract is made and entered into by and between the three parties concerned on ___________ (Date) in ________ (Place) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1.合同三方1.The Parties Concerned甲方:Party A:地址: Add: 2电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:乙方:Party B:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:丙方:Party C:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:2.委任2.Appointment甲方为乙方在某地建立XX产线提供相关的技术支持、文件支持。
Party A provides relevant technical support, documentation support for Party B to set up a CKD XX product production line in place name. Party B should purchase XX product from Party A in CKD format. Party A should send the XX product to Party C in CKD format. Party C should assemble it accord to Parties A & B’s technical requirements and send it in SKD format to Party B.3.商品:XXmodity:4.数量:每年至少4万台4.Minimum Quantity per year : 40,000pcs /year5.价格条款5.Price conditions考虑到竞争对手的价格,甲方必须保证给乙方最有竞争力价格。

外贸中英文三方合同模板甲方(卖方): [甲方名称]地址: [甲方地址]法定代表人: [甲方代表]联系方式: [甲方联系方式]乙方(买方): [乙方名称]地址: [乙方地址]法定代表人: [乙方代表]联系方式: [乙方联系方式]丙方(担保方/中介方): [丙方名称]地址: [丙方地址]法定代表人: [丙方代表]联系方式: [丙方联系方式]鉴于:1. 甲方愿意出售,乙方愿意购买下述商品。
2. 丙方愿意为本次交易提供担保/中介服务。
合同条款:第一条商品描述:1. 商品名称: [商品名称]2. 规格型号: [规格型号]3. 数量: [数量]4. 单价: [单价]5. 总金额: [总金额]第二条交货:1. 交货地点: [交货地点]2. 交货时间: [交货时间]3. 运输方式: [运输方式]第三条付款条件:1. 付款方式: [付款方式]2. 付款时间: [付款时间]3. 付款货币: [付款货币]第四条质量保证:1. 甲方保证商品质量符合[标准/规格]。
2. 质量保证期限: [期限]。
第五条违约责任:1. 若甲方未能按时交货,应向乙方支付违约金[金额]。
2. 若乙方未能按时付款,应向甲方支付违约金[金额]。
第六条丙方责任:1. 丙方应确保交易双方履行合同义务。
2. 若一方违约,丙方应[具体责任]。
第七条争议解决:1. 合同争议应首先通过协商解决。
2. 若协商不成,提交[仲裁机构名称]仲裁。
第八条其他条款:1. [其他条款1]2. [其他条款2]3. ...第九条合同生效:本合同自三方签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(签字): ____________乙方(签字): ____________丙方(签字): ____________日期: ____________盖章: ____________日期: ____________盖章: ____________日期: ____________盖章: ____________...请注意,以上模板仅供参考,具体合同内容需要根据实际情况进行调整,并建议在签订合同前咨询法律专业人士。

一、委托方(以下简称"委托方")委托方:[委托方名称]地址:[委托方地址]联系人:[委托方联系人][委托方电话]二、受托方(以下简称"受托方")受托方:[受托方名称]地址:[受托方地址]联系人:[受托方联系人][受托方电话]三、受益方(以下简称"受益方")受益方:[受益方名称]地址:[受益方地址]联系人:[受益方联系人][受益方电话]四、款项委托支付1. 委托方授权受托方代为支付指定款项给受益方,并享有相关权益。
2. 受托方接受委托,并承担支付责任,确保按时、全额支付给受益方。
3. 受益方将按约定收款方式和时间接收所支付款项。
五、费用承担1. 委托方应支付受托方根据本协议履行委托支付责任所产生的相关费用,包括但不限于银行手续费、汇款费等。
2. 受益方不承担任何费用。
六、违约责任1. 如任何一方违反本协议约定,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。
2. 在不违反法律法规的前提下,违约方应支付对方因此产生的全部费用。
七、争议解决1. 本协议的生效、解释和履行适用中华人民共和国法律。
2. 双方因本协议产生的任何争议,应当友好协商解决;协商不成时,提交所在地人民法院解决。
八、其他1. 本协议经双方签字或盖章后生效,具有法律效力。
2. 本协议一式两份,委托方、受托方和受益方各执一份,具有同等效力。
Agreement for Tripartite Entrusted Payment in Chinese and EnglishBackgroundIn order to clarify the responsibilities and rights of the parties involved in the entrusted payment, this agreement for tripartite entrusted payment in Chinese and English is hereby established.I. Principal Party (hereinafter referred to as the "Principal Party")Principal Party: [Principal Party Name]Address: [Principal Party Address]Contact Person: [Principal Party Contact Person]Telephone: [Principal Party Telephone]II. Trustee (hereinafter referred to as the "Trustee") Trustee: [Trustee Name]Address: [Trustee Address]Contact Person: [Trustee Contact Person]Telephone: [Trustee Telephone]III. Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the "Beneficiary")Beneficiary: [Beneficiary Name]Address: [Beneficiary Address]Contact Person: [Beneficiary Contact Person]Telephone: [Beneficiary Telephone]IV. Entrusted Payment1. The Principal Party authorizes the Trustee to make the specified payment to the Beneficiary on its behalf and enjoy related rights.2. The Trustee accepts the entrustment and assumes the payment responsibility, ensuring timely and full payment to the Beneficiary.3. The Beneficiary will receive the payment according to the agreed payment method and schedule.V. Expense Bearing1. The Principal Party shall bear the related expenses incurred by the Trustee in fulfilling the entrusted payment responsibilities under this agreement, including but not limited to bank charges and remittance fees.2. The Beneficiary shall not bear any expenses.VI. Breach of Contract Liability2. Without violating laws and regulations, the breaching party shall pay all expenses incurred by the other party as a result.VII. Dispute Resolution1. The effectiveness, interpretation, and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.2. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submittedto the local people's court for resolution.VIII. Miscellaneous2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal effect.以上就是委托支付款项三方协议中英文版的内容,供参考使用。

外贸中英文三方合同模板This International Trade Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date], by and between:Seller: [Name of Seller], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its registered office at [address] (the "Seller");Buyer: [Name of Buyer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its registered office at [address] (the "Buyer");andIntermediary: [Name of Intermediary], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its registered office at [address] (the "Intermediary").WHEREAS, the Seller is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling [products], and the Buyer desires to purchase [products] from the Seller through the Intermediary;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Sale and Purchase of Goods1.1 Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery of, the following goods (the "Goods"):- Description of Goods: [description];- Quantity of Goods: [quantity];- Price of Goods: [price];- Delivery Terms: [terms].1.2 The Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this Contract.2. Payment Terms2.1 The Buyer shall pay the Seller the full purchase price of the Goods within [number] days of the date of delivery.2.2 The payment shall be made in [currency] by [method of payment].2.3 Any taxes, duties, or other charges arising from the sale and purchase of the Goods shall be borne by the Buyer.3. Delivery3.1 The Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer at the address specified by the Buyer in writing.3.2 The delivery shall be made in accordance with the agreed delivery terms and schedule.3.3 The Buyer shall be responsible for any costs associated with the importation or transportation of the Goods.4. Quality and Inspection4.1 The Seller guarantees that the Goods delivered under this Contract shall conform to the specifications and quality standards agreed upon by the parties.4.2 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Goods upon delivery and reject any Goods that do not meet the agreed specifications and quality standards.5. Confidentiality5.1 The parties agree to keep confidential all information exchanged in connection with this Contract, including but not limited to pricing, business strategies, and customer information.5.2 The parties shall not disclose any confidential information to any third party without the other party's prior written consent.6. Governing Law6.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [country].6.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Seller:Name: [Name]Title: [Title]Signature: [Signature]Buyer:Name: [Name]Title: [Title]Signature: [Signature]Intermediary: Name: [Name] Title: [Title] Signature: [Signature]。

二、协议内容1. 甲方承诺向乙方提供委托支付服务,为乙方支付指定款项。
2. 乙方承诺提供相应服务商提供的产品或服务,并按照约定的时间和方式向丙方提供对应款项。
3. 甲方和乙方均同意向丙方支付一定的佣金或手续费,作为该服务的报酬。
三、权责义务1. 甲方的权责义务:- 提供准确的付费信息,并按照约定时间向乙方支付相关款项;- 及时向丙方提供相应佣金或手续费;- 对付费信息的真实性、准确性承担所有责任;- 尊重乙方和丙方之间的商业合作秩序,不得干预或影响其正常交易。
2. 乙方的权责义务:- 提供合格的产品或服务,并按照约定时间向丙方交付;- 对甲方提供的付费信息保密,不得非法使用、泄露或篡改;- 在与丙方交易过程中遵守相关法律法规,保证交易的真实合法性;- 完善售后服务体系,并及时处理丙方的投诉和纠纷。
3. 丙方的权责义务:- 接受乙方提供的产品或服务,并按时支付对应款项;- 尊重乙方和甲方之间的商业合作秩序,不得干预或影响其正常交易;- 如有纠纷或异议,应及时通知甲方和乙方,并积极配合解决;- 维护自身合法权益,对涉及乙方和甲方之间的交易保持中立立场。
四、违约责任1. 如甲方未按约定时间向乙方支付相关款项,则甲方应承担相应违约责任,包括但不限于支付逾期利息、赔偿乙方因此遭受的损失等。
2. 如乙方未按约定时间向丙方提供产品或服务,则乙方应承担相应违约责任,包括但不限于支付逾期罚金、赔偿丙方因此遭受的损失等。
五、争议解决1. 本协议的解释和执行均适用中华人民共和国的法律;2. 甲乙丙三方在履行本协议过程中如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;3. 若协商不成,任何一方有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
六、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为【起始日期】至【终止日期】;2. 本协议的任何修改或补充应以书面形式签署,并经甲乙丙三方审慎考虑和签字确认;3. 本协议一经签署,即视为双方对协议内容无异议,具有约束力。

三方支付合同模板(中英文实用版)英文文档内容:Tripartite Payment Agreement TemplateThis Tripartite Payment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this [Day] of [Month], [Year], by and between: Party A: [Name of Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State] with a registered address at [Address of Party A] ("Party A").Party B: [Name of Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State] with a registered address at [Address of Party B] ("Party B").Party C: [Name of Party C], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State] with a registered address at [Address of Party C] ("Party C").(Each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties")WHEREAS, Party A wishes to engage in transactions with Party B and Party C wishes to act as an intermediary for the processing of payments between Party A and Party B (the "Transaction");OW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:1.Payment Processing ServicesParty C agrees to provide payment processing services to Party A and Party B in connection with the Transaction, including the acceptance of payments from Party A, the processing of such payments, and the remittance of funds to Party B.2.Payment TermsThe payment terms between Party A and Party B shall be as follows:(a) Party A shall make payments to Party C within [time period] after the date of the relevant invoice issued by Party B;(b) Party C shall process the payments received from Party A and remit the funds to Party B within [time period] after receipt of the payments;(c) Any disputes arising from the payment terms shall be resolved by the Parties in good faith through negotiations.3.Fees and ChargesThe Parties agree that Party C shall be entitled to charge fees and charges for the payment processing services provided under this Agreement, as set forth in the schedule attached hereto.4.ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except as required by law or regulation.erning Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the laws of [Jurisdiction].Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution].6.Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Tripartite Payment Agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: [Signature]ame: [Name of Authorized Representative]Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]Date: [Date]Party B: [Signature]ame: [Name of Authorized Representative]Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]Date: [Date]Party C: [Signature]ame: [Name of Authorized Representative]Title: [Title of Authorized Representative]Date: [Date]中文文档内容:三方支付协议模板本三方支付协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下各方于[月],[日] 日签署,各方如下:甲方:[甲方名称],根据[国家/州] 法律成立并存在,注册地址为[甲方地址] ("甲方")。

中英文对照三方合同第一篇:中英文对照三方合同租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT出租方(甲方):Land Lord(Party A):承租方(乙方):Tenant(Party B):中介方(丙方):Intermediary(Party C):根据国家有关法律、法规和本市有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,经友好协商,就甲方将其合法拥有的房屋出租给乙方使用,乙方承租使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。
Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.1、房屋地址Location of the premises 甲方将其所有的位于的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方作_______使用。
Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities owned by itself, which is located at__________________________________________on for _________2、房屋面积Size of the premises出租房屋的登记面积为平方米(建筑面积)。
The registered size of the leased premises is_____quare meters(Gross size).3、租赁期限Lease term租赁期限自_____年____月____日起至______年____月____日止,甲方应于______年_____月_____日前将房屋交付乙方使用The lease term will be from(month)(day)(year)to_______(month)_______(day)______(year). Party A will provide it to Party B for use before______(month)_____(day)_____(year)4、租金Rental1)、金额:双方商定月租金为,付费方式为,提前____天支付下一期租金。

三方买卖合同英文范本In the realm of commerce, a tripartite agreement serves as a binding document that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by three parties involved in a transaction.This contract is meticulously crafted to ensure that the interests of the seller, the buyer, and any intermediary are all protected and clearly defined. It stipulates the rights and responsibilities of each party, preventing any potential misunderstandings or disputes.The preamble of the agreement typically includes the names and addresses of the three parties, along with a brief description of the transaction. It sets the stage for the detailed clauses that follow.The terms and conditions section is the heart of the contract, detailing the specifics of the deal, including the goods or services being exchanged, the payment terms, and the delivery schedule. It is here that the obligations of each party are clearly laid out.An essential component of any contract is the clause addressing breach of contract. This section outlines the consequences and remedies available should any party fail to fulfill their obligations.The contract also includes provisions for disputeresolution, specifying the method by which disagreements will be settled, whether through arbitration, mediation, or legal proceedings.Another critical aspect is the force majeure clause, which releases parties from liability in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond their control, such asnatural disasters or war.The contract concludes with signatures from all parties, signifying their agreement to the terms and their commitment to the transaction. This final act solidifies the agreement and makes it legally enforceable.In conclusion, a well-structured tripartite contract is a testament to the mutual understanding and cooperation between the parties involved. It is the foundation upon which successful business relationships are built.。

三方合同范本中英THIS AGREEMENT is made on the __________ day of __________, 20__.PARTIES:1. __________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), a company incorporated under the laws of __________, with its registered office at __________, represented by __________, its __________.2. __________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B"), a company incorporated under the laws of __________, with its registered office at __________, represented by __________, its __________.3. __________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party C"), a company incorporated under the laws of __________, with its registered office at __________, represented by __________, its __________.RECITALS:WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of __________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Purpose").NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants andpromises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:1. DEFINITIONS:For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:1.1 "Agreement" means this contract entered into by and between Party A, Party B, and Party C.1.2 "Effective Date" means the date first above written.1.3 "Term" means the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on __________, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT:2.1 Party A agrees to __________, Party B agrees to__________, and Party C agrees to __________, all in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.3. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY A:3.1 Party A shall __________.3.2 Party A shall not __________ without the prior written consent of Party B and Party C.4. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY B:4.1 Party B shall __________.4.2 Party B shall __________.5. OBLIGATIONS OF PARTY C:5.1 Party C shall __________.5.2 Party C shall __________.6. PAYMENT TERMS:6.1 Party A shall pay Party B and Party C __________.6.2 Payment shall be made __________.7. CONFIDENTIALITY:7.1 Each party agrees to keep confidential all information received from the other parties in connection with this Agreement.8. TERM AND TERMINATION:8.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the completion of the Purpose or until terminated by any party upon __________ days' written notice to the others.8.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by any party if any other party breaches any material term hereof and fails to cure such breach within __________ days after written notice thereof.9. INDEMNIFICATION:9.1 Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the otherparties from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses arising out of or in connection with its breach of this Agreement.10. GOVERNING LAW:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of __________.11. DISPUTE RESOLUTION:11.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in __________ in accordance with the rules of __________.12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT:This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.13. AMENDMENTS:This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by all parties.14. NOTICES:All notices or communications required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally or by overnight courier service or mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the respective addresses of the parties set forth above, or at such other address for a party as shall be specified in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.PARTY A: __________By: __________Name: __________PARTY B: __________By: __________Name: __________Title: __________PARTY C: __________By: __________Name: __________Title: __________。

三方合同TriangularContract本合同议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关三方在平等互利基础上达成,按三方同意得下列条件发展业务关系: Thiscontract is made and enteredintoby and between thethree partiesconcerned on___________ (Date) in ________ (Place) onthe basis of equality andmutualbenefit todevelop business ontermsand conditionsmutuallyagreed upon as follows:1.合同三方1.The PartiesConcerned甲方:Party A:地址: Add:2电话:Tel、:传真:Fax、:乙方:Party B:地址:Add:电话:Tel、:传真:Fax、:丙方:PartyC:地址:Add:电话:Tel、:传真:Fax、:2.委任2.Appointment甲方为乙方在某地建立XX产线提供相关得技术支持、文件支持。
Party Aprovides relevanttechnical support,documentation support forParty B toset up a CKDXXproduct productionline inplace name、Party B shouldpurchase XX product fromParty A in CKDformat、Party Ashould send the XX product to Party C in CKD format、Party C should assemble it accord to Parties A &B’stechnical requirements and senditin SKD format to Party B、3.商品:XX3.modity:4.数量:每年至少4万台4.MinimumQuantity per year :40,000pcs/year5.价格条款5.Price conditions考虑到竞争对手得价格,甲方必须保证给乙方最有竞争力价格。

委托付款三方协议Entrusted Payment Tripartite Agreement甲方PARTY A:****公司乙方PARTY B:****公司丙方PARTY C:****公司现甲乙丙三方经友好协商,就丙方代为支付乙方所欠甲方款项的相关事宜,达成如下付款协议:After friendly negotiation, the three parties, Party A, Party B and Party C, have reached the following payment agreement regarding Party C's payment of the amount owed to Party A by Party B:一、丙方代替乙方支付***订单的款项,丙方同意在2021年6月18日前向甲方支付共计***美元(大写:美元***元整)。
付款方式为对公转账,甲方美金账号: ****. 银行信息:****1. Party C shall pay the money on behalf of Party B. Party C agrees to pay Party A a total of USD**** (SAY US DOLLARS **** ONLY) before June 18, 2021. Payment method is public to public transfer, Party A’s U.S. dollar account number: ****. Bank Information: ****.二、丙方向甲方支付本协议第一条所述的款项后,即视为乙方对甲方履行完毕相应金额(具体金额以甲方实际收到的丙方代为支付的款项为准)的付款义务。
2. After Party C pays Party A the amount mentioned in Article 1 of this agreement, it shall be deemed that Party B has completed the payment obligation of the corresponding amount to Party A (the specific amount is subject to the payment actually received by Party A from Party C).三、因丙方代为付款而导致乙丙双方可能发生的债权债务关系及发票关系,由乙丙双方另行约定,甲方无须向丙方偿还本协议第一条所述的款项,亦无须向丙方开具任何形式的发票。

鉴于:1. 甲方希望从乙方购买特定产品,乙方同意按照甲方所需的规格和数量销售该产品。
2. 乙方希望通过丙方作为其在甲方市场上的代理人进行销售。
3. 丙方同意为乙方在甲方市场上提供销售代理服务。
基于以上情况,三方通过友好协商达成以下合同:第一条产品规格和数量1.1 甲方将向乙方购买的产品为:产品名称:(中文名称)产品规格:(详细规格)产品数量:(具体数量)1.2 乙方同意按照甲方的要求提供符合规格的产品,并确保产品质量达到国际标准。
第二条价格与货款支付方式2.1 产品销售价格为:单价:(具体单价)总价:(总金额)币种:(货币单位)2.2 甲方同意根据本合同约定支付货款,并按照以下方式支付:(1)预付款:(具体金额)(2)验货合格后支付货款的XX%:(具体百分比)(3)货物交付后支付货款的XX%:(具体百分比)第三条交货时间和方式3.1 乙方应根据甲方要求,在合同签订后XX天/月内安排货物生产,并按照以下方式交货:(详细描述交货方式)3.2 乙方应提供有效的运输单据,保证货物按照合同规定的时间交付给甲方。
第四条质量保证4.1 乙方保证其销售的产品的质量符合国际标准,符合甲方的要求,并承担由质量问题引起的责任。
4.2 如甲方发现产品质量存在问题,甲方应及时通知乙方,并提供充分的证据。
第五条违约责任5.1 若任何一方违反本合同的任何条款,它应支付另外一方的损失。
5.2 若一方迟延支付货款或未交付货物,另一方有权解除合同,追究违约责任,并要求支付违约金。
第六条争议解决6.1 本合同的解释和争议应当通过友好协商方式解决。
6.2 如协商无法解决争议,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁,并按照仲裁裁决执行。

甲方(代理方):Party A(Agent):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal representative:电话/Tel:乙方(工厂):Party B(Factory):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal representative:电话/Tel:丙方(外方)/Party C(Foreign Company):地址/Address:电话/Tel:一、背景1.乙丙双方经友好协商达成一致,丙方向乙方购买/销售涉及《外贸合同》号项下的货物。
1.Party B and C have reached an agreement through friendly consultation that Party B agree to buy/sell Party C the goods according to the Foreign Trade Contract No..2.乙方委托甲方向丙方购买/销售《外贸合同》项下货物,乙方与甲方签订进/出口代理协议。
2.Party B authorize Party A to import/export the goods of Foreign Trade Contract to Party C and sign the import/export agency agreement with Party A.二、授权1.乙方授权甲方以甲方名义与丙方于年月日签订号《外贸合同》。
1.Party B authorize Party A to sign the Foreign Trade Contract with contract no# with Party C on.2.甲乙丙经友好协商,同意上述条款及签订此协议。
2.Through friendly consultation,Party A, B and C agree the above terms and sign this agreement. Party C should know and agree that Party A is entrusted by Party B to sign this agreement with Party C.三、权利义务甲、乙、丙三方同意:Party A, B and C agree that:1.如丙方未按照采购/销售《外贸合同》的规定将货物/货款交付至甲方,甲方无义务按进/出口代理协议的规定向乙方交付任何货物/货款,且免除任何有关延迟/拒交付的违约责任。

三方合同-中英文版三方合同Triangular Contract本合同议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关三方在平等互利基础上达成,按三方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This contract is made and entered into by and between the three parties concerned on ___________ (Date) in ________ (Place) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1.合同三方1.The Parties Concerned甲方:Party A:地址: Add: 2电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:乙方:Party B:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:丙方:Party C:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:2.委任2.Appointment甲方为乙方在某地建立XX产线提供相关的技术支持、文件支持。
Party A provides relevant technical support, documentation support for Party B to set up a CKD XX product production line in place name. Party B should purchase XX product from PartyA in CKD format. Party A should send the XX product to PartyC in CKD format. Party C should assemble it accord to PartiesA & B’s technical requirements and send it in SKD format toParty B.3.商品:XXmodity:4.数量:每年至少4万台4.Minimum Quantity per year : 40,000pcs /year5.价格条款5.Price conditions考虑到竞争对手的价格,甲方必须保证给乙方最有竞争力价格。

三方合同Triangular Contract本合同议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关三方在平等互利基础上达成, 按三方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This contract is made and entered into by and between the three parties concerned on ___________ (Date) in ________ (Place)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1.合同三方1.The Parties Concerned甲方:Party A:地址: Add: 2电话:Tel。
:乙方:Party B:地址:Add:电话:Tel。
:传真:Fax.:丙方:Party C:地址:Add:电话:Tel。
:传真:Fax.:2.委任2.Appointment甲方为乙方在某地建立XX产线提供相关的技术支持、文件支持.乙方承诺从甲方处以散件形式采购xx, 甲方将XX以散件形式发给丙方, 丙方收到后在某地按甲方或乙方的技术要求组装成SKD形式产品发至乙方。
Part..provide.relevan.technica.support.documentatio.suppor.fo.Part..t.se.u..C .Part..shoul.purchas.X.produc.fro.Part..i. CK.format.Part..shoul.sen.th.X.produc.t.Part..i.CK.format.Part..shoul.assembl.i.accor.t.Partie...B'.technica.requirement.an.sen.i.i.SK.forma.t.Part.B。
第三方协议合同范本 英文

第三方协议合同范本英文Third Party AgreementThis Agreement is made and entered into on [date] and between:Party A: [Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Party B: [Name of Party B]Address: [Address of Party B]And the Third Party: [Name of the Third Party]Address: [Address of the Third Party]WHEREAS, Party A and Party B have entered into a certn agreement (the "Original Agreement"); andWHEREAS, the Third Party has expressed an interest in being involved in certn aspects of the Original Agreement.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. The Third Party agrees to perform the following obligations (the "Third Party Obligations") as stipulated in this Agreement.2. Party A and Party B consent to the inclusion of the Third Party and acknowledge the Third Party's rights and obligations as defined herein.3. The terms and conditions of the Original Agreement shall remn in full force and effect, except as specifically modified this Agreement.4. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through [specified dispute resolution method].5. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: [Signature of Party A]Party B: [Signature of Party B]The Third Party: [Signature of the Third Party]Please note that this is just a basic example and actual third party agreements may vary depending on the specific circumstances and requirements. It is advisable to consult a legal professional for accurate and customized agreements.。
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三方合同Triangular Contract本合同议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关三方在平等互利基础上达成,按三方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This contract is made and entered into by and between the three parties concerned on ___________ (Date) in ________ (Place) on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1.合同三方1.The Parties Concerned甲方:Party A:地址: Add: 2电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:乙方:Party B:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:丙方:Party C:地址:Add:电话:Tel.:传真:Fax.:2.委任2.Appointment甲方为乙方在某地建立XX产线提供相关的技术支持、文件支持。
Party A provides relevant technical support, documentation support for Party B to set up a CKD XX product production line in place name. Party B should purchase XX product from Party A in CKD format. Party A should send the XX product to Party C in CKD format. Party C should assemble it accord to Parties A & B’s technical requirements and send it in SKD format to Party B.3.商品:XXmodity:4.数量:每年至少4万台4.Minimum Quantity per year : 40,000pcs /year5.价格条款5.Price conditions考虑到竞争对手的价格,甲方必须保证给乙方最有竞争力价格。
每当原材料成本总变动变动+/- 3%时,所有产品的价格应每季度协商一次。
Part A must guarantee the best price to the part B, considering the Competitors’ prices.The price for each product shall be fixed through negotiations between Party B and Party A, the parties A and B must agree on a purchase plan for each quarter in order to avoid prices variation.Prices of all products should be negotiated every quarter whenever the total variation of raw materials cost change +/- 3%.6.免费易损配件比例6.Free easy broken spare parts ratio前三个订单2%,第四个订单开始1%。
2% of the order quantity from starting and it will reduce to 1% from the 4th order. The free easy broken spare parts list refer to Appendix 1.7.额外收费配件比例7.Extra chargeable parts ratio订单数量的1%。
1% of the order quantity. Party A shall send out 1% extra chargeable parts against a credit note. Party A, B and C will review and clearing the quantity and the amount of credit note in every half year. Extra chargeable parts refer to Appendix 2.8.特殊条款8.Special condition乙方和丙方可以要求生产产品的任何配件以满足其政府的要求。
Party B and C Can request to make production of any part of the product in case to apply the requirements of their government.9.付款方式9.Payment Terms付款将通过不可撤销的可转让信用证即期付款。
Payment will be through Irrevocable Transferable Letter of Credit at sight.LC SWIFT will be 10 days before Part A makes Shipment.10.违约责任10.Liability for breach of contract乙方或丙方在合同有效期间有以下行为视为违约:1)向合同以外的第四方透露甲方提供的任意文件信息或技术信息;2)未能按本合同要求完成条款4中规定的数量;Party B or Party C shall be regarded as a breach of contract during the period when the contract is valid:1) Disclose any documentary or technical information provided byParty A to a fourth party other than the contract;2) Failure to complete the quantity specified in Clause 4 as requiredby this contract;11.合同有效期11.Validity of Contract本合同经有关三方如期签署后生效,有效期为__1___年,从_____年_____月_____日至_____年_____月_____日。
This contract, when duly signed by the three parties concerned, shall remain effect for _ ____ months from _ __ (date) to _ __ (date), and it shall be extended for another __ __months upon expiration unless notice in writing is given to the contrary.12.保证条款,质量和接受货物程序12.Warranty terms, Quality and procedure for acceptance of goods货物的质量必须符合乙方和甲方批准的货物技术文件和要求,并且具有可销售的质量,没有缺陷并且适用于原有目的。
The quality of the Goods must comply with the technical documentation and requirements for the Goods, approved by Party B and the Party A, and else be of merchantable quality, free from defects and suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to.交付的货物应受到定量控制。
The delivered Goods shall be subject to quantitative control. When there is a difference between the actual order quantity and the contract quantity, Party A should notify Party B before shipping, and the goods can be shipped only after mutual agreement.The difference between the quantity stated by Party A and the quantity accepted by Party B shall be disclosed to Party A within ten (10) working days after Party C receives the goods, and Party B may refuse to accept the rest of the goods.甲方交付的货物应受到质量控制。