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Scent of a woman

1). A: 1,200 is a little rich for my blood. 1200对我来说是太多了。

B: How short are you? 你缺多少?

A: So short it wouldn’t be worth the trouble of you to measure.缺太多了,你就不用费心计算了。

2). He’s on aid. (You are on scholarship.) 他靠助学金上学。(你靠奖学金上学)

3). You are available the whole weekend? 整个周末你都有空?

4). Down deep the man is a lump of sugar. (他只是嘴上凶)他内心深处很善良。

5). You got me all misty-eyed.你让我眼泪汪汪的。

6). What are you doing here in this sparrow-fart town?你到这鸟不拉屎的地方来


7). I like my aids to be presentable.我要的陪护要能拿得出手。

8). You are sharpshooting me, punk? Don’t you sharpshoot me?你在挑刺?你敢挑


9). God, you are touching! 天啊,你还真让人感动!

10). I got the feeling I screwed up.我感觉好像搞砸了。

11). His bark is worse than his bite.他只是吼吼而已。

12). The man grows on you.他是个可以交心的人。

13). Keep your voice down!小声点!

14). I was just messing around with Chas.我和查理瞎转悠呢。

15). I’m empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit.我有权处理


16). He’s good-cop, bad-copping us.他在搞分化。

17). All information will be given on a need-to-know basis.有必要知道才会被告


18). Did I hear you right?不知我听对没有?

19). See no evil, hear no evil.没看见,没听见。

20). I have conscience. (You’ve got integrity) 我有良心。(你正值)。

Forrest Gump

1)小孩子不能看这个!This is not for children’s eyes.

2)我们形影不离。We are like peas and carrots.

3)铁板虾油炸虾脆皮虾pan fried, deep fried, stir fried.

4)没人在乎你是谁,女里女气的东西!Nobody gives a horse’s shit who you are,

pus ball.

5)请你离开我!Just stay away from me.

6)如果你需要,我一直在你身边。If there is anything you need, I will not be far


7)你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。Don’t try to be brave, you just run,

ok? Just run away.

8)这是我听过的最完美的回答。This is the most outstanding answer I’ve ever


9)放下包袱,继续前进。You’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move


10)它让我如鱼得水。It makes me like a duck in water.

11)没有什么事情随随便便发生,都是计划的一部分。Nothing just happens. It’s all

part of a plan.

12)我是信守承诺的人。I’m a man of my word.

13)我听过很多牛皮,这是最大的一个。I heard some whoppers in my time, but that

tops them all.

14)人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会尝到哪种滋味。Life is like a box of

chocolates, you never know what you are going to get next.


是你的妈妈,并且我尽我的全力去做好。Death is just a part of life.

Something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could.


I don’t know if we each have a destiny or if we are just floating around accidental-like on a breeze.
