



学术写作英文作文1. Academic writing can be a real pain sometimes. You have to follow all these rules and guidelines, and it feels like your creativity is being suffocated. But hey, that's just the way it is.2. When you're staring at a blank page, trying to come up with something brilliant to say, it can be pretty intimidating. The pressure is on to come up with something groundbreaking, something that will blow everyone's minds.3. And let's not forget about all the research you have to do. It can feel like you're drowning in a sea of information, trying to find that one golden nugget thatwill make your paper stand out from the rest.4. But despite all the challenges, there's something satisfying about academic writing. It's a way to share your ideas with the world, to contribute to the collective knowledge of humanity. And that's pretty cool, if you thinkabout it.5. So the next time you're struggling to put pen to paper, just remember that you're part of a long tradition of scholars and thinkers who have wrestled with the same demons. You're not alone in this, and you have what it takes to conquer the academic writing beast.。



学术演讲英文作文Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about the impact of technology on education. We all know that technology has transformed the way we learn and teach. It has brought about both positive and negative effects on education.Firstly, technology has made learning more accessible. With the internet, students can access a wealth of information at their fingertips. They can learn at their own pace and explore topics that interest them. This has revolutionized the traditional classroom setting and empowered students to take control of their own learning.On the other hand, technology has also raised concerns about the quality of education. With the rise of online courses and virtual classrooms, some worry that the personal interaction between teachers and students is being lost. There is also the issue of digital divide, where not all students have equal access to technology and onlineresources.In addition, technology has changed the way teachers teach. They now have access to a variety of tools and resources to enhance their lessons. From interactive whiteboards to educational apps, technology has made teaching more engaging and effective.However, there is also the challenge of keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancements. Teachers need to constantly update their skills and knowledge to effectively integrate technology into their teaching.In conclusion, technology has undoubtedly transformed education in many ways. It has made learning more accessible and teaching more effective. However, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed. As we move forward, it is important to find a balance between embracing technology and preserving the essential elements of traditional education. Thank you for listening.。



First of all, native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for places in this new land. All across the country are cities, towns, rivers, and states with native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants found in the Americas, Chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, tobacco, and suash are just a few examples.
someone suggested that they use a system similar to that of the League of the Irouois. Under this system, each colony or future state would be autonomous in managing its own affairs but would jo



英文写作xxx 第1篇Standing in the shore of the beach to the far distance, we have only seen one white. Water and sky merged into one or both days of hard water. Is the so-called: mountain hill lock lock fog fog, even the water the end of days water incessantly. distant sea, the sun shining in the beautiful, the fish shop in the movie like water, like a naughty child constantly jumping shore。

Looking at the sea, we seem to have become open-minded. In this realm, the people and exhilarating, refreshing. Seawater high tide, the sea waves in a row come to a shore. Some or up, moving like a rolling hill Block; Some hit the rocks on the beach, passing a good few meters high waves, a _Wow ......_ Wow ...... beautiful voice!英文写作xxx 第2篇Today, I went hiking with my friends. As we traveled for some distance, so this time we could see the different scenery. At first, we decided to see the sunrise, but all of us missed the perfect time, so we changed our plan, we decided to watch sunset. We took a visit of the moutain, as the high altitude, I could see the full view of the city. It was so beautiful, especially a long river walk around the city. When it was going to be dark, we saw the sun running down the hill, it was so red, as it was burning. The sky first got red and then the clouds made up of some animal shapes. How interesting it was.今天,我和我的朋友去徒步旅行。

学术英语写作 范文17篇

学术英语写作 范文17篇

Sample 1Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureWhen the first Europeans came to the North American continent, they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American. Peoples of North America, Native Americans, who had highly developed cultures in many respects, must have been as curious about them. As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact, there was a cultural exchange. Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans’ ways, and the Europeans adopted some of their ways. As a result, Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to modern U.S. culture, particularly in the areas of language, art, food, and government.First of all, native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for places in this new land. All across the country are cities, towns, rivers, and states with native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants found in the Americas, Chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, tobacco, and squash are just a few examples.Although the vocabulary of English is the area that shows the most Native American influence, it is not the only area of U.S. culture that has been shaped by contact with Native Americans. Art if another area of important Native American contributions. Wool rugs woven by women of the Navajo Tribe in Arizona and New Mexico are highly valued works of art in the United States. Native American jewelry made from silver and turquoise is also very popular and very expensive. Especially in the western and southwestern regions of the United States, native crafts such as pottery, leather products, and beadwork can be found in many homes. Indeed, native art and handicrafts are a treasured part of U.S. culture.In addition to language and art, agriculture is another area in which Native Americans had a great and lasting influence on the peoples who arrived here from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Being skilled farmers, the Native Americans of North America taught the new comers many things about farming techniques and crops. Every U.S. schoolchild has heard the story of how Native Americans taught the first settlers to place a dead fish in a planting hole to provide fertilizer for the growing plant. Furthermore, they taught the settlers irrigation methods and crop rotation. Many of the foods people in the United States eat today were introduced to the Europeans by Native Americans. For example, corn and chocolate were unknown in Europe. Now they are staples in the U.S. diet.Finally, it may surprise some people to learn that citizens of the United States are also indebted to the native people for our form of government. The Iroquois, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches called “nations”, had develo ped a highly sophisticated system of government to settle disputes that arose between the various branches. Five of the nations had joined together in a confederation called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders. The league kept the Iroquois from fighting among themselves and was also valuable in diplomatic relations with other tribes. When the 13 colonies were considering what kind of government to establish after they had won their independence from Britain, someone suggested that they use a system similar to that of the League of the Iroquois. Under this system, each colony or future state would be autonomous in managing its own affairs but would join forces with the other states to deal with matters that concerned them all. This is exactly whathappened. As a result, the present from of government of the United States can be traced directly back to a Native American model.In conclusion, we can easily see from these few examples the extent of Native American influence on our language, our art forms, out eating habits, and our government. The people of the United States are deeply indebted to Native Americans for their contributions to U.S. Culture. Exercise: Complete the outline by filling in the missing parts.Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureI. IntroductionThesis statement: ___________________________________________________________II. BodyA. Native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language.1. Names of places-cities, towns, rivers, and statesa. States: Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Alabamab. Cities: Chicago, Miami, Spokane2. Names of animals and plantsa. Animals: chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunkb. Plants: tobacco, squashB. _____________________________________________________________1. Navajo rugs2. Silver and turquoise jewelry3. ______________________________________________________________a. Potteryb. _____________________________________________________c. _____________________________________________________c. ______________________________________________________________1. Farming techniquesa. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________a. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________D. _1. Iroquois-large tribe with many branches ("nations")Needed to settle disputes among various branches2. Five nations formed League of Iroquoisa. _________________________________________________b. Acted together when dealing with outsiders3. After independence, 13 colonies adopted similar system.a. Each colony (future state) was autonomous in managing own affairs.b. ______________________________________________________III. Conclusion___________________________________________________________Sample 2:At the MoviesYou Are Where You Sit: Seating Choice Can Tell a Lot about a Person!1 When he goes to the movies, Ravel Centeno likes to sit on the aisle and stretch his feet out-a fact that by itself speaks volumes about his personality, according to a new study. The study, commissioned by the British movie theater company Odeon, examined how theater seating habits reflect personality. And as the summer movie season reaches its zenith, the research says you are where you sit. Psychologist Donna Dawson divided moviegoers into four different personality types based on their seating preferences and cited examples of movie characters who fit those types.2 Those who sit on the aisle, like Centeno, are "detached observers"-people who like to have their own space, who are observers and tend to be quieter. "That's funny, because I'm a writer," Centeno said Thursday as he waited to see AI. at the Cineplex Odeon at Universal CityWalk. "So that's what I do (observe people)." One celluloid example of a detached observer, said Dawson, is Jack Nicholson's Melvin Udall character in As Good as It Gets.3 Other personality types, according to Dawson:4 The "front row film fanatic": Extroverted, assertive, and competitive, these are people who like to see movies with others, not on their own. An example from the movies might be Mike Meyers's Austin Powers or Julia Roberts's Erin Brockovich.5 The"middle-of-the-roaders": These are the people who like to sit in the middle, fittingly. They are people who are flexible and try to get along with others, such as Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma. Gloria and Tom Candelaria of Redlands say that seems to fit them. "We like the middle because it's not too far back and not too close to the front," Gloria Candelaria said as she scanned the marquee at CityWalk. Tom Candelaria said the "middle-of-the-roader" label seems to fit them because "we're easygoing."6 The "invisible rebels": Those who sit far in the back are people who are rebellious and like excitement but don't necessary seek the limelight, the study said. A typical example is Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name and Sigourney Weaver's Lt. Ripley in the Alien films. "The back row is,where things happen; it's an exciting area of danger and lots of passionate smooching," Dawson said in the Odeon report. "It tends to attract people who are rebellious."7 For some people, though, sometimes a chair is just a chair. "I don't knowwherever there's an empty seat," said filmgoer Chris Marshall of Lake Hollywood, when asked where he likes to sit. "That works for me."Questions About the Organization1. What kind of introduction does this newspaper article have?a. It is a funnel introduction-it begins with a general statement and narrows down to the thesisstatement.b. It begins with an example and ends with the thesis statement.c. It explains the reasons for the study and ends with the thesis statement.2. What kind of conclusion does it have?a. It summarizes the four main personality types.b. It gives the writer's opinion on the study.c. It gives an example that contrasts with the main points.3. What words in the thesis statement indicate that the article uses logical division of ideas as apattern of organization?About the Support4. What two kinds of supporting details are used in this article?_________ and _________5. The psychologist who made the study used one kind of support, and the writer of the article reporting the results of the study used another kind. Which person used which kind?a. The psychologist used _b. The writer used _About the Content6. How do we know if the psychologist is correct? Does the article mention the methods she used in her study to match seating preference and personality type, or does it report only the results?Sample 3Culture ShockMoving to a new country can be an exciting, even exhilarating experience. In a new environment, you somehow feel more alive: seeing new sights, eating new food, hearing the foreign sounds of a new language, and feeling a different climate against your skin stimulate your senses as never before. Soon, however, this sensory bombardment becomes sensory overload. Suddenly, new experiences seem stressful rather than stimulating, and delight turns into discomfort. This is the phenomenon known as culture shock. Culture shock is more than jet lag or homesickness, and it affects nearly everyone who enters a new culture-tourists, business travelers, diplomats, and students alike. Although not everyone experiences culture shock in exactly the same way, many experts agree that it has roughly five stages.In the first stage, you are excited by your new environment. You experience some simple difficulties such as trying to use the telephone or public transportation, but you consider these small challenges that you can quickly overcome. Your feelings about the new culture are positive, so you are eager to make contact with people and to try new foods.Sooner or later, differences in behavior and customs become more noticeable to you. This is the second stage of culture shock. Because you do not know the social customs of the new culture, you may find it difficult to make friends. For instance, you do not understand how to make "small talk," so it is hard to carry on a casual, get-acquainted conversation. One day in the school cafeteria, you overhear a conversation. You understand all the words, but you do not understand the meaning. Why is everyone laughing? Are they laughing at you or at some joke that you did not understand? Also, you aren't always sure how to act while shopping. Is this store self-service, or should you wait for a clerk to assist you? If you buy a sweater in the wrong size, can you exchange it? These are not minor challenges; they are major frustrations.In the third stage, you no longer have positive feelings about the new culture. You feel that you have made a mistake in coming here. Making friends hasn't been easy, so you begin to feel lonely and isolated. Now you want to be with familiar people and eat familiar food. You begin to spend most of your free time with students from your home country, and you eat in restaurants that serve your native food. In fact, food becomes an obsession, and you spend a lot of time planning, shopping for, and cooking food from home.You know that you are in the fourth stage of culture shock when you have negative feelings about almost everything. In this stage, you actively reject the new culture. You become critical, suspicious, and irritable. You believe that people are unfriendly, that your landlord is trying to cheat you, that your teachers do not like you, and that the food is making you sick. In fact, you may actually develop stomachaches, headaches, sleeplessness, lethargy, or other physical symptoms.Finally, you reach the fifth stage. As your language skills improve, you begin to have some success in meeting people and in negotiating situations. You are able to exchange the sweater that was too small, and you can successfully chat about the weather with a stranger on the bus. Your self-confidence grows. After realizing that you cannot change your surroundings, you begin to accept the differences and tolerate them. For instance, the food will never be as tasty as the foodin your home country, but you are now able to eat and sometimes even enjoy many dishes. You may not like the way some people in your host country dress or behave in public, but you do not regard their clothes and behavior as wrong-just different.Concluding Paragraph ATo sum up, culture shock is a very real phenomenon that has been studied for more than 30 years by psychologists and anthropologist$. Its five phases are (1) positive feelings toward the new culture, (2) awareness of small differences, (3) growing discomfort and need for contact with home culture, (4) negative feelings, and (5) acceptance and adjustment. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five phases. In the end, however, people who suffer culture shock are stronger from having overcome the difficulties and frustrations of adapting to life in a new land. Concluding Paragraph BIn conclusion, nearly everyone moving to a new country feels some degree of culture shock. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five stages. Newcomers with a strong support group may feel at home immediately in the new culture, while others may take months to feel comfortable. Staying in touch with friends and family, keeping a positive attitude, and, above all, learning the language as soon as possible are ways to overcome the difficulties and frustrations of adapting to life in a new land.Exercise:1.Which concluding paragraph best suits the passage and why?2.Which concluding paragraph is a summary of the subtopics? Which one paraphrases the thesisstatement?3.Which concluding paragraph gives suggestions? Which one makes a prediction?Sample 4: Cause and EffectSample 5: Cause and EffectSample 6: ComparisonCLASSROOM LEARNING AND INTERNETBASED TEACHING Since the late 1990s internet-based teaching (also known as e-education) has emerged as a potential rival to traditional classroom learning. It normally involves having access to a secure site on the internet where a graded series of lessons are available, and which have assignments sent and returned by email. Although on-line courses are now offered by many institutions, it is by no means clear that they offer real advantages compared to classroom education. Little research has been done so far on their effectiveness, but this essay sets out to examine the arguments on both sides and attempts to draw conclusions from them.Two main advantages of internet use in education are put forward. Firstly, it is seen as more economical, in that once a course is prepared, it can be used by large numbers of students. The savings made by not having to employ so many teachers should be reflected in cheaper course fees. The second benefit is convenience; instead of having to attend classes at fixed times and places, students are free to study when they choose and progress at their own pace. Furthermore, by studying from home there is no need to travel to the college or university, saving both time and money. A student living in a small town in China, for example, can now study a course at an American college without the worry of travelling, accommodation or homesickness.Despite the considerations mentioned above, classroom learning shows no signs of being replaced by e-learning. It seems that face-to-face contact with a teacher is still widely regarded as the best way for students to make progress, despite the expense and inconvenience involved. Not only the personal contact with a teacher, but also the support and encouragement gained from being part of a class may be one reason for this. Membership of a group may also create a useful spirit of competition, which stimulates learning.Given the increasing pressure on university places in many countries, internet-based teaching is often seen as a convenient development. However, e-learning eliminates personal contact and travel from education, which are possibly the aspects many students value. Sitting at home working on a computer may be economical, but clearly cannot replace the social experience of attending courses. However, there are many people who are unable, either through work or family commitments, or due to lack of funds, to go to classes, and who would clearly find internet learning beneficial. On-line courses can also be used to support taught courses, for instance by providing access to extra materials. In many ways these kinds of courses are similar to‘universities of the air’, such as Britain’s Open University, which have developed distance learning so successfully in the last 40 years.Faced by growing demand for university places, more institutions are likely to developon-line courses, but the apparent benefits of e-learning may be less than are generally believed. Students seem to value the personal contact of the classroom highly, despite its cost and inconvenience. There may be a role for internet-based courses to supplement teacher-taught ones, and certainly for people with other commitments they will be the only practical option. There is an urgent need for research on the effectiveness of this type of learning, which should help maximise its advantages in the future.(Approximately 550 words)Now complete the outline of the model essay:Separating the Sexes, Just for the Tough YearsI. Introduction (explanation of the issue)Thesis statement: _______________________________________II. BodyA. Opposing argument 1Opponents of single-sex education claim that test scores show that there is no advantage to all-girl or all-boy classes.Rebuttal to argument 11. Research is inconclusive-show opposite results2. Other results that cannot be calculateda. Girls_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Boys______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. Opposing argument2____________________________________________________________Rebuttal to argument 2_________________________________________________________a.Settling squabbles with siblingsb.Negotiating with opposite-sex parentC. Opposing argument 3_________________________________________________________Rebuttal to argument 3___________________________________________________________a._______________________________________________________b.Teachers call on boys more oftenIII.Conclusion1. Same-sex classes provide a better learning environmentReasonsa. Boys and girls ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Girl_____________________________________________________________________c. Boys ____________________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________________3. _________________________________________________________________________Sample 9A major change that has occurred in the Western family is an increased incidence in divorce. Whereas in the past, divorce was a relatively rare occurrence, in recent times it has become quite commonplace. This change is borne out clearly in census figures. For example thirty years ago in Australia, only one marriage in ten ended in divorce; nowadays the figure is more than one in three (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1996: p.45). A consequence of this change has been a substantial increase in the number of single parent families and the attendant problems that this brings (Kilmartin, 1997).An important issue for sociologists, and indeed for all of society, is why these changes in marital patterns have occurred. In this essay I will seek to critically examine a number of sociological explanations for the 'divorce phenomenon' and also consider the social policy implications that each explanation carries with it. It will be argued that the best explanations are to be found within a broad socio-economic framework.One type of explanation for rising divorce has focused on changes in laws relating to marriage. For example, Bilton, Bonnett and Jones (1987) argue that increased rates of divorce do not necessarily indicate that families are now more unstable. It is possible, they claim, that there has always been a degree of marital instability. They suggest that changes in the law have been significant, because they have provided unhappily married couples with 'access to a legal solution to pre-existent marital problems' (p.301). Bilton et al. therefore believe that changes in divorce rates can be best explained in terms of changes in the legal system. The problem with this type of explanation however, is that it does not consider why these laws have changed in the first place. It could be argued that reforms to family law, as well as the increased rate of divorce that has accompanied them, are the product of more fundamental changes in society.Another type of explanation is one that focuses precisely on these broad societal changes. For example, Nicky Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995) argues that increases in divorce and marital breakdown are the result of economic changes that have affected the family. One example of these changes is the raised material aspirations of families, which Hart suggests has put pressure on both spouses to become wage earners. Women as a result have been forced to become both homemakers and economic providers. According to Hart, the contradiction of these two roles has lead to conflict and this is the main cause of marital breakdown. It would appear that Hart's explanation cannot account for all cases of divorce - for example, marital breakdown is liable to occur in families where only the husband is working. Nevertheless, her approach, which is to relate changes in family relations to broader social forces, would seem to be more probing than one that looks only at legislative change.The two explanations described above have very different implications for social policy, especially in relation to how the problem of increasing marital instability might be dealt with. Bilton et al. (1995) offer a legal explanation and hence would see the solutions also being determined in this domain. If rises in divorce are thought to be the consequence of liberal divorce laws, the obvious way to stem this rise is to make them less obtainable. This approach, one imagines, would lead to a reduction in divorce statistics; however, it cannot really be held up as a genuine solution to the problems of marital stress and breakdown in society. Indeed it would seem to be a solution directed more at symptoms than addressing fundamental causes. Furthermore, theexperience of social workers, working in the area of family welfare suggests that restricting a couple's access to divorce would in some cases serve only to exacerbate existing marital problems (Johnson, 1981). In those cases where violence is involved, the consequences could be tragic. Apart from all this, returning to more restrictive divorce laws seems to be a solution little favoured by Australians. (Harrison, 1990).Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995), writing from a Marxist-feminist position, traces marital conflict to changes in the capitalist economic system and their resultant effect on the roles of men and women. It is difficult to know however, how such an analysis might be translated into practical social policies. This is because the Hart program would appear to require in the first place a radical restructuring of the economic system. Whilst this may be desirable for some, it is not achievable in the present political climate. Hart is right however, to suggest that much marital conflict can be linked in some way to the economic circumstances of families. This is borne out in many statistical surveys which show consistently that rates of divorce are higher among socially disadvantaged families (McDonald, 1993). This situation suggests then that social policies need to be geared to providing support and security for these types of families. It is little cause for optimism however, that in recent years governments of all persuasions have shown an increasing reluctance to fund social welfare programs of this kind.It is difficult to offer a comprehensive explanation for the growing trend of marital breakdown; and it is even more difficult to find solutions that might ameliorate the problems created by it. Clearly though, as I have argued in this essay, the most useful answers are to be found not within a narrow legal framework, but within a broader socio-economic one.Finally, it is worth pointing out that, whilst we may appear to be living in a time of increased family instability, research suggests that historically, instability may have been the norm rather than the exception. As Bell and Zajdow (1997) point out, in the past, single parent and step families were more common than is assumed - although the disruptive influence then was not divorce, but the premature death of one or both parents. This situation suggests that in studying the modern family, one needs to employ a historical perspective, including the possibility of looking to the past in searching for ways of dealing with problems in the present.Sample 10Discuss why assignment essays are common assessment tasks in undergraduate tertiary coursework, and evaluate the effectiveness of assignments as an avenue for learning. (Word limit 500 words - 10% leeway) Please note that the APA referencing style is used in this sample essay.Assignment essays are developed from set questions that give students a period of time to research a topic and produce their answer with references to their sources of information. While there are some disadvantages with using assignment essays as an assessment tool, there are sound educational purposes underpinning this practice. This essay examines the reasons why assignment essays are beneficial for student learning and considers some of the problems with this method of assessment.Assignment essay tasks are set to assist students to develop mastery of their study subject. Firstly, assignment tasks enhance understandings about subject matter. Yang and Baker (2005) reason that "to master your learning materials and extend your understandings, you need to write about the meanings you gain from your research" (p. 1). Secondly, research (Jinx, 2004; Zapper, 2006) clearly demonstrates that students learn the writing conventions of a subject area while they are researching, reading and writing in their discipline. This activity helps them to "crack the code" of the discipline (Bloggs, 2003, p. 44). Thus, students are learning subject matter and how to write in that disciplinary area by researching and writing assignment essays. Using assignment essays for assessment supports student learning better than the traditional examination system. It is considered that course-work assignment essays can lessen the extreme stress experienced by some students over 'sudden-death' end of semester examinations:If we insist that all students write about everything theyhave learned in their study courses at the same time and inthe same place (e.g. in examinations), we are not giving allof our students equal opportunities. Some students are notdaunted by the exam experience while others suffer 'examnerves' and perform at the lowest level of their capabilities.(Wonderland University, 2006, p. 4)Additionally, Jones et al. (2004, pp. 36-37) propose that assignment essays can be used to assess student learning mid-course and so provide them with helpful feedback before they are subjected to the exam experience. Exams only provide students with a mark rather than specific feedback on their progress. Therefore, setting assignment essays for a substantial part of student assessment is a much fairer approach than one-off examination testing.As an assessment tool, assignment essays have some disadvantages for lecturers and students. It has been found that assignment essays consume a great deal of staff time and money to mark and student time to prepare (Sankey & Liger, 2005, p. 192). A consequence of this is that feedback to students is frequently delayed, and this is much less useful to students than rapid feedback (p. 294). It is partly because of these disadvantages of time and expense that other assessments such as multiple-choice tests and short answer questions have an enduring place in the tertiary learning environment.To conclude, it seems that assignment essays continue to have a prominent role in tertiary education as an assessment tool. This is mainly because they are very effective in developing knowledge and writing skills for subject areas. Also, assignment essays can be less stressful than。



学术英语相关话题作文范文Title: The Benefits of Study Abroad Programs: A Comparative AnalysisChapter 1: IntroductionStudy abroad programs have gained immense popularity in recent years as more students recognize the value of international education. This paper aims to explore the benefits of study abroad programs and their impact on personal, academic, and professional growth. Additionally, it will compare these benefits between students who choose to study abroad and those who remain in their home country.Chapter 2: Personal GrowthOne of the key benefits of study abroad programs is the personal growth experienced by students. When students leave their comfort zone and immerse themselves in a new cultural environment, they learn to adapt to new situations, become more independent, and develop confidence in overcoming challenges. Living in a foreign country encourages students to expand their cultural awareness, embrace diversity, and foster a global mindset. Such experiences help individuals foster a sense of open-mindedness and understanding towards different perspectives, leading to personal growth and development.Chapter 3: Academic DevelopmentStudy abroad programs provide unique academic opportunities that cannot be replicated in a home country. By experiencing diverse learning environments and studying under new teaching methods, students gain a broader academic perspective. Opportunities forresearch collaborations, access to world-class libraries, and exposure to cutting-edge technologies are additional academic advantages that study abroad programs offer. Moreover, students can choose from a range of specialized courses unavailable in their home country, enabling them to pursue their academic interests in greater depth.Chapter 4: Professional AdvancementParticipating in study abroad programs enhances students' career prospects significantly. Employers today value individuals with cross-cultural and international experiences as they are more likely to possess critical skills such as global competency, multicultural communication, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. Studying abroad also provides networking opportunities, enabling students to establish meaningful connections that may prove beneficial in their future careers. Additionally, students who complete internships or engage in volunteer work during their study abroad experience gain practical skills and real-world work experience, making them more competitive in the job market. Conclusion:Study abroad programs offer numerous benefits, including personal growth, academic development, and professional advancement. Students who choose to study abroad gain a unique perspective of different cultures, adaptability to new environments, and a better understanding of global issues. Furthermore, they have access to a wide range of academic opportunities and gain valuable skills that improve their employability. It is evident that study abroad programs serve as a transformative experience that equips students with the necessary tools to succeed in an increasinglyinterconnected world. Therefore, it is highly recommended for students to consider study abroad programs to maximize their personal, academic, and professional potential.Chapter 5: Comparison between Study Abroad and Home Country Experience To better understand the benefits of study abroad programs, it is essential to compare these experiences with that of students who remain in their home country. While staying in one's home country has its advantages, such as familiarity and convenience, studying abroad offers unique opportunities for growth and development.In terms of personal growth, students who remain in their home country may not be exposed to different cultures, languages, and perspectives as extensively as those who study abroad. Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds fosters a sense of empathy, understanding, and tolerance. On the other hand, staying in one's home country may limit personal growth to a certain extent, as individuals may not be exposed to the same level of cultural immersion and adaptation.Academically, studying abroad provides access to a wider range of courses and specialized programs that may not be available inone's home country. This exposure to different educational systems and teaching methods broadens students' academic horizons and enhances their critical thinking skills. Conversely, students who remain in their home country may have more familiar educational environments but may miss out on the unique academic offerings and international collaborations available in study abroad programs. In terms of professional advancement, study abroad experiences often add a significant advantage to a student's resume. Employersvalue individuals who have demonstrated the ability to adapt to new environments, work effectively with diverse teams, and exhibit a global mindset. Students who remain in their home country may have limited exposure to international networks and experiences that are highly valued in today's global job market.It is important to note that while study abroad programs are highly beneficial, they are not suitable for everyone. Factors such as financial constraints, family obligations, and personal circumstances may influence a student's decision to study abroad. Furthermore, it is essential to consider the level of support and resources available to students during their study abroad experience. Institutions that provide comprehensive support services, cultural integration programs, and academic guidance can contribute significantly to the overall success and benefits of the program.Conclusion:In conclusion, studying abroad offers a wealth of benefits that may not be fully realized through staying in one's home country. The personal growth, academic development, and professional advantages gained through study abroad experiences are invaluable in today's interconnected world. However, it is essential to acknowledge that both study abroad and home country experiences have their own merits and limitations. Institutions and individuals should carefully consider the resources, support, and circumstances that are conducive to a successful study abroad program. By doing so, students can maximize the transformative potential of an international education and pave the way for a successful future.。



学术英语写作作文The Impact of Technology on Education。

In the 21st century, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on education has been significant. With the advancement of technology, the way we learn and teach has undergone a dramatic transformation. In this essay, I will discuss the positive and negative effects of technology on education.Firstly, technology has made learning more accessible and convenient. With the internet, students can access a vast amount of information at their fingertips. This has revolutionized the way we research and study, as students no longer have to rely solely on textbooks and libraries. Additionally, online courses and educational websites have made it possible for people to learn from anywhere in the world, breaking down the barriers of time and space.Moreover, technology has enhanced the learningexperience through interactive and immersive tools. Virtual reality, for example, has the potential to bring history, science, and other subjects to life, allowing students to explore and understand concepts in a more engaging and meaningful way. Similarly, educational apps and games have made learning fun and interactive, motivating students to engage with their studies in a way that traditional methods may not have.On the other hand, the overreliance on technology in education has raised concerns about its negative impact. With the prevalence of smartphones and tablets, students are increasingly distracted in the classroom, leading to a decline in attention and focus. Furthermore, the ease of access to information online has led to a decrease in critical thinking and analytical skills, as students may simply rely on Google for answers rather than engaging in deep, independent thought.In addition, the digital divide has become a pressing issue in education, as not all students have equal access to technology. This has widened the gap between those whohave access to the latest tools and resources and those who do not, creating inequalities in education and opportunities.In conclusion, technology has undoubtedly transformed education in many positive ways, making learning more accessible, interactive, and engaging. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential negative effects, such as distractions and inequalities, and to find a balance between utilizing technology as a tool for learning and maintaining the essential skills and abilities that traditional education provides. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for educators to adapt and harness its potential while also addressing its limitations.。




下面是店铺分享的学术英语作文范文,希望能帮到大家!学术英语写作范文I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork, strategy and reaching your goals, it should not be the principal focus of a university education.Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education. Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain. These include computerized programs and access to internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world. If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago, it’s depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information.Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in last decade. More is being published on every subject, and every university wants to have this information available to its students.It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries open. Students need to have access to all the libraries' research tools as much of time as possible. Because students are young and can stay up all night studying, many universities are starting to leave their libraries open all night during exam periods. This costs money, because the staff has to be paid extra to be there. It also costs money to run the building (electricity, heat) during that time.Students at universities are only going to benefit from their education if they can get to all the tools they need to learn. Sports are secondary to the resources that students need from university libraries. For this reason, libraries should always be better funded than sport activities.学术英语常见句式非限制性定语从句如果需要对前述的整个句子内容进行解释或说明,就可以用到非限制性定语从句。



Sample 1Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureWhen the first Europeans came to the North American continent, they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American. Peoples of North America, Native Americans, who had highly developed cultures in many respects, must have been as curious about them. As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact, there was a cultural exchange. Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans’ ways, and the Europeans adopted some of their ways. As a result, Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to modern U.S. culture, particularly in the areas of language, art, food, and government.First of all, Native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for places in this new land. All across the country are cities, towns, rivers, and states with Native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants found in the Americas, Chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, tobacco, and squash are just a few examples.Although the vocabulary of English is the area that shows the most Native American influence, it is not the only area of U.S. culture that has been shaped by contact with Native Americans. Art is another area of important Native American contributions. Wool rugs woven by women of theNavajo Tribe in Arizona and New Mexico are highly valued works of art in the United States. Native American jewelry made from silver andturquoise is also very popular and very expensive. Especially in the western and southwestern regions of the United States, native craftssuch as pottery, leather products, and beadwork can be found in many homes. Indeed, native art and handicrafts are a treasured part of U.S. culture.In addition to language and art, agriculture is another area in which Native Americans had a great and lasting influence on the peoples who arrived here from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Being skilled farmers, the Native Americans of North America taught the new comers many things about farming techniques and crops. Every U.S. schoolchild has heard the story of how Native Americans taught the first settlers to place a dead fish in a planting hole to provide fertilizer for the growing plant. Furthermore, they taught the settlers irrigation methods and crop rotation. Many of the foods people in the United States eat today were introduced to the Europeans by Native Americans. For example, corn and chocolate were unknown in Europe. Now they are staples in the U.S. diet.Finally, it may surprise some people to learn that citizens of the United States are also indebted to the native people for our form of government. The Iroquois, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches called “nations”, had developed a highly sophisticated system of government to settle disputes that arose between the various branches. Five of the nations had joined together in a confederation called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomousin running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders. The league kept the Iroquois from fightingamong themselves and was also valuable in diplomatic relations withother tribes. When the 13 colonies were considering what kind of government to establish after they had won their independence from Britain, someone suggested that they use a system similar to that of the League of the Iroquois. Under this system, each colony or future state would be autonomous in managing its own affairs but would join forces with the other states to deal with matters that concerned them all. This is exactly what happened. As a result, the present from of government of the United States can be traced directly back to a Native American model.In conclusion, we can easily see from these few examples the extent of Native American influence on our language, our art forms, out eating habits, and our government. The people of the United States are deeply indebted to Native Americans for their contributions to U.S. Culture.Exercise: Complete the outline by filling in the missing parts.Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureI. IntroductionThesis statement:___________________________________________________________II. BodyA. Native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language.1. Names of places-cities, towns, rivers, and statesa. States: Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Alabamab. Cities: Chicago, Miami, Spokane2. Names of animals and plantsa. Animals: chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunkb. Plants: tobacco, squashB. _____________________________________________________________1. Navajo rugs2. Silver and turquoise jewelry3. ______________________________________________________________a. Potteryb. _____________________________________________________c. _____________________________________________________C. ______________________________________________________________1. Farming techniquesa. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________a. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________D. ______________________________________________________________1. Iroquois-large tribe with many branches ("nations")Needed to settle disputes among various branches2. Five nations formed League of Iroquoisa. _________________________________________________b. Acted together when dealing with outsiders3. After independence, 13 colonies adopted similar system.a. Each colony (future state) was autonomous in managing own affairs.b. ______________________________________________________III. Conclusion___________________________________________________________ Sample 2:Culture ShockMoving to a new country can be an exciting, even exhilarating experience. In a new environment, you somehow feel more alive: seeingnew sights, eating new food, hearing the foreign sounds of a new language, and feeling a different climate against your skin stimulate your senses as never before. Soon, however, this sensory bombardment becomes sensory overload. Suddenly, new experiences seem stressfulrather than stimulating, and delight turns into discomfort. This is the phenomenon known as culture shock. Culture shock is more than jet lag or homesickness, and it affects nearly everyone who enters a new culture-tourists, business travelers, diplomats, and students alike. Although not everyone experiences culture shock in exactly the same way, many experts agree that it has roughly five stages.In the first stage, you are excited by your new environment. You experience some simple difficulties such as trying to use the telephone or public transportation, but you consider these small challenges that you can quickly overcome. Your feelings about the new culture are positive, so you are eager to make contact with people and to try new foods.Sooner or later, differences in behavior and customs become more noticeable to you. This is the second stage of culture shock. Because you do not know the social customs of the new culture, you may find it difficult to make friends. For instance, you do not understand how to make "small talk," so it is hard to carry on a casual, get-acquainted conversation. One day in the school cafeteria, you overhear a conversation. You understand all the words, but you do not understand the meaning. Why is everyone laughing? Are they laughing at you or at some joke that you did not understand? Also, you aren't always sure how to act while shopping. Is this store self-service, or should you waitfor a clerk to assist you? If you buy a sweater in the wrong size, canyou exchange it? These are not minor challenges; they are major frustrations.In the third stage, you no longer have positive feelings about the new culture. You feel that you have made a mistake in coming here. Making friends hasn't been easy, so you begin to feel lonely and isolated. Now you want to be with familiar people and eat familiar food. You begin to spend most of your free time with students from your home country, and you eat in restaurants that serve your native food. In fact, food becomes an obsession, and you spend a lot of time planning, shopping for, and cooking food from home.You know that you are in the fourth stage of culture shock when you have negative feelings about almost everything. In this stage, you actively reject the new culture. You become critical, suspicious, and irritable. You believe that people are unfriendly, that your landlord is trying to cheat you, that your teachers do not like you, and that the food is making you sick. In fact, you may actually develop stomachaches, headaches, sleeplessness, lethargy, or other physical symptoms.Finally, you reach the fifth stage. As your language skills improve, you begin to have some success in meeting people and in negotiating situations. You are able to exchange the sweater that was too small, and you can successfully chat about the weather with a stranger on the bus. Your self-confidence grows. After realizing that you cannot change your surroundings, you begin to accept the differences and tolerate them. For instance, the food will never be as tasty as the food in your home country, but you are now able to eat and sometimes even enjoy many dishes. You may not like the way some people in your host country dressor behave in public, but you do not regard their clothes and behavior as wrong-just different.Concluding Paragraph ATo sum up, culture shock is a very real phenomenon that has been studied for more than 30 years by psychologists and anthropologists. Its five phases are (1) positive feelings toward the new culture, (2) awareness of small differences, (3) growing discomfort and need for contact with home culture, (4) negative feelings, and (5) acceptance and adjustment. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five phases. In the end, however, people who suffer culture shock are stronger from having overcome the difficulties and frustrations of adapting to life in a new land.Concluding Paragraph BIn conclusion, nearly everyone moving to a new country feels some degree of culture shock. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five stages. Newcomers with a strong support group may feel at home immediately in the new culture, while others may take months to feel comfortable. Staying in touch with friends and family, keeping a positive attitude, and, above all, learning the language as soon as possible are ways to overcome the difficulties and frustrations of adapting to life in a new land.Exercise:1. Which concluding paragraph best suits the passage and why?2. Which concluding paragraph is a summary of the subtopics? Which one paraphrases the thesis statement?3. Which concluding paragraph gives suggestions? Which one makes a prediction?Sample 3At the MoviesYou Are Where You Sit: Seating Choice Can Tell a Lot about a Person!1 When he goes to the movies, Ravel Centeno likes to sit on the aisle and stretch his feet out-a fact that by itself speaks volumesabout his personality, according to a new study. The study, commissioned by the British movie theater company Odeon, examined how theater seating habits reflect personality. And as the summer movie season reaches its zenith, the research says you are where you sit. Psychologist Donna Dawson divided moviegoers into four different personality types based on their seating preferences and cited examples of movie characters who fit those types.2 Those who sit on the aisle, like Centeno, are "detached observers"-people who like to have their own space, who are observersand tend to be quieter. "That's funny, because I'm a writer," Centeno said Thursday as he waited to see AI. at the Cineplex Odeon at Universal CityWalk. "So that's what I do (observe people)." One celluloid example of a detached observer, said Dawson, is Jack Nicholson's Melvin Udall character in As Good as It Gets.3 Other personality types, according to Dawson:4 The "front row film fanatic": Extroverted, assertive, and competitive, these are people who like to see movies with others, not on their own. An example from the movies might be Mike Meyers's Austin Powers or Julia Roberts's Erin Brockovich.5 The “middle-of-the-roaders": These are the people who like to sit in the middle, fittingly. They are people who are flexible andtry to get along with others, such as Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma. Gloria and Tom Candelaria of Redlands say that seems to fit them. "We like the middle because it's not too far back and not too close to the front," Gloria Candelaria said as she scanned the marquee at CityWalk. Tom Candelaria said the "middle-of-the-roader" label seems to fit them because "we're easygoing."6 The "invisible rebels": Those who sit far in the back are people who are rebellious and like excitement but don't necessary seek the limelight, the study said. A typical example is Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name and Sigourney Weaver's Lt. Ripley in the Alien films. "The back row is, where things happen; it's an exciting area of danger and lots of passionate smooching," Dawson said in the Odeon report. "It tends to attract people who are rebellious."7 For some people, though, sometimes a chair is just a chair. "I don't know wherever there's an empty seat," said filmgoer Chris Marshall of Lake Hollywood, when asked where he likes to sit. "That works for me."Questions About the Organization1. What kind of introduction does this newspaper article have?a. It is a funnel introduction-it begins with a general statement and narrows down to the thesis statement.b. It begins with an example and ends with the thesis statement.c. It explains the reasons for the study and ends with the thesis statement.2. What kind of conclusion does it have?a. It summarizes the four main personality types.b. It gives the writer's opinion on the study.c. It gives an example that contrasts with the main points.3. What words in the thesis statement indicate that the article uses logical division of ideas as a pattern of organization?About the Support4. What two kinds of supporting details are used in this article?_________ and _________5. The psychologist who made the study used one kind of support, and the writer of the article reporting the results of the study used another kind. Which person used which kind?a. The psychologist used _b. The writer used _About the Content6. How do we know if the psychologist is correct? Does the article mention the methods she used in her study to match seating preference and personality type, or does it report only the results?Sample 4: Cause and EffectSample 5: Cause and EffectSample 6: ComparisonSample 7: ComparisonCLASSROOM LEARNING AND INTERNETBASED TEACHINGSince the late 1990s internet-based teaching (also known as e-education) has emerged as a potential rival to traditional classroom learning. It normally involves having access to a secure site on the internet where a graded series of lessons are available, and which have assignments sent and returned by email. Although on-line courses are now offered by many institutions, it is by no means clear that they offer real advantages compared to classroom education. Little research has been done so far on their effectiveness, but this essay sets out toexamine the arguments on both sides and attempts to draw conclusions from them.Two main advantages of internet use in education are put forward. Firstly, it is seen as more economical, in that once a course is prepared, it can be used by large numbers of students. The savings made by not having to employ so many teachers should be reflected in cheaper course fees. The second benefit is convenience; instead of having to attend classes at fixed times and places, students are free to study when they choose and progress at their own pace. Furthermore, by studying from home there is no need to travel to the college or university, saving both time and money. A student living in a small town in China, for example, can now study a course at an American college without the worry of travelling, accommodation or homesickness.Despite the considerations mentioned above, classroom learning shows no signs of being replaced by e-learning. It seems that face-to-face contact with a teacher is still widely regarded as the best way for students to make progress, despite the expense and inconvenience involved. Not only the personal contact with a teacher, but also the support and encouragement gained from being part of a class may be one reason for this. Membership of a group may also create a useful spirit of competition, which stimulates learning.Given the increasing pressure on university places in many countries, internet-based teaching is often seen as a convenient development. However, e-learning eliminates personal contact and travel from education, which are possibly the aspects many students value. Sitting at home working on a computer may be economical, but clearlycannot replace the social experience of attending courses. However, there are many people who are unable, either through work or family commitments, or due to lack of funds, to go to classes, and who would clearly find internet learning beneficial. On-line courses can also be used to support taught courses, for instance by providing access to extra materials. In many ways these kinds of courses are similar to‘universities of the air’, such as Britain’s Open University, which have developed distance learning so successfully in the last 40 years.Faced by growing demand for university places, more institutions are likely to develop on-line courses, but the apparent benefits of e-learning may be less than are generally believed. Students seem to value the personal contact of the classroom highly, despite its cost and inconvenience. There may be a role for internet-based courses to supplement teacher-taught ones, and certainly for people with other commitments they will be the only practical option. There is an urgent need for research on the effectiveness of this type of learning, which should help maximize its advantages in the future.(Approximately 550 words)Sample 8: ArgumentNow complete the outline of the model essay: Separating the Sexes, Just for the Tough YearsI. Introduction (explanation of the issue)Thesis statement: _______________________________________II. BodyA. Opposing argument 1Opponents of single-sex education claim that test scores show that there is no advantage to all-girl or all-boy classes.Rebuttal to argument 11. Research is inconclusive-show opposite results2. Other results that cannot be calculateda. Girls________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____b.Boys _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______B. Opposing argument2____________________________________________________________ Rebuttal to argument 2_________________________________________________________a. Settling squabbles with siblingsb. Negotiating with opposite-sex parentC. Opposing argument 3_________________________________________________________Rebuttal to argument 3___________________________________________________________a. _______________________________________________________b. Teachers call on boys more oftenIII.Conclusion1. Same-sex classes provide a better learning environmentReasonsa. Boys and girls_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______b.Girl____________________________________________________________________ _c. Boys____________________________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________________________3.________________________________________________________________________ _Sample 9A major change that has occurred in the Western family is an increased incidence in divorce. Whereas in the past, divorce was a relatively rare occurrence, in recent times it has become quite commonplace. This change is borne out clearly in census figures. For example thirty years ago in Australia, only one marriage in ten ended in divorce; nowadays the figure is more than one in three (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1996: p.45). A consequence of this change has been a substantial increase in the number of single parent families and the attendant problems that this brings (Kilmartin, 1997).An important issue for sociologists, and indeed for all of society, is why these changes in marital patterns have occurred. In this essay I will seek to critically examine a number of sociological explanationsfor the 'divorce phenomenon' and also consider the social policy implications that each explanation carries with it. It will be arguedthat the best explanations are to be found within a broad socio-economic framework.One type of explanation for rising divorce has focused on changesin laws relating to marriage. For example, Bilton, Bonnett and Jones (1987) argue that increased rates of divorce do not necessarily indicate that families are now more unstable. It is possible, they claim, that there has always been a degree of marital instability. They suggest that changes in the law have been significant, because they have provided unhappily married couples with 'access to a legal solution to pre-existent marital problems' (p.301). Bilton et al. therefore believe that changes in divorce rates can be best explained in terms of changes inthe legal system. The problem with this type of explanation however, is that it does not consider why these laws have changed in the first place. It could be argued that reforms to family law, as well as the increased rate of divorce that has accompanied them, are the product of more fundamental changes in society.Another type of explanation is one that focuses precisely on these broad societal changes. For example, Nicky Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995) argues that increases in divorce and marital breakdown are the result of economic changes that have affected the family. One example of these changes is the raised material aspirations of families, which Hart suggests has put pressure on both spouses to become wage earners. Womenas a result have been forced to become both homemakers and economic providers. According to Hart, the contradiction of these two roles has lead to conflict and this is the main cause of marital breakdown. It would appear that Hart's explanation cannot account for all cases of divorce - for example, marital breakdown is liable to occur in families where only the husband is working. Nevertheless, her approach, which is to relate changes in family relations to broader social forces, would seem to be more probing than one that looks only at legislative change.The two explanations described above have very differentimplications for social policy, especially in relation to how the problem of increasing marital instability might be dealt with. Bilton et al. (1995) offer a legal explanation and hence would see the solutions also being determined in this domain. If rises in divorce are thought to be the consequence of liberal divorce laws, the obvious way to stem this rise is to make them less obtainable. This approach, one imagines, would lead to a reduction in divorce statistics; however, it cannot really be held up as a genuine solution to the problems of marital stress and breakdown in society. Indeed it would seem to be a solution directed more at symptoms than addressing fundamental causes. Furthermore, the experience of social workers, working in the area of family welfare suggests that restricting a couple's access to divorce would in some cases serve only to exacerbate existing marital problems (Johnson, 1981). In those cases where violence is involved, the consequences could be tragic. Apart from all this, returning to more restrictive divorce laws seems to be a solution little favored by Australians. (Harrison, 1990).Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995), writing from a Marxist-feminist position, traces marital conflict to changes in the capitalist economicsystem and their resultant effect on the roles of men and women. It is difficult to know however, how such an analysis might be translated into practical social policies. This is because the Hart program would appear to require in the first place a radical restructuring of the economic system. Whilst this may be desirable for some, it is not achievable in the present political climate. Hart is right however, to suggest that much marital conflict can be linked in some way to the economic circumstances of families. This is borne out in many statistical surveys which show consistently that rates of divorce are higher among socially disadvantaged families (McDonald, 1993). This situation suggests then that social policies need to be geared to providing support and security for these types of families. It is little cause for optimism however, that in recent years governments of all persuasions have shown an increasing reluctance to fund social welfare programs of this kind.It is difficult to offer a comprehensive explanation for the growing trend of marital breakdown; and it is even more difficult tofind solutions that might ameliorate the problems created by it. Clearly though, as I have argued in this essay, the most useful answers are to be found not within a narrow legal framework, but within a broadersocio-economic one.Finally, it is worth pointing out that, whilst we may appear to be living in a time of increased family instability, research suggests that historically, instability may have been the norm rather than the exception. As Bell and Zajdow (1997) point out, in the past, single parent and step families were more common than is assumed - although the disruptive influence then was not divorce, but the premature death of one or both parents. This situation suggests that in studying the modernfamily, one needs to employ a historical perspective, including the possibility of looking to the past in searching for ways of dealing with problems in the present.Sample 10Discuss why assignment essays are common assessment tasks in undergraduate tertiary coursework, and evaluate the effectiveness of assignments as an avenue for learning. (Word limit 500 words - 10% leeway) Please note that the APA referencing style is used in this sample essay.Assignment essays are developed from set questions that give students a period of time to research a topic and produce their answer with references to their sources of information. While there are some disadvantages with using assignment essays as an assessment tool, there are sound educational purposes underpinning this practice. This essay examines the reasons why assignment essays are beneficial for student learning and considers some of the problems with this method of assessment.Assignment essay tasks are set to assist students to develop mastery of their study subject. Firstly, assignment tasks enhance understandings about subject matter. Yang and Baker (2005) reason that "to master your learning materials and extend your understandings, you need to write about the meanings you gain from your research" (p. 1). Secondly, research (Jinx, 2004; Zapper, 2006) clearly demonstrates that students learn the writing conventions of a subject area while they are researching, reading and writing in their discipline. This activity。



学术英语相关话题作文范文英文:Academic English is an essential skill for anyone pursuing higher education or a career in a field that requires advanced knowledge and critical thinking. It isthe language used in academic settings such as universities, research institutions, and professional conferences. Mastering academic English involves not only being able to understand and communicate complex ideas, but also being able to write and present them in a clear and organized manner.I remember when I first started my undergraduate studies, I struggled with academic English. The readings were dense and filled with unfamiliar vocabulary, and the writing assignments required a level of analysis and argumentation that I had never encountered before. Irealized that in order to succeed in my courses, I neededto improve my academic English skills.One of the strategies that helped me was reading extensively in my field of study. By immersing myself in academic texts, I was able to familiarize myself with the language and style of writing commonly used in my discipline. I also sought out opportunities to practice my speaking and presentation skills, such as participating in class discussions and giving presentations to my peers. These experiences not only improved my fluency in academic English, but also boosted my confidence in expressing my ideas in a scholarly setting.Additionally, I found that seeking feedback from professors and peers was invaluable in honing my academic English skills. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement allowed me to refine my writing and communication abilities. I also made use of resources such as writing centers and language support services offered by my university, which provided me with guidance on grammar, syntax, and overall coherence in my academic writing.Through consistent effort and practice, I graduallybecame more proficient in academic English. I learned to write clear and compelling arguments, present my research findings effectively, and engage in scholarly discussions with confidence. These skills not only helped me succeed academically, but also prepared me for my future career in academia.中文:学术英语是任何追求高等教育或从事需要高级知识和批判性思维的领域职业的人必备的技能。



Cambridge-Jayden-Unit 1There is an old saying in China ‘Food is god for the people’. It indicates that how food plays and important role in China. As we know, China has a long history and various of cultures. So The food and eating habits has changed a lot in our country.During the middle of the 20th century, our country was suffering from wars and rebuilding. People were hard at that time. There was not enough food to afford ,and the food was always simple and green, such as corns, potherb and steamed bun. Also people at that time attached importance to the tradition, so the eating habits were formal. For example, a family meal will not begin until everyone is ready to eat.Nowadays, many things are different from the past. There are all kinds of food in the restaurant and you can enjoy the food from different countries. Vegetables which are grown in space is also on sale in the supermarket. Food is more and more tasty now, however, the safety of the food has been concerned for a while. Dead pork, beef which is filled with water is common today. Food is not as healthy as past either, junk food of Mcdonalds, KFC and so on is bad for our health. What’s more, eating habits are also different. People now can have meals wherever they want, in the kitchen, in the balcony or even on their own beds.But I have to admit that changes bring us a lot of benefits. Today’s food and eating habits are making people’s life more convenient and casual. People canhave more choices than before. But at the same time, food safety is still a main problem for us.In general, I would say that I am glad to see the changes of the food and the eating habits. But I think the government have to supervise the food producer and the factories more strictly in order to make sure their citizens health.。




篇一:学位英语作文Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Cars and Air Pollution. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese)below:1. 私家轿车越来越多,有些问题随之产生。

2. 比较明显的大问题有……3. 我对这种现象的想法。

Cars and Air PollutionToo many cars have created a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast consumption, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on petrol. But it may take decades for the new models of clean cars to completely replace the traditional ones.Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private cars. And the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly.On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.2016年成人学位英语作文范文:城市问题Drection: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic City Problems. You should write no less than 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 越来越多的人涌入大城市,有些问题随之产生。



Knowledge, A New Mean of hoardingIn the ancient years, rich people such as land lords and dignitaries would regard gold as an important mean of hoarding to ensure their families’ prosperity for it can keep its value for a long time. However, most of them would find it unreal because the heavy metal was easily to be stolen or be wasted by their extravagant younger generation. That’s why there is a well-known saying in China: The wealth of a family doesn’t last three generations. But now it seems that t hey have found a new mean of hoarding, which is more durable and impossible to be stolen, that is knowledge.In fact, the phenomenon of that so-called knowledge inheritance is not hard to find in China. A professor of Tsinghua University, one of the best universities in China, has done a research on his students, to figure out whether a student’s family condition has an effect on his academic achievement.Most of the students come from well-educated families, with parents as professors, government officials, successful business men and so on. So we can’t deny the family’s role in their development. Similarly,Wang Sicong, the son of the richest man in China. He is under criticism for his comments on Weibo and showing off his property. However, if you bother to spend some time to look up his resume, you will certainly be surprised. He graduated from University College London, the best college of England, and now he is in charge of several companies. Wang has received better education than most Chinese with th e support of his father’s wealth. Now we can see a conclusion has formed: Well-educated parents raise well-educated children.Using knowledge as a mean of hoarding instead of gold makes it easier for the children to innovate. Just like Wang Sicong’s cas e, by receiving higher education and more professional skills, the child will anticipate in their parents’ business and help to handle the business, as well as, take over it after the retirement of their parents. So the family business can be healthily continued. In addition, using knowledge as a mean of hoarding instead of gold also allows the child to start their own business or make a good living. The gold can be squandered, while the knowledge will never fade away. So, because of these two reasons, now knowledge inheritance has gained its popularity around the world.In conclusion, as a new mean of hoarding, knowledge does have some advantages over gold and it will take time to test its real effect.。



学术英语作文英文I have always been fascinated by the field of psychology. The human mind is such a complex and intriguing subject, and I am constantly amazed by the ways in which our thoughts and emotions influence our behavior. There is still so much we don't understand about the inner workings of the mind, and I am eager to contribute to the ongoing research in this area.One of the most interesting topics in psychology, in my opinion, is the study of memory. Our ability to remember past events and information is crucial to our daily functioning, yet there are still many unanswered questions about how memory works. I am particularly interested in exploring the ways in which memory can be influenced by external factors, such as stress or trauma, and how these influences can impact our overall well-being.In addition to memory, I am also drawn to the study of personality and individual differences. It is fascinatingto me how each person has their own unique set of traits and characteristics, and how these factors can shape the way we interact with the world around us. Understanding the complexities of personality can have significant implications for fields such as clinical psychology and counseling, and I am excited to delve deeper into this area of research.Another area of psychology that I find compelling is the study of social behavior and relationships. The ways in which we form and maintain connections with others can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional health. I am interested in exploring the factors that contribute to healthy, fulfilling relationships, as well as the ways in which social dynamics can influence our thoughts and behaviors.Overall, I am passionate about the field of psychology and the potential it has to improve our understanding of the human mind and behavior. I am eager to contribute to the ongoing research in this area and to explore the many unanswered questions that still exist in the field.。



学术话题英语作文范文Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education。

Introduction:Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing various sectors, and education is no exception. This essay explores the profound impact of AI on education, covering its benefits, challenges, and future prospects.Benefits of AI in Education:One of the significant advantages of AI in education is personalized learning. AI algorithms can analyze students' learning patterns and preferences to tailor educational content and pace according to individual needs. This customization fosters better engagement and comprehension among students, ultimately enhancing learning outcomes.Moreover, AI-powered educational tools offerinteractive and immersive learning experiences. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications enable students to explore complex concepts in a simulated environment, making learning more engaging and memorable. Additionally, chatbots and virtual assistants provide instant assistance to students, answering queries and providing feedback round-the-clock.Furthermore, AI facilitates efficient administrative tasks in educational institutions. Automated grading systems can evaluate assessments and provide feedback promptly, saving teachers valuable time that can be redirected towards more personalized instruction. AI also aids in curriculum development by analyzing data on student performance and identifying areas for improvement.Challenges and Considerations:Despite its numerous benefits, the integration of AI in education poses several challenges. One concern is the potential for AI to exacerbate educational inequality.Access to AI-powered educational resources may be limitedin underserved communities, widening the digital divide. Addressing this disparity requires concerted efforts to ensure equitable access to AI technologies for all students.Another challenge is the ethical use of AI in education. There are concerns about data privacy and security, especially regarding the collection and analysis ofstudents' personal information. Safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring transparent AI algorithms are essential to maintain trust and accountability in educational settings.Moreover, there is apprehension regarding the displacement of human educators by AI systems. While AI can automate certain tasks, such as grading and administrative duties, the role of teachers in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and socio-emotional skills remains indispensable. Thus, it is crucial to strike a balance between AI-driven automation and human intervention in education.Future Prospects:Looking ahead, the future of AI in education holds promise for further innovation and advancement. Continued research and development in AI technologies can lead to more sophisticated adaptive learning systems that cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Additionally, AI-driven analytics can provide valuable insights into educational trends and strategies for optimizing teaching and learning processes.Furthermore, AI has the potential to democratize education on a global scale. Online learning platforms powered by AI algorithms can offer high-quality educational resources to learners worldwide, transcending geographical and socioeconomic barriers. This democratization of education can empower individuals to pursue lifelong learning and skill development.Conclusion:In conclusion, the integration of AI in educationoffers transformative opportunities to enhance learningexperiences, improve educational outcomes, and streamline administrative tasks. However, it also presents challenges related to equity, ethics, and the role of human educators. By addressing these challenges thoughtfully and harnessing the potential of AI responsibly, we can create a more inclusive, innovative, and effective educational system for future generations.。



学术英文作文范文I remember the first time I presented my research at a conference. It was nerve-wracking, but also incredibly exciting. I was able to share my findings with other researchers in the field and receive valuable feedback. It was a great opportunity to connect with others who shared my passion for the subject.Research is a long and often challenging process. There are times when it feels like nothing is working and I'm not making any progress. But then there are those breakthrough moments when everything falls into place and the results are better than I could have imagined. Those moments make all the hard work worth it.One of the most important skills I've developed as a researcher is critical thinking. I've learned to question everything, to look at problems from different angles, and to consider all possible explanations. It's a skill that has served me well not only in my research, but in allaspects of my life.Collaboration is another key aspect of academic research. I've had the opportunity to work with some incredibly talented and knowledgeable people. It's amazing how much you can learn from others, and how much more you can accomplish when you work together towards a common goal.Writing and publishing papers is a crucial part of the academic research process. It's not just about sharing my findings with the world, but also about contributing to the collective knowledge of my field. It's a way to engage inthe ongoing conversation and debate that drives progressand innovation.。



关于学术的英文作文Studying academic subjects can be a real challenge, but it's also incredibly rewarding. You get to dive deep into a topic you're passionate about and really expand your knowledge and understanding. Plus, you get to engage with other students and experts in the field, which can lead to some really interesting discussions and collaborations.One of the things I love about academic study is the opportunity to think critically and analytically. It's not just about memorizing facts and figures, but really delving into the underlying concepts and theories. This kind of thinking can be applied to so many aspects of life, notjust the subject you're studying, which is really valuable.Of course, academic study isn't just about the theoretical side of things. There's also a practical aspect to it, whether that's conducting experiments in a lab, doing fieldwork, or even just applying what you've learned to real-world problems. It's about taking what you'velearned and using it to make a tangible impact.Another great thing about studying academic subjects is the sense of accomplishment you get when you finally understand a difficult concept or master a challenging skill. It's a real confidence booster, and it's incredibly satisfying to see how far you've come since you first started.Finally, I think one of the most important things about academic study is the opportunity to constantly learn and grow. There's always something new to discover, always a new perspective to consider, and always room to improve.It's a never-ending journey, but that's what makes it so exciting.。



学术创新英文作文范文1. Academic innovation is like a breath of fresh air in the stuffy room of traditional knowledge. It shakes things up, challenges the status quo, and pushes the boundaries of what we thought was possible.2. When researchers dare to think outside the box, they open up new avenues of exploration and discovery. They are like pioneers, forging ahead into uncharted territory, armed only with their curiosity and determination.3. The beauty of academic innovation lies in its unpredictability. You never know where it will lead you, what new insights it will reveal, or what groundbreaking discoveries it will uncover.4. It takes courage to break away from the familiar and embrace the unknown. But those who dare to take that leap of faith are often rewarded with a deeper understanding of the world around them.5. Academic innovation is not just about coming up with new ideas; it's also about challenging existing ones. It's about questioning assumptions, testing hypotheses, and seeking out the truth, no matter where it may lead.6. In the world of academia, innovation is thelifeblood that keeps the engine of progress running. Without it, we would be stuck in a never-ending cycle of repetition and stagnation.7. So let's celebrate the mavericks, the visionaries, and the dreamers who dare to think differently and push the boundaries of what is possible. They are the ones who will shape the future of knowledge and lead us into uncharted territory.。



学术的的英语作文Studying academic subjects can be challenging, but also rewarding. It requires dedication, hard work, and a thirst for knowledge. It's all about expanding your mind and pushing yourself to new limits.When delving into academic research, one must be prepared to sift through mountains of information. It'slike being a detective, searching for clues and piecing together a puzzle. The thrill of discovery is what keeps researchers motivated and driven.Writing academic papers is an art form in itself. It's about crafting a coherent argument, backed up by evidence and logical reasoning. Each word is carefully chosen, each sentence meticulously constructed. It's a labor of love, but the end result is always worth it.Attending academic conferences is a great way to share your research with others in the field. It's a chance toengage in lively debates, exchange ideas, and forge new connections. The academic community is like a big family, always ready to support and challenge each other.Academic success is not just about grades or publications. It's about the impact you make on the world around you. Whether it's through groundbreaking research, innovative teaching methods, or inspiring the next generation of scholars, the mark you leave is what truly matters.。




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Sample 1Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureWhen the first Europeans came to the North American continent, they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American. Peoples of North America, Native Americans, who had highly developed cultures in many respects, must have been as curious about them. As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact, there was a cultural exchange. Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans’ ways, and the Europeans adopted some of their ways. As a result, Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to modern U.S. culture, particularly in the areas of language, art, food, and government.First of all, Native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for places in this new land. All across the country are cities, towns, rivers, and states with Native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named after Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants found in the Americas, Chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunk, tobacco, and squash are just a few examples.Although the vocabulary of English is the area that shows the most Native American influence, it is not the only area of U.S. culture that has beenshaped by contact with Native Americans. Art is another area of important Native American contributions. Wool rugs woven by women of the Navajo Tribe in Arizona and New Mexico are highly valued works of art in the United States. Native American jewelry made from silver and turquoise is also very popular and very expensive. Especially in the western and southwestern regions of the United States, native crafts such as pottery, leather products, and beadwork can be found in many homes. Indeed, native art and handicrafts are a treasured part of U.S. culture.In addition to language and art, agriculture is another area in which Native Americans had a great and lasting influence on the peoples who arrived here from Europe, Africa, and Asia. Being skilled farmers, the Native Americans of North America taught the new comers many things about farming techniques and crops. Every U.S. schoolchild has heard the story of how Native Americans taught the first settlers to place a dead fish in a planting hole to provide fertilizer for the growing plant. Furthermore, they taught the settlers irrigation methods and crop rotation. Many of the foods people in the United States eat today were introduced to the Europeans by Native Americans. For example, corn and chocolate were unknown in Europe. Now they are staples in the U.S. diet.Finally, it may surprise some people to learn that citizens of the United States are also indebted to the native people for our form of government. The Iroquois, who were an extremely large tribe with many branches called “nations”, had devel oped a highly sophisticated system of government tosettle disputes that arose between the various branches. Five of the nations had joined together in a confederation called “The League of the Iroquois.” Under the league, each nation was autonomous in running its own internal affairs, but the nations acted as a unit when dealing with outsiders. The league kept the Iroquois from fighting among themselves and was also valuable in diplomatic relations with other tribes. When the 13 colonies were considering what kind of government to establish after they had won their independence from Britain, someone suggested that they use a system similar to that of the League of the Iroquois. Under this system, each colony or future state would be autonomous in managing its own affairs but would join forces with the other states to deal with matters that concerned them all. This is exactly what happened. As a result, the present from of government of the United States can be traced directly back to a Native American model.In conclusion, we can easily see from these few examples the extent of Native American influence on our language, our art forms, out eating habits, and our government. The people of the United States are deeply indebted to Native Americans for their contributions to U.S. Culture.Exercise: Complete the outline by filling in the missing parts.Native American Influences on Modern U.S. CultureI. IntroductionThesis statement: ___________________________________________________________II. BodyA. Native Americans left a permanent mark on the English language.1. Names of places-cities, towns, rivers, and statesa. States: Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Alabamab. Cities: Chicago, Miami, Spokane2. Names of animals and plantsa. Animals: chipmunk, moose, raccoon, skunkb. Plants: tobacco, squashB. _____________________________________________________________1. Navajo rugs2. Silver and turquoise jewelry3. ______________________________________________________________a. Potteryb. _____________________________________________________c. _____________________________________________________C. ______________________________________________________________1. Farming techniquesa. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________2. _____________________________________________________a. _________________________________________________b. ________________________________________________D. ______________________________________________________________1. Iroquois-large tribe with many branches ("nations")Needed to settle disputes among various branches2. Five nations formed League of Iroquoisa. _________________________________________________b. Acted together when dealing with outsiders3. After independence, 13 colonies adopted similar system.a. Each colony (future state) was autonomous in managing own affairs.b. ______________________________________________________III. Conclusion___________________________________________________________Sample 2:Culture ShockMoving to a new country can be an exciting, even exhilarating experience. In a new environment, you somehow feel more alive: seeing new sights, eating new food, hearing the foreign sounds of a new language, and feeling a different climate against your skin stimulate your senses as never before. Soon, however, this sensory bombardment becomes sensory overload. Suddenly, new experiences seem stressful rather than stimulating, and delight turns into discomfort. This is the phenomenon known as culture shock. Culture shock is more than jet lag or homesickness, and it affects nearly everyone who enters a new culture-tourists, business travelers, diplomats, and students alike. Although not everyone experiences culture shock in exactly the same way, many experts agree that it has roughly five stages.In the first stage, you are excited by your new environment. You experience some simple difficulties such as trying to use the telephone or public transportation, but you consider these small challenges that you can quickly overcome. Your feelings about the new culture are positive, so you are eager to make contact with people and to try new foods.Sooner or later, differences in behavior and customs become more noticeable to you. This is the second stage of culture shock. Because you do not know the social customs of the new culture, you may find it difficult to make friends. For instance, you do not understand how to make "small talk," so it is hard to carry on a casual, get-acquainted conversation. One day in the school cafeteria, you overhear a conversation. You understand all the words, but you do not understand the meaning. Why is everyone laughing? Are they laughing at you or at some joke that you did not understand? Also, you aren't always sure how to act while shopping. Is this store self-service, or should you wait for a clerk to assist you? If you buy a sweater in the wrong size, can you exchange it? These are not minor challenges; they are major frustrations.In the third stage, you no longer have positive feelings about the new culture. You feel that you have made a mistake in coming here. Making friends hasn't been easy, so you begin to feel lonely and isolated. Now you want to be with familiar people and eat familiar food. You begin to spend most of your free time with students from your home country, and you eat in restaurants that serve your native food. In fact, food becomes an obsession, and you spend a lot of time planning, shopping for, and cooking food from home.You know that you are in the fourth stage of culture shock when you have negative feelings about almost everything. In this stage, you actively reject the new culture. You become critical, suspicious, and irritable. You believe that people are unfriendly, that your landlord is trying to cheat you, that your teachers do not like you, and that the food is making you sick. In fact, you may actually develop stomachaches, headaches, sleeplessness, lethargy, or other physical symptoms.Finally, you reach the fifth stage. As your language skills improve, you begin to have some success in meeting people and in negotiating situations. You are able to exchange the sweater that was too small, and you can successfully chat about the weather with a stranger on the bus. Your self-confidence grows. After realizing that you cannot change your surroundings, you begin to accept the differences and tolerate them. For instance, the food will never be as tasty as the food in your home country, but you are now able to eat and sometimes even enjoy many dishes. You may not like the way some people in your host country dress or behave in public, but you do not regard their clothes and behavior as wrong-just different.Concluding Paragraph ATo sum up, culture shock is a very real phenomenon that has been studied for more than 30 years by psychologists and anthropologists. Its five phases are (1) positive feelings toward the new culture, (2) awareness of small differences, (3) growing discomfort and need for contact with home culture, (4) negative feelings, and (5) acceptance and adjustment. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five phases. In the end, however, people who suffer culture shock are stronger from having overcome the difficulties and frustrations ofadapting to life in a new land.Concluding Paragraph BIn conclusion, nearly everyone moving to a new country feels some degree of culture shock. Symptoms may vary, and not all people experience all five stages. Newcomers with a strong support group may feel at home immediately in the new culture, while others may take months to feel comfortable. Staying in touch with friends and family, keeping a positive attitude, and, above all, learning the language as soon as possible are ways to overcome the difficulties and frustrations of adapting to life in a new land.Exercise:1.Which concluding paragraph best suits the passage and why?2.Which concluding paragraph is a summary of the subtopics? Which one paraphrases the thesis statement?3.Which concluding paragraph gives suggestions? Which one makes a prediction?Sample 3At the MoviesYou Are Where You Sit: Seating Choice Can Tell a Lot about a Person!1 When he goes to the movies, Ravel Centeno likes to sit on the aisle and stretch his feet out-a fact that by itself speaks volumes about his personality, according to a new study. The study, commissioned by the British movie theater company Odeon, examined how theater seating habits reflect personality. And as the summer movie season reaches its zenith, the research says you are where you sit. Psychologist Donna Dawson divided moviegoers into four different personality types based on their seating preferences and cited examples of movie characters who fit those types.2 Those who sit on the aisle, like Centeno, are "detached observers"-people who like to have their own space, who are observers and tend to be quieter. "That's funny, because I'm a writer," Centeno said Thursday as he waited to see AI. at the Cineplex Odeon at Universal CityWalk. "So that's what I do (observe people)." One celluloid example of a detached observer, said Dawson, is Jack Nicholson's Melvin Udall character in As Good as It Gets.3 Other personality types, according to Dawson:4 The "front row film fanatic": Extroverted, assertive, and competitive, these are people who like to see movies with others, not on their own. An example from the movies might be Mike Meyers's Austin Powers or Julia Roberts's Erin Brockovich.5 The “middle-of-the-roaders": These are the people who like to sit in the middle, fittingly. They are people who are flexible and try to get along with others, such as Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma. Gloria and Tom Candelaria of Redlands say that seems to fit them. "We like the middle because it's not too far back and not too close to the front," Gloria Candelaria said as she scanned the marquee at CityWalk. Tom Candelaria said the "middle-of-the-roader" label seems to fit them because "we're easygoing."6 The "invisible rebels": Those who sit far in the back are people who are rebellious and like excitement but don't necessary seek the limelight, the study said. A typical example is Clint Eastwood's Man with No Name and Sigourney Weaver's Lt. Ripley in the Alien films. "The back row is, where things happen; it's an exciting area of danger and lots of passionate smooching," Dawson said in the Odeon report. "It tends to attract people who are rebellious."7 For some people, though, sometimes a chair is just a chair. "I don't know wherever there's an empty seat," said filmgoer Chris Marshall of Lake Hollywood, when asked where he likes to sit. "That works for me."Questions About the Organization1. What kind of introduction does this newspaper article have?a. It is a funnel introduction-it begins with a general statement and narrows down to the thesis statement.b. It begins with an example and ends with the thesis statement.c. It explains the reasons for the study and ends with the thesis statement.2. What kind of conclusion does it have?a. It summarizes the four main personality types.b. It gives the writer's opinion on the study.c. It gives an example that contrasts with the main points.3. What words in the thesis statement indicate that the article uses logical division of ideas as a pattern of organization?About the Support4. What two kinds of supporting details are used in this article?_________ and _________5. The psychologist who made the study used one kind of support, and the writer of the article reporting the results of the study used another kind. Which person used which kind?a. The psychologist used _b. The writer used _About the Content6. How do we know if the psychologist is correct? Does the article mention the methods she used in her study to match seating preference and personality type, or does it report only the results?Sample 4: Cause and EffectSample 5: Cause and EffectSample 6: ComparisonCLASSROOM LEARNING AND INTERNETBASED TEACHING Since the late 1990s internet-based teaching (also known as e-education) has emerged as a potential rival to traditional classroom learning. It normally involves having access to a secure site on the internet where a graded series of lessons are available, and which have assignments sent and returned by email. Although on-line courses are now offered by many institutions, it is by no means clear that they offer real advantages compared to classroom education. Little research has been done so far on their effectiveness, but this essay sets out to examine the arguments on both sides and attempts to draw conclusions from them.Two main advantages of internet use in education are put forward. Firstly, it is seen as more economical, in that once a course is prepared, it can be used by large numbers of students. The savings made by not having to employ so many teachers should be reflected in cheaper course fees. The second benefit is convenience; instead of having to attend classes at fixed times and places, students are free to study when they choose and progress at their own pace. Furthermore, by studying from home there is no need to travel to the college or university, saving both time and money. A student living in a small town in China, for example, can now study a course at an American college without the worry of travelling, accommodation or homesickness.Despite the considerations mentioned above, classroom learning shows no signs of being replaced by e-learning. It seems that face-to-face contact with a teacher is still widely regarded as the best way for students to make progress, despite the expense and inconvenience involved. Not only the personal contact with a teacher, but also the support and encouragement gained from being part of a class may be one reason for this. Membership of a group may also create a useful spirit of competition, which stimulates learning.Given the increasing pressure on university places in many countries, internet-based teaching is often seen as a convenient development. However, e-learning eliminates personal contact and travel from education, which are possibly the aspects many students value. Sitting at home working on a computer may be economical, but clearly cannot replace the social experience of attending courses. However, there are many people who are unable, either through work or family commitments, or due to lack of funds, to go to classes, and who would clearly find internet learning beneficial. On-line courses can also be used to support taught courses, for instance by providing access to extra materials. In many ways these kinds of courses are similar to ‘universities of the air’, such as Britain’s Open University, which have developed distance learning so successfully in the last 40 years.Faced by growing demand for university places, more institutions are likely to develop on-line courses, but the apparent benefits of e-learning may be less than are generally believed. Students seem to value the personal contact of the classroom highly, despite its cost and inconvenience. There may be a role for internet-based courses to supplement teacher-taught ones, and certainly for people with other commitments they will be the only practical option. There is an urgent need for research on the effectiveness of this type of learning, which should help maximize its advantages in the future.(Approximately 550 words)Now complete the outline of the model essay:Separating the Sexes, Just for the Tough YearsI. Introduction (explanation of the issue)Thesis statement: _______________________________________II. BodyA. Opposing argument 1Opponents of single-sex education claim that test scores show that there is no advantage to all-girl or all-boy classes.Rebuttal to argument 11. Research is inconclusive-show opposite results2. Other results that cannot be calculateda. Girls _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Boys ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B. Opposing argument 2____________________________________________________________Rebuttal to argument 2_________________________________________________________a.Settling squabbles with siblingsb.Negotiating with opposite-sex parentC. Opposing argument 3_________________________________________________________Rebuttal to argument 3___________________________________________________________a._______________________________________________________b.Teachers call on boys more oftenIII.Conclusion1. Same-sex classes provide a better learning environmentReasonsa. Boys and girls ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________b. Girl_____________________________________________________________________c. Boys ____________________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________________3. _________________________________________________________________________Sample 9A major change that has occurred in the Western family is an increased incidence in divorce. Whereas in the past, divorce was a relatively rare occurrence, in recent times it has become quite commonplace. This change is borne out clearly in census figures. For example thirty years ago in Australia, only one marriage in ten ended in divorce; nowadays the figure is more than one in three (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1996: p.45). A consequence of this change has been a substantial increase in the number of single parent families and the attendant problems that this brings (Kilmartin, 1997).An important issue for sociologists, and indeed for all of society, is why these changes in marital patterns have occurred. In this essay I will seek to critically examine a number of sociological explanations for the 'divorce phenomenon' and also consider the social policy implications that each explanation carries with it. It will be argued that the best explanations are to be found within a broad socio-economic framework.One type of explanation for rising divorce has focused on changes in laws relating to marriage. For example, Bilton, Bonnett and Jones (1987) argue that increased rates of divorce do not necessarily indicate that families are now more unstable. It is possible, they claim, that there has always been a degree of marital instability. They suggest that changes in the law have been significant, because they have provided unhappily married couples with 'access to a legal solution to pre-existent marital problems' (p.301). Bilton et al. therefore believe that changes in divorce rates can be best explained in terms of changes in the legal system. The problem with this type of explanation however, is that it does not consider why these laws have changed in the first place. It could be argued that reforms to family law, as well as the increased rate of divorce that has accompanied them, are the product of more fundamental changes in society.Another type of explanation is one that focuses precisely on these broad societal changes. For example, Nicky Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995) argues that increases in divorce and marital breakdown are the result of economic changes that have affected the family. One example of these changes is the raised material aspirations of families, which Hart suggests has put pressure on both spouses to become wage earners. Women as a result have been forced to become both homemakers and economic providers. According to Hart, the contradiction of these two roles has lead to conflict and this is the main cause of marital breakdown. It would appear that Hart's explanation cannot account for all cases of divorce - for example, marital breakdown is liable to occur in families where only the husband is working. Nevertheless, her approach, which is to relate changes in family relations to broader social forces, would seem to be more probing than one that looks only at legislative change.The two explanations described above have very different implications for social policy, especially in relation to how the problem of increasing marital instability might be dealt with. Bilton et al. (1995) offer a legal explanation and hence would see the solutions also being determined in this domain. If rises in divorce are thought to be the consequence of liberal divorce laws, the obvious way to stem this rise is to make them less obtainable. This approach, one imagines, would lead to a reduction in divorce statistics; however, it cannot really be held up as a genuine solution to the problems of marital stress and breakdown in society. Indeed it would seem to be a solution directed more at symptoms than addressing fundamental causes. Furthermore, the experience of social workers, working in the area of family welfare suggests that restricting a couple's access to divorce would in some cases serve only to exacerbate existing marital problems (Johnson, 1981). In those cases where violence is involved, the consequences could be tragic. Apart from all this, returning to more restrictive divorce laws seems to be a solution little favored by Australians. (Harrison, 1990).Hart (cited in Haralambos, 1995), writing from a Marxist-feminist position, traces marital conflict to changes in the capitalist economic system and their resultant effect on the roles of men and women. It is difficult to know however, how such an analysis might be translated into practical social policies. This is because the Hart program would appear to require in the first place a radical restructuring of the economic system. Whilst this may be desirable for some, it is not achievable in the present political climate. Hart is right however, to suggest that much marital conflict can be linked in some way to the economic circumstances of families. This is borne out in many statistical surveys which show consistently that rates of divorce are higher among socially disadvantaged families (McDonald, 1993). This situation suggests then that social policies need to be geared to providing support and security for these types of families. It is little cause for optimism however, that in recent years governments of all persuasions have shown an increasing reluctance to fund social welfare programs of this kind.It is difficult to offer a comprehensive explanation for the growing trend of marital breakdown; and it is even more difficult to find solutions that might ameliorate the problems created by it. Clearly though, as I have argued in this essay, the most useful answers are to be found not within a narrow legal framework, but within a broader socio-economic one.Finally, it is worth pointing out that, whilst we may appear to be living in a time of increased family instability, research suggests that historically, instability may have been the norm rather than the exception. As Bell and Zajdow (1997) point out, in the past, single parent and step families were more common than is assumed - although the disruptive influence then was not divorce, but the premature death of one or both parents. This situation suggests that in studying the modern family, one needs to employ a historical perspective, including the possibility of looking to the past in searching for ways of dealing with problems in the present.Sample 10Discuss why assignment essays are common assessment tasks in undergraduate tertiary coursework, and evaluate the effectiveness of assignments as an avenue for learning. (Word limit 500 words - 10% leeway) Please note that the APA referencing style is used in this sample essay.Assignment essays are developed from set questions that give students a period of time to research a topic and produce their answer with references to their sources of information. While there are some disadvantages with using assignment essays as an assessment tool, there are sound educational purposes underpinning this practice. This essay examines the reasons why assignment essays are beneficial for student learning and considers some of the problems with this method of assessment.Assignment essay tasks are set to assist students to develop mastery of their study subject. Firstly, assignment tasks enhance understandings about subject matter. Yang and Baker (2005) reason that "to master your learning materials and extend your understandings, you need to write about the meanings you gain from your research" (p. 1). Secondly, research (Jinx, 2004; Zapper, 2006) clearly demonstrates that students learn the writing conventions of a subject area while they are researching, reading and writing in their discipline. This activity helps them to "crack the code" of the discipline (Bloggs, 2003, p. 44). Thus, students are learning subject matter and how to write in that disciplinary area by researching and writing assignment essays.Using assignment essays for assessment supports student learning better than the traditional examination system. It is considered that course-work assignment essays can lessen the extreme stress experienced by some students over 'sudden-death' end of semester examinations:If we insist that all students write about everything they have learnedin their study courses at the same time and in the same place (e.g. inexaminations), we are not giving all of our students equalopportunities. Some students are not daunted by the exam experiencewhile others suffer 'exam nerves' and perform at the lowest level oftheir capabilities. (Wonderland University, 2006, p. 4)Additionally, Jones et al. (2004, pp. 36-37) propose that assignment essays can be used to assess student learning mid-course and so provide them with helpful feedback before they are subjected to the exam experience. Exams only provide students with a mark rather than specific feedback on their progress. Therefore, setting assignment essays for a substantial part of student assessment is a much fairer approach than one-off examination testing.As an assessment tool, assignment essays have some disadvantages for lecturers and students. It has been found that assignment essays consume a great deal of staff time and money to mark and student time to prepare (Sankey & Liger, 2005, p. 192). A consequence of this is that feedback to students is frequently delayed, and this is much less useful to students than rapid feedback (p. 294). It is partly because of these disadvantages of time and expense that other assessments such as multiple-choice tests and short answer questions have an enduring place in the tertiary learning environment.To conclude, it seems that assignment essays continue to have a prominent role in tertiary education as an assessment tool. This is mainly because they are very effective in developing knowledge and writing skills for subject areas. Also, assignment essays can be less stressful than examinations as they allow students to show their understanding of content in less pressured circumstances. On the other hand, the time consuming nature of writing and marking essays points to some disadvantages that also need to be considered. The weight of evidence, however, supports the writing of assignment essays for student assessment because this approach has such positive and proven effects for improved student learning.。
