酒店专业术语酒店专业术语——英语翻译中文英文英文全称酒店Hotel Hotel前台Front Desk Front Desk总服务台Front Office Front Office客房部Housekeeping Housekeeping预订部Reservations Reservations餐务部F&B Dept.Food and Beverage人事部Personnel Personnel工程部Engineering Engineering维修部Repair and Maintenance Repair and Maintenance 销售部Sales Sales宴会部Banquets Banquets财务部Accounting Accounting办公室Office Office商务中心Business Center Business Center安全保卫部Security Security综合部Miscellaneous Miscellaneous电脑中心Computer Center Computer Center程控机房PBX / PABX Telephone Department 餐厅Restaurant Restaurant酒吧Bar Bar桑拿Sauna Sauna咖啡厅Coffee Shop Coffee Shop洗衣房laundry laundry游泳池Swimming pool Swimming pool理发厅Barber shop Barber shop美容厅Beauty Salon Beauty Salon健身俱乐部Health club Health club娱乐中心Recreation Recreation客房Room Guestroom营业点POS Point of Sale客房:单人间Single Single双人间Double Double豪华单人间Queen Queen特豪华单人间King King三人间Triple Triple四人间客房Quad Quad or Quadruple双人套间Twin-Double Twin-double or Double-Double 两用套间Studio Studio小套间Mini-Suite Mini-Suite or Junior Suite大套间Suite Suite标准间Twin Twin室内连房Conn. Room Connecting Room室外毗连房Adjo. Room Adjoining Room海滨小舍Cabana Cabana免费房Comp Complimentary残疾人客房Handicap Rooms Handicap Rooms自用房House Use House Use迎送好客套间Hospltality Suite Hospltality Suite大厦屋顶套间Penthouse Suite Penthouse Suite维修房OOO Out-of-Order非卖房OOI Out of Inventory脏房Dirty Dirty清扫房Clearing Clearing清洁房Cleaned Cleaned已检房Ready Ready可用房V/C Vacant and Ready占用房Occupied Occupied延长停留客房Stay-over Stay-over未整理房On-Change On-Change已租用但客人未使用房Sleep-out Sleep-out跑帐房Skipper Skipper错误占用房间Sleeper Sleeper客人暂时不能进入房Lock-out Lock-out房类Type Type房号Room No.Room No.房价代码RateCode RateCode价类Class Class房价Rate Rate门市价List Rate List Rate房数Rooms No. Rooms占用数Occupied Rooms Occupied批准出租客房数Authorized Rooms Authorized已出租客房数Sold Rooms Sold可用房数Available Rooms Available预订数Reservation No. of Reservation其他:其他要求Other Requests Other Requests栏杆小床Crib Crib室内连房Connecting Connecting阳台Balcony Balcony折迭加床Rollaway Rollaway室外毗连房Adjacent Adjacent游泳池观景Pool overlook Pool overlook客人Guest Guest旅行社Travel Agent/TA Travel Agent代理Agency Agency团队Group Group公司pany地区经营管理总裁Director Area Director总经理Manager General manager and ownership 副总经理Assistant Mana.Assistant Manager住店经理Resident Mana.Resident Manager行政助理Admin. Assistant Administrative Assistant区域销售主任Regional Director Regional Director地区财务总监Area Controller Area Controller客房部经理Executive Housekeeper Executive Housekeeper总服务台经理Front Office Manager Front Office Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer Chief Engineer安全保卫部经理Director Security Director Security人事部经理Director Personnel Director Personnel餐务部经理F&B Director Food and Beverage Director销售部经理Director Sales Director Sales财务部经理Controller Controller部门副经理Assistant Front Office Manager Assistant Front Office Manager宴会部主任Director of Cartering Director of Cartering餐务部副经理Assistant F&B Director Assistant Foot&Beverage Director 销售部主任Sales Manager Sales Manager餐务财务主任Food&Beverage Controller Food&Beverage Controller餐厅经理Restaurant Manager Restaurant Manager财务部副经理Assistant Controller Assistant Controller预订部主任Reservations Manager Reservations Manager服务主管Superintendent of Services Superintendent of Services跑菜部主管Outlet Manager Outlet Manager厨师长Executive Chef Executive Chef服务员主管Executive Steward Executive Steward采购主管Purchasing Agent Purchasing Agent收银员Cashiers Cashiers夜班会计Night Auditor Night Auditor办公人员Clerk Clerk客房部经理Housekeeper Housekeeper领班Inspector Inspector客房服务员Housekeeping Staff Housekeeping Staff总服务台工作人员Front Desk Clerk Front Desk Clerk市场员SalesMan SalesMan审计人Auditor Auditor批准人Approved Approved审阅者Reviewed by Reviewed by操作员Operator Operator取消预订Cancellation Cancellation预订客人Reservation Reservation担保预订客人Guaranteed Guaranteed Reservation 结帐离店客人Check-outs Check-outs预订而未到客人No-shows No-shows临时来下榻的客人Walk-ins Walk-ins散客Transient Transient过夜客人S/O Stay Over将离客人Due Due to Checkout延长下榻日期的宾客Overstays Overstays提前结帐离店的客人Understays Understays贵宾V.I.P.Very Important Person姓名Name Name性别Sex Sex姓Last Last/Family Name名First First状态Status Status生日Birth.Birthday年龄Age Age国家Country Country电话Tel.Telephone传真Fax Fax地址Addr.Address邮政编码Zip Zip CodeEmail Email Email签名Sign.Signature班次Shift Shift团号Group No.Group No.公司号Corp No.Corporation No.组Group Group帐号Accnt Account住客卡号CardId CardId市场码Market Code Market Code联系人Coordinator Coordinator联系人电话ContractPhone ContractPhone人数Pers No. Persons成人Adults Adults儿童Children Children男宾数Males Males女宾数Females Females房数Rooms No. Rooms结帐方式MOS Mode of Settle确认否Confirmed Confirmed确认方式Confirm Confirm确认日期Confirm Date Confirm Date接待方式Rece.Rece.信用限额Credit Limit Credit Limit来处Come From Come From目的地Destination Destination优惠原因Override Code Override Code公司帐号CorpAccnt CorpAccnt团队帐号GroupAccnt GroupAccnt旅行代理号TAAccnt TA Accnt客人历史档案号ProfileNo ProfileNo证件类型CertType Type of Certification 证件号码ID Identification签证类型VisaType VisaType失效日期ExpireDate ExpireDate航班号Flight Flight首选房号Prefer Room Prefer Room喜爱房风格PreferStyle PreferStyle上次住店房价代码LastRateCode LastRateCode上次住店房价LastRate LastRate特殊嗜好Habits Habits意见Opinion Opinion佣金Commision Commision佣金率Percent Percent早餐BFK Breakfast中餐Lunch Lunch晚餐Dinner Dinner客房送餐Room Service Room Service客房酒水Mini-Bar Mini-Bar客房服务Room Server Room Server酒水Beverage/BV Beverage/BV饮料Beverage Beverage。
酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTELTELMINOLOGY(CHINESETOENGLISH)Part1部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive&HumanResourcesDivision E&HR 人事部PersonnelDepartment PD 质检培训部QualityInspection&TrainingDepartment QID 后勤部Rear-ServiceDivision RSD 市场推广及销售部Sales&MarketingDivision S&M 公共关系部PublicRelationDepartment PRD 财务部FinanceDivision FDPart2职位名称职位英文英文缩写董事长ChairmanoftheBoard COB董事长助理BoardAssistant BA执行董事ExecutiveDirector EXD总经理GeneralManager GM副总经理DeputyGeneralManager DGM驻店经理ResidentManager RM厨工KitchenHelper更衣室管理员Locker-roomConservator房务总监DirectorofRoomsDivision DOR前厅经理FrontOfficeManager FOM客房经理HousekeepingDepartmentManager HSKD大堂副理AssistantManager AM首席礼宾司ChiefConcierge CC客务主任GuestRelationOfficer GRO 接待主管ChiefReceptionist CR 接待员Receptionist行政管家ExecutiveHousekeeper EH 客房高级主管SeniorSupervisor SS 楼层主管FloorSupervisor FS 楼层领班FloorCaptain FC 洗衣房经理LaundryManager LM园丁Gardener保洁员PublicArea PA 商场部主管ShopSupervisor商场营业员ShopAssistant餐饮总监DirectorofFood&Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food&BeverageManager FBM 酒水部经理BeverageManagerBEM西餐厅主管WesternRestaurantSupervisor WRS 中餐厅主管ChineseRestaurantSupervisor CRS 宴会部经理BanquetingManagerBAM宴会销售经理BanquetSalesManager宴会销售主任BanquetSalesOfficerBSO宴会销售代表BanquetsSalesExecutiveBSE咖啡厅主管CoffeeShopSupervisor CSS 酒吧主管HeadBartender高级酒吧侍者SeniorBartender调酒员Tapman茶艺师TeaCeremonyKeeper水台厨工Butcher砧板厨师Chopper洗碗工Dishwasher打荷厨师FoodDistributor见习厨师ApprenticeCook厨房杂工Amah学徒Apprentice勤杂工Handyman洗菜工VegetableWasher营业总监DirectorofSales&Marketing DOS 销售部经理ManagerofSalesDepartment MOS 宴会销售经理BanquetSalesManager BSM木工Carpenter强电组长ElectricalSectionHead电工Electrician弱电组长ElectricsSectionHead万能工Handyman空调技工Air-conditioningMechanic机修组长MechanicSectionHead油漆工Painter电梯工LiftOperator客房维修组长RoomMaintenanceSectionHead财务总监FinancialController FC 财务部经理AccountingManager ACM 总会计师ChiefAccountant CA 会计师Accountant成本控制主管CostController COC康乐部总监DirectorofEntertainment&Recreation DER 康乐部经理Entertainment&RecreationManager ERM 康体主管EntertainmentSupervisor娱乐主管RecreationSupervisor康体领班EntertainmentCaptain娱乐领班RecreationCaptain理发师Barber美容师Beautician美容服务员BeautySalonAttendant救生员Lifeguard指甲修剪师Manicurist男按摩师/女按摩师Masseur/Masseuse教练TrainerDJ公主DJPrincess技师Masseur/Masseuse散客Freeindividualtraveler FIT 自来客人Walkin W/I 已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vacant VAC 坏房自用房Houseuse客人Guest GST预计抵店Expectedarrival E/A 预计离店Expecteddeparture E/D 延期、续住Extension EXT 入住登记单Registrationcard RC长包房Longstaying L/S 日租、当日用房Day use D/U 早餐Breakfast BF折扣Discount DISC.洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Roomservice RMSVC 陪同房GuideRoom G/R 国际长途Internationaldirectdialing IDD 国内长途Domesticdirectdialing DDD 高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Contractrate CR 要求Request REQ 押金Deposit DEP 已保证Guaranteed GTD 客人留言或邮件Mail&information M&I 备忘录Memorandum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX 电话Telephone TEL信件Letter LTR 有限的Limited LTD 公司Company CO. 已允许Permitted PER 升级入住Upgrade U/G 预订Booking BKG 尽可能快、便捷服务Assoonaspossible ASAP聚会Party PTY 团队Group GRP 楼层Floor FL 标准的Standard STD 豪华的Deluxe DLX 注意事项Attention ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policiesandprocedures P&P当值;上班OnDuty下班OffDuty班次表DutyRoster雇佣Employ为……所雇佣Intheemploy雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员PermanentEmployee临时雇员TemporaryEmployee员工手册EmployHandbook每月优秀员工EmployeeoftheMonth年度优秀员工EmployeeoftheYear员工表现评估EmployeePerformanceEvaluation 求职申请表EmploymentApplicationForm雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive犯规通知书MisconductNotice休息Off下班OffDuty办公室Officer职员签单Officer’sCheek组织机构图OrganizationChart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机Privateautomaticbranchexchange 兼职工作Part-timejob部分时间工作Workpart-time工资、薪金Pay工资、薪金支票Paycheck出纳员Paymaster工资主任PayrollOfficer养老金,退休金Pension轮班;更期Shift两头班Broken早班Morningshift午班Afternoonshift夜班Overnight/GraveyardShift工鞋Shoe员工;配备人员Staff待客员工GuestContactStaff外籍员工ExpatriateStaff本地员工LocalCanteen员工餐厅StaffCanteen员工出口处StaffEntrance员工更衣室StaffLocker-room员工告示栏StaffNotice-board员工流失率StaffTurnoverPercentage外宿(不在本地)Outtown OT 封房维修空房已清洁Vacantclean VC 空房未打扫Vacantdirty VD 住客房未清洁Occupieddirty OD 住客房已清洁Occupiedclean OC 赶房Rushroom ROPart5房间类型高级双人间Superiortwinroom ST 高级单人间Superiorsingleroom SK 豪华双人间Deluxetwinroom DT 豪华单人间Deluxesingleroom DK 高级套间Superiorsuite SS 豪华套间Deluxesuite DS 商务套间Executivesuite ES。
国际酒店经营指标术语中英文详解衡量酒店行业业绩水平的三大指标:ADR (Average Daily Rate)——已售客房平均房价已售客房平均房价的计算方法为客房收入除以实际售出客房数量。
【替代指标:Average Published Rate (APR)—平均牌价,当酒店普查报告或者年报中未提供ADR的相关信息时,牌价可以作为参考计算出大概的平均房价(ADR)】ADR=客房收入/实际售出客房数量Occupancy (Occ)——入住率入住率是指某一特定时期实际售出的客房数与可售房数量的比率。
Occupancy=实际售出客房数量/可售房数量RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room)——每间可售房收入每间可售房收入(RevPAR)等于客房收入除以可售客房数。
RevPAR= 入住率(Occupancy)X平均房价(ADR)这三个数据一般能够从上市酒店集团的年度财务报表中获得,于此同时,与这三个指标对应的还有三个指数:ADR (Rate) Index/ARI (Average Rate Index)——平均房价指数ADR index是针对ADR而言的一个指数,由于ADR是针对单个酒店而言的绝对量,而ADR index用于衡量酒店平均房价与细分市场平均房价数据的对比状况(酒店可以根据自身的需要来定义细分酒店,一般而言是与其具有竞争关系的一类酒店的集合)。
若平均房价指数(ADR index)为100,则表示酒店的平均房价达到了细分市场整体表现的平均水平。
若平均房价指数(ADR index)大于 100,则表示酒店平均房价高于细分市场平均数值。
相应地,若平均房价指数(ADR index)低于100,则表示酒店的平均房价低于细分市场平均数值。
计算平均房价指数(ADR index)的公式:平均房价指数(ADR Index)=[酒店平均房价(ADR)/ 细分市场酒店平均房价(ADR)] x 100OCC (Penetration) Index/MPI (MarketPenetration Index)——市场渗透指数OCC Index是针对OCC而言的一个指数,市场渗透指数用于衡量酒店在某个细分市场所占有的份额。
高星级酒店术语中英文对照(5篇范文)第一篇:高星级酒店术语中英文对照RESERVATION DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYReservationistThe front office employee responsible for processing and 订房员maintaining all reservation recordsAdvanced depositThe receipt of money to be placed into a guest's account 预付定金prior to the guest's arrival at the hotel.AdvancedThe request for available space at some time in the near 预先预订 reservationfuture.ConfirmationSlipConfirmationReservationDay rateFull houseGuaranteedReservationNo showOverbookingOver stayRoom availabilityTurn alwaysUndercookingUnderalphabet groupIndependentmember.Traveler)StatisticsA collection of quantitative data assembled for analytical andinterpretive purposes.AmendmentChanges in guests details prior to get arrival.CancellationGuests decision of not coming after reservations has been Made.RECEPTION / CASHIER DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYAverage room rateThe average number of dollars collected for each room bed at a given hotel.Back of the houseThose areas and departments with which the guest is unlikely to come into direct contact during a normal periodof occupancy.Front of the houseThose areas and departments with which the guest is most likely to come into direct during a normal period ofoccupancy.OccupancyThat period of time during which a guest rents a room and is in residency.Transient guestA person away from home.Floor limitThe amount of outstanding charger the hotel will allow acredit card guest to near prior to receiving an authorization number from the credit card company.Home limitThe amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to an account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or full settlement of the outstanding account balance.Credit limitThe amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to an 家庭套价包价零星客统计更改取消平均房价住房率信用限额Account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or Full settlement of the outstanding account balance.in house guestAn individual client who had registered with the hotel and 住店宾客has not checked te ChargeA charge purchase that reaches the front desk for postingafter the has checked out.regale a late charge billing.night auditA specialized reification of accuracy and completeness on夜审a limited set of accounts.registrationroom rateRoom revenuerRoom typeskippersleeperWalkinCheckhouse guests showing eachguest's room numbers.Refers to registration activities that are performed in advanceof the actual registration of a guest by the hotel'sreservation and front desk staffs.The document dengue to capture revenant guest data at the timeof check-in.The nucleus of a computer system responsible forA、Controlling all processB、Completing All arithmetic and logical operationsC、Interfacing with all other system components.An arrangement of hotel data procedures dengue to improve improve the handing and flow of information and登记房价房类逃单散客宾客名单提前登记登记表System)documentation.Adjacent roomsRefers to two hotel rooms that have a common wall, they相邻房are simply side by side.(Adjoining rooms)Adjacent rooms that have an inside connecting doorway.相连房 connecting roomsonorderA room that is not saleable because it is under repairer,坏房decoration or renovationAvailableA room that is ready to be assigned to the next guest可用房OccupiedA room that is currently rented to a hotel guest住人房Guest accountThe record of a guest's financial transactions with the hotel.客帐Checkin timeThe earnest time of day the hotel will allow its guests tobegin registration.On-lineThe operating mode of a computer peripheral device which Is directly interacting or connected to the centralProcessing unit of the system(i.e.direct communicationwith the computer.)City ledgerA collection of city or nonguest , receivable account balance街帐(i.e.lots all account receivables coed to the hotelroom count room count and message sheet room inspection report room keyroom occupancy rate room rate card room service rooming list rubbish客房占用数客房情况交班表客房检查报告(设备,清洁等)房间钥匙客房占用率,客房出租率房价卡客房送餐服务住房名单(团休旅客)垃圾,废物第二篇:常用术语中英文对照十、常用术语中英文对照人生规划Life planning自我介绍Self-introduction 目标Target孔子Confucius《论语》The Analects of Confucius 修身养性cultivate one's moral character 儒家思想Confucianism诗歌Poem赏析Appreciation阅读理解Reading comprehension 意境Artistic conception意象Imagery情感Emotion朗诵Recite策划Consultant情景模拟Scenario simulation 记忆Memory贝多芬Beethoven命运交响曲Symphony of Destiny 古典音乐Classical music 莫扎特Mozart费加罗的婚礼The Marriage of Figaro 萧伯纳George Bernard Shaw 戏剧Drama理想主义Idealism人道精神Humanity反抗性Resistance辩论Debate演讲Speech主题Theme财富Wealth品格Character《红楼梦》Dream in Red Mansions 叶芝Yeats当你老了 when you are old 情景Scene道家Taoism无为而治Taoist Actionless Governance 消极避世Indifference 散文Prose小说Novel文学性Literary语言Language修辞Rhetoric敬畏生命Reverence for Life 抉择Choice普通话Mandarin个人简历Resume招聘求职Recruitment 求职信Cover letter自荐书Written submissions 岗位Post市场营销Marketing物流Logistics食品检测Food testing 高分子Macromolecule就业形势Employment situation 毕业论文Thesis摘要Abstract关键词Keyword答辩defense第三篇:会计相关术语中英文对照会计术语表►AICPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 美国注册会计师协会►APB: Accounting Principles Board会计原则委员会►ASB: Auditing Standards Board(AICPA)(美国注册会计师协会)审计准则委员会►ARSC: Accounting and Review Services Committee(AICPA)(美国注册会计师协会)会计与复核服务委员会►ASC: Accounting Standards Codification会计准则汇编►ASU: Accounting Standards Update会计准则更新►CA: Chartered Accountant特许会计师►CAQ: Center for Audit Quality审计质量中心►CICA: Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants加拿大特许会计师协会►CSEC: Consulting Services Executive Committee(AICPA)(美国注册会计师协会)咨询服务执行委员会►EITF: Emerging Issues Task Force(FASB)(美国财务会计准则委员会)紧急事务委员会►FAF: Financial Accounting Foundation财务会计基金会►FASB: Financial Accounting Standards Board美国财务会计准则委员会►FCA: Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants特许会计师公众成员►FinREC: Financial Reporting Executive Committee财务报告执行委员会►FSP: FASB Staff Position(FASB)(美国财务会计准则委员会)工作人员立场公告►GAAP(US): Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(美国)一般公认会计原则►GAAS: Generally Accepted Auditing Standards一般公认审计准则►IAASB: International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board(IFAC)国际审计与可信性保证准则理事会(国际会计师联合会) ►IAESB: International Accounting Education Standards Board(IFAC)(国际会计师联合会)国际会计教育准则理事会►IASB: International Accounting Standards Board国际会计准则委员会►IAS: International Accounting Standards国际会计准则►IESBA: International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants(IFAC)(国际会计师联合会)国际会计师职业道德准则理事会►IFAC: International Federation of Accountants国际会计师联合会►IFRIC: International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee(IASB)(国际会计准则委员会)国际财务报告解释委员会►IOSCO: International Organization of Securities Commissions国际公共部门会计准则►IPSAS: International Public Sector Accounting Standards国际公共部门会计准则►IPSASB: International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board(IFAC)(国际会计师联合会)国际公共部门会计准则理事会►PCAOB: Public Company Accounting Oversight Board公众公司会计监督委员会►PPEC: Public Practice Executive Committee(CAQ)(审计质量中心)公共实践执行委员会►SAB: Staff Accounting Bulletins(SEC)(美国证监会)首会办会计公告►SEC(US): Securities and Exchange Commission美国证监会►SEC Regulations Committee(SEC)(美国证监会)监管委员会►SFAS: Statement of Financial Accounting Standards财务会计准则公告►SIC: Standing Interpretations Committee(IASB)(国际会计准则委员会)常设解释委员会►SOP: Statements of Position(AICPA)(美国注册会计师协会)立场公告►SME: Small and Medium Sized Entities(IASB)(国际会计准则委员会)中小企业►TPA: Technical Practice Aids(AICPA)(美国注册会计师协会)技术实务支持体系/技术实务指引►VRG(US): Valuation Resource Group(FASB)(美国财务会计准则委员会)估值资源小组第四篇:篮球术语中英文对照A: Agent 经纪人。
酒店术语Hotel Terms酒水仓Beverage Store 食品仓Food Store日用品仓General Store 前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping 洗衣房Laundry RoomDepartment布草房Linen Room 餐饮部Food & BeverageDepartment市场及销售部Marketing & Sales 大堂吧Lobby BarDepartment送餐部Room Service 宴会中心Banquet Center会议厅Conference Hall 管事部Steward Department娱乐部Entertainment 夜总会Night ClubDepartment桑拿Sauna 健身中心Health Center美容美发中心Beauty & Barber Center 保龄球室Bowling Ball工程部Engineering Department 保安部Security Department员工食堂Staff Canteen 医务室Clinic Room图书馆Library 宴会厅Ballroom宴会厅下客处Banquet Dropoff 宴会厨房Banquet Kitchen商务中心Business Center 酒店入口Hotel Entry水疗馆SPA 水疗套房SPA Suites接待处Reception 行政楼层Executive Floor询问处Information Desk 订房处Reservation Office总机房Operator / Telephone 礼宾部ConciergeRoom车队Transportation 大堂Lobby财务处Cashier 后勤办公室Back Office员工通道Staff Entrance 前台办公室Front Office贵重物品室Safety Deposit 行李房Luggage Room消防监控中心FCC & CCTV 倒班宿舍Shift Dormitory打卡室Time Keeper 收货部办公室Receiving Office粗加工间Butchery 食品检验室Hygiene Lab员工娱乐室Staff Recreation Room 污衣房Soiled Linen商务扩展Business Development 会务部Conference andBanqueting饼房Bakery 花房Flower Preparation垃圾房Garbage Room 干库房Dry Goods Store高、低温冷库Refrigerators & Freezers 管事部仓库Stewarding Store手推车清洗Trolley Wash 消毒间Sanitizing Room瓶箱储存Bottle Bins Storage 面包房Pastry Bakery变配电室Transformer 冷冻机房Refrigeration Room锅炉房Boiler Room 热交换站Heat Exchange生活水泵房Living Water Pump 消防水泵房Fire Water Pump工程部办公室Engineering Office 机电设备房Mechanical & ElectricalArea酒店后勤区域Total BOH Area 车位Parking总计地上车位Surface Parking 地下车位Underground Parking消防控制室Fire Control Room 标准间Standard Room大床间Double Room 小酒吧Mini Bar音乐吧Music Bar 美容中心Beauty Salon收银处Cashier ”s 中餐厅Chinese restaurant咖啡厅Coffee shop 客房部Housekeeping Department 洗衣部Laundry 订房部Reservation人力资源部Human Resources 培训部Training DepartmentDepartment西餐厅Western restaurant 行政办公室Executive Office会议室Conference room 前台收银F/O cashier贵宾VIP 票务处Ticket counter餐饮预订台F&B reservation desk 健康中心Fitness center室内泳池Indoor swimming pool 桌球室Snooker room美容美发中心The stylist/beauty salon 总机话务员Operator餐饮部办公室F&B office 牌艺室Card room财务部Financial Department 市场营销部Sales Department等候名单Waiting list 平均房价Average room rate请勿打扰Do Not Disturb 包价服务Package订房不到No-show 留言Message取消Cancellation 无预订散客Walk-in叫醒服务Morning call 投诉Complain超额预订Overbooking 维修房OOO=Out of Order失物招领Lost and found 房间状态Room status登记入住Check in 结帐离店Check out预订Reservation 套房Suite国内直拨DDD=Domestic Direct 国际直拨IDD=International Direct Dial Dial市话LDD=Local Direct Dial 洗衣服务Laundry service菜单Menu 公共区域PA=Public Area音控员DJ=Disk Jockey 大堂副理AM=Assistant Manager总经理General Manager 副总经理Deputy General Manager 外方总经理Expatriate General 财务总监Finance ControllerManager销售总监Director of Sales 市场总监Director of Marketing客务总监Director of Rooms Division 行政总厨Executive Chef部门经理Department manager 经理助理Assistant manager主管Supervisor 领班Captain。
• • • • • B4: Before 在……之前 BBQ: Barbeque 烧烤 BQT: Banquet 宴会 BC: Business Center 商务中心 BF: Breakfast 早餐
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CAS: Cash 现金 CBF: Continental Breakfast 欧陆式早餐 C/C: Credit Card 信用卡 Cc: Carbon Copy 抄送 CHBF: Chinese Breakfast 中式早餐 CHQ: Cheque 支票 CHRG: Charge 收费 C/I: Check In 入住 CO.: Company 公司 C/O: Check Out 退房 COMP: Complimentary 免费 CON: Concierge 礼宾部 CTA: Charge To Agency 挂旅行社帐 CTC: Charge To Company 挂公司帐 CXL: Cancel 取消
• • • • • • • • • GC: General Cashier 总出纳 GH: Guest History 客史资料 G/L: Guest Ledger 客帐 GM: General Manager 总经理 GLM: Guest Loyalty Manager 忠诚客户经理 GLO: Guest Loyalty Officer 忠诚客户主任 GRP: Group 团队 GTD: Guarantee 担保 GW: Great Wall Card 长城卡
Late Charge A hotel charge that arrives at the front desk for billing after the guests have checked out. Late Arrival A guest with a reservation who expects to arrive after the cut-off hour and so notifies the hotel accordingly. Letter Of Credit A letter submitted on company stationery to the hotel Credit Manager requesting billing procedures. When approved by the Accounts department, the Front Desk is given guest’s name and information so that the account will be handled properly at check out. Long Staying Guest A guest stays in the hotel continuously and exceeds 15days. • L/O: Late Check Out 延迟退房 • LDY: Laundry 洗衣
比如:人事部是Personal Deparment ,而比较常见叫法是HR。
欢迎大家指正哦!➢Department:部门General Manager: GM 总经理Deputy Manager 副总经理Executive Office 总经理办公室Personnel Department 人事部Sales Department 销售部Public Relation Department: PR 公关部Front Office Department: FO 前厅部Housekeeping Department: HSKP 管家部Laundry Department 洗衣部Food and Beverage Department: F& B 餐饮部Account Department/Financial Department 财务部Purchasing Department 采购部Training Department 培训部Engineering Department 工程部Security Department 保安部Computer Room 电脑房Public area : PA 公共区域Duty manager 值班经理➢Address:称呼General Manager:GM 总经理Department Head:DH 部门经理Directory of sales: DOS 销售总监Front Office Manager: FOM 前厅经理Assistant FOM: AFOM 前厅副经理Assistant Manager:A 大堂副理Supervisor 主管Assistant Supervisor 副主管Captain/Shift Leader 领班Financial controller 财务总监➢Front Office Section 前厅各分部Reception: Recp (Receptionist) 接待处Reservation:Rsvn 订房部Concierge/Bell Counter 礼宾部Operator:总机Business Center: BC 商务中心Front Office Cashier:FOC 前厅收银Transportation 租车服务Mail & Information 邮件及问询➢Front Office Terminology 前厅术语Check-in: C/I 入住Check-out :C/O 退房Register/pre-registration 提早登记Registration Card:RC 登记卡Passport Number 护照号码Nationality 国籍Arrival Date:ARR 抵店日Departure Date:DEP 离店日Due out: DO 预离Room Rate: RM RT 房价Service Charge:SVC CHG 服务费Government T ax 政府税收Single Room/King Size Bed:单人房Double Room/Twin Room 双人房Suite 套房Presidential Suite 总统套房Vacant Ready: VR 空净房Occupied Room: OC 占用房Out Of Order:OOO 坏房Occupied Dirty:OD 占用脏房Vacant Dirty:VD 空房脏房Assign:AS 分房Master Card/key 万能钥匙Lock Room 锁房Double Lock 反锁Skipper 跑单Discount: IS 折扣Tariff 房价Brochure 小册子Credit Card 信用卡Deposit 按金Booking 预订Booking-Reservation 预订Message 留言Massage 按摩Fax 传真Cable 电挂Computer 电脑Telegram 电报Luggage/Baggage 行李Parcel 包裹Room Change 换房Safety Box / Safe Deposit Box 保险箱Cash 现金Signature 签名式样Guest Folio 客单Traveler’s Cheque (Check) 旅行支票Foreign Exchange Service 外币兑换服务Coffee Shop 咖啡阁Bar 酒吧Shopping Arcade 商场Health Center 健康中心Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅Western Restaurant 西餐厅Lobby 大堂Ball Room 舞厅Banquet Room 宴会厅Function Room 多功能厅Corridor 走廊Post Card 明信片Letter Paper 信纸Air Mail 航空邮件Courier Mail 急件Express Mail 快件Airport Pick-up 机场接送Assignment 分房Amenity 赠品Connection Room 相通房Adjoining Room 相邻房Advance Deposit 预付订金Bill/folio 账单Black List 黑名单Calculator 计算器Complaint 投诉Complimentary 免费Commission 佣金Non-commissionable 非佣金的Driveway 车道Front Entrance 正门Room Key 房间钥匙Pigeon Hole 信箱Extension Number 分机号码Morning Call 叫醒服务Wake-up Call 叫醒服务Long Distance Call 长途电话Outside Call 外线电话Internal Call/Local Call 内部电话/本地电话Cancel (Cancellation) 取消Confirm(Confirmationg):CFMD 确认Room Type 房间类型Waiting List 等候名单Sightseeting 观光Travel Agent 旅行社Group Breakfast 团体早餐Meal Coupon 餐券Corporate Rate/Commercial Rate 商业客户价格Corporate Account/Commercial Account 商业客户Conference Rate 会议价格City Map 市内地图Flight Schedule 航班时刻表Forecast 预测Extra Bed 加床Guest Own Account 自付Guest List 客人名单Balance 差额House Account 公司账Hold for Arrival 预留Hospitality 礼貌Light Luggage(Baggage) 轻行李Late Charge 迟退收费Late C/O 迟退Lost &Found 失物认领处Master Card 万事达卡Manual Folio 主单Master System 手工操作Mini-bar 小冰箱Marble Floor 云石地板No-show 预定未到Out of Town 室外Mail Transfer M/T传递邮件Transfer Accounts Check 信汇。
酒店房务部专业术语中英文对照房务部:Rooms Division前厅部:Front Office客房部:Housekeeping大堂副理:Assistant Manager宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer前台:Front Desk接待处:Reception/Check-in收银处:Cashier/Check-out领班:Captain主管:Supervisor班次负责人:Shift Leader商务中心:Business Center客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA电话总机:Switch Board接线员:Operator预订处:Room Reservation礼宾服务处:Concierge大厅服务处:Bell Service金钥匙:Golden Key行政楼层:Executive Floor行政酒廊:Executive Lounge行李生:Bellman迎宾员:Doorman夜审:End of Day /Night auditor2.前厅服务项目专业术语介绍入住:Check-in退房:Check-out外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange问询:Information接送机服务:Pick up service叫醒服务:Wake up call请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed失物招领:Lost and Found国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDDDomestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dia l对方付费电话:Collect Call3.前厅常用物品术语介绍:住宿登记单:Registration card欢迎卡:Welcome card订房凭证:V oucher交接本:log book信封:Envelope房卡钥匙:Room key安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box4。
酒店专业术语中英文对照(1) Accommodation (住宿):提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。
(2) Adjoining Room (邻近房):指两间房间近连在一起。
(3) Advanced Deposit (订金):客人为了确保能有房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。
(4) Advance Payment(预付金/押金):按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式,如现金担保、信用卡预授权。
(5) Amenity(致意品):指酒店免费向住店客人提供的一些礼品,如水果、鲜花或饮品等。
(6) Arrival(到店):指客人入住酒店的抵店,如:Arrvial Date。
(7) Average Daily Room Rate(平均房价):指所有住房的平均价格,它是前台的一个常用术语。
(8) Block (预告锁房):指为了把某间房能够保留下来,而提前把此房间在某日锁起来,使其在该时间段显示被占用,有利于控制房间的预售。
(9) Cancellation (取消):指客人取消订房。
(13)Confirmation (确认):指酒店发给订房客人的一种十分详细的订房书而协议,承认客人在将来的某一天有权居住在本酒店。
(14)Connecting (连通房):指两间房中间有一扇门连通起来的房间。
(15)Corporate Rate (公司合同价):指与酒店有协议而提供给公司的客人的房间价格,这类价格通常为特别价,且保密。
(16)Credit Card (信用卡):指由银行签发的一种可以作为交易的卡片,代替现金支付的凭证。
酒店行业英文专业术语1. Accommodation - 住宿,提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。
2. Adjoining Room –相邻房间3.Advanced Deposit –订金,客人为了预定房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。
4. Amenities - 设施5.Cancellation - 客人取消订房6. Banquet - 宴会7.Advance Payment - 预付金/押金,按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式。
8. Bed and breakfast (B&B) - 早餐及住宿9. Bellboy - 行李员10. Booking - 预订11. Buffet - 自助餐12. Check-in - 办理入住手续13. Check-out - 办理退房手续14. Complimentary - 提供给某个客人的不需要收费的房间15. Concierge - 礼宾员16. Conference room - 会议室17. Customer service - 客户服务18. Deluxe - 高级豪华19. Double room - 双人间20. Doorman - 酒店门童21. Executive suite - 行政套房22. Front desk - 前台23. Full board - 全包24. Housekeeping - 客房服务25. Guest - 客人26. Gym - 健身房27. Hospitality - 款待28. Hostel - 青年旅社29. Hotelier - 酒店业者30. Housekeeper - 客房服务员31. In-room dining - 客房送餐32. Key card - 门卡33. Laundry - 洗衣房34. Linen - 床品35. Lobby - 大堂36. Mini-bar - 迷你酒吧37. Maid - 女仆38. Meeting room - 会议室39. No-show - 未到者40. Occupancy - 入住率41. Online booking - 网上预订42. Package - 套餐43. Porter - 行李搬运工44. Rate - 房价45. Receptionist - 前台接待员46. Reservation - 预订47. Restaurant - 餐厅48. Room service - 客房服务49. Suite - 套房50. Tip - 小费51. Valet parking - 代客泊车52. All-inclusive - 一切包括53. Arrivals - 到达/到店54. Average Room Rate - 平均房价55. Attractions - 景点56. Boutique hotel - 精品酒店57. Business center - 商务中心58. Concierge desk - 礼宾台59. Departures - 离开60. Destination - 目的地61. Front office - 前台办公室62. Full-service hotel - 全服务酒店63. Group booking - 团队预订64. Hospitality industry - 酒店业65. Housekeeping supervisor - 客房部主管66. Inn - 小旅馆67. Late check-out - 延迟退房68. Lounge - 休息室69. Loyalty program - 忠诚度计划70. Luxury hotel - 豪华酒店71. Meeting planner - 会议策划者72. Motel - 汽车旅馆73. Night audit - 夜审74. Occupancy rate - 入住率75. Online travel agency (OTA) - 网络旅行社76. Overbooking - 超售77. Pillow menu - 枕头菜单78. Reception - 接待处79. Resort - 度假村80. Revenue management - 收益管理81. Room rate - 房价82. Sales manager - 销售经理83. Self-catering - 自助式84. Single room - 单人间85. Spa - 水疗中心86. Staff - 员工87. Standard room - 标准间88. Staycation - 居家度假89. Turndown service - 晚间整理服务90. Upsell - 升级销售91. Vacation rental - 度假租赁92. Wi-Fi - 无线上网93. Butler - 男管家94. Conference center - 会议中心95. Reservation agent - 预订代理人96. Front-of-house - 前台部门97. Revenue per available room (RevPAR) - 每间可用客房收入98. Housekeeping cart - 打扫房间的推车99. Room occupancy - 房间占用率100. Reservations manager - 预订经理101. Concierge services - 门房服务102. Housekeeping department - 客房部门103. Room inventory - 房型库存104. Room service attendant - 客房服务员105. Guest satisfaction - 客人满意度106. Hospitality management - 酒店管理。
高星级酒店术语中英文对照RESERV ATION DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYReservationist The front office employee responsible for processing and 订房员maintaining all reservation recordsAdvanced deposit The receipt of money to be placed into a guest's account 预付定金prior to the guest's arrival at the hotel.Advanced The request for available space at some time in the near 预先预订reservation future.Confirmation The communication of an acceptance of a reservation 确认预订信Slip request from the hotel to the guest Confirmation A reservation requests that is confirmed by phone or mail 确认预订Reservation prior to a guest's arrival at the hotel.Day rate A room rate for less than an overnight accommodation. 日租Full house The achievement of a handmade percent occupancy in 爆满hotel guest room utilization.Guaranteed A reservation arrangement in which the hotel is guaranteed 保证预订Reservation the room ate whether or not the guest arriver.No show A guest who makes a reservation and then neither cancel 预订未来or registers with the hotel (Represents lost revenues to the hotel ).Overbooking The practice of committing more guests roomsthan are 超额预订available as a budge against no-shows.Over stay A guest that stays beyond the original date of departure. 延期入住Room availability Describer the availability of recent rooms at some time inthe future.Turn always The number of persons denied accommodations at the 未来房间供Hotel. 应情况Undercooking An erroneous belief that all the hotel's rooms are sold 背过脸when in reality they are not.Under - stay A guest who checks out of the hotel's at a time prior to 未能爆满Their original departure date .Guest history file A record of guests that have stayed at the hotel. Maybe at 提早离店simple a collection of checked all registration cards or assophisticated at an electronic computer memory file.V oucher A support document used to transmit date from one point 客史to another .Walking the guest The refusal of a guest with a reservation due to an error in 凭单planing by the hotel.Blocked A room or group of rooms is taken out of available for an 占房an liupated commitment .GCR (Guaranteed A reduced rate guaranteed ( offered ) to a company.company rate )Complimentary A room provided at a zero rate , ( or a means of promoting 免费rate busses )Group rate A special discounted hotel room rate offered to groups a an 团队价incentive to attract larger assume blager of people or to sell larger blocks of rooms .Family plan A special discounted room rate offered to families, normally 家庭套价applied when children and parents stay in a separate room.Package plan A room rate that includes or is included iwa apace 包价combination of activities and events .FIT (Free A guest that want to the hotel as a non - alphabet group 零星客Independent member .Traveler )Statistics A collection of quantitative data assembled for analytical and 统计interpretive purposes .Amendment Changes in guests details prior to get arrival . 更改Cancellation Guests decision of not coming after reservations has been 取消RECEPTION / CASHIER DEPARTMENT GLOSSARYAverage room rate The average number of dollars collected for each room bed 平均房价at a given hotel .Back of the house Those areas and departments with which the guest is unlikelyto come into direct contact during a normal periodof occupancy .Front of the house Those areas and departments with whichthe guest is mostlikely to come into direct during a normal period ofoccupancy .Occupancy That period of time during which a guest rents a room and 住房率is in residency .Transient guest A person away from home .Floor limit The amount of outstanding charger the hotel will allow acredit card guest to near prior to receiving an authorization number from the credit card company .Home limit The amount of money the guest is allowed to charge to anaccount by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or full settlement of the outstanding account balance .Account by the hotel approach the guest seeking partial or Full settlement of the outstanding account balance .in house guest An individual client who had registered with the hotel and 住店宾客has not checked out .Late Charge A charge purchase that reaches the front desk for postingafter the has checked out . regale a late charge billing .night audit A specialized reification of accuracy and completeness on 夜审a limited set of accounts .registration The completion of the check-in procedure , which captures 登记guest data and room requirements .room rate The prior charged for the use of a hotel's guestrooms. 房价Room revenuer The amount of dollars derivedfrom the sale of room's fotSome given accounting period .Room type Hotel guestrooms are grouped by the number and kings of 房类beds they contain .skipper A hotel guest who leaves the hotel without paying and 逃单without checking out .sleeper A room that appears to be occupied , although it is vacant ,due to an error in room status reporting at the desk .Walk - in A guest who comes to the hotel without a reservation 散客Check - in The procedure involving registration of guest, on arrival, atthe front desk of the hotel . A prosaic guest cycle ofactivity .Check - out The procedure preceding the guest's departure from thehotel. The guest's account is brought to a zero balance,room keys are returned , A post sale guest cycle activity .Guest list An alphabetical listing of all in - house guests showing each 宾客名单guest's room numbers.Pre-register Refers to registration activities that are performed in advance 提前登记of the actual registration of a guest by the hotel'sreservation and front desk staffs.Registration Card The document dengue to capture revenant guest data at the time 登记表of check-in.CRT (Control The nucleus of a computer system responsible forProcessing unit A、Controlling all processB、Completing All arithmetic and logical operationsC、Interfacing with all other system components.HIS (Hotel An arrangement of hotel data procedures dengue to improveInformation improve the handing and flow of information andSystem) documentation .Adjacent rooms Refers to two hotel rooms that have a common wall, they 相邻房are simply side by side .(Adjoining rooms) Adjacent rooms that have an inside connecting doorway . 相连房connecting roomson - chang A room that is in the process of being prepared for sale to anew incoming guestout-of - order A room that is not saleable because it is under repairer, 坏房decoration or renovationAvailable A room that is ready to be assigned to the next guest 可用房Occupied A room that is currently rented to a hotel guest 住人房Guest account The record of a guest's financial transactions with the hotel. 客帐Check - out time A specified time when the previous day's room rate 结帐时间express a new day's rate goes into effect.Home count The number of registered guests in the hotel.Check - in time The earnest time of day the hotel will allowits guests tobegin registration.On - line The operating mode of a computer peripheral device whichIs directly interacting or connected to the centralProcessing unit of the system ( i. e. direct communicationwith the computer. )City ledger A collection of city or nonguest , receivable account balance 街帐( i. e. lots all account receivables coed to the hotelNO ENGLISH CHIESE1(A)ability to pay 支付能力2 aboard 上般(车),登机3 absenteeism 旷工4 accent 口音5 accident insurance 事故保险6 accommodation 住宿7 account balance 帐户结余8 account receivable 应收账(款)9 acquaintance 相识,认识的人10 addition 附加11 address book 通讯录12 adjoining room 邻室13 adjustment of prices 价格调整14 advance deposit 预订金15 afternoon tea 午后茶点16 after---season 淡季17 air conditioner 空调器,冷气机18 air pollution 空气污染19 airline hotel 航空公司所属饭店20 airport 机场21 apartment hotel 公寓旅馆22 apologize 抱歉23 applicant 申请人24 assignment 转让25 average room rate 平均房价1(B)baby—sitting 照看婴儿2 back bar 饮料柜3 back brush 擦背刷4 background music (旅馆,餐厅,酒吧)背景音乐5 baggage 行李6 baggage check 行李单7 balance 结存8 banquet room 宴会厅9 barber 理发师,美发师10 bath foam 浴液11 bath robe 浴衣,睡衣12 bath rug 浴垫13 bath salt 浴用盐14 bath soap 浴皂15 bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋16 bath stopper 浴缸塞子17 bath towel 浴巾18 bath tub 浴缸19 bathing box 更衣室20 bathroom scales 浴室磅秤21 beds frame 床架22 bedside lamp 床头灯23 bedside rug 床头踏脚地毯24 bedside table 床头灯25 bedspread 床罩26 beeper 微型对讲机27 billiard 弹子房,台球28 boiled water 白开水29 bowl game 玩保龄球30 buying habits 购买惯习31 buying power 购买力1( C)camera 照相机2 cancellation 取消(预订,旅行)3 candy 糖果4 cash 现金5 cashier 出纳员6 certification 证件7 change 零钱,兑换零钱,兑换8 check in 住房登记,乘机登记9 check out 办理退房手续10 cheers 干杯11 Christmas day 圣诞节12 citizen 公民,国民13 city guide 城市导游手册14 city ledger 非住宿客人应收款分类帐15 climate 气候16 closed dates 预订截止日期17 club 俱乐部18 coffee machine 咖啡机19 commission 佣金,手续费20 conference room 会议室21 contract 合同,契约22 convenience 方便,便利23 conversion rate 汇价,兑换率24 copying machine 复印机25 courtesy 礼貌26 credit card 信用卡27 cultural background (旅游者)文化背景28 currency 货币29 customs 海关1(D)daily report 日报2 data 数据,资料3 date of arrival 抵达日期4 debit 借方5 deluxe (旅馆)豪化级6 department store 百货商店7 deposit 储蓄,预订金,抻金8 depreciation 折旧,贬值9 Diner’s Club大来卡10 diplomatic passport 外交护照11 discount 减价,折扣12 display cards 展示卡13 domestic flight 国内航班14 door evacuation notice 门后疏散图示1(E) EAP(each additional person) 每增加一人2 eat out 在外用餐3 earning 收入4 Easter (耶稣)复洛节5 EC—Eurocard 欧洲银行信用卡6 E/D card 入/出境登记卡7 EE(extra earnings) 额外收入8 EFF(effective on) 继续有效9 EFTS(Electronic Fund Transfer信贷卡转帐系统System)10 EHC(European Hotel Corporations欧洲旅馆服务有限公司Service Ltd.)11 EHMA(Euro Travelers Cheque欧洲旅馆经理协会International12 EITC(Euro Travelers Cheque欧洲旅馆者支票国际(西德一家商业银行)International)13 electric clippers 电推子14 electric coffeemaker 电煮咖啡器15 electric cooker 电炉16 electric grinder 电磨机17 electric heater 电热器18 electric juicer 电榨汁机19 electric ranger 电灶20 electric stove 电炉21 electric typewriter 电动打字机22 electric razor 电刮胡刀23 electrician 电工24 electronic data processing system 电子帐目记录25 electronic funds transfer system 信贷卡电子转帐系统26 electronic mail 电话传递信息27 elevator microphone 升降式话筒28 elevator shaft 电梯井29 embarkation card 登机牌30 embarkation point 上船地点31 emergency call 紧急电话32 emergency exit 紧急出口33 Emergency Refund (美运通公司提供的用旅行支票)紧急兑换现金34 emptying wastebasket 倒废纸篓35 en pension 美国式房价(包括住宿费与一日三餐)36 encasement of travelers cheques 旅游支票兑换现金37 end table 桌几38 endorsement 在客票(或票据)上签字39 engaged (电话)占线40 English breakfast 英国式早餐41 English mustard 英国芥末42 English service 英国式餐食服务43 enrollment 登记注册44 enter without knocking 不敲门进房间45 entertainment center 娱乐中心46 entertainment tax 娱乐税47 entrance foyer (旅馆)门厅,大堂48 entry permit 入境许可证49 envelope 信封50 envelope airmail 航空信封51 envelope local 普通信封152 EP (European Plan) 欧洲式房价(只限住宿费)53 epiphany 主显节(1月6日纪念耶稣显灵的日子)54 EPMT (equipment) 设备55 Eq (equipment) (航空缩写)飞机型号56 equivalent exchange 等价交换57 eradicator ink 修正液58 escalator 自动电梯,自动步道59 escape period 回程日期60 escort 陪同61 escorted group tour 有陪同的团体旅游62 escorts’ pass旅行团领队免票证63 escrow account 第三者保留的契据帐64 espresso machine 压气咖啡器65 established rate 确定的价格66 ETA (estimated time of arrival) (航空飞行)预计到达时间67 ETD (estimated time of departure) (航空旅行)预计起飞时间68 ethnic agency 专事少数民族或宗教人员旅游的旅行社69 ethnic group 种族风俗旅游团70 ethnic restaurant 民族风味餐厅(馆)71 ethnic tourism 民族风俗旅游72 Eurail group 欧洲(14国)包租列车旅游团73 Eurail Pass 欧洲(14国)火车旅游团领队免票证74 Eurail tariff 欧洲(14国)包租列车旅游票价75 Euro Traveler’s Cheque欧洲旅游者支票国际(西德一家商业银行)International76 Eurocard 欧洲信用卡(公司)77 Eurodollar 欧洲美元78 Europacar Tours 欧洲火车旅游公司79 European dishes 西餐80 European hotel Corporations Services欧洲旅馆服务有限公司Ltd.81 European Hotel Managers Association 欧洲旅馆经理协会82 European Leisure and Recreation欧洲闲暇娱乐协会Association83 European Plan 欧洲式房价(仅限住宿费)84 European Plan hotel 欧洲芪计价旅馆85 evening by candlelight 蜡烛晚会86 evening concert 音乐晚会87 evening dance 跳舞晚会,舞会88 evening entertainment 娱乐晚会89 evening party 晚会90 evening performance 文艺晚会91 event (文化,体育,艺术等)活动92 EX(Excursion Fare) 游览票价93 examination of luggage 行李检查94 excessive charge 高价95 excessive price 高价96 exchange 前厅服务台每日交给财务部门的现金收入中退回其正常营业所需现金额97 exchange control 外汇管制98 exchange market 比价损失99 exchange order (航空公司向其代理人签发的)开票许可证:(航空公司,旅行社发给旅游者的)付款凭证100 exchange quota 外汇限额101 exchange rate 货币兑换率102 exchange rate quotation 外汇牌价103 exchange voucher 换汇单据104 excise room 健身房(旅馆内附设供客人健身活动的房间)105 excursion boat 游览船106 excursion program 游览项目,游览日程107 executive assistant manager 执行助理经理108 executive chef 主厨,厨师长109 executive housekeeper 客房部主管120 expendable supplies (旅馆)消耗性用品121 expenditure account 开去帐号(户)122 expiration 期满123 expire date of/C 信用证有效期124 exposure 客房面对开阔的方向125 express dry cleaning 快件干洗126 express service (洗衣)快件127 express service charge 快件收费128 external call 外部电话129 extinguisher 灭火器130 extra bed (客房里)加床131 extra charge 加收费用131 extra charge for service 服务附加费131 extra meal 不包括在美国式房价中的用餐132 extra shift 加班133 extra—courteous service 额外礼貌服务费134 extraordinary cost 特别费用135 extension 包价外需另付款的旅游活动136 extension of stay 延长停留日期137 extra---bed(s) charge 加床费138 electric roaster 电烤器具1(F)F$B daily linen requisition 日常餐饮布件申领单2 F§B(food and beverage) 食品饮料3 fabricated foods 组合食品4 face cloth 面巾5 face towel 面巾6 face tub 面盆7 family name 姓8 faucet (主美)水龙头9 fare basis 票价计算基础10 fare calculation box 机票计价栏11 fare calculation ladder (机票上)票价计算栏12 fare code identifier 航空票价识别代号13 fare, constructed 正常票价14 fare reduction 减价15 fare, specified 特种票价16 farm out (旅馆因超预订)将客人送至其他旅馆17 fast food 快餐18 Father Christmas 圣诞老人19 Father’s Day(美国)父亲节20 faucet 水龙头21 favorable terms 有利条件,优惠条件22 FB(full breakfast) 完全早餐23 FCLTY(facility) 设备,设施24 FCU(foreign currency unit) 外汇券25 feeder-service aircraft 接送客人飞机26 fellow 伙计,小伙子27 festival 节日28 FFR(French France) 法国法郎29 fiestas 宗教纪念日,圣徒纪念日,假日30 file clerk (前厅服务台)管理客人住房登记表的人员31 final consumer price 最后消费价格32 financial statement 财务报表,决算表33 finger bowl 洗手盆34 fire escape 太平梯,避火梯35 fire exit (旅馆)火警出口36 fire extinguisher 灭火器37 fire fighting service 救火设备38 fire hydrant 消防栓39 fire insurance 火灾保险40 fire precaution 紧急出口41 fire prevention 防火设备42 fireproof bed 防火床43 firm-works 烟火45 firming (航运公司对旅客预订的)确认46 first aid 急救47 first aid kit 急救物品,急救箱48 fitness center 健身中心49 five-o’clock tea(下午)五时茶点50 fixed price contract (旅馆租借)固定价格合同51 fixed room charge 固定房价52 flash bulb 闪光灯泡53 floor cloth 擦地板拭布54 floor housekeeper 楼层客房服务员(管理员)55 floor key 通用一层楼客房的万能钥匙56 floor polisher 地面磨光机57 floor price 最低价格,最低限价58 floor staff 楼层人员59 floor staff 楼层监工60 floor supervisor check list 楼层领班工作表61 floor waiter 楼层(餐饮)服务员62 flush pipe (厕所)冲水管63 flushing lever 冲洗手把64 foam 浴油65 foam-rubber mat (浴室内)泡沫橡皮垫66 F,O,C,(free of charge) 免费67 folio 登记客人应收款的帐页68 fold-away bed 折叠床69 food and beverage controller 餐饮管理员,餐饮监督员70 food and beverage department 餐饮部71 food and beverage profit 餐饮管理72 food and beverage manager 餐饮部经理73 food and beverage profit 餐饮利润74 food and beverage purchasing餐饮采购员agent75 food and beverage sales per平均每间客房食品饮料销售额available room76 food bar 自助餐77 foreign exchange 外汇78 foreign visitor 外国游客79 forename 名字,教名80 forfeited deposit 末到客人没有取消预订的预订金81 form of payment 付款形式82 formality 手续83 foyer 休息厅84 free of charge 免费85 freepass 免费票86 freeway 高速公路87 French Service 法国式餐食服务88 fresco 壁画89 fresh flower 鲜花90 fresh-water swimming pool 淡水游泳池91 front 门厅行李员92 front desk 前厅服务台93 front desk clerk 前厅服务台工作人员94 front desk follow-up book 总台交接事项处理簿95 front door 大门96 front office 前厅服务台,前厅部97 front office manager 前厅部经理98 front office staff 前厅接待人员99 full American Plan 完全的美国式房价100 full bar 标准酒吧101 full bath 全身浴102 full breakfast 美国早餐(包括面包,鸡蛋,酒水,卷饼等)103 full comp 全部免费(包括住宿,餐食,电话,洗衣,饮料)104 full house 百分之百的客房住宿率105 full pension 美国式房价:全日包伙式房价106 full-fledged menu 全套菜单107 function room (旅馆)客厅,会议厅,多功能厅108 furnish med. without charge 供应免费餐109 furnish room 备有室内设备的客房1(G)gala dinner 节日食品,节日餐食2 games room 游艺室3 garment bag 衣袋4 gasoline coupon 汽车票5 GB(group booking) 团体预订6 gender 性别7 general account 普通帐,总帐8 general cashier 总出纳9 general final account 总决算10 general journal 总日记帐11 general ledger 总分类帐12 general manager 总经理13 generalized preferences 普遍优惠14 gentlemen’s cloak-room 男厕所15 gentlemen’s lavatory男厕所16 get off 下车17 get on 上车18 gift 礼品19 GIT(Group Inclusive Tour) 团体包价旅游票20 GIT fare 团体包价旅游票价21 GITX(Group Inclusive Tour(欧洲国家的叫法)团体包价旅游票Excursion)22 glass cloth 擦杯布23 glassware 玻璃器具24 glass wrapper 枕套25 gloves 手套26 go aboard 上船27 go shopping 购物28 go straight on 请一直向前走29 Gold Card 金色信用卡(美运通公司发行的一种子信用卡)30 golf club 高乐夫球俱乐部31 golf course 高乐夫球场32 Good Friday 耶稣受难节33 goods to declare 申报物品34 government passenger 政府出差人员35 grab bar (浴缸)扶手36 grand total 总计37 grandmaster key (能开全旅馆门锁的)万能钥匙38 gratis items 免费项目39 gratuity 小费40 greeting 打招呼,问候41 greet 打招呼,问候42 gross booking 预订总数43 gross rates 总价目表44 group billing 记入团休帐45 group booking 团休预订46 group booking sheet 团体预订详情记录表47 group business 团体旅游业务48 Group Calculation Sheet 团体收费单49 group desk 团体预订柜台50 group discount 团体折扣,团体减价51 group fare 团体票价52 group leader (旅游团)领队53 group luggage record 团体行李登记表54 group master account 团体旅客总帐55 group number 团号56 group passport 团体护照57 group reservation 团体接待58 group reservation 团体预订59 group rooming list 团体房号名单60 group visa 团体签证61 guaranteed arrival (旅行社向旅馆)担保客人的到达人次62 guaranteed maximum rate plan 旅馆保证补偿由于无房对其确认客人转住其他旅馆高价客房差价的计划63 guaranteed payment (旅行社向旅馆)有保证的付款64 guaranteed reservation 有保证的预订65 guest 客人66 guest account 客帐67 guest case card 住客资料卡68 guest check 客人支票69 guest comment list 客人意见表70 guest count 客人数量71 guest elevator 专供客人使用的电梯72 guest file 旅客档案73 guest history 客人住店情况纪录74 guest history card 住店旅客历史卡片75 guest laundry 客人送洗的衣服76 guest ledger 住店客人分类帐77 guest lodging list 旅客住宿一览表78 guest occupancy 客人床位占用率79 guests per occupied room 平均每间客房客人数80 guest questionnaire 征求客人意见表81 guest room 客房1(H)H(high or peak season) 旅游旺季2 H(house staff) (房间登记代号)旅馆工作人员用房3 hailstone 雹子4 hair brush 发刷5 hai立式衣帽架l-stand16 hand-carried luggage 手提行李17 hand prepared bill 手写帐单18 hand pump 开瓶器19 hand shower 手拿淋浴装置20 hand-carried luggage 手提行李21 handing out of baggage 行李提取22 hand-napkin 餐巾纸23 handrail 扶手24 hang on 别挂电话25 hang up 挂断电话26 hanger 衣架27 hard cash 现金28 hard liquor 白酒,烈性酒29 hat peg(or pin) 挂帽钩30 hat rack (飞机上)行李架31 have a happy journey(home) 祝旅途愉快32 have a safe journey(home) 祝一路平安33 head of shift 领班34 head operator 电话接线班领班35 head waiter 餐厅服务员领班36 headboard 床头板37 heat and smoke detector 烟感器38 heating system 暖气系统39 heavy wine 浓葡萄酒40 hideabed 沙发床41 high season 旺季42 hire charge 出租费租金43 hire purchase agreement 租购合同44 hire service 租赁服务45 hired car 租用汽车46 HOL(holiday) 假日47 hold on 别挂电话48 hold the line 别挂电话49 holiday home 假日住房50 Holy Thursday 耶稣升天节(复活节后40天的星期四)51 Holy Week 复活节前的一周52 honeymoon 蜜月53 hot water 热水54 hot water plate 暖水碟55 hot water tape 热水龙头56 hot-air bath 蒸气浴57 hotel, average comfort 三星旅馆58 hotel bellboy 旅馆(男服务员)59 hotel directory 旅馆指南(名录)60 hotel, economy 一星旅馆61 hotel, high comfort 四星旅馆62 hotel, luxury 五星旅馆63 hotel rep 旅馆销售代表64 hotel reservation 预订旅馆65 hotel vestibule 旅馆门厅66 hotel’s income statement旅馆收入报告书67 hot-water bottle 热水瓶68 house account (旅馆向常客提供的)信用帐69 house bank 客人将硬币与小票子交旅馆出纳员换票面大的货币70 housekeeper 客房部主管71 housekeeping 客房管理72 housekeeping department 管家部,房务部73 horseman 客房男服务员74 hunk bed 坐睡两用床1(I)IAC (International Air Convention) 国际航空公约2 IACA (International association of国际旅游会计协会Hospitality Accountants)3 IATAN(International Airlines Travel国际航空旅游代理人组织Agent Network)4 IBRD(International Bank of(联合国)国际复兴开发银行Reconstruction and Development)5 IBUSZ Tourist Office 匈牙利旅游局6 ice box 冰箱7 ice container 冰桶8 ice cubes 冰块9 Ideal Average Room Rate 理想的平均房价10 Identification paper 身份证11 if holding cancel 如果保留取消(指机座,客房)12 if not holding, need 如果(预订)不保留,需要…13 if not holding, sold 如果(预订)不保留,就卖掉14 IFC(International Finance 国际金融公司15 IFN(information) 消息,情报,情况,信息16 IK(Master charge) (美国)马斯特信用卡(公司)17 IMS(Incoming Message Service) 旅馆给客人传送外来电话记录费18 in block letter 用黑体字母(写)19 in capital letter 用英文大写字母(写)20 incidental charges 杂费21 inclusive fare 包价22 inclusive price 包价23 inclusive tour certificate (旅行社为旅游者向轮船公司开的)包价旅行证24 income sheet 损益表25 incoming call (旅馆)外来电话26 incoming mail (旅馆)外来信件27 incoming message service (旅馆给客人传送)外来电话记录费28 indicator board (旅馆)客房信宿情况记录板29 indicator lamp (旅馆)客房情况指示灯30 individual journey 单程返回31 indoor parking 室内停车场32 infant crib (周围有栏杆的)幼儿床33 infant’s carrying basket携婴儿筐34 inflatable beach mattress 游泳气垫35 information rack (客人)住宿情况分类架36 information service (旅游)问讯服务37 inhospitable attitudes 不礼貌的态度38 in-house laundry 旅馆内洗衣房39 inside call 旅馆内通电话40 inside connection 内线41 insulated picnic bag 冷却袋42 international telegram 国际电报43 internal call (旅馆)内部电话45 International Hotel Association 国际饭店协会46 internal phone 内线自动电话机47 interpreter 翻译,口译48 interpreter microphone 口译传声器49 interstate call 跨州(省)长途电话50 intrastate call 州(省)内部长途电话51 invoice 发票52 in-WATS (旅馆,航空公司提供的)免费长途电话53 ironing service 熨衣服务处54 Is(if not holding, sold) 如果预订的客房不保留,就卖掉…1(J)JC-Japan Credit 日本银行信用卡1(K)key box(es) 客房钥匙箱2 key deposit 客房钥匙抻金3 key depository 钥匙投入箱4 key desk 前厅服务台5 KH(peak domestically Fridaytrough Internationally high season 旺季价(美国内从星期五至星期天,国际上为旺季)1(L)label (行李)标签2 lamp shade 床罩3 late arrival 在预订保留客房截止时间以后到达的客人;预订时要求比预订时间晚到的客人4 late booking 晚预订,晚登记5 late cancellation 在截止时间以后进行的预订取消6 late charge 客人离店后欠款转入非住店客人应收款帐户中的费用7 late checkout 在得到允许后免费推迟离店的客人8 late passenger arrival 旅客晚期抵达9 late payment 补付款,迟付款10 late-show 预订到达时间过后来的客人11 laundry 洗衣;洗衣房;水洗12 laundry and pressing list 湿洗熨衣单13 laundry bag (客房中)洗衣袋14 laundry charge 洗衣费15 laundry list 洗衣单,湿洗单16 laundry man 洗衣男工(尤指为洗衣店取送客人衣服的人)17 laundry service 洗衣服务18 laundry women 洗熨衣服的女工19 lavatory lid 马桶盖板20 Lavatory seat 马桶坐圈21 lavish shopping area 购物中心区22 lawyer 律师23 lease deposit 租赁保证金24 left by 交接人25 leave a message to…给…留话26 letter file 信夹;卷宗27 letter head air mail 航空信笺28 letter head local 普通信笺29 letter of agreement (旅馆寄给预订客人)确认信30 letter opener 信封开启器31 letter paper 信笺32 linen cart (更换客房)布织手推车33 linen room 客房主管办公定,布织品预备室34 linen sheet 床单35 List of Discount Rate and客房折扣和优惠表Complimentary36 logbook (旅馆)晚间客人事务记录本37 Long Distance Call V oucher 长途电话收费单38 long haul phone call 长途电话39 long stay guest 停留时间长的客人40 long-distance call 长途电话41 low season 淡季42 lower season (旅游)淡季43 luggage 行李44 luggage attendant 行李员45 luggage barrow 手推行李车46 luggage car (火车)行李车厢47 luggage check 行李牌48 luggage claim 行李认领处49 luggage office 行李房50 luggage rack (客房)行李架51 luggage receipt 行李收据52 luggage storage bill 行李保存单53 luggage tag 行李牌54 lump of sugar 方糖1(M)maid’s work report客房女服务员工作报表2 make reservation 进行预订3 make up room(card) 整理房间,请打扫4 making beds 铺床5 massage rush (洗澡用)擦身刷6 master account 团体客人总帐7 master bill 总帐单8 master key (通用一层楼客房锁的)万能钥匙9 message lamp 电话记录信号灯10 message operator 留话记录电话员11 message slip 客人留言条12 miscellaneous income 杂项收入1(N)name of group 团名2 napkin 餐巾3 napkins-paper 餐巾纸4 napkins-linen 餐巾布5 National Holiday 国庆节6 night audit 夜审,对帐7 night auditor 夜间审计员8 night clerk report 夜班工作人员报表9 night maid 夜班客房女服务员10 night maid’s work report夜班客房女服务员值勤报表11 night telegram 夜间电报12 night turndown service 开夜床13 no rate 免收房费14 no reservation 未预订而来住店的客人15 no smoking 禁止吸烟16 No Spitting 禁止吐痰17 no through bookings 预订天数不得越过旅馆不接受预订的特定日子18 no-frill 基本服务,不附加服务项目19 no-host 付现款酒吧20 nondepreciable item 非折扣项目,非折旧项目21 NON-REF(non-refundable) 不退款预订22 nonregistered guest 非住店客人23 NR(no rate) 免收房费24 NR(no reservation) 未预订来住店的客人1(O)occupancy rate (旅馆)客房占用率,客房出租率2 occupied (厕所)有人;(客房)已出租3 office mail 公务信件4 office supplies 办公用品5 on cleaning 正在清扫的(客房)6 on waiting list 当日候补订房表7 on-site reservation system 现场电脑预订系统8 open bar (英国,美国)正式酒吧;请客酒吧9 open check 未付帐单10 order taker 订餐(酒)服务员11 ordinary service (洗衣)湿洗,水洗12 OS(off the street) 未事先预订而来住店的客2人13 out of order 不能出租的(客房)14 outdoor swimming pool 室外游泳池。
急救培训教材!(中英双语)EMPLOYEE ROLE —FIRST AID员工任务—-—急救It is essential that as many hotel employees as possible are adequately trained to co mpetently administer life saving first aid in an accident or sudden illness situation。
The primary aim when giving this assistance is to sustain life, to prevent the casualti es condition worsening and to promote recovery whilst awaiting professional medical assistance。
Following an assessment of the situation and a diagnosis of the casualty,immediate and appropriate treatment should be given in a calm and professional manner。
In a ll major accident and illness situations, or if in doubt as to the seriousness of the sit uation, arrangements should be made to call a doctor or an ambulance。
酒店行业中常用的专业英语词汇I. 客房和设施A. 房间类型1. 标准间1)Standard Room - 标准间2)Single Room - 单人间3)Double Room - 双人间4)Twin Room - 双床间5)Queen Room - 大床间(通常指一张较大的床)6)King Room - 大床间(通常指一张特大号床)7)Room Amenities - 房间设施8)Bedding - 床上用品9)Ensuite Bathroom - 套间浴室10)Air Conditioning - 空调11)Heating - 暖气12)Television - 电视13)Mini Fridge - 小冰箱14)Desk - 书桌15)Chair - 椅子16)Wardrobe - 衣柜17)Luggage Rack - 行李架18)Room Service - 客房服务19)Housekeeping - 客房服务20)Wi-Fi Access - Wi-Fi接入2. 豪华间1)Luxury Room - 豪华间2)Deluxe Room - 豪华间3)Premium Room - 高级豪华间4)Executive Room - 行政豪华间5)Superior Room - 高级豪华间6)Luxury Suite - 豪华套房7)Executive Suite - 行政套房8)Presidential Suite - 总统套房9)Penthouse Suite - 阁楼套房10)Royal Suite - 皇家套房11)Grand Suite - 大套房12)Exclusive Suite - 独享套房13)Signature Suite - 特色套房14)Opulent Room - 奢华间15)Premier Room - 高级豪华间16)Luxury Room Amenities - 豪华间设施17)Luxury Room Features - 豪华间特色18)Luxury Room Decor - 豪华间装饰19)Luxury Room Service - 豪华间服务20)Luxury Room Experience - 豪华间体验3. 套房1)Suite - 套房2)Luxury Suite - 豪华套房3)Executive Suite - 行政套房4)Presidential Suite - 总统套房5)Penthouse Suite - 阁楼套房6)Royal Suite - 皇家套房7)Grand Suite - 大套房8)Junior Suite - 小型套房9)Family Suite - 家庭套房10)Duplex Suite - 复式套房11)Adjoining Suite - 相邻套房12)Connecting Suite - 连通套房13)Corner Suite - 角落套房14)Honeymoon Suite - 蜜月套房15)Signature Suite - 特色套房16)VIP Suite - VIP套房17)Exclusive Suite - 独享套房18)Spa Suite - 水疗套房19)Hospitality Suite - 欢迎套房20)Accessible Suite - 无障碍套房3. 单人间1)Single Room - 单人间2)Standard Single Room - 标准单人间3)Deluxe Single Room - 豪华单人间4)Superior Single Room - 高级单人间5)Executive Single Room - 行政单人间6)Premium Single Room - 高级单人间7)Single Occupancy - 单人入住8)Single Bed - 单人床9)Single Use - 单人使用10)Single Rate - 单人价11)Single Supplement - 单人附加费12)Single Room Reservation - 单人间预订13)Single Room Availability - 单人间可用性14)Single Room Request - 单人间要求15)Single Room Booking - 单人间预订16)Single Room Discount - 单人间折扣18)Single Room Configuration - 单人间布局19)Single Room Occupancy Rate - 单人间入住率20)Single Room Policy - 单人间政策4. 双人间1)Double Room - 双人间2)Twin Room - 双床间3)Queen Room - 大床间(通常指一张较大的床)4)King Room - 大床间(通常指一张特大号床)5)Standard Double Room - 标准双人间6)Deluxe Double Room - 豪华双人间7)Superior Double Room - 高级双人间8)Executive Double Room - 行政双人间9)Premium Double Room - 高级双人间10)Double Occupancy - 双人入住11)Double Bed - 双人床12)Double Use - 双人使用13)Double Rate - 双人价14)Double Supplement - 双人附加费15)Double Room Reservation - 双人间预订16)Double Room Availability - 双人间可用性18)Double Room Booking - 双人间预订19)Double Room Discount - 双人间折扣20)Double Room Amenities - 双人间设施B. 房间设施1. 床铺1)Bed - 床2)Single Bed - 单人床3)Double Bed - 双人床4)Twin Beds - 双床5)Queen Bed - 大床(通常指一张较大的床)6)King Bed - 大床(通常指一张特大号床)7)Bunk Bed - 双层床8)Trundle Bed - 拉床9)Murphy Bed - 墙床(可折叠收起的床)10)Sofa Bed - 沙发床11)Day Bed - 单人沙发床12)Futon Bed - 布团床(日式折叠床)13)Canopy Bed - 帷幔床14)Four-Poster Bed - 四柱床15)Platform Bed - 平台床16)Sleigh Bed - 雪橇床17)Adjustable Bed - 可调节床18)Hospital Bed - 医院床19)Cot - 小床(婴儿床)20)Air Mattress - 充气床垫2. 浴室1)Bathroom - 浴室2)Ensuite Bathroom - 套间浴室(即客房内部的私人浴室)3)Shower - 淋浴4)Bathtub - 浴缸5)Toilet - 厕所6)Sink - 洗手盆7)Mirror - 镜子8)Towel - 毛巾9)Toiletries - 洗浴用品10)Shampoo - 洗发水11)Conditioner - 护发素12)Body Wash - 沐浴露13)Soap - 香皂14)Toilet Paper - 厕纸15)Hair Dryer - 吹风机16)Bathrobe - 浴袍17)Slippers - 拖鞋18)Scale - 体重秤19)Bidet - 洗净器20)Towel Rack - 毛巾架3. 电视和娱乐设施1)Television (TV) - 电视2)Flat-Screen TV - 平板电视3)Smart TV - 智能电视4)Cable TV - 有线电视5)Satellite TV - 卫星电视6)Streaming Services - 流媒体服务7)Blu-ray Player - 蓝光播放机8)Gaming Console - 游戏机9)Video Games - 电子游戏10)Game Controller - 游戏手柄11)Board Games - 桌游12)Card Games - 纸牌游戏13)Books - 书籍14)Magazines - 杂志15)Music Player - 音乐播放器1)Air Conditioning (AC) - 空调2)Central Air Conditioning - 中央空调3)Room Air Conditioner - 房间空调4)HVAC System - 暖通空调系统5)Thermostat - 恒温器6)Cooling System - 冷却系统7)Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) - 供暖、通风和空调系统8)Air Handler - 空气处理器9)Condenser Unit - 冷凝器单元10)Evaporator Coil - 蒸发器盘管11)Compressor - 压缩机12)Refrigerant - 制冷剂13)Ductwork - 风管系统14)Air Filter - 空气过滤器15)Ventilation Fan - 通风扇16)Air Duct - 风道17)Cooling Tower - 冷却塔18)Heat Pump - 热泵19)Chiller - 冷水机组20)Air Quality Control - 空气质量控制1)Heating - 暖气2)Central Heating - 中央供暖3)Room Heater - 房间加热器4)Radiator - 散热器5)Boiler - 锅炉6)Heat Pump - 热泵7)Baseboard Heater - 地板加热器8)Electric Heater - 电暖器9)Thermostat - 恒温器10)Heat Exchanger - 热交换器11)Furnace - 熔炉12)Hydronic Heating - 水暖供暖13)Underfloor Heating - 地暖14)Heat Vent - 暖气通风口15)Ductwork - 供暖管道16)Hot Water Radiator - 热水散热器17)Central Boiler System - 中央锅炉系统18)Gas Heater - 燃气加热器19)Heat Control System - 供暖控制系统20)Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) - 热回收通风C. 酒店设施1. 大堂1)Lobby - 大堂2)Reception Area - 接待区3)Front Desk - 前台4)Concierge Desk - 礼宾台5)Bell Desk - 行李服务台6)Check-in Counter - 办理入住手续柜台7)Check-out Counter - 办理退房手续柜台8)Guest Services - 客户服务9)Information Desk - 信息咨询台10)Waiting Area - 候客区11)Seating Area - 座位区12)Lobby Lounge - 大堂休息区13)Business Center - 商务中心14)Wi-Fi Zone - Wi-Fi 区域15)Meeting Point - 集合点16)Concierge Services - 礼宾服务17)Valet Service - 代客泊车服务18)Porter - 行李员19)Hotel Lobby Bar - 酒店大堂酒吧20)Decor - 装饰风格2. 接待处1)Front Desk - 前台2)Reception Desk - 接待处3)Check-in Counter - 办理入住手续柜台4)Check-out Counter - 办理退房手续柜台5)Guest Services Desk - 客户服务柜台6)Concierge Desk - 礼宾台7)Information Desk - 信息咨询台8)Reservation Desk - 预订台9)Guest Relations Desk - 客户关系柜台10)Key Card Issuance - 发卡处11)Bell Desk - 行李服务台12)Valet Desk - 代客泊车服务台13)Lost and Found - 失物招领处14)Business Center - 商务中心15)Tour Desk - 旅游咨询处16)Currency Exchange - 货币兑换处17)Complaints Desk - 投诉处18)Feedback Counter - 反馈柜台19)VIP Check-in Counter - VIP办理入住手续柜台20)Express Check-out - 快速退房服务3. 餐厅1)Restaurant - 餐厅2)Fine Dining Restaurant - 高级餐厅3)Casual Dining Restaurant - 休闲餐厅4)Buffet - 自助餐5)Café - 咖啡厅6)Bar - 酒吧7)Lounge - 休息厅8)Dining Area - 就餐区9)Private Dining Room - 私人包厢10)Outdoor Dining - 户外用餐11)Kitchen - 厨房12)Chef - 厨师13)Sous Chef - 副厨师14)Cook - 烹饪员15)Waiter/Waitress - 服务员16)Host/Hostess - 主持人/女主持人17)Menu - 菜单18)Wine List - 酒单19)Table Setting - 桌面布置1)Bar - 酒吧2)Lounge Bar - 休息厅酒吧3)Cocktail Bar - 鸡尾酒吧4)Pub - 酒吧5)Sports Bar - 运动酒吧6)Wine Bar - 葡萄酒吧7)Beer Bar - 啤酒吧8)Pool Bar - 游泳池酒吧9)Rooftop Bar - 屋顶酒吧10)Whiskey Bar - 威士忌酒吧11)Champagne Bar - 香槟酒吧12)Bar Counter - 酒吧柜台13)Bartender - 调酒师14)Barback - 酒吧助理15)Bar Stool - 酒吧高脚凳16)Bar Menu - 酒吧菜单17)Happy Hour - 欢乐时光18)Last Call - 最后呼叫19)Drink Specials - 特色饮品20)Bar Tab - 酒吧账单1)Swimming Pool - 游泳池2)Outdoor Pool - 室外游泳池3)Indoor Pool - 室内游泳池4)Lap Pool - 游泳池5)Kiddie Pool - 儿童游泳池6)Hot Tub/ Jacuzzi - 按摩浴缸/水疗浴缸7)Poolside - 游泳池旁8)Pool Deck - 游泳池平台9)Pool Bar - 游泳池酒吧10)Pool Towel - 游泳池毛巾11)Poolside Lounge Chairs - 游泳池边的躺椅12)Pool Maintenance - 游泳池维护13)Pool Rules - 游泳池规定14)Pool Lifeguard - 游泳池救生员15)Pool Temperature - 游泳池水温16)Pool Depth - 游泳池深度17)Pool Float - 游泳池浮板18)Pool Fence - 游泳池围栏19)Pool Pump - 游泳池水泵20)Poolside Service - 游泳池边的服务6. 健身房1)Fitness Center/Gym - 健身中心/健身房2)Gym Equipment - 健身器材3)Treadmill - 跑步机4)Elliptical Trainer - 椭圆机5)Stationary Bike - 动感单车6)Weightlifting Area - 举重区7)Free Weights - 自由重量器械8)Resistance Machines - 阻力器械9)Exercise Mat - 运动垫10)Stretching Area - 拉伸区11)Fitness Class - 健身课程12)Personal Trainer - 私人教练13)Fitness Assessment - 健身评估14)Locker Room - 更衣室15)Shower Facilities - 淋浴设施16)Towel Service - 毛巾服务17)Hydration Station - 补水站18)Fitness Schedule - 健身课程表19)Fitness Membership - 健身会员资格20)Fitness Center Policies - 健身中心规定1)Conference Room - 会议室2)Meeting Room - 会议室3)Boardroom - 董事会议室4)Function Room - 多功能厅5)Seminar Room - 研讨会室6)Training Room - 培训室7)Auditorium - 礼堂8)Banquet Hall - 宴会厅9)Exhibition Hall - 展览厅10)Breakout Room - 分组会议室11)Conference Facilities - 会议设施12)Audio-Visual Equipment - 音视频设备13)Projector - 投影仪14)Screen - 屏幕15)Microphone - 麦克风16)Podium - 讲台17)Whiteboard/Flipchart - 白板/翻页板18)Conference Call - 电话会议19)Catering Service - 餐饮服务20)Meeting Planner/Coordinator - 会议策划/协调人1)Banquet Hall - 宴会厅2)Ballroom - 舞厅3)Function Hall - 多功能厅4)Event Hall - 活动厅5)Reception Hall - 接待厅6)Dining Hall - 餐厅7)Grand Hall - 大厅8)Social Hall - 社交厅9)Wedding Venue - 婚礼场地10)Gala Venue - 庆典场地11)Conference Hall - 会议厅12)Exhibition Hall - 展览厅13)Meeting Space - 会议空间14)Party Room - 派对厅15)Cocktail Lounge - 鸡尾酒休息室16)Function Room - 功能室17)VIP Lounge - 贵宾休息室18)Venue Rental - 场地租赁19)Hall Decoration - 大厅装饰20)Catering Service - 餐饮服务II. 酒店服务A. 预订和登记入住1. 预订房间1)Room Reservation - 房间预订2)Booking - 预订3)Reservation Confirmation - 预订确认4)Check-in - 入住5)Check-out - 退房6)Room Type - 房间类型7)Room Category - 房间类别8)Room Rate - 房价9)Room Availability - 房间可用性10)Room Inventory - 房间库存11)Occupancy - 入住率12)No-show - 未到13)Cancellation Policy - 取消政策14)Early Check-in - 提前入住15)Late Check-out - 延迟退房16)Reservation System - 预订系统17)Booking Engine - 预订引擎18)Booking Confirmation Number - 预订确认号19)Group Booking - 团体预订20)Waitlist - 候补名单2. 入住登记1)Check-in - 入住2)Guest Registration - 客人登记3)Guest Check-in - 客人入住登记4)Registration Card/ Form - 登记卡/表格5)Identification - 身份证明6)Passport - 护照7)Driver's License - 驾驶证8)ID Card - 身份证9)Room Assignment - 房间分配10)Key Card/Room Key - 门卡/房间钥匙11)Welcome Package - 欢迎礼包12)Check-in Time - 入住时间13)Late Arrival - 晚到14)Early Arrival - 早到15)Express Check-in - 快速入住16)Front Desk - 前台17)Concierge Desk - 礼宾台18)Bellboy/Porter - 行李员/门童19)Room Inspection - 房间检查20)Check-in Procedure - 入住流程3. 结账1)Check-out - 退房2)Billing - 结账3)Payment - 付款4)Invoice - 发票5)Final Bill - 最终账单6)Settlement - 结算7)Payment Method - 付款方式8)Credit Card - 信用卡9)Debit Card - 借记卡10)Cash Payment - 现金支付11)Room Charge - 房费12)Additional Charges - 附加费用13)Incidental Charges - 杂费14)Mini Bar Charges - 迷你吧费用15)Telephone Charges - 电话费用16)Internet Charges - 上网费用17)Discounts - 折扣18)Receipt - 收据19)Refund - 退款20)Payment Confirmation - 付款确认B. 客房服务1. 房间清洁1)Housekeeping - 客房服务2)Room Cleaning - 房间清洁3)Housekeeper - 客房服务员4)Housekeeping Supervisor - 客房服务主管5)Cleaning Schedule - 清洁计划6)Cleaning Checklist - 清洁检查表7)Housekeeping Staff - 客房服务人员8)Turn Down Service - 整理服务9)Bed Making - 整理床铺10)Vacuuming - 吸尘11)Dusting - 擦拭灰尘12)Mopping - 拖地13)Trash Removal - 垃圾清理14)Linen Change - 更换床上用品15)Towel Replacement - 更换毛巾16)Toiletry Restocking - 补充洗漱用品17)Room Inspection - 房间检查18)Deep Cleaning - 深度清洁19)Sanitization - 消毒20)Cleaning Supplies - 清洁用品2. 补给品1)Amenities - 便利设施2)Toiletries - 洗漱用品3)Guest Supplies - 客房用品4)Complimentary Items - 免费用品5)Hotel Amenities - 酒店设施6)In-room Amenities - 客房设施7)Shampoo - 洗发水8)Conditioner - 护发素9)Body Wash - 沐浴露10)Soap - 香皂11)Lotion - 乳液12)Toothpaste - 牙膏13)Toothbrush - 牙刷14)Shower Cap - 浴帽15)Razor - 剃须刀16)Shaving Cream - 剃须膏17)Hairdryer - 吹风机18)Coffee/Tea Supplies - 咖啡/茶供应品19)Bottled Water - 瓶装水20)Snack Basket - 小吃篮3. 服务员1)Waiter/Waitress - 服务员2)Server - (美式英语) 服务员3)Host/Hostess - 主人/女主人4)Bartender - 调酒师5)Barista - 咖啡师6)Concierge - 礼宾员7)Bellhop/Porter - 行李员/门童8)Room Attendant - 房间服务员9)Housekeeper - 客房服务员10)Housekeeping Supervisor - 客房服务主管11)Housekeeping Manager - 客房服务经理12)Front Desk Clerk/Agent - 前台接待员/代理13)Receptionist - 接待员14)Doorman - 门童15)Valet - 代客泊车员16)Porter - 行李员17)Room Service Attendant - 客房服务员18)Sommelier - 品酒师19)Catering Staff - 餐饮服务人员C. 餐饮服务1. 早餐1)Breakfast - 早餐2)Buffet Breakfast - 自助早餐3)Continental Breakfast - 欧式早餐4)Full English Breakfast - 英式丰盛早餐5)American Breakfast - 美式早餐6)Brunch - 早午餐7)Breakfast Menu - 早餐菜单8)Breakfast Bar - 早餐吧台9)Breakfast Service - 早餐服务10)Breakfast Buffet Spread - 早餐自助餐11)Breakfast Selection - 早餐选择12)Continental Buffet - 欧式自助餐13)Hot Breakfast Items - 热食早餐项目14)Cold Breakfast Items - 冷食早餐项目15)Healthy Breakfast Options - 健康早餐选择16)Grab-and-Go Breakfast - 随取随走早餐17)Breakfast Hours - 早餐时间18)Breakfast Attendant - 早餐服务员19)Breakfast Specials - 早餐特色菜20)Breakfast Package - 早餐套餐2. 午餐1)Lunch - 午餐2)Lunch Menu - 午餐菜单3)Lunch Specials - 午餐特色菜4)Business Lunch - 商务午餐5)Set Lunch - 套餐午餐6)Buffet Lunch - 自助午餐7)Express Lunch - 快捷午餐8)Working Lunch - 工作午餐9)Lunch Hour - 午餐时间10)Lunch Break - 午餐休息时间11)Lunch Service - 午餐服务12)Lunch Reservation - 午餐预订13)Lunch Meeting - 午餐会议14)Takeout Lunch - 外卖午餐15)Lunch Buffet Spread - 午餐自助餐16)Healthy Lunch Options - 健康午餐选择17)Chef's Special Lunch - 主厨特色午餐18)Daily Lunch Special - 每日午餐特价菜19)Lunch Combo - 午餐套餐3. 晚餐1)Dinner - 晚餐2)Dinner Menu - 晚餐菜单3)Dinner Specials - 晚餐特色菜4)À la carte Dinner - 单点晚餐5)Fine Dining - 高档餐饮6)Gourmet Dinner - 美味晚餐7)Formal Dinner - 正式晚餐8)Casual Dinner - 休闲晚餐9)Dinner Service - 晚餐服务10)Dinner Reservation - 晚餐预订11)Dinner Buffet - 晚餐自助餐12)Chef's Dinner Special - 主厨晚餐特色菜13)Candlelit Dinner - 烛光晚餐14)Family Dinner - 家庭晚餐15)Private Dinner - 私人晚餐16)Themed Dinner - 主题晚餐17)Three-course Dinner - 三道菜晚餐18)Dinner Entertainment - 晚餐娱乐节目4. 自助餐1)Buffet - 自助餐2)Buffet Spread - 自助餐品种3)Buffet Table - 自助餐桌4)Buffet Service - 自助餐服务5)Buffet Area - 自助餐区域6)Buffet Counter - 自助餐柜台7)Buffet Menu - 自助餐菜单8)Buffet Breakfast - 自助早餐9)Buffet Lunch - 自助午餐10)Buffet Dinner - 自助晚餐11)Buffet Catering - 自助餐餐饮服务12)Buffet Selection - 自助餐选择13)Buffet Setup - 自助餐布置14)Buffet Attendant - 自助餐服务员15)Buffet Price - 自助餐价格16)Buffet Style - 自助餐风格17)Buffet Spread Layout - 自助餐摆放布局18)Buffet Station - 自助餐工作台19)Buffet Hours - 自助餐时间5. 客房送餐服务1)Room Service - 客房送餐服务2)In-Room Dining - 房内用餐服务3)Dining in the Room - 房内就餐4)Room Service Menu - 客房送餐菜单5)Room Service Hours - 客房送餐时间6)Room Service Charge - 客房送餐费用7)Room Service Order - 客房送餐订单8)Room Service Attendant - 客房送餐服务员9)Room Service Tray - 客房送餐托盘10)Room Service Etiquette - 客房送餐礼仪11)Room Service Breakfast - 客房送餐早餐12)Room Service Lunch - 客房送餐午餐13)Room Service Dinner - 客房送餐晚餐14)Late Night Room Service - 夜间客房送餐服务15)Special Requests for Room Service - 客房送餐特殊要求16)Room Service Wait Time - 客房送餐等待时间17)Room Service Tip - 客房送餐小费18)Room Service Delivery - 客房送餐送达19)Room Service Beverage - 客房送餐饮品20)Room Service Amenities - 客房送餐设施。
酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTEL TELMINOLOGY (CHINESE TO ENGLISH)Part 1部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive & Human Resources Division E&HR 人事部Personnel Department PD质检培训部Quality Inspection & Training Department QID 后勤部Rear-Service Division RSD市场推广及销售部Sales &Marketing Division S&M 公共关系部Public Relation Department PRD财务部Finance Division FD 收银部Cash Division CD成本部Cost-control Department CCD 会计部Accounting Division ACD 采购部Purchasing Department PD 电脑部Electronic Date Processing EDP房务部Rooms Division RD前厅部Front Office FO 管家部Housekeeping Department HSKP洗衣房Laundry Room LR 保洁部Public Area PA 楼层Floor保安部Security Department SEC 康乐部Entertainment & Recreation Department E&R 工程部Engineering Department ENG餐饮部Food & Beverage Department F&B 西餐厅West Restaurant WR中餐厅Chinese Restaurant CRPar 2职位名称职位英文英文缩写董事长Chairman of the Board COB董事长助理Board Assistant BA执行董事Executive Director EXD 总经理General Manager GM 副总经理Deputy General Manager DGM驻店经理Resident Manager RM总经理助理General Manager Assistant GMA顾问Adviser行政值班经理Manager on Duty/Executive on Duty MOD行政秘书Executive Secretary ES文员Clerk行政总监Administration Director ADD行政办公室主任Executive Officer EO人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager HRM培训部经理Training Manager TM培训主任Training Officer TRO质检培训主任Quality Inspection & Training Officer QITO人事主管Personnel Supervisor PS车队主管Chief Driver CD文员Order Taker OT临时工Casual laborer司机Driver外籍职员Expatriate人事档案文员Personnel Filing Clerk宿舍管理员Dormitory Conservator厨工Kitchen Helper更衣室管理员Locker-room Conservator房务总监Director of Rooms Division DOR前厅经理Front Office Manager FOM客房经理Housekeeping Department Manager HSKD 大堂副理Assistant Manager AM首席礼宾司Chief Concierge CC客务主任Guest Relation Officer GRO接待主管Chief Receptionist CR 接待员Receptionist行政管家Executive Housekeeper EH客房高级主管Senior Supervisor SS楼层主管Floor Supervisor FS楼层领班Floor Captain FC洗衣房经理Laundry Manager LM PA主管PA Supervisor PS 客房服务员Room Attendant RA 礼宾部领班Bell Captain行李生Bellboy高级行李生Senior Bellboy门童/女门童Door man /Door girl技工Mechanic大烫工Flatwork Ironer小烫工Hand Ironer Presser平烫工Ironer干洗工Dry-cleaner水洗工Washer Extractor布草收发员Linen Attendant洗衣男工/女工Laundryman/ Laundrywoman女缝工、女裁缝Seamstress订房部文员Booking Clerk商务中心文员Business Center Clerk接线生主管Chief Operator接线生,总机Operator/Telephone Operator园丁Gardener保洁员Public Area PA 商场部主管Shop Supervisor商场营业员Shop Assistant餐饮总监Director of Food &Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food &Beverage Manager FBM酒水部经理Beverage Manager BEM 西餐厅主管Western Restaurant Supervisor WRS 中餐厅主管Chinese Restaurant Supervisor CRS 宴会部经理Banqueting Manager BAM 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer BSO宴会销售代表Banquets Sales Executive BSE 咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor CSS 酒吧主管Head Bartender楼面主任Head Waiter(男)/Head Waitress^)HW楼面部长Captain送餐领班Room Service Captain迎宾员/咨客Hostess服务员Waiter^服务员),W2也。
一、洲际酒店集团(Intercontinental Hotels Group)
(1)、洲际酒店及度假村(Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts)
(2)、皇冠广场酒店及度假村(Grown Plaza Hotels & Resorts)(3)、假日酒店及度假村(Holiday Inn Hotels & Resoets)
(4)、假日快捷酒店(Express by Holiday Inn)
二、希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton Hotels Corp)
(2)、康拉德酒店(Conrad Hotels)
(3)、双树酒店(Doubletree Hotels)
(4)、汉普顿酒店(Hampton Inn)
三、喜达屋酒店集团(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide)
(4)、福朋(Four points)
(5)W酒店(W Hotels)
四、万豪国际集团(Marriott International
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酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTEL TELMINOLOGY (CHINESE TO ENGLISH)Part 1部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive & Huma n Resources Divisi on E&HR 人事部Pers onnel Departme nt PD质检培训部Quality In spect ion & Trai ning Departme nt QID 后勤部Rear-Service Divisio n RSD 市场推广及销售部Sales & Marketi ng Divisio n S&M 公共关系部Public Relati on Departme nt PRD 财务部Finance Divisio n FD收银部Cash Divisio n CD成本部Cost-co ntrol Departme nt CCD 会计部Acco unting Divisi on *ACD采购部Purchas ing Departme nt PD电脑部Electro nic Date Process ing EDP 房务部Rooms Divisio n RD前厅部Front Office FO管家部Housekeep ing Departme nt HSKP 洗衣房Laundry Room LR保洁部Public Area PA楼层Floor保安部Security Departme nt SEC 康乐部En terta inment & Recreati on Departme nt E&R 工程部Engin eeri ng Departme nt ENG 餐饮部Food & Beverage Departme nt F&B 西餐厅West Restaura nt WR 中餐厅Chin ese Restaura nt CRPart 2职位名称职位英文英文缩与董事长Chairma n of the Board COB董事长助理Board Assista nt BA执行董事Executive Director EXD总经理Gen eral Man ager GM副总经理Deputy Gen eral Man ager DGM驻店经理Reside nt Man ager RM总经理助理Gen eral Man ager Assista nt GMA顾问Adviser行政值班经理Man ager on Duty/Executive on Duty MOD行政秘书Executive Secretary ES文员Clerk行政总监Admi nistrati on Director ADD行政办公室主任Executive Officer EO人力资源部经理Huma n Resources Man ager HRM培训部经理Training Man ager TM培训主任Trai ning Officer TRO质检培训主任Quality In spect ion & Trai ning Officer QITO人事主管Pers onnel Supervisor PS车队主管Chief Driver CD文员Order Taker OT临时工Casual laborer司机Driver外籍职员Expatriate人事档案文员Pers onnel Fili ng Clerk宿舍管理员Dormitory Con servator厨工Kitche n Helper更衣室管理员Locker-room Con servator房务总监Director of Rooms Divisi on DOR前厅经理Front Office Man ager FOM客房经理Housekeep ing Departme nt Man ager HSKD 大堂副理Assista nt Man ager AM首席礼宾司Chief Con cierge CC客务主任Guest Relation Officer GRO 接待主管Chief Recepti onist CR 接待员Recepti onist行政管家Executive Housekeeper EH 客房高级主管Senior Supervisor SS 楼层主管Floor Supervisor FS 楼层领班Floor Capta in FC 洗衣房经理Laundry Man ager LM PA主管PA Supervisor PS 客房服务员Room Atte ndant RA 礼宾部领班Bell Captai n行李生Bellboy高级行李生Senior Bellboy门童/女门童Door man /Door girl技工Mecha nic大烫工Flatwork Ironer小烫工Hand Ironer Presser平烫工Ironer干洗工Dry-clea ner水洗工Washer Extractor布草收发员q Linen Atte ndant洗衣男工/女工Laun dryma n/ Laun drywoma n女缝工、女裁缝Seamstress订房部文员Booking Clerk商务中心文员Bus in ess Cen ter Clerk接线生主管Chief Operator接线生,总机Operator/Teleph one Operator园丁Garde ner保洁员Public Area PA 商场部主管Shop Supervisor商场营业员Shop Assista nt餐饮总监Director of Food &Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food &Beverage Man ager FBM 酒水部经理Beverage Man ager BEM西餐厅主管Western Restaura nt Supervisor WRS 中餐厅主管Chin ese Restaura nt Supervisor CRS 宴会部经理Banq ueti ng Man ager BAM 宴会销售经理Banq uet Sales Man ager宴会销售主任Banq uet Sales Officer BSO 宴会销售代表Banq uets Sales Executive BSE 咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor CSS 酒吧主管Head Barte nder楼面主任Head Waiter(男"Head Waitress女)HW 楼面部长Capta in送餐领班Room Service Capta in迎宾员/咨客Hostess服务员Waiter(男服务员),Waitress(女服务员)行政总厨Executive Chef EC 中餐厨师长Sous-chef Chin ese kitche n西餐厨师长Sous-chef Wester n kitche n西饼房主管Chief Baker CB 配菜厨师Assembler高级厨师、名厨师Cordon Bleu点心师Dim Sum Maker传菜员Food Runner管事部领班Forema n备餐间领班Pan try Capta in备餐员Pan try man酒吧侍应,酒吧招待Barte nder酒吧男侍应Bar boy酒吧女侍应Barmaid高级酒吧侍者Senior Barte nder调酒员Tap man茶艺师Tea Cerem ony Keeper水台厨工Butcher砧板厨师Chopper洗碗工Dishwasher打荷厨师Food Distributor见习厨师Appre ntice Cook厨房杂工Amah学徒Appre ntice勤杂工Han dyma n洗采工Vegetable Washer营业总监Director of Sales & Marketi ng DOS 销售部经理Man ager of Sales Departme nt MOS 宴会销售经理Banq uet Sales Man ager BSM 销售经理Sales Man ager SAM 贵宾部经理VIP Manager VM 公关部经理PR Manager PRM 公关主任PR Officer PRO 预定部主管Reservati on Supervisor RS 销售代表Sales Executive SE 团队联络员Group Co-Coord in ator市场协调员Marketing Co-coordinator美术设计师Art Desig ner美工Artist工程总监Chief Engin eer CE 工程部经理Engin eeri ng Man ager EM值班工程师q Duty Engin eer DE 运行主管Operati on Supervisor OS维修主管Repairi ng Supervisor RS 运行领班Operati on Capta in OC 维修领班Repairi ng Capta in RC 锅炉组长Boiler sect ion head锅炉工Boiler man木工Carpe nter强电组长Electrical Sect ion Head电工Electricia n弱电组长Electrics Secti on Head万能工Han dyma n空调技工Air-c on diti oning Mecha nic机修组长Mecha nic Section Head油漆工Pai nter电梯工Lift Operator客房维修组长Room Maintenance Sect ion Head财务总监Finan cial Con troller FC财务部经理Acco un ti ng Man ager ACM 总会计师Chief Acco untant CA会计师Acco untantCOC 成本控制王管Cost Con troller采购部经理Purchas ing Man ager PM采购部主管Purchas ing Officer PS前台收银主管Front Officer Cashier Supervisor FOCS 电脑部主管EDP Supervisor EDPS 总出纳Chief Cashier CC应付账款主管Acco unts Payable Supervisor应收帐款主管Acco unts Receivable Supervisor成本核算主管Costi ng Supervisor收货部主管Recei ving Supervisor收入审计员In come Auditor查帐员、审计员Auditor收款员、出纳员Cashier网络维护员q Network Admi nistrator NA 采购员Purchas ing Age nt PUA 前台收银员Front Office Cashier FOC 夜审Night Auditor NA日审Day Auditor收货员Receivi ng Clerk仓管员Storekeeper康乐部总监Director of En terta inment & Recreatio n DER 康乐部经理En terta inment & Recreati on Man ager ERM 康体主管En terta inment Supervisor娱乐主管Recreati on Supervisor康体领班En terta inment Capta in娱乐领班Recreati on Capta in理发师Barber美容师Beauticia n美容服务员Beauty Sal on Atte ndant救生员Lifeguard指甲修剪师Mani curist男按摩师/女按摩师Masseur/Masseuse教练Trai nerDJ公主DJ Prin cess技师Masseur/Masseuse保安部经理Security Man ager SM保安部副经理Asst. Security Man ager ASM 消防主管Fire con trol Supervisor警卫主管Security Supervisor保安员Security Guard所有部门总监/经理Departme nt Head DHS 主管Supervisor SUP 领班Capta in高级领班Senior Capta inPart 3日常用语登记入住Check in C/I退房Check out C/O 预计抵店Due in D/I预计离店Due out D/O 到店、入住Arrival ARR 离店、离开Departure DEPT 房间Room RM 取消Can cel CXL 贵宾Very importa nt pers on VIP 散客Free in dividual traveler FIT自来客人Walk in W/I已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vaca nt VAC 坏房自用房House use客人Guest GST预计抵店Expected arrival E/A预计离店Expected departure E/D延期、续住Exte nsion EXT入住登记单Registrati on card RC长包房Long stay ing L/S日租、当日用房Day use D/U早餐Breakfast BF折扣Disco unt DISC. 免费房Complime ntary COMP. 账单、收据Voucher VR单独的Si ngle SGL双人的(大床)Double DBL双人房(两个床)Twin TWN与同行Travel with T/W与同住、分开付款Share with S/W加入Joi n in J/I免收押金Waive deposit W/D未交押金No deposit预计到达时间Expected time of arrival ETA预计离开时间Expected time departure服务Service擦鞋服务Shoes shi ne开夜床Turn dow n唤醒服务Wake up婴儿看护Infant care婴儿床Baby cot失物招领Lost and found洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Room service RMSVC 陪同房Guide Room G/R国际长途International direct dialing IDD国内长途Domestic direct diali ng DDD高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Con tract rate CR要求Request REQ押金Deposit DEP已保证Guara nteed GTD客人留言或邮件Mail& in formatio n M&l备忘录Memora ndum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX电话Teleph one TEL请Please PLS谢谢Thanks TKS跟办Follow up F/U请勿打扰Do not disturb DND勿查询Con fide ntial CONF保密入住In cog nito INCO轻便行李Light baggage L/B无行李No baggage N/B大量行李Heavy baggage H/B套票XJ Pack age PKG 不做房No n eed service NNS预订未到No show N/S转换Change CHG换房Change room CHGRM免收费Free of charge FOC行政的Executive EXE延迟退房Late check out L/C半日租Half day charge HDC全日租full day charge FDC信件Letter LTR有限的Limited LTD公司Compa ny CO.已允许Permitted PER升级入住Up grade U/G预订Book ing BKG尽可能快、便捷服务As soon as possible ASAP聚会Party PTY 团队Group GRP 楼层Floor FL标准的Sta ndard STD 豪华的Deluxe DLX 注意事项Atte ntio n ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policies and procedures P & P 电传Telex TLX 抄送Corbin copy CC无房价No rate N/R 套房Suite STE 交班本Log book移动电话,手机Call pho ne紧急情况,突发事件Emerge ncy津贴、补贴Allowa nee对外服务津贴Foreig n Service Allowa nee年假Annual Leave任命;职务Appo in tme nt调职授权书Change of Status Authorizati on Form休息Day Off换休Trade Day Off补假Compe nsati on Day Off降职Demote纪律;惩戒Discipli ne开除、解雇、免职Dismiss任务、责任、职责Duty当值;上班On Duty下班Off Duty班次表Duty Roster雇佣Employ为... 所雇佣In the employ雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员Perma nent Employee临时雇员Temporary Employee员工手册Employ Han dbook每月优秀员工Employee of the Month年度优秀员工Employee of the Year员工表现评估Employee Performa nee Evaluation求职申请表Employme nt Applieati on Form 雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive福利补贴Fringe Ben efits专职工作Full-time Job节假日Holiday公众假期Public Holiday面试In terview被面试者In terviewee面试者In terviewer工作职责Job Deseripti on休假、假期、离职Leave病假Sick Leave有薪假期Paid Leave无薪假期Un paid Leave离职To leave a job管理层级Man ageme nt Hierarchy经理(简称MGR)Man ager经理级人员Man agerial Pers onnel人员配备Manning人员编制Manning Guide人力Man power犯规通知书Misc on duct Notice休息Off下班Off Duty办公室Officer职员签单Officer ' s Cheek组织机构图Orga ni zati on Chart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机兼职工作部分时间工作工资、薪金工资、薪金支票出纳员工资主任养老金,退休金退休金津贴、奖金全体工作人员工作岗位晋升打卡上、下班履历招聘、招工换班、替班替班服务员换班者、替班者辞职;辞职书,提出辞职退休;退职(工资)增长工资、薪酬月薪年薪工资调整轮班;更期两头班早班午班夜班工鞋员工;配备人员Private automatic branch excha ngePart-time jobWork part-timePayPaycheckPaymasterPayroll OfficerPensionRetireme nt pensionPerquisitePers onnelPostPromotePunch in/outRecordRecruitReliefRelief MaidRelieverResig nati onTo resign/To tender one ' s resignation Retire/Retireme ntRiseSalaryMon thly SalaryAnnual / Yearly SalarySalary Adjustme nt / ReviewShiftBroke nMorni ng shiftAfternoon shiftOvernight/Graveyard ShiftShoeStaff待客员工Guest Co ntact Staff外籍员工Expatriate Staff本地员工Local Can tee n员工餐厅Staff Ca ntee n员工出口处Staff Entrance员工更衣室Staff Locker-room员工告示栏Staff Notice-board员工流失率Staff Turno ver Perce ntage监督、管理Supervise/Supervisio n考勤卡Time Card打卡To punch time card考勤打卡机Time Clock钟卡考勤打卡机Timekeeper练习生、实习生Trainee调动工作Tran sfer制服Un iform空缺Vacancy辞去职位Vacate假期;休假、度假Vacati on工资Wages精简员工Zero Staffi ngPart 4房态术语入住房Occupied OCC 空房Vaca nt VAC 退房Check out C/O 做房Make up M/N 外宿Slept out S/O 外佰(不在本地)Out town OT 封房维修空房已清洁Vaca nt clea n VC 空房未打扫Vaca nt dirty VD 住客房未清洁Occupied dirty OD 住客房已清洁Occupied clea n OC 赶房Rush room ROPart 5房间类型高级双人间Superiortwin room ST 高级单人间Superiors in gle room SK 豪华双人间Deluxe twin room DT 豪华单人间Deluxe single room DK 高级套间Superior suite SS 豪华套间Deluxe suite DS 商务套间Executive suite ES。