
实用妈妈口语1.It’s time to get up. 该起床了。
2.Get dressed 快穿衣服吧!3.It’s time for breakfast. 该吃早饭了。
4.Hurry up, or we will be late. 快点,不然迟到了。
5.Don’t rush me! 不要催我!6.I’m hungry. 我饿了/ I’ m starved. 我饿死了。
7.What’s to eat? 吃些什么?8.It’s almost ready. (饭)差不多好了9.It’s time for lunch. 该吃午饭了10.Would you set the table? 你去摆餐桌好吗?11.Go tell your daddy supper’s ready. 去跟爸爸说晚饭好了。
12.Is it delicious? 好吃吗?13.I’m full. 我吃饱了14.It’s your turn to do the dishes. 这回轮到你洗碗碟了。
15.What do you want to watch? 你想看什么?16.Stop flipping channels. 不要把频道换来换去的。
17.How was your day? 今天过得怎么样啊?18.Did you enjoy yourself at school? 在学校过得开心吗?19.What’s up? 有什么事吗?20.You did right. 你做得对。
21.Well done! 太棒了!22.Try again. 再试试23.You can make it. 你能做到。
24.Don’t let me down. 别让我失望啊。
25.Have you finished your homework? 你做完作业了吗?26.I’m sleepy. 我困了。
27.It’s bedtime. / It’s time to go to bed. 现在是睡觉时间了。
地道英语口语 妈妈爱唠叨的那些话

地道英语口语妈妈爱唠叨的那些话Every mom has a favourite quote and a special tone to scold or teach alesson to their recalcitrant kids. We might hate this momism as a kid but we allso much miss them when we grow up. These motherly sayings go a long way inbuilding us strong and making us a better person. Though we hate our moms forbeing so harsh in their statements, ironically we all use the same momism thatwe received from our mothers on our kids. Oh God, how much we appreciate ourmothers for ing up with such perfect one liners。
Here is list of most mon and popular momisms. These motherly advisetranscends the borders of time, space, language and culture. For kids are kidseverywhere and Mom are always Mom...caring, concern, all knowing and full oflove。

采访80后妈妈们的故事作文英文回答:Interviewing 80s moms has been a truly eye-opening experience. These women have shared with me their stories of juggling motherhood, careers, and personal growth in a rapidly changing world. One common theme that emerged from these interviews is the struggle to find a balance between work and family life.One of the moms I interviewed, Sarah, shared with me her experience of returning to work after having her first child. She talked about the challenges of finding affordable and reliable childcare, as well as the guilt she felt for not being able to spend as much time with herchild as she wanted to. Despite these challenges, Sarah also spoke about the sense of fulfillment and independence she gained from her career.Another mom, Emily, shared with me her journey ofpursuing higher education while raising her children. She talked about the support she received from her family and the importance of setting an example for her kids by showing them the value of education and hard work. Emily's story highlighted the determination and resilience of 80s moms in pursuing their personal goals while also prioritizing their family's well-being.中文回答:采访80后妈妈们是一次非常有启发性的经历。

给⼤家整理了“英语⼝语中妈妈应该怎么说”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注! 英语⼝语中妈妈应该怎么说 mom mama mother 鹅妈妈 Mother Goose ; 妈妈爸爸 Mamas & the Papas ; mama-papa ; Mother father ; The Mamas and the Papas 单亲妈妈 The Single Mother ; single mom ; MOTHER IN A SINGLE-PARENT FAMILY 每⽇妈妈 Mainichi Kaasan ; Kaasan Mom's Life 妈妈装 Mother Dress ; Mothers Evening Dresses ; 地球妈妈 Earth Mama Angel Baby ; Earth Mama 坏妈妈 Dirty mama ; Bad Mother ⽉亮妈妈 MaMaMoon ; Mamamoon 1. Mommy, you don't need to stay while we talk. 妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着. 2. Though Sybbis complained bitterly, Mama would not let up on her. 尽管西⽐斯⼤发牢骚,但妈妈不会放她⼀马。
3. She scribbled a note to tell Mum she'dgone out. 她匆匆写了个便条告诉妈妈她已外出。
4. Mummy says I can play out in the garden. 妈妈说我可以到外⾯花园⾥玩。
5. He was about seven years old, small and fine-boned like his mother. 他⼤概7岁,⾻架像他妈妈⼀样娇⼩均匀。

80后我的妈妈写两百字的作文英文回答:As an 80s kid, my mom has always been an inspiration to me. She has been through so much and has taught me valuable life lessons along the way. One thing that stands out about my mom is her determination and resilience.Growing up, my mom had to work multiple jobs to support our family. She would wake up early in the morning to go to her full-time job, and then come home to take care of us. Despite being exhausted, she never complained and always had a smile on her face. She taught me the importance of hard work and never giving up.Another great quality of my mom is her kindness and generosity. She would always go out of her way to help others. I remember one time when she found out that our neighbor was going through a tough time financially. Without hesitation, my mom cooked a big meal and brought itover to their house. She believed in the power of community and helping each other out.In addition to her kindness, my mom has a great sense of humor. She always knows how to make me laugh, even during tough times. Her jokes and funny stories have brought so much joy into my life. I remember one time when I was feeling down, and my mom told me a hilarious story that instantly cheered me up. Her sense of humor is contagious and always brightens up my day.中文回答:作为一个80后的孩子,我的妈妈一直是我榜样。

老外最想聊的100个英语口语话题(89):职场母亲J: That's good. Do you find enough timc to be with the kids?挺好的。
你有足够的时间陪孩子吗?A: Not really, sometimes my kids complain about my being around so little. So no matter howbusy I am everyday I will set aside some time to be with them.没有,有时候我的孩子也会抱怨我陪她们的时间太少了.斫以不管我每天有多忙,我都会抽出时间来和她们待一会.J: Do they understand your situation?那她们理解你的难处吗?A: Yes. they all show much understanding of my work. lf I happcn to be too busy to hclp them with their homcwork one day or anothcr, they'II ask my husband instead.理解,她们都对我的工作表示理解.如果哪天我很忙没空帮她们辅导作业,她们会找我丈夫帮忙.J: Ob, it's incredible that you can still help the kids witb their studics after a wholeday's stressful work劳累了一天,你竟然还能帮孩子们做作业,太不可思议了。
A: Yeah. I' m tirtd after work_ But when I see the kids' shining smile, all the prcssure and trouble at work goes away'是啊,下班之后我挺累的,但是一看到孩子们灿烂的笑容,工作上的压力和烦恼就都不见了.dialogue 2J: hey, how's your one year old?你那一岁的孩子怎么样了?A: she's great, thanks!挺好的,谢谢.J: that's good. Since everything is fine, have you considered going out to work? 好,既然一切都挺顺利,你想没想过出来工作? A: yeah, I've spent a whole month hunting a job, but many companies just turn me down. 想过啊,我找了一个月的工作了,但是很多公司都拒绝我了.J: maybe they're worrying that a new mother may not concentrate totally on her work.也许他们是担心你刚当了妈妈,不能全身心投入到工作中.A: yeah, I think so. To tell you the truth, I'm also worrying about this.没错,说实话,我自己也挺担心这一点的.J: yeah, being a working mother ismore challenging than being astay-at-home mom. There's a lot more to deal with at the workplace.是啊,做一个职场母亲可比专心在家带孩子难多了,工作中有更多的事情需要处理.A: sometimes when I imagine leaving my baby with the nanny, I'm not feeling comfortable.有时候我一想到要把孩子留给保姆,就觉得不舒服.J: then if it really happens, you may find yourself upset and stressful at work.那如果你真的出去工作的话,上班的时候你可能会觉得很不安,很有压力.A: you're right. I'm not so good at dealing with stress. So I'm not sure whether I can handle it or not.你说的对.我不太擅长应对压力,我也不知道能不能应对得了.J: perhaps it's a little early for you to start working. You may wait till the kid grows up. 也许现在出去工作有一点早,你可以等孩子长大一些再考虑.A: good idea. I'll consider going back to work when the kid enters kindergarten.好主意,我得想想是不是等孩子上了幼儿园再出去上班.J: by then, you'll be fully prepared tore-start your career等孩子上了幼儿园,你就该准备好重新在职场打拼了.A: thanks you for your advice.谢谢你的建议.。

我的80后妈妈英语作文My 80s mom is the coolest! She's always up to date with the latest trends and knows all the popular slang. She's like a big sister to me and my friends, and we can talk to her about anything.When it comes to fashion, my mom is on point. She's always rocking the latest styles and knows how to put together a killer outfit. I always raid her closet for the coolest pieces, and she's always happy to share her wardrobe with me.My mom is a total foodie. She loves trying new restaurants and cooking up a storm in the kitchen. She's always experimenting with different cuisines and flavors, and I'm lucky enough to be her taste tester.One thing I love about my mom is her love for music. She's always blasting her favorite tunes and introducing me to new artists. We have the best dance parties in theliving room, and she's always the life of the party.My mom is a total boss lady at work. She's ambitious, hardworking, and always striving for success. She's a great role model for me and shows me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.Overall, my 80s mom is the bomb. She's fun, stylish, and always there for me. I'm lucky to have her as my mom, and I hope to be as cool as her when I'm older.。

介绍妈妈的话全英文作文英文,My mother is a kind and caring person. She always puts her family first and works hard to provide for us. Growing up, she taught me the importance of education and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.中文,我的妈妈是一个善良、关心他人的人。
英文,One of the things I admire most about my mother is her resilience. Despite facing many challenges in her life, she always manages to bounce back and stay positive. She has taught me to never give up and to always keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles come my way.中文,我最敬佩我的妈妈的一点是她的韧性。
英文,My mother also has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh. She has a way of lightening any mood and making even the toughest situations seem less daunting. I am so grateful to have her in my life and I know that I can always count on her for love and support.中文,我的妈妈还有一种非常好的幽默感,总是知道如何让我笑起来。

介绍我的妈妈英语复试口语My Mother: A Beacon of Strength and Love.My mother is a woman of immeasurable strength and boundless love. She is not just my mother, but also my mentor, my confidante, and my inspiration. Her life story is a testament to perseverance and resilience, and her impact on my life has been profound.Born into a humble family, my mother's childhood was marked by hardships and challenges. However, she never let these obstacles define her. Instead, she chose to view them as stepping stones to her future success. She worked hard, studied diligently, and always remained focused on her dreams. Her determination and hard work paid off, as she went on to achieve academic and professional success.As a mother, she is unparalleled in her devotion and sacrifice. She has always put our needs before her own, ensuring that we had everything we needed to grow andthrive. Her love for us is evident in the countless ways she cares for us, from cooking our favorite meals to staying up late to help us with homework. Her patience and understanding have been a constant source of comfort during difficult times.My mother's wisdom and guidance have been invaluable in shaping my values and character. She has taught me the importance of hard work, honesty, and kindness. She has instilled in me a sense of responsibility and accountability, urging me to always strive to be my best. Her words of encouragement and wisdom have been a constant source of motivation and inspiration.Despite her busy schedule, my mother always finds time to engage in activities that bring joy and happiness to our lives. She is an avid reader and loves to share her passion for books with us. She also enjoys cooking and baking, often experimenting with new recipes to surprise us with delicious meals. Her sense of humor and love of laughter add warmth and happiness to our home.My mother's impact on my life has been profound. She has taught me the importance of perseverance, love, and kindness. She has shown me that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. Her example has inspired me to pursue my dreams and to always strive to be the best version of myself.In conclusion, my mother is not just a mother to me; she is my role model, my mentor, and my friend. Her life story, values, and love have shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for her sacrifice, love, and guidance, and I hope to make her proud by living my life with the same strength and love she has shown me.。

80后妈妈的童年游戏作文英文回答:As an 80s mom, my childhood was filled with fun and games. One of my favorite games was "Hide and Seek". It was a simple yet exciting game that involved one person closing their eyes and counting while the others hid. The seeker then had to find the hidden players. We would play this game in the park, in our backyard, or even inside the house. It was always a thrill to find the perfect hiding spot and try not to laugh or make any noise while the seeker was searching for us. Sometimes, we would even come up with secret signals to communicate with each other without being caught. It was a great way to bond with friends and spend our afternoons.Another popular game during my childhood was "Jump Rope". We would gather a group of friends and take turns jumping over a long rope that was swung by two people on either end. The goal was to jump without tripping over therope. We would sing catchy rhymes while jumping, such as "Cinderella dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss a fellow" or "Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around". It was not only a fun game but also a great exercise. We would challenge each other to see who could jump the longest without making a mistake. It was always exciting to see who would be the last one standing.中文回答:80后妈妈的童年充满了乐趣和游戏。

母子英文对话English:"Hey mom, can I ask you something?""Of course, sweetie. What is it?""I've been thinking about my future career lately, and I'm feeling a bit lost. I don't know what I want to do.""It's completely normal to feel that way, dear. Many people go through periods of uncertainty about their career paths. Have you thought about what interests you? What are you passionate about?" "I enjoy helping people, and I'm good at problem-solving. But I'm not sure how to turn that into a career.""Those are valuable skills, darling. There are many professions where you can use your strengths to make a difference. Have you considered fields like counseling, social work, or even entrepreneurship?""I haven't really thought about those options. I guess I've been too focused on traditional career paths.""It's important to explore all possibilities, sweetheart. Your career should be something that brings you fulfillment and allows you to utilize your talents. Don't be afraid to think outside the box andpursue unconventional paths if they align with your interests and skills.""Thanks, mom. I feel better knowing that it's okay to explore different options.""You're welcome, dear. Remember, I'll always be here to support you no matter what path you choose."中文翻译:“妈妈,我可以问你个问题吗?”“当然,亲爱的。

全职妈妈英语自我介绍简短English:As a full-time mom, my days are filled with joy, challenges, and endless opportunities for growth. I embrace the role of nurturing, teaching, and guiding my children through life's adventures. Each day presents a new set of tasks, from preparing nutritious meals to fostering creativity through playtime and learning activities. I find immense fulfillment in witnessing their growth, both emotionally and intellectually. While the journey of motherhood is demanding, it's also incredibly rewarding. It has taught me patience, resilience, and the importance of cherishing every moment. Being a full-time mom isn't just a job; it's a privilege and a responsibility that I hold dear to my heart. Through love, dedication, and constant learning, I strive to be the best mother I can be, shaping the future generation with love and care.中文翻译:作为一名全职妈妈,我的日子充满了喜悦、挑战和无尽的成长机会。

My Mother: A Beacon of Love and Strength In the vast expanse of life, my mother stands as a beacon of love and strength. She is not just my mother, but also my guide, my mentor, and my constant source of inspiration.My mother is a woman of immeasurable patience and compassion. She wakes up early every morning, before the sun peeks through the curtains, to prepare breakfast for the family. Her days are filled with endless chores, yet she never complains. She is always there, ready to lend an ear or a helping hand, whenever we need her.Despite her busy schedule, she never neglects my education. She encourages me to explore new interests and pursue my passions. She believes that knowledge is power and always pushes me to read more, learn more, and grow more. Her words of wisdom and encouragement have always been my greatest motivation.My mother's strength lies in her resilience. She has faced many challenges in her life, but she has never given up. She always finds a way to overcome her difficulties andemerge stronger. Her perseverance and determination have always been an inspiration to me.Beyond her domestic duties and her role as a mother,she is an active member of our community. She volunteers at various organizations and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Her kindness and compassion extend beyond our home and touch the lives of many.In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful woman inthe world. Her smile is warm and bright, her hug is comforting and reassuring. She is my safe haven when I am sad or scared, and my greatest cheerleader when I am successful or proud.I am grateful to have such an amazing mother. She has taught me the importance of hard work, the value of kindness, and the strength of perseverance. I aspire to be like her, a beacon of love and strength for those around me. **我的母亲:爱与力量的灯塔**在生命的广阔天地中,我的母亲犹如爱与力量的灯塔。

以下是整理的《英语交际⼝语热门话题:母爱深沉》,希望⼤家喜欢!1.Her affections were centered on her children.她的爱全都倾注到她的孩⼦⾝上了。
2.My childhood was happy with my mother’s love,在母亲的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。
3.In fact, I know that my life can not be lack of your love and care.其实,我深知我的⽣命⾥,不可以缺少你的爱与呵护。
4.Mother, mother in the candlelight, there are many worries on your cheek.妈妈,烛光⾥的妈妈,您的脸颊印着这多牵挂。
5.My friends, mother s love is the greatest love.我亲爱的朋友,母爱是最伟⼤的爱。
6.Mother’s love like water, gentle and continuously.母爱如⽔,温柔且源源不断。
7.My mother’s love for me was very great.母亲对我的爱是很深的。
8.Among a variety of love in the world, the pruest and most profound love is maternal love.在世上多种爱中,⾄深⾄纯的爱是母爱。
9.Don't take the love of your mother for granted.不要将母爱视为理所当然。
10.Mother's love is like the sea, father's love to be like hill.母爱如海,⽗爱如⼭。
11.A mothers love never changes.母爱亘古不变。

我的妈妈英语作文初二1My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she has been the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine and treats small injuries, and also sells canned powder milk. Our house has people in and out at all hours of the day and night. The villagers always like to come to her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too. Almost all the villagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good at predicting the day the baby will come. Sometimes my mother will not get enough sleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning. There are special rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctors house abouttwenty-four hours. We always like to see the new babies get their first bath because they look so red and small. All the village people know and trust my mother because she is such a quiet, kind, and experienced friend of theirs.我的妈妈英语作文初二2My mother high stature, not fat or thin, a few silk shallow wrinkleson the forehead, often hang a smile on his face.Mother is kind, she taught me at an early age to be honest, treat people to be generous, since the childhood to cultivate my good character.Remember there is one thing I always forget. It was a hot afternoon, the sun like aball of fire to bake the earth. I do in the room, fan fan, but sweat kept rolling down. I said to mother: mom! The weather was too hot, hot as hell! I want to eat Popsicle. Mother said: go, Ill take you to buy some ice stick. Then picked up a wallet.Where to buy, I chose a Popsicle, mother from the purse and took out a piece of 50 yuan to buy the ticket of uncle, uncle to find the money, my mother and I went hurried home.At home, mother put back counted, soliloquize ground to say: yi? Well, there are 7 yuan, how do I find 45 yuan? Once I listen to and happily say: good! People buy really confused, looking for more 3 yuan. Mom, the 2 yuan to me? Mother stared my one eye, said angrily: find the 2 yuan more, we should give the money back, do not want the covet petty gain! Besides, somebody else sell Popsicle more not easy! Say that finish, mother take fire up the sun, give somebody else sent 3 yuan.我的妈妈英语作文初二3I have a kind mother. Here, let me use the language camera to take a picture of her!She has a pair of big eyes and double-fold eyelid. Tilted slightly under the nose of asevere mouth, is not tall. Mothers hand is very rough, because dad on a business trip in the outside, mum do all the chores. Such as cleaning, washing clothes and so on, her hand how does not become rough? Rough hands it doesnt matter, however, when her hands gently pat when I fell asleep, will also bring me warm, let I drifted into sleep.At ordinary times mom to my learning method is very concernedabout. No matter how busy, she will carefully check my homework, I wont do topic she would teach me patiently. If the homework careless, she often remind me, want me to be careful. She comforted me: you are also pretty good, get rid of this trouble, would be much good. Listen to the mother, I told myself, must correct the flaws of this careless. Summer, mom know I study very tired, you take me to travel, see the world, I have learned many knowledge outside.Because I love my mom, so I know, mom, mom is of concern to me, so I am proud of I have a good mother.我的妈妈英语作文初二4I love my mother very much. Like many other Chinese women, my mother is diligent. She works in a primary school. In order to teach well, she prepares her lectures very carefully and often works so late at night.My mother is very kind and sincere. She gets along with her neighbors and colleagues. When they have difficulties, she is always ready to lend them a helpful hand. Therefore she is loved and respected in our neighborhood. From .Mother often tells me to be honest and upright. She expects me to be useful to the people in the future. Up to now, I still remember her saying: Do as much as you can and you will succeed.我的妈妈英语作文初二5My mother is a village woman,who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education,but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people.She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me,so that I can spend more time on my study.Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night,I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed,making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.Such is my mother,a kind and hard-working woman. Ill respect and love her forever.我的妈妈英语作文初二文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

英语对话作文写给妈妈的话英文:Hey Mom,。
I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You're always there for me, no matter what, and I can't thank you enough for that.I remember when I was in high school and I was stressing out about my exams. You sat with me for hours, helping me study and keeping me calm. You always know how to make me feel better, whether it's with a hug or just some words of encouragement.And it's not just the big things, it's the little things too. Like when you make my favorite dinner after a long day, or when you surprise me with my favorite snack when I'm feeling down. It's those little gestures thatreally show me how much you care.I know I don't always say it, but I love you more than anything. You're my rock, and I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being the best mom a kid could ask for.中文:嘿,妈妈,。

初中英语作文:我的妈妈1. 你妈妈是个农村妇女,50多岁,没上过学,但懂得年轻人掌握知识的重要性,她很关心你的学习情况;2. 你的妈妈为了让你有更多的时间学习,总是竭尽全力来照顾你。
一次,当你听说妈妈病重,回家看她时,她正带病坚持为你做新衣,你激动得热泪盈眶;3. 你妈妈就是这样一位妇女,善良、勤劳,永远值得你尊敬和爱戴。
My mother is a village woman, who is already in her fifties. She had very little school education, but she knows that knowledge is of great importance to young people. She often asks me how I get along with my studies and encourages me to study hard.My mother takes good care of me and does everything she can for me, so that I can spend more time on my study.Once she was badly ill and had stayed in bed for several days. When I got home to see her at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting in bed, making new clothes for me ! I was so deeply moved that tears came to my eyes.Such is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman. I’llrespect and love her forever.。

家长日常英语口语It’s time to go sleepy-bye。
)Sweat dreams。
)It’s time to go to bed./Time for bed。
)It’s time to have a nap。
)Wake up!(起床。
)Did you sleep well?(睡好了吗?)Time to get up。
)It’s time to get dresse d(该穿衣服了。
)What do you want to wear today?(今天想穿什么?)This shirt doesn’t go with those pants。
)Stand still. / sit still。
)Now put on your sweater。
)Take your clothes off./ Take off your clothes。
)Pick up your socks, please。
)Put on your trousers/shoes/coat/cap。
Come sit at the table。
)Stop playing with your food。
)Don’t talk with your mouth full。
) Help Daddy do the dishes。
)Help Mommy to set the table。
)Help us clear off the table。
)It’s bad for you!(这对你不好。
)I have told you many times not to do that。
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01. Have you considered going out to work?
02. Being a mother, I can't devote myself to work.
03. I want to be a stay-at-home mom.
04. I am reluctant to leave my child with nanny.
05. It is early to start working.
06. Your kids will grow up.
07. She has a little and prekindergarten boy.
08. I will go back to work when kids enter the kindergarten.
09. Being a working mom is a very tough task.
10. Go back to work when the kid grows up.
11. I am proud of being a mom.
12. Kids are always smiling.
13. I help my kid with her study.
14. I have enough time to stay with my child.
15. My child is the apple of my eye.
16. The diaper needs changing.
17. I've put the diaper on back-to front.
18. I have not got a full night's sleep for a long time.
19. You will never know how much work having a child would be.
20. It is not fair.