26个字母歌 口诀
26个字母歌口诀摘要:一、26 个字母歌的概述二、26 个字母歌的口诀三、26 个字母歌的实用性正文:一、26 个字母歌的概述26 个字母歌,顾名思义,就是包含了26 个英文字母的歌曲。
在我国,英语已经成为了一门非常重要的学科,而学习英语首先需要掌握的就是26 个英文字母。
为了帮助学生更好地记忆这26 个字母,人们创作了许多有趣的歌曲和口诀。
二、26 个字母歌的口诀这里为大家提供一个流传较广的26 个字母歌口诀,它将每个字母与一个形象生动的事物相联系,方便记忆。
以下是口诀内容:A for apple,B for ball,C for cat,D for dog,E for elephant,F for fish,G for giraffe, H for hat,I for ice cream, J for jar,K for key, L for lamp,M for mouse, N for nut,O for orange, P for pen,Q for queen, R for river,S for sun, T for table,U for umbrella, V for violin,W for watch, X for xylophone,Y for yellow, Z for zebra.三、26 个字母歌的实用性26 个字母歌的实用性非常强,它可以帮助学生轻松记忆英文字母,并在日常生活中随时复习。
对于初学英语的人来说,通过不断地唱念这首歌,可以熟练掌握26 个英文字母的发音和书写。
总之,26 个字母歌是一首富有趣味性、有助于英语学习的歌曲。
从A开始,“A B C D E F G”,每一个字母都像是一个小精灵,从嘴巴里蹦出来,带着满满的活力。
以下是几首受欢迎的英语音标儿歌顺口溜:1. The ABC Song这首儿歌顺口溜是非常经典的英语音标儿歌。
2. Phonics Song这首儿歌顺口溜主要介绍英语元音的发音。
3. Consonant Song这首儿歌顺口溜是为了帮助孩子们学习英语辅音的发音。
4. Vowel Song这首儿歌顺口溜是为了帮助孩子们学习英语元音的发音。
自然拼读26个字母歌歌词Letter “A”A is for apple,\a\ \a\ \a\A is for ant,\a\ \a\ \a\Bat and mat,man and can,\a\ is the sound of “A”,Big A,little a,\a\、\a\、\a\.A is for apple,\a\ \a\ \a\A is for ant,\a\ \a\ \a\Bat and mat,man and can,\a\ is the sound of “A”,Big A,little a,\a\、\a\、\a\.Letter “B”Bread and balloons,Bread and balloons,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Bread in the basket,Balloons on the branches.\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Big B,little b,letter “B” is fun.Bread and balloons,Bread and balloons,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\\b\ is the sound of letter “B”,\b\ is the sound of letter “B”,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Letter “C”Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,Cats on the cushion, \c\ \c\ \c\Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,\c\ is the sound of “C”, “C”, “C”,Big C,little c,letter “C” is fun.Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,Cats on the cushion,\c\ \c\ \c\Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,\c\ is the sound of “C”, “C”, “C”.Letter “D”Dogs are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Ducks are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Deer are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\\d\ is the sound of “D”.Big D,little d, I love “D”.Dogs are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Ducks are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Deer are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\\d\ is the sound of “D”.Letter “E”E is for elephant, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for egg, \e\ \e\ \e\.Jet and net, hen and pen,\e\ is the sound of “E”,Big E,little e, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for elephant, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for egg, \e\ \e\ \e\.Jet and net, hen and pen,\e\ is the sound of “E”.Letter “F”Fairy likes flowers,Fairy likes foxies,Fairy likes froggies, \f\ \f\ \f\ Find them in the forest,Find them in the forest,\f\ is the sound of “F”,Big F,little f, fun, fun, fun. Fairy likes flowers,Fairy likes foxes,Fairy likes froggies, \f\ \f\ \f\ Find them in the forest,Find them in the forest,\f\ is the sound of “F”.Letter “G”Grandma got gum, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got grapes, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got goose, \g\ \g\ \g\ \g\ is the sound of “G”.Big G,little g, I love “G”. Grandma got gum, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got grapes, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got goose, \g\ \g\ \g\ \g\ is the sound of “G”.Letter “H”Helen has a hat, \h\ \h\ \h\. Helen has a hen, \h\ \h\ \h\. Helen has a harp, \h\ \h\ \h\.\h\ is the sound of “H”.Big H,little h,letter “H” is fun. Helen has a hat, \h\ \h\ \h\. Helen has a hen, \h\ \h\ \h\. Helen has a harp, \h\ \h\ \h\.\h\ is the sound of “H”.Letter “I”Ink and inchworm,Ink and inchworm,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Fish in a dish,Pig in a wig,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Big I,little i, \i\ \i\ \i\.Ink and inchworm,Ink and inchworm,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Fish in a dish,Pig in a wig,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Letter “J”Jack and Jill,Jack and Jill,\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\Jolly Jack is jumping.Joyful Jill is juggling.\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\Big J,little j,letter “J” is fun. Jack and Jill,Jack and Jill,\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\.\j\ is the sound of letter “J”. \j\ is the sound of letter “J”. \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\.Letter “K”King likes ketchup,King likes a kitten,King likes a koala, \k\ \k\ \k\ Keep them in the kitchen, Keep them in the kitchen,\k\ is the sound of “K”.Big K, little k, I like “K”.King likes ketchup,King likes a kitten,King likes a koala, \k\ \k\ \k\ Keep them in the kitchen, Keep them in the kitchen,\k\ is the sound of “K”.Letter “L”Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,Look at a lemon, \l\ \l\ \l\ Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,\l\ is the sound of “L”, “L”, “L”, Big L, little l, I love “L”.Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,Look at a lemon, \l\ \l\ \l\Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,\l\ is the sound of “L”, “L”, “L”.Letter “M”Mike makes milk,Mike makes music,Mike makes money, \m\ \m\ \m\ Make it for his mother,Make it for his mother,\m\ is the sound of “M”.Big M, little m, fun, fun, fun. Mike makes milk,Mike makes music,Mike makes money, \m\ \m\ \m\ Make it for his mother,Make it for his mother,\m\ is the sound of “M”.Letter “N”Nails and notebooks,Nails and notebooks,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\Ned needs a notebook,Ned needs a new nail,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\Big N, little n, I love “N”.Nails and notebooks,Nails and notebooks,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\\n\ is the sound of letter “N”,\n\ is the sound of letter “N”,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\.Letter “O”Orange octopus,Orange octopus,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Fox on a box,Dog on a log,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\Big O, little o, \o\ \o\ \o\. Orange octopus,Orange octopus,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Fox on a box,Dog on a log,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Letter “P”Pizza on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Peaches on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Pencils on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\\p\ is the sound of “P”,Big P, little p, “P” is fun.Pizza on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Peaches on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Pencils on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\\p\ is the sound of “P”.Letter “Q”Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,Queen likes a quarters, \q\ \q\ \q\ Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,\q\ is the sound of “Q”, “Q”, “Q”, Big Q, little q, I like “Q”.Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,Queen likes a quarters, \q\ \q\ \q\ Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,\q\ is the sound of “Q”, “Q”, “Q”. Letter “R”Race for roses, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for rockets, \r\ \r\ \r\ Race for ribbons, \r\ \r\ \r\\r\ is the sound of “R”.Big R, little r, I love “R”.Race for roses, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for rockets, \r\ \r\ \r\ Race for ribbons, \r\ \r\ \r\\r\ is the sound of “R”.Letter “S”Sea and sailboats,Sea and sailboats,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Sister sang a song,Sister sang a song,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Big S, little s, letter “S” is fun. Sea and sailboats,Sea and sailboats,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.\s\ is the sound of letter “S”,\s\ is the sound of letter “S”,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Letter “T”Timmy takes a taxi, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes a TV, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes tomatoes, \t\ \t\ \t\ \t\ is the sound of “T”,Big T, little t, fun, fun, fun. Timmy takes a taxi, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes a TV, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes tomatoes, \t\ \t\ \t\ \t\ is the sound of “T”.Letter “U”Up, up, up umbrella,Up, up, up bug and mug,Up, up, up cup and tub,\u\ is the sound of “U”,Big U, little u, I love “U”.Up, up, up umbrella,Up, up, up bug and mug,Up, up, up cup and tub,\u\ is the sound of “U”.Letter “V”Vase on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\Violin on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\ Vacuum on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\\v\ is the sound of “V”,Big V, little v, fun, fun, fun.Vase on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\Violin on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\ Vacuum on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\\v\ is the sound of “V”.Letter “W”Witch wants a windmill.Witch wants a watermelon.Witch wants a walnut,\w\ \w\ \w\. Wish them in the warm house. Wish them in the warm house.\w\ is the sound of “W”.Big W, little w, I like “W”.Witch wants a windmill.Witch wants a watermelon.Witch wants a walnut,\w\ \w\ \w\. Wish them in the warm house. Wish them in the warm house.\w\ is the sound of “W”.Letter “Y”Yellow yoyo,Yellow yarn,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Yacht in the yard,Yacht in the yard,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Big Y, little y, I love “Y”. Yellow yoyo,Yellow yarn,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.\y\ is the sound of letter “Y”, \y\ is the sound of letter “Y”, \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Letter “Z”Zebra in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zero in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zipper in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ \z\ is the sound of “Z”,Big Z, little z, fun, fun, fun. Zebra in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zero in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zipper in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ \z\ is the sound of “Z”.。
Aa says /ei/name /ei/ Aa says /æ/apple /æ/ Bb says /b/ banana /b/ Cc says /k/cat /k/ Cc says /s/pencil /s/ Dd says /d/red /d/ Ee says /i:/evening /i:/ Ee says /e/red /e/Ff says /f/five /f/ Gg says /g/dog /g/ Gg says /dз/orange /dз/ Hh says /h/hi /h/Ii says /ai/white /ai/ Ii says /i/ it /i/Jj says /dз/jacket /dз/ Kk says /k/ book /k/ Ll says /l/like /l/Ll says /l/ help /l/ Mm says /m/name /m/ Nn says /n/nine /n/ Oo says /əu/OK /əu/ Oo says /כ/orange /כ/ Pp says /p/cup /p/ Rr/a:/ says /r/red /r/Ss says /s/ six /s/ Ss says /z/is /z/Tt says /t/it /t/Uu says /∧/cup /∧/ Uu says /u:/blue /u:/ Vv says /v/five /v/ Yy says /j/yes /j/ Zz says /z/元音音素/i:/ he she me bee key fee see deep jeep meet/i/ bill big bit sit hit kit kiss dig give pit /e/ bet beg bell desk get let met net pet/æ/ bad bag bat fat fan gap hat/∧/ bus but bug cut dump son sun/a:/ bar car dark far pass/כ/ boss god cockdoll got/u:/ cool ruler do fool food whose who/ei/ base bake cake case date fake fame gate game/ai/ my by Mike bike like fly sky/əu/ go no boat coat note so hope joke辅音音素:/p/ put pass pipe play /b/ bag bad bake busbut .../t/ it hit meet take ... /d/ dig did do duck... /k/ cook could can make.../g/ get gage gap hug bug .../f/ flower fly fool wolf soft.../v/ love have/s/ sit see/z/ zip nose bees keys his yours/ /h/ hope hole howwho whose hat .../r/ red read rulerrat .../dз/huge large ./m/ mother monkey . /n/ nose note no not /l/ like loud lowball/w/ we will what .. /j/ yes yesterday young you your yellow。
26个字母按音素归类顺口溜A B C D 呀真神奇,
例子:春天来了像 A,万物复苏多美丽呀!
E F G H 在一起,
例子:我们就像 EFGH,永远都是好伙伴哟!
I J K L 排成排,
例子:那 IJKL 多耀眼呀,就像夜空中最亮的星!
M N O P 要记牢,
例子:那花儿就如 MNO 呀,P 一样的灿烂呢!
Q R S T 很有趣,
例子:听,那 QRST 像不像美妙的音乐声哇!
U V W X 不一般,
例子:那 UVWX 多像彩虹呀,好美呀!
Y Z 两个好兄弟,
例子:那 YZ 就像两只欢快的鸟儿呀!
26 个字母真奇妙,
我的观点结论:这些顺口溜简单易懂又有趣,能帮助大家更好地记忆26 个字母按音素的归类,让英语学习更轻松快乐!。
26个字母歌 口诀
26个字母歌口诀摘要:一、字母歌的背景和意义1.字母歌的起源和发展2.学习字母歌的重要性二、字母歌口诀的具体内容1.字母歌的26个字母2.常见的字母歌口诀三、字母歌口诀的实例与应用1.教育领域中的应用2.日常生活中的应用3.字母歌口诀的趣味性和娱乐性四、字母歌口诀的优点和不足1.对英语学习的帮助2.可能存在的局限性正文:一、字母歌的背景和意义字母歌,即Alphabet Song,是一首以26个英文字母为主题的歌曲。
以下是字母歌口诀的一部分示例:A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.三、字母歌口诀的实例与应用1.教育领域中的应用:在我国的英语教育中,字母歌口诀被广泛应用。
26个英文字母英文儿歌一、字母歌歌词A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V WX Y ZNow you see, I can say my A B C二、字母发音1. A:[ei],发音时,由[e]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
2. B:[bi:],双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流冲出,声带振动。
3. C:[si:],发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量接近,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
4. D:[di:],舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然下降,使气流冲出口腔,声带振动。
5. E:[i:],舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
6. F:[ef],上齿轻轻接触下唇,然后吹气,使气流从唇齿间通过,声带振动。
7. G:[dʒi:],发音时,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身后缩至舌尖不抵下齿,舌身尽量向软腭抬起并振动声带。
在单词中有时发[g],如go(去);有时发[d ʒ],如giraffe(长颈鹿)。
8. H:[eitʃ],气流不受阻碍,自由呼出,声带不振动。
9. I:[ai],由[a]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
例如ice cream(冰淇淋),ice(冰)。
10. J:[dʒei],发这个音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌面前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,声带振动。
1、基本功(发音、书写、字母操) 2、教授过程 3、扩充知识(谜语、元音、字母画)
了解字母的基本功及字母 教学的重要性,尽情发挥,大 胆创新。
自 拼
1、神笔马良。 2、找朋友。 3、寻宝。 4、听音圈字母组合。 5、连连看。
1)选出单词。 2)词组,句子,ing形式 3)押韵 4)连成情景 5)朗朗上口 ★避免语法错误
字母和自拼教学是英语基础教学 中一个重要的组成部分。充满乐趣, 轻松愉快的学习过程,将为学生的英 语学习打下良好的基础。
字1 1
母2 培3 训
字母的基本知识 讲解字母的步骤 字母游戏 扩充知识
基本知识—字母的写法 z.flv
字 母 表
1)含元音音素[ei] 字母: Aa Hh Jj 音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei]
Kk [kei]
2) 含元音音素[i:] 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]
26个英语字母歌合集 The ABC Song.A, B, C, D, E, F, G,。
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,。
Q, R, S, T, U, V,。
W, X, Y, and Z.Now I know my ABCs,。
Next time won't you sing with me?The Alphabet Song.A is for apple,B is for ball,。
C is for cat,D is for doll.E is for elephant,F is for fish,。
G is for grapes, H is for dish.I is for ice cream, J is for jam,。
K is for kite, L is for lamb.M is for monkey, N is for nest,。
O is for orange, P is for pest.Q is for queen, R is for rose,。
S is for sun, T is for toes.U is for umbrella, V is for vase,。
W is for window, X is for rays.Y is for yellow, Z is for zebra,。
Now you know your ABCs, sing them with me!The Alphabet Rap.Yo, check it out, it's the alphabet rap,。
I'm gonna teach you the letters, it's a snap. A, B, C, D, E, F, G,。
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.Q, R, S, T, U, V,。
W, X, Y, and Z.Now you know the alphabet,。
26个英文字母音素歌Aa 大朋友,紧紧挨,伸出两指a a aBb 小老鼠,琴弦拨,抱着琵琶b b b Cc 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来 c c c Dd 北风吹,穿得多,寒风之中d d d Ee 小朋友,紧紧挨,伸出一指 e e eFf 小伙伴,摸皮肤,相互嬉戏 f f f Gg 小飞鸟,不唱歌,千里捎书g g g Hh 天气热,口好渴,拿起水杯h h h Ii 要漂亮,穿花衣,五颜六色i i i Ji 秋天到,毛衣织,手指不停j j j Kk 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来k k k Ll 胖小猪,开心乐,捂着肚子l l l Mm 小朋友,捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛m m m Nn 打电话,同意了,不住点头n n n Oo 兽中王,大声吼,震动山林o o o Pp 大狗熊,把水泼,拿起大盆p p p Qq 练身体,把胸扩,边跑边练q q q Rr 绿化草,不示弱,叶子分开r r r Ss 大花蛇,围钢丝,口中不住s s s Tt 百花丛,唯她特,辨别不同t t t Uu 小笨熊,怎么啦,石头打得u u u Vv 打棒球,要出屋,棒起风声v v v Ww 小太阳,要叫我,公鸡急忙w w w Xx 各一半,分真丝,拿起剪刀x x x Yy 贪吃鹅,脖子噎,翅膀忙按y y y Zz 推开门,门带字,发出声响z z z辅音字母组合音素歌ck ck过年好,把头磕,红包拿来/ k / / k / / k / clock lock back duck brick cockch ch在一起,噘噘嘴/tS / /tS / /tS /chick lunch French chat chin chasetch tch发音还同ch /tS / /tS / /tS /catch match fetch switch patchsh sh来噘嘴,别出声,仔细听/ S / / S / / S /cash shop dish brush wish shipng ng在词尾,伤风鼻不通,一起来发/ Y / / Y / / Y / sing song king long ring bringng在词中,飞鸟鼻不通,一起来发/ Y g / / Y g / / Y g /English fingernk nk在一起,磕头又伤风,一起来发/ Y k / / Y k / / Y k / think thankth th发音很简单,舌尖放于两齿间,实词只是气流行/ O // O // O /math thumb /O Vm / theft thank thinth 部分代词和虚词,声带振动让人听;后跟er还出声/D//D//D/that with gather mother brother clothesph ph一起摸皮肤,相互嬉戏/f/ /f/ /f/photo phone elephant physics phrase phasewh wh后接o,w就要丢,拿起水杯,/h/ /h/ /h/ who whole whosewh接其他,只把/w/音发,/w/ /w/ /w/white whisper which when what wherekn kn有k无k都同意,不住点头/n/ /n/ /n/knit knock knee kneel knife(d)ge (d)ge在词尾,来把毛衣织/ dW / / dW / / dW /cage page stage orange bridge fridgewr wr花一朵,叶子分开/ r / / r / / r /wrong write writer wrath wristmb mb词尾捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛/m/ /m/ /m/bomb thumb climb lambst st词首现,书写不改变,s在t前,/d/音来把/t/音换stamp stand stub study step stop star sp sp词首现,书写不改变,s在p前,/b/音来把/p/音换spend spill spring spit spell spade space sk sk词首现,书写不改变, s在k前,/g/音来把/k/音换skate skip skin skit ski skiff skytr tr双手拿红戳,盖上章印/tr/ /tr/ /tr/track tractor traffic travel trunk truss tripdr dr噘嘴捉蝴蝶,你争我抢/dr/ /dr/ /dr/ dress drink drop droll dry drift drivets ts遇见小刺猬,全身长满/ts/ /ts/ /ts/ hats jackets cents cats tents bats sitsds 一起学跳舞,姿势优美/dz/ /dz/ /dz/hands sands adds birds stands bends nods26个英文字母歌Aa 大A双手合上方,小a圆脸辫子长a a aBb 大B掐腰又弯腿,小b弯腿手垂放b b bCc 大C手腿像月亮,小c单手虎口张c c cDd 大D肚子圆又胖,小d单腿弯着长d d dEe 大E手腿一侧放,小e空拳拇指长e e eFf 大F双臂上下放,小f右手顶后方 f f fGg 大G勾手拇指上,小g辫子真正长g g gHh 大H举臂叉双腿,小h垂手屈腿旁h h hIi 大I分腿臂头上,小i握拳头顶放i i iJi 大J单腿撤后方,小j撤退拳上方j j jKk 大K侧退臂斜上,小k臂圆无力样k k kLl 大L侧退小腿上,小l脚尖离地长l l lMm 大M像雁在飞翔,小m分腿臂下方m m mNn 大N曲臂上下放,小n手开向下望n n nOo 大N 合手头上方,小o弯手合着长o o oPp 大P敬礼臂曲弯,小p敬礼娃娃样p p pQq 大Q脸前手斜放,小q曲臂脚跟扬q q q Rr 大R敬礼侧踢腿,小r禾苗渐渐长r r r Ss 大S如蛇环形绕,小s依然左右荡s s s Tt 大T铁锤铛铛响,小t侧腿单腿扬t t t Uu 大U合手指上方,小u五指朝天上u u u Vv 大V手腕对着放,小v两指胜利样v v v Ww 大W手开并列张,小w两个胜利样w w w Xx 大X两臂胸前叉,小x交臂手低样x x x Yy 大Y双臂斜上方,小y胜利又延长y y y Zz 大Z抬腿又曲腿,小z睡觉呼噜响z z z。
兽中王,大声吼, 震动山林[ ]
P像小旗迎风飘,外边圆圆没有角。 小p总叫“劈劈劈”,像把斧头劈柴烧。
大狗熊,把水泼, 拿起大盆 [ p ]
Q像小蛇出蛋壳,里面是否也太热? q 是向左飘扬的小旗子
练身体, 把胸廓, 边跑边练
• • • • • • •
Hh Ii Ji Kk Ll Mm Nn
天气热,口好渴,拿起水杯 要漂亮,穿花衣,五颜六色 秋天到,毛衣织,手指不停 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来 胖小猪,开心乐,捂着肚子 小朋友,捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛 打电话,同意了,不住点头
h h h i i i j j j k k k l l l m m m n n n
/ ei /
[æ ]
大朋友,紧紧挨, 伸出两指[æ ]
大B 像 耳 朵 听 声 音,
小 b 像 6 直 起 腰 。
小老鼠,琴弦拨, 抱着琵琶/ b /
大C 像月亮弯弯腰,
红包拿来/ k /
G 像 一 座 圆 宝 库, 小 写 g 的 像 蝌 蚪。
小飞鸟,不唱歌,千里 捎书[g]
H 像 河 上 独 木 桥。
小 写 的 h 像 椅 子。
天气热,口好渴,拿起水杯/ h /
I 像甘蔗砍一段,始终有节腰不弯。 小 i 长大就是“我”,为求正义头可断。
自然拼读26个字母歌歌词Letter “A”A is for apple,\a\ \a\ \a\A is for ant,\a\ \a\ \a\Bat and mat,man and can,\a\ is the sound of “A”,Big A,little a,\a\、\a\、\a\.A is for apple,\a\ \a\ \a\A is for ant,\a\ \a\ \a\Bat and mat,man and can,\a\ is the sound of “A”,Big A,little a,\a\、\a\、\a\.Letter “B”Bread and balloons,Bread and balloons,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Bread in the basket,Balloons on the branches.\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Big B,little b,letter “B” is fun.Bread and balloons,Bread and balloons,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\\b\ is the sound of letter “B”,\b\ is the sound of letter “B”,\b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\ \b\Letter “C”Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,Cats on the cushion, \c\ \c\ \c\Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,\c\ is the sound of “C”, “C”, “C”,Big C,little c,letter “C” is fun.Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,Cats on the cushion,\c\ \c\ \c\Cats on the car,Cats on the cow,\c\ is the sound of “C”, “C”, “C”.Letter “D”Dogs are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Ducks are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Deer are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\\d\ is the sound of “D”.Big D,little d, I love “D”. Dogs are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Ducks are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\ Deer are dancing, \d\ \d\ \d\\d\ is the sound of “D”.Letter “E”E is for elephant, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for egg, \e\ \e\ \e\.Jet and net, hen and pen,\e\ is the sound of “E”,Big E,little e, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for elephant, \e\ \e\ \e\.E is for egg, \e\ \e\ \e\.Jet and net, hen and pen,\e\ is the sound of “E”.Letter “F”Fairy likes flowers,Fairy likes foxies,Fairy likes froggies, \f\ \f\ \f\ Find them in the forest,Find them in the forest,\f\ is the sound of “F”,Big F,little f, fun, fun, fun. Fairy likes flowers,Fairy likes foxes,Fairy likes froggies, \f\ \f\ \f\ Find them in the forest,Find them in the forest,\f\ is the sound of “F”.Letter “G”Grandma got gum, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got grapes, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got goose, \g\ \g\ \g\\g\ is the sound of “G”.Big G,little g, I love “G”. Grandma got gum, \g\ \g\ \g\ Grandma got grapes, \g\ \g\ \g\Grandma got goose, \g\ \g\ \g\\g\ is the sound of “G”.Letter “H”Helen has a hat, \h\ \h\ \h\.Helen has a hen, \h\ \h\ \h\.Helen has a harp, \h\ \h\ \h\.\h\ is the sound of “H”.Big H,little h,letter “H” is fun. Helen has a hat, \h\ \h\ \h\.Helen has a hen, \h\ \h\ \h\.Helen has a harp, \h\ \h\ \h\.\h\ is the sound of “H”.Letter “I”Ink and inchworm,Ink and inchworm,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Fish in a dish,Pig in a wig,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Big I,little i, \i\ \i\ \i\.Ink and inchworm,Ink and inchworm,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Fish in a dish,Pig in a wig,\i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\ \i\.Letter “J”Jack and Jill,Jack and Jill,\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\Jolly Jack is jumping.Joyful Jill is juggling.\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\Big J,little j,letter “J” is fun. Jack and Jill,Jack and Jill,\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\.\j\ is the sound of letter “J”.\j\ is the sound of letter “J”.\j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\ \j\.Letter “K”King likes ketchup,King likes a kitten,King likes a koala, \k\ \k\ \k\Keep them in the kitchen,Keep them in the kitchen,\k\ is the sound of “K”.Big K, little k, I like “K”.King likes ketchup,King likes a kitten,King likes a koala, \k\ \k\ \k\Keep them in the kitchen,Keep them in the kitchen,\k\ is the sound of “K”.Letter “L”Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,Look at a lemon, \l\ \l\ \l\Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,\l\ is the sound of “L”, “L”, “L”, Big L, little l, I love “L”.Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,Look at a lemon, \l\ \l\ \l\Look at the leaf,Look at a lock,\l\ is the sound of “L”, “L”, “L”.Letter “M”Mike makes milk,Mike makes music,Mike makes money, \m\ \m\ \m\Make it for his mother,Make it for his mother,\m\ is the sound of “M”.Big M, little m, fun, fun, fun.Mike makes milk,Mike makes music,Mike makes money, \m\ \m\ \m\Make it for his mother,Make it for his mother,\m\ is the sound of “M”.Letter “N”Nails and notebooks,Nails and notebooks,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\Ned needs a notebook,Ned needs a new nail,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\Big N, little n, I love “N”. Nails and notebooks,Nails and notebooks,\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\\n\ is the sound of letter “N”, \n\ is the sound of letter “N”, \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\.Letter “O”Orange octopus,Orange octopus,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Fox on a box,Dog on a log,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\Big O, little o, \o\ \o\ \o\. Orange octopus,Orange octopus,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Fox on a box,Dog on a log,\o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\ \o\.Letter “P”Pizza on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Peaches on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Pencils on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\\p\ is the sound of “P”,Big P, little p, “P” is fun. Pizza on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Peaches on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\ Pencils on a pan, \p\ \p\ \p\\p\ is the sound of “P”.Letter “Q”Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,Queen likes a quarters, \q\ \q\ \q\ Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,\q\ is the sound of “Q”, “Q”, “Q”, Big Q, little q, I like “Q”.Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,Queen likes a quarters, \q\ \q\ \q\ Queen likes a quiz,Queen likes a quilt,\q\ is the sound of “Q”, “Q”, “Q”.Letter “R”Race for roses, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for rockets, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for ribbons, \r\ \r\ \r\\r\ is the sound of “R”.Big R, little r, I love “R”.Race for roses, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for rockets, \r\ \r\ \r\Race for ribbons, \r\ \r\ \r\\r\ is the sound of “R”.Letter “S”Sea and sailboats,Sea and sailboats,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Sister sang a song,Sister sang a song,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Big S, little s, letter “S” is fun. Sea and sailboats,Sea and sailboats,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.\s\ is the sound of letter “S”,\s\ is the sound of letter “S”,\s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\ \s\.Letter “T”Timmy takes a taxi, \t\ \t\ \t\Timmy takes a TV, \t\ \t\ \t\Timmy takes tomatoes, \t\ \t\ \t\\t\ is the sound of “T”,Big T, little t, fun, fun, fun. Timmy takes a taxi, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes a TV, \t\ \t\ \t\ Timmy takes tomatoes, \t\ \t\ \t\ \t\ is the sound of “T”.Letter “U”Up, up, up umbrella,Up, up, up bug and mug,Up, up, up cup and tub,\u\ is the sound of “U”,Big U, little u, I love “U”. Up, up, up umbrella,Up, up, up bug and mug,Up, up, up cup and tub,\u\ is the sound of “U”.Letter “V”Vase on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\Violin on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\ Vacuum on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\\v\ is the sound of “V”,Big V, little v, fun, fun, fun. Vase on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\Violin on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\ Vacuum on a van, \v\ \v\ \v\\v\ is the sound of “V”.Letter “W”Witch wants a windmill.Witch wants a watermelon.Witch wants a walnut,\w\ \w\ \w\. Wish them in the warm house. Wish them in the warm house.\w\ is the sound of “W”.Big W, little w, I like “W”. Witch wants a windmill.Witch wants a watermelon.Witch wants a walnut,\w\ \w\ \w\. Wish them in the warm house. Wish them in the warm house.\w\ is the sound of “W”.Letter “Y”Yellow yoyo,Yellow yarn,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Yacht in the yard,Yacht in the yard,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Big Y, little y, I love “Y”. Yellow yoyo,Yellow yarn,\y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.\y\ is the sound of letter “Y”, \y\ is the sound of letter “Y”, \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\ \y\.Letter “Z”Zebra in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zero in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zipper in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\\z\ is the sound of “Z”,Big Z, little z, fun, fun, fun. Zebra in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zero in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\ Zipper in the zoo, \z\ \z\ \z\\z\ is the sound of “Z”.。
英语字母歌26个字母顺口溜《英语字母歌 26 个字母顺口溜》小朋友们,今天咱们一起来学习有趣的英语字母歌 26 个字母顺口溜!A 像牛角尖尖长,B 像两个大馒头。
C 像弯弯小月牙,D 像半张弓一张。
E 像梳子齿儿密,F 像一把小镰刀。
G 像弯弯藤儿绕,H 像一架小梯子。
I 像直直小木棍,J 像鱼钩弯又弯。
K 像开门大钥匙,L 像一根小棒槌。
M 像两座小山尖,N 像一扇小门儿。
O 像一个大圆圈,P 像一面小旗子。
Q 像一个小气球,R 像一棵小豆芽。
S 像一条小蛇扭,T 像一把大锤子。
U 像一个大杯子,V 像尖尖小山丘。
W 像两个小山峰,X 像一个大叉叉。
Y 像一个弹弓叉,Z 像一道闪电光。
A 读“诶”,嘴巴张大声音亮;B 读“逼”,双唇紧闭别漏气;C 读“西”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
D 读“地”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
E 读“衣”,嘴巴扁平微微笑;F 读“夫”,上齿轻触下唇尖。
G 读“居”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;H 读“诶去”,嘴巴张大要用力。
I 读“爱”,声音短促又干脆;J 读“姐”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
K 读“克”,嘴巴张开要适度;L 读“了”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
M 读“姆”,双唇紧闭要出声;N 读“恩”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
O 读“哦”,嘴巴圆圆像个球;P 读“屁”,双唇紧闭别放松。
Q 读“克油”,发音连贯别停顿;R 读“啊”,舌尖卷起声音绕。
S 读“思”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;T 读“特”,舌尖抵住上齿龈。
U 读“优”,嘴巴尖尖像小鸟;V 读“威”,上齿轻触下唇尖。
W 读“达不溜”,发音连贯别忘记;X 读“克斯”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
Y 读“歪”,嘴巴微张声音轻;Z 读“滋”,舌尖抵住下齿龈。
我说出一个字母,你们用顺口溜和发音来回答我好不好?比如我说“A”,你们就说“A 像牛角尖尖长,读‘诶’”。
英文字母歌童声版以下为您生成 20 个关于英文字母的相关内容:---1. 英文字母歌童声版:- 歌词:A B C D E F G,H I J K L M N,O P Q,R S T,U V W,X Y Z,Now you know your ABC,Every body sings with me.- 英语释义:A children's version of the English alphabet song.- 短语:sing the alphabet song(唱字母歌)- 单词:alphabet(字母表)- 用法:“alphabet”是名词,例如:The English alphabet has 26 letters.(英语字母表有 26 个字母。
)- 双语例句:Let's learn the alphabet together.(让我们一起学习字母表。
) Children love to sing the alphabet song.(孩子们喜欢唱字母歌。
)2. 字母“A”- 英语释义:The first letter of the English alphabet.- 短语:an A grade(A 等成绩)- 单词:apple(苹果),以“A”开头- 用法:“A”作为不定冠词,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,例如:a book(一本书)- 双语例句:I have an apple.(我有一个苹果。
) A dog is running.(一只狗在跑。
)3. 字母“B”- 英语释义:The second letter of the English alphabet.- 短语:a B student(B 等学生)- 单词:banana(香蕉),以“B”开头- 用法:“B”在单词中可发[b]音,例如:big(大的)- 双语例句:She likes bananas.(她喜欢香蕉。
) The box is big.(这个盒子大。
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26个英文字母音素歌Aa 大朋友,紧紧挨,伸出两指a a a
Bb 小老鼠,琴弦拨,抱着琵琶b b b Cc 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来 c c c Dd 北风吹,穿得多,寒风之中d d d Ee 小朋友,紧紧挨,伸出一指 e e e
Ff 小伙伴,摸皮肤,相互嬉戏 f f f Gg 小飞鸟,不唱歌,千里捎书g g g Hh 天气热,口好渴,拿起水杯h h h Ii 要漂亮,穿花衣,五颜六色i i i Ji 秋天到,毛衣织,手指不停j j j Kk 过年好,把头磕,红包拿来k k k Ll 胖小猪,开心乐,捂着肚子l l l Mm 小朋友,捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛m m m Nn 打电话,同意了,不住点头n n n Oo 兽中王,大声吼,震动山林o o o Pp 大狗熊,把水泼,拿起大盆p p p Qq 练身体,把胸扩,边跑边练q q q Rr 绿化草,不示弱,叶子分开r r r Ss 大花蛇,围钢丝,口中不住s s s Tt 百花丛,唯她特,辨别不同t t t Uu 小笨熊,怎么啦,石头打得u u u Vv 打棒球,要出屋,棒起风声v v v Ww 小太阳,要叫我,公鸡急忙w w w Xx 各一半,分真丝,拿起剪刀x x x Yy 贪吃鹅,脖子噎,翅膀忙按y y y Zz 推开门,门带字,发出声响z z z
ck ck过年好,把头磕,红包拿来/ k / / k / / k / clock lock back duck brick cock
ch ch在一起,噘噘嘴/tS / /tS / /tS /
chick lunch French chat chin chase
tch tch发音还同ch /tS / /tS / /tS /
catch match fetch switch patch
sh sh来噘嘴,别出声,仔细听/ S / / S / / S /
cash shop dish brush wish ship
ng ng在词尾,伤风鼻不通,一起来发/ Y / / Y / / Y / sing song king long ring bring
ng在词中,飞鸟鼻不通,一起来发/ Y g / / Y g / / Y g /
English finger
nk nk在一起,磕头又伤风,一起来发/ Y k / / Y k / / Y k / think thank
th th发音很简单,舌尖放于两齿间,实词只是气流行/ O // O // O /
math thumb /O Vm / theft thank thin
th 部分代词和虚词,声带振动让人听;后跟er还出声/D//D//D/
that with gather mother brother clothes
ph ph一起摸皮肤,相互嬉戏/f/ /f/ /f/
photo phone elephant physics phrase phase
wh wh后接o,w就要丢,拿起水杯,/h/ /h/ /h/ who whole whose
wh接其他,只把/w/音发,/w/ /w/ /w/
white whisper which when what where
kn kn有k无k都同意,不住点头/n/ /n/ /n/
knit knock knee kneel knife
(d)ge (d)ge在词尾,来把毛衣织/ dW / / dW / / dW /
cage page stage orange bridge fridge
wr wr花一朵,叶子分开/ r / / r / / r /
wrong write writer wrath wrist
mb mb词尾捉迷藏,蒙起眼睛/m/ /m/ /m/
bomb thumb climb lamb
st st词首现,书写不改变,s在t前,/d/音来把/t/音换stamp stand stub study step stop star sp sp词首现,书写不改变,s在p前,/b/音来把/p/音换spend spill spring spit spell spade space sk sk词首现,书写不改变, s在k前,/g/音来把/k/音换skate skip skin skit ski skiff sky
tr tr双手拿红戳,盖上章印/tr/ /tr/ /tr/
track tractor traffic travel trunk truss trip
dr dr噘嘴捉蝴蝶,你争我抢/dr/ /dr/ /dr/ dress drink drop droll dry drift drive
ts ts遇见小刺猬,全身长满/ts/ /ts/ /ts/ hats jackets cents cats tents bats sits
ds 一起学跳舞,姿势优美/dz/ /dz/ /dz/
hands sands adds birds stands bends nods
Aa 大A双手合上方,小a圆脸辫子长a a a
Bb 大B掐腰又弯腿,小b弯腿手垂放b b b
Cc 大C手腿像月亮,小c单手虎口张c c c
Dd 大D肚子圆又胖,小d单腿弯着长d d d
Ee 大E手腿一侧放,小e空拳拇指长e e e
Ff 大F双臂上下放,小f右手顶后方 f f f
Gg 大G勾手拇指上,小g辫子真正长g g g
Hh 大H举臂叉双腿,小h垂手屈腿旁h h h
Ii 大I分腿臂头上,小i握拳头顶放i i i
Ji 大J单腿撤后方,小j撤退拳上方j j j
Kk 大K侧退臂斜上,小k臂圆无力样k k k
Ll 大L侧退小腿上,小l脚尖离地长l l l
Mm 大M像雁在飞翔,小m分腿臂下方m m m
Nn 大N曲臂上下放,小n手开向下望n n n
Oo 大N 合手头上方,小o弯手合着长o o o
Pp 大P敬礼臂曲弯,小p敬礼娃娃样p p p
Qq 大Q脸前手斜放,小q曲臂脚跟扬q q q Rr 大R敬礼侧踢腿,小r禾苗渐渐长r r r Ss 大S如蛇环形绕,小s依然左右荡s s s Tt 大T铁锤铛铛响,小t侧腿单腿扬t t t Uu 大U合手指上方,小u五指朝天上u u u Vv 大V手腕对着放,小v两指胜利样v v v Ww 大W手开并列张,小w两个胜利样w w w Xx 大X两臂胸前叉,小x交臂手低样x x x Yy 大Y双臂斜上方,小y胜利又延长y y y Zz 大Z抬腿又曲腿,小z睡觉呼噜响z z z。