



2.8 不允许的运行方式
3.1 运输和起吊
3.2 保存和贮存
4.1 泵的描述
4.2 轴承和润滑
4.3 平衡轴向力-平衡鼓
5.1 安装
5.2 联轴器的安装
5.3 吸入和排出管路
5.4 辅助设备
6.1 概述
6.2 试车
6.3 开车和运转
6.4 禁止的运转方式
Ver 1.0
- 所有工作完成以后,必须重新安装保护装置,使得每个保护装置重新使用。 - 在重新启动时应注意最初试车时的注意事项。 2.7 未经授权禁止测量和改造 未经过制造厂家同意,禁止对机械设备进行测量和改造,原始备件和辅助设备由生产厂 家授权提供,有安全质量保证。若使用其它厂家生产的备件,所产生的后果生产厂家不 承担任何责任。 2.8 不允许的运行方式 - 只有按照操作手册 1.4 段要求的数据合理的使用,才对提供的机械具有运行安全使用保
起吊 起吊重物的装置或绳索的检查
必须经过允许、确定无危险的绳索才可使用。承载的重物的质量必须适合起吊的装 置或绳索所能承受的重量。提供货物的总重量在安装图上给出,有的在交工资料上给 出。
包装箱绳索固定位置: 封闭包装箱绳索的固定位置要标示出来,包装箱里的货物 重心确定不下来,则绳索固定位置按照标示的位置固定
6.5 停车
6.6 重新启动程序

6.7 使用控制
6.8 运行故障
7.1 维护

7.4 检查

苏州尔泵有限公司产品说明:GSG 漏斗式浇筑式油泥泵 API 610 类别 BB5说明书

苏州尔泵有限公司产品说明:GSG 漏斗式浇筑式油泥泵 API 610 类别 BB5说明书

GSG Diffuser Style Barrel Pump ISO 13709 (API 610) Type BB5Extensive Product RangeSulzer Pumps has a long history of providing innovative pumping solutions to business partners in the following industries:Oil & GasHydrocarbon Processing Pulp and Paper Power Generation Food, Metals & Fertilizers Water and WastewaterHydrocarbon ProcessingHydrocarbon extraction plants,refineries, petrochemical plants and gas plants operate sophisticated production processes requiring reliable pumping solutions.Continuous product innovations such as our improved line of hermetically sealed, horizontal and vertical process pumps, are helping the industry improve its operational efficiency.Sulzer Pumps, with its high-quality product line, is known for being able to consistently meet these expectations.All our pumps are engineered in line with the latest standards issued by API, ISO and ANSI in order to ensure reliable and safe operation at your site. The Hydrocarbon Processing Industry is one of the core business segments within Sulzer Pumps.Following industry practice, we further subdivide the segment into:Synfuels Refining Gas Processing Petrochemicals Nitrogenous FertilizerThe market - and therefore our customers - requires specialty applications for each subsegment.Application RangeThousands of GSG pumps are installed around the world. They are found in:Power Plants RefineriesPetrochemical Plants Gas Processing Plants Onshore and offshore water injection servicesOnshore and offshore crude shipping serviceOnshore crude oil, refined product and LPG pipeline servicesHigh pressure and high or low temperatures are GSG services.DesignThe GSG is built to the latest edition of ISO 13709 (API 610). It is a type BB5,horizontal, radially split, diffuser type,multistage barrel pump. The rotor stack can be either inline (all the impellers facing towards the driver) or back-to-back. On the smaller pumps,the inboard seal chamber and bearing housing must be removed for cartridge removal. On larger pumps,the entire cartridge can be removed as an assembly to speed overhaul or re-rate turnaround time.The barrel is available as either a casting or forging with a variety of flange ratings to meet individual specifications. It is normally centerline supported for thermal stability and maximum nozzle load capacity. The barrel closure is either the traditional flanged head-studs and nuts, flanged head-Supernuts™, or Sulzer’s patented Twistlock closure for speedy removal and assembly.The inner cartridge consists of stacked diffuser/impeller sets. A double suction first stage impeller is available on all but the smallest sizes.Axial thrust is compensated by a balance drum for inline stacked rotors.The diffusers hydraulically balance radial forces. For those services where intermediate pressure takeoff is needed, higher flow diffuser/impeller sets can be utilized up to the takeoff stage, and then lower flow sets are used after the takeoff stage to optimize efficiency and performance.When design conditions change, re-rates are similarly achieved using different diffuser/impeller combin-ations, or blank stages—all in the same barrel.For applications on light gravity fluids with many stages, a back-to-back rotor stack is utilized to allow direct drive at normal motor speeds and provide improved rotordynamics. In such rotors, the opposed impellers cancel most of the axial thrust. The center bushing and throttle bushings take most of the residual axial thrust,so the thrust bearing loads are minimal. The back-to-back design allows the use of a 7300 series ball thrust bearing—and saves the substantial cost and maintenance components associated with lube oil systems. For high pressure and high energy levels, inline, or back-to-back stack, high speed, semi-stiff rotor designs are available.Depending upon pump size, power,and rotor design, the pumps can be supplied with ring oil or oil mist lubricated antifriction bearings, ring oil lubricated sleeve radial—ball thrust bearings, or pressure lubricated sleeve radial—tilting pad thrust bearings.MaterialsAll common ISO 13709 (API 610)material combinations are available.GSG Inline Design Features and BenefitsCasing CoverFlanged head, studs/nuts Flanged head, Supernuts™O-ring or spiral wound gasketMechanical SealsThrust Bearingbrass cages, orforce INPRO™with 360°Wear parts offered are the result of a year of wear testing by Sulzer Variety of materials, hardness, and hard coatings available depending on pump material and application PEEK with reduced clearances available on clean fluids for enhanced efficiencyfitsFor HPI applications shrink fit, axially secured impellers, and stepped shaft at each stageBlank stages can be supplied for future conditionsInterstage TakeoffPartial flow takeoff from intermediate stageAble to stack high capacity and low capacitydiffusers/impellers on same rotor for optimized stagetakeoffCommon on boiler feed pumps Available on recycle process applications Saves cost of additional pumpFirst Stage ImpellerLow Nss design is standardDouble suction available on all butsmallest sizesImproved NPSHr designs availableRadial BearingsInpro™bearing isolatorCarbon steel bearing housing with360°supportRing oil or oil mist lubricated rolleror ball bearing with C-3 clearanceRing oil or force feed lubricatedsleeve bearingsavailableRobust Shaft and RotorDesigned for low stress levelFully machinedDynamically balancedStraight bore, tapered bore, orhydraulic fit under couplingavailable per ISO 13709 (API610)BarrelCenterline mounted for thermal stabilityand maximum nozzle load capabilityCast with nozzles and flangesForged barrel with NDE of nozzle weldsWarm-up flow through discharge drain notrequired below 260°C (500°F). Warm-upflow required for higher temperaturesPin-and-key-slot thermal expansionsystemJacketing, insulation or noise blanketsavailablePump Inner Cartridge AssemblyStage casings sealed by dischargepressureFree to expand towards discharge coverduring warm-upInner tie bolts for assembly/disassemblyCoupling hub, inboard radial bearing and inboard seal chamber removal required on small pumps to remove cartridgeLarger pumps have barrel bore diameters larger than bearing housing which allows cartridge to be removed with those partsassembledCenter and throttle bushing absorb residualthrust and only breakdown half of dischargeAxial thrust stable even with worn clearances BearingsInpro™360°First Stage ImpellerLow Nss design is standardDouble suction available on all but smallest sizes Improved NPSHr designs availableBarrelCenterline mounted on hot servicesGSG InlineFulfills the majority of requirements for BB5 pumps with either cast or forged barrels to meet customerspecifications.Multivane diffusers balance radial loads. Balancingdrum takes the majority of axial thrust load. Heavyduty bearings support the rotor and carry residualthrust loads.Smaller size pumps fitted with ring oil lubricated antifriction bearings. Oil mist lubrication optionalAll but smallest sizes may be fitted with pressure lubricated sleeve radial, double acting tilting pad thrust bearings, lube oil systems, bearing RTD’s, X-Y vibration probes and Keyphasor, etc.Maximum number of interchangeable stage pieces minimizes spares parts inventoryIn direct drive applications, clearly the best selection up to stage limits. If still more head is needed, first consider GSG back-to-back and direct drive. If that does not meet head requirement, then consider GSG inline with higher Speed—using gear box or VFD.For very high head and high energy levels beyond GSG back-to-back direct drive capabilities, GSG with semi-stiff rotor design (like Sulzer’s HPcp, HPT pumps) can be offered. Could justify stand-alone, single unit—no standby. Discussion recommended.GSG: Inline and Back-to-Back Design Features and BenefitsGSG Back-to-BackWith up to 16 stages available, fulfills direct driveapplications that require more head than is availablefrom direct drive inline GSGMultivane diffusers balance radial loads. Opposedimpellers balance majority of axial thrust. Centerbushing and throttle bushing take nearly all the residualaxial thrust. Even when clearances are worn, axialand radial loads remain balanced.Fan cooled, ring oil lubricated, sleeve / ball thrust bearing without lube systems are common up to ISO 13709 (API 610) Table 9 limits, or Sulzer limits depending upon application. Significantly reduces installed cost and provides simple, reliable pumps.When even high speed GSG with semi-stiff inline rotor does not meet head requirements, or cannot meet rotordynamic requirements a GSG with semi-stiff back-to-back rotor can be offered.To speed the repair of a GSG pump,larger sizes are designed using that cartridge concept. The pump coupling hub, inboard bearing housing, seal chamber and hydraulic cartridge slide through the barrel for quick removal.Re-installation is just as fast. For evenfaster turnaround, the Sulzer patented Twistlock design puts an end to hours of torquing the barrel cover nuts. For remote locations or offshore this can be especially time and cost saving.Small GSG pump barrel bore are so small that the coupling hub, sealchamber and bearing housing will not fit through. Those parts have to be removed on those pumps before the cartridge is pulled.Rapid pump dismantlingThe innovative Sulzer Twistlock barrel cover design provides effective sealing and eliminates the usual requirements of torquing many fasteners to very high values—taking hours. The Twistlock also reduces the end cover flange area required thus reducing weight—an added bonus for offshore installations.Sulzer’s patented TwistlockThe assembled cartridge can be removed as one piece on larger pumps.Installation sequence:Cover in placeCover introduced and partially rotatedCover locked and securedOther Sulzer Barrel Pump ModelsWhen preferred or for erosive, sandy services, Sulzer’s CP opposed impeller, dual volute barrel pumps are proven performers. Heads to 6,700 m (22,000 ft)Sulzer’s HPcp (inline or back-to-back) is the global leader in large water injection services from 5 MW to 30 MW.Heads to 6,500 m (21,000 ft)Sulzer’s HPT boiler feed pumps are renowned for their reliability. Sizes to over 40 MW (55,000 hp) cover the majority of power plant needs.Performance RangeOperating DataQ (m 3/h)Q (USgpm)Bearing optionsFan cooled ring oil, or oil mist lubricated antifrictionbearings, orRing oil lubricated sleeve radial bearings withantifriction thrust bearing, orForce feed lubricated sleeve radial bearing and double acting tilting pad thrust bearingA variety of bearing instrumentation is available tomeet specificationsRotor and Impeller optionsFor ISO 13709 (API 610) applications, impellers areindividually axially secured and are shrink fit to theshaft—which is stepped under each impeller for ease of assemblyFor other applications a slip-fit impeller stack isavailableStraight bore, tapered bore, or hydraulic fit couplinghub is available per ISO 13709 (API 610)GSG “inline” or “back-to-back” rotor design.Double Suction first stage impeller for lower NPSHr.High temperatures and options for bottoms / residuesProven coke crusher available for services with coke particlesPump warm-up not required below 260°C (500°F).Warm-up flow required for higher temperaturesPin-and-block thermal expansion system provided on hot servicesJacketing, insulation or noise blankets availableGSG OptionsCheck our worldwide offices at*******************************E 00612 10.2004 Copyright ©Sulzer PumpsThis brochure is a general presentation. It does not provide any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please, contact us for description of the warranties and guarantees offered with our products. Directions for use and safety will be given separately. All information herein is subject to change without notice.。






1.苏州苏尔寿泵业有限公司展位号:W1416A MSD ISO 13709(AP1610)BB3多级泵 [J],
2.艾格尔化工泵(大连)有限公司:ROTHO软管泵 [J],
3.大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司:D泵 [J],
4.艾格尔化工泵(大连)有限公司——ROTHO软管泵 [J],
5.大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司 [J],



1.4.1 安装/维护员工通用安全说明 ......................................................................................... .7
1.4.2 安装和维护的安全考虑因素 .......................................................................................... .8 1.5 泵装置的运行 ............................................................................................................. .9
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual TTMC 立式筒袋泵 TTMC VERTICAL CAN PUMP
本文件为大连苏尔寿泵及压缩机有限公司出版,未经书面许可, 任何单位和个人均不得复制和向第三方扩散; 泵机组未经许可不得解体
3.4 轴向力的平衡——平衡鼓..............................................................................................17
4 泵的安装
4.1 安装. . ........................................................................................................................18



BBT/BBT-D Two Stage Radially Split Between Bearings Process Pump API 610, 9th Edition (ISO 13709)Extensive Product RangeSulzer Pumps has a long history of providing innovative pumping solutions to business partners in the following industries:•Oil & Gas•Hydrocarbon Processing •Pulp and Paper•Power Generation•Food, Metals & Fertilizers •Water and Wastewater Hydrocarbon Processing Hydrocarbon extraction plants, refineries, petrochemical plants and gas plants operate sophisticated production processes requiring reliable pumping solutions. Continuous prod-uct innovations such as our new line of hermetically sealed, horizontal and vertical process pumps, are helping the industry improve its operational efficiency. Sulzer Pumps, with its high-quality product line, is known for being able to consistently meet these expectations. All our pumps are engineered in line with the latest standards issued by API,ISO and ANSI in order to ensure reliable and safe operation at your site. The Hydrocarbon Processing Industry is one of the core business segments within Sulzer Pumps. Following industry practice, we further subdivide the segment into:• Synfuels• Refining• Gas Processing• PetrochemicalsThe market and therefore our customers require specialty appli-cations for each subsegment.Heavy Duty Applications The BBT and BBT-D pumps are designed for heavy duty, high pressure and high temperature applications in industrial and HPI services.Applications range from light hydrocarbons at low temperatures, to corrosive fluids, coker furnace charge, vacuum bottoms and other services at high temperatures.• Refinery• Petrochemical plants• Gas processing• Coal processing• Offshore installationFor low NPSH applications, the BBT-D with its double suction first stage impeller is utilized. A variety of hydraulics is available in each size to suit particular applications.DesignPumps are in full compliance with API610, 9th edition (ISO 13709). For highpressure applications, these pumptypes are designed as betweenbearings, horizontal two stage, andhave a radially split case construction.Centerline mounting is utilized tominimize thermally induced misalign-ment. Fully confined gaskets arefurnished as required by API 610.Suction and discharge nozzles arefurnished in accordance with ANSI orDIN Standards and are configured inthe top/top orientation.Seal chambers comply with API 682.Seal chamber pressure is equalizedby use of an internal balance line. Thisensures that the seals at each end ofthe pump can be usedinterchangeably. Cartridge typesingle, dual pressurized and dual un-pressurized seals are used asrequired to suit the application.All API 682 Seal piping plans areavailable.As required by API 610 the rotordesign is "classically stiff" with drycritical speed more than 120% abovedesign speed. Shaft deflections atseal faces and wear rings are wellwithin API 610 limits.Impellers are dynamically balanced,enclosed for high efficiency andpositively keyed and locked to theshaft. The impellers and casing areequipped with replaceable wear ringsand bushings.Baseplates comply with API 610.Optional baseplates that are designedto accept two times API 610 nozzleloads, non-grouted installation, pre-grouted for quick installation, oroffshore 3 point trundle mount, arecommon place.MaterialsAPI 610 material codes S-4, S-5, S-6,C-6, A-8, D-1, D-2 and 317L arestandard.Others are readily available.Design Features and BenefitsCasing•Extra heavy mounting feet for minimumdistortion under 2 times API nozzleloads• 3 mm (1/8") corrosion allowance asrequired by API 610•Radially split for high pressure services•Longer life even with severe serviceStiff shaft design•API 610•Greater mechanical seal life•Less wear due to lower deflection•Reliable rotor dynamic performance•Low vibrationHydraulics•radial load balance•Dual volute on larger sizes•axial loads•Variety of performances in each size•Provide efficient, reliable hydraulicconditionsThrust Bearing Assembly•40°angular contact bearings•Ring oil lubrication•INPRO™shaft seals•Finned carbon steel housing•Low bearing oil and bearingtemperatures•Ball/ball, sleeve/ball and sleeve/pivotshoe bearings are all available asrequired to suit the pump size andapplicationFlanges•300# RF or 600# RF flanges with API 610 required backfacing and serrations•Single or multiple drains and vent are available •ANSI or DIN flanges availableTapered Shaft•Tapered shaft is standard for ease of seal maintenance•Hydraulic fit couplings and shaft drilling is optionalImpellers•Enclosed and dynamically balanced for improved efficiency and reliability•Standard design limited to 11,000 Nss •Optional design on some sizes for improved suction performance•Double suction (BBT-D) for very low NPSH•Positively retainedAPI 682 Seal Chambers•Outside driven, API 682 cartridge type mechanical seal•Single, dual pressurized and dual unpressurized seals as required to meet the application•Seal chambers are pressure balanced to equalize seal chamber pressure for interchangeable seals•Registered fit on seal gland plates assures alignment•All API 682 seal piping plans available to improve seal lifePerformance RangeOperating DataQ (US gpm)Q (m 3/h)20501000200010050020005000601004008002000200400600H (m)H (ft)2002005001000Q (m 3/h)Q (US gpm)100200500010000201005002000300600200040001000100200300H (ft)100010006000H (m)Your Global PartnerSulzer operates over 20 test facilities world-wide. Our facilities are suitable for horizontal or vertical, open pit, high flow rate/high energy and multiphase testing. We have the ability to perform tests at 50 & 60Hz and, depending on the site, are able to operate using diesel engines, gas engines and gas turbines in addition to conventional electric motors.A specialty of Sulzer is the ability to fully string test large high-energy pumps to prove the pump package as a whole to our customers. This ability is particularly important for critical offshore applications where on site correction is both expensive and time consuming. Customer SupportServiceThrough our worldwide network ofover 50 service centers we provideour customers with a full range ofservices for pumps and otherassociated equipment. Local 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week customerservice backed up by our servicegroups’global solutions, conceptdevelopment and support team.Applying our unique combination ofexperience and expertise, we areconsistently able to deliver highquality, value added rotatingequipment support. Furthermore, wecan also design, deliver and fit highintegrity components for non-Sulzermachinery using our in-house re-engineering specialists.Sulzer CustomerAlliancesSulzer Pumps’business strategy issimply to work closely with ourpartners to gain an understanding oftheir requirements and expectations,and provide products and serviceswhich meet those expectations betterthan anyone else. We can look backon 10 years of alliance experience.Our customer alliance agreementsare key to our strategy and representa mutual long term commitment forthe purpose of achieving world classpumping system life cycle cost bymaximizing the effectiveness of ourPartner’s and Sulzer’s resources.Sulzer currently has agreements withmany of the major oil companiesfocusing on solving problems andsimplifying work processes.Divisional Headquarters Manufacturing facilitiesCustomer Support Service Centre Sales OfficeCheck our worldwide offices at*******************************E 00585 Copyright ©Sulzer PumpsThis brochure is a general presentation. It does not provide any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Please, contact us for description of the warranties and guarantees offered with our products. Directions for use and safety will be given separately. All information herein is subject to change without notice.。









HPcp Design Features – Rotor Construction
Back to back design naturally balances axial thrust reducing bearing size
Sulzer Pumps
Differential pressure across bushes reduced to 50% of full pressure
Pad, studded pad on the pump casing to accept a standard ANSI flange being bolted to it. Light but still requires a flange to connect with so space limitations may still apply
• It is available in alternate configurations to suit different applications and operating requirements
MyPresentation <Copyright © Sulzer Pumps> | slide 2
Head (m)
6000 5000 4000
Thunder Horse Holstein
Azeri C&WP
Flow (m3/h)
back to back, bolted delivery cover in-line, bolted delivery cover in-line, twist lock delivery cover



[ 3】 李 献 军 , 夏 峰 , 文 志 刚 , 等 . _ [ 业 锆 产 品 的性 能 及 应 用 [ J J 金 属 世界 , 2 0 0 9 ( 6 ) : 1 0 0 — 1 0 4 . [ 4】 NB / T 4 7 0 1 1 —2 O l O ,锆制压力容器 [ s ] .
( 1 . H u a l u E n g i n e e r i n g& T e c h n o l o g y C o . , L t d , E q u i p m e n t Di v i s i o n , X i a ' n 7 1 0 0 6 5 , C h i n a ; 2 . B a o 7 7 t a n i u mG r o u pL t d . , B a o j i 7 2 1 0 1 4 , C h i a) n
Ke y wor ds :z i r c o ni um pr e s s ur e ve s s e l ;l o os e — t ype la f n ge ;b us h r i ng; f or c e a na l ys i s

封 面 介 绍

且垫 片系数和 比压大时 ,优选对 焊衬环 ,这样可 以通
过应力分析 ,选择合适的筒体和衬环壁厚 ,使整体结
[ 2 ] 李献军 , 夏 峰, 文志刚, 等 . 工业纯锆性能和应用 [ A J . 第 五届全 国腐蚀大会论文集 [ c 】 . 北京 : 中国腐蚀 与防护学会 ,
2 0 0 9: 1 — 6 .

第5 1 卷第 6 期
的插入衬环 ,然而它的焊缝均在高应力区内,焊接 时













1 机械密封故障原因分析1.1 机械密封的动、静环端面磨损,而造成动、静环端面磨损的原因有以下几个方面:①安装过紧。





Sulzer Pumps
MyPresentation <Copyright © Sulzer Pumps> | slide 13
MSD Design Features Axially Split Casing
Simple rotor inspection and replacement Easy hydraulic passageway inspection Quick rotor installation in casing as complete assembly after dynamic balancing Fast return to service: Suction and discharge pipework remain connected when inspecting or replacing the rotor
MyPresentation <Copyright © Sulzer Pumps> | slide 8
Axial Thrust with opposed impellers
Sulzer Pumps
Hydraulic thrust
Hydraulic thrust
Residual thrust
Changes in axial thrust due to wear in clearances results in almost no change in small residual thrust over lifetime. Hence a smaller thrust bearing can be selected. Most MSD product pipeline pumps run with sleeve radial bearing and ball thrust bearing for that reason – no lube system required.



Revision Date:
Page 2 of 65 泵外光滑表面的保护 ................................................................................................ .. 13
1.4.1 安装/维护员工通用安全说明 ......................................................................................... .7
1.4.2 安装和维护的安全考虑因素 .......................................................................................... .8 1.5 泵装置的运行 ............................................................................................................. .9
2.2.1 短时间贮存................................................................................................................. .13
2.2.2 长时间贮存................................................................................................................. .13



60 Hz
最高至 6,000 USgpm 最高至 525 ft 最高至 230 psi 最高至 250°F
最高至 3,600 rpm
H (m) 2
40 20 10
Q (USgpm) 500
100 Q (m3/h)2,000H (ft) 00200 100 50
20 10
SNS 端吸单级离心泵
SNS 端吸单级离心泵
苏尔寿公司所设计的新产品SNS泵系列,超过了所有工业中最高的能效规定,并且符合ISO 5199国际 标准的设计要求。这一创新设计使泵的运行更加可靠,同时大大降低了成本。
SNS 泵的设计满足一般通用工业工况下对泵的工艺要求 • 清洁的和轻微污染的液体 • 粘度高达 3000 cst 的液体 • 浓度高达 6% 的纤维浆料
设计 • 为清洁的,纤维状的以及粘性介质设计的开式叶轮 • 极高的效率 • 低气蚀 • 全覆盖后盖板 • 牢固的设计 • 最优化的平衡孔
独特的平衡孔设计确保了在轴封区域最佳的流量及压力。 这一设计正在申请专利中 • 在广泛的运行区间内,已经消除了单封干运转。 • 增加了可靠性,同时,降低了故障停机时间及维修成本
8• 钢材质底座 • 安装快速便捷 • 节省安装成本
9• 高度标准化设计 • 减少备件库存及节约维护成本
4 5
总成本的典型分布 (TCO)
在整个泵产品范围内具有最高效率,超过 MEI 0.7
在工业领域里,节能是一个热门话题。因其如此重要,欧盟建立了ErP(能源相关产品)规则,指定 了水泵的最小效率值,以减少能源消耗。从今以后,只有符合此规则中关于能效要求的相关说明的泵 及电机,才可能允许在市场上销售。


禁止未经过授权的改型或者改造 只有得到制造商的协议许可,才允许对设计进行改造或者改型。制造商授权使用的原装
备件和辅助设备可以确保安全运行。使用其它厂家的零部件可能导致失去制造商质保承诺的 后果。
所交付设备的运行安全只有按照该操作手册数据单的要求正确使用才能够得到保证。 在任何情况下数据单或者铭牌中规定的各种限制都禁止超过。
运输、接收和存放 运输 提升搬运 检查 存放
安装 安装顺序
基础 底板的安装 主管道系统 辅助管道系统和设备 驱动器“空载”运行 联轴器隔离套的安装 最终对中找正 存放 安装顺序检查清单
对中 最初对中找正 最终对中找正
操作 检查清单 准备 启动 操作检查 备用 延长停泵时间
启动前检查清单 维护
小心:未得到苏尔寿公司代表的许可不允许改变泵原规范中确定的操作条件。 防爆区域定义
欧盟(EU)或者欧洲自由贸易协会(EFTA)提供的泵必须满足EU指令94/9/EC (ATEX) 的要求并标记适当的铭牌,这些泵允许在下列区域内使用。
2类 G (1区)
II组 D (21区)
3类 G (2区)
D (22区)
运输装置(包括各种车辆)都必须核实所许可的载重。 关于所交付货物的总重量,具体
卸载 必须使用无损坏的绳索和提升起重装置。安排索具或者其它提升装置以保持水平提
将绳索系牢在吊篮上 将吊绳牢牢地系在 吊篮上的各个点必须在吊篮侧标记出 来,因为在牢牢系紧的吊篮上看不出重
附录 1 现场安装的驱动机 附录 2 扭矩值 附录 3 垫片切割 附录 4 故障的查找和清除 附录 5 转动元件端动作的调整 附录 8 预灌浆填塞的底板现场安装 附录 9 压盖盘根的安装

苏尔寿 培训资料

苏尔寿 培训资料

V00849 ch / Copyright © Sulzer Pumps Finland Oy
8.2006 / 14
安装 • 轴肩定位-组装简单 • 零部件无需校准测量
V00849 ch / Copyright © Sulzer Pumps Finland Oy
8.2006 / 15
从外部就可调节叶轮与耐磨板 间隙。在泵的整个运行寿命期 内,保持高效稳定。
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用转子键固定叶轮,具有自锁 和防反转功能。拆卸叶轮更便 捷。
8.2006 / 13
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8.2006 / 18
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V00849 ch / Copyright © Sulzer Pumps Finland Oy
8.2006 / 17








项目单位质量指标溶解色(铂-钴号) ≤300溶解外观透明苯胺含量wt% ≤0.0010水含量wt% ≤0.0450MMM含量wt% ≤0.3仲胺含量wt% ≤0.1铁含量ug/g ≤2氯化钠含量ug/g ≤3浊点≤10℃2-2’MDA wt% 0.08%2-4’MDA wt% 3-5%4-4’MDA wt% 68-71%2.1.2中间品(1)2-4’MDA2-2’MDA wt% 0.14%2-4’MDA wt% 49%4-4’MDA wt% 50%MMM含量wt% 0.23 (2)MDA932-2’MDA wt% 02-4’MDA wt% 0.25% 4-4’MDA wt% 93%MMM含量wt% 0.43 (3)塔底液2-2’MDA wt% 02-4’MDA wt% 1.06% 4-4’MDA wt% 30%MMM含量wt% 0.14% 2.2产品3.工艺流程说明3.1预分离缩合工序来的DAM,通过液位控制系统LRCA-3251调节后,进入D-3251,由P-3251通过FRCA-3251调节流量后,加入换热器E-3251底部,该蒸发器壳程使用3S加热使DAM温度升高到220℃,升温后的DAM从降膜蒸发器E-3257的顶部加入,经分离室进入预分离塔C-3251内,在负压状态下大部分的二胺成为气相进入MDA精馏塔C-3252。

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