Silica Aerogel-Synthesis and Applications
KH550的水解工艺及其对Si02表面改性的研究第39卷第2期2012正北京化工大学(自然科学版) JournalofBeijingUniversityofChemicalTechnology(NaturalScience)V oI.39.No.22O12KH550的水解工艺及其对SiO2表面改性的研究高正楠江小波郭锴(北京化工大学教育部超重力工程研究中心,北京100029)摘要:用电导率在线测量法和红外光谱法研究了硅烷偶联剂3一氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(KH550)的水解工艺.采用共沸蒸馏和溶剂置换方式置换出湿凝胶中物理吸附水,并用KH550水解液对SiO 湿凝胶进行了改性.通过红外光谱(FT—IR),邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)吸油值,粒度分析仪和接触角测定仪等方式对改性效果进行了表征.结果表明,采用KH550对SiO湿凝胶进行改性后,产品的接触角显着提高,吸油值增大70%以上,孑L容为未改性样品的2倍,有机相中的分散性显着提高.同时,对比共沸蒸馏和溶剂置换两种方式,共沸蒸馏得到疏水性更好的超细SiO,,改性后样品的接触角可以达到140.以上.共沸蒸馏过程中,当改性剂KH550用量为超细SiO绝干粉重的17.5%(质量分数)时,改性效果最好.关键词:KH550;超细SiO,;共沸蒸馏;溶剂置换中图分类号:TQ127.2引言超细SiO:作为一种重要的无机化工产品,可应用于橡胶,吸附剂,涂料,化妆品,药物,医学诊断,功能材料等许多领域.但是由于SiO,表面羟基的存在,使其表现亲水性,在有机介质中难以润湿和分散,与有机基体之间结合力差,使复合材料性能降低,限制了产品的实际应用.因此需要对其进行改性,减弱SiO表面的极性,提高粉体与有机分子的相容性和结合力.目前大多数文献报道的有关液相沉淀法制备SiO的改性,都是对已制备粉体的改性.而SiO:湿凝胶在干燥过程中,伴随水分的脱除,凝胶网络结构出现坍塌,很容易造成硬团聚.由此制备的改性产品,分散性较差,在一定程度上影响改性效果..,同时由于对粉体进行了重复处理,也会造成资源的浪费.克服凝胶表面结构坍塌可以采用表面张力较小的溶剂代替湿凝胶网络孔道中的水,避免团聚现象¨.3-氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(KH550)是一种较好的无机粒子表面改性剂,可用于SiO表面修饰.经KH550改性后的颗粒均取得了较好的效收稿日期:2011一l1—21第一作者:女,1988年生,硕士生通讯联系人E—mail:**************果,粉体与有机分子的相容性提高.本文采用电导率在线测量方法研究了硅烷偶联剂KH550的水解工艺,同时采用溶剂置换和共沸蒸馏置换凝胶孔道中的水分,并使用KH550水解液对产品进行湿法改性.通过对比改性前后样品性能, 分析KH550对SiO的改性效果.1实验部分1.1主要仪器及药品恒温水浴锅,上海树立仪器仪表公司;DZG-403型真空干燥箱,天津天宇技术实业公司;FW一100型高速粉碎机,天津泰斯特仪器有限公司;MP521型pH/电导率仪,上海三信仪表厂.SiO湿凝胶,自制,含水量92%~93%(质量分数),pH7~8;KH550,电导率0.05IxS/cm,国药集团化学试剂有限公司;无水乙醇,电导率2.0itS/ cm,北京化工厂;去离子水,电导率0.4I~S/cm;正己烷,正丁醇,分析纯,北京化工厂.1.2KH550水解实验按照KH550与去离子水体积比为1:1,加入乙醇溶液,配制不同体积分数的KH550水解液,磁力搅拌进行混合,室温条件下进行水解,通过电导率仪在线测量KH550水解过程,讨论水解液,水解浓度对水解状况的影响.1.3超细Sio:改性称取适量硫酸沉淀法制备的SiO:湿凝胶,直接北京化工大学(自然科学版)进行干燥,得到未改性产品.取适量SiO,湿凝胶,采用乙醇置换3次,然后使用正己烷置换,置换后的凝胶加入KH550水解液进行改性,得到的产品洗涤干燥后得到溶剂置换产品;另称取一定量的湿凝胶, 加入正丁醇,搅拌加热蒸馏,脱除滤饼中大部分水,持续加热至体系温度升至正丁醇沸点,此时产品已变成粉末,然后加入KH550水解液进行改性,洗涤, 抽滤,干燥得到共沸改性产品.1.4分析表征用美国Nicolet60一SXB型FT—IR光谱仪进行红外分析;用美国康塔公司QuadrasorbSI型全自动比表面和孔隙度分析仪测定比表面积和孔分布;用英国Malven公司ZETASIZER-3000HS型粒度分析仪, 测定改性前后样品在有机相(乙醇)中的粒度分布;邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)测定吸油值;德国Kruss公司K100C型全自动表面界面张力仪测定水滴在SiO,粉体压片上的接触角.采用滴定法测定SiO表面羟基数.称取样品2.0g于400mL烧杯中,加入250mL20%的NaC1 溶液,搅拌均匀后,用0.1mol/L的HC1标准液调节试液pH为4,这一步耗用的酸碱量不计.然后用0.1mol/L的NaOH标准液以每S2~3滴速度对上述试液进行滴定,到试液的pH=9,保持5min不变后即为终点.计算每nmSiO:表面积上的羟基个数n n:(×了V)胁1010(1)I—了J(1)式(1)中:S为样品的比表面积,m/g;V为0.1mol/L NaOH滴定体积,mL.2结果与讨论2.1KH550水解条件的确定采用电导率(y)测定法对硅烷偶联剂水解程度进行检测.由于硅烷偶联剂和去离子水的电导率较低,而水解产物硅醇和醇的电导率相对较高.因此,在KH550水解过程中,伴随硅醇的产生,电导率将逐渐增大,一定时间后水解反应达到平衡时,相应的电导率会稳定在某一值.图1是KH550水解和醇解过程中电导率随时间的变化规律.实验发现KH550在无水乙醇溶液中很快形成均匀透明的溶液.观察电导率随时间变化规律,反应初期电导率有些许升高,随后电导率变化非常小,这表明反应初期KH550与无水乙醇中的水分发生了反应,水分消耗完,电导率基本保持不变.按照水解平衡原理,水解过程产生醇,醇的加入应该会抑制硅烷偶联剂的水解,不利于生成硅醇. 因此可知,醇解过程中乙醇只是起到溶解的作用….同时,观察KH550在水溶液中的水解过程,可以发现,水溶液中KH550水解完全的时间极短, 而且硅醇之间很容易发生缩聚,使改性效果变差. 为增大完全水解的时间,根据反应动力学,可以在体系中加入醇,抑制其水解速度.因此,KH550水解溶剂选择一定配比的水醇混合溶剂.图1KH550水解和醇解过程电导率变化Fig.1ConductivitychangesofKH550during hydrolysisandalcoholysis图2显示了不同体积分数()的KH550水解完全时电导率变化.随着溶液中KH550体积分数的增加,达到的最大电导率先增加后减小.KH550 体积分数较小时,KH550用量的增加使体系中水解产生的硅醇增多,电导率增加;当KH550含量达到一定值时,水解生成的硅醇过多,硅醇缩合生成硅氧烷的几率增大,电导率降低.因此,最佳KH550体积分数应选择在15.75%附近.图2不同体积分数的KH550水解液电导率变化Fig.2Conductivitychangesfordifferent volumefractionsofKH550用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪检测水解前后特征基团的变化,结果如图3所示.第2期高正楠等:KH550的水解工艺及其对SiO:表面改性的研究40003O002o00lo000O'/cm一'1一KH550样品;2--水解0.5h后的KH550浴掖图3KH550和水解0.5h的红外光谱图Fig.3IRSpectraofpristineKH550andKH550afterhydrolysisfor0.5h图3中2974cm~,2887cm~,1457cm~,1378cm~,1079emI1处的谱带为si一0一cHCH基团的特征峰.3400cm和1616cm代表了N—H的伸缩和弯曲振动.水解0.5h后,3400cm处吸收峰变宽,可能是改性剂中N—H的伸缩振动和水解后Si—OH基团的伸缩振动发生重叠,KH550水解过程出现硅羟基.2.2改性前后SiO:粉体表征2.2.1粉体结构样品各官能团可以通过文献上的FT—IR数据得到.图4给出了改性前后样品的红外光谱图.40o03O002o0ol0oO0ocma一未改性样品;b--共沸改性;c一溶剂置换改性图4改性前后样品红外光谱图Fig.4IRspectraofunmodifiedandmodifiedsilica图4中3450cm~,1100cm和950cm处的吸收带分别代表了SiO:表面Si—OH伸缩振动,反对称伸缩振动及弯曲振动.1200~1100cm和467m处的密集带代表si—O—si反对称伸缩振动和弯曲振动.3437ClXl和1630cm附近的吸收峰分别代表水分子(包括表面的吸附水和结构水)的O—H和H一0H的伸缩振动和弯曲振动.经共沸蒸馏和溶剂置换后,采用改性剂KH550对产品进行改性,2850~2950cm区域内出现较弱的光谱带,代表了改性基团一cH的c—H伸缩振动峰.2.2.2粉体性能在相同改性介质中,采用溶剂置换和共沸蒸馏两种方式对湿凝胶进行处理,利用水解后的硅烷偶联剂KH550对样品进行改性,改性后粉体性能如表1.从表1数据可以看出经改性处理后的超细SiO粉体的比表面积比未改性样品有所减小.SiO:是一种具有一定微孑L结构的物质,氮吸附法测定的比表面积包括粒子外表面和内微孔的表面积.由于改性过程中表面改性剂在外表面和孔内部的吸附,造成改性后比表面积的减少.表1KH550不同改性方式样品数据Table1PropertiesofKH550afterdifferentmodification processes通过动态氮气吸附容量法测定3种样品的孔容,结果如表1所示.改性后样品孔容较改性前变大.观察图5共沸改性前后样品孔径分布,未改性样品a(3~10rim)孔径分布范围较窄,平均孔径为6.63nm,相比之下,采用共沸蒸馏改性样品b的孔径分布主要集中在3~50nm之间.这主要是由于共沸蒸馏和溶剂置换两种方式置换出了滤饼中大部分水分,减少了干燥过程中水分蒸发造成的孔道坍塌,使大部分中孔和一些大孔得以保留.a一未改性样品Ib一共沸蒸馏改性样品图5改性前后SiO孔径分布Fig.5Poredistributionsofunmodifiedandmodifiedsilica第2期高正楠等:KH550的水解工艺及其对SiO表面改性的研究?l1? 但是溶剂置换过程中消耗的有机溶剂量较大,置换时间较长.综合来看,共沸蒸馏改性效果要优于溶剂置换改性.图8KH550不同改性方式沉降体积变化趋势Fig.8SedimentationvolumechangeforKH550 modifiedbydifferentmethodsT口'鲁宕料蚓世图9KH550不同改性方式沉降速率变化趋势Fig.9SedimentationratechangeforKH550 modifiedbydifferentmethods2.4改性剂用量对改性效果的影响图l0研究了采用共沸蒸馏水浴加热65℃,反应2h,改性剂KH550用量对表面羟基数的影响.由图1O可以看出随着改性剂用量的增加,表面羟基数逐渐减少,改性剂KH550用量为17.5%(质量分数)左右时,表面羟基数最小,改性效果较好.随着改性剂用量的继续增大,KH550水解产生硅醇的数量相对较多,硅醇缩合为硅氧烷的几率增大,不利于改性,出现了改性剂用量为23%左右时表面羟基数增大的情况.3结论(1)KH550适宜的水解条件为:采用水/乙醇混合溶剂,KH550水解体积分数为l5.75%.(2)KH550改性SiO后得到了大孔径,疏水性能良好的改性产品,分散性提高.对比不同的改性w(KH550)/%图10共沸KH550不同改性剂用量对表面羟基数的影响Fig.10Effectoftheamountofmodificationagentonthe hydroxylnumberofthesilicaSurface方式,共沸蒸馏改性效果要明显优于溶剂置换改性.采用共沸蒸馏改性,KH550质量分数为17.5%时,改性效果最好.参考文献:[1]NozawaK,GailhanouH,RaisonL,eta1.Smartcontrol ofmonodispersest/~bersilicaparticles:effectofreactant additionrateongrowthprocess[J].Langmuir,2005,21:1516—1523.[2]RahmanlA,JafarzadehM,SipautCS.Synthesisofor- gano?functionalizednanosilicaviaCO??condensationmodifi-? cationusing-aminopropytriethoxysilicane(APTES)[J].CeramicsInternational,2009,35:1883—1888.[3]刘琪,崔海信,顾微,等.硅烷偶联剂KH一570对纳米二氧化硅的表面改性研究[J].纳米科技,2009,6(3):15—18.LiuQ,CuiHX,GuW,eta1.Surfacemodificationof nano—silicabysilaneeouplingagentKH一570[J].Nano—science&Nanotechn01ogy,2009,6(3):15—18.(in Chinese)[4]解小玲,郭睿劫,贾虎生,等.KH一550改性纳米二氧化硅的研究[J].太原理工大学,2008,39(1):26—28.XieXL,GuoRJ,JiaHS,eta1.Studyonnano—scale silicamodificationbyKH?550[J].JournalofTaiyuan UniversityofTechnology,2008,39(1):26—28.(in Chinese)[5]吴海艳,周莉,臧树良.纳米二氧化硅表面改性的研究[J].矿冶,2010,19(4):49-52.WuHY,ZhouL,ZangSL.Surfacemodificationofnano?silica[J].Mining&Metallurgy,2010,19(4):49-52.(inChinese)[6]林金辉,王美平,魏双凤.超细SiO:的化学沉淀法制备及其原位改性[J].硅酸盐通报,2007,26(4):12?北京化工大学(自然科学版)2012在[7][8][9]842—844.LinJH,WangMP,WeiSF.Preparationandin—situ modificationofuhrafineSiO2bychemicalprecipitation method[J].BulletinoftheChineseCeramicSociety, 2007,26(4):842—844.(inChinese)姚明明,姚欣.疏水性二氧化硅气凝胶的常压制备与表征[J].广东化工,2010,37(1):5-8.Y aoMM,YaoX.Preparationandcharacterizationcfhy—drophobicsilicaaerogelatambientpressure[J].Guang dongChemicalIndustry,2010,37(1):5—8.(inChi—nese)WuZJ,XiangH,KimT,eta1.Surfacepropertiesof submicrometersilicaspheresmodifiedwithaminopropyl—triethoxysilaneandphenyltrieth0xysilane[J].Journalof ColloidandInterfaceScience,2006,304:119—124.赵光磊,郭锴,王宝玉,等.超重力硫酸沉淀法白炭黑的连续化生产研究[J].无机盐工业,2009,41(9):34—36.ZhaoGL,GuoK,WangBY,eta1.Studyc11continu- OUSproductionofsilicabyhypergravitysulfuricacidpre—cipitationmethod[J].InorganicChemicalsIndustry,2009,41(9):34—36.(inChinese)[10]潘懋.滴定法测定气相法白炭黑比表面积的讨论[J].[12]化学世界,1993(8):380—383.PanM.Discussionontitrationmethodforsurfacearea determinationoffumedsilica[J].ChemicalWorld,1993(8):380—383.(inChinese)王斌,霍瑞亭.硅烷偶联剂水解工艺的研究[J].济南纺织化纤科技,2008(2):25—27.WangB.HuoRT.Studyonhydrolysisofsilanecouplingagem[J].JinanTextileTechnology,2008(2):25—27.(inChinese)ZhuravlevLT.Thesurfacechemistryofamorphoussili—ca.Zhuravlevmodel[J].ColloidsandSurfacesA:Phys—icochemicalandEngineeringAspects,2000,173:1—4.Studyofthehydrolysisof3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane(KH550) andthesurfacemodifiicationofsilica GAOZhengNanJIANGXiaoBoGUOKai fResearchCenteroftheMinistryofEducationforHighGravityEngineeringandTechnology BeijingUniversityofChemicalTechnology,Beijing100029,China)Abstract:Throughmonitoringthechangeinconductivityduringthehydrolysiscf3一aminopropyltriethoxysilane(KH550)andusingFT—IRspectroscopy,theoptimumconditionsf0rthehydrolysisofKH550wereinvestigated. Wetsilicagelfromwhichthephysisorbedwaterwasremovedbyazeotropicdistillationorrapi dsolventreplacementwastreatedwithKH550.TheproductswerecharacterizedbyFouriertransforminfraredspect roscopy(FT-IR),di—n—butylphthalate(DBP)oilabsorption,laserparticlesizeanalysisandcontactanglemeasureme ntsinorderloin—vestigatetheeffectofmodification.Theresultsshowedthatthecontactanglecfthemodifiedsi licaincreased,and theDBPabsorptionvaluesignificantlyincreasedbymo/ethan70%comparedtotheunmodifi edproducts.Theporevolumewastwicethatoftheunmodifiedsilica.Theamountofproductsintheorganicphaseals oincreasedsignifi—cantly.Theazeotropicdistillationmethodforwetgelmodificationaffordedmorehydrophobi csilicathanlhesolventreplacementmethod.andthecontactanglebetweenmodifiedsilicaandwaterreachedashigh as140..Theoptimal conditionsforsilicamodificationinvolvedamodifiermassfractionof17.5%oftheweightofs ilicaandtheuseofazeotropicdistillation.Keywords:3-aminopropytriethoxysilane;ultrafinesihca;azeotropicdistillation;solventre placement。
正己烷对溶胶-凝胶过程及常压干燥工艺制备SiO 2气凝胶的影响
正己烷对溶胶-凝胶过程及常压干燥工艺制备SiO 2气凝胶的影响卢斌;张丁日;卢孟磊【摘要】以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为硅源,三甲基氯硅烷(TMCS)为表面修饰剂,采用酸碱两步催化溶胶−凝胶法和常压干燥法,通过在凝胶中填充适量正己烷(N-hexane)控制溶胶−凝胶过程,使凝胶孔洞趋于均匀,提高凝胶溶剂置换和表面改性效率,制备高性能SiO2气凝胶,制备工艺周期为30 h。
研究结果表明:正己烷填充量为0.2(TEOS与N-hexane物质的量比为1:0.2),制备周期最短,制备出的样品具有最大比表面积(972.5 m2/g)、最大孔容(2.9 cm3/g)和最小密度(0.08 g/cm3),疏水性最佳。
%Silica aerogels were prepared with TEOS as raw material by sol-gel method, surface modification of TMCS and ambient pressure drying within 30 h. Appropriate amount of N-hexane was filled into silica gel to improve efficiency of sol-gel and surface modification process. The structures of samples were characterized by means of BET, SEM and FT-IR etc. The results show that when filler content of N-hexane is 0.2(molar ratio of TEOS to N-hexane is 1:0.2), hydrophobic silica aerogels has low apparent density (0.08 g/cm3), high surface area (972.5 m2/g) and high pore volume (2.9 cm3 /g).【期刊名称】《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【总页数】7页(P2020-2026)【关键词】SiO 2气凝胶;溶胶-凝胶法;常压干燥法;正己烷;胶粒双电层结构【作者】卢斌;张丁日;卢孟磊【作者单位】中南大学材料科学与工程学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,湖南长沙,410083;中南大学材料科学与工程学院,湖南长沙,410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O648二氧化硅气凝胶具有极高的比表面积(800~1 500 m2/g)、极大的孔洞率(85%~99%)、极低的热传导率(5 mW/(m·K))和独特的声学性能等,因此,在很多领域发挥重要作用,如用作高性能催化剂、保温涂料、超绝热材料、窗体材料等[1−4]。
SiO2气凝胶骨架增强研究进展李明; 陈跃【期刊名称】《《湖北理工学院学报》》【年(卷),期】2019(035)005【总页数】6页(P59-64)【关键词】SiO2气凝胶; 增强; 纤维; 复合【作者】李明; 陈跃【作者单位】湖北理工学院材料科学与工程学院湖北黄石435003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB321SiO2气凝胶(Silica Aerogel)是一种由纳米级基元颗粒构成,具有三维多孔网络骨架的非晶态固体材料[1]。
SiO2气凝胶骨架间充斥着大量介孔孔隙(2~50 nm),气孔率高达99.8%,因而具有众多特殊性能,比如低密度(0.03~0.35 g/cm3)、低热导率(常温下0.02~0.09 W/(m·K))、高比表面积(600~1000 m2/g)、低折射率(1.02~1.08)等性质[4-5]。
图1 SiO2气凝胶典型结构图1 SiO2气凝胶的应用领域SiO2气凝胶在保温隔热、催化吸附等领域具有广泛的应用价值。
比如,SiO2气凝胶可作为隔热保护衬板,抵挡宇宙飞船或者航天飞机在穿越大气层时产生的白炽高温,阻隔大型舰艇的蒸发器、锅炉等高温系统向舱内散热,以及用于液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas, LNG)工程或其他低温建设项目的防“漏热”处理等。
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著作一:荧光分析法 (第三版)许金钩 王尊本 主编
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为进一步营造崇尚科学、尊重知识、尊重人才、鼓励创造的科学文化氛围,鼓励全市科技工作者不断加强学术创新,更好地服务于黄冈市高质量发展,经各县(市、区)科协、市直各有关单位推荐、初评,经黄冈市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文评审委员会评审确定,并经公示无异议,市政府同意颁授万柳撰写的《Nitrogen, sulfur co-doped hierarchically porous carbon from rape pollen as high-performance supercapacitor electrode》、万美南撰写的《Observation of reduced phase transition temperature in N-doped thermochromic film of monoclinic VO2 》、丁秀娟撰写的《超声引导下置入PICC导管异位的原理分析及护理体会》等250 篇论文为黄冈市第十届自然科学优秀学术论文。
图1超临界干燥(a)及1000。C热处理后(b)氧化铝气凝胶sEM图 Fig.1 Microemaatm鼍0f alumina 8erogel after supererifieal dryiIIg(a)and 1000'E heat tre,agnellt(b) 2.2氧化铝气凝胶复合材料隔热性能分析 为了直观比较某纤维毡与氧化铝溶胶复合前后材料隔热性能的差异,在相同外界环境下,采用热平 板法测试了两种材料在不同热面温度下的隔热性能,结果如图3所示。由图可知,200。C氧化铝气凝胶
2014-JMCA-2-2934 可压缩石墨烯气凝胶 油水分离 压电传感
be up to a few hundred,15 which is one to two orders of magnitude higher than that of current commercial materials. Therefore, with the introduction of graphene or a hydrophobic coating aerogels can be used for oil absorption.30 Owing to the increasing attention paid to the severe environmental and ecological issues arising from organic pollutants or oil leakages, a lot of effort has been put into the creation of new efficient absorbents for the separation and absorption of organic pollutants from water.31–35 Various natural absorbers such as expanded perlite36 and zeolites,37 and organic materials such as activated carbon,38 sawdust39 and expanded graphite31 have all been used because of their microporosity. These conventional materials have a low oil loading and absorption of water together with the oil. Though many efficient absorbents, including silicas,40 carbon nanotubes,41 organic–inorganic hybrids,42,43 functionalized polymers and resins,44,45 etc. have been developed for the absorption or removal of organic pollutants from water, only a few experiments involving hydrophobic microporous polymer absorbents46 or superhydrophobic absorbents47,48 have been reported to date. The development of superhydrophobic absorbents with low density, high oil absorption capacity, low water pickup, low-cost, environmental friendliness, and good recyclability is of special interest for emerging requirements. Here, the simplest approach, to our best knowledge, to prepare highly compressive graphene aerogels is presented by a one-step reduction and self-assembly of graphene oxide (GO) with ethylenediamine (EDA) and then freeze-drying. The aerogels show many interesting properties, such as ultra-lightness, good mechanical strength under multiple compression cycles, variable electric resistance under compression, re-resistance, and so on. Especially, the hydrophobic nature combined with the high porosity promise the aerogels to be good absorbents for diverse organic liquids, with not only a high Qwt up to 250, but also high speed absorption. Furthermore, the absorbed oil can be removed by distillation, which can recycle the absorbed oil. Inspired by the good compressibility and re-resistance of the aerogels, we also considered collecting the absorbed oil by
Random Network of SiO2
• (8) Olation and (9) Oxolation
Factors affecting Reactivity
• • • • • pH, Water content, Concentration, Temperature, Drying conditions
• By contrast to silicon alkoxides whose hydrolysis requires catalysts for efficient gelation rates, hydrolysis of most metal alkoxides is rapid and can lead to uncontrolled precipitation. The electronegative alkoxide groups make the metal highly prone to nucleophilic attack by water. The more electrophilic metal centres –as compared to silicon- as well as a larger and thus more stereolabile coordination sphere result in a higher hydrolytic susceptibility. The following sequence of reactivity is usually found
• • •
• •
Hydrolysis: – The reaction of a metal alkoxide (M-OR) with water, forming a metal hydroxide (M-OH). Condensation: – A condensation reaction occurs when two metal hydroxides (M-OH + HO-M) combine to give a metal oxide species (M-O-M). The reaction forms one water molecule. Sol: – A solution of various reactants that are undergoing hydrolysis and condensation reactions. The molecular weight of the oxide species produced continuously increases. As these species grow, they may begin to link together in a three-dimensional network. Gel Point: – The point in time at which the network of linked oxide particles spans the container holding the Sol. At the gel point the Sol becomes an Alcogel. Alcogel (wet gel): – At the gel point, the mixture forms a rigid substance called an alcogel. The alcogel can be removed from its original container and can stand on its own. An alcogel consists of two parts, a solid part and a liquid part. The solid part is formed by the three-dimensional network of linked oxide particles. The liquid part (the original solvent of the Sol) fills the free space surrounding the solid part. The liquid and solid parts of an alcogel occupy the same apparent volume. Supercritical fluid: – A substance that is above its critical pressure and critical temperature. A supercritical fluid possesses some properties in common with a liquids (density, thermal conductivity) and some in common with gases. (fills its container, does not have surface tension). Aerogel: – What remains when the liquid part of an alcogel is removed without damaging the solid part (most often achieved by supercritical extraction). If made correctly, the aerogel retains the original shape of the alcogel and at least 50% (typically >85%) of the alcogel's volume. Xerogel: – What remains when the liquid part of an alcogel is removed by evaporation, or similar methods. Xerogels may retain their original shape, but often crack. The shrinkage during drying is often extreme (~90%) for xerogels.
实验结果表明:硅烷偶联剂改性玻璃纤维与硅气凝胶复合后网络结构更加均匀、骨架强度更加稳定、孔径多在30nm 以下、具有良好的热稳定性;同时,改性玻璃纤维的最佳添加量为20%(质量分数),此时其密度为0.167g/cm 3,导热系数为0.0185W/(m ·K),接触角为127°,抗弯强度为1.042MPa,抗压强度为0.669MPa,达到预期实验目的。
关键词:羟基化;玻璃纤维;硅气凝胶;硅烷偶联剂中图分类号:TQ127.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4990(2020)08-0046-05Study on glass fiber reinforced silica aerogel modified by silane coupling agentZhao Hongkai ,Liu Ming ,Liu Yifu ,Xu Yajun ,Liu Wei(School of Materials Science and Engineering ,Jilin Jianzhu University ,Changchun 130118,China )Abstract :In order to enhance the mechanical properties of silica aerogel ,the silane coupling agent KH550and KH560were modified to grafted glass fibers in two steps ,and then fiber reinforced silica aerogel were prepared.Scanning electron micro⁃scope ,infrared spectrometer ,specific surface and aperture distribution instrument ,TG-DTA analyzer ,thermal conductivity instrument and electronic dynamic and static fatigue testing machine were used to characterize the fiber reinforced silica aerogel.The results showed that after the glass fiber reinforced silica aerogel modified by silane coupling agent compounded with silica aerogel ,the network structure was more uniform ,the framework strength was more stable ,the pore diameter was less than 30nm ,and the thermal stability was better.At the same time ,the optimal addition amount of modified glass fiber was 20%(mass fraction ).At this time ,the density was 0.167g/cm 3,the thermal conductivity coefficient was 0.0185W/(m ·K ),the contact angle was 127°,the bending strength was 1.042MPa and the compressive strength was 0.669MPa.The expected purpose of the experiment was achieved.Key words :hydroxylation ;glass fiber ;silica aerogel ;silane coupling agent由于硅气凝胶独特的多孔网络结构使其在隔音保温、吸附催化等领域具有广泛应用[1]。
扩链剂3, 5-二甲硫基甲苯二胺(DMTDA)与常用扩链剂MOCA相比,有常温下为液体,操作方便的优点,但是文献中报导不多,本文基于扩链剂DMTDA制备了PU/SiO2复合材料,含有不同交联密度微区的多交联聚氨酯材料,并考察了多交联体系PU/SiO2复合材料的性能以及不同交联方式对性能的影响。
本文以2, 4-甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI-100)、聚酯多元醇(PEA)、气相SiO2以及3, 5-二甲硫基甲苯二胺(DMTDA)为主要原料,用预聚法合成了PU/SiO2复合材料、多交联体系PU材料以及多交联体系PU/SiO2复合材料,利用SEM、DSC和力学测试考察了材料的性能,并分析了影响材料性能的主要因素。
当SiO2添加量为3%(相对于多元醇的质量分数)时, PU/SiO2复合材料的综合性能最优。
详细 介绍石墨烯英文版
Notes Best electrical conductor of any known metal
59.6 × 106
Commonly used in electrical wire applications due to very good conductivity and price compared to silver.
Properties of graphene
Mechanical properties
- High Young’s modulus (~1,100 Gpa) High fracture strength (125 Gpa)
- Graphene is as the strongest material
Introduction to graphene. Preparation and characterization graphene Potential application of graphene Conclusions
Introduction to graphene
Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice The name ‘graphene’ comes from graphite + -ene = graphene
Molecular structure of graphene
High resolution transmission electron microscope images (TEM) of graphene
桥梁工程英文参考文献一:[1]Liam J. Butler,Weiwei Lin,Jinlong Xu,Niamh Gibbons,Mohammed Z. E. B. Elshafie,Campbell R. Middleton. Monitoring, Modeling, and Assessment of a Self-Sensing Railway Bridge during Construction[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2018,23(10).[2]Reza Akbari. Accelerated Construction of Short Span Railroad Bridges in Iran[J]. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,2019,24(1).[3]John C. Cleary,Bret M. Webb,Scott L. Douglass,Thomas Buhring,Eric J. Steward. Assessment of Engineering Adaptations to Extreme Events and Climate Change for a Simply Supported Interstate Bridge over a Shallow Estuary: Case Study[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2018,23(12).[4]Keke Peng. Risk Evaluation for Bridge Engineering Based on Cloud-Clustering Group Decision Method[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,2019,33(1).[5]Y. M. Zhang,H. Wang,J. X. Mao,F. Q. Wang,S. T. Hu,X. X. Zhao. 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Friction Coefficients for Slide-In Bridge Construction Using PTFE and Steel Sliding Bearings[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(6).[10]Mustafa Mashal,Alessandro Palermo. Low-Damage Seismic Design for Accelerated Bridge Construction[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(7).[11]Yeo Hoon Yoon,Sam Ataya,Mark Mahan,Amir Malek,M. Saiid Saiidi,Toorak Zokaie. Probabilistic Damage Control Application: Implementation of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering in Seismic Design of Highway Bridge Columns[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(7).[12]Sherif M. Daghash,Qindan Huang,Osman E. Ozbulut. Tensile Behavior and Cost-Efficiency Evaluation of ASTM A1010 Steel for Bridge Construction[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(8).[13]Dongzhou Huang,Wei-zhen Chen. Cable Structures in Bridge Engineering[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(8).[14]Fuyou Xu,Haiyan Yu,Mingjie Zhang. Aerodynamic Response of a Bridge Girder Segment during Lifting Construction Stage[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(8).[15]Elmira Shoushtari,M. Saiid Saiidi,Ahmad Itani,Mohamed A. Moustafa. Design, Construction, and Shake Table Testing of a Steel Girder Bridge System with ABC Connections[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(9).[16]Upul Attanayake,Haluk Aktan. Procedures and Guidelines for Design of Lateral Bridge Slide Activities[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(9).[17]Nathan T. Davis,Ehssan Hoomaan,Anil K. Agrawal,Masoud Sanayei,Farrokh “Frank” Jalinoos. Foundation Reuse in Accelerated Bridge Construction[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering,2019,24(10).[18]Cheng Wen,Hong-xian Zhang. Influence of Material Time-Dependent Performance on the Cantilever Construction of PSC Box Girder Bridge[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition),2019,13(2).[19]Hosein Naderpour,Ali Kheyroddin,Seyedmehdi Mortazavi. Risk Assessment in Bridge Construction Projects in Iran Using Monte Carlo Simulation Technique[J]. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction,2019,24(4).[20]Carlos M. Zuluaga,Alex Albert. Preventing falls: Choosing compatible Fall Protection Supplementary Devices (FPSD) for bridge maintenance work using virtual prototyping[J]. Safety Science,2018,108.[21]Zhe Wang,Kai-wei Zhang,Gang Wei,Bin Li,Qiang Li,Wang-jing Yao. Field measurement analysis of the influence of double shield tunnel construction onreinforced bridge[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research,2018,81.[22]Michele Fabio Granata,Giuseppe Longo,Antonino Recupero,Marcello Arici. Construction sequence analysis of long-span cable-stayed bridges[J]. Engineering Structures,2018,174.[23]Mi Zhou,Wei Lu,Jianwei Song,George C. Lee. Application of Ultra-High Performance Concrete in bridge engineering[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2018,186.[24]Erxiang Song,Peng Li,Ming Lin,Xiaodong Liu. The rationality of semi-rigid immersed tunnel element structure scheme and its first application in Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao bridge project[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research,2018,82.[25]Di Zhao,Yixuan Ku. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex bridges bilateral primary somatosensory cortices during cross-modal working memory[J]. Behavioural Brain Research,2018,350.[26]Jia-Rui Lin,Jian-Ping Zhang,Xiao-Yang Zhang,Zhen-Zhong Hu. Automating closed-loop structural safety management for bridge construction through multisource data integration[J]. Advances in Engineering Software,2019,128.[27]Cunming Ma,Qingsong Duan,Qiusheng Li,Haili Liao,Qi Tao. Aerodynamic characteristics of a long-span cable-stayed bridge under construction[J]. Engineering Structures,2019,184.[28]Wenqin Deng,Duo Liu,Yingqian Xiong,Jiandong Zhang. Experimental study on asynchronous construction for composite bridges with corrugated steel webs[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2019,157.[29]Li Hui,Faress Hraib,Brandon Gillis,Miguel Vicente,Riyadh Hindi. A Simplified method to minimize exterior girder rotation of steel bridges during deck construction[J]. Engineering Structures,2019,183.[30]Faress Hraib,Li Hui,Miguel Vicente,Riyadh Hindi. Evaluation of bridge exterior girder rotation during construction[J]. Engineering Structures,2019,187.桥梁工程英文参考文献二:[31]Yaojun Ge,Yong Yuan. State-of-the-Art Technology in the Construction of Sea-Crossing Fixed Links with a Bridge, Island, and Tunnel Combination[J]. Engineering,2019,5(1).[32]Mingjie Zhang,Fuyou Xu,Zhanbiao Zhang,Xuyong Ying. Energy budget analysis and engineering modeling of post-flutter limit cycle oscillation of a bridge deck[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics,2019,188.[33]Alberto Leva. PID control education for computer engineering students: A step to bridge a cultural gap[J]. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control,2019,8.[34]Mustafa Mashal,Alessandro Palermo. Emulative seismic resistant technology for Accelerated Bridge Construction[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2019,124.[35]. Science - Geoscience; Studies from Presidency University Provide New Data on Geoscience (Bridge construction and river channel morphology-A comprehensive study of flow behavior and sediment size alteration of the River Chel, India)[J]. Science Letter,2018.[36]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Studies from Tongji University Update Current Data on Wind Engineering (Flutter performance and improvement for a suspension bridge with central-slotted box girder during erection)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2018.[37]. FirstEnergy Corp.; Mon Power Relocates Transmission Line for Construction of Corridor H Bridge in Tucker County[J]. Energy Weekly News,2018.[38]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Recent Findings by A. Benidir and Colleagues in Wind Engineering Provides New Insights (The impact of circularity defects on bridge stay cable dry galloping stability)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2018.[39]Ron Stang. Gordie Howe bridge officials announce cost, 74-month construction schedule[J]. Daily Commercial News,2018,91(192).[40]. Biomedical Engineering - Tissue Engineering; Investigators at Skane University Hospital Report Findings in Tissue Engineering (Electrospun nerve guide conduits have the potential to bridge peripheral nerve injuries in vivo)[J]. Biotech Week,2018.[41]. Information Technology - Data Delivery; Researchers from Chung Ang University Provide Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Data Delivery (Three-Dimensional Information Delivery for Design and Construction of Prefabricated Bridge Piers)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2018.[42]Anonymous. Construction begins on U.S. side of Presidio International Rail Bridge[J]. Railway Track & Structures,2018,114(11).[43]. Engineering - Structural Engineering; Beijing Jiaotong University Details Findings in Structural Engineering (Scour Risk Analysis of Existing Bridge Pier Based on Inversion Theory)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2018.[44]. Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the New U.S. Land Port of Entry in Madawaska, Maine and Madawaska-Edmundston International Bridge Project[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2018,83(232).[45]. Regulated Navigation Area and Safety Zone: Tappan Zee Bridge Construction Project, Hudson River; South Nyack and Tarrytown, NY[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2018,83(245).[46]Anonymous. Bronte Construction is awarded $ 5M bridge job[J]. Daily Commercial News,2018,91(242).[47]. Kanazawa University; Proposed engineering method could help make buildings and bridges safer[J]. NewsRx Health & Science,2019.[48]. Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Construction of Railroad Bridges Across Sand Creek and Lake Pend Oreille at Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho.[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2019,84(025).[49]Anonymous. Bridge installation moves СТА95th/Dan Ryan Terminal Improvement Project forward[J]. Railway Track & Structures,2018,114(12).[50]Anonymous. Investments made in Hay River fish plant and bridge projects[J]. Daily Commercial News,2019,92(10).[51]. Reclamation work starts on $248m Bahrain bridge[J]. Gulf Construction,2019.[52]. Extension of Comment Period for the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Construction of Railroad Bridges Across Sand Creek and Lake Pend Oreille at Sandpoint, Bonner County, Idaho[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2019,84(062).[53]. Notice of Final Federal Agency Actions on the Frank J. Wood Bridge Project in Maine[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2019,84(071).[54]. Energy - Electric Power; Study Results from Electrical Engineering Department Update Understanding of Electric Power (Development of Dynamic Phasor Based Higher Index Model for Performance Enhancement of Dual Active Bridge)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[55]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Findings from Southwest Jiaotong University Provides New Data on Wind Engineering (Wind Characteristics Along a Bridge Catwalk In a Deep-cutting Gorge From Field Measurements)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[56]. Work starts on Qatar bridge[J]. Gulf Construction,2019.[57]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Data from Southeast University Provide New Insights into Wind Engineering (Non-stationary Turbulent Wind Field Simulation of Bridge Deck Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[58]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Findings from University of Stavanger Update Understanding of Wind Engineering (Aerodynamic Performance of a Grooved Cylinder In Flow Conditions Encountered By Bridge Stay Cables In Service)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[59]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Study Findings from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Broaden Understanding of Wind Engineering (Buffeting-induced Stress Analysis of Long-span Twin-box-beck Bridges Based On Pod Pressure Modes)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[60]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Researchers' Work from Polytechnic University of Valencia Focuses on Software Engineering (Valencia Bridge Fire Tests: Validation of Simplified and Advanced Numerical Approaches To Model Bridge Fire Scenarios)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.桥梁工程英文参考文献三:[61]. Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement Project; Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement[J]. The Federal Register / FIND,2019,84(100).[62]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Recent Studies from Southwest Jiaotong University Add New Data to Wind Engineering (Integrated Transfer Function for Buffeting Response Evaluation of Long-span Bridges)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[63]. Engineering - Pipeline Systems Engineering; Recent Findings from W.J. Wang and Co-Authors Provide New Insights into Pipeline Systems Engineering (Wind Tunnel Test Study On Pipeline Suspension Bridge Via Aeroelastic Model With Pi Connection)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[64]Dan O’Reilly. Baudette/ Rainy River International Bridge a construction collaboration at every crossing[J]. Daily Commercial News,2019,92(105).[65]. Archaeology; New Findings on Archaeology Reported by C.P. Dappert-Coonrod et al (Walking In Their Shoes: a Late Victorian Shoe Assemblage From the New Mississippi River Bridge Project In East St. Louis)[J]. Science Letter,2019.[66]Ron Stang. First signs of Gordie Howe bridge construction[J]. Daily Commercial News,2019,92(119).[67]Li Chuntong,Wang Deyu. Knowledge-Based Engineering–based method for containership lashing bridge optimization design and structural improvement with functionally graded thickness plates[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,2019,233(3).[68]Ashley Delaney,Kari Jurgenson. Building Bridges: Connecting science and engineering with literacy and mathematics[J]. Science and Children,2019,57(1).[69]. Hydrodynamics; Investigators from School of Civil Engineering Report New Data on Hydrodynamics (Effects of Air Relief Openings On the Mitigation of Solitary Wave Forces On Bridge Decks)[J]. Science Letter,2019.[70]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Reports Summarize Wind Engineering Study Results from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Ale-vms Methods for Wind-resistant Design of Long-span Bridges)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2019.[71]. Engineering - Engineering Informatics; Reports Summarize Engineering Informatics Study Results from Seoul National University (Xgboost Application On Bridge Management Systems for Proactive Damage Estimation)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2019.[72]. Microscopy; Recent Findings in Microscopy Described by Researchers from Chongqing Jiaotong University (Application of Long-distance Microscope In Crack Detection In Bridge Construction)[J]. Science Letter,2019.[73]Ghosh Soumadwip,Bierig Tobias,Lee Sangbae,Jana Suvamay,L?hle Adelheid,Schnapp Gisela,Tautermann Christofer S,Vaidehi Nagarajan. Engineering Salt Bridge Networks between Transmembrane Helices Confers Thermostability in G-Protein-Coupled Receptors.[J]. Journal of chemical theory and computation,2018.[74]Yainoy Sakda,Phuadraksa Thanawat,Wichit Sineewanlaya,Sompoppokakul Maprang,Songtawee Napat,Prachayasittikul Virapong,Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya Chartchalerm. Production and Characterization of Recombinant Wild Type Uricase from Indonesian Coelacanth ( L. menadoensis ) and Improvement of Its Thermostability by In Silico Rational Design and Disulphide Bridges Engineering.[J]. International journal of molecular sciences,2019,20(6).[75]Johnson Audrey M,Howell Dana M. Mobility bridges a gap in care: Findings from an early mobilisation quality improvement project in acute care.[J]. Journal of clinical nursing,2019.[76]Brzyski Przemys?aw,Grudzińska Magdalena,Majerek Dariusz. Analysis of the Occurrence of Thermal Bridges in Several Variants of Connections of the Wall and the Ground Floor in Construction Technology with the Use of a Hemp-lime Composite.[J]. Materials (Basel, Switzerland),2019,12(15).[77]Hager Keri,Kading Margarette,O'Donnell Carolyn,Yapel Ann,MacDonald Danielle,Albee Jennifer Nelson,Nash Cynthia,Renier Colleen,Dean Katherine,Schneiderhan Mark. Bridging Community Mental Health and Primary Care to Improve Medication Monitoring and Outcomes for Patients With Mental Illness Taking Second-Generation Antipsychotics-HDC/DFMC Bridge Project, Phase 1: Group Concept Mapping.[J]. The primary care companion for CNS disorders,2019,21(4).[78]Mardewi Jamal,M. Jazir Alkas,Supriyadi Yusuf. Study of Pre-Stressed Concrete Girders Planning on Flyover Project Overpass Bridges Mahakam IV Samarinda City[P]. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Materials Engineering and Management - Engineering Section (ICMEMe 2018),2019.[79]Aimin Zhang,Huijun Wu. Analysis of Internal Force in Construction of Asymmetric Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge[P]. Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Forum on Environment, Materials and Energy (IFEME 2019),2019.[80]Jiang Wei,Sun Litong,Zhang Xiwen. Research on achievement assessment method for course objectives of bridge engineering based on OBE[P]. Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development (ICSSED 2019),2019.[81]Welf Zimmermann,Stefan Kuss. New Composite Construction Method with STEEL/UHPFRC Constructing Railway Bridges[J]. Solid State Phenomena,2019,4809.[82]Michail M. Kozhevnikov,Sofia T. Kozhevnikova,Alexander V. Ginzburg,VitaliyA. Gladkikh. Improving the Efficiency of the Bridges Construction Organization on the Basis of Information Modeling[J]. Materials Science Forum,2018,4717.[83]Xiangmin Yu,Dewei Chen. Innovative Method for the Construction of Cable-Stayed Bridges by Cable Crane[J]. Structural Engineering International,2018,28(4).[84]Chuntong Li,Deyu Wang. Multi-objective optimisation of a container ship lashing bridge using knowledge-based engineering[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures,2019,14(1).[85]Hurley,Taiwo. Critical social work and competency practice: a proposal to bridge theory and practice in the classroom[J]. Social Work Education,2019,38(2).[86]Jamey Barbas,Matthew Paradis. Scalable, Modularized Solutions in the Design and Construction of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge[J]. Structural Engineering International,2019,29(1).[87]. The 2nd Bridge Engineering Workshop Mexico 2019[J]. Structural Engineering International,2019,29(3).[88]Wei Duan,Guojun Cai,Songyu Liu,Yu Du,Liuwen Zhu,Anand J. Puppala. SPT–CPTU Correlations and Liquefaction Evaluation for the Island and Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge[J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering,2018,16(10).[89]Seungjun Kim,Deokhee Won,Young-Jong Kang. Ultimate Behavior of Steel Cable-Stayed Bridges During Construction[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures,2019,19(3).[90]Shangqu Sun,Shucai Li,Liping Li,Shaoshuai Shi,Jing Wang,Jie Hu,Cong Hu. Slope stability analysis and protection measures in bridge and tunnel engineering: a practical case study from Southwestern China[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2019,78(5).桥梁工程英文参考文献四:[91]Czes?aw Machelski. Effects of Surrounding Earth on Shell During the Construction of Flexible Bridge Structures[J]. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica,2019,41(2).[92]Fan Dingqiang,Tian Wenjing,Feng Dandian,Cheng Jiahao,Yang Rui,Zhang Kaiquan. Development and Applications of Ultra-high Performance Concrete in Bridge Engineering[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2018,189(2).[93]Xiaoyi Ma,Hailin Yang. The important role of civilized construction - a case study of flood control measures in a bridge construction of Gansu province, China[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2018,189(2).[94]Ruixin Huang,Keke Peng,Wen Zhou. Study on Risk Assessment of Bridge Construction Based on AHP-GST Method[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2018,189(4).[95]HanLin Zhou. Research on Bridge Construction Control Technology Based onMobile Formwork[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2018,189(2).[96]Jasson Tan,Yen Lei Voo. Working Example on 70m Long Ultra High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Composite Bridge[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2018,431(4).[97]N R Setiati. The feasibility study of bridge construction plan in Digoel River Province of Papua[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,235(1).[98]Junhua Xiao,Miao Liu,Tieyi Zhong,Guangzhi Fu. Seismic performance analysis of concrete-filled steel tubular single pylon cable-stayed bridge with swivel construction[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,218(1).[99]Zhengwei Feng,Longbin Lin. Discussion on manufacturing technology of steel box girder of cross-line bridge engineering in Xiamen Hele road[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,233(3).[100]Jiann Tsair Chang,Ho Chieh Hsiao. Analytic Hierarchy Process for Evaluation Weights on Occupational Safety and Hygiene Items in the Bridge Construction Site[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,233(3).[101]Yilong Huang,Xilin Yan,Jianying Wu,Guangqiang Peng. Cooperation research between electrode line transversal differential protection and bridge differential protection in HVDC project[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,227(4).[102]Li He,Wenwei Zhu,Shiqiang Mei,Xinji Xie. Checking Calculation Analysis for Construction of Long-span Steel Box Girder Bridges[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1176(5).[103]Norhidayu Kasim,Mohd Rozaiman Sulaiman,Kamarudin Abu Taib. Utilization of ultra - high performance concrete for bridge construction – a case study of Kg. Seberang Manong to Pekan Manong bridge[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,512(1).[104]Mairizal,Edrizal,Mohammad Ismail,Rosli Mohamad Zin. Identifying occurrences of accident at work place in terms of occupational safety on roads and bridges infrastructure in Indonesia[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,513(1).[105]S T Noor,M S Islam,M Mumtarin,N Chakraborty. Dynamic load test of full-scalepile for the construction and rehabilitation of bridges[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,513(1).[106]P G Kossakowski. Recent Advances in Bridge Engineering – Application of Steel Sheet Piles as Durable Structural Elements in Integral Bridges[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,507(1).[107]R Vrayudha,M Iqbal,M Foralisa. Role Analysis and Mandor Functions on Bridge and Building Construction Projects in District Ogan Komering Ulu[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1198(8).[108]Fawen Zhu,Jianfeng Zhou,Tianyi Zhu,Baofeng Li. Construction and structure analysis of Yongshun Bridge in Lichuan[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,267(5).[109]Qin Wang,Qiuxin Liu. Study of Mountainous Long Span Prestressed Concrete Box-Girder Bridge Cantilever Construction Safety Monitoring System Based on Multi-Agent System[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,283(1).[110]Jiang Ziqi,Liu Bingwei. Stability analysis of double x-shape arch bridge during construction[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,267(5).[111]Tiedong Qi,Yantao Du,Bo Peng. Sensitivity Analysis of Cantilever Construction Process of Long-Span Continuous V-Structure Composite Bridge[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,267(5).[112]Jie Su,Qian Fang,Dingli Zhang,Xiaokai Niu,Xiang Liu,Yunming Jie,Pier Paolo Rossi. Bridge Responses Induced by Adjacent Subway Station Construction Using Shallow Tunneling Method[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2018,2018.[113]Ting-Yu Chen,Lucia Valentina Gambuzza. An Interval-Valued Pythagorean Fuzzy Compromise Approach with Correlation-Based Closeness Indices for Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis of Bridge Construction Methods[J]. Complexity,2018,2018.[114]Benjamin Kromoser,Thomas Pachner,Chengcheng Tang,Johann Kollegger,Helmut Pottmann,Melina Bosco. Form Finding of Shell Bridges Using the Pneumatic Forming of Hardened Concrete Construction Principle[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2018,2018.[115]Lei Yan,Gang Wang,Min Chen,Kefeng Yue,Qingning Li,Belén González-Fonteboa. Experimental and Application Study on Underpinning Engineering of Bridge PileFoundation[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2018,2018.[116]Zhifang Lu,Chaofan Wei,Muyu Liu,Xiaoguang Deng,Moacir Kripka. Risk Assessment Method for Cable System Construction of Long-Span Suspension Bridge Based on Cloud Model[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2019,2019.[117]Dilendra Maharjan,Elijah Wyckoff,Marlon Agüero,Selene Martinez,Lucas Zhou,Fernando Moreu. Monitoring induced floor vibrations: dance performance and bridge engineering[P]. Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring,2019.[118]Tianshu Li,Devin Harris. Automated construction of bridge condition inventory using natural language processing and historical inspection reports[P]. Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring,2019.以上就是关于桥梁工程英文参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。
硅气凝胶增强增韧的研究进展赵洪凯;许亚军【摘要】硅气凝胶作为纳米多孔材料具有热导率低、密度小、孔隙率高等诸多优点,但强韧性差的缺点依然限制了其广泛应用.近年来,国内外学者研究制备的硅气凝胶的整体性和强韧性大为改善.从增强增韧硅气凝胶本体强度方面出发,简要介绍了其原料配比及制备工艺增强增韧的研究进展;再从材料复合硅气凝胶方面出发,综合论述了聚合物、纤维、石墨烯增强增韧的研究进展.【期刊名称】《无机盐工业》【年(卷),期】2019(051)001【总页数】4页(P12-15)【关键词】硅气凝胶;工艺配比改进;聚合物增强;纤维增强;石墨烯增强【作者】赵洪凯;许亚军【作者单位】吉林建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,吉林长春130118;吉林建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,吉林长春130118【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ127.2硅气凝胶由纳米级胶粒相互聚合形成,具有低密度、高孔隙率、导热系数小的特点,密度最小为0.003 g/cm3,比表面积最大为1 000 m2/g,孔隙率最高达 98%,导热系数低至 0.012 W/(m·℃)[1]。
1 从工艺及配比方面制备增强增韧硅气凝胶的研究进展随着硅气凝胶不断深入的研究,其制备工艺有了长足的发展。
1.1 从工艺方面增强改进硅气凝胶在制备硅气凝胶时,为了安全和降低成本,干燥技术逐渐发展为常压干燥工艺。
有机-无机杂化柔性硅气凝胶的制备与表征曲康;浦群;单国荣【摘要】以甲基三甲氧基硅烷(MTMS)和四乙氧基硅烷(TEOS)为混合硅源、甲醇为溶剂,通过酸碱两步催化溶胶-凝胶法制备湿凝胶,经超临界流体干燥得到块状二氧化硅气凝胶.用扫描电镜、氮气吸附脱附测试以及热重分析等手段对气凝胶的微观形貌、比表面积、孔径分布、弯曲性、压缩性、热稳定性等进行研究,结果表明:MTMS/TEOS比例会影响气凝胶的微观结构、弯曲和压缩性以及热稳定性,以MTMS/TEOS=8/1制得的气凝胶密度为0.11g·cm-3、孔隙率为94.2%、比表而积为693.3 m2· g-1、最大弯曲角可达92°、最大压缩比例可达41.2%、压缩回弹率为100%.【期刊名称】《化工学报》【年(卷),期】2014(065)001【总页数】6页(P346-351)【关键词】二氧化硅;甲基三甲氧基硅烷;超临界流体;稳定性;柔性【作者】曲康;浦群;单国荣【作者单位】化学工程联合国家重点实验室(浙江大学),浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江杭州310027;化学工程联合国家重点实验室(浙江大学),浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江杭州310027;化学工程联合国家重点实验室(浙江大学),浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江杭州310027【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ328.9引言SiO2气凝胶是由相互连接的纳米级粒子形成的具有连续三维空间网络结构的多孔、轻质、非晶态纳米固体材料[1-2]。
典型的 SiO2气凝胶具有比表面积高(400~1500 m2·g-1)、密度低(40~200 kg·m-3)、孔隙率高(85%~99.8%)、热导率低(0.02 W·m-1·K-1)、折射率低(1.05)及介电系数低(1.0~2.0)等特点[2-8],在高效热绝缘隔热材料[9]、隔音材料[10]、气体液体吸附和分离膜[11-13]等方面具有广阔的应用价值。
二氧化硅气凝胶高温稳定性研究高睿; 周张健; 张宏博; 张笑歌【期刊名称】《《无机盐工业》》【年(卷),期】2019(051)009【总页数】4页(P50-53)【关键词】保温材料; 二氧化硅气凝胶; 热稳定性; 绝热性能【作者】高睿; 周张健; 张宏博; 张笑歌【作者单位】北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院北京100083; 中海润达新材料科技有限公司【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ127.2《“十三五”节能减排综合工作方案》中要求,到2020年全国万元国内生产总值能耗比2015年下降15%,能源消费总量控制在50亿t标准煤以内。
由于气凝胶内部平均孔径约为20 nm,远小于空气的平均自由程70nm,大大降低了对流换热的程度[1-3],因此相比于传统保温材料,气凝胶在隔热方面表现得十分优异[4-8]。
Sarawade 等[11]研究了以硅酸钠为基础制备的气凝胶颗粒在100~500℃热处理后气凝胶小球的性质变化情况:随着热处理温度升高,二氧化硅气凝胶微球的比表面积、累积孔隙体积和孔径均增大。
Huang 等[12]研究了气凝胶在 950~1 200 ℃的烧结过程,并提出气凝胶在高温下的烧结过程可以分为3个阶段:表面原生颗粒膨胀、表面孔隙塌陷、内部原生颗粒萎缩和孔隙塌陷。
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Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of NanomaterialsVolume2010,Article ID409310,11pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/409310Review ArticleSilica Aerogel:Synthesis and ApplicationsJyoti L.Gurav,1In-Keun Jung,1Hyung-Ho Park,1Eul Son Kang,2and Digambar Y.Nadargi3 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Yonsei University,120-749Seoul,Republic of Korea2Agency for Defense Development,Daejeon305-600,Republic of Korea3Empa,Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology,Laboratory for Building Technologies,8600Dubendorf,SwitzerlandCorrespondence should be addressed to Hyung-Ho Park,;Revised12May2010;Accepted30June2010Academic Editor:Ping XiaoCopyright©2010Jyoti L.Gurav et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.Silica aerogels have drawn a lot of interest both in science and technology because of their low bulk density(up to95%of their volume is air),hydrophobicity,low thermal conductivity,high surface area,and optical transparency.Aerogels are synthesized from molecular precursors by sol-gel processing.Special drying techniques must be applied to replace the pore liquid with air while maintaining the solid network.Supercritical drying is most common;however,recently developed methods allow removal of the liquid at atmospheric pressure after chemical modification of the inner surface of the gels,leaving only a porous silica networkfilled with air.Therefore,by considering the surprising properties of aerogels,the present review addresses synthesis of silica aerogels by the sol-gel method,as well as drying techniques and applications in current industrial development and scientific research.1.IntroductionThe rapid development of sol-gel techniques during the past two decades has led to fast progress in the deliberate synthesis of porous materials.These techniques complement conventional procedures used for the preparation of amor-phous solids or glasses,such as precipitation or impregnation methods followed by high-temperature treatments.Porous materials are of immense importance in various applications such as adsorption,sensing,and catalysis,owing to their high surface area,porosity,adjustable framework,and surface properties.Out of all known solid porous materials,aerogels are particularly known for their small pore size,large specific surface area,and best optical transmission.Further, among all aerogels,silica aerogels have become quite popular because they possess a wide variety of exceptional properties such as low thermal conductivity(∼0.01W/m.K),high porosity(∼99%),high optical transmission(99%)in the visible region,high specific surface area(1000m2/g),low dielectric constant(∼1.0–2.0),low refractive index(∼1.05), and low sound velocity(100m/s)[1–4].Before exploring more details regarding silica aerogels, wefirst provide an overview of the history of aerogel inven-tion and its development.In the1930s,Samuel Stephens Kistlerfirst produced silica aerogels by formulating the idea of replacing the liquid phase by a gas with only a slight shrinkage of the gel.He prepared aerogels from many other materials,including alumina,tungsten oxide,ferric oxide, tin oxide,nickel tartarate,cellulose,cellulose nitrate,gelatin, agar,egg albumen,and rubber,which are out of scope of the discussion.Kistler’s method involves tedious and time-consuming procedures,and as such there was no follow-up interest in thefield of aerogels until1968when rediscovery of aerogels took place by a team of researchers headed by Professor S.J.Teichner at the University Claude,Bernard, Lyon,France.They substantially simplified the procedure by carrying out the sol-gel transition in a solvent,which was then removed at supercritical conditions.Thefirst Cerenkov radiation detector based on silica aerogels was developed in1974by Cantin et al.Since then,aerogels have been used or considered for use in laser experiments, sensors,thermal insulation,waste management,for molten metals,for optics and light guides,electronic devices, capacitors,imaging devices,catalysts,pesticides,and cosmic dust collection.More recently,several groups around theworld began working in thefield of silica aerogels for the various applications mentioned above.Strictly speaking,to understand silica aerogels,it is necessary tofirst understand sol-gel chemistry and related physicochemical aspects.In the following,we shall discuss sol-gel chemistry,synthetic strategy of silica aerogels,and some recent developments in applications of aerogels.2.Synthesis of Aerogel by Sol-Gel ProcessSol-gel processing is a very popular and reliable methodology for the synthesis of materials,especially metal oxides with uniform,small particle sizes,and varied morphologies[5–10].It involves the transition of a system from a liquid“sol”into a solid“gel”phase.The sol-gel process can ordinarily be divided into the following steps:forming a solution, gelation,aging,drying,and densification.A few of the important advantages of the sol-gel process are its simplicity, and the fact that it is an economic and effective means of producing high-quality materials.Sol-gel processing has found application in the production of high-quality glasses for optical components andfibers,thinfilm coatings,and fine oxide powders[11–15].2.1.Sol-Gel Process.Sol-gel processing implies the synthesis of an inorganic network by a chemical reaction in solution at low temperatures or the formation of an amorphous network in opposition to crystallization from the solution.The most obvious feature of this reaction is the transition from a colloidal solution(liquid)into a di-or multiphase gel(solid) that led to the expression“sol-gel process”.The formation of uniform suspensions of colloidal par-ticles can be understood by calculation of the sedimentation rates assuming that the particles are spherical so that Stokes’law can be applied.Sedimentation rate isdx/dt=4πr3/3ρ −ρg/6πrη=2r2ρ −ρg/9η,(1)whereη=viscosity of surrounding medium,r=radius of colloid particle,ρ =density of colloid particle material,and ρ=density of surrounding material.More clearly,a sol is a colloidal suspension of the solid particles in a liquid in which the dispersed phase is small(1–1000nm).Therefore,the gravitational force is negligible and short-range forces,such as van der Waals attraction and surface charges,dominate interactions.The inertia of the dispersed phase is small enough such that it exhibits Brownian motion,a random walk driven by momentum imparted by collision with molecules of the suspending medium.Sol can be prepared by two techniques, condensation and dispersion of particles[16].Condensation proceeds by nucleation growth of particles to the appropriate size,whereas dispersion involves the reduction of large particles down to the colloidal dimensions.The size and properties of the resulting particles depend on the relative rates of these two processes.Sol formation is favored when the rate of nucleation is high and the rate of crystal growth is low.Depending on the degree of crosslinking and the growth process by which they are formed,the inorganic clusters can be either colloidal or polymeric in nature and can range from10to200˚A in diameter.Generation of inorganic sols also requires controlled conditions,such that the resulting sol is stable with respect to agglomeration and precipitation. Several factors,such as polarity of the solvent,ionic strength of the reaction medium,and temperature,can be used to manipulate the formation of the sol.Gelation is the process whereby a freeflowing sol is converted into a3D solid network enclosing the solvent medium.A gel is a semisolid rich in liquid.It is interesting to note that liquid does not allow the solid network to collapse, and the solid network does not allow the liquid toflow out[17].The point of gelation is typically identified by an abrupt rise in viscosity and an elastic response to stress.For preparation of aerogels,the gelation is most conveniently induced through a change in the pH of the reaction solution. The mechanical state of the gel depends very much upon the number of cross-links in the network.It is obvious that the greater the degree of cross-linking,the more rigid the structure formed.2.2.Chemistry of Sol-Gel Process.There are several parame-ters which influence the hydrolysis and condensation reac-tions(sol-gel process),including the activity of the metal alkoxide,the water/alkoxide ratio,solution pH,temperature, nature of the solvent,and additive used.Another consid-eration is that catalysts are frequently added to control the rate and the extent of hydrolysis and condensation reactions.By varying these processing parameters,materials with different microstructures and surface chemistry can be obtained.Further processing of the“sol”enables the fabrication ceramic materials in different forms.Thinfilms can be produced on a piece of substrate by spin coating or dip-coating.When the“sol”is cast into a mold,a wet“gel”will form.With further drying and heat-treatment,the“gel”is converted into dense ceramic or glass particles.If the liquid in a wet“gel”is removed under supercritical conditions, a highly porous and extremely low-density material called an“aerogel”is obtained.The evidence of silicate hydrolysis and condensation to form polysilicate gel and particles is seen in many natural systems like opals and agates[18].The first metal alkoxide was prepared from SiCl4and alcohol by Ebelmen,who found that the compound gelled on exposure to the atmosphere and Si-(OC2H5)4can therefore be regarded as thefirst“Precursor”for glassy materials[19].2.3.Precursors for Sol-Gel Processing.The precursor is noth-ing but the starting materials for the sol-gel process.(1)Precursors should be soluble in the reaction media.(2)They should be reactive enough to participate in thegel forming process[20].Some salts,oxides,hydroxides,complexes,alkoxides,acy-lates,and amines are used as precursors if soluble in proper solvents[21,22].Alkoxides are the most common sol-gel precursor,since they are commonly available.Bradley et al.have well explained the basic chemistry of the precursor [23].It is very di fficult to predict the type of precursor to be used for a given purpose.The reactivity of precursor does not depend only on its chemical nature but also on the applied reaction condition [24].Compared to the precursors of other element,the network forming power of Si is more to build up a gel [18].That is why other expensive alkoxide precursors can be substituted by cheaper ones like silicon alkoxide such as TEOS,TMOS,and water-soluble precursor such as Na 2SiO 3for sol-gel processing.Hydrophobic aerogels obtained from the precursor with-out surface chemical modification are called hydrophobic precursors,and that of hydrophilic are called hydrophilic precursor as provided in Table 1.2.4.Reaction Mechanism.2.4.1.For Silicon Alkoxide.Silicate gels are synthesized by hydrolyzing monomeric tetrafunctional and trifunctional silicon alkoxide precursors employing a mineral acid (e.g.,HCl,C 2O 4H 4)or a base (e.g.,NH 3,NH 4OH)as a catalyst.The following sol-gel reactions occur during silica network formation [25,26].Hydrolysis.Si(OR)4+4H 2OSi(OH)4+4ROH Silicic acid,(2)where R =Vinyl,Alkyl,or Aryl groups.Condensation.(a)Water condensation:Si(OH)+OSi +H 2O(3)(b)Alcohol condensation:Si(OH)+(OCH 3+CH 3OH .(4)2.4.2.Water Soluble Silicates and Minerals.Sodium silicate (Na 2SiO 3)has been and probably will always be the cheapest source of relatively pure silicic acid from which silica gel can be made.Sodium silicate reacts with water to give silicic acidand then the silicic acid polymerizes and forms silica gel as shown in the following reactions:Na 2SiO 3+H 2O +2HCl −→Si(OH)4+2NaCl .(5)The silicic acid condenses to form small silica particles,chains and consequently forms a network resulting in a silica gel asshown below.2n H 2O .n +n [Si(OH)4+(6)Further,there are some reports available on preparation of silica gels using aluminosilicates,calcium silicates,wolle-stonite,and so forth [27–29].It is evident from reactions (2)–(5)that the structure of sol-gel glasses evolves sequentially as the product of suc-cessive hydrolysis and condensation reactions (and reverse reactions,i.e.,esterification and alcoholic or hydrolytic depolymerization)[15].Thus,knowledge of mechanisms and kinetics of these reactions will provide insight into the gels and gel-derived glasses.The hydrolysis reaction is catalyzed by the addition of an acid or a base [29].In fact,the final form of hydrolyzed silica depends on the pH of the solution.At low pH levels (highly acidic),the silica particle tends to form a linear chain with low crosslink density.This leads to a soft gel,which is reversible and can be redispersed in solution.As the pH value increases,the number of cross-links between the polymer chains also increases.At high pH (highly basic),the polymers become more branched and the number of cross-links increases.At low pH,hydrolysis occurs by electrophilic attack on the oxygen atom of the alkoxide group,whereas at higher pH,hydrolysis and polymerization occur by nucleophilic attack on the Si ion (Si 4+).Atoms,ions,or groups which have a strong a ffinity for electrons are termed electrophiles,while positive ions are termed nucleophiles.In general,all electrophiles are oxidizing agents and all nucleophiles are reducing agents.It is generally found that the process of gelation proceeds with smaller segments dissolving and redepositing onto the larger chains so that the smaller molecules decrease in number but assist the larger molecules to grow until they form fractal aggregates.This process is called Ostwald ripening [30].2.4.3.Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces.The names hydrophobic and hydrophilic arise from the combination of “hydro”,meaning water in Greek means,“phobos”meaning “hating”in Greek,and “philic”meaning “loving”in Greek.These terms describe the apparent repulsion and attraction between water and surfaces.As shown in Figure 1,hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity is distinguished from the value of contact angle:smaller or larger than 90◦.Table1:Precursors for silica aerogel synthesis.Hydrophilic precursors Hydrophobic precursors Tetramethoxysilane(TMOS)Methyltrimethoxysilane Tetraethoxysilane(TEOS)Methyltriethoxysilane(MTES) Sodium Silicate(Na2SiO3)(i)Aerogels-high optical transmission(>90%).(i)Aerogels-opaque.(ii)Density<0.1g/cm3.(ii)Density>0.1g/cm3. (iii)Hard&Brittle.(iii)Soft andflexible.When the surface energy of the solid is low it repels the water from its surface and vice versa,showing hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity.Currently,hydrophobic surfaces are used in industry for a variety of applications including hydrophobic coatings for rust prevention,oil removal from water,man-agement of oil spills,and chemical separation processes to separate non-polar and polar compounds.For synthesis of hydrophobic and hydrophilic aerogels, two main steps are involved:(a)synthesis of alcogel by sol-gel process and(b)drying of the alcogel by various techniques.3.Drying of AlcogelAfter gel formation by hydrolysis and condensation reac-tions,an Si–O–Si network is formed.The term aging refers to the strengthening of the gel network;it may involve further condensation,dissolution,and reprecipitation of the sol particles or phase transformations within the solid or liquid phases.This results in a porous solid in which the solvent is trapped.The process of removing the majority solvent from the gel(which in the case of an alkoxide-derived gel is mainly alcohol and water)is called drying.During the drying process,cracking of the gel network occurs due to capillary forces that set up in thefine pores by the liquid-vapour interfaces.The Laplace equation applies in this case, as the smaller the capillary radius is,the higher the liquid will rise,or the higher the hydrostatic pressure will be.Since this surface energy is responsible for the rise of a column of liquid in a capillary,the magnitude of an interfacial pressure within a capillary can be calculated by balancing the static forces that is,2πrγcosθ=πr2hρg,hρg=p r=2γcosθr.(7)The diameters of the pores in the gel are on the order of nanometers,so that the gel liquid must exert high-hydrostatic pressure.The meniscus in the pores and the surface tension forces try to pull the particles together as the liquid in the pores evaporates.These forces can act in such a way that they try to collapse the pores,and hence the structure.Thus,the gels with veryfine pores have a tendency to crack and shrink during drying.To avoid this drying stress,Kistler described thefirst synthesis of an aerogel by supercritical drying in the early1930s[31],andvariousγγγθContact angleFigure1:Hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. aerogel synthesis processes have been reported since.In the 1970s,silica aerogels were synthesized by high temperature supercritical drying of a wet gel produced by the hydrolysis of TMOS in methanol[32].In the1980s,researchers gained a new understanding of the potential of aerogels,and TEOS-based silica aerogels,whose synthesis was less expensive and used fewer toxic sources compared to TMOS-based aerogels, were developed.The low-temperature supercritical drying technique,which uses liquid carbon dioxide,was introduced at the same time[33].3.1.Supercritical Drying of the Alcogel.In supercritical drying methods,gels are dried at a critical point to eliminate the capillary forces,as described below.As soon as the liquid begins to evaporate from the gel, surface tension creates concave menisci in the pores of the gel.As the evaporation of the liquid continues,compressive forces build up around the perimeter of the pore and it contracts.Eventually,surface tension causes the collapse of the gel body[34].In order to prevent the surface tension from building up,the gel is dried supercritically in an autoclave,as shown in Figure2.When the temperature and the pressure in the autoclave are increased above a critical point(for methanol the critical temperature and the critical pressure values are243◦C and7.9MPa,resp.),the liquid is transformed into a“supercritical”fluid in which every molecule can move about freely and the surface tension ceases.Without surface tension,menisci do not form.The vapours are then slowly released from the autoclave,until the pressure in the autoclave reaches atmospheric pressure. Finally,the autoclave isflushed with dry nitrogen(∼3bar) in order to remove the trapped solvent molecules from theFigure 2:Schematic representation of supercritical drying auto-clave.Temperature (T )cP P r e s s u r e (P )Figure 3:Pressure-temperature correlation for solid-liquid-vapour phase equilibrium phase diagram.dried gel.This method of drying of the alcogels is referred to as “supercritical drying”.Figure 3shows the pressure-temperature cycles followed during the supercritical drying of the alcogels.3.2.Ambient Pressure Drying and Surface Chemical Modi-fication.Traditionally,silica aerogels have been synthesized using supercritical drying methods,but this has certain limitations in terms of its cost e fficiency,process continuity,and safety because a high-temperature and pressure are needed to approach the critical point.If liquid carbon dioxide were used as a solvent in the low-temperature supercritical drying process,the chemical durability of the aerogels in the atmosphere would be gradually decreased,since the aerogel particles are hydrophilic.To overcome these problems,Brinker introduced a commercially attractive ambient pressure drying method for the production of silica aerogel [35].In this process,the surface of the wet gel is chemically modified by substituting hydrophobic functional groups by replacement of H from hydroxyl groups followed by ambient pressure drying.Surface silanol groups (Si–OH)on the adjacent silica cluster undergo condensation reactions resulting in an irreversible shrinkage of the gel network during drying,as shown in Figure 4.This process can create surfaces with extremely low energies,which dramatically reduce surface tension.Therefore,it is necessary to modify alcogel surfaces with appropriate modifying agents,so that the surface of the aerogel is rendered hydrophobic.There are several substances capable of altering the wet-ting properties of the surface,that is,hydrophobic reagents.These include methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS),hexameth-yldisilazane (HMDZ),dimethylchlorosilane (DMCS),dime-thyldichlorosilane (DMDC),trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS),trimethylethoxysilane (TMES),and hexadecyltrimethoxysi-lane (HDTMS).Surface modification of the gels through the replacement of H from Si–OH by non-polar alkyl or aryl groups is a crucial step in the ambient pressure drying method.That prevents condensation reactions of silica clusters,and,by extension,prevents shrinkage of the gel during drying.Since ambient pressure drying can reduce the production cost of the aerogels,their importance has changed from an area of purely scientific interest in to one of practical usage.3.3.Freeze Drying.Another possibility to avoid phase boundaries between the liquid and the gas phase during drying is freeze drying.The pore liquid is frozen and then sublimed in vacuo.There were some attempts to use this method for the production of aerogels [36–38].However,the aging period must be extended to stabilize the gel network,the solvent must be replaced by one with a low expansion coe fficient and a high sublimation pressure,and low freezing temperatures are attained by addition of salts.Another disadvantage is that the network may be destroyed by crystallization of the solvent in the pores.Cryogels are therefore only obtained as powders.4.Aerogel Properties and ApplicationsAerogels have some unique properties which makes them attractive in science and technology,as given in Table 2.Due to these unique properties,aerogels are used for various applications as mentioned in Table 3,and some recent applications are as briefly discussed below.4.1.Aerogel as a Composite.As silicon alkoxide precursor is reactive enough to form gel networks with other metal oxides,several studies were carried out to synthesized silica aerogel composites for various applications.Structural and magnetic properties of silica aerogel-iron oxide nanocom-posites were studied by Casas et al.[39,40].Figure 5shows a silica-titania aerogel composite synthesized viaOH 0<θ<90◦90◦<θ<180◦ROSi(CH 3)3Figure 4:Surface chemical modification of the gel.Table 2:Typical properties of silica aerogels.PropertyValueApparent density 0.03–0.35g/cm 3Internal surface area600–1000m 2/g %solids0.13–15%Mean pore diameter∼20nm Primary particle diameter 2–5nm Refractive index1.0–1.08Coe fficient of thermal expansion2.0–4.0×10−6Dielectric constant ∼1.1Sound velocity100m/sFigure 5:Photographs of silica–titania aerogels (from left 5wt%and Four 10wt%.In front 2wt%samples).ambient pressure drying.There are several reports which describe synthesis of silica-titania[41],silica-carbon,silica and alumina microfibers,[42]or activated carbon powder [43]composite aerogels.4.2.Aerogel as an Absorbent.Synthesis of flexible and super hydrophobic aerogels and their use in absorption of organic solvents and oils were studied by A.Venkateshwara Rao et al.[44,45].They investigated the absorption and desorption capacity of super hydrophobic silica aerogels using eleven solvents and three oils.Figure 6shows various stages of absorption and desorption of organic liquids from the aerogel.The mass (m)of a liquid that rises into the capillaries (aerogel pores)is given by the following formula:2πr γcos θ=m g.(8)For liquids that completely wet the surface,the contact angle θis zero and for such surfaces:2πr γ=m g(9)orγ=km,(10)orγ=kV ρ(11)orγ=kV,(12)where r is the radius of the aerogel pores,V is the volume of the liquid absorbed,ρis the density of the liquid and k =g /2πr is a constant for the given aerogel sample.Therefore,it follows from (10)that the mass of the liquid absorbed increases linearly with an increase in the surface tension of the liquid.Elastic superhydrophobic MTMS aerogels were found to be e ffective and e fficient absorbents of oils and organic liquids.4.3.Aerogel as a Sensor.Aerogels have high overall porosity,good pore accessibility,and high surface active sites.They are therefore potential candidates for use as sensors.A study by Wang et al.[46]on silica nanoparticle aerogel thin films showed that their electrical resistance markedly decreases with increasing humidity.They are highly sensitive to 40%RH and greater and operate with a 3.3%hysteresis,which is attributed to their pore structure.Xerogels of the same material,on the other hand,show very low sensitivity.Surface modified aerogels are less a ffected by humidity as compared to hydrophilic aerogels and can be used as anticorrosive,hydrophobic agents,as shown in Figure 7[47].Wub and Chen-yang [48]studied aerogels for biosensor applications.In this study,mesoporous aerogels were pre-pared at room temperature by sol-gel polymerization with an ionic liquid as the solvent and pore-forming agent.The as-prepared aerogel was characterized by di fferent instruments(a)Beforeabsorption(b)Immediately after ab-sorption,t=0min(c)At t=20min(d)At t=30min.(e)After desorption,t=40min.Figure6:Picture showing various stages of absorption and desorption of organic liquid from the aerogel.and was found to have high porosity and large internal networking surface area.The as-prepared aerogel was further arrayed onto slides and successfully recognized a short human gene ATP5O by an immobilized oligonucleotide probe on the aerogel surface,as shown in Figure8.The large capturing capacity of the porous structure was also demonstrated by comparing with a planar surface at high target concentrations.The results indicate that the as-prepared aerogel can function as a recognition substrate for nucleotide acids.This report proposes a preparation technique to synthesize mesoporous aerogel using the sol-gel process and utilize the aerogel’s high surface area and large internal porous volume for molecular recognition of nucleotide acids.4.4.Aerogel as Material with Low-Dielectric Constant.SiO2 aerogel thinfilms have received a significant attention in IC applications because of their unique properties such as their ultralow dielectric constants,high porosity,and high thermal stability.Park et al.investigated silica aerogel thin films for interlayer dielectrics,and the dielectric constant was measured to be approximately1.9[48–52].They produced ultra low dielectric constant aerogelfilms for intermetal dielectric(IMD)materials.The SiO2aerogelfilms having a thickness of9500˚A,a high porosity of79.5%,and a low dielectric constant of2.0were obtained by a new ambient drying process using n-heptane as a drying solvent.4.5.Aerogel as Catalysts.The high surface area of aerogels leads to many applications,such as a chemical absorber for cleaning up spills.This feature also gives it a great potential as a catalyst or a catalyst carrier.Aerogels aid in heterogeneous catalysis,when the reactants are either in gas or liquid phase.They are characterized by very high surface area per unit mass,high porosity which makes them a very attractive option for catalysis.Some of the reactions catalyzed by aerogels are listed below.Some Examples of Aerogels in Catalysis.(1)Synthesis of nitrile from hydrocarbons using nitricoxide(NO)[53].(2)Isobutene can be converted into methacrylonitrile byreacting it with NO on zinc oxide aerogel[54].102030405060708090100Weightgain(%)Figure7:Effect of humidity on surface modified and unmodifiedaerogel.DNA-target concentration(nM)Figure8:Nonspecific molecular recognition test on the aerogel biochips.Human gene PSMA5(432b)served as the target and was tested by10lMATP5Oc probe immobilized on the aerogel surface.(3)Synthesis of methanol from CO using copper zirconiaaerogel[55].4.6.Aerogel as a Storage Media.The high porosity and very large surface area of silica aerogels can also be utilized for。