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毕业设计(论文) 题目企业日常事务管理系统的设计与实现








本论文针对当今社会经济的高速发展中企业日常事务管理方面仍然存在着办公效率低、员工内部交流方式不能满足大量信息的快递传递和处理,以及工作不能规范化的问题,为此构造此系统模型。本系统采用微软的Windows XP Professional开始进行系统开发,以JSP技术为基础,MySQL为后台数据库,MyEclispe为开发工具,最终开发出能够基本满足企业日常事务处理的管理系统。通过该管理系统的实现与应用,可以满足企业的办公网络化、自动化的需求。本次设计与实现的企业日常事务管理系统由六个基本模块组成,分别为:通讯录管理、日程安排管理、工作日志管理、短消息管理、公告管理以及会议管理功能模块。该系统体现了当前管理信息系统比较先进的设计水平和实现技术,对其它管理信息系统的设计开发具有一定的借鉴意义。它的投入运行必将提高企业日常事务管理的效率,为企业带来便利从而获得更为丰厚的利润。


关键词:企业日常事务,JSP,MySQL, MyEclispe


This thesis focuses on the problems that in the rapid development of today's social and economic management of daily affairs in the enterprise, there are still low efficiency of office staff and the internal communication mode can not meet the delivery of information transmission and processing, and the work can not be standard. So that we construct this system model.The system uses Microsoft's Windows XP Professional systems to start the system's development, and based on the JSP technology, MySQL as the backend database, MyEclispe as the development of tools. So that we can eventually developed the enterprise system that may basically meet the need of Enterprises' daily Services management.Through the Implementation and Application of the management System,we can meet the corporate's office network and automation's needs. The Enterprises' daily Services management system that we designed and implemented consists of six basic modules, these are: address list management module, schedule management module, worklog management module, short message management module, notice management module and meeting management module.This system reflects the current management system's high level of design and advanced implementation techniques. And the system has some reference for the other management systems's design and development. It will improve the operational efficiency of enterprises's daily management, in order to provide the easy working and so thar the enterprises can gain more profits.

According to software engineering, this thesis mainly includes six areas, these are: the system overview, system requirements' analysis, system design, database design, system details' design and implementation, and system testing. It has a detailed description of process that the Enterprises' daily Services management system designed and implemented. Keywords:Enterprises' daily Services management, JSP,MySQL, MyEclispe
