



语言学期末考试试题一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 30 分)1、语言的本质属性是()A 社会性B 生理性C 物理性D 心理性2、下列属于音素的是()A aiB pC auD ei3、汉语普通话中“妈”“麻”“马”“骂”的声调不同,主要是由于()A 音高B 音强C 音长D 音色4、最小的有意义的语言单位是()A 语素B 词C 短语D 句子5、“巧克力”是()A 单纯词B 合成词C 派生词D 复合词6、下列词中属于偏正结构的是()A 提高B 黑板C 心疼D 地震7、“他跑得很快”中“得”的作用是()A 表示可能B 表示程度C 表示结果D 表示趋向8、下列句子属于兼语句的是()A 他叫我去买东西。

B 我知道他来。

C 他有个妹妹很可爱。

D 大家选他当班长。

9、下列属于外来词的是()A 电脑B 沙发C 电话D 电视10、语言发展的基本条件是()A 社会的发展B 语言内部的矛盾C 不同语言的接触D 个人的创造11、现代汉民族共同语是以()为标准音。

A 北京语音B 北方语音C 南京语音D 广州语音12、下列方言中属于吴方言的是()A 上海话B 厦门话C 南昌话D 长沙话13、语言融合的方式通常是()A 自愿融合B 被迫融合C 自然融合D 人工融合14、下列语言中属于屈折语的是()A 汉语B 英语C 日语D 朝鲜语15、语言符号的任意性是指()A 语言符号的形式和意义之间没有必然联系B 语言符号的形式和意义之间存在必然联系C 语言符号可以随意改变形式和意义D 语言符号的形式和意义是固定不变的二、填空题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、语言是人类最重要的________工具和________工具。







语言学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,其主要研究对象是语言的()。

A. 历史演变B. 社会功能C. 结构系统D. 所有选项答案:D2. 以下哪项不是语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语义学C. 心理学D. 句法学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是()。

A. 音素B. 词C. 词素D. 语素答案:A4. 语言学家索绪尔认为语言符号是由哪两个部分组成的?A. 语义和语法B. 语音和语义C. 能指和所指D. 形式和内容5. 以下哪个选项是语言的交际功能?A. 信息传递B. 表达情感C. 思考工具D. 所有选项答案:D6. 语言的音位系统是由()决定的。

A. 社会约定B. 个人习惯C. 物理属性D. 语法规则答案:A7. 以下哪个不是语言的变异现象?A. 方言B. 社会方言C. 语言混合D. 语言的稳定性答案:D8. 语言的词汇系统包括()。

A. 词根B. 词缀C. 词D. 所有选项答案:D9. 语言的语法系统包括()。

B. 词法C. 音位学D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪项是语言的内部因素?A. 社会因素B. 心理因素C. 语言接触D. 语言的规则性答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的对象是______,研究的方法是______。

答案:语言;科学的方法2. 语言的音位系统是由______决定的,而词义系统是由______决定的。

答案:社会约定;社会约定3. 语言的最小意义单位是______,而最小的语音单位是______。

答案:语素;音素4. 索绪尔将语言符号分为两个部分:______和______。

答案:能指;所指5. 语言的交际功能包括信息传递、表达情感和______。

答案:思考工具6. 语言的变异现象包括方言、社会方言和______。

答案:语言混合7. 语言的词汇系统包括______和______。

答案:词根;词缀8. 语言的语法系统包括______和______。



语言学考试题及答案英语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,其主要研究对象是:A. 语言的起源B. 语言的结构C. 语言的演变D. 语言的运用答案:B2. 语音学是语言学的一个分支,它主要研究:A. 语言的社会功能B. 语言的物理属性C. 语言的语法结构D. 语言的语义内容答案:B3. 下列哪项是语义学的研究范畴?A. 语音的产生B. 词汇的意义C. 句子的构造D. 语言的演变答案:B4. 语言的语法规则包括:A. 词汇的选择B. 句子的构造C. 语调的运用D. 语言的起源答案:B5. 社会语言学主要关注语言与:A. 个人心理B. 社会结构C. 语言的演变D. 文化传承答案:B6. 心理语言学研究的是:A. 语言与社会的关系B. 语言与心理的关系C. 语言与文化的关系D. 语言与物理的关系答案:B7. 语言的产生和发展与人类的哪项能力密切相关?A. 逻辑思维B. 语言模仿C. 抽象思维D. 社会交往答案:D8. 语言的方言是指:A. 同一语言的不同变体B. 不同语言之间的相似性C. 语言的起源D. 语言的演变答案:A9. 语言的标准化是指:A. 语言的简化B. 语言的统一C. 语言的规范化D. 语言的创新答案:C10. 语言的借词是指:A. 从其他语言借用的词汇B. 同一语言内部的词汇C. 语言的起源D. 语言的演变答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学的分支包括语音学、语法学、语义学、__________和心理语言学。

答案:社会语言学2. 语言的最小意义单位是__________。

答案:语素3. 语言的音位是__________的最小单位。

答案:语音4. 语言的词汇包括基本词汇和__________。

答案:派生词汇5. 语言的句法结构包括词法和__________。

答案:句法6. 语言的语用学研究的是语言的__________。

答案:使用7. 语言的方言差异可能导致__________。



语言学考试题库及答案一、选择题1. 语言学研究的核心对象是什么?A. 语言的起源B. 语言的结构C. 语言的演变D. 语言的使用答案:B2. 下列哪一项不是语言的组成部分?A. 语音B. 语法C. 语义D. 逻辑答案:D3. 索绪尔将语言符号分为哪两个部分?A. 符号和意义B. 能指和所指C. 语音和语义D. 形式和内容答案:B二、填空题1. 语言是______的,它由______和______构成。

答案:符号系统;形式;内容2. 语言的______功能是指人们通过语言进行交流的能力。

答案:交流3. 语言的______功能是指语言能够表达思想和情感的能力。

答案:表达三、简答题1. 简述语言和言语的区别。


2. 描述索绪尔的“能指”和“所指”概念。



四、论述题1. 论述语言的任意性原则及其对语言学习和教学的影响。




2. 分析语言的交际功能及其在现代社会中的重要性。







期末考试试卷年级:15级专业(学科):英语17 — 18 学年第二学期语言学概论B卷参考答案I.Multiple Choice. (15%)1-5:ACCCB 6—10:DBADCII.True or False Questions. (15%)1—5:TTFTT6—10:TFFTTIII.Define the following terms. (25%)1.Displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of conversation.2.According to the theory of the illocutionary act, illocutionary force refers to speaker’s meaning, contextua l meaning, or extra meaning.3. Free morphemes refer to those which can occur alone, that is, those which may make up words by themselves. For example, dog, boy and close are all free morphemes.4. Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning.5.Morphology is one branch of linguistics and it studies the minimal units of meaning – morphemes and word-formation processes.IV.Short answer questions. (20%)1.To say that linguistics is a descriptive science is to say that the linguist tries to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms, of correctness. Prescriptive linguistics aims to lay down rules for the correct use of language and settle the disputes over usage once and for all. (6%)2.Ogden and Richards presented the classic “Semantic Triangle” as manifested in the following diagram, in which the “symbol” refers to the linguist elements (word,sentence, etc.), the “referent” refers to the object in the world of experience, and the “thought” or “reference” refers to concept or notion. Thus the symbol of a word signifies “things” by virtue of the “concept,” a ssociated with the form of the word in the mind of the speaker of the language. The concept thus considered is the meaning of the word. The connection (represented with a dotted line) between symbol and referent is made possible only through “concept.”(7%)3.A synchronic study takes a fixed instant (usually at present) as its point of observation. Saussure’s diachronic description is the study of a language through the course of its history. E.g. a study of the features of the English used in Shakespeare’s time would be synchronic, and a study of the changes English has undergone since then would be a diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study. The reason is that unless the various state of a language are successfully studied it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development..(7%)V.Short Essay writing (25%)1.Women register takes on the following features:(1) women use more “fancy” color terms such as “mauve” and “beige”.(2) Women use less powerful curse words.(3) Women use more intensifiers such as “terrible” and “awful”.(4)Women use more tag questions.(5) women use more statement questions like “Dinner will be ready at seven o’clock?” (with a rising intonation at the end).(6) Women’s linguistic behavior is more indirect and, hence, more polite than men’s. More importantly, it is argued that these differences in language use are brought about by nothing less than women’s place in society. More cogently, the linguistic differences between men and women are culturally and socially governed.(13%)2.Semantics and pragmatics are both linguistic studies of meaning. What essentiallydistinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. If it is not considered, the study is restricted to the area of traditional semantics; if it is considered, the study is carried out in the area of pragmatics.Semantics studies sentences as units of the abstract linguistic system while pragmatics studies utterances as instances of the system. The former stops at the sentence level; the latter looks at bigger chunks of conversation. The former regards sentences as stable products; the latter treats utterances as dynamic processes. The former analyses sentences in isolation; the latter analyses utterances in close connection with their contexts of situation.(12%)。



语言学考试试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的最小意义单位是:A. 词B. 音节C. 音素D. 语素2. 语言的交际功能不包括:A. 表达思想B. 传递信息C. 艺术表现D. 记忆存储3. 以下哪个不是语言的变体?A. 方言B. 行话C. 语言D. 术语4. 语言的音系学研究的是:A. 语言的音位系统B. 语言的语法规则C. 语言的词汇D. 语言的语用5. 语言的词汇学研究的是:A. 词汇的构成B. 词汇的意义C. 词汇的发音D. A和B6. 以下哪个是语言的语法结构?A. 词序B. 词形变化C. 句法结构D. A、B和C7. 语言的语用学研究的是:A. 语言的语境B. 语言的交际效果C. 语言的交际策略D. A、B和C8. 以下哪个是社会语言学研究的内容?A. 语言的地域差异B. 语言的社会阶层差异C. 语言的性别差异D. A、B和C9. 语言的演化不包括:A. 语言的扩散B. 语言的简化C. 语言的复杂化D. 语言的消失10. 以下哪个是语言习得的关键期?A. 婴儿期B. 儿童期C. 青春期D. 成年期二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 语言是一种______,它是人类用来交流思想和信息的工具。

12. 语言学中的“同音异义词”指的是发音相同但意义不同的词,例如英语中的“lead”(领导)和“lead”(铅)。

13. 语言的______是语言中最小的可以独立使用的意义单位。

14. 语言的______是指语言在不同社会群体中的使用差异。

15. 语言的______是指语言在不同地理区域中的使用差异。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 请简述语言的交际功能。

17. 描述语言学中“语境”的概念及其重要性。

四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)18. 论述语言的音系学和音韵学的区别和联系。

19. 论述社会语言学研究的意义和应用领域。

五、案例分析题(共20分)20. 某地区有A、B两种方言,A方言的使用者主要在城市,B方言的使用者主要在农村。



简明语言学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的核心对象是什么?A. 语言B. 文字C. 文学D. 语法答案:A2. 以下哪个选项不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 句法学C. 心理学D. 社会语言学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词C. 语素D. 句子答案:C4. 语言的音位系统由哪些因素决定?A. 社会B. 个人C. 语言使用者D. 所有以上答案:D5. 以下哪个术语是描述语言变化的?A. 语言演变B. 语言习得C. 语言接触D. 语言死亡答案:A6. 什么是方言?A. 一种语言的变体B. 一种语言的书面形式C. 一种语言的口语形式D. 一种语言的古语形式答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是语言的词汇特征?A. 语法性B. 音韵性C. 语义性D. 语音性答案:C8. 语言的语法结构包括哪些部分?A. 词法和句法B. 语音和语义C. 语素和词D. 词汇和语法答案:A9. 以下哪个选项是语言的交际功能?A. 信息传递B. 娱乐C. 教育D. 所有以上答案:D10. 什么是语言的规范性?A. 语言的规则性B. 语言的变异性C. 语言的随意性D. 语言的稳定性答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的两个主要分支是______和______。

答案:理论语言学;应用语言学2. 语言学的四个基本子领域包括语音学、语法学、______和______。

答案:语义学;语用学3. 语言的最小音义结合体是______。

答案:词4. 语言的音位系统是由______决定的。

答案:语言的使用者5. 语言的演变过程包括语言的______、______和______。

答案:分化;传播;融合6. 方言是语言的______。

答案:变体7. 语言的词汇特征包括______、______和______。

答案:语法性;语义性;语音性8. 语言的语法结构由______和______组成。













二、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每题1分)1、下列关于“语言”和“言语”的表述中,不正确的一项是【】A.语言是社会的,言语是个人的B.语言是主要的,言语是从属的C.语言是抽象的,言语是具体的D.语言是书面的,言语是口头的答案:D2、下列关于一般语汇总体特点的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.构词能力强B.使用范围窄C.产生历史长D. 大多很稳定答案:B 解析:根据词在语汇系统中的重要程度,可以分为基本语汇和非基本语汇(一般语汇)两大类。


3、区分“单纯词”和“合成词”所依据的是【】A.词的音节数量B.词的语素数量C.词的音形关系D.词的地位用途4、语法规则的“系统性”是指【】A.对语言的结构和成分进行类的概括B.相同规则可在一个结构里重复使用C.语法规则之间可以相互推导和解释D.语法规则的发展变化过程十分缓慢答案:C 解析:ABD三项分别对应的是语法规则的“抽象性”、“递归性”、“稳定性”。

5、语音的四个物理要素中,区别不同的意义起着最为重要的作用的是【】A、音高B、音强C、音长D、音色6、元音和辅音本质区别是【】A、元音的发音可以延长,辅音不可以B、元音发音响亮,辅音不响亮C、元音发音时气流不受阻,辅音一定受阻D、发元音时,发音器官的各个部分均衡紧张;辅音则不然7、[ε]的发音特征是【】A、舌面前高不圆唇B、舌面后高不圆唇C、舌面前半高不圆唇D、舌面前半低不圆唇8、下列关于语义民族性的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.词义上的民族特点并不明显B.词的多义化不受民族特点的制约C.不同的民族语言在词的理性意义上并无差异D.不同的民族语言在词的非理性意义上会有所不同答案:D解析:不同民族对客观事物的认识不同,因而语义的民族特点也不同,词的多义化也会受制约,非理性意义也会有所不同,比如汉语中“狗”字常含贬义,像“走狗”;可在英语里,“dog”常含褒义,像“a lucky dog”(幸运儿)。



语言学考试题一、选择题1. 下列哪个是语言学的基本研究对象?A. 数字B. 文字C. 语言D. 音乐2. 哪位学者提出了语言功能理论?A. #德维特B. 萨普尔斯C. 赫尔德D. #哈尔德格尔3. 语言学的分类方法通常可以分为几大类?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 24. “语言符号”中包括哪些要素?A. 声音B. 符号C. 拼写D. A、B5. 在语法范畴中,“动宾关系”是指什么?A. 主语和谓语之间的语法关系B. 主语和宾语之间的语法关系C. 宾语和谓语之间的语法关系D. 主语和动词之间的语法关系二、填空题6. 语言学中研究音素的学科是---。

7. 没有逻辑意义的音节称为---。

8. 语音学的基本单位是---。

9. 下列哪个不是语言学的分支学科?10. 一种语言中声母、韵母和声调三者综合的组合称为---。

三、简答题11. 请简要说明音韵学和语音学的区别。

12. 什么是“方言”,方言和语言的关系是什么?13. 什么是语法,语法的作用是什么?14. “文字和语言的关系”是语言学中一个重要问题,请简述你对这个问题的理解。

15. 请简要介绍语言学的研究方法有哪些?四、论述题16. 语言是人类最重要的交流工具之一,请说明语言对个体和社会的重要性。

17. 语言学的发展历程是怎样的?过去、现在和未来的语言学会有怎样的发展趋势?18. 请解释语言与文化之间的关系,并谈谈语言多样性对世界文化的重要影响。




语言学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是语言学的主要分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 词汇学D. 数学2. 索绪尔将语言符号分为哪两个部分?A. 语音和语义B. 语形和语义C. 语形和语用D. 能指和所指3. 在语言学中,“深层结构”和“表层结构”是由哪位学者提出的?A. 乔姆斯基B. 索绪尔C. 布隆菲尔德D. 萨丕尔4. 下列哪个术语是描述语言随时间变化的现象?A. 语言变异B. 语言演化C. 语言转换D. 语言借用5. 社会语言学研究的是语言与哪种因素之间的关系?A. 社会结构B. 文化传统C. 个人心理D. 经济发展6. 哪种语言现象是指在特定情境下,说话者选择不同语言或语言变体的能力?A. 语码转换B. 语码混用C. 语用学D. 语言礼貌7. 下列哪项不是语用学的研究内容?A. 言语行为B. 隐喻理解C. 语言礼貌D. 语言的生物学基础8. 什么是“双重否定”?A. 使用两个否定词来表达否定意义B. 使用两个否定词来表达肯定意义C. 使用一个否定词来表达否定意义D. 使用一个否定词来表达肯定意义9. 在语言学中,“同音词”是指什么?A. 意义相同但拼写不同的词B. 拼写相同但意义不同的词C. 发音相同但意义不同的词D. 发音和意义都相同的词10. 下列哪项是“语言接触”的一个例子?A. 语言的地理分布B. 语言的独立发展C. 语言的借用和融合D. 语言的孤立使用二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 语言学中的“_______”是指研究语言的结构特征,不涉及语言的社会功能。

答案:形式语言学12. 转换生成语法是由_______提出的,它强调语言的生成能力。

答案:诺姆·乔姆斯基13. “Hello”一词在不同的语境中可以有不同的功能,这属于_______的研究范畴。

答案:语用学14. 社会语言学中的“_______”是指语言随社会因素(如年龄、性别、社会阶层等)而变化的现象。



语言学概论期末B卷答案Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】丽水学院—学年第一学期期终考试试卷答案(B卷)课程语言学概论使用班级班级:学号:姓名:一、填空题(本大题共14空格,每空格1分,共14分)1.在中国,早期的语言研究主要是围绕着汉字的字义、字音、字形进行的,产生了训诂学、音韵学、文字学三个分支,统称为“小学”。


















语言学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究什么的学科?A. 语言的起源B. 语言的本质和结构C. 语言的演变D. 语言的运用答案:B2. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语义学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是?A. 音素B. 词C. 语素D. 句子答案:C4. 以下哪个术语描述的是语言的规则性?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 词汇5. 语言的交际功能指的是什么?A. 语言的内部结构B. 语言的外部形式C. 语言的社会功能D. 语言的个人表达答案:C6. 语言的哪一部分负责表达概念?A. 语音B. 语法C. 语义D. 词汇答案:C7. 下列哪项是语言的物理表现形式?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 语用答案:C8. 语言的哪一部分负责表达关系?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 词汇答案:A9. 语言的哪一部分负责表达情感?B. 语用C. 语音D. 词汇答案:B10. 以下哪个术语描述的是语言的变异?A. 语言变异B. 语言变化C. 语言演化D. 语言发展答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 语言学的主要研究对象是______。

答案:语言2. 语言的三个基本功能包括表达、______和交际。

答案:指称3. 语音学研究的是语言的______方面。

答案:声音4. 语法学研究的是语言的______方面。

答案:结构5. 语义学研究的是语言的______方面。

答案:意义6. 词汇学研究的是语言的______方面。

答案:词汇7. 语用学研究的是语言的______方面。

答案:使用8. 语言的最小意义单位是______。

答案:语素9. 语言的最小声音单位是______。

答案:音素10. 语言的最小结构单位是______。

答案:词三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简述语言学的主要研究内容。




语言学的考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语义学2. 语言学中的“音素”是指:A. 语言中最小的意义单位B. 语言中最小的音位单位C. 语言中的词汇D. 语言中的语法规则3. 在语言学中,“词汇-功能语法”是由哪位学者提出的?A. Noam ChomskyB. Ronald LangackerC. HallidayD. Edward Sapir4. 下列哪个选项是“双语现象”的正确描述?A. 一个人能够使用两种语言B. 一个地区存在两种官方语言C. 一个人同时学习两种语言D. 一个国家有两种语言的使用者5. “转换生成语法”是由哪位语言学家提出的?A. Ferdinand de SaussureB. Noam ChomskyC. Leonard BloomfieldD. Wilhelm Wundt6. 语言学中的“同音异义词”指的是:A. 发音相同但意义不同的词B. 意义相同但发音不同的词C. 发音和意义都相同的词D. 发音和意义都不同的词7. 下列哪项不是社会语言学研究的内容?A. 语言与社会的关系B. 语言的变迁C. 语言在不同社会群体中的使用D. 语言的生物学基础8. “语言习得”通常指的是:A. 学习第二语言B. 儿童学习母语的过程C. 成人学习外语D. 语言的演变过程9. 下列哪个选项不是语用学的研究范畴?A. 语境对语言使用的影响B. 语言的交际功能C. 语言的内部结构D. 语言的理解和解释10. “语言的任意性”这一概念是由哪位语言学家提出的?A. Charles OgdenB. Thomas HobbesC. Ferdinand de SaussureD. William of Ockham二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 语言学中的“_______”指的是语言的声音和书写形式之间的关系。

12. “_______”是指语言中最小的、有意义的音段,是构成词汇的基本单位。



语言学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,它包括以下哪些分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 语义学D. 所有选项答案:D2. 下列哪个术语不是语言学的分支?A. 社会语言学B. 心理语言学C. 神经语言学D. 化学语言学答案:D3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 词素C. 词D. 句子答案:B4. 以下哪个选项是语言的语音属性?A. 音高B. 音长C. 音色D. 所有选项答案:D5. 语言的语法规则可以是:A. 显性的B. 隐性的C. 两者都是D. 两者都不是答案:C6. 以下哪种语言现象不属于语言变异?A. 方言B. 社会方言C. 语言接触D. 语言消亡答案:D7. 语言的演变通常被认为是:A. 随机的B. 有目的的C. 无意识的D. 有意识的答案:C8. 语言接触可能导致:A. 语言融合B. 语言分离C. 语言借用D. 所有选项答案:D9. 语言的语用学研究的是:A. 语言的语境B. 语言的功能C. 语言的意义D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪个术语不属于语义学研究的范围?A. 语义场B. 语义角色C. 语义关系D. 音位学答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的______属性包括音高、音长和音色。

答案:语音2. 语言的______属性包括语法、词汇和语义。

答案:结构3. 语言的______属性涉及语言的社会和文化方面。

答案:社会4. 语言学中的______理论认为语言是一系列规则的集合。

答案:形式主义5. 语言的______是语言学研究的基础单位。

答案:句子6. 语言的______是指语言在不同社会群体中的变体。

答案:变异7. 语言的______是指语言在不同地理区域的变体。

答案:方言8. 语言的______是指语言在不同时间的演变。

答案:历史9. 语言的______是指语言在不同语境中的使用。

答案:语用10. 语言的______是指语言的抽象意义。



基础语言学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言的最小意义单位是:A. 音素B. 语素C. 词D. 句子答案:B2. 下列哪项不是语言的三大功能?A. 表达功能B. 交际功能C. 娱乐功能D. 信息功能答案:C3. 语言学中,研究语言结构的分支学科是:A. 语音学B. 语用学C. 句法学D. 社会语言学答案:C4. 以下哪个词不是派生词?A. 教师B. 快乐C. 勇敢D. 汽车答案:B5. 语言的演变主要受到哪些因素的影响?A. 社会变迁B. 技术进步C. 政治变动D. 所有以上因素答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学中,研究语言在社会中的使用和功能的学科是________。

答案:社会语言学2. 语言的________是语言发展变化的内在动力。

答案:内在机制3. 语言的________是语言发展变化的外在条件。

答案:外部因素4. 语言的________是指语言在不同地域的变体。

答案:方言5. 语言的________是指语言在不同社会群体中的变体。

答案:社会方言三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述语言的语音、语法和词汇三个基本要素。


2. 描述语言的交际功能。


3. 解释什么是语言的方言。


四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述语言与文化的关系。



2. 论述语言演变的原因。



英语语言学试题B卷及答案jueban英语语言学试题B卷及答案(III. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the corresponding letter A,B,C or D in the brackets. (1%×20=20%)1) The study of language at one point of time is a _______ study.A. synchronicB. historicC. diachronicD. descriptive2)Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which “fall” and “autumn” b elong is called _____ synonyms.A. stylisticB. dialectalC. emotiveD. collocational3) The sentence “John likes ice-cream” contains ________ arguments.A. oneB. twoC. noneD. three4) Semantics can be defined as the study of ________.A. namingB. meaningC. communicationD. context5) Once the notion of ________ was taken into consideration,semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contextC. formD. content6) Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the _______.A. locutionary actB. perlocutionary actC. illocutionary actD. none of the above7) Most of the violations of the maxims of the Cooperative Principle give rise to _____.A. utterance meaningB. speech act theoryC. conversational implicaturesD. none of the above8) The significance of Grice’s CP lies in that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey ______ is literally said.A. more thanB. less thanC. the same asD. none of the above9) The goal of ______ is to explore the nature of language variation and language use among a variety of speech communities and different social situations.A. psycholinguisticsB. sociolinguisticsC. historical linguisticsD. general linguistics10) Black English has a number of distinctive features in its phonological, morphological and syntactic systems which are _______.A. rule-governedB. systematicC. arbitraryD. both A and B11)As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___.A. prescriptiveB. sociolinguisticC. descriptiveD. psycholinguistic12) Language is a system of arbitrary _________ symbols used for human communication.A. culturalB. conventionalC. decodedD. vocal13) A word with several meanings is called _________.A. an abnormal wordB. a polysemous wordC. a synonymous wordD. none of the above14) There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix “ed” in the word “learned” is known as a(n) __________.A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form15) The syntactic rules of any language are ________ in number.A. largeB. smallC. finiteD. infinite16) “I bought some roses” __________ “I bought some flowers”.A. entailsB. presupposesC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with17)The phrase “boys and girls” belongs to the ____________ construction.A. predicateB. endocentricC. subordinateD. exocentric18) Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes 19) Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A. mouthB. lipsC. tongueD. vocal cords20)Chomsky uses the term _______ to refer to the actual realization of a language us er’s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.A. langueB. competenceC. paroleD. performanceIV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false:(1%×15=15%)1) Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2) The writing system of a language is always a later invention used to record speech;thus there are still many languages in today’s world that can only be spoken, but not written.3) The open-class words include prepositions.4) In classifying the English consonants and vowels,the same criteria can be applied.5) According to semantic triangle,there is no direct link between a symbol and referent, i.e. between a word and a thing it refers to.6)Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only.7)By synchrony we mean to study language change and development.8)The IC analysis is not able to analyze split verbs like “do sb. in”.9)The relationship of “flower”,“violet”,“rose” and “tulip” is hyponymy.10)A syllable without a coda is a closed syllable.11) Parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.12) Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studied the sentences patterns of a language.13) Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e. we are all born with the ability to acquire language and the details of a language system are genetically transmitted.14) Only words of the same parts of speech can be combinedto form compounds.15) Sentences are strings of words put together in a random order.V. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only,and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)1)The modern linguistics is d____________ ,not prescriptive,and its investigations are based on authentic and mainly spoken language data.2)M___________ is the smallest meaningful unit of language.3)Langue refers to the language system shared by a community of speaker while p________ contrastd with langue is the concrete act of speaking in actual situations by an individual speaker..4)The transformational component has transformational rules,which change the deep structures generated by the phrase structure component into s________ structure.5)In semantic triangle, the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct, and it is mediated by c___________..6)H. Sweet made a distinction between narrow and b____________ transcription.7)In the cooperative principle,Grice introduced four categories of maxims.They are maxim of quality,maxim of quatity, maxim of r__________ and maxim of manner.8)The strong version of Sapir-Whorf hopothesis is that language d___________s our thinking pattern.9)There are two major approaches to error analysis:c____________ and non-contrastive analysis.10)P_________ is the study of language in use.VI. The following two are ambiguous in their meanings. Give your understanding of the different meanings of each expression.(2.5%×2=5%)1)Smoking cigar is very harmful.2)The boy saw the man with the telescope.VII. Answer the following questions in English. (4%×5=20%)1)What are the four maxims under the cooperative principle?2)What are the design features of language?3)What are the differences between modern linguistics and traditional grammar?4)Why do we say that a meaning of a sentence is not the sum total of the meanings of all its components?5)What do you know about linguistics.参考答案III. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (1%×20=20%)1-5 ABBBB 6-10 CCABD 11-15 CDBCC 16-20 ABDCDIV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false:(1%×15=15%)1)-5): TTFFT 6)-10): FFTTF 11)-15): FFFFFV. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue. (1%×10=10%)1)descriptive 2)Morpheme 3)parole 4)surface 5)concept6)broad 7)relation 8)determines 9)contrastive 10)PragmaticsVI. The following two sentences are ambiguous in their meanings. Give your understanding of the different meanings of each sentence.(2.5%×2=5%)1)The cigar that is smoking is very harmful.The act of smoking the cigar is very harmful.2)The boy saw the man who had a telescope.Using the telescope, the boy saw the man.VII. Answer the following questions in English. (4%×5=20%)1)A. The maxim of quantity1. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange) .2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.B. The maxim of quality1. Do not say what you believe to be false.2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.C. The maxim of relation Be relevant.D. The maxim of manner1. Avoid obscurity of expression.2. Avoid ambiguity.3. Be brief ( avoid unnecessary prolixity) .4. Be orderly.2)Arbitrariness;Productivity;Duality;Displacement;Cultural transmission;3)A. Linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptiveB. Linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written.C. Linguistics differs from traditional grammar in that it does not force languages into a Latin-based framework.4)The meaning of a sentence is not the sum total of the meanings of all its components because it cannot be worked out by adding up all the meanings of its constituent words. For example;(A) The dog bit the man.(B) The man bit the dog.If the meaning of a sentence were the sum total of the meanings of all its components, then the above two sentences would have the same meaning. In fact they are different in meanings.As we know, there are two aspects to sentence meaning:grammatical mean-ing and semantic meaning. The grammatical meanings of “the dog” and “the man” in (A) are different from the grammatical meanings of “the dog” and “the man” in (B). The meaning of a sentence is the product of both lexical and grammatical meaning. It is the product of the meaning of the constituent words and of the grammatical constructions thatrelate one word syntagmatically to another.英语语言学试题A卷及答案(I. Define the following linguistic terms:(2%×10=20%)1) duality 2) displacement 3) phonology4) morphology 5) concord 6) endocentric construction7) hyponymy 8) pragmatics 9) illocutionary force10) error analysisII. Translation (0.5%×20=10%)Translate the following terms into Chinese:(0.5%×10=5%)1) affricate 2)distinctive feature 3) parole 4) generative grammar5) bilingualism 6) felicity condition 7)design feature 8)denotation 9) labiodental 10) linguistic relativityTranslate the following terms into English:(0.5%×10=5%)11)人际功能 12)真值条件 13)女性语域 14)音节划分 15)结构主义16)社会语言学17)论元18)单元音19)衔接20)对比分析III. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.(1%×20=20%)1). language is a system of arbitrary _________ symbols used for human communication.A. culturalB. conventionalC. decodedD. vocal2). A word with several meanings is called _________.A. an abnormal wordB. a polysemous wordC. a synonymous wordD. none of the above3). There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix “ed” in the word “learned” is known as a(n) __________.A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form4). The syntactic rules of any language are ________ in number.A. largeB. smallC. finiteD. infinite5). “I picked some tulips.” __________ “I picked some flowers.”.A. entailsB. presupposesC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with6). Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of __________.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner7)“Can I borrow your bike?” _____ “You have a bike.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes 8) The study of language at onepoint of time is a _______ study.A. synchronicB. historicC. diachronicD. descriptive9) Which of the following is a typical tone language?A. EnglishB. ChineseC. FrenchD. All of the above10) Two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in ___________.A. phonemic contrastB. complementary distributionC. minimal pairD. none of the above11)In terms of the place of articulation,the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of _________.A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental12) Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by _______ in 1957.A. L. BloomfieldB. N. ChomskyC. F. SaussureD. M. A. K. Halliday13)Which of the following is a correct description of reference?A. a relationship between an expression and other expressions which have the same meaningB. the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an expressionC. a relationship between a particular object in the world and an expression used in an utterance to pick out that objectD. an intra-linguistic relationship between lexical items14)What is function of the sentence “How do you do’?A. DirectiveB. PhaticC. InformativeD. Evocative15) In the following sounds, ________is a central vowel.A. /?/B. /u/C. /?/D. /з/16)Which of the following languages has the syllabic writing system?A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. EnglishD. French17) Which description of the meaning components of the word “father” is right?A. [+human, +adult,-male]B. [+human, -adult, +male]C. [–human, +adult, -male]D. [+human, +adult, +male]18) Once the notion of ________ was taken into consideration,semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contextC. formD. content19) Black English has a number of distinctive features in its phonological, morphological and syntactic systems which are _______.A. rule-governedB. systematicC. arbitraryD. both A and B20)“Hot dog” with the first syllable stressed m eans _________.A. an overheated animalB. a kind of foodC. a barking dogD. a dead dogIV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false:(15 pts, 1 point for each)Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false:(1%×15=15%)1) Animal call systems are not genetically transmitted.2) According to N. Chomsky,“competence” is the actual realization of his knowledge in utterance.3) A syllable without a coda is a closed syllable.4) Parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by allthe members of a speech community.5) Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentences patterns of a language.6) Languages differ in their selection of contrastive sounds.7) The English spelling exactly represents its pronunciation.8) Constituents that can be substituted for one another with loss of grammaticality belong to the same syntactic category.9) According to semantic triangle,there is no direct link between a symbol and referent, i.e. between a word and a thing it refers to.10) A referring expression can be used to refer to nonexistent things.11) All the grammatically well-formed sentences are semantically well-formed.12) Pragmatics studies the aspect of meaning that is not accounted for by semantics.13) An illocutionary act is the consequence of or the change brought about by the utterance.14) Social dialects, or sociolects, are varieties of language used by people belonging to particular social classes.15) The structural tests focus on the communicative and linguistic competence.V. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only,and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)1) The three branches of phonetics are labeled as a____________ phonetics,auditory phonetics and acoustic phonetics respectively.2) One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of speech over w_________.3) S_________ studies the sentence structure of language.4) C____________ analyis is based upon the belief that the mesning of a word can be divided into meaning components.5) The noun “tear” and the verb “tear” are h_____________.6) H. Sweet made a distinction between narrow and b_________ transcription.7) Lingistics found that it would be impossible to give an adequate description of meaning if the c_________ of langauge use was left unconsidered.8) Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a _______of messages.9) Language may determine our thinking pattern and similarity between languages is relative,the greater their structureal differentiation is,the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. This has often been called the Sapir-Whorf h___________.10) S______ act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.VI. The following two sentences are ambiguous in their meanings. Give your understanding of the different meanings of each sentence.(2.5%×2=5%)1) Flying airplanes can be very dangerous.2) The boy saw the man with the telescope.VII. Answer the following questions in English. (4%×5=20%)1) What functions does language have?Give some examples. (5 points)2) State the differences between the sentence meaning and utterance meaning. (5 points)3) Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?(2.5 points)4) What are the seven types of meaning proposed by G. Leech in his Semantics?(3.5 points)5) In what way can linguistics contribute to the research in language learning?(4 points)参考答案I. Define the following linguistic terms:(2%×10=20%)1) duality:The property of having two levels of structures,such that the units of the primary levelare composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.2) displacement: It means that humanlanguages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present at the present of communication.3) phonology: A subbranch of linguistics that studies the system and patterns of the speech sounds and how they work and convey meaning in the system of language.4)morphology: A subbranch of linguistics that is concerned with the internal organization of words.5) concord:The requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.6)endocentric construction:A construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent or approachingequivalence to one of its constituents.7) hyponymy: It refers to meaning inclusiveness, that is,the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.8) pragmatics: It refers to the study of language in use.9) illocutionary force:It refers to the speaker’s meaning,contextual meaning, or extra meaning.11) error analysis: It is the study and analysis of error and is confined to the language learner.II.Translate the following terms:(0.5%×20=10%)Translate the following terms into Chinese:(0.5%×10=5%)1)塞擦音 2)区别性特征 3)言语 4)生成语法 5)双语现象6)适切条件 7)结构特征 8)外延 9)唇齿音 10)语言相对论Translate the following terms into English:(0.5%×10=5%)11)interpersonal function 12) truth condition 13)women register 14)syllabification 15)structuralism 16)sociolinguistics 17)argument 18)monophthong 19)cohesion 20) contrastive analysisIII. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (1%×20=20%)1-5 DBCCA 6-10 CDABB 11-15 BBCBA 16-20 BDBDBIV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. (1%×15=15%)1-5 FFFFF 6-10 FFFTT 11-15 FTFTFV. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements withone word,the first letter of which is already given as a clue. (1%×10=10%)1)articulatory 2)writing 3)syntax 4)contituent 5)homograph6)broad 7)context 8)receiver 9)hypothesis 10)SpeechVI. The following two sentences are ambiguous in their meanings. Give your understanding of the different meanings of each sentence.(2.5%×2=5%)1) The airplane that is flying can be very dangerous.The act of flying the airplane can be very dangerous.2) The boy saw the man who had a telescope.Using the telescope, the boy saw the man.VII. Answer the following questions in English. (4%×5=20%)6) (5 points)Language functions include informative function,interpersonal function,performative function,emotive function,phatic communion,recreational function and metalingual function.Examples: omitted.7) (5 points) The meaning of a sentence is abstract and de-contextualized,while the meaning of an utterance is concrete and context-dependent. Utterance meaning is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply ina context.8) (2.5 points)Saussure was the father of modern linguistics and he was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of sings. To communicate ideas, signs must be part of a system of signs,called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of the signifier and the signified. He made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign,on the relational nature of linguistic units, on the distinction of langue and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics,etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.9) (3.5 points)Conceptual meaning;connotative meaning;social meaning;affective meaning;reflected meaning; collocative meaning; thematic meaning;10) (4 points) Linguistics can contribute to the research in language learning by providing more accurate information about what language is in the first place. Language learning researchers are concerned with how teachers should teach and learner should learn. But the questions of “what to teach” and “what to learn” should be answered first. Linguistics certainly has an important role in answering these questions. Besides, applying linguistic analysis to the description of the language produced by language learners can also facilitate out understanding of how learners actually learn language.。



1. 语言学是研究什么的学科?
A. 语言的起源
B. 语言的结构
C. 语言的使用
D. 语言的演变
2. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支?
A. 语音学
B. 句法学
C. 语义学
D. 心理学
3. 请解释“语言”和“方言”的区别。


4. 什么是“音位”?

5. 请列举三种语言的书写系统。


6. 以下哪个术语用于描述语言的演变?
A. 语言变化
B. 语言发展
C. 语言演化
D. 语言进化
7. 什么是“词汇语义学”?

8. 请解释“语法”。


9. 什么是“社会语言学”?

10. 请列举两种语言的方言。




英语语言学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "phoneme" refers to:A. A single speech soundB. A unit of meaningC. A unit of writingD. A unit of grammar答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a branch of linguistics?A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. PsychologyD. Syntax答案:C3. The process of changing the form of a word to express different grammatical relationships is called:A. MorphologyB. SyntaxC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics答案:A4. In English, the word "mouse" is an example of:A. A countable nounB. An uncountable nounC. A proper nounD. An article答案:A5. The study of meaning in language is known as:A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. SyntaxD. Phonology答案:A6. The smallest unit of sound that can distinguish meaning ina language is called:A. PhonemeB. MorphemeC. SyllableD. Word答案:A7. The branch of linguistics that studies the social aspects of language is:A. SociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. NeurolinguisticsD. Computational linguistics答案:A8. The use of language in context is studied in:A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. SyntaxD. Phonology答案:B9. The process of acquiring a first language is known as:A. Second language acquisitionB. Foreign language learningC. Language learningD. First language acquisition答案:D10. The systematic arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences is the study of:A. PhonologyB. SyntaxC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The study of speech sounds is called ____________.答案:Phonetics2. The smallest meaningful unit of language is known as a____________.答案:Morpheme3. The branch of linguistics that deals with the structure of words is ____________.答案:Morphology4. The study of how language is used in social contexts is called ____________.答案:Sociolinguistics5. The process by which children acquire their first language is known as ____________.答案:Language acquisition6. The study of the rules governing the formation of sentences in a language is ____________.答案:Syntax7. The branch of linguistics that examines the psychological aspects of language is ____________.答案:Psycholinguistics8. The study of the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences is known as ____________.答案:Semantics9. The branch of linguistics concerned with the relationship between language and culture is ____________.答案:Anthropological linguistics10. The study of how language is processed in the brain is called ____________.答案:Neurolinguistics三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between a phoneme and an allophone. 答案:A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound that can distinguish meaning in a language, while an allophone is a variant of a phoneme that does not change the meaning of aword.2. What is the role of syntax in language?答案:Syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a language,including how words and phrases are arranged to create well-formed sentences.3. How does sociolinguistics contribute to our understandingof language?答案:Sociolinguistics helps us understand how languagevaries according to social factors such as class, gender, age, and ethnicity, and how these variations affect communication and social interaction.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of pragmatics in language communication.答案:Pragmatics is crucial in language communication as it deals with the way context influences the interpretation of meaning. It helps us understand how speakers convey intended meanings beyond the literal interpretation of words and sentences, taking into account factors such as tone, body language, and shared knowledge.2. Explain the concept of language universals and give examples.答案:Language universals refer to the structural and functional features that are common to all human languages. Examples include the presence of nouns and verbs, the use ofword order to convey meaning, and the ability to form questions and negations.。



语言学纲要考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的核心对象是什么?A. 语言B. 文字C. 文学D. 修辞答案:A2. 下列哪一项不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语用学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是什么?A. 音素B. 语素C. 词D. 短语答案:B4. 以下哪个选项是社会语言学的研究内容?A. 语言的起源B. 语言的演变C. 语言的变异D. 语言的规则答案:C5. 语言学中,对语言的静态研究指的是什么?A. 历史语言学B. 比较语言学C. 结构语言学D. 应用语言学答案:C6. 语言的音位系统是由什么决定的?A. 社会B. 个人C. 语言本身D. 环境答案:C7. 在语言学中,语言的功能不包括以下哪一项?A. 表达功能B. 交际功能C. 娱乐功能D. 认知功能答案:C8. 下列哪一项是语言的内在属性?A. 语法性B. 社会性C. 工具性D. 规范性答案:A9. 语言的演变主要受哪些因素的影响?A. 社会变迁B. 经济发展C. 政治变动D. 所有以上答案:D10. 语言的交际功能主要体现在哪些方面?A. 信息传递B. 情感表达C. 社会互动D. 所有以上答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 语言学的三大基本分支是______、______和______。

答案:语音学、语法学、语义学2. 语言的______性是语言学研究的重要内容之一。

答案:社会3. 语言的______是语言学研究的基础。

答案:结构4. 语言的______是语言研究的核心问题。

答案:意义5. 语言的______是语言学研究的重要方面。

答案:变化6. 语言学研究的目的是______、______和______语言。

答案:描述、解释、预测7. 语言的______是语言研究的重要内容。

答案:变异8. 语言的______是语言研究的重要方面。

答案:起源9. 语言的______是语言研究的重要内容。

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北京林业大学2006--2007学年第二学期考试试卷(A卷)试卷名称: 普通语言学课程所在院系:外语学院考试班级: 英04级I. For each question, there are four choices of answers. In some cases, only one choice is correct while in others there may be two or three correct ones. Choose ALL the correct ones. (25 points)1. Which of the following theories takes as the origin of language the instinctive sounds of pain, anger and joy?A. the bow-wow theoryB. the pooh-pooh theoryC. the “yo-he-ho” theoryD. the Winnie-the-Pooh theory2. Which of the following are among Halliday’s theory of metafunctions of language?A. ideationalB. relationalC. interpersonalD. textual3. The distinction between langue and parole was put forward by _____.A. BloomfieldB. de SaussureC. ChomskyD. Halliday4. Which of the following is a vowel?A. [p]B. [f]C. [æ]D. [m]5. Which of the following is the correct description of [f]?A. voiceless labiodental fricativeB. voiced labiodental fricativeC. voiceless labiodental stopD. voiced labiodental stop6. Which of the following vowels is CV8?A. [a]B. [e]C. [u]D. [i]7. Which of the following words are likely to have stress in sentences?A. onB. wonderfulC. fireD. right8. _____ advocated treating the word as “the minimum free form”.A. Leonard BloomfieldB. Noam ChomskyC. John LyonsD. M A K Halliday9. Which of the following word classes are open classes?A. conjunctionB. determinerC. adverbD. verb10. Which of the following are suffixes?A. unB. tionC. nessD. er11. Number and gender are mostly categories of the _____.A. interjectionB. nounC. prepositionD. pronoun12. “Concord” has the same meaning as _____.A. perfectiveB. progressiveC. agreementD. government13. Which of the following meanings are the terms of Geoffrey Leech?A. conceptual meaningB. social meaningC. lexical meaningD. thematic meaning14. Synonymy is the technical term for the _____ relation.A. oppositenessB. complementaryC. gradableD. sameness15. Which of the following are converse antonyms?A. clever : stupidB. husband : wifeC. give : receiveD. teacher : employee16. Which of the following are correct readings of “CAUSE (x, (BECOME (y, (~ALIVE (y)))))”?A. x causes y to become not alive.B. x causes y to become alive.C. x causes y to become not dead.D. x causes y to become dead.17. Which of the following meanings are the foci of pragmatics?A. Lexical meaningB. Propositional meaningC. Utterance meaningD. Contextual meaning18. Which of the following lines rhyme?A. Be your wounds like eyes / To weep for the dead, the dead.B. It was winter such as when birds die / In the deep forests; and the fishes lieC. Stiffened in the translucent ice, which makes / Even the mud and slime of the warm lakesD. Gather about great fires, and yet feel cold: / Alas, then, for the homeless beggar old!19. Which of the following lines are in the form of iambic pentametres?A. Her eye are wild, her head is are, / The sun has burnt her coal-black hair,B. When lovely woman stoops to folly, / And finds too late that men betray,C. For saints have hands that pilgrim’s hands do touch, / And palm to palm is holy palmer’s kiss.D. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, / And summer's lease hath all too short a date.20. Which of these writers wrote in the form of ‘stream of consciousness’?A. William FaulknerB. James JoyceC. Charles DickensD. Virginia Woolf21. The ‘variationist perspective’ is a way to investigate language by studying how language is usedin _____.A. social interactionB. religious beliefsC. ethnic identityD. different situations22. Which of the following are more likely to be used by women?A. ‘fancy’ color termsB. strong curse wordsC. tag questionsD. less direct expressions23. Which of the following are related to the recent developments of CALL?A. MultimediaB. HypermediaC. The internetD. The language lab24. Which of the following statements are true of machine translation today?A. All current commercial and operational systems produce output which must be edited orrevised if it is to be of published quality.B. They provide dictionary-based, word-for-word translation, with low-quality results.C. MT works best in domain-specific and controlled environments.D. Currently the state of machine translation is such that it involves some human intervention, asit requires a pre-editing and a post-editing phase.25. What does ‘mouse potato’ mean?A. a mouse padB. a mouse shaped like a potatoC. a potato as food for the mouseD. a computer addictII. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (15 points)1. Latin has fewer morphological changes than English.2. For sounds to be allophones of the same phoneme they must be complementarily distributed andmust have phonetic similarity.3. A closed syllable is one without a coda.4. “Tofu” is a direct borrowing from Chinese.5. The consonant [x] existed in Old English.6. Today we normally say that English has three tenses: present, past and future.7. In logical symbols, ∀ means “all” and ∃ means “some”.8. Every word has a sense just as every word has a reference.9. Conversational implicature is a kind of implied meaning, deduced on the basis of theconventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims.10. The first meaning for a word that a dictionary definition gives is usually its figurative meaning.11. Similes and metaphors are different in that a metaphor makes a comparison between two unlikeelements.12. ‘Shit, you’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again.’ This is mostly likely to be said by awoman.13. When Mr. Goodell said ‘I’ve had enough dumbbells in my office’, he meant he had some stupidguys in his office.14. The difference between CAL and CALL is that the former deals with the teaching and learning oflanguage in particular.15. All of the following emoticons have to do with smiling or laughter:A. :-)B. :-OC. |-DD. {}III. Define the following terms. (20 points)1. approximant2. lexical words3. the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis4. synecdocheIV. Answer TWO of the following questions. (40 points)1. What is ‘assimilation’?2. What is the ‘Cooperative Principle’?3. What is ‘interlanguage’?4. Write an analysis of the following extracts from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.ROMEO: If I profane with my unworthiest handThis holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready standTo smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.JULIET: Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,Which mannerly devotion shows in this;For saints have hands that pilgrim’s hands do touch,And palm to palm is holy palmer’s kiss.ROMEO: Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?JULIET: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.ROMEO: O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.JULIET: Saints do not move, though grant for prayer’s sake.ROMEO: Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.5. Discuss the following remarks made by Richard Hudson in his ‘Preface to the Second Edition’ of Sociolinguistics (1996):In 1979 even sociolinguists wrote sentences like the following (from page 5 of the first edition): ‘The difference between sociolinguistics and the sociology of language is verymuch one of emphasis, according to whether the investigator is more interested in language or society, and also according to whether he [!] has more skill in analysing linguistic or social structure.’ How times have changed. I now believe firmly that everysuch sentence reinforces the assumption that the prototypical person is a man, so I havetried to ensure that my text is now completely bias-free.(Note: the first edition of Sociolinguistics was published by Cambridge University Press in 1980)北京林业大学2006-2007学年第二学期普通语言学(A)考试答案及评分标准I. 多项选择题。
