2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4--Reading and Thinking 公开课课件

What is it used for?
It is used to show the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities.
administrative zoning map
There were four sets of invaders and the last group were the Normans. They had castles (6)__b_u_i_lt____(build) all around England and made changes (7)___t_o____ the legal system. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more (8)_e_n_j_o_y_a_b_le_(enjoy). The capital city London is (9)___an____ ancient port city that has a history (10)__d_a_t_in_g___(date) back to Roman times.
Look at the map and answer.
What do the different symbols (e.g., icons, circles, spots) and colours stand for?
The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital and different colours stand for different regions or countries.
It is used to show the four different countries that make up the UK and some of the major cities.
administrative zoning map
There were four sets of invaders and the last group were the Normans. They had castles (6)__b_u_i_lt____(build) all around England and made changes (7)___t_o____ the legal system. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more (8)_e_n_j_o_y_a_b_le_(enjoy). The capital city London is (9)___an____ ancient port city that has a history (10)__d_a_t_in_g___(date) back to Roman times.
Look at the map and answer.
What do the different symbols (e.g., icons, circles, spots) and colours stand for?
The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital and different colours stand for different regions or countries.
新教材外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit4 Breaking boundaries精品教学课件

边界;分界线 协助,帮助 处理,对付 专家 传 染性的
6.c_l_in_i_c__ n. 7._tw__in_ adj. 8._d_e_v_o_ti_o_n_ n. 9.d_i_s_in_f_e_c_t __ v.
诊所;门诊部 双胞胎的 奉献 为……消毒,给……杀菌
Ⅰ.语境填词 at risk;disinfect;statistics;tackle;vital;boundary;ward; not to mention;devotion;priority 1.According to official _s_ta_t_is_ti_c_s___ the disease killed over 500 people. 2.The government's _p_r_io_r_it_y__ is to build more power plants. 3.The government is determined to _ta_c_k_l_e_ inflation.
result in common interests or concerns developing.For example, international companies have a vasted interest in the economies of the various countries in which they conduct business.The stronger the economies the better business will be.This is the sort of common interest and concern that the global village encompasses.
高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 4 Period1 Reading and thinking课件

5. What is the capital of Canada?
B. the largest city
Vancouver (温哥华)
Toronto (多伦多)
Calgary (卡尔加里)
Ottawa (渥太华)
6. What is the national animal of Canada?
• 1.Find out the main scenery they saw while going eastward in paragraph 3. • The beautiful mountains • Forest • Blue water • creatures
Mountains Forests
• 词汇拓展: • arise from/out of 由……引起/产生;从……中产生 • The country’s present difficulties arise from/out of the shortage of petroleum. • 这个国家当前的困境是由石油短缺造成的。 • 提示: • arise为不及物动词,表示“出现,发生”时,主语一般为argument, difficulty,
Para4--6: Read them carefully and find out:
1.What is Edmonton most famous for? Its shopping malls. 2.What made Li Daiyu and Liu Qian surprised on the train across the great Canadian Prairie? The size of Canada. 3.What did they learn about Ontario? A land of forests, lakes and rolling hills; four great lakes on its southern border, capital is Toronto
高中英语精品课件Unit1 Adverting-Grammar and usage(译林牛津版必修4)

She said that that film waroject tomorrow.’ he said to me.
He asked me to finish the project the next day.
(Change what has been said to an object clause or an infinitive phrase.)
Past continuous Past perfect
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
Present perfect
Past perfect
Practice 1: Change the following sentences into reported speech. 1. ‘I haven’t brought my dictionary,’ the student said.
1. Which one is direct speech and which one is reported speech? (direct speech) He said, ‘I will go to school tomorrow.’ She told us something secret. (reported speech) 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech. She said, ‘This film is quite interesting.’
Direct speech today tomorrow yesterday next month
Reported speech the day/yesterday/on Monday, etc.

With all this beauty, it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music, dancing, and dining 【4】. To have a chance of[16] experiencing this, stop by[17] a village pub[18] and relax with a glass of wine[19] or a local beer[20]. Better yet[21], enjoy a delicious traditional Irish Beef Stew[22]. If you're lucky, you might be able to enjoy some traditional music and dancing, too. And if you introduce yourself to[23] a friendly face, you are more than[24] likely to[25] experience local culture and customs[26] first-hand[27].
一直以来,爱尔兰的美丽乡村对当地的人民和传统产生着深远的影响。 爱尔兰有着孕育伟大作家和诗人的悠久传统。其美丽的乡村给人以激情和 灵感,满足各种感官享受。“绿宝石(爱尔兰)岛”风光宁静秀美,郡县草 木葱茏,青山连绵起伏,牛羊点缀其中,堪称一场名副其实的视觉盛宴。 海边波浪咆哮,海鸟鸣叫,奏响了海岸交响乐。安静的早晨,在山间感受 阳光照耀在肌肤上,呼吸着带有清新的花香的空气,而鸟儿们则用它们的 晨歌迎接新的一天。这般美景,造就了爱尔兰包括音乐、舞蹈和餐饮在内 的强大传统也就不足为奇了。要想体验这一切,可以去一家乡村酒吧,喝 一杯葡萄酒或本地的啤酒,放松身心。更为美妙的是,可品尝美味的爱尔 兰传统炖牛肉。运气好的话,你还可以欣赏到传统的音乐和舞蹈。向友善 的当地人做个自我介绍,你定能亲身体验当地的文化和习俗。
高中英语 unit1 language points课件新人教版必修4

7.Work out (1) 理解,说出, 判断 I can’t work out the meaning of the poem. The map is wrong. I can’t work out where we are now. (2) (情况等)发展,进行 Things have worked out badly 情况不妙。
Sensitive people don’t think ________ things which are not needed even at a low price. (值得买) (worthwhile) 答案:it (is) worthwhile to buy / buying
(1) be (well) worth doing The book is well worth reading. (2) worthy adj. be worthy of sth. of being done to be done
(2) in connection with 关于,有关 ( police are qestioning the two men in The connection with the bank robbery. He asked me many questions in connection with life in Britiain. there is any connection Do you think ___________ between the two cases of murder?(有关系)
If you don’t know___________ yourself at table in foreigh country, you should copy the host.(如何守规矩) 答案: how to behave Generally speaking , those _____ at school are usually popular with their parents at home. (表现好) 答案:who behave themselves well
2020新译林版高中英语选择性必修二Unit 4 Reading1课件

The last picture portrays a picture of a machine hand taking hold of the earth. It serves as a warning to us that we should not be too greedy and rather be careful about what we wish for. Otherwise, we may get controlled by what we have created.
The second picture describes a machine playing go with humans, which demonstrates a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.
The third picture depicts a scene where a robot is having a conversation with a human being, suggesting that one day machines may have the ability to respond not only to human language but also to human feelings.
Para. 4
__________Байду номын сангаас_
Para. 5
Para. 6
While reading
Para 2: AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines imitating the complex networks of the human brain.
The second picture describes a machine playing go with humans, which demonstrates a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.
The third picture depicts a scene where a robot is having a conversation with a human being, suggesting that one day machines may have the ability to respond not only to human language but also to human feelings.
Para. 4
__________Байду номын сангаас_
Para. 5
Para. 6
While reading
Para 2: AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines imitating the complex networks of the human brain.

B. there is no worry about the future of the ○Internet
C. we can do many things through the Internet without going outside
D. we can live in virtual reality completely
C.Terrorists may make planes crash. D. People may damage the world’s computers.
3. The second paragraph mainly tells
4. Which of the following statements is WRONG? ○A. With the development of computers,our lives may change in shopping and communicating ways.
C. TV has been replaced by computers
D. all the people are glad about the future of the Internet
Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容,依据语法规则完成短文)
The Future of Cyberspace
has grown
to focus mainly on the written text. 在一本带有大量图画和
be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事
It is likely that... 很可能……
It’s more likely that... 更可能……
人教版高中英语ppt配套课件:必修4 unit 1 Women of achievement

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 答案 多年以来,Goodall的研究不断地(向人们)表明:人
话题美文欣赏 课前自主导学 考点难点易混点
Unit 1 Women of achievement Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading 课件(人教版必修4, 课标通用)
1.Where is Gombe National Park? A.It is in West Africa. B.It is in East Africa. C.It is in South Africa.
仿写:昨天是在街上我遇见了杰克。 _________________________________________________ 答案 It was in the street that I came across Jack yesterday.
on a chair in her home in England.
As a child,Jane Goodall was an avid(酷爱的)reader of
the popular Tarzan books.But at the age of ten or eleven,she
话题美文欣赏 课前自主导学 考点难点易混点
Unit 1 Women of achievement Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading 课件(人教版必修4, 课标通用)
1.Where is Gombe National Park? A.It is in West Africa. B.It is in East Africa. C.It is in South Africa.
仿写:昨天是在街上我遇见了杰克。 _________________________________________________ 答案 It was in the street that I came across Jack yesterday.
on a chair in her home in England.
As a child,Jane Goodall was an avid(酷爱的)reader of
the popular Tarzan books.But at the age of ten or eleven,she
2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 4--Listening and Speaking公开课课件

do to you. 己所不欲勿施于人
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy?
Education was one of Confucius' core values. He would help us know the future. He also thought education helped our confidence which would help bring peace and prosperity. He also thought it was important to use and apply what we have learnt in our education. Confucius was a great thinker, educator, and philosopher.
Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance.
Place name Location Appearance ...
History and origin Cultural/ Historic value Legends
A. There are famous halls in his hometown. B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown. C. Both places have a famous person who was born there. D. His hometown doesn't allow other buildings to be more noticeable than
What else do you know about Confucius and his philosophy?
Education was one of Confucius' core values. He would help us know the future. He also thought education helped our confidence which would help bring peace and prosperity. He also thought it was important to use and apply what we have learnt in our education. Confucius was a great thinker, educator, and philosopher.
Think about a historic site that you have visited, and give an introduction to its history and importance.
Place name Location Appearance ...
History and origin Cultural/ Historic value Legends
A. There are famous halls in his hometown. B. There are no tall buildings in his hometown. C. Both places have a famous person who was born there. D. His hometown doesn't allow other buildings to be more noticeable than
人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit4 《Wildlife protection ---Pre-Reading》 课件 (共58张PPT)

If you have seen her/him, please let her/him back. Thanks!
My Mom Lost! My mom is out. Have you seen her? We live in Tibet at a high altitude. She is brown and the stomach is white. The wool beneath her stomach is very,very,very soft. She is so beautiful that she was chosen as one of the mascots for the Beijing Olympic Games named Yingying.
• To employ different reading skills to get, analyze and summarize information. 运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获 取信息和分析信息。学会总结故事体裁文章主题的方法。
• To express your opinions about Wildlife Protection according to the information you’ve ggeot.. 利用已获取的信息发表自己对野生动物保护问题的看法。
They are beingwkhiylled for the wool beneath their stomachs
Their fur is being used to make sweaters for people.
They’re now an endangered species. result
Unit 4 Wildlife Protection
人教版高中英语必修4第一单元 Listening and speaking课件(共14张PPT)

Suppose you are a reporter ,interview your partner. (假设你是记者,采访你的同桌关于木兰或者圣女.贞德的 故事)
S1: Good afternoon …Nice to meet you. S2: Good afternoon,nice to meet you ,too. S1: Do you know Mulan/Joan of Arc/...(其他伟人)? S2: Yes
2. At that time, the English were ruling France. They treated the French badly .
3. Shejoinedthe French Army. She was a very
good soldier and she won battles against the
中学生加入共青团申请书范本XX 特别为大家整理了《中学生加入共青 团申请 书范文 XX》这 篇文章,仅供大 家参考 ,
希望大家看后能够写出更好的佳作! ! 团支部:
在五四青年节快要来临之际,我郑重地 向团组 织提出 申请,要 求加入 中国共 产主义 青 年团。共青团是党的忠实助手,是一所 马克思 主义的 大学校 。在这 座共产 主义的 大 熔炉里,培养了一批又一批的先进青年 、伟大 祖国的 建设者 、捍卫 者,铸造 了一代 又
Activity 1 Listen to the part 1 and choose the right answer.
1. Where was Joan of Arc from?
A. England B. France
C. German
2. When did the story happened?

3.“关注”词汇一览 ①pay attention to注意 ②keep an eye on 密切注视 ③focus one's attention on 关注 ④concentrate on 关注;集中于 ⑤keep a close watch on 密切关注
【句式再现】攻克句型 对接高考
4. It is a pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo. 遗憾的是,在这个故事里没有人 帮助渡渡鸟。
It is a pity 是……
他们从它们骨骼的连接方式上 的定语从句
your daily life will change
___t_h__e__w_a_y__y_o__u__l_o_o_k__a_t________ . the world
2.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,_l_o_n__g__b_e_f_o__re__h__u_m__a_n__s …came into being 数千万年前,在人类诞生之前 很久,它们就生活在地球 上……
(过去式)→ bitten (过去分词)
1.wild adj. 野生的; 未开发的 2.mosquito n. 蚊子 ughter n. 笑声 4.income n. 收入 5.ending n. 结局; 结尾 6.habitat n. (动植物的)栖息地 7. insect n. 昆虫 8. reserve n. 保护区
2019外研版高中英语选择性必修二Unit4 Using language 课件

Grammar: It as an empty subject Rewrite the underlined parts using it as an empty subject.
According to the “2017 Hollywood Diversity Report”, to get roles in American film and television is no longer quite so difficult for women and minorities. This is another small but important advance against gender and racial discrimination.
5) It is a pity / shame / ... that ... 例如:It is a pity that you didn’t see such a good film.
6) It happens / seems / looks / appears / ... that ... 例如:It happens that I know him.
it is no longer quite so difficult for women and minorities to get roles in American film and television
Grammar: It as an empty subject Rewrite the underlined parts using it as an empty subject.
Grammar: It as an empty subject Look at the sentences and answer the questions. Sentences (a) and (c) are from the reading passage.
Grammar: It as an empty subject Rewrite the underlined parts using it as an empty subject.
According to the “2017 Hollywood Diversity Report”, to get roles in American film and television is no longer quite so difficult for women and minorities. This is another small but important advance against gender and racial discrimination.
5) It is a pity / shame / ... that ... 例如:It is a pity that you didn’t see such a good film.
6) It happens / seems / looks / appears / ... that ... 例如:It happens that I know him.
it is no longer quite so difficult for women and minorities to get roles in American film and television
Grammar: It as an empty subject Rewrite the underlined parts using it as an empty subject.
Grammar: It as an empty subject Look at the sentences and answer the questions. Sentences (a) and (c) are from the reading passage.
人教版高中英语必修四课件-Unit 4 Body Language P-1PPT课件

Person & country
Suitable greeting
a man from Canada To M: Shakes hands.
To F: Shakes hands or kisses on
Both cheeks if known.
a woman from France To M: Shakes hands or kisses
• 2. What parts of the world are not represented by the visitors?
Africa, Australia and Central America.
• 3. Why is Julia Smith surprised?
Julia Smith is surprised that Mr Garcia touches her shoulder and kisses on the cheek when they meet.
They shake hands & kiss each other twice on each cheek.
• 6. Is the main character male or female?
How do you know?
From the 5th paragraph we know that there are only two women, one is Julia Smith, the other is Madame Coulon, so the main character must be a man.
7 I’m very nervous. 8 I’m tired &sleepy.
Patting or rubbing stomach. Hanging head. Smiling, arms open and head back.
高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册-Unit 4 Lesson 1 Avatar-课件

different views
Discussion and Deep Thinking
• Why do people obviously make their avatars look better than they do in real life?
• Do you agree with the writer that “the avatar you choose says a lot about your personality”? Give examples to support your opinion.
• Example: • I use____________ as my avatar in
order to/ because_______________________ ______.
• What would you like to learn about avatars? • Write down your questions.
uses/purposes of avatars
different views
Read for Detailed Information
• How does the author explain each aspect with details?
Key Information
Unit 4 Information Technology
Lesson 1 Avatars
Period 1
• Look at the screenshot of our WeChat group, describe your avatar and share the reason why you use it.
高中英语外研版复习课件:必修4 Module1 Life in the Future

要 么 我 可 以 陪 你 去 。 alternatively“ 二 者 择 一 地 ” 。
differently“ 不 同 地 ” ; accordingly“ 相 应 地 ” ; automatically“自动地”。 【答案】 B
立体设计· 走进新课堂
立体设计· 走进新课堂
话题 功能 语法
Life in the Future(未来生活) Talking about the future(谈论未来) The future continuous(将来进行时)
1.alternativeadj.供选择的;替换的 2.load vt.装;装载 3.arrest vt.逮捕;拘留 4.instruct n.命令;指令 5.entertainment n.娱乐;消遣 6.charge n.费用;价钱 7.switch n. & vi.开关;交换;调 换 8.optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主 义的 9.eventually adv.最后;终于 10.shape vt.造成„„形状 11.prediction n.预测→predict v.预 言→predictable adj.可预言的,可预 报的 12.crime n.罪行→criminal n. &adj.罪犯;犯罪的 13.risky adj.危险的,冒险的→risk n.&v.危险,风险;面临危险;冒 险做 14.disability n.失去能力;伤残 →disable v.使人丧失能力/残疾 →disabled adj.残废的,有残疾的 15.rely vi.依赖;依靠→reliable adj. 可信赖的,可依靠的
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as tall as s_o_r_g_h_um__ as big as_a_c_o_r_n__ as huge as a__p_ea_n_ut
Para. 4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams
His another dream isto__e_x_p_o_rt_h_i_s_r_ic_e__s_o_t_h_at ____i_t _c_a_n_b_e__g_ro_w__n_a_l_l o_v_e_r_t_h_e_w__o_rl_d__.
From the description(描述) of Dr. Yuan’s appearance, achievements and dreams, what kind of person do you think he is ?
devoted Qualities of Dr. Yuan warm-hearted
Achievement He works hard and grows super_h_y__b_r_id__rice . In 1973,
he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a high_o_u_tp_u_.t
Para 2 Finish the chart
4. UsinSg uhisphyebrridHricye,bfarrmiedrs Rareipcroeducing harvests_tw_i_c_e__as large as before. 5. This special strain of rice makes it possible
to produce __20_%___more of the crop in the
Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4
A. Dr Yuan’s dreams. B. Dr Yuan’s personality. C. Dr Yuan’s biography. D. Dr Yuan’s appearance
samepfireoldds.u(pcatriavgera/phh i1g) h output
Para. 3 Dr Yuan’s personality
He enjoys listening to v_i_ol_in__m_u_s_ic, playing_m_a_h_-_jo_n_g__, _sw__im_m__in_g___, and_r_e_a_d_in_g______.
What is happening to these people?
He is circulating his knowledge
Para 2 Find out the statistics in this paragraph.
1. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce 2. aboutfi_ft_y-_s_ix_m__ill_io_n____tons of rice. 3.2. In a recent harvest, however, nearlytw_o_____ 4. hu_n_d_re_d_m__ill_io_n_____tons of rice was produced 5.3. These increased harvests mean that22_%___o 6. the world’s people are fed from j7u%st____o 7. the farmland in the world.
aபைடு நூலகம்d his achievement.
Para 1 Fill in the blanks
Yuan Longping thinks he is a f_a_r_m_e_r_as well as a scientist. He has_s_u_n_b_u_rn_t__face and arms and a _sl_im__,_st_r_o_n_g_body.
irrigating 灌溉 transplanting插秧 harvesting
Man Scientist / farmer Chinese Father of hybrid rice
Guess who?
Age Education Achievement Hobbies Personality Super hybrid rice Dreams
Enjoy a Poem
Farmers weeding at noon,
Sweat down the field soon.
Who knows food on a tray,
Due to their toiling day.
ploughing (犁田) sseeeddiningg(播种) fertilizing (施肥
Time Information
1930 1953 As a young man
Born in Beijing Graduated from
Southwest Agriculture College
Saw the great need for increasing the rice output
1.Yuan Longping is quite_sa_t_is_fied
2. with his life.
Personality: 3.2. However, he doesn’t
famous rich
Para. 4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams
Produce a kind of rice that could feed more people
Para. 4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams
His another dream isto__e_x_p_o_rt_h_i_s_r_ic_e__s_o_t_h_at ____i_t _c_a_n_b_e__g_ro_w__n_a_l_l o_v_e_r_t_h_e_w__o_rl_d__.
From the description(描述) of Dr. Yuan’s appearance, achievements and dreams, what kind of person do you think he is ?
devoted Qualities of Dr. Yuan warm-hearted
Achievement He works hard and grows super_h_y__b_r_id__rice . In 1973,
he became a pioneer to grow rice that has a high_o_u_tp_u_.t
Para 2 Finish the chart
4. UsinSg uhisphyebrridHricye,bfarrmiedrs Rareipcroeducing harvests_tw_i_c_e__as large as before. 5. This special strain of rice makes it possible
to produce __20_%___more of the crop in the
Find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.
Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4
A. Dr Yuan’s dreams. B. Dr Yuan’s personality. C. Dr Yuan’s biography. D. Dr Yuan’s appearance
samepfireoldds.u(pcatriavgera/phh i1g) h output
Para. 3 Dr Yuan’s personality
He enjoys listening to v_i_ol_in__m_u_s_ic, playing_m_a_h_-_jo_n_g__, _sw__im_m__in_g___, and_r_e_a_d_in_g______.
What is happening to these people?
He is circulating his knowledge
Para 2 Find out the statistics in this paragraph.
1. In 1950, Chinese farmers could produce 2. aboutfi_ft_y-_s_ix_m__ill_io_n____tons of rice. 3.2. In a recent harvest, however, nearlytw_o_____ 4. hu_n_d_re_d_m__ill_io_n_____tons of rice was produced 5.3. These increased harvests mean that22_%___o 6. the world’s people are fed from j7u%st____o 7. the farmland in the world.
aபைடு நூலகம்d his achievement.
Para 1 Fill in the blanks
Yuan Longping thinks he is a f_a_r_m_e_r_as well as a scientist. He has_s_u_n_b_u_rn_t__face and arms and a _sl_im__,_st_r_o_n_g_body.
irrigating 灌溉 transplanting插秧 harvesting
Man Scientist / farmer Chinese Father of hybrid rice
Guess who?
Age Education Achievement Hobbies Personality Super hybrid rice Dreams
Enjoy a Poem
Farmers weeding at noon,
Sweat down the field soon.
Who knows food on a tray,
Due to their toiling day.
ploughing (犁田) sseeeddiningg(播种) fertilizing (施肥
Time Information
1930 1953 As a young man
Born in Beijing Graduated from
Southwest Agriculture College
Saw the great need for increasing the rice output
1.Yuan Longping is quite_sa_t_is_fied
2. with his life.
Personality: 3.2. However, he doesn’t
famous rich
Para. 4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams
Produce a kind of rice that could feed more people