文化透视英语教程4 unit7 The Laws of Cyberspace What Colleges Need to Know

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The Laws of Cyberspace: What Colleges Need to Know
Continued incidents of misuse of the Internet on college campuses suggest that we need to reexamine our existing approaches to the problem. For the most part, colleges and the universities (much like legislators) have addressed misuse of the Internet as though it were an entirely new issue. In reality, however, it is simply a new form of an old problem: how to handle abuses of free speech and similar types of misconduct.



Hardly anyone uses computers to compute anymore. Instead, we use them to communicate. Every day on our campuses, students and faculty and staff members use our computer systems and networks to disseminate far more texts and images than the New York Times, far more than NPR, and far more video than NBC. They are sending far more electronic mail than paper mail and engaging in far more electronic discussions than telephone calls. And their electronic messages have a far wider audience than any of the more traditional forms of communications. In effect, people on our campuses are acting as international publishers and broadcasters.





If computer users are engaged in the same kinds of communications as the traditional media are, it should come as no surprise that they also face the same long-standing legal issues and have the same well-settled legal responsibilities and liabilities in connection with those communications that traditional media or broadcasters. At best, only a handful of them are aware of the liable, copyright, obscenity, and other laws applicable to their activities on the Internet – let alone the finer points of the ―actual malice‖ doctrine, the Supreme Court’s latest pronouncement on the four factors to be considered in analyzing a claim of ―fair use,‖ or the scope of ―local community standards‖ in the various jurisdictions through which their racier communications mat pass. They also know virtually, nothing about the potential legal consequences of violating the applicable laws.




Instead, to the extent that they consider legal issues at all, computer users typically view them through the lens of Internet folklore, which mistakenly conceives of cyberspace as a separate, law-free jurisdiction in which what is permissible is defined solely by the limits of users’ technical capabilities. Unfortunately, that view recently has been reinforced by the widespread misconception that the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the Communications Decency Act outlawed all regulation on the Net.



In fact, while that decision was indeed momentous, all that it really held was that government regulation of the Internet must be consistent with First Amendment principles, and that the C.D.A. was not, because it restricted far more speech than was necessary or appropriate to deal with the problem of minors’ access to ―indecency.‖ The Supreme Court did not hold that the Internet could not be regulated at all—indeed, it expressly recognized that a more ―narrowly tailored‖ certainly did not release computer users from their responsibilities and liabilities under existing, generally applicable laws, such as those governing libel, copyright, and obscenity.





The result of these misconceptions has been that our computer users increasingly, if unknowingly, are engaging in communications that are libelous or obscene, that infringe copyrighted works, and that violate other laws. And because those communications flow through and reside in our computer systems, colleges and universities are being asked and expected to do something about them.



Most commonly, our response to such expectations has been to adopt new, computer-specific codes of conduct, often expressed in long lists of ―thou shalt not.‖ Such codes, however, can do more harm than good: They usually duplicate or conflict with—and therefore sometimes cause confusion about—other applicable laws and institutional policies. Moreover, they can encourage computer users to seek out and exploit the inevitable loopholes; they may infringe upon academic freedom by chilling legitimate expression; and, most important, they can actually increase institutions’
liabilities for our users’ communications, because they raise expectations about both our ability and our duty to police these communications.






Although the law is not completely settled, what is increasingly clear is that colleges and universities are not liable for an illegal communication solely because they own the system through which that communication flows. We will, of course, always be responsible for the communications of colleges and university employees on the Internet when they are acting within the scope of their employment. But with respect to the other, ―personal‖ communications on our system—including, in particular, most student communications—we are liable only when we know, or have good reason to know, of their illegal character but fail to stop them.


Thus, for example, if a student posts a libelous message to our Usenet server and we never learn of it, the student alone will be liable if the message results in a lawsuit. But if we become aware of the existence of the libel on our system, by complaint or any other means, and do nothing about it, we will be liable, along with the student.


The more that we specifically attempt to regulate the content of the personal communications on our system, the more likely it is that we will be expected to know what that content is, and the more likely it is that we will held liable for it when it is illegal, whether or not we actually know about the offense. In other words, if we act as if we were newspaper editors, imposing rigid, Internet – specific content guidelines or screening material before it is distributed publicly—or even if we just reserve the right to act in this way—we should not be surprised to find ourselves subjected to the same liabilities as newspaper are for their libelous or other illegal communications. If , however, we act more like a telephone company—that is, simply as the operator if a communications system, the content of which is determined by others—our liabilities for individuals’ personal communications should be reduced.



That is not to say that we should abandon all responsibility. We can and should continue to enforce existing, generally applicable laws and policies in the context of the Internet, just as we would in any context, when we learn that they have been violated. And, at least for now, the law also appears to require us to investigate in good faith whatever complaints about the legality of our computer users’ communications are brought to our attention and—if the complaints are justified—to remove those communications from our systems.



Such after – the – fact enforcement of general laws and policies does nit carry with in the legal risks associated with more active editorial control. But because it is impossible, as a practical matter, for us to keep track—let alone control the content—of all of the personal communications on our campuses systems, we should be careful not to make it appear that we are doing so by adopting content regulations specific to the Internet.



A more productive approach to the problem of Internet misuse is one that, ironically, we often forget about: education. If, as our experience at the Ohio State University suggests, the primary problem is that our computer users do not understand their legal responsibilities online, rather than that they intend to act maliciously, surely the solution is to teach our users about the relevant legal issues.



For the past years, we have been doing just that at Ohio State. Each quarter, we teach all entering freshmen the basic principles of the laws and university policies relevant to their Internet communications, including libel, copyright, and obscenity laws. These are the areas in which problems arise most frequently, and existing laws and policies already address them quite well. Our main message is : Communications that would be illegal or in violation of university policy when they occur ―off line‖ world are equally illegal or in violation of university policy when they occur online. We will soon be making our
educational materials available to the rest of our computer users as well.






Informal education efforts also can be extremely effective, particularly when dealing with specific complaints of misuse. Nothing drives home the point so well to those accused of misusing the Internet as a discussion of the concept of personal liability—for example, the prospect of as much as $100,000 in statutory damages for a single instance of copyright infringement, as well as a demonstration of how easy it is for a university administrator (or, say, the user’s parents and prospective employers) to find a potentially embarrassing communication by means of Web – based search engines such as Alta Vista or Deja News. It is only then that some students first understand the consequences of what they may have considered harmless fun.


例如,仅是侵犯版权构成法定损害罪就需要支付多达10万美元的赔偿金;而且,学校管理者(或用户的父母或其未来的老板)通过类似Alta Vista或Deja News的搜索引擎去找到一些潜在的触犯法律的言论,是多么容易啊。


As part of the same effort, we are also revising our computer – use policy at Ohio State to make it more of an educational tool than a mere list of regulations. To the extent possible, the policy will simply incorporate—and remind our users of-—existing relevant laws, polices, and enforcement mechanisms, including our code of student conduct. The policy will include computer – specific rules only to the extent that computers pose unique issues not addressed by existing laws and policies—for example, the need to limit usage so as not to interfere with others\ use of the computer resources that are available.




It is still too early to tell how effective our educational approach will be, but the results so far are promising. Our students have seemed eager to learn about ―Internet law‖ (if only because they want to know what they can get away with), and it appears that the number of serious complaints about Internet misuse on our campuses is dropping. If that reduction continues, not only should we see a corresponding reduction in potential legal claims against the university, but we will also be able to spend less time and effort on
complaints. It seems that with the Internet, as with most things, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.



