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Nintendo 玩家指南说明书

INSTRUCTION BOOKLETNintendo of America Inc.P .O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A.PRINTED IN USA AVAILABLE AT YOUR NEAREST RETAILER!OFFICIAL NINTENDO POWER PLAYER'S GUIDE53920AC Stick Control Stick 03OPTIONS BASIC CONTROLSHOW TO START STARTING THE GAMEControl Stick + Control Pad Select a commandInsert the Memory Card into Slot A. Insert the Pokémon Colosseum Game Disc into the Playing for the first timeIf you are playing this game for the first time,You will be unable to save the progress of the game if there is not a Pokémon Colosseum file. Once the Pokémon Colosseum file is created, the main menu will be To save the progress of the game, you'll need 48 or more free blocksTo save the progress of the game, you'll need 48 or more free blocks on your Memory Card.You can't continue the game unless you have Pokémon Colosseum saved data on the Memory Card.For information on deleting or formatting the save file on the Memory Card, please refer to the Nintendo GameCube Instruction Booklet.In Story Mode, you can only save one save file on one Memory Card.••••Selecting "OPTIONS" will allow you to change the game's settings.ESPEON UMBREONHeroPartnerIn Story Mode, you are the hero. Explore the Orre Region and battle with other trainers. Sit back and enjoy the all-new story in this RPG!STARTING THE STORY MODE NEW GAMEWhen you select "NEW GAME" in theStory Mode, it will take you to thenaming screen. You can choose one ofthe names already prepared, or you cancome up with your own. (*Once youhave chosen a name, you will not beable to change it.)CONTINUEYou'll start the game from where you last saved.ESPEON and UMBREONThe hero's two starting Pokémon.She helps the hero with her ability to seeShadow Pokémon.The hero who has the ability toSnag Pokémon.CHARACTERS0809A Button Confirm selection / Talk / Check First, let's check the field by walking around. By pressing the A Button, you can talk to a When the hero reaches the edge of the field, thePROCEEDING IN THE GAMECONTROLSMOVING ON THE MAPFIELD MENUPressing the X Button, Y Button, orSnagged -Snagged -No Icon -SAVING THE GAME AND PCs There are many functions to the PC, such as saving the BATTLESBATTLE COMMANDS You will battle against Pokémon trainers you meet. The battle system is that each trainer uses two Pokémon (DOUBLE BATTLE). Once the battle is started, the two Pokémon on the FIGHTPokémon's Level Opponent's Pokémon Current HP / Maximum HPBATTLE SCREENWhen HP or PP is reduced during a battle, if your Pokémon has fainted, or if it is affected by an abnormal status, you can use your items to help it recover. Additionally, by visiting a Pokémon Center, Hotel, or aPokémon Restoring Machine, you will be able to recover your Pokémon.unknown gender.ABNORMAL STATUS & POKéMON RECOVERY When an enemy has attacked your Pokémon, there might be a chance that your 16PURIFY AND PURIFY COMPLETED WHAT IS SNAGGING?SNAGGING AND PURIFYINGDISTINGUISHING SHADOW POKéMON There are Pokémon who have been changed by an evil organization, and their hearts Usually, you can't catch opponent's Pokémon. However,When a Shadow Pokémon is Snagged, it is still a Shadow Pokémon.By repeating the above methods the Pokémon will begin to become Purified. The Purifying process differs based on each Pokémon's nature. You (the hero) can't tell whether a Pokémon is a Shadow. POINTS OF SHADOW POKéMONSHADOW POKéMONShadow Pokémon are being used for wrongful acts because an evil organization has found a way to shut the door to their hearts. There are a few characteristics that differ SHADOW POKéMON MOVESEXP THINGS SHADOW POKéMON CAN'T DOAt first, Shadow Pokémon can only use a move Shadow Pokémon that have just been Snagged can't gain any EXP . Points. Once a The following things can't be done until a Shadow Pokémon's Purification is complete.SHADOW POKéMON'S HYPER MODE When "SHADOW RUSH" is selected during a Shadow*On rare occasions, the Pokémon will recover on its own.LINKING UP TO TRADE POKéMON Once you clear the Story Mode, you can tradeFor linking up, please follow the instructions on the screen (see "CONNECTING THE NINTENDO GAMECUBE GAME BOY ADVANCE CABLE" on page 47).COLOSSEUM BATTLE Page 26 SOLO BATTLE Page 26 GANG BATTLE Page 35BATTLE NOW Page 46If you want to use your own Pok émon for a battle, please select "COLOSSEUM BATTLE." You can use the Pok émon from your Game Boy Advance Pok émon Pok émon you've caught in the Story Mode.•To use your Pok émon from the Game Boy Advance Pok émon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak, you will need If you want to use your own Pokémon for a battle, please select "COLOSSEUM BATTLE." You can use the Pokémon from your Game Boy Advance Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Paks, and from the Pokémon you've caught in the Story Mode.There is "SOLO BATTLE" to battle alone, and "GANG BATTLE" to play with either two or four friends.•To use your Pokémon from the Game Boy Advance Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak, you will need a Game Boy Advance (SP) system and a Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cable (each sold separately).In "BATTLE MODE," you can enjoy battling Pokémon in full 3-D with your friends."BATTLE MODE" can be played with either two or four people.If you want to battle immediately, select "BATTLE NOW." The Pok émon will be randomly selected, and If you want to battle immediately, select "BATTLE NOW." The Pokémon will be randomly selected, and you will battle against a computer opponent.*In "BATTLE MODE," you will not receive any EXP . Points or Poké Dollars.2425HOW TO PLAY A COLOSSEUM BATTLEIn "COLOSSEUM BATTLE," you can use your own Pokémon. There are "SOLO BATTLE"SOLO BATTLEIn "SOLO BATTLE" there are "COLOSSEUM BATTLE" and "MT. BATTLE VS 100" to choose trainers in a row (in some Colosseums). The trainers'STARTING A "SOLO BATTLE"If you select "YES" to register, the new data will overwrite the old registered data and If you have suspended data (see page 34), this data will be deletedLevel restriction for the participating Pokémon Once you defeat eight trainers in a row, you'll be the champion and theHOW TO PLAY "SOLO BATTLE"When you select either "COLOSSEUM BATTLE" or "MT. BATTLE VS 100," then "SINGLEGANG BATTLEIn "GANG BATTLE," you can enjoy a two- or four-playerTRAINERS WHO CAN ENTERThe character you will be is the hero of the "POKéMON COLOSSEUM STORY MODE"STARTING "GANG BATTLE" 1Select "GANG BATTLE" in "COLOSSEUM BATTLE."BATTLE COMMANDFIGHTCONTROLSDuring a "GANG BATTLE," the Pokémon's moves are hidden to the other players. *If you want to change the selection of a Pokémon, press the L Button. Holding downWHEN "FIGHT" IS SELECTED1243The direction a Pokémon is assigned on the + Control PadPokémon names will be displayedthe same as on the TV screen.displayed. Press either up, right, or left on the + Control Pad. By doing this, otherEND OF A GANG BATTLE When a "GANG BATTLE" battle is over, the menu below will be displayed.THE NINTENDO GAMECUBE GAME BOY ADVANCE CABLE" on page 47).EDIT RULESOnce you select the number of players and the battlechange a number, such as levels, move right or left to select the digit and then up or down to change it. When the number setting is done, move the cursor back to theBATTLE NOWSTARTING "BATTLE NOW""BATTLE NOW" lets you enjoy using randomly prepared Pokémon in a battle with the computer Select "BATTLE NOW" on the top menu screen. *If you want to change a Pokémon you have already selected, press the L Button.*You can check each Pokémon's moves by holding the R Button and pressing that The following is an explanation of the connection of a Game Boy Advance (SP) system and Nintendo GameCube using the Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cable.Game contents• SOLO BATTLE / Register Pokémon (page 32)• GANG BATTLE / Battle with 2 (page 35)• POKé COUPONS (page 51)• Exchange Poké Coupons for prizes (page 52)• Trade Pokémon by linking up (page 23) The items you will need:• Nintendo GameCube• Nintendo GameCube Controller • "Pokémon Colosseum" Game Disc• Memory Card that contains a "Pokémon Colosseum" save file• Game Boy Advance (SP) system• Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak• Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cable*Each sold separately111111147*The Game Boy Player can't be used for this purpose.Game contents• GANG BATTLE / Battle with 4(All trainers use Ruby/Sapphire Players [see page 35])The items you will need:• Nintendo GameCube • Nintendo GameCube Controller • "Pokémon Colosseum" Game Disc • Memory Card that contains a "Pokémon Colosseum" save file• Game Boy Advance (SP) system • Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak • Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cable111144411113331111222Game contents• GANG BATTLE / Battle with 2Both trainers use a Ruby/Sapphire Player (see page 35)The items you will need:• Nintendo GameCube • Nintendo GameCube Controller • "Pokémon Colosseum" Game Disc • Memory Card that contains a "Pokémon Colosseum" save file• Game Boy Advance (SP) system • Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak • Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cableGame contents• GANG BATTLE / Battle with 4(see page 35)The items you will need:• Nintendo GameCube• Nintendo GameCube Controller • "Pokémon Colosseum" Game Disc• Memory Card that contains a "Pokémon Colosseum" save file• Game Boy Advance (SP) system• Pokémon Ruby or Sapphire Game Pak• Nintendo GameCube Game Boy Advance cable4849"Poké Coupons" are an item you can get by clearing certain battles. The Poké Coupons can be exchanged for precious "items.""No," the Poké Coupons you've obtained will be forfeit. In a "COLOSSEUM BATTLE," you can save your Poké Coupons as soon as you obtain them, but in "MT. BATTLE VSWhen you select "POKé COUPON EXCHANGE," you will be asked to select either"COLOSSEUM POKé COUPON" or "POKéMON GBA POKé COUPON." When "POKéMONWhen First Starting Bronze Silver Gold。

黄金英雄坛说PC版游戏说明书目录1、游戏介绍 (2)2、配置需求 (3)3、基本按键操作 (4)4、游戏界面操作 (4)5、游戏系统说明 (9)6、版权说明 (12)7、附件(武艺等级描述表) (13)1、游戏介绍:由于在无意间触发了远古大陆英雄坛的时空转换装置,你被传送到东方的一片神秘大陆,以后的故事就在这片大陆上展开。
这里的NPC(Non-Player-Character 非玩家控制人物) 都在貌似平静中生活着,你的出现会不会改变他们的生活呢?可能只有你才知道。
2、配置需求:【主处理器】基本配置:奔腾III 1.3GHz以上(可能不会很流畅)推荐配置:奔腾IV 2.0GHz及以上【内存】256兆【硬盘空间】160M以上,其中需要C盘空闲30M以上【操作系统】Linux/Windows XP/Vista/7(需要安装黑体或宋体字体)Windows Vista/7系统的玩家需要使用“管理员方式”运行游戏Linux系统的玩家使用Wine模拟Windows环境进行游戏【软件要求】需要微软的Visual C++ 2008运行库的支持(游戏已自带运行库)【显卡需求】支持DirectX显示卡、8兆显存【音效设备】支持DirectSound的声卡【网络环境】局域网/56Kbps拨号网络,推荐512kbpsADSL或其它方式的宽带【操作设备】仅键盘说明:本游戏对图像、声音资源均进行了压缩,所以运行时请保证计算机的中央处理器运算能力足够强、保证有足够的内存来运行游戏;请尽量不要和其他的程序同时运行,特别是杀毒软件、防火墙之类的软件,以免给您带来不必要的问题。

蜘蛛纸牌游戏需求规格说明书二、需求规格说明书1.引言 (2)1.1编写目的 (2)1.2项目背景 (2)1.3参考资料 (3)2.任务概述 (3)2.1待开发软件的一般描述 (3)2.2 用户特征 (3)2.3运行环境 (3)3.功能需求 (4)3.1功能需求........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.外部接口需求.. (5)4.1用户接口 (5)4.2硬件接口 (5)4.3软件接口 (5)4.4故障处理 (5)5.性能需求 (5)5.1数据精确度 (5)5.2时间特性 (6)5.3适应性 (6)6.软件属性需求 (6)7.其它需求 (8)8.数据描述 (8)8.1静态数据 (8)8.2动态数据 (8)8.3数据库介绍 (8)8.4数据词典........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
8.5数据采集 (9)9.系统模型9.1逻辑模型.................................................................................................................. .. (9)9.2用例图 (11)1.引言1.1编写目的本需求规格文档的目的是说明蜘蛛纸牌游戏平台最终需要满足的条件和限制,为进一步设计和实现提供依据。

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Egypt - 英文使用手册说明书

English manual - Version 1.0 -NetHelpers Games2Table of contentsWelcome to Egypt! (4)About the game (5)Choose game mode (6)Tutorials (7)Singleplayer (8)Start (8)Cursor keys (8)Settings (8)Audio (9)Video (10)Game mode (11)Speed (12)Back (12)In-Game (13)User interface (13)Finding the exit (14)Movement (14)Climbing and jumping (15)Shooting (16)Pausing the game (16)Monsters (17)Ghosts (17)Mummies (17)Bats (18)Skeletons (18)Rats (18)Chameleons (19)Acid drops (19)Spiders (19)Collectibles (20)Nefertiti‘s magic healing potion .. 20Anubis‘ magic potion of speed (20)The protecting elixir of Imhotep .. 20Ammunition (21)Maps (21)Treasures (21)Winning a level (22)Game over (22)3Highscore (22)Multiplayer (23)Lobby (23)Creating a new room (24)In-game (26)User interface (26)How to win (27)Steering (28)Explore the area (28)Further key layout (29)Help dialog (29)Music controls (29)Leave the game (29)4Welcome to Egypt!You, a fearless archaeologist, have traveled to the ancient pyramids to discover their secrets.There are numerous dangers lurking in the pyramids, but also valuable treasures to collect.Find the exit of each pyramid and protect yourself from its guardians. How many pyramids will you survive?5About the gamePharao Reloaded is the remake of the 1989 game Pharao , created for the 8-bit computer KC85/3. It is in turn a remake of the game Fred made by Indescomp in 1983. Fred , also known as Roland on the ropes , was very popular in Spain and Westeurope.Pharao Reloaded tributes to this great game and enhances it by many new features.6Choose game modeIn the beginning of the game you can choose the game mode you want to play. Select Tutorials to learn how to play, Singleplayer to start your own adventure or Multiplayer to explore the pyramids with your friends.Just press the respective key.7TutorialsBoth game modes are different from each other.You should consider to play both tutorials to learn the differences.8SingleplayerThis is the main menu of singleplayer mode.On the bottom the selected game mode is displayed.StartStart your adventure right away.Cursor keysReminds you of the default keyboard layout: walking, jumping and climbing with the cursor keys, shooting in the direction of view with space key.SettingsYou can change the settings for audio and video or redefine the in-game-keys.AudioYou can choose between the sound effects from the original Pharao or apreselected set of more smooth ones.turn off sound effects at all.10 VideoThe camera either follows the player like in the original game step by step or in a more smooth manner. The last one is the default setting.11Game modeClassic contains all elements of the original. Select Classic Plus to play with new enemies, potions and features. Classic Plus is selected by default.12SpeedPharao Reloaded can be played in three different speed modes: original, smooth and fast. Smooth is the default setting.BackSelect Back to get back to the previous screen which can also be the title screen.13In-GameUser interfaceThe screen splits up in two areas, the game screen on the left and the info display on the right:These information are shown from top to bottom:- smalltriangles show the currentlevel number ( = Level 4)- current amount of ammunition (max 6 bullets) - the floor you are currently on - amap of the nearby environment (appears when a map is collected)- your state of health (max 15 health points) - your current score - your highscore14SteeringFinding the exitYou are looking for such an exit:As soon as you climb up the rope shown, you have won this level.The exit is located on the top floor (01) of the pyramid, while you start on the bottom floor (30).MovementTo move to the left, the right or up and down a rope, use the Cursor -keys.15Climbing and jumpingYou can climb up and down the ropes. You can get on a rope by standing directly underneath and pushing up or jumping on it from the left or right if it ends on a floor below you.You can also get off the rope by jumping.To do this, you have to be a bit above the aisle floor and simply push left (as in the example below) or right.While climbing, the side of the rope can be switched between the floors with the left or right . With this you can e.g. avoid chameleons.If you are not exactly under the rope in a corridor, you make a jump.16ShootingYou can shoot not only while walking but also when jumping, e.g. to drive away a bat. However, this doesn't work the moment you jump off or on a rope. You get 200 points for every monster you hit.Pausing the gameYou can pause the running game any time by hitting the ESC -key.Then you can choose to continue or leave to the main menu.17MonstersSuch a pyramid is a hostile environment. Their builders endeavored to preserve the pharaoh's treasures forever and to protect them from tomb robbers like you.Therefore, various different monsters that want to kill you roam the pyramids. And with every level they become more and meaner.Touching a monster costs you one life.GhostsThey are the primary guardians and can even walk through walls. They change direction when shot.MummiesThe dead are embalmed forever and very heavy. They are slow when moving forward but falling fast. Getting stuck, they teleport to a different location.18BatsThey flutter restlessly through the maze and can only be shot while jumping.Bats can suddenly change their direction of flight.SkeletonsThese unfortunate figures wander restlessly through the entire pyramid and even climb ropes.RatsThese rodents are always on the move and can only be jumped over at the right moment.19ChameleonsLike rats, chameleons are always on the move and move up and down walls. You can also switch to ropes and even the opposite wall.To avoid them, switch to that side of the wall opposed to where the chameleon is walking in the right moment.Acid dropsThe high priests of the ancient pharaohs placed these traps in the hallways. Slip past these toxic drops in the right moment.Spiders(Classic Plus mode only)Poisonous spiders crawl on ceilings and like to rope down unpredictably.20CollectiblesIf there was only death in the pyramids, you'd rather have stayed at home. During your search, you can collect a few things that will help you.Nefertiti‘s magic healingpotionIt immediately restores two lifepoints, but never more than 15.Potions do not get collected when you are at full health.Anubis‘ magic potion of speed(Classic Plus mode only)To work faster on the pyramid’s construction, the high priests gave the workers speed increasing potions.Some of these potions are still in the corridors today.When you collect it, you speed up on walking and climbing for a short time.The protecting elixir ofImhotep(Classic Plus mode only)For their personal protection against assassination the ancient phraraohsused up this elixir.21You will be invulnerable for a short time when you collect it.AmmunitionYour pistol is useless without ammunition. It offers protection from the guardians of the pyramid.As long as your magazine is full, ammunition will not be collected. Otherwise the magazine is filled completely.MapsThe architects of the ancient pyramids left maps behind during construction. Once collected, maps show the surrounding area. Corridors are blue.TreasuresThe Egyptian kings were buried with numerous valuable treasures. Collect them and get up to 5000 points per treasure.22Winning a levelAfter leaving the pyramid, you will receive an additional 1000 points for each treasure found as well as bonus points that increase with each level. Start the next level with up to two fresh life points and a full magazine.Game overThe game ends as soon as all of your lives are used up. Did you break your previous record in this attempt?Try again now and see how far you can get this time!HighscoreYou can see your personal highscore table by waiting a few moments in the main menu.Every game mode has its own highscore.23MultiplayerLobbyIf you have selected Multiplayer in the title-screen, you will be enter the lobby.Here you can select between joining an existing room or create a new one:Select Back to return to title-screen. To navigate either use Cursor -keys or select the corresponding key that is marked on a button. Use Return -key to select the highlighted button.24Creating a new roomAs host of a new room, you can modify its settings.- Number of players (2 to 4)- Size of the maze (23x23, 27x27, 31x31 fields)- Number of rounds (1 to 5)- Speed (Original, Smooth, Fast)- Reflection (should the maze be mirrored and if yes, how)- Duration of a round (2 to 5 minutes)Every player can choose a color and chat with the others.If there are rude players, you can kick them.Like before, you can navigate between the settings by using the Cursor -keys and select by hitting Return -key. The current selection is highlighted in yellow.You can also configure the settings byhitting the marked letter-key.As soon as every player is ready (indicated by a green rectangle to theright of their name), you can start the game. 2 526In-GameUser interfaceWhen the game was started, the screen looks like this:For every player there is a HeadUp-display in one of the four outer corners containing the following information:- selected color- current score in this round- remaining lifes and- the amount of ammunitionDisplay at the bottom shows- number of current round- total number of selected rounds- remaining time for this round27How to winEvery player starts in one of the outer corners of the maze.It ’s the objective to stay alive and collect more score than any other player in a round. This can be done by finding treasures and shoot on enemies (which can be also other players).The player who wins the most rounds, wins the match.Pole position is marked by this little orange pyramid:28Somewhere in the middle of the map there is Pharao ’s burial chamber.It ’s full of valuable treasures. You should take a look for it.SteeringTo navigate use the Cursor -keys. To shoot, use the Space -key.Multiplayer differs from singleplayer as there are no ropes to climb. You play on one floor only.Explore the areaIn the beginning, only immediate surrounding is visible. More gets visible by exploring the maze and collecting maps.You can move the camera by keeping Shift -key pressed and then hit the Cursor -keys.29 Further key layoutHelp dialogIf you are lost in game, press F1 to get some help dialogs.Music controlsPress M -key to un-/mute the music.To skip to the next track, press N -key. Increase or decrease volume by hitting Plus - or Minus -keys.Leave the gameTo leave the ongoing game and return to the main menu, press ESC -key.。

Game Salad Windows 版说明书初识Game salad简介Game Salad 是一款面向iOS,Android,HTML5和MAC平台的2D游戏开发工具,用它来制作游戏,简单迅速,并不需要输入代码。
小提示:Game salad目前分为两个版本,windows版支持Android 和HTML5平台,mac版支持iOS,Android,HTML5以及Mac平台。
如果想发布Android平台的产品,需要单独购买Game Salad专业版会员身份。
Game Salad的游戏制作逻辑:Rules规则+Behavior行为+Attributes属性共同决定项目执行方式,同时,assets资源库用来存放用户制作者导入的图片和声音素材。
小提示:必须在game salad上注册和登陆才能发布产品资源库Library左二至右:Scenes场景;Layer图层;Actors角色;Media媒体;Behaviors行为系统;Tables 表格/附录角色类型在Game Salad中Actors角色分为两种,在Layer图层下列出的是instance actor 角色实例;在Actors下列出的是prototypes,角色原型。
用Game Salad制作游戏新建场景Scene首先,打开Basic Shoot Em Up工程文件在Scene面板点击减号“-”删除“Initial Scene”。
点击“+”创建新的场景scene 1,并双击将它命名为“Aerial Combat Scene”。
新建角色Actor单击“Aerial Combat Scene”以激活场景,点击“Actor”面板可以看到文件中已经包含的众多角色,此时点击“+”新建“Actor 1”并双击将其重命名为“Player Ship”。

网络游戏规则与玩法介绍手册(针对不同游戏)第1章游戏概述与背景 (3)1.1 游戏背景简介 (3)1.2 游戏类型与特色 (3)1.3 游戏世界观 (4)第2章角色创建与成长 (4)2.1 角色创建 (4)2.2 角色属性与职业 (4)2.3 角色成长与技能树 (5)第3章基本操作与界面介绍 (5)3.1 基本操作指南 (6)3.1.1 移动操作 (6)3.1.2 视角操作 (6)3.1.3 攻击操作 (6)3.1.4 交互操作 (6)3.2 游戏界面布局 (6)3.2.1 菜单栏 (6)3.2.2 状态栏 (6)3.2.3 地图 (6)3.2.4 聊天框 (6)3.2.5 快捷栏 (7)3.3 快捷键设置 (7)3.3.1 基本快捷键 (7)3.3.2 战斗快捷键 (7)3.3.3 其他快捷键 (7)第4章游戏地图与场景 (7)4.1 地图概述与分类 (7)4.1.1 世界地图 (7)4.1.2 区域地图 (7)4.1.3 室内地图 (8)4.2 场景摸索与任务 (8)4.2.1 摸索 (8)4.2.2 任务 (8)4.3 副本与活动地图 (8)4.3.1 副本 (8)4.3.2 活动地图 (8)第5章物品与装备系统 (8)5.1 物品分类与获取 (8)5.1.1 消耗品 (9)5.1.2 装备 (9)5.2 装备属性与搭配 (9)5.2.1 装备属性 (9)5.2.2 装备搭配 (9)5.3 装备升级与精炼 (10)5.3.1 装备升级 (10)5.3.2 装备精炼 (10)第6章技能与战斗系统 (10)6.1 技能学习与释放 (10)6.1.1 技能学习 (10)6.1.2 技能分类 (10)6.1.3 技能释放 (10)6.2 战斗操作与策略 (11)6.2.1 基本操作 (11)6.2.2 策略运用 (11)6.2.3 角色定位 (11)6.3 独特战斗玩法 (11)6.3.1 连击系统 (11)6.3.2 状态系统 (11)6.3.3 环境互动 (11)6.3.4 战斗副本 (11)第7章社交互动与合作 (12)7.1 好友系统与聊天功能 (12)7.1.1 好友系统 (12)7.1.2 聊天功能 (12)7.2 公会与团队建设 (12)7.2.1 公会系统 (12)7.2.2 团队建设 (13)7.3 合作任务与活动 (13)7.3.1 合作任务 (13)7.3.2 合作活动 (13)第8章竞技与排行榜 (13)8.1 竞技场与对战模式 (14)8.1.1 竞技场概述 (14)8.1.2 对战模式 (14)8.2 排行榜与荣誉系统 (14)8.2.1 排行榜 (14)8.2.2 荣誉系统 (14)8.3 竞技赛事与奖励 (14)8.3.1 竞技赛事 (14)8.3.2 奖励 (15)第9章交易与货币系统 (15)9.1 交易市场与拍卖行 (15)9.1.1 交易市场 (15)9.2 货币分类与获取途径 (15)9.2.1 货币分类 (16)9.2.2 获取途径 (16)9.3 消费与投资策略 (16)9.3.1 消费策略 (16)9.3.2 投资策略 (16)第10章游戏管理与安全 (16)10.1 游戏规则与违规处理 (16)10.1.1 游戏规则 (16)10.1.2 违规处理 (17)10.2 账号安全与防骗指南 (17)10.2.1 账号安全 (17)10.2.2 防骗指南 (17)10.3 客服与玩家反馈渠道 (17)10.3.1 客服渠道 (17)10.3.2 玩家反馈渠道 (17)第1章游戏概述与背景1.1 游戏背景简介本游戏背景设定在一个充满奇幻与冒险的虚拟世界。
Game Salad Windows 版说明书(中文翻译part1)

Game Salad Windows 版说明书初识Game salad简介Game Salad 是一款面向iOS,Android,HTML5和MAC平台的2D游戏开发工具,用它来制作游戏,简单迅速,并不需要输入代码。
小提示:Game salad目前分为两个版本,windows版支持Android 和HTML5平台,mac版支持iOS,Android,HTML5以及Mac平台。
如果想发布Android平台的产品,需要单独购买Game Salad专业版会员身份。
Game Salad的游戏制作逻辑:Rules规则+Behavior行为+Attributes属性共同决定项目执行方式,同时,assets资源库用来存放用户制作者导入的图片和声音素材。
小提示:必须在game salad上注册和登陆才能发布产品资源库Library左二至右:Scenes场景;Layer图层;Actors角色;Media媒体;Behaviors行为系统;Tables表格/附录角色类型在Game Salad中Actors角色分为两种,在Layer图层下列出的是instance actor 角色实例;在Actors下列出的是prototypes,角色原型。
用Game Salad制作游戏新建场景Scene首先,打开Basic Shoot Em Up工程文件在Scene面板点击减号“-”删除“Initial Scene”。
点击“+”创建新的场景scene 1,并双击将它命名为“Aerial Combat Scene”。
新建角色Actor单击“Aerial Combat Scene”以激活场景,点击“Actor”面板可以看到文件中已经包含的众多角色,此时点击“+”新建“Actor 1”并双击将其重命名为“Player Ship”。

网络游戏玩家操作手册第1章游戏基础操作指南 (4)1.1 账号注册与登录 (4)1.1.1 账号注册 (4)1.1.2 账号登录 (4)1.2 游戏界面介绍 (4)1.3 基本移动与视角控制 (4)1.3.1 基本移动 (4)1.3.2 视角控制 (4)1.4 基本攻击与技能使用 (5)1.4.1 基本攻击 (5)1.4.2 技能使用 (5)第2章角色创建与成长 (5)2.1 角色创建与属性选择 (5)2.2 技能学习与装备 (5)2.3 经验值与等级提升 (6)2.4 职业进阶与转职 (6)第3章装备系统 (6)3.1 装备分类与获取 (6)3.2 装备升级与强化 (6)3.3 装备镶嵌与附魔 (7)3.4 装备搭配与更换 (7)第4章技能系统 (7)4.1 技能种类与特点 (7)4.1.1 攻击技能:这类技能主要用于对敌人造成伤害,根据攻击方式可分为物理攻击和魔法攻击。
(7)4.1.2 防御技能:这类技能主要用于降低敌人造成的伤害或提高自身防御力,如减伤、反弹伤害、增加护甲等。
(7)4.1.3 辅助技能:这类技能主要用于增强自身或队友的能力,如加速、加血、解除负面状态等。
(7)4.1.4 控制技能:这类技能主要用于限制敌人的行动,如眩晕、定身、沉默等。
(7)4.1.5 状态技能:这类技能主要用于改变敌人或自身的状态,如增加攻击力、降低防御力、中毒等。
(8)4.2 技能升级与组合 (8)4.2.1 技能升级:玩家等级的提升,可通过消耗经验值和金币,对技能进行升级。
(8)4.2.2 技能组合:游戏中,玩家可根据战斗需求,将多个技能进行组合。
(8)4.3 技能释放与打断 (8)4.3.1 技能释放:玩家在游戏中,通过技能按钮或使用快捷键,可释放相应技能。
Xbox 360游戏主机使用说明书

T-52 TC—魅影號 主要的地面支援/運兵船;具有重 型護甲,幾乎難以攻破。
人員 4 (1 名駕駛,1 名武器官,2 名電漿 加農砲砲兵) -- 可乘坐最多 30 名乘客 和 2 台載具
裝備武器 重型電漿加農砲,2 架 T-52 DESW
T-26 GSA—妖姬號 主要的地面支援載具;具輕型護 甲,但操控性極佳。
人員 1+5 (1 名駕駛,5 名防禦兵) -- 最多 可乘坐 12 名防禦兵
裝備武器 重型瞄準大砲,重型電漿加農 砲,3 架 T-52 DESW
T-28 TC—亡靈號 主要的運兵船;具有重型護甲,幾 乎難以攻破。
人員 1 (1 名駕駛)—可乘坐最多 30 名乘 客和 2 台載具
裝備武器 重型電漿加農砲
星盟物種....................... 11 遊戲控制....................... 12–13 多人遊戲體驗....................... 14–25
抬頭顯示器 (HUD)
> 超級戰士 HUD
你的超級戰士 III MJOLNIR 護甲配備有 全罩式頭盔,除了具備優異的保護功能, 能防止子彈及能量武器造成的傷害,更 安裝了精密的戰略抬頭顯示器 (HUD)。
T31 R—刺針步槍 2x 縮放;三發子彈便會造成電漿爆炸。††;半追
T50 DER/H—衝擊步槍 小容量彈匣;範圍型爆炸。†
T1 EW/S—能量劍 近戰武器。
T2 EW/H—重力鎚 近戰武器;範圍型爆炸。†
T33 LAAW—燃料槍 2.5x 縮放;範圍型爆炸。†
9 > 護甲能力圖示

游戏网址策划书3篇篇一游戏网址策划书一、项目概述1. 游戏名称:[游戏名称]2. 游戏类型:[游戏类型,如角色扮演、动作、策略等]3. 游戏目标受众:[主要针对的玩家群体,如青少年、成年人等]4. 游戏特色:[简要介绍游戏的独特卖点和特色玩法]二、网址设计1. 域名选择:选择简洁易记的域名,与游戏名称相关联。
考虑使用. 或其他常见的顶级域名。
2. 网址结构:设计清晰的网址结构,方便用户导航和搜索引擎索引。
3. 页面布局:设计简洁、美观的页面布局,突出游戏的特色和品牌形象。
三、内容策划1. 首页:展示游戏的精彩截图、视频和宣传标语。
2. 游戏介绍:详细介绍游戏的背景故事、角色设定和游戏世界。
3. 新闻资讯:发布游戏的最新消息、更新内容和活动公告。
4. 社区互动:建立游戏社区,让玩家可以交流心得、分享经验和结交朋友。
5. 客服支持:提供在线客服,及时解答玩家的问题和反馈。
四、用户体验优化1. 响应式设计:确保网址在不同设备上(如电脑、手机、平板)都能正常显示和使用。
2. 搜索引擎优化(SEO):优化网址的、描述和关键词,提高在搜索引擎中的排名。
3. 加载速度优化:优化图片、脚本和样式表的加载速度,减少页面加载时间。
4. 用户注册和登录:简化用户注册和登录流程,提供多种注册和登录方式。
五、营销推广1. 社交媒体推广:在各大社交媒体平台上建立官方账号,发布游戏的最新消息和活动。
2. 搜索引擎广告:在搜索引擎上投放关键词广告,提高游戏的率和量。

二、网站使用说明1. 网站概述:本网站是一个为用户提供信息、服务及娱乐内容的平台。
2. 服务功能:本网站提供包括但不限于新闻阅读、在线购物、社交互动、视频观看等功能。
3. 技术支持:本网站将尽力提供稳定、可靠的技术支持,保障用户的使用体验。
4. 第三方服务:本网站可能包含第三方服务或链接。
三、用户协议1. 用户资格:用户需具备完全民事行为能力,能理解和遵守本协议中的条款和条件。
2. 注册与账户:用户在使用本网站前需要注册账户。
3. 行为规范:(1)用户应遵守国家法律法规,不得利用本网站从事非法活动。
4. 知识产权:本网站的所有内容,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频等,均受知识产权保护,未经许可,不得复制、传播或使用。
5. 隐私保护:本网站将保护用户的个人信息,不泄露给第三方(除非有法律要求)。
6. 付费服务:如用户使用本网站的付费服务,应遵守付费规定,确保付款信息的安全与准确。
7. 终止服务:如用户违反本协议中的任何条款,本网站有权终止其服务。
8. 争议解决:如双方在履行本协议过程中产生争议,应友好协商解决。
9. 其他:本协议构成用户与本网站之间的完整协议,替代以前的所有协议和理解。

Theme Park World 游戏指南说明书

ADDENDUMThis document is intended to help answer any questions that you might have about Theme Park World. It contains fully up-to-date information about the game and the manual, and should be used as reference in cases where you cannot find the information you require in the Manual or Ref Card.FAQ`s (Frequently Asked Questions)Q: I saved my park and continued playing. I then gained some Golden Tickets and Golden Keys. After loading my previously saved park I still have the same number of Golden Tickets and Keys, even though I did not have any when I saved. Also, if I go to another park I still have Golden Tickets to use. Why is this?A: The Golden Tickets and Keys are a global currency, i.e. you can win them in any park and spend them in any other park. Golden Tickets are used to uncover mystery items. Onceyou've uncovered a mystery item it's available to buy for cash, even if you load a previously saved park.Here's an example of why it works like it does:I'm in Halloween and I win a Golden Ticket. I then leave and go to Lost Kingdom. The state of my Halloween park is saved. I spend the Ticket in Lost Kingdom then return to Halloween but I have no Golden Ticket as I have spent it elsewhere. If the state of golden tickets was not saved as part of the global game rather than the local park I could then restart a Halloween park and re-win the same golden ticket, effectively giving me an infinite supply.Q:The manual refers to my staff going on strike if I have no staff rooms but I am unable to make them do so. What am I doing wrong?A:We decided to remove the strike feature as it proved somewhat confusing & frustrating to players. However, you will find that if you have no staff rooms your staff will become tired and won't clean your park, fix rides or entertain until they have been rested.Q: My Mechanics donÕt appear to go and maintain the rides, even though I have set their patrol areas to cover all the rides.A:Monitoring your rides is an important aspect of gameplay. You need to keep checking on your rides and to call for mechanics should they begin to break down. If a ride breaks down then a mechanic will be called automatically. The patrol area function allows you to make sure that there is always a mechanic near a ride. Otherwise it may take some time before a mechanic reaches a broken down ride.Q:The manual states that if you fail a challenge you wonÕt be offered it again. However,IÕve noticed that a challenge that I had previously failed has come up again later in the game?A:We decided that it would be fairer if failed or unaccepted challenges became available at a later stage.Q: In the Laying a Basic Roller Coaster section of the manual, it states that you can complete a circuit by clicking on the pylon on the left side of the ride or by clicking on the ride itself. Clicking on the ride itself doesnÕt seem to work.A: This has been changed Ð you need to click on the pylon on the left side of the ride in order to complete the circuit.Q:In the manual, it states that the Security Coverage and Guard Coverage is indicated in Green on the Map Screen but this doesnÕt seem to be the case.A: The colour was changed to White as it was easier to distinguish on the green Map.Q:Why would Scientists need to have their patrol areas set?A: You donÕt need to get the Scientists to patrol but it is a good idea to keep them in one place. It helps to separate them from the other staff and if you keep them near a staff room they can get there quicker when they need a rest.Q:The ÒAll Rides ScreenÓ lists the Jumps and Tunnels IÕve bought, but I canÕt repair them individually. Why not?A:The ÒAll Rides ScreenÓ displays Jumps & Tunnels to show you how many additional features you have in place on each ride. By repairing the main ride, you automatically fix any additional features.Q:The manual says that, when tracking a staff member or a visitor, right-clicking stops following the individual.A:This does function, but only if you have the Right Mouse Button scroll function ON. If you do not have this option selected, you can stop following the individual by clicking on the ÒXÓ on the Control Panel arm or by scrolling the park in the normal way.Q:I changed the Speed, Capacity and Duration of a ride and then called a mechanic. My changes were re-set. Why?A:You need to click on the tick button to confirm the changes before calling a mechanic. Q: When looking at the individual staff and visitor member pop-ups, there is a green aura around the picture of them.A:This may be a problem relating to your graphics card. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card.Q:The pop-up help text is sometimes corrupted.A:Again, this problem may be related to your graphics card. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card.Q: The ride ÒAztec MayhemÓ is sometimes called ÒSimulatorÓ and this is the same for other rides and sideshows. Why is this?A: ÒSimulatorÓ refers to the type of ride and ÒAztec MayhemÓ is the name of that ride. You can change a rideÕs name by bringing up the Rides window and clicking on the name of the ride.Q:When I published my park online the name that I gave my park was changed to ******* DinoPark. Why did it not show the full name that I gave it?A:Theme Park World features a word filter, designed to prevent use of offensive language on-line (e.g. swearing, racist/sexist remarks etc.). Such words will be replaced by asterisks (*). Try a different name for your park.BFE08901509Y1。
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长沙南方职业学院毕业实践登记表毕业实践形式毕业设计题目剑侠Ⅲ游戏网站学生学号学生姓名专业、班级网络技术(网站)指导教师宋文平长沙南方职业学院制2008 年12 月20 日前不久在首届中国国际网络文化博览会论坛上,文化部有关人士表示,中国网络游戏是一个极具潜力的巨大市场,预计未来几年内将会形成几十亿元的市场规模。
关键词:网络游戏、网站、市场第一章.现今网络游戏的发展1.游戏的背景 (5)2.游戏的发展状况 (5)第二章.网站分析1.网站开发的目的 (7)2.网站开发的环境 (7)第三章.基本功能介绍1.用户注册登陆 (8)2.资料下载 (8)第四章.网站结构图1.前台结构流程设计图 (9)2.后台页面表格 (9)1.1用户注册页面 (9)1.2用户登陆页面 (10)第五章.网站基本的介绍1.网站的背景颜色及图片 (11)2.首页 (11)3.游戏资料 (11)4.剑侠史记 (12)5.门派介绍 (12)6.相关下载 (12)7.页面中的特效 (12)总结 (14)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)第一章现今网络游戏的发展1.游戏的背景事实上,在目前几个真正能给互联网行业带来利润的业务当中,网络游戏的收费被认为是网络历史上最成功的盈利模式之一。
国际数据公司IDC 的研究也证明了这一潜在市场的存在。
根据IDC 的研究,2002年中国电信业务由网络游戏产生的直接收入高达68.3亿元,是网络游戏市场规模的7.5倍;IT行业由网络游戏产生的直接收入达32.8亿元,是网络游戏市场规模的3.6倍。
7.页面中的特效Banner在Dreamweaver中的代码:<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swf,0,19,0" width="900" height="225" title="01"><param name="movie" value="../flash/daohangtiao.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><embed src="../flash/daohangtiao.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="/go/getflashplayer"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="900" height="225"></embed> </object>菜单在Dreamweaver中的代码:<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"codebase="/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash /,0,19,0" width="900" height="65"><param name="movie" value="../flash/菜单.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><embed src="../flash/菜单.swf" quality="high"pluginspage="/go/getflashplayer"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="900"height="65"></embed></object>总结经过这半个月的毕业设计,对相关资料的收集,让我越来越觉得时代的发展越来越离不开网络科技和网络的应用,同时与我们的生活也越发密切。
参考文献:1.郝思嘉 课程设计案例精编中国水利水电出版社 2006年2.张军 ASP动态网站设计经典案例机械工业出版社 2006年3.唐凡 Dreamweaver 8 标准培训教程人民邮电出版社 2007年4.李新燕数据库应用技术 Access篇人民邮电出版社 2007年5.黄天一 Firework 8 标准培训教程人民邮电出版社 2007年6.彭宗勤孙利娟徐景波Flash 8 基础与实例教程电子工业出版社2007年致谢三年的大学生活终于以毕业设计的结束而接近尾声,回想起来就好像做了一场很奇怪的梦,一觉醒来觉得自己成长了很多。