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Summarize the known constructions of orthogonal matrices and unitary matrices. Give some numerical examples for each construction.
正交矩阵有以下几种等价定义及其判定 (满足的结构性质) 定义1.1 A 为n 阶实矩阵,若E AA =',则称A 为正交矩阵. 定义1.2 A 为n 阶实矩阵,若E A A =',则称A 为正交矩阵. 定义1.3 A 为n 阶实矩阵,若1-=A A ,则称A 为正交矩阵.
定义1.4 A 为n 阶实矩阵,若A 的n 个行(列)向量是两两正交的单位向量,则称A 为正交矩阵.
c o s s i n s i n c o s
2》酉矩阵:n 阶复方阵U 的n 个列向量是U 空间的一个标准正交基,
则U 是酉矩阵。酉矩阵是正交矩阵往复数域上的推广。
酉矩阵的相关性质: 设有矩阵 ,则
(1)若是酉矩阵,则的逆矩阵也是酉矩阵; (2)若是酉矩阵,则也是酉矩阵;
一个简单的充分必要判别准则是: 酉矩阵的共轭转置和它的逆矩阵相等 酉矩阵基本性质:(A 是酉矩阵) 1.A 的行列式的模等于1 2.H A A =-1,11)()(--=H H A A
3.1-A 也是酉矩阵,两个n 阶酉矩阵的乘积也是酉矩阵
4.A 的每个(列)行向量(看作酉空间n C 的向量)是单位向量;不同的两个(列)行向量是酉矩阵正交的。 实例:
s i n c o s 00s i n c o s i i (βα,为任意角度)
A Hadamard matrix of order n is an n n ⨯matrix with elements in {}1,1+- such that T n n HH nE ⨯=where T H is the transpose of H and
n E is the identity matrix of order n .This class of matrices are useful in
many practical applications.
Q1 Does Hadamard matrix exist for any order? Please list a Hadarmard matrix of order n with 20n ≤ if such a matrix exists.
matrices []12 ;;; n H h h h =and
12; ;
[; ]n G g g g = of order 2m n = (where m is odd) such that:
12/2; ;{}; n h h h is orthogonal to 12/2 ; ;{}; n g g g ;and
/21/22;;};{n n n h h h ++is orthogonal to /21/22; ;; {}n n n g g g ++.
If this cannot be done for general n, please give numerical examples for the cases that m = 3, 5,7.
Q3 Let 12; ;[; ]n H h h h =be a Hadamard matrix of order n,
2m n = for a positive integer m and j h denotes the column vector of H. Let
12; ;
;{( :11)}n i T i A a a a a a and a h for i n ===±≠≤≤
()max ;1I = ,max j a A j n
a h ∈≤≤
where (),j a h denotes the absolute value of the inner product of a and j h . Try to derive a lower bound for max I . If this cannot be achieved, please guess a lower bound for max I respectively for even and odd m based on numerical results by computer.
Hadamard 矩阵是以+1和-1两个元素组成的,并且是任意两行互为正交的一
⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡nn n n n n a a a a a a a a a (2122221112)
这其中,ij a 只能取+1和-1,同时也满足
⎨⎧=≠=∑=j i n j
i a a n
k jk ik 01
其实hadamard 矩阵它的转置也是一个hadamard 矩阵