八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming单元话题写作作业课件 (新版)冀教版

【范文赏读】 Spring
Spring is my favourite season. In spring, the weather is getting warmer and warmer. The trees and grass turn green, and all kinds of flowers come out. Everything comes back to life. In spring, I usually do outdoor activities instead of staying at home, like flying kites. Besides, I enjoy going out for a walk when it rains. The rain washes away the dirt and brings fresh and wet air. What a beautiful season spring is! I like it very much.
【学以致用】 [2021江苏扬州中考改编]某英文报正在举行以"家乡美"为主题的征文活动,你打算
以"Spring in my hometown"为题写一篇英语短文投稿,请根据以下问题提示完成征文。 提示:(1) What is spring like in your hometown?
(2) What do people in your hometown usually do in spring? (3) How do you like your hometown in spring? 要求:(1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯; (2)必须包括提示中的所有信息,并适当发挥; (3)词数:80 左右; (4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。
外研版三年级下册英语同步练习题Module7 unit1

外研版2017-2018年小学英语三年级下册Module 7 unit 1 we fly kites in spring.课后作业一、找出每组中不同类的单词,并在横线上写出它的汉语意思。
1. ________ ________2. ________ ________3. ________ ________4. ________ ________5. ________ ________二、根据季节特点,选词填空。
A. coolB. hotC. warmD. cold(1)It's ________ in spring.(2)It's ________ in summer.(3)It's ________ in autumn.(4)It's ________ in winter.三、单项选择。
1.It's spring. We often(经常)________in spring. ( )A. fly kitesB. go skatingC. go swimming2.Spring is my favourite ________. ( )A. colourB. songC. season3.We often(经常) ________ in summer. ( )A. sleepB. go skatingC. go swimming4.Tom goes________ in winter. ( )A. skateB. fly kitesC. skating5.—What do you do in autumn? ( )—________A. She goes swimming in autumn.B. He goes skating in autumn.C. I play football in autumn.四、选出与所给句子相符的图片。
1.I like summer. ( )A. B.2.It's cold in winter. ( )A. B.3.We play football in autumn. ( )A. B.4.Spring is my favourite season. ( )A. B.A. B.五、阅读对话,判断正误。

(10分) ( )1. A. spring B. summer C. fall( )2. A. March B. May C. April( )3. A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner( )4. A. 7:30 B . 8:30 C. 9:30( )5. A. drinking B. eating C. ha*ing( )6. A. fly kites B. plant trees C. make a snowman( )7. A. nice B. sweet C. good( )8. A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go fishing( )9. A. go to bed B. go to school C. go to work( )10. A. first B. second C. third二.听录音,判断句子与图片或录音内容是否相符,相符的打√,不符的打×。
(10分)1( ) 6. The mother kangaroo is jumping.( ) 7. They are ha*ing a picnic.( ) 8. She likes skating in winter.( ) 9. Mike is answering the phone. He is busy.( ) 10.We often go to the park on the weekend.三.听录音,补全对话。
(10分)A:What are you __________?B:I’m ________my ________.A:________ are they?B:They are ________ the woods.A:Are they ________ ________?B:No,________ ________. They are picking up ________. 四.听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的答语。

四年级英语季节特点练习题30题答案解析1.Spring is a season with ____ weather.A.coldB.hotC.warmD.cool答案解析:C。
2.In spring, we can see ____ everywhere.A.snowB.leavesC.flowersD.apples答案解析:C。
3.Spring is a good time for ____.A.swimmingB.skiingC.flying kitesD.ice-skating答案解析:C。
4.The weather in spring is usually ____.A.sunny and windyB.rainy and coldC.snowy and windyD.cloudy and hot答案解析:A。
春天的天气通常是晴朗且多风的,选项B“rainy and cold”多雨且寒冷一般是冬天;选项C“snowy and windy”多雪且有风是冬天;选项D“cloudy and hot”多云且炎热是夏天。
5.In spring, the trees turn ____.A.yellowB.redC.greenD.brown答案解析:C。

Sring传智播客第⼀章的题(带答案和解析)⽬录作业⼀单选题1、以下有关Spring的四个基础包说法正确的是()A、Spring的四个基础包,它们分别对应Spring Web容器的四个模块B、Spring的四个基础包有spring-core.RELEASE.jar、spring-beans-.RELEASE.jar、spring-context-.RELEASE.jar和spring-aop-.RELEASE.jar;C、spring-context-.RELEASE.jar是所有应⽤都要⽤到的JAR包,它包含访问配置⽂件以及进⾏IoC或者DI操作相关的所有类D、spring-core.RELEASE.jar包含Spring框架基本的核⼼⼯具类,Spring其它组件都要⽤到这个包⾥的类,是其它组件的基本核⼼答案:D2、Spring的核⼼容器是其他模块建⽴的基础,以下哪个不是该容器的组成模块()。
A、Beans模块B、Core模块C、Context模块D、AOP模块答案:D3、下列选项中,不属于Spring框架优点的是()A、提供强⼤的、可以有效减少页⾯代码的标签B、声明式事务的⽀持C、⽅便解耦、简化开发D、⽅便集成各种优秀框架答案:A4、下列有关Spring框架的描述,错误的是()A、Spring是Java Web开发框架B、Spring是轻量级框架C、Spring是开源框架D、Spring是持久层框架答案:D5、以下关于Spring核⼼容器相关说法错误的是()A、Spring框架的所有功能都是通过其核⼼容器来实现的B、创建BeanFactory实例时,需要提供Spring所管理容器的详细配置信息,这些信息通常采⽤XML⽂件形式来管理C、ApplicationContext不仅包含了BeanFactory的所有功能,还添加了对国际化、资源访问、事件传播等⽅⾯的⽀持D、通常在Java项⽬中,会采⽤通过ClassPathXmlApplicationContext类来实例化ApplicationContext容器的⽅式,⽽在Web项⽬中,ApplicationContext容器的实例化⼯作会交由Web服务器来完成答案:A6、以下有关Spring框架优点的说法正确的是()A、Spring具有简单、可测试和松耦合等特点,从这个⾓度出发,Spring就是应⽤于任何Java应⽤的开发中;B、Spring提供了对AOP的⽀持,它允许将⼀些通⽤任务,如安全、事务、⽇志等进⾏集中式处理,从⽽提⾼了程序的复⽤性C、Spring就是⼀个⼤⼯⼚,可以将所有对象的创建和依赖关系的维护⼯作都交给Spring容器管理,杜绝了组件之间的耦合性D、Spring增加了Java EE开发中⼀些API的使⽤难度答案:B多选题7、Spring框架压缩包解压后的⽬录中lib中的JAR包说明正确的是()A、libs⽬录中的JAR包分为三类B、以RELEASE.jar结尾的是Spring框架class⽂件的JAR包C、以RELEASE-javadoc.jar结尾的是Spring框架API⽂档的压缩包D、以RELEASE-sources.jar结尾的是Spring框架源⽂件的压缩包答案:全选8、Spring框架压缩包解压后的⽬录中内容说明正确的是()A、docs⽂件夹中包含Spring的API⽂档和开发规范B、libs⽂件夹中包含开发需要的JAR包和源码C、schema⽂件夹中包含开发所需要的schema⽂件D、spring.x.pdf中是使⽤⼿册答案:ABCspring.x.pdf没这个⽬录啊9、下列选项中,属于Spring框架优点的有()A、⽅便解耦、简化开发B、AOP编程的⽀持C、⽅便集成各种优秀框架D、声明式事务的⽀持答案:全选10、以下哪些属于Spring框架模块()A、Core ContainerB、Data Access/IntegrationC、IoCD、Messaging答案:ABD后⾯有图11、Spring的核⼼容器是其他模块建⽴的基础,以下哪些属于该容器的组成模块()A、Beans模块B、Core模块C、SpELD、AOP模块答案:ABCspring的核⼼容器是其他模块建⽴的基础,它主要由Beans模块、Core模块、Context-support模块和SpEL(Spring Express Language,Spring表达式语⾔)模块组成。
北师大版必修一 Lesson1 Spring Festival课时作业

A. Doubtful.B. Favorable.
C. Intolerant.D. Unclear.
6. What’s a popular issue on the Global Grad show?
A. Environment.B. Education.
C. Healthcare.D. Food security.
7. What can be inferred from Caravieri’s words in the last two paragraphs?
A. He doubts the change of the Grad Show.
He also argues the show is the perfect catalyst for change. “Global Grad Show has that power. It sparks something in you, “Caravieri said. “You’ll get first motivated; then hopeful that things can change faster than we thought.”
D. The Global Grad Show
The COVID-19 distances people from each other. However,it also1friendships between people who would have otherwise never become friends. In the case of 92-year-old Mary,that friend happens to be her two-year-old neighbor,Ben.

因此,设计和实现一个基于SpringBoot 的课程作业管理系统具有重要意义。
二、国内外研究现状国外高校较早就开始了对课程作业管理系统的研究与应用,如美国的Blackboard、加拿大的Desire2Learn 等。
三、研究内容及目标本课题旨在设计与实现一个基于SpringBoot 的课程作业管理系统,主要包括以下内容:1. 系统需求分析:通过调研和分析,确定系统的功能需求和非功能需求。
2. 系统架构设计:采用SpringBoot 框架搭建系统架构,实现系统的模块化和可扩展性。
3. 系统功能实现:包括学生管理、教师管理、课程管理、作业管理、成绩管理等核心功能的实现。
4. 系统测试与优化:对系统进行全面测试,确保系统的稳定性和安全性,并对系统进行优化。
5. 系统上线与维护:将系统部署到服务器上,并进行日常维护和管理。
四、研究方法及技术路线本课题的研究方法主要包括:1. 需求分析:通过调研和分析,确定系统的功能需求和非功能需求。
2. 系统设计:采用UML 建模工具对系统进行架构设计和模块划分,确定系统的技术架构和开发方案。
3. 技术选型:选择SpringBoot 框架作为系统开发框架,采用MySQL 作为数据库管理系统,使用Redis 作为缓存服务。

pring课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 让学生掌握Spring框架的基本概念和核心组件,理解Spring的依赖注入和面向切面编程原理。
2. 使学生能够运用Spring进行Java应用程序开发,掌握配置和使用Spring 容器、编写Spring Bean、整合Spring与其他框架(如MyBatis、Hibernate)的能力。
3. 帮助学生理解Spring MVC的运行机制,学会搭建Spring MVC项目,并能独立完成简单的Web应用开发。
技能目标:1. 培养学生运用Spring框架解决实际问题的能力,提高代码的可维护性和可扩展性。
2. 培养学生阅读和分析Spring源码的能力,提升对框架原理和设计模式的深入理解。
3. 培养学生具备团队协作开发Spring项目的能力,学会使用版本控制工具和项目管理工具。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对Spring框架的兴趣和热情,激发学习动力,养成主动探究和解决问题的习惯。
2. 培养学生的团队协作意识,学会尊重他人意见,善于沟通交流,共同完成项目任务。
3. 培养学生具备良好的编程习惯,遵循编码规范,关注软件质量和用户体验。
二、教学内容1. Spring框架基础- Spring概述:介绍Spring的发展历程、优势特点。
- Spring核心容器:讲解BeanFactory、ApplicationContext等概念,以及Bean的生命周期。
- 依赖注入:讲解依赖注入的原理、方式,以及相关注解的使用。

五年级下册英语实践作业,春夏秋冬全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I really like all the seasons because each one is special in its own way.Firstly, let's talk about spring. Spring is my favorite season because the weather gets warmer, flowers bloom, and everything starts to turn green. I love playing outside, watching the birds building their nests, and feeling the warm sun on my skin.Next, comes summer. Summer is super fun because there's no school and I can spend all day playing at the beach or in the park. I enjoy eating ice cream, having picnics, and going on vacation with my family. Sometimes it gets too hot, but I don't mind because I can cool off in the pool.After summer, we have autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season because the leaves on the trees change color and fall to the ground. I like collecting leaves, going apple picking, anddrinking hot chocolate. It's also fun to jump into a pile of leaves and hear them crunch under my feet.Finally, we have winter. Winter is cold, but I love it because of snow. I enjoy building snowmen, having snowball fights, and going sledding. I also love celebrating Christmas and New Year's with my family and friends. It's the perfect time to snuggle up with a warm blanket and drink hot cocoa.In conclusion, each season has its own charm and brings different experiences. I can't pick just one favorite because I love them all. I hope you enjoy all the seasons too! Thanks for reading my article. Bye-bye!篇2Title: My Favorite SeasonsHi everyone! Today I want to talk about my favorite seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is special and brings different kinds of fun and activities.Let's start with spring! I love spring because it's the time when everything starts to bloom. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the weather starts to get warmer. I love goingoutside and playing in the park, flying kites, and having picnics with my friends and family.Next is summer! Summer is the best season because school is out and I get to have lots of fun. I love going to the beach, swimming in the pool, and eating ice cream. I also enjoy going on vacation with my family and staying up late to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July.Then comes autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season with colorful leaves and cool weather. I love going apple picking, jumping in piles of leaves, and drinking hot cocoa. It's also the time for Halloween, my favorite holiday. I love dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating with my friends.Last but not least is winter. Winter is so much fun becauseit's the holiday season. I love building snowmen, having snowball fights, and drinking hot chocolate by the fire. I also love celebrating Christmas with my family, decorating the tree, and exchanging gifts.In conclusion, each season has its own charm and brings different kinds of joy. I love all four seasons because they each offer something special and exciting. What's your favorite season? Let me know in the comments below! Thank you for reading!篇3Here is a sample article in a child's voice about the seasons:Spring, summer, autumn, winterHi everyone! Today I want to talk about the seasons. We have four seasons in a year – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season is special in its own way and brings different things to enjoy.Let’s start with spring. Spring is a beautiful season when flowers bloom, and birds sing. The weather starts to get warmer, and we can play outside more. I love seeing all the colorful flowers and feeling the sunshine on my face.Next comes summer, my favorite season! Summer is so much fun because we can go swimming, have picnics, and play all day long. I love eating ice cream and having BBQs with my family and friends. The best part is going on vacation and exploring new places.After summer, we have autumn, also known as fall. Autumn is the season of harvest when farmers gather their crops. The leaves on trees change color and fall to the ground, creating abeautiful carpet of red, orange, and yellow. It’s so much fun to jump in piles of leaves and drink hot chocolate.Lastly, we have winter, which is a cold season. Winter brings snow and ice, turning everything into a winter wonderland. We can build snowmen, go sledding, and have snowball fights. It’s also a time for cozying up by the fire with a warm blanket.I love all the seasons because each one has something special to offer. Whether it’s the blossoming flowers in spring, the hot sun in summer, the colorful leaves in autumn, or the snowy landscapes in winter, there’s always something to enjoy in every season. What’s your favorite season? Let me know in the comments below!Hope you enjoyed reading about the seasons. See you next time! Bye!篇4Title: My Seasons AdventureHello everyone! I want to share with you all about my fun adventure through the four seasons - spring, summer, autumn, and winter.In spring, the flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer. I love playing outside and seeing all the colorful flowers. My friends and I have picnics in the park and fly kites. It's such a happy time!Then comes summer, my favorite season! The sun is shining bright, and I can swim in the pool and eat ice cream all day long. We go on family vacations and have barbecues in the backyard. I love wearing my sunglasses and flip flops everywhere I go.Autumn is when the leaves change color and fall from the trees. I like to jump in the piles of leaves and collect acorns. We go apple picking and drink hot cocoa by the fire. It's so cozy and beautiful during this time of year.Finally, winter arrives with snowflakes falling from the sky. I can build snowmen, go sledding, and have snowball fights with my friends. We celebrate Christmas and count down to the new year. It's a magical time filled with joy and happiness.I had so much fun exploring the different seasons and all the activities that come with them. Each season is special in its own way, and I can't wait to experience them all over again next year. Bye for now!篇5Hello everyone,Today I'm going to talk about the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I love all the seasons because they each have something special about them.In spring, the flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer. I love playing outside and seeing all the colorful flowers. It's a time for new beginnings and fresh starts.In summer, the sun shines bright and we can go swimming and have picnics. I love going to the beach and eating ice cream. Summer is a time for fun and relaxation.In autumn, the leaves change colors and fall from the trees. I love jumping in the leaves and collecting them to make art projects. It's a cozy time of year, perfect for warm sweaters and hot cocoa.In winter, the snow falls and everything turns into a winter wonderland. I love building snowmen and having snowball fights with my friends. Winter is a magical time of year, perfect for cuddling up by the fire.Each season is special in its own way, and I love experiencing all the different things each one has to offer. What is your favorite season? Let me know in the comments!That's all for now, see you next time! Bye!篇6Spring, Summer, Autumn, WinterHey everyone! Today I want to talk about the different seasons we have in a year. There are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has its own special things.First, let's talk about spring. In spring, the weather starts to get warmer and flowers begin to bloom. I love seeing all the pretty flowers in the garden and the trees turning green again. It’s a great time to go outside and play with my friends.Next, we have summer. Summer is my favorite season because I can go to the beach, swim in the pool, and eat ice cream all day long. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the days are long. I love wearing shorts and sandals and feeling the warm sun on my skin.After summer comes autumn. Autumn is when the leaves on the trees change color and fall to the ground. I like to jump in the piles of leaves and hear them crunch under my feet. It’s also thetime when we celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving with our families.Finally, we have winter. Winter is when it gets really cold and sometimes it snows. I like building snowmen, having snowball fights with my friends, and drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace. Christmas is in winter too, so I get to decorate the Christmas tree and open presents from Santa Claus.I love all the seasons because each one is special in its own way. I can’t wait to see what fun adventures each season will bring next!That’s all for now. Thanks for reading! Bye-bye!。
北师大版必修一 Lesson1 Spring Festival课时作业

Unit 3 Celebrities Lesson1 Spring Festival课时作业第一节、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AThere are many ways to define fame. But one of them, surely, is to see your name in lights above bustling New York streets. A Chinese writer saw just an illumination (光源)in July when his name appeared on the big screen in Times Square. For Liu Zhenyun, it was a spectacular and fully-deserved promotion of his latest book, Laughter and Tears: A Novel.Liu, one of the best-selling authors of novels in contemporary China, has penned a number of popular works,including Someone to Talk To,Remembering1942,and I DidNotKillMy Husband.His works have been translated into more than 28 languages, and Someone to Talk To was awarded lhe 2011 Mao Dun Literature Prize."Laughter and Tears:A Novel "can be worthily called another ' high peak' after Someone to Talk To:'Zhang Xudong, a professor of comparative literature and East Asian studies at New York University, says. The novel is based on the folklore of a legendary figure Hua Emiang, and describes the paintings of the narrator's uncle, telling of the humor and life of people in Yanjin, Henan province, Liu's hometown.In the book, everyone from Yanjin is humorous and can tell excellent jokes. Hua Emiang, the spirit of a widow waiting eternally for her husband, as in Yanjin folklore, will come into people's dreams. In this state she will ask them to tell her a joke. If she thinks the joke is boring, she will instruct them to carry her to a place where she candrink spicy soup. But they die in the effort as she crushes them following her transformation into a mountain. However, if she likes the joke, she will give them a persimmon (柿子). As a result, people from Yanjin tell really good jokes.Corriere della Sera,an Italian newspaper, called Liu "the Kalka of Beijing". In 2018, Liu was awarded France's Knight of the Order ofArts and Letters.An author at Kirkus Reviews, a book review site in the United States, writes, "Liu has written a masterful tale that will make you laugh even as you feel hopeless". Liu's tragedies often have a feature of comedy and his comedies are also like tragedies. He tells many jokes and ridiculous stories in his books, and you will laugh when you read them. However, the truth behind the jokes could be cruel and sorrowful.1 .Why did Liu Zhenyun's name appear on the big screen in Times Square?A .Because he enjoys great reputation.B .Because his new book has been sold out.C .Because he is eager to establish his fame.D .Because he wants to promote his best book.2.What would Zhang Xudong probably agree with?A .Liu Zhenyun is a legendary figure.B .No book beats Someone to Talk To.C .Liu's novels belong to comparative literature.D .Laughter and Tears:A Novel is worth reading.3.In Liu's latest book,Hua Emiang gave the joke-tellers a persimmon as a(n).A .PunishmentB .assignmentC .awardD .warning4 .What could be the best title for the passage?A.Liu Zhcnyun,a Master of TragedyB .Zhang Xudong, the Kafka ofBeijingC.A Writer with Tale to Tell Pens a New BookD .A Book Was Awarded Mao Dun Literature Prize【参考答案】ADCCBA joint research team recently have developed a new electronic skin that is similar to human skin in strength, durability and sensitivity. The skin or e-skin may play an important role in next-generation personalized medicine, soft robotics and artificial intelligence.“The ideal e-skin will mimic (模仿) the many natural functions of human skin, such as sensing temperature and touch, accurately and in real time,” says leading researcher Yichen Cai. However, making suitably flexible electronics that can perform such delicate tasks while also used repeatedly is challenging, and each material involved must be carefully engineered.Most e-skins are made by putting an active sensor on the surface that attaches to human skin. However, the connection between them is often too weak, which reduces the durability and sensitivity of the material; otherwise, if it is too strong, it won’t be flexible enough, making it more likely to break the circuit.“The landscape of skin electronics keeps shifting at a remarkable pace,” says Cai. “The discovery of 2D sensors has accelerated efforts to turn these quite thin but strong materials into functional, durable artificial skins. ”The new man-made skin built by the researchers could sense objects from 20 centimeters away. It co uld further make a quick response when touched in less than one tenth of a second. “It is a striking achievement for an e-skin to maintain toughness after repeated use,” said Shen, “which mimics the softness and rapid recovery of human skin.”This type of e-skin could monitor a range of biological information, such as changes in blood pressure, which can be sensed from movements of arms and legs. This data can then be shared and stored on the cloud via Wi-Fi.“One remaining problem to the wide spread use of e-skins lies in mass production of high-resolution sensors,” adds group leader Vincent Tung, “however, the latest technology offers new promise.”5. What’s the feature of the new e-skin?A. It is flexible and sensitive.B. It is almost the same as human skin.C. It has fragile electronics.D. It has proved important in areas like AI.6. What can the new e-skin do?A. It can rapidly react to touches.B. It can change human’s blood pressure.C. It can heal the wounded skin quickly.D. I t can adjust human’s temperature.7. What does the underlined word “striking” in paragraph 5 probably mean?A. Slight.B. Noticeable.C. Well-known.D. Insignificant.8. What is the best title for the text?A. A Breakthrough in High TechnologyB. Man-made Skin ImprovedC. E-skin, a Promising BusinessD. The Wide Spread Use of E-skin【参考答案】AABB第二节、七选五阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
开题报告:基于Spring Boot的课程作业管理系统

开题报告:基于Spring Boot的课程作业管理系统一、项目背景和研究意义随着互联网的普及和教育信息化的发展,传统的手工管理课程作业已经无法满足大规模学生作业提交和评分的需求。
二、研究目标和内容该项目旨在开发一个基于Spring Boot的课程作业管理系统,实现以下目标:1. 提供学生作业提交和教师作业评分的统一平台,实现全流程数字化管理。
2. 优化作业提交流程,提高交互效率,减少纸质材料的使用。
3. 提升作业评分效率,减少教师批改工作的负担,增加教学时长。
4. 提供良好的用户体验,方便学生和教师的操作和使用。
研究内容包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 建立课程作业管理系统的需求分析和功能规划。
2. 设计数据库模型,建立数据表的结构。
3. 使用Spring Boot框架开发系统的后端服务,实现学生作业提交、教师作业评分等功能。
4. 开发系统的前端界面,实现学生作业上传、作业状态查询等功能。
5. 进行系统测试和性能优化,确保系统的稳定性和可用性。
三、研究方法和技术路线本项目将采用以下方法和技术进行研究和开发:1. 方法:根据教育教学需求,进行系统需求调研和分析;采用面向对象的软件开发方法,进行系统设计和开发。
2. 技术路线:a. 后端开发:使用Spring Boot框架实现后端服务,包括学生作业提交、教师作业评分、数据管理等功能。
b. 数据库设计:根据实际需求设计和优化数据库表结构,采用关系型数据库进行存储。
c. 前端开发:使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript等前端技术,结合前端框架开发系统的用户界面。
d. 安全性保障:采用权限控制和加密算法等手段,确保系统的安全性和稳定性。
e. 测试和优化:进行系统测试和性能优化,确保系统能够稳定高效地运行。
四、预期成果和创新点本项目预期取得以下成果:1. 实现一个完善的课程作业管理系统,满足教育教学的需求。
冀教版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 Spring Is Coming! Lesson 4 课后作业A

Lesson 4 The Spring City一、单项选择1. There is ________ time, so you don't need to hurry.A. fewB. a fewC. manyD. plenty of2. Mo Yan's books have been sold out(卖完) in many bookstores ________ his winning of the Nobel Prize for Literature.A. becauseB. sinceC. asD. because of3. —Tomorrow is Saturday. Would you like to go cycling with me? —________.A. I like it very muchB. Yes, I wouldC. Sure, I'd love toD. I think so4. David was so excited at the good news that he could ________ say nothing.A. nearlyB. almostC. everD. hardly5. When I look at this photo, I always ________ my happy childhood(童年).A. think throughB. think overC. think outD. think of6. It's so warm outside today. It ________ spring.A. looks likeB. seem likeC. feels likeD. sounds like7. You are talented young adults ________ are full of hope for the future.A. whichB. whoC. whenD. where8. —________ rain does your city get?—About 1, 200 millimetres every year.A. How manyB. How muchC. How oftenD. How soon9. —To achieve a bright future, you should ________ study hard ________ keep in good health.—I agree with you.A. not; butB. not only; but alsoC. neither; norD. either; or10. —________ did you stop playing?—Because I was tired.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where二、用所给单词的适当形式填空11. She is ready to help people ________(sometime).12. ______________(celebrate) the World Book Day, the bookshop sold books at a lower price on April 23rd.13. There are about two ________(hundred) teachers in our school.14. I feel sick. I don't feel like ________(eat) anything.15. The little boy always ________(long) for a new toy.三、根据汉语提示完成句子16. Thank you for ________ ________ ________(带我们参观)the museum.We've learned a lot.17. The ________ ________(平均气温)is 12°C.18. Dad is ________ too tall ________(既不……也不……)too short.19. There are ________ ________(大量的)flowers in Kunming in winter.20. I live in a town ________ Beijing ________(在……和……之间)Shijiazhuang.四、词语运用Beijing is entering the best travel season—“golden autumn”. The wind is blowing and the sun ____________21(shine). The colorful city sights make autumn the most popular ________22(season) to visit Beijing.“Beijing is an amazing city! I really want to show the specialbeauty of this country to my friends in Canada, ” sai d a tourist who was busy ________23(take) photos of the Summer Palace.In Beihai Park, two young ladies were recording some ancient ________24(stone) bridges with their DV.“Before the trip, what I knew ________25China was all from newspapers and television. Actually, it's m________26 easier to travel in China than I thought. D________27 this trip, I've learnt that China is developing very fast,” the girl with a hat ________28(name) Lily said.She also said that her travel ________29included the Great Wall as well. “People here are quite ________30(friend). They like communicating with foreigners and this makes my trip more pleasant,” said the traveler.答案一、1. D :辨析法。

Module 10 Unit 3一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1 John is __________ (luck) enough to be chosen (挑选) for the Swimming Club.2 It’s half past six now. Tom __________ (have) dinner with his family.3 Cheongsam (旗袍) is a __________ (tradition) dress for Chinese women.4 Thanks a lot for __________ (ask) me to your party.5 He often __________ (catch) the early bus to work.6 We __________ (not have) our lunch now.7 My friend sometimes __________ (tell) me an interesting story.8 Tom __________ lanterns every year. He __________ a lantern at the moment. (make)9 They often __________ English songs in the classroom. Listen! They __________ there now. (sing)10 —Is Alan __________ (do) his homework now?—No, he isn’t. He __________ (play) football.二、单项填空1 In English, we use many colours for our feelings. Blue usually __________ sad.A. meansB. is meaningC. meanD. meaning2 She __________ meals for us every day.A. cooksB. cookC. cookingD. is cooking3 Tom is getting __________ for the party.A. readyB. rightC. sameD. good4 —__________ he sweeping the floor?—No, he __________. He is cleaning the window.A. Does; doesn’tB. Is; isn’tC. Does; isn’tD. Is; doesn’t5 —__________ they do their homework at home?—Yes, they do.A. DoB. AreC. CanD. Have6 I love singing, so I want to __________ the Music Club. What about you?A. leaveB. catchC. giveD. join7 —Good __________ to you, Peter!—Thank you! I’m always a __________ boy.A. lucky; luckB. luck; luckyC. lucky; luckyD. luck; luck8 Jenny can __________ Chinese. Now she is __________ a story to her little brother.A. tell; talkingB. tell; speakingC. speak; tellingD. talk; telling9 —Are those your pencils and pens over there?—Yes, they are. I plan to __________ later (稍后).A. put away itB. put away themC. put it awayD. put them away10 —Who is that speaking?—__________.A. I am DavidB. David is not hereC. That is DavidD. This is Davidspeaking三、按要求完成句子(每空一词)1 He reads English every morning.(用now改写句子)He __________ __________ English now.2 My parents are making cakes for me now.(改为一般疑问句)__________ __________ parents __________ cakes for you now?3 Look! They are cleaning their bedroom.(对画线部分提问)Look! __________ __________ they __________?4 —Are the students doing their homework at the moment?(作肯定回答)—Yes, __________ __________.5 the, monkey, jumping, up, is, and, look, down (连词成句)____________________________________________________________四、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式补全短文(有两词或短语多余)because, on, go for a walk, countryside, but, answer, do, bad, they, same, in front of, loveMr and Mrs Green live in a big city, and one summer they go to the 1 for their holiday. They like it very much, 2 it is a quiet and good place.One day they 3 early in the morning and meet an old man. He lives 4 a farm, and he is sitting in the warm sun 5 the house. Mr Green asks him, “Do you like to live in this quiet place?”The old man says, “Yes, I 6 .”Mr Green says, “What are the good things about it?”The old man 7 , “Well, the people here all know me. They often come to see me, and I often go and see 8 And there are many children here, too.”Mr Green says, “That is so great. And what are the 9 things?”The old man thinks and then says, “Well, the 10 things, too.”一、完形填空Christmas is 1 very important festival in most Western 2 At this time of year the whole family 3 together. Most people have a holiday 4 Christmas Day. They 5 cards and presents to friends. Before Christmas Day 6 , young children often 7 letters to Father Christmas. They ask him to 8 them lots of presents. On Christmas Eve the children leave a small cake and a glassof milk on the kitchen table 9 Father Christmas. They do that to show their 10 to Father Christmas.1 A. an B. the C. / D. a2 A. movies B. places C. countries D. parks3 A. move B. get C. join D. share4 A. on B. to C. in D. with5 A. take B. give C. put D. stay6 A. comes B. makes C. looks D. sends7 A. write B. use C. catch D. make8 A. meet B. match C. bring D. spend9 A. with B. at C. down D. for10 A. luck B. plans C. thanks D. information二、阅读理解There are many traditional holidays in China.Spring Festival is the most important one in China. It is as important as Christmas in the West. On the evening before Spring Festival, all the family members meet and have a big dinner. (1)饭后,他们通常看电视、玩游戏。

系统采用MySQL数据库进行数据存储和访问,使用JPA(Java Persistence API)进行数据持久化操作。同时,为了保证数据的安全性和可靠性,系统还采 用了Redis缓存技术进行数据缓存和加速访问。
在系统测试阶段,我们需要对系统进行整体测试,包括单元测试、集成测试、 性能测试等。单元测试主要测试每个模块的功能是否正常,集成测试主要测试模 块之间的接口是否正常,性能测试主要测试系统的响应速度和稳定性。
通过以上的设计和开发流程,我们可以完成基于SpringBoot的毕业论文管理 系统的开发和测试。该系统可以满足学校对学生毕业论文管理的需求,提高学生 毕业效率,同时也可以提高学校的行政管理水平。
系统主要包括以下功能模块: (1)用户管理模块:包括用户注册、登录、权限管理等功能。
(2)选题管理模块:包括选题发布、选题查询、选题审核等功能。 (3)进度管理模块:包括进度查询、进度监控、进度提醒等功能。
(4)成果管理模块:包括成果提交、成果审核、成果展示等功能。 (5)评价管理模块:包括评价标准制定、评价结果统计等功能。
3、作业批改:教师可以在线批改学生作业,并给出成绩和评语。 4、作业展示:系统应提供作业展示功能,方便学生和教师查看作业内容和批 改情况。
5、数据统计:系统应对学生作业的提交情况、批改情况等进行统计和分析, 方便教师掌握学生的学习情况。
1、架构设计:该系统采用SpringBoot框架,分为表示层、业务逻辑层和数 据访问层。表示层负责与用户交互;业务逻辑层负责处理业务逻辑;数据访问层 负责与数据库交互。

我们来介绍下使⽤spring的定时器和使⽤quartz定时器 1.我们使⽤spring-boot作为基础框架,其理念为零配置⽂件,所有的配置都是基于注解和暴露bean的⽅式。
2.使⽤spring的定时器: spring⾃带⽀持定时器的任务实现。
@Component@Configurable@EnableSchedulingpublic class ScheduledTasks{@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000 * 30)public void reportCurrentTime(){System.out.println ("Scheduling Tasks Examples: The time is now " + dateFormat ().format (new Date ()));}//每1分钟执⾏⼀次@Scheduled(cron = "0 */1 * * * * ")public void reportCurrentByCron(){System.out.println ("Scheduling Tasks Examples By Cron: The time is now " + dateFormat ().format (new Date ()));}private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat(){return new SimpleDateFormat ("HH:mm:ss");}}没了,没错,使⽤spring的定时任务就这么简单,其中有⼏个⽐较重要的注解: @EnableScheduling:标注启动定时任务。
冀教版英语五5年级上册5 Unit 4 Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming课后作业练习

Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!一、看图,写单词。
1. A. clean the room2. B. buy new clothes3. C. visit our family and friends4. D. get lucky money5. E. make dumplings三、用所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The ______ (spring) Festival is in February this year.2. He is______ (come) this afternoon.3. We also make ______ (dumpling) on that day.4. ________ (kid) get lucky money.5. I clean rooms on January ________ (ten).四、单项选择。
() 1. The Spring Festival is the ________ New Year.A. ChinaB. ChineseC. chinese() 2. What does Li Ming do ________the summer holiday?A. toB. forC. by() 3. Chinese people ________make dumplings.A. tooB. alsoC. and() 4. —________is the New Year’s Day?—It’s on January first.A. HowB. WhatC. When() 5. —What do you do during the Spring Festival?—________A. Get lucky moneyB. Eat zongziC. Fly kites五、连词成句。
英语作业 五篇日记,记录自己生活日常 有意义、有趣、难忘的、

英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、 1today, my parents and i went to supermarket to buy things we need during the spring festival. when we arrived at the supermarket, there had already had many people. and in order to save time, we decide to divide the things we need to buy into kinds.in this way, we can not only save time but also buy all the things without forgeting. first, we went to the drinking zone, we buy orange juice and coca cola. because of the spring fesival, the kinds of drink were on sales. so we can also save money. second we went to the vegetable zone,for the needing of many different kinds of vegetable to make dumplings. in there, i felt strongly about the increase of the price of vegetable. but we still bought some of it. near the vegetable zone is the fruit zone. so we bought some kinds of fresh fruit. besides, we bought meat and some kinds of nuts. when we finished choosing things and decided to pay it , we found we should wait for a long time.anyway, to go shopping for the holiday was interesting. so i just think that waiting was another way to experence spring festival.英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、 2have you ever been fed up with the boring life in the city? should you be tired of the crowded roads and endless noises, you might want to have a glimpse of the primary forest with me. as soon as you open the mysterious door of the forest, you may ask,“ have i entered the palace or the paradise?” the breath-taking scenery makes you forget everything but exploring what the forest has to offer. with tens of thousands of trees surrounding you, straight or winding, tall or short , you feel like floating on the ocean of green.all kinds of fragrant flowers lie peaceful and shy under the leaves. take a close look at them , and you can even see the fresh drops of water ,which makes the flowers look like beautiful girls who have just had a bath. the most enjoyable thing is to feel the thick fog among the whole forest, which makes the view of the living creatures disappear at times. when the sun es up, the fog rises at once .the dreaming image is then replaced by the lively scene. a wide variety of birds are singing happily in the trees. lots of little animals are running busily across the paths. wander in the forest, you will have the feeling of returning to nature. well, in addition to enjoying the scenery onthe ground, keep an eye out for the sky! the clearblue with pure white will give your what a fine day today !i'm very happy in this fine day .beaucse today i don't have to do my homework and i can play with my good friends .there is lots of snow now ,so we make a sonw man .that's reallyintersting .we play with snow to about 6:30 .of couse i must go home now. what a fan day !英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、 3chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.on new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make manydelicious foods, and children often play cards, puter games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、 4today is the lantern festival. it’s also valentine’s day in china. on this day, people often hold an exhibit of lanterns. and a lot of people like to guess the riddles written on lanterns. this is a characteristic.some of people also like to play fireworks. it’s very interesting and nice. i like it so much. we must have family reunion dinner on that day. we also have sweet fillings in the evening.but today is the last of the spring festival. i feel a little sad. what a pity. i don’t want the spring festival over. but it is not possible.英语作业五篇日记,记录自己生活日常有意义、有趣、难忘的、 5the spring festival, chinese new year,is the most important festival for all of us. all family members get together on new year'eve to have a big meal.at the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.at about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.the whole sky is lighted brightly. we may watch the fireworks excitedly.how busy it is!on the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick thereversed fu or hang some couplets on the front door. some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings.the chinese new year lasts fifteen days. so during the fifteen days, we always visit ourrelatives from door to door. at that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. the last day of the chinese new year is another festival. it names the lantern festival.so the chinese new year es to the end.。
The Spring of Youth - 作业

THE SPRING OF YOUTHAct 1[SCENE Paris Hotel. 4:50 pm. Because of Maggie, everyone's eyes popped out of their heads in surprise. Those astonishing faces belonged to Maggie's high school classmates. There were twenty faces in this room, but nineteen of them were covered with age spot and crow's-feet, totally like an ugly gray rat. Only Maggie, with rosy cheeks and profound big eyes, was just like a charming little bird in her booming age. However, God and everyone there tonight, knew she had lived in this world for 42 years! Maggie suddenly became the star of this party but a middle aged couple didn't notice her yet. They were sitting in the corner and chattering with each other. ] Joe: [Pointing at a lady near the window surprisingly] Is that Maggie?Judy: [Raising her head frivolously and arrogantly] No way, she has disappeared for years since you divorced her and got marry with me. I am a winner but she is such a loser. How dare she come here and compete with me again. Hahahahah........[Judy was laughing so boldly and presumptuously that she didn't realize Maggie already came over and just stood beside her. Seeing Maggie, Joe began coughing unnaturally and trying to stop Judy's laugh]Joe: [Puffy-eyed on Maggie, standing up immediately and turning into a greasy manner] Oh my God, are you Maggie? Y ou look so young. It seems that you are never growing old. Oh, you are still such a beautiful creature. I haven't seen you since we get divorced. How are you? I miss you very much. And do you......Maggie: [Interrupting Joe without even looking at him and looking right at Judy] Judy, long time no see. Y es, can't you guys recognize me? I'm Maggie and I come back. [Then with a faintly mocking smile, she turned around and walked away.]Judy: [Furiously took a long swallow of wine and muttered out of discontent] What the hell is this? [Finally calming herself down, she fished out their hand mirrors and touched their wrinkles.] Maybe I need freshen up, I should go to the lady's room.Act 2[SCENE Lady's room of Paris Hotel. Sitting in front of the mirror Judy's memories went back to 20 years ago. At that time, she was Maggie's best friend. They went to Maggie's hometown. Maggie pointed to the endless mountains and told her there was a legendary spring that could bestow perpetual youth. Now even God knew she was thirst for youth, for beauty desperately. She needed her soft lips and smooth skin to maintain her perilous marriage, her gloomy career and her crumbling happiness. Her eyes began to give out a harsh light of hope. She must find that legendary spring and drank it. ]Judy: Actually it is true, there really is a spring! So, that legend is true, isn't it? The spring of youth is real. I need it. I need it!! [She whispered to herself secretly, then quickly looked around to make sure that on one else peeked this.] [The door yielded to a gentle push. The crazy flame in Judy's eyes immediatelydisappeared. Maggie came in. With a surprising and guilty look, Judy didn't say anything. So did Maggie.]Judy: [Bracing herself and breaking the ice first] I used to be your closet friend, Maggie. And I know I really did something wrong to you but please forgive me. Let's forget it! I will give you a lot of money and everything you want. Please forgive me.Maggie: [Smiling scornfully and wagging her head ] Forgive you? Are you kidding? How could I forget everything, How could I forget you, as my best friend, steal my husband, my career and my happiness? Oh, I know, you must want something from me again. Tell me what you want!Judy: [Acting as if she were mad] Twenty years ago, you told me there was a legendary spring in your hometown that could bestow perpetual youth. Please tell me the exact address of it. I will give you anything I have. Just tell me where is the spring of youth, please, please…[Judy began crying.][Maggie gazed at her silently and casted her thoughts back to 15 years ago. At that time, Judy's fantastic charisma captured all the men in the world, including Maggie's husband, Joe. Suddenly a very cruel idea burst into Maggie's mind.] Maggie: I want 100,000 dollars.[Judy nodded with out hesitation]Maggie: I want your company.[Wavering between yes and no, finally Judy nodded her head again.]Maggie: I want my Husband, Joe, back![Judy knelt down and after a long time, she surrendered to Maggie's temptation.] Maggie: Look, look at the mirror. Now you are as panic-stricken as a stray dog. And now I find I didn't mad at you at all but even I start to pity you. Y ou love nobody but yourself. Here is the spring, go and get it and never come back.[Chucking a slip of paper at Judy's face, Maggie left the lady's room. Gazing at her lessening figure, Judy grabbed hold of it immediately. Half an hour later, Maggie and her flaming Ferrari vanished in the Paris Hotel.]Act 3[SCENE One Month Later. Raining slightly. A dark and damp lane. Maggie opened her door. A middle-aged woman was waiting for her. With that woman lifting her head, a face, which was exactly like Maggie's but much older and more sophisticated, was shown up. She said nothing but handed over an extraordinarily heavy bag full of money.]Maggie: [Took it quietly and hove a sigh of relief] Finally I can give the name of "Maggie" back to you. Have you see today's newspaper? Judy died.Middle-aged woman: Thank you very much, girl. Carrying your money, never come back.[Then, carrying that extraordinarily heavy bag, the so-called "Maggie" left this lane in a hurry. And so did our real Maggie. But our Maggie seemed to forget something, for she suddenly stopped in a newsstand and bought a piece of evening paper. There was an average-size obituary in it.]Maggie: [She read loudly] The memorial meeting of Mrs. Judy Blond will beheld in....[She smiled, for disdain or contempt. Once again she recollected that legend of her hometown. Through the endless mountains, you would find a legendary spring effervescing with bubbles. The water was as sweet as wine, as fragrant as perfume. Only a sip of it might make you keep young forever…Oh, no,no, no. The fact was after you drank it, the egg of that nameless deadly creature would be hatched out by your body temperature, and then its tentacles would pierce into your heart...]。

SpringBatch中⽂参考⽂档V3.0.6-1SpringBatch介绍1 Spring Batch介绍企业领域中许多应⽤系统需要采⽤批处理的⽅式在特定环境中运⾏业务操作任务。
Spring Batch是⼀个轻量级的,全⾯的批处理框架,旨在帮助开发⼈员构建出健壮的⽤于处理⽇常事务的企业级批处理系统。
Spring Batch 构建于POJO和Spring框架,开发者容易上⼿,现有的优秀企业级服务也能融合进来。
Spring Batch不是⼀个调度框架。
当前开发市场上有许多优秀的企业级调度器,包括付费软件和开源软件,例如Quartz, Tivoli, Control-M等。
Spring Batch的设计意图不是来替换它们,⽽是配合这些调度器协同⼯作。
Spring Batch提供处理⼤数据的可复⽤的核⼼功能,包括⽇志/跟踪,事务管理,Job程序统计,job重启,job跳转和资源管理,它同时也提供先进的技术服务和特性,即通过优化和分区技术使得批处理作业达到⾼容量和⾼性能。
1.1 背景当开源软件项⽬和相关的社区重点关注⽹络和基于SOA消息的体系框架时,java领域仍然缺少⼀个可复⽤的批处理框架,企业应⽤仍在当前的IT环境中处理这样的批处理事务。
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