好客山东 渔家威海
1 威海简介 2 威海景点
3 威海美食 4 威海文化
Part 01
Brief introduction of Weihai
01 威 海 简 介 Brief introduction
威海是山东省地级市,位于山东半岛东端,北、东、南三面滨临黄海,北与辽东半岛相对,东与朝鲜 半岛隔海相望,西与山东烟台接壤。东西最大横距135公里,南北最大纵距81公里,海岸线长985.9公 里。面积5797.74平方公里,其中市区面积2606.65平方公里,辖环翠区、文登区、荣成市、乳山市。 威海取威震海疆之意,别名威海卫。威海是中国大陆距离日本东京、韩国首尔最近的城市、中国近代 第一支海军北洋海军的发源地、甲午海战的发生地,甲午战争后被列强侵占并回归祖国的“七子”之 一。
鱼锅饼子:用葱、姜、蒜、 红辣椒爆锅,将刚刚出海 打捞上来的鱼简单处理后 入锅,大火熬煮翻滚,耐 心贴上饼子直至完全熟透。 鱼的鲜味裹挟着玉米饼子 的香味扑鼻而来,饼子浸 入鱼汤的部分闪着油花, 滋味咸香浓郁。
老醋蜇头色泽透亮,通常会 选用优质的特调酱料秘制。 轻咬一下,口感脆生厚实, 一缕清香从海蜇皮里渗透出 来。触及唇齿,清新淡雅的 海洋气息立刻充盈整个口腔。 一番舌尖上的享受后细嚼咽 下,曼妙的滋味触及全身。
Part 03
Delicious food of Weihai
03 威 海 美 食 Delicious food
刚刚捞上岸的鲅鱼去刺剁成泥, 加入适量的姜葱均匀调和,沿 顺时针方向搅拌成馅儿,包好 后,煮熟出锅。用蒜泥配醋或 酱油调出小料。夹一只饱满的 水饺,蘸上小料入口,辛香的 蒜味、酱油的咸味和醋的酸味 交错融合,突出鲅鱼肉本身鲜 香细腻的口感。
11、形容饭菜口味重——厚死瞎子 (厚咸厚咸的);
17、形容刹不住车——一趋溜的下去 了;
settled in wendeng Han, Master of Philosophy, the Chinese Communist Party members, Shandong Province, creating an association of writers, Ninth, Tenth CPPCC National Committee member and vice chairman of the China Disabled Persons Federation, the National Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, member of the Shandong Provincial Writers Association Vice-President.
“残疾人应学习知识和技能,根据自己的 特点,对生活和社会,”张海迪说,“深 圳是一个充满生机和竞争激烈的现代化城 市。残疾人在这里应该更努力地学习如何 生存。”
Zhanghaidi Zhang Haidi, female, was born in 1955 ,
张海迪,女, 1955 年生于济南, 汉族,哲学硕士,中共党员,山东 省创作协会一级作家,九届、十届 全国政协委员,中国残疾人联合会 副主席,中国作家协会全国委员会 委员,山东省作家协会副主席。
Chapter 9
MyHometown-------WeiHai Culture
•China’s first modern navy was established in Liugong Island in the Qing Dynasty. •As the birthplace of Beiyang Fleet and the main battlefield of Jiawu Naval Battle,Weihai became one of the “seven sons” together with Hong Kong in the article written by Mr. Wen Yiduo and was pushed to the frontier in the modern history of China. •The long river of history has left Weihai with a profound cultural heritage. This beautiful city has been given the endless charm by mixing the ancient culture with the modern,and by blending the Chinese culture with the English, the Korean, and the Japanese.
Chapter 9 10
Chapter 9
•At Longitude 120°11′-122°42′ and latitude 36°41′37°35′,Weihai exactly lies in the dividing line of the North and the South. The average temperature is 12℃,and the average precipitation is over 800 mm. • With the four seasons distinctively different, Weihai enjoys an agreeable climate. Backed by the mountain and facing the sea, the urban area is endowed with the charming surroundings .The environmental quality indexes such as atmosphere ,water and noise have reached or surpassed the national standards ,which makes Weihai an ideal place for tourism ,summer resort and recuperation.
威海市属于温带季风气候,四 季变化和季风进退都较明显。 与同纬度的内陆地区相比,具 有雨水丰富、年温适中、气候 温和的特点。威海市大陆度为 54.1% , 由 于 濒 临 黄 海 , 受 海 洋的调节作用,表现出春冷、 夏凉、秋暖、冬温,昼夜温差 小、无霜期长、大风多和湿度 大等海洋性气候特点。
鱼锅饼子:用葱、姜、蒜、 红辣椒爆锅,将刚刚出海 打捞上来的鱼简单处理后 入锅,大火熬煮翻滚,耐 心贴上饼子直至完全熟透。 鱼的鲜味裹挟着玉米饼子 的香味扑鼻而来,饼子浸 入鱼汤的部分闪着油花, 滋味咸香浓郁。
老醋蜇头色泽透亮,通常会 选用优质的特调酱料秘制。 轻咬一下,口感脆生厚实, 一缕清香从海蜇皮里渗透出 来。触及唇齿,清新淡雅的 海洋气息立刻充盈整个口腔。 一番舌尖上的享受后细嚼咽 下,曼妙的滋味触及全身。
Part 04
History and culture of Weihai
04 威 海 文 化 History and culture 文 化 荣 誉
据当代作家田茂泉介绍说,威海文化以建设“千里海疆 长廊”为主线,群众文化蓬勃发展,民俗文化、特色 文化得传承和发展,涌现出“中国民间艺术之乡”、 “全国剪纸艺术之乡”、“全国歌咏文化之乡”等, 乳山被评为全国边疆文化长廊建设先进县。在社会文 化先进县创建活动中,文登、荣成、乳山已步入全国、 全省社会文化先进县行列。广场文化活动丰富多彩, 威海市有五个广场先后被评为山东省“十佳”广场。
02 威 海 景 点 Beautiful scenery
刘公岛,位于中国东部山东半岛东端威海湾湾口,岛面积3.15平方公里, 岛岸线长14.95公里。为威海市海上天然屏障,在国防上有着极其重要的 地位,素有“东隅屏藩”和“不沉的战舰”之称。明、清至解放前诸多 海上战事发生于此,特别是甲午战争留下了深刻的历史印迹。岛上峰峦 起伏,其北部海蚀崖直立陡峭,南部平缓绵延,森林覆盖率达87%,有 “海上仙山”和“世外桃源”的美誉。
,介绍威海作文英语Weihai, a Coastal Gem in Northern ChinaNestled along the northeastern coast of China, Weihai is a captivating city that seamlessly blends its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and modern development. As a prominent port city in Shandong Province, Weihai has emerged as a popular destination for both domestic and international travelers, offering a unique and unforgettable experience.One of the most striking features of Weihai is its breathtaking coastline. Stretching for over 1,000 kilometers, the city's coastline is dotted with pristine beaches, rugged cliffs, and serene bays. The Liugong Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a particular highlight, boasting well-preserved historical sites, picturesque landscapes, and a thriving marine ecosystem. Visitors can explore the island's ancient fortifications, visit the Weihai Maritime Museum, or simply bask in the sun and enjoy the stunning vistas.Beyond its natural beauty, Weihai is also renowned for its richcultural heritage. The city's history can be traced back thousands of years, with numerous archaeological sites and historical monuments that offer a glimpse into its past. The Weihai City Wall, a well-preserved section of the ancient defensive structure, is a testament to the city's strategic importance throughout its history. Visitors can also explore the Weihai Museum, which houses a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits that chronicle the city's development and the lives of its people.In recent years, Weihai has undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as a modern and vibrant city while still preserving its unique cultural identity. The city's skyline is dotted with sleek high-rise buildings, world-class shopping malls, and bustling commercial centers, all of which coexist harmoniously with the city's historical landmarks and natural wonders.One of the most notable developments in Weihai is the city's thriving tourism industry. The city has invested heavily in infrastructure and amenities to cater to the growing number of visitors, with a wide range of accommodations, restaurants, and recreational facilities. The Weihai International Coastal Resort, for instance, is a popular destination that offers a variety of activities, from water sports and beach activities to cultural performances and culinary experiences.In addition to its tourism industry, Weihai is also a hub for variouseconomic activities, particularly in the fields of manufacturing, technology, and maritime industries. The city's strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, and skilled workforce have attracted numerous domestic and international companies to establish operations in Weihai, contributing to the city's economic growth and prosperity.Despite its rapid development, Weihai has remained committed to environmental sustainability. The city has implemented numerous initiatives to promote green energy, waste management, and the preservation of its natural resources. The Weihai Coastal Ecological Park, for example, is a sprawling green space that showcases the city's commitment to environmental protection and its efforts to create a more livable and sustainable urban environment.One of the most remarkable aspects of Weihai is its vibrant cultural scene. The city is home to a diverse array of festivals, celebrations, and events that showcase its rich heritage and traditions. The Weihai International Kite Festival, for instance, is a highly anticipated annual event that attracts kite enthusiasts from around the world to enjoy the stunning displays and participate in interactive workshops.Weihai's culinary scene is also a major draw for visitors, with a wide range of local and regional cuisines on offer. From fresh seafood dishes to traditional Shandong-style delicacies, the city's restaurantsand street food vendors offer a truly mouthwatering experience for food lovers.In conclusion, Weihai is a captivating city that seamlessly blends its rich history, stunning natural beauty, and modern development. Whether you're drawn to its breathtaking coastline, its vibrant cultural scene, or its thriving economy, Weihai is a destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression. With its commitment to sustainability and its dedication to preserving its unique identity, Weihai is a city that is well worth exploring for both domestic and international travelers alike.。
Chapter 9
The highway mileage is 6,720.3 kilometers, in which arterial highway is 1,472.8 kilometers long (with 101.5 kilometers expressway) and rural highway is 5,417.4 kilometers.
Chapter 9 12
•With a coastline stretching for nearly one thousand kilometers, Weihai shows beautiful seaside sceneries with unique features in the mountains, seashores, islands and springs. Weihai is famous for its seaside tourist and holiday resorts. •Weihai has one National 5A level scenic spot Liugong Island, eight National 4A level scenic spots, including Fahua Temple on Mt. Chi, Cape Chengshantou, silver beach, Big Rushan, Tianmu hot spring, Xiangu peak, etc. and many famous tourist attractions such as Swan Lake, Kunyu Mountain, Weihai international swimming beach, Weihai Park and Happiness Park. Weihai also has excellent tourist facilities and many high-quality hot springs and golf courses.
介绍家乡的英语作文威海威海, a beautiful coastal city located in Shandong Province, China. 威海是一个美丽的沿海城市,位于中国山东省。
威海 is known for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. 威海以其美丽的海滩和清澈的海水而闻名,使其成为游客和当地人们喜爱的目的地。
One of the most famous beaches in 威海 is Golden Beach, a long stretch of golden sand that offers breathtaking views of the sea and surrounding cliffs. 威海最著名的海滩之一是金沙滩,它是一大片金色沙滩,提供着令人惊叹的海景和周围悬崖的景色。
Apart from its natural beauty, 威海 also has a rich cultural heritage, with historical sites such as Liugong Island and Huancui Tower attracting history buffs and heritage enthusiasts. 除了其自然美景外,威海还拥有丰富的文化遗产,象刘公岛和环翠楼这样的历史遗迹吸引着历史爱好者和文物爱好者。
The city is also known for its delicious seafood, with fresh catches from the sea served in local restaurants and markets. 威海也以其美味的海鲜而闻名,当地餐馆和市场供应新鲜的海鲜。
• 环翠楼公园位于威海市区的中 心地带,是威海市区主要的园 林风景区。它包括环翠楼公园 和环翠楼广场两部分,因园内 有古典式建筑“环翠楼”而得
名。Huan Cuilou Park is located in the center of Weihai urban area. it is the main garden scenic spot in Weihai urban area. It consists of Wan Tsui House Park and Wan Tsui House Square. it is named after the classical building "Wan Tsui
• 刘公岛,位于威海湾口,它面临 黄海,背接威海湾,素有“海上 桃源”之称。这里是甲午战争纪 念地,更是爱国主义教育基地。
Liu Gongdao, located at the mouth of Weihai Bay, it faces Huang Hai, back to Weihai Bay, known as "Taoyuan at sea." This is the memorial place of the Sino-Japanese War, but also the base of patriotism education.
海草房又名海苔房、海带草房 因其以胶东沿海所产的海草为 主要材料粘盖屋顶而得名。
山东省荣成市是亚洲最大大天鹅越 冬栖息地之一,每年都有大批天鹅 来此栖息。大概是每年11月到次年1 月,这期间会有大量天鹅来过冬!最 佳天鹅观赏地推荐天鹅湖和烟墩角。 Rongcheng city, shandong province is one of the largest winter habitats for whooper swans in Asia. Probably from November to January, there will be a large number of swans for the winter! Swan lake and yandun Angle are recommended for the best swan viewing
My Hometown -Weihai第一篇Good morning/afternoon. My name is [Your Name] and I come from Shandong Province in China. Specifically, I come from a town called Weihai.Located on the eastern coast of Shandong Province, Weihai is a beautiful coastal city famous for its natural scenery, unique cultural heritage, and delicious local cuisine.The human geography of Weihai is quite diverse, with a population of over 2 million people, including ethnic minorities. The city is divided into three areas: the urban area, the suburban area, and the coastal area. The economy of Weihai is mainly driven by industries such as tourism, fishing, and manufacturing.The history of Weihai can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. It was an important military and economic center during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, Weihai is a city of great historical and cultural significance. Some of the famous cultural and historical sites in Weihai include the Huaxia City Ruins,the Liugong Island, and the Huancuilou Relic Site.Weihai is also famous for its beautiful coastal scenery. The city is home to many natural wonders such as the Weihai International Bathing Beach, the Yangtze River Delta National Wetland Park and the Liugong Island Scenic Area. Tourism is a major industry in Weihai, attracting millions of visitors every year from all over the world.In addition to its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Weihai is also famous for its delicious local cuisine. Some of the most popular local dishes include seafood hot pot, sea urchin and abalone porridge and crispy fish dumplings.Overall, Weihai is a stunning city that is rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. It is a great place to visit or live in, with its strong economic development and excellent quality of life.That's all for my introduction of Weihai. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!第二篇Weihai is a coastal city located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, China. Known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and economic growth, it is a popular destination for tourists and businesses alike.Geographically, Weihai boasts a long coastline of 986.64 kilometers and is surrounded by mountains and the sea, making it a natural harbor and important port city. The city's topography also includes picturesque beaches, islands, and bays, such as the famous Golden Beach and Liugong Island.Historically, Weihai has been an important military and cultural center since ancient times. It served as a military stronghold during the Ming and Qing dynasties and is home to many historic sites, including the Weihaiwei Battle Memorial Hall and Huancuilou Park. Weihai's cultural heritage is also reflected in its many traditional festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.For tourists, Weihai offers a wealth of natural and culturalattractions, including the beautiful Liugong Island, whose rugged cliffs and winding paths are a favorite with hikers and nature lovers. The city is also home to a number of museums and art galleries, such as the Jinhou Ancient City Museum and Weihai International Seashell Museum.In terms of cuisine, Weihai's local specialties include seafood dishes like scallops, clams, and shrimp, as well as traditional dishes like Weihai-style dumplings and roasted chestnuts. Visitors can savor these local delicacies in local restaurants and food markets throughout the city.Economically, Weihai is one of the fastest-growing cities in China, with a focus on high-tech industries, including electronics, software, and renewable energy. It is also home to a number of international companies, including Foxconn and LG, which have helped to drive the city's economic development.In conclusion, Weihai is a city with a rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery, and rapid economic growth. It is a vibrant city that offers something for everyone, from nature lovers and history buffs to business travelers and foodies.That's all for my introduction of Weihai. If you have any questions about my hometown, feel free to ask me. Thank you!。
介绍家乡的英语作文威海【英文版】Wonderful WeihaiHello, my friends, have you ever heard of the beautiful coastal city of Weihai? If not, let me introduce it to you.Weihai, located on the beautiful Yellow Sea, is a city with a long history and splendid culture. It is known as the birthplace of many heroes and heroes. The city boasts a unique blend of traditional and modern elements, making it a paradise for tourists from all over the world.Firstly, Weihai has a rich cultural heritage. The city is famous for its unique traditional arts, such as embroidery, ceramic art, and handicrafts. People here have been preserving and developing these cultural treasures for generations. The local food and drinks are also worth tasting. You can enjoy the fresh seafood and local liquor, which will leave a delicious memory in your mouth. Secondly, Weihai is an ideal destination for its beautiful beaches and lush forests. The city is surrounded by the sea and mountains, giving people a pleasant and healthy environment. Whether you are looking for a relaxing vacation or a sports activity, Weihai haseverything you need.Last but not least, the city is famous for its modern infrastructure and technology. Many modern buildings and high-tech industries have sprung up in recent years, giving the city a dynamic and vibrant look. In addition, Weihai is also an excellent location for scientific research and development.总的来说,威海是一个拥有丰富历史和文化的沿海城市,它融合了传统和现代元素,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。
,介绍威海作文英语English:Located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, China, Weihai is a beautiful coastal city with a rich history and fascinating natural scenery. Known for its clean air and pristine beaches, Weihai attracts numerous tourists and holidaymakers each year. The city is also famous for its seafood, particularly its delicious seafood hotpot. In addition to its natural beauty, Weihai is a historically significant city. It was once a key naval base for the Beiyang Fleet during the late Qing Dynasty, and remnants of this history can still be seen in the city, such as the Liugong Island and Huancui District. Weihai is also home to a number of cultural and historic sites including the Weihai International Bathing Beach, Liugong Island, Huancui District and Liugong Island National Geopark. With its mix of natural beauty and historical significance, Weihai is a must-visit destination for any traveler in China.中文翻译:威海位于中国山东省东部,是一个有着丰富历史和迷人自然风光的美丽海滨城市。
The prefecture-level city of Weihai administers four county-level divisions, including one district and three county-level cities. Huancui District (环翠区) Wendeng City (文登市) Rongcheng City (荣成市) Rushan City (乳山市 I Live in port ,so there are many Fishing boats
Welcome to Chishan scenic spots for the state AAAA-class tourist attractions, the three major scenic spots is one of Weihai
As a coastal city, Wei hai is famous for its delicious sea food. So the time you visit Liu Gong Dao, don't forget to taste them.
A beautiful city
its climate is strongly influenced by the surrounding Yellow Sea: springtime warming and autumn cooling are delayed by one month Winters are cold and dry, but still warmer than places further inland. Summers are very warm and humid
关于威海的英语介绍文章一:给游客的威海介绍Weihai has beautiful beaches. The sand is so soft and the water is so clear. You can just lie on the beach, feel the warm sun and enjoy the gentle sea breeze. Like the beach at Liugong Island, it's amazing. There are also many historical buildings. The Britishbuilt houses in the old town tell stories of the past.Come and have a great time in Weihai!文章二:给小朋友的威海介绍Hey kids! Let me tell you about a cool place called Weihai.Weihai has big and wide beaches. You can build sandcastles and look for shells. Sometimes you might even see little crabs running around. Isn't that fun?There are parks in Weihai too. You can play on the swings and slides. One of the parks has a big fountain that shoots water up high.And guess what? The zoo in Weihai has lots of cute animals. There are monkeys that jump around and pandas that eat bamboo. You can watch them and have a great day.文章三:给年轻人的威海介绍Hey guys! Have you heard of Weihai? It's an awesome place to check out.Weihai is not just about the beautiful scenery. There are also lots of cool things to do. You can go surfing and feel the thrill of the waves. Or try kayaking and explore the coastline.The nightlife in Weihai is pretty great too. There are bars and clubs where you can dance and have a good time with your friends. And if you're into shopping, there are many trendy stores and markets.For food lovers, Weihai has a lot to offer. Street food stalls with all kinds of snacks will make your mouth water. Don't forget to try the local specialities.Come to Weihai and have an unforgettable adventure!文章四:给老年人的威海介绍Dear friends, let me introduce Weihai to you.Weihai is a peaceful and relaxing place. The air is fresh and the environment is clean. It's perfect for a slowpaced life.You can take a walk along the seaside in the morning. The view of the sea and the sound of the waves will make you feel calm and happy. There are also many gardens and parks where you can sit and enjoy the flowers and the birds.Weihai has some historical temples. You can visit them and learn about the local culture and traditions. The local people are kind and helpful. They always greet you with warmth.Weihai is a great place to enjoy your retirement years. Come and have a peaceful and pleasant time here.。
View of Happiness Gate from the sea
located in Weihai, Shandong Province 5A class tourist resort
3.15 square kilometers
Northern Naval College on this island the Sino-Japanese War near the island
The prefecture-level city of Weihai administers four county-level divisions, including one district and three county-level cities. Huancui District (环翠区) Wendeng City (文登市) Rongcheng City (荣成市) Rushan City (乳山市
In 2010 Nov 15th, Sichuan Province sent two pandas to Liugong Island. The male panda named Ningning and the female panda named Zhuling. Now tourists can see them on the island.
Ding Ruchang
Ding Ruchang is a hero in this war.When the enemies besieged them and cut off their food supplies,the were trapped into a hopeless situation.He and his soldiers refused to surrender. At last they suicided to show their love to country.
Shandong Weihai, A Garden-like City by the SeaShandong Weihai is reputed as the most livable city and has been awarded as the first National Sanitary City in China and among the first group of National Model Cities for Environmental Protection.This land of sunshine boasts the title of “National Forest City,” and is located at the eastern end of the Shandong Peninsula, surrounded by three sides of water offering 600 miles of coastline, beautiful beaches, bays, numerous harbors, islands and hot springs as well as mountains.In Shandong Weihai, there are more than 80 scenic spots, 6 of which are national 4A-class tourism spots, namely, Liugong Island, Chengshan cape, Chishan Fahua Buddhist Temple, Silver Beach, Darushan and Tianmu Hot Spring.Shandong Weihai also has an abundance of folk custom and international festivals. Rongcheng International Fisherman Festival exhibits the fishing culture and customs of fishermen.Local DelicaciesWith a long history, Weihai cuisine is a component part of Jiaodong cuisine, a branch of Shandong cuisine. Weihai is well known for meticulously prepared seafood dishes. Local cooks are particular about skills in the use of the kitchen knife, the shape of dishes, duration and degree of cooking and the taste. Local dishes are fresh, crisp and tender, with a light taste and original soup. The representative local dishes include Soy Sauce Sea Cucumbers, Hand-braised Prawns, Lotus Scallops, Soy Sauce Conchs, Crabs with Ginger Juice, Steamed Jiajie Fish, Friend Longevity Vegetables and Weihai Soup.Shandong Weihai AttractionsWeihai is a seaside town that has the longest coastline in China and has been honored as “the most comfortable city to live in the world". Once you have experienced the natural beauty of this peninsula, it is easy to know why.Tour IdeasDay 1Morning/Afternoon:Liugong IslandBoard the ferry for a short 20 minute trip to Liugong Island. This world-famous national park is compromised of both of scenery and a wealth of historical sites. As you tour the sites of the Monument to Martyrs of South Navy (Zhonghunbei), Liugong Pavilion, Qidingshan Gun Deck and Zhonghunbei Gun Deck, your attention will be drawn to the stunning views, so keep your camera handy. Before departing, climb up to the highest peak on the island for a panoramic view.Evening:Korean Clothes MarketEnjoy some time shopping before dinner. The Korean Clothes Market contains various products from South Korea but it is most known for the clothing. High quality at a low cost, you may need to pick up an extra suitcase.Day 2Morning / AfternoonWeihai International Beach ResortEven if you are not into sun bathing, you must take a trip to the Beach Resort to stroll on a magnificent beach which covers 10,000 square meters. Stretch out on the soft sand taking in the view of crystal clear water, stone carvings and colorful tents.Alternatively, thousands of acres of pine forest give a perfect shady area to escape the sun.Note:1.Best time to visit: July, August and September.2.Transportation: Bus No. 7 , 12EveningGrab a front row seat at one of the beach front hotels to dine on a fresh seafood dinner while viewing a spectacular sunset.Liugong Island National Scenic and Historic Interest ZoneSince ancient times, Liugong Island has been known as “a shield in the east,” and a natural screen of Weihai City. In 1881, the Northern Navy founded the Engineering Bureau, Machinery Factory, and Coal Piling Ground on the island. Later, the Governor’s Office, Navy School, Telegram Bureau, and forts and iron wharfs were established. In 1895 after China lost the Sino-Japanese War, Liugong Island was occupied by the Japanese troops and rented to Britain in 1898. Today, many facilities built by the British can be found on the island, such as the nine-hole golf course, tennis court, and hotels. With undulating hills, the island has picturesque scenery with green pine and cypress trees. Liugong Island National Forest Park is the only “marine forest park” in China, which makes up 74 percent of the whole island, and 87 percent of the forest park is covered by forests.Travel tips: The only way from Weihai City to Liugong Island is by steam ferry.Huancui Tower ParkLying at the eastern foot of Naigu Mountain in Weihai City, this park offers green trees and fresh flowers that bloom all year round. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, many men of letters climbed the tower and wrote poems to praise it. The park is a best spot for viewing the sunrise. Surrounded by hills on the four sides, Huancui Tower Park adds radiance and beauty to Weihai.Travel tips: Tourists can visit Huancui Tower Park at any time of the year and appreciate evergreen trees and beautiful flowers.Chengshantou National Scenic and Historic Interest ZoneAlso known as the “end of heaven,” this 4A scenic zone offers tourists views of vast seas, towering precipices, and roaring waves. Legend has it that this was where the Sun God lived. According to history, after Jiang Ziya, a statesman and strategist of ancient China,helped King Wen of Zhou overthrow the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty, he came here to pay homage to the Sun God, welcome the sunrise, and construct a shrine to the Sun God.Emperor Qin Shihuang came here twice to worship the Sun God, and look for elixirs of life, leaving some historical sites such as Qin Bridge, Shooting Shark Terrace, the Temple to Emperor Qin Shihuang, and an inscription reading “The eastern gate of the Qin at the end of the earth” by Li Si, prime minister of Emperor Qin Shihuang. The Yellow Sea Campaign, the earthshattering and last battle of the Sino-Japanese War took place on the sea area 10 nautical miles east of Chengshantou.Sea Donkey IslandLocated two nautical miles north of Chengshantou, Sea Donkey Island is also attractive. In the spring, tens of thousands of seagulls flock to the island to mate, earning the island the nickname, “Kingdom of Seagulls.” Visitors gasp in admiration at the fascinating scenery on the island, which features oddly shaped peaks, reefs, sheer precipices, and the sea melded into the sky.Travel tips: It takes 90 minutes from Weihai to Chengshantou by bus. Buses travel regularly from Weihai to Chengshantou with 30 minute intervals.Stone Island Scenic ZoneLocated in Shidao Town, Weihai, Stone Island faces the Yellow Sea and features exquisite scenery, and simple and unsophisticated local customs. Visitors can climb mountains, swim in the sea, go fishing, and appreciate seaside scenery.Chishan Fahua TempleSituated at the southern foot of Chishan Mountain in the north of Shidao Town, the Chishan Fahau temple was first constructed in the Tang Dynasty by Zhang Baogao. It was one of the largest Buddhist temples in Jiaodong. Master Yuanren, an eminent monkof Japan, once lived here for a few years. Hence, the temple is a witness of the friendship between the people of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. The present temple was reconstructed in accordance with the descriptions in a book by Master Yuanren. Streams running in the courtyards provide an inviting view of the sea, and a large number of cliffside inscriptions, including poems, articles, ci poetry, and couplets can be found in the undulating and beautiful mountains from Fahua Temple to Heavenly Gate Pond.The bathing beaches of Stone Island Bay have soft and fine sands and a wide sea area. Stone Island Mountain is tall, straight, and elegant. Standing at the mountain, visitors can view a picturesque small town lying at the foot of the mountain and by the sea withred-roofed houses scattered here and there.Stone Island has a variety of unusual folk customs. Dayu Island is the largest natural fishing village in China, where tourists can see houses covered with seaweed roofs and black stones, blue skies, green trees, and a forest of masts. Xichejiaohe Village is awell-known flower village and the largest base for growing azaleas and camellias in Shandong Province. Muyun’an Village is known as the Village of Paintings, where every villager practices calligraphy and draws paintings. Stone Island is renowned for itstime-honored collection of weird stones, paper-cuts, and tree-root sculptures. During the Guyu Fishermen’s Festival, fishermen offer sacrifices to the sea, hold solemn ceremonies, and beat large drums.Special Tourist RoutesFishermen’s Customs TourFishermen of Weihai are known for their unique customs, simple and unsophisticated lifestyle, and rich marine culture. Visitors are culturally connected when they live in the seaweed-roofed fishermen’s houses, eat corn buns, cakes, and salted fish, drinkhome-brewed wine, fish and collect marine life by the beaches.Hot Spring Health-building TourWeihai has more than 10 hot springs, of which Baoquantang and Wenquantang in Huancui District, Bilitang and Huleitang in Wendeng, and Guirentang in Rushan are the most famous. Bathing in the hot spring alleviates fatigue and promotes relaxation. The hot springs in Weihai contain over 20 kinds of mineral substances, trace elements, andradioactive elements, which can cure many diseases, such as nervous system, rheumatism and rheumatoid diseases.Golf TourThe Pan-China Golf Course is an 18-hole, par 72 golf courses. Nestled by the sea, it borders sheer precipices, overhanging rocks, and a slope covered by pine trees. With a complicated landform, this well-designed golf course is full of challenges, and is considered the most difficult to conquer in Asia.Ecological TourLying at the foot of a mountain and by the sea, Weihai was named as “the model city in the improvement of civilian residences in the world” by the United Nations thanks to its fresh air and clean and beautiful environment. Visitors can feel the miracles created by nature everywhere in Weihai, such as Liugong Island National Forest Park, Shendiao Mountain Wildlife Nature Reserve, Swan Lake, and Sea Donkey Island.Shandong Food & WineThe Lu dishes, also known as the Shandong Cuisine, have a long history and far-reaching influence throughout China. As one of the eight well-known schools of culinary arts in China, Shandong cuisine is well known for its unique flavor and fine workmanship and enjoys great prestige both at home and abroad. Shandong Cuisine originated from the state of Qi and Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It finally took full shape during the period from the Qin Dynasty (221 BC to 206 BC) to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).Since the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Shandong Cuisine had assumed the leading role of the cuisine of Northern China. From Shandong to Beijing, from the Yellow River Valley to the northeastern area of China, Shangdong Cuisine enjoys broad popularity across China and is especially favored in Beijing, Tianjin, Tanggu and the three provinces in northern China.Shandong Cuisine emphasizes natural flavors. The taste tends to be a little salty but always fresh and appreciated for its tenderness, rich taste, and crispness. Our chefs pay special attention to the seasoning of the consommé (clear soup) and milk soup. Theformer is light and fresh; the latter is creamy and mellow.There are more than thirty ways of cooking that are frequently used in Shandong cuisine, although quick stir-frying and braising are worthy of special attention. Quick stir-frying relies on intensive heat while braising is a process in which the raw food is marinated and flour coated then pan-sizzled. The finished braised dish is elegantly presented and the rich taste is well preserved in the juice of the dish. The dishes are mainly clear, freshand juicy – a perfect complement to Shandong’s own famous brew, Qingdao Beer.Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea, with the Yellow River meandering through the center. As a result, fresh, local seafood is a major component of our cuisine. Our most famous dish is Sweet and Sour Carp which can only be tasted authentically in Shandong.WineThe production of wine is the second largest industry in Shandong Province, second only to agriculture. Like Bordeaux, most of the soil is loose, well-ventilated, and rich in mineral and organic matter, which enables fulldevelopment of root systems and the perfect environment for growing grapes.Shandong is the only area in Asia evaluated by International Wine Clubs Association, and Yantai which produced more than 40% of China’s wine, is recognized as the S eventh Best Grape Coastal Area in the World. Main varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Gernischt, Merlot, Riesling and Chardonnay have aged 20 years, which is considered to be the golden stage for these grapes.威海影视城Movie and Television City CCTV Weihai movie and Television City, rich in cultural connotation and fairy tale of the large TV location photography base, opened in June 1, 1997, the early show style to the world. Movie and television city covers an area of 500 acres, with the film services, both cultural and entertainment, sightseeing, leisure and other functions. The first open big windmill scenic area, covers an area of 100 acres, is composed of front gatecastle, circular Plaza, country club, a large windmill, Knight paradise five distinctive architecture and levee stone carvings, pastoral golf, field training camp, leisure paradise, happy island, Tangram television, Tangram Jiajiao, dinosaur park, Fairy tavern, the walls ten attractions and facilities of the bathing beach, the sea rotating bar area and a European classical style. The windmill scenery for young children, outstanding film and TV culture characteristics, characteristics and new, Qiao, Qi, the vast, set the children love to see and hear the entertainment and recreation activities. With European style in architecture, natural, lively, fresh, lively, bright color, the overall layout is compact and reasonable, project cohesion strong sense of rhythm, very interesting. Scenic spots at the same time also offers complete catering, entertainment, rest, shopping and small and medium-sized conference services for tourists. Movie and television city surrounded on three sides by the sea, winding coastline, multi Bay and flat beach, sea light mountain color, the beautiful charming. Since the Kaesong, not only attracted a large number of tourists come in a throng. Also received the Chinese TV drama production center, CCTV economic department, Ministry of youth crew to take photos of the film and television drama and film;。
Hot spring
Weihai has rich hot spring resources. Jiaodong peninsula has 13 hot springs, of which 9 are in Weihai.The hot spring has high medicinal value, and good health care efficacy, A number of medical indicators are in the nation.
洲最大的天鹅冬季栖息地之一 。
Weihai swan lake , one of famous world swan overwintering habitat, the maximal Asia swan winter habitat.威海天鹅湖,世界著名的天鹅越冬栖息地,亚
climate, have the swan coming from fields such as Heilongjiang edge , Siberia , Lake Baikal side and Xinjiang to come here wintering every year
View of Happiness Gate from the sea
幸福门 幸福门
Chengshantou is surrounded by sea and land side access, green mountain peaks, vast blue sea, snow waves, magnificent momentum, is an ideal summer resort tourism.
介绍威海英文作文I want to introduce you to Weihai, a beautiful coastal city in China. It's a place where you can enjoy the sea breeze and the stunning ocean views. The city has a rich history and culture, and it's a great destination for anyone looking to experience the charm of a traditional Chinese city.The food in Weihai is amazing. You can find all kinds of delicious seafood here, from fresh fish to succulent prawns. There are also plenty of local specialties to try, such as the famous Weihai-style dumplings and the mouthwatering seafood hotpot. If you're a foodie, you'll definitely love Weihai!Weihai is also a great place for outdoor activities. The city is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, including mountains, forests, and of course, the sea. You can go hiking, camping, or simply relax on the beach and soak up the sun. There are also plenty of water sports totry, such as surfing, sailing, and fishing.In addition to its natural beauty, Weihai also has a vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts a variety of festivals and events throughout the year, celebrating everything from traditional Chinese holidays to international cultural exchanges. You can also visit the local museums and art galleries to learn more about the history and heritage of the region.If you're looking for a unique and authentic travel experience in China, Weihai is definitely worth a visit. Whether you're a food lover, an outdoor enthusiast, or a culture buff, there's something for everyone in this charming coastal city. So why not pack your bags and come explore all that Weihai has to offer?。
介绍威海的英语作文Introduction to Weihai。
Weihai, located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, China, is a picturesque coastal city renowned for its stunning natural scenery, rich historical heritage, and vibrant cultural atmosphere. With its strategic location along the Yellow Sea, Weihai has long been a significant hub for maritime trade, tourism, and cultural exchange.Geographically, Weihai is blessed with a diverse landscape that includes beautiful beaches, lush mountains, and serene lakes. The city's most famous natural attraction is Liugong Island, known for its crystal-clear waters, sandy beaches, and lush greenery. Visitors can indulge in various water sports activities such as swimming, surfing, and sailing, or simply relax and enjoy the breathtaking coastal views.Aside from its natural beauty, Weihai boasts a richcultural heritage dating back thousands of years. The city has been inhabited since ancient times and has served as an important military outpost and trading port throughout history. One of the most prominent historical sites in Weihai is the Huancuilou Park, where visitors can explore ancient fortresses, temples, and relics dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.In addition to its historical significance, Weihai is also known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts numerous festivals, events, and performances throughout the year, showcasing the rich traditions and customs of the region. One of the most popular events is the Weihai International Beach Music Festival, where visitors canenjoy live music performances, beach volleyball tournaments, and fireworks displays against the backdrop of the stunning coastal scenery.Furthermore, Weihai is renowned for its delicious cuisine, which reflects the region's coastal location and abundant seafood resources. Visitors can savor a widevariety of fresh seafood dishes, including grilled squid,steamed fish, and seafood hotpot, as well as local specialties such as Weihai dumplings and sesame cakes.In terms of modern amenities, Weihai offers a widerange of accommodations, dining options, and recreational facilities to cater to the needs of visitors. Whetheryou're looking for a luxury beach resort, a cozy guesthouse, or a bustling street food market, Weihai has something to offer for every taste and budget.Overall, Weihai is a charming coastal city that seamlessly blends natural beauty, historical heritage, and modern amenities. Whether you're a nature lover, history enthusiast, or foodie, Weihai has something to delight and inspire every visitor. Come and experience the enchanting charm of Weihai for yourself!。
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Chapter 9
Weihai is located in the eastern tip of Shandong Peninsula,across the sea from Korea and Japan.It is the closest city to Korea with 93 nautical miles in between . Weihai has the jurisdiction over three countylevel cities of Rongcheng, Wendeng, Rushan Huancui District two national level development zones of Weihai Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Weihai Economic & Technological Development Zone, one national level Export Processing Zone and Weihai New Industrial District. Chapter 9 4
Chapter 9 9
MyHometown-------WeiHai Culture
•China’s first modern navy was established in Liugong Island in the Qing Dynasty. •As the birthplace of Beiyang Fleet and the main battlefield of Jiawu Naval Battle,Weihai became one of the “seven sons” together with Hong Kong in the article written by Mr. Wen Yiduo and was pushed to the frontier in the modern history of China. •The long river of history has left Weihai with a profound cultural heritage. This beautiful city has been given the endless charm by mixing the ancient culture with the modern,and by blending the Chinese culture with the English, the Korean, and the Japanese.
Chapter 9 10
Chapter 9
•At Longitude 120°11′-122°42′ and latitude 36°41′37°35′,Weihai exactly lies in the dividing line of the North and the South. The average temperature is 12℃,and the average precipitation is over 800 mm. • With the four seasons distinctively different, Weihai enjoys an agreeable climate. Backed by the mountain and facing the sea, the urban area is endowed with the charming surroundings .The environmental quality indexes such as atmosphere ,water and noise have reached or surpassed the national standards ,which makes Weihai an ideal place for tourism ,summer resort and recuperation.
Weihai is one of the areas in China with the best air and seawater quality, and can present a unique urban landscape featuring “sea in the city, city in the mountain, buildings in the woods and people in the green”.
Chapter 9
1. Geographic Location 2. Nature, History and Culture 3. Climate & Surroundings 4. Transportation 5. seafood 6. Tour Guide
Chapter 9
The highway mileage is 6,720.3 kilometers, in which arterial highway is 1,472.8 kilometers long (with 101.5 kilometers expressway) and rural highway is 5,417.4 kilometers.
Huancui District
Wendeng City
Cheng City
Rushan City
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
•In ancient times, Weihai was considered the place for the SunGod to live in. •Both the first Emperor of Qin Dynasty and the Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty patrolled east to this place and left many cultural relics, which made Weihai a historic place for blessing. •In 1398, the Ming Dynasty quartered troops here and named the place “Weihaiwei” which means “having the power over coastal area and territorial sea”. •Weihai was leased to UK in 1898 ,and was returned in 1930 to become Weihaiwei Special Administration Region at the provincial level. In 1987, Weihai City was established to be the prefectural city.
Chapter 9 13
In 2003,Weihai won “World Habitat Award ” for its environmental good which was selected for the Habitant Scroll of Honour Award by United Nations center for Human Settlement
Chapter 9
The airlines from Weihai to the domestic cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Harbin, Changchun, Yanji, Chengdu, Xi’an, and Ji’nan and to the international cities such as Seoul and Busan have been in service. The international airports of Yantai and Weihai which are within 1 hour’s drive and Qingdao within 2 hour’s drive offer the convenience to the passengers with the direct and connecting flights to the different parts of the world
Chapter 9 12
•With a coastline stretching for nearly one thousand kilometers, Weihai shows beautiful seaside sceneries with unique features in the mountains, seashores, islands and springs. Weihai is famous for its seaside tourist and holiday resorts. •Weihai has one National 5A level scenic spot Liugong Island, eight National 4A level scenic spots, including Fahua Temple on Mt. Chi, Cape Chengshantou, silver beach, Big Rushan, Tianmu hot spring, Xiangu peak, etc. and many famous tourist attractions such as Swan Lake, Kunyu Mountain, Weihai international swimming beach, Weihai Park and Happiness Park. Weihai also has excellent tourist facilities and many high-quality hot springs and golf courses.