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desire to do sth. = have a desire to do 希望/
desire sb. to do sth. = desire that sb. (should) do 希望某人做某事 (have) the desire for sth. / to do sth. 渴望得到某事/希望做某事…… meet / satisfy one’s desire
talented adj.有天赋的 be talented/gifted in 在..方面有天赋
18. junior :younger , lower in rank:
senior :older , higher in rank
He is the junior employee in the firm .
10. ring sb. up=call sb. up =give sb. a call/ring =call sb. on the telephone=phone sb 打电话给某人 ring off the telephone 挂断电话 call back=ring back 回电话
11. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 当她转过身去时, 格拉雷斯·克拉芬 站在那里。 turn around同turn round 转过身
pages. A. turning off B. turning around C. turning over D. turning up
解析: C 本题考查动词短评辨析。turn over意 为“翻动”,“把……反过来”; turn over the pages即“翻动书页”, 符合搭配。
12. affair 暖昧关系, 事情, 私通 Don’t mind one’s own affaires/business. 别管闲事!
strange man in your garden. 我不想吓唬你, 不过你花园里有个陌生 人。 相关短语: be alarmed at … 被…吓了一跳
I was alarmed at his entering the home. be alarmed for… 对…放心不下
I was alarmed for her safety.
或 文章中。 hope表示实现的可能较大的希望。 want表示想要。 expect侧重表示“期待, 预期, 指望”。
表示“希望做某事/得到某物”有多种表达: desire (for) sth. / to do sth hope for sth. / to do sth wish for sth. / to do sth want sth. / to do sth expect sth. / to do sth want / wish /expect sb. to do sth. (但不能用 hope)希望某人做某事
• I will still be bound to support him. 我必然会义无反顾的支持他。 • Every citizen is bound to obey the law. 每个市民都有义务遵守法律。
17. talent n.天才;特殊能力
have/show a talent /gift for 有….的天赋
6. pile 堆 a pile of=piles of=a lot of 堆积如山的 I have a pile of work to do this evening. 今晚我有一大堆工作要做。
7. favour n.喜爱。恩惠,帮忙。vt.喜 爱;偏袒 =favor
• 1)ask a favor of sb. 求人帮一个忙 • do a favor for sb. 帮某人一个忙 • 2)be in (out of)favor (with)受(失)宠 • in favor of 赞成,主张 • in one's favor 对某人有利
3) 申报(纳税品等) I have nothing to declare. 我没什么要申报的。
辨析: declare与announce •declare n. :宣告, 宣布a way of expressing oneself I would like to declare my love for you. A lot of use on Valentine’s Day, don’t we? •announce:宣布 to tell a lot of people. If I have a birthday party, I want to announce it to my friends.
vt. put an end to a marriage by law
ask for a divorce get divorced divorce … from
His wife asked for a divorce.
8. absurd 荒谬的, 可笑的 an absurd opinion 谬论 Don’t be absurd!别胡闹!
9. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops. 因为克莱尔不让托尼陪她去商店。 accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同,同时存在 或发生,为……伴奏
人教课标版 高二 选修7 Unit 2
1. Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? (P10) 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求吗? desire vt. 渴望,希望,要求 n. 愿望,要求,欲望,向往的东西 desire sth. = have a desire for sth.
accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去 accompany sth. with / by sth. 与某事物同时存在或发生 keep sb company 陪伴某人,和某人做伴 in the company of sb. 在某人陪同下
He accompanied the frightened girl to her house and kept her company until she calmed down. 他陪那个受惊的女孩回家,并陪着她直 到她镇静下来。 Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common. 这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。
to make known formally or officially. The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany. 新的国会向德国宣战了。
2) 宣称; 断言+(that) The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告声称他是无罪的。 She declared that she didn’t want to see him again. 她宣称再也不愿见他了。
2. test out sth.=put sth. to the test 对新试做的物品或新产生的理论进 行“试用”或“检验考验”, 检验其 试用的程度或有效性, 以便加以改进。
e.g. Their theory is going to be tested out.
3. alarm n. 警报,惊慌
have an affair with sb. 跟某人有不正当的男女关系
She was having an affair with someone who has a wife (有妇之夫). It’s not my affair. 这不关我的事。
13. declare vt. 1) 宣布, 宣告; 声明+(that)
at one’s desire 照某人的希望
We all desire happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福健康。 Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone desires to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功, 但并非人人都渴望有 钱。
15. set aside 把...放在一边
• set about doing 着手做某事 • set back 往回拨 • set down 记下,放下 • set off 出发,动身 • set out 出发 ;摆放;开始;宣布或陈述 • set up 设立;使......准备使用
16. be bound to 一定做,必然
13. envy vt. 嫉妒,羡慕 How I envy you! You have a happy family! envy sb. sth. 嫉妒羡慕某人某事 be green with envy 非常妒忌 be in envy of one’s success 羡慕某人的成功 out of envy 出于妒忌/羡慕
He desires you to go to see him at once. = He desires that you (should) go to see him at once. 他要求你马上去见他。
desire / wish / hope / expect / want desire强调主观愿望的热切性,含有“强 烈希望做或得到某物”,用于正式场合
He is two years junior to me. He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人
19. Soon after his divorce in 1973, … divorce:n. legal ending of a marriage:离婚,脱离
turn back 折回, 翻回 turn in 上交 turn down 拒绝, 调小/低 turn out 结果是; 生产 turn on 开(灯等) turn off 关(灯等) turn up 出现;到达
2008全国卷 ---What are you reading, Tom? ---I’m not really reading, just ____ the
The fire Baidu Nhomakorabeaaused much alarm. 火灾引起很大的恐慌。 相关短语: give the alarm to… 发警报给…. take alarm at… 对….感到吃惊 a fire alarm 火警 a false alarm 虚惊一场
vt. 使警觉, 使惊慌
I don’t want to alarm you, but there is a
14. leave sb./sth. alone =let sb./sth alone 随他去, 不干涉, 不管, 让其独自待着 Leave my book alone. 别动我的书。 Don’t think I will leave him alone. 别以为我会让他自由自在。 let alone 连用译为“更不用说” A one-year-old child can’t even speak, let alone recite poems.
4. sympathy 同情心,同感 express sympathy for…对……表示慰问
feel/have sympathy for… 同情……
I felt much sympathy for the blind. be in sympathy with… 赞同……
5. elegant 优雅的,高雅的 an elegant vase 别致的花瓶 an elegant gentleman 举止文雅的绅士