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With the rapid development ofinformation and technology, mobile phones, especially smart ones, have become necessities for most people. It seems that without a smartphone we cannot live. Wherever we go, we can see people, no matter how old they are, use iPhones or other smart devices to communicate with each other or surf the Internet. According to a recent survey made by Prof. Li, dean of the Sociological Department in Yale, about 80% adults surf the net via smartphones.

It goes without saying that there are both advantages and disadvantages for smartphone. The former are as follows. First, 它缩短了人与人之间的距离,使沟通变得更方便了。(it shortens the distance between people and makes communication more convenient.) Second, 可以用智能手机看电影、听音乐、玩游戏,这些事传统手机无法做到的。(by martphone, we can watch movies, listen to music, play video games, and so on, which cannot be done by traditional mobile phones.) Its disadvantages, however, should not be ignored. For instance, 人们在smartphone上花的时间太多,浪费时间。(people spend too much time on smartphones, which I think it is a waste of time.) 有些人甚至对其上瘾。(Some, especially those young students, even get addicted to their smartphones.) What’s more,使用不当,很容易泄露隐私。(it is easy to get privacy leaked, if they are not used properly.)

From my point of view, in order to make our life easy and comfortable, we should make the wise use of this electronic device, and do not become the slave of your smartphone.

(说明:为给大家提供思路,disadvantage多写了2点。此外,几个万能的“身段”也可以用,如果字数不够,“邻居”之类的也可以用。结尾还可以加一个预测句,如:It can be predicted that with the further development of science and technology, the number of people who use smartphones will certainly increase in the next five years.)




With the rapid development of urbanization (economy / industry / …), an increasing number of problems, such as city problems, are beginning to arise. 接下来把第1个提纲转化为简单的英文句子:More and more people are flooding into urban cities, which brings about quite a few problems.


… More and more people, especially those in rural areas, are flooding into urban cities, which brings about quite a few problems.


Currently, there is a serious concern that越来越多的人涌入城市,产生了很多

问题。(an increasing number of people are flooding into urban cities, which brings about a lot of problems.)


Currently, there is a serious concern among experts as well as the general public that an increasing number of people , especially those in rural areas,are flooding into urban cities, which brings about a lot of problems.



Those obvious problems are as follows. First, 交通拥堵。Second, 住房紧张,房价上涨。In addition, 犯罪率上升。


Those obvious problems are as follows. First, traffics are very heavy. Second, people are short of accommodation, which brings about the rise in housing price. In addition, the rate of crime is on the rise.


Those obvious problems caused by the increasing number of urban population(或者:which no one can turn a back on) are as follows. First, as is shown by statistics, traffics are becoming increasingly heavy. (此处可加一句:到处可以看到拥堵:Traffic jam can be seen on virtually each and every street.) Second, people are short of accommodation, which, to some extent,brings about the rise in housing price. (此处还可加一句:许多家庭买不起房:quite a few households cannot afford to buy a house.)

In addition, it should be noted that the rate of crime is also on the rise.



The possible solutions to these problems depend on the following aspects. To begin with, 政府应制定法律法规控制房价。Next, 控制私家车的数量,并改进公交体系。


The possible solutions to these problems depend on the following aspects. To begin with,strict laws or regulations should be made by the government to control the rise in housing price.Next, the number of private cars should be controlled, and public transportation system should be improved in the first place.
