

· 988 ·
第 38 卷第 8 期
2017 年 8 月

38 No.
Aug. 2017
29] Dane
抑制,从而 更 有 效 地 控 制 肿 瘤 生 长。RNAi产 生 的
取得了 巨 大 的 进 展,如 直 肠 癌 可 以 用 HLA-B7 治
疗,肺癌可以用 p16 基因治疗,神经胶质细胞瘤可用
自杀基因治 疗,转 移 性 乳 腺 癌 可 以 用 IL2 治 疗 等,
eRNAi)技 术 恰 恰 可 以 弥 补 单 基 因 治 疗
个不同基因的异常 表 达,所 以 从 基 因 水 平 治 疗 恶 性
肿瘤一直是医学界 不 断 追 求 的 方 向,而 且 近 年 来 也
iRNA 可 解
链成为正义链和反 义 链,其 中 的 反 义 链 可 指 导 形 成




方法本研究从基因表达综合数据库(Gene Expression Omnibus,GEO)下载基因芯片数据集GSE51985和GSE59102,筛选差异表达基因,并进行基因本体论(GO)和京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)功能富集分析,使用STRING在线数据库构建蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络(PPI),并利用CyLoscape进行了模块分析,筛选关键基因。

然后用Oncomine数据库对关键基因进行泛癌分析,从癌症和肿瘤基因图谱数据库(The Cancer Genome ALlas,TCGA)下载喉癌相关基因表达数据和临床资料,对关键基因进行基因表达差异和生存分析。

结果共筛选出差异基因218个o KEGG途径分析显示,差异基因主要富集于唾液分泌、ECM受体相互作用、细胞周期等途径。





关键词喉癌生信分析关键基因差异分析中图分类号R76文献标识码A DOI10.11969/j.issn.1673-548X.2021.01.021Analysis of the Hub Genes in Laryngeal Carcinoma by Bioinformatics.Dong Zhouwei,Wang Qiwei,Zhang Liping,et al.Department of Otolaryngology,the Fourth Hospital of Harbin,Heilongjiang150020,ChinaAbstract Objective To explore Lhe mechanism of laryngeal cancer by using bioinformaLics and Lo find Lhe key genes for diagnosis and LreaLmenL of laryngeal cancer.Methods In Lhis sLudy,gene chip daLaseLs GSE51985and GSE59102were downloaded from Gene Ex­pression Omnibus(GEO)Lo screen differentially expressed genes,and funcLional enrichmenL analysis of Gene OnLology(GO)and KyoLo Encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)was carried ouL.The proLein-proLein inLeracLion neLwork(PPI)was consLrucLed by using STRING online daLabase,and Lhe key genes were screened by using Lhe module analysis of CyLoscape.Then,Oncomine daLabase was used for pan一cancer analysis of key genes,and Lhe gene expression daLa and clinical daLa relaLed Lo laryngeal cancer were downloaded from Lhe Cancer Genome ALlas(TCGA)Lo conducL gene expression differences and survival analysis of Lhe key genes.Results ToLally218differ-enLial genes were screened ouL.KEGG paLhway analysis showed LhaL Lhe differential genes were mainly enriched in salivary secreLion,ECM recepLor inLeracLion,cell cycle and oLher pathways.The key genes of CHEK1,SERPINE1,SPP1,COL1A1,FOXM1,MMP9,CXCL12 and MMP1were screened ouL by using cysLoscape software.The key genes were inpuL inLo GEPIA daLabase Lo search for similar genes, and all genes were inpuL inLo MeLascape for enrichmenL analysis,mainly concenLraLed in exLracellular Lissue sLrucLure,PID inLegrin1paLh-way,miLoLic chromosome separation,eLc.The differences of expression of key genes in laryngeal cancer Lissues and normal Lissues were analyzed using TCGA daLabase daLa,and all key genes had sLaLisLical significance.In Lhe survival analysis,we found LhaL Lhe expressions of COL1A1and MMP1were significanLly correlated wiLh Lhe overall survival raLe of laryngeal cancer.Conclusion The differenLial genes and key genes found in Lhis sLudy can help us Lo understand Lhe molecular mechanism of laryngeal cancer and provide a new candidate Lar-geL for Lhe diagnosis and LreaLmenL of laryngeal cancer.Key words Laryngeal cancer;BioinformaLics analysis;Key genes;Differential analysis基金项目:黑龙江省卫生健康委员会科研基金资助项目(2019-225);黑龙江省卫生和计划生育委员会科研基金资助项目(2018019)作者单位:150020哈尔滨市第四医院耳鼻喉科(董周威、张丽萍、林丽红、徐丹);150001哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科(王启威)通讯作者:王启威,电子信箱:aaaqww@喉癌的发生率在呼吸道肿瘤中位居第2位,仅次于肺癌,每年新增病例超过15万,大多数的喉癌患者处于临床m期和N期才被发现,喉癌的发生率和病死率较高,这就要求通过有针对性的筛查寻找用于喉癌早期诊断的分子标志物和治疗靶点[l]o喉癌的病因复杂,与环境和生活方式有关,如吸烟、饮酒、接触有・97・毒物质、饮食习惯、辐射、乳头状瘤病毒感染和咽喉返流等⑵。



第59卷 第4期2023年08月青岛大学学报(医学版)J O U R N A LO FQ I N G D A O U N I V E R S I T Y (M E D I C A LS C I E N C E S)V o l .59,N o .4A u gu s t 2023[收稿日期]2022-08-06; [修订日期]2023-08-15[基金项目]青岛市医药卫生科研计划项目(2021-W J Z D 006)[第一作者]侯佳丽(1988-),女,硕士,主治医师㊂[通信作者]刘静(1974-),女,主治医师㊂E -m a i l :h o u x i a n k a o -9910@126.c o m㊂W a r b u r g 效应及其关键酶在口腔鳞状细胞癌治疗中作用的研究进展侯佳丽1,王钧正1,张鹏2,刘静1(1 青岛大学附属青岛市海慈医院口腔科,山东青岛 266033; 2 青岛大学附属青岛市市立医院口腔科)[摘要] 口腔鳞状细胞癌(O S C C )是口腔颌面部最常见的恶性肿瘤,具有侵袭性强㊁复发率高㊁预后差的特点㊂恶性肿瘤细胞最显著的能量代谢特点是即使在氧气供应充分的情况下,也主要由糖酵解而非氧化磷酸化获取能量,这种肿瘤细胞糖酵解异常活跃的现象称为W a r b u r g 效应㊂了解肿瘤葡萄糖代谢异常对O S C C 的临床治疗有重要意义㊂本文综述W a r b u r g 效应及糖酵解关键酶在OS C C 治疗中作用的研究进展,为O S C C 治疗提供新思路㊂[关键词] 口腔肿瘤;肿瘤,鳞状细胞;W a r b u r g 效应;糖酵解;综述[中图分类号] R 739.8 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-5532(2023)04-0621-04d o i :10.11712/j m s .2096-5532.2023.59.130[开放科学(资源服务)标识码(O S I D )][网络出版] h t t ps ://l i n k .c n k i .n e t /u r l i d /37.1517.R.20230925.0921.005;2023-09-25 16:10:15R E S E A R C HP R O G R E S SO N T H E R O L E O F W A R B U R G E F F E C T A N DI T S K E Y E N Z Y M E SI N T H E T R E A T M E N T O F O R A L S QU A M O U SC E L LC A R C I N O M A H O U J i a l i ,WA N GJ u n z h e n g ,Z HA N G P e n g ,L I U J i n g (D e p a r t m e n to fS t o m a t o l o g y ,Q i n g d a oU n i v e r s i t y A f f i l i a t e dH a i c iH o s p i t a l ,Q i n gd a o 266033,C h i n a )[A B S T R A C T ] O r a l s q u a m o u s ce l l c a r c i n o m a (O S C C )i s t h em o s t c o mm o nm a l i gn a n t t u m o r i n t h e o r a l a n dm a x i l l o f a c i a l r e -g i o n ,w h i c h i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y s t r o n g i n v a s i v e n e s s ,h i g h r e c u r r e n c e ,a n d p o o r p r o g n o s i s .M a l i g n a n t t u m o r c e l l s o b t a i n e n e r g y m a i n -l y t h r o u g h g l y c o l y s i s r a t h e r t h a no x i d a t i v e p h o s p h o r y l a t i o n ,e v e n i n a no x y g e n -s u f f i c i e n t e n v i r o n m e n t ,a n d t h i s p h e n o m e n o no f h y-p e r a c t i v e g l y c o l y s i s i n t u m o r c e l l s i s c a l l e d t h eW a r b u r g e f f e c t .T h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f a b n o r m a l gl u c o s em e t a b o l i s mo f t u m o r s i s o f g r e a t s i g n i f i c a n c e f o r t h e c l i n i c a l t r e a t m e n t o fO S C C .T h i s a r t i c l e r e v i e w s t h e l a t e s t u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e r o l e o f t h eW a r b u r g ef f e c t a n dk e yg l y c o l y t i c e n z ym e s i n t h e t r e a t m e n t o fO S C C ,w i t h t h e a i mt o p r o v i d e n e wi d e a s f o r t h e t r e a t m e n t o fO S C C .[K E Y W O R D S ] m o u t hn e o p l a s m s ;n e o p l a s m s ,s q u a m o u s c e l l ;W a r b u r g e f f e c t ;g l y c o l ys i s ;r e v i e w 口腔鳞状细胞癌(O S C C )是口腔颌面部最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,占口腔癌的90%以上[1]㊂O S C C 好发于舌㊁牙龈㊁颊及上颌窦等部位,容易侵袭病变附近的腺体㊁肌肉及骨骼,早期淋巴结转移亦常见㊂目前临床上治疗O S C C 的主要手段有手术㊁放疗㊁化疗以及靶向治疗等,但O S C C 病人的5年生存率仍不足50%,病人预后不理想[2]㊂1920年,德国科学家O T T O WA R B U R G 发现,即使在氧供应充足可以将葡萄糖彻底氧化磷酸化的条件下,肿瘤细胞也主要通过糖酵解方式获取能量,即W a r b u r g 效应[3]㊂虽然W a r b u r g 效应曾受争议,但是基于肿瘤细胞糖代谢异常诞生的P E T -C T 在临床肿瘤诊断上的成功应用及相关理论的创新性进展,使W a r b u r g效应在肿瘤发生发展及治疗中的深入研究再次受到重视[4-5]㊂本文对诱导W a r b u r g 效应的分子机制以及W a r b u r g效应中关键酶的作用机制研究进展进行综述,以期为O S C C 的精准靶向治疗提供思路㊂1 W a r b u r g 效应与肿瘤细胞能量代谢特点与正常细胞相比,肿瘤细胞能量代谢发生重编程从而导致糖酵解增强㊂肿瘤一直被认为是脱离正常生长状态的细胞疯狂增长性疾病,需要摄取更多的能量满足自我分化㊁高度活跃的生物行为,细胞能量失调是肿瘤十大特征之一[6]㊂恶性肿瘤细胞首选产能率低的糖酵解供能,主要因为糖酵解可提供肿瘤快速生长合成物质所需的大分子,糖酵解中间产物烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸(N A D P H )㊁乙酰辅酶A ㊁核糖和一些非必需氨基酸可被肿瘤细胞用作合成核苷酸㊁脂质和蛋白质的原料[7]㊂1.1 诱发W a r b u r g 效应的分子调控机制肿瘤细胞糖酵解代谢活跃的机制较为复杂,目前尚不明确㊂认为与低氧微环境㊁原癌基因激活和抑癌基因失活㊁糖酵解酶异常表达和线粒体氧化磷酸化功能损害等有关㊂1.1.1 低氧诱导因子(H I F )激活促进肿瘤细胞糖酵解 低氧是肿瘤细胞普遍存在的状态,低氧会刺激H I F 的基因表达㊂H I F 是糖酵解的基本调节因子,可上调90%糖酵解酶的活性,也可抑制线粒体对丙酮酸的利用[8]㊂H I F -1是肿瘤微环境中主要的能量代谢调节因子,H I F -1可结合到原癌基因c -m y c 的启动子区刺激c -m y c 的表达,c -m y c 又能促进糖酵解第一限速步骤中葡萄糖转运蛋白(G L U T )的表达从而促进W a r b u r g 效应[9]㊂c -m yc 基因过表达后可以导致乳酸脱氢酶A (L D H -A )的合成增多,L D H -A 催化丙酮酸生成乳酸,使肿瘤微环境呈酸性[10]㊂酸性微环境激活组织蛋白酶和基质金属蛋白酶(MM P s),它们可通过促进细胞外基质(E C M )的降解而促进肿瘤细胞的侵袭和迁移,MM P 2和Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.622青岛大学学报(医学版)59卷MM P9可通过特异性降解肿瘤细胞外基质成分及调节细胞黏附,参与新生血管形成而促进肿瘤的侵袭迁移[11]㊂1.1.2癌基因活化和抑癌基因失活癌基因活化及抑癌基因失活是驱动肿瘤细胞能量代谢模式转变发生W a r b u r g效应的内在因素㊂许多癌基因㊁抑癌基因的异常表达都可引起葡萄糖摄取和糖酵解水平的改变,其中包括m y c㊁A k t㊁P53㊁P T E N等[12]㊂癌基因m y c的编码产物是一种广泛存在的转录因子,可诱导糖酵解过程中己糖激酶2(H K2)㊁L D H-A 等大部分酶的表达,还可刺激H I F-1的表达从而促进W a r-b u r g效应[13]㊂肿瘤抑制蛋白P53在调节线粒体有氧氧化和糖酵解方式之间的平衡中发挥重要作用㊂P53失活可促进W a r b u r g效应,其原因是多方面的㊂正常情况下,P53可通过下调葡萄糖转运蛋白基因G L U T1㊁G L U T3㊁G L U T4的表达减少葡萄糖的摄取[14],P53还可通过诱导糖酵解抑制基因T P53诱导的糖酵解和凋亡调控子(T I G A R)的表达,上调线粒体呼吸链复合体Ⅳ亚单位细胞色素C氧化合成酶2 (S C O2)的表达,从而抑制W a r b u r g效应,促进线粒体氧化磷酸化[15]㊂T I G A R通过去磷酸化降低果糖-2,6-二磷酸(F-2, 6-B P)的含量抑制糖酵解,6-磷酸果糖激酶1(P F K-1)催化6-磷酸果糖(F6P)形成1,6-二磷酸果糖(F-1,6-B P)是糖酵解的主要限速步骤,而F-2,6-B P是P F K-1的激活剂,可调节糖酵解[16]㊂1.1.3其他因素线粒体D N A变异㊁电子传递链功能障碍引起线粒体氧化磷酸化功能损伤导致活性氧(R O S)积聚,从而损害线粒体功能,促进W a r b u r g效应的发生㊂但也有研究认为,肿瘤细胞糖酵解是由于糖酵解抑制了线粒体氧化磷酸化而非线粒体不可逆损伤所致,抑制肿瘤细胞糖酵解则可恢复线粒体的氧化磷酸化[17]㊂P I3K/A k t信号通路广泛存在于细胞中,通过调节蛋白质合成㊁细胞周期㊁能量代谢等多种途径发挥广泛的生物学功能㊂从黑种草籽中提取的化合物百里香醌通过调控P I3K/A k t/H K2信号通路抑制W a r-b u r g效应,进而抑制结直肠癌细胞H C T116和S W480的增殖和侵袭[18]㊂1.2 W a r b u r g效应中的关键酶调控W a r b u r g效应的关键酶主要有己糖激酶(H K)㊁磷酸果糖激酶㊁丙酮酸激酶(P K),其中研究较多且比较深入的为己糖激酶2(H K2)㊁M2型丙酮酸激酶(P KM2)㊂1.2.1 H K 作为糖酵解第一步的关键酶,H K不可逆地催化葡萄糖磷酸化为葡萄糖-6-磷酸(G-6-P),G-6-P是磷酸戊糖途径的起始物质,可生成N A D P H维持谷胱甘肽的还原状态,而还原型谷胱甘肽是体内重要的抗氧化剂㊂H K有4种同工酶(H K1㊁H K2㊁H K3和H K4),其中H K2在正常人体中分布极少,仅在脂肪和骨骼肌中少量表达,但高表达于O S C C等诸多肿瘤中[19]㊂在外界刺激或应激作用下,H K2从细胞质定位到线粒体而发挥作用,但H K1对这些刺激的敏感性却较低[20]㊂H K2的N端和C端均有催化活性,因此H K2使葡萄糖的磷酸化速率翻倍,而H K1㊁H K3只有C端才具备催化活性㊂H K2可通过N端与线粒体外膜表面的电压依赖性阴离子通道蛋白(V D A C)结合形成H K-V D A C复合体,此复合体不仅可以降低细胞色素C的释放抑制线粒体途径诱导的细胞凋亡,而且可通过削弱G-6-P的负反馈抑制作用促进糖酵解过程[21]㊂1.2.2 P K P K是催化糖酵解最后一步的关键酶,有4种同工酶(P KM1㊁P KM2㊁P K L㊁P K R),在恶性肿瘤的发生过程中P KM2表达上调取代了原有组织特异性的P KM1㊁P K L㊁P K R,因此一些科学家将P KM2称为肿瘤特异性P K[22]㊂P KM2有二聚体和四聚体两种形式,P KM2二聚体含量高但活性低,进入细胞核可作为转录因子激活H I F-1α等促进糖酵解和细胞生长,但P KM1不能调节H I F-1α活性[23]㊂当P KM2为四聚体状态时与其底物磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸具有较强的亲和力,因此具有较高的丙酮酸激酶活性,催化更多的磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸生成丙酮酸进而产生能量[24]㊂F-1,6-B P 是葡萄糖代谢的中间产物,可以与P KM2可逆性结合并稳定P KM2四聚体状态,被认为是P KM2的激活剂[25]㊂2W a r b u r g效应在O S C C中的作用O S C C是一类异质性疾病,肿瘤细胞在进化过程中因环境压力及生长状态而发生重编程以适应生长环境的变化㊂P I3K/A k t/m T O R信号通路㊁H I F㊁P53等信号通路或因子以及糖酵解关键酶参与肿瘤细胞W a r b u r g效应的调控㊂2.1 W a r b u r g效应信号通路在O S C C治疗中的作用B7H3(C D276)是B族免疫共刺激和共抑制家族成员㊂有研究表明,B7H3可通过激活P I3K/A k t/m T O R信号通路上调H I F-α的表达,H I F-1α可以通过促进其下游靶蛋白G L U T1㊁磷酸果糖激酶-2/果糖-2,6-二磷酸酶3(P F K F B3)的表达而促进糖酵解,从而促进O S C C细胞的增殖㊁侵袭和转移[26]㊂核心生物钟基因中的周期基因1(P E R1)在多种肿瘤的形成中发挥重要作用,G O N G等[27]研究发现,P E R1在O S C C组织中呈低表达,P E R1可与活化蛋白激酶C受体1(R A C K1)及P I3K结合形成复合体,调控P I3K/A k t信号通路抑制糖酵解,进而抑制O S C C细胞的增殖和侵袭㊂二甲双胍可通过激活AM P K㊁抑制m T O R及H I F-1α,抑制多种肿瘤的生长㊂HA R A D A等[28]通过体内及体外实验发现,二甲双胍联合5-氟尿嘧啶抑制O S C C组织H I F-1α㊁m T O R㊁A k t1表达效果较单用二甲双胍或5-氟尿嘧啶更显著,进而抑制W a r b u r g效应使O S C C细胞的生长受阻㊂MA O等[29]研究表明,蛋白二硫化物异构酶A6(P D I A6)在人O S C C组织中高表达,P D I A6可以促进人O S C C组织S C C9细胞以及C a l27细胞葡萄糖的摄取㊁乳酸生成及A T P产量升高,通过W a r b u r g效应促进O S C C细胞的生长侵袭㊂2.2 W a r b u r g效应关键酶在O S C C治疗中的作用2.2.1 H K2相关研究表明,在4种H K同工酶中,H K2与恶性肿瘤的关系最为密切,其在人体多种肿瘤组织㊁肿瘤模型中高表达[30]㊂L I等[31]通过体内和体外实验证明,丹参酮ⅡA可抑制A k t磷酸化,并能促进c-m y c和E3泛素连接酶F B W7的相互作用,抑制H K2的活性进而抑制O S C C细胞Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.4期侯佳丽,等.W a r b u r g效应及其关键酶在口腔鳞状细胞癌治疗中作用的研究进展623系C A L27㊁S C C15㊁S C C9细胞的增殖生长;同时,H K2与线粒体结合是维持细胞生存的必要条件,丹参酮ⅡA作用于O S C C细胞后可激活A k t/c-m y c/H K2信号轴,抑制H K2活性进而促进O S C C细胞的凋亡㊂还有研究表明,去泛素化酶泛素特异性肽酶13(U S P13)可上调P T E N蛋白表达㊁抑制A k t磷酸化,通过P T E N/P I3K/A k t信号轴下调G L U T1和H K2的表达,进而抑制W a r b u r g效应,最终抑制人舌鳞癌细胞C A L27㊁人口腔鳞癌细胞H S C4㊁人舌鳞癌细胞S C C15的生长;此外,U S P13还可抑制无胸腺裸鼠O S C C移植瘤的生长[32]㊂m i R N A是一类非编码R N A,可以通过调节基因表达并在多种肿瘤的生物进程中发挥重要作用㊂S U N等[33]研究表明,m i R N A-143可以与H K2非编码区一个保守的结合位点结合抑制H K2的活性,进而抑制W a r b u r g效应,最终抑制O S C C细胞的生长侵袭和葡萄糖摄取㊂上皮-间充质细胞转化(E M T)与恶性肿瘤细胞的浸润㊁转移和耐药性息息相关,有研究通过体内和体外实验表明,核糖体结合蛋白2(R P N2)通过诱发喉鳞状细胞癌T U212细胞R O S的产生上调H K2的表达,激活P I3K/A k t信号通路,促进E M T进而促进喉鳞状细胞癌的侵袭转移㊂2.2.2 P KM2 P K为进化保守的代谢酶,在肿瘤发生过程中组织特异性P K L㊁P K R及P KM1被P KM2取代,P KM2在O S C C等诸多恶性肿瘤组织中异常表达,通过促进W a r-b u r g效应进而促进恶性肿瘤的增殖和侵袭㊂P KM2是癌变组织中主要形式的P K,被认为是肿瘤治疗的潜在靶点㊂WA N G等[34]通过注射二羟甲基丁酸(D M B A)方法建立仓鼠O S C C模型研究显示,P KM2在正常黏膜上皮低表达,而在异型增生及肿瘤样组织中高表达;该研究对111例O S C C 病人病变组织进行病理学分析发现,P KM2与病人整体生存率呈负相关㊂P A R K等[35]通过对两种永生性口腔角质细胞I HO K-P和I HO K-S转染H P V16E6/E7基因模拟O S C C 成癌过程,同时对O S C C细胞Y D10B细胞系和人O S C C组织标本进行研究发现,P KM2核转位后可以促进转录调节因子-1(E T S-1)的表达,进而促进MM P9的表达,最终增强O S C C细胞的侵袭性,并且与O S C C病人的不良预后呈正相关㊂L U O等[36]对125例口腔舌鳞状细胞癌病人的肿瘤组织及邻近组织免疫组化分析显示,P KM2在O S C C组织中高表达且与肿瘤T NM分期密切相关,P KM2是O S C C预后评估的独立危险因素㊂一项对正常口腔黏膜组织及头颈鳞癌标本研究结果显示,头颈鳞癌组织中P KM2和C D276的表达水平较正常口腔黏膜组织高,P KM2可以通过提高免疫检查点C D276的表达参与肿瘤免疫调控使头颈鳞癌细胞产生免疫抑制,P KM2和C D276的表达水平与头颈鳞癌T NM分期相关,而与病人性别㊁年龄和病理分级无相关性㊂3小结与展望O S C C等恶性肿瘤细胞的能量供应方式不同于正常细胞,肿瘤细胞增殖及侵袭过程需要大量能量和大分子物质,而W a r b u r g效应为此提供了物质和能量支持㊂肿瘤细胞摄取能量的方式在很大程度上依赖高水平表达的糖酵解酶,糖酵解关键酶H K2㊁P KM2等在O S C C等恶性肿瘤中表达增高且与不良预后呈正相关㊂这些高表达的酶可作为肿瘤治疗的靶点㊂由于肿瘤的异质性和微环境的差别,单一糖酵解酶靶向治疗可能不及多个糖酵解酶靶向联合治疗效果好㊂随着细胞和分子生物学技术及新的糖酵解酶抑制剂的发现和深入研究,O S C C等恶性肿瘤基于能量代谢的靶向治疗将会迈上新台阶㊂[参考文献][1]A L MA N G U S H A,P I R I N E N M,Y O U S S E F O,e ta l.R i s ks t r a t i f i c a t i o n i no r a l s q u a m o u s c e l l c a r c i n o m au s i n g s t a g i n g o f t h e e i g h t h A m e r i c a nJ o i n tC o mm i t t e eo n C a n c e r:s y s t e m a t i c r e v i e wa n d m e t a-a n a l y s i s[J].H e a d&N e c k,2020,42(10): 3002-3017.[2]C H A T Z I S T E F A N O UI,L U B E KJ,MA R K O U K,e t a l.T h er o l e o f n e c kd i s s e c t i o n a n d p o s t o p e r a t i v e a d j u v a n t r a d i o t h e r a p yi nc N0p a t i e n t sw i t hP N I-p o s i t i v es q u a m o u sc e l l c a r c i n o m ao ft h e o r a l c a v i t y[J].O r a lO n c o l o g y,2014,50(8):753-758.[3]B O N O N IG,MA S O N IS,D IB U S S O L O V,e t a l.H i s t o r i c a lp e r s p e c t i v e o f t u m o r g l y c o l y s i s:a c e n t u r y w i t hO t t o W a r b u r g [J].S e m i n a r s i nC a n c e rB i o l o g y,2022,86(P t2):325-333.[4]C H A N G X Y,L I U XC,WA N G HZ,e t a l.G l y c o l y s i s i n t h ep r o g r e s s i o no f p a n c r e a t i c c a n c e r[J].A m e r i c a nJ o u r n a l o fC a n-c e rR e s e a r c h,2022,12(2):861-872.[5]Z H O U Y,G U O YZ,T AM K Y.T a r g e t i n gg l u c o s em e t a b o-l i s mt od e v e l o p a n t i c a n c e r t r e a t m e n t sa n dt h e r a p e u t i c p a t e n t s [J].E x p e r t O p i n i o no n T h e r a p e u t i cP a t e n t s,2022,32(4): 441-453.[6]H A N A H A N D,W E I N B E R G R A.H a l l m a r k so f c a n c e r:t h en e x t g e n e r a t i o n[J].C e l l,2011,144(5):646-674. 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REAR HOUSING 210035700
STRAIN RELIEF 30832090500 BUMPER W/ SCREW (2 REQ.) 912893605 WASHER (3 REQ.) 44021802000 VACUUM FOOT 30999360000
Parts and Accessories Diagram
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第 50 卷第 2 期2024年 3 月吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.50 No.2Mar.2024DOI:10.13481/j.1671‐587X.20240210沉默FOXK1基因对胃癌HGC-27细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响陈爽, 李红(锦州医科大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学教研室,辽宁锦州121000)[摘要]目的目的:探讨沉默叉头框K1(FOXK1)对胃癌HGC-27细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响,并阐明其可能的机制。

方法方法:基于基因表达水平值的交互式分析平台(GEPIA)数据库查询在胃癌组织和正常胃组织中FOXK1 mRNA表达水平;利用化学合成的si-FOXK1体外转染胃癌HGC-27细胞,实验分为空白对照组、nc-FOXK1组和si-FOXK1组,采用Western blotting法评估各组的转染效率,MTT法检测si-FOXK1转染后各组胃癌HGC-27细胞的增殖能力,克隆形成实验检测si-FOXK1转染后各组胃癌HGC-27细胞的克隆形成数,细胞划痕实验检测si-FOXK1转染后各组胃癌HGC-27细胞的迁移率,Transwell小室实验检测si-FOXK1转染后各组胃癌HGC-27细胞的细胞迁移数和细胞侵袭数,Western blotting法检测si-FOXK1转染后各组胃癌HGC-27细胞中核因子κB(NF-κB)通路相关蛋白[NF-κB p65和磷酸化核因子κB p65 (p-NF-κB p65)]的表达水平。

结果结果:GEPIA数据库查询,在胃癌组织中FOXK1 mRNA表达水平高于正常胃组织(P<0.05);Western blotting法检测,在胃癌HGC-27细胞中FOXK1蛋白表达水平高于人正常胃黏膜GES-1细胞(P<0.01);与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较,si-FOXK1组FOXK1蛋白表达水平明显降低(P<0.01);MTT法检测,与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较,si-FOXK1组胃癌HGC-27细胞的增殖能力降低(P<0.05);克隆形成实验检测,与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较,si-FOXK1组胃癌HGC-27细胞克隆形成数减少(P<0.05);细胞划痕实验检测,与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较,si-FOXK1组胃癌细胞的迁移率降低(P<0.05);Transwell小室实验检测,与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较,si-FOXK1组胃癌HGC-27细胞的迁移细胞数和侵袭细胞数明显减少(P<0.05);Western blotting法检测,与空白对照组和nc-FOXK1组比较, si-FOXK1组胃癌HGC-27细胞中p-NF-κB p65蛋白表达水平降低(P<0.05)。


方法 对 A4 5 9肺腺 癌 细胞 、 4 0大 细胞 癌 及 N LH 2 H6 C . 5 0鳞癌 细胞 三 株非 小 细胞肺 癌 细胞 株及 人胚 肾细胞 株
H K9 E 2 3行细胞放射敏感性试 验 , 采用 Wet nb t s r l 法检测各 细胞株 中 B G 1 白表达情况 。选择其 中对放射线相 e o A -蛋 对较抗拒 、 A . 蛋 白表 达最 高 的 A 4 B G1 5 9细 胞株 , 建 干扰载 体 p C i A - 筛选 B G 1 因沉 默 细胞 株 , 构 G s B G 1并 . A 一基 用 sR A 2转染 , hN 一 酶标 仪检测细胞生长情况 , 流式 细胞 仪检测细胞凋亡率 , 放射敏感性 试验观察 细胞 对放射线 的敏 感 性 。结果 sR A2转染 的细胞 株生长受到抑制 , 随时 间延长抑制作用 明显 , 阴性 对照质粒 转染 的 A 4 hN - 且 而 59细胞 株生长无明显变化 ; y 6G 射线照 射后 2 ,h N - 染细 胞凋 亡率 为 ( 9 6±4 2 ) , 4h sR A 2转 4. .3 % 未转 染 的 A 4 5 9细胞 为 (5 3± .1 % , 1. 2 1 ) 阴性对 照质粒转染细胞 为 (4 8±3 5 ) ,h N 一 1. .5 % sR A2转染 细胞 凋亡率 较未 转染 细胞增加 了 3 2 .
倍 ( 0 0 ) 而 阴性对 照转染细胞与未转染细胞间相 比差异无统计 学意义 ; P< .1 , 亲本 A 4 5 9细胞 和阴性对照转染 细胞
之问的放射敏感性无差异 ( 0 0 ) P> .5 。而 sR A 2转染 细胞的放射敏感性 明显增加 , hN 一 与前二者 比较差异有显著性
( 00 ) P< .5 。结论 B G 1基因沉默可增强非小细胞肺癌放射敏感性 , A - 可能 机制为 B G 1 因沉 默后抑制 细胞 生 A 一基



第42 卷第 5 期2023 年5 月Vol.42 No.5621~627分析测试学报FENXI CESHI XUEBAO(Journal of Instrumental Analysis)基于单细胞质谱分析的膀胱癌细胞分型研究孙佳琪1,陈安琪1,2,闫明月2,傅广候4,李刚强1,2,金百冶4*,陈腊1,2*,闻路红1,2,3*(1.宁波大学高等技术研究院,浙江宁波315211;2.宁波华仪宁创智能科技有限公司,浙江宁波315100;3.广州市华粤行仪器有限公司,广东广州511400;4.浙江大学医学院附属第一医院,浙江杭州310009)摘要:单细胞质谱分析能够获得单个细胞的代谢图谱,揭示细胞之间的异质性,在肿瘤学研究中具有重要价值。



结果表明,各机器学习模型均具有良好的膀胱癌细胞分型能力,分类准确率 ≥ 94.9%,灵敏度 ≥ 88.6%,特异度 ≥ 93.3%。



关键词:单细胞质谱分析;膀胱癌;代谢物检测;细胞分型中图分类号:O657.63;Q251文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4957(2023)05-0621-07Typing of Bladder Cancer Cells Based on Single-cell Mass Spectrometry SUN Jia-qi1,CHEN An-qi1,2,YAN Ming-yue2,FU Guang-hou4,LI Gang-qiang1,2,JIN Bai-ye4*,CHEN La1,2*,WEN Lu-hong1,2,3*(1.The Research Institute of Advanced Technology,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China;2.China Innovation Instrument Co. Ltd.,Ningbo 315100,China;3.Hua Yue EnterpriseHoldings Ltd,Guangzhou 511400,China;4.The First Affiliated Hospital of ZhejiangUniversity School of Medicine,Hangzhou 310009,China)Abstract:Single-cell mass spectrometry analysis enables metabolic profiling of individual cells,helps to reveal the heterogeneity among cells,which is of great significance in oncology research.Bladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor in the urinary system at present.Accurate iden⁃tification on the types of bladder cancer cells has an important value in life science and clinical appli⁃cation in the selection of treatment plan,prognosis judgment and drug resistance evaluation of pa⁃tients.In this paper,single-cell mass spectrometry combined with machine learning was used to identify bladder cancer cells.The metabolic profiles for different bladder cancer cell subtypes were investigated by single-cell mass spectrometry analysis system,and classification algorithms were studied. Based on the collected single cell metabolic data,t-distributed stochastic neighbor embed⁃ding(t-SNE) clustering algorithm was used for dimensionality reduction analysis on the data,and the difference between the single cell metabolic profile was visualized in the two-dimensional space.In order to accurately identify different types of bladder cancer cells,linear discriminant analysis,ran⁃dom forest,support vector machine and logistic regression were respectively used to establish ma⁃chine learning classification models,and grid search method and 5-fold cross-validation were used to optimize the model parameters.Then,five repeats of 10-fold cross-validation were performed on all data sets,and the averaged statistical result was taken as the final result.Accuracy,sensitivity,specificity,receiver operating characteristic(ROC) analysis and other indicators were used to com⁃doi:10.19969/j.fxcsxb.22122804收稿日期:2022-12-28;修回日期:2023-03-20基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2022YFF0705002);国家自然科学基金资助项目(81902604);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2020C03026,2020C02023);宁波市3315创新团队项目(2017A-17-C);宁波市重点研发计划项目(2022Z130);广州市番禺区创新创业领军团队资助项目(2017-R01-5);宁波大学王宽诚幸福基金项目∗通讯作者:金百冶,博士,主任医师,研究方向:泌尿系肿瘤的临床与基础研究,E-mail:jinbaiye1964@ 陈腊,博士,助理研究员,研究方向:科学分析仪器研究与开发,E-mail:chenla@闻路红,博士,教授,研究方向:科学分析仪器研究与开发,E-mail:wenluhong@622分析测试学报第 42 卷prehensively evaluate the performance of the model.The results showed that the metabolites of a sin⁃gle bladder cancer cell,such as ADP,ATP,glutamic acid,pyroglutamic acid,glutathione,etc,were successfully detected by the single-cell mass spectrometry system.There were significant differ⁃ences among different types of bladder cancer cells,as well as large differences among single cells of the same type,indicating the high heterogeneity of single cell in the tumor.In addition,the four machine learning models all had good typing ability for bladder cancer cells,with a comprehensive accuracy not less than 94.9%,a sensitivity not less than 88.6%and a specificity not less than 93.3%.Compared with other methods,the random forest algorithm has the highest classification ac⁃curacy,sensitivity and specificity,which are all up to 100%,and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the model is up to 1,indicating that this method has obvious advantages in classification performance. The method presented in this paper realized the detection of metabolites and differentia⁃tion of cell subtypes at single cell level of bladder cancer,paving the way for more single cell metabo⁃lomics research in future.Key words:single-cell mass spectrometry;bladder cancer;metabolite detection;cell typing细胞是生物体的最基本单位,对细胞的代谢分析能表征其生理状态[1]。



Package‘Rcsdp’April10,2023Version0.1.57.5Title R Interface to the CSDP Semidefinite Programming LibraryDescription R interface to the CSDP semidefinite programming library.Installs ver-sion6.1.1of CSDP from the COIN-OR website if required.An existing installa-tion of CSDP may be used by passing the proper configure arguments to the installation com-mand.See the INSTALLfile for further details.LazyLoad yesImports methodsEnhances MatrixLicense CPL-1.0URL https:///coin-or/Csdp/RoxygenNote7.0.2BugReports https:///hcorrada/rcsdp/issuesNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Hector Corrada Bravo[aut,cre],Florian Schwendinger[ctb],Brian Borchers[aut],Don van den Bergh[ctb]Maintainer Hector Corrada Bravo<******************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-04-1009:39:32UTCR topics documented:csdp (2)csdp-sparse (5)csdp.control (6)readsdpa (8)Index1012csdp csdp Solve semidefinite program with CSDPDescriptionInterface to CSDP semidefinite programming library.The general statement of the primal problem ismax tr(CX)s.t.A(X)=bX 0with A(X)i=tr(A i X)where X 0means X is positive semidefinite,C and all A i are symmetric matrices of the same size and b is a vector of length m.The dual of the problem ismin b ys.t.A (y)−C=ZZ 0where A (y)= mi=1y i A i.Matrices C and A i are assumed to be block diagonal structured,and must be specified that way(see Details).Usagecsdp(C,A,b,K,control=csdp.control())ArgumentsC A list defining the block diagonal cost matrix C.A A list of length m containing block diagonal constraint matrices A i.Each con-straint matrix A i is specified by a list of blocks as explained in the Details sec-tion.b A numeric vector of length m containing the right hand side of the constraints.K Describes the domain of each block of the sdp problem.It is a list with the following elements:type:A character vector with entries"s"or"l"indicating the type of eachblock.If the j th entry is"s",then the j th block is a positive semidefinitematrix.otherwise,it is a vector with non-negative entries.size:A vector of integers indicating the dimension of each block.control Control parameters passed to csdp.See CSDP documentation.csdp3DetailsAll problem matrices are assumed to be of block diagonal structure,and must be specified as fol-lows:1.If there are nblocks blocks specified by K,then the matrix must be a list with nblocks com-ponents.2.If K$type=="s"then the j th element of the list must define a symmetric matrix of sizeK$size.It can be an object of class"matrix","simple_triplet_sym_matrix",or a valid class from the class hierarchy in the"Matrix"package.3.If K$type=="l"then the j th element of the list must be a numeric vector of length K$size.This function checks that the blocks in arguments C and A agree with the sizes given in argument K.It also checks that the lengths of arguments b and A are equal.It does not check for symmetry in the problem data.csdp_minimal is a minimal wrapper to the C code underlying csdp.It assumes that the arguments sum.block.sizes,nconstraints,nblocks,block.types,and block.sizes are provided as if they were created by Rcsdp::: and that the arguments C,A,and b are provided as if they were created by function may be useful when calling the csdp functionality iteratively and most of the optimization details stays the same.For example,when the controlfile created by Rcsdp:::write.control.file stays the same across iterations,but it would be recreated on each iteration by csdp.ValueX Optimal primal solution X.A list containing blocks in the same structure as explained above.Each element is of class"matrix"or a numeric vector asappropriate.Z Optimal dual solution Z.A list containing blocks in the same structure as ex-plained above.Each element is of class"matrix"or a numeric vector as appro-priate.y Optimal dual solution y.A vector of the same length as argument bpobj Optimal primal objective valuedobj Optimal dual objective valuestatus Status of returned solution.0:Success.Problem solved to full accuracy1:Success.Problem is primal infeasible2:Success.Problem is dual infeasible3:Partial Success.Solution found but full accuracy was not achieved4:Failure.Maximum number of iterations reached5:Failure.Stuck at edge of primal feasibility6:Failure.Stuch at edge of dual infeasibility7:ck of progress8:Failure.X or Z(or Newton system O)is singular9:Failure.Detected NaN or Inf values4csdpAuthor(s)Hector Corrada Bravo.CSDP written by Brian Borchers.References•https:///coin-or/Csdp/•Borchers,B.:CSDP,A C Library for Semidefinite Programming Optimization Methods and Software11(1):613-623,1999/~brian/csdppaper.pdf•Lu,F.,Lin,Y.,and Wahba,G.:Robust Manifold Unfolding with Kernel Regularization TR1108,October,2005./~wahba/ftp1/tr1108rr.pdfExamplesC<-list(matrix(c(2,1,1,2),2,2,byrow=TRUE),matrix(c(3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3),3,3,byrow=TRUE),c(0,0))A<-list(list(matrix(c(3,1,1,3),2,2,byrow=TRUE),matrix(0,3,3),c(1,0)),list(matrix(0,2,2),matrix(c(3,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,5),3,3,byrow=TRUE),c(0,1)))b<-c(1,2)K<-list(type=c("s","s","l"),size=c(2,3,2))csdp(C,A,b,K)#Manifold Unrolling broken stick example#using simple triplet symmetric matricesX<-matrix(c(-1,-1,0,0,1,-1),nc=2,byrow=TRUE);d<-as.vector(dist(X)^2);d<-d[-2]C<-list(.simple_triplet_diag_sym_matrix(1,3))A<-list(list(simple_triplet_sym_matrix(i=c(1,2,2),j=c(1,1,2),v=c(1,-1,1),n=3)),list(simple_triplet_sym_matrix(i=c(2,3,3),j=c(2,2,3),v=c(1,-1,1),n=3)),list(matrix(1,3,3)))K<-list(type="s",size=3)csdp(C,A,c(d,0),K)csdp-sparse5csdp-sparse Simple support for sparse matricesDescriptionSupport for sparse matrices in package Rcsdp.The class simple_triplet_sym_matrix is de-fined to provide support for symmetric sparse matrices.It’s definition is copied from the packagerelations by Kurt Hornik.Coercion functions from objects of class matrix and classes in theMatrix hierarchy are provided.Usagesimple_triplet_sym_matrix(i,j,v,n=max(c(i,j)),check.ind=FALSE)##S3method for class matrixas.simple_triplet_sym_matrix(x,check.sym=FALSE,...)##S3method for class simple_triplet_sym_matrixas.matrix(x,...)##S3method for class simple_triplet_sym_matrixas.vector(x,...).simple_triplet_zero_sym_matrix(n,mode="double").simple_triplet_diag_sym_matrix(x,n).simple_triplet_random_sym_matrix(n,occ=.1,nnz=occ*n*(n+1)/2,rfun=rnorm,seed=NULL,...) Argumentsi Row indices of non-zero entries.j Column indices of non-zero entries.v Non-zero entries.n Size of matrix.check.ind Checks that arguments i and j indicate entries in the lower triangular part of thematrix.Default FALSE.check.sym Checks if matrix object is symmetric.Default FALSE.x Object of class matrix or simple_triplet_sym_matrix.mode Type of zero matrix to create.Default double.occ Ratio of occupancy of random sparse matrix.Default.1.nnz Number of non-zero entries in random sparse matrix.Default corresponds toocc=.1.rfun Function to generate random entries in sparse matrix.Default rnorm.seed Random number generator seed.Set by function set.seed before generatingrandom sparse matrix.Default NULL....Arguments passed on to casting functions.DetailsTO DOValueTO DOAuthor(s)Hector Corrada BravoReferencesTO DOSee AlsocsdpExamples#TO DOcsdp.control Pass control parameters to csdp solver.DescriptionUtility function to pass control parameters to csdp solver.Usagecsdp.control(axtol=1e-08,atytol=1e-08,objtol=1e-08,pinftol=1e+08,dinftol=1e+08,maxiter=100,minstepfrac=0.9,maxstepfrac=0.97,minstepp=1e-08,minstepd=1e-08,usexzgap=1,tweakgap=0,affine=0,printlevel=1,perturbobj=1,fastmode=0)Argumentsaxtol Tolerance for primal feasibility.atytol Tolerance for dual feasibility.objtol Tolerance for relative duality gap.pinftol Tolerance for primal infeasibility.dinftol Tolerance for dual infeasibility.maxiter Maximum number of iterations used.minstepfrac Minimum distance to edge of feasibility region for step.maxstepfrac Maximum distance to edge of feasibility region for step.minstepp Failure is declared if primal line search step size is shorter than this parameter.minstepd Failure is declared if dual line search step size is shorter that this parameter.usexzgap If0,then use objective function duality gap.tweakgap If1(and usexzgap=0)then"fix"negative duality gaps.affine If1,only use affine primal-dual steps and do not use barrier function.printlevel If0,no printing,1normal printing,higher values result in more debug printing.perturbobj Amount of objective permutation used.fastmode If1,csdp will be faster but also less accurate.DetailsParameters are fully described in CSDP user guide.https:///coin-or/Csdp/ValueA list with values for all parameters.Any parameters not passed to function are set to default.Author(s)Hector Corrada Bravo,CSDP by Brian BorchersReferenceshttps:///coin-or/Csdp/Examplesparams<-csdp.control(axtol=1e-6)readsdpa Reading and writing semidefinite programs for SDPA formatfiles.DescriptionFunctions to read and write semidefinite program data and solutions in SDPA format.Usagereadsdpa(file="",verbose=FALSE)writesdpa(C,A,b,K,file="")readsdpa.sol(K,C,m,file="")writesdpa.sol(X,Z,y,K,file="")Argumentsfile The name of thefile to read from or write to.C Block structured cost matrixA List of block structured constraint matricesb RHS vectorK Cone specification,as used in csdpX Block structured primal optimal solution matrixZ Block structured dual optimal solution matrixy Dual optimal solution vectorverbose Printout information as problem is read.Passed to CSDP’s readsdpa function.Default FALSEm Number of constraints in problem.DetailsBlock structured matrices must be specified as described in csdp.Files read must be in SDPA format(see /~brian/sdplib/FORMAT).However,these functions don’t support comments or grouping characters(e.g.braces,parentheses)in the block sizes specification.ValueFunction readsdpa returns a list with elements C,A,b,K.Function readsdpa.sol returns a list with elements X,Z,y.All returned matrices are lists of objects of class simple_triplet_sym_matrix.Author(s)Hector Corrada BravoReferences/~brian/sdplib/FORMATSee AlsocsdpExamples#TO DOIndex∗optimizecsdp,2∗utilitiescsdp-sparse,5.simple_triplet_diag_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5.simple_triplet_random_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5.simple_triplet_zero_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5as.matrix.simple_triplet_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5as.simple_triplet_sym_matrix.matrix(csdp-sparse),5as.vector.simple_triplet_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5csdp,2,6,8,9csdp-sparse,5csdp.control,6csdp_minimal(csdp),2readsdpa,8simple_triplet_sym_matrix(csdp-sparse),5simple_triplet_sym_matrix-class(csdp-sparse),5writesdpa(readsdpa),810。



第 50 卷第 2 期2024年 3 月吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)Vol.50 No.2Mar.2024DOI:10.13481/j.1671‐587X.20240216沉默FOXO1基因对人主动脉血管平滑肌细胞自噬和凋亡的影响王琳茹, 张晶, 赵冬婵, 王晋军, 胡文贤(青岛大学附属青岛市海慈医院青岛市中医医院血管外科,山东青岛266000)[摘要]目的目的:探讨叉头框转录因子O1(FOXO1)基因对腹主动脉瘤(AAA)血管平滑肌细胞自噬和凋亡的影响,阐明其可能的作用机制。

方法方法:收集19例AAA患者动脉瘤组织(AAA组)及邻近正常主动脉组织(对照组),采用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)法检测2组研究对象动脉瘤组织中FOXO1 mRNA表达水平,透射电镜观察2组研究对象动脉瘤组织中自噬溶酶体形成情况;Western blotting法检测2组研究对象动脉瘤组织中FOXO1及自噬相关蛋白卷曲螺旋肌球蛋白样B细胞淋巴瘤2(Bcl-2)结合蛋白(Beclin1)、微管相关蛋白1轻链3 α(LC3)和P62蛋白表达水平。

体外培养人主动脉血管平滑肌细胞(hVSMCs),并采用FOXO1 siRNA(si-FOXO1)及其阴性对照(si-NC)慢病毒感染hVSMCs,10 μmol·L-1血管紧张素Ⅱ(Ang Ⅱ)联合自噬激活剂雷帕霉素(Rap)进行干预,将细胞分为空白对照组、Ang Ⅱ组、Ang Ⅱ+si-NC组、Ang Ⅱ+si-FOXO1组、Ang Ⅱ+si-NC+ Rap组和Ang Ⅱ+si-FOXO1+Rap组。

CCK-8法检测各组细胞增殖活性,流式细胞术检测各组细胞凋亡水平,ELISA法检测各组细胞上清中基质金属蛋白酶2(MMP-2)和基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)水平,RT-qPCR法检测各组细胞中FOXO1 mRNA表达水平,Western blotting法检测各组细胞中FOXO1、Bcl-2、Bcl-2相关X蛋白(Bax)、剪切型含半胱氨酸的天冬氨酸蛋白水解酶3(Cleaved caspase-3)、Beclin1、LC3和P62蛋白表达水平。

HGNChelper 0.8.1 商品说明书

HGNChelper 0.8.1 商品说明书

Package‘HGNChelper’October24,2019Maintainer Levi Waldron<***************************>Depends R(>=3.5.0),methods,utilsAuthor Levi Waldron and Markus RiesterVersion0.8.1Date2019-10-24License GPL(>=2.0)Title Identify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGI Mouse Gene Symbols Description Contains functions foridentifying and correcting HGNC human gene symbols and MGI mouse gene symbolswhich have been converted to date format by Excel,withdrawn,or aliased.Also contains functions for reversibly converting between HGNCsymbols and valid R names.URL https:///waldronlab/HGNChelperBugReports https:///waldronlab/HGNChelper/issuesLazyData TRUERoxygenNote6.1.1Encoding UTF-8Suggests testthat,knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrR topics documented:HGNChelper-package (2)affyToR (2)checkGeneSymbols (3)findExcelGeneSymbols (4)getCurrentMaps (5)hgnc.table (5)mouse.table (6)rToAffy (7)rToSymbol (7)symbolToR (8)Index912affyToRHGNChelper-package Handy functions for working with HGNC gene symbols and Affymetrixprobeset identifiers.DescriptionContains functions for identifying and correcting HGNC gene symbols which have been convertedto date format by Excel,for reversibly converting between HGNC symbols and valid R names,identifying invalid HGNC symbols and correcting synonyms and outdated symbols which can bemapped to an official symbol.DetailsPackage:HGNChelperAuthors:Levi Waldron and Markus RiesterMaintainer:Levi Waldron<***************************>Depends:R(>=3.5.0)Version:0.8.1Date:2019-10-24License:GPL(>2.0)Title:Handy functions for working with HGNC gene symbols and Affymetrix probeset identifiers. URL: Waldron and Markus RiesteraffyToR Title function to convert Affymetrix probeset identifiers to valid RnamesDescriptionThis function simply prepends"affy."to the probeset IDs to create valid R names.Reverse operationis done by the rToAffy function.UsageaffyToR(x)Argumentsx vector of Affymetrix probeset identifiers,or any identifier which may with adigit.checkGeneSymbols3Valuea character vector that is simply x with"affy."prepended to each value. checkGeneSymbols Title Identify outdated or Excel-mogrified gene symbolsDescriptionThis function identifies gene symbols which are outdated or may have been mogrified by Excel or other spreadsheet programs.If output is assigned to a variable,it returns a data.frame of the same number of rows as the input,with a second column indicating whether the symbols are valid and a third column with a corrected gene list.UsagecheckGeneSymbols(x,,map=NULL,species="human")Argumentsx Vector of gene symbols to check for mogrified or outdated If TRUE(default),unmapped symbols will appear as NA in the Suggested.Symbol column.If FALSE,the original unmapped symbol will be Specify if you do not want to use the default maps provided by setting species equal to"mouse"or"human".map can be any other data.frame with col-names(map)identical to c("Symbol","Approved.Symbol").The default mapscan be updated by running the interactive example below.species A character vector of length1,either"human"(default)or"mouse".If NULL, or anything other than"human"or"mouse",then the map argument must beprovided.ValueThe function will return a data.frame of the same number of rows as the input,with corrections possible from map.See Alsomouse.table for the mouse lookup table,hgnc.table for the human lookup tableExampleslibrary(HGNChelper)human=c("FN1","TP53","UNKNOWNGENE","7-Sep","9/7","1-Mar","Oct4","4-Oct", "OCT4-PG4","C19ORF71","C19orf71")checkGeneSymbols(human)##mousemouse<-c("1-Feb","Pzp","A2m")checkGeneSymbols(mouse,species="mouse")if(interactive()){##Run checkGeneSymbols with a brand-new map downloaded from HGNC:4findExcelGeneSymbols source(system.file("hgncLookup.R",package="HGNChelper"))##You should save this if you are going to use it multiple times,##then load it from file rather than burdening HGNC s,file="hgnc.table.rda",compress="bzip2")load("hgnc.table.rda")checkGeneSymbols(human,species=NULL,map=hgnc.table)checkGeneSymbols(human,species=NULL,map=mouse.table)}findExcelGeneSymbols Title function to identify Excel-mogrified gene symbolsDescriptionThis function identifies gene symbols which may have been mogrified by Excel or other spreadsheet programs.If output is assigned to a variable,it returns a vector of the same length where symbols which could be mapped have been mapped.UsagefindExcelGeneSymbols(x,"extdata/mog_map.csv",package="HGNChelper"),,regex="impossibletomatch^")Argumentsx Vector of gene symbols to check for mogrified Map of known mogrifications.This should be a dataframe with two columns: original and mogrified,containing the correct and incorrect symbols,respec-tively.regex Regular expression,recognized by the base::grep function which is called with,to identify mogrified symbols.The default regex will notmatch anything.The regex in the examples is an attempt to match all Excel-mogrified HGNC human gene symbols.It is not necessary for all matchesto have a corresponding entry in$mogrified;values in x which arematched by this regex but are not found in$mogrified simply will notbe corrected.Valueif the return value of the function is assigned to a variable,the function will return a vector of the same length as the input,with corrections possible from made.Examples##Available maps from this package:human<-read.csv(system.file("extdata/mog_map.csv",package="HGNChelper"),<-read.csv(system.file("extdata/HGNChelper_mog_map_MGI_AMC_2016_03_30.csv",package="HGNChelper"), regex is based that provided by Zeeberg et al.,##Mistaken Identifiers:Gene name errors can be introducedgetCurrentMaps5 ##inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics.BMC##Bioinformatics2004,<-"[0-9]\\-(JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC)|[0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9]E\\+[[0-9][0-9]"findExcelGeneSymbols(c("2-Apr","APR2"),,regex=re)findExcelGeneSymbols(c("1-Feb","Feb1"), Get the current maps for correcting gene symbolsDescriptionValid human and mouse gene symbols can be updated e these functions to get themost current lists of valid symbols,which you can then use as input to the"map"argument of check-GeneSymbols().Make sure to change the default species="human"argument to checkGeneSym-bols()if you are doing this for mouse.getCurrentHumanMap()for HGNC human gene symbolsfrom getCurrentMouseMap()for MGI mouse gene symbols from /downloads/rep UsagegetCurrentHumanMap()getCurrentMouseMap()Valuea‘data.frame‘that can be used as the checkGeneSymbols"map"argumentExamples##Not run:##humannew.hgnc.table<-getCurrentHumanMap()checkGeneSymbols(c("3-Oct","10-3","tp53"),map=new.hgnc.table)##mousenew.mouse.table<-getCurrentMouseMap()##Set species to NULL or"mouse"##so that human-like capitalization corrections aren t madecheckGeneSymbols(c("Gm46568","1-Feb"),map=new.mouse.table,species="mouse")##End(Not run)hgnc.table All current and withdrawn HGNC gene symbols and Excel mogrifica-tions.DescriptionA dataframe with thefirst column providing a gene symbol or known alias(including withdrawnsymbols),second column providing the approved HGNC human gene symbol.6mouse.tableUsagehgnc.tableFormatAn object of class data.frame with98431rows and2columns.Details•Symbol.All valid,Excel-mogrified,and withdrawn symbols•Approved.Symbol.Approved symbols.SourceExtracted from ftp:///pub/databases/genenames/new/tsv/hgnc_complete_set.txt and system.file("extdata/mog_map.csv",package="HGNChelper")Examplesdata("hgnc.table",package="HGNChelper")head(hgnc.table)mouse.table All current and withdrawn MGI mouse symbols and Excel mogrifica-tions.DescriptionA dataframe with thefirst column providing a gene symbol or known alias(including withdrawnsymbols),second column providing the approved MOUSE symbol.Usagemouse.tableFormatAn object of class data.frame with135053rows and2columns.Details•Symbol.All valid,Excel-mogrified,and withdrawn symbols•Approved.Symbol.Approved symbols.SourceExtracted from /downloads/reports/MGI_EntrezGene.rptand system.file("extdata/HGNChelper_mog_map_MGI_AMC_2016_03_30.csv",package="HGNChelper") Examplesdata("mouse.table",package="HGNChelper")head(mouse.table)rToAffy7rToAffy Title function to convert the output of affyToR back to the originalAffymetrix probeset identifiers.DescriptionThis function simply strips the"affy."added by the affyToR function.UsagerToAffy(x)Argumentsx the character vector returned by the affyToR function.Valuea character vector of Affymetrix probeset identifiers.rToSymbol Title function to reverse the conversion made by symbolToRDescriptionThis function reverses the actions of the symbolToR function.UsagerToSymbol(x)Argumentsx the character vector returned by the symbolToR function.Valuea character vector of HGNC gene symbols,which are not in general valid R names.See AlsosymbolToR8symbolToRsymbolToR Title function to*reversibly*convert HGNC gene symbols to valid Rnames.DescriptionThis function reversibly converts HGNC gene symbols to valid R names by prepending"symbol.", and making the following substitutions:"-"to"hyphen","@"to"ampersand",and"/"to"forward-slash".UsagesymbolToR(x)Argumentsx vector of HGNC symbolsValuea vector of valid R names,of the same length as x,which can be converted to the same HGNCsymbols using the rToSymbol function.See AlsorToSymbolIndex∗Topic datasetshgnc.table,5mouse.table,6∗Topic packageHGNChelper-package,2affyToR,2,7checkGeneSymbols,3 findExcelGeneSymbols,4 getCurrentHumanMap(getCurrentMaps),5 getCurrentMaps,5 getCurrentMouseMap(getCurrentMaps),5 hgnc.table,3,5HGNChelper-package,2mouse.table,3,6rToAffy,2,7rToSymbol,7,8symbolToR,7,89。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 202011098946.8(22)申请日 2020.10.14(71)申请人 苏州木芮生物科技有限公司地址 215000 江苏省苏州市工业园区新平街388号24幢5层07单元(72)发明人 王明勇 徐又佳 曹子厚 (74)专利代理机构 北京远大卓悦知识产权代理有限公司 11369代理人 杨胜(51)Int.Cl.C12N 5/073(2010.01)(54)发明名称一种斑马鱼铁死亡模型的构建方法(57)摘要本案涉及一种斑马鱼铁死亡模型的构建方法,包括斑马鱼的繁殖,利用Erastin溶液或枸橼酸铁铵溶液处理斑马鱼进行铁死亡模型的构建,使用台盼蓝对铁死亡模型进行验证,出现细胞死亡即成功构建斑马鱼铁死亡模型。



权利要求书1页 说明书3页 附图1页CN 112226405 A 2021.01.15C N 112226405A1.一种斑马鱼铁死亡模型的构建方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:1)斑马鱼的繁殖:将性成熟的斑马鱼按雌雄比=1:2的比例放入交配鱼缸内,插上隔板,雌雄斑马鱼分开;隔夜后开灯换水,取出隔板,待30-60分钟后收集鱼卵;收集到的鱼卵置于含E3的培养皿中,挑选受精鱼卵,按100枚/盘的密度进行分盘,加入胚胎培养液,28℃恒温孵育5小时;2)铁死亡模型的构建:挑选步骤1)中孵育正常的斑马鱼,按10-20条/孔的密度分布于6孔板中,加入E3培养液,28℃恒温孵育24h;除去E3培养液,将6孔板中的受精卵随机分为DMSO阴性对照组、Erastin处理组和枸橼酸铁铵处理组,分别向其中加入DMSO、Erastin溶液和枸橼酸铁铵溶液,恒温培养48h;3)铁死亡模型的验证:使用台盼蓝对所述DMSO阴性对照组、Erastin处理组和枸橼酸铁铵处理组的斑马鱼进行活体染色,检测到细胞死亡现象,即得到斑马鱼铁死亡模型。



专利名称:CIRCUIT FOR THE INTRODUCTION OFREFERENCE DATA IN DIGITAL SYSTEMS 发明人:CONZELMANN, Gerhard,FIEDLER,Gerhard,FLEISCHER, Ulrich,KALKHOF, Bernd 申请号:EP82900349.0申请日:19820130公开号:EP0077777A1公开日:19830504专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: This circuit allows the introduction of reference data in digital systems in which a sequence of digital values i s compared to reference data in order to obtain switching signals for the digital system. It comprises a block (1) which comprises a digital-analog converter (5) receiving the sequence of numerical values a nd control by an internal electric reference magnitude, preferably a reference voltage (UR). reference data are derived as analog values f rom the reference values i n the switching means (2), preferably by voltage division. The reference data thus obtained are then compared with the analog output of the converter by comparator (K0, K1, K2, Kn) situated in the block (1). Through the use of the same reference values f or the output analog signal of the converter (5) and the production of the reference data, one obtains a detection of disturbance phenomena such as drift and the like. The circuit according to the invention is particularly suitable for the establishment of switching signals in digital systems ignition of combustion machines.申请人:ROBERT BOSCH GMBH地址:Postfach 30 02 20 D-70442 Stuttgart DE国籍:DE代理机构:Witte, Alexander, Dr.-Ing., et al 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

长链非编码RNA GAS5调节喉癌细胞生物学行为的实验研究

长链非编码RNA GAS5调节喉癌细胞生物学行为的实验研究

长链非编码RNA GAS5调节喉癌细胞生物学行为的实验研究贺松坡;曹银生;张晓静【期刊名称】《临床肿瘤学杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(023)009【摘要】目的探讨长链非编码RNA GAS5(lncRNA GAS5)对喉癌Hep2细胞增殖和凋亡的影响及可能机制.方法采用实时荧光定量PCR(QPCR)检测喉癌和癌旁正常组织中GAS5的表达,分析其表达与喉癌临床病理特征的关系. Hep2细胞中分别转染pcDNA3. 1?GAS5或siGAS5,另分别转染pcDNA3. 1?NC或siNC作对照. MTT法检测转染后Hep2细胞增殖活性,流式细胞术检测Hep2细胞周期和凋亡,QPCR法和Western blotting法检测E2F1、BTF3 mRNA和蛋白的表达.结果喉癌组织和癌旁正常组织中GAS5 表达水平分别为0. 56±0. 10和0. 98±0. 11,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05). GAS5表达与分化程度、TNM分期有关. pcDNA3. 1?GAS5组24、48 、72 、96 h Hep2细胞存活率明显低于pcDNA3. 1?NC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05);siGAS5组细胞存活率明显高于 siNC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05). pcDNA3. 1?GAS5 组细胞 G1期细胞比例为(68. 14±4. 33)%,高于pcDNA3. 1?NC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05). pcDNA3. 1?GAS组凋亡率高于pcDNA3. 1?NC组,差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05). pcDNA3. 1?GAS5组细胞E2F1、BTF3 mRNA和蛋白的水平均低于pcDNA3. 1?NC组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0. 05);siGAS5组细胞E2F1、BTF3 mRNA和蛋白的水平均高于siNC组,差异具有统计学意义( P<0. 05).结论GAS5可负性调控E2F1和BTF3表达,从而参与调控喉癌细胞的增殖和凋亡.【总页数】6页(P811-816)【作者】贺松坡;曹银生;张晓静【作者单位】461000 河南许昌许昌市中心医院耳鼻喉科;461000 河南许昌许昌市中心医院耳鼻喉科;461000 河南许昌许昌市中心医院耳鼻喉科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R739.65【相关文献】1.长链非编码RNA KCNQ1OT1靶向调控miR-218-5p对结肠癌细胞生物学行为的影响 [J], 张祎; 陈畅2.长链非编码RNA双特异性磷酸酶5假基因1对三阴性乳腺癌细胞生物学行为的作用 [J], 曹亚伟; 桂百卉3.长链非编码RNA GAS5、微小RNA-21在多囊卵巢综合征中的表达及生物学意义 [J], 祁彦萍;王英;杨建敏4.长链非编码RNA HAGLROS在食管鳞癌组织中的表达及其对食管鳞癌细胞生物学行为的影响 [J], 姚洁琼;任景丽;胡桂明5.长链非编码RNA BCYRN1对肺腺癌细胞生物学行为的影响 [J], 李世雄;耿华;徐美林因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



厚壳贻贝抗菌肽mytilin和myticin的cDNA基因的克隆与序列分析廖智;刘梅;王日昕;武梅;杨丽佳;鲁涛;徐田军;石戈【期刊名称】《水产学报》【年(卷),期】2010(34)7【摘要】抗菌肽是贻贝免疫系统中的一个重要组成部分,也是目前海洋生物抗菌肽研究的重要内容.在贻贝抗菌肽家族中,mytilin和myticin是目前贻贝抗菌肽研究中发现成员最多,丰度最高的两个家族,在贻贝免疫系统中占有重要的地位.为了解厚壳贻贝抗菌肽mytilin和myticin的基因组成及其多样性机制,通过设计特异性引物,以厚壳贻贝血细胞cDNA文库为模板进行PCR扩增以筛选文库,共克隆到8条mytilin的同源cDNA序列和9条myticin的同源cDNA序列,并对其基因序列及推导的氨基酸序列进行了序列比对和变异位点初步分析.上述研究为将来深入研究厚壳贻贝的免疫机制及筛选具有开发价值的抗菌肽分子奠定了理论基础.【总页数】9页(P1025-1033)【作者】廖智;刘梅;王日昕;武梅;杨丽佳;鲁涛;徐田军;石戈【作者单位】浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004;浙江海洋学院海洋科学学院,海洋生物资源和分子工程实验室,浙江,舟山,316004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q785;S917【相关文献】1.厚壳贻贝抗菌肽mytilin和myticin真核表达载体构建及表达的初步分析 [J], 武梅;范美华;廖智;石戈;王日昕2.阔褶水蛙皮肤组织cDNA文库的构建及抗菌肽brevinin-2LTs的cDNA克隆和序列分析 [J], 王辉;张秀清;胡玉红;刘敬兰;孙君社3.厚壳贻贝抗菌肽mytilin和myticin真核表达载体构建及表达的初步分析 [J], 武梅;范美华;廖智;石戈;王日昕4.双齿围沙蚕Cu/Zn-SOD cDNA基因的克隆及序列分析 [J], 岳宗豪;樊鑫;赵欢;任洪伟;张旭峰;周一兵5.厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)足丝蛋白mcofp3和mcofp6的cDNA克隆及序列分析 [J], 廖智;鲁涛;李楠楠;徐田军;王日昕;石戈因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。











结论 RAKT术后恢复与OKT相当,对于肾移植手术经验丰富的团队而言,RAKT是一种安全有效的手术方式,可以尝试开展。


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使用 HORDAMER 来提高粘接强度 覆膜涂层
在水性油墨、罩光油墨及柔版油墨中, HORDAMER 能提高滑度,改善抗刮擦 性和耐磨性能。
HORDAMER 采用特殊的生产工艺,可 用于与食品直接接触的应用场合,以及 食品包装的印刷油墨。
技术信息 B-TI 1 图表 10
经 Crockmeter 测试 后的光泽
二级蜡乳液 8.0% 固体蜡
图表 12
技术信息 B-TI 1
BYK 助剂
BYK 助剂产品
• 提高表面滑爽性、流平性和底材润湿 性的助剂
• 附着力促进剂 • 消泡剂和脱泡剂 • 加工助剂 • 流变助剂 • 紫外线吸收剂 • 降粘剂 • 蜡助剂 • 颜料和填料用润湿分散剂
涂料工业 • 建筑涂料 • 汽车涂料 • 工业涂料 • 罐头涂料 • 卷材涂料 • 木器和家具涂料 • 粉末涂料 • 皮革涂料 • 防腐和船舶涂料
塑料工业 • 室温固化体系 • PVC 塑溶胶 • SMC/BMC • 热塑性塑料
Substance for Success.
技术信息 B-TI 1
HORDAMER 初级聚乙烯蜡分散体
技术信息 B-TI 1
什么是 HORDAMER 初级分散体?
初级分散体是把乙烯气体通入水中高压 初级和二级分散体的制造工艺 聚合,加入乳化剂稳定成最终产品。
它不像二级蜡乳液/蜡分散体,二级蜡 为方便在水中乳化,需要将聚乙烯蜡氧 化从而提高蜡的极性。由于氧化的步 骤,二级蜡的分子链长度往往会变短。 那意味着初级蜡分散体有更长的分子链 长度而且分子量大约是普通 PE 蜡乳液/ 分散体的两倍。同时分子结构带有更多 的分枝。由于工艺不同,初级蜡分散体 熔点更低,粒径分布则与普通蜡乳液类 似,大约在 200nm 左右(图表5)。
图表 6
• 作为铝压铸应用的其中一个组份使用 (常常和二级聚乙烯蜡乳液或者硅油 共同使用)
• 用于脱模剂的配方中,可增加高温条 件下的底材润湿性能以及脱模效果
• 作为高温润滑剂 • 在热熔胶或者热塑性材料的水下造粒
过程中作为抗粘助剂 • 在水性胶粘剂配方中提高对于 PE、
PP 膜等热塑性材料底材的附着力 • 提高油墨罩光油的耐磨擦性能 • 在地板养护抛光配方中提高抗划伤和
聚乙烯蜡 (非改性的,非极性的)
聚乙烯蜡 (改性的,极性的)
乙烯 在水中进行特殊的高压聚合
二级聚乙烯蜡乳液/分散体 (改性的聚乙烯)
初级的聚乙烯分散体 (非改性的聚乙烯)
HDPE 高密度聚乙烯蜡的结构
图表 1
线性分子链(重均分子量 5000-6000) 熔点 110-145 °C / 230-293 °F
HORDAMER PE 03 2% 固体蜡,在全配方中
测试体系:水性丙烯酸罩光油墨,24 小时干燥后;测试仪器:耐磨测试仪(Prüfbau),250 次往复擦拭;水性胶印罩光油墨
图表 11
HORDAMER 在地板养护产品中能提供 表面保护,提高耐刮擦性能,同时又不 提高滑度。
蒸汽泡沫 小液滴
泡核沸腾 T底板 > TB,液体
液滴漂浮 蒸汽层
薄膜状沸腾 T底板 >> TB,液体
T底板 = 底板表面的温度 TB,液体 = 液体的沸点
1mm 图表 7
软的热塑性产品例如 TPE,TPU 和热熔 胶,EVA 为主体的胶粘剂一样,皆造粒 后供使用,当受到挤压及高温下即容易结 块,尤其是包装于袋中更易形成硬块,这 对于产品后期处理,自动化加料的时候造 成困难。 在水下造粒过程中使用 HORDAMER, 可形成一层 PE 薄膜包覆在颗粒表面, 从而防止结块。同时在终端客户使用时 亦不会迁移至表面。
BYK 仪器
BYK 提供一系列的测试仪器,在以下方面解决 您的需求: • 光泽/外观 • 颜色
便携式或固定的试验设备—包括使用方便的质 量控制软件
BYK 仪器为涂料和塑料行业提供全套解决 方法
BYK-Gardner 上海代表处 上海市田林路140号22栋三楼 电话:86-21-3367 6331 传真:86-21-3367 6332 邮编:200233
info.byk.gardner@ /instruments
图表 2
分枝结构(重均分子量 >15000) 熔点 90 °C /194 °F
图表 3
技术信息 B-TI 1
熔点 °C /°F 不挥发份 % pH 值 粘度 mPa·s 密度 20 °C g/ml 密度 68 °F lbs/US gal 分子量 g/mol 符合 FDA 21 CFR §175.300
热重量分析(TGA) HORDAMER PE 02 优异的耐热性能
重量 (%)
100 80 60 40 20 0 30
重量残留 41.98% (7.298 mg)
重量残留 36.18% (6.290 mg)
重量残留 1.423% (0.2474 mg)
温度 °C
HORDAMER PE 02 样品重量:17.386 mg
结块由较高的温度和压力形成 挤出机成型后的颗粒
水下造粒 - 图解
储存在 70 °C /158 °F 的烘箱 1 小时后的颗粒 图表 8
切割机 压模台板
热熔高分子聚合物 经挤出机送入
加入蜡乳液 及消泡剂
info@ /additives
北京联络处 北京经济技术开发区 科创十四街99号2号楼303室 电话:86-10-5975 5581
广州联络处 广州市萝岗区广州科学城掬泉 路3号,国际企业孵化器D101 电话:86-20-3221 1600
台湾联络处 桃园县桃园市经国路11号 12楼之二 电话:886-3-357 0770 传真:886-3-357 0702
初级聚乙烯分散体 含阴离子乳化剂
95 / 203 40 11 20 0.97 8.1 16,000 是
HORDAMER 狭窄的粒径分布
体积比 (%)
初级聚乙烯分散体 含非离子乳化剂
95 / 203 40 9 20 0.98 8.2 16,000 是
图表 4
16 14 12 10
图表 9 4
提高胶粘剂对基材的粘接强度一直是胶 粘剂领域的重要课题。在水性 EVA 或 丙烯酸体系中,HORDAMER 能提高水 性胶粘剂对聚丙烯塑料薄膜(OPP 和 BOPP),以及某种程度上对聚乙烯塑 料薄膜的附着力。使用了 HORDAMER 的覆膜纸材被广泛应用于高品质的购物 袋、礼品盒以及药品包装盒。 除此之外,HORDAMER 产品还可改善 对 OPP 底材的润湿性能。
8 6 4 2 0 0.01
粒径 (µm)
图表 5
相比二级 PE 乳液,HORDAMER 有什么优势?
• 在高温表面体现出优异的润湿性 • 在 UV 光照下不会黄变 • 由于分子中极性官能团作用结果,
HORDAMER 产品能够提高对非极性 底材的粘结力 • 高温下稳定 • FDA 和 BFR 认证,可以用于与食品直 接接触的应用领域 • 在热熔胶、PU 表面提供抗粘连的效果 • 非常高的熔融粘度
印刷油墨 • 柔版印刷油墨 • 凹版印刷油墨 • 喷墨 • 丝网印刷油墨 • 平版印刷油墨 • 罩光油
纸张涂料 • 浸渍 • 涂布
胶粘剂和密封胶 建筑化学 颜料浓缩浆 脱模剂原材料
上海总部 上海市田林路140号22栋 电话:86-21-3367 6300 传真:86-21-3367 6301 邮编:200233
技术信息 B-TI 1
压铸应用 当金属底材温度达到100 - 400 °C / 212 -752 °F 时,水性体系通常无法润湿 其表面,这主要是因为液滴下形成一层 气垫。这个现象称为莱顿弗罗斯特现象 (Leidenfrost Effect)。添加 HORDAMER 助剂能确保对底材的完美的润湿, 即使在温度高至 400 °C /752 °F 时。 良好的润湿效果源自 HORDAMER 独特 的化学结构和极性功效。这也就说明了 为什么 HORDAMER 可以如此成功的应 用于金属铸件的脱模剂领域。