



MITSUBISHI M70 ★机床特定操作说明下面所说的“软键”都是指系统显示屏上的按键■ 程序从系统传到CF卡的步骤1、按键盘“MAINTE”健1次或2次直到系统显示屏上出现“I/O”字样的界面2、按“I/O”软键1次3、按“区域切换”软键选择“A装置” 4、按“装置选择”软键再按“存储器”软键再按“文件名”软键再按“接收一览表”软键用上下光标选择目标程序按键盘上“INPUT”健2次这时程序被选定5、按“区域切换”软键选择“B装置” 6、按“装置选择”软键再按“存储卡”软键最后按“转送A→B”软键。

这时程序被传到CF卡上■ 程序从CF传到系统的步骤1、按键盘“MAINTE”健1次或2次直到系统显示屏上出现“I/O”字样的界面2、按“I/O”软键1次3、按“区域切换”软键选择“A装置” 4、按“装置选择”软键再按“存储卡”软键再按“文件名”软键再按“接收一览表”软键用上下光标选择目标程序按键盘上“INPUT”健2次这时程序被选定5、按“区域切换”软键选择“B装置” 6、按“装置选择”软键再按“存储器”软键最后按“转送A→B”软键。

这时程序被传到系统上■ 直接执行CF卡上程序的步骤1、将机床模式选为“自动”方式2、按“搜索”软键再按“存储卡”软键用上下光标健选择目标程序最后按键盘上“INPUT”这时程序被选定其内容显示在系统显示屏上注意①CF卡上程序的命名要符合三菱M70系统的规定否则会出现“搜索错误”报警提示这时按上下光标键可消除该提示②当CF卡从系统取出后被执行的程序随即消失也就是说程序不会被保存到系统的存储器中③程序也可以在“MDI”方式下执行■ DNC在线加工的操作步骤前提系统侧不需要任何设置电脑侧WINPIN软件上的设置如下--- 打开“WINPCIN”软件点击“RS232 Config”选项--- 选择“Text Format”选项--- 将Comm port端口选为“Com 1” Baudrate波特率选为“38400” Parity奇偶校验选为“Even” Data bits数据位选为“7” Stop bits停止位选为“2” --- 点击“Save保存”或点击“Save amp Activate保存和激活”再点击“Back返回” DNC在线加工的操作步骤1、将系统侧机床模式打到“DNC”方式按“循环启动”按钮这时循环启动按钮指示灯被点亮系统侧准备接收电脑侧的程序2、电脑侧点击WINPCIN软件上“Send Data发送数据”选项找到程序后双击程序即可注意①必须为系统侧先按下循环启动按钮后电脑侧才可发送数据否则系统侧接收不到程序②如果系统侧出现“计算机连接错误”请检侧WINPCIN侧的通讯设置是否被激活或系统侧的进给倍率是否为0 ③程序执行完后如果将机床打到其它的方式程序自动消失也就是说程序不会被保存到系统的存储器中■ 系统时间设定1、按键盘“MONITOR”健1次按系统显示屏下方右扩展键“→”1次或2次直到系统显示屏上出现“积分时间”字样的界面2、按系统显示屏下方的“时间设定”软键1次3、根?萏崾旧瓒ā叭掌谑奔浼捌渌 奔洹?■ 打开PLC的步骤1、按键盘“DIAGN”健1次按系统显示屏下方左扩展键“←”1次或2次直到系统显示屏上出现“I/F诊断”字样的界面2、按“模式输出”软键1次输入密码M8050/1按键盘上的“INPUT”键1次3、按键盘上的“F0”键1次进入PLC界面注意若密码设定错误将无法进入PLC界面密码错误的表现就是按键盘上的“F0”键时系统显示屏上无变化。

M70 M700基本操作

M70 M700基本操作

三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司 CNC营业技术G
显示项目 ⑴主画面名称
⑶各个菜单机 能的简单说明 显示区域
显示主画面的名称。 (例如:运行画面/设置画面/编辑画面 等)。 显示各个主画面的菜单(机能)明细一览 表。 (如:呼叫/再启动/描图/编辑等)
存放在NC 存储器的加工程序可以在此画面下进行编辑修改。
当按 下 菜单键以后,已经被呼叫的加工程序会被 显示在编辑画面上(如果在MDI模式下时,会显示MDI内的加工程序)。
如果在呼叫画面中没有呼叫任何加工程序时,画面内的编辑窗口区域将 不会被开启。
当加工程序在被编辑的时候,所编辑修改的资料会被直接写入程序区域。 从光标开始位置所有输入的资料,将会把原来的资料覆盖。
现在使用中的NC名称显示(显示名称由参数#1135设 定)。
当使用多系统控制加工时,显示当前系统名称(使用单 一控制系统时,名称将不显示出来)。
⑶电源重新开启要求警告 当相关重要参数被修改后,系统要求重新开启电源的信 息将显示在画面上。(PR:Power Return)。
当加工因长时间休息或先执行其他程序等外在因素,而且 NC电源被关闭再启动时,加工可以从指定的单节号或是顺 序号处重新再开始加工。
三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司 CNC营业技术G

联想 ThinkCentre M70q Gen4 M80q Gen4 M90q Gen 4用户指南

联想 ThinkCentre M70q Gen4 M80q Gen4 M90q Gen 4用户指南
2 M70q Gen 4 / M80q Gen 4 / M90q Gen 4 用户指南
M70q Gen 4
项目 1 3 5 7 9
描述 选配接口* Wi-Fi® 天线插槽* USB 3.2 Gen 2 接口 HDMI™ 输出接口 DisplayPort™ 输出接口
* 适用于特定型号 M80q Gen 4 和 M90q Gen 4
了解您的 Lenovo 计算机 . . . . . . iii
第 1 章 认识您的计算机 . . . . . . . 1
前视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 后视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 功能部件和规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 USB 规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
第 4 章 保护计算机和信息安全 . . 15
锁定计算机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 UEFI BIOS 密码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 基于证书的 BIOS 管理 . . . . . . . . . . 16 使用软件安全解决方案 . . . . . . . . . . 17
CRU 列表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 卸下或更换 CRU . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
电源适配器和电源线 . . . . . . . . . . 30 电源适配器支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 VESA 安装支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 立式支架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 外接 Wi-Fi 天线 . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 外接光盘驱动器盒和外接光盘驱动器 . . . . 38 防尘罩 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 计算机外盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 硬盘驱动器和硬盘驱动器支架 . . . . . . . 42 内置扬声器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 系统风扇 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 纽扣电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 PCIe 卡和 PCIe 转换器(仅适用于 M90q Gen 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Thunderbolt 4 卡模块(仅适用于 M90q Gen 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I/O 支架(适用于 M80q Gen 4 和 M90q Gen 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 I/O 板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 散热器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 底盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 M.2 固态驱动器 . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 内存条 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57



用户参数9001-9018 / 9101-9528对应标准参数进行设定,特别注意的是NC侧参数需设定#8109=0(计算机链接无效,串口RS-232通讯有效)。


机床侧参数设置完毕,在线传输软件CIMCO v5.5版本安装后,连接好三菱专用传输线缆(注:请勿带电插拔传输线,以防串口短路损坏)。


然后将操作面板上模式开关旋转至“DNC 传输”档,系统侧按下功能键MAINTE——选择“I/O”——选择“装置选择”——“A”“B”处选择“串口”或“存储器”(按照传输方向进行设定)——选择“传送A-B”,,即可进行程序的传输。





三菱以太网连接软件使用说明MITSUBISHI CNC Network8。



它使用简单,初级用户可以很容易理解,但M60S和之前的版本是无法使用的8.1安装软件安装前,三菱数控网络是需要安装客户API 。

如果没有这个软件,它是无法运转也不能正常运作※本章只介绍Windows 2000和XP作业系统8.1.1安装客户API,打开“ api_rt \ DISK1 ”文件夹。





如果你想安装到不同的文件夹,单击Browe ......选择另一个文件夹(4)按下一步>下一步。

(5)安装完成后选择,然后按“ ☉不要设置数控身份证号码。

”下一页> 。

(6)选择“ ☉是的,我想现在重新启动我的电脑” ,并按下Finish键。

8.1.2安装三菱数控网络打开文件夹\MITSUBISHI CNC Network\“setup.exe” 。


(2)选择“ ☉我接受许可协议中的条款”,然后按下一步> 。


(4)按Install开始安装MITSUBISHI CNC Network。




成功不成功8.2三菱CNC网络设置8.2.1 PC端设置(1)从PC端的IP地址设置○ 1在桌面选择“网络邻居”属性。

○ 2 以太网窗口,选择本地网络右键属性。

○ 3 选择,“Internet协议(TCP / IP协议)”,然后选择属性。



M70系统的传输,路子可分为 CF 卡. 网络 .RS232〔因 CF卡和网络比较先进
且方便,故不介绍使用 RS232〕。

M70系统,在进行数据互换时,第一需要安装 NC ESPLORER软件,安装步骤要先安装 api rt 的 Diskl ,尔后安装 SETUP,安装成功后桌面上会有 mitsubishi cnc network 的图标,翻开网上邻居,点击文件夹 , 单击 mitsubishi cnc network ,
会看到AGMA的图标,双击翻开会显示三个文件夹CNCmemory,DS,HD,在M70 系统中只可以使用前两个, HD为 M700的硬盘, CNCmemory为系统储藏器,DS为CF卡。

网络通讯前,要先进行PC机的 IP 设置,只要最后的一位不一致就可以了
在网络通讯状态下,使用CF卡作为储藏介质时,加工程序的传输极为简单,只要将文件拖至 DS文件夹中即可,在 NC端操作,直接呼叫卡内程序即可进行加工,以取代本来 M64S的 DNC加工。

可以直接在 NC端更正卡内的程序。

若是不用卡做储藏介质时,可将程序传到CNC memory,方法同上
CF 卡传程序:先将文件拷贝到卡内,将卡插入显示器旁插槽内,可以直接
呼叫卡内的程序来进行加工,操作步骤请参阅M70使用说明书 IB 1500043(CHN)– E
选择路径按 INPUT就可以了M70 还可以进行卡的内容和CNC互换,先尔后按
M70在线编程方面也有比较先进的地方,对于编程指令不是很熟悉的客户, M70 系统有 G Code的导游,只要在编写的时候按显示切换到 GCODE的状态就可以了,当输入 G指令时在显示器的左侧就会显示这个 G指令的动作了。

M70 M700基本操作

M70 M700基本操作

除菜单列表外,有其他弹出窗口时,菜单列表窗口显 示在正在显示弹出窗口之上。此时,菜单不变化。
在菜单列表已经显示在画面上时,如果再次按下 或是按 键时,菜单列表的窗口将被关闭。而且,将恢 复到按下 键之前的原始显示状态。
三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司 CNC营业技术G

三菱CNC M70以太网使用

三菱CNC M70以太网使用
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better
三菱数控系统销售代理商 广东地区指定维修代理商
以太网可用于数据传输,传输的数据有加工程序、刀具数据、参 数、操作履历、PLC程序、系统构成数据等。
域设置完后,就要启动服务器,为了让NC能够访问。先用鼠标 坐键点击“本地服务器”,就会弹出“开始服务器”画面,再点击“开始 服务器”。服务器开始后,“服务器正在运行”就会由红灯变成绿灯。 再将域设置在线上面。
设置好后, 按下面的菜 单键“传送 A—B”再输 入“Y”就开始 传输数据了。






(2)选择“目录”,在“接收一览表”里通过键盘上移动光标选择CF 卡内的程序,选择好后按下“INPUT”确定。




(6)选择“传送A B”,再按“Y”键,此时程序开始输入。


(2)选择“目录”,在“接收一览表”里通过键盘上移动光标选择CF 卡内的程序,选择好后按下“INPUT”确定。



(5)选择“传送A B”,再按“Y”键,此时程序开始输出。



(5)按下显示器下面最左边带三角标识向左指示的返回键,返回到程序传输画面(8)按下“A B”按键,程序即可由存储器传入存储卡2.3将程序由CF卡传入存储器其操作步骤与程序由存储器传入存储卡类同。







连接步骤以下是将三菱M70系统PLC与终端连接的步骤:1. 确保PLC和终端设备的适配性:首先,要确保所选用的终端设备与三菱M70系统PLC兼容并且能够通过通信协议进行连接。


2. 连接硬件设备:根据所选用的通信协议,将PLC和终端设备通过适当的通信接口连接起来。


3. 配置PLC的通信参数:在三菱M70系统的编程软件中,通过设置通信参数来配置PLC与终端设备之间的通信。


4. 编写PLC程序:根据所需的功能和控制要求,编写适当的PLC程序。


5. 测试与调试:在连接和配置完成后,进行测试与调试以确保PLC与终端设备之间的正常通信和功能运行。

注意事项在连接三菱M70系统PLC与终端设备时,需要注意以下事项:- 确保连接线路的可靠性和稳定性,避免干扰和杂音影响通信。

- 仔细阅读三菱M70系统PLC的使用手册和终端设备的说明书,了解其详细的连接和配置要求。

- 在进行测试与调试时,可以使用相关的调试工具和软件来辅助排除故障和问题。

- 确保PLC和终端设备的固件和软件版本兼容,避免因版本不匹配而引起的问题。

- 定期检查和维护PLC与终端设备之间的连接,确保其稳定运行和性能。





















M70网络传输设置及NC Explorer使用说明

M70网络传输设置及NC Explorer使用说明

M70网络传输设置及NC Explorer使用说明一、将解压。

二、安装“NC Explorer.exe”。















五、MITSUBISHI CNC Network 网络传输软件使用说明双击桌面上图标,弹出如下图所示的窗口。





文件夹【USER】:机床内部存储器(注:容量比较小,不推荐将程序放到这里面)文件夹【DS】:外部CF存储卡(即显示屏侧的CF卡)【Edit】:修改程序名【Delete】:删除程序【Copy】:复制程序【Copy to PC】:复制并粘贴程序到计算机。




2.安裝電池,驅動器之接頭編號為”BA T”。

(電池規格為MR-J3BA T)









(如果未設,執行程式啟動時會產生ALARM 1010)






三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作PLC基本操作-M70/M700三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作目录1.M7的PLC 接口的系统构成2.M7的PLC 开发环境3.GX Develoer 创建新的M7PLC 程序4.M7的离线传输操作5.M6到M7的PLC 格式转换6.M7的联机操作三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7的PLC接口的系统构成M7系列提供了更多的扩展I/O单元接口.M7的PLC接口构成三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7PLC的开发环境M7的PLC主要有离线开发和联机操作两种方式.M7的开发环境三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7的离线开发M7的离线开发是指通过PC机开发PLC程序,再传输到NC的开发过程.实现步骤:•使用GX Developer软件创建PLC程序•PLC程序传输到NC以太网方式RS232C方式IC卡方式M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作GX Developer创建新的M7PLC程序M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作GX Developer创建新的M7PLC程序一.新建M7PLC项目二.进行GX Developer的通信设定三.装置点数的修改四.允许将M7 LADDER写入NC ROM的设定五.编写M7PLC信息文件六.将编写好的M7PLC程序写入到NC缓存七.将M7PLC程序写入到NC ROM八.M7PLC信息文件的命名方式九.M7PLC信息文件编写的注意事项M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作新建M7PLC程序项目M7的离线开发选择功能表下[Project]-[New Project],显示[New Project]设置界面,设定PC 机类型点击OK 确定打开新建程序编辑画面.选择PLC序列及类型CPU类型必须选择Q4A,否则传输程序时会报错.选择PLC程序类型为梯形图类型三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作选择功能表下[Online]-[Transfer-setup],显示Connection Setup 界面.M7的离线开发进行GX Developer的通信设定界面的设置根据选择通信方式的不同而进行不同的设置.三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作双击画面左侧树状显示的[Parameter]下的[PLC parameter],出现[QnA Parameter]画面.选择[Device]页,将[Inside relay][M]的[Dev.point]改为10K,[Retentive timer][ST]的[Dev.point]改为64.M7的离线开发装置点数的修改三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作双击画面左侧树状显示的[Parameter]下的[PLC parameter],出现[QnA Parameter]画面.选择[PLC system]页,选中[Remoter reset]栏内的[Allow],按下[END]键.若不选择,写入操作将无法进行.M7的离线开发允许将M7 ladder写入NC ROM内的设定三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作选择[Online]-[Remote operation]菜单,[Operation]栏的下拉菜单内选择[STOP],按下[Execute]键后,PLC停止.[Operation]栏的下拉菜单内选择[Pause],按下[Execute]键后,PLC写入ROM中.M7的离线开发将新建M7PLC程序写入NC ROM三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作PLC 中除了基本的梯形图外,还包含了相关的报警信息﹑操作员信息﹑PLC 开关信息以及注释信息等.这些信息也可通过GX Developer 直接在线编写.各种信息的编写有其固定的格式,即使信息字符串为空白时,也要记叙[,]和[CR].M7的离线开发编写PLC的信息数据(必须在WRITE MODE下)三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作依次打开GX Developer的[Project][Edit Data][New]菜单设定[Data name]和[Title],点击[OK]确认.M7的离线开发PLC信息文件的数据名PLC信息文件的标题PLC数据类型新建PLC的信息文件三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作再依次打开[View][Statement],即可进行编辑操作.双击需要编辑的行间,在弹出的对话框中编辑,点击[OK]确定.编辑完成后使用PLC写入操作方法,传输到NC内.M7的离线开发新建PLC的信息文件三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作选择[Online]的[Write to PLC]菜单,显示[Write to PLC]界面.选择[File selection]页面,将树状显示的编辑好的各个PLC 程序文件分别选中,按下[Execute]键,将PLC 写入NC.M7的离线开发PLC 程序信息文件PLC 程序LADDER 文件PLC 程序注释文件PLC 程序参数文件将新建M7PLC程序传入NC三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7的离线开发PLC信息文件的命名根据语言指定方式的不同而不同.PLC的信息文件的命名方式三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作PLC信息数据有其最大值,超过最大信息数量,写入时发生错误.超过最大信息长度,写入时超过部分不显示,可采用以下方法编写.M7的离线开发PLC的信息文件编写的注意事项三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7PLC程序的传输操作M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术G MITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7PLC程序的传输操作一.以太网方式传输M7PLC时的通信设定二.以太网方式离线操作M7PLC1.以太网方式读写M7PLC2.以太网方式在线监控M7PLC3.以太网方式在线修改M7PLC三.RS232C方式离线操作M7PLC1.将M7PLC项目保存到IC卡内2.将IC卡内的M7PLC程序传入NC3.将M7PLC文件保存到NC ROMM7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作选择功能表下[Online]-[Transfer-setup],显示Connection Setup 界面.M7的离线开发以太网方式传输时M7PLC的通信设定三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作在[Connection Setup]界面双击[PC-sideI/F]栏内的[Ethernet Module],出现[PC side I/f detailed setting of ethernet module]设定画面,输入NC的IP 地址.M7的离线开发选择AJ71Q5E71PLC单元型号(使用UDP协议通信)设置通讯NC的IP地址以太网方式传输时M7PLC的通信设定三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作以太网方式操作PLCM7的离线开发1.读取写入PLC选择[Online]的[Read from PLC]读取NC侧的PLC文件.选择[Online]的[Write to PLC] 将PLC文件写入NC侧.通过以太网进行PLC操作的优点是响应速度更快,传输更稳定.从NC 读取PLC 界面写入PLC 到NC 界面三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作2.在线监控PLC选择[Online]的[Monitor]的扩展菜单[Monitor mode],可以在线监控PLC,实时的观测到PLC信号状态的变化.M7的离线开发以太网方式操作PLC三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作3.在线直接修改PLC选择[Online]的[Monitor]的扩展菜单[Monitorwrite mode],可以在线修改PLC,实时的进行PLC的各种文件的修改.修改完成后需要[Convert].再通过[Remote operation]操作方式写入NC的ROM.M7的离线开发以太网方式操作PLC 正在修改区域三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作RS232C方式离线操作PLCRS232C方式的离线操作与M6机型一样.M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作IC卡方式离线操作PLC1.将M7PLC项目保存到IC卡内通过GX Developer的[Project]菜单下的[Save as]将PLC程序保存到IC卡中.将IC卡插入NC,通过PLC联机操作将IC卡内的程序保存到NC的缓存中,最后写入NC的FROM里.M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M7的离线开发IC卡方式离线操作PLC2.将IC卡内的M7PLC程序传入NC按下NC[F0]界面进入联机操作界面,再依次按下[EXT.FILEOPERATION][EXT.→NC],会自动弹出IC卡的PLC程序一览界面.[Select]选中所需文件,[READ]读取PLC程序.三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作IC卡方式离线操作PLC3.将M7PLC文件保存到NC ROM.读取文件时NC会自动提示是否需要停止PLC,按提示操作.读取结束后需要将PLC程序写入NC的ROM中.在[F0]界面依次按下[NC FILE][ROM WRITE]键,进入ROM写入界面,按[YES]键执行.M7的离线开发三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M6到M7的PLC格式转换M6到M7的PLC格式转换三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作M6到M7的PLC格式转换一.PLC4B格式的梯形图的转换流程二.获取M6的LKX形式梯形图三.以M5PLCWIN软件分解LK4文件四.以M5PLCWIN软件分解LK4文件,得到LAD和MSG文件五.以M5PLCWIN软件转换LAD文件成列表形式六.以CNVM6软件转换LAD列表文件成M7格式梯形图七.以CNVM6软件转换MSG文件成M7格式信息文件八.以CNVM6软件转换MSG文件成M7格式注释文件九.GX Developer中进行PLC参数设定,再导入上面三个文件十.在GX Developer中进行手工修改十一.M6(PLC4B格式)转换成M7后需注意的元件表M6到M7的PLC格式转换三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作由于M6等机型与M7的PLC 接口信号有所不同,要使用M6等机型的PLC,则必须要进行PLC 的转化.目前M6机型的PLC主要有PLC4B和GX两种格式.要进行格式的转化,需要使用到的软件有M5PLCWINCNVM6GX ConverterGX DeveloperM6到M7的PLC格式的转换M6到M7的PLC格式转换三菱电机自动化(上海)有限公司营业技术GMITSUBISHI CNC PLC 基本操作(M70/M700)_VerA0PLC基本操作PLC4B格式的梯形图的转换流程获取M6的LKX 形式梯形图以M5PLCWIN软件转换成LK4形式以M5PLCWIN软件分解LK4文件,得到LAD 和MSG 文件以M5PLCWIN 软件转换LAD 文件成列表形式以CNVM6软件转换LAD 列表文件成M7格式梯形图以CNVM6软件转换MSG 文件成M7格式信息文件以CNVM6软件转换MSG 文件成M7格式注释文件先进行PLC 参数设定,导入上面三个文件。

联想 ThinkCentre M70t Gen 3和M80t Gen 3 用户指南

联想 ThinkCentre M70t Gen 3和M80t Gen 3 用户指南
第 3 章 探索您的计算机 . . . . . . 13
Vantage 应用程序 . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 设置电源计划 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 传输数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
连接到支持蓝牙的设备(适用于特定型号) . 14 使用光盘驱动器(适用于特定型号) . . . . 14 使用介质卡(适用于特定型号) . . . . . . 15 购买附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Байду номын сангаас© Copyright Lenovo 2022
iv M70t Gen 3 和 M80t Gen 3 用户指南
第 1 章 认识您的计算机
M70t Gen 3
项目 1 3 5 7 9 11
描述 光盘驱动器弹出按钮* SD 卡插槽* 存储驱动器活动指示灯 麦克风接口 USB-C®(3.2 Gen 1)接口 USB 3.2 Gen 2 接口
Windows 防火墙 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 固件内嵌 Computrace Agent 软件(适用于 特定型号) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 使用 BIOS 安全解决方案 . . . . . . . . . 20 擦除存储驱动器数据 . . . . . . . . . . 20 外盖感应开关 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Intel BIOS Guard . . . . . . . . . . . 21 智能 USB 数据保护 . . . . . . . . . . . 21

戴尔 Precision M70 移动工作站快速参考指南说明书

戴尔 Precision M70 移动工作站快速参考指南说明书

Dell Precision™ M70 MobileWorkstation Quick Reference GuideModel PP15Lw w w.d e l l.c o m|s u p p o r t.d e l l.c o mNotes, Notices, and CautionsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid theproblem.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.Abbreviations and AcronymsFor a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see the User’s Guide (depending on your operating system, double-click the User’s Guide icon on your desktop, or click the Start button, click Help and Support Center, and then click User and system guides).If you purchased a Dell™ n Series computer, any references in this document to Microsoft® Windows®operating systems are not applicable.The Drivers and Utilities CD and the Operating System CD are optional and may not ship with all computers._________________Information in this document is subject to change without notice.©2004Dell Inc.All rights reserved.Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc.is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell, the DELL logo, and Dell Precision are trademarks of Dell Inc.; Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.Model PP15LOctober 2004P/N D5185Rev. A00ContentsFinding Information for Your Computer (5)Setting Up Your Computer (7)About Your Computer (9)Front View (10)Left View (11)Right View (11)Back View (12)Bottom View (13)Using a Battery (13)Battery Performance (13)Checking the Battery Charge (14)Charging the Battery (16)Removing a Battery (16)Installing a Battery (17)Storing a Battery (17)Solving Problems (17)Notebook System Software (NSS) (17)Lockups and Software Problems (18)Running the Dell Diagnostics (20)Contents34ContentsFinding Information for Your ComputerNOTE: Some features may not be available for your computer or in certain countries.NOTE: Additional information may ship with your computer.What Are You Looking For?Find It Here•A diagnostic program for my computer •Drivers for my computer•My computer documentation•My device documentation •Notebook System Software (NSS)Drivers and Utilities CD (also known as the ResourceCD)Documentation and drivers are alreadyinstalled on your computer when shippedfrom Dell. Y ou can use the CD to reinstalldrivers, run the Dell Diagnostics, or accessyour documentation.Readme files may be included on your CDto provide last-minute updates abouttechnical changes to your computer oradvanced technical-reference material forexperienced users or technicians. NOTE: The Drivers and Utilities CD is optional and may not ship with all computers.NOTE: The latest drivers and documentation updates can be found at .•Warranty information•Terms and Conditions (U.S. Only)•Safety instructions•Regulatory information•Ergonomics information•End User License AgreementDell™ Product Information Guide•Service Tag and Express Service Code •Microsoft® Windows® License Label Service Tag and Microsoft Windows LicenseThese labels are located on thebottom of your computer.•Use the Service Tag to identify yourcomputer when you use or contact technicalsupport•Enter the Express Service Code to direct your call when contactingtechnical support. The Express Service Code is not available in allcountries.Quick Reference Guide56Quick Reference Guidew w w .d e l l .c o m | s u p p o r t .d e l l .c o m•How to remove and replace parts •Specifications•How to configure system settings•How to troubleshoot and solve problemsDell Precision™ M70 User’s GuideMicrosoft ® Windows ® XP Help and Support Center 1Click the Start button and click Help and Support.2Click User and System Guides and click User Guides .•Solutions — Troubleshooting hints and tips, articles from technicians, online courses, frequently asked questions•Community — Online discussion with other Dell customers•Upgrades — Upgrade information forcomponents, such as memory, the hard drive, and the operating system•Customer Care — Contact information, service call and order status, warranty, and repair information•Service and support — Service call status and support history, service contract, online discussions with technical support•Reference — Computer documentation, details on my computer configuration, product specifications, and white papers•Downloads — Certified drivers, patches, and software updatesDell Support Website — NOTE: Select your region to view the appropriate support site.NOTE: Corporate, government, and education customers can also use the customized Dell Premier Support website at . The website may not be available in all regions.•Notebook System Software (NSS)Drivers and Utilities CD or Dell Support WebsiteIf you reinstall the operating system for your computer, you should also reinstall the NSS utility (available on the optional Drivers and Utilities CD or on the Dell Support Site). NSS provides critical updates for your operating system and support for Dell™ 3.5-inch USB floppy drives, Intel ® Pentium ®M processors, optical drives, and USB devices. NSS is necessary for correct operation of your Dell computer. The software automatically detects your computer and operating system and installs the updates appropriate for your configuration.•How to use Windows XP•Documentation for my computer •Documentation for devices (such as a modem)Windows Help and Support Center1Click the Start button and click Help and Support .2T ype a word or phrase that describes your problem and click the arrow icon.3Click the topic that describes your problem.4Follow the instructions on the screen.What Are You Looking For?Find It HereQuick Reference Guide 7Setting Up Your ComputerCAUTION:Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions located in the Product Information Guide .1Unpack the accessories box.2Set aside the contents of the accessories box, which you will need to complete your computer setup.The accessories box also contains user documentation and any software or additional hardware (such as PC Cards, drives, or batteries) that you have ordered.3Connect the AC adapter to the AC adapter connector on the computer and to the electrical outlet.NOTICE: When using the AC adapter, secure the cable so that the cable is not pulled, tangled, stepped on, or crushed by objects such as chair legs or desk supports.•How to reinstall my operating systemO p e r a t i n g S y s t e m C DThe operating system is already installed on your computer. To reinstall your operating system, use the Operating System CD. See your Dell Precision User’s Guide for instructions.After you reinstall your operating system, use the Drivers and Utilities CD toreinstall drivers for the devices that came with your computer.The operating system product key is located on your computer.NOTE: The color of your CD varies based on the operating system you ordered.NOTE: The Operating System CD is optional and may not ship with all computers.What Are You Looking For?Find It Here8Quick Reference Guidew w w .d el l .c o m | s u p p o r t .de l l .c o mNOTE: Do not connect the computer to the docking device until the computer has been turned on and shut down at least once.4Open the computer display and press the power button to turn on the computer.power buttonAbout Your ComputerSee your online User’s Guide for detailed information about your computer. Depending on your operating system, double-click the User’s Guide icon on your desktop, or click the Start button,click Help and Support Center, and then click User and system guides. The following itemsaddress some of the more commonly asked questions about the computer.•Modem and network adapter: The computer may include both a v.92 56K modem and a 10/100/1000 Ethernet LOM network adapter. For connector locations, see "Back View" onpage12. For more information on ports and connectors, see "About Y our Computer" in youronline User’s Guide.•Battery life and usage: Various batteries are available for use with your computer. Using the battery that comes standard with the computer, you can expect from 3 to 4 hours of operatingtime from a single fully charged battery with average usage. Performing certain types ofoperations, such as extended wireless operation, can significantly reduce battery life.–For more information on battery performance, usage, and conserving power, see your online User’s Guide.–For information on an optional second battery, see your online User’s Guide .Quick Reference Guide910Quick Reference Guidew w w .d e l l .c o m | s u p p o r t .d e ll .c o m•Module bay devices: For information on the module bay and the devices it supports, see "Using the Module Bay" in your online User’s Guide .•Docking devices: Y our computer supports the Dell D/Dock Expansion Station and the Dell D/Port Advanced Port Replicator.NOTE: Docking devices may not be available in all countries.For information on your optional docking device, see the documentation that accompanied the device.For information on obtaining optimal performance when using a docking device with this computer, see "Solving Problems" in your online User’s Guide .Front Viewdisplay latchkeyboarddisplaytrack stick touch padvolume control buttonsdevice status lightstrack stick/ touch pad buttonsmute buttonpower buttondisplay latch buttonspeakers (2)keyboard status lightsLeft View Right ViewI processor-fan air vent securitycable slot PC Card slot smart card slot hard drive module bay audio connectors (2)USB 2.0 connectors (2)video-fanair ventwww.dell.c om |sup port.dell.comBack View CAUTION: Do not block, push objects into, or allow dust to accumulate in the air vents. Do not store your computer in a low-airflow environment, such as a closed briefcase, while it is running. Restricting the airflow can damage the computer or cause a fire. NOTICE: To avoid damaging the computer, wait 5 seconds after you turn off the computer before you disconnect an external device.video-fan air vent infrared sensor network connector (RJ-45)modem connector (RJ-11)USB 2.0 connectors (2)S-video TV-out connector serial connector video connector AC adapter connector processor-fan air ventBottom ViewUsing a BatteryBattery PerformanceCAUTION:Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions located in the Product Information Guide. NOTE: For information about the Dell warranty for your computer, see the Product Information Guide or separate paper warranty document that shipped with your computer.For optimal computer performance and to help preserve BIOS settings, operate your Dell™portable computer with the main battery installed at all times. Use a battery to run the computer when it is not connected to an electrical outlet. One battery is supplied as standard equipment in the battery bay. Battery operating time varies depending on operating conditions. Y ou can install an optional second battery in the module bay to significantly increase operating time. For more information about the optional second battery, see your User’s Guide .NOTE: Battery operating time (the time it can hold a charge) decreases over time. Depending on how often the battery is used and the conditions under which it is used, you may need to purchase a new battery during the life of your computer.battery Mini PCIcard/modem/DIMMmodule coverbattery-bay latch releasedocking device slot processor-fan air vent video-fan air ventwww.dell.com|support.dell.comOperating time is significantly reduced when you perform operations including, but not limited to, the following:•Using CD, DVD, or other optical drives •Using wireless communications devices, PC Cards, or USB devices •Using high-brightness display settings, 3D screen savers, or other power-intensive programs such as 3D games •Running the computer in maximum performance mode NOTE: It is recommended that you connect your computer to an electrical outlet when writing to a CD or DVD.Y ou can check the battery charge before you insert the battery into the computer. Y ou can also set power management options to alert you when the battery charge is low.CAUTION: Using an incompatible battery may increase the risk of fire or explosion. Replace the battery only with a compatible battery purchased from Dell. The lithium-ion battery is designed to work with your Dell computer. Do not use a battery from other computers with your computer.CAUTION: Do not dispose of batteries with household waste. When your battery no longer holds a charge, call your local waste disposal or environmental agency for advice on disposing of a lithium-ion battery. See "Battery Disposal" in the Product Information Guide .CAUTION: Misuse of the battery may increase the risk of fire or chemical burn. Do not puncture, incinerate, disassemble, or expose the battery to temperatures above 65°C (149°F). Keep the battery away from children. Handle damaged or leaking batteries with extreme care. Damaged batteries may leak and cause personal injury or equipment damage.Checking the Battery Charge The Dell QuickSet Battery Meter, the Microsoft ® Windows ® Power Meter window and icon, the battery charge gauge and health gauge, and the low-battery warning provide information on the battery charge. For information about checking the charge on the optional second battery, see your User’s Guide .Dell QuickSet Battery Meter If Dell QuickSet is installed, press <Fn><F8> to display the QuickSet Battery Meter.The Battery Meter window displays status, charge level, and charge completion time for the battery in your computer.NOTE: You can use your docking device to charge a computer battery. However, a battery in a docking device does not power the docking device or computer.In addition, when your computer is connected to a docking device (docked), the Battery Meter window includes a Dock Battery tab, which displays the charge level and current status of the docking device battery.The following icons appear in the Battery Meter window:For more information about QuickSet, right-click the icon in the taskbar, and click Help .Microsoft Windows Power Meter The Windows Power Meter indicates the remaining battery charge. To check the Power Meter, double-click theicon on the taskbar. For more information about the Power Meter tab, see your User’s Guide.If the computer is connected to an electrical outlet, a icon appears.Charge GaugeBefore you install a battery, press the status button on the battery charge gauge to illuminate the charge-level lights. Each light represents approximately 20 percent of the total battery charge. For example, if the battery has 80 percent of its charge remaining, four of the lights are on. If no lights appear, the battery has no charge.Health GaugeThe battery operating time is largely determined by the number of times it is charged. Afterhundreds of charge and discharge cycles, batteries lose some charge capacity, or battery health. To check the battery health, press and hold the status button on the battery charge gauge for at least 3seconds. If no lights appear, the battery is in good condition, and more than 80 percent of its original charge capacity remains. Each light represents incremental degradation. If five lightsappear, less than 60 percent of the charge capacity remains, and you should consider replacing the battery. See your User’s Guide for more information about the battery operating time.NOTE: When you press and hold the status button on the battery charge gauge for at least 3 seconds, the charge-level lights will first light to display the current charge status. Then they switch to Health status where they represent incremental degradation when lit.•The computer or docking device is running on battery power.•The battery is discharging or idle.•The computer or docking device is connected to an electrical outlet andrunning on AC power.•The battery is charging.•The computer or docking device is connected to an electrical outlet andrunning on AC power.•The battery is discharging, idle, or charging.www.dell.com|support.dell.com Low-Battery Warning NOTICE: To avoid losing or corrupting data, save your work immediately after a low-battery warning. Then connect the computer to an electrical outlet. You can also turn the computer off and install a second battery in the module bay. If the battery runs completely out of power, hibernate mode begins automatically.A low-battery warning occurs when the battery charge is approximately 90percent depleted. The computer beeps once, indicating that minimal battery operating time remains. During that time, the speaker beeps periodically. If two batteries are installed, the low-battery warning means that the combined charge of both batteries is approximately 90 percent depleted. The computer enters hibernate mode when the battery charge is at a critically low level. For more information about low-battery alarms, see "Power Management" in your User’s Guide .Charging the BatteryNOTE: The AC adapter charges a completely discharged battery in approximately 1 hour with the computer turned off. Charge time is longer with the computer turned on. You can leave the battery in the computer as long as you like. The battery’s internal circuitry prevents the battery from overcharging.When you connect the computer to an electrical outlet or install a battery while the computer is connected to an electrical outlet, the computer checks the battery charge and temperature. If necessary, the AC adapter then charges the battery and maintains the battery charge.If the battery is hot from being used in your computer or being in a hot environment, the battery may not charge when you connect the computer to an electrical outlet.The battery is too hot to start charging if the light flashes alternately green and orange. Disconnect the computer from the electrical outlet and allow the computer and the battery to cool to room temperature. Then connect the computer to an electrical outlet to continue charging the battery.For more information about resolving problems with a battery, see your User’s Guide .Removing a BatteryCAUTION: Before performing these procedures, disconnect the modem from the telephone wall jackNOTE: For information about removing the optional second battery, see your User’s Guide .1Ensure that the computer is turned off and disconnected from the electrical outlet.2If the computer is connected to a docking device (docked), undock it. See the documentation that came with your docking device for instructions. Slide and hold the battery-bay latch release on the bottom of the computer, and then remove the battery from the bay.Installing a BatteryEnsure that the computer is turned off. Slide the battery into the bay until the latch release clicks. For information about installing the optional second battery, see your User’s Guide.Storing a BatteryRemove the battery when you store your computer for an extended period of time. A battery discharges during prolonged storage. After a long storage period, recharge the battery fully before you use it.Solving ProblemsNotebook System Software (NSS)If you reinstall the operating system for your computer, you should also reinstall the NSS utility. This utility is available on the optional Drivers and Utilities CD and on the Dell Support Website. To download the utility from the Dell Support Website, go to the Downloads section of the website and select your computer model from the pull-down menu. Select the Download Category "System and Configuration Utilities," select your operating system and language, and then follow the posted instructions.NSS provides critical updates for your operating system and support for Dell™ 3.5-inch USB floppy drives, Intel® Pentium®M processors, optical drives, and USB devices. NSS is necessary for correct operation of your Dell computer. The software automatically detects your computer and operating system and installs the updates appropriate for your configuration.NOTE: NSS is critical for the correct operation of USB devices, including the Dell D/Bay, D/Dock, D/Port, and D/View devices.www.dell.com|s upport.dell.comLockups and Software Problems CAUTION:Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide .The computer does not start up The computer stops responding NOTICE: You might lose data if you are unable to perform an operating system shutdown.A program stops responding A program crashes repeatedly NOTE: Software usually includes installation instructions in its documentation or on a floppy disk or CD.E N S U R E T H A T T H E AC A D A P T E R I S F I R M L Y C O N N E C T E D T O T H E C O M P U T E R A N D T O T H E E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T T U R N T H E C O M P U T E R O F F —If you are unable to get a response by pressing a key on your keyboard or moving your mouse, press and hold the power button for at least 8 to 10 seconds until the computer turns off. Then restart your computer. E N D T H E P R O G R A M —1Press <Ctrl><Shift><Esc> simultaneously.2Click Applications .3Click the program that is no longer responding.4Click End Task .C H E C K T H E S O F T W A R E D O C U M E N T A T I O N —If necessary, uninstall and then reinstall the program.A program is designed for an earlier Windows operating systemA solid blue screen appearsOther software problemsI F Y O U A R E U S I N G W I N D O W S XP, R U N T H E P R O G R A M C O M P A T I B I L I T Y W I Z A R D —The Program Compatibility Wizard configures a program so it runs in an environment similar to non-Windows XP operating system environments.1Click the Start button, point to All Programs → Accessories , and then click Program Compatibility Wizard .2In the welcome screen, click Next .3Follow the instructions on the screen.T U R N T H E C O M P U T E R O F F —If you are unable to get a response by pressing a key on your keyboard or moving your mouse, press and hold the power button for at least 8 to 10 seconds until the computer turns off. Then restart your computer. C H E C K T H E S O F T W A R E D O C U M E N T A T I O N O R C O N T A C T T H E S O F T W A R E M A N U F A C T U R E R F O R T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G I N F O R M A T I O N —•Ensure that the program is compatible with the operating system installed on your computer.•Ensure that your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements needed to run the software. See the software documentation for information.•Ensure that the program is installed and configured properly.•Verify that the device drivers do not conflict with the program.•If necessary, uninstall and then reinstall the program.B AC K U P Y O U R F I L E S I M M ED I A TE L YU S E A V I R U S -S C A N N I N G P R O G R A M T O C H E C K T H E H A R D D R I V E , F L O P P Y D I S K S , O R CD S S A V E A N D C L O S E A N Y O P E N F I L E S O R P R O G R A M S A N D S H U T D O W N Y O U R C O M P U T E R T H R O U G H T H E Start M E N Uww w .d e l l .c o m | s u p p o r t .d e l l .c o m Running the Dell DiagnosticsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructionslocated in the Product Information Guide.When to Use the Dell Diagnostics If you experience a problem with your computer, perform the checks in "Solving Problems" (seeyour online User’s Guide ) and run the Dell Diagnostics before you contact Dell for technicalassistance. NOTICE: The Dell Diagnostics works only on Dell™ computers.Start the Dell Diagnostics from either your hard drive or from the optional Drivers and Utilities CD (also known as the ResourceCD ).Starting the Dell Diagnostics From Your Hard Drive The Dell Diagnostics is located on a hidden diagnostic utility partition on your hard drive. NOTE: If your computer cannot display a screen image, contact Dell.1Shut down the computer.2If the computer is connected to a docking device (docked), undock it. See the documentation that came with your docking device for instructions.3Connect the computer to an electrical outlet.4T urn on the computer. When the DELL™ logo appears, press <F12> immediately. NOTE: If you cannot see anything on your display, hold down the mute button and press the computer’s power button to begin the Dell Diagnostics. The computer automatically runs the Pre-boot System Assessment. NOTE: If you see a message stating that no diagnostics utility partition has been found, run the Dell Diagnostics from your Drivers and Utilities CD.If you wait too long and the operating system logo appears, continue to wait until you see the Microsoft ® Windows ® desktop. Then shut down your computer and try again.S C A N T H E C O M P U T E R F O R S P Y W A R E —If you are experiencing slow computer performance, you frequently receive pop-up advertisements, or you are having problems connecting to the Internet, your computer might be infected with spyware. Use an anti-virus program that includes anti-spyware protection (your program may require an upgrade) to scan the computer and remove spyware. For more information, go to and search for the keyword spyware .R U N T H E D E L L D I A G N O S T I C S —If all tests run successfully, the error condition is related to a software problem.5When the boot device list appears, highlight Diagnostics and press <Enter>.The computer runs the Pre-boot System Assessment, a series of initial tests of your systemboard, keyboard, hard drive, and display.•During the assessment, answer any questions that appear.•If a failure is detected, the computer stops and beeps. To stop the assessment and restart the computer, press <n>; to continue to the next test, press <y>; to retest thecomponent that failed, press <r>.•If failures are detected during the Pre-boot System Assessment, write down the error code(s) and contact Dell before continuing on to the Dell Diagnostics.If the Pre-boot System Assessment completes successfully, you receive the message BootingDell Diagnostic Utility Partition. Press any key to continue.6Press any key to start the Dell Diagnostics from the diagnostics utility partition on your hard drive.Starting the Dell Diagnostics From the Optional Drivers and Utilities CD1Insert the Drivers and Utilities CD.2Shut down and restart the computer.When the DELL logo appears, press <F12> immediately.If you wait too long and the Windows logo appears, continue to wait until you see theWindows desktop. Then shut down your computer and try again.NOTE: The next steps change the boot sequence for one time only. On the next start-up, the computer3When the boot device list appears, highlight CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive and press <Enter>.4Select the CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive option from the CD boot menu.5Select the Boot from CD-ROM option from the menu that appears.6T ype 1 to start the ResourceCD menu.7T ype 2 to start the Dell Diagnostics.8Select Run the 32 Bit Dell Diagnostics from the numbered list. If multiple versions are listed, select the version appropriate for your computer.9When the Dell Diagnostics Main Menu appears, select the test you want to run.Quick Reference Guide21。


本教程的适用对象为使用三菱电机M70/M700V系列数控产品的专业技术人员以及一 般生产性企业的现场技术及设备维护人员等。
希望本教程的推出,能够对您在三菱电机数控系统M70/M700V系列新产品的使用、 维护方面起到一定的帮助。
本教材记述内容中的注意事项 ◇ 有关“限制事项”和“允许条件”等注意事项说明,如果本教程的内容与机床制 造商的说明书有矛盾时,请以机床制造商的说明书为准。 ◇ 本书没有记述的事项请参考三菱电机CNC产品的其他相关说明书资料。 ◇ 本书是针对附加了全部选配功能的机床进行的说明,使用时请以机床厂家发行的 规格书为准加以确认。 ◇ 因NC系统的版本不同,画面、功能也有所不同,有时会存在不可通用的功能。
2 基本操作指南............................................................................................................................. 14 2.1 机械侧设置类 .................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.1 刀具补偿设置.......................................................................................................... 14 2.1.2 绝对位置设置......................................................................................................... 18 2.1.3 刀库信息注册......................................................................................................... 22 2.1.4 手动 MSTB............................................................................................................. 25 2.1.5 工件测量................................................................................................................. 26 孔测量 ........................................................................................................... 27 宽度测量 ....................................................................................................... 29 2.1.6 驱动器信息监视..................................................................................................... 31 2.2 加工程序类 ...................................................................................................................... 36 2.2.1 程序搜索................................................................................................................. 36 2.2.2 程序再搜索............................................................................................................. 38 程序再搜索 1 ................................................................................................ 39 程序再搜索 2 ................................................................................................ 41 2.2.3 程序检查(2D) .................................................................................................... 44 2.2.4 程序编辑................................................................................................................. 48 2.2.5 描图功能................................................................................................................. 52 2.2.6 加工程序输入/输出................................................................................................ 54 2.3 系统维护类 ...................................................................................................................... 57 2.3.1 密码输入................................................................................................................. 57 2.3.2 系统初始化设定..................................................................................................... 58 2.3.3 所有备份和恢复..................................................................................................... 62 2.3.4 参数设置................................................................................................................. 64 所有参数设置 ............................................................................................... 64 用户参数设置 ............................................................................................... 66 2.3.5 输入/输出功能........................................................................................................ 67 选择设备、目录和文件 ............................................................................... 68 文件操作 ....................................................................................................... 71 2.3.6 I/F 诊断 .................................................................................................................... 74 显示 PLC 设备数据 ...................................................................................... 77



























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M70系统,在进行数据交换时,首先需要安装NC ESPLORER软件,安装步骤要先安装api rt 的Diskl,然后安装SETUP,安装成功后桌面上会有mitsubishi cnc network的图标,打开网上邻居,点击文件夹,单击mitsubishi cnc network,会看到AGMA的图标,双击打开会显示三个文件夹CNCmemory,DS,HD,在M70系统中只可以使用前两个,HD为M700的硬盘,CNCmemory为系统存储器,DS为CF卡。



如果不用卡做存储介质时,可将程序传到CNC memory,方法同上
CF卡传程序:先将文件拷贝到卡内,将卡插入显示器旁插槽内,可以直接呼叫卡内的程序来进行加工,操作步骤请参阅M70使用说明书IB 1500043(CHN) –E
M70 还可以进行卡的内容和CNC互换,先
M70在线编程方面也有比较先进的地方,对于编程指令不是很熟悉的客户,M70系统有G Code的向导,只要在编辑的时候按显示切换到G CODE的状态就可以了,当输入G指令时在显示器的左侧就会显示这个G指令的动作了。
