Gold 系列驱动器反馈模块
Elmo Gold系列驱动器
Port C, Output Port for:
Emulated Encoder P&D signals Up/Down signals PWM Hall signals
Gold驱动器展示了all-in-one的能力 Gold驱动器在一个内核上支持任何反馈,易于方便快捷的配置, 目标是最佳性能
所有Gold驱动器都有三个反馈口: Port A, Input Port for:
incremental encoder digital halls absolute serial encoder
Port B, Input Port for: incremental encoder analog encoder analog hall resolver other analog feedback: potentiometer, tacho, etc.
Incremental Encoder with Commutation Digital Halls
Port A
Encoder without Commutation
Commutation Digital Halls
Digital Halls
Elmo Gold系列驱动器
Elmo Gold系列驱动器包含三个反馈端口:
Port A, Input Port for:
Incremental encoder Digital Halls Absolute serial encoder
Port B, Input Port for:
SpecialXGT series offer diverse special modules such as analog, HSC, and positioning to satisfy complicated industrial needs72SpecialProgrammable Logic Controller XGT Series 73SpecialRevolution of easy to use XGT Special moduleFast processing of parameter and data of special moduleContinually refreshing operation data of special module by CPU module Including contact points such as conversion data of AD/DA module and command of HSC & positioning moduleEasy- to-use (Easy operation parameter setting and data monitoring)Convenient parameter setting available through XG5000Providing useful functions that can monitor and test operation data and contact points through XG5000Simple maintenance (Changing online module)Without turning off and holding CPU, users can change specialmodule with ease.BeforeMonitoring of special moduleExample of programmingXGF-AV8A XGF-AC8A XGF-AD4S XGF-AD8A XGF-AD16A XGF-AW4S8 channels, voltage input 8 channels, current input4 channels, voltage/current input 8 channels, voltage/current16 channels, voltage/current input 2-wire, Voltage/ Current input, 4Ch (Isolated)XGF-DV4A XGF-DV4S XGF-DC4A XGF-DC4S XGF-DV8A XGF-DC8A4 channels, voltage output4 channels, voltage output,insulation 4 channels, current output4 channels, current output, insulation 8 channels, voltage output 8 channels, current outputXGF-TC4S XGF-RD4A XGF-RD4S4 channels, thermocouple input, Insulation 4 channels, RTD input4 channels, RTD input, InsulationXGF-HO2A XGF-HD2A2 channels, Open collector 2 channels, Line driverXGF-PO1A~PO3A XGF-PD1A~PD3A XGF-PO1H~PO3H XGF-PD1H~PD3HOpen collector, 1~3axis Line drive, 1~3axis Open collector, 1~4axis Line drive, 1~4axisAnalog input moduleAnalog output moduleHigh-speed counter modulePositioning moduleTemperature input moduleXGF-TC4UD4 channels input: voltage/current/TC/RTD8 channels output: current/TRTemperature controllerXGF-AH6AInput: 4ch, Voltage/ Current Output: 2Ch Voltage/ CurrentAnalog input/output moduleXGF-M16AMECHATROLINK-ll, 16axisMotion controllerXGF-SOEADC24V, 32pointsHigh-speed counter moduleSpecial module / Analog input modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Analog input moduleSpecial module / 2Wire Analog input modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Analog input module (Example)Press the <Details> button at lower end of parameter setting box after selecting the module.You need to fill out each item suitable for your system.Special module / Analog output modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Analog output module (Example)Press the <Details> button at lower end of parameter setting box after selecting the module.You need to fill out each item suitable for your system.Special module / Analog input/output modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / High-speed counter moduleSpecial module / High-speed counter modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / High-speed counter module (Example)ENCODER2 Phase 1 multiplicationAfter pressing the button for [Start Monitoring],press the button [FLAG monitor].Change [Counter Enable]status to ON.Check current counting value in Monitor Special Module screen box.Select [Monitor] [Special Module Monitoring] in menu and appoint high-speed counter.Special module / High-speed counter module (Example) After completing programming like following figure, download it to PLC and check operation X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Positioning module [APM]Easy and quick control through external input (JOG operation included)Special module / Positioning module [APM]ne X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Positioning moduleSpecial module / Positioning modulene X t G eneration T echnologySpecial module / Positioning module (Example)Power partne X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Positioning module (Example)Setting parameter of system characteristicAPM software packageTarget location, speed, operation type, operation dataOperate APM without positioning programmingSpecial module / Positioning module (Example)Program monitoringMonitor output condition following input condition and inspect operation status of APM and correct programming X t G eneration T echnology Special module / RTD input moduleSpecial module / Thermocouple modulene X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Temperature controllerSpecial module / Temperature controllerne X t G eneration T echnology Special module / Event input module。
关于ELMO产品在医疗方面应用1.ELMO产品介绍2.ELMO典型架构3.驱动器介绍4.G‐MAS介绍5.ELMO的优点6.ELMO在医疗行业上的应用7.Elmo如何应对医疗行业的挑战8.具体功能实现9.ELMO的应用案例天津罗升企业有限公司伺服产品处一: ELMO产品介绍1.公司介绍: Elmo公司成立于1988年,是专业的自动控制供应商,生产,研发,销售,售后等均在以色列完成,驱动器拥有目前最高的功率密度与最小的体积,目前产品家族拥有三大系列:SIMPLIQ 用于通用环境下使用(工业级产品)EXTRIQ 用于扩展环境下使用(军事级产品).GOLD系列为前两个系列的扩展升级版本,也拥有工业级和军工级的产品.2.产品介绍:a.拥有全数字式伺服驱动器,并包含完整的扭力,速度,位置控制,并支持全闭环两路反馈.b.数字式驱动器拥有交流输入和直流输入两类,交流目前可提供最大380VAC,40A的驱动器,直流可提供800VDC,100A的驱动器c.直流系列产品均达到医疗行业电磁兼容特性3.ELMO产品系列附图二:ELMO的典型架构:1.架构简介:标准的ELMO多轴产品构架核心为ELMO的多轴控制器G‐MAS,其可以通过以太网与工控机连接,并通过CANOpen/EtherCAT总线控制多达100轴运行,单独驱动器可以控制电机做扭力,速度,位置控制,并通过电机本身编码器反馈,还可以做全闭环控制,同时接受电机侧和负载侧的两路编码器反馈,已提高精度.2.架构图:三:GOLD系列驱动器介绍1.供电部分: 该系列产品均为直流母线方式供电,供电电压为12VDC – 95VDC,其输出的 额定电流最大为45A2.驱动器拥有完整的位置,速度,扭力3个环路,并支持全闭环控制.超高带宽和高速处理能力,使伺服拥有高速,高刚性,高精度特性a.电流环 >4K Hzb.速度环 >400Hzc.位置环 >200Hz3.智能PID调节方式,并可以适应大多数类型负载,如刚性,柔性负载,或负载有明显偏心等.4.兼容多种类型电机a.交流永磁同步电机b.直流无刷电机c.直流有刷电机d.直线电机e.力矩电机f.音圈电机5.兼容多种编码器反馈类型a.标准增量式光电编码器b.旋转变压器(型号订制)c.带细分的正余弦编码器d.测速发电机/电位计e.绝对式编码器(海德汉,世科,雷尼绍,松下,多摩川等)6.驱动器内部可以编写复杂程序,单独控制驱动器做各种运动曲线a.内部逻辑运算,正余弦函数等b.PTP(点到点运行),JV(点动),PVT(提前或动态规划位置,速度,时间曲线运行)PT(位置,时间曲线),ECAM(电子凸轮功能),其中PVT,PT,ECAM内部支持高次平滑7.拥有STO扭力动态摘除功能8.程序编写类似于C,上手比较容易9.支持模拟量控制,精度14位10.拥有6个DI,2个DO和1个AI,且IO信号均支持任意定义功能,并可以在驱动器中通过程序控制11.可通过CAN/EtherCAT总线与G‐MAS通讯,时时接收G‐MAS的运动控制指令,12.下图为驱动器图片(此图片驱动器我公司有现货供测试,并包含上述全部功能)四: G‐MAS介绍1.供电部分: 使用24VDC供电2.内部使用实时LINUX操作系统,标准的C++编程语言,并使用标准的PLCopen库函数作为API使用3.支持标准CAN/EtherCAT总线通讯,最多控制100轴做高等级高精度运动控制.4.支持多种与工控机通讯方式(ETHERNET, UDP, Telnet, FTP, HTTP等)a.Ethernet: 10/100MB:2.0 12M5.超小体积,并支持内嵌式安装方式(需焊接)6.内部大容量的存储控制,方便储存用户的运动控制数据.a.Flash (32M)b.RAM(64M)DDR2 333MHz7.G‐MAS可以通过总线时时读取驱动器的运动状态,比如位置,速度,电流,IO等,并在G‐MAS中控制a.DS402 COE EtherCATb.DS402 CANopen8.控制方式:G‐MAS作为多轴控制器,主要做多轴控制的协调,由G‐MAS给各个轴发送控制指令,由驱动器执行,执行结果在反馈回G‐MAS做处理,由于GMAS内部固有的大量控制指令,所以在客户后期开发的时候,可以直接调用该函数,这样做比客户直接通过上位机来发控制指令更省力.a.单轴或多轴点动b.多轴同动(速度同步或直线插补,最多16轴)c.多轴螺旋线插补(圆弧插补)d.支持上位机动态发送位置命令,也可由G‐MAS动态生成运行曲线并控制驱动器运行.e.DS402 Homingf.高阶速度切换平滑功能,当运行2组不同速度曲线时,可确保速度切换时平滑过渡,并可设定平滑的系数,确保对系统不会冲击过大g.内建固有函数,可任意操作外部IOh.多线程运行,标准的状态机控制方式,可同时对运行状态,IO状态,驱动器或G‐MAS的运行状态进行监控并同时多线程操作i.内部存储空间较大,可存储客户数据库信息j.与上位机为标准modbus‐tcp通讯9.右图为G‐MAS图片五:ELMO的优点:1.直流系列产品符合医疗级别的电磁兼容要求2.通过认证的STO扭力摘除功能,确保医疗操作者和患者的安全3.支持分布式控制,由于G‐MAS(多轴控制器)和伺服驱动器都可以编写程序,可以保证双余度的安全控制,即便工控机或G‐MAS均出现死机的情况下,依旧可以依靠驱动器内部程序执行提前设定好的指令,确保系统的高可靠性与容错性.4.超小体积,超高功率密度,可以完美的使用在狭小空间.5.采用同步的LINUX系统,标准的C++语言,标准的PLCopen库函数,方便用户自行二次开发,并保护用户的知识产权6.高可靠性,驱动器无故障工作时间达到50万小时(实验室测试数据)7.上手简单,各种功能可以先不通过C++编写完才能调试,可以通过内部脚本文件先行进行调试8.高智能化的现场分析工具,可以任意监控驱动器和控制器的工作状态,可随意读取上百种系统变量,查找故障.9.简单的操作界面,内部固化大量运行控制功能,无需客户进行开发,只需使用时调用该功能块即可实现客户复杂的需求六:ELMO在医疗行业的应用:1.伽马刀手术台a.概述: 人体肿瘤可以被一定剂量的伽马射线杀死,从而避免患者开刀造成的痛苦和术后愈合的风险,但该设备对硬件性能要求极高.在高辐射影响的前提下,保证设备正常运行,并确保患者严格定位,控制辐射剂量和辐射时间b.挑战:○1设备始终受到辐射,设备硬件稳定性要求极高○26轴严格定位,并要求刚性强,抑制共振,严格控制偏移量,不允许手术过程中出现位置偏移.○3定位时间短,尤其是控制伽马射线门机的3个电机,要求快速打开和关闭○4当全部控制系统死机的严酷情况下,系统依旧可以自主判断,自我恢复,并确保患者安全○5出现紧急情况可以瞬间停机,并关闭伽马射线门机○6此类设备必须是绝对式反馈,不允许上电重新回原点c.Elmo的手段:○1驱动器稳定可靠,无故障工作时间长达50万小时,并达到医疗级别电磁兼容特性○2驱动器有一系列滤波器可以抑制共振,全新设计的PID环路确保系统高刚性,高定位精度并可长时间维持○3定位时间短,定位精准○4驱动器内部可以编写任意复杂程序,可以调用标准的node Guarding功能,抑或可以人工编写看门狗程序,上位机与下位机固定时间对发数据通讯,做到无论上位机还是下位机,只要有一方规定时间没有响应,则启动硬件保护功能‐‐‐‐‐‐报警,关闭伽马刀门机,并拉出患者○5驱动器STO功能通过认证,可以瞬间切断内部PWM功放模块输出和DSP输出,确保瞬间可控停机○6驱动器兼容多种反馈类型,足以适应客户不同反馈兼容要求○7驱动器体积小,方便客户二次开发,如右下图所示,易于保护硬件厂商知识产权2.CT成像a.概述: 此类设备要求体积小,稳定可靠,成本低,电磁兼容特性强b.挑战:○1硬件稳定性要求高,运行长时间使用,兼容性强○2小体积,方便安装○3成本低,便于大规模投产c.Elmo的手段:○1硬件设计稳定,电磁兼容性强○2体积小,可提供硬币/火柴盒大小驱动器,方便用户安装使用○3单台驱动器即可兼容各类电机与反馈,成本比欧系同类产品低○4开发程序标准化,提高用户开发速度3.血管造影仪a.概述: 经过特殊设计的显影液在X光下显示不同,固此类设备可以检测血管的状态,但此类设备是一种非常精密的电子设备,对电磁兼容特性有非常高的要求,而且要求整个系统有”示教”功能,,并要求高精度定位.b.挑战:○1精密的医疗检测设备,要求极强的电磁兼容特性○2高精度定位,刚性强,抑制共振○3要求”示教”功能c.Elmo的手段:○1符合医疗级别电磁兼容特性○2全新的PID设计,抑制共振,确保高定位精度○3足够人性化的编程界面,足够强大的运动函数库,确保客户二次开发的成功4.药品检测设备(灯检机)a.概述:注射用西林瓶出厂前要确保瓶内无杂质,瓶身无破损,灌装药液容量符合要求,但如何检测一直是技术难点,很难做到高速,高分辨率,高动态响应,低误报率.b.挑战:○1检测速度高,要做到600瓶/分钟的综合检测速度○2运动控制响应快,要求凸轮轴至少400毫秒一个往复,并要求足够跟踪精度,确保16个相机的稳定成像○3系统稳定性好,每天至少工作2个班组(16小时左右)○4误检率低,至少要求低于0.02%○5对驱动器尺寸有严格要求c.Elmo的手段:○1整套系统伺服较多,但依托Elmo控制器与驱动器的高效组合,实现客户高速要求○2伺服自带凸轮功能,而且性能强劲,足以满足客户需求○3驱动器稳定性好○4尺寸小,适应客户苛刻安装空间要求.七: Elmo如何应对医疗行业的挑战1.稳定可靠,无故障工作时间可达50万小时●下图可见随驱动器温度不同,驱动器无故障工作时间基本符合线性变换.2.极强的电磁兼容特性●下图可见要求最低的为工业级电磁兼容特性,红线为医疗级别电磁兼容要求,而Elmo的驱动器(蓝线)都符合医疗行业要求.3.全新设计的PID环路与计算方法,确保高刚性,高精度,高响应,低震动●下图可见,驱动器拥有各类监控抑制手段,确保驱动器高带宽的情况下稳定运行●驱动器包含64组增益,可针对不同速度,或位置,或运动状态自动切换4.兼容各类负载,各种电机与多种反馈类型5.易于上手的编程界面,友好的人机交互功能和强大的系统参数监控能力,确保用户顺利开发八: 具体功能实现实例:1.资源的创建:资源需要提前配置,且非常简单,只需要按照实际要求创建几个组即可,之后只需要运行标准的程序套件即可轻松实现多轴同动,且效果非常好.无需进行复杂的程序编写,对调试人员的压力也小很多.(也可参看附件视频文件)2.多轴同动: (3轴螺旋线插补):该功能使用的是ELMO固有的PATH函数,由于前面已经提前定义了组,所以只需要调用固有的PATH函数即可运行该动作(也可参看附件视频文件)3.2轴任意规划曲线(蝶型曲线)九:ELMO的成功应用:1.人体检查设备○1CT(内脏,头部,牙齿,骨骼等)○2PET○3血管造影仪○4心脏造影仪○5(高精度)癌细胞病理切片扫描仪2.手术及配套设备○1伽马刀手术台○2远程医疗机器人○3体外血液循环泵3.康复设备○1肢体康复机器人4.药品制作与检测设备○1西林瓶灯检机○2水针线。
ST 驱动器的 SCL 使用手册
简介... .................................................................................5 SCL 是什么? ................................................................................................................................................5 SCL 的详细资料 ............................................................................................................................................5 开始 ....................................................................................7 步骤一:安装软件 ........................................................................................................................................7 步骤二:用 ST Configurator 设置您的 ST 驱动器 .......... ..............................................
Goldline GVA-24 电动阀安装手册说明书
Installation Manualfor modelGVA-24888-921-7665LD CG LINEON TROLSDescriptionThe GV A-24 Goldline Valve Actuator rotates 2-port and 3 port valves automatically. Use it with the Aqua Logic system or GL-235 Solar Controller to automate pool/spa operation, solar heating, cleaner operation, water features, or a variety of other uses. The industry standard configuration of the GV A-24 means that it is compatible with all major manufacturer's valves and pool automation systems. The unique cam setting feature ensures a quick and easy installation with the precise control of water flow.InstallationMounting OptionsThree Port ValveThe Model GV A-24 Actuator may be mounted to the valve in four different positions (Fig. 1). Depending on the location of the common port (where water enters valve) and exit port (where water leaves valve), the cam settings may have to be changed. See diagrams/tables on the following pages to determine which configuration matches your system.Using the chart below to determine correct cam setting using standard clock posi-tions. Refer to the "Cam Adjustment" section in this manual to change upper and lower cam positions if necessary. ArrayTwo Port ValveThe Model GV A-24 Actuator may be mounted to the valve in four different positions. In all cases, the cam settings are the same. Refer to the chart below for cam settingsfor 2 way valves.Mounting InstructionsIf the valve is plumbed with Port 2 as the common port and the main body of the actuator is mounted over Port 2 (standard mounting), there is no need to adjust the actuator cams.1.Remove Locking Knob and handle. Set aside for reinstallation later.2.Remove four (4) screws from the valve. Refer to Fig. 1 (mounting positions) to determine which screws to remove.3.On the back side of the actuator, align the smallest slot on the actuator shaft with the smallest slot on the valve diverter.4.With the two shafts engaged rotate the actuator until holes on the actuator align with the screw holes on the cover.e four (4) ¼-14x1½" long screws (packaged with the actuator) to secure it in place. Do not overtighten - be careful if using a power screwdriver.6.Place valve handle on actuator shaft and tighten Locking Knob.Cam Adjustment1.When changing the cam settings, move toggle switch at bottom of actuator to the OFF (center) position.2.Unscrew and remove Locking Knob and handle from actuator shaft.3.Remove the four (4) screws which hold the actuator cover on and remove cover.4.The upper and lower cam are located on the actuator shaft. Slide the cams off the shaft splines and rotate to the desired position. Refer to the charts on the previous pages to determine the correct cam setting for your installation. Some installations may require settings not found on the chart (partial open, partial close, etc.) All settings are referenced from the small slot on the shaft, which is always 12 o'clock (Fig. 2). The upper cam effects the clockwise position stop point. The lower cam to effects the counterclockwise rotation stop point.5.The toggle switch on the bottom of the valve actuator can be used to verify if thenew adjustment is correct (flip between ON1 and ON2).6.Replace cover and handle and tighten screws and Locking Knob.7.Put toggle switch back to ON1 or ON2 position.Synchronization InstructionAfter installation of the actuator(s), they may need to be synchronized. Out of syn-chronization refers to the condition where one actuator is rotating incorrectly in relation to another actuator. To correct this, simply flip the toggle switch at the bottom of the actuator which is out of synchronization between the ON1 and ON2 position.Manual OverrideIn the event of a power failure, you may need to move the valve position manually. Before performing this procedure, turn off pool filtration just in case power resumes. Follow the instructions below for manual override of the GV A-24 actuator.1.Put the toggle switch in the OFF (center) position.2.Unscrew the Locking Knob above the handle approximately 4 full turns (Fig. 3).3.Push down on the Locking Knob. This will disengage the gear train and allow thehandle and thus the diverter to be moved in any position.4.To return the actuator to automatic position, pull up on the handle while turningit clockwise or counterclockwise until you feel the shaft slide up into the gear train. Screw the Locking Knob down until snug.5.Put the toggle switch back in the ON1 or ON2 position.MaintenanceThe GV A-24 has two seals which should be lubricated every year. These O-ring seals are located at the top and bottom of the actuator, where the shaft exits the actuator housing. The top O-ring requires the removal of the handle, and the bottom requires that the gear train is disengaged. Follow the procedure below for instructions on how to lubricate the O-ring seals. Before performing this procedure, turn off pool filtration.1.Put the toggle switch in the OFF (center) position.2.Remove the actuator from the valve. Remove the Locking Knob and handle.3.Spread a small amount of Jacks 327 or other silicone based lubricant around theactuator shaft where it enters the cover.4.Reinstall handle and Locking Knob but only tighten one (1) turn.5.Push down on the Locking Knob to disengage the gear train. This will allow thehandle and the shaft to be moved in any position.6.Spread a small amount of lubricant around the actuator shaft where it protrudesfrom the bottom of the actuator enclosure.7.Turn the handle once around to spread the lubricant.8.Pull up on the handle, let it click into place and tighten Locking Knob.TroubleshootingIf you believe your actuator is not operating properly or have questions regarding the operation, call the Goldline Technical Service Dept. from Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM EST at 888-921-7665.1. Actuator handle oscillates.This condition may happen when the GV A-24 O-ring seals are not lubricated suffi-ciently. See "Maintenance" section in this manual.2. Actuator motor works but the valve diverter does not turn.On a pool/spa combination, the symptom of this problem would be a draining or overflowing spa. This condition will occur if the actuator is in the manual position. To correct this, pull up on the handle while rotating the handle in any direction until it clicks, then tighten the Locking Knob.3. Actuator motor does not turnThe motor will not turn if the switch is in the OFF position or if there is no power to the actuator. If the switch is in the OFF position, move to ON1 or ON2. To check power to the actuator, measure AC volts between the black (common) and each switch leg (red then white). If there is no AC volts on either leg, check the 24V AC power source.LIMITED WARRANTY Goldline warrants its Aqua Rite, Aqua Rite Pro, Aqua Trol, Aqua Logic and Pro Logic products (products with Goldline part numbers starting with AQ-RITE-, AQ-RT-PRO, AQ-TROL-, AQ-LOGIC-, AQL-P-, AQL-PS-, AQL-CL-, PL-P-, PL-PS-, and HPC-2) to be free from defects in material or workmanship, under normal use and service:For three years from the date of the initial system installation on private, residentialswimming pools within the USA or Canada and one year from the date of initial system installation on commercial installations, installations outside of the USA or Canada and for any replacement parts or accessory products, provided they are installed in accordance with the Goldline installation instructions and specifications provided with the product. If written proof of the date of the initial system installation is not provided to Goldline, the manufacturing datecode on the Aqua Rite, Aqua Rite Pro, Aqua Trol, Aqua Logic and Pro Logic electronics unit will be the sole determinant of the date of the initial system installa-tion.For residential installations in USA or Canada: If a product is defective in workmanship or materials and is removed and returned freight prepaid within three (3) years after the date of the initial system installation, Goldline will, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product and return it freight prepaid.For commercial installations, installations outside the USA and Canada, and accessory products and replacement parts: If a product is defective in workmanship or materials and is removed and returned freight prepaid within one (1) year after the date of the initial system installation, Goldline will, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product and return it freight prepaid.Contact any Goldline dealer or contact Goldline at 61 Whitecap Drive, North Kingstown, RI 02852 for warranty service. The costs incurred in removal and/or reinstallation of the product are NOT covered under this warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS:1.Material supplied or workmanship performed by others in process of installation.2.Damage resulting from improper installation including installation on pools largerthan the product rating.3.Problems resulting from failure to operate the product(s) in accordance with therecommended instructions contained in product’s owners manual(s).4.Problems resulting from failure to maintain pool water chemistry in accordance withthe recommendations in the owners manual(s).5.Problems resulting from tampering, accident, abuse, negligence, unauthorized repairsor alternations, fire, flood, lightning, freezing, external water, degradation of natural stone used in or immediately adjacent to a pool or spa, war or acts of God. DISCLAIMER.THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY ABOVE CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE WARRANTY OF GOLDLINE WITH RESPECT TO ITS POOL AUTOMA-TION AND CHLORINATION PRODUCTS AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WAR-RANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH V ARY FROM STATE TO STATE. IN NO EVENT SHALL GOLDLINE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAM-AGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OF EQUIP-MENT, LOST PROFITS OR REVENUE, COSTS OF RENTING REPLACEMENTS, AND OTHER ADDITIONAL EXPENSES, EVEN IF THE SELLER HAD BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-AGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NO WHOLESALER, AGENT, DEALER, CONTRACTOR OR OTHER PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO GIVE ANY WARRANTY ON BEHALF OF GOLDLINE.THIS WARRANTY IS VOID IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN ALTERED IN ANY WAY AFTER LEAVING THE FACTORY.。
CTB_GS标准系列驱动器调试方法 (3)
DC590+ 集成器系列2数字DC驱动器说明书
DC590+ Integrator Series 2 DC Drives 3 HP - 2000 HP (15A - 2400A)DC590+ DC Drive Integrator Series 2Digital DC Drives - 3 to 2000 HP (15A – 2400A)As part of the full DC drives product range, the DC590+ further confirms Parker SSD Drives’ position as the market leader in DC drive technology.The DC590+ Integrator Series 2 sees the next step in the development of DC drivetechnology, derived from over 30 years experience in designing DC drives. With its innovative 32-bit control architecture, the DC590+ has the flexibility and functionality to more than meet the requirementsof all applications, from basic motor installations through to the most demanding multi-motor systems.The DC590+ is also available as a “ready to install” drive package called the DRV. This is a single integrated module that includes all the associated power componentswithin the package. This innovative approach radically reduces design time, panel space, wiring time and cost. The DRV concept is unique and comes from the experiencegained from thousands of successful applications across a diverse range of industries.Product OverviewProduct Overview ChartBenefitting from the improved performance of a 32-bit RISC processor, the DC590+ Integrator Series 2 delivers enhanced functionality and increased flexibility, making it suitable for use in a wider range of more complex applications.• Faster drive response • Greater control capabilities • Increased math and logic function blocks• Enhanced diagnostic andprogramming functionality • Common programming tools with other SSD Drives modelsAdvanced Control ArchitectureThe DC590+ is easily integrated into new or existing systems, offering improved levels ofperformance and productivity.SpecificationFrame 1-4 have integral cooling fan assemblies where required. Optional ducting kit for cubicle roof external ventilation available for frame 4. Frame Size H has fan cooling assembly that can be cubicle roof mounted or drive mounted. Add 5.9” (150mm) to overall height for drive mounted option.FRAME 3FRAME 4DW HDWHFRAME HDWHRatings Power ConfigurationDC590+ Four Quadrant Regenerative;2 Fully Controlled Three Phase Thyristor Bridges DC591+ Two Quadrant Non-Regenerative; 1 Fully Controlled Three Phase Thyristor Bridge Thyristor Controlled Variable Field Supply Field Current (Amps DC)4A Frame 110A Frame 2 and 330A Frame 460A Frame 6 and H Field Voltage (VDC)AC Input x 0.9 maximumArmature Current Ratings (Amps DC)See table below for ratings.Overload 200% for 10 secs, 150% for 30 secs Higher ratings with reduced overloads availablePlease refer to manualArmature Voltage (VDC)AC Input x 1.2 maximumAC Supply Voltage (VAC)110 - 220V (±10%) All Sizes 220 - 500V (±10%) All Sizes500 - 600V (±10%) Frame 4, 6, and H 600 - 690V (±10%) Frame 6 and H 50/60Hz Three PhaseEnvironmentAmbient Operating Temperature 0°-45°C (32°-113°F) Frame 1 and 20°-40°C (32°-104°F) Frame 3, 4, 6 and HDerate 1% per °C above ambient to 55°C (131°F) maxOperating AltitudeUp to 1640 ft (500m) above sea levelDerate 1% per 656 ft (200m) above 1640 ft (500m) to maximum of 16,400 ft (5000m)Protection High Energy MOV’sHeatsink Overtemperature Instantaneous Overcurrent Thyristor Trigger Failure Inverse Time Overcurrent Interline Snubber Network Field FailureZero Speed Detection Speed Feedback Failure Standstill LogicMotor OvertemperatureInputs/OutputsAnalog Inputs (5 Total - 12 bit plus sign)1 – Speed Demand Setpoint (-10/0/+10V)4 – ConfigurableAnalog Outputs (3 Total - 11 bit plus sign)1 – Armature Current Output (-10/0/+10V or 0 - 10V)2 – ConfigurableDigital Inputs (9 Total - 24VDC max)1 – Program Stop 1 – Coast Stop 1 – External Trip 1 – Start/Run 5 – Configurable Thermistor Input 1 – IsolatedDigital Outputs (3 Total - 24V(max 30V) 100mA)Short circuit protected 3 – Configurable Reference Supplies 1 – +10VDC 1 – -10VDC 1 – +24VDCOptional Equipment6911 Operator/Programming Controller Feedback Boards • Tach generator • Encoder• Optical Fiber Microtach Encoder Communication Technology Box • LINK• Profibus DP • Devicenet • Controlnet • Ethernet • Canopen • Modbus +• EI Bisynch/Modbus/RS422/RS485Standards• The DC590+ series meets the following standards when installed in accordance with the relevant product manual:• CE Marked to EN50178 (Safety, Low Voltage Directive)• CE Marked to EN61800-3 (EMC Directive)• UL listed to safety standard UL508C through 500 HP • cUL listed to Canadian standard C22.2 #14 through 500 HPBlack product code indicates DRV package. Blue product code indicates chassis (controller only * First dimension is for non-regen, second is for regenFRAME 6FRAME 1FRAME 2DWHDWHValid at time of printDWHGray panels represent footprint ofDRV units for frames 3, 4, 6, and H.Note: Dimension table includes only the 230/460 volt ratings. Drives for a wide range of input voltages are available. For product codes, current ratings, and dimensional data on 110-220 volt, 575 volt, and 690 volt units, please consult factory. Drives of higher power ratings can also be provided upon request.Whatever the complexity of your control scheme, the DC590+ has the interface to suit. As standard there’s enough analog anddigital I/O for the most complex applications. Alternatively, add the relevant ‘technology box’ for immediate access to serial communications and Fieldbus networks. The DC590+ has been designed to fit seamlessly, and without compromise, into any control environment.Analog/Digital Control• 5 Analog Inputs (12 bit + sign) • 3 Analog Outputs• 9 Digital Inputs (5 configurable) • 3 Digital OutputsSerial Communications and Fieldbus Options• Profibus-DP • Ei Bisynch • Canopen • LINK• Modbus RTU • Devicenet • RS422/RS485 • Modbus+ • Controlnet• EthernetNext Generation TechnologyBuilding upon the highly successful DC590+ drive used in thousands of applications world-wide, the DC590+ Integrator Series 2 drive takes DC motor control to the next level. With its state-of-the-art advanced 32-bit control architecture, the DC590+ drive delivers highly functional and flexible control suited to a whole host of industrial applications.Providing control for some of the most demanding motorcontrol applications, Parker’s DC experience and technologies are some of the most advanced in the industrial marketplace. With drives from 1 Amp through to 2700 Amps, Parker can provide the optimum solution to suit any application.Typical Applications• Converting machinery • Plastics and rubber processing machinery • Wire and cable • Material handling • AutomotiveFunction Block ProgrammingFunction Block Programming is a tremendously flexible control structure that allows an almost infinite combination of userfunctions to be realized with ease. Each control function (an input, output, process PID for example) is represented as a software block that can be freely interconnected to all other blocks to provide any desired action.The drive is shipped with the function blocks pre-configured as a standard DC drive so you can operate it straight from the box without further adjustments. Alternatively you can create your own control strategy with DSE Lite software, often eliminating the need for an external PLC and its associated complexity and cost.Feedback OptionsThe DC590+ has a range of options which are compatible with the most common feedback devices enabling simple motor control through to the most sophisticated multi-motor system. Armature voltage feedback is standard without the need for any interface option.• Analog tach generator - AC or DC • Encoder - 5, 12, 15, or 24V • Optical fiber microtach encoderInterface OptionsDesigned with connectivity in mind, the DC590+ has a number of communications and I/Ooptions that allow the drive to take control of the application, or be integrated into a larger system. When combined with function programming, custom functions and control can be easily created offering the user a highly flexible and versatile platform for DC motor control.Programming/ Operator ControlsFeaturing an intuitive menu structure, the ergonomically designed operator panel allows quick and easy access to all parameters and functions of the drive via a bright, easy to read backlit display and tactile keypad. Additionally, it provides local control of start/stop, speed demand and rotation direction to greatly assist with machine commissioning.• Multi-Language alpha-numeric display• Customized parameter values and legends• On drive or remote mounting • Local control of start/stop, speed and direction • Quick set-up menuConnectivityStandard 6901 MMI/Programming Key-pad is easy to use, and may be remote mounted. It is compatible with other SSD Drives modelsAll DC590+ units are available as non-regenerative or full 4-Quadrant line regenerativemodelsProduct web page: /ssdusa/dc590plusDRV - PackagedDC Drive TechnologyThe DC590+ is available in either module, or alternatively ‘DRV’ format.The DRV version is a self-contained packaged drive that includes all the peripheral power components associated with a DC drive system, integrally fitted within the footprint area ofthe drive.DRV version includes:• AC line or DC armature contactor • AC line fuses• DC fuse(regenerative version)• Control/field fuses• Provision for optional motorblower starter• Provision for optional auxiliary control transformerSaving You:• Design time• Panel space• Component mounting and wiring • Component sourcing• Complexity• Time and cost DC590+ Designed for SystemsThe DC590+ Integrator Seriesis the ultimate system drive,designed to meet the exactingdemands of the most complexand sophisticated multi-driveapplications across a diverserange of industries. All thefollowing functions are availableas standard without the need forany additional hardware.• Function Block Programming• Software Configurable I/O• High Resolution (12 bit) AnalogInputs• Winder Control– Open loop with inertiacompensation– Closed loop speed or current– Load cell/dancer process PID• Math Functions• Logic Functions• Controlled Field Supply• ‘S’ Ramp and Digital RampDC590+ Designed ForA World MarketThe DC590+ is available with fullapplication and service supportin over fifty countries worldwide.So wherever you are, you canbe confident of full backup andsupport.• Support in over 50 countries• Multi-language menus• Input voltage ranges from 220-690V(Special voltages available)• CE marked• UL and cUL listed through 500 HP•50/60HzTraditional DC Drive Section DC590+ DRVequivalent, illustratingpanel space savingand simplification ofpanel wiringAC LineFusesDC FuseMotor BlowerStarterAC Line ContactorControl/Field FuseDC590+ DRV versionParker Hannifin Corporation SSD Drives Division9225 Forsyth Park Dr. Charlotte, NC 28273 USATel: (704) 588-3246 Fax: (704) 588-3249 **********************/ssdusaHA466595U001 Iss73/2013 ©2013 Parker Hannifin CorporationAE – UAE, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe,Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900**************************** AU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777AZ – Azerbaijan, BakuTel: +994 50 2233 458**************************** BE/LU – Belgium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BR – Brazil, Cachoeirinha RS Tel: +55 51 3470 9144BY – Belarus, MinskTel: +375 17 209 9399*************************CA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000CH – Switzerland, EtoyTel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00***************************** CL – Chile, SantiagoTel: +56 2 623 1216CN – China, ShanghaiTel: +86 21 2899 5000CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111******************************* DE – Germany, KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, BallerupTel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, MadridTel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500*************************FR – France, Contamine s/ArveTel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, AthensTel: +30 210 933 6450************************HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008HU – Hungary, BudapestTel: +36 1 220 4155*************************IE – Ireland, DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************JP – Japan, TokyoTel: +81 (0)3 6408 3901KR – South Korea, SeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400KZ – Kazakhstan, AlmatyTel: +7 7272 505 800****************************LV – Latvia, RigaTel: +371 6 745 2601************************MX – Mexico, ApodacaTel: +52 81 8156 6000MY – Malaysia, Shah AlamTel: +60 3 7849 0800NL – The Netherlands,OldenzaalTel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, SkiTel: +47 64 91 10 00************************NZ – New Zealand, Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744PL – Poland, WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portugal, Leca da PalmeiraTel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, BucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, SpångaTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300SK – Slovakia, Banská BystricaTel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TH – Thailand, BangkokTel: +662 717 8140TR – Turkey, IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081************************TW – Taiwan, TaipeiTel: +886 2 2298 8987UA – Ukraine, KievTel +380 44 494 2731*************************UK – United Kingdom,WarwickTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************US – USA, ClevelandTel: +1 216 896 3000VE – Venezuela, CaracasTel: +58 212 238 5422ZA – South Africa,Kempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************Parker Worldwide。
Kinetix 6200和Kinetix 6500模块化多轴伺服驱动器控制模块说明书
Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Modular Multi-axis Servo Drives Chapter 5Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Control ModulesThis section contains specifications and catalog numbers for the modular Bulletin 2094 SERCOS interface and EtherNet/IP network control modules. Choose your control module based on the communication and safety requirements of your application.Control Module SpecificationsControl modules couple with IAM and AM power modules to provide drive status indicators and an interface to I/O, communication, safety functionality, and feedback.Control Module Catalog NumbersCatalog numbers consist of various characters, each of which identifies a specific option for thatcomponent. Use the catalog numbering table chart below to understand the configuration of your module. For questions regarding product availability, contact your Allen-Bradley distributor.Feature Safe Torque-offSafe Speed Monitoring2094-EN02D-M01-S02094-SE02F-M00-S02094-EN02D-M01-S12094-SE02F-M00-S1Ethernet ports 2121SERCOS ports –Rx/Tx –Rx/Tx DC Bus status indicator √√√√Network status indicator √–√–Module status indicator √–√–Drive status indicator –√–√Comm status indicator –√–√Safety lock status indicator ––√√PORT 1 status indicator √√√√PORT 2 status indicator √–√–IOD connector for I/O, safety, and auxiliary feedback√√√√MF connector for motor feedback√√√√Axis Performance 02 = 500 µsBulletin NumberControl FeaturesM00 = SERCOS interface control M01 = EtherNet/IP network control Safety Features S0 = Safe torque-offS1 = Safe speed monitoring Network MediaD = Twisted pair, dual port (EtherNet/IP network)F = Fiber optic (SERCOS interface)Network Communication EN = EtherNet/IP network SE = SERCOS interfaceChapter 5Kinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 Modular Multi-axis Servo DrivesKinetix 6200 and Kinetix 6500 General System SpecificationsThis section contains environmental, weight, power dissipation, circuit breaker/fuse, transformer, and contactor specifications.Environmental SpecificationsWeight SpecificationsAttributeOperational Range Storage Range (nonoperating)Ambient temperature 0…50 °C (32…122 °F)-40…70 °C (-40…158 °F)Relative humidity 5…95% noncondensing 5…95% noncondensing Altitude 1000 m (3281 ft)3000 m (9843 ft) with derating3000 m (9843 ft) during transportVibration 5…***********(0.014in.)doubleamplitude,continuousdisplacement;55…**********************acceleration (10 sweeps in each of 3 mutually perpendicular directions)Shock15 g, 11 ms half-sine pulse (3 pulses in each direction of 3 mutually perpendicular directions)IAMPower Module Cat. No.Weight, (lb)AMPower ModuleCat. No.Weight, (lb)IAM (460V)2094-BC01-MP5-M 5.67 (12.5)AM (460V)2094-BMP5-M 3.18 (7.0)2094-BC01-M01-M 5.67 (12.5)2094-BM01-M 3.18 (7.0)2094-BC02-M02-M5.90 (13.0)2094-BM02-M3.40 (7.5)Kinetix 6200 Control Module Cat. No.Weight, (lb)Kinetix 6500 Control Module Cat. No.Weight, (lb)SERCOS interface2094-SE02F-M00-S00.68 (1.5)EtherNet/IP network 2094-EN02D-M01-S00.68 (1.5)2094-SE02F-M00-S12094-EN02D-M01-S1Chapter 12Motion Control AccessoriesInterface Cable CombinationsCable length xx or x-x is in meters. Refer to Standard Cable Lengths beginning on page 393.Cat. No.Cable Description Drive Compatibility 2090-UXPC-D09xx Serial cable to computer, 9-pinUltra3000/5000 drives2090-U3CC-D44xx (1)(1)This cable does not carry the unbuffered motor encoder signals (CN1 pins 10-15). Contact your Allen-Bradley sales representative if these signals are required for yourapplication.CN1 connector to flying leads for 1756-M02AE module, 44-pin, single-axis cableUltra3000, Ultra3000 with indexing drives andUltra3000-DN, Ultra3000-DN withindexing drives 2090-U3AE-D44xx (1)CN1 connector to premolded 1756-M02AE module connector, 44-pin, two-axis cable 2090-SCEP x-x SERCOS fiber optic plastic cables suitable only for use inside an enclosure. Connectors are provided at both ends.ControlLogix 1756-M xx SE modules toKinetix 2000, Kinetix 6000, Kinetix 6200, Kinetix 7000, and Ultra3000-SE drives 2090-SCVP x-x SERCOS fiber optic plastic cables suitable for use outside an enclosure. Connectors are provided at both ends.2090-SCNP x-x SERCOS fiber optic plastic cables suitable for use outside an enclosure in harsh duty applications. Connectors are provided at both ends.2090-SCVG x-x SERCOS fiber optic glass cables suitable for use outside an enclosure. Connectors are provided at both ends.2090-S-BLHD SERCOS fiber optic cable bulkhead adapter (2 per pack).1202-C02Drive-to-drive safety cable for connecting single-wide Kinetix 6000 axis modules.Kinetix 6000 drives with safe-off feature (2094-BC xx -M xx -S and 2094-BM xx -S) and Kinetix 7000 drives (2099-BM xx -S)1202-C03Drive-to-drive safety cable for connecting double-wide Kinetix 6000 axis modules.1202-C10Drive-to-drive safety cable for connections between two Kinetix 6000 power rails, two Kinetix 7000 drives, or from the Kinetix 6000 power rail to Kinetix 7000 drive.1585J-M8CBJM-x Double-ended (shielded) Ethernet cables for use when programming the safety configuration and the Logix EtherNet/IP network module.2094-SE02F-M00-S0 or 2094-SE02F-M00-S1Kinetix 6200 control modules and 2094-EN02D-M01-S0 or2094-EN02D-M01-S1Kinetix 6500 control modules1585J-M8CB-x Single-ended (shielded) Ethernet cables for use when programming the safetyconfiguration and the Logix EtherNet/IP network module.1585J-M8CC-H RJ45 insulation displacement connector (IDC) for use when making your own cables.1585-C8CB-S xxx Shielded Ethernet (bulk) cable for use when making your own cables.2090-DAPC-D09xx Ultra1500 serial interface to computer Ultra1500 drives 2090-DAIO-D50xxx Ultra1500 control interface to flying leads2090-U5PM-D09xx Ultra5000 to PanelView 300 Micro, 1761-NET-ENI, and MicroLogix DF-1Ultra5000 drives2090-U5PV-D09xx Ultra5000 to PanelView 300 Keypad 500/600/1000 Standard DF-12090-XXNRB-10F0P5Resistive Brake Module (RBM) to drive interface cable, 10 AWGKinetix 6000/Kinetix 6200/Kinetix 6500 drives 2090-UXNRB-10F1P3Ultra3000 drives2090-XXNRB-8F0P6Resistive Brake Module (RBM) to drive interface cable, 8 AWG Kinetix 6000/Kinetix 6200/Kinetix 6500 drives 2090-UXNRB-8F1P4Ultra3000 drives 2090-UXNRB-6F1P5Resistive Brake Module (RBM) to drive interface cable, 6 AWG Ultra3000 drives。
MKE 2 Gold 金属电路板指南说明书
Important safety information•Please read this instruction manual carefully and completely before us-ing the product.•Make this instruction manual easily accessible to all users at all times. •Always include this instruction manual when passing the product on to third parties.Before operation•Only connect the product to microphone inputs or power supply units which provide 48 V phantom powering as per IEC 61938 (48 ± 4 V, at least 3.5 mA per channel).•Never open the housing of the product. If products are opened by cus-tomers in breach of this instruction, the warranty becomes null and void.During operation•Liquids entering the product can short-circuit the electronics or dam-age the mechanics. Keep all liquids away from the product.•Solvents or cleansing agents can damage the surface of the product. Only use a soft, slightly damp cloth to clean the product.•Do not expose the product to extreme temperatures.After operation•Handle the product with care and store it in a clean, dust-free envi-ronment.Intended useIntended use includes:•having read this instruction manual, especially the chapter “Important safety information”,•using the product within the operating conditions and limitations de-scribed in this instruction manual.“Improper use” means using the product other than as described in this instruction manual, or under operating conditions which differ from those described herein.1MKE 2 GoldCondensor clip-on microphone with omnidirectional characteristic for top soundquality and robustness requirements. Suitable for vocal trans-mission, close-up miking, and miking of instruments in all fields of live sound transmission.Characteristics•Extremely small size, i.e. unobtrusive attachment to articles of clothing or the body.•Insensitive to structure-borne noise.•Linear frequency response.•Largely insensitive to penetration of sweat due to the patented tan-dem diaphragm. This design comprises two individual diaphragms in-stalled on both sides of the diaphragm ring. The bottom diaphragm is electrically active and forms the capacitive electro-acoustic transducer together with the back plate. The top diaphragm is passive and seals the microphone against sweat. Robust sealing of the housing is en-sured by a silicone ring. Since the diaphragms are extremely small and thin (less than 1 μm), the fact that they are made of different materials does not influence their acoustic properties - over a wide frequency range, these diaphragms oscillate like a tandem.bottom diaphragm - the back plateof the electroacoustic transducer.23High note emphasisYour microphone is delivered with two slip-on caps of different lengths.You may use these caps for high-note emphasis. Slip the cap on the head of the microphone until it locks into place.Please refer to the frequency diagrams in the appendix.•Short slip-on cap: MZC2-1 Cat. no. 076612 •Long slip-on cap: MZC2-2 Cat. no. 076645 Makeup protectionPlease protect your MKE 2 Gold by means of the makeup protection, if you attach your MKE 2 Gold to your body and want to put on makeup. The makeup protection is easy to install: just slip it on the microphone (with or without slip-on cap). The makeup protection prevents makeup from pene-trating into the gauze. Remove the makeup pro-tection shortly before you enter the stage. The makeup protection is available as accessory.Attachment of the microphoneDepending on the field of application, you may attach the MKE 2 Gold in different ways to either articles of clothing or your body.Attachment to articles of clothingYou may use the MZQ2 Gold clip to attach the microphone to your lapel, tie, collar, a button hole, etc. You may rotate the microphone holder in the clip in steps of 90°.For thin clothes (e.g. silk), please use the outer holewhere the clip’s contactpressure is the highest.You may also use the MZS 2 pin to attach the micro-phone to articles of clothing made of fabric that willnot be damaged by the pin. The pin attachment with-stands high mechanical loads and is also a very con-venient solution, if the articles of clothing do nothave collars or edges to which the MZQ2 clip can beattached.The MZM 10 and MZM 2 magnetic clips can be usedfor unobtrusive attachment of the microphone to ar-ticles of clothing. The frictional force between the mi-crophone and the fabric is often sufficient to ensurethat the microphone is not displaced. For smooth andsoft clothes, the neckstrap (included) ensures thatthe microphone is not displaced from its proper posi-tion.Wind-shieldsWind noise impairs the quality of outdoor recording and close-up miking. The MZW2 and MZW02 wind-shields considerably reduce the wind noise.Please install the MZW2 wind-shield, first. This Array wind-shield reduces the wind noise by a maxi-mum of 20 dB.You may further reduce the wind noise by 10dBby means of the additional MZW02 foam-netwind-shield.MZW2 and MZW02 are available asaccessories.Freefield frequency response7M K E 2 G o l d – T e c h n i c a l d a t a i n c o m p a r i s o n22 23 4 43 5 53 60 o m n i -d i r e c t i o n a l 20-20.000 H z ±3 d B1 5 m V / P a ±2,5 d B1000 Ω4.7 k Ω651 468126 d B 39 d B27 d B 40 d B142 d Bv i a S K 2012t r a n s m i t t e rv i a S K 3063-U t r a n s m i t t e ro p e n -e n d e d c a b l ev i a K 6/K 6P p o w e r i n g m o d u l e M i k r o d o t4-p i n L e m o—s p e c i a l c o n n e c t o r f o r s y s t e m K 6 1.6 m 4 m3 m4.8 m m1 gM Z C 2-1, M Z C 2-2 s l i p -o n c a p s , O p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s8Manufacturer declarationsWarrantySennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG gives a warranty of 24 months on this product. For the current warranty conditions, please visit our website at or contact your Sennheiser partner.FOR AUSTRALIA ONLYSennheiser goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.This warranty is in addition to other rights or remedies under law. Nothing in this warranty excludes, limits or modifies any liability of Sennheiser which is imposed by law, or limits or modifies any remedy available to the consumer which is granted by law.To make a claim under this warranty, contact Sennheiser Australia Pty Ltd,Unit 3, 31 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067, AUSTRALIA. Phone: (02)99106700,email:**********************.au.All expenses of claiming the warranty will be borne by the person making the claim.The Sennheiser International Warranty is provided by Sennheiser Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 68 165 388 312), Unit 3, 31 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia.In compliance with the following requirements WEEE Directive (2012/19/EC)Please dispose of this product at the end of its operational lifetime by taking it to your local collection point or recycling center for such equipment.CE Conformity•RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU)•EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)The declaration is available at .In compliance with •Europe EMC EN 55103-1/-2•USA FCC 47 CFR 15 subpart B•Canada Industry Canada CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)•China•Australia/New Zealand。
Eaton Moeller 系列 DIL-SWD SWD 联接器模块 118561 商品说明书
Eaton 118561Eaton Moeller® series DIL-SWD Function element, contactor,SmartWire-DT, DIL/MSC, manual/autoGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series DIL-SWD SWDcontactor module118561401508116831672 mm38 mm45 mm0.037 kgUL 508IEC/EN 60947ULEN 50178CECSA File No.: 2324643CSA Class No.: 3211-07UL File No.: E29184IEC/EN 61131-2UL Category Control No.: NKCR CSA-C22.2 No. 14-05IEC/EN 60947-4-1CSA DIL-SWD-32-002Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Model CodeFieldbus connection over separate bus coupler possibleDisplay of Contactor switching position, status of the digital inputs 1 and 2, 1-0-A switch positionFor connecting the contactors to SmartWire-DT Contactor actuationOwn supplySpring clamp connectionAddress allocation via Rotary switchControl mode ≤ 2.8 m, Connection auxiliary contact 40 mA, SmartWire-DT network3 mA210.5 AII2SmartWire-DT slaveOther bus systemsSWD contactor modulesDC1 g, 8.4 - 150 Hz, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Vibrations 3,5 mm, 5 - 8.4 Hz, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Vibrations 50 mm Drop height, Drop to IEC/EN 60068-2-310.3 m -25 °C 60 °C -30 °C 70 °CFeaturesFunctionsFitted with:Electric connection type Operating mode Cable lengthCurrent consumption Input current at signal 1 Number of inputs (digital) Number of outputs (digital) Output current Overvoltage category Pollution degreeProduct category ProtocolTypeVoltage typeConstant accelerationConstant amplitudeDrop and toppleHeight of fall (IEC/EN 60068-2-32) - max Ambient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - maxAs DILM7 to DILM3815 g, Mechanical, according to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 9 Impacts Condensation: prevent with appropriate measures 5 - 95 % (non-condensing, IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 5 - 95 % (non-condensing, IEC/EN 60068-2-30)8 kV, according to IEC 61131-2, level 3, ESD4 kV, according to IEC/EN 61131-2, Level 2, ESD3 V/m at 1.4 - 2 GHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008)10 V/m at 80 - 1000 MHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008) 1 V/m at 2.0 - 2.7 GHz (according to IEC/EN 61131-2:2008)10 V (IEC/EN 61131-2:2008, Level 3)Class A (EN 55011)0.2 - 1.5 mm² (24 - 16 AWG), solid 0.25 - 1.5 mm², flexible with ferrule15 V DC (auxiliary contact)0 VAC0 VAC15 VDC15 VDC125 mA (for DILM 7-9)188 mA (for DILM 12-15)500 mA (for DILM 17-38)3 W for DILM 7-9 (Pick-up power)4.5 W for DILM 12-15 (Sealing power) 12 W for DILM 17-38 (Pick-up power)3 W for DILM 7-9 (Sealing power)4.5 W for DILM 12-15 (Pick-up power) 0.5 W for DILM 17-38 (Sealing power)Address set automaticallyYesSWD: Plug, 8-polePush in terminals, Auxiliary contactExternal device plug SWD4-8SF2-5, SmartWire-DTStatus indication of SmartWire-DT network: Green and orange LEDMounting position Shock resistance Environmental conditions Relative humidity Relative humidityAir dischargeContact discharge Electromagnetic fields Radiated RFIRadio interference class Terminal capacityRated operational voltageSupply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - min Supply voltage at AC, 50 Hz - max Supply voltage at DC - min Supply voltage at DC - maxPick-up current Power consumption Sealing current AddressingConnection to SmartWire-DT Connection typeLED indicator188 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 12-1521 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 17-38125 mA, SmartWire-DT network for DILM 7-9SmartWire-DT slave, SmartWire-DT network2NoneNoneConnection auxiliary contact: no 0 W0 W0 AMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.StationNumber of auxiliary contactsExplosion safety category for dust Explosion safety category for gas Potential isolation Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent PvidHeat dissipation capacity PdissRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesMeets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.SmartWire-DT CatalogProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motors Switching and protecting motors - catalogDA-DC-00004245.pdfDA-DC-00004246.pdfDA-DC-00004109.pdfDA-DC-00004204.pdfDA-DC-00004108.pdfDA-DC-00004244.pdfDA-DC-00003912.pdfDA-DC-00004910.pdfDA-DC-00004880.pdfDA-DC-00004913.pdfDA-DC-00004878.pdfDA-DC-00004912.pdfDA-DC-00004911.pdfDA-DC-00004879.pdfDA-DC-00004937.pdfDA-DC-00004881.pdfeaton-modular-plc-swd-dil-swd-function-element-dimensions.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-function-dil-swd-function-element-3d-drawing-002.epsDA-CE-ETN.DIL-SWD-32-002IL03402036ZWIN-WIN with push-in technologyMN05006001Z_ENMN05006002Z_EN10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function CataloguesCertification reports Declarations of conformityDrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructions Installation videos Manuals and user guides mCAD modelEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaDA-CS-dil_swd_32 DA-CD-dil_swd_32。
GTHD 系列伺服驱动器 电机 产品选型指南说明书
GTHD 系列伺服驱动器/电机产品选型指南V1.12020 年2 月版权声明版权声明上海固高欧辰智能科技有限公司保留所有权力上海固高欧辰智能科技有限公司(以下简称固高欧辰)保留在不事先通知的情况下,修改本手册中的产品和产品规格等文件的权力。
联系我们客户服务:4006 300 321上海固高欧辰智能科技有限公司地址:上海闵行区东川路555 号4 号楼1 层电话:************54708786传真:************电子邮件:*********************网址:文档版本版本号修订日期V1.02016 年7 月19 日V1.12020 年02 月20 日前言前言感谢选用固高欧辰伺服驱动器为回报客户,我们将以质量一流的伺服驱动器、完善的售后服务、高效的技术支持,帮助您建立自己的系统。
固高欧辰产品的更多信息固高欧辰是固高科技(香港)有限公司旗下的智能控制系统产品公司,上海固高欧辰有限公司的网址是 。
选型指南的主要内容本手册提供本公司GTHD 系列伺服驱动器的型号说明和标准型号列表清单,并对不同型号GTHD 系列伺服驱动器的应用场合进行简单介绍。
相关文档GTHD 快速入门手册。
金升阳 MBP300-2A27D27 AC DC 模块电源说明书
300W ,165-264V AC 输入,双路输出AC/DC电池充电模块电源RoHS产品特点z 整机系统待机功耗低,各技术指标符合DL/T721-2013等配网自动化行业标准z 最大瞬时过功率达351Wz 具备电池充电功能,可对24V 铅酸电池充电,系统配套电池使用,可实现不间断供电z 具有电池充放电管理功能,电池状态显示,电池活化,外部通信和控制功能z 输出过流,过压保护z 2500V AC 高隔离电压z 工业级工作温度:-40℃~+70℃z 接线式安装MBP300-2A27D27是我司为客户提供的双路输出AC/DC 电池充电模块电源。
另外,本产品具有电源状态显示及智能充电功能,可对外接的24V 铅酸电池充电,在交流断电时电池可不间断的对负载供电;具有电池活化功能,手动或通过外部信号自动对电池进行活化维护;具有防止电池过放电的保护功能。
是专为配电自动化终端(DTU/FTU )设计的电池充电式模块电源;可广泛用于电力行业开闭所、配电所、环网柜、智能箱式变电站、智能开关控制器和其它行业需要不间断供电的场合。
短路保护全范围输入,断开电池打嗝式,可持续短路,自恢复过流保护16----A 过压保护全电压输入,不接电池,故障消失后自恢复供电29--33V 掉电保持时间全范围输入,Po=14W-- 1.5--s 注:*纹波和噪声的测试方法采用靠测法,具体操作方法参见《AC-DC模块电源应用指南》。
图1电源内部原理图图2电源内部隔离图1、充电及工作指示灯2、电池放电指示灯3、电池活化指示灯4、电池欠压指示灯5、电源故障指示灯6、手动活化启动按键7、手动活化退出按键8、手动电池投入按键9、手动电池退出按键10、接线端子端子号端子名称定义端子号端子名称定义端子号端子名称定义1ACL 交流输入L 相9VH 电源故障告警输出17Vo+负载输出正2PE 保护接地10HK 遥控活化启动18Vo+负载输出正3ACN 交流输入N 相11HG 遥控活化退出19B+电池接入正4NC 无电气连接12BG 遥控电池退出20B+电池接入正5VC 告警输入正13RL 活化放电负载正21B-电池接入负6POK输入失电告警输出14VG遥控公共接点22B-电池接入负7HOK电池活化状态输出15Vo-负载输出负8VL电池欠压告警输出16Vo-负载输出负2.接线示意图保险丝接线说明:K1K2K3为用户CPU等控制的继电器触点,R为电池活化放电电阻,负载为用户正常负载,电池为24V电池组。
CKD EBS-M G系列滑块EBR-M G系列杆带内置导轨INDEX ECR系列ECG系列控制器控
EBS Series Conventional
Conventional product
Body width
64 mm
MP 25.7 N·m
allowable MY 25.7 N·m
58 N·m
EBS-05 54 mm 103 N·m 103 N·m
144 N·m
For press fitting and hoisting
to return to origin when the power is
turned ON, and there is no need to install an origin sensor. This allows quick recovery from an emergency stop
EBR-M/G Series
Series variation ......................................................... 48 EBR-04M/G............................................................... 52 EBR-05M/G............................................................... 62 EBR-08M/G............................................................... 72 Technical data .......................................................... 82
320240液晶驱动 SED1335 控制器的液晶显示模块与单片机接口应用
320240液晶驱动SED1335 控制器的液晶显示模块与单片机接口应用2008年11月15日星期六20:161 引言液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display)简称LCD,以其独特的低压、微功耗特性广泛应用于便携式电子产品如移动通信和笔记本电脑中。
Truly(信利)公司的点阵型液晶显示模块MSP-G320240DBCW 是一种内置SED1335控制器的大屏幕带背光液晶显示模块,SED1335是日本Seiko Epson公司生产的液晶显示控制器,是同类产品中功能较强的一款产品。
本文转载地址为/technic_article/2007/1202/541.html2 液晶显示模块2.1模块结构和外部接口信号MSP-G320240DBCW模块的结构框图如图1所示。
该模块内置SED1335控制器,由CCFL背光、SED1335控制器、32 K*8 SRAM、液晶板等部分组成。
另外,SED1335具有较强的管理显示存储器的性能,内置一个字符发生器,具有160种57点阵字体的字符,并能分区管理64 K 的显示存储器,可以同时管理3个或4个显示区,并能同时管理用户自定义字符发生器。
M57962 IGBT驱动厚膜
K57962 IGBT驱动器一、原理框图:二、特点:•单管大功率IGBT模块驱动器。
三、应用:•可驱动IGBT (300A/1200V或600A/600V) 一只四、外形尺寸:五、电性能参数:(除另有指定外,均为在以下条件时测得:Ta=25℃,Vp=24V,Vcc=15V,Fop=50KHz,CL=100nF)参数符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位辅助电源电压(1) Vp 20 24 27 V 电源电流Iio CL=0 25Iil CL=100n 150 mA输入脉冲电压或电流幅值(2)Vpwm4.5 55.5 VIpwm9 10 12 mA注:1. 驱动器的工作电压Vp=Vcc+Vee,推荐24V。
2. 输入的TTL 5V信号电平时可直接连接,如信号的高电平Vim高于5V,应在输入端串连一个电阻Ri和电容Ci,Ri使输入电流为Ipwm,即Ri=(Vim-Vpwm)/Ipwm)=(Vim -5)/10mA;Ci=470pF。
3. 输出负压值与工作电压Vp有关,Vol=Vp-15。
4. 触发过流保护动作时的1脚对IGBT发射极的电压。
5. 检测到IGBT集电极的电位高于保护动作阈值后到开始软关断的时间。
WAGO-I O-SYSTEM 750 I O Modules 2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 m
Fieldbus IndependentI/O Modules2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching750-400(/xxx-xxx)ManualVersion 1.0.6ii • GeneralWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O ModulesCopyright © 2006 by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG All rights reserved.WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Hansastraße 27 D-32423 MindenPhone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69 E-Mail:*************Web: Technical SupportPhone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 5 55 Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 85 55 E-Mail:****************Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the correctness and com-pleteness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully ex-cluded, we would appreciate any information or ideas at any time. E-Mail:**********************We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are generally trademark or patent protected.Content• iiiWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O ModulesCONTENT1 Important Comments .................................................................................4 1.1 Legal Principles........................................................................................4 1.1.1 Copyright.............................................................................................4 1.1.2 Personnel Qualification.......................................................................4 1.1.3 Intended Use........................................................................................4 1.2 Symbols....................................................................................................5 1.3 Number Notation......................................................................................5 1.4 Safety Notes.............................................................................................6 1.5 Scope........................................................................................................6 2 I/O Modules.................................................................................................7 2.1 Digital Input Modules..............................................................................7 2.1.1 750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching].....7 Variations........................................................................................7 View................................................................................................7 Description......................................................................................8 Display Elements............................................................................8 Schematic Diagram.........................................................................9 Technical Data..............................................................................10 Process Image. (11)4 • Important Comments Legal PrinciplesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules1 Important CommentsTo ensure fast installation and start-up of the units described in this manual,we strongly recommend that the following information and explanations are carefully read and abided by.1.1 Legal Principles1.1.1 CopyrightThis manual is copyrighted, together with all figures and illustrationscontained therein. Any use of this manual which infringes the copyright provisions stipulated herein, is not permitted. Reproduction, translation and electronic and photo-technical archiving and amendments require the written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Non-observance will entail the right of claims for damages.WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to perform modifications allowed by technical progress. In case of grant of a patent or legal protection of utility patents all rights are reserved by WAGOKontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Products of other manufacturers are always named without referring to patent rights. The existence of such rights can therefore not be ruled out.1.1.2 Personnel QualificationThe use of the product detailed in this manual is exclusively geared tospecialists having qualifications in PLC programming, electrical specialists or persons instructed by electrical specialists who are also familiar with the valid standards. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG declines all liabilityresulting from improper action and damage to WAGO products and third party products due to non-observance of the information contained in this manual.1.1.3 Intended UseFor each individual application, the components supplied are to work with adedicated hardware and software configuration. Modifications are only permitted within the framework of the possibilities documented in the manuals. All other changes to the hardware and/or software and the non-conforming use of the components entail the exclusion of liability on part of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.Please direct any requirements pertaining to a modified and/or new hardware or software configuration directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.Important Comments • 5SymbolsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules1.2 SymbolsDangerAlways abide by this information to protect persons from injury. WarningAlways abide by this information to prevent damage to the device. AttentionMarginal conditions must always be observed to ensure smooth operation.ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)Warning of damage to the components by electrostatic discharge. Observethe precautionary measure for handling components at risk.NoteRoutines or advice for efficient use of the device and software optimization. More informationReferences on additional literature, manuals, data sheets and internet pages.1.3 Number NotationNumber Code ExampleNoteDecimal 100 normal notation Hexadecimal 0x64C notationBinary '100''0110.0100'within inverted commas, nibble separated with dots6 • Important Comments Safety NotesWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules1.4 Safety NotesWarningSwitch off the system prior to working on bus modules!In the event of deformed contacts, the module in question is to be replaced, as its functionality can no longer be ensured on a long-term basis.The components are not resistant against materials having seeping and insulating properties. Belonging to this group of materials is: e.g. aerosols, silicones, triglycerides (found in some hand creams).If it cannot be ruled out that these materials appear in the component environment, then additional measures are to be taken:- installation of the components into an appropriate enclosure - handling of the components only with clean tools and materials.AttentionCleaning of soiled contacts may only be done with ethyl alcohol and leather cloths. Thereby, the ESD information is to be regarded.Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair the functioning of the contact area.The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 and its components are an open system. It must only be assembled in housings, cabinets or in electrical operation rooms. Access must only be given via a key or tool to authorized qualified personnel.The relevant valid and applicable standards and guidelines concerning the installation of switch boxes are to be observed.ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)The modules are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. When handling the modules, ensure that the environment (persons, workplace and packing) is well grounded. Avoid touching conductive components, e.g. gold contacts.1.5 ScopeThis manual describes the Digital Input Module 750-400(/xxx-xxx) 2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching of the modular WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750.Handling, assembly and start-up are described in the manual of the Fieldbus Coupler. Therefore this documentation is valid only in the connection with the appropriate manual.750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching]• 7VariationsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules2 I/O Modules2.1 Digital Input Modules2.1.1 750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V3.0 ms, High-Side Switching]2-Channel Digital Input Module DC 24 V 3.0 ms,2-, 3- or 4-conductor connection; high-side switching2.1.1.1 VariationsItem-No. Designation Description750-4002 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms2-Channel Digital Input Module DC 24 V 3.0 ms,2-, 3- or 4-conductor connection; high-side switching750-400/025-000 2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms/T 2-Channel Digital Input Module DC 24 V 3.0ms,2-, 3- or 4-conductor connection; high-side switchingextended temperature range from –20 °C to +60 °C2.1.1.2 View2jumper contactscontacts 2DI 1Status DI 1Fig. 2.1.1-1: 2-Channel Digital Input Module 750-400 g040000e8 •750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching] DescriptionWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules2.1.1.3 DescriptionThe digital input module 750-400 receives control signals from digital field devices (sensors, switches, etc.).The module is a 2- to 4-conductor device and has two input channels. Two sensors may be directly connected to the module.Two 4-conductor sensors with ground (earth) wire may be directly connected to 24 V, 0 V, PE (earth potential), signal input DI 1 or signal input DI 2. Each input module has an RC noise rejection filter with a time constant of3.0 ms.The status of the input channels is indicated via status LEDs.An optocoupler is used for electrical isolation between the bus and the field side.Any configuration of the input modules is possible when designing the fieldbus node. Grouping of module types is not necessary.The field side supply voltage of 24V for the input module is derived from adjacent I/O modules or from a supply module . The supply voltage for the field side is made automatically through the individual I/O modules by means of power jumper contacts.WarningThe maximum current of the internal power jumper contacts is 10 A. When configuring the system it is important not to exceed the maximum/sumcurrent. However, if such a case should occur, another supply module must be added.The digital input module 750-400 can be used with all couplers/controllers of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750. Display ElementsLEDChannelDesignation State Function off Input DI 1: Signal voltage (0) A green 1StatusDI 1 on Input DI 1: Signal voltage (1) off Input DI 2: Signal voltage (0)Elements g040002xC green2Status DI 2onInput DI 2: Signal voltage (1)750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching] • 9Schematic DiagramWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules2.1.1.5 SchematicDiagram15234678DI 1DI 224V0V750-400Fig. 2.1.1-3: 2-Channel Digital Input Module 750-400 g040001e10 •750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching] Technical DataWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules2.1.1.6 Technical DataModule Specific Data Number of inputs2 Current consumption (internal) 3.7 mANominal voltage DC 24 V (-25 % ... + 30 %) Signal voltage (0) DC -3 V to +5 V Signal voltage (1) DC 15 V to 30 V Input filter3.0 msCurrent supply typ. 4.5 mA Isolation 500 V (System/Field) Internal bit width2 BitDimensions (mm) W x H x L 12 x 64* x 100* from upper edge of 35 DIN rail Weightca. 50 gStandards and Regulations (cf. Chapter 2.2 of the Coupler/Controller Manual) EMC-Immunity to interference (CE) acc. to EN 61000-6-2 (01) EMC-Emission of interference (CE)acc. to EN 61000-6-3 (01)EMC-Immunity to interference (Ship building) acc. to Germanischer Lloyd (01) EMC-Emission of interference (Ship building) acc. to Germanischer Lloyd (01) Approvals (cf. Chapter 2.2 of the Coupler/Controller Manual)C UL US (UL508) ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) BV (Bureau Veritas) DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Cl. BGL (Germanischer Lloyd) Cat. A, B, C, D KR (Korean Register of Shipping)LR (Lloyd's Register) Env. 1, 2, 3, 4 NKK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)C UL US (UL1604)Class I Div2 ABCD T4A KEMAII 3 G EEx nA II T4Conformity Marking750-400(/xxx-xxx) [2 DI DC 24 V 3.0 ms, High-Side Switching]• 11Process ImageWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O ModulesMore InformationDetailed references to the approvals are listed in the document "Overview Approvals WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750", which you can find on the CD ROM ELECTRONICC Tools and Docs (Item-No.: 0888-0412) or in the internet under: ! Documentation ! WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 ! System Description. Process ImageInput bit B1 B0 MeaningSignal statusDI 2 – Channel 2Signal status DI 1 – Channel 1WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 2880 • D-32385 Minden Hansastraße 27 • D-32423 Minden Phone: 05 71/8 87 – 0Fax: 05 71/8 87 – 1 69E-Mail:************* Internet: 。
Kinetix 5300 反馈连接器套件安装说明说明书
安装指南Kinetix 5300 反馈连接器套件产品目录号 2198-K53CK-D15M关于连接器套件本套件适用于 Allen-Bradley® 2090 系列电机反馈电缆,并且为 Kinetix®5300 驱动器上的电机反馈 (MFB) 连接器提供用于编码器信号的接线端子。
有关兼容的 2090 系列反馈电缆以及该套件的接线的更多信息,请参见 Kinetix 5300Servo Drives User Manual ,出版号 2198-UM005。
准备反馈电缆如要将反馈连接器套件用于现有 Bulletin 2090保电缆屏蔽层、导线长度和剥线长度正确无误。
•每根导线之间应留有 5 mm (0.2 in.) 反馈电缆示例重要信息2090 系列电机电缆的加蔽线须连接到引脚 16。
如果您的电缆不包括加蔽线,则必须在导线准备期间从整个屏蔽层中制作一根并将其连接到引脚 16。
2 Kinetix 5300 反馈连接器套件安装说明安装连接器套件按照以下步骤安装连接器套件。
对于 16 针端子引脚,请参见第3页上的连接器数据。
3.以 0.25 N•m (2.2 lb•in) 的最大扭矩,拧紧端子螺丝。
4.将屏蔽夹夹到 12 mm (0.5in.) 的裸露电缆屏蔽层上,以在屏蔽编织层和 PCB 上的接地板之间实现高效搭接。
6.以 0.34 N•m (3.0 lb•in) 的最大扭矩,拧紧夹紧螺钉。
以 0.34 N•m (3.0 lb•in) 的最大扭矩,拧紧盖板螺丝。
重要信息PCB 上的接地板的作用是提供正确接地并提升系统性能。
Halcyon Gold Overdrive 2说明书
Version 1.0www.origine ORIGIN EFFECTS is a trademark of Origin E ects Limited and is a registered trademarkin the United States, United Kingdom and the EU.The ORIGIN EFFECTS Totem Device is a trade mark of Origin E ects Limited and is a registered trademarkin the United States and United Kingdom.HALCYON is a trademark of Origin E ects Limited and is a registered trademark in the United States.All other product names and trademarks are the propertyof their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.KLON® and CENTAUR® are registered trademarks of KLON, LLC.Origin E ects has no a liation with KLON, LLC.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, whethermechanical or electronic, without the written permission of Origin E ects Limited.Origin E ects Limited reserves the right to change the features and specifications describedherein without notice or obligation. Origin E ects Limited cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any error or omission in this manual.PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS, PAY ATTENTION TO SAFETY WARNINGS.© Origin E ects Limited 2023IMPORT ANT:This product is designed to be powered from a 9VDC, >200mApower supply with 2.1mm centre-negative barrel connector.ContentsIntroducing the Halcyon Gold Overdrive (4)Connecting the Halcyon Gold Overdrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Controls (5)Sample Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Appendix A: Physical Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appendix B: Performance Specification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appendix C: Connector Pin Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Appendix D: Safety Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Appendix E: Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10The Halcyon Gold Overdrive is a versatile drive pedal featuring our proprietary Adaptive Circuitry. This unique design allows it to adapt its voicing in response to pick attack and volume changes, making it one of the most dynamic and interactive overdrives out there. While it is based on a certain rare and sought-after pedal, this is more than just a clone. Even though we went to great lengths to recreate the exact characteristics of unobtain-able vintage diodes, we didn’t stop there. We have also built in some innovative features that go way beyond the capabilities of the original pedal.We based this pedal on the Klon® Centaur® because it’s an all-time classic. Its clarity, dynamics and unique clean blend make it an excellent choice for players who like their overdrive pedals to have a more natural quality, capable of pushing the front end of any great amp. The all-too-frequently used term “transparent overdrive” really started with the Centaur® – and it thoroughly deserves that reputation.The Halcyon Gold Overdrive picks up where the Klon® leaves o , adding even more playability to this players’ favourite. The signature mid-hump now responds to playing dynamics and volume knob changes, and we’ve included our own smoother, more neutral voicing too. Add in an adjustable DRY control and you have an undeniably classic sound with way more variety.Key Features:• Adaptive circuitry responds to volume changes and playing dynamics• Based on the iconic Klon® Centaur®• DRY level control for extra tweakability• Voice switch o ers two flavours of mid push and drive• Ultra-high input impedance• High-quality bu ered bypass• Premium components throughout• Designed and built in England9VDC:INSTR:AMP:ControlsADAPT SWITCH:Position O:Position II:The e ect will be more prominent with higher setting on the DRIVE knob.Position I: Less adaptive than Position II. This setting still responds well to dynamics and volumechanges but maintains some bass and treble roll-o , perfect for keeping the low end tight and preventing feedback with high-gain tones.NOTE: Because the mid hump of the original Klon® Centaur®incre ase s with highe r gain, the Halcyon Gold Overdrive’s Adaptive behaviour will be more noticeable the higher you set the DRIVE control. This means you can turn the DRIVE up higher than is typical for Klon® users, then roll the guitar volume back to get the flatterclean boost tones that the pedal is known for.Controls (continued)ADAPT SWITCH (suggestion): To hear the ADAPT switch in action, set the DRIVE above 10 o’clock, select Position II, play some licks, then roll down your guitar volume to a clean tone and select Position O. You will hear a big di erence between the adaptive and stock clean tones!VOICE SWITCH: The VOICE switch gives you the ability to select either the classic Klon® mid hump or a smoother, more balanced tone. The KLN setting has the standard resonant, focused mid peak of an original Klon. The MOD setting has a broader mid hump and a softer, more compressed clipping characteristic. The MOD setting is particularly well suited to single coil pickups, and higher gain tones paired with very clean amp sounds.DRIVE: Turn clockwise to increase the amount of overdrive. Lower settings should be used when boosting an amp on the edge of breakup. When used with ADAPT settings I and II, high DRIVE settings can sound more natural than a typical drive pedal and will work well with a completely clean amp. ADAPT settings I and II will be more prominent the higher you set the DRIVE control.LEVEL: Sets the output level from the pedal. Turn clockwise to push the input of your amp. Keep this control set lower when using higher DRIVE settings.TONE: Turn counterclockwise to roll o more high-end. Lower settings will result in a typical warm lead tone while higher settings will give a bright, cutting tone. With ADAPT settings I and II, the e ect of the TONE control is reduced as the pedal cleans up, getting you back to your core clean tone.DRY: The Centaur® circuit mixes some of your dry guitar signal with the pedal’s overdrive tone. This control sets the level of that dry signal. We have also made improvements to this dry path, changing the overload characteristics when stacking with other pedals. Turn clockwise to help maintain body, clarity and definition when used with an overdriven amp. Turn counterclockwise to remove the clean signal, which can help when using the pedal as a standalone overdrive into a clean amp.Sample SettingsAppendix A: Physical SpecificationAppendix B: Performance SpecificationAppendix C: Connector Pin Out Instrument & Ampli er 1/4” TS Sockets:Appendix D: Safety NoticesGeneral SafetyKeep these instructions and heed all warnings. Do not use this apparatus near water. Clean only with a dry cloth. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifi ers) that produce heat. Refer all servicing to qualifi ed service personnel. When using an external power supply, use only attachments/accessories specifi ed by Origin Effects. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarised or grounding-type plug. A polarised plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fi t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.CAUTION! No user-servicable parts inside. In the event of damage to the unit service orrepair must be done by qualifi ed service personnel only.This Product is CE compliant.This product is UKCA compliant.The crossed out wheely bin symbol indicates this product is classified as Waste Electricaland Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the European Union and should not be discardedwith household waste. Other territories may vary. Contact your local authority or OriginEffects for more information.This product conforms to the European Union’s directive 2011/EU on Restrictions ofHazardous Substances (RoHS).Evaluation of apparatus based on altitude not exceeding 2000m. There may be somepotential safety hazard if the apparatus is operated at altitude exceeding 2000m.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including nickel, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to RoHSAppendix E: WarrantyThis product is covered by a 2-year manufacturer’s warranty from the date of purchase. This applies only to original purchasers who have bought their product from an authorised Origin Effects dealer or directly from Origin Effects.All returns or servicing should be arranged through the original dealer. Proof of original ownership may be required in the form of a purchase receipt.For full warranty details visit /warranty.。
2、 显示内容:320(列)×240(行)点 3、 全屏幕点阵 4、 可直接与 Intel8080 或 M6800 系列时序的 MPU 连接,默认 Intel8080 时序 5、 具有专用指令集,可完成文本显示、图形显示或文本和图形混合显示的功能设置,
M0:内、外字符发生器的选择: M0=0 为内部字符发生器有效; M0=1 为外部字符发生器有效,此时内部字符发生器被屏蔽,字符代码全部供给外 部字符发生器使用。
WF 0 0 0 0
/WR(R/W) R/W=1,读
对应6800系列接口为E,使能信号 高电平为读操作
数据线 0
数据线 1
数据线 2
10 DB3
数据线 3
11 DB4
效地组合成新的参数组,需要注意的是虽然参数可以不必全部写入,但所写的参数顺序不能改 变,也不能省略。
指令详述: 1、SYSTEM SET 指令代码:40H
该指令是模块软件初始化指令,在 MPU 操作模块时,必须首先要写入这条指令,如果该 指令设置出现错误,则显示必定不正常。该指令带有 8 个参数。
DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 P1
BEIJI NG L MY ELECTRO NICS CO.,LTD TX-KA962/F中大功率IGBT驱动芯片TX-KA962F产品手册BEIJI NG L MY ELECTRO NICS CO.,LTD TX-KA962/F目录一、概述 (3)二、原理框图 (3)三、电气参数 (3)3.1 极限参数 (3)3.2 驱动特性 (4)3.3 工作条件 (4)3.4 短路保护特性 (4)3.5 驱动电源要求 (5)四、输出波形 (5)4.1 软关断曲线 (5)4.2 曲线说明 (5)五、尺寸结构 (6)5.1 外形尺寸 (6)5.2 引脚说明 (6)六、应用电路说明 (6)6.1 驱动器低压信号侧的连接 (6)6.1.1 输入信号的连接 (6)6.2 驱动高压侧驱动电源的连接 (6)6.3 驱动器高压侧输出的连接 (7)6.3.1 驱动功率的计算 (7)6.3.2 IGBT的连接 (7)6.4 保护参数的设置 (7)6.4.1 保护阈值设定(Vn) (7)6.4.2 盲区时间设定(Tblind) (8)6.4.3 软关断时间设定(Tsoft) (8)6.4.4 故障后再启动时间设定(Trst) (8)6.4.5 故障信号输出接口 (8)6.5 驱动芯片测试方法 (9)6.6 典型应用电路 (9)七、相关产品信息 (9)7.1 TX-PD203(DC-DC模块电源) (9)7.2 TX-QP102(死区控制芯片) (9)7.3 TX-DA962Dn系列IGBT驱动板 (9)八、常见问题 (10)九、其它说明: (10)BEIJI NG L MY ELECTRO NICS CO.,LTDTX-KA962/FTX-KA962F 、KA962 中大功率IGBT 驱动器一、概述∙ 单管中大功率IGBT 模块驱动器,可驱动300A/1700V 以下的IGBT 一只。
∙ 可按默认值直接使用,也可根据需要调节盲区时间、软关断的速度、故障后再次启动的时间。
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Intelligence is Simplicity
Sensor Groups
Each feedback type is offered for all the SimplIQ drive series The drive informs the feedback type by WS[30] command and also by letter on the part number sticker:
Speed and position accuracies
Supplies and references
Emulated encoder signal
High performance, high accuracy and resolution
Ease-of-use and user friendly interface
Absolute position sensors (multi-turn and single-turn) Heidenhain serial data interface format (EnDat2.1) with sine/cosine incremental signals Stegmann HiperFace serial data interface format with sine/cosine incremental signals SSI serial data interface format (like Tamagawa style)- on development
Intelligence is Simplicity
Digital FB– Digital Halls
The table describes the digital hall sensor reading. The commutation field angle (BLDC) is the angle that produces maximum torque for this hall sensor reading.
Abs. Encoder – SSI format
Intelligence is Simplicity
Advantages for All Feedback Options
Commutation accuracies
Efficient and compact solution
No extra hardware for translation (R/D) interpolation or reference signals
Intelligence is Simplicity
Digital FB– Digital Halls
The hall sensors are 3 electrical angle readouts
Hall A Hall B Hall C
Electrical Rotor Position (Degrees)
Illegal 330-30 30-90 90-150 150-210 210-270 270-330 Illegal
Letter on the part number sticker
Blank “R” “I” “T” “A” “S”
Encoder only
Encoder & Digital Halls
Digital Halls only
Analog Encoder & Digital Halls
Analog Halls
Absolute Coarse/Fine encoder
Abs. Encoder – Heidenhain format
Abs. Encoder – HyperFace format
Gold 系列驱动器反馈模块
Overview the list of the feedback types supported by Elmo digital drives
Explanation– What is it? Technical Specification Functionality Advantages and Disadvantages
Intelligence is Simplicity
SimplIQ Feedback Options
The following table details the hardware correlation between sensor and SimplIQ drives
Hardware feedback sensor – WS[30] 5…7 bit
Intelligence is Simplicity
Sensor Groups
Digital sensors Digital halls Incremental encoder Incremental encoder and halls
Analog sensors Resolver Interpolated analog encoder Analog halls Tachometer Potentiometer Absolute single turn coarse/fine analog encoder
010 100
Intelligence is Simplicity
Digital FB– Digital Halls
The hall sensors divide the entire electrical cycles into 6 regions, each 60 degrees wide.