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Who made the world’s first compass? What are you doing now? I do n’t know what his view is. Which class are you in? 不定代词

Geology is the science of the earth ____ whole.

A) a B) as a C) is a D) it is a Do you think Janet enjoys ______.

A) to play piano B) playing the piano

C) to play the piano D) playing with the piano

Yesterday I borrowed ____ book from the library. ___ book is about science.

A) the/the/the B) that/a/the C) a/the/x D) a/the/the

___ lion is a dangerous animal.

A) an B) these C) some D) a ___ lion is the king of beasts.

A) some B) any C) an D) the

___ earth makes one revolution round ___ sun in about 166 days A) the/a B) an/a C) the/the D) x/x ___ good and ____ beautiful do not always go together. A) the/the B) a/a/ C) the/x D) x/x It was ___ story that we nearly fell asleep.

A) such long B) a long such C) a so long D) so long a

He devoted his whole life to ____ building of socialism. A) the B) x C) a D) a lot She was asked ___ to sing a song.

A) second time B) time second C) second a time D) a second time

___ nearer the planet is , ___ bigger it looks;.

A) the/the B) x/the C) the/x D) x/x My brother is good at playing ___ chess.

A) x B) this C) these D) the

With John and ____ helping him, Mr. Fisher began to build a stone wall around the garden.

A) I B) my C) me D) mine I had a walk for a while ___ after supper.

A) my own B) by himself C) by myself D) by alone Neither your answer nor ____ is right.

A) my B) mine C) he’s D) him

Each student should have ____ schedule signed by the department chairman.

A) their B) his C) its D) our ____ is a great Party, a glorious Party, a correct Party.

A) we have B) our C) ours D) we our England is proud of ___ navy.

A) his B) their C) him D) her

There is still some paper on my desk. You may take all of ___. A) it B) them C) which D) one You may leave the experiment to ___.

A) we three B) three of we C) us three D)three us The committee was unable to agree on a policy, and so ___ decided to meet again next month.

A) he B) they C) it D) she

Nothing is accomplished by hurting people’s feelings; therefore, if you want to help someone, be careful to deal with ____. A) that B) him C) them D) it

___ had taken them much less time to cross the channel than it would if they had gone by boat.

A) that B) what C) it D) this

If we finish all of our business as planned, ___ will leave for New York on Monday morning.

A) you and me B) I and you C) Helen and I D) she and you

It’s difficult to classify mathematics as simply an art or a science, because ___ contains elements of both.

A) they B) it C) those D) what They all went to see the exhibition except ____.

A) he and I B) him and I C) him and me D) I and him

Here is a picture of John, a good friend of ___ , which was taken at the beach last summer.

A) his and mine B) him and me C) his and my D) you and me

The primary responsibility is managing a dormitory rests with students___.

A) By itself B) my itself C) themselves D) theirs We are all the students of ___ , of that man standing over there. A) Him B) his C) he D) one

Precisely the same thought sent the three of us in 2 different directions, ___.

A) They to San Francisco and I to New York B) them to San Francisco and I to New York

C) them to San Francisco and me to New York D) them for San Francisco and me for New York “May I speak to Peggy?” “This is ___ speaking.”

A) She B) her C) him D) hers The atmosphere of the earth is much denser than ____.

A) the moon B) that of the moon C) that of the moon’s atmosphere D) which of th e moon ____ seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist thinks and acts.

A) that B) this C) what D) these

Realizing that all ___ cases are approximations, however, does not lessen their predicative usefulness in actual situations. A) such B) that C) same D) this

Vacuum rubes take up a lot of space. And the radio could not work
