职业综合英语(1) 作业1

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Ⅰ. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right. Group One

1. acquireB A. make something increase

2. operateG B. obtain something

3. entertainF C. keep one’s distance from

4. individual E D. be likely to do

5. tend toJ E. a single person or thing

6. fuelA F. receive people as guests

7. implyD G. cause to work; manage

8. stay away fromC H. person elected or appointed to act for others

9. reflectI I. express or mean indirectly

10. representativeH J. make clear; show

Group Two

1. locate H A. way of acting or behavior towards other people

2. sketchF B. the possibility that something will happen

3. manner A C. an act of trying to do something

4. remoteJ D. improve the quality, value or extent of something

5. enhanceD E. program or timetable for work

6. prospectB F. a rough or unfinished drawing or painting

7. flatten I G. an objective or result towards which efforts are directed

8. targetG H. find the exact position of something

9. attemptC I. make or become flat

10. scheduleE J. far away in space or time

Ⅱ. Multiple Choice For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. He had been a doctor for five years by the time he __D__ from the medical school.

A. will graduate

B. will have graduated

C. graduates

D. graduated

2. An exhibition of paintings _B___ at the museum next week.

A. are to be held

B. is to be held

C. are holding

D. will hold

3. After the project ___C_, the engineers immediately started a new one.

A. completed

B. has completed

C. had been completed

D. has been completed

4. We __D__ for an hour when the bus finally came.

A. waited

B. have waited

C. have been waiting

D. had been waiting

5. Will you please lend me the manual when you _C___ it?

A. will finish

B. have finished

C. will have finished

D. finishing

6. Rebecca is too young to _B___ in the house without a babysitter.

A. be left

B. leave

C. be leaving

D. leaves

7. I don’t remember __A__ a chance to make a presentation before so many customers.

A. having been given

B. having given

C. to have been given

D. to have given

8. The room _A___ at the moment, so it isn’t looking.

A. is being painted; its best

B. has painted; the best

C. is painted; its best

D. has been painted; best

9. When her husband died, all her happiness _A___.

A. was destroyed

B. damaged

C. had damaged

D. destroyed

10. Once environmental damage _D___, it takes many years for the system to recover.

A. has done

B. is to do

C. does

D. is done

11. The old __B__ treated badly in some countries.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. was

12. Both the secretary and the manager __B__ agreed to cancel the meeting.

A. has

B. have

C. are

D. was

13. Either you or I __A__ going to the manager’s office after work.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. will

14. This is one of the best products that _A___ sold this year.

A. have been

B. has

C. had been

D. have

15. About 80 percent of the work __D__done yesterday.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

16. I don’t think it’s necessary to go _B___ all the details in the mind.

A. off

B. over

C. on

D. by

17. I’m not sure whether it is good or not. It ___B_ the result.

A. leads to

B. depends on

C. brings about

D. results in

18. You need an __C__ production manager to solve the problems

A. efficient

B. effective

C. capable

D. emotional

19. The students gave their classrooms an extra clean and were ready __B__ the leader’s arrival.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. in

20. The old lady’s death was not known _C___ the policemen broke into her room.

A. when

B. after

C. until

D. while

21. The guide __A__ taking the small path to the scenic spot.

A. decided

B. proposed

C. thought

D. planned

22. We feel lonely because we haven’t spent much time communicating __A__ our


A. with

B. to

C. from

D. on

23. The president brought __B__ all of the new ideas in the meeting and considered them one by one in the following days.

A. up

B. forward

C. together

D. about

24. My teacher said that I had a gift for art and if I stuck to A____.

A. painting.

B. paint

C. be painting

D. be painted

25. The experts _B___ this film would be popular in the world like Titanic.

A. made sense

B. made sure

C. made believe

D. made up

26. He got _B___ his bicycle and bought two kilos of tomatoes.
