

Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812 –9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular.

Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens left school to work in a factory after his father was thrown into debtors' prison. Although he had little formal education, his early impoverishment drove him to succeed. Over his career he edited a weekly journal for 20 years, wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas and hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles, lectured and performed extensively, was an indefatigable letter writer, and campaigned vigorously for children's rights, education, and other social reforms.

Dickens sprang to fame with the 1836 serial publication of The Pickwick Papers. Within a few years he had become an international literary celebrity, famous for his humour, satire, and keen observation of character and society. His novels, most published in monthly or weekly instalments, pioneered the serial publication of narrative fiction, which became the dominant Victorian mode for novel publication. The instalment format allowed Dickens to evaluate his audience's reaction, and he often modified his plot and character development based on such feedback. For example, when his wife's chiropodist expressed distress at the way Miss Mowcher in David Copperfield seemed to reflect her disabilities, Dickens went on to improve the character with positive lineaments. Fagin in Oliver Twist apparently mirrors the famous fence Ikey Solomon; His caricature of Leigh Hunt in the figure of Mr Skimpole in Bleak House was likewise toned down on advice from some of his friends, as they read episodes. In the same novel, both Lawrence Boythorne and Mooney the beadle are drawn from real life –Boythorne from Walter Savage Landor and Mooney from 'Looney', a beadle at Salisbury Square. His plots were carefully constructed, and Dickens often wove in elements from topical events into his narratives. Masses of the illiterate poor chipped in ha'pennies to have each new monthly episode read to them, opening up and inspiring a new class of readers.

Dickens was regarded as the literary colossus of his age. His 1843 novella, A Christmas Carol, is one of the most influential works ever written, and it remains popular and continues to inspire adaptations in every artistic genre. His creative genius has been praised by fellow writers—from Leo Tolstoy to G. K. Chesterton and George Orwell—for its realism, comedy, prose style, unique characterisations, and social criticism. On the other hand Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Virginia Woolf complained of a lack of psychological

┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊depth, loose writing, and a vein of saccharine sentimentalism.

Dickens loved the style of the 18th century picaresque novels which he found in abundance on his father's shelves. According to Ackroyd, other than these, perhaps the most important literary influence on him was derived from the fables of The Arabian Nights.

His writing style is marked by a profuse linguistic creativity. Satire, flourishing in his gift for caricature is his forte. An early reviewer compared him to Hogarth for his keen practical sense of the ludicrous side of life, though his acclaimed mastery of varieties of class idiom may in fact mirror the conventions of contemporary popular theatre. Dickens worked intensively on developing arresting names for his characters that would reverberate with associations for his readers, and assist the development of motifs in the storyline, giving what one critic calls an "allegorical impetus" to the novels' meanings. To cite one of numerous examples, the name Mr. Murdstone in David Copperfield conjures up twin allusions to "murder" and stony coldness. His literary style is also a mixture of fantasy and realism. His satires of British aristocratic snobbery—he calls one character the "Noble Refrigerator"—are often popular. Comparing orphans to stocks and shares, people to tug boats, or dinner-party guests to furniture are just some of Dickens' acclaimed flights of fancy.

The author worked closely with his illustrators, supplying them with a summary of the work at the outset and thus ensuring that his characters and settings were exactly how he envisioned them. He would brief the illustrator on plans for each month's instalment so that work could begin before he wrote them. Marcus Stone, illustrator of Our Mutual Friend, recalled that the author was always "ready to describe down to the minutest details the personal characteristics, and ... life-history of the creations of his fancy."

Dickens's biographer Claire Tomalin regards him as the greatest creator of character in English fiction after Shakespeare. Dickensian characters, especially so because of their typically whimsical names, are amongst the most memorable in English literature. The likes of Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, Jacob Marley, Bob Cratchit, Oliver Twist, The Artful Dodger, Fagin, Bill Sikes, Pip, Miss Havisham, Sydney Carton, Charles Darnay, David Copperfield, Mr. Micawber, Abel Magwitch, Daniel Quilp, Samuel Pickwick, Wackford Squeers, Uriah Heep are so well known as to be part and parcel of British culture, and in some cases have passed into ordinary language: a scrooge, for example, is a miser.

His characters were often so memorable that they took on a life of their own outside his books. Gamp became a slang expression for an umbrella from the character Mrs Gamp and Pickwickian, Pecksniffian, and Gradgrind all entered dictionaries due to Dickens's original portraits of such characters who were quixotic, hypocritical, or vapidly factual. Many were drawn from real life: Mrs Nickleby is based on his mother, though she didn't

┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊recognize herself in the portrait, just as Mr Micawber is constructed from aspects of his father's 'rhetorical exuberance': Harold Skimpole in Bleak House, is based on James Henry Leigh Hunt: his wife's dwarfish chiropodist recognized herself in Miss Mowcher in David Copperfield. Perhaps Dickens's impressions on his meeting with Hans Christian Andersen informed the delineation of Uriah Heep.

Virginia Woolf maintained that "we remodel our psychological geography when we read Dickens" as he produces "characters who exist not in detail, not accurately or exactly, but abundantly in a cluster of wild yet extraordinarily revealing remarks."

One "character" vividly drawn throughout his novels is London itself. From the coaching inns on the outskirts of the city to the lower reaches of the Thames, all aspects of the capital are described over the course of his body of work.

查尔斯•狄更斯(1812.2.7- 18703.6.9日)是英国的一位作家、社会评论家。他创造了世界上一些最令人难忘的虚构人物,普遍被认为是维多利亚时代最伟大的小说家之一。在他的一生中,他的作品享有前所未有的盛名。到了二十世纪,他的文学天分得到了评论家和学者们的广泛认可。他的小说和短篇故事继续广泛流行。














狄更斯诞辰200周年,最好的纪念方式或许是回头重看他的作品 狄更斯的生命不长,只有58年,但密度很高——他在生命期限内所作的创造依然热热闹闹地影响着今天的世界 《国际先驱导报》记者赵菲菲发自北京 2012年2月7日是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯诞辰200周年纪念日。人们首先注意到谷歌首页的“涂鸦”(Google Doodle):一幅有瓷器般质感的精致画面,几个形态各异的小人儿——他们出自狄更斯笔下,包括《雾都孤儿》中的奥利弗、《远大前程》中的埃斯特拉和《圣诞颂歌》里的斯克鲁奇。狄更斯还得到另外一项“数字致敬”:英国华威大学决定推出一个移动应用程序,让用户可以阅读狄更斯小说,并通过相关的播客、文章和视频了解维多利亚时代的英国。 2月7日那天,伦敦和狄更斯出生地普茨茅斯都举行一系列纪念活动。查尔斯王子前往威斯敏斯特教堂的狄更斯墓献花并发表讲话说,狄更斯“始终是最伟大的英语作家之一,用天才的想像力为社会正义激情战斗”。英国文化协会还组织了长达24小时的全球“朗读马拉松”,从狄更斯作品中截取24段文字,在澳大利亚、伊拉克、中国、巴基斯坦等国接力朗读。 维多利亚时代的披头士 英国媒体对狄更斯的热情溢于言表。罗伯特·道格拉斯·菲尔赫斯特的《成为狄更斯》和克莱尔·托玛琳的《狄更斯的一生》相继出版。关于狄更斯的报道也四面开花。《卫报》的一篇文章说,斯克鲁奇是“我们最喜爱的狄更斯笔下人物”。《每日电讯报》宣布狄更斯是“我们第一个也是最喜爱的文学超级明星”。《每日邮报》则声称狄更斯是爱情骗子,文章题目抓人眼球:《狄更斯的黑暗内心:这位作家如何虐待妻子并引诱比他年轻26岁的女人》。 如此热闹的气氛和狄更斯倒很相宜。狄更斯是不甘寂寞的人。他不仅是作家,也是公众人物。他热爱戏剧,钟情表演,常常为公众朗读作品。他被视为那个时代最出色的餐后演讲者和业余演员。《狄更斯和流行娱乐》一书的作者保罗·施利克把他1842年初次访问美国时的情景与100多年后披头士乐队造访纽约的盛况相比。波士顿大学教授纳塔丽·麦克奈特说他是“史上第一个流行文化名人”。她说,狄更斯在波士顿访问时被尾随,粉丝们想法设法去看他住过的酒店房间,还试图从他的外套上揪下一撮毛来留作纪念。 西方最热闹的节日圣诞节也是狄更斯的“发明”——不是那个宗教节日,而是围绕这个节日的流行文化气氛。19世纪初,圣诞节几乎变得“不值一提”。比如,英国保守党的卡尔顿俱乐部在圣诞节当天还安排工作会议。狄更斯1843年出版的《圣诞颂歌》取得轰动,这本书让人们哭,也让人们笑。小说《名利场》的作者威廉·萨克雷说,《圣诞颂歌》“在整个英国激发了热情好客的精神,让圣诞节点起无数温情的炉火,人们挥洒善意,畅饮美酒,火鸡被宰杀,牛肉被烤制……”因为狄更斯,圣诞节变成了最欢乐团圆的日子。人人都说的Merry Christmas也出自《圣诞颂歌》。 英国记者克里斯托弗·希金斯把狄更斯对“生日庆典”的热爱归结为童心。狄更斯不仅保持了童心,更洋溢着儿童般原始的生命力。他写了14部半小说,创造了900多个人物,同时还设立并主编若干报纸杂志,当记者,写文章,经营戏剧演出,做慈善,致力于社会改革,创办并经营一家风尘女子收容所,跟出版商吵架,出国旅行,参加各种社交活动,让妻子生了10个孩子,搞婚外恋,每天晚上散步数英里以平静“发烧的灵魂”……他的生命不长,只有58年,但密度很高。 四海之内皆兄弟 狄更斯在1858年写给朋友威尔基·柯林斯的信中说:“一切正在发生的事情都毫无疑问地表明,你不能把世界拒之门外;你身处这个世界,属于这个世界,你必须与之交融,充分利用这个世界,也充分利用自己。”所以,狄更斯敞开大门,欢迎所有人,欢迎英雄,也欢迎恶棍,尽管走进门来的大多是存在各种性格弱点、命运多舛但仍然努力活下去的普通人:孤儿皮普,律师卡尔顿,教唆犯费金,教员尼克尔贝,方头方脑的葛雷硬,一毛不拔的斯克鲁

Charles Dickens狄更斯英文简介

Charles Dickens was a famous English critical realism novelist in the 19th century.He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. With time going by, his novels and short stories continue to be widely popular. He had a well-off family in his early years and was once educated in a private school for a period of time,but his parents often banqueted guests and used money without restraint.At the age of 15, he graduated from Wellington College, and then worked into a lawyer line. Later he turned to newspaper, becoming a reporter at the age of 20.Like many others, he began his literary career as a journalist. Dickens wrote many works in his life,such as the Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, David Copperfield,The Old Curiosity Shop and so on. Pickwick Papers was Dickens? first big pop ular success, written when he was only twenty-four years old.His literary style is a mixture of fantasy and realism.

Charles Dickens狄更斯的英文介绍

Charles Dickens Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) was a famous English critical realism novelist in the 19th century. “He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars.” With time going by, his novels and short stories continue to be widely popular. In his works, he paid special attention to the life of "little guy" at the bottom of society in the UK, which deeply reflected the complex social reality at that time. LIFE AND CAREER Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth on 7 February 1812, the second son of John and Elizabeth Dickens. He had a well-off family in his early years and was once educated in a private school for a period of time, but his parents often banqueted guests and used money without restraint. As a result, his father, inspiration for the character of Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield, was imprisoned for bad debt when Charles Dickens was 10 years old. “The entire family, apart from Charles, was sent to Marshalsea along with their patriarch. Charles was sent to work in Warren's blacking factory and endured appalling conditions as well as loneliness and despair.” He worked over 10 hours every day. After three years, luckily, his father inherited a legacy of the family, so their economic conditions were improved. He was returned to school, but the experience was never forgotten and became fictionalized in two of his better-known novels David Copperfield and Great Expectations. At the age of 15, he graduated from Wellington College, and then worked into a lawyer line. Later he turned to newspaper, becoming a reporter at the age of 20. “Like many others, he began his literary career as a journalist. His own father became a reporter and Charles began with the journals The Mirror of Parliament and The True Sun. Then in 1833 he became parliamentary journalist for The Morning Chronicle. With new contacts in the press he was able to publish a series of sketches under the pseudonym 'Boz'. In April 1836, he married Catherine Hogarth, daughter of George Hogarth who edited Sketches by Boz. Within the same month, came the publication of the highly successful Pickwick Papers, and from that point on there was no looking back for Dickens.” Besides a huge list of novels, “he published autobiography, edited weekly periodicals including Household Words and All Year Round, wrote travel books and administered charitable organizations. He was also a theatre enthusiast, wrote plays and performed before Queen Victoria in 1851. His energy was inexhaustible and he spent much time abroad - for example lecturing against slavery in the United States and touring Italy with companions Augustus Egg and Wilkie Collins, a contemporary writer who inspired Dickens' final unfinished novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood. He was estranged from his wife in 1858 after the birth of their ten children, but maintained relations with his mistress, the actress Ellen Ternan.” However, too much hard work and disappointment at reform seriously impaired his health. He died of a


查尔斯·狄更斯[1812-1870]是英国维利亚时代著名的作家,其一生创作了10余部长篇小说及许多中短篇小说,马克思曾把他与萨克雷,夏洛蒂,勃朗特·兽斯凯尔夫人等人一起称为“现代英国的一批杰出的小说家”并称他是“时代的旗帜”。而《双城记》则是他为数众的小说中,仅有的两部历史小说中的一部,(另一部是《巴纳比·拉奇》)。它完成于1859年,是一部以法国大革命为写作背景的作品。当时的英国处于资本主义经济迅速发展的时期。海外的殖民扩张,殖民掠夺使英国资产阶级暴富并积累了大量的资本。在英国国内,随着资本主义的不断发展,工人阶级不断成熟壮大,资产阶级对劳动人民的压日益加剧,资产阶级与工人阶级的矛盾日益加深。英国的工人阶级为了争取政治权利早在19世纪30、40年代就掀起了轰轰烈烈的“英国宪章运动”这次被列宁称为“世界上第一次广泛的、真正群众性政治性的无产阶级革命运动”虽然失败了,却让狄更斯敏锐地感觉到19世纪50年代的英国人民与18世纪末的法国人民处境非常相似,上层贵族骄奢无度,下层劳动群众饥寒交迫,为此他决定以法国大革命为背景,映射当时英国社会现状,提醒警示英国统治者,以期待实现狄更斯本人人道主义以仁爱精神调和社会矛盾,化解阶级仇恨,反对暴力(既包括统治者对劳动人民的暴力统治,也包括劳动人民对统治者压迫的暴力反抗)的精神理想。 因为狄更斯将故事发生的地点定位于英国伦敦和法国巴黎,小说故此得名《双城记》。全书共分三部,分别是《复活》、《金线》、和《暴风雨的踪迹》。以一名法国名为梅尼特的医生在1757-1789年

间遭受的一段无端迫害及下层劳动人民得法利夫人一家的悲惨生活遭遇为两条主线。在小说中作者狄更斯着重墨描写了几个人生经历、个性迵然不同的典型人物,并通过故事的情节发展,(在对人物的中明显地表达了作者遭遇及个性部析中的人道主义主张)。对其中符合其本人人道主义理想的人物进行了充分的赞美,对与其人道主义理想背道而驰的人则进行了无情的揭露与批判。并以此为基础,以近乎宿命的形式安排了小说中主人公的生命结局。 一、梅尼特医生是人道、正直、大善、至爱、充满牺牲精神的化身。 作品中的主人公梅尼特医生本来过着极其简单而真实的生活。他家庭生活幸福美满,年轻有为。然而他的不幸却仅源于一次受厄弗里蒙侯爵家之邀的出诊。候爵厄弗里蒙请梅尼特医生为他们家的女奴姐弟看病。身受重伤,奄奄一息的弟弟,一个年仅17岁的男孩却使尽全身气力,挣扎着对梅尼特医生控诉了如下一段话,“这些有钱的贵族对我们很残忍”原来候爵的弟弟看上了候爵家的一年轻漂亮女奴想霸为已有,却遭到了女奴及其丈夫的强烈反对,因此候爵强迫女奴丈夫白天拉车,晚上守田干活至死。女奴被候爵弟弟抢走,导致精神失常。女奴的弟弟想要为姐姐报仇,却又被候爵刺成重伤。作品中的女奴虽然精神崩溃却用她自己的方式“她始终不曾减弱尖厉的叫喊声,也不曾说错言语的顺序和音节。总是“我的丈夫,我的父亲,我的兄弟!这样尖叫。”这种凄厉的尖叫竟持续了26个小时。甚至使候爵本人都感觉到一种莫名的恐惧。而被厄弗里蒙候爵刺伤的弟弟则在临终前满腔愤

狄更斯 双城记 英语 论文

Abstract There are many themes like class contradiction and revolution in this book,but at the same time Dickens put love as the subject of the novel. In this paper I will emphasis the love of the two outstanding young to their lover Lucie. The love theme under the French Revolution indicateed the distinct epochal characteristics. This paper will analysis this from three parts. The backgroud of the story, the love of Charles Darnay and Lucie,the selfless love and sacrifice of Sydney Carton. The first part I will describe some existed backgrounds of the time, and I also will indicate the class hatred. Especially the suffering of Doctor Manette at that situation. The second part I will study the love of Charles Darnay and Lucie, and analysis Doctor Man ette’s feeling for his daughter’s marriage. The last part is also the most important part, I want to analysis Sydney Carton’s characters and his selfishless of love. In conclusion, we can learn that the love theme in this novel was affected by the background and we can see the true love and goodness of humanity. Key words :love and hatred;the French Revolution;kindheartedness;selflessness


┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊ Charles John Huffam Dickens (7 February 1812 –9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. During his life, his works enjoyed unprecedented fame, and by the twentieth century his literary genius was broadly acknowledged by critics and scholars. His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular. Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens left school to work in a factory after his father was thrown into debtors' prison. Although he had little formal education, his early impoverishment drove him to succeed. Over his career he edited a weekly journal for 20 years, wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas and hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles, lectured and performed extensively, was an indefatigable letter writer, and campaigned vigorously for children's rights, education, and other social reforms. Dickens sprang to fame with the 1836 serial publication of The Pickwick Papers. Within a few years he had become an international literary celebrity, famous for his humour, satire, and keen observation of character and society. His novels, most published in monthly or weekly instalments, pioneered the serial publication of narrative fiction, which became the dominant Victorian mode for novel publication. The instalment format allowed Dickens to evaluate his audience's reaction, and he often modified his plot and character development based on such feedback. For example, when his wife's chiropodist expressed distress at the way Miss Mowcher in David Copperfield seemed to reflect her disabilities, Dickens went on to improve the character with positive lineaments. Fagin in Oliver Twist apparently mirrors the famous fence Ikey Solomon; His caricature of Leigh Hunt in the figure of Mr Skimpole in Bleak House was likewise toned down on advice from some of his friends, as they read episodes. In the same novel, both Lawrence Boythorne and Mooney the beadle are drawn from real life –Boythorne from Walter Savage Landor and Mooney from 'Looney', a beadle at Salisbury Square. His plots were carefully constructed, and Dickens often wove in elements from topical events into his narratives. Masses of the illiterate poor chipped in ha'pennies to have each new monthly episode read to them, opening up and inspiring a new class of readers. Dickens was regarded as the literary colossus of his age. His 1843 novella, A Christmas Carol, is one of the most influential works ever written, and it remains popular and continues to inspire adaptations in every artistic genre. His creative genius has been praised by fellow writers—from Leo Tolstoy to G. K. Chesterton and George Orwell—for its realism, comedy, prose style, unique characterisations, and social criticism. On the other hand Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Virginia Woolf complained of a lack of psychological


查尔斯狄更斯简介英文 查尔斯·狄更斯,英国作家,特别注意描写生活在英国社会底层的“小人物”的生活遭遇,深刻地反映了当时英国复杂的社会现实,下面是店铺为你整理的查尔斯狄更斯简介英文,希望对你有用! 查尔斯·狄更斯简介 Charles Dickens, full name Charles John Heifam Dickens (English name: Charles John Huffam Dickens, February 7, 1812 - June 9, 1870), British writer. The main works are "David Copperfield" "Pickwick rumor" "fog are orphans" "old antique shop" "hard times" "our common friend" "Tale of Two Cities" and so on. Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in the suburbs of Portsmouth, was born in the Navy staff family, juvenile family life because of distress, only intermittent school. After being forced to work in the factory to do child labor. After 15 years old, became a law firm apprentice, record and court scorer. 20 years old when the newspaper interviewer, reported the House of Commons. In 1837 he completed the first novel "Pickwick rumor", is the first realist novel creation, and later creative talent to mature, has published "fog orphans" (1838), "old antique shop" (1850), "The Times of Hardness" (1854), "Tale of Two Cities" (1859) "Great Expectations" (1861), 1870 June 9 died in Rochester near the Gates Villa. Dickens especially paid attention to describing the life of the "little people" living in the bottom of the British society, and profoundly reflected the complex social reality of Britain at that time, and made outstanding contributions to the development and development of British critical realist literature. His works have had a profound impact on the development of English


查尔斯狄更斯名言英语 导读:本文是关于查尔斯狄更斯名言英语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、人在精神方面受到了最可怕的打击时,往往会丧失神志。 People often lose their mind when they are most horrible in spirit. 2、像杜蛎一样,神秘,自给自足,而且孤独。 Like the oyster, it is mysterious, self-sufficient, and lonely. 3、世界上有许多苦难在那儿等着我呢;一旦置身其间,就许可以显出几分英雄本色。 There are many miseries in the world waiting for me; and once in the midst of them, it is permissible to show some heroic qualities. 4、人能尽自己的责任,就可以感觉到好象吃梨喝蜜似的,把人生这杯苦酒的滋味给抵消了。 If one can do one's duty, one can feel as if he were eating pears and drinking honey, and counteract the bitter taste of life. 5、我现在已做的远比我所做的一切都美好;我将获得的休息远比我所知道的一切都甜蜜。 What I have done is far better than what I have done; the

rest I shall have is far sweeter than everything I know. 6、其实也没什么可放弃的,除了无边的苦难和废墟外。 In fact, there is nothing to give up, except for endless suffering and ruins. 7、凡事不能只看表面,要有凭有据才能作准。为人处世,这是头一条金科玉律。 We must not only look at the surface, but only rely on evidence. This is the first rule of law. 8、只要可能,我不会光讲大道理,我不会光用说教来回答你对我的信任。 As long as possible, I will not only speak the truth, but I will not use the sermon to answer your trust in me. 9、虽说前途令人担忧,但是凶吉未卜,所以还模模糊糊地怀着懵懂的希望。 Though the future is worrying, the danger is uncertain, so there is still vague hope. 10、浑身刻板死沉、满面阴惨抑郁的人,不论其生相如何,衣饰如何,都是天上人间最坏的人。 A man of stiffness and gloom and depression, no matter how he was born or dressed, is the worst man in the world. 11、医生和护士说了几句为死者祈求希望和安宁的话。可是,希望和安宁与她已经久违多时了。


双城记人物英文名及介绍 (原创实用版) 目录 1.查尔斯·狄更斯及其作品《双城记》简介 2.主要人物英文名及介绍: a) Sydney Carton b) Charles Darnay c) Lucie Manette d) Dr.Manette e) Madame Defarge f) Jerry Cruncher g) Mr.Lorry 正文 查尔斯·狄更斯是英国著名的小说家,他的作品《双城记》是一部以法国大革命为背景的历史小说。该书讲述了 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初,发生在法国巴黎和英国伦敦的一系列故事,揭示了当时社会的黑暗面和人性的复杂。 以下是《双城记》中的主要人物及其英文名介绍: a) Sydney Carton:一位英国律师,为了爱情和道义,最终选择代替另一个人赴法受刑。 b) Charles Darnay:法国贵族后代,因家族原因被牵连入狱,在英国伦敦与 Lucie Manette 相识并相爱。 c) Lucie Manette:法国医生之女,曾在法国大革命期间遭受迫害,后来在英国与 Charles Darnay 相识并结为夫妇。

d) Dr.Manette:Lucie Manette 的父亲,法国医生,因受迫害而失去自由,后被救出并在英国与家人团聚。 e) Madame Defarge:法国革命时期的妇女领袖,秘密地策划和推动革命,却因为个人恩怨而陷害他人。 f) Jerry Cruncher:一位英国卖报人,曾参与法国大革命,目睹了诸多血腥场面,最后在英国伦敦安度晚年。 g) Mr.Lorry:英国银行家,为人正直,勇敢,他为 Charles Darnay 和 Lucie Manette 提供了很多帮助,并在法国大革命期间冒险救出了Dr.Manette。


查尔斯·狄更斯 一、人物简介 代表作品:《雾都孤儿》、《大卫·科波菲尔》、《双城记》 人物生平:狄更斯1812年出生于英国,是海军职员约翰·狄更斯和伊丽莎白·巴洛所生的第二个孩子。狄更斯5岁时全家就迁居占松,10岁时又搬到康登镇(今属伦敦)。狄更斯早年家境小康,小时候曾经在一所私立学校接受过一段时间的教育,但是父母经常大宴宾客,金钱上没有节制,12岁时,狄更斯的父亲就因债务问题而入狱,一家人随著父亲迁至牢房居住,狄更斯也因此被送到伦敦一家鞋油场当学徒,每天工作10个小时。或许是由于这段经历,备尝艰辛、屈辱,看尽人情冷暖,使得狄更斯的作品更关注底层社会劳动人民的生活状态。小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中,就是描写了自己这一段遭遇。 不过由于父亲继承了一笔遗产而令家庭经济状况有所好转,狄更斯也才有机会重新回到学校。15岁时他从威灵顿学院毕业,随后进入一家律师行工作,后来又转入报馆,20岁时成为一名新闻记者。狄更斯并没有接受很多的正规教育,基本上是靠自学。 狄更斯后来成为一名国会记者,专门采访英国下议院的政策辩论,也时常环游英伦采访各种选举活动。他开始在各刊物上发表文章,并最终收集成《博兹札记》出版,这是他的第一部散文集。但真正使他成名的是1836年出版的《匹克威克外传》),全书透过匹克威克与三位朋友外出旅行途中的一连串遭遇,描写了当时英国城乡的社会问题,一开始这本书并没有引起太多的焦点,第一年只销售500册,到了1837年春天,《匹克威克外传》成为英国社会争相讨论的话题,社会上出现了“匹克威克热”,英国城市的街头出现各种各样与匹克威克有关的商品,最后此书成为世界文学的经典名作。 狄更斯一生刻苦勤勉,繁重的劳动和对改革现实的失望,严重损害了他的健康。1870年6月9日狄更斯因脑溢血与世长辞,临终时他的第一部侦探小说《艾德温·德鲁德之谜》也未能完成。他去世后被安葬在西敏寺的诗人角,他的墓碑上写道:“他是贫穷、受苦与被压迫人民的同情者;他的去世令世界失去了一位伟大的英国作家。”


狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中英文互译 《雾都孤儿》是英国作家狄更斯于1838年出版的长篇写实小说。该作以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述了一个孤儿悲惨的身世及遭遇。主人公奥利弗在孤儿院长大,经历学徒生涯,艰苦逃难,误入贼窝,又被迫与狠毒的凶徒为伍,历尽无数辛酸,最后在善良人的帮助下查明身世并获得了幸福。 Oliver Twist By Dickens "This is a painful task," said he, "but these declarations, which have been signed in London before many gentlemen, must be substance repeated here. I would have spared you the degradation, but we must hear them from your own lips before we part, and you know why." “这是一份不愉快的差事,”他说,“但必须把这些在伦敦当着好几位绅士签了字的声明的要点重申一下。我极不愿意让你再次出丑,但我们必须听你亲口复述一遍,然后才能分手,理由你也知道。” "Go on," said the person addressed, turning away his face. "Quick. I have almost done enough, I think. Don’t keep me here." “讲下去,”布朗劳先生与之说话的那个人应道,一边把脸扭开去,“快一点。我认为我差不多一切都照办了。不要再把我拖住在这里。”


艰难时世简介 篇一:狄更斯论文摘要 Abstract Hard times, written by Charles Dickens, is the immortal masterpiece of the great critical realism, and a huge and instantaneous success upon publication in 1854. Novels of Dickens popular at utilitarianism trend powerfully criticism, thus revealing the main character in the novel the tragic end of the root. But in the novel Dickens expressed his human love for the poor, revealing that love generates strength, love triumphs over Facts, and love brings about hope. Through analyzing the love in Hard Times, it is concluded that Hard Times is full of love. Two persons need to be remembered. Mr,Gradigrind, the warmly endearing Sissy jupe, and the eternally noble Stephen Blackpool-Hard Time carries a uniquely powerful message and remains one of the most widely read of Dicken’s. The whole thesis conisits of five parts. The first part introduce Literary Review,Second part is Hard Times,Third parts is The Plot of Hard Times,Fourth parts is Love in Hard Times,and last parts is Conclusion.


狄更斯简介资料 狄更斯是谁?查尔斯·狄更斯,英国小说家,出生于海军小职员家庭。狄更斯是19世纪英国现实主义文学的主要代表。马克思把他和萨克雷等称誉为英国的“一批杰出的小说家”。下面就是店铺给大家整理的狄更斯简介资料,希望对你有用! 狄更斯简介 查尔斯·狄更斯,英国小说家,出生于海军小职员家庭,10岁时全家被迫迁入负债者监狱,11岁就承担起繁重的家务劳动。曾在皮鞋作坊当学徒,16岁时在律师事务所当缮写员,后担任报社采访记者。他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学和艰辛劳动成为知名作家。狄更斯是高产作家,他凭借勤奋和天赋创作出一大批经典著作。他又是一位幽默大师,常常用妙趣横生的语言在浪漫和现产中讲述人间真相,狄更斯是19世纪英国现实主义文学的主要代表。艺术上以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理分析,以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛的有机结合著称。马克思把他和萨克雷等称誉为英国的“一批杰出的小说家”。 狄更斯生平介绍 1812年2月7日,狄更斯出生在英国南部朴次茅斯的波特西地区一个贫寒的小职员家庭里。父亲是海军会计处的小职员,因无法清偿债务而被投进债务监狱。这时刚满10岁的狄更斯不得不挑起全家生活重担,11岁时就被送到一家皮鞋油作坊去当童工。为节省开支,母亲和弟妹都搬进监狱和父亲住在一起。狄更斯在外做工,每逢星期日领到薪水就买些食物去监狱看望父母弟妹。后来狄更斯的父亲继承了一位远亲的一笔遗产,还清债务后出狱。狄更斯离开鞋油作坊进入一家小学读书,对学校里摧残儿童的野蛮教育十分反感。狄更斯充满痛苦的童年生活,使他一生对穷人,特别是对贫苦儿童怀着深切同情,后来写了不少儿童题材的作品,如《大卫·科波菲尔》中就有他童年生活的影子。 由于家庭贫穷,狄更斯从16岁开始,先后做过律师的抄写员、事务所的信差、法院的速记员,这使他走遍伦敦的大街小巷,出入法院
