最新 频次效应及其对外语教学的启示-精品


关键词:频次;英语技能;英语教学中图分类号:H0文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5039(2017)02-0192-021概述学习中的反复练习对英语技能培养有促进作用(Newell&Rosenbloom 1981),在语言教学中老师们非常强调“熟能生巧”(Ellis 2002:178)。
(Arevart&Nation1991;Bygate 1999;Gass et al.1999)指出重复操练确实有助于提高学习者口语流利度、准确度和句法复杂度,另外重复输入法既可以帮助学生提高解码能力,也可以提高阅读理解能力。
2研究的理论框架Usage-based models crucially propose that linguistic knowl⁃edge is not innate but learned from exposure to rich input in contex⁃tualized meaningful social interaction(Behrens 2009b;Tomasello,2003).The more strongly a construction or an exemplar is en⁃trenched,the more easily and fluently it is accessible for process⁃ing at the next encounter(Bybee 2006;Ellis 2011a :195).Frequency of occurrence is measured in terms of tokens.The token frequency of a construction is the sum of occurrence of the construction in the input.结构类型的能产性和创造力来自于高类符率(type fre⁃quency ),类符的频率与语言的发展和创造力有关。

1 大学英语网络教学的特点国家对大学英语教学的要求明确了我们教学的目标之一就是“培养学生英语综合应用能力”。

语言研究频次作用对二语读写任务的影响庄婕 山东科技大学摘 要:频次是语言学习的决定性因素(Ellis,2002),在语言习得理论中起着不可替代的重要作用。
关键词:频次作用;读写任务;写作内容;流利性[中图分类号]:H315 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2016)-26-175-01频率被认为是语言学习的重要因素,Ellis(2002)更提出“频次是语言学习的决定性因素”。
1、研究方法1.1 研究对象本研究的研究对象为某校大三英语专业20名学生,平均年龄18-20周岁,男生6名,女生14名,他们的英语水平相似,之前从未接触过正式的读写任务训练。
1.2 研究工具本研究的研究工具有两个包括阅读材料和写作题目。
写作任务的题目为“Shopping Online”,题目与阅读部分的主题相同;1.3 数据收集和数据分析整个实验过程持续3周,每周都进行一次相同的读写训练,受试并不知道实验过程以及重复次数。

关键词 : 率效应 ; 言输入 ; 频 语 可理 解输入 ; 结主义 ; 联 外语教 学 中图分 类号 :40 C 2 文献标 识码 : A 文章 编号 :08— 27 2o )3— 14— 2 10 75 (o 8 0 物或 语 言 项 目出现 的 次 数 越 多 , 容 易 被 人 越
2 语 言 输 入 .
语 言 输 入 是 二 语 习 得 中 的一 个 重 要 概 念 , 言 习得 语
激 时 产生 同样 的反 应 ; 随 着 这 种 联 系 的 不 断 增 强 , 而 刺
激 与 反应 之 间 的关 系 也 就 趋 于 自动 化 。行 为 主 义 者 认
离 不 开语 言输 入 。如 果 离 开 了语 言 信 息 的输 入 , 就无 法
摘要 : 言输入是 二语 习得 中的一 个关键 因素 , 语 而作 为输入 特征之 一的频率在 语 言 习得和 学 习理论 方 面起 着积 极的促 进作 用 , 结主义和 El 都 非常 强调 频 率效应在语 言 习得 中的 重要 作 用。输 入频 率 联 ls i 高的语 言项 目很 容 易被 注意 、 提取 和理解 , 因此在 外语教 学 中应 注意到输入 频 率的 高低 对语音 、 汇 、 词 语 法和语 感 的影响 , 在英语教 学中强调 多读 、 多听、 多说 、 多写 , 通过 加 大语 言的 接 触量 和频 率 来促 进
率 是一 种 较 强 的联 系 ; 理 学 家 的 实 验 证 明 , 一 般 情 心 在 况 下 , 的 遗 忘 递 减 率 每 天 是 5 % 。 所 以 若 要 防止 遗 人 0 忘 , 须 根 据 遗 忘 规 律 , 时 安 排 重 现 、 认 。新 的 记 必 及 再

世 博会 前夕和举 办期 间 , 常被 媒 体提及 , 国 皆知 , 经 举 成为 高频词 , 世博会 之后 , 又 慢慢 降温 , 但 它 久而久 之 会变成低频词 。陈贤纯【 也认 为 , 的频率效应可能 只 , 1 词
刘 利 平 பைடு நூலகம்
( 重庆城 市管理 职 业 学院 基础 部 ,重庆 4 1 3 ) 0 3 1
【 摘 要】 词频 效应和语境 效应 能促进 阅读文 本 中的词语 识别并 能促进词 汇 的 习得 , 词汇 和语境 也是影响 英语 听说 能 力的重要 因素 ,
词 频 效 应 和 语 境 效 应 同样 起 作 用 。 本 文 对 词 频 效 应 和 语 境 效 应 在 大 学 英 语 听 说 教 学 中 的 作 用 和 影 响 进 行 了论 述 , 探 讨 了 如 何 运 用 词 频 并 效应和语 境效应有 效提 高学生英语 听说 能力的具 体措施 。
需 的时 间短 , 检索起来也 比较 容易。 因此 , 提高 阅读 要
理 解 力 . 习 者 的 阅读 面 一 定 要 广 , 语 阅读 文 章 的题 学 英 材 要 多 样 化 . 高 目标 语 的重 复 率 , 高 学 习 者 的低 频 提 提
制 约 听 力 理 解 的 重 要 因 素 。因 此 , 频 效 应 和 语 境 效 应 词 同样 对 大 学 英 语 听 说 教 学 有 重 要 启 示 。
理 解 过 程 的研 究 提 出 来 的 ,所 以有 关 词 频 效 应 和语 境
效 应 在 英 语 阅读 教 学 中 的 运 用 的 论 述 较 多 . 听 说 教 在 学 中 应 用 的研 究 则 不 多 见 。 汇 是 语 言 意 义 的 载 体 , 词 词

频率效应与多媒体英语精读课教学" 摘要:在二语习得过程中,频率效应是个核心问题;多媒体技术有利于发挥频率效应,从而提高精读课教学质量;多媒体技术应用到精读课教学中必须充分发挥频率效应。

第30卷㊀第2期长㊀春㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报Vol.30㊀No.2㊀2020年2月JOURNALOFCHANGCHUNUNIVERSITYFeb.2020㊀收稿日期:2019-06-27基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金西部和边疆项目(16XJC740002)ꎻ兰州财经大学教学研究一般项目(LJY2018017)作者简介:周舒怡(1978-)ꎬ女ꎬ河北保定人ꎬ副教授ꎬ主要从事英语语言学与外语教学研究ꎮ二语习得中频次效应研究综述 基于理论与实证研究两个视角周舒怡(兰州财经大学外语学院ꎬ兰州730020)摘㊀要:在认知取向的二语习得研究中ꎬ频次对一语和二语习得的质量发挥重要作用ꎮ自20世纪70年代开始ꎬ诸多学者基于多种理论视角ꎬ开始探讨频次对二语习得的影响ꎬ并开展了多项实证研究ꎮ本文旨在理清与频次效应有关的理论基础以及国内外基于频次效应开展的相关实证研究ꎬ从而对后续研究的开展提供理论支持和研究可能ꎮ关键词:二语习得ꎬ频次效应ꎬ研究综述中图分类号:G642㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1009-3907(2020)02-0086-051㊀研究背景二语习得研究主要是科学系统地研究人们在习得了母语后是如何学习第二语言的ꎬ其焦点领域集中在探究母语与二语习得的本质㊁习得的过程和习得的影响因素[1]ꎮ其中ꎬ频率作为二语习得的一个重要影响因素ꎬ准确地说是语言输入的一个特质ꎬ一直受到学界的关注ꎮ频次或频率作为二语习得研究中的一个术语ꎬ最早专指输入频率ꎬ代表人们听到或看到的语言所展现出的形式特征的相对频率ꎮ其对二语习得研究的主要意义在于其可以解释二语习得的顺序ꎬ即最先习得的结构应该是出现频率最高的语言输入ꎮ[2]近年来ꎬ随着诸如涌现论㊁连接论㊁复杂系统理论等新型理论的提出ꎬ频率对母语和二语习得的意义再一次得到凸显ꎬ本文旨在理清二语习得研究史上关乎频次效应的理论基础ꎬ从而为后续的相关研究提供理论和文献服务ꎮ2㊀理论基础2.1㊀行为主义理论行为主义理论产生语言20世纪20年代ꎬ至20世纪70年代盛极一时ꎬ该理论的基本观点就是强调刺激与反应间的联系ꎬ重视操练和频率对技能获得和语言习得的作用ꎮ行为主义理论认为ꎬ作为最小单位ꎬ 刺激-反应 联结着所有的学习行为系统ꎬ重复性的练习可以强化这种联结ꎮ在语言习得过程中ꎬ学习者通过反复接触语言材料ꎬ从而不断地强化大脑中各神经节之间的联系ꎬ提高语言使用的准确率ꎬ进而加深习得深度[3]ꎮ在外语教学法历史上卓有成效的 听说法 正是这一理论的产物ꎮ虽然随着乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论的提出ꎬ行为主义理论逐步成为末路夕阳ꎬ但行为主义理论的一些观点对今天基于频次的语言教学和语言学习仍然具有一定指导作用ꎮ2.2㊀普遍语法普遍语法是语言学家乔姆斯基提出的一个理论ꎬ也是迄今为止最有影响力的语言学理论ꎮ作为行为理论的对立面ꎬ该理论认为语言学习在很大程度上是内隐的ꎬ与外部环境无关ꎮ语言习得之所以能够发生ꎬ在于人脑内部具有一个与生俱来的语言习得机制(LAD)或普遍语法(UG)ꎬ这种机制或普遍语法实质上是语言使用者大脑里抽象的㊁隐形的构成语言系统的大脑表征ꎬ外部环境和语言输入只有 激活 语言习得机制的作用ꎮ乔姆斯基用一个简单的语言习得模型来描述这一过程ꎬ即 语言输入 语言习得机制 语言习得 ꎬ其含义是语言输入通过语言习得机制产生语法ꎬ进而习得语言[4]ꎮ虽然语言输入在乔姆斯基的理论里没有地位ꎬ真正对语言习得起关键作用的是语言习得机制ꎬ但语言习得机制的作用得以发挥的前提是语言输入ꎮ因而基于这一模式ꎬ就产生了二语习得研究中的一个经典或者传统研究路径:输入 互动 输出ꎮ2.3㊀输入假说输入假说是美国语言学家克拉申的监察理论的一个重要组成部分ꎬ其核心内容在于可理解性输入对二语学习者的作用ꎮ克拉申认为促成语言习得成功有两个基本条件:一是丰富的可理解的语言输入ꎻ二是学习者本身应具有内在的语言习得机制ꎮ学习者在自然语言环境下通过大量接触略高于自己现有语言水平的可理解性语言输入ꎬ这些语言输入进而通过激活学习者的内在学习机制ꎬ从而促使学习者自然而然地习得语言ꎬ克拉申用 i+1 这一表达式对可理解性输入作了简洁而形象的表达ꎮ这一观点提出后ꎬ很多学者对 i+1 ꎬ即语言输入的可理解性充分关注ꎬ但却忽视了另一个特性ꎬ那就是 大量接触 ꎬ换言之ꎬ可理解性输入除了起强调语言学习者接触的语言材料的 质 外ꎬ对语言输入的 量 也有要求ꎮ总体而言ꎬ乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论和克拉申的监察模型ꎬ都认为语言习得从根本上是一种认知活动ꎬ语言习得得以发生的根本因素在于学习者的内在语言习得机制ꎬ正因为如此ꎬ有学者认为这两种理论或假说属于心灵主义(Innatism)ꎮ[5]进入21世纪ꎬ随着二语习得这一学科的发展ꎬ以及语言研究与其他学科的交叉融合ꎬ出现了母语习得和二语习得研究的一些新视角㊁新理论ꎮ本文将一些目前有代表性㊁有影响力的理论简单列举如下ꎮ2.4㊀基于使用的语言习得理论(Usage-basedtheories)基于使用的习得理论是与乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论相对的一种认知语言观ꎬ是由Langacker基于认知语言学㊁构式语法等语言学理论于1987年提出的一种新型语言习得理论ꎬ也是目前研究母语乃至二语习得的一种新视角ꎮ[6]如果说普遍语法理论认为语言的习得取决于个体的认知机制ꎬ那么基于使用的语言习得理论的核心观点则是说话者的语言系统产生于说话者对语言的使用ꎮ该理论可以从如下三个方面进行解读ꎮ第一ꎬ语言是后天学会的ꎬ不存在先天的语言习得机制ꎻ第二ꎬ人类的语言知识来自于语言的体验和使用ꎻ第三ꎬ语言实际使用中的多种因素ꎬ如频率ꎬ互动等都会对语言习得产生影响ꎮ基于使用的语言习得观立足于体验哲学ꎬ虽然强调语言的实际运用ꎬ但仍然属于二语习得研究中的认知取向ꎬ因为其核心内容在于表明人类在对实际语言的体验中ꎬ利用基本认知能力ꎬ对反复出现的语言现象进行抽象和范畴化ꎬ最终在心智中形成一系列抽象的㊁形义结合的语言表征或图示构式ꎮ在这一过程中ꎬ语言使用频率决定语言体验的程度ꎬ是语言习得的关键ꎮ2.5㊀涌现论(Emergentism)涌现论最早发端于自组织理论和复杂适应系统理论ꎬ2006年12月ꎬ国际权威期刊AppliedLinguistics出版了一期关于涌现论的专刊ꎬ标志着涌现理论进入了语言学应用阶段ꎮ涌现论同样是以普遍语法的对立者的姿态出现的ꎬ反对存在先天的普遍语法和模块论ꎮ正如Macwhinney所说ꎬ基于涌现论来研究二语习得可为学习者在语言学习方面提供更全面的预测ꎬ对复杂对话互动提供新的理解ꎬ对学习过程提供新的视角ꎮ[7]涌现论在解释语言习得如何发生这一问题上ꎬ所持观点与普遍语法理论截然不同ꎬ它认为语言习得在初始阶段ꎬ在音义之间建立起的配对关系是随机和偶然的ꎬ没有任何稳定性可言ꎬ但这些随机的配对在之后的反复使用中ꎬ逐渐固定ꎬ最终形成较为稳定的一种搭配ꎬ某一层面的语言组织或知识得以涌现ꎬ语言习得从而发生ꎮ可以说涌现论目前代表着二语习得研究的一种崭新范式ꎬ在该理论视角下ꎬ可以很自然地看到语言习得过程的一个特性ꎬ即:母语和二语习得是习得者通过语言使用ꎬ以后天的范例学习为基础ꎬ通过接触范例频次的增加ꎬ从而使语法规则得以涌现的过程ꎮ也就是说语言学习者要想准确㊁流利地归纳出语言的规律性ꎬ必须处理足够数量的范例ꎮ早期的MacWhinney和Bates以及近期的N.Ellis都是语言涌现论的拥护者ꎮ2.6㊀连接论与联结认知框架连接论又称平行分布处理(PDP)模式ꎬ是认知科学和神经科学领域中的一个重要理论ꎮ该理论认为ꎬ人的大脑中有无数的信息节点ꎬ这些信息节点紧密联系构成一个复杂的网络结构ꎬ同时大脑天生具有寻求和建立事务之间联系的倾向ꎬ在建立联系的过程中ꎬ频率的增加可以加强人脑中的信息节点间的联系ꎬ从而可78第2期周舒怡:二语习得中频次效应研究综述 基于理论与实证研究两个视角88长㊀春㊀大㊀学㊀学㊀报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第30卷以影响学习的质量和效果ꎮ[8]在二语习得领域ꎬ与该理论极其相似的就是NickEllis的联结认知框架(Associative-CognitiveCREEDFramework)ꎮ虽然说联结认知框架也是二语习得研究中采用认知取向路径的代表理论之一ꎬ但其与乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论还是有一定差异的ꎮ普遍语法虽然认为外部的语言输入对语言习得发挥作用ꎬ但该作用是非常有限的ꎬ语言输入根本上是通过激活学习者的内部语言习得机制发挥作用ꎮ而NickEllis则为语言输入在语言习得过程中处于核心地位ꎬ语言学习是由输入驱动的ꎬ其中输入的频率是语言习得的关键ꎮ[9]他认为语言学习事实是一种联想学习ꎬ语言学习的完成需要语言学习者在反复出现的语言材料间建立联想ꎬ并不断强化这些联想ꎮ随着频率的增加ꎬ同时出现的单位之间的联系不断加强和积累ꎬ因此易于习得ꎮ在实证研究领域ꎬRumelhart和MCClelland就运用PDP网络模型ꎬ输入了一个英语动词的原型(walk)ꎬ网络输出它的一般过去式(walked)ꎮ通过反复的匹配学习ꎬ最终证明网络可以记住这种匹配关系ꎬ当输入一个新动词时ꎬ网络可以自动和准确地生成它的过去式ꎮ这一实验有力地证明了反复的输入的确能够影响网络的行为表现ꎬ进而可以推断ꎬ频次确实可以影响学习者的学习过程和学习效果ꎮ2.7㊀构式语法理论构式语法理论脱胎于认知语言学ꎬFillmore的框架语义学㊁Lakoff和Goldberg的语法以及Croft的激进构式语法等都可以置于这个理论范畴之下ꎮ简而言之ꎬ构式就是形式与意义的配对ꎬ构式是语言的基本单位ꎬ并且语言系统由构式组成ꎮ构式语法理论对二语习得这一学科的影响之一ꎬ就是其强调频率对二语构式习得的重要作用ꎮ二语学习者在习得构式的过程中ꎬ要经历 惯用语 低域模式 构式 的发展过程ꎬ在这一过程中ꎬ加大目的语的接触频率可以有效地使二语学习者从具体的惯用语表达发展到抽象的构式习得ꎮ[10]通过对二语习得领域较有影响力的一系列理论进行梳理ꎬ不难发现虽说诸多理论对语言的习得是否由人的内在习得机制决定存在相当大的分歧ꎬ甚至是截然相对的ꎬ但这些理论无一不认可频次对语言学习和二语学习的重要意义ꎬ基于输入频次的语言教学对于学习者的母语和二语习得的作用是具有理论支撑的ꎮ3㊀国内外相关研究3.1㊀国外相关研究凭借充分的理论支撑ꎬ国内外从20世纪末期相继开展一系列的实证研究来调查频率对语言习得的作用ꎮ如Hatch和Wagner-Gough在1975年就发现了语言输入中各种特殊疑问句的频率与它们的习得顺序具有正相关性ꎬLarsen-Freeman比较了第二语言习得的语素习得顺序和Brown(1973)第一语言习得研究中考察过的父母言语中的相同语素的频率ꎬ也发现二者有显著相关性ꎬ并得出这样的结论 语言输入中语素的出现频率是ESL学生(即以英语为第二语言的学生)口语中语素运用正确率顺序的主要决定因素ꎮ[11]进入21世纪ꎬ国外相关研究向更加细致㊁精深的方向发展ꎮ如2002年Harrington和Denis将频率分为练习频次和分布频次ꎻ[12]同年ꎬLarsen-Freeman针对Ellis的研究不足ꎬ提出考察频率效应要兼顾输入频率和输出频率两个方面ꎻ[13]ꎬ2001年Taylor将输入频率分为偏态频率和均等频率ꎬBybee在类符频率(typefrequency)和形符频率(tokenfrequency)这一分类下开展研究ꎮ可以说这些研究均通过更细致的分类和研究ꎬ考察不同类型的频率对学习者语言学习的效应ꎬ从而提高相关理论对二语习得这一现象的描述㊁解释和预测能力ꎮ相应地ꎬ西方在实证研究方面也取得了一些颇有价值的发现ꎮ如Bybee考察了不同频率对语言学习的效应ꎬ发现类符频率高ꎬ输入更自然ꎬ但带来的认知负荷越大ꎬ[14]Madlener通过比较自己和他人的研究ꎬ得出目标结构的形符数必须多于20的结论ꎮ同时ꎬMadlener还设计了三种类符频率:低类符为9个ꎬ中类符为25个ꎬ还有高类符50个ꎬ研究发现低类符和高类符偏态型都不适合学习者ꎬ只有中类符数25最为适中ꎮ[15]Casenhiser和Goldenberg认为偏态输入的类符数量很关键ꎬ太少和太多都不利于学习者识别结构模式并将之归纳泛化ꎬ底线是应该要多于标准的人工语言实验中使用的5个[16]ꎻ这些更加具体的研究不仅丰富了二语习得理论本身ꎬ并且对二语或外语教学发挥了重要的指导作用ꎮ3.2㊀国内相关研究通过文献研究ꎬ我们认为国内关于频次效应的研究基本遵循西方的研究传统和研究路径ꎬ大致可以分为理论研究与实证研究两大类别ꎮ(1)理论研究ꎮ国内的理论研究主要是进行与频次相关的理论介绍㊁对比和述评ꎬ目的在于廓清关于二语习得的不同理论的性质㊁目的和研究方法等ꎮ如罗瑜撰文说明频率效应对二语习得的作用[17]ꎬ王初明介绍了基于使用的语言习得理论ꎬ并在2001年ꎬ对连接论和普遍语法理论进行了对比ꎬ得出了在解释二语习得问题上ꎬ前者优于后者的结论ꎮ贾光茂对二语习得涌现论与先天论之辩进行述评[18]ꎬ2003年ꎬ文秋芳为剑桥大学2002年出版的«第二语言习得研究»杂志年度特刊进行评述ꎬ专门探讨了频率作用与二语习得之间的关系ꎬ探讨和回答了频率研究的一些问题ꎮ[19]认为频率是影响母语或二语习得的重要因素但不是关键因素ꎬ语言习得的效果还受输入强度㊁凸显度㊁时间分布以及学习者个体差异等因素的影响ꎬ为客观地看待频率的作用和科学的开展相关研究做了理论和实践层面的指导ꎮ张立飞也立足于体验哲学ꎬ基于使用的语言习得观从频率对语言结构重组㊁语音弱化㊁形态句法保持㊁词义淡化和语法化等多个层面详细阐述了频率对语言结构的建构作用ꎮ[20]这些研究通过对二语习得领域多种理论的对比ꎬ逐步使频率对二语习得的效应成为了 有本之木 ꎬ不但进一步夯实了相关研究的理论基础ꎬ并显明了这些研究的意义和价值ꎮ(2)实证研究ꎮ国内的实证研究大致可分为三个阶段ꎮ第一阶段为2004至2005年ꎬ早期研究的主要特点是考察频次对汉语习得或以汉语作为第二语言的习得的影响ꎮ通过知网查询ꎬ以 频次效应 为主题词ꎬ可以发现在该领域国内最早的实证研究始于2004年ꎮ北京语言大学的朱昱在其硕士论文中考察了词语出现频次和边注形式对把汉语作为二语的韩国学习者的汉语伴随性词汇学习的影响ꎮ[21]同年ꎬ陈宝国等人[22]也将学习者的习得年龄和频率结合在一起研究了二者对汉语双字词的识别过程的影响ꎮ第二阶段始于2006至2013ꎬ该阶段开始考察频率对英语作为第二语言或外语习得影响ꎬ尝试在语音㊁词汇㊁口语产出等多个方面考察频率对这些知识或能力习得的效应ꎬ其中对口语的研究最为集中ꎮ如周丹丹开展了输入与输出频率对中国学习者口头故事复述的效应研究ꎻ[23]杜鹃和张一平调查了任务重复对中国大学英语学习者口语产出的影响ꎻ[24]李慧和张一平考察了词频对中国大学英语学习者词汇习得的影响ꎬ并给出了词汇的全面掌握需要10次重复率的操作性意见ꎻ[25]谢谜采用微变化研究法ꎬ调查了频率从变化的根源㊁路径㊁速率㊁广度和可变性等多个维度对英语语音纠错的影响ꎮ[26]这些实证研究都或多或少地证明了频率对语言习得的积极作用ꎬ但总体来说ꎬ当时的相关研究涉及的变量还比较单一ꎬ实验方法也相对简单ꎮ第三阶段是从2013至今ꎬ相关研究达到高值ꎬ且研究问题更细致ꎬ涉及的研究变量也更多样ꎬ既客观地探究频次对二语或外语习得的影响力ꎬ同时也充分体现了语言作为社会科学研究对象的复杂性ꎮ如陈方开展了二语构式知识习得中的频次效应研究ꎬ将练习频次和任务类型(语言知识类型)结合起来ꎬ调查练习频次对学习者语言知识发展的影响ꎮ结果显示ꎬ频次的确对显性语言知识的发展发挥作用ꎬ但对隐形语言知识的影响ꎬ要在频次达到6次时才有明显的作用ꎬ同时在其研究中ꎬ涉及了凸显度这一因素ꎬ为后续的一些研究作了铺垫ꎮ[27]张晓鹏和马武林考察了语言输入中的频率分布在与语言水平共同作用下ꎬ对中国学生英语习得抽象构式的不同作用ꎬ发现对抽象构式的习得而言ꎬ中低和中高水平的学习者都明显依赖偏态频率的语言输入ꎮ[28]2017年ꎬ董晓丽和张晓鹏研究了偏态和等频分布的语言输入对学习者习得前置定语过去分词和英语宾语关系从句的影响ꎬ发现两类语言输入的促学效果因构式类别的不同而不同ꎮ[29]徐承萍开展了形符频率㊁词汇频率和形义映合凸显度在英语构式习得中的效应研究ꎻ[30]洪炜㊁冯聪和邓在佑则调查了语义透明度㊁语境强度及词汇复现频率对二语词汇习得的影响ꎬ[31]郝美玲考察了高级汉语水平留学生汉字认读影响因素研究ꎮ[32](3)未来的研究热点ꎮ受前文提到的构式语言学理论的影响ꎬ构式研究目前成为整个语言学领域的研究热点之一ꎮ从2014年开始ꎬ周丹丹撰写了关于我国频次效应研究的文章ꎬ指出了当时我国频次研究的局限性之一就是没有考察频次对语块习得(在有些语言学家看来ꎬ语块就是构式)的效应ꎮ为了弥补这些研究不足ꎬ[33]从2016年开始ꎬ国内研究在该领域进行了集中和深入的探讨ꎮ比较有代表性的有周丹丹和张萌以中国学习者为研究对象ꎬ基于涌现论视角ꎬ调查频次对二语读写任务中语块使用的影响ꎬ结果发现ꎬ练习频次确实能显著提高学习者语块使用的密度㊁准确性和多样性ꎬ并且随着重复次数的增加ꎬ语块使用的数量㊁质量98第2期周舒怡:二语习得中频次效应研究综述 基于理论与实证研究两个视角和种类不断提高ꎬ语块通过语言使用得以涌现ꎮ[34]端义镭将输入频率和搭配强度结合起来ꎬ考察二者对学习者二语词块输出的影响ꎬ结果显示ꎬ输入频率与输出频率显著正相关ꎬ高频词块比低频词块容易习得和输出ꎬ搭配强度与输出频率显著负相关ꎮ[35]进入2018年ꎬ已有两篇文章在外语核心期刊 «外语研究»和«外语界»上发表ꎮ一篇是周丹丹和范昆盟开展的频次对二语学习者语块使用准确性影响的研究ꎬ[36]另一篇是周正钟考察的输入与输出频次对二语语块产出性知识习得的影响研究ꎮ[37]可见ꎬ频次效应在二语习得这一研究领域仍然热度不减ꎬ持续在向更深入的领域发展ꎮ4 结语综上所述ꎬ可以看出二语习得领域的频次或频率效应研究具有语言学㊁认知科学㊁计算机科学㊁心理学等多学科的理论背景ꎬ同时也有国内外的多项实证研究提供数据支持ꎬ毋庸置疑ꎬ频次或频率的确是语言习得和二语习得过程中的一个重要影响因素ꎮ虽说ꎬ学界对于二语习得和语言教学之间的关系持有不同意见ꎬ但不可否认ꎬ二语习得领域的相关研究成果一定会对语言教学发挥指导作用ꎮ因而ꎬ优化输入ꎬ以语言输入作为提高语言教学质量的一个抓手是未来英语教学工作可以考虑和努力的一个方向ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀刘永兵.西方二语习得理论研究的两种认识论取向 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频率效应在二语习得中的作用*罗 瑜(重庆大学外国语学院,重庆 400030)摘要:本文通过研究各种二语习得理论对频率效应的论述及相关实证,力图探索频率效应在二语习得中的重要作用。
关键词:频率;频率效应;二语习得中图分类号:H030 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 5831(2005)01 0092 04Frequency Effects in Second Language A cquisiti onLUO Yu(College of Forei gn Languages,Chongq in g University,Chon gq i ng400030,Ch i na) Abstract:Th i s paper sets out to rev ie w the standpo i nts d ifferent S LA theor i es ho l d towards frequency effects and the re l evant empir i ca l st udies,and comes to the conclusion tha t frequency p l ays a very i m po rtant role in t he learning of a second language.T he au t hor ho lds that frequency effects can be found i n all aspects o f l anguage l earn i ng and frequency i s an i nd i spensable part o f SLA theory.K ey words:frequency;frequency e ffects;second language acquisiti on一、引言某一事物出现的次数越多就越容易被人们所识别;人们如果反复地操练某一技能,这一技能就会被熟练地掌握。

频率效应与多媒体英语精读课教案设计一、教学目标1. 让学生了解频率效应在英语学习中的应用,提高他们对英语词汇、语法和句式的掌握。
2. 通过多媒体教学资源,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的英语听说读写能力。
3. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提升他们的综合素质。
二、教学内容1. 频率效应概述:介绍频率效应的概念及其在英语学习中的重要性。
2. 英语词汇学习:通过多媒体资源,展示高频词汇及其用法,引导学生进行有效记忆。
3. 英语语法训练:利用频率效应,强化常用语法结构的练习。
4. 英语句式分析:通过分析高频句式,提高学生的语言运用能力。
5. 跨文化交际:介绍英语国家的文化背景,培养学生理解和尊重不同文化的能力。
三、教学方法1. 任务驱动法:为学生提供实际任务,激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 互动式教学:鼓励学生参与课堂讨论,提高他们的口语表达能力。
3. 情境教学法:创设真实的语言环境,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。
4. 利用多媒体教学资源:通过图片、音频、视频等多种形式,丰富教学内容,提高学生的学习兴趣。
四、教学评估1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和互动情况,评估他们的学习积极性。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生作业的完成质量,了解他们对课堂所学内容的掌握程度。
3. 期中期末考试:通过考试检验学生的英语综合运用能力。
4. 学生反馈:收集学生对教学过程和内容的意见和建议,不断优化教学方法。
五、教学计划1. 第一周:介绍频率效应及其在英语学习中的应用。
2. 第二周:英语词汇学习,利用多媒体资源展示高频词汇及其用法。
3. 第三周:英语语法训练,利用频率效应强化常用语法结构的练习。
4. 第四周:英语句式分析,通过分析高频句式提高学生的语言运用能力。
5. 第五周:跨文化交际,介绍英语国家的文化背景,培养学生理解和尊重不同文化的能力。
六、教学策略1. 个性化教学:针对不同学生的学习需求和水平,制定个性化的学习计划。


关键词:二语习得;频率效应;词汇教学;高中英语1引言以Lewis为代表的学者认为,词汇应成为语言教学的中心(Lewis 1993)。
根据《朗文语言教学及应用语言学辞典》,频率指语言项目在语段或语言材料中出现的次数(the number of occurrences of a linguistic item in a text or corpus)(Richards et al 2002:184)。


本文研究的频次仅仅指的是个体接触语言的经历,主要指的是练习频率(Task Frequency,TF)以及重复接触和练习语言材料的次数。
正如Ellis (2002)提出,频次是语言学习的决定性因素。

基于此,兼顾语言规则与意义的Rod Ellis语法教学模式或可解决如何教的问题。
本文正针对“如何教”与“如何巩固”这两大难题,尝试把Rod Ellis语法教学模式与Ellis,N.C频次理论结合,试图探索一条高效的学习初中英语语法之路。
本研究围绕了两个核心问题进行:(1)Rod Ellis语法教学模式对初中生的语法学习兴趣及初中生语法成绩产生什么影响?(2)课后语法成绩与语法的频次练习次数呈现何种规律?为此作者选取山西省朔州市某中学八年级的两个平行班(控制班,实验班)进行了为期14周的教学实验。
实验中,第一步,实验班采用Rod Ellis语法教学模式,控制班采用传统语法教学法,教学结束后对两班进行语法测试。
实验结果表明:相较传统语法教学,Rod Ellis 语法教学模式更受学生的欢迎,更能激发学生学习语法的热情,且使学生的语法成绩有所提高。
关键词:Rod Ellis语法教学模式;频次效应;语法教学IA Study on the Application of Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in JuniorHigh School English Grammar InstructionA Study on the Application of Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in Junior High School EnglishGrammar InstructionAbstractEnglish grammar is an important part in junior high school English instruction.However, there are two crucial tasks in the process of grammar learning.One is“how to teach”for teachers;the other is“how to consolidate what have been taught”for students.For grammar teaching,the traditional grammar teaching only focuses on language rules which makes the grammar class boring and students tired of grammar learning.However,the Communicative Method overemphasizes language meaning and ignores basic language rules,which contributes to students’poor grammar foundation.Hence it is a researcher’s task to explore a more effective way for teachers to teach grammar and a better way for students to consolidate what they have just learned.Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model which integrates language rules with meaning may prove to be a possible way to solve the problem of“how to teach”. Meanwhile,under the situation of“alleviating study load of students”,teachers are forced to give students less exercises than they should do,as a result students do less practice after class and easily forget the knowledge they have just learned.What will prove to be the best frequency point for students to do exercises after class?To solve this problem,frequency theory has caught the attention of researchers.This paper aims at solving two problems of “how to teach”and“how to consolidate”at the same time.Thus the author tries to combine Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model with Ellis,N.C’s frequency effects to find an efficient way for teachers to teach and a better way for students to do the right amount of exercises in English grammar instruction in junior high school.This study focuses on two basic issues:1.What is the effect of the application of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model on junior high school students’learning interest and their grammar performance in English?2.What is the correlation between students’grammar performance and the frequency of students’grammar exercises?The author selects two parallel classes(control class,experimental class)of a certain middle school in Shuozhou,Shanxi Province and conducts an experiment for14weeks. Before the experiment,the pre-test is done to ensure the English levels of two classes are almost the same and the pre-questionnaire is conducted in EC.In experiment,at the first step, Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is adopted in EC,traditional teaching model is used in CC.After teaching,a test is conducted in both EC and CC.At the second step,appropriate frequency practices are done in EC,meanwhile,none frequency practice is done in CC.AfterII辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文experiment,the post-test is conducted in both EC and CC,meanwhile,a post-questionnaire is given in EC.All the data collected are analyzed by SPSS19.0.The results show that compared with traditional teaching method,Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is more effective and students’enthusiasm in learning English grammar is aroused and their grammar performance are a bit improved.After doing frequency practice in EC,there is a positive correlation at first. But when the times of frequency practice reaches as long as three weeks,students’grammar performance is at the best.However,later if frequency practice is continued,students seem to get bored with the practice and in time the negative correlation appears.Key words:Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model;Frequency Effects;Grammar TeachingIIIA Study on the Application of Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in JuniorHigh School English Grammar InstructionContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1Introduction (1)1.1Background of the Study (1)1.2Purpose and Significance of the Study (2)1.3Structure of the Thesis (3)2Literature Review (5)2.1Overview of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model (5)2.1.1The Definition of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model (5)2.1.2The Aim of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model (5)2.1.3The Principle of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model (6)2.1.4The Procedure of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model (8)2.1.5Related Studies on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model Abroad and atHome (8)2.2Overview of Ellis,N.C’s Frequency (11)2.2.1The Definition of Frequency (11)2.2.2Ellis,N.C’s Frequency (11)2.2.3Related Studies on Frequency Effects Abroad and at Home (12)2.3The Significance of Integration of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model withEllis,N.C’s Frequency (14)2.3.1The Integration of“Input”with“Output” (14)2.3.2The Combination of“How to Teach”with“How to Consolidate” (14)2.3.3Saving both Teachers’and Students’Limited Time (14)3Research Methodology (16)3.1Research Questions (16)3.2Subjects (16)3.3Instruments (17)3.3.1Tests (17)3.3.2Questionnaires (17)3.4The Implementation of the Teaching Experiment (18)3.4.1Pre-experimental Stage (18)3.4.2Experimental Stage (19)3.4.3Post-experimental stage (32)3.5Data Collection (33)4Data Analysis and Discussion (34)4.1The Data Analysis of Teaching Experiment of Rod Ellis’Grammar TeachingModel in Grammar Class (34)IV辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文4.1.1The Data Analysis of Pre-test in EC and CC (34)4.1.2The Data Analysis of Pre-questionnaire in EC (35)4.1.3The Data Analysis of Post-questionnaire in EC (37)4.1.4The Data Analysis of the First Test for Comparing the Effect of theTwo Different Teaching Methods in EC and CC (38)4.2The Data Analysis of Tests on Three Grammar Items for Frequency Effects inEC (39)4.2.1The Data Analysis of Tests on Simple Present Tense (39)4.2.2The Data Analysis of Tests on Present Passive Voice (41)4.2.3The Data Analysis of Tests on Attributive Clauses with“That” (42)4.3The Data Analysis of Post-test in EC and CC (44)4.4Discussion (45)4.4.1Discussion on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in EC (45)4.4.2Discussion on Frequency Effects in EC (45)4.4.3Discussion on Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’GrammarTeaching Model (46)5Conclusion (47)5.1Major Findings of the Study (47)5.2Implications of the Study (48)5.3Limitations of the Study (49)5.4Suggestions for Future Researchers (49)References (51)Appendix A Pre-test (54)Appendix B Post-test (60)Appendix C Pre-questionnaire (63)Appendix D Post-questionnaire (64)Appendix E Simple Present Tense (65)Appendix F Present Passive Voice (77)Appendix G Attributive Clauses with“That” (89)Acknowledgements (101)V辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文1IntroductionIn this chapter,it mainly introduces the background and purpose and significance of the study on application of frequency effects based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in junior high school English grammar instruction.Meanwhile,the author provides the structure of the thesis.1.1Background of the StudyIn the process of English teaching,grammar teaching has aroused much debate,such as how can grammar be taught best by teachers?how is it consolidated best by students?Is there any need to teach grammar?how can it be taught effectively so as to improve students’language ability?These issues are getting even hotter since New English Curriculum Standards have been issued.Ellis,N.C,a famous linguist,once pointed out that frequency is the decisive factor in language learning(Ellis,2002:144).Under the current circumstances,students are either stressed under heavy burden of homework and exercises in and after school,in certain junior high schools,or under the circumstances of reducing students’study load in others.It is likely for them to go from one extreme to the other.However,as is well known,after each new grammar item is taught in grammar instruction,some practice need to be done for consolidation.But it does not mean that the more,the better for junior high school students who lack patience.If teachers ask students to do too many exercises,too much repetition will easily make them feel bored about learning and lead to negative learning results.But if teachers ask them to do less than students should,they will easily forget that they have just learned.Hence,what is the appropriate frequency for students to do exercises,is a new issue. What should be done to reduce teachers workload and students’learning burden in class is a big problem.We assume that there might be a point in students’practice when learner’s mastery of certain grammar items is at the best,in the same way just as fruits are timely ripe, not unripe,not rotten.So that frequency point of doing exercises is worthy of studying for both teachers and learners.But if you expect to get the best learning results in grammar class, first we need to find out a best teaching method.In English Syllabus for Nine-Year Compulsory Education Full-Time Junior Middle School,it states clearly:“Through the training of listening,speaking,reading and writing, students are required to acquire the basic English knowledge and the ability to use English properly”.Therefore,English researchers and teachers should try to use various methods to teach English grammar,but each method has its own limitations.Only with one method, sometimes teachers cannot achieve the best effect of grammar teaching.So,in order to solve the problem of“how to teach”,Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is adopted.It is a new teaching model that emphasizes both language rules and language meaning.Its main purpose is to enhance students’grammar awareness that makes learners pay attention to the form of1A Study on the Application of Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in JuniorHigh School English Grammar Instructiontarget language consciously.However,many English researchers and teachers have found that good teaching models have some effects on promoting students’understanding of certain grammar items,but how to make students grasp and use them firmly and properly in daily life is a headache for teachers.Under the circumstances of both“Alleviating Burdens on Students”and New Curriculum Standard,students are only supposed to do certain amount of grammar exercises in and after class.However,the less and less amount of grammar practice directly leads to the weakness of students’grammar foundation and deterioration of students’basic language skills. In order to solve the problem of“how to consolidate”,frequency theory catches due attention of educators and teachers.According to the definition of Richards et al,frequency refers to the number of times that a language item appears in a language segment or language material. One’s proficiency of language does not depend on his abstract language rules,but depends on his brain’s memory of a large number of language examples.Domestic scholars believe that frequency effects also plays an important role in the process of language learning.Learning language skills is the same as learning other skills.Without a lot of repeated practices,it’s difficult for students to gain language proficiency only by acquiring declarative knowledge. Frequency effects permeates all areas of language learning and people process different language items by frequency effects.Under the influence of frequency effects,language rules is presented continuously by adjusting and strengthening the various connections among various language elements,so as to help learners succeed in language learning(Zhou Dandan, 2014).Based on the current situation of English grammar teaching of junior high school,in this paper the author tries to find an innovative way to solve“how to teach”for teachers and“how to consolidate grammar items”for students by frequency effects based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model,bining Rod Ellis’grammar teaching model with Ellis,N.C’s frequency theory.1.2Purpose and Significance of the StudyAs a foreign language,English plays an important role in students’study.Grammar is the essential content in English.Therefore,the teaching and learning of English grammar is always the key for students’in their English learning.With the implementation of the New Curriculum Reform,teachers are also actively seeking the best teaching methods to facilitate the grammar teaching in class.But,out of teachers’expectation,what they find is that they work hard,but students receive poorly.Therefore,in recent years,teachers have been actively seeking a good and efficient teaching method that they can not only teach well,but also enable students to consolidate what they have learned well.Therefore,according to current situation,in this paper the author tries to apply Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model to teach and use Ellis,N.C’s frequency theory to help students to consolidate grammar items and tries2辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文to find the best practice frequency in students’grammar learning and intends to achieve the following purposes in the study:1.To understand the interest of junior high school students in learning English grammar through the questionnaire and to understand the influence of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model on junior high school students’performance in English grammar learning through the pre-test and post-test at the end of term.2.Verify the correlation between the grammar effect taught by Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model and the practice frequency through experiments and seek for the best frequency to avoid the negative correlation.Compared with the traditional grammar teaching method,Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is a fusion of various teaching methods.It avoids the disadvantage that traditional teaching method only emphasizes the language rules and it also takes into account of the disadvantage that a new teaching method only emphasizes the language meaning and ignores the language rules.From the perspective of developing students’grammar consciousness,not only can it help students to master grammar knowledge,but it can also improve students’abilities in using language.In addition,the English teaching in middle school is changing from the focus that students are encouraged to master language knowledge to the focus that students are supposed to use the language properly and correctly.Therefore,Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is a good teaching model for English teachers.At the same time, this study takes both teaching and consolidating into account and uses the Ellis,N.C’s frequency theory to help students consolidate better and seeks the best frequency point through practice frequency in class,instead of teachers feed grammar to students monotonously in class,which is in line with the concept of quality education under the New Curriculum Standard.This study mainly uses the combination of theoretical analysis and experimental verification to carry out experimental verification for the second year students of a certain middle school in Shuozhou city,Shanxi Province,with intention to prove the effect of the English grammar teaching and consolidating by combining Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model with Ellis,N.C’s frequency theory.Therefore,this research may have certain practical significance for English grammar teaching in current middle schools.1.3Structure of the ThesisIn this study,the author attempts to conduct an experimental study of frequency effects based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in junior high school.It consists of five chapters.Chapter one provides a general introduction of the thesis which describes the background and purpose of the research and structure of the thesis.Chapter two is the literature review.This part mainly discusses Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model which includes the definition,aim,principle,procedure of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model and related studies on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model,then3A Study on the Application of Frequency Effects Based on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model in JuniorHigh School English Grammar Instructionfollowed by some detailed descriptions of frequency effects which includes the definition of frequency,Ellis,N.C’s systematic explanation of frequency.After that it will present related researches on Frequency Effects both abroad and at home.Eventually it will deal with the significance of the integration of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model with Ellis,N.C’s frequency.Chapter three is the core part of the thesis,including research questions,research subjects,research instruments,research design,research procedures,including a detailed teaching procedure in EC which is based on the combination of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model and Ellis,N.C’s frequency and detailed samples of teaching plans in both EC and CC and then the data collection.Chapter four concentrates on data analysis and discussion.In this chapter,the data collected from questionnaires and tests will be analyzed by SPSS19.0.And a detailed description of the specific data will be given.Then the data are analyzed and the research results are discussed.Chapter five is the conclusion part of the whole thesis.First,it will present the chief findings of the teaching experiment,followed by implications of the study,the limitations of the study.Suggestions for further researchers will be given at the end of this part.4辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文2Literature ReviewIn this chapter,literature review is introduced.The first part is the overview of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model.It includes the definition,aim,principle,procedure and related studies of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model.The second part is the overview of Ellis, N.C’s Frequency.It includes the definition of frequency,Ellis,N.C’s Frequency and related studies on Frequency Effects abroad and at home.The third part is the significance of integration of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model with Ellis,N.C’s Frequency.2.1Overview of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching ModelIn this part,the definition,aim,principle,procedure of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model and related studies of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model abroad and at home.2.1.1The Definition of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching ModelFirst,Rod Ellis defined his concept of grammar teaching(Rod Ellis,2009),in a broader concept:grammar teaching involves any instructional technique that draws learners’attentions to some specific grammatical form in such a way that it helps them either to understand it meta-linguistically or process it in comprehension so that they can internalize it. It is also called“structural input task-based”.Traditional grammar is taught through output exercises,where students are asked to use a certain language rule to do a series of controlled or free exercises.Obviously,the traditional grammar teaching only emphasizes the function of output but ignores the function of input. However,from the perspective of second language acquisition,those who stick to modern grammar teaching believe that input practice is more effective than output monitoring.Based on this,Rod Ellis proposed the“structural input task-based”grammar teaching model for input practice.These tasks require students to do as follows:(1)listen to and read input materials that are specially designed and contain a large number of examples of target structures.(2)pay attention to the target structure consciously and understand its meaning. For example,in a structural input task,an article is removed from words in a passage that contain the target structure and students are asked to fill in the blanks.Rod Ellis argues that structural input tasks are verbal rather than written in the choice of grammar materials, meaning that students must listen to the text rather than read it.Because listening materials require students to deal with the grammar structure timely in real situations,which is exactly what is needed to help students master the grammar structure.In addition,by listening to materials,it also helps students to practice their listening abilities.2.1.2The Aim of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching ModelThe main purpose of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model is to enhance students’grammar awareness.Enhancing grammar awareness means,“make learners pay attention to the form of the target language consciously”.The term was first mentioned by Rutherford and5High School English Grammar InstructionShaiwood,Smith(1985:274).They raised this question because of students had problems in understanding and expressing of English after the promotion of Communicative Method.The fundamental purpose of cultivating student’s grammar awareness is to require students to pay attention to the correctness of their language that they are using,which requires students to pay attention to the accuracy of grammar.The prerequisite of turning input into intake is attention.It is a conscious process for a learner to compare the received language input with the output form of interlanguage.Improving grammar awareness helps learners to notice the features of language input and compare the language input with their own language output. The effect of improving grammar awareness on foreign language learning has been tested by many foreign studies.Gass(1989)believed that the focus on grammar will provide a shortcut for foreign language learning.Schmidt(1990)pointed out that no matter what method is adopted,it will be good for the learning projects as long as students pay attention to learning projects and have a positive attitude.Fotus(1993)used experiments to prove that getting students to pay attention to certain grammatical structures would make learning more consolidated.Grammar teaching is a good way to enhance student’s language awareness,and teachers should give some guidance.Rod Ellis(2002)pointed out that teachers should not only be the communicative partners of students,but should adopt corresponding training and learning so that teachers can improve their own skills and attract students’attentions to the form of language.2.1.3The Principle of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching ModelFor the grammar teaching model of“structural input task-based”,Rod Ellis puts forward three core principles:1.Second language learners should pay attention to both meaning and form.Modern second language acquisition theories suggest that grammar learning is more effective when learners focus on meaning rather than form,which is what Krashen advocated. However,contrary to Krashen’s view,modern second language acquisition theory also believes that for learners,a certain degree of attention to form is also necessary in learning. The problem is that learners have limitations in processing language.They find it is difficult to learn both meaning and form at the same time.So when they focus on meaning,they tend to neglect form.On the contrary,when learners focus on the form,as a result,their ability of understanding is reduced.For the above reasons,when learners learn a second language,they need meaningful tasks,meanwhile,teacher should try to give them opportunities to analyze the language form. In the materials designed by Rod Ellis,students first need to analyze and understand an article, then analyze how a particular grammatical form is used in the article.2.Learners can master the new grammar features through input,paying attention to, understanding and enough output exercises,which is more effective than only doing a largenumber of output exercises.Traditionally,grammar is taught through output exercises.The teacher trains students by a series of controlled and free exercises.But the modern second language acquisition theory has changed and it advocates output is the result of language acquisition rather than the cause. So modern second language acquisition researchers tend to use input to teach grammar rather than output.Krashen believes that the way humans learn language is comprehensible input. So he thinks listening activities are nguage is learned through listening,not dialogue.It is not easy to acquire a second language by practicing dialogue too early.Krashen believes that language learning has a certain sequence.Learners choose the forms and rules of understandable language through input and discard the language they do not understand.Rod Ellis defines language input as“what a native speaker says to a second language learner or what a second language learner says to another second language learner.It is an interactive product.”Rod Ellis points out that input is the product of interaction and denies that language learning is only a process of passive absorption or one-way input,which is a supplement and correction to Krashen’s theoretical hypothesis.Tanaka(1996)provides evidence for the“input”theory in an interesting study.Tanaka chose two ways to teach Japanese high school students about relative clauses.One approach is to use input exercises and the other is traditional output exercises.Tanaka found that input exercises can help students to understand better and master the target structure.In other words, input exercises can help learners better analyze and process input and output,but output exercises cannot help students better understand target structure,it only has function in the process of output.For the specific operation of the input exercise,Rod Ellis proposed the grammar teaching model of“structural input task-based”,which required students to listen to and read a lot of materials containing target structure and teachers to design tasks to make students pay attention to these target structures consciously.3.The cultivation of learners’grammar awareness helps learners gradually master the grammar.Learners’mastery of grammar is not achieved overnight,instead it is a slow and gradual process.In fact,it should take months for learners to master a grammar structure.For this reason,no matter how well designed a grammar teaching program is,it is impossible to achieve immediate success.It indicates that grammar teaching should focus on cultivating students’awareness of how language rules operate rather than merely master the grammar structures.When the same grammatical structures are encountered again,learners who are conscious of them are more likely to recognize them.Therefore,the cultivation of grammar awareness can help stimulate learners’learning potential.It is like a crutch to help learners walk until they can walk without the crutch.So how can teachers cultivate learners’awareness of grammar structure?An easy way is to tell students how the grammar structure is constructed.Rod Ellis says,a more promising alternative is to provide students with the task of developing awareness.These tasks explain the grammatical phenomena and rules toHigh School English Grammar Instructionstudents and help them understand how these language rules are formed,then let them find their own understanding of the ing this method,students may exert their subjective initiative to find the rules by pared with the traditional spoon-feeding teaching model,students may become less dependent on teachers.In order to cultivate grammar awareness,Rod Ellis proposed two grammar teaching methods.(1)Method of discovery:focus learners’attention on understanding the meaning of special language rules and help learners absorb knowledge through input.In other words,it guides students to recognize and understand the grammatical features in the process of input.(2)Dominant knowledge method:Fotos(1984)conducted an experiment to observe whether the task-based teaching model of consciousness cultivation has any effect on Japanese college students,and if it has any effect,how effective it will be.Through the experiment,she found that student’s awareness of the language rules could be summarized through students’own understanding and teaching by teacher.Therefore,the task of grammar awareness has been upgraded to the task of cultivating language communication skills. According to the above research,Rod Ellis points out that the study of grammar awareness is very important in grammar teaching.2.1.4The Procedure of Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching ModelIn order to integrate these principles into the grammar teaching materials,Rod Ellis designed the following steps for the“structural input task-based”grammar teaching model:(1)The“Listening”task:students listen to a passage and understand its meaning.(2)The“Discovering”task:students listen to the same material again,but some key points are left out and students are asked to fill in the blanks.(3)The task of“Activating Grammar Awareness”:teachers guide students to discover how the target grammar structure is constructed and used by analyzing the data provided by listening materials.(4)The“Test”task:students complete an exercise to check if they have understood the target grammar structure.(5)The“Output”tasks:teachers give students the opportunity to use the target grammar structure in their own sentences.The goal of the output task is to let students learn to explore the grammar structure and not just grasp the theory.Rod Ellis believes that the purpose of these grammar materials is not to teach grammar, but to help students improve grammar awareness and learn grammar.This is a valuable goal and is consistent with the current emphasis on communicative skills and learner’s autonomy.2.1.5Related Studies on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model Abroad and at Home 1.Related Research on Rod Ellis’Grammar Teaching Model Abroad。
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Harrington & Dennis将频次分为分布频次(distribution frequency)和练习频次(task frequency)两种:分布频次,是指语言项目在语段或语言材料中出现的次数,即语言特征的分布规律;而练习频次,则指的是个体接触语言项目的经历,后者强调重复练习对语言学习的作用[2]。
Ellis 对频次进行了综合阐述,他认
Ellis 的相关理论强调了频次效应在二语习得中的重要作用,语言习得的关键在于建立语言表征之间在功能和形式上的联系,而练习的频次正是加强这种联系的关键。