遗憾,后悔 电子邮件
Unit | Two
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
1 Task: Give thanks to your hostess (女主人) for a happy New Year's Party.
祝贺 赢得;奖
Unit | Two
Window on Key Words 建议
3) Expressing Thanks for Others' Help A: Professor Smith, thank you very much for your advice on my paper! B: It's my pleasure to be of some help. A: I could never be so successful without your help. B: I always know that you can do well. 4) Making Apologies to Others A: I'm so sorry for being late again. B: Never mind, but it's a lesson for you to learn. A: Please forgive me one more time. B: Oh, just see it doesn't happen again, will you? 5) Expressing Regret A: I'm sorry I didn't send the e-mail yesterday. B: Forget it. That's OK. A: I wish I could make up for it. B: I don't think it's your fault.
U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程1unit2答案U校园新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程 1Unit2 答案Ullit 2 Be yourself, be happyi Explore 12-2 {Explore I: ReadingV T ieWing 1-2D CICar2)Pleiι( y細aι1ιele4)WaIk5)guilty6)chance7)IilZy紳terrified9)IlorribIeLO )UnIaZIn g2-3 !Explore I: Buikliiigyour IHnKUage λλ ords IInd expressions 1-11.decisive2.eMihκΠe3.WoUIIIeSS4 ICiIltOrCenlent5.UlKIerh Jiml?B l6.CollIfOrtinIT7.8- IiKUijfcstedλλ ords and expressions 1-2Reterence:1,ICt j*υ Of IhC IlCUaIι? c ClllotiollSW ~ ?2,Clinging to UIIhapPy things'93,take VlnIr IIHlKI υfl' IIle test'94.you are aware Of IHS PCIIn5.goes hand In IIaIKl With a POSitiVC OUtlOOk On IIfC6.in terms OfhaPPineSS7.is IeSolUte in CA ereOIning all difficulties COlIOCatiOnS 11.accomplish2.SenSe3.ObIigation丄baggage5. PUrSUitXOcabuIary IearIliIIg StriltegieS 1-2Referelice:1.Self-reproach; Self-talk2.Self-imposedOcahulary learning StnltegieS 1-31.Seli-deprecating2.SeIf-talk3.SelI-reproaclι4 Selt-imposedLangUage focus 1-2Referenee:1.I decide to do ιn?kιundr? h? FndaV IIiaht if not SooneE2.YOU IOok InUCh better now that VoIfve freetl ? ourself IrOm M ShOUkΓ, Shamine?3.If Ilot a great scholar, he is a bright man.4 No??^ that we know how to USe reiιιiOrCers. we Can gi?eit a tn?■Banked CIOZe 11)ObIigation2)resolute3)reiιtforcement4)guilt5)worthless6)SuCkS7)InaniieSt8)SOlidifX T9)Ilegative10)worth2?4 iExplore 1: Sharing your ideasSliai ing you∣? ideas 1Reierenee:Description Ot thC Problein: I ProCraStilIatC On regularly OrganiZing my PerSOnal belongings in Iny dorm. ?EXamPIe(S) Of IIow IhiS PrOblem is CaUSing troubles: 1) MY desk and bed arc IneSSV aιul UntidVI 2) I Cannot InUl IlIe thinss that I need Iininediatelv; 3) I don,t WaIlt to StaV In the J ?doπn.IiKiuiix about SUeSeStiOllS In a SinCCre tone: WheII VOUr W?fπκl yourself In this SitUation. What would you PoSSibly tell yoursell1? Γm rcalh UI IIeUd of your SUgycs(ιoιIS to help IUC o?ercoιnc this ProbIeIn?iExplore 22-5 iExplore 2: ReadingVleWing 1-2L ShyI awkward: negative; quiet: anti-social2? energetic: OUtgOing: IIOnna1: POSitl? e; Irieiidly; SOCIaI Mewing 1-3Referenee:1 ACCOrding to the ? ideo CIiP? intro? ersion andextro? ersion SPeCilICally (Jeal With how an Indl? idual stains and IOSeS energy? IntdItS ^alil energy from theirJ J ?j j ?internal world, as they enjoy deep Ihinking.COntCInPlatlng new ideas and reflecting UpOlI theirCXPCriCnCCS? Extro wils gain CnCrgy from tlιc CXtCrna I WOrkL as they enjoy SOCialiZing and exploring the WOrld around tlieiii.2.I always think that iιιtroveιts arc quiet, shy. CVCn a bit anti-sociaL WhiIe extro?eιls are MtiyleHuJ aιul Otten quitepopular.3.? The COntent Of the VidDO definitely ChaI12es ιn?“JOI iginaI thoughts JbOUt extro? erts and intro?eιls. They are just Cllfferent Ieniperanients. I o think that extro?βerts arc better Ihan introverts^ Or IhC Other ?va?r aroun<="" p="" sav="" the="" to="">The COntent Of the ? ideo is actually quite SinliIar to What I Ori(JinallV thought about extro?r eιls and IntrO? erts. In fact I have fιieικls WlIO arc SeelI as introverts. AS an CXtro?ert.I get IIlony well ??ith them Wc IUakC great teams Working toward a COInmOn goal. SO IbCheVe the knowledge about these two teιnρeι aments is not a COlnPlete mystery to me.2?6 iExplore 2: BUildin(I your IanSUage W ordS and expressions 1-11.UIUte2? POSSCSS3.(Jccbmion4.IIerOiC5.tierce6.intro?eH7.SParked& Iabel9. inclinedλλ ords and CXPreSSiOIIS 1?21? COnJUre UP2.at OnCe3.SPCak volumes4.COnSiSt Of5.keep to herself(OlioCationS 1Reference:1.knowledge2.aimer工WanunS4.JeSirC5.qualities6.encoιιraeenιentJλ Ocabularv Iearaing StrilteOieS 1-20 01) Introxeits2)IOIkl3) IeSened4) quiet5)JedICated6) ∏erce7) ShV■8) StrOn<2InUISIntiOlI 1-1Reierelice:越來越沾勉的是?我的人物们不是躺任某处的?木巧中: 他们就在这里?等待若我去看,去感受,去经历。
• available go ahead keep in touch • absolutely urge estimate reunion • hang out destination or something • go by every now and then mostly • know by heart right away reference
next index previous back break over
Unit 2: Part II
1) He seemed to be still anxious about his failure in the examination. (on one’s mind)
It seemed that his failure _i_n_t_h_e__e_x_a_m_i_n_a_t_io_n__w_a_s_s_t_il_l_o_n___ _h_i_s _m__in_d_.___________________________________________.
next index back previous break over
Unit 2: Part II
4) I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time because something has unexpectedly happened.(come up)
Unit Two Saying Thanks or SorrySection One & Section TwoI W arm-up Questions1. What will you say in English to those who give you some help?2. What do you know about English expressions for showing regrets or forgiveness? List them.II Class Activities1.The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recitethem within five minutes in pairs.2.Ask the students to underline the useful expressions and perform theMini-Talks in class.3.Students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases andsentences frequently used according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.1)Sentences frequently used for expressing thanks:(1) It was so generous of you to send me such a fine and beautiful gift.(2) I don’t know how to express my thanks to you.(3) I’m grateful for all the help and encouragement you’ve given me.(4) Thank you for doing me a favor.(5) Many thanks for your information.(6) Thank you again for arranging everything for us.(7) Thanks a lot for arranging everything for us.2) Sentences frequently used for expressing congratulation;(1) Congratulations on your recent promotion.(2) Please accept my heartiest congratulations.(3) May an old friend congratulate you for obtaining your Master’s Degree.(4) I congratulate you on your wonderful result in the final examination! Welldone.(5) I owe much to your kind help and support.(6) I am sure you deserve the honor.3) Sentences frequently used for making apologies and asking for forgivness:(1) I’m terribly sorry that I’ve forgot to bring the sample of the product.(2) I do apologize for this.(3) Excuse me. Forgive me for interrupting you again(4) I’m so sorry that I’ve forgot the class meeting(5) I feel terribly sorry for missing the appointment.(6) I hope you will accept my sincere apology for not informing you of the news.(7) Please forgive me.Being all earsⅢ. Key W ords of listen and repeat1. grateful 心怀感激的obliged 感激的appreciate 珍惜,看重terribly 非常地,极度地pardon 原谅,谅解2. key1-i, 2-d, 3-c, 4-h, 5-j, 6-e, 7-b, 8-f, 9-g,10-a3. Script:1). I feel so grateful for your kindness.2). What a lovely present! I like it so much!3). Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.4). Congratulations! We all feel so proud of you!5). I apologize for the terrible mistake.6). I’m much obliged to you for your help4. ScriptAndy: Hi, Donna. Y ou are up! Are you all right now?Donna: Not quite yet. I’m still feeling rather weak.Andy: Sorry to hear that. Do be more careful in riding next time.Donna: Y eah, I have learned a lesson. Andy, it was very thoughtful of you to send me the get-well card yesterday.Andy: Well, I just hope you can recover soon.Donna: Thank you. And I’d also like to thank you for these beautiful flowers.Andy: They are fresh from my sister’s garden.Donna: No wonder they look so nice! I’ve put them right on the table beside the bed.Andy: I’m glad you like them. Oh, dear! I’ve got to go now. Take care, Donna.Section ThreeTrying your handⅠLetter of Thanks英语感谢信(Letter of Thanks)是外国政府机构或个人的关心、支持、帮助或热情款待表示感谢的对外函件。
实⽤英语综合教程1教案unit2Unit 2 FriendshipⅠ. Teaching Objectives:1. Grasp the main idea of the Text A and Text B2. Master important language points and grammatical points3. Speaking: How to talk about likes and dislikes and how to make friends4. Develop the ability of practical writing: Personal LettersⅡ. Time allotment: 6 periodsText A & Exercises 2 periodsText B & Exercises 2 periodsGrammar & Practical Writing 2 periodsText A My Friend, the Telephone OperatorⅠPre-reading Tasks:1. Discuss the following questions in class.1) What kind of person do you expect your friend to be? Describe a person who is likely to be your friend.(honest, kind, tolerant, filial, positive, warm-hearted, humorous, responsible, intelligent……)2) Friend ship may sometimes exert a great impact on one?s life. Have you heard of any stories of friendship? Do you think your life has ever been influenced by your relations with your friends?A StoryThe dog has been man?s best friend for thousands of years. Gele rt was a hunting dog belonging to a hunter. One morning, the hunter went hunting without the dog. On his return, he found Gelert covered with blood. His baby was not in its bed. Thinking that the dog had eaten the child, he killed the dog with his sword. The noise awoke the baby who had been asleep, safe and sound under a pile of bed coverings. The father heard its cry and found the baby. Under the bed was found a wolf, killed by Gelert. The faithful dog had saved the baby but lost his life because of a tragic misunderstanding.2. Background InformationIn the 1870s, Alexander Graham Bell designed a device that we now call the telephone. Bell?s extensive knowledge of the nature of sound and his understanding of music enabled him to invent the device.Bell?s greatest success was achieved on March 10, 1876, marking the birth of the telephone. The first sentence ever spoken over a telephone was uttered over this device on that day. The historic words, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you” were uttered by Bell.ⅡWhile—Reading Tasks1.Ask the students to read the new words and expressions.2.Explain the key words and expressions and give students practice.1) discover vt. 发现discover sthdiscover + that从句discover + wh-疑问词+动词不定式discoverer n. 发现者discovery n. 发现discover & learn两个词都含有“获得知识,了解”这个含义。
英语综合教程第一册 Unit2 The Fun They Had 课文翻译
Readingຫໍສະໝຸດ SpeakingGrammar
Watching & Performing
Situation: You have made a new friend in your class
today. Your roommate is interested and wants you to tell him/her about your new friend.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
The guy who’s always there whenever you need help.
The guy who always needs your help.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
The guy who makes you happy.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
3 Listen to the song I Will Come to You and then fill in the blanks.
Unit 2 Valuable Friendship
新经典高职英语综合教程1课件unit2全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 2: My DayHi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old girl from a small town. Today, I want to tell you all about my typical day. It's a lot of fun, and I hope you'll enjoy reading about it!My day usually starts bright and early at around 7 AM. I wake up to the sound of my mom's voice calling me from downstairs. "Emma, time to wake up, sweetie!" she says. I rub my eyes and stretch, feeling well-rested and ready to start the day.After getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I head downstairs for breakfast. My mom always makes the yummiest meals! Today, she's made pancakes with maple syrup and fresh strawberries. I gobble them up quickly because I love pancakes so much. My little brother, Sam, is already at the table, munching on his breakfast too.Once we're done eating, it's time to get ready for school. I grab my backpack and my lunchbox, and Mom drives us to the elementary school. I love going to school篇2Hi friends! Today I want to tell you all about Unit 2 from my new English textbook. It's called "New Integrated English Course for Higher Vocational Education 1" - that's a really long name! But the unit itself is super interesting.The unit is called "A Western Family" and it's all about this family called the Brownings who live in London. There are four people in the family - Tom and Jane who are the parents, and their two kids Danny and Lucy.The first thing we learn about is their house. It's a really cool big old Victorian house with four bedrooms upstairs and a big kitchen, living room and dining room downstairs. There are also descriptions of the backyard which has a little garden area. I wish my house was that big!Next we meet all the family members one by one. Tom is the dad and he works as an engineer. He's 45 years old and likes watching football on TV and tinkering with cars and electronics in his free time. Jane is the mom and she's 42. She workspart-time as a nurse at a hospital. Her hobbies are reading novels, going for walks, and taking care of her flowers in the garden.Then there's Danny who is 15 years old. He's really into sports like soccer, basketball and running track. His biggest dream is to become a professional athlete when he grows up. Lastly, there's 12-year-old Lucy. She loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian. Her favorite activities are horseback riding lessons, playing with her dog Buddy, and watching nature shows on TV.After introducing the family members, the unit goes into detail about their daily routines and schedules. We learn what time everyone wakes up, has breakfast, goes to work/school, comes home, has dinner, and goes to bed. There are a lot of new vocabulary words about daily activities and times of day.My favorite part is reading the dialogues between the family members. There are lots of cute conversations between the parents and kids talking about their days, making plans, asking for help or permission with things. It really makes you feel like you're right there with the Browning family!The unit also has sections practicing grammar concepts like simple present tense for habits/routines, prepositions of time, and question words. There are fun exercises where we re-orderscrambled dialogue lines, fill in the blanks, and discuss questions comparing our own family life to the Brownings.Overall, I'm really enjoying Unit 2 so far! Learning about the Browning family makes the lessons feel much more engaging than just dry vocabulary lists. Their daily lives seem quite similar to my own family's routines, but with some interesting cultural differences too being British. I feel like I've made new friends and can't wait to read what adventures they'll have next!Let me know if you have any other questions about the unit. I'm happy to go into more detail on any part that seems confusing. Unit 2 is quite long but very useful for building everyday conversation skills. Okay, time for me to go practice some more now. Toodles!篇3Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you all about what I learned in Unit 2 of my new English textbook. It's called "The World of Work" and it teaches about different jobs and careers. I think learning English is super important so I can talk to people from all over the world when I grow up!The first thing we learned about were jobs associated with offices and companies. There are so many different roles! One cool job is being a receptionist. They get to greet people when they come into the office and answer phone calls. It sounds like you need excellent people skills. My teacher said receptionists have to be friendly, polite and helpful. I could totally do that job because I love meeting new people and making them feel welcome.Another office job we studied was being a personal assistant. Their main task is to support a boss or manager by doing things like scheduling appointments, making travel plans, and typing up documents. It requires being really organized and a brilliant multi-tasker. Those are skills I definitely need to work on! Being a personal assistant sounds challenging but also very rewarding when you accomplish a lot in a day.We also learned about jobs more focused on numbers like accounting and finance. Accountants have to be total math whizzes! Their job is to prepare financial records, complete tax forms, and make sure a company's finances are all properly tracked. Someday I may consider training to become an accountant because I'm pretty good at math. Though I'll admit I find balancing checkbooks boring as heck!Marketing was another area we covered in this unit. Marketing managers come up with creative strategies to promote products or services and make them appeal to customers. That sounds like such a fun career! You get to be creative, do market research, and persuade people through advertising campaigns. I love being creative so a marketing job could be perfect for me when I'm older.The last section focused on entrepreneurs who start their own small businesses. My teacher explained that entrepreneurs have to be self-motivated risk-takers with brilliant business ideas. They handle everything from designing products to managing employees to finding investors. Talk about a huge amount of responsibility! I'm honestly not sure if I'm brave enough to ever launch my own company, but I have so much respect for entrepreneurs.Throughout this unit, I learned about many more potential career paths too - like sales, human resources, operations management, and more. The world of work is just so vast with endless possibilities! I may still be a kid, but this unit really got me thinking hard about what I want to be when I grow up.No matter what job I pursue, mastering English will be crucial. Can you imagine an accountant not being able tocommunicate properly about finances? Or a marketing director who struggles to write creative ad copy? Languages unite our world and open up amazing opportunities across so many fields.I'm proud of how much I've learned so far, but there's still loads more to discover. My favourite part of this unit was the video clips that showed real people in different careers. It helped me visualize what various occupations actually involve. I could picture myself in roles like a friendly receptionist, articulating ad slogans as a marketer, or being a take-charge entrepreneur.At this point, I'm leaning towards something artistic and creative for a future career. Maybe I'll combine my marketing knowledge with my passion for drawing to become a graphic designer? Or my love of theatre and English could lead to being a film director someday? Heck, maybe I'll even write bestselling novels as an author when I'm older! The possibilities are endless and exciting.For now though, I need to focus on being a model student. Absorbing as much as I can about English, working hard, and having fun. Because no matter what career I choose, this unit proved that mastering communication skills in English is the key to achieving my dreams. Thanks for reading, and wish me luck!篇4My Favorite Animal - The DolphinHello everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about my favorite animal - the dolphin. Dolphins are amazing creatures that live in the ocean. They are so cute and smart!Dolphins are mammals, just like us humans. They are known for their playful nature and their ability to swim really fast. Wow! Can you imagine swimming as fast as a dolphin? They are like the superheroes of the sea!One thing that makes dolphins so special is their unique communication skills. They use a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements to talk to each other. It's like they have their own secret language! Scientists have even discovered that dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror. How cool is that?Dolphins come in different sizes and colors. Some are gray, while others are blue or even pink! The most common type of dolphin is called the bottlenose dolphin. They have a curved mouth that looks like a smile, which makes them even more adorable.These beautiful creatures are also very social. They live in groups called pods and love to swim and play together. Sometimes, they even jump out of the water and do flips in the air. It's like they are dancing! I wish I could join them and play all day long.Did you know that dolphins are really helpful too? They often help fishermen by herding fish into nets. They are like underwater superheroes, saving the day for the fishermen! They are also known to protect swimmers from sharks. How brave and kind they are!I have always dreamt of swimming with dolphins. It would be so exciting to see them up close and maybe even touch their smooth skin. I hope one day I get the chance to make this dream come true.In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animals because they are cute, smart, and friendly. Their playful nature, unique communication skills, and helpfulness make them the most amazing creatures in the ocean. I will always be fascinated by dolphins and cherish the hope of swimming with them one day.That's all about my favorite animal - the dolphin. I hope you enjoyed learning about them as much as I did. Thank you for listening!篇5Unit Two - My FamilyHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. In this unit,we're gonna learn all about families. Families are really important - they're the people who love you no matter what!Let me start by telling you about my family. I live with my mom, dad, and little brother Tommy who is 5 years old. My mom's name is Sarah and she works as a teacher. My dad is called John and he's an engineer at a big factory.We live in a cozy little house with a bright red door. Inside, we have a living room with a squishy couch that's perfect for cuddling up and reading books on. The kitchen has a big wooden table where we eat our meals together. Upstairs are our bedrooms - I have my own with lots of stuffed animals!Every morning, my mom makes us a yummy breakfast like pancakes or eggs. Then she takes me and Tommy to school. After school, we play outside or have friends over. Sometimes my dad comes home late from work, but he always hugs us tight.On weekends, we love going to the park as a family. We fly kites, have picnics, and play on the swings and slides. It's the best!We also go bowling sometimes, which is really fun even though I'm not very good.One of my favorite family traditions is movie night every Friday. We make popcorn, wear our pj's, and snuggle up to watch a fun film together. My brother and I get to pick the movie each time!Grandparents are part of your extended family too. My grandma lives nearby and comes over a lot. She teaches me to bake yummy cookies and tells me stories from when my parents were little kids. I love grandma so much!Not every family looks the same though. Maybe you live just with one parent, or with aunts and uncles, or you have two moms or two dads. Maybe your grandparents raised you. Families can be all different shapes and sizes - the most important thing is that you have people who love you.Family members should love and care for each other in good times and bad. Sometimes families can have problems and disagreements, but you work through them together. At the end of the day, your family has your back no matter what.Families teach you important values like honesty, respect, and responsibility. My parents always tell me to be a goodperson, work hard in school, and treat others with kindness. They set a good example by being kind themselves.Having siblings can be lots of fun but also challenging sometimes. My brother drives me crazy when he borrows my toys without asking! But we're best friends and I'll always stick up for him. Maybe you're an only child - that's okay too!Your family's culture and traditions are special too. In our family, we celebrate holidays like Christmas and go to church on Sundays. We also make sure to spend time with our extended family like cousins, aunts and uncles. Every family has unique customs to bring them together.I feel so lucky and thankful for my amazing family. They support me, keep me safe, and most of all shower me with lots of love every single day. After all, that's what family is all about - unconditional love!Those are some of my thoughts on the importance of family.I may be just a kid, but I know how blessed I am to have such a caring, fun family in my life. What about you - what's special about your family? I'd love to hear all about it!篇6My English ClassHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about my English class. It's one of my favorite classes because I love learning English. It's so much fun!In English class, we start by saying "Good morning" to our teacher, Ms. Johnson. She's really nice and funny. Sometimes she even tells us jokes in English and we all laugh. After we greet her, we sing a song together. There are lots of cool English songs we learn, like "The Wheels on the Bus" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". Singing helps us practice the English words.Then Ms. Johnson puts up a big picture on the board. Last week, the picture showed a family. There was a mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma and grandpa. Ms. Johnson pointed to each person and said the English words like "mother", "father", "son", "daughter", "grandmother", "grandfather". We all repeated the words after her. I think learning the family vocabulary is important so I can introduce my family in English.After the vocabulary, we practice conversations. Ms. Johnson will be one person, and pick a student to be the other person. They'll do a little roleplay conversation in English. One time, I was the daughter and Ms. Johnson was the mom. She asked mequestions like "How was school today?" and I had to answer in English. It was fun but a little scary!My favorite part of English class is watching the videos. We get to watch really cool videos that teach us stuff. One video was about colors - it went through all the colors and showed objects of those colors. Another video was about animals and showed different animal sounds. The videos make it easier to understand and remember.Sometimes we also read little stories. Ms. Johnson puts up the story on the board and we go through it together. She'll stop after each sentence to explain it and make sure we understand. The stories teach us new words and grammar. Last month we read a story called "The Hungry Puppy" which was really cute!At the end of class, we usually play a game to practice what we learned that day. Games like bingo, memory match, or even just Simon Says. Games are greatfor helping me remember the vocabulary and sentences we just learned. Sometimes we get prizes like stickers or candy if we get it right!English class is thebest. I learn so much, but it's still really fun and not boring at all. We sing songs, watch videos, read stories, and play games. Ms. Johnson makes sure we understand everything by going step-by-step. Even though I'm just startingto learn English, I already know a lot from this class. My favorite words I've learned so far are "friend", "play", "happy", and "awesome"! Those describe English class perfectly. I can't wait until next week's class!。
大学英语综合教程第一册Unit 2课后练习答案
5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.
4) The author got to learn more about their friendship by reading the letter himself.
Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-20 From a conversation with the cab driver the author learned how much he regretted failing to keep up correspondence with his old friend Ed. Part Two Paras 21-35 Reading the letter by himself, the author learned more about the lifelong friendship between the driver and Old Ed. Part Three Para 36 The driver's experience urged the author to reach for his pen.
3. 1) A couple of flights at Pudong Airport were postponed this morning because of the awful weather. It is estimated that over one thousand passengers were held up.
新标准大学英语 综合教程1 笔记unit2
New Standard College EnglishAn Integrated Course 1Ye Can’s NoteUnit 2 Food, glorious food!Active Reading 1 The First OysterNew Words, Phrases and Expressions1. glorious: wonderful and extremely enjoyable2. oyster: a large flat shellfish. Some types of oyster can be eaten cooked or uncooked and others produce shiny white jewels called pearls.3. "Nonsense, how do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it," he reasoned. reason: to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts and thinking in a logical way.She reasoned that she must have left her bag on the train.4. Just slide it into your mouth.5. I thought the oyster looked rather nasty.nasty: having a bad appearance, smell, taste etc.6. a French seaside resortresort: a place where a lot of people go for holidays7. the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood, crabs, prawns, lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other.(1) prawn: a shellfish with ten legs and a long tail, that can be eaten. Prawns turn pink when cooked. (BrE: prawn = AmE: shrimp)(2) shellfish: a sea or water animal that does not have a backbone, but has a shell, and can be eaten as food, such as crabs, lobsters, and oysters.8. my father had decided to take me, his ten-year-old son, to lunch, and to mark an important event in my life, as important to my father as coming of age: my first oyster.come of age: reach adult statusHe’ll inherit the money when he comes of age.9. rock pool: a small pool of water between rocks by the sea. (BrE) (=tide pool AmE)10. juicy bacon sandwichjuicy: containing a lot of juice and good to eatHe ordered a juicy rump steak.11. Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt.gloomy: sad and without hope, because you think the situation will not improveI can tell by your gloomy face that the news is bad.12. striking a note of compromiseTo strike a note of something means to speak in a particular manner or tone.compromise: an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end13. the clear perception14. On his plate was a pile of discarded lobster claws, and alongside was a battery of implements used to crack the shells, and scrape out every last piece of meat.(1) discard: get rid of sth. because it is uselessdiscard an old pair of shoes / discard old beliefs(2) a battery of: a group of many things or people of the same typea battery of medical tests(3) implement: a tool or instrument, especially a fairly large one with no motor, especially one used for outdoor physical workagricultural implements15. He paused every mouthful and raised his glass. Now and then he waved the oyster at me, teasing me to eat it.(1) mouthful: an amount of food or drink that you put into your mouth at one timeHe took a mouthful of sweet country air.I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful.handful: the amount of sth that can be held in one handarmful: a quantity that you can carry in one or both arms(2) now and then: at times, occasionally(3) tease: to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them, either in a friendly way or in an unkind wayShe used to tease me about my hair.16. I just looked at my empty plate in despair.despair: a feeling that you have no hope at all for the futureDefeat after defeat filled us with despair.17. a silent tear slid down my cheek.slid: pt of slide18. I knew it was all over.19. I took it between a finger and thumb, and held it to my lips.20. I did as I was told.21. The oyster was slippery.slippery: difficult to hold or to stand on or walk on, because it is smooth, wet or greasy.slippery like a fishThe road was slippery after the rain.22. half smilingKey Words1. portionn.(1) a part of something larger, especially a part that is different from the other partsThe factory represents only a small portion of the company’s interests.The rent on his portion of the apartment was $500 a month.The front portion of the rocket breaks off.(2) an amount of food for one person, especially when served in a restaurantShe cut the cake into six small portions.a huge portion of roast beefHe served generous portions of soup from the pot.(3) a share of something, such as responsibility, blame, or a duty, that is divided between a small number of peopleThe other driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.2. clingv.(1) to stick to someone or something, to fit very tightly on somethingHis wet shirt clung to his body.(2) to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safesurvivors clinging to a raftcling to old ideasShe clung to the hope that her son was not dead.3. perceptionn.(1) the way that you notice things with your senses of sight, hearing etcvisual perceptionHis perception of the change came in a flash.(2) the natural ability to understand or notice things quicklyHis analysis of the problem showed great perception.(3) the way you think about something and your idea of what it is likeParents’ views influence their children’s perceptions of the world.public perception of the police / doctorThere is a general public perception that…4. crackvt./vi.to break or to make something break, either so that it gets lines on its surface, or so that it breaks into piecesHe cracked a couple of eggs into a pan.He has cracked a bone in his arm.Don’t put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.Her lips were dry and cracked.5. scrapev.(1) to remove something from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across itScrape the carrots and slice them thinly.(2) to rub against a rough surface by accident so that it causes slight damage or hurtI must have scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car.She fell and scraped her knee.Notes1. district / region / vicinity / area,这一组名词都有“区域”的意思。
最新版新起点大学英语综合教程第一册unit2教案Unit 2Section A: The Opera SingerTeaching Objectives:1. 理解课文A 和B 的文章大意,学习音乐家不懈努力追求完美艺术的高尚精神。
2. 理解和正确运用重点词汇、短语、主谓宾补句型、被动语态和疑问句。
3. 掌握两个易混淆元音/e/ 和/ ?/ 的不同发音。
4. 学会正确使用名词。
5. 了解乐曲《高山流水》的由来,学习古人珍惜友谊的高尚情操。
Teaching Procedures:Part 1: Warm-up Activities1. Matching:Learn the following words about different kinds of musical instrument, and match them to the pictures.2. Listen to the conversation. Then practice with your partner, using the words and phrases provided on the right.Part 2: Text A: The Opera SingerⅠ. Background Information1. Pedro Pablo SacristanPedro Pablo Sacristan (1973–), was born in Madrid. He was the second of six children and studied at the private school where his father worked as an athletic trainer. Despite being part of a very modest family, he had a good education in an atmosphere of deep Christian roots. Bedtime Stories is a project that combines his great love for writing stories, a disguised vocation for education and deep knowledge in the fields of technology.2. History of operaOpera, whose name comes from the Italian word work, is anart form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. Opera is part of the Western classical music tradition. It started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and soon spread throughout the rest of Europe.Ⅱ. Words and phrases1. mattera. v. be important 有关系;要紧What does it matter whether he comes or goes? 他是来是去,又有什么关系呢?b. n. affair, topic or situation being considered 事情;问题;情况It’s no laughing matter. 这可不是闹着玩的。
全新版大学英语综合教程第一册 Unit 2 Friendship
• Friendship often involves - Enjoyment
spending time doing things together and sharing life experiences. - Trust believing that our friends act on our behalf. …
2. n. approximate calculation or judgment made about a quantity or value
All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter
Foster Furcolo
He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on the windshield to get his attention.
• If without a friend…
• Now try to have a discussion about other qualities necessary in maintaining an enduring friendship.
• Why do you think they are important in keeping a good friendship?
Unit 2 Friendship
Learning Plan
• Lead-in Points • Before-class Preparations • In-class Reading • Review & Assignment
• 6. encounter: (fml) meet, esp. unexpectedly • Example: She encountered an old friend on the street. • 7. ... the lack of it: Here it refers to animal intelligence. • 8. reveal: make (sth.) known • Example: A survey of the Chinese diet has revealed that a growing number of children in cities are overweight. • 9. convince: make (sb.) feel sure by the use of argument or evidence (used in the patterns: convince sb. of sth., convince sb. that) • Examples: 1) His parents managed to convince him that teaching was the most suitable profession for him. • 2) We finally convinced the police of our innocence. • (be convinced: feel certain that sth. is true • Example: I was convinced that we were doing the right thing.)
• 10. dominant: ruling; stronger, more powerful, or more noticeable than other people or things • Examples: 1) Charlie Chaplin was a dominant figure in the American film industry. 2) a dominant position 统治地位 • 11. make a deal: reach an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business or politics • Examples: 1) I'll make a deal with you — you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight. • 2) The car company has made a deal with a Japanese firm, which will supply engines in exchange for brakes. • 12. ... only to be met with a blank stare: • Only to (do sth.) is often used to indicate that sb. did sth. with a disappointing or surprising result. Infinitive to functions as result adverbial. • Examples: 1) He hurried to the railway station, only to find that the train had left. 2) He had once tried inviting her out, only to meet with a rather cool response.
(全新版)大学英语《综合教程》第一册 Unit 2
you have just said
• Examples: 1) The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something.
2) Here's some money. Get yourself a sandwich
• A surprising ending is usually adopted in stories. Many great writers have tried this writing method. The most typical one is O.Henry, American writer of short stories. He was best known for his ironic plot twists and surprise endings. His style of storytelling later became a model not only for short fiction, but also for American motion pictures and television programs.
Halloween is celebrated annually. It is on the night of 31 October, when people once believed that ghosts could been seen. Now, in Britain and America, it is a time when children have parties, dress up as witches, make lanterns out of pumpkins from which the inside has been removed, and play “trick and cheat”.
新世纪大学英语第二版综合教程1 课文翻译及答案Unit2
一名语言教师的个人看法威尔•皮德克罗夫特1 我每天都会在报纸上、公共汽车上看到各种广告,声称轻轻松松就能学好英语。
2 学生们喜欢实惠的速成学习方法也在情理之中,但要用浅显易懂的语言去解释为什么某一方法比另一方法更有效并不是一件简单的事,而且也无需装模作样地声称有什么人已经找到了一个万能的适合所有学习环境的教学方法。
3 有很长一段时间,人们认为学好一门语言唯一的方法就是去使用那种语言的国家待上一段时间。
4 现在大量的教学活动还是建立在行为主义心理学的基础之上。
5 我个人认为,假如没有兴趣,任何人都不可能学好英语或其它任何语言。
大学英语综合教程1 Unit 2 Growing up
If you’re anything like your father, you’ll be a smart boy. 1. What is the meaning of the sentence? The teacher believes that the boy can become a very clever student if he can learn something from his father.
Because he wanted to be independent and Q&A gain popularity in his own right. He did not want to stay in a place where he • Paragraph 9-13 was followed by his father’s good name and • 1. Why did he choose to attend a identity. never seemed to have his own college
beam 1. v. 1) smile brightly and happily He beamed his approval of the new idea. 2) emit or transmit 这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。 这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。 The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites. 2. n. 1) a bright and happy look or smile The old lady opened the door with a beam. 2) a ray or shaft of light The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.
全新版大学英语综合教程第二版1单词UNIT2Detailed ReadingUNIT2TEXTAbe lost in / lose oneself in: be absorbed in; be fully occupied with - He was lost in playing computer games so he was unaware of my entering the room. - I had lost myself in thought.- 他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切都很漠然。
(He was lost to the world in this task.)available: adj.1. able to be got, obtained, used, etc.- If you don’t want to buy a kite, you can make your own using directions available in the book. - We have already used up all the available space. - 对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。
(I’m sorry. Those overcoats are not available in your color and size. ) 2. able to be visited or seen; not too busy- 律师现在没空。
(The lawyer is not available now.)or something: used when you are not very sure about what you have just said - The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something. - Here’s some money. Get yourself a sandwich or something. NB:同义的短语:or something like thatgo ahead: continue; begin (sometimes followed by with + n.)- The board of directors will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan. - Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway. estimate:1. vt. form a judgment about (a quantity or value) - Bill’s personal riches were estimated at $368 million.- I estimate that the total cost for the treatment of the disease will go from $5,000 to $8,000. - 我估计她有35岁。
大学英语综合教程1unit2课文读后感The Comprehensive English Course 1 Unit 2 textbook provides a well-structured and engaging exploration of various topics related to university life and education. As a student, I found the content to be informative and thought-provoking, offering valuable insights that have broadened my understanding of the academic landscape and the importance of effective communication skills.One of the key aspects that stood out to me was the emphasis on the role of English as a global language. The unit delves into the widespread use of English in academic and professional settings, highlighting its significance as a tool for international collaboration and knowledge sharing. This recognition of English as a lingua franca underscores the need for students like myself to develop proficient language skills to thrive in the increasingly interconnected world.The unit also addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with the transition from high school to university. The discussions on time management, study habits, and adapting to a more independent learning environment resonate strongly with my ownexperiences. The strategies and advice provided in the textbook have been invaluable in helping me navigate the complexities of university life and develop effective study techniques.Moreover, the unit's focus on critical thinking and academic writing has been particularly relevant. The exercises and examples related to constructing well-structured arguments, conducting research, and effectively communicating ideas have equipped me with the necessary skills to excel in my coursework. I have found myself applying these principles not only in my English classes but also in other subjects, as the ability to think critically and articulate one's thoughts clearly is essential across various academic disciplines.One aspect of the unit that I found particularly engaging was the exploration of cultural differences and their impact on communication. The discussions on cultural norms, nonverbal cues, and the importance of cultural awareness have broadened my perspective and sensitized me to the nuances of cross-cultural interactions. As a student aiming to pursue a global career, this understanding of cultural diversity has become increasingly valuable.Furthermore, the unit's emphasis on developing effective presentation skills has been instrumental in boosting my confidence and public speaking abilities. The guidance on structuring presentations, using visual aids, and engaging the audience hasequipped me with the necessary tools to effectively convey my ideas and findings in both academic and professional settings.Throughout the unit, the textbook has also highlighted the significance of networking and building professional relationships. The discussions on networking strategies, informational interviews, and the importance of maintaining a positive online presence have underscored the need to proactively engage with the academic and professional community. These insights have motivated me to be more intentional in my efforts to expand my network and seek out mentorship opportunities.In addition to the academic and professional aspects, the unit also addresses the personal growth and development that often accompanies the university experience. The discussions on work-life balance, stress management, and the importance of self-care have resonated with me, as I have navigated the challenges of balancing academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities and personal well-being.Overall, the Comprehensive English Course 1 Unit 2 textbook has provided a comprehensive and invaluable resource for my academic and personal growth. The content has not only enhanced my English language proficiency but has also equipped me with a broader understanding of the expectations and skills required for success inthe university setting and beyond. As I continue my academic journey, I am grateful for the insights and guidance provided in this unit, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have gained will serve me well in my future endeavors.。
All the Cabbie Had Was a LetterFoster Furcolo1 He must have been completely lost in something he was reading because I had to tap on the windshield to get his attention. 出租车司机拥有的就剩一封信福斯特?弗克洛他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西里了,因为我不得不敲挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。
2 "Is your cab available?" I asked when he finally looked up at me. He nodded, then said apologetically as I settled into the back seat, "I'm sorry, but I was reading a letter." He sounded as if he had a cold or something. 他总算抬头看我了。
3 "I'm in no hurry," I told him. "Go ahead and finish your letter." “我不着急,”我对他说,“你接着把信读完吧。
”4 He shook his head. "I've read it several times already. I guess I almost know it by heart." 他摇了摇头。
”5 "Letters from home always mean a lot," I said. " At least they do with me because I'm on the road so much." Then, estimating that he was 60 or 70 years old, I guessed: "From a child or maybe a grandchild?" “家书抵万金啊,”我说。
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Unit 2 of our Integrated English Coursebook explores the theme of education. It examines different aspects of education, such as the purpose of education, the importance of lifelong learning, and the challenges faced by the education system. Through various reading passages and activities, this unit aims to deepen our understanding of the significance of education in our lives.
One of the key topics discussed in this unit is the purpose of education. In the article "Education for What?" by Richard P. Phelps, the author argues that the traditional view of education as a means to secure employment is outdated. He suggests that education should be focused on personal development, critical thinking, and fostering creativity. I found this perspective refreshing as it challenges the prevalent notion that education is only valuable for its economic benefits.
Another thought-provoking reading in this unit is "Education for Life" by J. Krishnamurti. The author emphasizes the importance of holistic education that goes beyond acquiring knowledge and skills. He believes that education should nurture values such as empathy, compassion, and a sense of global responsibility. Krishnamurti's ideas resonated with me as I believe that education should prepare individuals not just for the workforce, but also for a meaningful and fulfilling life.
The unit also includes a discussion on the challenges faced by the education system. In the article "Education's Hungry Heart" by Mike Rose, the author highlights the inequalities in the education system and argues for more inclusivity and diversity. He believes
that all students, regardless of their background, should have equal opportunities to learn and succeed. This reading made me reflect on the inequities present in our own education system and the need for reforms to ensure a fair and inclusive learning environment.
To further explore the theme of education, the unit provides several engaging activities. These activities encourage critical thinking and reflection on the topics discussed in the readings. For example, one activity asks students to analyze different quotes about education and share their thoughts on their meaning and relevance. This activity helped me to develop my analytical skills and articulate my own beliefs about education.
In conclusion, Unit 2 of our Integrated English Coursebook offers a comprehensive exploration of the theme of education. Through thought-provoking readings and engaging activities, this unit deepens our understanding of the purpose of education, the importance of holistic learning, and the challenges faced by the education system. By encouraging critical thinking and reflection, this unit encourages us to think critically about our own education and the role it plays in our lives. Overall, this unit has been a valuable tool in broadening my perspective on education.。