602村上春树《且听风吟》的文本价值尚一鸥1 尚 侠2(1.东北师范大学外国语学院,吉林长春130024; 2.东北师范大学日本研究所,吉林长春130024) 摘要:《且听风吟》是名满天下的日本作家村上春树的处女作,同时也是村上小说的语言风格、写作技巧和后现代主义艺术氛围的源头与雏形,是作家从摆脱日文小说文本平庸拖沓的理念出发,借鉴美国现代小说简洁明快的文风,所完成的小说文本的革命性变革,是当代日本小说精神和文学价值的重要体现。
关键词:村上春树;后现代性;语言革命;文本价值中图分类号:I3131074 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0257-0246(2009)06-0206-04如今已名满天下的村上春树,不仅是日本当代文坛的领军人物,也是一位“世界上名声最大的日本作家”①。
一、青春咏叹的个中三昧 “我决定写一部小说,两个关键词是‘第一人称’和‘70年代’。
是《1973 年的弹子球》和《寻羊冒险记》。
“我”记不记得这个女孩,“我”想起了往事。 因为帮助一个女
《且听风吟》没有复杂的故事情节,主要描写了“我”在 21 孩找到隐形眼镜,女孩借给“我”一张《加利福尼亚少女》的唱
岁夏天的一段艳遇。 一天晚上,“我”在酒吧遇到一个醉酒的 片,结果听完后弄丢了。 接到电话之后,尘封的往事又被提
李春妹 赤峰学院,内蒙古赤峰 024000
[摘要] 《且听风吟》是日本作家村上春树的处女作,发表于 1979 年。 小说的故事情节简单,主要讲述了一段青春艳遇。
人物 也 只 有 三 四 个 。 但 在 语言 和 创 作 技 巧 上 ,作 者 摆脱 了 日 本 传 统 小 说 叙 事的 平 庸 拖 沓 的 文 本 模 式 ,借鉴 了 美 国 小 说
村上春树的小说的特点是, 小说中的人物都是 “无名 氏 ”,《且 听 风 吟 》中 的 主 人 公 对 自 己 的 名 和 姓 都 没 提 ,“我 ” 的好友鼠是外号,酒吧老板杰是中国人,这个名字也不是 完整的名字。 其中的女主人公也没有名字,读者只能用她 和 自 己 双 胞 胎 妹 妹 区 分 的 主 要 特 征— —— 无 小 指 来 指 代 , 前 面的三个女友和借唱片的女孩也没名字。 奇怪的是,读者 却能分清。
在表现青春迷乱的同时 ,作者不仅写了“我”的青春迷 的,两人相处了一个星期,最后女孩悄无声息地走了,临走时
乱,也写到了鼠的失恋,少了一根小指女孩的失恋和迷茫。 还 还留下一句“讨厌的家伙”。 人,这些人组合在一起,形成了 但第二年春天就在学校树林里自缢身亡。
女孩,这个女孩的主要标志就是左手少了一根小手指。 为了 起,于是我赶紧去买这张唱片。 结果遇到了一面之缘的无小
淡而有味的人生教科书——以《边城》为例的任务群驱动式整本书阅读教学福建省浦城县第二中学 徐 伟一、作品的选择沈从文的《边城》是“附录2关于课内外读物的建议”中小说部分的推荐书目之一。
开启名著阅读之旅,感悟花样七彩人生——整本书阅读策略在教学小说单元中的应用与实施发布时间:2021-04-12T11:30:24.220Z 来源:《中国教师》2021年5月作者:应文香[导读] 随着课程改革的深入,阅读已经成为世界范围讨论的主题,虽然大家都意识到阅读整本书的重要性,但缺少一个系统且有效的方法。
应文香义乌市前店小学 322000【内容摘要】随着课程改革的深入,阅读已经成为世界范围讨论的主题,虽然大家都意识到阅读整本书的重要性,但缺少一个系统且有效的方法。
【关键词】策略情节人物形象以点带面主题中图分类号:G688.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:ISSN1672-2051 (2021)5-167-01一本好的书就像一艘轮船,带领我们从狭隘的地方,驶向无限广阔的海洋。
上世纪四十年代,叶圣陶老先生在总结我国语文教育存在的弊端时指出: "把整本书作主体,把单篇短章作辅佐”,这是叶老第一次明确提出要读整本书。
浅析初中语文阅读教学中的分层指导策略发布时间:2021-06-18T11:10:45.930Z 来源:《中国教师》2021年2月第6期作者:梁慧丽[导读] 自古至今,名著在我国一直具有十分强大的影响力梁慧丽山西省吕梁市文水县城镇中学 032100摘要:自古至今,名著在我国一直具有十分强大的影响力,并且,为了提升初中生的文化素质,在当代初中语文课堂教学中,已经积极加入了名著阅读的部分。
案例选择:选择具有代表 性的文学经典名篇
问题设置:根据案例内容 设置相关问题
分析讨论:引导学生分析 案例,讨论问题
总结评价:教师总结学生 的分析讨论,给予评价和
学生自主选择学 习内容
学生自主制定学 习计划
学生自主进行学 习活动
学生自主评估学 习效果
图书馆资源:利 用图书馆的藏书,
提供文学经典名 篇的纸质版资源
专家讲座:邀请 文学专家进行讲 座,讲解文学经 典名篇的背景、
学生交流:组织 学生进行小组讨 论和交流,分享 对文学经典名篇
Part Seven
评价标准:知识 掌握、理解能力、
Part Five
激发学生对文学经典名篇的 兴趣和热情
介绍文学经典名篇的背景和 意义
引导学生思考文学经典名篇 的主题和内涵
介绍文学经典名篇的主要内 容和人物角色
介绍文学经典名 篇的背景和作者
讲解文学经典名 篇的主要内容和
分析文学经典名 篇的主题和思想
教学目标:明确教学目标,确 保学生能够理解和掌握文学经
教学效果:关注学生的学 习效果,通过作业、测试 等方式评估学生的学习情 况,并根据评估结果进行
教学方法:采用多种教学方法, 如讲解、讨论、小组合作等, 以激发学生的学习兴趣和参与
Study of Intelligent Control System in Air-conditioning System Experiment InstallationJiangjiang Wang and Youyin JingSchool of Energy and Power EngineeringNorth China Electric Power UniversityBaoding,Hebei Province, 071003, Chinajiangjiang3330@Abstract - Acco rding to the applicatio n situatio n o f centralair-co nditio ning system in China, an experiment installatio n o fintelligent air-conditioning system is designed which is based onBAS (Building Automation System) of EBI (Enterprise BuildingsIntegrato r) o f Auto mated Lo gic Co rpo ratio n. This study is toanalyze the co mpo sitio n and characteristics o f this installatio n.The hardware and software are presented. The software includesthe EBI and CARE (Co mputer Aided RegulationEngineering) of the corresponding upper and lower computer. At last the control strategy of the installation is discussed, which includes the cascade co ntro l and hybrid fuzzy-PID co ntro l algo rithms. Especially the supply air temperature and air-conditioning room air temperature is controlled coordinately by adjusting the air system and water system. By flexibly co nfiguring the so ftware and hardware o f the system, this installation can fulfill various research tasks as air-conditioning system characteristics, indo o r airflo w and co ntro l strategy, and the economy running mode of air-conditioning system.Index Terms – Intelligent control system, air-conditioning system, control strategy, fuzzy-PID.I.I NTRODUCTIONThe energy consumption of buildings has been about 30% to 40% of total energy consumption in the China as in [1], in which the energy consumption of heating ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system is about 10% to 60% as in [2]. Indoor environment and indoor air quality are more and more exigent with the requirement of comfortable. So it is urgent to decrease the energy consumption in HVAC system on the precondition of keeping up comfort in the air-conditioning space.In all energy-saving means, the automation of buildings and the management of equipments of HVAC system are also the better manners to decrease the energy consumption. With the recent development of automation in HVAC system rapidly, it is well known that the automation has the advantages of maintaining comfortable indoor environment, saving energy and providing convenient management, etc.However, the uncertainties and factors, from the indoors and outdoors, are so many that the HVAC system is affected and the performance of control system is not ideal in China, even the automation doesn’t operate in some buildings. The operation of some control systems can not stabilize and save energy as [3]. It is important to study the HVAC system, specially the control strategy. The study of HVAC system can provide some useful data or conclusion to the design, installation, debugging and operation of HVAC system. Though some studies have already involved the advanced control algorithm in HVAC system as in [4] to [6] etc, it was regretful not to do experiments to validate. These advanced control algorithms are not validated whether the simulation can be suitable to the actual HVAC system.Considering the present status of HVAC system, we designed and constructed the air-conditioning system experiment installation, which could be used to study the characteristics of air-conditioning system, indoor airflow, economy running mode and control strategy and algorithm in air-conditioning system, even the HVAC system, etc.This intelligent control system of experiment installation was designed which was based on the Building Automation System (BAS) of Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI) of an Automated Logic Corporation. This paper introduces the hardware and software of the control system in the air-conditioning experiment installation, emphasizes the EBI and C omputer Aided Regulation Engineering (CARE) software of the corresponding upper and lower computer, and studies the intelligent control strategy of air-handling unit (AHU), which includes the supply air’s temperature control, the temperature and humidity control of air-conditioning room.II.D ESIGN O F I NTELLIGENT C ONTROL S YSTEMA. Air-conditioning System Experiment InstallationThe experiment equipments of air-conditioning system include AHU, electric steam boiler, water chilling unit, full-automatic water softener, feed pump, adjustable electric heater and control system, etc.There are two AHUs, K-1 and K-2, in the experiment installation. When the outdoor air does not satisfy the experiment’s required work condition, the K-1 AHU will handle the outdoor air to the setting state. The K-1 AHU mainly includes the surface air cooler, steam heater and steam humidifier. The purpose of K-1 AHU is to handle and simulate the outdoor air.The main purpose of K-2 AHU is to study the performance of air-conditioning system and correlation control strategy and algorithm.The K-2 AHU includes primary air mixture, filter, primary heater, surface air cooler, secondary air mixture, secondary heater and humidifier. The handled air by the K-2 AHU is sent to room by forced draught blower. The supply airProceedings of the2006IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation June25-28,2006,Luoyang,Chinais heated once again by the adjustable electric heater in the ending of duct, and then enters into the room.The equipments and control points in K-2 AHU are more than K-1 AHU’s and additionally the K-1 AHU is similar to the K-2 AHU. Here the monitored system of only K-2 AHU’s air system is shown Fig.1.In Fig.1 TH denotes the integrated sensor of temperature and humidity, P stands for the pressure sensor, T stands for the temperature sensor, F stands for the air flux sensor and TG stands for the high temperature alarm that keeps the electric heater from too high temperature.The monitored system of K-2 AHU’s water system is shown in Fig.2. The tap water enters into the soft water tank after softened in the automation water softener and then is sent to the electric steam boiler by the feed pump. The water in boiler is heated, evaporated and converted to saturated steam. The steam is delivered to the two AHUs’ heater and humidifier.The chilled water is supplied by the chilled unit, which is directly cooled by the air. Before the operation of air-conditioning system, the cool water system is overflow through the water replenishing. During the course of operation, the chilled water is sent from the chilled unit to the surface air cooler by the inner water circulating pump in chilled unit and then returns to the chilled water after heated by the handled air.The air-conditioning space is a standard room, which is 4.4 meters length, 2.5 meters width and 2.5 meters height. The room is assembled in heated board. Outside the room, there is an interlayer, whose air is supplied by the K-1 AHU and simulates the outdoor work condition.B. Hardware of Intelligent Control SystemThe control system of this air-conditioning system experiment installation was designed and developed in the EBI system. The whole system consists of such hardware as the central work station, direct digit controllers (DDC), sensors and performers and on.The work station is the standard computer and directly communicates with the field controller. The station mainly monitors and manages the operation of equipments of air-conditioning system and the temperature and relative humidity to satisfy the experiments.On the side, the operation parameters of air-conditioning system can be inquired or even some parameters, for example the PID control parameters, the sampling period and the setting temperature and humidity, can be modified on the work station.The DDC filed controller can independently monitor and control the temperature and humidity, the alarm of obstructed filter and the state of fan etc.The sensors in the air-conditioning system included integral temperature and humidity sensor for air duct system, and the PT1000 temperature sensor, the pressure senor for air system and flow sensor etc.The electric control valve of surface air cooler is three-way valve, which is geometric proportion characteristic. The electric valves of primary heater, secondary heater and humidifier are geometric proportion two-way steam valve.Additionally the water chilling unit and the electric steam boiler have respective controller, which connect the EBI system based on the communication protocol.C. Software of Intelligent Control SystemThe software of air-conditioning experiment system includes two subsystems. One is the monitor and management system on the work station; another is the intelligent control system on the DDC field controller. The software of station is EBI system and the software of DDC is programmed inCARE.Fig. 1 The air system of air-conditioning system installationFig. 2 The water system of air-conditioning system installationEBI is a sophisticated management and control application that:• Displays system data in a manner that you can easily understand• Allows you to control your system by sending appropriate commands• Automatically performs scheduled tasks• Notifies you of system activities, including alarms and system events• Produces comprehensive reportsEBI consists of three subsystems: building automation control system, life and safety management system, security management system.The EBI system follows the existing industrial standard and runs on the windows 2000 or windows NT. The system runs on the Ethernet, whose communication protocol is standard TCP/IP. Furthermore the EBI supports other industrial protocol such as the BACNet, OPC and LonWorks and so on.A typical EBI system consists of server, stations, controllers and the communication link etc, which is shown in Fig.3. EBI runs on the server, the main computer, which collects and processes data, administers system activities and performs automated tasks.The station is, in effect, a set of “control panels” through which we monitor and control our system. Station is a separate EBI program that runs on standard computers, as well as on the server. In our system, the station and the server run on the same computer. Station presents information as a series of displays. Each display is a “control panel” that shows a particular set or type of information, and has an appropriate set of controls, such as “buttons” and “scroll bars”. There are two basic types of display:System: These are supplied with EBI and show information in a standardized manner. For the most part, system displays consist of lists and “electronic forms” containing system configuration details.Custom: These have been created specifically for specific system, and make it much easier to interpret and control system activity. For example, a security-related display might show the layout of a particular floor, whereas an air-conditioning display might include a schematicdiagram of the air-conditioning system.Fig. 3 The configuration of a typical EBI systemThe controllers are the “hands and eyes” of actual system, controlling and collecting data from field devices, such as card readers, air conditioning units and so on. We used the CARE software to program the control program of controllers.CARE software provides graphic tools to create data files and control programs for controllers. CARE is a windows application that takes advantage of menu bars, dialog boxes, and point-and-click features. CARE provides four main functions to create program files to download to controllers: plant schematics, control strategy, switching logic, and time programs.Plant Schematics: The first step in creating a plant is to define a project. A project is a set of 1 through 30 controllers on a common bus. A controller can be assigned more than one plant. And then a schematic is created for each plant. A plant schematic is a combination of “segments” that show the equipment in the plant and how it is arranged, for example the Fig. 4, which is the K-1 AHU’s schematic. Segments are components of a control system, for example, boilers, headers, pumps, and other devices. Parts of segments include equipment such as sensors, status points, valves, and pumps.Control Strategy : After creating a schematic, we may create a control strategy that provides the controller with the intelligence to handle the system. Control strategy defines loops for decisions based on conditions, mathematical calculations, and/or time-of-day schedules. Control can depend on analogue values, digital values, or both. CARE provides standard control algorithms such as PID, minimum value, maximum value, averaging, and sequencing.Switching Logic: In addition to adding a control strategy, switching logic can be added to a schematic for digital control such as switch status. Switching logic is based on logic tables that set up logical ORs, logical ANDs, and exclusive ORs. For example, switching logic is defined to have the return fanFig. 4 The Schematic of K-1 AHUstart after a programmed delay from the time that the supply fan was started.Time Programs : Time programs are to control equipment on/off times to coincide with occupancy. Daily schedules (for example, weekdays, weekends and holidays) can be defined and assigned to weekly schedules.After completing a plant, we use other CARE functions to edit defaults and convert the plant file to controller format, and then we can download the file and test controller operation.The following Fig.5 summarizes CARE project, plant and function organization.III.C ONTROL S TRATEGYThe normal and fine operation of air-conditioning system is related not only the appropriate air-conditioning system, but also the strategy of control. The control module of this air-conditioning system experiment installation mainly includes on-off control, continuous adjusted control and interconnected control.The temperature and humidity of supply air and air-conditioning space’s air etc belong to the continuous adjusted control. The on-off control involves the on-off of chilled unit, fan and pump etc. The interconnected control prevents air-conditioning system from accident or exception condition, for example the interconnected chilled water system with fan. This experiment installation involves the control of K-1 and K-2 AHUs.The K-1 AHU is to simulate the outdoor air condition if needed. The handled air by K-1 is required that the temperature’s range is 7 to 35 ć, whose fluctuating bound is only f 0.5ć, and the relative moisture is 55f 5%. The temperature control of simulating air could be traditional PID control, which controls the valve opening of surface air cooler or heater and adjusts the cool or heat to air, thus the air is kept up stable temperature. The relative humidity of air is controlled by the opening of steam humidifier.The K-2 AHU is used to study for experiments. The control system involves the temperature and humidity of supply air and air-conditioning space. The control strategy inK-2 AHU is presented as follows.Fig. 5 The diagram of CARE functionA. Intelligent Control System of Supply Air TemperatureSome experiments need the constant temperature of supply air to study the air-flow organization and amenity, so the temperature control of supply air meets strict standard. The adjustable belt is 18 to 45 ć and the permissible fluctuating bound is f 0.5ć.Firstly the temperature of supply air can be controlled through adjusting the water system, which changes the cool or heat to air. The DDC filed controller detects the temperature at point N in Fig.2 and compares with the required temperature of supply air. Based on the error and the intelligent control algorithm, the DDC sends the signals to control the primary heater and the surface air cooler to keep up the E point’s temperature, and to control the secondary heater to keep up the N point’s temperature.Secondly the temperature of supply air can be controlled through adjusting the air system, which changes the ratio of return air’s mixture. The temperature of point E and point N can be controlled through controlling the opening ratio of valves of primary and secondary return air, which is shown asFig. 6. L Tis the temperature of point L after surface air cooler that is dew-point temperature and Ld T is the setting temperature, which is kept up to control the humidity of air-conditioning room. SN T is the supply air temperature at point N and SNd T is the setting temperature of supply air. h T is the mixture temperature of fresh air and primary return air, n k ,e k ,1k and 2k are respectively the valve jaw opening of fresh air, exhaust air, primary return air and secondary return air. n q ,e q ,1q and 2q are respectively the flow of fresh air, exhaust air, primary return air and secondary return air. 1G is the transfer function of controlled object, whose input is the ratio of fresh air and primary return air and whose output is the air temperature after mixture. 2G is also the transfer function of controlled object, whose input is the mixture air temperature and whose output is the air temperature after surface air cooler. 3G denotes the controlled object.Fig. 6 The control system of supply air temperatureThe supply air temperature can be controlled by the water system or air system. Generally, the temperature is controlled through adjusting water system first, which is to adjust the jaw opening of electric control valve on the surface air cooler and heater. If the supply air temperature can’t reach the setting temperature, the air system can be adjusted correspondingly. Sometimes the experiment needs the fixed ratio of fresh air and return air so that we only adjust the water system to control the supply air temperature.B. Intelligent Control System of Room HumidityThe relative moisture of room is controlled through controlling the dew-point temperature after the surface air cooler, the point L, in the summer work condition. The dew-point temperature’s range is 0 to 19 ć and its fluctuating bound is f0.5ć. Through adjusting the cool of surface air cooler or the ratio of fresh air and return air, the dew-point temperature can be kept up constant. The control theory through adjusting the air system is shown Fig.6.In winter work condition, the room moisture can be controlled by the steam humidifier. Based on the error of actual moisture and setting moisture, the two-way steam valve is adjusted to control the relative humidity in air-conditioning room.C. Intelligent Control System of Room TemperatureThe air-conditioning room sometime is used to study the amenity. The adjustable belt of air-conditioning room is 18 to 26ć and the permissible fluctuating bound is f0.5ć.If the temperature of supply air can be kept constant, the temperature sensor in room, the DDC field controller and the adjusted electric heater in the ending of duct compose the control system to keep the room temperature. Here the temperature control system belongs to cascade loop control.The inner loop of cascade control system has the advantages of faster response and pinpoint control to room temperature, which the room temperature does not fluctuate largely. Based on the error of setting and actual room temperature, the controller controls the electric heater to make the room temperature keep constantly.The outer loop of cascade control system can be traditional PID control, but the fuzzy-PID control in this experiment installation. Usually based on the experience, the fuzzy controller is two-dimension fuzzy control, whose inputs are the error and the error’s difference as in [7]. However, sometimes there is static error in fuzzy control system as in [8]. Considered the requirement of experiment, we used the hybrid fuzzy-PID control algorithm to keep the fast response and the stability.Fig.7 displays the hybrid fuzzy-PID control system of room temperature, where e is the error of the setting and the actual output, e is difference of error, u is the control output, the controlled variable, E is the degree of membership of error’s fuzzy state, EC is the degree of membership of error difference’s fuzzy state and C is the fuzzy state of control output u, R stands for the recognizer,F stands for the fuzzification of the input, RULE stands for the fuzzy rule and D stands for defuzzification of the fuzzy output, which defuzzifies output fuzzy set C to yield exact output data u.rTis the room temperature andrdT is the setting temperature.sJT is the supply air temperature of room at point J.sNT is thesupply air temperature after handled by K-2 AHU,2k is thejaw opening of steam valve on the secondary heater and2Q is the output heat. U is the input power of electric heater at the ending of duct. H2 stands for the transfer function ofsecondary heater.4G is the transfer function whose input isthe heat2Q and whose output is the supply air temperature atpoint N. EH stands for electric heater.5G denotes the controlled object of air-conditioning room.In the hybrid fuzzy-PID control system, the fuzzy control and PID control switch based on the error, which is identified by the recognizer. As is given as in [7], when the error is relatively large, the system runs in fuzzy control model; when the error is relatively little, the system turns into PID control model. So how is the error to switch the fuzzy and PID control?Thus the threshold valve affects the state of control system. The threshold quantity affects the control process andthe stability, etc as in [9]. It is important to choose the properFig. 7 The control system of room air temperaturethreshold valve. How to choose the threshold quantity of error? The threshold quantity is related to the division of temperature error in fuzzy control, and the quantization factor of output, etc. In the experiment installation, 0.5ć was chosen to the threshold valve of hybrid fuzzy-PID control system as in [9]IV.C ONCLUSIONThere are many high precision sensors and performers on the air-conditioning system experiment installation, and the intelligent control system can collect the real-time data, display and treat etc and study control strategy and algorithm in graphic configuration software. Thus the experiment installation can be used to study the chrematistic of air-conditioning system and control strategy and algorithm in air-conditioning system, even the HVAC system, etc, which provides some useful data or conclusion to the design, installation, debugging and operation of HVAC system.The predominant characteristics of this experiment installation in technology are two points below: one is that the K-1 AHU can handles and simulates the outdoor air work condition and provides the interlayer of air-conditioning space. Another is that the monitor station uses the distributor collector system.The air-conditioning system can satisfy the study and experiments about the performance of air-conditioning system, the air flow organization of room, the control strategy and algorithm for HVAC system and the economic operation model of HVAC system etc.A CKNOWLEDGMENTJiangjiang Wang was supported by the Youth Preliminary Research Fund of school of Energy and Power Engineering in North China Electric Power University and the major lab of power station during the course of this research.R EFERENCES[1]Z. Song, “The analysis of the current constructions economizing in ourcountry,” Journal of Shijiazhuang Institute of Railway Technology, vol.4, no. 2, pp. 79-82, June 2005.[2]J. Guo, J. Zhou and T. 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Lesson 57教学案例探究5页word
![Lesson 57教学案例探究5页word](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1f9e3ea8b90d6c85ed3ac62c.png)
Lesson 57教学案例探究教材分析:本单元包括两篇阅读文章,一篇与为“阅读”有关的文章,另一篇为与“听”有关的文章。
建材重点与难点:1. 日常交际用语:Will you come to…?Yes, I’d love to…Would you like to…? Yes, that’s very kind/nice of you.2. 语法:复习和归纳句子的成分—谓语,复习情态动词和实义动词的时态。
3. 词组与语言点:(分课时教案)Lesson 57(有课件)Step I PresentationAsk the student: What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you like reading? Why?What kinds of books do you like? What do you like to read most? Why?What kinds of books do you like to read least? Why? to your classmates? What are the stories about?What kinds of books do you read? (magazines, novels, science fiction, newspaper…)How to read all kinds of books?For inagazines, stories, novels or newspaper, a travelbook→read it quickly(tasting)a book on a subject→read slowly and carefully(chew and diges t it)Step 2 ReadingGet the students to read the possage and answer questions:1. How to decide whether the book is likely to interest you?(if you want to get an idea of the organization of the book quickly, you can…)2. Some more tips on readingFirst: read a chapter quickly to get a general idea.Second: do not stop every time you come to a word or phrase you do not know. (guess from the situation)Third: what to read.Step 3 Topic SentencePara 1: It is possible to read different types of books in different ways.Para 2: Some good stories are for “swallowing”.Para 3: Other books are for reading slowly and carefully.Para 4: If it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book.Para5: Here are some more reading tips.Para6: The last question is what to read.Step 4 Note makingWrite down in your own words the anvice the writer gives in the text.Types of reading: tasting, swallowing, chewing and digestion First reading: Read a chapter fast to get a general ideaSecond reading: read it again more slowly, using a dictionary when necessaryUsing a dictionary: use it when necessary, do not use it for every enw word or phraseGuessing unknown words: guess these from the situation and from repeated examples in a text Step 5 InterviewWB Lesson 57, Ex. 2. Finish the form and then get some students to report the result of their interview, using the questions.1. Which pieces of advice do you agree with?2. Which pieces of advice do you disagree with?3. Who are good listeners to you, and what do they do well?4. In that ways do people not listen to you well?5. How has this group discussion been? Have you listened well to each other?…(and more questions)Step 6 PracticeGet the students to read the peassage aloud by themselves.Step 7 Discussion1. How to read books more effectively?2. How to learn English effectively? Give some tips/ suggestions to your classmates.Step 8 Writing skillsHow is the passage written?Para 1: example (Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare…)Para2: three kinds of booksPara3: reading slowing and carefully→reading tipsPara4: more reading tipsPara5: what to read?Para6: wishHomework:1. Revise this passage by reading the passage aloud again and again.2. Preview the next lesson. Finish some exercises in WB Lesson 58.后记:本堂课完成预期计划。
[关键词]整本书阅读;实践;思考[中图分类号] G633.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-6058(2021)10-0020-02整本书阅读的热度已经持续了很长一段时间,随着课程标准的修订、统编教材的使用,整本书阅读的风头更劲。