Santa Clara DMV Route(美国加州 驾照 路考线路)
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车).测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车;2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。
Parking時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。
考官坐上车后,等他发指令你再启动车.4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。
Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。
sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。
美国加州1号公路自驾游全攻略(必看!过来人经验汇总)第一篇:美国加州1号公路自驾游全攻略(必看!过来人经验汇总) 美国加州一号公路旅行是北美最受欢迎的自驾路线,没有之一!几乎来美国人人都要走一遍。
Tips 1.这段公路一定要从北向南开,就是从旧金山出发开往洛杉矶。
(注意,这段开过来精华部分是紧贴海边悬崖峭壁,山段高速,开车的人要胆正技术好,还没法轻松看风景,向司机朋友道一声“您辛苦了”)Tips 2.从旧金山到洛杉矶绝对不能简单的起点到终点自动导航。
Tips 3.加州阳光出了名的刺眼(尤其是日出日落),安全第一,走这段路一定要有付好的太阳镜。
偏光镜(polarized lenses)是驾车首选,但是戴偏光镜容易看不清导航屏幕,所以身为副驾的朋友一定要打起精神靠起谱来看导航看路。
Tips 4.景点太多,详细玩遍的话路上就得几天时间。
Tips 5.途中可以根据自己的行车时间选择在卡梅尔carmel或者丹麦小镇Solvang上过夜。
的美国驾照路考常用英文中英文对照Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照)一.路考内容与细节:路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和 Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持轻松,不要紧张。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,确实停止3-5秒。
Parking时须记得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。
59 一輛大卡車在一條三車道公路的中間車道行駛。您打算超越大卡車。最好的超車方法是:
從左邊很快超車,然後開到大卡車前方 很慢地從左邊超車,然後開到大卡車前方 從右邊很快超車,然後開到大卡車前方
60 如果您的車將從後方遭到撞擊,您應當:
每小時35哩 每小時25哩 每小時30哩
13 信號指向右邊並顯示「單向」,意思是:
單向街道一車輛右轉 所有車輛在前方都必須右轉
14 出現濃霧或沙塵時最好怎麼辦?
在情況改善前不要開車 不要開得太慢,因為其他司機可能會撞上您 輪流打開遠光燈和近光燈,以提升能見度
15 如果在鐵路旁停下,您可在下列情況下穿過鐵路:
需要警告其他駕駛人前方有車禍 駕車時速比車流慢得多 正在停車場倒車
22 交通信號燈的紅箭頭指向右邊,表示您可以:
減速和觀察車流後拐向右邊 紅箭頭變成綠色後拐向右邊 完全停車後,再拐向右邊
23 不帶路沿的坡形街道有兩條車道,如果您要停車,您應該:
將車前輪轉向左邊,離開路邊 將車停得稍帶一點角度,後車輪靠近路邊 將前車輪轉向右,朝向路邊
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT 和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker 和Regislation Sticker 不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
测试“平行停车”,倒车控车,90 度倒转弯车,紧急刹车;2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5 秒。
Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV 拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。
二.路考过程注意事项:1. 坐上车后,先系好安全带。
2. 考官会要求你把车钥匙转到ON ,但是不启动车,检查你的刹车丶转向灯丶雨刷丶除雾器丶大灯丶喇叭等。
13. 路考前,把座位调大点空间,美国人比较胖,让考官坐得舒服了,考试时也会心情好些。
4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数 4 下。
誠摯的,DAVID S. KIM秘書加州運輸署筆記2020 年新法律 (VI)DMV 資訊 ..................................VIII 寄信地址 (ix)一般資訊 (1)免責聲明 (1)DMV 的運行和目標 ....................1準確的身份證明資訊 (1)基本資訊 (2)加利福尼亞州駕駛執照 (2)誰必須持有駕駛執照? (2)加州居民 (2)加州居民軍事人員(美國軍隊).2駐紮在加州的非居民軍事 人員 ..3加州新居民 (3)到訪加州的成年人 (3)年長駕駛者安全事項 (3)申領駕駛執照 (4)REAL ID Act .............................5REAL ID Act 如何影響 加州居民 .. (5)我是否需要 REAL ID ? (5)我要如何準備申請REAL ID 卡? ........................5結婚、離婚或更改姓名? . (6)針對基本 C 類駕駛執照的申請要求 (6)成年人駕駛許可證之要求 (7)成年人駕駛執照之要求 (8)駕駛執照類別 (9)考試流程 (10)考試地點 (10)DMV 考試 ................................11作弊行為. (12)特殊事項 — 未成年人 (12)對未成年人駕駛許可證之 要求 (12)對未成年人駕駛許可證之限制 (13)對未成年人駕駛執照之要求 (13)例外情況 — 未成年人駕駛執照的限制 (14)外州未成年人 (15)外州未成年人駕駛許可證 (15)外州未成年人駕駛執照 (15)與臨時駕駛執照相關的 目錄處罰措施..................................15如何保住臨時駕駛執照.........16未成年人和手機 .......................16關於駕駛執照的其他資訊 ............17更換丟失/被盜或受損的駕照 ....17更改姓名..................................17性別分類更改...........................17駕駛執照更新...........................18採用郵寄或網上方式更新 執照...18駕駛執照延期...........................18隨身攜帶駕駛執照 ...................20地址變更..................................20視力 .........................................20醫療資訊卡 ..............................20器官和組織捐贈 .......................21退伍軍人頭銜和福利資訊.........21如何獲得退伍軍人頭銜? .....21登記成為選民...........................22無照駕駛者 ..............................22外交人員駕駛執照 ...................22身份證 .....................................22免費身份證 ..............................23透過郵寄或上網的方式更新 身份證 .....................................23駕駛學校..................................23年長駕駛者計劃 .......................24行人義務..................................24新科技 .....................................25乘客保護 .....................................26安全帶 .....................................26兒童約束裝置和安全座椅.........26安全地乘駕設有安全氣袋的 車輛 .........................................27留在機動車輛中無人照看的 兒童 .........................................28分心駕駛..................................28炎熱天氣帶來的危險................28交通管制 .....................................29交通信號燈 ..............................29行人信號燈 ..............................30交通標誌. (31)交通法規 (34)先行權規則 (34)一般資訊 (34)行人 (34)行人穿越道 (35)交叉路口 (35)環行道 (36)山路 (37)限速 (37)減速行駛 (37)視覺搜尋 (42)目光掃視 (42)明察前方路況 (42)明察兩側交通 (44)明察後方路況 (45)您能多快地把車停住? (45)車道管理 (46)路面標線顏色 (46)車道選擇 (47)變換車道 (47)超車車道 (47)共乘車道/高載客量車輛專用道 (48)中間左轉車道 (48)避讓區域及車道 (49)車道終點標誌 (49)讓行線 (49)腳踏車道 (49)轉彎 (50)右轉彎及左轉彎情況舉例 (52)合法迴轉 (53)非法迴轉 (56)泊車 (56)在斜坡上泊車 (56)平行泊車 (57)在有顏色的路緣泊車 (58)非法泊車 (59)特殊泊車規則 (60)安全駕駛方法 (60)信號 (60)轉向 (61)手扶位置 (61)控制車輛 (61)喇叭、前燈和緊急信號燈 (62)使用喇叭 (62)不要使用喇叭 (62)使用車頭燈 (63)使用緊急信號燈 (63)文字簡訊和手機 (64)車輛定位 (66)跟車距離 (66)對駕駛員構成危險的人 (66)險情折衷處理 (67)匯入車流的間隔距離 (67)穿越或駛入車流所需的間隔距離 (67)離開車流的間隔距離 (68)超車 (68)準備超車時 (68)超車後返回車道 (69)被超車 (69)與其他車輛共用道路 (70)大型卡車(大拖車)和休閒車輛 (70)煞車 (70)卡車司機的盲點 —「不可見區域」 (70)轉彎 (70)操控靈活性 (72)公共汽車、有軌電車及無軌電車 (72)輕軌車輛 (73)緊急車輛 (74)慢行車輛 (74)社區電動車和低速車 (75)牲畜牽引的車輛 (75)摩托車 (75)腳踏車 (76)車道中的腳踏車 (77)失明行人 (80)修路工人和施工區(錐形標誌區) (82)雙倍罰款區 (82)讓路與減速 (82)載運危險物品的車輛 (83)應對交通阻塞 (83)應對急躁型駕駛者和暴怒行為 (83)特殊駕駛情況 (84)保持您的車可被看見 (84)路況 (84)彎道 (85)車流速度 (85)駕駛危險 (85)路面積水 (85)滑路 (85)強風 (86)在大霧或濃煙中駕駛 (86)在刺眼的陽光下駕駛 (87)黑夜駕駛 (87)下雨或下雪時駕駛 (88)被淹沒的道路 (88)山路或彎道駕駛 (89)交通分流 (89)保持車窗和後視鏡清潔 (89)調整座位和後視鏡 (90)輪胎安全 (90)綠色駕駛 (90)其他危險 (92)遇到執法人員攔車時,駕駛者應怎麼辦 (92)處理緊急情況 (93)機修提示 (93)濕滑路面的車輛打滑現象 (93)駛下路面 (94)加速時車輪打滑 (94)打滑時車輪鎖死 (94)油門故障 (95)方向盤鎖定裝置 (95)碰撞不屬於意外事故 (95)碰撞原因 (95)捲入碰撞 (95)報告碰撞情況 (96)安全提示 (97)在公路上 (97)在鐵路軌道上時 (98)駕駛者準備就緒 (98)視力 (98)聽力 (98)疲勞或昏昏欲睡駕駛 (99)藥物 (99)健康與情緒 (99)醫生必須報告的病症 (100)酒精和藥物 (100)飲酒/服用藥物並駕駛十分危險 (100)在車輛中使用或持有酒精或大麻製品 (101)未滿 21 歲的駕駛者(攜帶酒精飲料) (101)所有年齡的駕駛者 (101)血液中酒精濃度限量 (102)行政處罰 (102)未滿 21 歲者 — 絕不允許酒後駕駛 (103)被法庭判定為酒後/服用藥物後駕駛 (103)21 歲及以上年齡的駕駛者 —杜絕酒後駕駛計劃與限制性駕駛執照 (106)其他駕駛法規/規則 (106)必須杜絕的事項: (106)必須遵循的事項: (108)行政 (108)財務責任 (108)保險要求 (108)碰撞記錄 (109)碰撞、保險和未成年人 (109)收到交通違規罰單 (110)逃避治安官 (110)駕駛記錄中的點數 (111)被判進入交通違規者學校 (111)暫時取消或吊銷 (111)記錄保密 (112)故意毀壞財物/塗鴉行為 —所有年齡的違反者 (112)爭賽車速/魯莽駕駛 (112)擁有武器 (112)車輛登記要求 (112)加州車輛 (112)外州車輛 (113)防止盜車事件的提示 (114)網上駕駛執照快速參考及其他出版物 (115)2020 年新法律2020年1月1日起生效SB 485 (Beall, Ch. 505, Stats. 2019)本法廢止因某人裁定犯有賣淫、破壞公物等罪或未成年人非法持t而授權或要求法院暫停、撤銷或限制其駕駛人資質,或命令機動車輛管理局 (DMV) 延遲發放駕駛執照的相關條文。
关于美国DMV交通管制问题驾照考试知识 DMV 测试模拟题(英文版)
![关于美国DMV交通管制问题驾照考试知识 DMV 测试模拟题(英文版)](
1.The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of getting injured or killed in a traffic crash is:A. Wear your seat beltB. Limit your driving to week daysC. Stay in the right lane on multi-lane highwaysD. Limit your driving to times between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.2.When you are planning to make a turn, you should activate your turn signals:A. Only if there are other drivers following youB. Just as the front of your car reaches the intersectionC. 3 to 4 seconds before you reach the intersectionD. 2 car lengths before reaching the intersection3.If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV:A. Only if you or the other driver is injured.B. If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries.C. Only if you are at fault.4.An intersection has a stop sign, crosswalk, but no stop line. You must stopA. Before the crosswalk.B. 50 feet before the intersection.C. Where you think the stop line would be.D. With your front wheels in the crosswalk.Explanation : Stop and Crosswalk Lines: At an intersection controlled by a STOP sign, YIELD sign or traffic light, there may be a white stop line painted across the lane, and/or two parallel lines painted across the road, forming a crosswalk.5.A solid white line on the right edge of the highway slants in towards your left. That shows thatA. There is an intersection just ahead.B. You are approaching a construction area.C. You will be required to turn left just ahead.D. The road will get narrower.Explanation : Solid lines along the side of the road tell you where its edge is - where the travel lane ends and the road`s shoulder begins. It is illegal to drive across the edge line, except when directed to do so by a police officer or other authorized official.6.Before passing another vehicle, you should signal:A. Just before changing lanesB. At any timeC. After changing lanesD. Early enough so others know your plans7.Which of the following is used on some highways to direct drivers into the proper lanes for turningA. Flashing red lights.B. Flashing yellow lights.C. White lines on the side of the road.D. White arrows in the middle of the lanes.Explanation : Arrows: Arrows show which lanes you must use. for example, you may turn right only from the right lane. If you are going straight, you must use the left lane. You should be in the proper lane before reaching the solid line which separates the lanes.8.Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential area is ____.A. 20 mphB. 25 mphC. 30 mph9.When traveling below 40 miles per hour on a limited access highway, you should:A. Drive on the shoulderB. Use your high beamsC. Sound your horn to warn othersD. Use your four-way flashers10.A traffic light which has a green arrow and a red light means thatA. You may only drive straight ahead.B. You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow.C. You must wait for a green light.D. Vehicles moving in any direction must stop.Explanation : GREEN ARROW: You may go in the direction of the arrow, but you must yield the right-of-way to other traffic at the intersection as required by law11.To help avoid crashes, you should:A. Communicate with other drivers on the roadB. Ignore other drivers on the roadC. Drive on side streets and back roadsD. Avoid driving during rush hour12.Which of the following is true about driving on a wet roadway?A. As you drive faster, your tires become less effectiveB. Water does not affect cars with good tiresC. Deeper water is less dangerousD. As you decrease your speed, the roadway becomes more slippery13.Allow a larger space cushion when stopping:A. On an up-hillB. At an intersectionC. At a stop signD. At a toll plaza14.You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions:A. Only if you see orange cones on the road ahead.B. Unless they conflict with existing signs, signals, or laws.C. At all times.15.This sign is a warning that you are approachingA. An intersection.B. A crosswalk.C. A railroad crossing.D. A blasting zone.Explanation : RAILROAD CROSSING WARNING Sign - COLOR: Yellow with black letters "RR" and "X" symbol. MEANING: There is a railroad crossing ahead. Use caution, and be prepared to stop.16.If traffic prevents you from crossing all the way across a set of railroad tracks, you may proceed only whenA. An approaching train is not moving fast enough to be a danger.B. There is room for your vehicle on the other side.C. At least one-half of your vehicle can cross the tracks.D. No trains are in sight.Explanation : You may not cross any railroad tracks unless there is room for your vehicle on the other side. If other traffic prevents you from crossing all the way, wait, and cross only when there is room.17.A red and white triangular sign at an intersection meansA. Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.B. Look both ways as you cross the intersection.C. Always come to a full stop at the intersection.D. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.Explanation : YIELD Sign - Slow down as you approach the intersection. Prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in or approaching the intersection. You must come to a full stop at a YIELD sign if traffic conditions require it.18.The driver is:A. Slowing or stoppingB. Turning leftC. Turning rightD. Opening his/her door19.The driver is signaling that she is :A. Turning leftB. Slowing downC. StoppingD. Turning right20.A rectangular-shaped sign isA. School crossing sign.B. Railroad crossing sign.C. Stop sign.D. Speed limit sign.Explanation : regulation signs - These signs give information about rules for traffic direction, lane use, turning, speed, parking, and other special requirements.21.The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:A. Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel.B. Keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road.C. Review the number before answering a call.22.Which of the following is true about the speed at which you travel?A. The safe speed to drive depends on many conditionsB. Driving slowly is always saferC. The speed limit is always a safe speedD. Accelerating is always dangerous23.A diamond-shaped sign is aA. Road hazard sign.B. Interstate route sign.C. School crossing sign.D. Speed limit sign.Explanation : warning sign - You are approaching an especially hazardous location or a place where there is a special rule. Sometimes a warning sign is combined with a rectangular yellow and black "recommended speed" sign.24.If an oncoming driver is heading toward you in your lane, you should:A. Steer right, blow your horn, and accelerateB. Steer left, blow your horn, and brakeC. Steer right, blow your horn, and brakeD. Stay in the center of your lane, blow your horn, and brake25.To prepare for anything coming up in the road ahead, you should:A. Continually scan the entire road and roadsidesB. Stare straight ahead at all timesC. Drive with your left foot resting lightly on the brake pedalD. Maintain focus toward the middle of the road26.What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency (or panic) stops while driving in traffic?A. Honk your horn to make others aware of your presenceB. Look ahead and maintain a safe following distanceC. Drive in the right lane onlyD. Drive slower than the flow of traffic27.Before changing lanes on a multi-lane highway you should:A. Sound your hornB. Turn on your headlightsC. Reduce your speedD. Check your mirrors and blind spots28.What are the colors of a sign which tells you the distance to the next exit of a highwayA. Yellow with black letters.B. Black with white letters.C. Red with white letters.D. Green with white letters.Explanation : DESTINATION Signs - COLOR: Green, with white lettering. MEANING: Show direction and distance to various locations.29.You may drive around or under a gate that is being lowered or raised at a railroad crossingA. As long as an approaching train is not too close.B. If your vehicle can do so without damaging the gate.C. If you first look carefully in both directions.D. Under no circumstances.Explanation : Flashing red lights, lowered crossing gates and/or a ringing bell at a railroad crossing mean that you must stop, at least 15 feet (5 m) from the tracks.30.You come to an intersection which has a flashing red light. You shouldA. Come to a full stop, then go when safe to do so.B. Stop only if cars are approaching the intersection.C. Stop only if cars are already in the intersection.D. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.Explanation : FLASHING RED: Means the same as a STOP sign: Stop, yield the right-of-way, and go when it is safe.31.You may cross a single solid white line in the highwayA. Whenever you want to.B. If traffic conditions require.C. Only to turn into a driveway.D. Only to make a u-turn.Explanation : Single solid line: You may pass other vehicles or change lanes, but you should do so only if obstructions in the road make it necessary or traffic conditions require it.32.What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals (such as lights or crossing gates)A. Always bring the car to a complete stop.B. Slow down and be prepared to stop.C. Do nothing; all railroad crossings have signals.D. Increase speed to get across the tracks quickly.Explanation : If there is a railroad crossing ahead. Use caution, and be prepared to stop. If you are following a bus or truck toward a railroad crossing, be careful. Most buses and some trucks must stop at railroad crossings.33.If a traffic signal light is not working, you must:A. Stop, then proceed when safe.B. Stop before entering the intersection and let all other traffic go first.C. Slow down or stop, only if necessary.34.You must use your headlights when other vehicles are not visible from _____ feet away.A. 1000B. 1500C. 1800D. 120035.You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if:A. A sign permits the turn.B. Traffic on the street moves to the right.C. Traffic on the street moves to the left.36.Which of the following must you obey over the other threeA. A steady red light.B. A policeman.C. A stop sign.D. A flashing red light.Explanation : Directions given by traffic officers take precedence over signs, signals or pavement markings. If a traffic officer signals you to stop at a green light, for example, you must stop.37.With a Class C drivers license a person may drive:A. A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds.B. Any 3-axle vehicle regardless of the weight.C. A vehicle pulling two trailers.38.When you park on the roadway, you should:A. Use your four-way flashersB. Park at an angleC. Keep your turn signal onD. Turn your lights on39.When faced with one oncoming car to the left and a bicyclist to the right, you should:A. Pull onto the shoulderB. Split the differenceC. Let the car pass and then pass the bikeD. Pass the bike quickly40.Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks?A. Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.B. Motor homes or pickup trucks towing a boat trailer.C. Any vehicle with 3 or more axles or weighing more than 4,000 pounds.41.If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, you should look towards _____ of the road.A. Either sideB. The centerC. The right sideD. The left side42.You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means:A. Stop before entering the intersection as long as you can do so safely.B. Stop. Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection.C. Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.43.You may cross a double solid yellow lineA. To pass a slow moving truck.B. To turn into a driveway.C. To pass a car if traffic permits.D. Under no conditions.Explanation : Double solid lines: You may not pass, or change lanes. You may not cross the lines except when turning left to enter or leave the highway (e.g., to or from a driveway or to perform a U-turn44.You should honk your horn when you:A. Are travelling through an intersectionB. Are passing a bicyclistC. See a child who is about to run into the streetD. Are parallel parking45.What are the colors of the warning signs that indicate hazards ahead, such as curves in the road or narrow bridgesA. Black letters or symbols on a white background.B. Black letters or symbols on a yellow background.C. White letters or symbols on a blue background.D. White letters or symbols on a green background.Explanation : WARNING Signs - COLOR: Yellow, with black letters or symbols.46.You may cross a double, yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to:A. The other side of the road is a solid line.B. Your side of the road is a broken line.C. The other side of the road is a broken line.47.You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive:A. 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic.B. Between 65 mph and 70 mph.C. No faster than 65 mph.48.Should you always drive slower than other traffic?A. No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.B. Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique.C. Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic.49.Before backing up, you should:A. Rely on your mirrors to see if it is clear to proceedB. Flash your lightsC. Open your door to see if it is clear to proceedD. Turn your head and look through the rear window50.All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal?A. Listening to music through headphones that cover both earsB. Adjusting your outside mirrors.C. Transporting an unrestrained animal inside the vehicle.51.You may not cross a single broken white (or yellow) lineA. When to do so would interfere with traffic.B. When turning left into a driveway.C. When the car in front is disabled.D. When passing to the right on a one-way street.Explanation : Single broken line: You may pass other vehicles or change lanes if you can do so safely and not interfere with traffic.52.You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:A. Sell or transfer your vehicle.B. Fail a smog test for your vehicle.C. Get a new prescription for lenses or contacts.53.If you need to slow down or stop when other drivers may not expect it, you should:A. Quickly tap your brake pedal a few timesB. Use your emergency brakeC. Look over your shoulder for traffic in your blind spotD. Get ready to blow your horn54.You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can`t find the owner. You must:A. Leave a note on the vehicle.B. Report the accident without delay to the city police or, in unincorporated areas, to the CHP.C. Both of the above.55.When you tailgate other drivers (drive close to their rear bumper):A. You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry.B. Your actions cannot result in a traffic citation.C. You help reduce traffic congestion.56.When driving on slippery roads, you should:A. Use alternate routesB. Drive as you would on dry roadsC. Increase your following distanceD. Avoid crossing bridges or intersections57.Your brake lights tell other drivers that you:A. Are making a turnB. Have your emergency brake onC. Are changing lanesD. Are slowing down or stopping58.You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ____ days.A. 5B. 10C. 1559.What vehicles must stop at all railroad crossingsA. Pick up trucks.B. School buses and passenger buses carrying passengers.C. Motorcycles.D. Vehicles towing a trailer.Explanation : School buses with or without passengers, other buses while carrying passengers, and vehicles carrying explosives or flammable cargo must stop at all railroad crossings. Keep this in mind if you are following one of these vehicles.60.When driving on slick roads, you should:A. Take turns more slowlyB. Change lanes quicklyC. Accelerate quicklyD. Brake hard61.As you near an intersection, the traffic light changes from green to yellow. Your best action would be toA. Speed up to beat the red light.B. Apply the brakes sharply to stop.C. Be prepared to stop in the center of the intersection.D. Be prepared to stop before the intersection.Explanation : STEADY YELLOW: The light is changing from green to red. Be ready to stop for the red light.62.Drive below the posted speed limit when:A. Anything makes conditions less than perfectB. Others drive below the speed limitC. Entering a highway where there are other carsD. You are on a four lane road63.You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is:A. 15 mphB. 20 mphC. 25 mph64.You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. Most of the other vehicles are driving 70 mph or faster. You may legally drive:A. 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic.B. Between 65 mph and 70 mph.C. No faster than 65 mph.65.If the rear of your vehicle starts to skid left, you should:A. Steer leftB. Hit your brakesC. AccelerateD. Steer right66.If your turn signals fail, you should use _____ to indicate you are turning.A. Your hornB. Your headlightsC. Hand signalsD. Your emergency flashers67.You may honk your horn when you:A. Have to stop quicklyB. Are passing another carC. Have lost control of your carD. Are passing a bicyclist68.If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you mustA. Slow down and proceed with caution.B. Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.C. Cross the tracks at your own risk.D. Find an alternative route across tracks.Explanation : Look and listen for trains before crossing any railroad tracks. If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you may not cross the tracks, even if there are no signals or the signals are not working.69.Before turning, you should:A. Use your signalB. Turn the wheelC. Increase your speedD. Change lanes70.What does this road sign meanA. Slow down and prepare to stop only if cars are approaching you.B. Come to a full stop, then go when it is safe to do so.C. Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.D. Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.Explanation : STOP Sign - COLOR: Red, with white letters. MEANING: Come to a full stop, yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in or approaching the intersection.71.On a green arrow, you must:A. Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection.B. Yield to pedestrians only in the intersection.C. Wait four seconds before proceeding.72.When driving on wet roads, you should:A. Drive the speed limitB. Drive slightly faster than the speed limitC. Drive 5 to 10 miles below the speed limitD. Stay close to the vehicle ahead73.The amount of space you need to cross traffic depends on the:A. Road and weather conditions and oncoming trafficB. Presence of a stop signC. Use of your turn signalsD. Cars behind you74.When the road is marked with a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line on your side you may passA. Only in an emergency.B. If you are on an expressway.C. If traffic is clear.D. Only at an intersection.Explanation : Solid line with broken line: If you are on the side with the solid line, you may not pass other vehicles or cross the line except to make a left turn into a driveway. If you are on the side with the broken line, you may pass if it is safe to do so.75.Your blind spot is the area of the road:A. You cannot see without moving your headB. Directly behind your vehicleC. You see in your rearview mirrorD. You see in your side mirror76.When driving in traffic, it is safest to:A. Fluctuate your speed to keep alertB. Drive faster than the flow of trafficC. Drive slower than the flow of trafficD. Drive with the flow of traffic77.When driving on wet roads, you should:A. Increase following distance to 5 or 6 secondsB. Decrease following distance to 2 secondsC. Not be concerned about following distanceD. Maintain the 4-second following distance rule78.Your ability to stop is affected by:A. Signal lightsB. Other cars on the roadC. The time of dayD. The condition of the road79.You must obey instructions from school crossing guards:A. At all times.B. Only during school hours.C. Unless you do not see any children present.80.When making a turn, you must _____ your speed.A. IncreaseB. MaintainC. VaryD. Reduce81.What does a flashing yellow light meanA. Merging traffic.B. Proceed with caution.C. Pedestrian crossing.D. Come to a full stop.Explanation : FLASHING YELLOW: Drive with caution.82.If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, you should:A. Turn on your high beamsB. Turn off your headlightsC. Sound your hornD. Flash your high beams83.At highway speeds, on a dry road, a safe following distance is at least:A. 3 seconds of following distance from the car ahead of youB. 2 seconds of following distance from the car ahead of youC. 4 seconds of following distance from the car ahead of youD. 2 car lengths of following distance from the car ahead of you84.Before passing another vehicle you should:A. Flash your headlights to alert the driverB. Turn on your four-way flashers to warn the driverC. Give the proper turn signal to show you are changing lanesD. Sound your horn to get the drivers attention。
![美国加州SANTA CLARA路考路线](
一般考官会先让你熄火,然后会问你是不是戴眼镜的什么的,然后叫你打开车但是不要打开引擎,之后会让你打[左转灯],[右转灯],之后会让你用指出以下这些开关位置1 Horn(喇叭)会让你按下2 Windshield wipers(雨刷)3 Defroster(除雾,会让你指出前后两个位置的除雾开关,注意!)4 Emergency flasher(紧急灯这个翻译是否正确?)5 Headlights(前灯)6 Emergency/Parking brake(手刹)考官会让你turn down,你就要会把手刹放下,我没搞明白就被扣了一分。
考完这些,就可以开始正式路考了!考官先给你张表driving performance evaluation score sheet,读完上面的说明后签字,开始考试。
Turn on the key ,do not startLeft turn signalRight turn signal (考官会走到车前车后看)Stay on brake or foot brakeShow me arm signal---left, right, stopHorn(按响一下)用手指Emergency parking brake\wipers\defrost\emergency flasher\head light这些装置的地方,结束后考官上车开始考试。
考试的时候换道的时候务必注意SHOULD CHECK!出发地:SANTA CLARA DMV PARKINGRoute 1Turn left at Granada AveTurn right at Pomeroy AveTake the 2nd left onto El Sobrante StTake the 3rd left onto Alpine Ave.Take the 1st right onto Fresno St.(Curbside parking and reversing the car)(注:以上居民区限速25mph)Take the 1st right onto Kiely Blvd(speed limit 35mph)Turn right at Homestead Rd (speed limit 40mph)Turn right at Pomeroy Ave (speed limit 30mph )Turn left at Benton St (speed limit 30mph )Take the 3rd right onto Flora Vista Ave (speed limit 25mph )Turn left at Granada Ave (speed limit 25mph )Enter the parking lotRoute 2L on GranadaLon PomeroyR on El Camino Real (speed limit 35mph)R on Kiely BlvdR on Home Stead RdR on Qunice Avenue (Curbside parking and reversing the car,speed limit 25mph)L on Brook Dale (speed limit 25mph)R on PomeroyL on GrandaR onto DMV office and ParkRoute 3L on GranadaR on PomeroyR on El Sobrante AvR on Via DonderaR on Cala BlazasL on El Camino RealR on Lawrence Rd (Not onto Lawrence Freeway)R on Warburton Avenue (Reverse and Curbside Parking)R on PomeroyR on El CaminoL on Flora VistaR on GrandaR onto DMV office and Park出DMV 考试专用道左转上Granada Ave在Pomeroy Ave 右转紧接着在El Sobrante St 左转然后在Pacheco St 左转在Butte St 做了靠边停车和倒车在Kiely Blvd 右转在Homestead Rd 右转在Pomeroy Ave 右转在Benton St 左转在Flora Vista Ave 右转在Granada Ave 左转,然后从右手边回到DMV 停车场,停在了最西边的路考专用停车位上L on GranadaR on PomeroyR on El Sobrante AvR on Kiely BlvdL on BentonR on White DrR on Las Palmas DrR on HomeSteadR on PomeroyR on GranadaR onto DMV Office and ParkRoute 3:L on GranadaL on PomeroyR on El Camino RealR on Kiely BlvdR on Home Stead RdR on Qunice AvenueL on Brook DaleR on PomeroyL on BentonR on Flora Vista AveL on GrandaR onto DMV office and ParkRoute 1:約6.7公里========L on GranadaR on PomeroyL on El Sobrante Av (Reverse & Curbside Test) R on Kiely BlvdL on BentonR on White DrR on Las Palmas Dr @ STOP signR on HomeSteadR on PomeroyL on GranadaR onto DMV Office and ParkRoute 2:約4.8公里========L on GranadaR on PomeroyL on El Sobrante AvL on Via DonderaR on CalablazasL on El Camino RealR on Lawrence Rd (Not onto Lawrence Freeway)R on Warburton Avenue (Reverse and Curbside Parking) R on PomeroyR on El CaminoL on Flora VistaR on GrandaR onto DMV office andParkRoute 3:約6.4公里========L on GranadaL on PomeroyR on El Camino Real R on Kiely BlvdR on Homestead RdR on Qunice AvenueL on Brook DaleR on PomeroyL on BentonR on Flora Vista AveL on GrandaR onto DMV office and Park。
关于 DMV 交通管制问题美国纽约驾照考试模拟真题(中文版十一)
![关于 DMV 交通管制问题美国纽约驾照考试模拟真题(中文版十一)](
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
1.确保前座位的两个人都系上安全带后才可以启动车.调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车).测试“平行停车",倒车控车,90度倒转弯车,紧急刹车;2.上路考试,左转,右转丶过十字路口丶斜坡停车丶车速控制丶换路线、路边停车等等. 3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3—5秒。
Parking時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回.二.路考过程注意事项:1.坐上车后,先系好安全带。
4.Stop sign一定要確实停3—5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
所以外国学生(F-1 Visa) 必须先至社会安全局分所,领取一封信(676-SSAL)。
该信证明外国学生不能领取社安号码的原因,之后再拿该信及有效的护照、有效的I-20 至加州车管处〈DMV (Department of Motor Vehicle)〉申请驾照。
外国学生可以直接至Secretary of State office办理,出发前须携带护照、有效的I-20 (F-1 学生)、学生证及国际驾照。
德克萨斯州:外国学生(F-1 及J-1) 在德州办驾照前需要先申请社会安全号码,并用该号码来申请驾照。
(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。
调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。
3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。
Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。
4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。
遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。
Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士早晨好Good Afternoon 午安How are you? 你好么Do you speak English?你讲英语吗?I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲Would you mind speak louder please? 请讲大声一些Do you wear glasses? 你有戴眼镜么?I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜Do you live at same address? 你住在上述地址么?Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?Do you have any question? 你有什么问题么?You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名Are you ready now? 你准备好了么?Turn on the engine (car). 点火Let's go. 现在开始Right turn. 右转Left turn. 左转Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶Second street. 第二条街Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷Right of way. 优先权Stop the car here. 在这里停车Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车Slow down 慢驶Three point turn. 三点调头Parallel parking. 平行泊车Up hill parking. 上坡泊车Down hill parking. 下坡泊车Back up. 后退Back into the driveway. 倒车进入车道Too close. 太接近Too slow. 太慢Too fast. 太快Speed up . 加速Give your signal. 打灯号Cancel your signal. 取消灯号Try again. 再试一次Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张More gas. 加油Follow the car. 跟着前车Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心Entrance. 入口Exit 出口Intersection 十字路口Put on your seat belt. 放安全带Parking brake . 手刹Turn on the heater/air conditioner. 打开暖气/冷气Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车Back in parking. 后退泊车Turn off the engine. 关闭引擎You failed. 你不合格Do you have any identification?你有证件么You passed. 你通过Try again. 下次再试horn: 喇叭;windshield:挡风玻璃(前车窗);rear view mirrors(后视镜);turn signal:转向灯信号( left turn light 左转向灯, right turn light右转向灯);foot brake:脚刹;emergency/parking brake:手刹;arm signals(手势);windshield wipers( 雨刷);defroster:除霜(注意有前窗除霜、后霜除霜之分);emergency flasher/light:紧急双向灯;headlight:头灯(大灯),glove box:手套箱(就是副驾驶位置那个地方的放杂物的箱子)。