



计划生育政策英语计划生育政策[jìhuàshēnɡyùzhènɡcè]family planning policy; one-child policy双语例句全部family planning policy one-child policy1.计划生育政策实施30多年来,广大计划生育家庭为国家降低人口数量、节约社会抚养费用、提高人均GDP等做出了巨大的贡献。

Family planning policy have brought into effect in China about 30 years, a lot of families which practice family planning have made a great contribution to reduce population, save social alimony and improve GDP per person.2.中国将继续实施计划生育政策,以控制人口增长。

China will continue to carry out its family planning policy to control population growth.3.他们积极拥护计划生育政策。

They are very aggressive in pursuing the policy of birth control.4.事实上,就至少一个目标而言,在世界上的某些地方我们已经取得了巨大的进步——实施计划生育政策以及相应地向小型家庭过渡。

Indeed, we have made substantial progress in some parts of the world on at least one of these ——the distribution of family-planning services and the associated shift to smaller families.5.计划生育政策在中国已施行30年之久。





二胎政策英语作文篇1 China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.中国是一个人口大国。





作文First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, 1/ 16their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, theburden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二胎政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。





希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网!Today, I'm going to talk aobut a change to China's population policy.China introduced one-child policy in the late 1970s. This policy has been credited with helping to control China's population growth.It's also been criticized for forcing parents to make difficult personal choices, or in some cases face huge fines.Aording to a statement issued on October 29th,xx by the Communist Party of China Central Committee, China further relaxed its more than three-decade-old family planning policy. The statement said the country's aging trend would be actively addressed by the universal two-child policy.Additionally, From my personal view, One reason for the change, economics. In China, many people care for their elderly relatives, so a single child could end up beingfinancially responsible for parents and grandparents. This new policy could help with that.Another reason, China wants to improve human rights by the universal two-child policy.今天我将来说一下中国的人口政策改革。



二胎政策初中英语作文有翻译二胎政策,对于大家来说都不陌生,你对二胎政策有什么看法吗?下面,是小编为你整理的二胎政策初中英语有翻译,希望对你有帮助! 二胎政策初中英语作文有翻译篇1Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other peop le don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice.由于独生子女政策的执行,许多家庭只有一个孩子。



发布日期: 2006-06-13上海市人口与计划生育条例(英文版)Announcement of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress No.33The Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Population and Family Planning, adopted at the 9th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on December 31, 2003, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effective as of April 15, 2004.The Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress December 31, 2003[关闭窗口]Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Population and Family Planning (Adopted at the 9th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth ShanghaiMunicipal People’s Congress on December 31, 2003) ContentsChapter I General Provisions Chapter II Comprehensive Management of Population Chapter III Regulation of Reproduction Chapter IV Rewards and Social Security Chapter V Legal Liability Chapter VI Supplementary ProvisionChapter I General Provisionsofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmArticle 1 These Regulations are enacted, in accordance with Population and Family Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China and in light of the actual circumstances of the Municipality, with the aims of bringing about an overall, coordinated and sustainable development between population, economy, society, resources and environment, promoting family planning, protecting legal rights and interests of citizens, and enhancing welfare of families, prosperity of the nation and development of society.Article 2 These Regulations apply to the population and family planning programs within the Municipality’s administrative area.Administration of family planning programs for floating population shall observe relevant stipulations of the State and the Municipality.Article 3 The people’s governments at all levels shall strengthen management of population and family planning programs, and take comprehensive measures to control the size, raise the quality, improve the structure and promote rational distribution of population.The people’s governments at all levels shall enhance publicity and education, take advantage of scientific and technological progress, improve all-round services, and set up and perfect reward and social security system, to insure satisfactory population and family planning administration.Article 4 Population and family planning administrative department at the municipal level, by its statutory duty, is in charge of population and family planning programs within the Municipality’s administrative area. Population and family planning administrative departments at district and county level, by their respective statutory duty, are in charge of the population and family planning programs within their respective administrative areas.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmPublic administrative departments of development and reform, public security, labor and social security, public health, civil affairs, statistics, and education, are in charge of relevant population and family planning administration within the limits of their respective functions and duties.People’s governments of townships and towns and sub-district offices are in charge of the administration of population and family planning programs within their respective administrative areas.Article 5 Public organizations including Trade Unions, Communist Youth Leagues, Women’s Federations, Family Planning Associations, Population Associations and such, and enterprises, institutions, privately-run non-enterprise units, and citizens shall assist the people’s governments in carrying out population and family planning programs.Neighborhood committees and villagers’ committees shall assist the people’s governments in carrying out population and family planning programs and shall be staffed with appropriate full- time or part-time personnel.Article 6 People’s governments at all levels shall list the funding for population and family planning programs into fiscal budgets, ensure adequate fund for population and family planning programs. Funding for population and family planning programs should be increased gradually along with national economic and social development.Article 7 Population and family planning programs shall be integrated into the Municipality’s socialistic spiritual culture construction as an important part.Article 8 People’s governments at all levels shall commend and reward organizations or individuals that have made outstanding achievements in and contributions toofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmpopulation and family planning programs.Government departments, public organizations, enterprises, institutions, privately-run non-enterprise units shall commend and reward individuals in their organizations who have made outstanding achievements in and contributions to population and family planning programs.Chapter II Comprehensive Management of PopulationArticle 9 People’s governments at municipal, district and county levels shall, in accordance with the population development plans made by the people’s governments at the next higher level and in light of the actual circumstances in their own administrative areas, draw up medium and long-term plans and annual plans for population development, and incorporate them into the national economic and social development plans.Article 10 Administrative departments of population and family planning, statistics and such are in charge of conducting medium and long-term projections of population trends, including population size, birth, death, structure and migration, as a basis for developing population plans and making decisions on comprehensive population management.Article 11 People’s governments at municipal, district and county levels shall, in accordance with the medium and long-term plans for population development, develop implementation plans for population and family planning programs within their respective administrative areas and make arrangements for the implementation.Administrative departments of population and family planning at municipal, district and county levels are responsible for implementation of daily tasks in population and family planning plans.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmPeople’s governments at township and town level and sub-district offices are responsible for fulfillment of the population and family planning implementation plans.Article 12 The Municipal people’s government assigns the annual targets and duties for population and family planning programs to the district and county people’s governments, assesses and evaluates their implementation, and gives rewards or sanctions accordingly. The district and county people’s governments assign the annual targets and duties for the population and family planning programs to people’s governments at township and town level and sub-district offices, assess and evaluate their implementation and give rewards or sanctions accordingly.The people’s governments at all levels and sub-district offices shall fulfill relevant duties and achieve the annual targets for the population and family planning programs.Article 13 For those whose household registration places are inconsistent with their present residences, people’s governments of both places are responsible for family planning administration of them, with the people’s governments at the present residences taking major responsibility.Article 14 The Municipal people’s government shall make plans for the size of population development, regulate and control the total amount of the resident population based on the level of economic and social development and the bearing capacity of the resources and environment.People’s governments at municipal, district and county levels shall perfect the reproductive regulation policies, maintain a low fertility level, establish the regulation and control mechanism of flowing-in-and-out of resident population, and rationally control the mechanical growth of population.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmArticle 15 People’s governments at municipal, district and county levels shall control population size in the central areas of the Municipality and promote rational distribution of urban and rural population while making and implementing urban planning.Specialized planning on industry, housing, transportation, science and technology, education, culture, public health, and labor and social security, developed and implemented by relevant administrative departments, shall be in accordance with regional population development programs.Article 16 Regulations and measures formulated and implemented by the Municipality on reproduction, migration and flowing-in-and-out of population shall be conducive to the optimization of age structure and alleviation of population ageing.Article 17 Administrative departments of public health at all levels shall improve maternal and child healthcare services, decrease infant mortality rate, reduce incidence of birth defects, and enhance health of the newborns.The Municipality advocates that citizens undergo premarital and maternal medical examinations. The Municipal people’s government shall formulate rules conducive to voluntary premarital and maternal medical examinations among citizens.Medical and healthcare institutions shall provide standard and quality services for clients in premarital and maternal medical examinations and keep confidentiality for them. Medical doctors and midwives shall strictly observe relevant operational procedures and prevent and reduce birth injury.Article 18 Administrative departments of population and family planning, public health, education, culture radio film and TV, press and publication, civil affairs, and public organizations shall cooperate with each other in conducting education andofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmprograms on reproductive health, advocating healthy lifestyles, enhancing selfhealthcare awareness, and striving for prevention and treatment of AIDS and other diseases that affect reproductive health.Article 19 Gender identification of fetus and sex-selective pregnancy termination operation performed by any institution or individual for non-medical purposes are hereby prohibited.Article 20 Administrative departments of statistics, population and family planning, and public security, in accordance with their respective duties, shall conduct statistics, sampling surveys and special investigations among the Municipality’s household registration population and non-local household registration population that have resided in the Municipality for a certain period, and release the statistical and analytical data on a regular basis.Article 21 Administrative departments of population and family planning shall set up and improve population and family planning information system as required by the State and the Municipality. Population and family planning information system shall be incorporated into the municipal social security and citizen service information systems.Administrative departments of population and family planning, public security, public health, education, civil affairs, labor and social security, medical insurance and such shall provide population management-related data to each other through the Municipality’s social security and citizen service information systems, share population information and promote comprehensive exploitation and utilization of population information resources.Chapter III Regulation of ReproductionArticle 22 Citizens have the right of reproduction and the obligation to practice familyofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmplanning according to the law.Both husband and wife bear responsibility in practicing family planning, and they shall respect each other and discuss on an equal basis when making reproduction decisions.The legal rights and interests of citizens in practicing family planning are protected legally.Article 23 Citizens are encouraged to have late marriage and late childbearing. One child per couple is advocated. Those who meet the conditions specified by law and these Regulations may apply for another childbearing.Article 24 The first marriage of a man at or above 25 years old is regarded as late marriage.The first marriage of a woman at or above 23 years old is regarded as late marriage.The first childbearing of a married woman at or above 24 years old is regarded as late childbearing.Article 25 If neither party of a couple have had child before their marriage, the said couple may give birth to another child after the first one, providing they meet one of the following conditions:(1) Both the husband and wife are single child;(2) The first child is identified as disabled due to non-hereditary reasons by medical identification agencies of disabled child at municipal, district or county levels, and there is little possibility that the child will grow up into an individual with normalofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmworking ability;(3) One party of the couple is identified by proper agencies as disabled due to nonhereditary reasons, which affects work and makes him or her unable to take care of himself or herself in daily life;(4) One party of the couple is a handicapped soldier of Degree 2, Class B or above;(5) One party of the couple has been working in the fishing industry as a fisherman on the sea for over five consecutive years;(6) One party of the couple holds the Municipality’s rural household registration and either party is single child;(7) The wife holds the Municipality’s rural household registration and has no brothers but sisters who each have only one child, and the husband lives in the wife’s home to support the elderly.Where one party or both parties of a couple had children before marriage, the said couple may give birth to another child if they meet one of the following conditions:(1) One party of the couple had no child before marriage, and the other had one or two children before marriage;(2) Each party had a child before marriage, and both parties are single child;(3) Each party had a child before marriage, one of them holds the Municipality’s rural household registration, and either of them is single child;(4) Each party had a child before marriage, the child of one party of the couple isofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmidentified as disabled due to non-hereditary reasons by medical identification agencies of disabled child at municipal, district or county levels, and there is little possibility that the child will grow up into an individual with normal working ability.The Municipal people’s government shall further provide other conditions for having another childbearing due to special situations apart from conditions set out in Clause 1 and 2 of this Article.A person whose brothers and sisters are all deceased or who was adopted before the age of 14, and the foster parents have no other children, may be regarded as single child referred to in this Article.Article 26 Where neither party of the couple had child before marriage, and one of them is diagnosed to be infertile after marriage by the Municipality’s hospitals of second class level or above, but the wife becomes pregnant after they legally adopted a child, the said couple may give birth to another child.Where a citizen of ethnic group immigrated from other provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government had obtained certificate for another childbearing from family planning administrations at or above county level in the original household registration place before immigrated into the Municipality, the said citizen may give birth to another child.Article 27 Where one party of the couple holds the Municipality’s household registration, and the other party holds household registration of other provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the administration of the central government, the said couple may select applicable provisions of these Regulations when applying for another childbearing.Article 28 The reproductive policy for the Municipality’s resident who is married to aofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmresident of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan Region, or to a foreigner ,is executed in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.The reproductive policy for overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese and family members of overseas Chinese is executed with relevant provisions of the State.Article 29 Couples who comply with stipulations in Article 25 and 26 of these Regulations, when applying for another childbearing, shall go through the following procedures:(1) They shall submit an application form for another childbearing to people’s governments at township or town level or sub-district offices at the wife’s household registration place, and present the materials set out in these Regulations.(2) People’s governments at township or town level or sub-district offices shall put forward the accepting and handling opinion within 7 workdays from the date of receiving the application form for another childbearing and all the materials required in these Regulations, and submit the accepting and handling opinion and all application materials to administrative departments of population and family planning at district or county level.(3) Administrative departments of population and family planning at district or county level shall finish the examination within 10 workdays from the date of receiving the accepting and handling opinion and all application materials submitted by people’s government at township or town level or sub-district office; issue an informing notification of approval for another childbearing to the applicant who meets the condition, and notify in written, with explanation, the applicants of their failure to meet the condition.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmA couple who select applicable provisions of these Regulations in line with the stipulation in Article 27 of these Regulations, when applying for another childbearing, shall file the application to people’s governments at township or town level or subdistrict office of the Municipality where one party’s household registration is and go through the procedures set out in the preceding clause.Article 30 Anyone who applies for another childbearing in compliance with the conditions set out in these Regulations shall submit the following basic materials:(1) Identity certification;(2) Household registration certification;(3) Marital status certification; and(4) Declaration of status of existing child or children.Anyone who meets the following conditions shall present additional relevant certification:(1) Anyone who meets the conditions stipulated in Article 25, Clause 1, Item (2) and (3) and Clause 2, Item (4), and Article 26, Clause 1 of these Regulations shall present identification materials or diagnosis certification of departments concerned.(2) Anyone who meets the conditions stipulated in Article 25, Clause 1, Item (4) of these Regulations shall present the “Certificate of Handicapped Revolutionary Soldier”.(3) Anyone who meets the conditions stipulated in Article 25, Clause 1, Item (5) of these Regulations shall present relevant certification of being engaged in going fishingofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmon the sea issued by the villager’s ( neighborhood ) committee.(4) Anyone who meets the conditions stipulated in Article 25, Clause 4 and Article 26, Clause 1 of these Regulations shall present the adoption certification.(5) Anyone who meets the conditions stipulated in Article 26, Clause 2 of these Regulations shall present certification issued by administrative departments of family planning at or above county level.Article 31 Administrative department of population and family planning at municipal level shall release information about population birth projection to the public in accordance with the changing trend of population birth in the Municipality.Citizens may choose appropriate time and interval of childbearing based on information about population birth projection and in light of actual family conditions.Article 32 The Municipality sets up system of reporting birth and death of the newborns and the statistical system of pregnancy termination cases.Medical and healthcare institutions shall report information about birth and death of the newborn on a case by case basis and statistical information about pregnancy termination to local population and family planning administrative departments on a regular basis.Medical and healthcare institutions and population and family planning administrative departments shall keep confidentiality on the aforesaid case by case information.Chapter IV Rewards and Social SecurityArticle 33 Citizens having late marriage are entitled to an additional 7-day leave for late marriage beside the nuptial leave set by the State. Women having lateofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmchildbearing in accordance with the provisions set out in these Regulations are entitled to an additional 30-day maternal leave for late childbearing beside the maternal leave set by the State, and their husbands are entitled to a 3-day late childbearing nursing leave. The economic benefits in late marriage leave are the same as that of nuptial leave. The economic benefits in late childbearing leave and late childbearing nursing leave are the same as that of maternal leave.Article 34 Citizens undergoing family planning surgical operations are entitled to the leave and benefits specified by the State.Article 35 Couples of reproductive age who practice family planning shall receive, free of charge, family planning technical services of basic items specified by the State.Article 36 Citizens voluntarily commit not to have another child after the first childbearing in accordance with law will be given an “Certificate of Honor for Singlechild Parents” (hereinafter referred to as “Certificate of Honor”) by administrative departments of population and family planning at district or county level in accordance with relevant provisions of the State before their children reach 16 years old.Article 37 Citizens with “Certificate of Honor” are entitled to the following rewards:(1) Reward money for single child parents before the child is 16 years old;(2) In adjustment of land allotted for private use and arrangement for house site in rural areas, the single child shall be allocated land area equivalent to that of two children; and(3) Reward money for family planning in a lump sum at retirement.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmThe Municipal people’s government shall provide the specific procedures for rewards in other regulations.Article 38 Citizens with “Certificate of Honor” who willingly give up the right of having another child or adopting a child when their single children die or disable due to accident before 16 years old, shall be granted allowance in a lump sum by people’s governments at district or county level in accordance with relevant provisions of the Municipal people’s government.Article 39 Women giving birth to children abiding by law enjoy childbearing insurance benefits prescribed by the State and the Municipality.Article 40 The people’s governments at all levels and all relevant departments shall consider interests of parents of single child as priority at establishing the security system and measures for the elderly.Article 41 Citizens giving birth to children abiding by law shall have part of the nursing fee and administrative fee for their children’s entering nursery or kindergarten reimbursed as prescribed by the Municipality.Chapter Ⅴ Legal LiabilityArticle 42 Citizens giving birth to children in violation of the provisions set out in these Regulations shall pay social fostering fee in accordance with the “Procedures on the Administration of the Levy of Social Fostering Fee” enacted by the State Council and the relevant provisions of the Municipal people’s government.Article 43 Citizens who violate the provisions set out in these Regulations shall be penalized according to the following provisions in addition to the payment of social fostering fee:ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhm(1) The female citizen shall afford her own hospitalization and medical expenses for child delivery and will not enjoy childbirth insurance benefits or wage benefits during maternal leave;(2) If the citizen has a “Certificate of Honor”, he or she shall return the certificate. All benefits the citizen enjoys by virtue of the certificate will be terminated, and all benefits that the citizen has enjoyed in accordance with provisions set out in Article 37 of these Regulations shall be returned;(3) If the citizen is a State functionary, he or she shall be given administrative sanction according to law. If the citizen is not a State functionary, he or she shall be given disciplinary sanction by his affiliation; and(4) If the citizen is a peasant, he or she shall not have increased allotted land for private use and for house site during the adjustment of the land plot or house site allocation.Article 44 Any institution or individual that performs gender identification of fetus or sex-selective pregnancy termination for non-medical purpose shall be punished in accordance with relevant State laws and regulations.Article 45 The party concerned, if disagrees with the specific administrative act made by an administrative department, may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration or Administrative Litigation Law of the People’s Republic of China.Article 46 Any staff member of the administrative department of population and family planning or other relevant administrative departments who neglects his or her duties, abuses his or her powers, engages in malpractice for personal gains, shall beofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhmpunished with disciplinary sanctions by the unit where he or she works or the competent authorities at a higher level; if the wrongful acts constitute crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted for his or her criminal liability in accordance with law.Chapter Ⅵ Supplementary Provision Article 47 These Regulations shall come into effect as of April 15, 2004. The Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Family Planning adopted at the 16th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on March 14, 1990 shall be repealed on the same date. Couples who got married before the implementation of these Regulations, and did not have a child or adopt a child after marriage are still entitled to rewards specified in the provisions in Article 27 of the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Family Planning.ofrualdinkgwtesc,pbyhm。



China to support couples having third child in response to aging population为应对人口老龄化,中国将支持一对夫妻生育三个孩子China has officially further relaxed its family planning policy, supporting couples that wish to have a third child, it was decided at a meeting of the Political Bureau of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held on Monday.周一召开的中共中央政治局会议决定,中国正式进一步放宽计划生育政策,支持希望生育第三个孩子的夫妻。

The policy shift came not long after China's once-in-a-decade census, data from which showed a decline in births in the world's most populous country. Per the census, Chinese population grew at its slowest rate during the last decade since the 1950s.该政策的转变发生在中国十年一次的人口普查之后不久。


In 2016, China annulled the one-child policy, which had been imposed to halt a population explosion in 1982, replacing it with a two-child limit. It was acknowledged at the meeting that despite the two-child policy achieving positive results, the aging of the population in China has deepened in recent years.2016年,中国取消了1982年为遏制人口爆发式增长而实施的独生子女政策,取而代之的是二孩政策。



大学英语六级翻译试题汇总总分:90分题量:16题一、问答题(共16题,共80分)1.翻译:Cultureshockiscausedbytheanxietythatresultsfromlosingallfamiliarsign sandsymbolsofsocialintercourse.(PassageFour)答:文化震撼是由于社会交往过程中失去了所有本来熟悉的标记和符号引起焦虑而产生的。

2.翻译:Asthesourceofaluminumisalmostinexhaustible,wecanexpectthatmoreandmor euseswillbefoundforthisversatilemetal.(PassageTwo)答:由于铝的资源几乎是无止境的,我们可预计对这种多用途的金属将会发挥越来越多的用途。

3.翻译:Bymakingvehicleslighterinweightaluminumhasgreatlyreducedtheamountoff uelneededtomovethem,(PassageTwo)答:由于能够减轻运输工具本身的重量,铝材能大大地减少驱动它们本身所需的燃料。

4.翻译:Thecaptainrealizedthatthementriedtodeceivehimsohemadethemworkveryhar dfortherestofthevoyage.(PassageOne)答:船长意识到这些船员是要欺骗他,因此,在余下的航程里他让他们干更累的活。







海关总署(the General Administration of Customs)发布了中国的贸易平衡情况。


然而,随着全球需求放缓(slow down),大量的基础设施(infrastructure)建设项目和消费品进口的增长,贸易顺差大幅下降。


韩国(South Korea)、澳大利亚(Australia)、德国(Germany)、南非(South Africa)、日本和巴西(Brazil)的贸易赤字最大。

China recorded a trade surplus of $178.18 hundred million in July of 2013. Balance of trade in China is reported by the General Administration of Customs. From 2004 to 2009 China’s annual trade surplus has increased 10 times. Yet, as the global demand is slowing down and vast infrastructure projects and import of commodities are growing, there has been a significant decline in trade surplus. In the last few years, the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with the United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Vietnam and Singapore. The biggest trade deficits were recorded with South Korea, Australia, Germany, South Africa, Japan and Brazil.2、这周颁布的一项新法律要求子女必须“经常”探望年龄超过60岁的父母,并确保他们经济和精神上的需求(financial and spiritual needs)得到满足。



Gone, the slogans
In recent years, as the government advocates a people-first philosophy in governance, those slogans disappear quickly and some can only be found on photos.
Coming, the challenges
♂ an aging population
we can curb population growth counting on family planning policy, but we can not stop the trend that our nationals are becoming more and more elder. Some people worried that China will grow old before it grows wealthy. So some suggestions nowdays are also proposed that chinese family planning policy should be more slack to meet the challenge. This maybe need our government to take it seriously.
family planning policy
1970-1980 1980-1984
孩” 1991-至今
“晚、稀、少” “晚、稀、少”调整为“晚、一
晚:晚婚 late marriage 稀:生育间隔 4-year birth spacing 少:只生两个孩子 only two



中国出台了三胎政策英语作文英文:To actively respond to the aging of the population, China will introduce major policies and measures.The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on May 31, the meeting pointed out that further optimizing the birth policy, the implementation of a couple can have three children policy and supporting support measures will be conducive to improving China's population structure, implementing the national strategy of actively responding to the aging population, and maintaining China's human resource endowment advantage.The three-child policy came, which immediately caused the great attention of the majority of netizens across the country, and the netizens agreed that the population policy is quite powerful, but if the policy was issued, will there really be a life?Policy introduction, no life, will not be very embarrassing!Netizens' concerns about the new policy are understandable, so why so?By high housing prices, education costs, the pressure ofemployment, medical costs, many young people are not interested in birth, from the seventh national census related data can see: the national population of 1411.78 million, compared with the sixth national census in 2010, increased 72.06 million, up 5.38%, the average annual growth rate of 0.53%, from 2000 to 0.04% than average.The total fertility rate of women of childbearing age in China was 1.3, which is already at a low level.This is mainly affected by the continuous decrease in the number of women of childbearing age and the gradual weakening of the "two-child" effect.From these data show that contemporary young people have a very low desire to have children. In particular, it needs to say that the change in their concept of marriage and childbearing has also caused many young people not to have children, or many young people do not get married. So it is difficult to solve the fertility problem only by the adjustment of the fertility policy.Of course, some people believe that the introduction of the three-child policy is good for two groups of people: one is the high family income.This group has the idea of a big family, thinking that a large population, a prosperous career, a prosperous future, raisingand educating children, so they choose to live, not only three, but some even more.The other is that the life is relatively poor, backward ideas, can not control their own reproductive behavior.As mentioned in the news in the past, some families are particularly poor, but they have very many children, and some even have seven or eight children. They did not take having children as a burden, and even think that with more children, the country will take care of them, just in this way, they have been giving birth.Even if the quality of life is very bad, they get used to the poor days and hard days, there is no ambitious idea. Without adjusting the birth policy, they still have birth.Birth pressure is very big, and contemporary young people chat, mostly just say that have one, give birth to two is very rare, even if the life is good, the change of their ideas, they have two or three, basically have no such idea.Today's adjustment of the birth policy will be more or less cold.Of course, when the three-child policy comes out, we cannot question the positive significance of its existence. With the increase of the national housing price control policy, the pace of medicalreform follows译文:积极应对人口老龄化,我国将出台重大政策举措。



二胎政策作文英语The Two-Child Policy。

In recent years, the Chinese government has implemented a new policy called the Two-Child Policy, which allows couples to have two children instead of one. This policy has been met with mixed reactions from the public, and it has sparked a heated debate on the pros and cons of having a second child. In this essay, we will explore the reasons behind the implementation of the Two-Child Policy, as well as its potential impacts on society.The Two-Child Policy was introduced in 2015 as a response to the country's aging population and declining birth rate. China's one-child policy, which was in placefor over three decades, had led to a significant gender imbalance and an aging population. The government recognized the need to address these issues and decided to relax the family planning policy to allow couples to have two children. This move was seen as a way to boost thecountry's labor force, stimulate economic growth, and support the elderly population.One of the main benefits of the Two-Child Policy isthat it gives couples more freedom and flexibility in planning their families. Under the one-child policy, many couples faced pressure to have only one child, which led to issues such as gender imbalance and a shrinking workforce. With the new policy in place, couples now have the option to have a second child if they so desire. This has been welcomed by many families who have longed for a larger family size and the opportunity to have siblings for their children.Furthermore, the Two-Child Policy is expected to have a positive impact on the economy. By increasing the size of the labor force, the policy can help address labor shortages and support economic growth. In addition, the increased demand for goods and services from a larger population can stimulate consumption and drive economic development. This can potentially lead to a more dynamic and competitive economy, which can benefit the country as awhole.However, the Two-Child Policy also has its critics, who argue that it may lead to overpopulation and strain the country's already limited resources. China is already the most populous country in the world, and some fear that allowing couples to have two children will exacerbate the problem. Overpopulation can put pressure on the environment, lead to resource scarcity, and contribute to social and economic challenges. Critics also point out that the policy may not be effective in addressing the country's demographic challenges and could potentially create new problems in the future.In conclusion, the Two-Child Policy is a significant change in China's family planning policy, and it has the potential to have far-reaching impacts on the country's society and economy. While the policy has its benefits in terms of giving couples more freedom and supporting economic growth, it also raises concerns about overpopulation and resource constraints. It is importantfor the government to carefully monitor the implementationof the policy and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it achieves its intended goals while mitigating any negative consequences. Ultimately, the success of the Two-Child Policy will depend on how it is managed and the extent to which it can strike a balance between promoting family values and addressing demographic challenges.。

one child policy 计划生育政策英文ppt

one child policy 计划生育政策英文ppt
The "four-two-one" problem One adult child was left with having to provide support for his or her two parents and four grandparents
Benefits and Criticisms
Looking Forward
16.0%Байду номын сангаас
Aging population Lose of demographic bonus Heavy burden for the social welfare system
2000 2010 2020
People older than 65
Increased savings rate and child bearing quality The average Chinese household expends fewer resources, both in terms of time and money, on children. Chinese can no longer rely on children to care for them in their old age, there is an impetus to save money for the future.
Current Status
One couples living in unban area can only have one child. Advocating later marriage, later childbirth , better prenatal care and better upbringing



计划生育政策的影响:中英双语探讨**English Version**The implementation of the family planning policy in China has far-reaching impacts on both the country's social and economic development. Since its inception in the late 1970s, the policy has been a controversial topic, with varying degrees of support and opposition. This article aims to explore the various impacts of the family planning policy, focusing on its long-term effects on China's demographic structure, economic growth, and social well-being.**Demographic Impacts**The most significant impact of the family planning policy has been on China's demographic structure. By limiting the number of children families can have, the policy has successfully curbed the rapid growth of the population, which was a significant concern in the late 20th century. As a result, China has seen a significant decrease in its fertility rate, leading to a more balancedage structure and a reduction in population pressure on resources and infrastructure.However, the policy has also led to some demographic challenges. The one-child policy, in particular, has resulted in a gender imbalance, with a higher ratio of boys to girls due to a preference for male children. This has led to social issues such as increased marriage pressure and gender-based discrimination. Furthermore, the aging population is becoming a growing concern, as the number of working-age individuals decreases relative to the elderly population.**Economic Impacts**The family planning policy has also had significant impacts on China's economic growth. By controlling the population growth, the policy has allowed the country to invest more resources in education, healthcare, and infrastructure development. This has fostered economic growth and development, particularly in the urban areas.However, the policy has also had some negative economic impacts. The one-child policy, for instance, has led to a decrease in labor supply, as families have only one child to contribute to the workforce. This has put pressure on the labor market and may have contributed to rising labor costs. Additionally, the aging population may lead to a decrease in economic productivity and an increase in social welfare expenditure.**Social Impacts**The social impacts of the family planning policy are also diverse. On the one hand, the policy has helped to improve the quality of life for many families by reducing the financial and emotional burden of raising multiple children. It has also empowered women by giving them more control over their reproductive choices.However, the policy has also led to some social tensions. The gender imbalance caused by the one-child policy has led to increased competition and stress among young people, particularly men. Additionally, the aging population has led to arise in elderly care needs, putting pressure on the social welfare system and family relationships.**Conclusion**Overall, the family planning policy in China has had both positive and negative impacts on the country's social and economic development. While it has successfully curbed population growth and fostered economic growth, it has also led to demographic challenges and social tensions. As China moves forward, it will be crucial to address these challenges and find a balance between population control and social well-being.**Chinese Version**中国计划生育政策的深远影响自20世纪70年代末实施以来,中国的计划生育政策对国家的社会经济发展产生了深远的影响。



计划生育政策嘤英语The family planning policy, also known as the one-child policy, was introduced in China in 1979 to control the population growth. The policy restricted urban couples to having only one child, while rural couples were allowed to have a second child if the first child was a girl.The family planning policy was implemented as a response to concerns about overpopulation and its impact on resources and economic development. The Chinese government believed that controlling population growth was essential for the country's future prosperity and stability.The policy was controversial and had significant social and economic consequences. It led to a gender imbalance, as families preferred to have male children, leading to a disproportionate number of boys in the population. It also resulted in a rapidly aging population, as the number of elderly people increased while the working-age population decreased.In recent years, the Chinese government has relaxed the family planning policy in response to these challenges. In2016, the one-child policy was officially replaced with a two-child policy, allowing all couples to have two children. This was aimed at addressing the demographic imbalance and supporting economic growth.The family planning policy has had a lasting impact on Chinese society, and its effects will continue to be feltfor years to come. While the policy was successful in controlling population growth, it also created significant social and demographic challenges that will need to be addressed in the future.计划生育政策,也称为独生子女政策,于1979年在中国实施,旨在控制人口增长。



二胎政策的英语作文The Two-Child Policy, officially announced in 2016, marked a significant shift in China's family planning regulations. This policy allows each couple to have two children, a change from the previous One-Child Policy that had been in place for several decades. The introduction of the Two-Child Policy has had profound implications on various aspects of Chinese society, including demographics, economy, and culture.Demographically, the policy aims to address the aging population issue in China. With a growing number of retirees and a shrinking workforce, the country faced potential economic challenges. By allowing families to have a second child, the policy is expected to increase the birth rate, which in turn will contribute to a larger and more sustainable working-age population in the future.Economically, the Two-Child Policy is anticipated to stimulate growth in various sectors. The increase in the number of children is likely to lead to higher demand for goods and services such as education, healthcare, and child-related products. This could create new businessopportunities and potentially boost consumption, which is a key driver of China's economy.Culturally, the policy may also have a significant impact on family dynamics and societal values. Traditionally, the One-Child Policy has led to a generation of only children whooften became the center of their family's attention. With the Two-Child Policy, there is a possibility of a shift in family structures and the way children are raised, potentially fostering a more collaborative and less individualistic approach to upbringing.However, the Two-Child Policy also faces challenges. Not all families are willing or able to have a second child due to financial constraints, career considerations, or personal preferences. Additionally, the policy must be accompanied by supportive measures such as affordable childcare and parental leave to ensure that the benefits are accessible to all segments of society.In conclusion, China's Two-Child Policy represents a major step towards balancing the population and promoting economic and social development. While it presents both opportunities and challenges, its long-term effects on the country's demographics and economy will be closely monitored and analyzed in the coming years.。



China's Fertility Policies: Evolution,Challenges, and ProspectsChina's fertility policies have undergone significant transformations over the past few decades, reflecting the country's evolving demographic landscape and economic priorities. Initially introduced to address the concerns of rapid population growth and limited resources, these policies have gradually shifted to accommodate changing social and economic conditions.The one-child policy, implemented in 1979, marked a significant milestone in China's fertility history. This policy aimed to limit families to having only one child, with strict penalties for those who violated the rule. While it successfully slowed down population growth, it also gave rise to a number of social and demographic challenges, including an aging population and gender imbalance.In response to these challenges, China began to easeits fertility policies in recent years. The two-child policy, introduced in 2015, allowed families to have two children, regardless of their previous birth history. Thiswas followed by the three-child policy in 2021, which further liberalized the fertility restrictions, allowing families to have up to three children.Despite these policy changes, China still faces a number of challenges in its fertility landscape. One of the main concerns is the low fertility rate, which has been below the replacement level for several years. This is attributed to various factors, including the high cost of raising children, changing social norms, and women's increasing participation in the workforce.To address these challenges, the Chinese government has implemented a range of measures to encourage fertility. These include providing financial incentives for families with more children, expanding maternity and childcare services, and promoting gender equality in the workplace. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains to be seen, as changing social and economic conditions may continue to influence fertility rates.Looking ahead, China's fertility policies are likely to continue to evolve in response to changing demographic and economic realities. While the three-child policy representsa significant step towards liberalization, it remains to be seen whether it will be sufficient to address the country's fertility challenges. Given the complexity of these issues, a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of low fertility is likely to be necessary.**中国生育政策:演变、挑战与前景**中国生育政策在过去几十年中经历了重大变革,这反映了中国不断变化的人口状况和经济优先事项。

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The family planning policy is one of the most influential public policies in China. As a basic national policy of China, we really benefit from it. Scholar Ma Yinchu proposed the "new population theory" to start the discussion in the 1950s.Due to the leader’s miscarriage of justiceof the basic national conditions ,the"new population theory" was not accepted. Mr. Ma has also been severely criticized.In the 1960s after the population peaked, the fastpopulation growth began to get the attention of the central leadership.The family planning policy as the way of solving the problem and countermeasures had been gradually put on the national agenda. From the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century ,the government started to advocate family planning.Utill1982, the govermentdeterminedfamily planningas a basic national policy
of our country.A childwas encouraged in one family commonlynationwide and strict child birth policy was put out,which finally determined the family planning policy.
However,after entering the twenty-first Century, China has been one of the countries with a low population growth rate in the world.There are also other hidden troubles.Forinstance,if a couple only haveone child, young population structure and the average life expectancy of the rapid extension can also cause the population growth.But this increase will not last too long.When the old generation die, familiynumbers will sharply reduce.Also if a child dies due to accident, there are no one to provide for the aged.So some places open two child policy now.。
