



Hartmann (1998)进一步发展了Cohen的定义,他对国际化货币的不同职能进行了分类:作为支付手段,国际化货币在国际贸易和资本交易中被私人用作媒介货币,在外汇市场干预中被官方用作干预工具;作为记账单位,国际化货币被用于商品贸易和金融交易的计价,被官方部门用于确定汇率平价;作为价值储藏手段,国际化货币形成的金融资产是构成私人部门资产组合的主要部分,也是构成官方储备资产的源泉`。

本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献标题:T hei n ternat i onal i za t ion oft heRMB,capit a lm a r ke tope nn es s,an dfi na ncia l reformsinC hi na作者: Aizenman,Joshua期刊: BOFIT DiscussionPapers卷: 4;期: 1;页: 4-26;年份:2015T hei n ternat i onaliz a ti ono f t heRMB,capi t almarke t openne s s,andfi n an c ialre f orm s inChina AbstractThis paper provides an overview of Chinese financial and trade integrationinrecentdecades,andthechallengesfacingChinainthecomingyears.Chinahadbee napr i meexampleof e xport-ledg row t h,benefi t in g fromle a r ni n g b y doing,andby adoptingforeignknow-how,supportedbyacomplexindustrialpolicy.Whiletheresultant growth has been spectacular, it comes with hidden but growing costs and distortions. The Chinese exported growth path has been challenged by its ownsuccess,and the Global Financial Crisis forced China toward rebalancing, which is a workinprogress.Refle c ti ng onth e int e r na ti on alizati onoft heCNY,one e xpect s t he rapid accelera ting of the commercial internationalization of the CNY. In contrast, there areno clear-cut reasons to rush with the full CNY financial internationalization: The gains from CNY financial internationalization areoverrated.Keywords: export led growth, CNY internationalization,mercantilism,financialintegration,FDI.This paper overviews the Chinese financial and tradeintegration in recent decades. We start by evaluating the history of Chinese growth-cum-financialpolicies,arguingthattheexport-ledgrowthofChina was a highly successful policy, as hasbeenvividlyillustratedbytheunprecedentedcatchingupofChinesesizewiththeU.S.[either in current dollar or adjusted for PPP]. Yet, the remarkable success ofthisprocess sowed its end, and the need for China to rebalance its economy.Lookingforward,wepointoutthelogicofsequencing financial reforms. Whileone expects the rapid acceleration of commercial internationalization of the CNY, and thegrowing useofCNYinthesphereofChinesecommercialandoutwardFDItransactions,there are no c lear-c utrea s onstorus h witht h efullCNYint e rnat i onali z a t ion.Cha nc es a rethat the gains from a rapid CNY financial internationalization are overrated,and ignoringthedownsidesofthisprocesswouldbe to Chinese (and probably global)peril.1The buoyant2000sChi na has been a prime example of export-le d growth, benefi t ing from l ea r ningby doing, and by adopting foreign know-how, supported by a complexindustrial policy.Thispolicyhas beencharacterizedbycontrolledopenness,and internal financial repression. The financial repression has taxed the saving interestrate,allowing prime borrowers, including the Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE),el a stic ac c ess t o c h eap a nd sus t ai n able funding. FDI has be en w e lcome, subjec tt o China'srulesofthegame.TheserulesleveragedthecarrotofChinesemarketsizeandchea plabor,inducingtheforeigninvestortooperateinChinainjointventure partnership with Chinese producers (Holmes et al. 2013). The outcome has beenrapidlearning by doing and transfer of know-how and the rapid climb of China onthela dde rof i ndus t ria l sophistic a ti on,chal l eng i ngfor e ignproduc e rsint he Chine s eand third-country markets down theroad.1Arguably, a modem version of mercantilism has been at work (Aizenman and Lee 2007, 2008). The rapid growth and the growing trade and currentaccountsurpluses as a fraction of the GDP has occurred in tandem with massive hoardingofinternational reserves (IR) combined with massive sterilization of expendingtrade surplusesandfinancialinflows.Thesepoliciesaimedatdelayingandslowingthere al appreciation associated with successful rapid growth. While the resultant growthhas beenspectacular,itcomeswithhidden,butgrowing,costsanddistortions.Figure1,inthe top panel, provides diamond chart snapshots of Chinese generalized trilemma configuration: Financial integration (leftward from the diamond's center),Monetaryindependence (vertically upward from the diamond's center),Exchange rate stability(rightwardfromthediamond'scenter),andIR/GDP(verticallydownwardfromthe diamond's center). The first three scales are capturing Mundell's openeconomy trilemmaconfigurations,normalizedbetween0and1(Aizenman,Chinn,andIto2010).TheIR/GDP aim sa tcapturin g t heg row ing useofinte rna ti ona lr e se rve s t obuffer against financial instability. The chart exhibits the remarkable stability ofthe Chineseexchangerateduringthe1990sandthe2000s,bufferedbyrapidincreasesin IR/GDP, while maintaining controlled financial integration and monetary independence.Figure1alsoputsChineseexperiencein thecontext oftheaverage exp e rience of e mergin g As i a [ excl u din g Chi na] and emerging Latin A me r i cadu ri ngthe same decades (the middle and the lower panel, respectively). The charts validate thegreaterfocusofChineseexperienceonexchangerate stabilityandIR hoarding,while overall maintaining limited financial integration relative to otheremergingmarkets.In t he r un-up t o the fina nc ial cris i s, t h e world e c onomy was c hara c terizedby enormouscurrent-accountimbalances(Figure2).China's surplus alone was0.7%ofworldGDPin2008,whiletheUnitedStateshadadeficitofmorethan1%ofworld GDP that year. The current account balances of the world's surplus countries(e.g.,China, Germany, Japan, oil exporters) exceeded 2.5% of global GDP in2008,co-fundin g the curre nt accoun t ba lanc e s of t he world's de ficit co unt rie s, mostly t heUnited States, non-Asian emerging markets, and the Euro area excluding Germany.In the early 2000s, some suggested large imbalances could be sustained forthe foreseeable future. Dooley, Folkerts-Landau, and Garber (2003, 2005) argued anAsian periphery, primarily China, could pursue a development strategy ofexport-ledgrowth supported by undervalued exchange rates and capital controls for rgecurrentaccountsurplusesandofficialcapitaloutflowsinthe form of accumulated reserve asset claims on the United States would characterize theAsian peripheryforperhapsadecadeormore.Moreover,thestrategywasa"win"forthecenter(e.g.,theUnitedStates)aswell,sincevirtuallyunlimiteddemandforits financialassetswouldallowitt orunlargecurrentaccountdeficits,livingbeyonditsmeans foryears.At some point, the Asian periphery would grow sufficiently to graduate to the center. It would then undertakefinancial liberalization and adopt greater exchange-rate flexibility. But when that happened, another set of developing countries w oul d st e p fo rw ard t o b ecome th e new p e riph e ry, pursuin g the s ame e x port-l e dgrowth strategy against the center as had China and the Asian periphery, andbefore them,post-warEuropeandJapan.Asaresult,globalimbalances,withtheperiphery running large current-account surpluses and the center large current-accountdeficits,wouldbearegularfeatureoftheinternationalmonetarysystemforyears to come.D ool eye t al.(2005)pro vi deda n asse t ma r ket i nte rp ret a tion of the w in-winvie w ofglobalimbalances:U.S.deficitssuppliedinternationalcollateraltopoorercountrie s ontheperipheryeagertoundertakecapitalformation;thecollateralfreedthemfroma reliance on inefficient domestic financialmarkets.2The modem mercantilist view, embraced by Aizenman and Lee (2007, 2008)andothe rs, provided a less s a ng ui ne i nt e r pret a tion for the persistent globa l im b alancesthat emergedinthe2000s.WhileAizenmanandLee(2007)confirmedthatthehoarding ofinternationalreservesthataccompaniedcurrent-accountsurpluseswasdominatedbya precautionary motive prior to 2001, a finding consistent with Aizenman andMarion's(2003) earlier interpretations, there appeared to be a regime changeafterward.A i z enm an and Lee (2008) poi nt ed to t he g rowingimport a nc e of mone t ar ymercantilismasthemainreasonfortheregimechange. Accordingly, following theAsiancrisisof1997-8,whichmitigatedChinese competitiveness in the late 1990s,and the Chinese accession to the WTO in early 2000s, China intensified itsdrivetoward export-led growth. Like earlier mercantilist efforts to expand exportmarketsand accumulate gold described by Adam Smith (1776), after the year 2000,countries suchasChinastartedpushingexportstopromotegrowth,rackingupcurrent-account surpluses and growing stockpiles of internationalreserves. The numberswere impressive. On the eve of the financial crisis, China's real GDP growth had reachedabout 14% (Fig. 3), its current-account surplus had grown to 10% of GDP, and its international reserves had reached almost 45% of GDP prior to the crisis, peakingatabout 50% in 2010 (Fig. 3). However, unlike Dooley's et al. (2003,2005)win-winviewofglobalimbalancesbufferedbyinternationalreservehoarding,Aizenmanand Lee (2008) noted that modemmercantilism could lead to unintendedadverse consequences,suchascompetitivehoarding.Thisconcernisinlinewiththefin dings ofCheungand Q i a n(2009)andA i z enm anetal.(2014)supporti ng re g i o nal r ivalryinhoardi ng internationalreserves.The view that large East-West global imbalances could be sustained for along period was not shared by everyone. Eichengreen (2007) and Feldstein (2008),for example,arguedtheAsianperipherywasnotmonolithic;somememberofthe periphe r y m ightabandonfix e dex c hang e ra t esag a instt he doll a rso one rt ha nla t er,either willingly or in response to speculative pressures, thereby reducingEast-West globalimbalances.ObstfeldandRogoff(2005) alsosawlargeimbalancesas unsustainable, and worried whether they would unwind gradually or abruptly.Alfaro,Kalemli-Ozcan, and Volosovych (2011) observed that global imbalances wherepoorercountri e s fin a n c ed ric h e r ones we r e drive n ma inl y by government deci s i o ns a nd officialcapitalflows,sinceprivatefundstendedtomoveintheoppositedirection,attractedbyhig hergrowthratesinpoorercountries. Theyraisedconcerns aboutthe global efficiency and sustainability of thesetrends.Aizenman and Sun (2010) also raised doubts that large global imbalancescouldbe sustaina bl e. They argued that wit h C hi na growing a t tri pl e the r a t e of theUn i ted States,theU.S.current-accountdeficitsneededtoabsorbChina'ssurplusesincomingyears, intheabsenceofotherbigcountrieswillingtorunlargedeficits,wouldbe unrealistically high and hence self-limiting in the not-too-distantfuture.2The global financial crisis and China'sadjustmentThe global financial crisis of the late2000s put an abrupt end tothe happy-go-luckyattitudetoU.S.andChineseimbalances.Inthe U.S., the private sectorwasforcedtodeleverageandreduceditsdemandforimports.Othercrisis-hit developed countries also cut back on imports. As China experienced weaker exportdemand,ittookseriouslytheIMF's callformorerelianceon domestic spending to sustain growth. It began promoting greater domestic consumption andinvestmentwith thehelp of a domestic credit boom. It also pursued fiscal stimulus and alloweditsreal exchangeratetoappreciate(Fig.4).It attemptedtodiversify itsholdingsof dollar-denominated reserve assets by creating a sovereign wealth fund and encouraging outward foreign directinvestment.Sta nda rd macroeconomi c mode l s can acc ountfor th e reduc t ion i n globa l imbalances in the immediate aftermath of a financial crisis. Financial frictionsand householdde-leveragingreduceimportdemandaswellasaggregatedemandin crisis-hit countries, reducing their current-account deficits. If weak demandimpacts manycountries,therearefewtotakeuptheslack.Countrieswithlarge current-account s urpl uses, such as China, faced co l lapsing d em a nd for theirexpor t sand experienced declining current-account surpluses. Policies that stimulatedomestic demandtomakeupfortheexportshortfallcanreducecurrent-accountsurpluseseven more. In Aizenman, Jinjarak, and Marion (2013), we explore panel regressions asaway to highlight important correlationsbetween currentaccountbalances andec on omic vari a bles, both before a nd a f ter the financial crisi s. T he r es ults indicatea structuralchangepost-crisis.ThedeclineinChina'sreservestockpile post-crisis isshownto bedrivenbyanewwaveofoutwardforeigndirectinvestment(FDI)into developed economies as China seeks higher-yielding real foreign assets.Thesedevelopments suggest that China'ssmaller current-account surpluses andmoremo de r a terese r veaccumul a ti o nmaybecomea l onge r-term no rmasl o w e r g l ob al growthforcesChinatorelymoreondomesticdemandtoexpanditsecono my,andasthehighcostofholdinginternationalreservespushesChinatoplaceevenmore emphasis on outwardFDI.We assembled panel data on current-account balances and othereconomicvariables for a group of developed and developing countries over theperiod1980-2012.TheestimationdrawsontheempiricalframeworkinChinnandPrasad(2003) and Gruber and Kamin (2007). The specification also includes the U.S.demandvariable(measuredbytheU.S.current-accountdeficitasapercentofGDP)usedinAizenmanandJinjarak(2009)tocapturethe notionthattheU.S.actedasa"demander of last resort" for the exports of China and othercountries, enabling themto run big current-account surpluses over part of the sampleperiod.The estimates confirm that a structural change has taken place post-crisis.After the onset of the financial crisis, the United States no longer plays such an important roleas"demanderoflastresort"fortheexportsofothercountries. Its private and publi c se c torshav eh adtounder g osubstantialadj us t m ents,making t hemle s sable t oabsorb the world's exports. The U.S. private sector has had to de-leverage in response tothenegativewealtheffectsofdecliningrealestateandportfoliovaluations.These privat e and public sector adjustments post-crisis have required the U.S. to retreatfrom its role as "demander of last resort" for the world'sexports.P ri or t o the fina nc ia l cri s i s, the c ur rent accounts of sur pl us c ou ntr ie s a r epositively and significantly associated with the increase in international reserves,trade,andthein-creaseintheU.S.current-accountdeficit.Afterthefinancialcrisis,thefirst two correlations are insignificant and the correlation with U.S. demand reverses sign;it is now negative and significant. The role of the U.S. as a "demander of last resort"isdiffer e nt after2006.The GFC vividly illustrated the limits of the export-led growth; the Chineseexport-ledgrowthpathhasbeenchallengedbyitsownsuccess. The spectacular growth of China in the 2000s was unprecedented for a large economy-theU.S./Chinamarket size in current U.S. dollars dropped from 8 in 2000, to about 2 in 2010 [ Fig.5].TheEconomistproj e ct e din2014t ha tby2022,Chin a'ssiz e in c urrentU.S.dolla rswoulde xceedthatoftheU.S.AsChinaapproachesthe U.S.size,itsabilitytokeepexport-led growth was diminished substantially by the lackluster growth of the U.S and the Eurozone, inducing lower growth of China, and promoting it to embarkoninternalrebalancing.3Internal rebalancing: Challenges andopportunitiesWhile China's growth has been spectacular, it comes with hidden, but growing,costs and distortions. The GFC and the need to rebalance the growth strategy, andthe greater recognition of the demographic transitions facing leading countries in generalandChinainparticular,puttotheforeChina'sgreater exposure to tail risks. We review in this section several manifestations of theserisks.Chinese financial repression has resulted in the taxing of privatesaving,transferringthemviathestatebankingsystemandother means to the SOE.Subsidizing the cost of SOE capital helped in facilitating fast Chinese growth inthe earlierdecadesofthetakeoff,yetitcomeswiththecostoftheSOE'soverinvestment bias,i nduc ing fa s t e rdi mi n ishingma r ginal produ ctivityo f theSOE,a ndre s ul t ingingrowing quasi-public contingentliabilities.The other side of financial repression has been the fragmentation offinancial intermediation,wheresmallprivatefirmsarenotservedadequatelybytheofficial ba nks,butbyshadowbanking.Thedrawbackisthatthesmall andmediumprivate secto r, which over t ime provides b r ig hte r future gr o wth pros pe cts t han th e SOE,fac es much higher real interest rates and greater rollover risks. The outcome hasbeen growingproductivitygapsinfavoroftheprivaterepressedfirms(Lardy(2008),Song et al.(2014)).AnothercostofChinesepoliciesmaybethecollateraldamageofmercantilism,th e rapi dr i s eof c os tlyhoardinginternat i onal r e s e r vesi n t i me s of ru nni ng l a rge currentaccountsurpluses,asreflectedinFig.3.AccordingtotheStateAdministrationofForei gnExchange(SAFE),China'sexternalfinancial assets at the end of 2013were about U.S. $6 trillion, of which international reserves were about 2/3 (U.S.$3.9trillion), the outbound direct investment (ODI) about 10%, securities investmentabout4%,a nd otherinv es t m ent a t a bout20%.T hecountry's e xt e rnalli a bility p ositio nwasU.S.$4trillion,outofwhichFDIinChinawas$2.35trillion,60%oftotalliability.Theinvestmentins ecuritiesandotheraspectstookup10%and30%,respectively.Therefore, China's net external financial assets in 2013 was about U.S. $2 trillion.3Yet, the real net return on these assets was, at best, close to zero, or evennegative.This reflects two fundamental factors. The first is the low real return onChinese internationalreserves(2/3ofitsgrossexternalassets),whichinturnreflectsboththe low nominal interest rate on internationalreserves and the real exchangerate appreciationofChina.ThesecondisthehighreturnontheinwardFDI,about60%ofC hineseexternalliabilities.ThelowreturnonChineseforeignassetsisbadnews,especially considering the rapid aging of China's population. This is in contrasttoJapan, where thesizable return on Japan's foreign asset position helps in buffering thefuture income of its rapidly grayingpopulation.The policy stance of China during and after the GFC may mitigate down theroad thehiddencostsofChinesefinancialrepression.First,China embarked on dive rs i f yingit shol dingsof dol la rI Rbyc h anne l ings ur plus e sintoas ove reignwea l thfund (SWF) and encouraging outward foreign direct investment in tangibleassets,offeringmuchhigherexpectedreturns.4TheoutcomehasbeengrowingFDIinthe r esource sectors and infrastructure services globally, especially inunderserviced developingcountriesandemergingmarketsinAfricaandLatinAmerica.Inaway,China joine d the trend o f other EMs, as de t ected in Aizenma n and Pasricha(2013),noting that EMs eased outflows of capital more in response to higher stockprice appreciation,higherappreciationpressuresin the exchange market, higher IR/GDP,and higher REERvolatility.The GFC and its aftermath also induced rapid Chinese internalbalancing,reduci n g t he sco pe of future hoarding. Sinc e the c risis, China's c urrent-a c c oun tsurplusfellfrom10%ofGDP(2007)to2.3%in2012,2%in2013.Thedropin2009alonewas thelargestrecordedinthelast30years.Thishashappenedintandemwith a drop in U.S deficits. The U.S. current-account deficit was about 6% of U.S. GDPin2006; it fell to 2.7% in 2009 and 2.8% in 2012. China's smallercurrent-accounts ur pluse s,amore m ode r a t eI R sta nc e,and a ll ow in gf asterrea la pp re ciation m ay becomea newnormal,aslowerglobalgrowthforcesChinatorelymoreondomesticdemand, while the high cost of holding IR and the secular rise in real wages in China pushes China to place even more emphasis on outward FDI (Aizenman,Jinjarak,Marion2013).These developments are in line with Feenstra and Hong (2010), whoraised questions about the efficacy and sustainability of export-led growth in China as the way to increase future employment. They calculated that export growth overthe periodoffastgrowthduring2000-2005couldexplaintheentireincreaseinChina'semploymentoverthatperiod,butcomparableemploymentgainscouldhavebeen achiev ed by growing domesticdemand.Channeling IR into foreign equity, SWF investment, and outward FDI supportedbytargetedloansandswaplinesmaybepartofChineserebalancing,aiming at securing a higher rate of return on its net foreign asset position. Arguably, it mayalso signaltheswitchfromexport-ledgrowthstrategytooutwardFDI(Ramasamyetal.2012) and e xport of infras t ructur e proje c ts a n d servi c es, possibly bu ndl ed w i t hexporting Chinese finance, Chinese labor services, and high-end capital goods.5This outward FDI drive has been part of a more comprehensive Chinese effect to promote the internationalization of the RMB (CNY), the focus of the nextsection.4The internationalization of theRMBOver t h e p as t fi ve y e ars, China h as stron g ly intensi f ied its eff or ts to internalizethe RMB. This agenda has been one of the main aspects of the country'seconomic policy,asexpressedinthe12thFive-YearPlan(2011-2015).Theplansupportsthe expansion of the cross-border use of RMB and the gradual realization ofcapitalaccount convertibility. The plan also supports the development of HK as amajoroffs hor e RMB market. T he internationaliz a ti on proc ess w a s put into e ffec t through severalchannels.Afterthefinancialcrisisin2008,Chinaembarkedonlargebilateral currency swap agreements with other countries, such as Argentina, Belarus, Iceland,New Zealand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and others (Table 1). This has beendonein tandem with the unprecedented provisions of swap lines among the OECDcount r ies, and t he more s elect i ve provi s ion of four s w ap l ine s by t he U.S. FEDt oselected emerging markets (Table1).Comparing the bilateral swap lines offered bythe U.S. FED and the PBOC reveals key differences. Most of the swap lines offered by China have beentodeveloping and emerging market countries, whereas most of the bilateral swaplinesoffered by the U.S. FED and the ECB are between the OECD countries, andfour emerging markets:Brazil, SouthKorea, Mexico, and Singapore. Aizenman and Pasticha(2010)pointedoutthattheselectioncriteriaexplainingtheU.S.FEDsupply ofbilat eralswaplinestoemergingmarketswereclosefinancialandtradeties,ahighdegree of financial openness, and a relatively good sovereign credit history. Chances arethatsimilarfactorsaccountforChinesesupplyofRMBbilateralswaplinestoagrow ing list of developing and emerging markets, as has been vividly illustratedbyGarcia-HerreroandXia(2013).6Thisstrategyblendsverywellwiththetrade internationalizationoftheR MBinthecontextofthebroaderout-wardFDIstrategy ofChina,andisinlinewiththechannelingofChinesenetforeignassetpositionint o out w ard FDI-cum-cr e dit s tr at eg y.Other pillars of the internationalization of the RMB include, since 2009, apilot program that allows RMB settlement of trade with foreign partners, limited initially to fivecities(Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Zhuhai,andDongghuan),andtothe tradeofChi neseresidentswithHongKong,Macao,andASEANcountries.This esta b lished the fi rst l egal framew ork fo r usingRMB to settl e c urr e ntaccounttransactions.Fromsixprovincesin2010,itwasexpandedto20provincesandci ties inmainlandChinaandgeographicallyextendedtotradewiththerestofthe world.Since October 2010, offshore entities were allowed to open nonresident RMBbanksettlement accounts (NRAs) with onshore banks and use these accounts (NRAs) forla w ful c ross-bo r der RMB bus i n ess (Formichella and Toti 2013).While it may be premature to provide a comprehensiveassessment oftheinternationalizationdrive,ithasalreadydeliveredarapid increase in trade/credit RMB internationalization, the use of RMB in trade and investment settlement, andintradecredit.TheCNYisusedinaboutone-thirdofChina'sexternaltradesettlement.A t the e n d of 2014, CNY S W I F T share w a s a bo ut 2.1% of g l obal v olume, withtheU.S.dollarat44%[followedbytheEuro with28%,thesterlingwith8%andtheJapanese yen with 2.7 per cent]. One expects the settlement share of the CNY will keep increasing rapidly, as there is ample room for further internationalization of theuse of the RMB in trade settlements.7 The rapid trade internationalization of theRMB,however, does not imply the desirability or the necessity of the RMBfinancial internationalization, a process that would require much deeper financial liberalization. We turn now to look more closely at what past experience may suggest aboutthe liberalization process.An ideal global currency supporting commercial and financial transactions may have the following virtues: liquid, safe, and convertible subject to lowtransactioncosts,supportedbyliquidanddeepglobalbondmarkets,andsuppliedin"sufficientquantity".Supplyingtheglobalcurrencyalsoentailstheprovisionofaglobalpublic good, granting the suppliers the benefit of the "exorbitant privilege." At timesof globalperil,thepublicgoodismanifestedbywillingnesstoprovideglobalinsurance ata"r ea son a blecost."(Gourinc ha sand Rey2005,2007;Jea n ne2012).Asof2015,the CNY hasnot yet met yet these conditions.The CNY remainsmostly non-convertible, lacking a vibrant and deep global bond market.Should China rush the CNY's financial internationalization process? There isno clear reason torush,astheeconomicgainsfromCNYinternationalization maybe overrated. Ch anc es are that Chin a's f inan c ial int e grati o n w i ll keep increasi ng overtime. A major force inducing the weakening of financial controls has beentrade misinvoicing, which has been commonly used for overcoming capital control, forcing overtimedeeperfinancialintegration.Yet,thisisnotareasontomovemuchfastertoward full convertibility without dealing with domestic sources of futurefinancialinsta bi lit y,i nduc ingunde rf undedliabilities,weakeni ng balance s heets ofe xpo sed banks,financialrepression,andthelike.Reducingthefinancial repression wouldreduce vulnerabilities associated with greater convertibility. Past experience suggests that financial internationalization before dealing with domestic financialdistortionsincreases the exposure to financial crises. Frequently, these crises reduce growths ha rpl y (see Korea 1997-8, Japan 1990s, Eurozone 2010s).The economic gains from upgrading the CNY into a global currencycompetingwiththeU.S.dollarandtheeuroarethere,butthesizeofthesegainsdoesnotmatc h the risk of moving too fast: estimates range from 1% GDP (Gourinchas and Rey2005)to a much lower fraction. The U.S. Treasury may borrows cheaply because ofdemandfrom official reserve managers, but these gains are broadly shared withAustralia,Canadaandthelikethroughtheportfoliobalanceeffect: lower U.S. yields spread across global bond markets (Genberg et al. 2005; Bauer and Neely 2014; Rogers etal.2014).Therearealsocosts,includingthelossofmonetaryautonomyand financialstability,associatedwithgreaterandmorevolatiledemandforCNYbonds.An internation al currency also makes a country more susceptible to externalmonetaryshocks.Intimesofperil,thesupplieroftheinternationalcurrencymaybeinducedtoprovideglobal insurance.Evenifothercountriesmerelyanchorto RMB,thislimits theabilityofChinatomanageitsexchangerate.Furthermore,thegainsfromcap ital mobilityand capitalaccountconvertibilityto the real economy are overrated.Ec ono mi ct heorydo e sn o tp r edictlar g eb e nefit s fro m ex t ernal f inanci n g;som e model spredict potential large costs. The empirical evidence fails to show consistentsizable effects (Gourinchas and Jeanne2006).Useful future steps that would increase over time the feasibility ofsmoother financialliberalizationincludereducingfinancialrepression,reformingthebanking s yste m,andre d ucingtheprefe r e nt ia l tre a tmentofSOE.Improvi n g t hefunding of thesmallandme diumsizeprivatefirmswouldhelp,aswellasallowingtheChinese corporatesectorcontrolledacc essto external borrowing, and greater outward FDI.The odds for a smoother transition are higher with gradual sequencing than withacold-turkey financial liberalization. Chances are that the calls in China for fasterCNYinternat i onal i z a ti on havea l s oa n i ntern a lpol i ti c aleconomy di me ns i on.8While mov ing fasterondomesticfinancialreformsremainsanessentialandnecessarysteptowardthe financialinternationalizationoftheCNY,movingtoofastcomeswithits own moral hazard costs, as has been vividly illustrated by past financialcrises(Hellmann et al. 2000, Frankel2012).5Loo ki ngforwardPrior to the global financial crisis, observers noted the possibility ofconvergingtoward a multi-polar global currencies structure. A possible tri-polar configuration would include the U.S. dollar, dominating the U.S. sphere of influence in theAmericas; the euro, dominating the EU sphere of influence; and theCNY-anchoredsystem, dominating eastern Asia. In principle, a multi-polar configuration isless stable than a unipolar stable configuration, yet it may be more stable than an unstable unipolar configuration; a multi-polar sys- tem may better fit the underlyingforces shaping the global redistribution of power. Para- doxically, the GFC vividly illustratedboththesusceptibilityoftheglobaleconomytoin-stabilitypropagatedfromtheU.S.,and the remaining dominance of the U.S. dollar as "a safe haven" at times ofglobalturbulence. While the wish of China to internalize the CNY is。

人民币国际化进程1.参考书目[1] 赵庆明著.人民币资本项目可兑换及国际化研究[M]. 中国金融出版社, 2005[2] 财政部国际司译,亚洲开发银行编.东亚货币与金融一体化[M]. 经济科学出版社, 2005[3] 陈炳才著.国际金融趋势与中国金融开放战略[M]. 中国财政经济出版社, 2004[4] 周林,温小郑主编.货币国际化[M]. 上海财经大学出版社, 2001[5] 姜波克等著.人民币自由兑换和资本管制[M]. 复旦大学出版社, 19992.有价值的期刊[1]上海金融[2]国际经济评论[3]世界经济研究[4]国际金融研究[5]金融评论3.期刊中有价值的论文[1] 熊庆丽,章向东. 货币国际化的国际经验:比较与借鉴[J]. 上海金融. 2011(02)[2] 李晓. 东亚货币合作为何遭遇挫折?——兼论人民币国际化及其对未来东亚货币合作的影响[J]. 国际经济评论. 2011(01)[3] 潘敏,缪海斌. 经济复苏下的非常规货币政策退出——理论分析与中国的选择[J]. 世界经济研究. 2010(12)[4] 孙海霞,谢露露. 国际货币的选择:基于外汇储备职能的分析[J]. 国际金融研究. 2010(12)[5] 彭兴韵. 国际货币体系的演进及多元化进程的中国选择——基于“货币强权”的国际货币体系演进分析[J]. 金融评论. 2010(05)[6] 叶伟春. 中国资本账户开放的利弊及对策研究[J]. 上海金融. 2010(08)4. 我国人民币国际化发展的现状、数据和描述人民币国际化的发展现状1.开展跨境贸易以人民币计价和结算2009年7月2日,六部门发布跨境贸易人民币结算试点管理办法,我国跨境贸易人民币结算试点正式启动。

波动 的方 差 、 金融 中心 大小 等 。具体 来说 , 货币 国际化 的条 件包 括 :
1 .经 济 规 模 及 经 济 开 放 度 。Ma u a a K yt i和 t y m , ioa s k
hn rn e(0 7 定 9 3年 ~ 推进 人 民币 国 际化 . 限制 国内 金融 政 策 选 择 范 围 、 束 度 的 因素 。C in和 Fa k l2 0 ) 量研 究 了 17 将 约 19 9 8年各 国央行 国际储 备 主要 币种 结构 的决 定 因素 。 著 显 人 民币汇 率政策 、 使 中 国遭 遇 “ 里芬 ” 题 。 并 特 难 通 汇 2 .削 弱 政 府 宏 观 政 策 的 自 主 性 及 调 控 力 。 Fak l 变量 包 括 国 际货 币 发 行 国 的经 济 规 模 、 货 膨胀 率 、 率 rn e (9 5 指 出 。 币 国 际化 会 增 加境 外 对 该 国货 币 的需 求 , 19 ) 货 导致 该货 币升值 . 而损 害该 国 出 1产 品在 国际市 场 的竞 从 7 1 争 力 此外 . 货币 国际化 还 会增 加外 国对 本 国货 币需 求 的
2 .实现 国国 际收 支赤 字融 资 ,减 少 国际收 支的波 动 。
国 内外学者 的相 关研 究 . 以期对 人 民币 国 际化 的研究 现状 曹 勇 ( 0 3 指 出人 民币 国 际化 有 利 于 我 国通 过 输 出 人 民 还 有利 于输 出通胀 和转 嫁压力 。 陶勇强 、 王智 勇 (0 0 指 出人 民币 国际化 实 现 国际收 支赤 2 l)
降低 金 融机 构在 国 投 资工 具 :3 ( )国际 贸易 中以人 民币结 算 的交 易达 到一 定 际化可 以增 加我 国金融 中介 业 务 收入 . 际市场 筹资成 本 . 高人 民币国 际贷款 利率 。 提 5 .货币行 政 当局 在制 定执 行经 济政 策时 获得优 势 。 王


另外 一个 著 名 经济 学家 蒙 代 尔( 2 o o 3 )  ̄ 持有 这 样 一种 看 法 , 他 认为, 当货 币 的流通超 出了原本 的领 域界 限 即可称 为 国际化 。
综上所 述 ,货 币 国际化 可 以理解 为一 个 国家 的货 币演 化跃 进 ,
备中, 人 民币 的百分 比将 可 能 大 幅度上 升 到 1 7 %, 同 时在 国 际债 券 中的 占 比也将 有大 比例 提高 。 综上 所述 , 国内学 者普 遍认 为 , 我 国经济 规 模 的持续 攀升 、 外 汇
储 备 的持续增 长 、 金融 市场 的进 一 步开 放包 容和 充足 的国际 清偿 能
成 为一种 国 际货币 的这 么一 个过 程 。具体 表现 为该 国货 币的职 能 , 力 等 已经为人 民 币 国际化打 下 了坚 实 的基础 。 全部 或者 部分 地从本 国领域 扩展 到其 他 国家 , 进而 扩展 到世 界 上大 2 . 人 民币 国际化 的制 约 因素 部分 国家 。 一 国货 币只有 在 国际上充 当了价值 尺度 、 流通 手段 、 储藏 对 于人 民币 国际化 的制 约 因素 , 国内学 者从 国内因 素和 国外 因 手段 等功 能时 , 才能被 称之 为 国际货 币 。 素 两方 面对 其进行 了剖 析 。 2 . 人 民币 国际化 的定义 及现 状 从 国内 因素方 面 分析 , 层 次 较弱 的监 管 , 不够 发 达 的 国 内金 融 对 于人 民币 国际 化 , 张彦 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 认 为 有 这 么三 个 标 准 , 一个 是 市 场 , 过 于严格 的金融 管制 和不 够合 理 的汇 率制 度等 自身 的缺 陷阻 以人 民 币结算 的交 易在 国际 贸易 中达 到 了一定 的百分 比 ; 国际上 各 碍 了人 民币 国际化 进程 。


综合上述文献综述,本次演示对人民币国际化的未来发展趋势和政策建议作 出以下总结:
1、继续深化金融市场改革。进一步完善利率市场化、汇率形成机制改革等, 提高金融市场的开放度和资源配置效率。
2、加强政策支持和引导。政府应加大对人民币国际化的政策支持力度,包 括提供优惠贷款、减免税收等,鼓励企业和个人积极参与人民币国际化进程。
2、人民币汇率波动较大。人民币汇率受多种因素影响,包括国内外经济形 势、货币政策、地缘政治等。近年来,人民币汇率波动较大,给国际贸易和投资 带来一定风险。
3、人民币国际化政策支持不足。目前,中国政府在推动人民币国际化方面 的政策支持相对有限,且存在一定的不确定性和不连续性。
二、人民币国际化的贸易渠道和 创新路径
2、增加人民币在国际货币体系中的地位增加人民币在国际货币体系中的地 位是人民币国际化的重要方向之一。许多学者提出,可以通过扩大人民币在特别 提款权(SDR)中的份额、推动在IMF和世界银行等国际金融机构中的话语权等方 式来提高人民币的地位。此外,还可以通过与其他国家签署货币互换协议等方式 来增加人民币的国际使用量。
综合上述文献综述,本次演示对人民币国际化的未来发展趋势和政策建议作 出以下总结:
1、继续深化金融市场改革。进一步完善利率市场化、汇率形成机制改革等, 提高金融市场的开放度和资源配置效率。
2、加强政策支持和引导。政府应加大对人民币国际化的政策支持力度,包 括提供优惠贷款、减免税收等,鼓励企业和个人积极参与人民币国际化进程。
四、人民币国际化的国际协调和 合作机制
人民币国际化需要建立健全的国际协调和合作机制。近年来,中国政府积极 推动与其他国家和地区的金融合作,如“一带一路”倡议、亚投行等,加强了人 民币在区域范围内的使用和流通。此外,中国也积极参与全球治理、国际监管合 作等,提高了人民币的国际地位和认可度。

2 继续促 进城 市居 民的 消费。城 、 很 多,但是 因为社会保 障的不完善 、
对未来的担心 , 城市居 民也有 相当一
lv1与 一 .6 49(%lvD之 间 , 市居 民的消 费较之 农村 居 民 已经 好 ee ) 1 10 5 ee 9 故
可 以认为残 差是平稳 的。
所 以, 以建立如下协整模型 : 可
分布广 ; 二是农村有 很大 的潜在消 费
需求 。一 旦这些需求释放 出来 , 会对
sait ) =.0 0 0。 tt i = 0 o o sc o
对残差进行 单位 根检验 , 其结果 我 国经济造成很大的刺激 。
为 t - . 1 0 , 在 一 . 6 1 1 % = 1 963 7 1 0 6 0(0 6
一、Βιβλιοθήκη 人民币国际化的现状 人民币国际化在 19 年 中国实现经 96 常项目下人民币可 自由兑换正式拉开序 幕。目前人民币主要是在我国周边国家和 地区的贸易中作为计价单位,在境外的流 通也主要是在这些国家,而且作为贮藏手
府 消费。这里的原因可能有 以下几个 … 1徐晓鹰. 我国城乡居民消费、 政府
量 为 00 9 , 于 5 1 值 38 1, 起来 , 以通过以下几种方式 : .8 2 小 % ̄ 5界 . 5 4 可
能发生的成本 , 保证最 大收益 , 利实现 以顺 人 民币国际化。
P概率值为 0 6 2 接受原假设 。 . 5, 7 说明
1提 高农村居 民的消费率 , 变 、 改 其消 费结构 。 农村居民消费对经济 的
关键词: 人民币国际化; 收益; 成本 中图分类号:8 文献标识码: F3 A 原标题:人民币国际化的收益与成本




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Hartmann (1998)进一步发展了Cohen的定义,他对国际化货币的不同职能进行了分类:作为支付手段,国际化货币在国际贸易和资本交易中被私人用作媒介货币,在外汇市场干预中被官方用作干预工具;作为记账单位,国际化货币被用于商品贸易和金融交易的计价,被官方部门用于确定汇率平价;作为价值储藏手段,国际化货币形成的金融资产是构成私人部门资产组合的主要部分,也是构成官方储备资产的源泉`。
Bergstern (1975)提出货币国际化的四个条件:第一是历史惯性。
美元在1973年至1990年间累计跃值了 47%,导致美元在国际储备中的份额也有所下降。
Krugman (1980)认为,作为国际交易媒介货币(vehicle currency),即国际本位货币,交易成本(包括信息成本、转换费用等)必须最低。
Portes 和 Rey(1998)指出低交易成本可以反映出外汇市场货币的高度流动性。