书虫和床头灯系列世界名著英语读物目录[新版] 书虫目录学科资料.英语 2009-12-09 11:09:41 阅读103 评论0 字号:大中小订阅书虫(1级上适合初1\初2年级共10册)1 爱情与金钱 Love or Money2 《苏格兰玛丽女王》《Mary Queen of Scots Tim Vicary 》中英对照3 在月亮下面 Under The Moon4 潘德尔的巫师 The Witches of Pendle5 歌剧院的幽灵 The Phantom of The Opera6 猴爪 The Monkey's Paw7 世界上最冷的地方 The Coldest Place on Earth8 阿拉丁和神灯 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp9 《象人》《The Elephant Man》中英对照10 别了,好莱坞先生 Goodbye Mr Hollywood 书虫(共8册1级下适合初1初2年级)1小公主 A Little Princess2.邦蒂号暴动 Mutiny On The Bounty3.奥米茄文件 The Omega Files4.谁谋杀了总统 The President's Murderer5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son6.白色死亡 White Death7.绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz8.难忘米兰达 Remember Miranda9.福尔摩斯与赛马 Sherlock Holmes and The Sport of Kings书虫(2级上适合初2初3年级共8册)1.威廉?莎士比亚 William Shakespeare2.一个国王的爱情故事 The Love of a King3.亡灵鸟 Dedd Man's Island4.哈克贝利?费恩历险记 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5.《鲁宾孙漂流记》《The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe》中英对照6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's Adventure in Wonderland7.格林?盖布尔斯的安妮 Anne of Green Gables 8.五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It书虫(共8册2级下适合初2初3年级)1.神秘女人—阿加莎?克里新蒂 Agatha Christie2.德拉库拉 Dracula3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子 Henry VIII and His Six Wives4.蕈尔格街凶杀案 The Murders in the Rue Margue5.坎特维尔幽灵 The Canterville Ghost6.五镇故事 Stories From The Five Towns7.法兰克福的耳环 Ear-Rings from Frankfurt 8.森林王子 The Jungle Book书虫(共8册3级上适合初3高1年级)1. 弗兰肯新坦 Frankenstein2.《野性的呼唤》《The Call of The Wild》中英对照3.秘密花园 The Secret Garden4.曾达的囚徒 The Prisoner of Zinda5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 Through The Looking-Glass6.风语河岸柳 The Wind in the Willows7.神秘及幻想故事集 Tales of Mystery and Imagination8.铁路少年 The Railway Children9.三个陌生人 The Three Strangers and Other Stories书虫(3级下适合初3高1年级共8册)1. 《圣诞欢歌》《A Christmas Carol》中英对照2.多里安?格雷的画像 The Piciure of Dorian Gray3.勃朗特一家的故事 The Bionte Story4.牙齿和爪子 Tooth and Claw5.星际动物园 The Star Zoo6.《诱拐》《Kidnapped》中英对照7.公正 Justice8.化学秘密 Chemical Secret 9.劫机~ Skyjack书虫(第4级上适合初3学生共5册)1.《巴斯克维尔猎犬》《The Hound of The Baskervilles》中英对照2.不平静的坟墓 The Unquiet Grave3.三怪客泛舟记 Three Men in A Boat4.三十九级台阶 The Thirty-nine Steps5.小妇人 Little Women书虫(4级下适合高1高2年级共7册)1. 《织工马南》《Silas Marner》中英对照2.《化身博士》《Dr JEKYLL and Mr Hyde》中英对照3.《双城记》《A Tale of Two Cities》中英对照4.格列佛游记 Gulliver' Travels5.《金银岛》《Treasure Island》中英对照6.黑骏马 Black Beauty7.红字 The Scarlet Letter书虫(5级适合高2高3年级共5册)1. 《大卫?科波菲尔》《David Copperfield 》中英对照2.《远离尘嚣》《Far from the Modding Crowd》中英对照3.《远大前程》《Great Expectations 》中英对照4.《呼啸山庄》《Wuthering Heights》中英对照5.园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories书虫(6级适合高3大学低年级共5册)1.简?爱 Jane Eyre2.《雾都孤儿》《Oliver Twist》中英对照3.傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice4.《苔丝》《Tess》中英对照5.白衣女人 The Woman in White书虫(5级适合高2高3年级共5册)1. 《大卫?科波菲尔》《David Copperfield 》中英对照2.《远离尘嚣》《Far from the Modding Crowd》中英对照3.《远大前程》《Great Expectations 》中英对照4.《呼啸山庄》《Wuthering Heights》中英对照5.园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories书虫(6级适合高3大学低年级共5册)1.简?爱 Jane Eyre2.《雾都孤儿》《Oliver Twist》中英对照3.傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice4.《苔丝》《Tess》中英对照5.白衣女人 The Woman in White 5000词床头灯英语学习读本----中、英文对照系列:序号图书名称定价出版社是否出版订数 1 查泰莱夫人的情人 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版2 三个火枪手 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版3 歌剧魅影 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版4 高老头 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版5 吸血鬼 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版6 红与黑 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版7 包法利夫人 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版8 奥德赛 13.8 航空工业出版社已出版9 傲慢与偏见 18.8 航空工业出版社已出版10 福尔摩斯探案集 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版11 飘 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版12 红字 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版13 圣诞故事 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版14 理智与情感 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版15 约翰?克里斯多夫 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版16 呼啸山庄 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版17 汤姆?索亚历险记 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版18 堂吉珂德 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版19 弗兰肯斯坦 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版20 华盛顿广场 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版21 名利场 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版22 环游地球80天 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版23 巴黎圣母院 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版24 三十九级台阶 13.8 航空工业出版社已出版25 伊利亚特 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版26 简?爱 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版27 儿子与情人 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版28 鲁宾逊漂流记 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版29 悲惨世界 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版30 纯真年代 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版31 德伯家的苔丝 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版32 伟大的英国女人 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版33 莎士比亚戏剧故事 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版34 小妇人 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版35 十日谈 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版36 夜色温柔 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版37 天方夜谭 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版38 白衣女人 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版39 清教徒的故事 16.8 航空工业出版社已出版40 成吉思汗 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版42 闹鬼的旅馆 23.8 航空工业出版社已出版43 罗马故事 14.8 航空工业出版社已出版44 了不起的盖茨比 15.8 航空工业出版社已出版45 亚历山大大帝 17.8 航空工业出版社已出版41 希腊神话 16.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版46 彼得大帝 18.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版47 基督山伯爵 16.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版48 四个伟大的美国人 18.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版49 征服者威廉 18.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版50 恋爱中的女人 16.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版51 丛林历险记 15.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版52 埃及艳后 20.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版53 凯撒 17.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版54 查理一世 16.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版55 海盗 18.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版56 查理二世 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版57 欧洲简史 23.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版58 德国历史故事 23.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版59 法国历史故事 23.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版60 美国历史故事 25.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版61 日本的故事 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版62 伊丽莎白女王时代 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版63 维多利亚女王时代 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版64 亚瑟王 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版65 卞杰明富兰克林 19.8(估)航空工业出版社未出版66 伟大的发明家及其发明 19.8(估)航空工业出版社未出版67 伟大科学家的成长历程 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版68 耶路撒冷最后的故事 13.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版69 波斯战争故事 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版70 尼禄 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版71 小公主 19.8(估航空工业出版社未出版72 娜娜 15.8(估)航空工业出版社未出版73 森林的秘密 14.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版74 红玫瑰皇后,,亨利六世的老婆玛格丽特安茹 19.8(估) 航空工业出版社未出版75 窈窕数女 14.8(估)航空工业出版社未出版标签: 英汉对照英文版学习考试素质教育分类: 学习方法交流 2007-02-25 10:03它能使你真正轻松愉快地学好英语1.系统性:(10集) | |-- 故事| | 短句| | 小对话| 儿童 | 歌曲 (2集)| | 歌谣| |-- 词典|床头灯系列 | |-- 初一~~高三英汉对照和| 初、高中(新课标)|-- 纯英文版各6集|| |--英汉对照100本(已出50本)| 3000词 |--纯英文版100本(已出50本)|| |--英汉对照80本| 5000词 |--纯英文版80本2.科学性:它凝聚了大批国内外一流英语教育专家的科研、实践成果。
The Oxford 3000(2020年最新牛津3000词)
aabandonabilityableaboutaboveabroad absolute absolutely academic accept acceptable access accident accommodation accompany according to account accurate accuse achieve achievement acknowledge acquire acrossactactionactiveactivity actoractress actual actuallyadadaptThe Oxford 3000The most important words to learn in Englishaddition additional address administration admireadmitadoptadultadvance advanced advantage adventure advertise advertisement advertising adviceadviseaffairaffectaffordafraidafter afternoon afterwards againagainstageagedagencyagendaagent aggressiveagoagree agreementahaheadaimairaircraft airline airport alarm album alcohol alcoholic aliveallall right allow almost alonealong already alsoalter alternative although always amazed amazing ambition ambitious among amount analyse analysis ancientandangerangleangry animal ankleanniversary announce announcement annoy annoyed annoying annual another answer anxiousanyany more anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologizeappapparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately April architectarchitecture areaargue argument arisearmarmedarmsarmyaround arrange arrangement arrest arrival arriveartarticle artificial artist artisticasashamedaskasleep aspect assess assessment assignment assist assistant associate associated association assumeatathlete atmosphere attachattend attention attitude attract attraction attractive audience August aunt author authority autumn available average avoid award aware awayawfulbabyback background backwards bacteria badbadlybagbake balance ballban banana bandbankbarbarrierbased basic basically basis basketball bath bathroom battery battlebebeach beanbearbeat beautiful beauty because becomebed bedroom beebeefbeer beforebegbegin beginning behave behaviour behind being belief believe bell belong belowbenefit bent bestbet better between beyond bicycle bigbikebill billion bin biology bird birth birthday biscuit bitbite bitter black blame blank blind block blog blonde blood blow blue board boat bodyboil bombbookboot border bored boring born borrow bossboth bother bottle bottom bowlboxboy boyfriend brain branch brand brave bread break breakfast breast breath breathe breathing bride bridge brief bright brilliant bring broad broadcast brokenbrother brownbrush bubble budgetbuild building bullet bunchburnburybusbush business businessman busybutbutter buttonbuybybyecablecafecake calculate callcalm camera camp campaign camping campuscancancel cancer candidate cannotcapacity capital captain capturecarcardcarecareer careful carefully careless carpet carrot carry cartoon casecashcastcastlecatcatch category causeCDceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cellcentcentral centre century ceremony certain certainlychairman challenge champion chancechangechannel chapter character characteristic chargecharitychartchatcheapcheatcheckcheerful cheesechefchemical chemistry chestchickenchiefchild childhoodchipchocolate choicechoosechurch cigarette cinemacircle circumstance citecivil claim class classic classical classroom clause clean clear clearly clever click client climate climb clock close closed closely cloth clothes clothing cloud clubclue coach coal coast coatcode coffee coincold collapse colleague collectcollection college colour coloured column combination combinecomecomedy comfort comfortable command comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common commonly communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component computerconcentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confuse confused confusing connect connected connection conscious consequence conservative consider consideration consist consistent constant constantly construct construction consume consumer contact contain container contemporarycontext continent continue continuous contract contrast contribute contribution control convenient conversation convert convince convinced cookcooker cookingcoolcopycorecorner corporate correct correctly cost costume cottage cottoncould council count country countryside county couple couragecousin cover covered cowcrash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criterion critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crowded crucial cruelcry cultural culture cup cupboard curecurly currency currentcurrently curtain curve curved custom customer cutcycledaddaily damage dance dancer dancing danger dangerous darkdatadate daughter daydeaddealdeardeath debate debt decade December decent decide decision declare decline decorate decoration decrease deepdefence defend define definite definitely definition degreedelay deliberate deliberately delicious delight delighted deliver delivery demand demonstrate dentistdeny department departure depend depressed depressing depth describe description desert deserve design designer desiredesk desperate despite destinationdetailed detect detective determine determined develop development device diagram dialogue diamonddiary dictionary diediet difference different differently difficult difficulty digdigital dinnerdirect direction directly directordirtdirty disadvantage disagree disappear disappointed disappointing disasterdiscdiscipline discount discover discovery discuss discussion diseasedish dishonest diskdislike dismiss display distance distribute distribution district divide division divorceddodoctor document documentary dogdollar domestic dominate donatedoordoubledoubtdown download downstairs downwards dozendraftdramatic draw drawing dream dress dressed drinkdrive driver driving dropdrugdrumdrunkdrydueduring dustdutyDVDeachearearlyearnearth earthquake easily east eastern easyeat economic economy edgeedit editioneducated education educational effect effective effectively efficient efforteggeight eighteen eightyeither elderlyelect election electric electrical electricity electronic element elephant elevenelse elsewhere email embarrassed embarrassing emerge emergency emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employeeemployment emptyenable encounter encourageendendingenemyenergy engage engaged engine engineer engineering enhanceenjoy enormous enough enquiry ensureenter entertain entertainment enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episodeequalequally equipment errorescapeessay essential establish estate estimate ethical euro evaluate even evening event eventually everevery everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evilexact exactly exam examination examine example excellent except exchange excited excitement exciting excuse executive exercise exhibitionexistence expandexpect expectation expected expedition expense expensive experience experienced experiment expert explain explanation explode exploration explore explosion export expose express expression extendextent external extra extraordinary extreme extremelyeyefacefacilityfactfactorfactoryfailfailurefaithfallFALSE familiar familyfamousfanfancyfantasticfarfarmfarmerfarming fascinating fashion fashionable fastfastenfatfatherfaultfavour favouritefearfeather feature Februaryfeefeedfeedbackfeelfeelingfellowfemalefencefestivalfield fifteen fifthfifty fight fighting figure filefillfilmfinal finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish firefirmfirst firstly fish fishingfit fitness fivefixfixedflag flame flashflat flexible flightfloorflourflowflowerfluflyflying focusfoldfoldingfolkfollow following foodfoot footballforforce foreign forest forever forget forgiveforkformformal former fortunately fortune forty forward foundfour fourteen fourth framefreeze frequency frequently fresh Friday fridge friend friendly friendship frighten frightened frightening frogfromfront frozenfruitfryfuelfullfullyfunfunction fund fundamental funding funnyfur furniture further furthermore futuregaingallery gameganggap garage gardengasgate gather general generally generate generation generous genre gentle gentleman geography getghostgiantgiftgirl girlfriend givegladglass global glovegogoalgodgoldgolfgood goodbye goods govern government grabgradegradually graduate graingrand grandfather grandmother grandparent grantgrass grateful greatgreengreetgrey ground groupgrowgrowth guarantee guard guessguestguideguilty guitargunguygymhabithairhalfhallhandhandle hang happen happily happinesshardly harm harmful hathatehavehave tohehead headache headline health healthy hear hearing heartheat heating heaven heavily heavyheel height helicopter hellhellohelp helpful herhereherohers herself hesitate heyhihighlight highlyhillhim himself hirehis historic historical historyhithobby hockey holdhole holiday hollow holyhome homework honest honour hope horrible horror horse hospital hosthothotelhour house household housing how howeverhumorous humour hundred hungryhunthunting hurricane hurryhurt husbandIiceice cream ideaideal identify identityifignoreillillegal illness illustrate illustration image imaginary imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant impact impatient implyimport importanceimportant impose impossible impress impressed impression impressive improve improvement ininchincident include included including income increase increasingly incredible incredibly indeed independent indicate indirect individual indoor indoors industrial industry infection influence inform informal information ingredient initial initially initiativeinjuryinner innocent inquiryinsectinsideinsightinsistinspireinstall instance instead institute institution instruction instructor instrument insurance intelligence intelligent intend intended intense intention interest interested interesting internal international internet interpret interrupt interviewinto introduce introductioninvest investigate investigation investment invitation invite involve involvedironislandissueITitemitsitselfjacketjamJanuaryjazzjeans jewelleryjobjoinjokejournal journalist journeyjoyjudge judgement juiceJulyjumpJunejuniorjustkeenkeepkey keyboard kickkidkillkilling kilometre kindkingkiss kitchen kneeknife knock know knowledge lablabel laboratory labour lackladylakelampland landscape language laptop large largely lastlatelater latestlaunchlawlawyerlaylayerlazylead leader leadership leading leaf league leanlearn learning least leather leave lecture leftleglegal leisure lemonlend length less lessonletletter level library licencelielie 1lie 2lifestyle liftlightlikelikely limit limited linelinklionlipliquidlistlisten listener literature littlelivelively living loadloanlocal locate located location lock logical lonely longlong-term looklooselordlorryloselossloudloudly lovelovelylowlowerlucklucky lunchlung luxury machine mad magazine magicmailmain mainly maintain major majority makemalemallman manage management manager manner manymapMarch mark market marketing marriagemass massive master match matching material mathematics maths matter maximum Maymaybememealmean meaning means meanwhile measure measurement meatmedia medical medicine medium meet meeting melt member memory mental mention menumess message metalmiddle midnight might mild mile military milk million mind mine mineral minimum minister minor minority minute mirror miss missing mission mistake mix mixed mixture mobile model modern modify moment Monday money monitor monkey month mood moonmorning most mostly mother motor motorcycle mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie muchmud multiple multiply mum murder muscle museum music musical musician mustmymyself mysterious mystery nailname narrative narrow nation national nativenaturally naturenearnearlyneat necessarily necessary neckneedneedle negative neighbour neighbourhood neithernerve nervousnetnetworknever nevertheless newnews newspaper nextnext tonicenight nightmare ninenineteen ninetynono one nobodynoisenoisynonenornormal normally north northern nosenotnotenothing notice notionnovel November nownowhere nuclear number numerous nursenuto'clockobeyobject objective obligation observation observe obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occurocean Octoberoddofoffoffend offensive offerofficeofficer official oftenohoilOKoldold-fashioned ononceoneoniononlineonlyontoopenopening operate operation opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposed opposite opposition optionororangeorder ordinary organ organizationorganized organizer origin original originally other otherwise oughtourours ourselves out outcome outdoor outdoors outer outline outside ovenover overall oweownownerpacepack package pagepain painful paint painter painting pair palace palepanpanelpantspaper paragraph parentparkparking parliament part participant participate particular particularly partly partner partypass passage passenger passion passport pastpathpatient patternpaypayment peace peacefulpenpencil penny pension people pepperperper cent percentage。
6 猴爪 The Monkey's Paw 7 世界上最冷的地方 The Coldest Place on Earth 8 阿拉丁和神灯 Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's Adventure in Wonderland 7.格林·盖布尔斯的安妮 Anne of Green Gables 8.五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It
书虫(共 8 册 2 级下适合初 2 初 3 年级) 1.神秘女人—阿加莎·克里新蒂 Agatha Christie
6.白色死亡 White Death 7.绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz 8.难忘米兰达 Remember Miranda 9.福尔摩斯与赛马 Sherlock Holmes and The Sport of Kings
书虫(2 级上适合初 2 初 3 年级共 8 册) 1.威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare 2.一个国王的爱情故事 The Love of a King
书虫(共 8 册 3 级上适合初 3 高 1 年级) 1. 弗兰肯新坦 Frankenstein
2.《野性的呼唤》《The Call of The Wild》 中英对照 3.秘密花园 The Secret rden
4.曾达的囚徒 The Prisoner of Zinda 5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 Through The Looking-Glass
3.亡灵鸟 Dedd Man's Island 4.哈克贝利·费恩历险记 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 5.《鲁宾孙漂流记》《The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe》 中英对照
床头灯英语3000词 白鲸
《白鲸》是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所写的一部经典小说,讲述了一艘捕鲸船与一头白鲸的生死搏斗。
"The white whale. Aye, Moby Dick. Call him what you will, he is deeper than all the sea. He is as old as the great Leviathan himself. Of what strange unknown origin is the White Whale? Whence came he, and what is he? Of what is he made, and what does he do? Did he come into the world before the world itself, or was he created with the world? For all we know, all whales, small and great, and the great Leviathan himself, may have been created in imitation of him; so that the white whale is the original model to all whales; the Arch-type as it were of all things whale-like. ...He is the grand central Whale of all whales, the white whale of all whales."
1.床头灯英语 2000 词读物介绍
5.床头灯英语 2000 词读物的意义
床头灯英语 2000 词读物,是一系列精选的英文读物,旨在帮助英语学习者通过阅读提高英语水平。
《堂吉诃德》的故事背景设定在 17 世纪的西班牙,主角是一个名叫堂吉诃德的乡村小绅士。
床头灯英语 2000 词读物的意义在于,它提供了一个阅读的平台,让英语学习者在享受阅读的过程中,提高英语能力。
脑洞高中 3 班八月教研总结
2.A-Z 神秘事件
13.床头灯系列 3000 词
15.第四图书馆;漫威系列,企鹅蓝登 4;5;老鼠记者;疯狂学校。
16. let's read and find out science
17.典范英语 7 到 10
19.Vera Lebleu 书虫系列20.Wonders
21.The catcher in the rye
22.Reading explorer
23.who was/is…
26.Daddy long
27. Never let me go_石黑一雄
28.Roey Born in Crime Trevor Noah
29.raz 分级阅读
30. the house on mango street 芒果街上的小屋
37.Echo Reading A to Z。
【英文名著畅听】床头灯英语(III)圣诞欢歌AChristmasCarol床头灯英语(III)圣诞欢歌A Christmas Carol【出版发行】:航空工业出版社【专辑播放】:点击页面最下方的“阅读原文”【文本下载】:点击页面最下方的“阅读原文”【作品介绍】:《床头灯英语学习读本》为套装书,共5套。
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床头灯英语3000词epubA bedside lamp, also known as a bedside table lamp or a nightstand lamp, is an essential piece of furniture in a bedroom. It provides the necessary illumination for reading, working, or simply creating a cozy ambiance in the room.The design and functionality of a bedside lamp can greatly enhance the overall aesthetic and functionality of the bedroom. From traditional to modern styles, there are awide variety of bedside lamps to choose from, each offering its own unique features and benefits.One of the most important functions of a bedside lampis to provide adequate lighting for reading. Many people enjoy winding down at the end of the day by reading a bookor magazine in bed. A bedside lamp with an adjustable armor shade can be positioned to direct the light exactlywhere it's needed, making it easier to read comfortably without straining the eyes. The warm glow of a bedside lamp can also create a relaxing atmosphere, helping to promote a sense of calm and tranquility before bedtime.In addition to providing functional lighting, a bedside lamp can also serve as a decorative accent in the bedroom. With a wide range of styles, colors, and materials to choose from, a bedside lamp can complement the overall design and decor of the room. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more traditional and ornate design, there is a bedside lamp to suit every taste and preference. Some lamps even feature built-in USB ports or wireless charging capabilities, adding a modern and practical touch to the bedside table.Another important aspect to consider when choosing a bedside lamp is its size and scale in relation to the bedside table or nightstand. A lamp that is too large or too small for the surface it sits on can throw off the balance of the room and disrupt the overall visual appeal. It's important to select a lamp that is proportionate to the size of the table and the surrounding furniture, ensuring a harmonious and cohesive look.Aside from its practical and aesthetic benefits, abedside lamp can also contribute to the overallfunctionality of the bedroom. Many modern bedside lamps come with additional features such as adjustable brightness levels, touch-sensitive controls, and even built-in speakers or Bluetooth connectivity. These advanced features can make it easier to customize the lighting and create the perfect ambiance for different activities, such as reading, relaxing, or listening to music.In conclusion, a bedside lamp is an essential and versatile piece of furniture that can greatly enhance the comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of a bedroom. Whether you're looking for a stylish decorative accent, a practical reading light, or a multifunctional modern lamp, there are plenty of options to choose from. By considering factors such as lighting needs, design preferences, and additional features, you can find the perfect bedside lamp to complement your bedroom and enhance your overall living experience.。
床头灯英语3000词系列英汉对照床头灯的英文是bed lamp。
1. Lamp -灯
2. Bed -床
3. Light -光
4. Bedroom -卧室
5. Table -桌子
6. Switch -开关
7. Illuminate -照亮
8. Shade -灯罩
9. Adjustable -可调节的
10. Reading -阅读
11. Soft -柔和的
12. Dim -昏暗的
13. Bright -明亮的
14. Decorative -装饰性的
15. Modern -现代的
16. Retro -复古的
17. Energy-efficient -节能的
18. Cord -电线
19. Plug -插头
20. Battery-powered -电池供电的
21. LED -发光二极管
22. Adjustable arm -可调节的灯腕
23. Timer -定时器
24. Touch control -触摸控制
25. Wireless -无线的
26. USB charging port - USB充电口
27. Night light -小夜灯
28. On/off -开/关
29. Timer setting -定时设定
30. Energy-saving -节能的
床头灯英语·5000词读物(英汉对照)全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Bedside LampIntroductionThe bedside lamp, also known as a reading lamp or nightstand lamp, is an essential piece of furniture in any bedroom. It provides not only illumination for reading or working in bed but also adds a touch of style and warmth to the room. In this article, we will explore the history, types, and benefits of bedside lamps.HistoryThe use of bedside lamps dates back to ancient times when people used candles or oil lamps for lighting. As technology advanced, electric lamps became more popular and accessible, leading to the invention of bedside lamps with adjustable light settings and styles. Today, bedside lamps are available in various designs, colors, and sizes to suit different preferences and room decors.Types of Bedside LampsThere are several types of bedside lamps available in the market, each with its unique features and advantages. Some common types include:1. Table Lamps: These lamps are placed on a bedside table or nightstand and come in a variety of styles and materials, such as glass, metal, or ceramic.2. Wall-Mounted Lamps: These lamps are attached to the wall beside the bed, saving space on the bedside table and providing directed light for reading.3. Clip-On Lamps: These lamps can be clipped onto the headboard or bedside table, making them ideal for small spaces or for people who like to read in bed without disturbing their sleeping partner.4. Touch Lamps: These lamps can be turned on and off by simply touching the base or shade, eliminating the need for a separate switch.Benefits of Bedside LampsBedside lamps offer several benefits for users, including:1. Better Lighting: A bedside lamp provides focused and adjustable light for reading, working, or relaxing in bed, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.2. Convenience: With a bedside lamp, you can easily reach for a book, phone, or glass of water without having to get out of bed or disturb your sleeping partner.3. Style: Bedside lamps come in a wide range of designs and colors to complement your bedroom decor and add a touch of elegance and personality to the room.4. Health Benefits: A bedside lamp with adjustable light settings can help reduce eye strain and promote better sleep by providing the right amount of light for different activities.ConclusionIn conclusion, the bedside lamp is a practical and stylish addition to any bedroom. With its ability to provide focused light, convenience, and aesthetic appeal, a bedside lamp can enhance your reading experience and create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom. Whether you prefer a traditional table lamp, a modern wall-mounted lamp, or a compact clip-on lamp, there is a bedside lamp to suit your needs and preferences.So, why not brighten up your bedtime routine with a beautiful bedside lamp today?篇2Title: Bedside LampIntroduction:A bedside lamp is an essential piece of furniture for any bedroom. It not only provides light for reading and other activities but also adds a touch of elegance and style to the room. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a bedside lamp and how to choose the right one for your bedroom.Importance of Bedside Lamps:1. Functional Purpose: A bedside lamp provides light for reading, writing, and other activities that require focused illumination. It also helps create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom.2. Decorative Element: Bedside lamps come in a variety of styles, shapes, and colors, making them a great way to add a decorative touch to your bedroom. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist design or a vintage, ornate lamp, there is a bedside lamp to suit every taste.3. Convenience: Having a bedside lamp makes it easy to reach for a light source in the middle of the night without having to get out of bed. It also allows you to control the amount of light in the room, depending on your needs.4. Ambiance: The type of light emitted by a bedside lamp can greatly affect the ambiance of the room. Soft, warm light is perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere, while bright, white light is ideal for reading or working.Choosing the Right Bedside Lamp:1. Size and Height: When choosing a bedside lamp, consider the size and height of your bedside table. A lamp that is too large or too small for the table will look out of place. The lamp should also be tall enough to provide adequate light for reading.2. Style: Consider the style of your bedroom and choose a bedside lamp that complements it. If you have a modern, minimalist bedroom, opt for a sleek, contemporary lamp. If your bedroom has a more traditional look, a vintage or ornate lamp may be more suitable.3. Light Source: Bedside lamps come with different types of light sources, including incandescent, LED, and halogen bulbs.Consider the type of lighting you prefer and choose a lamp that provides the right amount of brightness and color temperature.4. Adjustable Settings: Look for a bedside lamp that offers adjustable settings, such as dimmable light or multiple brightness levels. This will allow you to customize the lighting to suit your needs and create the perfect ambiance in your bedroom.Conclusion:A bedside lamp is not just a practical piece of furniture but also a decorative element that can enhance the style and ambiance of your bedroom. By choosing the right bedside lamp for your room, you can create a cozy and inviting space that is perfect for reading, relaxing, and unwinding after a long day. Invest in a quality bedside lamp that meets your needs and complements your bedroom decor, and you will enjoy its benefits for years to come.篇3Bedside LampA bedside lamp is an essential piece of furniture in any bedroom. It not only adds light to the room, but also serves as adecorative element and a functional tool for reading, working, or relaxing in bed.Bedside lamps come in a variety of styles, shapes, and sizes, ranging from simple night lights to sophisticated designer pieces. Some are designed to blend in with the décor of the room, while others are meant to stand out as a statement piece.When choosing a bedside lamp, there are a few factors to consider. The size of the lamp should be proportional to the size of the bedside table or nightstand it will be placed on. A lamp that is too small or too large can look out of place and may not provide enough light for reading or other activities.The type of light bulb used in the lamp is another important consideration. LED bulbs are energy-efficient and long-lasting, while incandescent bulbs provide a warm, soft light. Some bedside lamps come with adjustable brightness settings, allowing you to customize the amount of light to suit your needs.The design of the lamp can also affect the ambiance of the room. A sleek, modern lamp can add a contemporary touch to a bedroom, while a vintage-style lamp can create a cozy, nostalgic feel. Some lamps feature built-in USB ports or wireless charging capabilities, adding functionality to their stylish design.In addition to their practical and aesthetic benefits, bedside lamps can also improve sleep quality. Soft, warm light from a bedside lamp can help to create a relaxing environment that promotes restful sleep. It is recommended to use a lamp with a color temperature of around 2700K for bedtime lighting, as this type of light is less likely to disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle.Overall, a bedside lamp is a versatile and indispensable piece of furniture that can enhance the look and feel of any bedroom. Whether you prefer a minimalist, contemporary style or a more traditional design, there is a bedside lamp to suit your taste and your needs. So, next time you're shopping for bedroom accessories, don't forget to add a stylish and practical bedside lamp to your shopping list.。
二、床头灯的常见英语词汇1. bedside lamp2. table lamp3. reading lamp4. night light5. touch lamp6. swing arm lamp7. clip-on lamp8. wall sconce9. adjustable lamp10. LED lamp三、床头灯的种类和功能介绍1. Bedside lamp:这是最常见的一种床头灯,通常放置在床头的床头柜上。
2. Table lamp:这种床头灯可以放在床头柜上的桌子上,通常有较大的灯罩,能够提供较强的照明,适合用来阅读和写作。
3. Reading lamp:这种床头灯设计专门用于阅读,通常有可调节的灯光亮度和角度,能够满足人们不同的阅读需求。
4. Night light:这种床头灯一般采用柔和的光线,适合放在卧室的床头,能够提供舒适的睡眠环境。
5. Touch lamp:这种床头灯的开关设计比较特别,只需要轻触灯具的表面即可实现开关灯操作,非常便捷。
6. Swing arm lamp:这种床头灯通常采用可活动式设计,能够根据需要调整灯光的方向和角度,非常灵活。
7. Clip-on lamp:这种床头灯可以夹在床头、书桌等家具上,非常方便使用,适合用来阅读、写作等。
1.床头灯英语 2000 词读物简介
3.床头灯英语 2000 词读物对学习英语的帮助
床头灯英语 2000 词读物是一系列精选的英文读物,旨在帮助英语学习者通过阅读提高词汇量和阅读理解能力。
床头灯英语 2000 词读物对学习英语的帮助主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,通过阅读这些英文读物,学习者可以在轻松愉快的氛围中提高词汇量。
2000 词的阅读水平适合初学者,使他们在阅读过程中不会感到过于吃力。
总之,床头灯英语 2000 词读物为英语学习者提供了一个很好的学习平台,尤其是通过阅读《堂吉诃德》这样的文学名著,可以帮助学习者在提高词汇量和阅读理解能力的同时,了解西方文化和历史。
床头灯英语学习读本 摩尔 弗兰德斯
书评 ★不用翻字典,轻松读名著! ★一套绝对可以激发学习兴趣,建立学习信心,十分耐看的英语学习读物! ★在闲暇时阅读本套图书,使英语学习生活化,在潜移默化中不断提高英语水平,常用字词,词组,句型印刻在 脑海中!序言 中国人学英语现状分析 ◆英语是语言的帝国 全球60亿人中,有3.8亿人的母语是英语;2.5亿人的第二母语是英语。12.3亿人学习英语,33.6亿人和英语 有关。全世界电视节目的75%、E-mail的80%、络的85%、软件源代码的100%使用英语。40~50年后,全球50%的人 精通英语。全球约6000种语言,本世纪末其中的90%将消亡。届时英语作为主导语言的地位将进一步得到提升。 目前中国大约有3亿人在学英语,超过英国和美国的人口总和,这是中国努力与时代接轨、与国际接轨的一个 重要标志。大量中国人熟练掌握国际通用语言是中华民族走向繁荣富强的必要保障。
目录Βιβλιοθήκη Chapter One …… Chapter Einght
床头灯英语学习读本 摩尔 弗兰德斯
01 作者简介
03 媒体评论
02 内容简介 04 目录
《床头灯英语学习读本·摩尔·弗兰德斯》是航空工业出版社出版的图书,作者是(英)丹尼尔·笛福编者: 王若平等。
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