英文PPT 中国旗袍和西方舞会礼服的介绍

The second thing in common is that they are all exquisite. Their production is handled very carefully, and every detail is in place. It takes a long time to manufacture, and they have their own standards for material selection and use.
the favorite of foreign women.
中国的旗袍是从满族的一种古老服饰演变而来的。清朝统一了领土和全国服装,旗袍开始 在中原地区传播。当时,男性穿长袍和马褂,女性穿旗袍。从20世纪30年代开始,旗袍 几乎成为女性的制服。家庭主妇、学生、工人和电影明星都穿着旗袍,旗袍甚至成为社交
territory and the nationwide costume, so that cheongsam began to spread in the Central Plains. At that time, men wore a long gown and a mandarin
jacket, while women wore cheongsam. From the 1930s, cheongsam almost became the uniform for women. Housewives, students, workers
Different matching methods: the cheongsam is matched with a pearl necklace, and the jade bracelet is the traditional companion of the
The beauty of the dress 汉服英文ppt

If its collar likes the number“11”, we can called it duijinruqun (对襟襦裙) . When its collar likes the letter “y”,we can called it Jiaolingruqun(交领襦裙).
When they are classified by its height of the skirt,we can called them qiyaoruqun (齐腰襦裙)——Which waistband is on the waist.
There are fifty-six ethnic groups in China, and fifty-five of them have their own national costume.
The history of HanFu
Hanfu(Hanbiuk) clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han Chinese (Han -the predominant ethnic group of China). 汉服是中 国汉民族传统服饰。 It's the significant cultural symbol of Chinese civilization, and it has had a long history for nearly 5000 years since China originally began. 她从中华文明开端时就已经存在, 至今已有近 5000 年的历史。 It is believed to have been worn by the early leader of China, Huangdi (黄帝垂衣裳而制天下).

❖ 中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。
❖ We have cheongsam of various material, colors, and patterns.
❖ 我们有各种面料、颜色和式样的旗袍。
❖ Status and Innovation of Qipao in Modern Society;
set aside. But in 1950s and 1960s, cheongsams
began to show up again in the people's lives.中华
和1960年代,旗袍又开始出现在人们的生活. .
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
无领 collarless
旗 Cheongsam 袍 中国
Representative figures
• 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (1920-1995) A well-known writer,be addicted to cheongsam.
• Life is a colorful gown,
❖ 清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗 袍
❖ ThCehesokngirstamof the Chinese " Qipao" is slit up to the thigh on each side.
旗 ❖
中国的旗袍两边衩口一直开在大腿。 中国
袍 ❖ The特色Chinese cheongsam shows the style and features of traditional
唐装与旗袍 英文ppt

The definition
The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao, also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown 。 A body-hugging one-piece 。 Chinese dress ; The English vocabulary cheongsam comes from the Cantonese。 It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qí páo in Beijing and Shanghai .
Tang Costume Cheongsam
——By Sabrina&Mimosa
Costume in Tang Dynasty
The brief introduction of costume in Tang dynasty (618-907)
Women’s dress and personal adornments of the Tang Dynasty are outstanding in China’s history. Women's clothing is a leader in historical costumes, clothing texture known as selection of
Three main categories
*[Weimao and ruqun are the main costumes of women in Tang dynasty]

Chi-pao has many styles,and the change is mainly
based on sleeves,Jin,collar,openings,and the length of
sleeves (袖子)
long sleeves
short sleeves
flower frog
straigolding fan 折扇
Oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞
Katy Perry
In my opinion
美丽的 National 民族的 Elegant 精致的 Graceful 优雅的
Representative figures
张爱玲 Eileen Chang(1920--1995) A well-known writer,was addicted to cheongsam.
Life is a colorful gown,covered
with lice.
My opinion
Share (分享)
The definition (定义)
The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao,also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长衫).
A body-hugging(紧身的)one-piece(连 衣裙) Chinese dress.
The English vocabulary cheongsam comes from the Cantonese(广东话).
based on sleeves,Jin,collar,openings,and the length of
sleeves (袖子)
long sleeves
short sleeves
flower frog
straigolding fan 折扇
Oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞
Katy Perry
In my opinion
美丽的 National 民族的 Elegant 精致的 Graceful 优雅的
Representative figures
张爱玲 Eileen Chang(1920--1995) A well-known writer,was addicted to cheongsam.
Life is a colorful gown,covered
with lice.
My opinion
Share (分享)
The definition (定义)
The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao,also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长衫).
A body-hugging(紧身的)one-piece(连 衣裙) Chinese dress.
The English vocabulary cheongsam comes from the Cantonese(广东话).

What is the traditional costume of the
Han nationality? Cheongsam(旗袍)? Tang suit(唐装)? Or just say “Sorry, we don’t have traditional costume” ?
Nowadays, more and more people are aware of the beauty of our traditional clothes style. For this reason they wear Hanfu, found Hanfu clubs, hold activities on Hanfu and so on.
Wearing Hanfu to celebrate to be an adult.(成人礼)
Holding Hanfu wedding.(汉式婚礼)
Qing forbided people to wear Han clothes . If someone breaked the law he would be killed, since then Han Clothes was not worn by people.
Modern Han Clothes
汉服英语介绍ppt课件 whenwe introduce hannationality… when we give publicity hannationality… when 56ethnic groups take photos together… have you ever thought about what ournational costume traditionalcostume hannationality? cheongsam(旗袍)? tang suit(唐装)? justsay "sorry, we don't have traditional costume" traditionalclothes chinesehan people nationalcostume hanpeople japan,national costume mostlydeveloped from hanfu, takehanfu importantreference. japanhanfu koreahanfu crossedcollar(交领) ropehooks. (绳带系结,或用带钩) styleshang yi xia shang system. (上衣下裳制) shen yi system. shangyi xia shang system( shangyi xia shang upperbody ourlower body. ruqun10 shen yi system.( shen yi skirttogether. 11 quju 12 zhiju 13 disaster man nationality invaded central plains foundedqing dynasty 1644.qing forbided people wearhan clothes someonebreaked lawhe would killed,since hanclothes people.14 modern han clothes nowadays, more morepeople ourtraditional clothes style. wearhanfu, found hanfu clubs, hold activities relatedactivities: wearinghanfu wear

如意襟(Ruyi jin) jin)
斜襟(slanting Jin)
high collar low collar
无领 collarless
Representative figures
• 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (19201995) A well-known writer, be addicted to cheongsam.
It is recorded that cheong-sam began in the Qing Dynasty. 据记载,旗袍始于清代。
The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent. 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。
Qipao (Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman.
The Chinese traditional culture –
The definition of cheongsam The origin of cheongsam The structure of cheongsam Representative figures Pictures appreciating
• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. 民国
From the 1930s to 1940sGolden Era
旗袍PPT 英文版 最赞版

Thank you for watching! O(∩_∩)O
• It is known in Mandarin Chinese(普通 话) as the qí páo in Beijing and Shanghai .
The origin(起源)
The Cheongsam (旗袍)came from the Manchus (满族人)who grew out of(产生于 ) ancient Nuzhen tribes(女真部落). • In the early 17th century, Nurhachi(努尔哈赤 ), a great political and military strategist, unified the various Nuzhen tribes and set up the Eight Banners System(八旗制度). Over the years, a collarless(无领), tube- shaped gown was developed, which was worn by both men and women. That is the embryo (萌芽)of the Qipao. The dress is called Qipao in Chinese or translated as “banner gown(旗服)", for it came from the people who lived under the Banner System.
The style
• Chi-pao has many styles, and the change is mainly based on sleeves, Jin, collar, openings, and the length of Cheongsam. • Sleeves (袖子): wide sleeves, narrow and long sleeves, middle sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless. • Jin(襟): round jin, straight jin, slanting jin( 斜襟), double jin(双襟), and so on.
英文版旗袍介绍 精美详尽~

middle sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless.
• Jin(襟): round Jin, straight Jin, slanting Jin(斜襟), double
Jin(双襟), Pipa Jin(琵琶襟), and so on.
• Collar(领): high collar, low collar,or collarless.
The evolution
The structure
• Frog 盘扣
• Mandarin collar 立领 • Lapel / front of a garment襟 • Openings 衩 • embroidery刺绣
The style
• Chi-pao has many styles, and the change is mainly based on sleeves, Jin, collar, openings, and the length of Cheongsam. • Sleeves (袖子): wide sleeves, narrow and long sleeves,
Cheongsam reflects the elegant charm of oriental women
• In the film 《In the Mood for Love》 , Maggie Cheung change more than 23 sets of qipao, after the movie release, It set off a rush of “cheongsam hot." • Can’t it arouse our deeply thinking about the cultural change of cheongsam?
• Jin(襟): round Jin, straight Jin, slanting Jin(斜襟), double
Jin(双襟), Pipa Jin(琵琶襟), and so on.
• Collar(领): high collar, low collar,or collarless.
The evolution
The structure
• Frog 盘扣
• Mandarin collar 立领 • Lapel / front of a garment襟 • Openings 衩 • embroidery刺绣
The style
• Chi-pao has many styles, and the change is mainly based on sleeves, Jin, collar, openings, and the length of Cheongsam. • Sleeves (袖子): wide sleeves, narrow and long sleeves,
Cheongsam reflects the elegant charm of oriental women
• In the film 《In the Mood for Love》 , Maggie Cheung change more than 23 sets of qipao, after the movie release, It set off a rush of “cheongsam hot." • Can’t it arouse our deeply thinking about the cultural change of cheongsam?

During this period, the Manchu rules enriched the Han Chinese to adapt the Manchu style of dress, which includes the qipao
This was part of a larger effort to promote Han Manchu cultural exchange and strengthen their alliance
The qipao is a symbol of elegance, density, and refinement, often on special occasions such as weddings, banquets, and other formal gatherings
The aesthetic concepts presented by qipao
Handicraft Techniques
The patterns on qipao are often created using Handicraft techniques such as embroilery, beading, and other integrated stitching methods
The colors of qipao are often rich and varied, using a range of hues to create vibrant and beautiful designs
Elegant and
Some qipao may have more subdued colors, often described as elegant and suitable for more formal cases
This was part of a larger effort to promote Han Manchu cultural exchange and strengthen their alliance
The qipao is a symbol of elegance, density, and refinement, often on special occasions such as weddings, banquets, and other formal gatherings
The aesthetic concepts presented by qipao
Handicraft Techniques
The patterns on qipao are often created using Handicraft techniques such as embroilery, beading, and other integrated stitching methods
The colors of qipao are often rich and varied, using a range of hues to create vibrant and beautiful designs
Elegant and
Some qipao may have more subdued colors, often described as elegant and suitable for more formal cases
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• In 1920s
In the early Republic of China, the cheongsam began to be popular again. The body became shortened. The waist was narrowed. Later there was a new change that style of collar was highlighted to be fashionable to show feminine appearance.
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
for Miss Manners
青 花 瓷 宝蓝
青花瓷系列设计灵感取自 青花瓷器,采用了中国传统针 绣,再现了青花瓷的晕染效果。
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
09公一 包伟旦
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Cheongsam reflects the elegant charm of oriental women
In the film 《In the Mood for Love》(似水年华) , Maggie Cheung (张曼玉) change more than 23 sets of qipao, after the movie release. It set off a rush of ―cheongsam hot."
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Where there are Chinese there is her voice, she really made the beauty of the cheongsam, cheongsam accomplished her legend. 有华人的地方就有邓丽君的 歌声,她成全了旗袍的美丽, 旗袍成就了她的传奇。
• Qing: wearing slacks, see the bottom of trousers from the opening. • Rep : wearing silk stockings, show the legs. • Qing: use brocade(织锦) or jacquard(提花 织物). • Rep : printed fabric(印花织物), simplicity.
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The Chinese traditional culture –
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The definition of cheongsam The origin of cheongsam The structure of cheongsam Representative figures Pictures appreciating
中国 特色
short sleeves
旗 Cheongsam 如意襟 袍
中国 特色
高领 旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Representative figures
• 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (1920-1995) A well-known writer,be addicted to cheongsam. • Life is a colorful gown, covered with lice. 生命是一袭华美的袍子,上面 爬 满了虱子。
double Jin(双襟), Pipa Jin(琵琶襟), and so on.
• Collar(领): high collar, low collar,or collarless.
• Openings(开衩): high openings, low openings, no
long sleeves 旗 Cheongsam 袍
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Pictures appreciating
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
旗 袍玉
中国 特色
Expo (展览会)2010 Shanghai China
脂 白
立领采用中式旗袍的演变,既有中国文化含义的诠释又 融入了国际时尚化的设计手法 。
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The style
• Sleeves: wide sleeves, narrow and long sleeves, middle
sleeves, short sleeves or sleeveless.
• Jin(襟): round Jin, straight Jin, slanting Jin(斜襟),
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The definition
• The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao, also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长袍); • A body-hugging (紧身的)onepiece Chinese dress;
衣服是一种言语, 随身带着一种袖珍戏剧 ……贴身的环境——那 就是衣服,我们各人住 在各人的衣服里
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
• 宋美龄 • Soong May-ling (1897-2003) • First lady in Republic of China. • She owns the most number of qipao all over the world.
Cultural Revolution, disaster
• From the 1950s to 1960s
In the East Asia, the founding of the People’s Republic of China marks the end of the old life. The cheongsam, which has . Popular again now. been cherished by people for a long time was not practical and was set aside. But in 1950s and 1960s, cheongsams began to show up again in the people's lives.
旗 袍
中国 特色
• From the 1930s to 1940s
G olde n E ra
1930s and 1940s saw the cheongsam in its peak fashion. Affected by the styles of the Europe, a step forward was made in exposing the female figure. The cheongsam in 1930s was shortened with the length1976 knees, and the cuffs(袖口) • From 1966 to to the were also narrowed.
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The origin
Nurhachi(努尔 哈赤)
the Manchus (满族人)
Banner gown (旗服)
a collarless, tube- shaped gown
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Wide and loose Cover body A - line
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
Qing dynasty
Republic of China
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The structure
• Frog 盘扣 • Mandarin collar 立领
• Lapel / front of a garment襟
• Openings 衩 • embroidery
• In modern times
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
旗 Cheongsam 袍
中国 特色
The distinction
• Qing: broad, flat, long to feet, silk. • Rep : shaped waist.
旗 Cheongsam The evolution 袍• The late Qing Dynasty
中国 特色
After the Opium War, the European-style suits entered China first. The wide and loose body had gradually become short and narrow. In 1919, the Ordinance(法令) about garments was . announced by the National Government and cheongsam was established to be the national garments.