
园艺英语试题类型及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is a common garden tool?A. ShovelB. ForkC. Both A and B2. The term "photosynthesis" refers to the process by which plants:A. Absorb sunlightB. Convert light energy into chemical energyC. Release oxygen3. What is the primary function of fertilizers in gardening?A. To provide waterB. To provide nutrientsC. To control pests4. The scientific name for a rose is:A. RosaB. TulipaC. Dendranthema5. What is the correct term for the process of a plant producing flowers?A. GerminationB. BloomingC. Pollination6. Which of the following is a type of pruning technique?A. PinchingB. GraftingC. Layering7. What is the purpose of mulching in a garden?A. To increase soil temperatureB. To reduce weed growthC. To improve soil aeration8. The term "perennial" refers to a plant that:A. Lives for one seasonB. Lives for two or more yearsC. Produces flowers annually9. What is the role of a greenhouse in gardening?A. To provide shadeB. To extend the growing seasonC. To store tools10. The process of "grafting" involves:A. Joining two plants togetherB. Removing unwanted branchesC. Planting seeds答案:1-5 C, B, B, A, B; 6-10 A, B, B, B, A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The basic components of soil include ______, ______, water, and air.2. The term "biennial" refers to a plant that completes its life cycle in ______ years.3. In gardening, the process of "thinning" involves removing excess ______ to allow for better growth.4. A "compost pile" is a place where organic waste is decomposed into a nutrient-rich material known as ______.5. The "trellis" is a structure used to support climbing plants and is often made of ______ or wood.答案:1. minerals, organic matter; 2. two; 3. plants; 4. compost; 5. metal三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 描述园艺中“轮作”的概念及其重要性。

园林专业英语考试andI.Vocabulary and Structure(Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions,2 points for each one,total is 20 points).1.The heritage of garden art can make a()contribution towards general cultural education.It is of quite special importance for professional training since it contains the grammar of landscape design from the earliest beginnings up to modern times.A.biggerB.greaterC.considerableD.enough2.In garden terms a strict“conserve as found”,or preservation,policy is rarely appropriate because of the()of the principal medium,the plants.A.very long timeB.ephemeralityC.transitorinessD.transiency3.The history of life on earth has been a historyof()between living things and their surroundings.A.interactionB.relation ofC.relationshipD.connection4.()the whole span of earthly time,the opposite effect,in which life actually modifies its surroundings,has been relatively slight.A.HoweverB.ConsideringC.InspiteD.Although5.Considered as materials,all plants have definite potentialities and each plant has an inherent quality which will inevitably express itself.An intelligent landscape design can evolve only()a profound knowledge of,and sensitivity to,materials.A.fromB.betweenC.amongD.upon6.The layout of these landscape designs may have survived,but the planting will have changed many times through age and fashion,and because the provision for planting did notfavour the()of the plants.A.productionB.yieldC.reproductionD.regeneration7.These steps of the design process represent an ideal sequence of events.Many of the()overlap one another and blend together so the neat ordering of the outline is less clear and apparentA.foot paceB.stepsC.stepdder8.Each project represents a unique set of circumstances and,therefore,()a different method for proceeding through the design process.A.requiredB.requiresC.requireD.requiring9.Park projects would civilize and()the national character,foster the love of rural beauty and increase theknowledge of and taste for rare and beautiful trees and plants.A.refinedB.refineC.designedD.design10.The case for public parks in the 19th century was built largely on the same concerns()that for improved housing.A.soB.intoC.asD.likeII.True or False Questions.(Select T if the statement is true,select F if it is false.2 points for each one,total is 10 points).11.ICOM is the abbreviation of International Council of Museums.()A.TB.F12.UNESCO is the abbreviation of United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization.()A.TB.F13.The IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments,which met in Venice from May 25th to 31st 1964.()A.TB.F14.As the new day breaks,the city lights fade,overpowered by the light of the sun;blue seas and green forests and grasslands emerge,surrounding and penetrating the vast urban constellations.()A.TB.F15.In the preliminary master plan all elements of the design are put together and studied in association with one another in a realistic,semicomplete graphic manner.()A.TB.FIII.Cloze test(Please fill in the blanks of the following passages with proper words or phases given below.2 points for each one,total is 20 points).1.As an(16),the extent and type of information sought during the site analysis should directly(17)on the character and complexity of concepts prepared in a later phase.Likewise,one may find it necessary to revisit the site or talk to the(18)again once the design phase itself has been started because some item of information was overlooked the first time or one’s memory and(19)simply need refreshing.And sometimes it helps to revisit the site after starting the design phase because then the designer can look at the site with experience and greater understanding of what limitations or opportunities are present.In other words,no one step of the(20)process occurs independently of the others.A.designB.impressionC.dependD.illustrationE.client2.While the practitioners of the English(21)of Landscape were using a limited range of plant species,a few botanical gardens and,of course,the traditional cottage(22)contained a wider range.Certainly by the end of the first quarter of the 18th century,the importation of exotics into Britain from abroad had(23),especially from North American.In 17XX the collection at Whitton,near Hounslow,listed 342 different plant species,and by 1768 the Royal garden at Kew had over 3000different(24)with the precise figure of 5535 in 17XX.More interesting to planting design,however,was the record of Dr.John Fothergill’s garden laid out in 1762 at Upton House,East Ham,because this included a wild area in which hardy exotics successfully naturalized.Dr.Fothergill also(25) alpine plants.F.gardenmencedH.SchoolI.cultivatedJ.speciesIV.Reading comprehension questions(2 points for each one,total is 20 points).1.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.In 1887 a professor of mental and moral philosophy,Grant Allen,published an analysis of aesthetics called Physiological Aesthetics.Today this little classic is virtually forgotten, but if a copy can be found,I commend it to all.The aesthetic conclusions were geared to the emotions of the day and to us now seem horribly sentimental,but the scientific method is unanswerable.It explains the hostility of modern man to what he feels is a soul-less,machine-made environment,and is a basicguide to landscape.From this primitive treasure house my own first choice is the power of stereoscopic vision to create feeling as well as sight in environment,how we can and should design for it,and how a felt foreground will connect our psyche to middle and far distance.But of course the perceptions are only a technical part in the long manufacture of the emotions in that marvellous green and restless habitat.In a period described as the golden age of the mammals,we were vegetarian, peace-loving and monarchs.No wonder the irrational parts of us hanker for that carefree if cruel existence,which created our basic sense of beauty and subconsciously inspires most private gardens today.26.A good title for this passage is().A.Physiological aestheticsB.Aesthetic development in landscape architectureC.the history of physiological aesthetics.D.the history of landscape.27.The word“geared”in the paragraph means().A.To become adjusted so as to fit or blendB.To equip with gears.C.To connect by gears.D.To put into gear.28.The word“stereoscopic”in the paragraph means().A.relating to seeing space three-dimensionally as a result of binocular disparity.B.formed by a stereoscopeC.relating to a stereoscopeD.of a stereoscope29.The word“vegetarian”in the paragraph means().A.a person who advocates or practises vegetarianismB.CookeryC.consisting of vegetables and fruit onlyD.Consisting primarily or wholly of vegetables and vegetable products30.The word“monarch”in the paragraph means().A.peopleB.humanC.studentD.animal2.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Ruins must be maintained and measures necessary for the permanent conservation and protection of architectural features and of objects discovered must be taken. Furthermore, every means must be taken to facilitate the understanding ofthe monument and to reveal it without ever distorting its meaning.All reconstruction work should however be ruled out “a priori”.Only anastylosis,that is to say,the reassembling of existing but dismembered parts can be permitted.The material used for integration should always be recognizable and its use should be the least that will ensure the conservation of a monument and the reinstatement of its form.31.The word“ruin”in the paragraph means().A.something that is severely damagedB.a person who has suffered a downfallC.destroyed or decayed building or townD.loss of value or usefulness32.The word“conservation”in the paragraph means().A.protection,preservation,and careful management of natural resources and of theenvironment B.maintenance C.The maintenance of a physical quantity D.the principles of democracy33.The word“anastylosis”in the paragraph means().A.reassemblyB.archaeology,C.repeatD.reproduce34.The word“dismembered”in the paragraph means().A.to remove the limbs or members ofB.to cut to piecesC.to divide or partitionD.dissected35.The word“reinstatement”in the paragraph means().A.restorationB.recoverC.restartD.conversationV.Translation(Please translate the following passages into Chinese.10 points for each one,total is 30 points).1.The master plan,the next step in the design process,isa refinement of the preliminary master plan.After gaining the reactions of the client from the preliminary master plan,the designer may need to revise and restudy certain portions of the proposal.With these changes included,the designer once again draws the site plan in a presentable fashion.One of the primary differences between a preliminary master plan and a master plan,in addition to the necessary design revisions,is the graphic style of each.While the preliminary master plan is drawn in loose,freehand,yet legible manner,the master plan istypically drawn with more control and refinement,as in Figure.9.1.Rather than drawn entirely freehand,the master plan may have certain parts such as the property line,building outline,and edges of hard structural elements (walls, terrace, walks,decks,etc.)drafted with a triangle and T-square. However, other elements such as plant materials are still drawn freehand. To give the plan a controlled appearance,more time is usually spent drawing the master plan compared with the preliminary master plan.2.Modern urban problems are no different,in essence,from those that plagued ancient cities,execpt in degree,in the toxicity and persistence of new contaminants,and in the extent of the earth that is now urbanized.Even those who have sought to introduce nature to the city in the form of parks and gardens have frequently viewed the city as something foreign to nature,have seen themselves as bringing a piece of nature to the city.3.The cypress avenue was another form of planting and directed attention to a view beyond the garden or to some feature in the garden,and to a certain extent reduced the strong visual effect of planting arranged to form a pattern.The association between the landscape designs of the Far East andthe natural landscape is familiar to those interested in the history of landscapes,especially in the stylized simulation of mountain and river landscapes,and also the philosophy embodied in this association.。

园艺英语试题及答案大全一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a type of flowering plant?A. TulipB. DaffodilC. CactusD. FernAnswer: D2. The process of grafting involves joining two different types of plants together to create a new plant. What is the main purpose of grafting?A. To create a new speciesB. To increase the size of the plantC. To improve the plant's resistance to diseasesD. To produce a plant with desirable traits from both parent plantsAnswer: D3. What is the term for the removal of dead or diseased parts of a plant to promote new growth?A. PruningB. GraftingC. PollinationD. PropagationAnswer: A4. Which of the following is not a tool commonly used in gardening?A. TrowelB. SecateursC. HoeD. WrenchAnswer: D5. What is the term for a plant that completes its life cycle in one growing season?A. PerennialB. BiennialC. AnnualD. ShrubAnswer: C6. What is the primary function of a greenhouse in gardening?A. To provide shadeB. To protect plants from pestsC. To extend the growing seasonD. To provide additional waterAnswer: C7. What is the term for a plant that lives for more than two years and continues to grow and flower year after year?A. AnnualB. PerennialC. BiennialD. ShrubAnswer: B8. Which of the following is not a type of fertilizer?A. OrganicB. InorganicC. NaturalD. SyntheticAnswer: C9. What is the term for the process by which plants produce flowers?A. GerminationB. BloomingC. PollinationD. FruitingAnswer: B10. What is the term for a plant that is grown for its leaves rather than its flowers or fruits?A. OrnamentalB. HerbaceousC. FoliageD. VegetableAnswer: C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The root system of a plant that has a single main root and several smaller roots is called a _______ root system. Answer: taproot2. The process of transferring a plant from a smaller container to a larger one is called _______.Answer: transplanting3. A plant that is grown for its seeds is called a _______. Answer: seedling4. The part of the plant that contains the seeds is called the _______.Answer: fruit5. The process of preparing soil for planting is called_______.Answer: tilling6. A plant that is grown for its edible roots is called a_______.Answer: root crop7. The process of encouraging a plant to grow in a certain direction is called _______.Answer: training8. The process of removing weeds from a garden is called_______.Answer: weeding9. The process of watering plants to ensure they receive adequate moisture is called _______.Answer: irrigation10. A plant that is grown for its flowers is called an_______.Answer: ornamental三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a perennial and an annual plant.Answer: Perennial plants are those that live for more thantwo years and continue to grow and flower year after year. Annual plants, on the other hand, complete their life cyclein one growing season and must be replanted each year.2. Describe the benefits of using organic fertilizers in gardening.Answer: Organic fertilizers provide nutrients to plants in a form that is readily available and can improve soil structure. They also help to support beneficial soil microorganisms, which can lead to healthier plants and a more sustainable garden ecosystem.3. What are the steps involved in the process of propagationby cuttings?Answer: The steps involved in propagation by cuttings include selecting a healthy plant, taking a cutting with at least one node, preparing a rooting medium, inserting the cutting intothe medium, and providing the right conditions for root development.4. Discuss the importance of pruning in maintaining the health and appearance of a garden.Answer: Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of a garden as it helps to control the size and shape of plants, removes dead or diseased parts, and encourages new growth. Regular pruning can also improve air circulation and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.四、论述题(20分)Discuss the role of garden design in creating a visually appealing and functional outdoor space.Answer: Garden design plays a crucial role in creating a visually appealing and functional outdoor。

园艺专业英语第二版答案1、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom2、The more he tried to please her, _____she seemed to appreciate it. [单选题] *A.lessB.lesserC.the less(正确答案)D.the lesser3、A good teacher is able to_____a complicated idea in very simple terms. [单选题] *A.put across(正确答案)B.break upC.work outD.bring out4、He _______ getting up early. [单选题] *A. used toB. is used to(正确答案)C. is usedD. is used for5、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined6、We all wondered()Tom broke up with his girlfriend. [单选题] *A. thatB. whatC. whoD. why(正确答案)7、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsC. AreD. Were(正确答案)8、77.–Hey! Any idea about learning abroad? --You ()google the College Board to learn the names of college you ____ be interested in [单选题] *A. may;needB. can; might (正确答案)C. will; shouldD. shall; must9、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How10、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] *Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. care11、---Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?---Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ____you to your room. [单选题] *A. show(正确答案)B. showsC. to showD. showing12、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why13、Nowadays schools should care for the full _______ of a student’s talents. [单选题] *A. satisfactionB. development(正确答案)C. communicationD. preparation14、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her15、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre16、I’d like to know the _______ of the club. [单选题] *A. schedule(正确答案)B. schoolC. menuD. subject17、The old woman doesn’t feel _______ though she lives _______. [单选题] *A. alone; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD. lonely; alone(正确答案)18、58.—How much is Lucy's skirt?—She________320 yuan for it. I think it's a little dear. [单选题] *A.tookB.paid(正确答案)C.spentD.bought19、On Mother’s Day, Cathy made a beautiful card as a ______ for her mother. [单选题] *A. taskB. secretC. gift(正确答案)D. work20、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)21、--What are the young people doing there?--They are discussing how to _______?the pollution in the river. [单选题] *A. come up withB. talk withC. deal with(正确答案)D. get on with22、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] *A. been(正确答案)B. beC. isD. are23、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed24、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] *A. littleB. least(正确答案)C. lessD. most25、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness26、—Where are you going, Tom? —To Bill's workshop. The engine of my car needs _____. [单选题] *A. repairing(正确答案)B. repairedC. repairD. to repair27、Be careful when you _______ the street. [单选题] *A. are crossingB. is crossingC. cross(正确答案)D. is cross28、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)29、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any30、The early Americans wanted the King to respect their rights. [单选题] *A. 统治B. 满足C. 尊重(正确答案)D. 知道。

园艺英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common type of plant propagation?A. SeedB. CuttingC. GraftingD. Layering2. Which of the following is not a type of fertilizer?A. NitrogenB. PhosphorusC. PotassiumD. Carbon3. The term "biennial" refers to a plant that completes its life cycle in:A. One yearB. Two yearsC. Three yearsD. Four years4. What is the purpose of pruning in horticulture?A. To remove dead leavesB. To encourage growthC. To control size and shapeD. All of the above5. What is the primary role of chlorophyll in plants?A. To provide energy for photosynthesisB. To store waterC. To protect against pestsD. To attract pollinators二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. The process of a plant developing from a seed is called_______.7. The main component of wood is _______.8. A plant that is grown for its flowers is known as a(n)_______.9. The root system that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil is called _______.10. The process of a plant adapting to its environment is known as _______.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. What are the benefits of composting in a garden?12. Explain the difference between annual and perennial plants.13. Describe the role of pollinators in plant reproduction.14. What are some common pests that affect garden plants and how can they be controlled?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)15. Discuss the importance of soil preparation in gardening and the factors to consider.16. Elaborate on the concept of sustainable gardening and its practices.五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)17. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英文:- 园艺是一种艺术,也是一种科学。

园艺英语试题及答案解析1. 园艺学是一门研究什么的科学?A. 植物的栽培技术B. 植物的分类学C. 植物的遗传学D. 植物的生态学答案:A解析:园艺学主要研究植物的栽培技术,包括植物的种植、繁殖、养护、管理等,以提高植物的产量和品质。
2. 以下哪个不是园艺工具?A. 铲子B. 剪刀C. 放大镜D. 喷壶答案:C解析:园艺工具主要包括铲子、剪刀、喷壶等,用于植物的种植、修剪、浇水等操作。
3. 园艺中常用的繁殖方法有哪些?A. 种子繁殖B. 分株繁殖C. 扦插繁殖D. 以上都是答案:D解析:园艺中常用的繁殖方法包括种子繁殖、分株繁殖、扦插繁殖等。
4. 园艺中常用的肥料有哪些?A. 有机肥料B. 无机肥料C. 复合肥料D. 以上都是答案:D解析:园艺中常用的肥料包括有机肥料、无机肥料和复合肥料。
5. 园艺中常用的病虫害防治方法有哪些?A. 物理防治B. 生物防治C. 化学防治D. 以上都是答案:D解析:园艺中常用的病虫害防治方法包括物理防治、生物防治和化学防治。

景观专业英语2.0001 园林学 landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学 garden making, landscape garden-ing2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture2.0005 园林艺术 garden art2.0006 园林美学 garden aesthetics2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture2.0008 园林建筑 garden building2.0009 园林工程 garden engineering2.0010 园林植物 landscape plant02 园林学02.1 总论2.0001 园林学 landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学 garden making, landscape garden-ing2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture2.0005 园林艺术 garden art2.0006 园林美学 garden aesthetics2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture2.0008 园林建筑 garden building2.0009 园林工程 garden engineering2.0010 园林植物 landscape plant2.0011 观赏植物 ornamental plant2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing2.0013 园林garden and park2.0014 园林学史 history of garden architecture2.0015 园林规划 garden planning, landscaping planning2.0016 园林设计 garden design2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine2.0018 园林管理 garden management2.0019 园林生态 landscape ecology2.0020 绿化greening, planting2.0021 环境绿化 environmental greening2.0022 绿地面积 green area2.0023 绿地率 ratio of green space2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage2.0025 工厂绿化 factory greening, factory garden-ing2.0026 街道绿化 street greening, street planting2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening2.0030 群众绿化 mass planting movement2.0031 郊区绿化 suburban greening2.0032 公路绿化 highway g reening2.0033 铁路绿化 railway g reening, railway planting 2.0034 堤岸种植 bank planting2.0035 阳台绿化 balcony greening2.0036 窗台绿化 window-sill greening2.0037 屋顶绿化 roof greening2.0038 垂直绿化 vertical greening2.0039 攀缘绿化 climber greening2.0040 桥头绿化 bridgehead greening2.0041 花园garden2.0042 专类花园 specified flower garden2.0043 花园村 garden village2.0044 园林城市 landscape garden city2.0045 蔷薇园 rose garden2.0046 松柏园 conifer garden2.0047 球根园 bulb garden2.0048 宿根园 perennial garden2.0049 假山园 rock garden, Chinese rockery2.0050 狩猎场 hunting ground2.0051 街心花园 street crossing center garden2.0052 小游园 petty street garden2.0053 水景园 water garden2.0054 铺地园 paved garden2.0055 野趣园 wild plants botanical garden2.0056 野生植物园wild plants garden2.0057 乡趣园 rustic garden2.0058 盆景园 penjing garden, miniature land-scape 2.0059 动物园zoo, zoological garden2.0060 墓园cemetery garden2.0061 沼泽园 bog and marsh garden2.0062 水生植物园aquatic plants garden2.0063 学校园 school garden2.0064 室内花园 indoor garden2.0065 芳香花园 fragrant garden2.0066 盲人花园 garden for the blind2.0067 公园park, public park2.0068 城市公园 city park, urban park2.0069 区公园 regional park2.0070 儿童公园 children park2.0071 体育公园 sports park2.0072 森林公园 forest park2.0073 纪念公园 memorial park2.0074 烈士纪念公园martyr memorial park2.0075 综合公园 comprehensive park2.0076 文化公园 cultural park2.0077 文化休憩公园cultural and recreation park2.0078 中央公园 central park2.0079 天然公园 natural park2.0080 海滨公园 seaside park, seabeach park2.0081 古迹公园 historic site park2.0082 河滨公园 riverside park2.0083 湖滨公园 lakeside park2.0084 路边公园 roadside park, street park2.0085 娱乐公园 amusement park2.0086 雕塑公园 sculpture park2.0087 休憩公园 recreation park2.0088 疗养公园 sanatorium park2.0089 国家公园 national park2.0090 邻里公园 neighborhood park2.0091 特种公园 special park2.0092 植物园 botanical garden2.0093 植物公园abeled plants park2.0094 高山植物园 alpine garden2.0095 热带植物园 tropical plants garden2.0096 药用植物园 medical plants garden, herb garden 2.0097 绿地 green space2.0098 公共绿地 public green space2.0099 单位绿地 unit green area2.0100 城市绿地 urban green space2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area2.0102 居住区绿地residential quarter green area2.0103 防护绿地 green area for environmental protection 2.0104 郊区绿地 suburban green space2.0105 街坊绿地 residential block green belt2.0106 附属绿地 attached green space2.0107 生产绿地 productive plantation area2.0108 苗圃nursery2.0109 风景landscape, scenery2.0110 自然景观 natural landscape2.0111 人文景观 human landscape, scenery of humanities 2.0112 草原景观 prairie landscape2.0113 山岳景观 mountain landscape, alpine landscape 2.0114 地理景观 geographical landscape2.0115 湖泊景观 lake view2.0116 郊区景观 suburban landscape2.0117 地质景观 geological landscape2.0118 喀斯特景观karst landscape2.0119 植物景观 plants landscape, flora landscape02.2 园林史02.2.1 中国园林史2.0120 中国古典园林classical Chinese garden2.0121 中国传统园林traditional Chinese garden2.0122 中国古代园林ancient Chinese garden2.0123 中国山水园 Chinese mountain and water garden2.0124 帝王宫苑 imperial palace garden2.0125 皇家园林 royal garden2.0126 私家园林 private garden2.0127 江南园林 garden on the Yangtze Delta02.2.2 西方园林史2.0128 西方古典园林western classical garden2.0129 英国式园林 English style garden2.0130 中英混合式园林Anglo-Chinese style garden2.0131 意大利式园林Italian style garden2.0132 西班牙式园林Spanish style garden2.0133 法兰西式园林French style garden2.0134 勒诺特尔式园林Le Notre's style garden2.0135 文艺复兴庄园Renaissance style villa2.0136 洛可可式园林Rococo style garden2.0137 巴洛克式园林Baroque style garden2.0138 庄园manor, villa garden2.0139 廊柱园 peristyle garden, patio2.0140 绿廊xystus2.0141 迷阵maze, labyrinth02.2.3 典型中西园林2.0142 灵囿Ling You Hunting Garden2.0143 灵沼Ling Zhao Water Garden2.0144 灵台Ling Tai Platform Garden2.0145 阿房宫 E-Pang Palace2.0146 上林苑 Shang-Lin Yuan2.0147 未央宫 Wei-Yang Palace2.0148 洛阳宫 Luoyang Palace2.0149 华清官 Hua-Qing Palace2.0150 艮岳Gen Yue Imperial Garden2.0151 圆明园 Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden2.0152 颐和园 Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 2.0153 承德避暑山庄Chengde Imperial Summer Resort2.0154 苏州园林 Suzhou traditional garden2.0155 悬园Hanging Garden2.0156 英国皇家植物园Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden2.0157 凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace Park2.0158 枫丹白露宫园Fontainebleau Palace Garden02.3 园林艺术2.0159 景 view, scenery, feature2.0160 远景distant view2.0161 近景nearby view2.0162 障景obstructive scenery, blocking view2.0163 借景borrowed scenery, view borrowing2.0164 对景opposite scenery, view in opposite place 2.0165 缩景miniature scenery, abbreviated scenery 2.0166 漏景leaking through scenery2.0167 框景enframed scenery2.0168 尾景terminal feature2.0169 主景main feature2.0170 副景secondary feature2.0171 配景objective view2.0172 夹景vista line, vista2.0173 前景front view2.0174 背景background2.0175 景序order of sceneries2.0176 景点feature spot, view spot2.0177 仰视景观 upward landscape2.0178 俯视景观 downward landscape2.0179 季相景观 seasonal phenomena2.0180 气象景观 meteorological diversity scenery2.0181 视野visual field2.0182 秋色fall color, autumn color2.0183 园林空间 garden space2.0184 开敞空间 wide open space, wide space2.0185 封闭空间 enclosure space2.0186 意境 artistic conception, poetic imagery 2.0187 苍古antiquity2.0188 空灵spaciousness, airiness2.0189 动观in-motion viewing2.0190 静观 in-position viewing2.0191 视错觉 visual illusion2.0192 园林艺术布局artistic layout of garden2.0193 对称平衡 symmetrical balance2.0194 不对称平衡asymmetrical balance2.0195 左右对称 bilateral symmetry2.0196 辐射对称 radial symmetry2.0197 透景线 perspective line2.0198 轴线axis, axial line2.0199 主轴main axis2.0200 副轴auxiliary axis2.0201 暗轴hidden axis, invisible axis2.0202 树冠线 skyline2.0203 园林色彩艺术art of garden colors2.0204 单色谐调 monochromatic harmony2.0205 复色谐调 compound chromatic harmony2.0206 对比色突出contrast colors accent2.0207 近似色谐调approximate colors harmony2.0208 暖色warm color2.0209 冷色cool color2.0210 色感color sense2.0211 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning 2.0212 绿地系统 green space system2.0213 公共绿地定额public green space quota2.0214 公共绿地指标public green space norm2.0215 绿地布局 green space layout2.0216 吸引圈 attractive circle2.0217 吸引距离 attractive distance2.0218 有效半径 effective radius2.0219 绿地资源 green space resource2.0220 绿地效果 green space effect2.0221 绿地规划程序planning procedure of the green space 2.0222 空间规划 space planning2.0223 形象规划 image plan2.0224 实施规划 implementary plan2.0225 必要生活空间necessary living space2.0226 余暇生活空间leisure time living space2.0227 利用频度 usage frequency2.0228 树种规划 planning of trees and shrubs2.0229 绿地类型 type of green space2.0230 环状绿型 annular green space2.0231 块状绿地 green plot2.0232 点状绿地 green spot2.0233 放射状绿地radiate green space2.0234 楔状绿地 wedge-shaped green space2.0235 缓冲绿地 buffer green space2.0236 防音绿地 noiseproof green space2.0237 科学景观论scientific landscape theory2.0238 园林保留地reserve garden2.0239 公园规划 park planning2.0240 园林总体规划garden master planning2.0241 总平面规划site planning2.0242 园林分区 garden zoning2.0243 安静休息区tranquil rest area2.0244 儿童活动区children playing space2.0245 儿童游戏场children playground, playlot2.0246 体育运动区sports activities area2.0247 野餐区 picnic place2.0248 散步区 pedestrian space2.0249 群众集会区mass meeting square2.0250 观赏植物区ornamental plants area2.0251 观赏温室区display greenhouse area, display conservatory area 2.0252 草坪区 lawn space2.0253 绿荫区 shade tree section2.0254 历史古迹区historical relics area2.0255 青少年活动区youngsters activities area2.0256 诱鸟区 bird sanctuary area2.0257 钓鱼区 fishing center2.0258 野营区 camp site2.0259 游人中心 visitors center2.0260 服务中心 service center2.0261 探险游乐场adventure ground2.0262 文化活动区cultural activities area2.0263 道路系统 approach system, road system2.0264 环形道路系统circular road system2.0265 方格形道路系统latticed road system2.0266 放射形道路系统radiate road system2.0267 自然式道路系统informal road system2.0268 规整式道路系统formal road system2.0269 混合式道路系统mixed style road system2.0270 园林规划图garden planning map2.0271 园林规划说明书garden planning direction2.0272 城市公园系统urban park system2.0273 公园分布 distribution of parks2.0274 公园类型 park type, park category2.0275 公园间距 distance between parks2.0276 公园形式 park styles2.0277 游览区 excursion area, open-to-public area2.0278 非游览区 no-admittance area2.0279 办公区 administrative area2.0280 服务区 service center2.0281 动休息区 dynamic rest space2.0282 静休息区 static rest space2.0283 娱乐演出区entertaining performance place2.0284 主要入口 main entrance2.0285 次要入口 secondary entrance2.0286 人流量 visitors flowrate2.0287 车流量 vehicle flowrate2.0288 公园道路 park road2.0289 公园水陆面积比率land-water ratio2.0290 游人容纳量visitors capacity2.0291 风景资源调查landscape resource evaluation2.0292 风景学 scenicology2.0293 风景规划 landscape plan2.0294 风景设计 landscape design2.0295 游览路线 touring route2.0296 旅游资源 tourism resource2.0297 旅游地理 tourism geography2.0298 旅游地质 tourism geology2.0299 历史名城 famous historical city2.0300 文化名城 famous cultural city2.0301 文化遗址 ancient cultural relic2.0302 天然博物馆natural open museum2.0303 风景地貌 natural geomorphology2.0304 造型地貌 imaginative geomorphologic figuration2.0305 风景区 scenic spot, scenic area2.0306 风景名胜 famous scenery, famous scenic site2.0307 特异景观风景区specific natural scenes area2.0308 民族风俗风景区scenic spot of minority customs2.0309 高山风景区alpine scenic spot2.0310 海滨风景区seabeach scenic spot2.0311 森林风景区forest scenic spot2.0312 高山草甸风景区alpine tundra landscape spot2.0313 峡谷风景区valley scenic spot2.0314 江河风景区river landscape district2.0315 湖泊风景区lake round scenic spot2.0316 温泉风景区hot spring scenic spot2.0317 瀑布风景区waterfall scenic spot2.0318 禁伐禁猎区region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting 2.0319 封山育林区region closed for afforestation2.0320 天池风景区crater lake scenic spot2.0321 自然保护区nature protection area2.0322 科学保护区protection area for scientific research2.0323 天然纪念物natural monument2.0324 生物圈保护区biosphere protection area02.5 园林设计2.0325 园林设计师landscape architect, garden designer2.0326 园址测量图garden site survey map2.0327 地形图 topographic map, contour map2.0328 种植设计 planting design2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design2.0331 造价分析 cost analysis2.0332 园林形式 garden style2.0333 规整式园林formal garden style2.0334 非规整园林informal garden style2.0335 几何式园林geometric garden style2.0336 自然式园林natural garden style2.0337 混合式园林mixed garden style2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style2.0339 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden2.0340 园林区划 garden area division2.0341 园林分区规划garden block planning2.0342 庭院花园 courtyard garden2.0343 前庭front yard, forecourt2.0344 后庭back yard, rear yard2.0345 中庭patio2.0346 厨园kitchen yard2.0347 沉[床]园 sunken garden2.0348 窗园window garden2.0349 墙园wall garden2.0350 宅园home garden2.0351 台地园 terrace garden2.0352 冬园winter garden2.0353 切花园 cut flower garden2.0354 屋顶花园 roof garden2.0355 后花园 back yard garden2.0356 园林地形改造topographical reform of garden 2.0357 土山earth piled hill, artificial mound2.0358 假山rockery, artificial rockwork2.0359 太湖石 Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone 2.0360 黄石yellowish brown stone2.0361 人造假山石artificial stone, man-made stone2.0362 孤赏石 monolith, standing stone2.0363 掇山piled stone hill, hill making2.0364 叠石stones laying2.0365 板石flag stone2.0366 散点石 scattered stone2.0367 抱角石 corner stone2.0368 屋基石 foundation stone2.0369 排衙石 guard stone2.0370 屏石screen stone2.0371 石岸rock bank2.0372 石阶stone steps2.0373 汀步stepping stone on water surface 2.0374 附壁石 stone appended to wall2.0375 石花台 stone flower bed2.0376 石凳stone bench2.0377 假山石挡土墙rock retaining wall2.0378 干砌石 dry stone wall2.0379 假山石楼梯rock stairway2.0380 石亭stone pavilion2.0381 石洞stone cavern2.0382 石窟grotto2.0383 置石stone arrangement, stone layout 2.0384 拱石arch stone2.0385 拱顶石 key stone2.0386 园林水景 water scenes of garden2.0387 水体water body2.0388 水面water surface2.0389 水池pool2.0390 水塘pond2.0391 喷泉fountain2.0392 喷水池 fountain pool2.0393 涉水池 wading pool2.0394 倒影池 mirror pool, reflecting pool2.0395 睡莲池 water-lily pool2.0396 喷水管布置piping schema2.0397 钓鱼塘 fishing pond2.0398 高水位池塘high water table pond2.0399 池边坐人矮墙seat wall surrounded pool 2.0400 隐头喷泉 secret fountain2.0401 岛园Island garden2.0402 半岛园 peninsula garden2.0403 小岛isle2.0404 瀑布waterfall2.0405 小瀑布 cascade2.0406 湖 lake2.0407 矶 rock projecting over water2.0408 水帘洞 water curtain cave2.0409 园桥garden bridge2.0410 拱桥arch bridge2.0411 石板桥 stone slab bridge2.0412 木板桥 plank bridge2.0413 圆木桥 log bridge2.0414 亭桥pavilion bridge2.0415 曲桥zigzag bridge2.0416 壁泉wall fountain2.0417 饮水喷头 drinking fountain2.0418 植物配植 plant arrangement2.0419 树木配植 arrangement of trees and shrubs 2.0420 群植group planting, mass planting2.0421 孤植specimen planting, isolated planting 2.0422 丛植clump planting2.0423 组植group planting2.0424 林植forest planting2.0425 列植linear planting2.0426 对植opposite planting, coupled planting 2.0427 环植circular planting2.0428 带植belt planting2.0429 散植scattered planting, loose planting 2.0430 边缘种植 edge planting2.0431 边界种植 boundary planting2.0432 整形种植 architectural planting2.0433 基础种植 foundation planting2.0434 角隅种植 corner planting2.0435 景框种植 planting as enframent2.0436 门卫种植 guard planting2.0437 篱恒种植 fence planting2.0438 障景种植 screen planting2.0439 背景种植 background planting2.0440 林下种植 underwood planting2.0441 路边种植 roadside planting2.0442 绿篱hedge2.0443 树墙espalier2.0444 庭荫树 shade tree2.0445 园景树 specimen tree2.0446 风景林 amenity forest, ornamental forest 2.0447 行道树 avenue tree, street tree2.0448 纪念林 memorial forest2.0449 整型树 topiary tree2.0450 花篱flower hedge'2.0451 刺篱thorny plants hedge2.0452 常绿绿篱 evergreen hedge2.0453 落叶绿篱 deciduous hedge2.0454 高篱high hedge2.0455 沟中边篱 hah-hah fence2.0456 图案矮篱 pattern dwarf hedge2.0457 迷宫绿篱 labyrinth hedge2.0458 整剪绿篱 clipped hedge2.0459 自然式花篱natural flowering hedge2.0460 边篱boundary fence2.0461 园篱garden fence, garden hedge2.0462 纯林pure forest2.0463 混交林mixed forest2.0464 林间隙地 open space in woodland2.0465 杂木林spinney2.0466 树冠覆盖面 tree canopy2.0467 草坪 lawn2.0468 整形草坪 formal lawn2.0469 开花草坪 flowering lawn2.0470 牧场草坪 meadowy land2.0471 花坛 flower bed2.0472 路边花坛 roadside flower bed2.0473 带状花坛 ribbon flower bed2.0474 时钟花坛 flower clock2.0475 盆栽花坛 potted flower bed, basined flower bed 2.0476 高设花台 raised flower bed2.0477 毛毡花坛 carpet bed2.0478 镶嵌花坛 mosaic bed2.0479 铺石花坛 paved bed2.0480 灌木花坛 shrub bed2.0481 图案花坛群 parterre2.0482 草药花坛 herbaceous flower bed2.0483 花结花坛 knot bed2.0484 整形花坛 formal flower bed2.0485 花境 flower border2.0486 花桶flower tub2.0487 植树箱 planting box2.0488 活动花坛 movable flower bed2.0489 瓶饰garden vase2.0490 灌木花境 shrub border2.0491 混合花境 mixed border2.0492 园林道路设计garden road design, garden path design 2.0493 漫步路 trail, footway2.0494 小径alley, path2.0495 川草坪岛 lawn island2.0496 安全岛 traffic island, refuge island2.0497 转弯曲度 turning curvature2.0498 转弯半径 turning radius2.0499 踏面landing pitch2.0500 步石stepping stone2.0501 涉水踏步 wading step2.0502 错铺路 crazy paving path2.0503 随意组合方石板路flag stone path paved at random2.0504 花纹路 pattern path2.0505 林荫路 mall2.0506 林荫大道 boulevard2.0507 花园路 parkway2.0508 林间小道 path in woodland2.0509 种植池 planting bed2.0510 树池保护格栅tree grate2.0511 树干保护套栏tree guard2.0512 树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting 2.0513 路面线纹 score line2.0514 传统园林建筑traditional garden building 2.0515 凉亭 summer shelter2.0516 活树亭 arbor, tent arbor2.0517 蘑菇亭 mushroom pavilion2.0518 茅亭 thatched pavilion2.0519 竹亭 bamboo pavilion2.0520茶亭tea booth, tea kiosk2.0521回廊cloister2.0522 水廊 corridor on water2.0523 曲廊 zigzag veranda2.0524 扒山廊 sloping gallery2.0525 楼廊 two-storied gallery2.0526 画舫 painted pleasure boat2.0527 石舫 stone boat2.0528 不击舟 immovable pleasure boat 2.0529 诗条石 poem-engraved stone slab 2.0530 月洞门 moon gate2.0531 扶手栏杆 handrail2.0532 坐凳栏杆 seat rail2.0533 石碑stone tablet, stele2.0534 园林露天剧场 open garden theater2.0535 园林露天舞池 open garden dancing place 2.0536 露天音乐台outdoor music stand2.0537 眺望台 prospect deck2.0538 繁殖温室 plant propagation greenhouse 2.0539 展览温室 public conservatory2.0540 月池 new-moon pool2.0541 园林小品 small garden ornaments2.0542 磁砖壁画 painted tile mural tablet2.0543 园椅 garden chair, garden seat 2.0544 园凳 garden bench2.0545 园桌 garden table2.0546 园灯 garden lamp2.0547 日规 sundial2.0548 鸟浴 bird bath2.0549 鸟舍 bird cottage, nestle box2.0550 鸟笼 bird cage, bird coop2.0551 悬篮 hanging basket2.0552 野鸟喂食器bird feeder2.0553 额匾 horizontal inscribed board2.0554 楹联 couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar2.0555 引露天烤炉open barbecue2.0556 树棚 living-tree pergola2.0557 花架 pergola2.0558 花格架 trellis, treillage2.0559 点景牌楼 naming pailou, decorated archway2.0560 园林施工 garden layout, garden construction2.0561 种植工程 planting engineering2.0562 大树移植 big tree transplanting2.0563 裸根移植 bare root transplanting2.0564 土球移植 ball transplanting2.0565 沟植 trench planting2.0566 假植 heeling in, temporary planting2.0567 播种草坪 seeding lawn2.0568 铺草皮块草坪sodding lawn2.0569 假山工程 rockery engineering2.0570 掇山五法 five methods" of rock piling2.0571 等分平衡法method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced2.0572 前轻后重法method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part2.0573 上轻下重法method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks2.0574 纹理统一法method of unifying the rock veins2.0575 石料统一法method of unifying the rock mate-rials2.0576 观赏树木 ornamental tree and shrub2.0577 观叶植物 foliage plant2.0578 观果植物 fruit-effect plant2.0579 观枝干植物plants with ornamental trunks and branches2.0580 指示植物 indicating plant2.0581 主景植物 accent plant2.0582 耐湿植物 damp tolerant plant2.0583 抗风植物 wind-resistant plant2.0584 耐盐碱植物saline-alkali tolerant plant2.0585 市花 city flower2.0586 市树 city tree2.0587 国花 national flower2.0588 国树 national tree2.0589 芳香植物 fragrant plant2.0590 抗污染植物pollution resistant plant2.0591 环保植物 environment protecting plant2.0592 高山植物 alpine plant2.0593 岩生植物 rock plant2.0594 攀缘植物 climbing plant, climber2.0595 地被植物 ground cover plant2.0596 阴生植物 shade plant2.0597 装饰植物 decorative plant2.0598 装缘植物 edging plant2.0599 绿蓠植物 hedge plant2.0600 草坪植物 lawn plant, lawn grass2.0601 花坛植物 bedding plant2.0602 球根植物 bulbous plant2.0603 宿根植物 perennial plant, perennial2.0604 水生植物 aquatic plant, hydrophyte2.0605 旱生植物 xerophyte2.0606 沼泽植物 bog plant, swamp plant2.0607 室内装饰植物indoor decorative plant, house plant 2.0608 切花cut flower2.0609 垂枝植物 pendulous plant, weeping plant2.0610 缠绕植物 twiner, twinning plant2.0611 针叶植物 needle-leaved plant2.0612 阔叶植物 broad-leaved plant2.0613 斑叶植物 variegate-leaved plant2.0614 松柏植物 conifer2.0615 常绿植物 evergreen plant2.0616 半常绿植物semi-evergreen plant2.0617 不耐寒植物tender plant2.0618 半耐寒植物half-hardy plant2.0619 耐寒植物 hardy plant2.0620 耐旱植物 drought enduring plant2.0621 山石材料 stone material2.0622 昆山石 Kunshan stone2.0623 钟乳石 stalactite2.0624 灵壁石 Lingbi stone2.0625 英德石 Yingde stone2.0626青石Qing stone2.0627 宣石 Xuan stone2.0628 房山石 Fangshan stone2.0629 观赏动物 ornamental animal2.0630 观赏鸟类 ornamental bird2.0631 观赏兽类 ornamental beast2.0632 观赏昆虫类ornamental insect02.8 园林机具设备2.0633 园林机械 garden machine2.0634 园林工具 garden instrument, garden implement2.0635 园林设备 garden equipment2.0636 花坛分界隔板plastic bed divider2.0637 种植容器 planting container2.0638 圆木桩 log peg2.0639 喷射装置 jet bubbler2.0640 滴灌trickle irrigator, drip irrigator2.0641 环动喷灌器circle sprinkler2.0642 圆筒喷灌器rotor sprinkler2.0643 自控器 automatic controller2.0644 管端喷灌器hose end sprinkler2.0645 固定喷灌器stationary sprinkler2.0646 喷雾喷灌器mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler2.0647 喷灌覆盖面sprinkler coverage2.0648 草坪加肥器lawn feeder2.0649 施肥喷灌器combined feeder and sprinkler2.0650 液肥混合调配器liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner2.0651 滴水喷头 emitter, dripper2.0652 水土保持塑料网erosion control plastic net2.0653苗木包装材料nursery stock package material 2.0654 麻布袋 burlap bag2.0655 铁丝篮 wire basket2.0656 篮状种植器basket container2.0657 塑料苗木桶plastic nurserican2.0658 播种盘 seed tray2.0659 网孔盆 mesh pot2.0660 含肥泥炭盆fertile peat pot2.0661 盆栽机 potting machine2.0662 换盆机 repotting machine2.0663 再生纸种植器reclaimed paper container2.0664 纤维育苗器wood fiber plant grower2.0665 泥炭压制播种饼peat seeding pellet, peat seeding starter 2.0666 松土除草机cultivator2.0667 旋转锄 rotary hoe2.0668 切叶机 foliage cutter2.0669 翻地犁 uncovering plough2.0670 盖土机 mounted spreader2.0671 前悬装土机front mounted loader2.0672 后缀装土机rear mounted loader2.0673 旋轴剪草机spindle mower2.0674 栽植机 planting machine2.0675 植物覆盖 plant mulching2.0676 覆盖物分散机 mulch spreader2.0677 种子液肥喷洒机hydro seeder2.0678 修枝剪 pruning shear2.0679 播种器 garden seeder2.0680 球根种植器bulb planter2.0681 土壤酸度探测器pH-value computer2.0682 巴效分析器fertilizer analyzer2.0683 嫁接刀 grafting knife2.0684 温室设备 greenhouse equipment2.0685 盆栽灌水系统pot watering system2.0686 温室气候控制器greenhouse climate controller2.0687 温室覆盖 greenhouse covering2.0688 喷雾自控系统automatic mist control system2.0689 二氧化碳发生器C02 generator2.0690 温度报警钟temperature alarm2.0691 游览车 park sightseeing bus2.0692 引剪草机 lawn mower2.0693 动力剪草机power lawnmower2.0694 畜力剪草机horse lawnmower2.0695 手推剪草机hand lawnmower2.0696 游人调查 visitors investigation2.0697 游人统计 visitors statistics2.0698 游人分析 garden visitors analysis2.0699 游人管理 visitors management2.0700 导游图 tourist map2.0701 导游解说 tour description and direction2.0702 劳动管理 labour management2.0703 物资管理 material handling, goods handling2.0704 设备管理 equipment management, facility management 2.0705 财务管理 financial management2.0706 安全管理 safety management2.0707 环境监测 environmental monitor2.0708 植物养护管理plant maintenance and management2.0709 园林技术管理garden technical management2.0710 质量管理 quality management2.0711 园貌维修 garden feature maintenance2.0712 植物整形修剪plant trimming and pruning2.0713 植物病虫防治disease and insect control2.0714 园林管理规划management plan2.0715 游人意见处理treatment of visitors opinions2.0716 游人规则 visitors regulation2.0717 园内交通管理traffic control in park2.0718 园外交通管理traffic control out of park entrance2.0719 汽车停车规则parking rules2.0720 自行车停放规则bicycle parking rules2.0721 开放时间 opening time2.0722 日常清洁卫生管理daily sanitation and hygiene management 2.0723 人类生态环境human ecological environment2.0724 自然系统 natural system2.0725 自然资源 natural resource2.0726 自然保护 conservation of nature2.0727 自然保存 natural preservation2.0728 环境保护 environmental protection2.0729 环境容量 environment capacity2.0730 环境适宜性environment fitness2.0731 环境空气质量标准ambient air quality2.0732 共生 symbiosis2.0733 互惠共生 mutualism2.0734 公害 public nuisance2.0735 生态绝灭 ecological extinction2.0736 生态系统 ecosystem2.0737 生态圈 ecosphere2.0738 生态灾难 ecological disaster2.0739 环境质量 environmental quality2.0740 环境压力 environment stress2.0741 生命维持系统life-support system2.0742 反馈系统 feedback system2.0743 自养生物 autotroph2.0744 异养生物 heterotroph2.0745 食物链 foodchain2.0746 生物圈 biosphere2.0747 濒危植物 endangered plant, threatened plant2.0748 主体群落 major community2.0749 人工群落 artificial community2.0750 绿色革命 green revolution2.0751 户外娱乐资源outdoor recreation resource2.0752 原始环境系统wilderness environment system2.0753 近代环境系统modern environment system2.0754 乡村生活模式country life-pattern2.0755 烟害 smoke pollution, fume pollution2.0756 雾害 fog pollution2.0757 霜害 frost injury2.0758 水污染 water pollution2.0759 土壤污染 soil pollution, soil contamination2.0760 园林小气候garden microclimate2.0761 环境保护植物environmental conservation plant2.0762 引气候调节climatic regulation2.0763 自动调节机能homeostasis2.0764 生态平衡 ecological homeostasis2.0765 森林生态系统forest ecosystem2.0766 草原生态系统prairie ecosystem2.0767 滞尘植物 dust holding plant园林专业英语景观专业词汇1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行& 人行) main entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian)2.次入口/岗亭(车行& 人行) 2nd entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian)3.商业中心入口entrance to shopping ctr.4.水景water feature5.小型露天剧场mini amphi-theatre6.迎宾景观-1 welcoming feature-17.观景木台timber deck (viewing)8.竹园bamboo garden9.漫步广场walkway plaza10.露天咖啡廊out door cafe11.巨大迎宾水景-2 grand welcoming feature -212.木桥timber bridge13.洞穴grotto14.吊桥hanging bridge15.休憩台地(低处) lounging terrace(lower)16.休憩台地(高处) lounging terrace(upper)17.特色踏步feature stepping stone18.野趣小溪river wild19.儿童乐园children's playground20.旱冰道slide21.羽毛球场badminton court22.旱景dry landscape23.日艺园Japanese garden24.旱喷泉dry fountain25.观景台viewing deck26.游泳池swimming pool27.极可意Jacuzzi28.嬉水池wading pool29.儿童泳池children's pool30.蜿蜒水墙winding wall31.石景雕塑rock sculpture32.中心广场central plaza33.健身广场exercise plaza34.桥bridge35.交流广场meditating plaza36.趣味树阵tree battle formation37.停车场parking area38.特色花架trellis39.雕塑小道sculpture trail40.(高尔夫)轻击区putting green41.高尔夫球会所golf clubhouse42.每栋建筑入口entrance paving to unit43.篮球场basketball court44.网球场tennis court45.阶梯坐台terracing seatwall46.广场main plaza47.森林forest garden48.石景园rockery garden49.旱溪dry stream50.凉亭Pavilion51.户外淋浴outdoor shower52.拉膜结构tensile structure53.台阶stair54.高尔夫球车停车场parking(golf car)55.健身站exercise station56.晨跑小路jogging footpath57.车道/人行道driveway/sidewalk58.人行漫步道promenade59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) water fall and dancing fountain (entry plaza)。

园艺专业英语第三版试卷1、25.—I ______ Beijing for a holiday.—________. [单选题] *A.will go;GoodbyeB.will go;Have a good time(正确答案)C.will go to;Have a good timeD.am going to;Have a fun2、--How is your friend coming?--I’m not sure. He _______ drive here. [单选题] *A. may(正确答案)B. canC. mustD. will3、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think4、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so5、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took6、80.Thousands of ________ from other countries visit the village every year. [单选题] * A.robotsB.postcardsC.tourists(正确答案)D.bridges7、_______ win the competition, he practiced a lot. [单选题] *A. BecauseB. In order to(正确答案)C. Thanks toD. In addition to8、21.Design a travel guide for Shanghai! ________ the competition and be the winner! [单选题] *A.JoinB.AttendC.EnterD.Take part in (正确答案)9、What he said sounds _______. [单选题] *A. pleasantlyB. nicelyC. friendly(正确答案)D. wonderfully10、We have made a _______ tour plan to Sydney. [单选题] *A. two dayB. two daysC. two-day(正确答案)D. two-days11、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] *A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy12、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had13、I don't know the man _____ you are talking about. [单选题] *A. who'sB. whose(正确答案)C. whomD. which14、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)15、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am a stranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why16、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)17、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up18、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither19、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains20、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting21、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve22、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite23、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke24、I hadn't realized she was my former teacher _____ she spoke [单选题] *A. asB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. while25、Medicines are to be taken according to the doctor’s advice. [单选题] *A. 发放B. 提取C. 配方D. 服用(正确答案)26、Jim will _______ New York at 12 o’clock. [单选题] *A. get onB. get outC. get offD. get to(正确答案)27、____ is standing at the corner of the street. [单选题] *A. A policeB. The policeC. PoliceD. A policeman(正确答案)28、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into29、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching30、With all the work on hand, he _____ to the cinema last night. [单选题] *A.should goB.must have goneC.might goD..shouldn’t have gone(正确答案)。

1.A Chinese greenhouse中国式的温室包含一条东西走向的厚墙,在它南面有一根与地面成30°-40°夹角的竹竿,且竹竿上表面覆盖了一层透明的油纸。
2.As a result of evaporation蒸腾作用,光合作用和呼吸作用的结果是影响作物二氧化碳质量的平衡和大气水蒸气压及能量平衡。
3.At full cover,the growth rate of field crops 总体来说,田间作物生长速率典型的在150-300Kg/公顷/d的干物质积累量,这些被认为潜在的生物速率和产量有关。
4.Any severe imbalance or对于一种营养元素,无论是严重的不平衡还是缺乏,都会阻碍植物的正常发育。
5.Appearance components include size外观品质的内容包括大小,形态,整齐度,颜色,光泽和少许由于物理和机械损伤造成的瑕疵,生理失调,或者昆虫和微生物的附着。
6.But because of an expanding root system但是因为根系的伸长,持续对P的吸收和对其需要量的减少,P不再是限制的因素,植物生长最终的限制因素是它们从土壤中能吸收的缺乏。
7.Biological factors involved使采后农产品质量下降的生物因素包括呼吸作用,乙烯的生成,成份的改变,水分的损失,物理损伤,生理衰竭和病理损害。
post can be不仅农家肥而且植物的残枝败叶都可以形成堆肥,并且有时加入化学肥料为了增加对植物生长的影响。
9.Controlled environment agriculture has gained in 受控环境下农业已经被增加在园艺生产上的重要性,不仅在蔬菜和观赏作物生产中,而且在用种子或组织培养形成的幼苗生产过程中也很重要。
10.Crop growth rate may be limited by low作物的生长速率可能被限制,因为低的过磷酸钙的供应和土壤中其他矿质营养的缺乏,至少在生长季节和水分缺少或者其他因素。

山东农业大学园艺专业英语部分单词表个人整理供考试复习专用1. agronomy [ə'ɡrɒnəmɪ]n.农艺学,农学2. meet [mi:t]vt.& vi.相遇;相识;开会;接触(某物)vt.满足;支付;迎接;经历(常指不愉快的事)n.运动会,体育比赛;猎狐运动(尤其英式英语)adj.适当的;合适的;恰当的3. contrast [ˈkɔntræst]n. 对比,对照;差异;对照物,对立面;[摄]反差;vi. 对比;形成对照;vt. 使对照,使对比;和…形成对照4. grain [ɡrein]n. 谷物,粮食;(沙,金,盐等的)颗粒;谷粒,籽粒;(木材,大理石等的)纹理; vt. 把…作成细粒;把…漆[画]成木纹;染透;刮去(皮上的)毛;vi. 成谷粒5. forage ['fɒrɪdʒ]n.牛马饲料;寻找粮草vi.搜寻(食物),尤指动物觅(食);(尤指用手)搜寻(东西)6. fiber ['faɪbə]n.光纤;(织物的)质地;纤维,纤维物质7. intensive [inˈtensiv]adj. 加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的; n. 加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份8. esthetic [es'θetɪk]adj.有关美的;美学的;审美的;悦目的9. gratification [ˌgrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n.满足;满意;喜悦;使人满意之事10. cultivation [ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn]n.教养;栽培;耕作;(关系的)培植11. timber ['tɪmbə(r)]n.木材,木料;(用于建筑或制作物品的)树木;用材林,林场;素质vt.用木料支撑;备以木材12. botany [ˈbɔtəni]n. 植物学;精纺毛纱;细羊毛;13. apply [ə'plaɪ]vt. 应用,运用;申请;涂;敷(药);vi. 申请,请求,适用;适用,适合;专心致志;14. distribution [ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn] n. 分配,分布;[法](无遗嘱死亡者的)财产分配;[无线]频率分布;[电]配电;15. structure [ˈstrʌktʃə(r)]n. 结构;构造;建筑物;体系;vt. 构成,排列;安排;16. classification [ˌklæsɪfɪ'keɪʃn] n. 分类;分级;类别;(动植物等的)分类学;17. impact ['ɪmpækt]n. 碰撞,冲击,撞击;影响;冲击力;vt. 挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; vi. 冲撞,冲击;产生影响;18. visual ['vɪʒʊəl]adj. 视觉的,看得见的;光学的,视力的;形象化的;光学的;n. 画面,图象;19. ornametal本地词典无数据20. olericulture [ˈɔləriˌkʌltʃə]n. 蔬菜栽培,蔬菜园艺;21. pomology [pəʊ'mɒlədʒɪ]n. 果树栽培(学);22. floriculture ['flɔ:rɪkʌltʃə]n. 花艺,栽培花卉;23. landscape ['lændskeɪp]n. 风景;风景画;乡村风景画;地形;vt. 对…做景观美化,给…做园林美化;从事庭园设计;vi. 美化(环境等),使景色宜人;做庭园设计师;24. interiorscaping本地词典无数据25. foliage [ˈfəʊliɪdʒ]n. 植物的叶子(总称),叶子及梗和枝;树叶;26. floral ['flɔ:rəl]adj. 花的,花似的;以花装饰的;植物的,植物群的;花神的;27. potted ['pɒtɪd]adj. 盆栽的,瓶或罐装的,浓缩的;封闭式; 28. bedding [ˈbedɪŋ]n. 寝具;基底,基坑;adj. 适于花坛种植的;v. “bed“的现在分词;29. appeal [ə'pi:l]n. 上诉;[体育]诉请;呼吁;(迫切的)要求(帮助、同情等)恳求;vi. (迫切)要求;有吸引力;求助(于);提请注意;vt. 将…移交上级法院审理;30. appealing [əˈpi:lɪŋ]adj. 吸引人的,令人心动的;恳求的; v. (迫切)要求(appeal的现在分词);将…上诉;31. nursery ['nɜ:sərɪ]n. 婴儿室,幼儿园;苗圃;临时托儿所;温床,滋生地;32. lawn [lɔ:n]n. 草地,草坪;上等细麻布;33. turf [tɜ:f]n. 草皮;泥炭;<非正>地盘,势力范围;赛马场,跑马场;vt. 用草皮覆盖;<英><口>抛出;扔掉;赶走;34. maintenance ['meɪntənəns]n. 维持,保持;保养,保管;维护;维修;35. evolve [ɪ'vɒlv]vt. 使发展;使进化;设计,制订出;发出,散发;vi. 发展;[生]通过进化进程发展或发生;36. manure [məˈnʊə, -ˈnjʊə]n. 肥料,粪便;vt. 施肥;37. legume [ˈlegju:m]n. 豆科植物,豆类蔬菜;38. weed [wi:d]n. 杂草;大麻;废物;烟草;vt. 给…除杂草;除(草);消除;vi. 除草;39. storage [ˈstɔ:rɪdʒ]n. 贮存;贮藏;储藏处,仓库;贮存器,蓄电(瓶);40. botanist [ˈbɒtənɪst]n. 植物学家,研究植物的人;41. herbalist [ˈɜ:bəlɪst, ˈhɜ:-]n. 种草药的人,草药商,草药医生;42. cofounder [kəʊ'faʊndə]n. 共同创办人,共同创始人;43. nomenclature [nəˈmenklətʃə(r)] n. 系统命名法;命名(过程);(某一学科的)术语;专门名称;44. taxonomy [tæk'sɒnəmɪ]n. (生物)分类学,分类系统;45. associate [əˈsəuʃiit]vt. (使)发生联系;(使)联合;结交;联想;vi. 联盟;陪伴同事;n. 合伙人;伴侣,同志;非正式会员; adj. 联合的;合伙的;非正式的;(性质上)有密切联系的;46. deadline ['dedlaɪn]n. 最后期限;截止期限;死线;原稿截止时间;vt. 通过设定一时间期限来统治;47. personnel [ˌpɜ:səˈnel]n. 全体员工;(与复数动词连用)人员,员工;人事部门; 48. get along [ɡet əˈlɔŋ]相处;进展;前进;离去;49. dedication [ˌdedɪ'keɪʃn]n. 奉献;献身精神;教堂的)献堂礼;(书等作品上的)题词;50. adaptation [ˌædæp'teɪʃn]n. 适应,顺应;改编,改编本;适应性的改变;同化;51. annual [ˈænjuəl]adj. 每年的;一年的;[植物]一年生的; n. 年刊;一年生植物;52. petunia [pəˈtju:niə]n. 矮牵牛(花);53. biennial [baɪˈeniəl]adj. (事件)两年一次的;n. 两年生植物;54. perennial [pəˈreniəl]adj. 终年的,长久的;多年生的;不断生长的;四季不断的;n. 多年生植物;长期存在的;55. beet [bi:t]n. 甜菜;甜菜根;糖萝卜;56. poinsettia [ˌpɔɪnˈsetiə]n. 猩猩木;一品红;57. shrub [ʃrʌb]n. 灌木;灌木丛;果汁甜酒;冰果汁水;58. vegetation [ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn]n. 植物(总称),草木;[医]赘生物,增殖体;无所作为的生活,单调的生活;[植]营养体生长,发育;59. persist [pə'sɪst]v. 坚持;固执;存留;继续存在;60. daylily ['deilili]黄花菜;61. hosta [ˈhɔstə]n. 玉簪属植物;62. vine [vaɪn]n. 藤;藤本植物;葡萄树;vi. 形成藤蔓;63. trailing ['treɪlɪŋ]n. 泥浆彩饰;adj. 拖尾的;曳尾的;被拖动的;蔓延的; v. (使某物)被拖在后面( trail的现在分词 );跟踪,追踪;(在比赛等中)输;(尤指跟在他人后面)疲惫地走;64. clematis [ˈklemətis]n. 铁线莲,女萎;[植]女萎属;65. deciduous [dɪˈsɪdʒuəs]adj. (指树木)每年落叶的;66. evergreen ['evəɡri:n]n. 常绿植物,常绿树;常绿树枝;adj. [植] 常绿的;永葆青春的;67. pitch [pɪtʃ]n. 球场;程度;沥青;树脂;倾斜;vt. 用沥青涂;扔,投;树起,搭起;定位于; vi. 抛,扔;[棒球]当投手;搭帐篷;向前跌或冲;68. parenchyma [pə'reŋkɪmə]n. 实质,软组织;主质;69. exodermis [eksəʊ'dɜ:mɪs]n. (根的)外皮层;下皮;70. endodermis [ˌendəuˈdə:mis]n. 内皮;71. pericycle ['perəsaɪkl]n. 中柱鞘; 72. fibril ['faɪbrɪl]n. 小纤维;纤丝;原纤维;根毛;73. root hair [ru:t hɛə]n. 根毛;74. solitary ['sɒlətrɪ]adj. 独自的,独立的;单个的;唯一的;隐居的;n. 独居者,隐士;单独禁闭;75. corymb [ˈkɔrimb]n. 伞状花序;76. chestnut ['tʃesnʌt]n. 栗子;栗色;栗树;栗色马;adj. 栗色的;77. oak [əʊk]n. 栎树;橡木色;栎木,橡木;橡木家具; adj. 栎树的;栎木制的;78. flourish ['flʌrɪʃ]vi. 挥舞;茂盛,繁荣;活跃,蓬勃;vt. 挥动,挥舞;n. 挥舞,挥动;花样,华丽的辞藻;夸张的行为或手势;花式吹奏;79. viability [ˌvaɪə'bɪlətɪ]n. 生存能力,发育能力;生活力;80. hardiness ['hɑ:dɪnəs]n. 耐久力,顽强;81. preferable [ˈprefrəbl]adj. 更好的,更可取的;略胜一筹的;82. grape [ɡreɪp]n. 葡萄;深紫色,葡萄紫;83. wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə]n. 柴藤;84. edible [ˈedəbl]adj. 可以吃的,可食用的;n. 食物;85. aquatic [əˈkwætɪk]adj. 水生的;水产的;水上的;水中(进行)的;n. 水生动植物;水上运动;86. xerophyte ['zɪərəfaɪt]n. 旱生植物;87. soil condition本地词典无数据88. halophyte ['hæləfaɪt]n. 盐土植物;89. acidophyte本地词典无数据90. metalloid [ˈmetlɔɪd]n. 非金属;类似金属;adj. 非金属性的;类似金属性的;91. jojoba [həˈhəʊbə, həʊ-]n. 加州希蒙得木;92. taxa ['tæksə]n. 分类(taxon的复数);分类( taxon的名词复数 );93. division [dɪ'vɪʒn]n. 分开,分隔;[数]除法;部门;[军]师;94. class [klɑ:s]n. 班;等级;阶级;种类;vt. 把…归入某等级,把…看作(或分类、归类);把…编入某一班级;adj. 很好的,优秀的,出色的;vi. 属于…类(或等级),被列为某类(或某级);95. order ['ɔ:də(r)] n. 命令;秩序;规则,制度;次序;vt. 命令;订购;整理;vi. 下订单;96. family ['fæməlɪ]n. 家;家族;(大)家庭(包括父母子女及近亲);语族;adj. 家庭的;一家所有的;属于家庭的;适合全家人的;97. genus [ˈdʒi:nəs]n. (动植物的)属;类;种;型;98. species ['spi:ʃi:z]n. 物种;种类;类型;[逻辑] 个体;99. interbreed [ˌɪntə'bri:d]v. (使)异种交配,(使)混种,(使)杂种繁殖;100. progeny ['prɒdʒənɪ]n. 子孙;后裔;结果;结局;101. organ ['ɔ:ɡən]n. 机构;器官;风琴;元件;102. ovary ['əʊvərɪ]n. [解]卵巢;[植]子房;103. snack [snæk]n. 快餐,点心;加餐;vi. 吃快餐;104. poultry [ˈpəʊltri]n. 〈集合词〉家禽;105. accompaniment [əˈkʌmpənimənt] n. 伴奏;伴随物;106. fructose [ˈfrʌktəʊs]n. 果糖;107. location [ləʊˈkeɪʃn]n. 位置,场所;定位;外景(拍摄地);108. tropical [ˈtrɒpɪkl]adj. 热带的;炎热的;热情的;109. berries ['berɪz]n. 浆果( berry的名词复数 );(葡萄,番茄等)浆果;干果仁;干种子;110. plum [plʌm]n. 李子,李树;李属植物;葡萄干;紫红色; adj. 紫红色的;称心如意的(工作或职位);111. drupe [dru:p]n. 核果;112. perishable [ˈperɪʃəbl]adj. 易腐烂的;易腐败的;易毁灭的;易消亡的;n. 容易腐坏的东西(尤指食品);113. tender ['tendə(r)]adj. 纤弱的;嫩的;温柔的;疼痛的;n. (正式)提出;投标;供应船,联络船;照看者;vt. 正式提出;使变脆弱;<古>温柔地对待;114. fragile ['frædʒaɪl]adj. 易碎的,脆的;虚弱的;115. handle ['hændl]n. (织物、毛皮等的)手感;手柄;举动;柄状物;vi. 操作,操控;容易搬运;vt. 用双手触摸、举起或握住;用手操作,操纵;处理或负责,管理;〈美〉买卖,经营;116. cantaloup ['kæntəlu:p]n. 罗马甜瓜,香瓜,哈密瓜;117. crensha w ['kæntəlu:p][人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克伦肖Crankshaw的变体;[地名] [美国] 克伦肖;118. honeydew ['hʌnɪdjʊ]n. 甘汁,蜜露;119. squash [skwɒʃ]vt. 挤进;将(某人[某物])压扁;使沉默;平定(叛乱等);vi. 挤入;受挤压;发出挤压声;n. (软式)墙网球;南瓜小果(主要种类为笋瓜 winter squash 和西葫芦 summer squash);果汁汽水;拥挤的人群;120. citrus [ˈsitrəs]n. [植]柑橘属果树;柠檬,柑橘;121. grapefruit [ˈgreɪpfru:t]n. 葡萄柚,西柚;葡萄柚树;122. lime [laɪm]n. 酸橙;石灰;绿黄色;椴树;vt. 撒石灰于;涂粘鸟胶于;123. tangerine [ˈtændʒəˈri:n]n. 柑橘,橘红色;橘黄色;蜜柑;蜜橘;124. fig [fɪɡ]n. 无花果;无花果树;125. date [deɪt]n. 日期,日子;约会;时代,年代;(北非和西亚常见的海枣树的)海枣;vt. 过时;使…显老;显示出…时代(或年龄);鉴定…的年代;vt.& vi. 与人约会,相约;vi. 属于某一特定时期;从某时起计算日期;记载日期;注有(或注明)日期;126. papaya [pəˈpaɪə]n. 番木瓜树,番木瓜果;127. pomegranate [ˈpɒmɪgrænɪt]n. 石榴;石榴树;128. passion fruit [ˈpæʃən fru:t] n. 西番莲果;129. broccoli ['brɒkəlɪ]n. 花椰菜;西兰花;130. cauliflower [ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)] n. [植]花椰菜;菜花;131. artichoke [ˈɑ:titʃəuk]n. 朝鲜蓟;洋蓟;洋百合;法国百合;132. avocado [ˌævə'kɑ:dəʊ]n. <植>鳄梨,鳄梨树;暗黄绿色;adj. 暗黄绿色的;133. cucumber [ˈkju:kʌmbə(r)]n. 黄瓜,胡瓜;134. pepper ['pepə(r)]n. 胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉;vt. 在…上撒胡椒粉;使布满;135. lettuce [ˈletɪs]n. 莴苣,生菜;<俚>纸币;136. spinach [ˈspɪnɪtʃ]n. 菠菜;<俚>胡说八道;137. swiss chard [swɪs tʃɑ:d]叶甜菜,唐莴苣(甜菜之一);138. pod [pɒd]n. 荚,豆荚;(飞机的)吊舱;(航天器或船只上可与船只主体分离的)分离舱; vi. 结豆荚;vt. 把(豆等)剥出荚;去荚;139. radish [ˈrædɪʃ]n. (做色拉用的)小萝卜;140. tuber ['tju:bə(r)]n. (植物的)块茎;结节; 141. rhizome [ˈraɪzəʊm]n. 根茎,根状茎;142. stolon ['stəʊlɒn]n. 匍匐枝;长匐茎;143. bulb [bʌlb]n. 球茎,块茎植物;电灯泡;[解剖学]肿块;144. onion ['ʌnjən]n. 洋葱(头);(食物)洋葱,葱头;145. garlic ['ɡɑ:lɪk]n. 大蒜;蒜头;146. celery ['selərɪ]n. 芹菜;香芹粉;芹菜籽;147. fibrous ['faɪbrəs]adj. 含纤维的,纤维性的;148. preventative [prɪ'ventətɪv] adj. 预防性的;149. potassium [pəˈtæsiəm]n. <化>钾;150. folate ['fəʊleɪt]n. 叶酸;151. antioxidant [ˌæntɪ'ɒksɪdənt] n. 抗氧化剂,硬化防止剂;152. flavonoid [ˈfleɪvənɔɪd]n. 类黄酮;153. phytochemical [faɪtəʊ'kemɪkəl] adj. 植物化学的;154. saturated fat [ˈsætʃəreitid fæt](来自肉类和乳类的)饱和脂肪;155. trans fat [ˈsætʃəreitid fæt]n. 反式脂肪酸;156. 不饱和脂肪本地词典无数据157. cholesterol [kəˈlestərɒl]n. 胆固醇;158. lycopene ['laɪkəpi:n]n. 番茄红素;159. cranberries [ˈkrænbəriz]n. <植>越橘( cranberry的名词复数 );160. cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ]n. 甘蓝(洋白菜、卷心菜);<非正式、侮辱>植物人,常用于英式英语;<俚>钱,尤指纸币,常用于美式俚语;<俚>脑袋;161. orientation [ˌɔ:riənˈteɪʃn]n. 方向,定位,取向,排列方向;任职培训;(外交等的)方针[态度]的确定;环境判定;162. principle [ˈprɪnsəpl]n. 原则,原理;准则,道义;道德标准;本能;163. ratio ['reɪʃɪəʊ]n. 比,比率;比例;系数;vt. 求出比值,除,使…成比例;将(相片)按比例放大[缩小];164. kidney bean [ˈkidni bi:n]n. 菜豆,四季豆,云豆;165. beta carotene [ˈbi:təˈkærəti:n] [医]β-胡萝卜素:紫外线屏蔽剂,C 40H 56;166. bioflavonoid [baɪɒ'flevəˌnɔɪd] n. 生物类黄酮,维生素P; 167. allicin ['ɔ:laɪsɪn]n. 蒜素;168. indole ['ɪndəʊl]n. 吲哚;169. chive [tʃaɪv]n. 细洋葱;170. scallion [ˈskæliən]n. 青葱;冬葱;大葱;韭菜;171. leek [li:k]n. 韭葱;172. inhibit [ɪn'hɪbɪt]v. 抑制;禁止;173. lutein ['lu:tɪɪn]n. 叶黄素,黄体制剂;174. zeaxanthin [zɪə'zænθɪn]n. 玉米黄质;175. kiwi ['ki:wi:]n. [动]鹬鸵,几维鸟,新西兰特产,喙长,无翼,不能飞(也是新西兰的国鸟及象征);[植]猕猴桃,奇异果;新西兰人;[植]猕猴桃藤,奇异果藤;adj. 〈非正式〉与新西兰或新西兰人有关的;176. anthocyanin [ˌænθə'saɪənɪn] n. 花青素,花色醣苔;177. phenolic [fɪ'nɒlɪk]adj. 酚的,石碳酸的;178. procedure [prəˈsi:dʒə(r)]n. 程序,手续;工序,过程,步骤;诉讼程序,(议会的)议事程序;〈罕〉进行;179. properly [ˈprɔpəlɪ]adv. 适当地;恰当地;正确地;完全,非常;180. store [stɔ:(r)]n. 商店;贮存物;仓库;大量;v. 贮存;(在计算机里)存储;181. unpeel [ˈʌnˈpi:l]v. 削…的皮;182. emit [ɪ'mɪt]vt. 发出;发射;颁布;发表;183. ethylene [ˈeθɪli:n]n. 乙烯;乙撑;184. refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r)] n. 冰箱;冷藏库;制冰机,冷冻机;185. rhizosphere ['raɪzəˌsfɪr]n. 根围(指围绕植物根系在土壤中的一个区域);186. derive [dɪ'raɪv]vt.& vi. 得到,导出;源于,来自;(从…中)提取;187. appear [ə'pɪə(r)]vi. 出现,显现;出庭,出场;演出;发表;188. anchor ['æŋkə(r)]n. 锚;锚状物;靠山;压阵队员;vt. 抛锚,抛锚泊船;使固定,使稳固;使稳定;在…任节目主持人;vi. 抛锚,停泊;固定;[体]任主要运动员;主持节目;adj. 最后一棒的,末捧的;189. dicot ['daɪkɒt]n. 双子叶植物;190. monocot ['mɒnəkɒt]n. 单子叶植物;191. parallel ['pærəlel]adj. 平行的;相同的,类似的;[电]并联的;[计]并行的;adv. 平行地,并列地;n. 平行线(面);相似物;类比;纬线; vt. 使平行;与…媲美;与…相比;与…相似;192. coarse [kɔ:s]adj. 粗鄙的;粗糙的;粗野的;粗制滥造的;193. taproot [ˈtæpru:t]n. (植物的)主根,直根;194. adventitious root本地词典无数据195. aerial root [ˈɛəriəl ru:t]气生根;196. aerating [eə'reɪtɪŋ]v. 使暴露于空气中,使充满气体( aerate 的现在分词 );197. mangrove ['mæŋɡrəʊv]n. 红树属树木,海榄雌;198. sepal [ˈsepl]n. 萼片;199. petals [petlz]n. 花瓣( petal的名词复数 );200. stamen [ˈsteɪmən]n.雄蕊201. filament [ˈfɪləmənt]n.[印,纺]长丝,单纤维;[电]灯丝,丝极,游丝;细丝,丝状体;[植](雄蕊的)花丝202. anther [ˈænθə(r)]n.花药203. stigma ['stɪɡmə]n.耻辱,污名;烙印;(病的)特征;[植] 柱头204. style [staɪl]n.方式;样式;时髦;仪表,品位vt.设计;称呼;为…造型vi.使符合流行式样;用刻刀作装饰画205. perianth ['perɪænθ]n.花被;蒴苞206. corolla [kə'rɒlə]n.花冠207. calyx ['keɪlɪks]n.花萼;盏;盂;杯状部(或腔)208. ovule [ˈɒvju:l]n.胚珠,卵子;原卵209. self pollination [self pɔlɪˈneɪʃn]自花传粉,自花受精210. cross pollination [krɔs pɔlɪˈne ɪʃn]异花授粉211. hybrid ['haɪbrɪd]n.杂种;杂交生成的生物体;混合物;混合词adj.混合的;杂种的212. fertilization [ˌfɜ:təlaɪ'zeɪʃn] n.施肥;受精,受精过程,受精行为[现象];受孕;受胎213. double fertilization [ˈdʌbl ˌf ə:tilaiˈzeiʃən]双受精作用214. embryo [ˈembriəʊ]n.生胚,胚胎;胚芽;初期215. fleshy fruit [ˈfleʃi fru:t]肉质果216. dry fruit [drai fru:t]干果217. seed coat [si:d kəut]种皮218. endosperm [ˈendəuspə:m]n.胚乳219. dormant state [ˈdɔ:mənt steit] 休止状态220. emerge [ɪ'mɜ:dʒ]vi.出现,浮现;暴露;摆脱221. regional climate [ˈri:dʒənəl ˈklaimit]区域性气候222. microclimate [ˈmaɪkrəʊklaɪmət] n.小气候(指森林、城市、洞穴等局部地区的气候)223. humidity [hju:ˈmɪdəti]n.(空气中的)湿度;潮湿,高温潮湿;湿热;[物]湿度224. elevation [ˌelɪ'veɪʃn]n.高处,高地,高度,海拔,(枪炮的)仰角,射角;升级,上进,向上;高尚;[建]正视图,立视图225. moisture ['mɔɪstʃə(r)]n.水分;湿气;潮湿;降雨量226. moisture stress [ˈmɔistʃə stres] 水应力227. vernalization [ˌvɜ:nəlɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 开花结实促进法,种子促熟法;春化228. induce [inˈdju:s]vt. 引诱;引起;[电]感应;归纳229. thermoperiodism [ˌθə:məuˈpiəri ədizəm]n. (尤指植物的)温周期现象;温变周期性;温期现象230. stratification [ˌstrætəfɪˈkeɪʃən]n. 层理;成层;层化;分层231. temperature stress [ˈtempəritʃəstres]温度应力232. sunscald ['sʌnskɔ:ld]n.晒伤,日灼病;日烧伤233. intensity [ɪn'tensətɪ]n.强烈;(感情的)强烈程度;强度;烈度234. quality ['kwɒlətɪ]n.质量,品质;美质,优点;才能,能力,技能,素养;品种adj.优质的,高质量的;上流社会的235. daylength ['deɪleŋθ]昼长236. germination [ˌdʒɜ:mɪ'neɪʃn]n.萌芽,发生;萌发;生芽;催芽237. dormancy ['dɔ:mənsɪ]n.睡眠,冬眠,隐匿238. pigment ['pɪɡmənt]n.颜料,色料;[生]色素vt.给…着色vi.呈现颜色239. molecule [ˈmɒlɪkju:l]n.分子;微小颗粒240. phytochrome ['faɪtəʊkrəʊm]n.(植物的)光敏色素241. photoperiodism [fəʊtəʊ'pɪərɪədɪzm]n.暴露于阳光而产生的反应242. insect [ˈɪnsekt]n.虫,昆虫;卑鄙的人;微贱的人,小人adj.昆虫的;卑劣的243. microorganism [ˌmaɪkrəʊ'ɔ:gənɪz əm]n.微生物244. growing medium生长基质;生长介质245. vermiculite [vɜ:'mɪkjʊˌlaɪt] n.蛭石246. perlite ['pɜ:laɪt]n.珍珠岩247. peat moss [pi:t mɔs]n.泥煤苔(泥煤的主成分)248. sphagnum [ˈsfægnəm]n.泥炭藓块(用于包装等)249. leaf mold [li:f məuld]n. 腐叶土壤,叶霉病,(导致叶霉病的)霉菌250. hydroponic [ˌhaɪdrə'pɒnɪk] adj.溶液培养的251. leach [li:tʃ]vi.术(将化学品、矿物质等)过滤vt.(液体)过滤,滤去n.过滤;过滤器252. volatilization [ˌvɒlətɪlaɪ'zeɪʃən]n.挥发,发散253. denitrification [di:ˌnaɪtrɪfɪ'ke ɪʃn]n.反硝化作用,脱硝作用,脱氮作用254. photosynthesis [ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθəs ɪs]n.光合作用,光能合成255. fertigation [fɜ:tɪ'ɡeɪʃən]n.滴灌施肥256. clay [kleɪ]n.黏土,泥土;(相对于灵魂而言的)人体,肉体;似黏土的东西;克莱(男子名,Clayton 的昵称)vt.用黏土处理[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 克莱地貌名称,或职业名称,黏土坑工人,来源于古英语,含义是“黏土”(clay);[男子名] 克莱Clayton的昵称;[地名] [美国] 克莱257. profile ['prəʊfaɪl]n.侧面,半面;外形,轮廓;[航]翼型;人物简介vt.描…的轮廓;给…画侧面图;为(某人)写传略;[机]铣出…的轮廓258. propagation [ˌprɒpə'ɡeɪʃn]n.传播,传输,蔓延,扩展,波及深度;〔生〕繁殖法,〔地〕传导;宣传;培养259. sexual propagation [ˈseksjuəl ˌprɔpəˈgeɪʃən]有性繁殖260. asexual propagation [eiˈseksjuəl ˌprɔpəˈgeɪʃən]无性繁殖[生殖]261. sprout [spraʊt]vi.发芽;抽芽vt.使发芽;使生长n.幼芽,新梢;[植]球芽甘蓝;幼苗状物,年轻人;美俚〉后代262. stem cutting [stem ˈkʌtɪŋ]枝插263. cutting ['kʌtɪŋ]adj.锋利的,锐利的;刺骨的,像刀割似的;讽刺的,挖苦的n.切割;剪报,剪辑;[园]插枝;开凿v.切开(cut的现在分词);削减;采伐264. layering [ˈleiəriŋ]n. 压条法;成层;分层265. tissue culture [ˈtisju: ˈkʌltʃə] n.组织培养,体素培养266. grafting ['grɑ:ftɪŋ]n.嫁接法,移植法v.农移植( graft的现在分词 );嫁接;使(思想、制度等)成为(…的一部份);植根267. hormone ['hɔ:məʊn]n.荷尔蒙;激素268. dipping [ˈdipiŋ]n. 浸渍,蘸;adj. (可)调好近光的;v. 浸( dip的现在分词 );(把烛芯浸在融蜡里)制造(蜡烛);把(汽车前灯)的远光调为近光;洗药水浴269. fungicide [ˈfʌndʒisaid]n. 杀真菌剂270. herbaceous [hɜ:ˈbeɪʃəs]adj.草本的;叶状的271. bulbs [bʌlbz]n.球茎( bulb的名词复数 );电灯泡;(植物)鳞茎272. corm [kɔ:m]n.球茎,球根273. sucker ['sʌkə(r)]n.[动]吸盘;吸管;乳儿,吮吸者;[鱼](有吸盘的)胭脂鱼类vt.从…除去吸根;[植]生出徒长枝vi.成为吸根;长出根出条274. graft [ɡrɑ:ft]n. 移植;嫁接;渎职;贪污,受贿;vt. 移植;嫁接,接枝;贪污;用嫁接法种植;vi. 移植;贪污;受贿;嫁接;275. budding ['bʌdɪŋ]adj. 正发芽的;开始发育的;初露头角的;新获得成功的;n. 发芽,含苞;[植]芽接(法),(出)芽(繁)殖;v. “bud”的现在分词;276. genetically [dʒə'netɪklɪ]adv.创始;遗传学;生殖;基因277. gmo [ˌdʒi:em'əʊ]n.[医][=garamycin ointment]庆大霉素油膏278. genetically modified organism [d ʒe'netikəli ˈmɔdifaid ˈɔ:ɡənizəm]转基因组织279. algal bloom [ˈælɡəl blu:m]藻花;水华280. chemical pest control [ˈkemikəl pest kənˈtrəul][化] 化学防治(病虫害)281. resistance [rɪ'zɪstəns]n.抵抗;阻力;抗力;电阻282. chain [tʃeɪn] n.链子,链条;连锁,连续;拘束;连锁店或旅馆系列的事物vt.用铁链锁住;监禁,束缚283. interfere [ˌɪntə'fɪə(r)]vi.干预,干涉;调停,排解;妨碍,打扰284. calcium ['kælsɪəm]n.化钙285. metabolism [məˈtæbəlɪzəm]n.新陈代谢;代谢作用286. incubation [ˌɪŋkjuˈbeɪʃn]n.孵卵;孵化;医,生(传染病的)潜伏期;生(细菌等的)繁殖287. pharmaceutical [ˌfɑ:mə'su:tɪkl] adj.制药的,配药的n.药物288. beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ]n.饮料289. bacteria [bækˈtiəriə]n. 细菌(bacterium的名词复数)290. diagnostics [ˌdaɪəg'nɒstɪks] n.诊断学291. research [rɪ'sɜ:tʃ]n.研究,追究;探讨,探测;调查;探索vi.做研究;探究;(从市场调研中)得出所预测的结果vt.从事…的研究,为…而做研究292. sweetness [ˈswi:tnəs]n.甜蜜;美妙;芳香;可爱293. vaccine ['væksi:n]n.疫苗,痘苗adj.痘苗的,疫苗的294. scion [ˈsaɪən]n. 接穗,幼枝;(尤指富家)子孙;295. cleft [kleft]n. 裂缝;裂口;cleave的过去式和过去分词;进退维谷;v. 劈开,剁开,割开( cleave的过去式和过去分词 );296. rootstock [ru:ts'tɒk]n. 根茎;初生主根;根砧木;根源;297. chisel ['tʃɪzl]n. 凿子,錾子;<俚>诈骗;vt.& vi. 凿,雕;錾,镌;欺骗;钻进;298. affinity [ə'fɪnətɪ]n. 密切关系,姻亲关系;(男女之间的)吸引力,吸引人的异性;类同;类似,近似;299. mallet ['mælɪt]n. 木槌;长柄球棍;大锤;300. saw [sɔ:]n. 锯;谚语,格言;vt.& vi. 往复移动;锯成;用锯;拉锯; v. 看见( see的过去式);观看;领会;考虑;301. cuticle [ˈkju:tɪkl]n. (手指甲或脚趾甲根部的)外皮;302. epidermis [ˌepɪˈdɜ:mɪs]n. 表皮;303. alburnum [ælˈbə:nəm]n. 边材;液材;304. ligature ['lɪɡətʃə(r)]n. 带子;绷带;<音>集结音符;<印>连体字母;305. intimate ['ɪntɪmət]adj. 亲密的,亲近的;私人的,个人的;内部的;直接的; n. 至交;密友;v. 暗示,提示;宣布,通知;306. cambium ['kæmbɪəm]n. 形成层,新生组织;307. stub [stʌb]n. 树桩;铅笔头,烟蒂;票根,存根;vt. 使(脚趾)碰到某物;捻灭(香烟,雪茄等);连根拔出;308. mouldy [ˈməʊldi]adj. 发霉的;破旧的;309. intervention [ˌɪntə'venʃn]n. 介入,干涉,干预;调解,排解;310. severance ['sevərəns]n. 切断;断绝;割断;离职金;311. thorn [θɔ:n]n. 刺;棘刺,荆棘;带刺的植物;刺痛;312. dwarf [dwɔ:f]n. 侏儒,矮子;矮小的动物(植物);[天]矮星;vt. (使)显得矮小;使(发育,智能等)受阻碍;使相形见绌;vi. 变矮小;adj. 矮小的;313. undesirable [ˌʌndɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 不受欢迎的,讨厌的;不合需要的;不方便的;不良的;n. 不受欢迎的人;不良分子;。

园艺英语试题及答案详解一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. Which of the following is not a type of pruning technique?A. PinchingB. HeadingC. TrimmingD. Grafting答案:C2. The process of removing dead or diseased parts of a plant is called:A. PruningB. GraftingC. PollinationD. Budding答案:A3. What is the term for a plant that is grown from a seed?A. CuttingB. SeedlingC. BulbD. Tuber答案:B4. Which of the following is not a benefit of composting?A. Reduces wasteB. Improves soil structureC. Increases soil salinityD. Provides nutrients for plants答案:C5. What is the term for a plant that is grown from a part of the plant itself, such as a stem or leaf?A. SeedlingB. CuttingC. BulbD. Rhizome答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. The main parts of a flower are the __________, petals, and stamen.答案:reproductive2. A __________ is a type of plant propagation where a new plant is grown from a part of the parent plant.答案:cutting3. The process of converting sunlight into chemical energy that can be used by plants is called __________.答案:photosynthesis4. __________ is the practice of growing plants in a controlled environment, such as a greenhouse.答案:Hydroponics5. The __________ is the underground part of a plant that stores food and nutrients.答案:root三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between annuals and perennials.答案:Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle inone growing season, while perennials are plants that live for more than two years and return year after year.2. Describe the role of fertilizers in plant growth.答案:Fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants,which are necessary for their growth and development. They contain elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which help in leaf growth, root development, and overallplant health.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the importance of watering plants appropriatelyand how it affects plant health.答案:Watering plants appropriately is crucial for theirhealth as it directly affects their growth, development, and overall survival. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other diseases, while underwatering can cause wilting and stunted growth. The right amount of water, along with proper drainage, ensures that plants receive the necessary hydration without being subjected to waterlogged conditions.2. Explain the concept of plant hardiness and itssignificance in gardening.答案:Plant hardiness refers to a plant's ability to withstand cold temperatures without damage. It is a significant factor in gardening as it helps gardeners choose plants that are suitable for their region's climate. Understanding a plant's hardiness zone allows for successful cultivation and prevents the loss of plants due to temperature extremes.。

专业英语词汇1. horticultural landscape: 园林2. medieval:[,medi'i:vəl, ,mi:-]中世纪的;3. garden crops:园艺作物;4. agronomy:[ə'ɡrɔnəmi]农艺学;5. grain:[ɡrein]谷物;6. forage:['fɔridʒ]饲料;草料;搜索7. forestry:['fɔristri]林学;林业8. ornamental:[,ɔ:nə'mentəl]观赏植物9. spice:[spais]香料10. medicinal:[me'disinəl]药用的,有治疗力的;11. in the living state:活体状态;鲜活状态12. tobacco:烟草13. intensively cultivated:集约耕作;集约栽植14. pine tree:松树15. timber:木材;木料16. pulp:果肉17. extensive agriculture:粗放农业18. acre:['eikə] 英亩19. grove:小树丛20. nursery stock:苗木。
定植苗,幼苗21. fertilisation:施肥;受精22. pruning:修剪23. suburban real estate:郊区楼盘24. sugary:含糖的,甜的25. maize:玉米26. seed-single-cross:种子单交27. hybrid:杂种28. spray:喷雾29. sweet corn:甜玉米30. aesthetic gratification:审美的满足[i:s'θetik]31. pomology: [pəu'mǤlədȢi, pǤ-]:果树栽培学32. olericulture: ['ɔləri,kʌltʃə]蔬菜栽培学33. floriculture: ['flɔ:ri,kʌltʃə]花卉学34. landscape horticulture:园林园艺35. mutually exclusive:['mju:tʃuəli, -tjuəli]相互排斥的36. oriental poppy:东方罂粟37. pyrethrum: [paiə'ri:θrəm, -'re-] n. [农药] 除虫菊;除虫菊杀虫剂38. pharmacological: [,fɑ:məkə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 药理学的39. refinement:[ri'fainmənt] n. 精制;提纯;文雅40. botany: ['bɔtəni] n. 植物学;地区植物总称41. phase:局面;状态42. woody perennial:[pə'reniəl] 多年生木本植物43. planting:n. 栽培,种植;花圃v.播种;安置;移植(plant的ing形式)44. severe weather:恶劣天气;风雨交加的天气;剧烈天气45. encroachment: [in'krəutʃmənt] n. 侵蚀;侵入,侵犯46. concrete: vt. 用混凝土修筑;使凝固n. 凝结物;具体物47. steel:钢筋48. trees and shrubs:乔木和灌木49. machinery:[mə'ʃi:nəri] n. 机械;机器;机构;机械装置50. inherent:固有的,天生的51. fertilizer: n. 肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展52. agriculture:n. 农业;农艺,农学= agronomy [ə'ɡrɔnəmi] n. 农学;农艺学;农业经济学53. nutrition:n. 营养,营养学;营养品54. expanding industry:扩展中产业部门55. annual farm receipt:每年农场收入56. annual:一年生植物57. attributable [ə'tribjutəbl] adj. 可归于…的;可归属的58. retail value:['ri:teil]零售额59. process:['prəuses, 'prɔ-]处理;加工60. market:在市场上出售61. fortune:['fɔ:tʃən, -tʃu:n] n. 运气;财富;命运vt. 给予财富vi. 偶然发生62. individual crop:个别作物63. fresh vegetable:新鲜蔬菜64. per capita consumption:人均消费65. lettuce:['letis] n. 莴苣;生菜;(美)纸币66. celery:n. 芹菜67. starch root crop:淀粉作物根68. citrus fruit:['sitrəs] n. 柑橘属果树;柑橘类的植物adj. 柑橘属植物的69. fresh-equivalent:[i'kwivələnt]同等新鲜的70. historical perspective:历史展望71. primitive society:原始社会72. sustenance:['sʌstenəns] n. 生计;食物;支持73. era:['iərə, 'εərə] n. 时代;年代;纪元74. gene synthesis:['sinθisis]基因合成75. genetic code deciphered:遗传密码破译76. isolation of phytochrome: ['faitəu,krəum]( n. [植][生化] 光敏色素;植物色素)色素的分离77. mechanical harvesting:机械收割78. plastic films:塑料薄膜79. radiation preservation:辐射保鲜80. polyploid and mutation breeding:多倍体和诱变育种81. organic phosphate pesticide: [ɔ:'ɡænik] adj. 有机的;器官的;组织的;根本的['fɔsfeit] n. [化]磷酸盐;[地]皮膜化成['pestisaid]n. 杀虫剂有机磷酸盐农药有机磷酸盐农药有机磷酸盐农药有机磷酸盐农药82. weed:vt. 除草;铲除n. 杂草,野草;菸草vi. 除草83. tissue culture:组织培养;体素培养84. culture ['kʌltʃə] n. 文化,文明;修养;栽培vt. 培养(等于cultivate)85. auxin: ['ɔ:ksin] n. [生化]植物生长素;植物激素86. respiration cycle:[,respə'reiʃən] n. 呼吸;呼吸作用呼吸循环呼吸循环呼吸循环呼吸循环????87. hybrid corn:[美国英语]杂交种玉米88. photoperiodism: [,fəutə'piəriədizəm] n. [农学] 光周期现象(=photoperiodicity);[生物] 光周期性(=photoperiodicity)89. gasoline powered tractor:烧汽油的拖拉机['ɡæsəli:n]90. essential element :基本元素必需元素91. cyclopedia:百科全书92. laws of heredity: [hi'rediti]遗传律93. plant pathology:植物病理学[亦作phytopathology] [pə'θɔlədʒi] [,faitəupə'θɔlədʒi] 94. modern plow:[plau] 现代耕作95. reaper:['ri:pə] n. 收割者;收割机;收获者96. canning:n. 罐头制造;装罐v.把食物等装罐(can的ing形式)adj. 罐头加工的;装罐头的97. gardens of Versailles:[vεə'sai] n. 凡尔赛(法国城市)凡尔赛花园98. microscope:显微镜99. importation:进口100. species ['spi:ʃi:z; -si:z] n. 物种;种类adj. [生物]物种上的101. monastery garden:['mɔnəstəri] n. 修道院;僧侣;寺庙102. herb【植物学】草本植物;草103. legume rotation: ['leɡju:m] n. 豆类;豆科植物;豆荚[rəu'teiʃən]【农业】轮种,轮作104. Theophrastus: [,θi:ə'fræstəs; ,θiə-] 泰奥弗拉斯托斯(约公元前372~约前287,古希腊哲学家、自然科学家105. hanging garden of Babylon:古巴比伦的空中花园106. cultivar: ['kʌltivɑ:] n. 培育植物;栽培变种107. grafting: 【园艺学】嫁接108. irrigation: [,iri'ɡeiʃən] 灌溉109. crop plant:作物;农作物110. domestication: [dəu,mestikeiʃən] n. 驯养;教化;培育111. Neolithic age [,ni:əu'liθik] 新石器时代112. accumulation:[ə,kju:mju'leiʃən] n. 积聚,累积;堆积物113. surplus:n. 过剩;盈余;剩余;顺差adj.剩余的;过剩的114. specialist:专家artisan:[,ɑ:ti'zæn, 'ɑ:tizən] n. 工匠,技工115. clerk:[klɑ:k, klə:k]职员116. priest:[pri:st] n. 牧师;神父;教士vt. 使成为神职人员;任命…为祭117. plant body::::植物体flowering plant:有花植物,显花植物118. extreme diversity:极端多样性119. size and structure:大小和结构120. essential similarities:基本相似121. air-borne root:气生根122. orchid:['ɔ:kid]兰花;淡紫色;兰科植物123. swollen root:['swəulən]膨胀根124. sweet potato:红薯125. superficial:[,sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的;肤浅的126. functionally:功能地127. morphological:[,mɔ:fə'lɔdʒikəl] adj.形态的;形态学的[亦作morphologic] 128. underground:地下的;秘密的;先锋派的129. shoot:芽;苞;苗;嫩枝嫩枝嫩枝嫩枝130. stem:1. (植物的)茎2. (树木的)干3. (叶、花、果的)柄4. 叶柄;花梗131. enlarged portion:膨大部分132. node:[nəud] n. 节点;瘤;叉点133. significant modification:显著变异134. miniature leafy:微型叶135. bud:芽,萌芽;蓓蕾136. microscopic:[,maikrə'skɔpik] adj. 用显微镜可见的;微观的137. component: [kəm'pəunənt] adj. 组成的,构成的n. 成分;元件;组件138. cell:【植物学】子房室;花粉囊;孢子囊【生物学】细胞139. structure unit:结构单元140. cytology:[sai'tɔlədʒi] n. [生]细胞学141. multicellular organism:[,mʌlti'seljulə] adj. [生物] 多细胞的;多空隙的['ɔ:ɡənizəm] n. 有机体;生物体;微生物多细胞生物142. integrated collection:['intiɡreitid] adj. 综合的;完整的;互相协调的统一体?143. synchronisation: [,siŋkrənai'zeiʃən, sin-, -ni'z-] n. 同步;同一时刻;同时发生144. co-ordination: n. 协调;配合145. entity: ['entəti] n. 实体;存在;本质146. spherical: ['sferikəl, 'sfiə-] adj. 球形的,球面的;天体的147. polyhedral: [,pɔli'hi:drəl, -'he-] adj. [数] 多面的;[数] 多面体的148. ameboidal:149. tubular: ['tju:bjulə] adj. 管状的150. fiber:纤维151. staining:['steiniŋ] 【微生物学】着色,染色152. nucleus:['nju:kliəs] 【植物学】籽仁【生物学】细胞核153. cell wall:[细胞] 细胞壁,胞壁;格式壁154. cytoplasm: ['saitəuplæzəm] n. [细胞] 细胞质155. organelle: [,ɔ:ɡə'nel]n. [细胞] 细胞器;细胞器官156. plastid: ['plæstid] n. 质体;色素体;成形粒157. mitochondria: [,maitəu'kɔndriə] n. 线粒体(mitochondrion的复数)158. vacuole: ['vækjuəul] n. [细胞] 液泡;[地质] 空泡159. crystal: crystal ['kristəl] 水晶;结晶,晶体;水晶饰品160. starch grain:淀粉粒161. oil droplet:['drɔplit]油滴162. substance:n. 物质;实质;主旨;资产163.protoplasm: ['prəutəu,plæzəm] n. 原生质;原浆;细胞质164. fresh weight:鲜重165. organic and inorganic substances:有机和无机物质166. dissolved:adj. 溶解的;溶化的v.使溶解;使溶化(dissolve的过去分词)167. salt:盐168. carbohydrate:[,kɑ:bəu'haidreit] n. 糖类;碳水化合物169. colloidal state:[kə'lɔidəl] adj. 胶体的;胶质的;胶状的胶状胶状胶状胶状170. protein:['prəuti:n, -ti:in] n. 蛋白质;朊171. n. 蛋白质;朊172. physiological activity:[,fiziə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 生理学的,生理的生理行为生理行为生理行为生理行为173. vital process:['vaitəl] adj. 生死攸关的;至关重要的;有活力的['prəuses, 'prɔ-]过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移174. photosynthesis:[,fəutə'sinθəsis] n. [化]光合作用175. plasma membrane:质膜;浆膜(等于cell membrane)['plæzmə] ['membrein] 176. permeable:['pə:miəbl] adj. 能透过的;有渗透性的177. solute and solvent: 溶质和溶剂178.semipermeable:[,semi'pə:miəbl, ,semai-] adj. 半渗透的179. lipoprotein:[,lipəu'prəutin, lai-] n. [生化] 脂蛋白180. elasticity:[,elæs'tisəti] n. 弹性;弹力;灵活性181. permeability: [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫;渗透性182. fatty substance:脂肪物质183. ultramicroscopic:超倍显微镜的184. thickness:厚度185. plasmolyzed cell: ['plæzməlaiz] 质壁分离的细胞186. electron microscope:电子显微镜187. structural definition:结构的含义188. permeate:['pə:mieit] vt. 弥漫;渗透,透过vi. 透入;弥漫;散布189. internal membrane:【生物学】内膜190.external membrane:外膜191.endoplasmic reticulum: 细胞] 内质网[,endəu'plæzmik] adj. 内质的[ri'tikjuləm] n. [天]网罟座(南天的星座);网状组织,网状质;蜂巢胃192.affinity: [ə'finəti] 亲和性193. dye: n. 染料;染色vt. 染;把…染上颜色vi. 被染色194. conspicuous feature: [kən'spikjuəs]:显著特征195. stained cell:被染色的细胞196. chromosome:['krəuməsəum] n. 染色体(形容词chromosomal,副词chromosomally)197. deoxyribonucleic acid: [di:'ɔksi,raibəu'nju:kli:ik] adj. 脱氧核糖核的DNA 脱氧核糖脱氧核糖脱氧核糖脱氧核糖核酸核酸核酸核酸198. punch card:穿孔卡片(等于punched card)199.ribonucleic acid:RNA [,raibəunju:'kli:ik, -'klei-] [生化] 核糖核酸200. protein synthesis : [生化] 蛋白质合成['sinθisis]201. particle:: ['pɑ:tikl] n. 颗粒;质点;极小量;小品词202. ribosome: n. 核糖体203. metabolic and morphological feature: [,metə'bɔlik,-kəl] adj. 新陈代谢的;变化的[,mɔ:fə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 形态学的代谢和形态特征代谢和形态特征代谢和形态特征代谢和形态特征204. organism:['ɔ:ɡənizəm] n. 有机体;生物体;微生物205. hereditary bridge:[hi'reditəri]遗传桥梁206. deposit: [di'pɔzit]沉淀物207. secretion:[si'kri:ʃən] 分泌物208. compound:化合物209. polysaccharide material: [,pɔli'sækəraid, -rid]多糖物质210. long-chain unit:长链单位211. simple sugar:【化学】单糖212. glucose: ['ɡlu:kəus] n. 葡萄糖;葡糖(等于dextrose)213. lignin: ['liɡnin] n. [木] 木质素214. pectin: ['pektin] n. [生化] 果胶;胶质215. cellulose: ['seljuləus] n. 纤维素;(植物的)细胞膜质216. unbranched polymer: ['pɔlimə] n. [化]聚合物没有分枝的聚合物没有分枝的聚合物没有分枝的聚合物没有分枝的聚合物?!?!?!?!217. molecule:['mɔlikjul] n. 分子;微小颗粒,微粒218. hemicellulose: [,hemi'seljuləus] n. [林] 半纤维素219. monosaccharide unit: [,mɔnəu'sækəraid; -rid]单糖单元220. derivative:[di'rivətiv] 衍生物,派生物221. combustible:[kəm'bʌstəbl] 易燃的;易激动的;燃烧性的222. indigestible: [,indi'dʒestəbl, in'dai-] adj. 难消化的;难理解的223. enzyme: ['enzaim] n. 酶224. bond: 化学键(= chemical bond) 225. bacteria: [bæk'tiəriə] n. 细菌226. ruminant: ['ru:minənt] adj. 反刍的;沉思的n. 反刍动物227. digestive tract: 消化道228. fermentation: [,fə:men'teiʃən] n. 发酵229. decomposition: [,di:kɔmpə'ziʃən] n. 分解,腐烂;变质230. host animal:寄主动物231. phenolic acid:[有化] 酚酸;酚醛酸[fi'nɔlik]232. lignifications: [,liɡnifi'keiʃən] n. 木质化;[植] 木化;[生化] 木质化作用233. inelastic: [,ini'læstik] adj. 无弹性的;无适应性的;不能适应的234. microbial deposition: [mai'krəubiəl] adj. 微生物的;由细菌引起的[,depə'ziʃən] n. 矿床;沉积物;革职微生物沉淀微生物沉淀微生物沉淀微生物沉淀235. yellowing: 黄化236. wood pulp: [纸] 木浆;木纤维;木质纸浆237. manufacture: 制造;制造业;产品238. acidic polysaccharide:酸性多糖酸性多糖酸性多糖酸性多糖239. water-soluble polymer ['wɔ:tə,sɔlju'bl; 'wɔ-]可溶于水的['pɔlimə] n. [化]聚合物水溶性水溶性水溶性水溶性聚合物聚合物聚合物聚合物240. galacturonic acid【生物化学】半乳糖醛酸241. sols and gels: [dʒel]溶胶和凝胶242. solidifying agent:固化剂243. jam:果酱244. jelly: 果冻;胶状物245. distinct layers:明显的分层246. middle lamella: [lə'melə]【生物学】中胶层,胞间层,中层247. pectinacious material:248. intercellular: [,intə'seljulə] adj. [细胞] 在细胞间的249. slimy nature rotted fruit:['slaimi] 分泌黏液的;覆有黏液的[rɔt] 腐烂;腐败;腐坏腐坏了然后处于分泌黏状物状态的水果?250. fungal organism:fungal ['fʌŋɡəl] adj. 真菌的(等于fungous)真菌生物真菌生物真菌生物真菌生物251. primary cell wall:初生细胞壁252. pectic compound:果胶的化合物253. secondary cell wall:次生细胞壁254. a mechanical function:某种机械(支撑)作用255. pierce:[piəs] 刺穿;洞察;响彻;深深地打动256. cytoplasmic strand [,saitəu'plæzmik] adj. 细胞质的[strænd] n. 海滨;线;串胞间连胞间连胞间连胞间连丝丝丝丝257. plasmodesmata: n. 胞间连丝(plasmodesma的复数形式)258. pit:凹陷259. disk-shaped:叠状的260. pigment:色素261. leucoplast ['lju:kəuplæst] n. [植] 白色体262. chromoplast: ['krəuməplæst] n. 成色素细胞;色素母细胞263. mature cell: [mə'tjuə]成熟细胞264. chlorophyll ['klɔrəfil] n. 叶绿素265. chloroplast: ['klɔ:rəuplæst] n. 叶绿体266. carbon dioxide: [无化] 二氧化碳['k ɑ:bən] [dai'ɔksaid]267. carbon-containing compound:含碳化合物268. spinach: ['spinidʒ, -itʃ] n. 菠菜269. grana: ['ɡrænə, 'ɡreinə] n. 基粒(granum的复数形式)270. thylakoid: ['θailəkɔid] n. [植] 类囊体(植物叶绿体中的蛋白质和脂肪膜皮,光合化学作用在此进行)271. stroma: ['strəumə] 基质272. self-replication: ['self,repli'leiʃən] 【生物化学】自我复制273. pre-existing adj. 先已存在的;原始的274. mitochondria:[,maitəu'kɔndriə] n. 线粒体(mitochondrion的复数)275. dense:稠密的276. granule:['ɡrænju:l] n. 颗粒277. phospholipid: [,fɔsfə'lipid, -'lai-] n. [生化] 磷脂278. enzymatic activity: 酶活性;酶活力279. oxidative metabolism:氧化代谢['ɔksideitiv] adj. [化学] 氧化的[mi'tæbəlizəm, me-] n. 新陈代谢280. adenosine triphosphate: [ə'denəsi:n, -sin] n. 腺苷,腺甘酸[trai'fɔsfeit] n. 三磷酸盐[生化生化生化生化] 三磷酸腺苷三磷酸腺苷三磷酸腺苷三磷酸腺苷=A TP 281. vacuole: ['vækjuəul] n. [细胞] 液泡;[地质] 空泡282. membrane-lined cavity:283. cell sap: 【生物学】细胞液284. organic metabolic constituents:器官代谢要素285. coalesce:[,kəuə'les] 联合;合并;结合286. silica:['silikə] n. 硅土;二氧化硅287. resin:['rezin] n. 树脂;松香288. gum n. 树胶;橡皮;口香糖289. alkaloid: ['ælkəlɔid] n. 生物碱;植物碱基290. tissue system:组织系统291. fertilized egg :[胚] 受精卵,孕卵292. cell division: [细胞] 细胞分裂: 293. cell differentiation [,difərenʃi'eiʃən] 【生物学】细胞分化294. meristematic tissue: [,meristə'mætik]分生组织295. permanent tissue:['pə:mənənt]永久组织296. simple tissue:简单组织297. parenchyma: [pə'reŋkimə] n. [组织] 实质;软细胞组织薄壁组织薄壁组织薄壁组织薄壁组织298. collenchyma: [kə'leŋkimə] n. [植] 厚角组织299. sclerenchyma: [skliə'reŋkimə] 【植物学】厚壁组织300. complex tissue:复合组织301. xylem: ['zailəm, -lem] n. [植] 木质部302. phloem: ['fləuem] n. 筛部,[植] 韧皮部303. perpetuate: vt. 使不朽;保持304. demarcation: [,di:mɑ:'keiʃən] n. 划分;划界;限界305. tip:尖端;末端306. apical meristem: [植] 顶端分生组织['æpikəl] adj. 顶上的;顶点的307. growing point: 【植物学】生长点308. girth: [ɡə:θ] 周长309. woody stem:木本茎310. lateral meristem:【植物学】侧生分生组织['lætərəl] adj. 侧面的,横向的311. cambium: ['kæmbiəm] n. 形成层;新生组织312. intercalary meristem: 【植物学】居间分生组织[in'tə:kələri] adj. (历法)闰的;被夹于中间的;插入中间的313. mowing: ['məuiŋ]. 刈草;牧草地;一次所割之草314. primary tissue:初生组织315. inconspicuous vacuole:不显眼的液泡316. undifferentiated: adj. 无差别的;一致的317. vegetative tissue: ['vedʒitətiv] 促使植物生长的组织318. tuber:['tju:bə] n. [植]块茎;球根319. elongated cell:伸长细胞!?320. stalk:[stɔ:k] n. (植物的)茎,秆;(支持叶子、果实和花的)梗,柄321. taper:['teipə] 锥形;锥体;圆锥322. fibre:['faibə] n. 纤维;纤维制品323. sclereid: ['skliəriid; 'sklεə-]【植物学】硬化细胞,石质细胞324. stone cell: 硬化细胞,石质细胞325. gritty: ['ɡriti] adj. 有砂砾的;坚韧不拔的;多沙的;像砂的326. texture: ['tekstʃə] n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质327. walnut shell:: ['wɔ:lnʌt, -nət] n. 胡桃木;胡桃[ʃel] n. 壳,贝壳;外形;炮弹328. water-conducting tissue:水分运输组织329. herbaceous plant:[hə:'beiʃəs, ə:-] adj. 草本的;叶状的;绿色的草本植物草本植物草本植物草本植物330. tracheid: [trə'ki:id, 'treiki-] n. [植] 管胞331. unevenly thickened:不均匀变厚332. sculpture:造型;雕塑333. longitudinal section:纵切面;纵切片[,lɔndʒi'tju:dinəl] adj. 长度的,纵向的;经线的334. vessel:['vesəl] 【植物学】导管[参较tracheid]335. perennial:[pə'reniəl] n. 多年生植物336. annual ring:[林] 年轮337. springwood,summerwood:春材?夏材?338. sieve element:筛分子;筛管分子339. sieve cell:筛胞340. sieve tube:筛管341. companion cell:【植物学】伴细胞342. hemp:n. 大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷343. flax:[flæks] n. [植]亚麻;[植]亚麻纤维;亚麻织品;亚麻布344. disintegrate:[dis'intiɡreit] vt. 使分解;使碎裂;使崩溃;[核]使衰变345. cork cambium: 【植物学】木栓形成层346. parenchymatous tissue: adj. 薄壁组织347. incidental tissue: [,insi'dentəl] adj. 偶然的;容易发生的;附带的348. bark: 【植物学】树皮;茎皮349. anatomical region: [,ænə'tɔmikəl] adj. 解剖的;解剖学的;结构上的['ri:dʒən] n. 地区;范围;部位解剖区域解剖区域解剖区域解剖区域350. vascular: ['væskjulə] 【植物学】维管的351. cortex: ['kɔ:teks] 【植物学】树皮;果皮352. epidermis: [,epi'də:mis] 【植物学】(种子植物和蕨类植物的)表皮(层);上皮353. pith: (植物的)木髓,树心354. pericycle: ['peri,saikl] n. [植] 中柱鞘355. endodermis: [,endəu'də:mis] n. 内皮356. secretory gland: [si'kri:təri] 分泌的;促进分泌的[ɡlænd] 【植物学】腺分泌腺分泌腺分泌腺分泌腺357. circulatory system::::[,sə:kju'leitəri, 'sə:kjulətəri] adj. 循环的循环系统循环系统循环系统循环系统358. skeletal system 骨骼系统['skelitəl] 359. buddle:【植物学】维管束[全称vas-cular bundle]360. cross section: 横断面,剖面,截面;横切片361.monocotyledonousplant:[,mɔnəu,kɔti'li:dənəs] 单子叶植物=monocotyledon ['mɔnəu,kɔti'li:dən]362. encircle: [in'sə:kl] vt. 环绕;围绕;包围363.predominantly: adv. 主要地;显著地364. cork: 【植物学】木栓层365. infiltrate: ['infiltreit; in'fil-]渗入366.suberin: ['sju:bərin] 软木脂367.waterproof: 防水的,不透水的使不透水,使防水368.suberization: [,sju:bərai'zeiʃən; -ri'z-]【植物学】栓化作用369.sheath:【植物】叶鞘,茎衣370. periderm: ['peridə:m] 【植物学】周皮371. callus tissue: ['kæləs] 愈伤组织372.corky:木栓化373. oak:橡树374. differentiation portion:分化部分375. rupture:['rʌptʃə] 破裂;决裂376. lenticel: ['lentisel] 【植物学】皮孔“breathing pore:呼吸孔377. root hair:根毛378. absorption:吸收(作用)379. inorganic nutrient:无机营养380. rose petal:玫瑰花瓣381. cuticle:表皮382. cutin: ['kju:tin] 【植物学】角质,蜡状质383. desiccation: [desi'kenʃən] n. 干燥384. nectarine: ['nektərin, ,nektə'ri:n] n. [园艺] 油桃;[园艺] 蜜桃385. gloss: [ɡlɔs] (表面的)光泽,色彩;光彩;光泽面386. screte or excrete:: vt. 分泌或排泄387. viscous: ['viskəs] adj. 粘性的;黏的(树叶等)表面有黏性分泌物的388. rubber: ['rʌbə] n. 橡胶;橡皮;合成橡胶;按摩师389. mucilage: ['mju:silidʒ] (植物分泌的)黏液,黏胶390. epidermal appendage: [ə'pendidʒ] 生物学】附器,附肢,附属物(如植物的枝、叶;狍尾和其他动物的尾、肢、鳍、翼、触角等) 表皮的附属物?391. trichome: ['traikəum; 'tri-]【植物学】(表皮)毛状体392. sub-epidermal:393. fragrance of flower:花的香味394. nectary: ['nektəri] 【植物学】蜜腺395. peel:皮去皮396. rind:[raind, rain] 1. 果皮;树皮硬壳;外壳;外皮397. volatile::::['vɔlətail] 挥发性的爆炸性的398. essential oil:香精油,精油;芳香油399. duct:【植物学】管,导管,脉管400. latex: ['leiteks] (植物)乳胶401. anglosperm family:被子植物402. laticifer: [lei'tisifə] 【植物学】乳汁细胞;乳汁管;乳汁器403. rubber tree:橡树404. excretory system:排泄系统405. : initial :最初的初始的406. yield:[ji:ld] 生产,生长出(作物),结出(果实)407. crude:天然的408. plantation rubber:[plæn'teiʃən] 栽植,种植大面积栽培植物409. spurge family:大戟科410. leaf blight:【植物病理学】叶烧病;叶枯病;叶疫病411. tropical zone:热带地区412. hemisphere:半球413. synthetic rubber:[sin'θetik]人造橡胶414. morphological structure:形态结构415. absolute bulk:绝对体积416. intimate contact:亲密接触417. superstructure:上层结构,超结构418. storage organ:存储器官419. seedling root:幼根420. primary root:初生根421. taproot system: ['tæpru:t; -rut] 【植物学】主根,直根直根系直根系直根系直根系422. beet:甜菜423. turnip:['tə:nip] n. 芜菁甘蓝,大头菜;萝卜424. fibrous root system:【植物学】须根系425. shallow-rooted:浅根的426. fertility treatment:427. modification:【生物学】诱发变异428. dahlia:['deiljə] n. 大丽花,大丽花属429. propagation:[,prɔpə'ɡeiʃən] n. 传播;繁殖;增殖430. palm:[pɑ:m] 【植物】棕榈树431. prostrate branch:['prɔstreit] 【植物学】蔓延的;匍匐的,爬地的匍匐枝匍匐枝匍匐枝匍匐枝432. creeper:【植物】匍匐植物;匍匐枝433. growth pattern:生长模型;生长模式434. main trunk:主干435. central leader:中央领导干?好像就是主干的意思吧哈哈436. erect 竖立的semierect 半竖立的437. vine:植]葡萄树;[植]藤本植物;[植]攀缘植物;[植]藤438. embryonic: stem: [,embri'ɔnik] 胚的;胚胎的439. dormancy bud:休眠种子440. terminal bud:顶芽441. lateral bud:侧芽442. leaf axis:叶脉???443. adventitious bud:【植物学】不定芽[,ædven'tiʃəs]444. mixed bud:混合芽?445. accessory bud:【植物学】副芽446. leaf arrangement:叶子的排列447. opposite:【植物学】(叶)对生的448. whirled: 旋转,回旋; (叶)对生的? 449. alternate: 【植物学】互生的;交互的450. spiral parttern:螺旋方式451. phyllotaxy:叶序452. taxonomic significance分类学意义[,tæksəu'nɔmik]453. throughout a genus: 在属[θru:'aut] 自始至终,到处;全部['dʒi:nəs] n. 类,种;属454. stem modification:茎的变态455. cylindrical:[si'lindrikəl] adj. 圆柱形的;圆柱体的456. alteration:改变457. bizarre:[bi'zɑ:] adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)458. crown:[kraun] 【植物学】树冠,树顶;根颈459. stolon: ['stəulɔn, -lən] [植] 匍匐枝;匍匐茎460. spurs: (树的)短枝461. below-ground:地下的462. bulb:【植物学】(洋葱、百合等的)球茎,球根,鳞茎;鳞茎植物;类似鳞茎的根463. corm:n. [植] 球茎464. rhizome: ['raizəum] n. 根茎;[植] 地下茎465. tuber: ['tju:bə] n. [植]块茎466. bald-cypress:光秃秃的柏树467. gibberellic acid: 赤霉酸468. crown division:469. asparagus: [ə'spærəɡəs] n. 芦笋;龙须菜;天冬470. horizontal branch: 水平分支471. fleshy bud: 肉质芽472. leafy rosette: [rəu'zet] 【植物学】莲座(叶)丛473. offsets:短匍匐枝474. slips:嫩枝475. suckers:根出条476. pips:徒长枝477. offshoots:萌蘖枝478. runner:【植物学】长匐茎,纤枝蔓藤植物479. internode: ['intənəud] 【植物学】节间480. shortened internode:节间缩短481. quince:n. [植]温柏;柑橘482. compressed modification 压缩改性483. onion:洋葱;洋葱头484. tulip:['tju:lip] n. 郁金香485. tunicate bulb: ['tju:nikit, -keit] adj. 有被囊的;有被膜的486. Easter lily: 复活节百合花487. scaly bulb: ['skeili] adj. 有鳞的;积垢的;劣等的488. bulbil: ['bʌlbil] n. 球芽489. aerial stem: 地上茎['εəriəl]aerialadj. 空气的;空中的,航空的;空想的490. rudimentary leaf: 基本叶[,ru:di'mentəri] rudimentary adj. 基本的;初步的;退化的;残遗的;未发展的491. gladiolus: n. [植]剑兰492. crocus: ['krəukəs] 【植物】藏红花属(Crocus) 植物493. iris: ['aiəris] 鸢尾属植物494. elongated internode:: 拉长节间495. turf grasses:草坪496. quack grass:匍匐冰草497. Canadian thistle:加拿大蓟498. light energy:光能499. blade:【植物学】(尤指草、谷类植物的)叶片,草叶叶身(区别于叶柄) 500. petiole: ['petiəul] n. [植] 叶柄;柄部501. outgrowth: n. 结果;副产物;自然的发展;分枝502. stipule: ['stipju:l] n. [植] 托叶503. vein: (植物的)叶脉504.dicot: ['daikɔt, dai'kɔtil] n. 双子叶植物505. monocot: ['mɔnəkɔt] n. 单子叶植物506. leaf blade: 叶片507.bilaterally symmetrical: 两侧对称的[bai'lætərəli] [si'metrikəl]508.radically symmetrical: 完全对称['rædikəli] adv. 根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式509. palisade cell: [植] 栅栏细胞;棚状细胞[,pæli'seid]510. spongy mesophyll: [植] 海绵叶肉['spʌndʒi] adj. 海绵状的;轻软的;多孔而有弹性的;有吸水性的['mesəufil] n. [植] 叶肉511. gaseous exchange:气体交换气体对流512. stomata: n. 气孔;口513. water vapour: 水蒸汽,水汽vapour['veipə] n. 蒸气(等于vapor);水蒸气514. sansevieria: [,sænsi'viəriə] n. 虎尾兰515. tendril: ['tendril] n. 卷须;蔓;卷须状物516. cabbage: ['kæbidʒ] n. 卷心菜,甘蓝菜,(俚)脑袋517. poinsettia: [pɔin'setiə, -'setə] n. 一品红;猩猩木;圣诞红518. sepal: ['si:pəl, 'sep-] n. 萼片;花萼the calyx:['keiliks, 'kæliks] n. 盏,[植] 花萼;杯状结构519. petal:['petəl] n. [植]花瓣the corolla: [kə'rɔlə] n. [植] 花冠520. perfume gland: 香水腺体521. nectar gland: 蜜腺522. viscous sugary substance: 糖物质粘性523. stamens: n. [植]雄蕊524. pollen-bearing anther: ['pɔlin]花粉['ænθə] n. 花药;花粉囊525. filament: ['filəmənt] 【植物学】(雄蕊的)花丝(某些藻类、菌类等的)丝状体;藻丝526. pistil: ['pistil] n. [植] 雌蕊527. ovule-bearing base ['əuvju:l, 'ɔ-] n. 胚珠;幼籽;卵细胞==ovary ['əuvəri] n. [植]子房;[解]卵巢528. style: 【植物学】花柱529. stigma: ['stiɡmə] n. [植] 柱头530. essentially modified:本质上变异531. enlarged portion:: 扩大的部分532. receptacle: [ri'septəkl] 【植物学】花托;花托状组织(如囊托、孢子托等533. complete flower:【植物学】完全花534. incomplete flower: [植] 不完全花,不全花535. pistillate flower [植] 雌花;雌性花;雌蕊花536. staminate flower【植物学】雄(蕊)花537.perfet/bisexual/hermaphroditic flower: 两性花[hə:,mæfrə'ditik]538.monoecious: [mɔ'ni:ʃəs, məu-] adj. [植][动] 雌雄同株的;[动] 雄雌同体的539. dioecious: [dai'i:ʃəs] adj. [植][动] 雌雄异体的540. date palm: 【植物】海枣(树),枣椰树(Phoenix dactylifera)[亦作date]541. papaya: [pə'pɑ:iə] n. 木瓜;番木瓜树542. muskmelon: ['mʌsk,melən] n. 甜瓜543. andromonoecious: [,ændrəumə'ni:ʃəs] adj. [植] 雄花两性花同株的;雄全同株的544. inflorescence: [,inflɔ:'resəns] n. 花;花序;开花545. a flower cluster: 一朵花集群546. withered : ['wiðəd] 枯萎的;憔悴的;雕谢了的;尽是皱纹的547. remnant: ['remnənt] 剩余;残余;残余物548. berry:浆果549. grape:葡萄550. hesperidium: [,hespə'ridiəm] n. [园艺] 柑果;柠檬果551. drupe:核果552. pome:仁果553. pod:荚果554. follicle:['fɔlikl]蓇葖果555. aniseed: ['ænisi:d] n. 八角;洋茴香556. capsules:蒴果557. colchicum: ['kɔltʃikəm] n. 秋水仙;秋水仙制成的麻药;秋水仙种子558. silique: [si'li:k, 'silik] n. [植] 长角果559. crucifer: ['kru:sifə] n. 执十字架的人;十字花科植物560. achene: [ə'ki:n] n. [植] 瘦果561. samara: ['sæmərə, sə'mɑ:rə] n. [植] 翼果,[植] 翅果562. maple: ['meipl] n. 枫树;淡棕色563. nut:核果564. multiple fruit:复果565. aggregate fruit:聚合果566. raspberry:['rɑ:zbəri, 'ræ-]【植物】悬钩子属(Rubus)植物567. caryopsis:颖果568. oat:燕麦569. pepo:瓠果570. cantaloupe: ['kæntəlu:p, -ləup] n. 哈密瓜;香瓜;[园艺] 罗马甜瓜571. almond: ['ɑ:mənd] n. 杏仁,杏树;杏仁状的东西572. ovary wall: 子房壁573. dehiscence: [di'hisəns] n. 裂开【植物学】裂开,开裂574. simple fruit: 单果575. succulent ['sʌkjulənt] n. 多汁植物;肉质植物576. parenchyma: [pə'reŋkimə] n. [组织] 实质;软细胞组织577. fleshy: 【植物学】(如某些果实含有)肉质的,多汁的;(叶子)肥厚鲜嫩的578. dry: 【植物学】(果)干的579. pericarp: ['perikɑ:p] n. 果皮580. exocarp: ['eksəukɑ:p] 【植物学】外果皮(如李皮) (=epicarp)581. mesocarp:中果皮582. endocarp:内果皮583. plum:n. 李子;洋李;紫红色;梅子584. schizocarp: 【植物学】分果,离果585. fig:无花果586. mulberry:桑树587. seed coat:【植物学】种皮,(尤指)棉籽皮588. miniature plant:['miniətʃə]微型植物589. embryo:['embriəu] 【植物学】胚[亦作embryon]590. union of gamete: ['ɡæmi:t] n. [生物] 配子,配偶子591. sex cell: 性细胞,生殖细胞592. mature: [mə'tjuə] vi. 到期;成熟593. plumule:: ['plu:mju:l] n. [植] 胚芽;绒羽=rudimentary shoot594. radicle: ['rædikl] 植物学】胚根;幼根= rudimentary root595. cotyledon: [,kɔti'li:dən] n. [植] 子叶=seed leaf596. hypocotyl [,haipə'kɔtil] n. 子叶下轴,[植] 下胚轴597. endosperm: ['endəuspə:m] n. [植] 胚乳598. seed germination: [,dʒə:mi'neiʃən] n. 发生;发芽;伟晶作用。

China’s Cheese Market Research ReportThe report mainly researches on the market status and foreseeable future trend of cream cheese, cheddar Cheese and Mozzarella cheese, but more than that.The data cited in the report not only includes domestic and foreign official information, but also the information achieved through on-the-spot investigation by researchers. The research method combines desk study and on-the-spot investigation which consists of on-site visit and telephone interview. We make in-depth visit on star level hotels and restaurants, food production and processing enterprises with cheese as ingredient, food chain, cheese importers and dealers, natural cheese and processed cheese manufacturers and related industrial institutes. The report contains the overall development status of China’s cheese industry, policy environment, technological environment, import and export, basic market structure, cheese (mainly on cream cheese, cheddar Cheese and Mozzarella cheese) market capacity and growth trend, consumption, competition structure, development tendency and conditions of key cheese production enterprises. Wrote by senior researcher who is familiar with Chinese dairy industry chain and world dairy industry, the report will be an important reference to domestic and foreign dairy products companies who want to expand their market share in China, investment organizations and other related researchers.Nut Growers in TurkeyIntroductionCrude Oil Production in Turkey industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2006-10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the Turkey crude oil production market. Includes market size data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information. Highlights*The crude oil production industry measures crude oil production in respective countries/regions. The market values are calculated using regional spot oil prices averaged over the whole year. As oil markets are experiencing a period of price volatility, future trends are difficult to predict; thus the forecasts given in this report are only given as an indication of the market's possible future growth.All currency conversions used in the production of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates.*The Turkish crude oil production industry had a total revenue of $1.4 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% for the period spanning 2006-2010. *Industry consumption volumes increased with a CAGR of 2.6% between 2006 and 2010, to reach a total of 17.1 million barrels in 2010.*The performance of the industry is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 2.3% for the five-year period 2010-2015, which is expected to drive the industry to a value of $1.6 billion by the end of 2015.FeaturesSave time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, and leading players in the crude oil production market in TurkeyUse the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the crude oil production market in TurkeyLeading company profiles reveal details of key crude oil production market players’ global operations and financial performanceAdd weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Turkey crude oil production market with five year forecasts by both value and volume Macroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the Turkey economyCereal Crops in TaiwanIntroductionCereal Crops in Taiwan industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2006-10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the Taiwan cereal crops market. Includes market size and segmentation data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information. Highlights*The cereal crops industry is broken down into three segments: wheat, coarse grains (barley, oats, sorghum and other coarse grains), and rice. The market volumes reflect consumption in each country, calculated on the basis of production plus imports minus exports. Cereal crops are valued at producer prices. All currency conversions used in the production of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates.*The Taiwanese cereal crops industry had total revenue of $3.6 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -6.5% for the period spanning 2006-2010.*Industry production volumes decreased with a CARC of -3.7% between 2006-2010, to reach a total of 6.8 million tons in 2010.*The performance of the industry is forecast to decline further but at the lower pace, with an anticipated CARC of -1.7% for the five-year period 2010-2015, which is expected to drive the industry to a value of $3.3 billion by the end of 2015FeaturesSave time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the cereal crops market in TaiwanUse the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the cereal crops market in TaiwanLeading company profiles reveal details of key cereal crops market players’ global operations and financial performanceAdd weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Taiwan cereal crops market with five year forecasts by both value and volume Macroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the Taiwan economyCereal Crops in Japan摘要IntroductionCereal Crops in Japan industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summaryinformation including: market size (value and volume 2006-10, and forecast to 2015). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market. Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the Japan cereal crops market. Includes market size and segmentation data, textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends, leading companies and macroeconomic information. Highlights*The cereal crops industry is broken down into three segments: wheat, coarse grains (barley, oats, sorghum and other coarse grains), and rice. The market volumes reflect consumption in each country, calculated on the basis of production plus imports minus exports. Cereal crops are valued at producer prices. All currency conversions used in the production of this report have been calculated using constant 2010 annual average exchange rates.*The Japanese cereal crops industry had total revenue of $45.8 billion in 2010, representing a compound annual rate of change (CARC) of -3.9% for the period spanning 2006-2010.*Industry production volumes decreased with a CARC of -1.1% between 2006-2010, to reach a total of 33.9 million tons in 2010.*The performance of the industry is forecast to accelerate, with an anticipated CARC of -2.2% for the five-year period 2010-2015, which is expected to drive the industry to a value of $41.1 billion by the end of 2015.FeaturesSave time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the cereal crops market in JapanUse the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the cereal crops market in JapanLeading company profiles reveal details of key cereal crops market players’ global operations and financial performanceAdd weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the Japan cereal crops market with five year forecasts by both value and volumeMacroeconomic indicators provide insight into general trends within the Japan economy岩棉块有结构稳定、匀质性好、无毒、化学性稳定的特性,其作为无土栽培基质在过去的十几年间发展速度很快。

1 Why Pagodas Don't Fall DownIn a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes, how have Japan's tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings - 500 or so wooden pagodas - remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years. Those that have disappeared were destroyed by fire as a result of lightning or civil war. The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways, flattened office blocks and devastated the port area of Kobe. Yet it left the magnificent five-storey pagoda at the Toji temple in nearby Kyoto unscathed, though it levelled a number of buildings in the neighbourhood.Japanese scholars have been mystified for ages about why these tall, slender buildings are so stable. It was only thirty years ago that the building industry felt confident enough to erect office blocks of steel and reinforced concrete that had more than a dozen floors. With its special shock absorbers to dampen the effect of sudden sideways movements from an earthquake, the thirty-six-storey Kasumigaseki building in central Tokyo - Japan's first skyscraper - was considered a masterpiece of modern engineering when it was built in 1968.Yet in 826, with only pegs and wedges to keep his wooden structure upright, the master builder Kobodaishi had no hesitation in sending his majestic Toji pagoda soaring fifty-five metres into the sky - nearly half as high as the Kasumigaseki skyscraper built some eleven centuries later. Clearly, Japanese carpenters of the day knew a few tricks about allowing a building to sway and settle itself rather than fight nature's forces. But what sort of tricks?The multi-storey pagoda came to Japan from China in the sixth century. As in China, they were first introduced with Buddhism and were attached to important temples. The Chinese built their pagodas in brick or stone, with inner staircases, and used them in later centuries mainly as watchtowers. When the pagoda reached Japan, however, its architecture was freely adapted to local conditions - they were built less high, typically five rather than nine storeys, made mainly of wood and the staircase was dispensed with because the Japanese pagoda did not have any practical use but became more of an art object. Because of the typhoons that batter Japan in the summer, Japanese builders learned to extend the eaves of buildings further beyond the walls. This prevents rainwater gushing down the walls. Pagodas in China and Korea have nothing like the overhang that is found on pagodas in Japan.为什么宝塔不会倒塌在这片被台风席卷、地震撼动的土地上,日本最高、看起来最脆弱的老建筑——500多座木制宝塔——是如何屹立了几个世纪的?记录显示,在过去的1400年里,只有两处坍塌。

园艺英语试题及答案解析一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "horticulture" refers to:A. The practice of growing plants for foodB. The science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plantsC. The study of plant diseasesD. The cultivation of flowers for decoration2. Which of the following is not a type of fertilizer?A. NitrogenB. PhosphorusC. PotassiumD. Chlorine3. The process of grafting involves:A. Joining two plants together so they grow as oneB. Removing the top of a plant to encourage branchingC. Planting seeds in a greenhouseD. Covering plants to protect them from frost4. What is the purpose of pruning in horticulture?A. To remove dead or diseased parts of the plantB. To encourage the plant to grow tallerC. To increase the yield of fruit or flowersD. All of the above5. What is the primary function of photosynthesis in plants?A. To produce oxygenB. To convert sunlight into energy for growthC. To absorb water from the soilD. To store nutrients for later use6. The term "biennial" describes a plant that:A. Lives for two yearsB. Produces flowers every two yearsC. Grows twice as fast as other plantsD. Requires two seasons to complete its life cycle7. Which of the following is a common method of plant propagation?A. Seed sowingB. Tissue cultureC. Both A and BD. None of the above8. What is the role of the cambium in a tree?A. To transport water and nutrientsB. To provide structural supportC. To produce new cells for growthD. To protect the tree from pests9. The pH scale ranges from:A. 0 to 14B. 1 to 10C. 2 to 12D. 3 to 1310. What is the purpose of mulching in a garden?A. To improve soil aerationB. To retain moisture and regulate soil temperatureC. To provide a decorative effectD. To increase the soil's pH level二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The scientific classification of plants is known as__________.12. A plant that is grown for its leaves rather than its flowers is called a __________.13. The process by which plants absorb water and nutrients is called __________.14. The primary component of natural gas is __________.15. A plant that is adapted to grow in dry conditions is known as a __________.16. The root system of a plant that is adapted to absorb water in arid conditions is called __________.17. The process of a plant changing from vegetative growth to reproductive growth is called __________.18. The study of the effects of environmental factors on organisms is called __________.19. A plant that is grown for its edible seeds is known as a __________.20. The process of a plant adapting to its environment is called __________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between annual and perennial plants.22. Describe the process of photosynthesis in simple terms.23. What are the benefits of companion planting in a garden?24. Discuss the importance of soil testing in horticulture.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the role of horticulture in sustainable agriculture.26. Explain the significance of plant breeding in modern horticulture.五、答案解析1. B - Horticulture is the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.2. D - Chlorine is not a type of fertilizer; it is a chemical element.3. A - Grafting is the process of joining two plants together so they grow as one.4. D - Pruning serves multiple purposes, including removing dead or diseased parts, encouraging growth, and increasing yield.5. B - Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy for growth.6. D - A biennial completes its life cycle over two growing seasons.7. C - Both seed sowing and tissue culture are common methods of plant propagation.8. C - The cambium produces new cells for growth in a tree.9. A - The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.10. B - Mulching helps retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.11.。

园艺专业英语a-l2007年05月18日星期五 10:51AAalsmeer 荷兰的一个地名Abbott “艾博特”(猕猴桃品种)abrtion 败育adscission 脱落abscission zone(layer)离区(离层)accentuate 突出,强调,着重强调ackonwledgement n. 承认,确认,感谢acre 英亩acrylic 丙烯酸Actinidia 猕猴桃属actual yield 实际产量adult mite 成虫aechmea fasciata 美叶光萼荷,又名蜻蜓凤梨,淡玫瑰花色aesthetically 审美地,美学观点上的agamous 无性的,无性生殖的age distribution 年龄分布,树龄分布ageing 腐熟,熟化aggregation n. 集合,团聚作用agricultural prodution systen 农业生产系统Agrobacterium tumefaciens 根癌农根菌agroecosystem 农业生态系统agronomic 农艺学的,农事的agronomist n. 农艺学家,农学家alfalfa n.[植] 紫花苜蓿allocation 分配alluvial deposit 冲积物alphabetical 依字母顺序的,字母的alternate bearing 大小年结果amendment 调理剂ample 充足的anatomical 解剖的aneuploid 非整倍性(的)anion 阴离子annual 一年生植物,一季生植物anther 花粉囊,花药anthocyanin [植]炭疽病antibiotic 抗生素anti-drop film 无滴膜antiviral 抗过滤性病原体的,抗病毒的apex 尖,顶端aphid 蚜虫apomixis 单性生殖,孤雌生殖apendix n. 附录,附属品,[解]阑尾apricot 杏aquifer 含水土层,蓄水层aroma 芳香,香气,香味arsenate n.[化]砷酸盐arsenic n.[化]砷,砒霜artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能asphalt-coated wood 涂上一层沥青的木头assimilate 合成代谢产物assimilation 同化,同化作用,吸收associated yield 相关的产量aster 紫菀astringency 涩味astringent 收敛性的,严酷的,涩的asymmetrical 不对称的at normal atmospheric pressure 在标准大气压下atomize 使雾化attached in-line emitter 在制作过程中胶合或焊接在滴灌带(或软管)上的内置式喷头(滴头)attainable yield 可得到的产量attendant 伴随的auxin 生长素avenue 林荫道avocado 油梨axil 叶腋axillary 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的Bbacterial 细菌性斑点病bagworm 节草虫bamboo stick 竹片,竹竿barbed inlet 有刺的(具侧刺)的插入物bacterial speck 细菌性叶斑病bed of nursery stock 苗床bedding plant 花坛植物Bemisia tabaci 粉虱bench 长凳,长行工作台,操作台beneficial bacteria 有益细菌bentgrass 翦股颖Bermuda grass 狗牙根bicarbonate of soda 碳酸氢钠,小苏打bio-and photo-degradable 生物/光降解膜bioavailability n. (药物或营养素的)生物药效率,生物利用度bio-inoculate 生物接种biological agent 生物制剂,生物作用biological control 生物防治,生物学控制biomass 生物量biopesticide 生物农药biotechnology 生物技术bitter pit 苦心病bitterness 苦味bivalent 二价的blackberry 黒莓black-yellow striped 黒黄相间带状的bloom 花blossom-end rot(BER)蒂腐blossom-end rot fruit 蒂腐果blueberry 越橘bluegrass 早熟禾bog 沼泽,沼泽地bollworm 棉铃虫bombardment 炮击,轰击border soil 边界土壤,边际土壤,表层土壤botanical 植物性药材,植物学的botanical garden 植物园botanically 植物学上branch 分枝branchlet 细小的枝条broken or dotted line 虚线bruise 搽伤,挫伤Bruno "布鲁诺"(猕猴桃品种)bucket 提篮bud cutting 芽插budding 芽接法budworm 食心虫,卷叶蛾buffer capacity 缓冲能力build 体型bulb 球根,鳞茎bulldozing 推土机推土bumblebee(bumble-bee)熊蜂,土蜂burr (多)刺果皮,(多)刺果,刺球状花序,刺球butterfly bush 大叶醉鱼草Ccalcium n.[化]钙(元素符号Ca)calyx 萼片(总称)cambium 形成层cane hoop 竹竿拱架cane 蔓canopy 冠层,株冠;罩篷,遮篷canopy configuration 冠层结构cantaloupe 罗马甜瓜,香瓜,哈密瓜canvas 帆布cap 罩式覆盖capillary matting 具毛孔的垫子carbonate 碳酸盐;vt.使变成碳酸盐,使充满二氧化碳carnation 香石竹,康乃馨carnation flower 荷兰石竹,康乃馨carotenoid [生化]类胡萝卜素carpel [植]心皮carrying virus 携带病毒catfacing 畸形(果实表面凹凸不平)cation 阳离子cation exchange capacity 阳离子交换量catkin 柔荑花序cefotaxime 氨噻肟头孢霉素cellar 地窖,地下室cellophane 玻璃纸胶膜celosia 青葙centipedegrass 百足草central leader 中心领导枝central leader system 中心领导枝树形centrifugal 离心的centrifuge 离心cherry 樱桃chestnut 粟子chewings fescue 紫羊茅Chico '齐克'(猕猴桃品种)Chico Hayward '齐克海沃德'(猕猴桃品种)Chinese gooseberry 中华鹅莓(猕猴桃的原称)chlorophyll 叶绿素chloroplast 叶绿体chlorosis 失绿症,萎黄病,变色病cholesterol 胆甾醇,胆固醇chrysanthemum 菊花circle(or pie)diagram 饼图,圆形图,百分比图clamp 钳clay fraction 黏粒clear film 透明膜clogging adj. 障碍的,阻塞的clonal [生]无性(繁殖)系的clone 无性系,无性繁殖,克隆cluster 串,丛,果穗,(总状)花序coconut椰子cognizance 认识,识别coincubate 共培养coir pith(coconuts)椰子壳纤维colchicine 秋水仙碱,秋水仙素cold-and hot-frame 阳畦和温床collaborative adj. 合作的,协作的,协力完成的colloidal adj. 胶状的,胶质的commercial fertilizer 化肥,商业化肥commercial horticulture 商品化园艺,市场化园艺commodity 商品common era 基督时代与公元相符合的时期compact plant 紧凑的株型compost 堆肥composted bark(bark compost)混合树皮compound pinnate [植]羽状复叶concomitant noxious gases 伴随的有害气体consecutive adj. 连续的,连贯的conservation of energy [物]能量守恒conservation of mass [物]质量守恒conservatory 暖房,温室consistent 一致的conspicuous 显而易见的consultancy bureaus 顾问局container-grown nursery stock 容器中栽培的苗木contaminant 污染物control daylength 控制日长controlled environment agriculture (CEA)控制环境农业cooling n. 冷却,adj. 冷却的corolla 花冠corsage 装饰女服上身或肩部的小花束cosmos 大波斯菊cost management 成本管理cotton aphid 棉蚜cotyledon 子叶cranberry 大果酸果蔓,蔓越橘creeping red fescue 匍匐紫羊茅crispness 脆crop condition 作物状况crop planning 种植计划crop vitality 作物的活力或生命力cross 杂交cross-pollination 异花授粉crotch 树杈cu ft 立方英尺cucurbit plant 葫芦科作物cultivar 品种cultivation under cover 保护地栽培cultural practice 栽培措施,栽培技术,栽培实践culture system 栽培系统curb 路边currant 黒醋粟cut flower 切花,鲜切花cutting 插枝,插穗cyanobacteria 蓝藻细菌cyclamen 仙客来cyme 聚伞花序cytokinin 细胞激动素Ddead load 恒载decaying manure or compost 腐熟的农家肥或堆肥deciduous 落叶的,脱落的deciduous plant 落叶植物decimal adj. 十进的,小数的,以十为基础的;n. 小数,十进制Decision Support Systems(DSS)决策支持系统decomposition n. 分解,腐烂deduce vt. 推论,演绎出defect 缺陷deficiency symptom 缺素症deficient 缺少,不足defoliate 除叶,使…落叶deformation 变形,变态,形变,畸形dehvdrated scale 脱水鳞片dehydration 脱水delicate 容易损坏的delphinidin 飞燕草色素depletion 损耗desaturase 去饱和酶deterioration 腐烂detract 转移devise vt. 设计,发明,图谋,做出(计划),想出(办法),遗赠给dew point 露点diabase 辉绿岩Dianthus 石竹dicotyledonous 双子叶植物的DIF temperature 昼夜逆温差dilution 稀释,稀释法,冲淡物dimension n. 尺寸,尺度,维(数),度(数),元dioecious 雌雄异体(株)的dioecism 雌雄异株,雌雄异体Diospyros kaki 柿diploid 二倍体(的),双重的,倍数的,双倍的,倍数染色体directional stimuli 定向刺激,定向促进disarmed strain 可转化态菌株disbud 除芽discing 圆盘耙耙地,圆盘耙耙作disinfectant 杀菌剂disjointed 脱节的,杂乱的disorder 病dispersion 分散(体,相,体系,作用,系统);弥散(现象),色(消)散,散射,传播,悬漂(液)disposable income 纯收入disposal of waste plastic 废旧塑料的处理distal end 末端distilled water 蒸馏水ditch for against freezing 防寒沟divert 转向domesticate 驯养,驯化domesticated animal 驯养动物dominant 优势的dormancy 冬眠double cap 双层罩式覆盖double-light frame 双面进光骨架double-roofed glasshouse 双屋面温室drip irrigation system 滴灌系统drip irrigation 滴灌drip tape 滴灌带driving force 驱动力drop condensation 冷凝滴水drupe 核果dry matter content 干物质含量durability 耐久性Dutch lights 荷兰土温室dwarf cultivar 矮化品种dwarfing rootstock 矮化砧dynamic flowers 动态花卉Eearly blight 早疫病ebb-and-flood 落潮涨潮,水位的降低和升高ecology 生态学egg 卵elaborate adj. 精心制作的,详细阐述的,精细;vt. 精心制作,详细阐述electrical conductivity(EC)电导度electrodyne 静电喷雾器elcit 引起emasculate 使弱embed 嵌入embryo 胚,胚胎emissivity 发射率emitter 发射器,喷头,滴头emotional value 情感方面的价值Encarsia formosa 一种小的寄生蜂enclosure n. 围住,围栏encode 编码,把…译成电码,代码化endogenous 内源的,内生的endosperm [植]胚乳endosulfan 硫丹energy balance 能量平衡energy expenditure 能量支出,能量花费energy saving 节能energy-saving greenhouse 节能温室enhance 改进enrichment 增添entity 实体environmentally-conscious 具有环境意识的enzyme 酶epidermis 表皮equilibrium n. 平衡,平静,均衡,保持平衡的能力erect 直立的(茎)ethnic 不同民族的ethylene 乙烯Eucalyptus 桉树evaporation n. 蒸发(作用)even-span greenhouse 等屋面温室even-span 等屋面的exogenous 外生的,[地]外成的。

湖南省永州市冷水镇园艺中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、选择题1. It’s the ____ of beauty and intelligence that made her stand out in the contest.A. attemptB. connectionC. relationD. combination参考答案:D试题分析: 句意:是美与智慧的结合使得她在比赛中脱颖而出。
A. attempt 尝试;B. connection联系;C. relation联系;D. combination结合。
2. —Why do you want to work for our company?—This is the job that I for.A.lookedB.am to lookC.had lookedD.have been looking参考答案:D提示:句意:“你为什么来我们公司工作?”“这是我一直在寻找的工作。
3. —It remains ______ whether Dave will be fit enough to play in the finals.—Oh, no! Without him, we will lose the game.A. seenB. to be seenC. seeingD. to see参考答案:B4. ______ it rains tomorrow, what shall we do about the Hope Project activity in our school?A. ProvideB. ProvidedC. To provideD. Provides参考答案:B5. How long do you suppose it is he arrived there? A. when B. before C. after D. since参考答案:D6. Such great progress ____ that she was praised by her teacher in class.A. she makesB. she madeC. did she makeD. she did make参考答案:C7. Followed by a burst of laughter and a clapping of hands, ___, who we later called Charlie.A. did the boy come inB. the boy was coming inC. in came the boyD. coming in was the boy参考答案:C8. _____ to get a ticket for the concert, George has been standing in a queue for two hours.A. DeterminingB. To be determinedC. DeterminedD. To determine参考答案:C略9. After living there for one year, they have ________ there.A. accustomed to workingB. accustomed to workC. been accustomed to workingD. been accustomed to work参考答案:C略10. —Why don't you take a taxi there? It 'll save you a lot of time.—______.A.Thank youB. That's all rightC. Good ideaD. You're welcome参考答案:C11. ______ Jack Ma has stepped down as chairman of Alibaba, he still remains on its board of directors.A. SinceB. BeforeC. WhileD. Until参考答案:C【详解】考查连词辨析。
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1.A Chinese greenhouse中国式的温室包含一条东西走向的厚墙,在它南面有一根与地面成30°-40°夹角的竹竿,且竹竿上表面覆盖了一层透明的油纸。
2.As a result of evaporation蒸腾作用,光合作用和呼吸作用的结果是影响作物二氧化碳质量的平衡和大气水蒸气压及能量平衡。
3.At full cover,the growth rate of field crops 总体来说,田间作物生长速率典型的在150-300Kg/公顷/d的干物质积累量,这些被认为潜在的生物速率和产量有关。
4.Any severe imbalance or对于一种营养元素,无论是严重的不平衡还是缺乏,都会阻碍植物的正常发育。
5.Appearance components include size外观品质的内容包括大小,形态,整齐度,颜色,光泽和少许由于物理和机械损伤造成的瑕疵,生理失调,或者昆虫和微生物的附着。
6.But because of an expanding root system但是因为根系的伸长,持续对P的吸收和对其需要量的减少,P不再是限制的因素,植物生长最终的限制因素是它们从土壤中能吸收的缺乏。
7.Biological factors involved使采后农产品质量下降的生物因素包括呼吸作用,乙烯的生成,成份的改变,水分的损失,物理损伤,生理衰竭和病理损害。
post can be不仅农家肥而且植物的残枝败叶都可以形成堆肥,并且有时加入化学肥料为了增加对植物生长的影响。
9.Controlled environment agriculture has gained in 受控环境下农业已经被增加在园艺生产上的重要性,不仅在蔬菜和观赏作物生产中,而且在用种子或组织培养形成的幼苗生产过程中也很重要。
10.Crop growth rate may be limited by low作物的生长速率可能被限制,因为低的过磷酸钙的供应和土壤中其他矿质营养的缺乏,至少在生长季节和水分缺少或者其他因素。
11.Conventional and organic greenhouse普通温室和有机温室生产上的不同在于盆栽基质的类型,施肥措施和它们所使用的虫害防治方法。
12.Due to plastics and better environment control 因为塑料薄膜使用和更好的控制环境系统,包括新的品种和生物控制技术,将来的溶液培养比过去50年的任何时间都会好的!13.Distored expression of these genes at the wrong 这些基因的异常表达在错误的地方和时间能导致改变花器官的一致性。
14.During the fall, winter, and spring在秋天冬天和春天,当大多数的温室番茄在生长,高温和流通不顺的空气为许多病害的发生创造了一个理想的生长环境。
15.Evidence suggests that GA证据表明,受精后的幼小胚囊中所产生的赤霉素,能够帮助苹果及其他核果类坐果。
16.For the first time American farmers美国农门第一次大面积种植抗除草剂和抗虫棉等转基因作物。
17.Following the initiation period花端发育后,芽内花的分化相当迅速,以至于许多种类的果树在进入冬眠时花的所有部分都已经明显的形成。
18.For example, consumers buy fruits例如,消费者买水果时首先是根据其外表,但是他们却很可能会头来买那些他们尝过后,感觉口感满意的水果。
19. Florigen is said to be据说,成花素是在相对成熟的叶片内合成的,并可以通过韧皮部转移到发端发生的邻近芽中。
20.GA not only inhibits赤霉素不仅能阻止花的发端,也可以在其发育过程中引起部分花原基逆转成营养结构21.Good ventilation and air circulation在温室中,良好的通风和空气循环,严格的公共卫生设施,保持最适宜的温度和湿度水平是控制病害的有效方法。
22.Heating and carbon-dioxide早在上个世纪荷兰广泛的应用分解混合的马粪便和植物残余物质来给温床加热和施二氧化碳肥,而且在种植黄瓜和瓜类时仍然普遍使用直到二战后期马被拖拉机代替。
23.Hormonal stimulus from初期胚胎中的植物激素刺激物可以阻止果实脱落,让子房及其邻近组织膨大成一个发育中的果实。
24 .It includes a discussion of这是关于阳畦和温床,园艺用钟形玻璃盖,单屋面温室,冬季花园,柑橘温室,温室和玻璃温室多种形式的设施栽培的一个讨论,并且用塑料薄膜覆盖是不同面积的设施,从小拱棚,中拱棚,到大拱棚不等。
25. In this sense,climate从某种意义上,气候控制被认为与商业目的有关,例如高效生产的高质量产品,在适时以可以接受的花费和风险,并且在环境方面尽可能的限制。
26.In a re-circulated溶液循环系统是持续改变其浓度和养分平衡的因为不同植物吸收不同。
27.It is now better understood as a system of可控环境农业系统现被很好的理解,通过精确地控制空气和根区温度,水分,湿度,植物营养,co2含量甚至光照。
28. In the “on year”,when the terminal bud caden 在大年,当包含雌花的顶芽延伸为枝条时,在较低节位的侧芽枝条就会延伸减少,这样它们用于第二年坐果的雌花的顶芽会落花或落果,从而导致小年。
29. Integrated pest management(I P M)IPM是一种可以被用于有机产业也可以被用于常规生产体系中的策略。
30. In most fresh commodities在许多新鲜的农产品中,其营养品质的下降要快于口感品质的,而其口感品质上的下降又比质地和外观品质上下降得快。
31. Initiation in temperature-zone species温带地区品种花的发端比热带地区的安排更接近季节性,热带地区开花的同步性不像生存那么重要。
32.It has been reported据报道在土壤中施用大量粪肥可以提高土壤有机物是含量,增加土壤团粒和水的渗透能力,减少土壤容重和土壤板结。
33.Jackson and Sweet , howerer然而,Jackson和Sweet,引用了证据对单一的开花刺激物的存在提出质疑,这是由于再给定的植物种类中,通过许多已知的替换方法花能在一个给定的种类中发端。
34.Litht intensity,referred to as the photosynthetic光强指波长从400-700nm空间的单位在叶面积和单位时间的光量子的摩尔数。
35.Light saturation point is the light intensity 光饱和点是在给足温度,co2浓度和相对湿度条件下叶片光合作用速率达到最大值时的光强。
36.Monsnto approached孟三都公司研究一个乙烯问题,它通过番茄的基因工程控制表达一个来自假单孢的基因。
这个基因能编码打破ACC 酶的降解为代谢产物而不是乙烯的酶的能力,这导致了水果在成熟时的相似推迟,这样能克服乙烯的应用37. Maintaining optimum nutrient,light保持适宜的营养、光照和温度将会生产出更强壮的植株,使其能够更好的抵抗病虫害38.Nutrient solution营养液被充分供应,从施肥器或者大的供应槽到基质的表面为了使基质变湿润。
39.Nutrient solution is delivered营养液被输送到容器中,通过容器内黑色聚乙烯管道或空气管或空气管或喷液榜或圆心滴管组成的营养液供液管道。
40.Natural mulches自然地地膜覆盖例如叶子,秸秆,木屑,泥炭和堆肥已经使用了几个世纪为了控制种子和维持土壤水分,这些材料没有一个被使用在现代商业蔬菜生产中。
41.Often considered经常认为农业塑料开始于美国,Dr 为农业研制出许多塑料技术方法通过他在温室,小拱棚和地膜覆盖的研究。
42.Prior to this time ,many scientists在此前,20世纪70年代DNA重组技术还没被发明出来时许多科学家就推测使用它可以提高生物体,但是由于受到将遗传信息插入到基因上的技术限制。
43.Particularly with regard to尤其对于观赏作物,忍受范围相当窄,如果在开花期间温度没有保持在一定范围内,则将会极大影响植物或花的形状和颜色。
44.Photosynthesis is a process whereby atmospheric 光合作用是一个过程,大气中的co2在光合水的存在下被还原,并形成简单的碳水化合物和来自水的o2被释放。
45.Pruning can change the canopy configure修剪能够改变果树的冠层结构,增强叶面积在光下和提高光合效率。
46.Plant organs and tissues that synthesis and合成并输出物质的植物器官和组织叫源,同时把输入物质的植物器官叫库。
47.Rarely to do actual cases correspond exactly 实际情况很少和这些产量状况之一完全一致,但是如图所示,将特定的因子用图表法划分到一类中,对产量系统分析室有用的。
48.Removal of the commodities从植株上采摘农产品通常是通过大枝的修剪或张力胁迫完成的,使用的机械设备有采摘机,带密齿的耙或耙,混合器,搅拌器或切割机。
49.Sweet cherry and apricot fruits通过使用赤霉素和生长素可以让甜樱桃和杏进行单性结实,但正常发育下,这是不可能获得的。
50.Some fruit such as the一些果树,例如无花果会结无籽果实,或者是自然形成,或者是由于生他长调节剂的喷洒,但是他们通常通过异花授粉结有籽果。
51.Some fruits such as the cherry and一些水果如樱桃和杏,花的发端在当季作物收获后进行,因此,在收获产品后照顾好树有助于第二年的良好开花。
52.Sachs suggests that nutrientsSachs 表明同化物在荷尔蒙的控制下,从其他区域被转移到该区域的中心分化组织中,在那儿可以直接引起花的发端。