
北京颐和园英文导游词范文1:Everybody is good! I am the guide from you, we are going to visit in Beijing for three days, today we are going to visit the Summer Palace of the famous.Now, we have come to the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace was built in 1750, by British and French troops burned down in 1860. In 1886 and have been restored. In 1900, the Summer Palace and was severely damaged, the eight in 1902 to repair again. Determine the Summer Palace in 1961, the state council as one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1998, the Summer Palace was the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization included in the "world heritage list".Let me take you to go to corridor. We look ahead, this is the long corridor, its architecture is very beautiful, and very long, as the eye is not an end, he has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 pieces, everyone looked up, this is the transverse sill, it has a colorful picture, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, there are thousands of pictures it, but in no two are the same in these pictures, do not believe we can have a look. You notice? Are the flowers and trees on both sides of the lang is also very beautiful, here is full of the flower of life from January to December, each season has different flowers. Now we have covered corridor, came to the foot of the longevity hill,everyone looked up, three layer architecture is the anise pyramid, buddhist incense most of his use of glazed tile construction, it will shine under the sun. This is a row of resplendent and magnificent palace, row cloud temple. Here we come to the buddhist incense to play. Everyone stood looking down on it, is there a lake? This makes the kunming lake. Now the surface we see kunming lake on the mountain. Kunming lake around long bank, there are several styles of different stone bridge on the bank. Lake there is a small island, planted with trees. We have 17 through the hole in the stone bridge, can go to the island to play. Because there are seventeen holes in this stone, so called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, on the bridge are hundreds of pillars, pillars are carved with small stones, and these lions have different attitude, no two are just the same.Ok, here you free activities for half an hour, but don't go away, don't get close to kunming lake.北京颐和园英文导游词范文2:Everybody is good! My name is presented, your tour guide, today we will visit is rated at 29 "world cultural heritage" in the Summer Palace. I hope my sincerity and enthusiasm can bring happiness to you!The Summer Palace is one of the most vast imperial gardens in the world, is China's largest, protect the most complete existing royal garden museum. Was built in 1750, formerly qingyi park. Qianlong, jiaqing and daoguang and xianfeng emperor palace garden. In 1860 by British and French troops burned down. In 1886, emperor guangxu reconstruction on the original base according to the original size, two years later renamed the Summer Palace, the empress dowager's remaining land. In December 1998, UNESCO listed in the "world heritage list".Park is mainly composed of longevity hill and kunming lake, two big scenery to, lake between the mountains, a pavilion, table, floor, palaces, temples, pagodas, waterside pavilion, pavilion, veranda, long beach, stone bridge, stone fat place full of national features of classical architecture, veranda, the country's longest promenade, the distant mountains near water, become an organic whole repeatedly has the very high artistic value Longevity hill belongs to yanshan -odd arteries, 58. 59 m. Buildings and mountain building, before the longevity hill mountain, three to eight surface layer as the center, four double-hipped roof of Buddha incense of the main body of large buildings. From the foot of "prout catamarans brainpower-computer" arched, the rows cloud gate, two of palace, cloud temple, DE hui temple, Buddha incense, and the wisdom of the sea, until the top of the mountain formed up in layers of a central axis.Kunming lake is the main lake, the Summer Palace, three-fourths of the dominated area, about 220 hectares. Former lakes rippling, south of lake Simon Simon, a castle in the west, north look at the ups and downs in groups; There is a west causeway lake, and on the peach willow lines; The marble seventeen-arch bridge which lies on the lake, the kunming lake is the largest lake in the royal gardens in qing dynasty.Today, our visit to this end, hope pleasant scenery of the Summer Palace, and I can become you the interpretation of wonderful memories! Thank you all!北京颐和园英文导游词范文3:Armies of passengers, everyone! Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, I am a small lead decorous wen, please we care a lot! Ok, I'll tell you something about knowledge about theSummer Palace!The Summer Palace, is China's largest and best-preserved imperial garden existing, is one of China's four big gardens, known as the royal garden museum. The other three gardens as: chengde summer resort, suzhou the humble administrator's garden, and the lingering garden in suzhou. The Summer Palace was built in 1750, built in 1764, the 14 years, built out of the plane or on the surface of the object is about 290 hectares of the Summer Palace.Now we enter the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is a beautiful big park, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. The aisle has more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. You look up, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape. Thousands of picture is not that is the same. Look at both sides, both sides gallery, filled with flowers and trees, a phuong haven't flowers, that a phuong flowers opened again.Armies of passengers, covered corridor, a mountain emerge in front of us, the mountain is called longevity hill, 58. 59 meters, halfway up the hill, a triangular pyramid three house building stands in there, that is the Buddha nasal pavilion. The rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, under the row is cloud temple.On the mountainside of the longevity hill, the Summer Palace landscape in half closed, are the quiet like a mirror in front, green, like a jasper lake is kunming lake, it accounted for three-quarters of the dominated.Coming down from the longevity hill, the kunming lake. Lake center has a small island, the tips of the trees, we want to the island by a stone bridge, there are seventeen little tunnel in thisstone, so called ten 7 bridge. We look at both sides, bridge railing on hundreds of pillar, pillar are engraved a little lion. A lion also have different attitude, no two are the same.Armies of passengers, today's trip to the Summer Palace is almost over, I hope you have fun!。

颐和园的英文导游词篇一:颐和园英文导游词介绍SituatedinthewesternoutskirtsofHaidianDistrict,theSummerPalaceis15kilo meters(9.3miles)fromcentralBeijing.Havingthelargestroyalparkandbeingwe llpreserved,itwasdesignated,in1960bytheStateCouncil,asaKeyCulturalRelics ProtectionSiteofChina.Containingexamplesoftheancientarts,italsohasgracef ullandscapesandmagnificentconstructions.TheSummerPalaceisthearchetyp alChinesegarden,andisrankedamongstthemostnotedandclassicalgardensoft heworld.In1998,itwaslistedasoneoftheWorldHeritageSitesbyUNESCO.ConstructedintheJinDynasty(1115-1234),duringthesucceedingreignoffeuda lemperors;itwasextendedcontinuously.BythetimeoftheQingDynasty(1644-1911),ithadbecomealuxuriousroyalgardenprovidingroyalfamilieswithrestan dentertainment.Originallycalled"QingyiGarden"(GardenofClearRipples),itw asknowasoneofthefamous"threehillsandfivegardens"(LongevityHill,JadeSp ringMountain,andFragrantHill;GardenofClearRipples,GardenofEverlastingS pring,GardenofPerfectionandBrightness,GardenofTranquilityandBrightness ,andGardenofTranquilityandPleasure).LikemostofthegardensofBeijing,itcou ldnoteludetherampagesoftheAnglo-Frenchalliedforceandwasdestroyedbyfi re.In1888,EmpressDowagerCixiembezzlednavyfundstoreconstructitforherownbenefit,changingitsnametoSummerPalace(Yiheyuan).Shespentmostofh erlateryearsthere,dealingwithstateaffairsandentertaining.In1900,itsuffered again,beingransackedbytheEight-PowerAlliedForce.Afterthesuccessofthe1 911Revolution,itwasopenedtothepublic.ComposedmainlyofLongevityHillandKunmingLake,TheSummerPalaceoccup iesanareaof294hectares(726.5acres),threequartersofwhichiswater.Guided bynature,artistsdesignedthegardensexquisitelysothatvisitorswouldseemarv elousviewsandbeamazedbyperfectexamplesofrefinedcraftworkusingthefin estmaterials.CenteredontheTowerofBuddhistIncense(Foxiangge)theSummerPalaceconsi stsofover3,000structuresincludingpavilions,towers,bridges,andcorridors.Th eSummerPalacecanbedividedintofourparts:thecourtarea,front-hillarea,fro nt-lakearea,andrear-hillandback-lakearea.Front-HillArea:thisareaisthemostmagnificentareaintheSummerPalacewitht hemostconstructions.Itslayoutisquitedistinctivebecauseofthecentralaxisfro mtheyardofKunmingLaketothehilltop,onwhichimportantbuildingsarepositi onedincludingGateofDispellingClouds,HallofDispellingClouds,HallofMoralG lory,TowerofBuddhistIncense,theHalloftheSeaofWisdom,etc.Rear-HillandBack-LakeArea:althoughtheconstructionsarefewerhere,ithasau niquelandscape,withdensegreentrees,andwindingpaths.Visitorscanfeelarar etranquility,andelegance.ThisareaincludesscenicspotssuchasGardenofHar moniousInterestandSuzhouMarketStreet.CourtArea:thisiswhereEmpressDowagerCixiandEmperorGuangxumetofficia ls,conductedstateaffairsandrested.EnteringtheEastPalaceGate,visitorsmays eethemainpalacebuildings:theHallofBenevolenceandLongevityservedasthe officeoftheEmperor,theHallofJadeRippleswhereGuangxulived,theHallofJoyf ulLongevity,Cixi‘sresidence,theHallofVirtueandHarmonywhereCixiwasentertained.FrontLa keArea:coveringalargerpartoftheSummerPalace,opensupthevistaofthelake. Abreezefluttering,wavesgleamandwillowskisstheripplesofthevastwater.Inth iscomfortableareatherearetheEasternandWesternBanks,theSeventeen-Arc hBridge,NanhuIsland,andsoon.Onthewesternbankfloatsixdistinctbridgesa mongstwhichtheJade-BeltBridgeisthemostbeautiful.颐和园颐和园是我国现存最完好、规模最宏大的古代园林。

颐和园中英文导游词1大家好!欢迎来到颐和园,今天由我来担任你们的导游,我叫杨依璠,大家可以叫我杨导游,废话不多说,现在就开始我们一天的旅程吧!Everybody is good! , welcome to the Summer Palace today by me to serve as your guide, my name is Yang in Fan, you can call me Yang, tour guide, please donate said, now let's start our day trip!首先,我们绕过大殿,来到有名的长廊,这条长廊有七百多米,分成273间,绿漆的柱子,红漆的栏杆,每一间的横槛上都有五彩的画,画着人物、花草、山水,几千幅画,没有那两幅画是相同的,长廊的两旁还栽满了花草树木,这一朵花还没谢,那一朵花又开了,让我们感觉神清气爽。
这不是一举两得吗!First, we bypass hall, came to the famous promenade, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273, the pillars of the green paint, red paint railings, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of painting, without the two picture is the same, the gallery also planted with trees and flowers on both sides, this didn't thank a flower, the flower opened again, and letus feel refreshed. Well, we walked so much in a short while, also tired, now please passengers sit on a porch friends stool, have a rest, eat something, have a drink of water, but you don't throw the trash, so that damage the environment, and brought inconvenience to cleaner, please put the rubbish into the dustbin. This is not kill two birds with one stone!我们游览过了长廊,现在请大家跟随我到万寿山来游玩吧!现在我们已经在万寿山的脚下了,请旅客朋友们抬头向上看,我们会看到一个八角宝塔形的三层建筑耸立在半山腰上,这就是佛香阁,下面的一排排金碧辉煌的宫殿,就是排云殿。

颐和园导游词英文版文档6篇English version of guide words for Summer Palace编订:JinTai College颐和园导游词英文版文档6篇前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。
篇章1:颐和园导游词英文版范文Tourists, everybody is good, I am you the tour guide to visit the Summer Palace, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks guide! Look, has arrived.Ok, we get off, the Summer Palace is very beautiful, there are flower, grass, a flower haven't xie, another flower opened again. Now we have entered into the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the promenade, look, the pillars of the green and red bars, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each cross on the sill between painting the picture, thousands of painting, no two picture is the same, you believe that? The breeze is blowing from the kunming lake, let a person feel refreshed.Now we have almost on the top of the mountain the longevity hill, three layer architecture that stands halfway up the mountain, is the Buddha incense, the palace, below is the cloud temple, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade. If youdon't believe, now we go to kunming lake appreciate carefully.Look, kunming lake's really big, has a long embankment around it, see the lake in the center ofthe island? After the stone bridge can play on the island. Take a closer look at the stone bridge, seventeen little tunnel, so that the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.The beauty of the Summer Palace, I how to sayalso say not, please yourself slowly touring!篇章2:颐和园导游词英文版范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Dear friends: passengersHow do you do! I'm the tour guide, my name is liang, you call I beam guide. Very glad to serve you. Today I'll guide you to visit the famous royal garden, the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace beauty such as immortal mirror? Because it is associated with water up to the mountain. Mountain, according to the longevity hill, with water,the kunming lake. We today is coming to travel. Ok, few words said, let's go to climb the longevity hill.We have now arrived at the foot of longevity hill, you can looking upward, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. Looked up again, the star of the pyramid three layer architecture is the buddhist incense. You don't have to wait, because we are heading for the top of the mountain.We have now reached the top of the longevity hill and looked down on, you can see the beautiful scenery. Look, the lush trees, with the yellow green glazedtile roof and wall of scarlet. Really beautiful! But there are more beautiful. Look! The kunming lake is proof of that?We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.Kunming lake is very beautiful, beautiful enough to be with than the west lake. Kunming lake on several islands, as long as we walked through the long stonebridge, you can go to the island to play. In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, because it has seventeen little tunnel.We travel to the end.篇章3:颐和园导游词英文版范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Everybody is good, then we are going to travel to the Summer Palace, we can spend this time with me.Then it has me to for you to introduce thehistory of the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located in the northwest of Beijing, the original is the qing dynasty royal gardens. Founded in 1750.Twice by British and French troops and savage looting and destruction of the eight, after the founding of the people to obtain the very good repair and protection.Dear visitors, we have been to the Summer Palace gate, walked into the door, and then around the hall, came to the gallery. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three rooms, each of the cross on the sillhave colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture no two are the same.Covered corridor, we are about to board the longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in front of us,that's what we going to visit, please go with me tight don't lost.Now we are in front of the Buddha incense, stood on the side, looking down, the Summer Palace can see most scenery. Looking east, vaguely can see several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.Dear visitors we have come to kunming lake, kunming lake around long embankment, the top there are several styles of different stone bridge, on bothsides of the weeping willows planted several is not clear, the middle of the lake there is a small island, visitors walk through a longest stone bridge, to the island to play, a stone bridge seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which; Railingon hundreds of pillar, the pillar carved with a lion'scub, have different attitude, no two only attitude is the same.Some scenery everywhere, the Summer Palace said also said not, part of this time we only visited the Summer Palace, we hope you come here a lot after touring.篇章4:故宫导游词英文版范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Each guest hello:I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start today's trip!In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The childprocess is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era China's prices in 1987, Beijing the imperialpalace was the United Nations on the world heritage list.The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please!Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of thePalace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy.篇章5:故宫导游词英文版范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Dear visitors friends:Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya.Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720xx0, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure.This is the meridian gate, is the main entranceof the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of "exit the meridian gate beheaded" this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, don't look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace tofolk, it gradually became "exit the meridian gate beheaded"? Don't be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us!篇章6:故宫导游词英文版范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Hello, welcome to the Palace Museum, and I'm glad to serve you, I am the journey zi-ang li, you justcall me lee, today today have I accompany you have a good time.For the completion of the imperial palace wasbuilt in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dynasty emperor Zhu Dishi build, now with me, please go to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe palace. Here is the place where the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in ceremonies, the whole temple width, depth 5, outside corridor column, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside clear height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, for all the palace, the largest wooden hall.We came to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmony of the Forbidden City. Is the emperor rest the night before they go to the hall of supreme harmony, ministers and accept a mecca for officials.Play the zhonghe palace again, I'll take you to visit the Baohe Palace, the Baohe Palace is the qing dynasty state banquet hall and test for examination hall. As everybody knows, qianlong nearby have a minister called liu2 yong, he is in the Baohe Palace was admitted into the draft.The Forbidden City tour here, today's explanation to me still satisfaction? You are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I'm very grateful to, finally, I wish everyone have a good time. thank you-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------。

We re going to up the hill, ou go! Our next attration is the longevit hill. A three laers in the middle of thelongevit hillpagoda. Alongside hits the toering trees, tree-lined, look like a huge jade.
Everbod is good! I am a little tour guide. B no I lead ou to visit the beautiful Summer Palae.
The Summer Palae, also named qingi garden. You see, this is the famous promenade. The galler has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 27

下面是小编收集整理的颐和园英语导游词,欢迎大家阅读参考!篇一:颐和园英语导游词Good morning, dear passengers. Today by Zhou Yixin as the the Summer Palace tour guide, you can call me Xiao zhou. I hope you can have a happy journey under my leadership. Let's go!Green paint pillars, red painted railings each, this is the famous promenade. This corridor is more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. Each of the cross sills has colorful paintings, drawing figures, flowers, and landscapes. Thousands of paintings do not have the same two pictures. It's beautiful! There are also great promenade on both sides. Flowers are blooming throughout the year. You see, this flower has not yet been thanked, and the flower has opened again. Let us feel that the breeze is blowing up from the Kunming lake on the left. Does it feel refreshed?After the long corridor, let's go and don't drop the queue. The next place we are going to visit is the foot of Longevity Hill. You look up and look at it, the three storey building of the octagonal pagoda stands on the half of the mountain. The glittering place on the pagoda is actually the pavilion of Buddha. Under it, a row of beautiful decoration palace is paiyundian. How many magnificent buildings do you see? Now we are going to mount Longevity Hill. In front of the station, most of the Summer Palace scenery are closing in view of passengers. Look, the greenwoods, glazed tile and Zhu Hong green yellow wall. As you are ahead, Kunming lake is as smooth as a jade and green as a jade. Look at the boat, boats on the lake slowly across, almost without a trace. Be calm enough! Later, we will come to Kunming lake, and interested passengers can row boats to relax themselves.Then let's go to Kunming lake. The most distinctive feature of the lake is various stone bridges on the banks. Let's take a closer look and guess what bridge this bridge is called. In fact, the name of the bridge is named by the number of the bridge. The seventeen hole bridge, you see under the bridge, there are not seventeen holes on the stone bridge. There are hundreds of stone pillars on the bridge. The pillars are carved with little lions. The lion's posture is different. No two of them are the same. Let's watch it again. And look far ahead on a small island green!Finally, I thank you patiently to accompany me to explain, I hope that you carefully go sightseeing will gain more. So now everyone is free to do it! After two hours, we set up in place. Passengers are going to the place you want to go.篇二:颐和园英语导游词Hello everyone! I'm a little guide. Now I'll show you around the beautiful the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace is also known as the Qingyi Garden. Look, here are the famous corridors. This corridor is more than 700 meters, divided into 273. It has a green long column, rows of rows, and a row of neat rows, like soldiers with plain, red lacquered railings, and a variety of patterns on each sill, such as flowers, trees, characters, landscapes, and so on. There is also a basin of colorful flowers next to it, and the fragrance of a silk flower wafted along the corridor. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful of the stairs, and do not litter. Rubbish must be throwninto the fruit box and protect the beautiful environment.Everyone, please come with me! This is one of your most desired attractions - Lake Kunming. The lake of Kunming is a long dike. Hubei has several different forms of bridge, bridge railing had hundred pillars. The lion's head is carved on the stone pillars. They look very different.We're going up to the mountain. You're going to go! Our next scenic spot is longevity hill. There is a three story Pagoda in the hillside of Longevity Hill. There is a towering tree, tree lined, looked like a huge piece of jade.This is the end of the tour of the Summer Palace. Do you think the scenery is beautiful? There are many places of interest in our motherland, and we will see more beautiful scenic spots later. Good bye, ladies and gentlemen!篇三:颐和园英语导游词Hello, let me speak for you today.Hello, everyone. Today I have a tour of the Summer Palace. I hope that my presentation will satisfy you and let us spend this wonderful time together.The Summer Palace, in Haidian District, northwest of Beijing, is the most complete and largest royal garden in China. It is also one of the famous tourist attractions in the world. It belongs to the first national key cultural relic protection unit.The Summer Palace was originally the Imperial Palace and garden. In 1750, Qian Long was rebuilt into Qingyi Garden. In 1860, the Qingyi Garden was burned by the Allied forces of Britain and France. In 1888, the Empress Dowager Ci Xi embezzled Navy funds 3000 taels of silver reconstruction, renamed this name, as the summer recreation ground. By 1900, the Summer Palace again, the Eight Power Allied forcesdestroyed many buildings. Repair in 1903. Later, during the warlords and Kuomintang rule, they were destroyed again, and after the liberation, the ancient gardens were regenerated.The area of the Summer Palace is 290 hectares, of which water accounts for about 3/4. The whole garden is centered on the Buddha fragrant pavilion with 41 meters high on the Wanshou mountain. According to the different places and the terrain, the exquisite buildings, such as hall, hall, building, pavilion, gallery, pavilion and so on are arranged. At the foot of the mountain, a long 728 metre long corridor was built, like a colorful red, with various buildings and green hills and blue waves. The whole garden art is ingenious in design and has a prominent position in the history of Chinese and foreign garden art. It is a rare masterpiece of garden art.The Summer Palace is mainly composed of two parts: Kunming lake and longevity hill. The total area is more than 290 hectares. The fragrant Buddha Pavilion and copper pavilion built on the longevity hill, the kilometer long gallery built near the lake, the seventeen hole bridge in Kunming lake and the stone boat are all attractions that visitors will visit. The Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, about 10 kilometers away from the city. You can either take a suburban bus or a special line bus.This huge garden is the mountain water, Kunming lake is large, but the water is not monotonous. In addition to the various buildings surrounded by the lake, there is a Nanhu island in the lake. It is connected by a beautiful seventeen - hole bridge and the shore. In the western part of the lake, a Sai Tai, embankment repair the bridge there are six beautiful shape.There are many attractions in the the Summer Palace whichfollow the advantages of Jiangnan gardens. If the contract is something Wuxi Qu Yuan Jichang Garden building. It is a copy of Sir Georg Solti West Lake Hangzhou.The middle of the front of the the Summer Palace is a huge group of buildings. From the top of the mountain, the wisdom sea of the mountain, the Buddha Xiang Pavilion, the De Hui hall, the cloud hall, the cloud gate and the Yun Hui Yu Fang, constitute an obvious central axis. There are many buildings on the two sides of the central axis. Along the mountain, and many rockery tunnel, visitors can walk on. After the Summer Palace mountain, and the mountain before the different design patterns. The mountain style is grand and magnificent, and Pine Hill is a path and bridges Qushui win.Today's sightseeing tour is coming to an end. In this period of time in the Summer Palace, we hope to become an eternal memory of your trip to Beijing. At the same time, please give my best wishes to your family and friends.。

颐和园英文版导游词(通用5篇)颐和园英文版篇1hi! Hello, I am your tour guide xiao Lin, today by I lead you to visit the world cultural heritage, beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace, we hope you have a good time, play fun.Now we have been to the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace formerly qingyi park, built qing dynasty emperor qianlong fifteen years as AD 1750, Beijing in the qing dynasty, is the famous "three mountains five gardens" built in the last one. Also is one of China's four big gardens, on March 4, 1961, the Summer Palace was announced as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, in August 1998 was rated as the world cultural heritage, the Summer Palace on May 8, 2019 by the national tourism administration approval for the state 5 a-class tourist scenic spot.The Summer Palace gates, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. The promenade is 720 meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each cross on the sill between painted with colorful painting, painting the character, the grass, the landscape, as well as some historical stories and myths and legends.Tourists now here we are at the foot of longevity hill, you look at that whether there is a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand that is halfway up the mountain, buddhist incense under the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is to go to the temple.颐和园英文版导游词篇2Situated in the western outskirts of Haidian District,the Summer Palace is 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from central Beijing. Having the largest royal park and being well preserved, it wasdesignated,in 1960 by the State Council,as a Key Cultural Relics Protection Site of China. Containing examples of the ancient arts,it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions. The Summer Palace is the archetypal Chinese garden,and is ranked amongst the most noted and classical gardens of the world. In 1998, it was listed as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.Constructed in the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234),during the succeeding reign of feudal emperors; it was extended continuously. By the time of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment. Originally called "Qingyi Garden" (Garden of Clear Ripples),it was know as one of the famous "three hills and five gardens" (Longevity Hill,Jade Spring Mountain, and Fragrant Hill; Garden of Clear Ripples, Garden of Everlasting Spring,Garden of Perfection and Brightness,Garden of Tranquility and Brightness, and Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure). Like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French allied force and was destroyed by fire. In 1888,Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan). She spent most of her later years there, dealing with state affairs and entertaining. In 1900,it suffered again,being ransacked by the Eight-Power Allied Force. After the success of the 1911 Revolution, it was opened to the public.Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, The Summer Palace occupies an area of 294 hectares (726.5 acres),three quarters of which is water. Guided by nature,artists designed the gardens exquisitely so that visitors would seemarvelous views and be amazed by perfect examples of refined craftwork using the finest materials.Centered on the T ower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) the Summer Palace consists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, and corridors. The Summer Palace can be divided into four parts: the court area, front-hill area,front-lake area, and rear-hill and back-lake area.Front-Hill Area: this area is the most magnificent area in the Summer Palace with the most constructions. Its layout is quite distinctive because of the central axis from the yard of Kunming Lake to the hilltop, on which important buildings are positioned including Gate of Dispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling Clouds,Hall of Moral Glory, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, etc.Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area: although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape, with dense green trees,and winding paths. Visitors can feel a rare tranquility,and elegance. This area includes scenic spots such as Garden of Harmonious Interest and Suzhou Market Street.Court Area: this is where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu met officials,conducted state affairs and rested. Entering the East Palace Gate, visitors may see the main palace buildings: the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity served as the office of the Emperor, the Hall of Jade Ripples where Guangxu lived, the Hall of Joyful Longevity,Cixi‘s residence, the Hall of Virtue and Harmony where Cixi was entertained.Front Lake Area: covering a larger part of the Summer Palace,opens up the vista of the lake. A breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water. In this comfortable area there are the Eastern and Western Banks, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Nanhu Island, and so on. On the western bank float six distinct bridges amongst which the Jade-Belt Bridge is the most beautiful.颐和园是我国现存最完好、规模最宏大的古代园林。

颐和园英文导游词篇一:颐和园英文介绍Welcome to the Summer Palace.I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you . The construction of the SummerPalace first started in 1750. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories. The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong.With supreme power and large sums of money, he sed skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mother `s birthday.the Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake .The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of whih three- fourths consists of a lake and rivers .This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters withmore than 100 picturesque spots of interest. The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. Entering the East Gate we will come the the office quarters. Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters. The annex halls on both sides wereused for officials on duty.篇二:英文导游词:颐和园昆明湖景区签10.颐和园黑龙潭景区(昆明湖名称含义;西堤;东堤;湖中诸岛)Kunming Lake covers the three quarters of the wholeSummer Palace. the name of the lake came from “Kunming Pool” in Changan, made by Emperor Wu Di in the Han Dynasty fortraining his soldiers. Qing Emperor Qianlong just followedthe example of Han Wu Di and gave the name Kunming Lake.To the west of Kunming Lake, there is a long causeway onthe Lake, which is called “West Dyke”, patterned after theSu Dyke in West Lake in Hangzhou. Along the Dyke there aresix bridges separate the lake into two parts. The Jade Belt Bridge is the most beautiful bridge among the six bridges inthe west dyke. Its high-arched body looks just like a jade belt, hence its name Jade Belt Bridge. The three Chinese characters, “Yu Dai Qiao” was in Emperor Qianlong’s handwriting. Most of the name of the Bridges have beenderived from ancient poems to describe the beautiful surroundings, such as the Lake Boudary Bridge, the Local Song Bridge, the Mirror Bridge, the White Sike Bridge and theWillow Bridge.Compare with the West Dyke, there also have many beatiful scenic spots in the East Dyke, such as the 17-Arch Bridgemthe Spacious Pavilion, the Bronze Ox, the Heralding Spring Pavilion and the Wen Chang Belvedere.The 17-Arch Bridge is the largest bridge in the Summer Palace. It links East Dyke at its eastern end, and connect South Lake Island at its western end. It is 150 meters longand 8 meters wide with 17 arches. There are 544 stone lionsin different sizes and postures carved on the top of the balusters. Seen from a distance, it looks like a rainbow hanging across the water on the lake. The 17-Arch Bridge was first built in 1750, and was imitation of Marco Polo Bridge, but this bridge is more beautiful and have more stone lions. The number 17 was adopted because when seen from either the left or right, the ninth arch is in the middle, and in the old days, the number nine was the lucky number and favorite number in Chinese numerals.The South Lake Island is the biggest island on Kunming Lake. It is located on the eastern part of Kunming Lake and linked with the East Dike by the 17-Arch Bridge. On the northern part of the South Lake Island, there is a big hall with a platform in the front. This was the place where Empress Dowager Cixi watched the navy training on the lake. The Temple of the Dragon King was built on the south Lake Island. Inside the temple, there is a statue of the Dragon King.The Temple of the Dragon King was built here, not only with the purpose of decorating the island, but also tocontrol water. It is said that in 1787 Emperor Qianlong, at the age of 80, came here in person to pray for rain. Soon after, rain poured down in torrents that night. The next day, the emperor came here again to have a big ceremony to show his thanks to the Dragon King. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the emoperor came to the Temple of the Dragon King every year in person or sent his high ranking official to come here to worship.The Spacious Pavilion is the biggest extanted ornamental Pavilion in the Ancient garden of China. It is located at theeastern end of the 17-Arch Bridge. It’s an eight-sided and double-eaved pavillion with an area of over 300 square meters that provided a wide field of vision, so it got the name Spacious Pavilion.To the east of the 17-Arch Bridge we can see a Bronze Ox. In ancient China, theox was used as a symbol of flood control. The 80-word “Golden Ox Inscription”, written by Emperor Qianlong was cast on the back of the Bronze Ox, just toexplain its presence.Yelu Chucai was a famous politician of the Yuan Dynasty and also a famous Mongolian general. During his lifetime, he made great contributions to t he preservation of China’s interests. Yuan Emperor put him in an important position in the Yuan Court. Yelu Chucai died in 1244, He was buried at the foot of Jar Hill, and a temple was built to commemorate him. Yelu Chucai Temple consists of three parts: the coffin chamber of Yelu Chucai, the memorial halls and his stone statue.Wen Chang Belvedere is a two-story tower building in the shape of a city gate. Inside the building, the bronze statue of the God of Literature Prosperity is enshrined.篇三:Summer Palace颐和园的英文简述Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in BeijingThe Summer Palace in Beijing – first built in 1750, largely destroyed in the war of 1860 and restored on its original foundations in 1886 – is a masterpiece of Chineselandscape garden design. The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces,temples and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetaic value.Long DescriptionThe imperial Chinese garden, illustrated by the Summer Palace, is a potent symbol of one of the major world civilizations. The Summer Palace epitomizes the philosophy and practice of Chinese garden design, which played a keyrole in the development of this cultural form throughout the east.Between 1750 and 1764 the Qing Emperor Qianlong created the Garden of Clear Ripples (Summer Palace), extending the area of the lake and carrying out other improvements based on the hill and its landscape. During theSecond Opium War (1856-60) the garden and its buildings were destroyed by the allied forces. Between 1886 and 1895 it was reconstructed by Emperor Guangxu and renamed the Summer Palace, for use by Empress Dowager Cixi. It was damaged in 1900 by the international expeditionary force during the suppression of the Boxer Rising and restored two years later. It became a public park in 1924.The Summer Palace covers an area of 2.97 km2 , three-quarters of which is covered by water. The main framework is supplied by the Hill of Longevity and Kunming Lake, complemented by man-made features. It is designed on agrandiose scale, commensurate with its role as animperial garden. It is divided into three areas, each withits particular function: political and administrative activities, residence, and recreation and sightseeing.The political area is reach by means of the ental East Palace Gate. The central feature is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity, an imposing structure with its own courtyard garden. This area connects directly with the residential area, which is made up of three complexes of buildings. The Hall of Happiness in Longevity was the palace of Cixi and the Hall of Jade Ripples that ofGuangxu and his empress, whereas the Hall of Yiyun housed his bines. These buildings are all built up against the Hillof Longevity, with fine views over the lake, and areconnected to one another by means of roofed corridors. These icate with the Great Stage to the east and the Long Corridor (728 m), with more than 10,000 paintings on its walls and ceilings, to the west. In front of the Hall of Happiness in Longevity there is a wooden quay giving access by water totheir quarters for the imperial family. The remainder of the Summer Palace, some 90% of the total area, is given over to recreation and sightseeing. The steeper northern side of the Hill of Longevity is a tranquil area, through which a stream follows a winding course.There are many halls and pavilions disposed within the overall frame provided by the lake and the low hills around them. The Tower of the Fragrance of Buddha forms the centreof the structures on the south side of the hill. It is octagonal in plan and its three storeys rise to a height of41 m. It is supported on eight massive pillars of lignumvitae and roofed with a great variety of glazed tiles. East of the Tower is the Revolving Archive, a Buddhist structure with a pillar on which is carved an at of the creation of the garden. To the west are the Wu Fang Pavilion and the Baoyun Bronze Pavilion constructed entirely in bronze.Between the Tower and the lake is the complex known as the Hall that Dispels the Clouds. Other pavilions and halls cluster around these main features. Kunming Lake has many of the features of the natural scenery of the region south of the Yangtze River. It contains three large islands.The South Lake Island is linked to the East Dyke by the stately Seventeen Arch Bridge. The West Dike consciously follows the style of the famous Sudi Dyke built in the West Lake at Hangzhou during the Song dynasty in the 13th century; six bridges in different styles along its length lend variety to the view as seen up against the background of the West Hill, which is an essential feature of the overall design of the garden.Source: UNESCO/CLT/WHCHistorical DescriptionDuring the reigns of the Qing Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong (1663-1795) several imperial gardens were created around Beijing, the last of them being the Summer Palace, based on the Hill of Longevity and Kunming Lake in the north-western suburbs of the city.Kunming Lake (known earlier as Wengshan Pond and Xihu Lake) had been used as a source of water for irrigation andfor supplying the city for some 3500 years. It was developedas a reservoir for Yuan Dadu, capital of the Yuan Dynasty, by Guo Shoujing, a famous scientist of the period, in 1291. Between 1750 and 1764 Emperor Qianlong created the Garden of Clear Ripples,extending the area of the lake and carrying out other improvements based on the hill and its landscape. It was to serve as the imperial garden for him and for his successors, Jiaqing, Daoguang, and Xianfeng.During the Second Opium War (1856-60) the garden and its buildings were destroyed by the allied forces. Between 1886 and 1895 it was reconstructed by Emperor Guangxu and renamed the Summer Palace, for use by EmpressDowager Cixi. It was badly damaged in 1900 by the international expeditionary force during the suppression ofthe Boxer Rising, in which Cixi had played a significant role, and restored two years later.The Summer Palace became a public park in 1924 and has continued as such to the present day.颐和园英文导游词。

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颐和园导游词英语3篇颐和园导游词英语范文1:Dear visitors, guys! I am your tour guide, my name is Bai Zuhang, today I'll give you interpret the scenic spot of the Summer Palace, I hope you can leave a good memory here.Let's walk into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, there are beautiful scenery waiting for us to see. This is the Summer Palace, the famous promenade, look! The pillars of the green paint, red paint of the rail, the eye is not the end, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into two hundred and seventy-three, look over there, each of the cross bar on the colorful paintings, thousands of picture not the two picture is the same, it is the artist's work, on both sides of the aisle are beautiful flowers, fragrance waft. Let us out of the corridor, to the foot of longevity hill. Please look up and have a star anise pyramid building stands onthe hillside, yellow glass tile shine, that is, buddhist incense climb, buddhist incense can see most of the landscape, the Summer Palace and the rows of incense you face resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. The next station is kunming lake, it is green like a jasper, quiet like a mirror, if you want to go to the island in the center of the lake, after a long bank, cross the bridge. This bridge is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, it has 17 little tunnel, bridge hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, the lion have different attitude,let's go to the island! Please slowly to watch.Well, today is here, you can free viewing,there's a better tomorrow scenery waiting for you to play.颐和园导游词英语范文2:Dear visitors, everybody is good, I am your tour guide xiao wang. Now we came to the beautiful Summer Palace look endless blocks in the corridor. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Each of the cross on the sill have colorfulpaintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of picture no two are the same.Now we are through the corridor, came to the foot of the longevity hill. Please look up and stands on the hillside of the anise three layers of pyramid building is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. We now set out to the longevity hill.Tourists, Buddha incense is our position now, the Summer Palace landscape in fundus. See the lush trees, with yellow green glaed tile roof and vermeil wall, give us beautiful enjoyment on the vision. Is the front, is known as the kunming lake. XiangDongYuan see again, I could see a faint several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.We come down from longevity hill came to kunming lake; Bank has several different styles on the ancient bridge, one of the most famous is the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. There are seventeenlittle tunnel in this stone bridge, hence the name the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. Now with methrough the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, please go to the lake center, please have a look at carefully, railing on hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion. So many lions, posture is differ, no two are just the same.There are beautiful scenery, the Summer Palacesaid also said not over. Now please free activities,an hour later at the door of the corridor. Play while you pay attention to safety and environmental protection.颐和园导游词英语范文3:Dear friends, today we are going to visit is the Summer Palace. I am the guide from today - dong guide.Now our point is tourism, Beijing's drive to the Summer Palace is about two hours!Dear friends, do you know why called h and the Summer Palace? Now I will tell you about!The name of the yard “and” cixi has its own meaning. Say first h word, when maintenance, is synonymous with “a” in this sense, such as “salarymen” “h god ra ises a gender. Say and words,the original value of harmony, coordination, and the human body if lose harmony, will get sick, so the word ”and“ extended to health. Choose ”and" as YuanMing empress dowager cixi, visible purpose is expected to keep their body as well. Is that clear?To get off, the Summer Palace! Dear visitors, we have been at the entrance to the Summer Palace. According to the direction of my finger now, around the hall, you can see the famous promenade!We are now seeing this corridor of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three. , each cross between sill has acolorful picture, painted figures, flowers and landscape, thousands of painting is no two are the same picture? Isn't it?Look, on both sides of the corridor is full of flowers and trees, the flowers haven't xie, the flowers opened again, many varieties, right?Now on the longevity hill, standing in front of Buddha incense looking down, most is the Summer Palace and garden scenery in fundus. Lush trees, set off thewall of the glaed tile roof and scarlet. Verybeautiful!The Summer Palace is so beautiful, I a person also said not over, now is the time of you free activity, three hours later we are to meet at the gate!Dear visitors! The Summer Palace beautiful not beautiful? Beauty is beauty, but also a lot of fun. But we also have to go back again the beautiful scenery! Have the opportunity to come again next time!。

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Im a little guide.Now Ill show you around the beautiful the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace is also known as the Qingyi Garden.Look, here are the famous corridors.This corridor is more than 700 meters, divided into 273.It has a green long column, rows of rows, and a row of neat rows, like soldiers with plain, red lacquered railings, and a variety of patterns on each sill, such as flowers, trees, characters, landscapes, and so on.There is also a basin of colorful flowers neXt to it, and the fragrance of a silk flower wafted along the corridor.Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful of the stairs, and do not litter.Rubbish must be thrown into the fruit boX and protect the beautiful environment.Everyone, please come with me! This is one of your most desired attractions - Lake Kunming.The lake of Kunming is a long dike.Hubei has several different forms of bridge, bridgerailing had hundred pillars.The lions head is carved on the stone pillars.They look very different.Were going up to the mountain.Youre going to go! Our neXt scenic spot is longevity hill.There is a three story Pagoda in the hillside of Longevity Hill.There is a towering tree, tree lined, looked like a huge piece of jade.This is the end of the tour of the Summer Palace.Do you think the scenery is beautiful? There are many places of interest in our motherland, and we will see more beautiful scenic spots later.Good bye, ladies and gentlemen!关于颐和园的导游词英语作文2Dear friends: passengersHow do you do! Im the tour guide, my name is liang, you call I beam guide.Very glad to serve you.Today Ill guide you to visit the famous royal garden, the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace beauty such as immortal mirror? Because it is associated with water up to the mountain.Mountain, according to the longevity hill, with water, the kunming lake.We today is coming to travel.Ok, few words said, lets go to climb the longevity hill.We have now arrived at the foot of longevity hill, you can looking upward, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palaceis cloud temple.Looked up again, the star of the pyramid three layer architecture is the buddhist incense.You dont have to wait, because we are heading for the top of the mountain.We have now reached the top of the longevity hill and looked down on, you can see the beautiful scenery.Look, the lush trees, with the yellow green glazed tile roof and wall of scarlet.Really beautiful! But there are more beautiful.Look! The kunming lake is proof of that?We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.Kunming lake is very beautiful, beautiful enough to be with than the west lake.Kunming lake on several islands, as long as we walked through the long stone bridge, you can go to the island to play.In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, because it has seventeen little tunnel.We travel to the end.关于颐和园的导游词英语作文3The Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of which three- fourths consists of a lake and rivers.This imperial garden features 3,000 room-units and covers an eXpanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesque spots of interest.The layout of the Summer Palaceincludes three groups of architectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, resting palaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas.Entering the East Gate we will come the office quarters.Entering the East gate we will come to the office quarters.The anneX halls on both sides were used for officials on duty.This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity.Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters.The gigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone, quarried in Jiangsu Province and placed here to decorated the garden.On the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as Qilin or Xuanni.It was said to the one of the nine sons of Dragon King.A point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of an oX, and is covered with a unique skin.IT was considered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity.This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.It was built in 1750, and was known as the Hall of Industrious Government.Emperor Qianlong ruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be named after them.After the rebuilding of the Summer Palace, the hall wasrenamed, suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives.The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched.In the middle of the hall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs.In the background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons.On either side of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, two column-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burner assuming the form of Luduan, a mythological animal which was suppose to have the power to prevent fire.The small chambers on eight side were where the Emperor Qianlong and Empress Dowager CiXi rested and met officials on formal occasions.On the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues of dragon and phoeniXes which served as incense burners on major occasions.They are hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs.Also on the veranda are Tai Ping (Peace) bronze water vats made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong.As a precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winter to keep the water in them from freezing.(At the entrance of Garden of Virtuous Harmony)Outside the East Gate?in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building- a lakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples- in front of the o Jade Ripples- in front of the Yiyunguan (Chamber of Mortal Being)-Hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the Yaoyue (Chamber of Mortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue (Inviting the Moon) Gate of the Long Corridor- strolling along the Long Corridor- visiting an eXhibition of cultural relics- in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on a hilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- inside the Garden of Harmonious Interest ?outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street- atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street ?on the road from the south gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhou shopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the Garden of complete spring ?along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the Kunming Lake-leaving out through the East Gate.(Outside the east gate)Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to the Summer Palace.(After the self-introduction of the guide -interpreter) I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical and cultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750.At that time, the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country with vast territories.The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong.With supreme power and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans from all over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of his mothers birthday.After 15 years and one seventh of the nations annual revenue spent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony to Chinas scientific and technological achievements.In 1860, this vast royal garden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan (Garden of Perfection and Brightness) by Angol-French allied forces.In 1888, Empress Dowager CiXi reconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony (SummerPalace).Characterized by its vast scope and rich cultural embodiments, the Summer Palace has become one of the most famous tourist sites in the world.This is the main entrance to the Summer Palace-the East Gate On top of the eaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means "Garden of Nurtured Harmony", whose calligrapher was Emperor GuangXu.The gate that you are now entering was used eXclusively by the emperor, the empress and the queen mother.All others used the side doors.关于颐和园的导游词英语作文4Hello, let me speak for you today.Hello, everyone.Today I have a tour of the Summer Palace.I hope that my presentation will satisfy you and let us spend this wonderful time together.The Summer Palace, in Haidian District, northwest of Beijing, is the most complete and largest royal garden in China.It is also one of the famous tourist attractions in the world.It belongs to the first national key cultural relic protection unit.The Summer Palace was originally the Imperial Palace and garden.In 1750, Qian Long was rebuilt into Qingyi Garden.In 1860, the Qingyi Garden was burned by the Allied forces ofBritain and France.In 1888, the Empress Dowager Ci Xi embezzled Navy funds 3000 taels of silver reconstruction, renamed this name, as the summer recreation ground.By 1900, the Summer Palace again, the Eight Power Allied forces destroyed many buildings.Repair in ter, during the warlords and Kuomintang rule, they were destroyed again, and after the liberation, the ancient gardens were regenerated.The area of the Summer Palace is 290 hectares, of which water accounts for about 3/4.The whole garden is centered on the Buddha fragrant pavilion with 41 meters high on the Wanshou mountain.According to the different places and the terrain, the eXquisite buildings, such as hall, hall, building, pavilion, gallery, pavilion and so on are arranged.At the foot of the mountain, a long 728 metre long corridor was built, like a colorful red, with various buildings and green hills and blue waves.The whole garden art is ingenious in design and has a prominent position in the history of Chinese and foreign garden art.It is a rare masterpiece of garden art.The Summer Palace is mainly composed of two parts: Kunming lake and longevity hill.The total area is more than 290 hectares.The fragrant Buddha Pavilion and copper pavilion built on the longevity hill, the kilometer long gallery builtnear the lake, the seventeen hole bridge in Kunming lake and the stone boat are all attractions that visitors will visit.The Summer Palace is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, about 10 kilometers away from the city.You can either take a suburban bus or a special line bus.This huge garden is the mountain water, Kunming lake is large, but the water is not monotonous.In addition to the various buildings surrounded by the lake, there is a Nanhu island in the lake.It is connected by a beautiful seventeen - hole bridge and the shore.In the western part of the lake, a Sai Tai, embankment repair the bridge there are siX beautiful shape.There are many attractions in the the Summer Palace which follow the advantages of Jiangnan gardens.If the contract is something WuXi Qu Yuan Jichang Garden building.It is a copy of Sir Georg Solti West Lake Hangzhou.The middle of the front of the the Summer Palace is a huge group of buildings.From the top of the mountain, the wisdom sea of the mountain, the Buddha Xiang Pavilion, the De Hui hall, the cloud hall, the cloud gate and the Yun Hui Yu Fang, constitute an obvious central aXis.There are many buildings on the two sides of the central aXis.Along the mountain, and manyrockery tunnel, visitors can walk on.After the Summer Palace mountain, and the mountain before the different design patterns.The mountain style is grand and magnificent, and Pine Hill is a path and bridges Qushui win.Todays sightseeing tour is coming to an end.In this period of time in the Summer Palace, we hope to become an eternal memory of your trip to Beijing.At the same time, please give my best wishes to your family and friends.关于颐和园的导游词英语作文5Good morning, dear passengers.Today by Zhou YiXin as the the Summer Palace tour guide, you can call me Xiao zhou.I hope you can have a happy journey under my leadership.Lets go!Green paint pillars, red painted railings each, this is the famous promenade.This corridor is more than 700 meters long, divided into 273.Each of the cross sills has colorful paintings, drawing figures, flowers, and landscapes.Thousands of paintings do not have the same two pictures.Its beautiful! There are also great promenade on both sides.Flowers are blooming throughout the year.You see, this flower has not yet been thanked, and the flower has opened again.Let us feel that the breeze is blowing up from the Kunming lake on the left.Does it feel refreshed?After the long corridor, lets go and dont drop the queue.The neXt place we are going to visit is the foot of Longevity Hill.You look up and look at it, the three storey building of the octagonal pagoda stands on the half of the mountain.The glittering place on the pagoda is actually the pavilion of Buddha.Under it, a row of beautiful decoration palace is paiyundian.How many magnificent buildings do you see? Now we are going to mount Longevity Hill.In front of the station, most of the Summer Palace scenery are closing in view of passengers.Look, the green woods, glazed tile and Zhu Hong green yellow wall.As you are ahead, Kunming lake is as smooth as a jade and green as a jade.Look at the boat, boats on the lake slowly across, almost without a trace.Be calm enough! Later, we will come to Kunming lake, and interested passengers can row boats to relaX themselves.Then lets go to Kunming lake.The most distinctive feature of the lake is various stone bridges on the banks.Lets take a closer look and guess what bridge this bridge is called.In fact, the name of the bridge is named by the number of the bridge.The seventeen hole bridge, you see under the bridge, there are not seventeen holes on the stone bridge.There are hundreds of stone pillars on the bridge.The pillars are carved with littlelions.The lions posture is different.No two of them are the same.Lets watch it again.And look far ahead on a small island green!Finally, I thank you patiently to accompany me to eXplain, I hope that you carefully go sightseeing will gain more.So now everyone is free to do it! After two hours, we set up in place.Passengers are going to the place you want to go.关于颐和园的导游词英语作文终于写完毕了,希望能够帮助到大家,谢谢!。

颐和园导游词英文版颐和园导游词英文版1Dear friends: passengersHow do you do! I'm the tour guide, my name is liang, you call I beam guide. Very glad to serve you. T oday I'll guide you to visit the famous royal garden, the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace beauty such as immortal mirror? Because it is associated with water up to the mountain. Mountain, according to the longevity hill, with water, the kunming lake. We today is coming to travel. Ok, few words said, let's go to climb the longevity hill.We have now arrived at the foot of longevity hill, you can looking upward, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. Looked up again, the star of the pyramid three layer architecture is the buddhist incense. You don't have to wait, because we are heading for the top of the mountain.We have now reached the top of the longevity hill and looked down on, you can see the beautiful scenery. Look, the lush trees, with the yellow green glazed tile roof and wall of scarlet. Really beautiful! But there are more beautiful. Look! The kunming lake is proof of that?We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.Kunming lake is very beautiful, beautiful enough to be with than the west lake. Kunming lake on several islands, as long as we walked through the long stone bridge, you can go to the island to play. In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, because it has seventeen little tunnel.We travel to the end.颐和园导游词英文版2Everybody is good, then we are going to travel to the Summer Palace, we can spend this time with me.Then it has me to for you to introduce the history of the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located in the northwest of Beijing, the original is the qing dynasty royal gardens. Founded in 1750. Twice by British and French troops and savage looting and destruction of the eight, after the founding of the people to obtain the very good repair and protection.Dear visitors, we have been to the Summer Palace gate, walked into the door, and then around the hall, came to the gallery. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three rooms, each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture no two are the same.Covered corridor, we are about to board the longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in front of us, that's what we going to visit, please go with me tight don't lost.Now we are in front of the Buddha incense, stood on the side, looking down, the Summer Palace can see most scenery. Looking east, vaguely can see several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.Dear visitors we have come to kunming lake, kunming lake around long embankment, the top there are several styles of different stone bridge, on both sides of the weeping willows planted several is not clear, the middle of the lake there is a small island, visitors walk through a longest stone bridge, to the island to play, a stone bridge seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which; Railing on hundreds of pillar, the pillar carved with a lion's cub, have different attitude, no two onlyattitude is the same.Some scenery everywhere, the Summer Palace said also said not, part of this time we only visited the Summer Palace, we hope you come here a lot after touring.颐和园导游词英文版3Tourists, everybody is good, I am you the tour guide to visit the Summer Palace, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks guide! Look, has arrived.Ok, we get off, the Summer Palace is very beautiful, there are flower, grass, a flower haven't xie, another flower opened again. Now we have entered into the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the promenade, look, the pillars of the green and red bars, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each cross on the sill between painting the picture, thousands of painting, no two picture is the same, you believe that? The breeze is blowing from the kunming lake, let a person feel refreshed.Now we have almost on the top of the mountain the longevity hill, three layer architecture that stands halfway up the mountain, is the Buddha incense, the palace, below is the cloud temple, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade. If you don't believe, now we go to kunming lake appreciate carefully.Look, kunming lake's really big, has a long embankment around it, see the lake in the center of the island? After the stone bridge can play on the island. Take a closer look at the stone bridge, seventeen little tunnel, so that the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.The beauty of the Summer Palace, I how to say also say not, please yourself slowly touring!。

【关键字】北京导游词颐和园英语导游词3篇颐和园英语导游词范文1:Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks tour guide.Dear visitors, walked into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous promenade, endless promenade workers more than sevenhundred meters, is divided into 273 rooms, each between the horizontal bar has a colorful picture, it draw, figures, flowers and plants, landscape. No two of the painting so many picture is the same.Go to the end of the corridor, came to the foot of longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside,that is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple.Now we will go to the kunming lake. Lake island in the center. As long as the visitors through the resin stones can play on the island, the bridge is seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing pillars, above the pillar carved with a lion, so many lions, have different attitude, no two are just the same.My explanation is over, now you can free activities, collection 3:30pmhere! But beware: 1, no littering, 2, pay attention to safety, finally I wish you all a happy journey!颐和园英语导游词范文2:Everybody is good! I am a little tour guide. By now I lead you to visitthe beautiful Summer Palace.The Summer Palace, also named qingyi garden. You see, this is the famous promenade. The gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273. It has a long column, a green rows, rows neatly, like a trained soldiers; Have red paint of the rail, and between each cross sill have all kinds ofdecorative pattern, such as trees and flowers, figures, landscapes, and so on.Along with POTS of colorful flowers, floral scents in the corridor float tofall away, pure and fresh taste. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be carefulof cascade, and don't litter, garbage must throw into the garbage, protect the beautiful environment here!Dear visitors, everybody follow me, please! This is a the most looking forward to you - kunming lake. Kunming lake is a long levee. Hubei has several forms of the stone bridge, had one hundred stone pillars on the railing.Pillars engraved with lions, they each demeanor, fantastic!We're going to up the hill, you go! Our next attraction is thelongevity hill. A three layers in the middle of the longevity hill pagoda. Alongside hits the towering trees, tree-lined, look like a huge jade.It is the end of the Summer Palace one day tour. Do you think the scenery beautiful? After our country still has a lot of places of interest, we will watch the more beautiful sights! Dear visitors, goodbye!颐和园英语导游词范文3:Everybody is good! I am your tour guide Su Xiaoyue, would be glad to accompany you to visit the Summer Palace. Is the qing dynasty imperial garden and palace, the Summer Palace is China's key cultural relics protection units, has been included in the "world heritage", visit when you can't throw rubbish!We first came to the Summer Palace, one of the most famous promenade. Look, the pillars of the green paint, red paint of the railing, how beautiful! The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273, it is theworld's longest art gallery, each cross on the sill between has a colorful picture, painted with figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture notwo are the same. Do you believe that?Now, we have arrived at the foot of longevity hill, please raise your head and the anise three layers of pyramid building stands on the hillside, yellow glazed tiles shine, that is, buddhist incense under the palace called cloud temple.Next we go to kunming lake appreciate once! Bank long around it. Have you seen that island on the lake center? Through the long stone bridge can be to play in the island. The stone is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which,railing on the hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, no two are the same.Okay, now you can go to the lake cruise, original fully appreciate the beauty around us! But, can I remind everyone must pay attention to safety! Finally, I wish you all visitors have fun!文档从互联网中收集,已重新整理排版,word版本支持修改!。

故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词(精选6篇)故宫天坛颐和园英语篇1Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. In the next few days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, welcome to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today we mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please throw the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "worship heaven" and "pray for the valley", which is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, whichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, where we are now, is divided intoNorth and south parts. T ourists, look at the building in the north. It's called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity was very low at that time and the harvest was controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" was built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the world a goodharvest.Please follow me. We are now at the "Hall of praying for new year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall with triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, which are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The top is crowned with a huge gilded top. Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The white platformsymbolizes white clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautifulshape of blue sky and jade world.Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", which is specially used to worship heaven on the winter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength between the two altars is 360 meters, which is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, with a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.Through the corridor, we see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the west gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.After listening to my introduction, you must want to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefollowing time is for you, you have enough time to swim. One hour later, we arestill gathering here. I hope you will observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词篇2Dear touristsWhat we are going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place whereemperors used to worship heaven. After Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty moved hiscapital to Beijing, he built the altar for worshiping heaven in the south ofBeijing, which imitated the Great Hall of Nanjing, covering an area of 2.73million square meters. The main building is the great memorial hall, which isthe location of the hall of praying for new year. The temple of heaven has outerwall and inner wall. It is round in the north and square in the south.At the beginning, the temple of heaven and the temple of earth were bothTemple of heaven. It was not until the temple of earth was built in Beichengduring the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty that they were separated, and a newround Mound Altar was added for the worship of heaven in the winter of MengDynasty. The original Hall of great sacrifice was changed into the hall of greatenjoyment, which was specially used for praying for the valley in the spring ofMeng Dynasty. At that time, the roof of the hall was already triple eaves, andthe blue, yellow and green tiles from top to bottom represented all things inthe world. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the hall of Da Xiang waschanged into the hall of praying for new year, and the roof tiles were changedinto blue glazed tiles. Thus, we have formed the world's largest architecturalcomplex of offering sacrifices to heaven. However, such a holy place forworshiping heaven was once looted by the British and French allied forces in1860, and then by the Eight Allied forces in 1900. When Yuan Shikai ascended thethrone in 1916, he also staged a farce of sacrificing heaven in the temple ofheaven.In 1918, the temple of heaven was finally opened as a park. Afterliberation, the temple of heaven has not only become a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of Beijing's urban green space. Not onlytourists come here, but also some elderly people who are dedicated to physicalfitness. Now let's start this tour along the route that the emperor ascended thealtar. Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven.What we are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. There are two enclosure walls in the round hill,which make the outside square and the inside round, in line with the statementthat thesky is round and the place is round. Each wall has four groups ofLingxing gates. From the East, there are Taiyuan, zhaoheng, Guangli andChengzhen in turn. There are three gates in each group, and there are 24 intotal, which is called "Yunmen Yuli". You can notice that the size of theLingxing gate is different, because the middle gate is dedicated to God, so itis tall; the emperor can only enter through the left gate; and other officialscan only pass through the smallest gate on the right. The platform outside thegate is the place where the emperor changed his ceremonial clothes and washesbefore the ceremony, which is called the platform with clothes. When we come tothe bottom of the round hill altar, we are going to climb it soon. But I ask youto pay attention to the number of steps on each level of the altar. At thehighest level, you will find that the number of steps and guard boards on thealtar is nine or a multiple of nine. Every time you climb a floor, you have tohave nine steps. The stone in the middle of the table is called Tianxin stone,and the first circle around it is built with nine huge fan-shaped stoneslabs.故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词篇3Dear touristshello everyone!Today we are going to visit the temple of heaven, the place where theemperor worshiped heaven.The temple of heaven is a sacred hall built by Emperor Yongle of MingDynasty. The main building is the Great Hall of worship, which is today's Hallof praying for new year. The temple of heaven has two walls: the outer wall andthe inner wall. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Great Hall of worshipwas changed into the present Hall of praying for the new year, and the roof waschanged into blue glazed tiles, forming the world'slargest architecturalcomplex of worshipping heaven.In 1860, the holy land for worshiping heaven was looted by the British andFrench allied forces, and in 1900, it was ravaged by the Eight Power Alliedforces. After the founding of new China, it became a famous tourist attraction,as well as a lot of fitness people.Now let's start our tour along the route that the emperor ascended thealtar.Now we are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whatwe are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar where the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. Yuanqiu altar has two walls, which are squareoutside and round inside, in line with the statement that the sky is round andthe place is round. Each wall has four groups of doors, the size of the doorsare not the same, this is because the middle door is dedicated to the emperor,so tall, the emperor can only enter from the left side.Other officials can only pass through the smallest door on the right. Whenwe come to the bottom of Yuanqiu altar, we are going to climb it soon. Butplease count how many steps there are on each level. When you get to the top,you will find that all the orders on the altar are nine or multiples of nine.Are these all coincidences? Of course not, because the ancients believed thatthe number of the extreme Yang of nine. So the craftsmen used this number togive the altar the meaning of "Loftiness".Thank you for coming to the temple of heaven in Beijing. Welcome to comeagain next time!故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词篇4hello everyone.I'm Liu Xueqi, the guide of the temple of heaven in Beijing.You can callme Liu. Today I will accompany you on a tour of the temple of heaven inBeijing.What we see now is the temple of heaven. The temple of heaven is the placewhere the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worship heaven and pray forharvest. It is also the largest existing temple in China. The temple of heavenis 1700 meters long from east to west and 1600 meters long from south to north.With a total area of 2.73 million square meters, there are outer altar wall andinner altar wall. The north side is round, and the south side is square,symbolizing "a round sky and a round place".Now please follow me inside. Here is the hall of praying for new year. Itis 38.2 meters high and 24.2 meters in diameter. It faces south from the north.The whole hall is made of wood. Four golden dragons are carved in it,representing the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The restrepresent twelve months and twelve hours.Further inside is the echo wall, which is made of polished bricks andcovered with blue glass tiles. The echo wall has a peculiar echo effect. Whenone person talks against the wall and reaches the other end of one or twohundred meters, the other side can hear it clearly, which can be called strangeand interesting, creating a mysterious atmosphere of "interaction between heavenand man". Let's have a try.Please look at the outside of Huiyin wall. It's a cypress over 500 yearsold. Because the texture of the trunk is very strange, it looks like ninedragons winding around and playing, so it's called Jiulong cypress. You can takea picture with it.Dear tourists, today's one-day tour of the temple of heaven in Beijing iscoming to an end. Do you have a good time? I hopeI can be a tour guide for younext time.故宫天坛颐和园英语导游词篇5Ladies and gentlemenhello everyone! We are now at the zhaoheng gate of the temple of heaven,which is the South Gate of the temple of heaven.The temple of heaven, located in the southeast of Beijing City, wasoriginally the holy land for the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties to worshipthe heaven and pray for the valley. It is the world's largest existingarchitectural complex to worship the heaven.The temple of heaven was built from the 4th to 18th year of Yongle(1406-1420) of the Ming Dynasty. It was built at the same time as the ForbiddenCity (the Forbidden City). It took 14 years and has a history of more than 580years. It covers an area of 273 hectares, 3.7 times larger than the ForbiddenCity and slightly smaller than the summer palace. The layout of the wholebuilding is in the shape of "Hui", which is divided into two parts: the innerand outer altar, each surrounded by the altar wall. The total length of theouter altar wall is 6416 meters. Originally, there was only the west gate, whichwas the main gate of the temple of heaven. It was the gate that the emperor wentin and out when he came to the temple of heaven for sacrifice. T oday's East,South and north gates were all opened later. The total length of the inner altarwall is 3292 meters, with four "Tianmen" in the East, South, West and North. Inthe early Ming Dynasty, the festival of heaven and earth was held here, whichwas called heaven and Earth altar. In 1530, another Fangze altar (Ditan) wasbuilt in the northern suburb of Jiajing, and then the heaven and earth weresacrificed separately. From then on, it was dedicated tooffering sacrifices toheaven and became a veritable Temple of heaven. Feudal emperors of all dynastiesattached great importance to the activities of offering sacrifices to heaven andvisited the temple of heaven twice a year. The first time was on the 15th of thefirst month of the lunar calendar, a grain praying ceremony was held in the hallof praying for new year to pray for the "emperor's God" to bless the harvest.The second time was on the winter solstice, when we arrived at the Yuanqiu altarto report the harvest and thank the emperor for his blessing. After the foundingof new China, the temple of heaven returned to the hands of the people who werereally masters of the country, and was listed as a national key cultural relicsprotection unit.When we go in through the south gate and walk northward, the first thing wesee is the three tall stone platforms in the west of zhaohengmen, which arecalled the platform. There is a long pole on the stage, which is called wangdengpole. The pole was built in 1530, the ninth year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty. Thepole is nine feet and nine inches long. When offering sacrifices to heaven, eachof the three lanterns has a big lantern with a diameter of six feet and a heightof eight feet. The lantern is specially made, four feet long and one foot thick,and has a convex dragon pattern. It can burn for 12 hours and is called "Panlongall night treasure wax".Now in front of us is the Yuanqiu altar, commonly known as the sacrificialplatform, which is worthy of the name of the temple of heaven. Built in 1530(the ninth year of Jiajing reign of Ming Dynasty) and expanded in 1749 (thefourteenth year of Qianlong reign of Qing Dynasty), it is a three-layer stoneplatform surrounded by white stone railings, with a height of five meters. Inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties, the ceremony of offeringsacrifices to heaven washeld in person by the emperor on the winter solstice every year. There are manymagical and interesting views on the architectural form of Yuanqiu altar. Thisis an outstanding building designed by the ancient Chinese people skillfullyusing the principles of geometry. The mathematical calculation of variousbuilding materials is extremely accurate, including the meaning and applicationof "Nine", which is praised and marveled by the vast number of visitors at homeand abroad.The altar is divided into three layers with nine steps on each side. Eachfloor is surrounded by carved white marble railings. The number of railings isnine or multiple of nine, that is, 72 in the upper layer, 108 in the middlelayer and 180 in the lower layer. At the same time, the fan shaped stone slabslaid in each layer are also multiples of nine or nine. For example, the centerof the top layer is a round marble (called Tianxin stone or Taiji stone). Fromthe center stone outward, there are 9 pieces in the first ring, 18 pieces in thesecond ring and 81 pieces in the ninth ring; the middle layer is from 90 piecesin the tenth ring to 162 pieces in the 18th ring; the lower layer is from 171pieces in the 19th ring to 243 pieces in the 27th ring. There are 378 "nines" inthe three layers, which are 3402 pieces. At the same time, the diameter of theupper layer is 9 Zhangs (take 19), the diameter of the middle layer is 15 Zhangs(take 35), and the diameter of the lower layer is 21 Zhangs (take 37). Thecombined diameter of 45 Zhangs is not only a multiple of nine, but also themeaning of "Ninth Five Year Plan".Why use nine or multiple of nine to design and build the altar? The reasonsare as follows: 1. According to the legend, the emperor lives in the nine foldheaven, and uses the nine or multiple of nine to symbolize the nine fold heaven,so as to showthe supreme and the greatest of the celestial bodies. 2、Inancient China, odd numbers were regarded as positive numbers, while even numberswere regarded as negative numbers. The heaven is Yang and the earth is Yin. Thetemple of heaven is used to offer sacrifices to heaven. It can only be builtwith Yang number. And "Nine" is regarded as "extreme Yang number", which is themost auspicious number. In addition to feudal superstition, this kind of designregulation reflects the superb mathematical knowledge and computational abilityof craftsmen at that time, which is really amazing.From the south gate to the Yuanqiu altar, there is a burnt stove made ofgreen glazed bricks in the south corner of the inner wall. It is the place wherepine and cypress wood is burned during the sacrificial ceremony, and thememorial tablets and silk are burned after the sacrificial ceremony. There is aburying ridge beside the burnt stove. At the end of the sacrificial ceremony,the tail hair blood of the whole cattle is buried in the camp, which symbolizesthe meaning of drinking blood from the ancestors. As you can see, there areeight burning stoves in front of the burnt stove. These stoves are speciallyused for burning pine and cypress branches, pine flowers, pine pagodas, etc.when offering sacrifices to heaven. There are also a pair of stoves in the Eastand west gate of the altar.Now we come to the imperial vault, which has a history of more than 400years. The hall is 19.5 meters high and 15.6 meters in diameter at the bottom.The whole hall is supported by eight eaves columns, with no crossbeam on thetop. It is made up of many bucket arches and the ceiling shrinks layer by layer,forming a beautiful dome shaped caisson. The stone platform throne in the centerof the hall is the place where the God card of theemperor is placed; the stoneplatform on the left and right in front of the throne is the place where theancestral tablets of the emperor are placed. The East and west hall outside thehall is the place for worshiping the sun, moon, stars, clouds, rain, wind andthunder. Now it is displayed as it is, and there are wax statues of officialsoffering sacrifices to heaven in the Qing Dynasty.Now I'd like to introduce the echo wall, which refers to the high circularwall surrounding the imperial vault and the East and west side halls. Theperimeter of the wall is 193.2m, the diameter is 61.5m, the height is 3.72M andthe thickness is 0.9m. If two people stand under the wall behind the East andwest side halls in the courtyard, both face north and speak in a low voice tothe wall, they can talk to each other as if they were on the phone. It's verywonderful and interesting. That's why echo wall got its name.Here is the charming echo of the round stoneThere is a round stone in the center of the upper layer of the CircularMound Altar, which is another wonder that tourists are most interested in. Whenyou stand on the center stone and speak softly, your voice sounds grand andresonant. However, people who stand outside the second and third ring roads donot have this feeling. Why? It turns out that this is also a kind of acousticphenomenon: because the surface of the altar is very smooth, the sound waves canbe reflected quickly after they reach the stone fence boards with equal distancearound. According to the test of acoustic experts, the time from pronunciationto sound wave and back to the center stone is only 0.07 seconds. The speakercan't distinguish the original sound from the echo at all, so the resonance echoof the person standing on the center stone is especially loud. The feudal rulersdescribed this acoustic phenomenon as "hanging from the sky", which was theboundlessreturn and consistent response of all the people in the world to theimperial court. At the same time, they gave the name of "yizhaojingCongshi".We come out from the west of huangqiongyu, where there is an ancientcypress named jiulongbai. Its trunk is twisted and twisted, just like ninecoiled dragons, so it gets its name. It is said that this ancient cypress had ahistory of nearly a thousand years before it was built. In the temple of heaven,pine and cypress trees with long age, big height, no withering in four seasonsand lush green are widely planted. The sea of trees, the forest, the forest, theforest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest,the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, theforest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest, the forest,the forest, the forest.The road under our feet is called Danbi bridgeIt's clearly a straight and straight Avenue. Why is it also called"bridge"? Because there is a ticket hole under the road, which just forms athree-dimensional intersection with the avenue above, so it's called bridge.This is a north-south stone terrace road. The total length is 360 meters and thewidth is about 30 meters. The whole bridge body rises gradually from south tonorth. The south end is about 1 meter high and the north end is about 3 metershigh. This design and construction, on the one hand, symbolizes the emperor'srising step by step, implying the meaning of rising to heaven; on the otherhand, it means that there is a long distance from the world to the sky. Danbibridge is the main axis of the inner altar of the temple of heaven, which playsan important role in connecting two groups of buildings: the south end of thecircular Hill altar and the north end of the Qigu altar. The stone road on thecenter line of the bridge deck iscalled "Shinto", and the stone roads on theleft and right sides of Shinto are respectively called "royal road" and "royalroad". The gods of heaven follow the "Shinto", the emperors follow the royalway, and the princes and ministers follow the royal way.At the moment, we are standing at the entrance of Jinxian gate, commonlyknown as "Guimenguan". Why is it called "Guimenguan"? Because before thememorial day, the "Suo Mu" and "Suo Jun" of the sacrifice house in the southwestcorner of Waitan need to transport cattle, sheep, deer and rabbits from west toeast from the entrance to the slaughter Pavilion. This activity is called"Jinzhu". Because all the livestock passing through this gate were slaughteredand used to make offerings, it was called "ghost gate".Continue to walk north along the Danbi bridge, and now on our left is theplatform of concrete clothes, which is located on the east side of the northsection of Danbi bridge and is a convex platform. This is the place where theemperor changed his coronal clothes (ceremonial clothes) when he went to thehall of praying for new year to worship the grain.In the west is zhaigong, which is located in the pines and cypresses on thesouth side of the inner avenue of the West Tianmen. It used to be the placewhere feudal emperors fasted and bathed before they came to the temple of heavento pray for grain and worship. Zhaigong, covering an area of 40000 squaremeters, is a square building with a main hall, a bedroom and a bell tower. It issurrounded by two walls and a moat. The buildings are exquisite and the guardsare strict. When you enter the main entrance of zhaigong, you will see themajestic main hall with red walls and green tiles. It is said that this kind ofgreen tile is used to show that the emperor did not dare to be arrogant atthistime, but could only "be a minister to heaven". The hall is divided into fiverooms, arched and brick structure. The whole hall does not use beams or largebeams, so it is also called "no beam hall". There are two stone pavilions on theDanlong in front of the hall, and the one on the right is smaller, which is theplace to put the time tablet. The one on the left is square and tall, which iscalled "the stone pavilion of fasting bronze man". According to historicalrecords, during the emperor's fasting period, there was a square piece of clothcovered with yellow cloud satin, and a bronze statue one foot and five incheshigh. The bronze man worshipped a bamboo plate with both hands, engraved withthe word "fast" to make the emperor "startling and respectful". It means thatthe emperor should be alert and never forget to fast attentively. There arethree forms of fasting bronze man in Qing Dynasty: one is the statue of WeiZheng, a famous official in Tang Dynasty, one is the statue of Leng Qian, amusic official in early Ming Dynasty, and the other is the statue of Gang Bing,a eunuch in Ming Dynasty. It is said that these three people are famous fortheir uprightness and courage to remonstrate in history. This system wasestablished in the 11th year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty, and it was also used inQing Dynasty. According to the regulations, the bronze figure here islengqian.Now in front of us are the hall of praying for new year and the altar ofpraying for grainThis is the holy place for the Ming and Qing emperors Meng chun to pray forthe valley. The hall of praying for the new year adopts the structural form ofupper room and lower altar. The triple eaves are folded up layer by layer andmade into umbrellas. It is erected on the round altar surrounded by three layersof white stone carvings with a height of 5.6 meters and an area of 5900squaremeters. The hall of praying for the new year is commonly known as the beamlesshall. The whole building does not need long purlin and nails, but is completelysupported and tenoned by 28 Optimus pillars and numerous Fang, Mu Dui, Jue,bolt. The hall was built in 1420, the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty.It was originally known as the great sacrificial hall and was rectangular. Inthe ninth year of Jiajing reign in the Ming Dynasty (1530), it was changed intoa round hall with triple eaves and covered with green, yellow and green tilesfrom top to bottom, which was renamed Daxing hall. In the 17th year of the reignof Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (175), the name was changed to today'sname. At the same time, it was changed to cover with dark blue glazed tiles tosymbolize the blue sky. In 1889, the hall was destroyed by thunder and fire andrebuilt the following year. The bronze cauldron and furnace displayed in frontof the hall are all relics of hundreds of years ago. It is said that the numberof pillars in the temple was set up according to the celestial phenomena. Thefour gilt pillars in the inner layer are called "Longjing pillars". They are18.5 meters high and 1.2 meters in diameter at the bottom. They are alsodifficult to embrace, symbolizing the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. The 12 red pillars in the middle symbolize 12 months of a year. Theouter 12 eaves pillars symbolize the 12 hours of the day. The 12 gold pillars inthe middle layer and the 12 eaves pillars in the outer layer add up to 24,symbolizing the 24 solar terms in a year. The golden column, eaves column andLongjing column add up to 28, symbolizing the 28 constellations in the sky. Add8 child pillars around the caisson on the top of the palace, a total of 36,symbolizing 36 Tiangang. The Lei Gong column in the center of Baoding symbolizesthe "unification" of the emperor ofheaven.What we see below is Huangqian hall. It used to be the place where thetablets of God and ancestors of the emperor were placed. It is also known as thebedchamber of qigutan. Later, the banners, ceremonial guards and musicalinstruments used in the sacrificial ceremony were also stored here. There aremany sacrificial relics in it. Now they are displayed as they are, and there arewax statues of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty for tourists to see all the yearround.Located on the East and west sides of the courtyard in front of theplatform of the hall of praying for the new year, are the East and west sidehalls, which were used to place the memorial tablets of sun, moon, star, Chen,cloud, rain, wind and thunder respectively. Now it is respectively set up todisplay the ancient music and etiquette of the imperial court, as well as thememorial tablets of sun, moon, star and Chen.What we see now is that the "divine kitchen" used to be a place whereanimals were slaughtered and sacrifices were made. Below you can see the God'sstorehouse, the storehouse for collecting sacrifices. Now it passes through aW-shaped corridor with 72 rooms, which plays an important role in connecting thegrain praying altar, the God kitchen, the God storehouse and transportingsacrifices. The number of rooms in the corridor is exactly the same as that of72 Disha. In the past, it is said that this is the place where Disha ghostsgather. The lantern type vertical lights in the corridor are dim and ter, the window sill was removed, which greatly changed the landscape of thecorridor and became a good place for people to play.Tianquan well is located in front of the gate of shenku, which is named forits clear and sweet water. All the food and pastries。

颐和园导游词英文版3篇颐和园导游词英文版3篇颐和园导游词英文版范文1:Tourists, everbod is good, I am ou the tour guide tovisit the Summer Palae, m name is zhou, ou an all me eeksguide! Look, has arrived.Ok, e get off, the Summer Palae is ver beautiful, there are floer, grass, a floer haven t xie, another floer opened again. No e have entered into the Summer Palae, around the hall, ame to the promenade, look, the pillars of the greenand red bars, the galler has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 rooms, eah ross on the sill beteen painting the piture, thousands of painting, no to piture isthe same, ou believe that? The breeze is bloing from the kunming lake, let a person feel refreshed.No e have almost on the top of the mountain the longevit hill, three laer arhiteture that stands halfa up the mountain, is the Buddha inense, the palae, belo is the loud temple, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piee of green jade.If ou don t believe, no e go to kunming lake appreiatearefull.Look, kunming lake s reall big, has a long embankment around it, see the lake in the enter of the island? After thestone bridge an pla on the island. Take a loser look at the stone bridge, seventeen little tunnel, so that the marble seventeen-arh bridge hih.The beaut of the Summer Palae, I ho to sa also sa not, please ourself slol touring!颐和园导游词英文版范文2:Dear friends: passengersHo do ou do! I m the tour guide, m name is liang, ou allI beam guide. Ver glad to serve ou. Toda I ll guide ou tovisit the famous roal garden, the Summer Palae.The Summer Palae beaut suh as immortal mirror? Beause itis assoiated ith ater up to the mountain. Mountain, aordingto the longevit hill, ith ater, the kunming lake. We toda is ing to travel. Ok, fe ords said, let s go to limb thelongevit hill.We have no arrived at the foot of longevit hill, ou an looking upard, the ros of resplendent and magnifient palae is loud temple. Looked up again, the star of the pramid threelaer arhiteture is the buddhist inense. You don t have to ait, beause e are heading for the top of the mountain.We have no reahed the top of the longevit hill and looked don on, ou an see the beautiful sener. Look, the lush trees,ith the ello green glazed tile roof and all of sarlet. Reallbeautiful! But there are more beautiful. Look! The kunminglake is proof of that?We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.Kunming lake is ver beautiful, beautiful enough to be ith than the est lake. Kunming lake on several islands, as longas e alked through the long stone bridge, ou an go to the island to pla. In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, beause it has seventeen little tunnel.We travel to the end.颐和园导游词英文版范文3:Everbod is good, then e are going to travel to the Summer Palae, e an spend this time ith me.Then it has me to for ou to introdue the histor of the Summer Palae. The Summer Palae is loated in the northest of Beijing, the original is the qing dnast roal gardens. Founded in50. Tie b British and Frenh troops and savage looting and destrution of the eight, after the founding of the people to obtain the ver good repair and protetion.Dear visitors, e have been to the Summer Palae gate,alked into the door, and then around the hall, ame to the galler. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into to hundred and sevent-three rooms, eah of theross on the sill have olorful paintings, painted figures, floers, landsapes, thousands of piture no to are the same.Covered orridor, e are about to board the longevit hill, please look up, a three laer arhiteture of anise pramid stand in front of us, that s hat e going to visit, please go ith me tight don t lost.No e are in front of the Buddha inense, stood on the side, looking don, the Summer Palae an see most sener. Looking east, vaguel an see several anient toers and the hite pagoda in the it.Dear visitors e have e to kunming lake, kunming lake around long embankment, the top there are several s ofdifferent stone bridge, on both sides of the eeping illos planted several is not lear, the middle of the lake there isa small island, visitors alk through a longest stone bridge,to the island to pla, a stone bridge seventeen little tunnel, all the marble seventeen-arh bridge hih; Railing on hundredsof pillar, the pillar arved ith a lion s ub, have different attitude, no to onl attitude is the same.Some sener everhere, the Summer Palae said also said not, part of this time e onl visited the Summer Palae, e hope ou e here a lot after touring.看过颐和园导游词英文版。

以下是小编整理的关于北京颐和园英语导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考!关于北京颐和园英语导游词(1)Hello and welcome to the new century travel agency, to attend the trip to the Summer Palace. I am your little wizard, my name is high you can call me the wizard.I asked: "do you know about the Summer Palace?" Chorus of answer: "I don't know." That I will tell you! The Summer Palace is the royal garden museum. Or big palace in qing dynasty the emperor and his concubines, play is his flowers.Now we now we are entering the Summer Palace gate, everybody is very excited! Must be yes. Enter the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall into the famous long corridor. I can't see the other end of the everybody does it feel like to stand in the gallery! Must be yes. We planted there are thousands of flowers and trees on either side of the Summer Palace. This didn't thank a flower, the flower opened again. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into a total of 273 rooms. Each cross between supervisor on a colorful painting, picture in picture lifelike characters, really want to immediately jump out of the picture. Please follow up our team, don't got lost.Walk the promenade came to the foot of the longevity hill, this is the longevity hill, we are going to the longevity hill and have a bullish on their children (son), please don't run away. Up to the longevity hill into the incense pavilion, you can see the Summer Palace in fundus half scenery. It's really beautiful! The last time please visit freely, twohours, after the visit, please set to the specified location, don't forget the time.All collection, people came in. We set off to the kunming lake, the kunming lake, I already bought tickets. You can sit on a cruise ship touring kunming lake. Should visit the kunming lake to the island to play. The ship I called on everyone to go to the island to play. The bridge is seventeen holes, hundreds of pillar, the above are carved with different posture of small stone lion's adorable. Below is the free play time. Please gather at the gate after two hours.Today's journey is over, I hope you come after the Summer Palace.关于北京颐和园英语导游词(2)Dear visitors, everybody! Today is a great pleasure when you tour guide. Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, it is included in the "world heritage" imperial garden. Please tourists in visiting graffito of the scribble don't litter, and destroy its beauty.Let's look when we first came to the famous promenade, the pillars of the green paint, red paint of the rail, as the eye is not the end. The corridor is not general, there are more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, the tourists, do you believe that? Thousands of no two picture in the picture the same. It is no wonder that is referred to as: the world's first gallery Swim gallery, we came to the foot of the longevity hill, fellow tourists, you looked up and saw a three layer architecture of anise pyramid? Yes, that is, buddhist incense the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, below is the cloud templeVisitors, we boarded the longevity hill, standing in front of the Buddha incense looking down, the Summer Palace, the landscape of the most in fundus. Look forward again, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like apiece of jade green. Cruise ships, original in the lake slowly glides, almost leave no traces. Kunming lake is a quiet, tourists feel?So we went down the mountain visit kunming lake. Look, kunming lake around long embankment, the top there are several styles of different stone bridge, involves numerous weeping willows on both sides. Visitors walk through the long stone bridge, can go to the island to play. The stone bridge seventeen little tunnel, so called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.Tourists, trip to the Summer Palace, to the end, wish everyone have a good time.关于北京颐和园英语导游词(3)Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks tour guide.Dear visitors, walked into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous promenade, endless promenade workers more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273 rooms, each between the horizontal bar has a colorful picture, it draw, figures, flowers and plants, landscape. No two of the painting so many picture is the same.Go to the end of the corridor, came to the foot of longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, that is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple.Now we will go to the kunming lake. Lake island in the center. As long as the visitors through the resin stones can play on the island, the bridge is seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing pillars, above the pillar carved with a lion, so many lions, have different attitude, no two are just the same.My explanation is over, now you can free activities, collection 3:30pm here! But beware: 1, no littering, 2, pay attention to safety, finallyI wish you all a happy journey!关于北京颐和园英语导游词(4)Kunming Lake covers an area of 220 hectares; three quarters of the while Summer Palace. The name of the lake came from “Kunming Pool” in Chang'an, made by Emperor Wu Di in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)for training his solders. Qing Emperor Qianlong just followed the example of Han Wu Di and gave the name Kunming Lake.Western Bank(西堤)Lying west of the Kunming Lake, the Western Bank was built to imitate the Su Bank in Hangzhou, Zheijang Province, and visitors strolling along the bank often feel as though they are beside the West Lake in Southern China. The bank has been created to adorn the lake it surrounds, making it even more lovely and enchanting. Its most distinctive features are its six bridges, which, ranging from north to south, are: Jiehu Bridge(Lake-Bound Bridge),Binfeng Bridge, Jade-Belt Bridge, Jing Bridge(Mirror Bridge), Lian Bridge(White-Silk Bridge)and Liu Bridge (Willow Bridge)。

颐和园的英文导游词颐和园的英文导游词1HI! Gentlemen, ladies and children:Everybody is good!My name is Xia Qing, you can call me mayday forever love, I'm glad to serve you, now, I will take you to the famous touring, the Summer Palace, Beijing is good, go!Now we've come to the famous promenade, the aisle has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273. Everyone to see! Each cross on the sill between has a colorful picture, thousands of picture no two are the same. Painting not only beautiful, the flowers on both sides of the corridor, it is more beautiful! Dear visitors, now, everyone to the corridor to walk, see the colorful pictureWe covered corridor, corridor landscape let everybody pay homage? You must also very much looking forward to early see the view of the other attractions? Don't worry, we now go!Where we are now is at the foot of longevity hill, everyone looked up and look up. You see, it stands on the hillside of triangular pyramid three-tier architecture, is the Buddha incense, below the rows of vehicles by palace, you guess, what's that? Don't know yet! Actually that is row cloud temple! Let's go to see!A: hi! Everyone to look at, this is the kunming lake, it is often said that you look! There are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge, is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing on hundreds of pillar, the above are carved with a lion, so much the little lion, have different attitude, no two are just the same.Now, it's free time, but should pay attention to the following: 1, don't throw rubbish everywhere; 2, don't graffito of the scribble anywhere; 3, must pay attention to safety.Great, I'm talking so much, I wish you all enjoy! Good thanks!颐和园的英文导游词2Dear visitors:Everybody is good! Welcome to the beautiful Summer Palace to go sightseeing. I am the sun travel guide, surnamed Lin, you can call me xiao Lin. Accompany you visit the Summer Palace together today, hope to be able to spend time here.The Summer Palace is one of the world cultural heritage, is also a beautiful big park.Dear visitors, now we walk into the door to the Summer Palace, around the temple, is the famous long corridor. You look at the green column and red railing, endless blocks, a total of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Now we came to the foot of longevity hill, look up look up, you can see the Buddha incense stands halfway up the mountain, yellow glazed tile. Downwards see again, the rows of resplendent and magnificent row of cloud temple, how spectacular! Now we boarded the longevity hill, standing in front of the Buddha incense, looking down, the Summer Palace scenery panoramic view. Look straight ahead, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade. Looking east, vaguely can see several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.Now come down from longevity hill, came to kunming lake. Banks have several different designs on the stone bridge, involves numerous weeping willows on both sides. Visitors can walk long stone bridge is to play in the island. There are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge, called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.Dear visitors, tourists to the Summer Palace, it is worthwhile. Finally, I want to remindeveryone: love the Summer Palace, civilization. Now you can free activities, six o 'clock in the evening on time collection in front of the gate! Wish you to play fun!颐和园的英文导游词3Dear visitors:Everybody is good! Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, I'm a tour guide, Zhang Yinjia here, you have to do is call me xiao zhang. This is a great pleasure for me to give you when the tour guide, let us to visit!Now that we have come to the Summer Palace, please must keep up with the team, don't be left behind. We are now in a gallery, the gallery is very famous and it has a red paint the pillars of the green paint baluster, endless blocks, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters long, two hundred and seventy-three rooms, please look up, each have a colorful picture.We are now under the longevity hill, let's board the longevity hill. Below is on the top of the longevity hill, buddhist incense is a row of cloud temple. We will carefully watch In a short while we gather in the kunming lake.Kunming lake, is the position we are now on the long embankment around it in a number of stone bridge, the lake center has a small island, you can go there to play, there's a bridge called seventy-two Kong Qiao, there are seventy-two little tunnel, bridge, there are hundreds of pillar, carved with a lion above, they have different attitude, no two are the same. Ok, you are free to visit.Today is honoured to be your guide, hope to serve you again!。
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Tourists, everybody is good, I am you the tour guide to visit the Summer Palace, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks guide! Look, has arrived. Ok, we get off, the Summer Palace is very beautiful, there are flower, grass, a flower haven't xie, another flower opened again. Now we have entered into the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the promenade, look, the pillars of the green and red bars, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273 rooms, each cross on the sill between painting the picture, thousands of painting, no two picture is the same, you believe that? The breeze is blowing from the kunming lake, let a person feel refreshed.Now we have almost on the top of the mountain the longevity hill, three layer architecture that stands halfway up the mountain, is the Buddha incense, the palace, below is the cloud temple, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade. If you don't believe, now we go to kunming lake appreciate carefully.Look, kunming lake's really big, has a long embankment around it, see the lake in the center of the island? After the stone bridge can play on the island. Take a closer look at the stone bridge, seventeen little tunnel,so that the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.The beauty of the Summer Palace, I how to say also say not, please yourself slowly touring!Dear friends: passengersHow do you do! I'm the tour guide, my name is liang, you call I beam guide. Very glad to serve you. Today I'll guide you to visit the famous royal garden, the Summer Palace.The Summer Palace beauty such as immortal mirror? Because it is associated with water up to the mountain. Mountain, according to the longevity hill, with water, the kunming lake. We today is coming to travel. Ok, few words said, let's go to climb the longevity hill.We have now arrived at the foot of longevity hill, you can looking upward, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. Looked up again, the star of the pyramid three layer architecture is the buddhist incense. You don't have to wait, because we are heading for the top of the mountain.We have now reached the top of the longevity hill and looked down on, you can see the beautiful scenery. Look, the lush trees, with the yellow green glazed tile roof and wall of scarlet. Really beautiful! But there are more beautiful. Look! The kunming lake is proof of that?We are going to travel on the last leg of - kunming lake.Kunming lake is very beautiful, beautiful enough to be with than thewest lake. Kunming lake on several islands, as long as we walked through the long stone bridge, you can go to the island to play. In the stone bridge, one of the most famous seven Kong Qiao dozens, because it has seventeen little tunnel.We travel to the end.Everybody is good, then we are going to travel to the Summer Palace, we can spend this time with me.Then it has me to for you to introduce the history of the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located in the northwest of Beijing, the original is the qing dynasty royal gardens. Founded in 1750. Twice by British and French troops and savage looting and destruction of the eight, after the founding of the people to obtain the very good repair and protection. Dear visitors, we have been to the Summer Palace gate, walked into the door, and then around the hall, came to the gallery. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three rooms, each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture no two are the same.Covered corridor, we are about to board the longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in front of us, that's what we going to visit, please go with me tight don't lost.Now we are in front of the Buddha incense, stood on the side, lookingdown, the Summer Palace can see most scenery. Looking east, vaguely can see several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.Dear visitors we have come to kunming lake, kunming lake around long embankment, the top there are several styles of different stone bridge, on both sides of the weeping willows planted several is not clear, the middle of the lake there is a small island, visitors walk through a longest stone bridge, to the island to play, a stone bridge seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which; Railing on hundreds of pillar, the pillar carved with a lion's cub, have different attitude, no two only attitude is the same.Some scenery everywhere, the Summer Palace said also said not, part of this time we only visited the Summer Palace, we hope you come here a lot after touring.。