







(每点3 分,共12 分)40.(26 分)(1)①辩证法的本质是革命的、批判的和创新的。

(1 分)要求我们要敢于密切关注变化发展着的实际,敢于突破与实际不相符合的成规陈说,敢于破除落后的思想观念;注重研究新情况、敢于寻找新思路,开拓新境界。

(2 分)兰考人民敢于改变千百年的风沙状况,善于总结新的方法,让张庄村从黄沙满地变成规正良田。

(2 分)②人民群众是历史的创造者。

(1 分)要求全心全意为人民服务,虚心向人民群众学习,发挥人民的主人翁精神。

(2 分)张庄村的治沙经验就是从群众的生活实践中总结出来的,也是广大群众的万众一心、众志成城,才真正使张庄村旧貌换新颜。

(2 分)(2)①文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量,对社会发展产生深刻影响。




(3 分)文化与政治相互影响、相互交融。


(3 分)④民族精神是支撑和推动发展的精神支柱和精神动力,张庄村大力弘扬焦裕禄精神,扶贫攻坚卓有成效,走上了共同富裕之路。

(3 分)(3)①立志报国,筑牢理想信念。



A.锅炉水垢中含有 CaSO4,可先用 Na2CO3 溶液处理,后用酸除去 B.《泉州府志》:元时南安有黄长者为宅煮糖,宅忽坏,去土而糖白,后人遂效之。泥土具有吸
C.地沟油可用来生产肥皂、甘油,达到废物利用的目的 D.“梨花淡自柳深清,柳絮飞时花满城”中柳絮的主要成分和棉花不同 2.下列有关物质的量的说法,正确的是( ) A.1L 0.1 mol·L-1 的 NaHS 溶液中,HS-和 S2-的离子数之和为 0.1 NA B.常温下,8g CH4 含有 2NA 个 C-H C.2.4g Mg 与 H2SO4 完全反应,转移的电子数为 0.1 NA D. 1L 水吸收标准状况下 2.24L SO2,所得溶液的物质的量浓度为 0.1 mol·L-1 3.下列关于物质的性质和用途,有因果关系的一组是( )
中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试 2019 年 7 月测试
本试卷共 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟。
常用原子量:H-1 O-16 Ca-40 C-12 Cu-64 Au-197 一、选择题:本题包括 22 道小题,每题 2 分,共 44 分。 1.化学与社会、生产、生活密切相关。下列说法不正确的是( )
5.下列关于金属及其化合物的说法,正确的是( )
第 1 页 共 12 页
A.黑色金属是指铁、铬、锰以外的金属 B.用钠置换四氯化钛(TiCl4)溶液中的钛,来制取钛 C.把饱和的 FeCl3 溶液滴入沸水中,可制得 Fe(OH)3 胶体 D.用无水硫酸铜除去酒精中的水 6.下列各种离子或分子在指定溶液中一定能大量共存的是( ) A.在弱碱性溶液中:Na+、K+、Cl-、HCO3B.中性溶液中:Fe3+、Al3+、NO3-、Cl-、SO42C.1.0 mol·L-1 的 Na2CO3 的溶液中:NH4+、SO42-、Cl-、SO2 D.水电离的 c(H+)=10-12mol·L-1 的溶液中:Cl-、CO32-、NO3-、SO327.下列关于物质的鉴别或检验,说法正确的是( ) A.向 FeI2 溶液通入少量 Cl2,若溶液变为黄色,能证明还原性 I->Fe2+ B.向某溶液中滴加稀硫酸,只要产生有刺激性气味的气体,该气体能使品红溶液褪色,就可判


D. SO2被吸收后生成SO32-,SO32-不稳定,被空气氧化为SO42-,因此完全热分解放出的SO2量会小于吸收的SO2量,D项错误;




一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合{}{}22,4,10,10,24,25A a a B a a =−−=−+−−,且{}10AB =−,则A .{}8,2,10A =−−C .2a =或20B .{}10,78,25B =−−D .{}800,16,10,82,25AB =−−2. 已知函数()233,3log ,>3x x x f x x x ⎧−≤=⎨⎩,若0x ∃∈R ,使得()20104f x m m ≤+成立,则实数m 的取值范围为 A .91,44⎡⎤−−⎢⎥⎣⎦ C .91,,44⎛⎤⎡⎫−∞−−+∞ ⎪⎥⎢⎝⎦⎣⎭B .5,02⎡⎤−⎢⎥⎣⎦ D .[)5,0,2⎛⎤−∞−+∞ ⎥⎝⎦3. 已知21sin 75απ⎛⎫+=⎪⎝⎭,那么31tan 14απ⎛⎫−= ⎪⎝⎭A .15−B .±C D .4. 已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且23n S n n =+,若首项为12的数列{}n b 满足111n n na b b +−=,则数列{}n b 的前2024项和为 A .10122023B .20252024C .20232024D .202420255. 已知点()()()72,6,2,3,0,1,,62A B C D ⎛⎫−− ⎪⎝⎭,则与向量2AB CD +同方向的单位向量为A .⎝⎭B .⎝⎭C .⎝⎭D .43,55⎛⎫− ⎪⎝⎭6. 已知圆()22:20>0M x y ax a+−=的圆心到直线22x y +=距离是,则圆M 与圆()()22:211N x y −++=的位置关系是A .外离B .相交C .内含D .内切 7. 已知213nx x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的展开式的各项系数和为4096,则展开式中6x 的系数为A .15B .1215C .2430D .818. 设a ∈R ,若复数23i2ia +−(i 为虚数单位)在复平面内对应的点在直线y x =−上,则a =A .2−B .10−C .25 D .2二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对得5分,部分选对但不全得2分,有错选的得0分. 9. 下列说法正确的是A .不等式2451>0x x −+的解集是1><14x x x ⎧⎫⎨⎬⎩⎭或 B .不等式2260x x −−≤的解集是322x x x ⎧⎫≤−≥⎨⎬⎩⎭或C .若不等式2821<0ax ax ++恒成立,则a 的取值范围是∅D .若关于x 的不等式223<0x px +−的解集是(),1q ,则p q +的值为12−10.已知m n 、为两条不重合的直线,αβ、为两个不重合的平面,则下列说法正确的是A .若,m n αβ⊥⊥且αβ,则m n C .若,,mn n ααβ⊂,则m β B .若,,m n m n αβ⊥⊥⊥,则αβ⊥ D .若,,,mn n m ααββ⊥⊥⊄,则m β11.设椭圆22:12516x y C +=的左、右焦点分别为12,F F P 、是C 上的动点,则下列结论正确的是A .125PF PF +=B .离心率3e 5=C .12PF F ∆面积的最大值为12D .以线段12F F 为直径的圆与圆()()22434x y −+−=相切12.已知函数()3,1log ,>1kx k x f x x x −≤⎧=⎨⎩,下列关于函数()()2y ff x =−的零点个数的判断,其中正确的是A .当>0k 时,有2个零点 C .当>0k 时,有1个零点B .当<0k 时,至少有2个零点 D .当<0k 时,可能有4个零点三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.若变量,x y 满足约束条件21024020x y x y y +−≤⎧⎪−+≥⎨⎪+≥⎩,则xy 的最大值是 .14.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点()()1,22,4,A B E F −−、、是直线3y x =+上的两个动点,且32EF =AE BF ⋅的最小值为 .15.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若761311S S =,则1511SS = . 16.若,a b 是两个夹角为120的单位向量,则向量53a b −在向量a b +方向上的投影向量为 .四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.(10分)在锐角ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,已知3tan 24C =−.(1)求cos C ;(2)若4c =,求ABC ∆面积的最大值.18.(12分)设数列{}n a 满足:112,244n n a a a n +==+−. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)求数列{}3n n n a +的前n 项和n S .19.(12分)已知过点()1,0的动直线l 与圆221:40C x y x +−=相交于不同的两点,A B .(1)求圆1C 的圆心坐标;(2)求线段AB 的中点M 的轨迹C 的方程.20.(12分)某中外合作办学学院为了统计学院往届毕业生薪酬情况,面向学院部分毕业生发放问卷统计了其薪资情况,共有200名毕业生进行了问卷填写.毕业生年薪(单位:万元),以[)[)[)[)[)[)[)10,20,20,30,30,40,40,50,50,60,60,70,70,80分组的频率分布直方图如图所示,年薪在[)50,60的毕业生人数比年薪在[)10,20的毕业生人数多22人.(第20题图)(1)求直方图中x ,y 的值;(2)①用样本估计总体,比较学院毕业生与同类型合作办学高校毕业生薪资水平,如果至少77%的毕业生年薪高于同类型合作办学高校毕业生平均薪资水平,则说明同类型合作办学高校毕业生平均年薪最高为多少;②若将频率视为概率,现从该学院毕业生中随机抽取4人,其中年薪高于50万的人数为ξ,求ξ的分布列及数学期望()E ξ.21.(12分)已知函数()22exx ax af x −+=,其中a ∈R . (1)当1a =时,求曲线()y f x =在()()0,0f 处的切线方程; (2)求证:()f x 的极大值恒为正数.22.(12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆22:14x E y +=的左、右焦点分别为12F F 、,点A在椭圆E 上且在第一象限内,12AF AF⊥,点A 关于y 轴的对称点为点B .(1)求A 点坐标;(2)在x 轴上任取一点P ,直线AP 与直线y =Q ,求OP OQ ⋅的最大值;(3)设点M 在椭圆E 上,记OAB ∆与MAB ∆的面积分别为12,S S ,若122S S =,求点M 的坐标.10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 毕业生年薪情况(单位:万元)中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2024年3月测试数学参考答案一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对但不全的得2分,有错选的得0分.三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.16 14.1858−15.64545116.a b +四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分) (1)22tan 3tan 21tan 4C C C ==−− ········································································· 2分解得tan 3C =,故cos 10C =·································································· 4分(2)2222cos 1625a b c ab C ab +=+=+≥ ·············································· 6分解得809ab +≤·················································································· 8分 由(1)知sinC =12 1018.(12分)(1)对于2n ≥时,()()1412824n n n a n a n a n +++=+=+ ······································ 2分 112,416a a =+⨯=,432,324n n n n a n a n +=⨯=⨯− ··································································· 3分 经验算,1a 符合上述结果,故324nn a n =⨯− ················································· 4分 (2)设33643nnnn n b n a n n =+=+⨯−⨯,则()()1816143216nnn n n S n ⨯−+=+−⨯− ························································· 6分设43nn T n =⨯,123438312343n n T n =⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯,23413438312343n n T n +=⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯ ····················································· 7分作差得到123124343434343n n n T n +=−⨯−⨯−⨯−−⨯+⨯ ······························ 8分故()()1161323213313n n n n T n n ++−⨯−=+⨯=−⨯+− ·········································· 10分 ()()18161216nn nn n S T⨯−+=+−−故()21183362132255n n n n n S n +=++⨯−−⨯− ················································ 12分 19.(12分)(1)圆1C 的方程可变形为()2224x y −+= ···························································· 2分 故1C 的圆心坐标为()2,0,半径为2······························································· 4分 (2)设(),M M M x y ,因为点M 是AB 的中点,1C M AB ∴⊥,11 61218由此可得22320M M M x x y −++=··································································· 10分 故轨迹方程为223124M M x y ⎛⎫−+= ⎪⎝⎭,轨迹是以圆心为3,02⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,半径为12的圆 ······· 12分 20.(12分)(1)解:10100.005100.0110100.019100.02100.0271x y +⨯+⨯++⨯+⨯+⨯=,故0.019x y +=························································································· 1分 200102001022y x ⨯−⨯=,故0.011y x −= ························································································· 2分 解得0.004,0.015x y == ············································································ 3分 (2)①学院毕业生年薪在[)30,80区间的人数比例为:()0.020.0270.0150.010.005++++1077%⨯=,故同类型合作办学高校毕业生平均年薪最高为30万元········································ 5分 ②对于单个毕业生,其年薪高于50万的概率()0.0050.010.015100.3P =++⨯=, 故随机变量3~4,10B ξ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭, 故()()4010.30.2401P ξ==−= ·································································· 6分 ()()314110.30.30.4116P C ξ==⨯−⨯= ························································ 7分 ()()2224210.30.30.2646P C ξ==⨯−⨯= ······················································ 8分 ()()334310.30.30.0756P C ξ==⨯−⨯= ······················································· 9分()440.30.0081P ξ=== ········································································· 10分ξ的分布列为:ξ的数学期望()0.34 1.2E ξ=⨯= ······························································· 12分21.(12分) (1)()()()()()2224e e 2242e e x x xx x a x ax a x a x af x −−−+−++−'== ······················· 2分当1a =时,()2252exx x f x −+−'=,()02f '=− ············································ 4分 又()01f =,故曲线()y f x =在()()0,0f 处的切线方程为21y x =−+ ············ 5分(2)()()()()2242220e e x xx a x a x a x f x −++−−+−'===,解得知122,2a x x ==··················································································· 7分 若()>4,a f x 在(),2,,2a ⎛⎫−∞+∞⎪⎝⎭递减,2,2a ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭递增 ······································· 8分极大值2>02e a a af ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭··············································································· 9分 若=4a ,函数单调递减,无极大值 ····························································· 10分 若()<4,a f x 在(),,2,2a ⎛⎫−∞+∞ ⎪⎝⎭递减,,22a ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭递增 ····································· 11分 极大值()282>0ea f −=············································································ 12分 综上,()f x 的极大值恒为正数. 22.(12分)(1)椭圆22:14x E y +=的左,右焦点分别为())12,F F ,设()12,,A m n AF AF ⊥,故()12,,0AF AF m nm n ⋅=−−−= ··············· 1分即223m n += ··························································································· 2分 221433333 4(2)设P 点坐标为(),0p ,则可得Q 点坐标为(2p ································· 5分()(22,022232OP OQ p p p p ⎛⋅==−+=−−+ ⎝⎭ ················· 7分当2p =时,OP OQ ⋅取最大值,最大值为3 ················································ 8分(3)A 点坐标为⎝⎭,B 点坐标为⎛ ⎝⎭,点O 到线段AB 的距离1h =····································································· 9分若122S S =,则点M 到线段AB 的距离应为2h =故M 点的纵坐标为6或2,代入椭圆方程,解得M 点的横坐标为3±或1± ······························································· 11分故M 点的坐标为:⎛ ⎝⎭或⎛±⎝⎭ ·············································· 12分。




第一部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AAre you interested in hi-tech products? Here are some that you might find at the market pretty soon.CX-1Tired of dragging your bag through busy airports? Then you might want to consider CX-1. The smart suitcase uses facial recognizing software to follow its owner as he / she is checking in or heading to the gate. Though CX-1 can only move at a speed of up to seven miles per hour, a tiny tool enables owners to keep track of the suitcase’s location. It is expected to be sold on the market by late 2018.AiboSony’s latest version of the Aibo robotic dog is almost as fun as the real thing—but much less work. The pet dog can recognize its owner, obey several commands, and even recall the behavior that pleases its master the most. Aibo can also learn new tricks, take photographs, and over time, develop its own unique personality.ForpheusForpheus, an “athletic” robot developed by Japanese technology company Omron. It teaches users how to play ping-pong. The 10-feet-tall machine uses a camera and artificial intelligence to track the ball’s speed and can predict the ball’s direction correctly. The smart Forpheus can also quickly test its player’s abilities and adjust the playing level, making the game fun. Black Box VRThough many people determine to go to the gym once a week, few reach their goal. Black Box VR wants to change that by turning hard exercise into fun video games. Using it, gym users will find themselves fighting enemies, including big creatures—all while getting exercise.1.What is the feature of CX-1?A.It can be opened by facial expressions. B.It can recognize and follow its owner.C.It can move very fast in busy places. D.It can sense the suitcase’s location. 2.Who would most probably want an Aibo?A.People who want to walk a dog.B.People who often play tricks on others.C.People who want to take high-quality photographs.D.People who want a dog but can’t look after a real one.3.Which product can help people do physical exercise regularly?A.CX-1. B.Aibo. C.Forpheus. D.Black Box VR.BNine years ago, a few days before Christmas, I was a director at a company in San Francisco, and I was called into a meeting that was already in progress. That meeting turned out to be my exit interview. I was 64 years old at the time. It wasn’t completely unexpected. I signed a pile of papers and left the company.So, 40 plus years of employment was over. I had a good reputation and background. Retirement was not a choice for me. I wanted to do something. And then an idea came into my mind, born from my concern for our environment. I wanted to build my own business, designing and manufacturing biodegradable(可生物降解的)packaging from waste. This is called clean technology, and it was really meaningful to me. It could help reduce billions of pounds of single-use plastic packaging wasted each year.Five years later, I’m enraptured and proud to share with you that our income has doubled every year and we have no debt. Meanwhile, I have a wonderful partner, and we’ve won more than 20 awards for the work that we’ve done.And I am doing the most rewarding and meaningful work of my life right now. But what I really long for is to find other first-time entrepreneurs(企业家)who are my age. I want to connect with them.So I want to do something about that in a few years. I want us to start talking more about people who don’t become entrepreneurs until they are seniors. And then connecting all of them across industries, regions and countries—building a community.4.What happened to the author nine years ago?A.He was fired from his job. B.He took part in an interview.C.He applied for a higher position. D.He changed his job to a better one.5.Why was the new business meaningful to the author?A.It developed some new technologies. B.It was beneficial to the environment.C.It provided jobs for lots of people. D.It brought in quite a lot of money.6.What does the underlined word “enraptured” in Para graph 3 most probably mean?xhausted. B.Intelligent. C.Delighted. D.Humorous.7.What does the author plan to do in the future?A.To set up a community for the old people. B.To help people who want to become successful.C.To meet more people from different backgrounds. D.To build a community for senior entrepreneurs.CFrom Whatsapp to WeChat, the world has plenty of choices when it comes to messaging apps that connect friends and strangers on the Internet. The market is so crowded that for a new competitor to even get noticed, they’d have to come up with something new. Enter “Die With Me”, a fresh chat app that can only be used when your smart phone has 5% or less battery left.Die With Me allows total strangers with low battery to enter an online chatroom and talk as they wait for their smart phones to shut off completely. Using Die With Me requires nothing more than choosing a username first and allowing the app to read your battery situation.The idea behind the app was to turn the terrible experience of dealing with low phone battery into a positive one. The app’s co-developer Dries Depoorter said, “I was in a strange city and my phone battery was low when I was on my way back to the hotel. I was really stressed about this as night fell. At that moment, I had the idea for an app that we could only use when we had low battery. But I didn’t know how it would work until we came up with the idea of making it a public chatroom.”The app was shown by developers David Surprenant from Canada and Dries Depoorter from Belgium at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam.According to Depoorter, the app has so far recorded over half a million messages in conversations worldwide, with an average of eight people in the chatroom at any given time. Depoorter also said he and Surprenant intend to make a book with a selection of messages recorded by the app at some point in the future.8.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A.People enjoy making friends online. B.Internet users long for something new.C.Messaging apps face fierce competition. D.WeChat has become very popular recently.9.What should you do first if you want to use Die With Me?A.Apply for a username. B.Get your phone charged.C.Shut off your Whatsapp. D.Invite eight people together.10.What made Depoorter come up with Die With Me?A.His poor sense of direction. B.His personal experience.C.The popularity of chatrooms. D.Extreme stress from his work.11.What is the best title for the passage?A.Popular messaging apps on the InternetB.Convenient ways of using Die With MeC.An app used only by smart phones with low batteryD.Tips on using your smart phone with 5% battery leftDBoth Germans and Americans share much common etiquette(礼仪). Both place the fork on the left and the knife on the right in formal table settings. However, more so than Americans, Germans are noted for the carefulness with which they approach etiquette. For example, each flower has a specific meaning in Germany. When visiting Germany, it is wise to be aware of the characteristics of German etiquette.In Germany it is good etiquette to shake an individual’s hand when you first meet him or her. Also, handshakes are important when they conduct business and when they come or go from a meeting. For informal greetings among friends, Germans will lightly kiss one another on both cheeks or the air next to the cheeks. Always refer to someone with a title before their name in a social setting. “Frau” is Ms. And “Herr” is Mr. They should be put in front of the name of the individual to whom you are referring.If you are invited to visit someone in Germany, it is important to bring a small gift such as wine or candy. If you take a wine, be sure to pick an imported one, as bringing a German wine might send a message to the host that he or she does not have a good taste in wine. If you decide to take flowers, yellow roses, which convey joy and friendship, are a good choice. Red roses indicate romance and carnations (康乃馨)symbolize mourning. Do not sit down in someone’s house without being invited to sit first.Germans are organized, appreciating structures in their daily lives. They plan out their day, and it is bad manners to interrupt schedules. They are also very particular about maintaining orderly homes. They place a high priority on cleanliness and take great pains to keep everything in order.12.Why does the author mention the fact that each flower has a different meaning to Germany?A.To show Germans are particular about etiquette.B.To remind us to choose flowers carefully in Germany.C.To explain the important role flowers play in Germany.D.To explain the common etiquette in Germany and America.13.In Germany, kissing each other is usually accepted among _____ ______.trangers B.business partners C.friends D.family members14.What is considered improper when you are invited to a German’s home?A.Taking yellow roses. B.Bringing a small gift.C.Taking an imported wine. D.Sitting without being asked.15.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Germans keep strict schedules every day. B.Germans work effectively at home.C.Germans live a busy life every day. D.Germans have a dull lifestyle.第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

清华大学中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020届高三5月(THUSSAT)英语试题 (含答案)

清华大学中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020届高三5月(THUSSAT)英语试题 (含答案)

中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020 年 5 月测试英语试卷本试卷共150 分,考试时间100 分钟。

第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分45 分)ASummer is that time of this year 2019 when everyone looks to escape from the boring activities of life. So bring your kids to join us to have fun in the summer camp.Outdoor Word Game:All you need to do is setting up many huge letters that can be easily moved. These letters will help kids spell out certain words. Teenagers would also love something like this as it gives them the opportunity to invest their time in learning new words.Spray Painting:To bring out the creativity in a person, an activity centered on spray painting is the perfect way to get those creative juices flowing. All you need to do is providing plain white T-shirts and some cans of colored spray paint. It will be quite surprising to see some of the original ideas that will flow from individuals.Outdoor Twister:A person will be in charge of monitoring the game and will call out colors which can be placed outdoors. Participants have the task of placing either their hands or legs on the same color. A fun and exciting game focuses on hand-eye coordination(协调).The Maze(迷宫):One of the funniest games is the hallway maze game where a maze is constructed from either toilet paper or strings of paper. The chosen participant is then asked to make his way through the maze within a limited time without touching paper. This is one of the best and entertaining summer camp ideas for kids and adults also.1.Which activity most probably needs some imagination?A.Outdoor Word Game. B.Spray Painting.C.Outdoor Twister. D.The Maze.2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The maze is made of toilet paper in The Maze.B.You have to spray juice on your T-shirt in Spray Painting.C.Outdoors Twister tests whether you are good at controlling your body movement.D.You have to bring some huge letters to play in Outdoor Word Games.3.Who is the article intended for?A.Parents. B.Children. C.Teachers. D.Teenagers.BWhat makes a person sexy? Looks, talent, public image and how we accordingly view their personality all play into why we find ourselves attracted to certain celebrities and public figures. Every year, People put it all together when they name their “Sexiest Man Alive”. This year, the magazine decided that United States musician John Roger Stephens, better known as John Legend, has the full package.The title comes following some impressive achievements for the 40-year-old. He is among the youngest people to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award, and the first African-American man to win all four of them. With numerous awards and nominations, an Ivy-League degree, and a handsome face, Legend has gained huge popularity worldwide. However, his dedication to family life maybe what wins over many.After getting married to US model Chrissy Teigen in 2013, Legend is the father of one son and one daughter. He’s not shy about telling the world their love is permanent. On the inside of Legend’s arm, there is a tattoo that says “Chrissy Luna Miles”, the names of his wife and children. In fact, Legend has gained strength from his family since childhood. He still remembers the days when his family would gather around his grandmoth er’s piano to sing Christmas songs. This inspired his passion for music. His best-known single, All of Me, is a love song to his wife. When he performed it at the 2014 Grammy Awards, many were touched by his delicate voice and the deep love beneath. “The more you know someone, the more you’re inspired by your relationship,” Legend told LA Confidential Magazine. “You have to grow enough to be able to write that song with sincerity and authenticity.”Despite his onstage confidence, Legend had to work to become a legend. As a teenager, he was the smallest kid in class. “I was always less mature, less at ease socially. I had plenty of awkward times,” he told People. “Most of your teenage years, into your twenties, you’re still figuring out who you are, how you present yourself to the world ... Eventually, I think you get more at ease with yourself.” Indeed, knowing who you are and be yourself could be the real key to attractiveness.4.What plays the biggest part in making Legend popular worldwide?A.High-level education. B.Handsome look.C.Efforts put in family. D.Talent in music.5.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?A.Legend’s hobby as a boy.B.Legend’s family members.C.The secret behind Legend’s success.D.Composing background of the song All of Me.6.What can you infer from the passage?A.Legend is proud of his success in music.B.Legend’s interest in music originates from his family.C.Legend is the first black singer who won the Grammy award.D.Legend received the title “Sexiest Man Alive” before he got married.7.What is essential to attractiveness according to Legend?A.Being more mature.B.Being true to yourself.C.Having onstage confidence.D.Having attractive appearance.CWhat makes people trustworthy? Do they always tell the truth? Do they always keep their promises? In the near future, voluntary blood donations might be used as a clue to prove someone’s trustworthiness.On Nov 19, the National Health Commission (NHC) and other departments jointly released a document urging the social credit system to include voluntary blood donations. An incentive mechanism(激励机制)is also recommended, to provide donors with more conveniences and rewards like preferential treatment in using public facilities or visiting government-run parks, China Daily reported. “We need to show we care about donors so they feel honored,” Liu Jiang, director of Beijing’s blood donation office, told CCTV.Indeed, donating blood is key to saving many lives. Due to blood’s very limited shelf life, regular blood donations are needed from a sufficient number of healthy people. This ensures that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed, according to the World Health Organization. However, the notice received mixed reviews on social media, with some people questioning whether it was necessary to include voluntary blood donation in the social credit system, according to the South China Morning Post. The system records things like a person’s career information, and payments for credit cards or other debt expenses are used to tell whether a person or company is trustworthy. People who cannot pay debts on time would have a worse credit score, resulting in more difficulties borrowing money from banks, reported the P eople’s Daily.Many Sina Weibo users believe that blood donations should be voluntary. They say it has little to do with social credit. Others doubt whether it is appropriate to reward this action because some people would donate blood for reasons other than helping save people’s lives. Guangming Daily commented that only acts closely linked to personal credit should be included in the social credit system. A voluntary blood donor might refuse to pay his or her debts, while someone who doesn’t donate blood might have a perfect credit record, it noted.8.What benefit can voluntary blood donors get according to the 2nd paragraph?A.Free park tour. B.Free treatment in hospitals.C.Running in government parks. D.Priority in using public facilities.9.Why are blood donations regularly needed?A.Blood can’t be stored for long.B.Some donated blood is not healthy.C.Fewer people are willing to donate blood.D.More and more people need blood to get treated.10.What can you learn from the last paragraph?A.Many blood donors refuse to pay his or her debts.B.Whoever donates blood will have a perfect credit record.C.It’s right to reward blood donators for they save people’s lives.D.Some people agree that voluntary blood donation shouldn’t be linked to social credit. 11.What’s the author’s attitude to using voluntary blood donations to prove trustworthiness?A.Positive. B.Objective. C.Indifferent D.Negative.DFive years ago, UK schools began to learn Shanghai’s math teaching methods on account of top scores produced by Chinese teenagers in a global academic evaluation. This test is called the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), run by the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Taking around three hours on computers, it mainly focuses on 15-year-olds’ reading, math and science abilities. Earlier this month, the latest test results were published.Students from Beijing and Shanghai, as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, outperformed students from the other 78 participating education systems in mathematics and science by a wide margin. In reading comprehension scores, only Singapore came close. Chinese mainland students first took the tests in 2009, with Shanghai topping the scores. The city claimed the top spot again in 2012.The PISA rankings aroused global interest in Chinese teaching methods and as a result, Britain increased exchanges with Chinese schools to improve its math education. Nearly 600 teachers from Britain and China, mainly from primary schools, have taken part in the exchange since 2014, and around 5,000 of Britain’s 16,000 primary schools have adopted the Shanghai math teaching method. In the latest PISA test, Chinese mainland students averaged 591 points in math —more than 100 points higher than the OECD average. British students averaged 502, jumping from 27th place three years ago to 18th in the math rankings.Philip Avery, director of education for the Bohunt Education Trust, UK, said, “We’ve benefited fromworking with Chinese partners for the high quality of lesson planning and teaching for memorization in China. Our Chinese partners have benefited from our approach to the development of character, focus on innovation and application of knowledge.”However, Zhang Xuanmin, who is in charge of the PISA project in Shanghai, points out that besides basic education, Chinese students still need to improve their social and emotional competencies.12.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.UK teenagers are poorly-educated.B.UK schools’ teaching methods are out of fashion.C.Teenagers in Shanghai got higher scores in PISA.D.Teenagers in Shanghai are the best students in the world.13.What does the underlined word mean in the 2nd paragraph?14.What’s probably the average math point of OECD in the latest PISA test?15.What can be indicated by Philip Avery’s words?A.The exchange program is a win-win situation.B.Chinese students still have a long way to go in education.C.UK schools get more benefits from the exchange program.D.UK teenagers have gained a lot of improvement in math learning.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。


















北京市清华大学附属中学2019届高三学术能力诊断测试理综-物理答案分)即:木板与挡板碰前已经共速,此时共同速度为:v =a2t1= 0.5 m/s (1分)该过程木板的位移: ∆x = 1a t 2= 0.5 m (1 分)2 2 1x - ∆x此后物块与木板一起匀速: t 2=v= 3 s (1 分)t = t 1+ t 2= 5 s ,即物块落上后需要5s 木板与挡板相碰 (1 分)(3)对物块: s= v t + 1 at 2 = 3 m (1 分)10 121v 2木板静止后: s 2=- 2a 1= 0.125m (1 分)s = s 1 + s 2 + x - ∆x = 4.625m(1 分)25.(17 分)解析:(1)qE = ma (1 分)qE 3v 2 a = =0 (1 分) m L = 1 at 2 2L (1 分)2 1 t = 2L = 2 3L (1 分)v 0E1a 3vv y = at 1 = 23v 02(1 分) v = v 0 + v y = 2v 0(1 分)设 v 与 x 轴负方向之间的夹角为vy 则 tan θ = = 3 vθ = 60︒ (1 分)v 2(2)进入磁场Ⅰ后: qvB 1= mr1(1 分)4L r 1 =3(1 分)2L即圆心 O 1恰好在 y 轴上 y10=的地方 (1 分)3所以,第一次经过 y 轴的位置是: y1= y 10 +r 1= 2Lv 2(3)进入磁场Ⅱ后: qvB 2= mr 2(1 分)2L r 2= 3 = 1r 2 1(1分)所以,粒子的运动轨迹如图,第四次经过 y 轴的位置恰好与第一次经过 y 轴是一样y 4 = y 1 = 2L(1 分)即从第一次经过 y 轴到第四次经过 y 轴所发生的位移为零,即 ∆y = 0 (1 分)T =2πm =4πL(1 分)T = 2πm= 2πL(1 分)qB 13v 02qB3v 0∆t = T+ 1 T = 4πL (1 分)2 213v33.【物理——选修 3-3】(15 分)(1)(5 分)(选对 1 个得 2 分,选对 2 个得 4 分,选对 3 个得 5 分;每选错 1 个扣 3 分,最低得分 为 0 分) ABD .(2)(10 分)解析:①K 打开后,活塞向右移动 (1 分)K 打开之前: P A 1S = P 0 2SPA 1= 2P 0(1 分)K 打开之后: F右= P 0 2S + P A 1S = 4P 0 S F 右 > F 左,即:活塞向右移动 (2分)F 左 = P 0 S + P B 1 S = 2P 0 S②稳定后: PA 2S + P 0 2S = P B 2 2S + P 0 S4P A 2 + P 0 = 2P B25 (1 分)对 B :P 0 L 0 S = P B 2 L 0 S5(1 分)P B 2 =P 0 4(1 分)P = 2P- P = 3 P(1 分)A 2B 20 2 0对 A :P A 1 L 0 S P A 26 L 0S 5(1 分)T = 9T(1 分)T 0 T 1034.[物理——选修 3–4](15 分) (1)(5 分)(选对 1 个得 2 分,选对 2 个得 4 分,选对 3 个得 5 分;每选错 1 个扣 3 分,最低得分为 0 分) ABD (2)(10 分)解析:①当从端面入射的光接近平行端面时,θ1=C (1 分)为了不从侧面射出,θ 2= 90- θ1≥ C(1 分) 则 C ≤ 45(1 分)n = 1 ≥ 2sin C(1 分)即:该光导纤维折射率应该满足②当从端面入射的光接近平行端面时,该频n = c v = c(1 分)v n每反射一次沿纤维传播的距离为 x 0x 0则反射一次的时间为: ∆t =cos CvL2=0 0c n 2 - 1n 2 L(2 分)从左到右的最长时间: tmax= ∆t =x 0c 0 n 2- 1 (1 分)当垂直于端面入射的光不经反射直接传播到另一端面时,用时最短:t = L =n 0L (1 分)minv cn L n 2L 即:该频率的光在折射率为 n 0的光导纤维中传播的时间范围是 0c≤ t < c 0n 2- 1 (1分)。

2019届中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试(一) 文理数学(一卷)试卷THUSSAT9月测试

2019届中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试(一) 文理数学(一卷)试卷THUSSAT9月测试


一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.若复数z 满足()()2110-i z i i +−+=,则z =( )A .1122i + B .1122i −C .1122i −+ D .1122i −−2.已知集合21{|log 2},{|28}2x A x x B x =<=≤≤,则A B =( )A .[1,3]−B .(0,3]C .[1,4)−D .(0,4)3.将420名工人编号为:001,002,…,420,采用系统抽样的方法抽取一个容量为60的样本,且随机抽得的号码为005.这420名工人来自三个工厂,从001到200为A 工厂,从201到355为B 工厂,从356到420为C 工厂,则三个工厂被抽中的工人数依次为( ) A .28,23,9B .27,23,10C .27,22,11D .28,22,104.已知公差不为0的等差数列{}n a 的首项13a =,若236a ,a ,a 成等比数列,则{}n a 的前5项之和为( )A .23−B .25−C .43−D .45−5.设曲线2ln y ax b x =−在1x =处的切线方程为52y x =−,则a,b 的值分别为( )A .2,1B .2,1C .3,1D .3,16.在平行四边形ABCD 中,O 为AC 与BD 的交点,若2AE ED =,则=OE ( )A .1126BA BC +B .1126BA BC −C .1126BA BC −+D .1126BA BC −−7.已知一个棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该棱锥的表面积为( )cm 2A .929+B .9218+C .18D .278.设抛物线C :x y 42=的焦点为F ,直线l 过F 且与抛物线C 交于,A B 两点.若163AB,且AF BF >,则AF BF=( )A.3B.25C.2D.49.若实数x,y满足⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≤−−≤−+1142xyxyx,则2212x y⎛⎫+−⎪⎝⎭的取值范围是()A.[]2,1B.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡2,45C.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡417,45D.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡417,110.在[]4,4−上随机地取一个数m,则事件“直线0=+−myx与圆()2122=+yx-有公共点”发生的概率为()A.41B.31C.21D.3211.已知P为双曲线2222:1x yCa b(00>>,ba)右支上一点,A为其左顶点,F(43,0)为其右焦点,满足,60AF PF PFA,则点F到P A的距离为()A.53B.72C.73D.15212.在三棱锥A-BCD中,10BC BD AC AD====,6AB=,16CD=,点P在平面ACD内,且30BP=,设异面直线BP与CD所成角为α,则sinα的最小值为()A.31010B.1010C.25D.5二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.已知函数22,0()26ln,0x xf xx x x,则()y f x x=−的零点个数为________.14.已知数列{}n a满足21=a,1(1)(1)(2)n nn a na n n n−−=+−≥,则{}na的通项公式为________.15.某校开设A类选修课4门,B类选修课3门,一位同学从中选3门.若要求两类课程中各至少选一门,则不同的选法共有________种.16.已知函数()ln(1)(0)f x x x=+>与()2xg x a=−的图像上存在关于y轴对称的点,则a的取值范围是______.三、解答题:共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答.第22、23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:60分.17.(12分)在ABC ∆中,3AB =,1AC =,60A ∠=. (1)求sin ACB ∠;(2)若D 为BC 的中点,求AD 的长度.18.(12分)如图,在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,四边形ABCD为矩形,E 是PD 的中点,M 是EC 的中点,点Q 在线段PC 上且PQ =3QC . (1)证明QM //平面P AB ;(2)当PBA ∠为多大时,在线段PC 上存在点F 使得EF ⊥平面P AD 且EF与平面PBC 所成角为45°同时成立?19.(12分)设盒子中装有6个红球,4个白球,2个黑球,且规定:取出一个红球得a 分,取出一个白球得b 分,取出一个黑球得c 分,其中a ,b ,c 都为正整数.(1)当1a =,2b =,3c =时,从该盒子中依次任取(有放回,且每球取到的机会均等)2个球,记随机变量ξ为取出此2球所得分数之和,求ξ的分布列;(2)当1a =时,从该盒子中任取(每球取到的机会均等)1个球,记随机变量η为取出此球所得分数.若53E η=,59D η=,求b 和c .20.(12分)设椭圆22:14x C y +=的右焦点为F ,过点(,0)m (||1m ≥)作直线l 与椭圆C 交于,A B 两点,且坐标原点O (0,0)到直线l 的距离为1. (1)当1m =时,求直线AF 的方程; (2)求ABF ∆面积的最大值.21.(12分)已知函数23()ln(1)2ln 222ax f x ax x =+−−++(0a >,a 为常数,0x >) (1)讨论()f x 的单调性; (2)当302a <≤时,求证:()0f x ≥.(二)选考题:共10分.请考生在第22,23题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.作答时请写清题号.22.[选修4−4:坐标系与参数方程](10分)在直角坐标系xOy 中,直线l 的参数方程为222242x t y t ⎧=−+⎪⎪⎨⎪=−+⎪⎩(t 为参数),点(2,4)M −−.以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C 的极坐标方程为2sin 2cos 0 (0)a a ρθθ−=>. (1)当1a =时,求曲线C 的直角坐标方程;(2)设曲线C 与直线l 交于点,A B ,若2||||||AB MA MB =⋅,求a 的值.23.[选修4−5:不等式选讲](10分)已知()|2||3|f x x ax =+−−.(1)当2a =时,求不等式()2f x >的解集;(2)当03a <≤时,若(0,2)x ∈,求证:()1f x x >−.第18题中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2018年9月测试理科数学试卷 参考答案一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分. 13.2 14.n 2+n 15.3016.()1,∞−三、解答题:共70分,解答应写出文字说明.证明过程或演算步骤,第17~21题为必考题,每个试题考生都必须作答,第22,23题为选考题,考生根据要求作答. (一)必考题:60分。



一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.(5分)若集合,则实数a 的值为( {x|2x >22}={x|log 12(x ―a)<0})A .B .2C .D .112322.(5分)若双曲线x 2﹣ty 2=3t 的焦距为6,则该双曲线的离心率为( )A .B .C .D .262363.(5分)已知m ,n ∈R ,i 是虚数单位,若(1+mi )(1﹣i )=n ,则|m +ni |的值为( )A .1B .C .D . 2354.(5分)已知⊥,||,||=t ,若P 点是△ABC 所在平面内一→AB →AC →AB =1t→AC 点,且,当t 变化时,的最大值等于( )→AP =→AB |→AB |+→AC |→AC |→PB ⋅→PC A .﹣2 B .0 C .2 D .4 5.(5分)数列{a n }满足a n +1,若a 1,则a 2018=( ={2a n ,0≤a n <122a n ―1,12≤a n <1=35)A .B .C .D .152535456.(5分)某工厂利用随机数表对生产的600个零件进行抽样测试,先将600个零件进行编号,编号分别为001,002,…,599,600从中抽取60个样本,如下提供随机数表的第4行到第6行:二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分.9.(5分)已知直线l1:x﹣y+1=0与l2:x+ay+3=0平行,则a= ,l1与l2之间的距离为 10.(5分)已知函数f(x)=(x+t)(x﹣t2)是偶函数,则t= 11.(5分)著名的“3n+1猜想”是对任何一个正整数进行规定的变换,最终都会变成1.如图的程序框图示意了3n+1猜想,则输出的n为 12.(5分)某校在科技文化艺术节上举行纸飞机大赛,A,B,C,D,E五个团队获得了前五名.发奖前,老师让他们各自选择两个团队,猜一猜其名次:A团队说:C第一,B第二;B团队说:A第三,D第四;C团队说:E第四,D第五;D团队说:B第三,C第五;E团队说:A第一,E第四.如果实际上每个名次都有人猜对,则获得第五名的是 团队.13.(5分)已知平面内两个定点M(3,0)和点N(﹣3,0),P是动点,且直线PM,PN的斜率乘积为常数a(a≠0),设点P的轨迹为C.三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.15.(13分)已知△ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,满足ba+c.=1―sinCsinA+sinB(Ⅰ)求角A的值;2(Ⅱ)若a=3,b=2,求sin(2B+A)的值.19.(14分)如图,设椭圆C 1:1(a >b >0),长轴的右端点与抛x 2a 2+y 2b 2=物线C 2:y 2=8x 的焦点F 重合,且椭圆C 1的离心率是. 32(1)求椭圆C 1的标准方程;(2)过F 作直线l 交抛物线C 2于A ,B 两点,过F 且与直线l 垂直的直线交椭圆C 1于另一点C ,求△ABC 面积的最小值,以及取到最小值时直线l 的方程.。



中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试 2018 年 9 月测试英语试卷本试卷共 150 分,考试时间 100 分钟。

第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 60 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AAre you interested in hi-tech products? Here are some that you might find at the market pretty soon. CX-1Tired of dragging your bag through busy airports? Then you might want to consider CX-1. The smart suitcase uses facial recognizing software to follow its owner as he / she is checking in or heading to the gate. Though CX-1 can only move at a speed of up to seven miles per hour, a tiny tool enables owners to keep track of the suitcase ’s location. It is expected to be sold on the market by late 2018.AiboSony ’s latest version of the Aibo robotic dog is almost as fun as the real thing —but much less work. The pet dog can recognize its owner, obey several commands, and even recall the behavior that pleases its master the most. Aibo can also learn new tricks, take photographs, and over time, develop its own unique personality.ForpheusForpheus, an “a thleti c” robot developed by Japanese technology company Omron. It teaches users how to play ping-pong. The 10-feet-tall machine uses a camera and artificial intelligence to track the ball ’s speed and can predict the ball ’s direction correctly. The smart Forpheus can also quickly test its player ’s abilities and adjust the playing level, making the game fun.Black Box VRThough many people determine to go to the gym once a week, few reach their goal. Black Box VR wants to change that by turning hard exercise into fun video games. Using it, gym users will find themselves fighting enemies, including big creatures —all while getting exercise. 1.What is the feature of CX-1?A .It can be opened by facial expressions.B .It can recognize and follow its owner.C .It can move very fast in busy places.D .It can sense the suitcase ’s location.2.Who would most probably want an Aibo?A .People who want to walk a dog.B .People who often play tricks on others.C .People who want to take high-quality photographs.D .People who want a dog but can ’t look after a real one. 3.Which product can help people do physical exercise regularly?A .CX-1.B .Aibo.C .Forpheus.D .Black Box VR.BNine years ago, a few days before Christmas, I was a director at a company in San Francisco, and I was called into ameeting that was already in progress. That meeting turned out to be my exit interview. I was 64 years old at the time. It wasn ’t completely unexpected. I signed a pile of papers and left the company.So, 40 plus years of employment was over. I had a good reputation and background. Retirement was not a choice for me. I wanted to do something. And then an idea came into my mind, born from my concern for our environment. I wanted to build my own business, designing and manufacturing biodegradable (可生物降解的)packaging from waste. This iscalled clean technology, and it was really meaningful to me. It could help reduce billions of pounds of single-use plastic packaging wasted each year.Five years later, I ’m e nraptured and proud to share with you that our income has doubled every year and we have nodebt. Meanwhile, I have a wonderful partner, and we ’ve won more than 20 awards for the work that we ’ve done.And I am doing the most rewarding and meaningful work of my life right now. But what I really long for is to findother first-time entrepreneurs (企业家)who are my age. I want to connect with them.So I want to do something about that in a few years. I want us to start talking more about people who don ’t become entrepreneurs until they are seniors. And then connecting all of them across industries, regions and countries —building a community.4.What happened to the author nine years ago?A .He was fired from his job.B .He took part in an interview.C .He applied for a higher position.D .He changed his job to a better one.5.Why was the new business meaningful to the author?A .It developed some new technologies.B .It was beneficial to the environment.C .It provided jobs for lots of people.D .It brought in quite a lot of money.6.What does the underlined wor d “en rapture d” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A .Exhausted.B .Intelligent.C .Delighted.D .Humorous.7.What does the author plan to do in the future?A .To set up a community for the old people.B .To help people who want to become successful.C .To meet more people from different backgrounds.D .To build a community for senior entrepreneurs.CFrom Whatsapp to WeChat, the world has plenty of choices when it comes to messaging apps that connect friends and strangers on the Internet. The market is so crowded that for a new competitor to even get noticed, they ’d have to come up with something new. Enter “Die With Me ”, a fresh chat app that can only be used when your smart phone has 5% or less battery left.Die With Me allows total strangers with low battery to enter an online chatroom and talk as they wait for their smart phones to shut off completely. Using Die With Me requires nothing more than choosing a username first and allowing the app to read your battery situation.The idea behind the app was to turn the terrible experience of dealing with low phone battery into a positive one. The app ’s co-developer Dries Depoorter said, “I was in a strange city and my phone battery was low when I was on my way back to the hotel. I was really stressed about this as night fell. At that moment, I had the idea for an app that we could only use when we had low battery. But I didn ’t know how it would work until we came up with the idea of making it a public chatroom .”The app was shown by developers David Surprenant from Canada and Dries Depoorter from Belgium at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam.According to Depoorter, the app has so far recorded over half a million messages in conversations worldwide, with an average of eight people in the chatroom at any given time. Depoorter also said he and Surprenant intend to make a book with a selection of messages recorded by the app at some point in the future. 8.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A .People enjoy making friends online.B .Internet users long for something new.C .Messaging apps face fierce competition.D .WeChat has become very popular recently.9.What should you do first if you want to use Die With Me?A .Apply for a username.B .Get your phone charged.C .Shut off your Whatsapp.D .Invite eight people together.10.What made Depoorter come up with Die With Me?A .His poor sense of direction.B .His personal experience.C .The popularity of chatrooms.D .Extreme stress from his work.11.What is the best title for the passage?A .Popular messaging apps on the InternetB .Convenient ways of using Die With MeC .An app used only by smart phones with low batteryD .Tips on using your smart phone with 5% battery leftDBoth Germans and Americans share much common etiquette (礼仪). Both place the fork on the left and the knife onthe right in formal table settings. However, more so than Americans, Germans are noted for the carefulness with which they approach etiquette. For example, each flower has a specific meaning in Germany. When visiting Germany, it is wise to be aware of the characteristics of German etiquette.In Germany it is good etiquette to shake an individual ’s hand when you first meet him or her. Also, handshakes are important when they conduct business and when they come or go from a meeting. For informal greetings among friends, Germans will lightly kiss one another on both cheeks or the air next to the cheeks. Always refer to someone with a title before their name in a social setting. “Fr au” is Ms. And “Herr ” is Mr. They should be put in front of the name of the individual to whom you are referring.If you are invited to visit someone in Germany, it is important to bring a small gift such as wine or candy. If you take a wine, be sure to pick an imported one, as bringing a German wine might send a message to the host that he or she does not have a good taste in wine. If you decide to take flowers, yellow roses, which convey joy and friendship, are a good choice. Red roses indicate romance and carnations (康乃馨)symbolize mourning. Do not sit down in someone ’s housewithout being invited to sit first.Germans are organized, appreciating structures in their daily lives. They plan out their day, and it is bad manners to interrupt schedules. They are also very particular about maintaining orderly homes. They place a high priority oncleanliness and take great pains to keep everything in order.12.Why does the author mention the fact that each flower has a different meaning to Germany?A .To show Germans are particular about etiquette.B .Toremind us to choose flowers carefully in Germany. C .To explain the important role flowers play in Germany. D .To explain the common etiquette in Germany and America.13.In Germany, kissing each other is usually accepted among.A .strangersB .business partnersC .friendsD .family members 14.What is considered improper when you are invited to a German ’s home?A .Taking yellow roses.B .Bringing a small gift.C .Taking an imported wine.D .Sitting without being asked.15.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A .Germans keep strict schedules every day.B .Germans work effectively at home.C .Germans live a busy life every day.D .Germans have a dull lifestyle.第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



……………2 分
PB 直线方程同理,代入可得 kx0 −1+ y2 = x2x0 所以直线 AB : kx0 −1+ y = xx0
即 x0(k − x)−1+ y = 0,所以过定点 (k,1) .
……………………4 分 ……………………6 分
(2)直线 l 方程与抛物线方程联立,得到 x2 − 2kx + 2 = 0,由于无交点解 0 可得 k 2 2 .
……………………4 分 ……………………6 分
由题意 BC1 = 2 2 ,延长 DC 、 D1C1 、 AB 、 A1B1 交于点 G ,取 CG 中点 M ,连 BM、AC .
由 BM∥AC∥A1C1 , BM 平面 A1B1C1 , A1C1 平面 A1B1C1 ,所以 BM∥平面 A1B1C1 .
B = − 时 , 2
………………12 分
(1)连接 AC ,由于 AA1∥CC1 且 AA1 = CC1 ,所以四边形 ACC1 A1 为
平行四边形, A1C1 // AC . 又底面 ABCD 为等腰梯形, AB = BC = CD = 1 AD ,
2 AD // BC ,延长 AB, DC 交于 G ,
DA 为 x 轴,过 D 作平面 A1ADD1 的垂线为 y 轴,DD1 为
z 轴如图所示建立空间直角坐标系,则
( ) ( ) ( ) B 3,
3,0 , A1 (4,0,2), B1 3,
3,1 ,C1 1,
. 3, 2
( ) BC1 = (−2,0,2) , A1C1 = −3, 3,0 , B1C1 = (−2,0,1) ,设平面
即点 M 到平面 A1B1C1 的距离为 MH =



D. − 2 )
, 6 2
, 3 2
5 , 6
2 , 3
3 3
9. 已知函数
将函数 f ( x) 的图像向左平移 个单位长度 f ( x) = sin(x +)( 0, − 0) 的最小正周期为 ,

14.某高中共有学生 1500 名,各年级男、女生人数如下表: 高一年级 女生 男生 195 245 高二年级 330 高三年级 y z
(2)求 k1 + k2 的取值范围.
2 2
21. (12 分)设函数 f ( x) = e − x e − ax − 1 .
x 2 x
(1)当 a = 0 时,讨论 f ( x) 的单调性; (2)若存在 x0 0 使得 f ( x0 ) 0 成立,求实数 a 的取值范围. (二)选考题:共 10 分.请考生在第 22,23 题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题计分.作答时请写
π π 上单调递增 , 6 3
π π , 上单调递增 3 6

的奇函数为( 2
) B. y = cos π − 4 x
C.在区间 −
π π , 上单调递减 3 6
D.在区间 −

π 3
3 2

10. 已知正四面体 ABCD , 点 E 为棱 AD 的中点, 则异面直线 EO 与 CD 所成的角等于 ( O 为△ BCD 的中心, A. 30
5.如右图所示,已知 BA = a , BC = b , DC = 3BD , AE = 2EC ,则 DE =(



中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2019 年7 月测试物理试卷本试卷共100 分,考试时间90 分钟。

一、选择题:本题共10 个小题,每小题3 分,共30 分。



保持投掷的高度不变且水平投掷,为了能够击中靶心,以下判断中不正确的是:A.只要适当水平往前移动一下投掷的位置就有可能击中靶心B.只要适当增大水平投出的速度就有可能击中靶心C.只要是能够击中靶心,击中靶盘时的速度一定比原来大D.若同时调整投掷的水平距离和速度,击中靶盘时的速度与竖直方向的夹角可以和原来相同5.一带电小球 A 用绝缘细线悬挂于O 点,另一完全相同的带电小球 B 用绝缘撑杆固定在O 点正下方的M 点,两带电小球都可看做点电荷,开始时小球 A 恰好静止在位置N,如右图所示,由于固定在M 处的 B 球缓慢漏电,导致小球 A 的位置非常缓慢地降低至位置P,在此过程中以下判断正确的是:A.在小球A 由N 到P 的过程中,细线对小球A 的拉力逐渐减小B.在小球A 由N 到P 的过程中,小球B 对小球A 的库仑力逐渐增大C.在小球A 由N 到P 的过程中,小球A 所处位置的电势逐渐升高D.在小球A 由N 到P 的过程中,小球B 与小球A 之间的电势能逐渐变大6.在如右图所示的电路中,R1、R2和R3都是定值电阻,R 是滑线变阻器,V1和V2是两只量程恰好始终满足条件的理想电压表,P 是两相距很近的平行金属板MN 之间的一个点,开始时在P 点放置一个带电颗粒Q 恰好能够保持静止,当滑线变阻器的滑动端自图示位置向左缓慢滑动时,以下说法中错误的是A.电阻R 2消耗的电功率减小B.金属板MN 之间的P 点电势升高C.带电颗粒Q 向下运动D.电压表V1示数的变化量ΔU1的绝对值小于电压表V2示数的变化量ΔU2的绝对值7.如右图所示,一质量为m 的小球用质量不计的细线悬挂在O 点,小球在水平拉力F 的作用下,从细线竖直的最低点开始匀速率拉升至细线与竖直成θ角,在此过程中小球所受的空气阻力大小保持不变,则以下判断中正确的是:A.拉力F 的功率一定保持不变B.拉力F 的功率一定逐渐增大C.拉力F 做的功等于小球机械能的增量D.拉力 F 做的功等于小球克服空气阻力和重力做功与增加的重力势能的总和8.2019 年1 月3 日,嫦娥四号成功着陆在月球背面开始了对月球背面区域的科学考察之旅。

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C.图三用于比较 Cl、C、Si 的元素的非金属性强弱
D.图四用来检验该装置的气密性 15.柠檬烯是一种食用香料,其结构简式如图: H3C
A.锅炉水垢中含有 CaSO4,可先用 Na2CO3 溶液处理,后用酸除去 B.《泉州府志》:元时南安有黄长者为宅煮糖,宅忽坏,去土而糖白,后人遂效之。泥土具有吸
C.地沟油可用来生产肥皂、甘油,达到废物利用的目的 D.“梨花淡自柳深清,柳絮飞时花满城”中柳絮的主要成分和棉花不同 2.下列有关物质的量的说法,正确的是( ) A.1L 0.1 mol·L-1 的 NaHS 溶液中,HS-和 S2-的离子数之和为 0.1 NA B.常温下,8g CH4 含有 2NA 个 C-H C.2.4g Mg 与 H2SO4 完全反应,转移的电子数为 0.1 NA D. 1L 水吸收标准状况下 2.24L SO2,所得溶液的物质的量浓度为 0.1 mol·L-1 3.下列关于物质的性质和用途,有因果关系的一组是( )
5.下列关于金属及其化合物的说法,正确的是( )
第 1 页 共 12 页
A.黑色金属是指铁、铬、锰以外的金属 B.用钠置换四氯化钛(TiCl4)溶液中的钛,来制取钛 C.把饱和的 FeCl3 溶液滴入沸水中,可制得 Fe(OH)3 胶体 D.用无水硫酸铜除去酒精中的水 6.下列各种离子或分子在指定溶液中一定能大量共存的是( ) A.在弱碱性溶液中:Na+、K+、Cl-、HCO3B.中性溶液中:Fe3+、Al3+、NO3-、Cl-、SO42C.1.0 mol·L-1 的 Na2CO3 的溶液中:NH4+、SO42-、Cl-、SO2 D.水电离的 c(H+)=10-12mol·L-1 的溶液中:Cl-、CO32-、NO3-、SO327.下列关于物质的鉴别或检验,说法正确的是( ) A.向 FeI2 溶液通入少量 Cl2,若溶液变为黄色,能证明还原性 I->Fe2+ B.向某溶液中滴加稀硫酸,只要产生有刺激性气味的气体,该气体能使品红溶液褪色,就可判
乙醇可以使蛋白质变性 在医药上可以用 75%的酒精来杀菌消毒
SO2 有还原性
NH3 的沸点很低
HF 为弱酸
用于漂白织物 用作制冷剂 可用来雕刻玻璃
4.下列关于物质的分类,正确的说法是( ) A.SiO2 能分别与 NaOH 溶液、氢氟酸反应,所以 SiO2 为两性氧化物 B.NH3 的水溶液能导电,所以 NH3 为电解质 C.因为新制氯水含有 3 种分子,3 种离子,所以氯水为混合物 D.油酸(C17H33COOH)与丙烯酸互为同系物
热反应 B.在化学反应过程中,发生物质变化的同时,不一定发生能量变化 C.101KPa 时,1mol 碳完全燃烧生成 1mol CO2 气体时,放出热量为碳的燃烧热 D.放热反应一定不用加热,吸热反应一定需要加热 10.下列说法中不正确的是( ) A.乙烯使溴的 CCl4 溶液褪色的化学方程式是 CH2=CH2+Br2→CH3CHBr2 B.把煤的干馏产品进行分馏,可得到萘、蒽等有机物
中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试 2019 年 7 月测试
Hale Waihona Puke 化学试卷本试卷共 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟。
常用原子量:H-1 O-16 Ca-40 C-12 Cu-64 Au-197 一、选择题:本题包括 22 道小题,每题 2 分,共 44 分。 1.化学与社会、生产、生活密切相关。下列说法不正确的是( )
Al2O3+2OH-=2AlO2-+H2O C.B 形成的最简单氢化物的沸点低于 E 的最简单氢化物的沸点 D.A 与 C 能形成离子化合物 12.室温下,用 0.10mol·L-1 的 NaOH 溶液滴定 10.00mL 0.10 mol·L-1 的 CH3COOH 溶液,水的电离程 度随 NaOH 溶液体积的变化曲线如右图所示。下列判断正确的 是( ) A.该滴定过程应选择甲基橙作为指示剂 B.M 点对应的 pH> 7 C.M 点到 N 点,溶液中水的电离都受到抑制 D.N 点溶液中 c(OH-)=c(CH3COOH) +c(CH3COO-) +c(H+) 13.下列关于平衡的叙述,不正确的是( ) A.往废水中加入(NH4)2S 溶液,除去废水中的 Pb2+等重金属离子,可用沉淀溶解平衡原理解释 B.向饱和的石灰水中加入生石灰,恢复到原温度后,溶液的 pH 不变 C.水垢中的 MgCO3 加热后转化为 Mg(OH) 2 固体,是 Mg2+与 CO32-发生了互相促进水解的结果 D.Ag2SO4、AgCl 的溶度积常数之比,等于它们饱和溶液的物质的量浓度之比 14.下列实验装置或操作设计正确且能达到目的的是( )
断该溶液中存在 SO32C.用 BaCl2 溶液可以鉴别 Na2CO3 溶液和 NaHCO3 溶液 D.可用湿润的淀粉-KI 试纸来鉴别 NO2 和溴蒸汽 8.下列关于元素周期表的说法不正确的是( ) A.用于制造半导体材料的元素位于金属元素和非金属元素的分界线附近 B.次外层电子数是最外层电子数的 2 倍的非金属元素,是硅元素 C.常见的氧元素有三种同位素:16O、17O 和 18O D.过渡元素的原子最外层电子数一般不超过 2 个 9.下列有关物质的能量,叙述合理的是( ) A.破坏生成物全部化学键所需要的能量大于破坏反应物全部化学键需要的能量时,该反应为吸
第 2 页 共 12 页
C.石油的裂解和裂化都是发生化学变化,但二者目的不一样 D.油脂是酯类,但不属于高分子化合物 11.已知 A、B、C、D、E 是原子序数依次增大的五种短周期元素,A 与 C 同主族,A 与 B,A 与 E 形成共价化合物,A 与 B 形成的最简单化合物的水溶液呈碱性,E 的最高正价与最低负价的代数 和是 6,D 是同周期中简单离子半径最小的元素。下列说法错误的是( ) A.B 的气态氢化物与其最高价氧化物的水化物生成的化合物中存在共价键 B.C 的最高价氧化物对应的水化物与 D 的最高价氧化物反应的离子方程式为