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1.Tell Mary that there's someone _______for her at the door.

2.A. waiting B. waited C. waits D. to wait

3.2.There is a big dog _______to a fence outside the house.

4.A. tying B. tied C. to tie D .ties

5.3.The_______waiter came up to us and said, "You are welcome."

6.A. smiling B. smiled C. smile D. to smile

7.4. _______the early train, you'll have to get up early and rush in a taxi.

8.A. Catching B. Caught C. To catch D. Catch

9.5.There, in the corner, sat three girls, _______.

10.A. sew B. were sewing C. to sew D. sewing

11.6.Whether it will do us harm remains_______.

12.A. seen B. seeing C. being seen D. to be seen

13.7.Whom would you rather have _______with you, him or me?

14.A. to be gone B. gone C. going D. go

15.8.The power station keeps the villages ______ with electricity.

16.A. supplied B. to supply C. supplying D. having supplied

17.9.The path in the park looked beautiful, _______ with _______ leaves.

18.A. covered; falling B. covered; fallen C. covering; falling D. covering, fallen

19.10.I won't go to the party even if_______.

20.A. inviting B. being invited C. invited D. having invited

21.11.All work is pleasant_ ______when the habit of working is formed.

22.A. done B. doing C. to do D. to be done

23.12.The man _______in a blue jacket at the party was a doctor.

24.A. put on B. dressed C. had on D. wore

25.13.People are talking about the new play _______in two weeks.

26.A. to be put on B. to put on C. being put on D. put on

27.14.The man _______in the chair asked me to _______.

28.A. seated; seated B. sitting; sitting C. seating; seat D. seated; be seated

29.15.I happened _______with him when he was hit by a stone.

30.A.I was talking B. talking C. to talk D. to be talking

31.16.We are not sure which restaurant _______tonight.

32.A. eating at B. for eating C. to eat at D. we eat

33.17.The way Della thought of _______enough money was to sell her beautiful hair.

34.A. got B. to be got C. to get D. getting

35.18.A phone call sent him _______to the hospital.

36.A. hurry B. hurrying C. to hurry D. hurried

37.19.My work _______, I went home .

38.A. had been done B. done C. having done D. to be done

39.20.You can close your umbrella. The rain seems _______.

40.A. stopping B. to stop C. to have stopped D. having stopped

41.21.I rushed there in a taxi only _______the library_______.

42.A. finding; closed B. finding; shut C. to find; close D. to find; closed

43.22.Many things _______impossible in the past are common today.
