
Palo Alto Networks防火墙管理手册1. 引言随着企业对于网络安全的需求日益增强,Palo Alto Networks的防火墙解决方案已成为业界的领导者。
本手册旨在为管理员提供关于Palo Alto Networks防火墙的全面管理指南。
2. 系统概述Palo Alto Networks的防火墙基于强大的安全操作系统,集成了多种安全功能,包括入侵防御、恶意软件检测、数据丢失防护以及内容过滤等。
3. 设备安装与部署3.1 硬件和环境需求:根据您的防火墙型号和预期的工作负载,请确保满足最低硬件要求,并选择合适的工作环境。
3.2 开箱即用:按照产品包装盒的指示进行基本设置,包括电源、网络连接等。
3.3 初始配置:通过Web浏览器或命令行界面进行初始配置,包括设置管理IP地址、创建登录凭据、配置网络接口等。
4. 设备管理与监控4.1 设备状态监控:使用Palo Alto Networks的GUI或CLI工具,监控设备的运行状态、网络流量、安全事件等。
4.2 策略管理:定义和应用安全策略,包括入站和出站流量控制、访问控制列表等。
4.3 日志和报告:收集和分析日志文件,生成报告以评估系统的性能和安全性。
5. 安全配置与优化5.1 安全更新与补丁:定期检查并应用安全更新和补丁,以修复已知漏洞。
5.2 安全配置:调整防火墙的配置,以增强安全性,例如限制远程访问、强化身份验证等。
5.3 安全审计:定期进行安全审计,检查潜在的安全风险和违规行为。
6. 故障排除与恢复6.1 故障识别:通过监控工具识别异常行为或性能下降。
6.2 故障排除:按照故障类型,采取相应的解决措施,例如检查网络连接、重启设备等。
6.3 数据备份:定期备份防火墙的配置和日志文件,以便在发生故障时快速恢复。
7. 高级特性与功能7.1 报告与仪表板:使用高级分析工具和报告功能,以获得更深层次的网络行为洞察力。

Paloalto 防火墙运维手册目录1. 下一代防火墙产品简介 .................... 错误!未定义书签。
2. 查看会话 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 查看会话汇总........................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 查看session ID ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 条件选择查看会话....................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 查看当前并发会话数.................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 会话过多处理方法....................... 错误!未定义书签。
3. 清除会话 ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
4. 抓包和过滤 ....................... 错误!未定义书签。
5. CP成日内存查看.................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 管理平台CP成日内存查看 ................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 数据平台CP成日内存查看 ................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 全局利用率查看...................... 错误!未定义书签。
6. Debug和Less调试.................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 管理平台Debug/Less ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 数据平台Debug/Less ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 其他Debug/Less ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。

shape using QoS).User-ID: Enabling Applications by Users and GroupsTraditionally, security policies were applied based on IP addresses, but the increasingly dynamic nature of users and computing means that IP addresses alone have become ineffective as a mechanism for monitoring and controlling user activity. User-ID allows organizations to extend user- or group-based application enablement polices across Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Apple iOS, and Linux users.Many of today’s applications provide significant benefit, but are also being used as a delivery tool for modern malware and threats. Content-ID, in conjunction with App-ID, provides administrators with a two-pronged solution to protecting the network. After App-ID is used to identify and block unwanted applications, administrators can then securely enable allowed applications by blocking vulnerability exploits, modern malware, viruses, botnets, and other malware from propagating across the network, all regardless of port, protocol, or method of evasion. Rounding out the control elements that Content-ID offers is a comprehensive URL database to control web surfing and data filtering features.Application Protocol Detection / Decryption Application ProtocolDecoding Application SignatureHeuristicsDATACC # SSN FilesVulnerability ExploitsViruses SpywareContent-IDURLSWeb FilteringTHREATS10.0.0.21710.0.0.22010.0.0.23210.0.0.24210.0.0.24510.0.0.22710.0.0.23910.0.0.22110.0.0.23210.0.0.21110.0.0.209User-IDEnd Station Polling Captive PortalLogin Monitoring Role DiscoveryFinance GroupNancy I MarketingSteve I FinancePaul I EngineeringApplication Visibility View application activity in a clear , easy-to-read format. Add and remove filters to learn more about the application, its functions and who is using them.Secure Application EnablementThe seamless integration of App-ID, User-ID, and Content-ID enables organizations to establish consistent application enablement policies, down to the application function level in many cases, that go far beyond basic allow or deny. With GlobalProtect™, the same policies that protect users within the corporate headquarters are extended to all users, no matter where they are located, thereby establishing a logical perimeter for users outside of the network.Secure enablement policies begin with App-ID determining the application identity, which is then mapped to the associated user with User-ID, while traffic content is scanned for threats, files, data patterns, and web activity by Content-ID. These results are displayed in Application Command Center (ACC) where the administrator can learn, in near real-time, what is happening on the network. Then, in the policy-editor, the information viewed in ACC about applications, users, and content can be turned into appropriate security policies that block unwanted applications, while allowing and enabling others in a secure manner. Finally, any detailed analysis, reporting, or forensics can be performed, again, with applications, users, and content as the basis.Application Command Center: Knowledge is PowerApplication Command Center (ACC) graphically summarizes the log database to highlight the applications traversing the network, who is using them, and their potential security impact. ACC is dynamically updated, using the continuous traffic classification that App-ID performs; if an application changes ports or behavior , App-ID continues to see the traffic, displaying the results in ACC. New or unfamiliar applications that appear in ACC can be quickly investigated with a single click that displays a description of the application, its key features, its behavioral characteristics, and who is using it.Additional visibility into URL categories, threats, and data provides a complete and well-rounded picture of network activity. With ACC, an administrator can very quickly learn more about the traffic traversing the network and then translate that information into a more informed security policy.Policy Editor: Translating Knowledge into Secure Enablement PoliciesThe knowledge of which applications are traversing the network, who is using them, and what the potential security risks are, empowers administrators to quickly deploy application-, application function-, and port-based enablement policies in a systematic and controlled manner. Policy responses can range from open (allow), to moderate (enabling certain applications or functions, then scan, or shape, schedule, etc.), to closed (deny). Examples may include:• Protect an Oracle database by limiting access to finance groups, forcing the traffic across the standard ports, and inspecting the traffic for application vulnerabilities.• Enable only the IT group to use a fixed set of remote management applications (e.g., SSH, RDP , Telnet) across their standard ports. • Define and enforce a corporate policy that allows and inspects specific webmail and instant messaging usage but blocks their respective file transfer functions.• Allow Microsoft SharePoint Administration to be used by only the administration team, and allow access to Microsoft SharePoint Documents for all other users. • Deploy web enablement policies that that allow and scan traffic to business related web sites while blocking access to obvious non-work related web sites and “coaching” access to others through customized block pages.Unified Policy EditorA familiar look and feel enables the rapid creation and deployment of policies that control applications,users and content.• Implement QoS policies to allow the use of both bandwidth-intensive media applications and websites but limit their impact on VoIP applications.• Decrypt SSL traffic to social networking and webmail sites and scan for malware and exploits.• Allow downloads of executable files from uncategorized websites only after user acknowledgement to prevent drive-by-downloads via zero-day exploits.• Deny all traffic from specific countries or block unwanted applications such as P2P file sharing, circumventors, and external proxies.The tight integration of application control, based on users and groups, and the ability to scan the allowed traffic for a wide range of threats, allows organizations to dramatically reduce the number of policies they are deploying along with the number of employee adds, moves, and changes that may occur on a day-to-day basis.Policy Editor: Protecting Enabled Applications Securely enabling applications means allowing access to the applications, then applying specific threat prevention and file, data, or URL filtering policies. Each of the elements included in Content-ID can be configured on a per-application basis.• Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): Vulnerability protection integrates a rich set of intrusion prevention system (IPS) features to block network and application-layer vulnerabil-ity exploits, buffer overflows, DoS attacks, and port scans. • Network Antivirus: Stream-based antivirus protec-tion blocks millions of malware variants, including PDF viruses and malware hidden within compressed files or web traffic (compressed HTTP/HTTPS). Policy-based SSL decryption enables organizations to protect against malware moving across SSL encrypted applications.• URL Filtering: A fully-integrated, customizable URL filtering database allows administrators to apply granular web-browsing policies, complementing application visibility and control policies and safeguarding the enterprise from a full spectrum of legal, regulatory, and productivity risks. • File and Data Filtering: Data filtering features enable administrators to implement policies that will reduce the risks associated with file and data transfers. File transfers and downloads can be controlled by looking inside the file (as opposed to looking only at the file extension), to determine if it should be allowed or not. Executable files, typically found in drive-by downloads, can be blocked, thereby protecting the network from unseen malware propagation. Finally, data filtering features can detect, and control the flow of confidential data patterns (credit card and social security numbers).Content and Threat Visibility View URL, threat and file/data transfer activity in a clear, easy-to-read format. Add and remove filters to learn more aboutindividual elements.Modern Malware Detection and PreventionMalware has evolved to become an extensible networked application that provides attackers with unprecedented access and control inside of the targeted network. As the power of modern malware increases, it is critical that enterprises be able to detect these threats immediately, even before the threat has a defined signature. Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls provide organizations with a multi-faceted approach based on the direct analysisof both executable files and network traffic to protect their networks even before signatures are available.• WildFire™: Using a cloud-based approach, WildFire exposes previously unseen malicious executable files by directly observing their behavior in a secure virtualized environment. WildFire looks for malicious actions within Microsoft Windows executable files such as changing registry values or operating system files, disabling security mechanisms, or injecting code into running processes. This direct analysis quickly and accurately identifies malware even when no protection mechanism is available. The results are immediately delivered to the administrator for an appropriate response and a signature is automatically developed and delivered to all customers in the next available content update. • Behavioral Botnet Detection: App-ID classifies all traffic at the application level, thereby exposing any unknown traffic on the network, which is often an indication of malware or other threat activity. The behavioral botnet report analyzes network behavior that is indicative of a botnet infection such as repeatedly visiting malware sites, using dynamic DNS, IRC, and other potentially suspicious behaviors. The results are displayed in the form of a list of potentially infected hosts that can be investigated as possible members of a botnet.Traffic Monitoring: Analysis, Reporting and Forensics Security best practices dictate that administrators strike a balance between being proactive, continually learning and adapting to protect the corporate assets, and being reactive, investigating, analyzing, and reporting on security incidents. ACC and the policy editor can be used to proactively apply application enablement policies, while a rich set of monitoring and reporting tools provide organizations with the necessary means to analyze and report on the application, users and content flowing through the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall.• App-Scope: Complementing the real-time view of applica-tions and content provided by ACC, App-scope provides a dynamic, user-customizable view of application, traffic, and threat activity over time.• Reporting: Predefined reports can be used as-is, customized, or grouped together as one report in order to suit the specific requirements. All reports can be exported to CSV or PDF format and can be executed and emailed on a scheduled basis.• Logging: Real-time log filtering facilitates rapid forensic investigation into every session traversing the network. Log filter results can be exported to a CSV file or sent to a syslog server for offline archival or additional analysis.• Trace Session Tool: Accelerate forensics or incident investigation with a centralized correlated view acrossall of the logs for traffic, threats, URLs, and applications related to an individual session.。

Paloalto防火墙运维手册目录1.下一代防火墙产品简介 (3)2.查看会话 (4)2.1. 查看会话汇总 (4)2.2. 查看session ID (5)2.3. 条件选择查看会话 (6)2.4. 查看当前并发会话数 (6)2.5. 会话过多处理方法 (7)3.清除会话 (8)4.抓包和过滤 (8)5.CPU和内存查看 (10)5.1. 管理平台CPU和内存查看 (10)5.2. 数据平台CPU和内存查看 (12)5.3. 全局利用率查看 (13)6.Debug和Less调试 (13)6.1. 管理平台Debug/Less (13)6.2. 数据平台Debug/Less (14)6.3. 其他Debug/Less (15)7.硬件异常查看及处理 (16)7.1. 电源状态查看 (16)7.2. 风扇状态查看 (17)7.3. 设备温度查看 (17)8.日志查看 (18)8.1. 告警日志查看 (18)8.2. 配置日志查看 (19)8.3. 其他日志查看 (19)9.双机热备异常处理 (20)10.内网用户丢包排除方法 (21)10.1. 联通测试 (22)10.2. 会话查询 (22)10.3. 接口丢包查询 (22)10.4. 抓包分析 (23)11.VPN故障处理 (23)12.版本升级 (24)12.1. Software升级 (24)12.2. Dynamic升级 (25)13.恢复配置和口令 (26)13.1. 配置恢复 (26)13.2. 口令恢复 (26)14.其他运维命令 (26)14.1. 规划化配置命令 (26)14.2. 系统重启命令 (27)14.3. 查看应用状态命令 (27)14.4. 系统空间查看命令 (28)14.5. 系统进程查看命令 (28)14.6. 系统基本信息查看命令 (29)14.7. ARP查看命令 (30)14.8. 路由查看命令 (30)14.9. 安全策略查看命令 (31)14.10. NAT策略查看命令 (31)14.11. 系统服务查看命令 (32)14.12. NAT命中查看命令 (32)14.13. UserIP-Mapping查看命令 (32)15.其他故障处理 (32)9.1. 硬件故障 (32)9.2. 软件故障 (33)9.3. 接口状态查看 (33)9.4. 软件故障........................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
Palo Alto Networks PA-500 下一代防火墙产品介绍说明书

HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS I/O • (8) 10/100/1000 MANAGEMENT I/O • (1) 10/100/1000 out-of-band management port, (1) RJ-45 console port STORAGE CAPACITY • 160GB HDD POWER SUPPLY (AVG/MAX POWER CONSUMPTION) • 180W (40W/75W) MAX BTU/HR • 256 INPUT VOLTAGE (INPUT FREQUENCY) • 100-240VAC (50-60Hz) MAX CURRENT CONSUMPTION • 1A@100VAC MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE (MTBF) • 10.16 years
Firewall throughput (App-ID enabled) Threat prevention throughput IPSec VPN throughput New sessions per second Max sessions IPSec VPN tunnels/tunnel interfaces GlobalProtect (SSL VPN) concurrent users SSL decrypt sessions SSL inbound certificates Virtual routers Security zones Max. number of policies
of port, encryption (SSL or SSH) or evasive technique employed.
• Use the application, not the port, as the basis for all safe enablement policy decisions: allow, deny, schedule, inspect, apply traffic shaping.
Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS 产品系列说明书

Software that runs all Palo Alto Networks® next-generation firewalls and provides complete visibility and control of applications in use across all users, in all locations, all of the time.
Need to Know
How Can Customers Upgrade?
PAN-OS 10.0 Upgrade Guide
Marketing campaign
Security Simplified
hi! PAN-OS 10.0
PAN-OS 10.0 Webinar Replay
Access to Previous Release Innovations PAN-OS 9.1 PAN-OS 9.0
PAN-OS 10.0 Highlights
TLS 1.3 Decryption
Natively Integrated IoT Security
Automates Device Quarantine
© 2020 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademark of Palo Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at /company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Palo Alto Networks PA-200 产品说明书

Palo Alto Networks | PA-200 Specsheet1Key Security Features:Classifies all applications, on all ports, all the time• Identifies the application, regardless of port, encryption (SSL or SSH), or evasive technique employed.• Uses the application, not the port, as the basis for all of your safe enablement policy decisions: allow, deny, schedule, inspect and apply traffic-shaping.• Categorizes unidentified applications for policy control, threat forensics or App-ID™ development.Enforces security policies for any user, at any location• Deploys consistent policies to local and remote u sers running on the Windows ®, Mac ® OS X ®, Linux ®, Android ®, or Apple ® iOS platforms.• Enables agentless integration with Microsoft ®Active D irectory ® and T erminal Services, LDAP, Novell ® e Directory™ and Citrix ®. • Easily integrates your firewall policies with 802.1X wireless, proxies, NAC solutions, and any other source of user identity information.Prevents known and unknown threats• Blocks a range of known threats, including exploits, malware and spyware, across all ports, regardless of common threat-evasion tactics employed. • Limits the unauthorized transfer of files and sensitive data, and safely enables non-work-related web surfing.• Identifies unknown malware, analyzes it based on h undreds ofmalicious behaviors, and then a utomatically creates and delivers protection.The controlling element of the PA-200 is P AN-OS ®,a security-specific operating system that natively classifies all traffic, inclusive of applications, threats and content, and then ties that traffic to the user, regardless of location or device type. The application, content, and user – in other words, the business elements that run your business – are then used as the basis of your security policies, resulting in an improved security posture and a reduction in incident response time.Palo Alto Networks ®PA-200 is a next-generation firewall appliancefor distributed enterprise branch offices and midsize businesses.PA-2001Performance and capacities are measured under ideal testing conditions. PA-2004401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054Main: +1.408.753.4000Sales: +1.866.320.4788Support: + © 2016 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademarkof Palo Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at http://www./company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentionedherein may be trademarks of their respective FeaturesHardware SpecificationsTo view additional information about the features and associated capacities of the PA-200, please visit /products.The PA-200 supports a wide range of networking features that enable you to more easily integrate our security features into your existing network.。

对文件进行内容过滤,检测并阻止恶意文件和病毒,保护系统免受 文件感染。
自动识别网络流量中的应用程序,包括已知和未 知的应用程序,提高安全性。
根据应用类型、流量特征和用户身份等制定控制 策略,限制不安全和违规应用程序的使用。
对特定应用程序的流量进行整形和优化,提高网 络性能和用户体验。
对于中小型企业而言,Palo Alto下一代防火墙提供了简洁的界面和易于配置的管理功能,使得企业在较短时间内 完成部署和配置。同时,该解决方案具备较高的性价比,能够满足中小型企业对于网络安全的需求。
针对政府机构对于网络安全的高要求,Palo Alto下一代防火墙符合各类严格的安全标准和规范,确保 政府机构的数据安全和合规性。此外,该解决方案具备高可靠性,能够确保政府机构网络的稳定运行 ,减少因网络故障或安全事件造成的损失。
• 零信任网络:随着网络攻击的不断增多,零信任网络架构将成 为未来网络安全的重要方向,不信任并验证所有用户和设备, 以降低潜在的安全风险。
随着网络安全技术的不断发展, 攻击者也在不断演变和改进攻击 手段,使得企业网络的防护面临 持续的挑战和威胁。
06 总结与展望
Palo Alto防火墙的优势与局限性
Palo Alto下一代防火墙采用高性能硬件和优化算法,确保在 网络流量高峰时依然能够快速处理数据包,提供稳定的网络 连接。

P a l o a l t o下一代防火墙运维手册VDocument serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】Paloalto防火墙运维手册目录1.下一代防火墙产品简介Paloalto下一代防火墙(NGFW) 是应用层安全平台。
2.1.查看会话汇总命令:show session info举例:admin@PA-VM> show session info说明:通过以上命令可以查看到设备支持会话数的最大值,从而检查是否有负载的情况发生。
2.2.查看session ID命令:show session id XX举例:说明:从以上命令中可以看出到底是否存在非法流量,可以通过检查源地址和目的地址端口等信息2.3.条件选择查看会话命令:show session all filter source[ip]destination[ip] application[app]举例:说明:可以检查一些风险会话2.4.查看当前并发会话数命令:show session info举例:当前并发会话13个,而最大会话为262138,说明会话利用率并不高,最后一条红色标记为新建数值。
说明:了解设备当前并发会话情况2.5.会话过多处理方法命令:1、show session all(检查所有session)2、show session id XX(检查该session是否不法流量)说明:如果发现会话数大于设备可支撑的性能,需要按照以上步骤检查和清除或者防御通过第一步发现占会话总数较多的ID,通过第二步检查该ID是否存在不法app或者其他流量,通过Dos保护或者会话限制该IP数目(如果确定是攻击,可以通过安全策略屏蔽该IP地址访问)。
Palo Alto Networks PA-220 产品数据手册说明书

Palo Alto Networks | PA-220 | Datasheet1Key Security Features:Classifies all applications, on all ports, all the time• Identifies the application, regardless of port, encryption (SSL or SSH), or evasive technique employed • Uses the application, not the port, as the basis for all of your safe enablement policy decisions: allow, deny, schedule, inspect and apply traffic-shaping • Categorizes unidentified applications for policy control, threat forensics or App-ID™ application identification technology development Enforces security policies for any user, at any location• Deploys consistent policies to local and remote users running on the Windows ®, Mac ® OS X ®, Linux ®, Android ®, or Apple ® iOS platforms • Enables agentless integration with Microsoft ® Active Directory ® and T erminal Services, LDAP, Novell ® eDirectory™ and Citrix ®• Easily integrates your firewall policies with 802.1X wireless, proxies, NAC solutions, and any other source of user identity information Prevents known and unknown threats • Blocks a range of known threats, including exploits, malware and spyware, across all ports, regardless of common threat-evasion tactics employed • Limits the unauthorized transfer of files and sensitive data, and safely enables non-work-related web surfing • Identifies unknown malware, analyzes it based on hundreds of malicious behaviors, and then automatically creates and delivers protection The controlling element of the Palo AltoN etworks ® PA-220 is PAN-OS ®security operating system, which natively classifies alltraffic, inclusive of applications, threats and content, and then ties that traffic to the user, regardless of location or device type. The application, content and user – in other words, the business elements that run your business – are then used as the basis of your security policies, resulting in an improved security posture and a reduction in incident response time.Palo Alto Networks PA-220 brings next-generation firewall capabilities to distributed enterprise branch offices, retail locations and midsized businesses.PA-220Highlights• High availability with active/active and active/passive modes • Redundant power input for increased reliability• Fan-less design•Simplified deployments of large numbers of firewalls through USB 1 Performance and capacities are measured under ideal testing running PAN-OS 8.02Firewall and IPsec VPN throughput are measured with App-ID and User-IDfeatures enabled3Threat prevention throughput is measured with App-ID, User-ID, IPS, Antivirusand Anti-Spyware features enabled4 Throughput is measured with 64Kb HTTP transactions5 New sessions per second is measured with 4Kb HTTP transactionsPA-2204401 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054Main: +1.408.753.4000Sales: +1.866.320.4788Support: + © 2017 Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Palo Alto Networks is a registered trademarkof Palo Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at http://www./company/trademarks.html. All other marks mentionedherein may be trademarks of their respective FeaturesHardware SpecificationsTo view additional information about the features and associated capacities of the PA-220, please visit /products .The PA-220 supports a wide range of networking features that enable you to more easily integrate our security features into your existing network.。

© 2010 Palo Alto Networks. Proprietary and Confidential
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© 2010 Palo Alto Networks. Proprietary and Confidential.
• 按类型阻止敏感数据与文件传输
• 通过完全集成式URL数据库,启用网络过滤功能
Security Profiles
• Security Profiles 查找的是被允许流量当中恶意的软件 • Security Policies 在被允许的流量中定义的
滥用倾向 传递其他应用程序 具有已知的漏洞 传输文件 被恶意软件利用 具有规避性(逃逸)
•As of March 2010
2011 Gartner 企业防火墙市场魔力四象限
• Palo Alto Networks公司的下一 代防火墙正在领导着市场技术方 向 • Gartner指出: “Palo Alto Networks公司正在领导防火墙市 场发展方向,因为他们定义了下 一代防火墙产品标准,迫使竞争 对手改变产品路线和销售策略。 ” • Gartner的建议:在下次升级防 火墙,IPS,或者两者兼而有之 可以迁移到下一代防火墙 • Gartner的预测到2014年: • 35% 防火墙或被下一代防火墙替 代 • 60% 新采购的防火墙将是下一代 防火墙
• Palo Alto Networks 专业网络安全公司 • 具有安全和网络经验世界级的团队
成立在 2005
• 下一代防火墙的领导者并支持上千种应用的识别和控制

Palo Alto 特色与效益特色 特色说明效益应用识别技术* 支持超过1300种以上各类 (商务、网际/内部网络) 常见应用 * 每周定期发布5 – 10种新支持及20-50种版本更新的应用程序大幅降低IT 人员面对各类新服务、应用进行了解、分析与自行定义等工作所耗费之大量时间, 也提升了安全策略的精确度并减少日后维护负担 (应用识别、行为分析数据库具备自动更新能力)管者直接人类维在安全策略上针特定用户账号用户组进行管也提升安整合用户数据库* 与常见用户数据库进行整合 (MS-AD , LDAP , RADIUS)管理者直接以人类思维在安全策略上针对特定用户账号/用户组进行配置管理,也提升了安全网关的可视能力入侵防御、恶意程序与病毒检测* 研究团队多次主动发现 Microsoft Windows 系统重大漏洞,其能力获得高度肯定* 结合应用程序识别技术提升恶意程序的检测* 内建100万个以上病毒识别码进行检测* 各项检查机制均可在单一安全策略上进行设定与控制管理* 搭配单数据流并行处理技术与高效多核心硬件架构大幅提升处理性能关键信息过滤* 利用预设或使用者自定义方式进行检查降低资产外泄风险恶意网址过滤* 搭配使用Bright Cloud 数据库降低客户端接触恶意网站所造成一系列的安全风险事件类别分析* 系统预设支持数据流、威胁事件、恶意网址过滤与关键信息过滤等事件类别降低事件分类时间成本,结合进一步查询功能有利于快速查清核心问题流量地图* 图形化统计接口显示数据流方向地理位置清楚呈现内部网络对外存取数据目的地国家,从而调整安全策略报表系统* 提供多达40种以上各式管理报表节省额外购买报表系统及维护人力成本设定配置稽核* 设定配置差异化分析器减少人为操作失误并符合安全稽核的要求安全策略稽核* 筛选未使用的安全策略有效提升安全策略布署效率与精确度工作模式* 同时支持监听、透明、路由、地址转换等工作模式突破传统安全设备布署的限制,进而大幅提升设备整体效益及防御范围的广度与深度作模式突破传统安设备布署的限制而大幅提升设备体效及防御范围的广度与深度型Palo Alto Networks 新一代安全防护网关系列规格表型号 PA-200 PA-500PA-2020PA-2050PA-4020PA-4050PA-4060PA-5020PA-5050PA-5060网络接口4 x10/100/1000 8 x10/100/1000 12 x10/100/1000 2 x 1000- SFP 16 x 10/100/1000 4 x 1000-SFP 16 x 10/100/1000 8 x 1000-SFP 16 x 10/100/1000 8x 1000-SFP 4 x 1000-SFP 4 x 10G-XFP 12 x 10/100/1000 8 x 1000-SFP12 x 10/100/1000 8 x 1000-SFP 4 x 10G-SFP+ 12 x10/100/1000 8x 1000-SFP 4x 10G-SFP+Firewall 性能100 Mbps 250 Mbps 500 Mbps 1 Gbps 2 Gbps 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 5 Gbps 10 Gbps 20 Gbps Threat Prevention 性能 50 Mbps 100 Mbps 200 Mbps 500 Mbps 2 Gbps 5 Gbps 5 Gbps 2 Gbps 5 Gbps 10 Gbps VPN 性能 50 Mbps 50 Mbps 200 Mbps 300 Mbps 1 Gbps 2 Gbps 2 Gbps 2 Gbps 4 Gbps 4 Gbps VPN Tunnels25 250 1,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 4,000 8,000New Sessions per sec 1,000 7,500 15,000 15,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 120,000 120,000 120,000MAX Concurrent Session 64,000 64,000 125,000 250000 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 4,000,000Security Policies 250 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 40,000Security Zones 10 20 40 40 80 500 500 80 500 900Virtual Routers 321010 2012512520125225MAX Virtual Systems N/Adefault 1,upgrade to 6 default 1,upgrade to 6 default 10, upgrade to 20 default 25, upgrade to 125 default 25, upgrade to 125 default 10, upgrade to 20 default 25, upgrade to 125 default 25, upgrade to225High AvailabilityY (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)Y (A/P A/A)型号PA-200 PA-500 PA-2020 PA-2050 PA-4020 PA-4050 PA-4060 PA-5020 PA-5050 PA-5060BGP/OSPF/RIP Routing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSSL VPN concurrent users 25 100 500 1,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 20,000Threat Prevention License (Anti-Virus, IPS, Anti-Spyware) 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购URL Filtering License 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购 选购Gl b l P t t Li Global Protect License选购选购选购选购选购选购选购选购选购选购。

PaloAlto下一代防火墙GlobalProtect配置及测试文档1GlobalProtect配置步骤1.1拓扑1.2配置防火墙接口地址;1.登录防火墙web界面2.点击Network—>接口—> 以太网,选择接口双击3.选择接口类型,选择3层接口4.点击配置,选择默认路由及untrust区域5.选择ipv4标签,点击左下角“添加”输入IP地址1.3设置时间配置1.3.1本地时间设置1.点击“Device”→“设置”→“管理”→设置图标2.选择时间区、区域、及日期和时间1.3.2NTP设置1.选择标签“Device”→“设置”→“服务”→设置图标→NTP2.填写NTP服务器地址,点击成功1.4生成证书1.点击“Device”选择树形栏“证书”,点击“生成证书”2.填写创建证书名称及常见名称3.勾选上证书授权机构4.填写证书属性5.点击生成1.5创建RADIUS服务器配置文件1.登录到paloalto管理界面,并点击“Device”选项卡。
2.在“名称”字段中输入文件的名称3.在“类型”字段下拉框选择RADIUS4.在“服务器配置文件”字段选择创建好的配置文件(Radius)5.在“高级”标签中添加允许用户1.7指定RADIUS认证globalprotect门户1.点击“network”选项卡,在左边的工具栏的扩展globalprotect树,选择门户网站的图标,点击“添加”按钮的页面底部附近;2.选择门户配置,在“名称”字段输入名称;3.在网络设置栏里点击“接口”右边下拉框,选择eth1接口;4.在网络设置栏里点击“IP地址”右边下拉框,选择IP地址;5.在网络设置栏里点击“SSL/TLS服务配置文件”右边下拉框,选择“新SSL/TLS服务配置文件”;6.在新建服务配置文件窗口,“名称”字段输入名称及选择证书7.身份验证选择RADIUS8.选择左边“代理配置”9.点击代理配置栏下添加按钮10.在弹出的配置窗口选择“常规”11.在名称字段输入名称12.“链接方法”选择on-demand13.“身份验证修饰符”选择配置刷新的cookie 身份验证14.选择“用户/用户组”标签15.选择“any”16.选择“网关标签”17.在外部网关栏点击“添加”输入名称及外部地址18.选择标签agent19.去掉“允许用户保存密码”“启用重新发现网络选项”“启用重新提交主机配置文件选项”20.点击“成功”1.8配置网关1.在左边的工具栏的扩展globalprotect树,选择网关的图标,点击“添加”按钮的页面底部附近。

Paloalto防火墙运维手册目录1.下一代防火墙产品简介................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.查看会话 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 查看会话汇总........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 查看session ID .....................................错误!未定义书签。
. 条件选择查看会话....................................错误!未定义书签。
. 查看当前并发会话数..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 会话过多处理方法....................................错误!未定义书签。
3.清除会话 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.抓包和过滤 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.CPU和内存查看....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 管理平台CPU和内存查看..............................错误!未定义书签。
. 数据平台CPU和内存查看..............................错误!未定义书签。
. 全局利用率查看......................................错误!未定义书签。
6.Debug和Less调试.................................... 错误!未定义书签。

您可以在Palo Alto Networks官方网站上搜索“paloalto防火墙使用手册”,通常官方网站会提供相关的下载链接或在线阅读服务。
您也可以在当地的Palo Alto Networks合作伙伴或授权经销商处咨询,他们可能会提供paloalto防火墙使用手册的纸质版或者电子版。

PaloAlto下一代防火墙GlobalProtect配置及测试文档1GlobalProtect配置步骤1.1拓扑1.2配置防火墙接口地址;1.登录防火墙web界面2.点击Network—>接口—> 以太网,选择接口双击3.选择接口类型,选择3层接口4.点击配置,选择默认路由及untrust区域5.选择ipv4标签,点击左下角“添加”输入IP地址1.3设置时间配置1.3.1本地时间设置1.点击“Device”→“设置”→“管理”→设置图标2.选择时间区、区域、及日期和时间1.3.2NTP设置1.选择标签“Device”→“设置”→“服务”→设置图标→NTP2.填写NTP服务器地址,点击成功1.4生成证书1.点击“Device”选择树形栏“证书”,点击“生成证书”2.填写创建证书名称及常见名称3.勾选上证书授权机构4.填写证书属性5.点击生成1.5创建RADIUS服务器配置文件1.登录到paloalto管理界面,并点击“Device”选项卡。
2.在“名称”字段中输入文件的名称3.在“类型”字段下拉框选择RADIUS4.在“服务器配置文件”字段选择创建好的配置文件(Radius)5.在“高级”标签中添加允许用户1.7指定RADIUS认证globalprotect门户1.点击“network”选项卡,在左边的工具栏的扩展globalprotect树,选择门户网站的图标,点击“添加”按钮的页面底部附近;2.选择门户配置,在“名称”字段输入名称;3.在网络设置栏里点击“接口”右边下拉框,选择eth1接口;4.在网络设置栏里点击“IP地址”右边下拉框,选择IP地址;5.在网络设置栏里点击“SSL/TLS服务配置文件”右边下拉框,选择“新SSL/TLS服务配置文件”;6.在新建服务配置文件窗口,“名称”字段输入名称及选择证书7.身份验证选择RADIUS8.选择左边“代理配置”9.点击代理配置栏下添加按钮10.在弹出的配置窗口选择“常规”11.在名称字段输入名称12.“链接方法”选择on-demand13.“身份验证修饰符”选择配置刷新的cookie 身份验证14.选择“用户/用户组”标签15.选择“any”16.选择“网关标签”17.在外部网关栏点击“添加”输入名称及外部地址18.选择标签agent19.去掉“允许用户保存密码”“启用重新发现网络选项”“启用重新提交主机配置文件选项”20.点击“成功”1.8配置网关1.在左边的工具栏的扩展globalprotect树,选择网关的图标,点击“添加”按钮的页面底部附近。

P a l o a l t o下一代防火墙运维手册V公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]Paloalto防火墙运维手册目录1.下一代防火墙产品简介Paloalto下一代防火墙(NGFW) 是应用层安全平台。
2.1.查看会话汇总命令:show session info举例:admin@PA-VM> show session info说明:通过以上命令可以查看到设备支持会话数的最大值,从而检查是否有负载的情况发生。
2.2.查看session ID命令:show session id XX举例:说明:从以上命令中可以看出到底是否存在非法流量,可以通过检查源地址和目的地址端口等信息2.3.条件选择查看会话命令:show session all filter source[ip]destination[ip] application[app]举例:说明:可以检查一些风险会话2.4.查看当前并发会话数命令:show session info举例:当前并发会话13个,而最大会话为262138,说明会话利用率并不高,最后一条红色标记为新建数值。
说明:了解设备当前并发会话情况2.5.会话过多处理方法命令:1、show session all(检查所有session)2、show session id XX(检查该session是否不法流量)说明:如果发现会话数大于设备可支撑的性能,需要按照以上步骤检查和清除或者防御通过第一步发现占会话总数较多的ID,通过第二步检查该ID是否存在不法app或者其他流量,通过Dos保护或者会话限制该IP数目(如果确定是攻击,可以通过安全策略屏蔽该IP地址访问)。
paloalto 下一代防火墙

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Comprehensive View of Applications, Users & Content
• Application Command
Technology Sprawl & Creep Are Not The Answer
• “More stuff” doesn‟t solve the problem • Firewall “helpers” have limited view of traffic
• Complex and costly to buy and maintain • Putting all of this in the same box is just slow
• Global momentum: 7,500+ customers
- August 2011: Annual bookings run rate is over US$200 million*, cash-flow positive last
five consecutive quarters
•A few of the many enterprises that have deployed more than $1M
© 2011 Palo Alto Networks. Proprietary and Confidential.
Identification Technologies Transform the Firewall

Installing the PA 100 VM in VMware Workstation 9.xJohan Loosjohan@accessdenied.beVersion 1.0IntroductionThe PA 100-VM is a virtual firewall delivered as a VMware OVF. This is a way to package and distribute virtual machines. This file contains all the files needed to run your file into a virtual environment.I’m not running a VMware ESXi in my environment, butI have a VMware workstation 9.x on Windows 7 64-bit. When you buy a virtual instance of the firewall, you receive theauthorization codes from your reseller. When you import the files into VMware workstation,two cores are reserved, 4 GB of RAM and two network adapters.PA-VM2CPU4 GBNIC 340 GB NIC2NIC 1The first network adapter is used for management, the second network adapter is used as ethernet1/1 and the third network adapter is used as ethernet1/2. Additional network adapters can be added and are used as Ethernet interfaces by the firewall. It is important that these network adapters support vmxnet3. The can be verified in the virtual machine configuration file (.vmx). The following steps describe how to install the VM and configure your management access.Obtaining the bits task list❒Logon into the portal page on Palo Alto Networks❒Register your device❒Download and extract the source package❒Import your VM firewall into VMware workstation❒Configuring the management interface❒Register your firewall❒Update your device❒Clone a licensed device❒Managing the deviceLogon into the portal page on Palo Alto NetworksLogin with your username and password that you’ve used during registrat ionRegister the deviceUnder Manage Devices, select My VM-Series Auth-CodesClick on Add VM-Series Auth-CodeIn the Auth Code text box, type the Authentication Code that you’ve received from your resellerDownload and extract the source packageClick on Download link to download the packageAfter downloading the source package, the file file is available Extract this zip file to a temporary locationImport your VM firewall into VMware workstationStart VMware WorkstationFrom the Menu, select File, Open and browse to your temporary locationType a name for your virtual machine (PAN100VM), specify a storage location and click ImportAfter you’ve imported the virtual machine, you can add additional network adapter to your virtual firewall. In my configuration, I’ve added an additionalnetwork adapter as you can see in following figureAfter adding additional network adapters, be sure that these network adapters are configured using vmxnet3. Browse to the location of your virtual firewall andopen the Virtual Machine Configuration file (PANVM100.vmx) as you can see inthe following figure:The network adapters are configured as follow:Configure the Management interfaceLaunch VMware Workstation and start the virtual machine PANVM100Logon into your VMAfter login, type Configure and press EnterIn Edit configuration mode, configure the management interface as in following figureType CommitRegister your firewallLogon to the Palo Alto websiteUnder Manage Devices, select VM-Series Auth-CodesSelect Register VM, type the UUID and CPUID. These values can be found in the Web UI | Dashboard | General Information and click on RegisterAfter adding the above information click on ActivateType the Authorization Code and click ActivateAfter successful activation, the following information is availableDownload the PA-VM license file and import this file into your PA VM under Device | Licenses | UploadThe management interface contact the updates server and download the updatesUpgrade your deviceThe device can be upgraded via a file or via the web UI.Clone a licensed deviceTwo identifiers are used for each instance of the VM firewall. The Universally Unique ID (UUID) and the CPU ID. The UUID is dedicated to each virtual machine and the CPU ID is not unique since it belongs to the host CPU.When you clone the VM, the UUID will change and the license is not valid anymore. The reason is that the license is bound to the UUID/serial number of the firewall. You cannot run two virtual machines with the same UUID.Managing the deviceYour firewall can be managed via a web browser. Configure a client computer within the same address range as the management interface. Open a web browser and login into the management UI.。
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Paloalto防火墙运维手册目录1.下一代防火墙产品简介................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.查看会话 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 查看会话汇总........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 查看session ID .....................................错误!未定义书签。
. 条件选择查看会话....................................错误!未定义书签。
. 查看当前并发会话数..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 会话过多处理方法....................................错误!未定义书签。
3.清除会话 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.抓包和过滤 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.CPU和内存查看....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 管理平台CPU和内存查看..............................错误!未定义书签。
. 数据平台CPU和内存查看..............................错误!未定义书签。
. 全局利用率查看......................................错误!未定义书签。
6.Debug和Less调试.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 管理平台Debug/Less .................................错误!未定义书签。
. 数据平台Debug/Less .................................错误!未定义书签。
. 其他Debug/Less .....................................错误!未定义书签。
7.硬件异常查看及处理 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。
. 电源状态查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 风扇状态查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 设备温度查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
8.日志查看 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 告警日志查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 配置日志查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 其他日志查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
9.双机热备异常处理 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。
10.内网用户丢包排除方法................................. 错误!未定义书签。
. 联通测试..........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 会话查询..........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 接口丢包查询......................................错误!未定义书签。
. 抓包分析..........................................错误!未定义书签。
11.VPN故障处理......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
12.版本升级 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. Software升级.....................................错误!未定义书签。
. Dynamic升级......................................错误!未定义书签。
13.恢复配置和口令 ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
. 配置恢复..........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 口令恢复..........................................错误!未定义书签。
14.其他运维命令 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 规划化配置命令....................................错误!未定义书签。
. 系统重启命令......................................错误!未定义书签。
. 查看应用状态命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 系统空间查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 系统进程查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 系统基本信息查看命令..............................错误!未定义书签。
. ARP查看命令......................................错误!未定义书签。
. 路由查看命令......................................错误!未定义书签。
. 安全策略查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. NAT策略查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. 系统服务查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. NAT命中查看命令..................................错误!未定义书签。
. UserIP-Mapping查看命令...........................错误!未定义书签。
15.其他故障处理 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
. 硬件故障............................................错误!未定义书签。
. 软件故障............................................错误!未定义书签。
. 接口状态查看........................................错误!未定义书签。
. 软件故障............................................错误!未定义书签。
1.下一代防火墙产品简介Paloalto下一代防火墙(NGFW) 是应用层安全平台。
2.1.查看会话汇总命令:show session info举例:admin@PA-VM> show session info说明:通过以上命令可以查看到设备支持会话数的最大值,从而检查是否有负载的情况发生。
2.2.查看session ID命令:show session id XX举例:说明:从以上命令中可以看出到底是否存在非法流量,可以通过检查源地址和目的地址端口等信息2.3.条件选择查看会话命令:show session all filter source[ip]destination[ip] application[app]举例:说明:可以检查一些风险会话2.4.查看当前并发会话数命令:show session info举例:当前并发会话13个,而最大会话为262138,说明会话利用率并不高,最后一条红色标记为新建数值。
说明:了解设备当前并发会话情况2.5.会话过多处理方法命令:1、show session all(检查所有session)2、show session id XX(检查该session是否不法流量)说明:如果发现会话数大于设备可支撑的性能,需要按照以上步骤检查和清除或者防御通过第一步发现占会话总数较多的ID,通过第二步检查该ID是否存在不法app或者其他流量,通过Dos保护或者会话限制该IP 数目(如果确定是攻击,可以通过安全策略屏蔽该IP地址访问)。
3.清除会话命令:Clear session all举例:可通过session id 、源或目的IP、源或目的端口或清除所有会话。
4.抓包和过滤在做debug/less或者抓包调试的时候,最好把PA的fastpath 功能关掉,这样可以更加完整的看到交互的数据报文,关闭命令为:Set deviceconfig setting session offload noSet session offload no命令:1、创建过滤规则:2、Debug dataplane packet-diag set filter match sourcedestination 开启过滤规则:Debug dataplane packet-diag set filter on3、配置抓包对象:Debug detaplane packet-diag set capture stage receive file (抓取来自接口接收的报文)Debug detaplane packet-diag set capture stage transmit file (抓取地址转换后的报文)Debug detaplane packet-diag set capture stage firewall file (抓取经过防火墙的报文)4、全局抓包开关:Debug detaplane packet-diag set capture on5、查看全局抓包配置:Debug detaplane packet-diag show setting6、关闭抓包Debug detaplane packet-diag set capture off7、清除所有抓包内容Debug detaplane packet-diag clear all8、删除文件Delete debug-filter file举例:说明:paloalto可以通过抓包的方式来分析故障情况。