




研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。




通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下:(一) 篇首:封面(Title)序言(Preface)谢词(Acknowledge)提要(Summary)目录(Tables and Appendixes)(二) 本文:引言(Introduction)主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes)(三)参考资料:参考书目(References or Bibliography)附录资料(Appendix)。



构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。



Module 2 第二单元2.1ﻩBusinessTopicﻩpanyBenefitsﻩ商务话题篇ﻩ公司福利三、Vocabulary: Benefitsand incentivesbenefits n、福利incentive n、ﻩ奖励job titleﻩ职衔,职位, 头衔trainingand staff developmentﻩ培训与员工发展goodsalaryﻩ可观得收入pension n、ﻩ养老金flexible working hoursﻩ弹性工作时间,灵活得工作时间opportunities to travelﻩ旅游机会opportunitiesforpromotionﻩ升职提拔机会days offﻩ几天短假pany carﻩ公司配(给得汽)车too goodtobe trueﻩ好得令人难以置信client serviceexecutiveﻩ客户服务主管take…with apinch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑, 对…不完全相信oldandestablished 历史悠久resourcesdirector(human resources director得简称)人力资源部经理ﻩqualification n、资格tempﻩn、(temporary/temporary worker得缩略语)临时员工incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程humanresources 人力资源promote fromwithinﻩ提拔内部员工take on 接受, 招聘intake n、从外部吸纳招收得员工project manager项目经理growand maintain customer relationship发展与维持客户关系canteenn、食堂, 餐厅head office n、ﻩ总部,总公司brainstorming n、自由讨论,头脑风暴, 集思广益breakoutn、突破enpass vt、ﻩ包括, 包含sales and marketingﻩ销售与市场营销researchand development andmanufacturing研发与生产perk n、好处, 额外津贴, 外快final salary pensionscheme 按最终薪水给付得养老金计划budget n、ﻩ预算non-cash reward 非现金形式得奖赏once-in-a-lifetime adj、千载难逢得, 令人难忘得career goal职业目标seniormanagement 高层管理人员longevity n、长寿,长命;寿命for the long haul 长远地Xerox 施乐公司(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地美国, 主要经营办公设备), 施乐(商标名,美国办公设备制造公司);影印,静电印刷品Global Services环球服务公司Uxbridgeﻩ欧克斯桥镇(位于伦敦西郊得一个小镇)Benefits and incentivesﻩ福利与奖励Employee Benefits员工福利1. LegallyRequiredBenefits 法律保障得权利Social Security社会保障ﻩUnemploymentpensation失业补偿Worker s’ pensation 工伤赔偿2.Retirement—related Benefits与退休相关福利Pension Plansﻩ退休金计划3、Insurance Related Benefits与保险有关得福利Health Insurance健康保险ﻩLife Insurance 人寿保险Accidentand Disability Insuranceﻩ意外事故与伤残保险4. Paid Holidays andPaidVacations带薪公假与带薪休假5、Others其她福利Local Conveyance Allowance交通补贴ﻩHousingAllowance 住房补贴MealAllowance伙食补贴HolidayBonus旅游津贴Incentivesﻩ奖励措施二、2、11、●an impressivejob title显要得职衔●training and staff development培训与员工发展●a good salary可观得收入●apension养老金●flexible working hours灵活得工作时间●opportunities to travel旅游机会●opportunities for promotion升值提拔机会●parental leave育儿假●daysoff andlongholidays短假与长假● a pany car公司配车2、参考词语与表达:new-hire training新员工培训orientation新员工培训,迎新会vocational training/professional training职业培训managementtraining管理培训develop a good training programme to keepthestaff motivated通过开发良好得培训计划来提高员工得工作热情Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as m ore optionalthanessential…aviewpoint that can becostly to both sh ort-term profits and long—term progress、许多企业家认为员工得培训与发展可有可无, 而非至关重要, 认为这对公司得短期利益与长远发展来说代价太高。


Speaking: Mixing business with pleasure
Reading: Training to be entertaining and making it pay
2. Teamwork: Arranging a company visit and corporate hospitality to the visitors/guests
2. Discussion: Advantages and disadvantages of the system
Unit 9a:
Reading: Benefits
Reading 3: The advantages of flexible benefits
Unit 10a: Marketing Disasters
Unit 2a: Entertaining a client
2.Presentation: Benefits of a teamwork for the organization as well as for individuals
Reading1: Choosing a restaurant
Unit 1b: Communication
1. Exercise: Self-study Unit1a and1b,Exam practice
Speaking: Keeping iБайду номын сангаас touch
Reading: Is your English too English
Listening: Leaving voice mails
5.Self-study and Exam practice




二、教学内容和大纲1. 商务生活•日常工作和生活•商务活动和礼仪•会议和洽谈•商务旅游和接待2. 商务交流•商务信函和电子邮件•商务谈判和沟通•商务演讲和报告•商务口语和听力3. 商务技能•商务英语翻译•商务英语写作•商务咨询和计划•商务英语阅读和理解三、教学方法和评估方式采用多种教学方法,包括听、说、读、写和翻译等多个方面,注重提高学生的语言综合能力,如听说能力、思维能力和语言表达能力等。









《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)教学大纲 一、课程名称:《新编剑桥商务

《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)教学大纲 一、课程名称:《新编剑桥商务

《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)教学大纲一、课程名称:《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)Pass Cambridge BEC V antage二、课程编号:0000三、学分学时:4学分/ 64学时四、使用教材:《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级),经济科学出版社,2002Lan Wood, Paul Sanderson, Anne Williams, Catrin Lloyd-Jones, PassCambridge BEC Vantage, Economic Science Press, Summertown Publishing,2002五、课程属性:公共基础/选修课六、教学对象:本科生七、开课单位:外语教学部八、先修课程:大学英语1—4级九、教学目标:进一步提高和培养已学完大学英语四级和四级考试已达到425分以上学生的听、说、读、写的能力,提高语言理解和运用能力。










BEC中级考试训练电子教案 文档

BEC中级考试训练电子教案 文档

2009 至2010 学年第一学期BEC中级考试训练课程教案课程编码:______________________________________总学时/周学时:54 / 3开课时间:2009年8月30日第 1 周至第18 周授课年级、专业、班级:_ _078商务英语(经贸)______ 使用教材:《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)授课教师:赵爽Introduction of BEC1.FULL NAME OF BEC: Business English Certificate (run by Cambridge )2.Three Levels of BEC: Preliminary, Vantage, Higher3.Contents of Each Test: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking4.The Certificate of BEC can be admitted in most countries and most overseas-invested enterprise5. No expiry dateTips of BEC•The examination places in Tianjin:1.天津大学研究生院,电话(022)27406406, 天津市卫津路92号, 邮编300072。


•Examination time: May 20th higher, May27th preliminary, June 3th vantage •Deadline of Entering time: March 10th, September 15th•Examination fee of BEC Vantage: approximately 500 RMBUnit 1A TeamworkObjectives & requirements1.To enable students to talk about teams and teamwork2.To practice reading for gist and specific information3.To enable students to make and to change arrangementsImportant & difficult points1.Correct reading method2.V ocabulary of psychologyrmation how teamwork can help their class prepare for the Cambridge BECexamApproaches and methods: Task pattern; Pair work & group workEquipments: Tape recorder; over-head projector, screenContents1.Warming-up questions:Discuss the requirements for successful teamwork in pairsHow to improve teamwork?The following may give you some hintsGeneral ideasFriendly atmosphereNot bossyPatientGood mannersModestLeadershipGood interpersonal skillsVariety of experienceCan you give us some reasons why the above points can improve teamwork?2.How to make your opinion more convinced? The following are two examples variety of experience1. Variety of experience and a board horizon would help to tackle urgent matters and establish his or her personal prestige. Well- experienced staff are capable of overcoming storms and crises.2. A wide range of experiences are important to a team member, because you never know what kind of problems might suddenly come up to you. Experiences in different fields will enhance the chance of successfully sorting out the problem with your knowledge, which is based on your past experience.Examples of widen the opinionLeadership: on coming across problematic issues, new or inexperienced staff usually will feel depressed and even start to panic. One or a number of experienced staff will , in this kind of situation, automatically become the spiritual leaders of the team and can get the issues in question solved quickly.3.Reading part on Page 8---answer the following questions1. What did Cussons do?Brought in 3 expatriate managers to work with the local sales staff in project team.Also brought a consultant organizing 2 one-week courses working on building and developing creative thinking.2. What benefits did this bring?Cussons has seen financial benefits, reporting savings of 200,000 pounds from the first course and expected saving s of 700,000from the second.The courses have also allowed the participants to measure progress against targets set on the course and have made people excited about their jobs.Unit 1B communicationObjectives & requirements1. To enable students to leave telephone messages2. To raise awareness of clarity in spoken language3. To practice reading for gist and specific informationImportant & difficult pointse of various forms of communication.2.V ocabulary of psychology3.discuss the difficulties of understanding spoken English.Approaches and methods: Task pattern; Pair work & group workEquipments: Tape recorder; over-head projector, screencontents4.Pre-question: Imagine what kind of communications will you use frequently at work? Faxes, letters, e-mails, phone calls, memos, notes etc.5.Some points in article on page 121.Approach: way leading to sth.2.Idiomatic: in accordance with the particular nature or structure of a language,dialect3.Insensitive: not realizing how other people feel4.Interpret: explain sth which is not easily to understand6.Answer the questions on Page 111.Because English is the dominate language of international communication.2.Make their message simple, use shorter chunks, keep one idea per sentence, speakmore slowly, and not raise their voice.3.As English is spoken in their work environment, they do not have to understand otherlanguage themselves.4.Through language and cultural awareness seminars.●听力8选5解题步骤1.简单中文标A---H含义2.听力过程中抓重点句子或关键性词语3.听完叙述再做答4.再听一边纠正错误●Pay attention to the key wordsTypescript1:•Hello, this is Margaret Brock here. It is 9.30 on Wednesday morning. I am ringing about the half-year sales report. Could you send me a copy of your department’s figures, please? I am in Helsinki until Friday. Thanks very much. Bye.Typescript2•This is Frank Larsen from Scandinavian Conferences in Copenhagen. I am ringing to tell you tha t this year’s Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair’s taking place in the week ofNovember22. if you’d like some complimentary tickets, please let me know how many you’ll need. Please call me on004533346766.Thank you. Bye.Typescript3•Hi, Frida. It’s Sue Me llor. How are you?I hope you’re not too busy at the moment. I wanted to talk to you about my visit next month. You know we’d talked about the 13th? Well, I’m afraid it’s not going to work out because of deadlines here. I don’t suppose we could put it back a week or so, could we? Give me a ring and let me know. Thanks. Typescript4•Hi Frida. It’s Colin. I am on my mobile because I am traveling to a meeting with a client but I need to talk to you urgently so could you call me on 0486 772 444? It’s my mobile nu mber. I need to talk to you about that contract we’re trying to get in Helsinki because the customer accepted our proposal and I need to know whether it’s all right if I just go ahead and sign the contracts or whether you want to get involved, as well. Could you get back to me asap? Thanks.Typescript5•Hello, Frida. It’s Steve Montgomery here. I got your proposal for the product launch and I’ve finally managed to get a look at it. It looks OK, but I think there could still be one or two minor problems with it. I think the time schedule looks a bit on the optimistic side, as well.I've got a couple of suggestions, which I’ll get off to you today. Let me know what you think, OK?bye.●听力填空题做题步骤1.打电话所找的人肯定不在场2.此类题没有陷阱听到什么填什么就可以3.每个空先单词的首字母把所填内容记下4.最后整理成完整的答案5.人名、地名等按照拼规律填Unit 2a entertaining clientObjectives & requirements1. To enable students to leave telephone messages2. To raise awareness of and practice techniques for encouraging conversation3. To practice reading for gist and specific informationImportant & difficult points1.describe the most memorable restaurant they have been to2.V ocabulary of psychology3.Listen and match five short pieces where people talk about business trip with thequestions the people answer.Approaches and methods: Task pattern; Pair work & group workEquipments: Tape recorder; over-head projector, screenContents●Pre-question: you are going to give one of your friends a treat, what kind ofrestaurant you’d like to choose? If you entertain a business contact, what would you do?You may pay attention to following points when choosing restaurant:1.Location2.Atmospherefort4.Cleanliness5.Staff friendliness/attentiveness6.Speed of service7.Quality of food/drink8.Value for money●Read the advertisement about Ports English Restaurant.Would porters be a suitable restaurant in situations on page 20.1.Words explanation2.Interior: a part, surface, or region that is inside or on the inside3.enhance: to intensify or increase in quality, value, power,4.Distinctive: serving or tending to distinguish5.Cater: to provide what is required or desired (for)6.Presentation: the act of presenting or state of being presentedUnit2b corporate hospitality---speaking partmixing business with pleasure7.select suitable entertainment for each following group and give reason to supportyour choice. Discuss this program in 4-people group.8.Are there other ways to entertain clients?Unit2b corporate hospitalityObjectives & requirements1.To enable students to talk about corporate hospitality2.To practice reading for gist and specific information3.To review language for making and dealing with invitationsImportant & difficult points1.Correct reading method2.V ocabulary of psychology3.discuss the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure. Approaches and methods: Task pattern; Pair work & group workEquipments: Tape recorder; over-head projector, screenContents●select suitable entertainment for each following group and give reason to supportyour choice. Discuss this program in 4-people group.●Are there other ways to entertain clients?●Oral practiceWHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?ENTERTAINING CLIENTSTYPES OF ACTIVITIES( how to choose )COST (how to arrange)Types of ActivitiesEntertaining client is done by way of a series of activities. Such as a sightseeing tour, a football match, a ballroom party, an orchestra performance, a ballet show, a fashion show, playing tennis and a formal meal, etc.The activities that you choose will constitute a part of the first impression that you will give to your clients. So you should be careful when choosing the type of activities. You need to consider the client’s age, educational and cultural backgrounds and do some research about your clients’ characters and hobbies.The costs of entertainmentNot always the essential thing. Depending on the nature/characteristics of the transaction or the size of the deal.Should consider the profit issue. If the company is expecting to make big gain/profits out of a specific client, it should at least put in proportional investment to entertain/please its clients. E.g.….If the company foresees that the client is not very lucrative, then….The ideal plan would be spending as little money as possible to get the deal done. But you must not offend your clients. You should make them feel being welcomed.Types of ActivitiesFor well-educated clients, they may expect some high class-associated activities, such as ballet, ballroom parties, and orchestra performances. If you fulfill their expectation/standard, your efforts will put a lot of weight on your credibility.For some young clients, you may wish to take them to some more fashionable activities, such as a music bar, a pop music show, a fashion show.For those sporty clients-football, tennisHowever, you should always end up all kind of activities with having a formal meal. You don’t want to talk about business with your clients in the tennis court or theatre; they are just the warming-up activities for the key matter-business. After a whole day or a few days’ entertainment, you may find the distance between the two sides are much narrower than the beginning, and there might be a lot of things that you both want to talk about.●Points in the article1.Intimate: having or being a very close and friendly relationship2.Chit-chat: chatting sth. Unimportant3.Bring up: call attention to sth.4.Recipe: method of achieving sth.5.Effortlessly: easily●Memo & message1.动笔之前仔细审题2.明确自己在材料背景中的身份3.吃透考题要点,面面俱到4.切忌节外生枝、画蛇添足ExercisesTo: all section headsThere are eight vacancies on training courses being given in May and June. The courses provide useful training for junior staff in computers, time management and other aspects of modern office work. Could you kindly recommend suitable staff?ExercisesYou work for a company which produces laser printers. You are visiting another company, Microsoft, to buy some computer software for your department. They have expressed an inte rest in your company’s printers and you would like to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with you.* write a short note to Mr. Jim Asana, the sales manager.*ask for his permission to take these items.*explain why you want them.*mention the time and date when you want to collect them*write 30-40 words on your answer Sheet.ExercisesThe refrigerator in the kitchen of the office is full and has to be cleaned. You are the office director.*write a short memo in 40-50 words*tell the office staff the time of housecleaning.*tell them to deal with their own food*warn them that if not taken away, the food will be thrown away.Unit3A Ordering goodsObjectives & requirements1.To enable students to talk about and changing orders2.To practice reading for gist and specific information3.To raise awareness of clarity in writing and useful phrases for letter writing Important & difficult points1.Correct reading method2.V ocabulary of psychology3.discuss ways of improving the clarity of the fax.Approaches and methods: Task pattern; Pair work & group workEquipments: Tape recorder; over-head projector, screenContentsImproving fax on page 32:yout: the layout is too dense and therefore off-putting. It might help if the writer used headings, bullet points and brackets.2.paragraphs:the text needs to be divided into paragraphs to aid clarity and to encourage the reader to read it .4.Connectors: it is difficult to follow the sequence of ideas because connectors are notused much to make it clear.5.Sentences: some sentences are too long, making the text difficult to read.6.Accuracy: as the writer is a non-speaker, complete accuracy is perhaps not to beexpected. However, core words should be spelt correctly.●商务写作总原则(6Cs)1.Correctness:恰当的语言风格,准确的措辞信息,正确的语法标点2.Clarity:逻辑布局-因果,时间,序列,比较等等合理的构架句群与段群:各类句型最佳组合3.Conciseness:现代商务英语发展趋势We began to export our goods to countries abroadWe began to export our goods.We require furniture which is of the new type.We require new-type furniture.4.Concreteness:商务写作尽量使用具体、明确的语言,切忌笼统模糊。



Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic Ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours 正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n. 分担工作job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n. 咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking) n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news 办公室新闻credit n. 赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president)brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave 育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n. 让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系case-load n. 工作量daily log 日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a. 造成混乱的1. How do you work most effectively? By working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other 相互支持co-operate with each other 相互合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作5. Reading: How to job-shareGet organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. Flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。



《新编剑桥商务英语(中级)》Module 1§ 1.1 Business Topic Ways ofworking商务话题篇工作方式本讲学习重点:(Part)1、Different ways of working. 工作不同的方式2、Working from home.在家办公3、Grammar: Present tenses. 语法:现在时4、A mini-presentations. 小型讲演5、Homework家庭作业1、ways of working 工作中不同的形式Part I Vocabulary Different waysof worki ng. 不同的工作方式一、Howdo work most effectively? By working ... 对你来说采用哪种工作方式最有效1、regular hours/flexible hours? 正常工作方式还是弹性工作方式固定时间/灵活时间2、in a team/on your own? 以团队为单位还是自己单干在团队中工作/自己工作3、from home/in an office? 在家还是在办公室在家上班/在办公室上班4、f or a boss/as your boss ?为别人打工还是自己当老板为别人打工/自己当老板Example:For me, I like to work flexible hours on my own. By work ing like this, I can work most effectively. Whenl need to teach my stude nts, I will go to the classroom. So I am used to flexible hours rather than working nine to five.Also, I / d like to work on my own. It is because this can allow me to be inno vative in my Ian guage teachi ngcareer.对于我来讲,我更希望自己的工作时间是弹性的。



《新编剑桥商务英语(中级)》课程教学大纲一、课程的基本信息1、课程名称:《新编剑桥商务英语(中级)》2、课程学时:80学时3、适用专业:英语专业商务英语、旅游英语方向的三年级学生4、先修课程:《新视野大学英语》、《英语语法》、《英语阅读》、《英语口语》、《英语听力》、《剑桥商务英语(初级)》二、课程定位和教学目标剑桥商务英语中级证书(Cambridge Business English Certificate Intermediate)考试是国家教育部考试中心与英国剑桥大学考试委员会联合举办的权威性英语考试。











写作方面能够运用所学语言知识,根据所给背景语言材料,图表及表格等直观资料,写出符合国际商务惯例,格式规范的商务报告,备忘录,商务信函,建议书和E-mail 等,要求内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚,语法正确,语言通顺得体。

新编剑桥商务英语(中级)Module 10

新编剑桥商务英语(中级)Module 10

《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)(第三版)Module 1010.1 Business Topic Management商务话题篇管理运作本小节学习重点●熟悉相关词汇●学会讨论管理运作这一话题●练习在阅读过程中培养上下文意识和对语篇衔接手段的辨别能力●练习根据提示要点展开口语讨论●掌握条件句的用法●掌握报告的写法法dimension n.方面,部分vision n.远见,梦想,设想focus group 专题调研会,小组座谈会dance floor 舞池social norms 社会准则renewal n.更新,重新开始reinvention n.彻底改造,干一件和以前完全不同的工作merchandise vt.&_n.吹捧,宣扬,使被接受;宣传品lesser-known 不为人所知的megaband n.超级乐队gig n.(口)(爵士乐队、摇滚乐队等的)特约演奏star rating 评分等级,星级评分funk n.乡土爵士乐,以旋律性与节奏感著称product placement产品置入(式广告)prop n.产品特色,等于propositioncommercial n.(电视、电台、电影上播放的)商业广告aftershave n.(剃须后使用的)润肤水相关背景知识:麦当娜Madonna(麦当娜)全名为Madonna Louise Ciccone Ritchie,也作Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone,英文名为Madonna。






• • • •
consultancy n. specialist advice flexitime / flextime hot desking/ hotdesking office gossip office news credit managing director
• • • • • • • •
• 2. 用来表示变化的趋势或局势: Interest in our new range is growing faster than even we anticipated. • Present Perfect Simple • 1. 用于谈论从过去开始持续到现在的动作: I’ve sent off half the packages. • 2.用于谈论动作的结果:I’ve done everything.
Different ways of working
• How do you work most effectively? By working • regular hours/ flexible hours • in a team/ on your own • from home/ in an office • for a boss/ as your own boss
Reading---How to job-share
• answers to the passage 1. Open your mind 2. Plan for disaster 3. Get organized 4. Set your limits 5. Put pen to paper 6. Don’t feel guilty 7. Two become one
• can be more concentrated and thus more efficient • have more flexibility. • feel more relaxed • a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself. • don’t want to work under someone.



• reasonable prices 合理的价格
Vocabulary 2-2
• interior design
• group dining
• group menu
• catering requirement 用餐要求
• tour groups
• birthday party
the event? • How much do we want to spend – budget?
• what are the advantages and disadvantages of mixing business with pleasure?
• customer satisfaction form 顾客满意调查问卷
• 阅读下列顾客满意调查问卷表,其中 那三个标准对你来说最为重要?
Text discussion
• 在阅读问卷的时候,我们要思考这样一个问题 Which three of the criteria are most important for you? 那三个标准对你来说最为重要。这个 句子中有一个单词要引起我们的特别注意: criteria 标准。这个单词的复数形式是不用加s 的。 在这个题目中“酒店”一词是复数形式, Restaurants.而在第一段的第一个句子中“a Signet House Restaurant”,这里的复数指 各家连锁店,单数是指连锁店中的一家。所以 文章中的这个酒店的复数形式在翻译的时候, 我们增加了“连锁”这个词,以便区别出来
• Facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一 交流











新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 第三版 中级)Module 1

新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 第三版 中级)Module 1

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic W ays of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n. 分担工作job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n. 咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking)n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news 办公室新闻credit n. 赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president)brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegatev. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n. 让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系case-loadn. 工作量daily log日志voice mail语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a. 造成混乱的1. How do you work most effectively? By working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other相互合作share ideas交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作5. Reading: How to job-shareGet organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1.share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. Flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。


• Clear and concise: When writing business emails, concise and clear language should be used to avoid using lengthy or complex sentences.
• Professional politeness: Always maintain a professional and polite attitude, use appropriate titles and honorifics to demonstrate one's professional competence and respect.
• Avoid jargon and abbreviations: When writing business emails, avoid using jargon and abbreviations to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.
04 Business Case Analysis
Course arrangement
60 contact hours
Self study
Course materials
The course is designed to provide 60 hours of face to face learning, including interactive class activities and group work
• Clear Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of the letter at the beginning of the email so that the recipient can quickly understand your needs or questions.



河北金融学院教案课程名称:剑桥商务英语教材名称:新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第三版出版单位:经济科学出版社出版时间:2008年10月主编: John Hughes教案编写人:王杰授课专业(班级):09商务英语1班授课时间:2010—2011 第一学年授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9。

河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9。

河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9。

河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10。

河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10。

河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010。

授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010。


1河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.11。

河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010。


22河北金融学院课程教案授课教师: 王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.11。

25/29河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.12。


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河北金融学院教案课程名称:剑桥商务英语教材名称:新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第三版出版单位:经济科学出版社出版时间:2008年10月主编: John Hughes教案编写人:王杰授课专业(班级):09商务英语1班授课时间:2010-2011 第一学年河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.6课题Lead-in Introduction to BEC Vantage教学基本要求与目标make students to get familiar with the BEC Vantage方法与手段introduction, explanation with the assistance of PPT实践性环节discussion, ask and answer课外要求To read more books about business, often go on line to practise listening BEC 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. Introduction to BECReading test (60 minutes, 45 questions)△Reading test part one (7 questions)Reading test part two (5 questions)Reading test part three (6 questions)Reading test part four (15 questions)Reading test part five (12 questions)Writing test (45 minutes, 2 parts)△Writing test part one (40-50 words in forms of noteMessage,email or memo)Writing test part two (120-`140 words in forms of reportOr business letter) Listening test (40 minutes, 3 parts 30 questions)﹡Listening test part one (three conversations)Listening test part two (two sections 10 questions)Listening test part three (one passage 8 questions) Speaking test (14 minutes, 3 parts)△Speaking test part one (personal information 3minutes)Speaking test part two (mini-presentation 6 minutes)Speaking test part three (collaborative task 5minutes ) II. How to study BEC Vantage1.business words and phrases2.read more business background3.listening more BEC4.accumulative more business topic5.often go on line with good websitesIII. Asking questionsSs may ask any questions concerning BEC.10m 8m12m 20m10m 10m 10m 10m 10mSince this is the first class, students appear a little bit puzzled. But after the introduction with encouraging information, they start to become more interested to explore BEC.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.9课题Module one ways of working教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about ways of working; to enable Ss to get more information fromways of working.方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节listening speaking reading课外要求Read more material concerning ways of working内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. different ways of workingRegular time/flexible hours; in a team/ on your ownFrom home/in an office; for a boss/as your own bossII.reading (read about job sharing, write these headings into each paragraph)△Get organized set your limits put pen to paper two become oneOpen your mind plan for disaster fine the perfect partner don’t feel guilty III. working from home (listening)﹡a. What is important when working form home?have a timetable and stick to it.b. advantages☐You spend more time with the children☐More flexibility☐The company saves money on office space☐No commutingc. DisadvantagesSometimes you work in the evening; You miss people and office newsd. Complete the notes about Michela’s typical day☐7:00 get up, get the kids ready☐8:30 take kids to school☐9:00 start work☐12:00 have lunch☐14:30 finish work☐ 2.She has been with current employer since she left school, but she’s been home-working for five years.☐ 3.she’s going to the office every day to meet visitors.IV. grammar tipComplete these tips for working from homeV. a mini-presentation△Job sharing working from home 10m 20m 40m10m 20mThey are lack of English-thinking and active response. Ss are lack of listening skills, so ask students to listenmore business English.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.16课题Module one making contacts and speaking test part one教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about making contacts; to enable Ss to get more information from making contacts; know more about speaking test part one.方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节listening speaking reading课外要求Read more material concerning making contacts and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. job responsibilities☐ I work for……☐I’m involved in……☐I’m responsible for ……☐I deal with……☐I usually report to ……☐I’m in charge of ……☐I specialise in ……II. life’s all about making connections (reading)△☐ 1. socialising 社交活动☐ 2. attend a conference/ trade fair☐ 3. new clients and partners☐ 4. share ideas with☐ 5. coffee break/ tea break☐ 6. a formal networking group☐7. informal drinks eveningIII. starting a conversation (listening)﹡a. at a conferenceb. over dinnerc. in someone’s officed. on a training courseIV. business correspondence△a.we should know more about four forms of writings, they are note,message, email and memo.b.We should know more about formal and less formal expressions.V. Speaking test part one﹡The questions are quite general at first:☐ 1. About yourself☐ 2. About your studies or career☐ 3. About where you come from☐Afterwards, he or she may ask you questions☐ 4. About business topics10m20m30m 20m 20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to speak more and let them know the skillsand rules of BEC Vantage课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.20课题Module two company benefits教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about job; to enable Ss to get more information about companybenefits方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching 实践性环节listening speaking reading课外要求Read more material concerning company benefits and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I.benefits and incentives﹡(speaking and listening)⏹ A. an impressive job title⏹ B. training and staff development⏹ C. a good salary⏹ D. a pension⏹ E. flexible working hours⏹ F. opportunities to travel⏹G. opportunities for promotion⏹H. parental leave⏹I. days off and long holidays⏹J. a company carII. Is working for Xerox too good to be true?⏹ 1. client service executive⏹ 2. be amazed at 对……感到惊奇⏹ 3. tempting吸引人的⏹ 4. a pinch of salt 半信半疑⏹ 5. take part in⏹ 6. incumbent 在职的⏹7. human resources⏹8. policy of promoting⏹III. asking questions about jobsWhy do you like the company?How long have you been working in the company?IV. A letter of application﹡Read this advert for a job and use the handwritten notes to write a letter of application (120-140 words )similar to writing test part two.30m 20m10m 40mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.25课题Module two presenting your company and reading test part five, writing test教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about presenting your company; to improve the skills of reading andwriting方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, writing实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the skills of presenting your company and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. company terms⏹ 1. distribution centre⏹Place where goods are sent out to be sold⏹ 2. warehouse⏹Place where goods are stored⏹ 3. holding company⏹Company which controls others with the largest stake (over 51%)⏹ 4. call centre 客户服务中心⏹Place where employees give information to customers by telephoneII. giving a presentationSpeakingKey points: figures structure trendsIII. writing memo⏹ 1. who is the memo to?⏹ 2. who will be interested in the information?⏹ 3. what has happened?⏹ 4. what is happening as a result?⏹ 5. what action is needed?⏹IV. reading test part fiveIt is always a short text of about 150-200 words, you have to identify incorrect or extra words in the sentences in the text.V. writing test part oneIn part one you must write an internal communication such as a note, message, memo or email of around 40-50 words.20m20m 2020m 20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.27课题Module three starting a business教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss to talk about start a business; to improve the skills of reading and listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of business and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. types of business⏹Sole trader you take all the profit.⏹If you go bankrupt, you lose everything.⏹Partnership you share the pressure.⏹You might disagree on strategy.⏹Franchise The business model is given to you so there is less risk.⏹Part of your profits goes to the franchisorII. reading⏹ 1. ludicrous 荒唐可笑的⏹ 2. branch out 拓展业务⏹ 3. branch out into 把规模扩大到...方面⏹ 4. enterpreneurial spirit⏹enterpreneurial courage 企业家的胆略5. sole trader⏹ 6. short-livedIII. listening⏹Listen to a trainer doing a seminar on being an entrepreneur⏹Planning a seminar⏹IV. speaking tesst⏹ A. What is important when……⏹Setting up your own business⏹ 1. A good idea⏹ 2. Knowing your customers⏹ B. When is important when……?⏹Your business is a partnership⏹ 1. relationship with the other person⏹ 2. shared responsibility⏹ 3. 20m 20m20m 20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.9.30课题Module three leaving and taking messages, listening test part one教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss how to leave and take messages; to improve the skills of reading andlistening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of business and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. Leaving messages⏹ A. to ask for permission⏹ B. to complain about a mistake⏹ C. to complain something is OK⏹ D. to request information⏹ E. to offer information⏹ F. to cancel arrangements⏹G. to request help⏹H. to change a booking⏹II. writing (taking notes and messages)⏹Eg. I’d be grateful if you could return this call on my home number.⏹Call him back on his home number.⏹III. listening test part one⏹It always consists of three listening texts which are telephoneconversations or messages on answering machines.⏹Text include forms, notes, invoices or message pads (留言本).⏹You need to listen in particular for information like names, numbers,dates, instructions or deadlines.Exam successBefore listening, study the form or notes you have to complete.Use the information in the notes to try and predict what you are listening for Don’t write more than one or two words per gap.Don’t panic if you don’t understand everything the first time. You hear it twice.20m 20m20m 20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.11课题Module four advertising教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about advertising on the web and advertising standard;to improve the skills of reading and listening方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know the types of advertising and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. Types of advertising⏹ 1. word of mouth⏹ 2. mailshot 邮寄广告⏹ 3. TV commercials⏹ 4. spam 垃圾电子邮件⏹ 5. banners / streamer 横幅⏹ 6. newspaper adverts⏹7. brochures⏹8. sampleII. Speaking a short presentation⏹ 1. The first thing is to ……⏹ 2. It’s a good idea to ……⏹ 3. You can do this by ……⏹ 4. Also remember that ……⏹ 5. My third tip is (never) to ……⏹ 6. Before we finish don’t forget ……⏹7. What might be better is to ……III. reading advertising standardsASA (Advertising Standards Authority)1. keep advertising legal, decent, honest and truthful2. a set of codes3. independently (both government and the advertising industry)Case study oneCase study twoCase study threeIV. grammar ModalsUnderline the modal verb in each sentence and write it in this summary 20m40m 20m20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.14课题Module four advertising教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about delegating;to improve the skills of writing方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of delegating and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. reading, delegating⏹ 1. bits and pieces 零碎东西⏹ 2. a whole manageable project⏹ 3. rise to 证明能够应付⏹ 4. deadline⏹ 5. update⏹ 6. lots of praise⏹7. helpful feedback⏹8. constructive criticismII. listening a bad delegator⏹Listen to a manager talking to a member of his department, listen to thetips:⏹ A. tailor work to the individual⏹ B. be positive⏹ C give incentives⏹ D. define the expectations and objectives⏹ E. delegate complete tasks⏹ F. let go⏹G. avoid misunderstandingIII. writing1. It was found that……2. in addition to…….3. alternatively……4. This report sets out to…..5. in conclusion…..IV. Reading test part four1. collocation 搭配2. fixed expression3. local storage company4. enquiry5. quotation 20m 40m 20m 20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.18课题Module five The workplace教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about workplace;to improve the skills of listening方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of listening and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. reading, Words and Phrases⏹ 1. repeat business 回头生意⏹ 2. referrals 推荐⏹ 3. sourcing and commissioning⏹ 4. urban regeneration sector 城市重建⏹ 5. anecdotal thing 轶事⏹ 6. organisational psychologist⏹企业心理学家(The Industrial-Organisational Psychologist⏹II. listening an interview with an art consultantThere are five main stages for an art consultant in charge of supplying artworks.Ask students to identify the consultant real meaningsIII. reportingA company is moving offices. A consultant is asking some employees for their comments on what they would like in their new offices.Rewrite these comments to report themFor example:I am not happy with the arrangementsShe said (that)_______________________________IV. listening some opinion on art⏹ A company is choosing an artwork for its reception area. Listen to fiveemployees commenting on the five artworks below. Decide which artwork each speaker is commenting on.⏹Number the artwork⏹20m40m 20m 20mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.21课题Module five participating in a meeting教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about meetings; to improve the skills of writing and speaking方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of meetings and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. participating in a meeting⏹ 1. be supposed to⏹ 2. get something done⏹ 3. fill one’s schedule⏹ 4. hate something or hate doing something⏹ 5. anecdotal thing 轶事⏹ 6. organisational psychologist⏹企业心理学家(The Industrial-Organisational Psychologist⏹7. social norm⏹8. questionnaire⏹9. overall job satisfaction⏹10. get-together⏹11. weekly or daily office gethering⏹12. goal-orientated⏹目标导向的学习环境(Goal-orientated Learning Environments⏹13. interaction with⏹14. unstructured job 无系统性的;松散的⏹II. verb collocation⏹Set give move hold go take run see attend reach⏹III. Writing Minutes of a meetingNow write the minutes of the meeting using the agenda and the notes you made above. Write between 120 and 140 words, using reporting verbs.Organise your report into these three sections.Title of reportDetails of meeting (who attended, time, location)What was discussed and the final action points 20m20m 60mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.25课题Module five speaking教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about how to improve speaking方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching实践性环节speaking课外要求Know how to improve business skills of speaking.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I. speaking test part twoIn this exam spot light, you will look at part two of the speaking test. Each candidate gives a mini-presentation on a business theme.Giving a mini-presentationWhen…it’s important to …The first thing when …is to…There are a number of points to consider when…Mentioning and sequencing the pointsFirst of all, there’s…For example…Secondly/the second point to remember is…Something else is …The final point is …Adding informationIt’s also important to say…In addition to that…You also need to consider…II.Exam successStart your talk by saying what you’re going to talk about.Separate each point clearly.Say why each point is relevant.Give an example to support each pointWhat is important when……Placing a newspaper advertThe target readerWhere the advert appears 40m 20m 40mAsk Ss to listen more, especially business situation, encourage Ss to write more and let them know the skillsof writing.课后心得河北金融学院课程教案授课教师:王杰授课班级: 09商务英语1班授课时间:2010.10.28课题Module six recruitment教学基本要求与目标To enable Ss know more about employment;to improve the skills of reading方法与手段Explanation, multimedia, interactive teaching, listening实践性环节listening speaking reading writing课外要求Know how to improve business skills of employment and often go on line.内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”)课时分配I.Employment news● 1. take redundancy●Compulsory redundancy 强制性裁员●The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff bynatural wastage . 公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。
