国际商务谈判模拟实训 Global Corporation vs Hi-tech Corporation 6 (Part A)

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• We invested $ 300 million during the past three years to improve factory automation products and services. We spend about 2% of sales on product development.
SWOT analysis--For us
• Strengths
1. We have one of the largest industrial sales, distribution and service networks in America; 2.We have more experience in selling factory automation packages than any other firm in the world; 3.Vision for technology.
To become a profitable, innovative, worldwide, full-service supplier of automation equipment and systems. We want to be a leader in equipping the “factory of the future” by offering more automation products than any other firm.
Team members
• • • • Chief negotiator:Li suzhen Decision maker:Li qijuan Legal consultant:Liu jing Technical director:Hu qin
• Long-range strategic objective
The seller's background
• Hi-tech is the leading manufacturer of integrated electrical machinery in Japan. It is a research-oriented company run by scientists. • It spends 5.9 % of sales on R&D and employs more than 9 000 researchers.
• Short-term strategic objective
To establish a market presence as soon as possible.We plan to learn the business and bridge the four year R & D gap by buying the advanced robots and acquiring the technology of other firms.We also want a license to produce robots using the best available technology.
Our background
Our company, a large, diversified manufacturer of electrical products based in America, had annual sales of $12 billion last year. It is a leading manufacturer of equipment which uses minicomputers to guide machine tools in the manufacture of complex, precision parts.
• Opening Strategies
Take the resonant opening and frank opening, bulid up a kind of harmonious negotiation atmosphere.
• Bargaining Strategies
1.Watch carefully and understand the other side's thinking; 2.Strike where there is a weakness; 3.Be flexible .
• Threat
Do not adapt to the culture of Japan.
SWOT analysis--For the other party
• Strengths
1.strong research capabilities; 2.a variety of different models, different techniques of robots; 3.products of high quality and cost competitive.
1.Hi-tech can enter the American market directly at any time; 2.Gain the technology sharing.
• Threat
Different culture and negotiation style.
Negotiation agenda
Time:9th,July Site:In Japan • enter the area; • introduce the team members; • negotiation in terms of price,quantity ,the number of models,royalty rate and technology sharing; • conclude the agreement; • sign the contract; • congratulation.
• weakness
There are 150 companies making, or selling robots in Japan,so they are facing more and more competition at the domestic market .
• Opport来自百度文库nities
Emergency plans
• When an international business negotiation reaches a stalemate, switching to another topic. • if necessary, according to the actual situation on the original plan to be adjusted in the adjournment stage. • When the other party deliberately provocative, you should keep calm , don’t fall for it.
• weakness
1. Technology is relatively backward; 2. R & D capability is not strong.
• Opportunity
We would be an attractive partner for a number of foreign robot producers, but Hi-tech, the leader in the field.
The negotiation plan for
Global Corporation vs. Hi-tech Corporation
The subject of negotiation
• Global and Hi-tech are negotiating an alliance for the manufacture and sale of welding and paint spraying robots. There are several issues such as the number of models, quantity, price, royalty rate and technology sharing still to be resolved.
the end
When the other side is not willing to make more concessions and the negotiation is deadlocked, we may take advantage of reconcile strategies and grasp the scope of final concession or issue an ultimatum.