






























高回复率外贸开发信模板邮件标题一、不推荐的标题含有以下这些词的标题很有可能会进客户垃圾邮箱: good price, high quality, good technology, best discount, supply, quotation, price list, business relationship, cooperation二、推荐的标题1.站在客户角度思考,能给客户带来帮助的标题XXX product without XXX duty for xxx(客户公司名)这个运用前提是看你们公司是否东南亚或者其他地方有些工厂可以帮客户省关税,政策优势运用起来,然后标题写上客户公司名,对方会觉得被重视,一般会点开。

2.制造噱头,标题打上行业龙头/客户竞争对手XXX years' experience in XXX products-better than xxx company(行业前几公司)就是对自己的公司很自信,比得上行业前几的XXX years' experience in XXX products to help you beat XXX company(帮助客户打败他的竞争对手)3.证书优势标题XXX products with XXX certificate4.产品改善标题Suggestion/advice for XXX products (找客户官网的某款产品+型号,让客户有兴趣点开看)邮件正文模版1Hi XXX,Nice day.We are China based manufacturer offering premium XXX (产品)with l ow minimums, reasonabl e prices and quick d elivery.Our Advantages: (此处公司的优势可以根据实际情况来写)1.Daily Output=100,000pcs, Rush Ord er in 3-4days.2. Large Selection of In Stock Styl es for you to choose from.3. FDA & SGS Approved.4. Our Clients: ABC, DEF, GH...Give us a try, you won't be disappointed.Waiting for your specific inquiry soon.Best regards!XXX模版2Hi XXX,Good day!This is XXX from公司名, which is a l eading manufacturer of产品名in China. Hope my email finds you well.We've been working with many other customers such as客户同行类型公司,whil e thinking about you are in the same market, I thought there might be a good fit for your business.Below is some popular designs in your market.接下来推荐产品了, 根据经验推合适的产品给他Why choose us? (你的优势说出来)1. Stabl e quality, we have no any complains during the past years.2. Long shelf life with more than 18 months(while others are normally 12 months)If you need our latest catalog , pl ease feel free to contact me.Regards,XXX模版3Hi XXX,Glad to hear that you're on the market for XXX (产品). We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of XXX (公司优势), with good quality and pretty competitive price.Shoul d you have any questions, pls d o not hesitate to contact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation!Thanks & regards!XXX模版4Hi XXX,Are you interested in saving money on importing any of the foll owing?- Product A-Product B-Product C-Product DAll of our products are very affordabl e.And we are more than happy to help you with the import!Our company is a manufacturer company specializing in pet products since 1998, We wish our experience on this filed can help you open the market and get a strong back behind.Attractive products & Price can be provid ed as per your request, waiting for your reply soon!B/regards!XXX模版5Hi XXX,I'm XXX from XXX company which is specializing in XXX products over XX years, XXX and XXX (知名的同行竞争对手)are our distributors.I know you have a stabl e supplier, but it is good for you to catch different supplier prices and support when negotiating with your current supplier, d o you agree? (知道客户有稳定的供应商了,但是多几个供应商提供价格,可以帮助客户和目前供应商更好的谈判)I checked your website carefully and found we have many similar products, you can compare them with your supplier' s.(表明自己看过客户的网站,让客户觉得不是群发)Price lists and Catalogs will be sent if you need.B/regards!XXX。



1.Hello Friend ,Hopefully..this e-mail does not cause you any inconvenience.Here is our new products for Universal tablet case,the first item with camera free,this is our patent products,it is hot selling in European now,here I have attached picture for your reference,if you are interested,please kindly let us know.Or if you have any other tablet case need to do,it is welcome for any question!!这里插图,把新产品图片拼在一张图上,图片大小最好不要超过100k。

Our factory with 150-200 workers,and we can do OEM and ODM,we have 15 engineers for leather case and tooling design.If you have any new project,welcome to doAnyway..hope we can get your soonest reply!Mark2.Hi,ChristineGlad to see you sell tables,I think you may need our products.TTX Technology Co.,Ltd is a 10 years' tablet case factory with 10000 square meters,220 staff,20 engineers and 300000 pieces monthly and reliable supplier of Tucano,Skech,iLuv,iHome and so on.I want to show you lastest catalog,hope you'll like it. Have a nice day.Thanks.Mark3.Hi,xxGlad to find you are in tablet case business,I think you may need our products.TTX Technology Co.,Ltd is a 10 years' tablet case manufacture and trustable supplier of Tucano,Logiix,Skech etc.Our products will certainly enlarge your businss and achieve your biggest values.Do you need this now?Enclosed is our new items,hope you'll like it.Have a nice day,Thanks.4.Need our products?10 years' tablet case factory,CE &RoHs certified,Tucano trusts us.Catalog and sample available,welcome inquiry.5.Have interest in tablet case?Please see our catalog.Wish your business prosperous.Nice day.。





那么,开发信该如何写,才能保证发送成功和收到回复呢?有哪些规则和方法呢?一起来看看吧~1、标题要简短,绝对不能带广告词最好不用打开邮件详情就能看完邮件标题,千万不要写MOQ,deal,affordable,goods,commodities,merchandiser,sell,sale,promote,offer,price,quotation,discount,trade,wholesale,cheap,low price,free shipping,free sample等词,不然直接被退信,进入黑名单。






















5、To XXXX (写上客户的名字或者公司名)给客户一种被重视的感觉。

与此有异曲同工之妙的标题还有:John, are you ok with your * suppliers?这个标题的杀伤力体现在指名道姓,平易近人。

6、展示成单客户Manufacturer of *** flooring/Supplier of XXX (我们是XXX公司的 ***产品供应商)向客户说明我们是做什么产品的,后面告诉客户是某大型客户的供货商,看到这,有些外贸人疑惑了,说我们没有如此大的客户能用这类标题吗?其实就算没有,也可以写,因为你的客户的客户有可能是知名的大买家,你可以尝试和你的现有的客户八卦一下,看看他们的下家客户有没有,如果有,完全可以这样写,因为你的货物实际确实是到了大型买家的手里。







1. 确定目标客户在写外贸开发信之前,首先需要明确目标客户。



2. 个性化开发信个性化的开发信能够给客户一种被重视的感觉,从而增加回复率。



3. 突出价值主张在开发信中,需要清楚地传达产品或服务的价值主张。



4. 简洁明了开发信应该尽量简洁明了,语言简练,段落清晰。




5. 强调行动在开发信的结尾,需要明确提出行动号召。




6. 跟进追踪即使客户没有立即回复开发信,也不要放弃。



在跟进邮件中,可以提供更多的案例研究或用户 testimonial,以增加信任度。

7. 不断测试写作开发信是一个持续的过程,不断地测试和改进是很重要的。






以下11封开发信模版是经过无数次验证,外国客户认为的“好开发信”,一起来看下:首先需要了解的是,这些受欢迎的开发信模版的共同特征:标题:瞬间“吸睛”简介:简明扼要,有重点正文:提供对客户有价值的产品和服务Call-To-Action:明确清晰其他:相关认证,相关经验01Offering business value提供业务价值In working with other <>, one of the key issue they're struggling with is <>This past year we helped numerous companies to <>, resulting in <>.If this is something you're challenged with too, let's set up a quick call. I have some idesa that might help.All the best,{CONTACT.OWNER_NAME}这封开发信模版,简洁明了,但是内容有料。




02Asking the right questions提供正确疑问Hello {name}What would it mean to your top-line revenue if you saw a 70% increase in contact rates, 50% improvement in closes, and 40% increase in quota-hitting sales reps?I'm avaiable tomorrow {insert 2 times you're available}. Can we sync up?如果你想要了解潜在客户公司当前的运营现状,那么这个开发信模版将很有帮助。







高回复率虽不可轻易复制成功,但仍可以从实战中提炼出一个公式:高回复率开发信 = Basic Search, Target Right(初步调查,有的放矢)+ 避开 spam 过滤词+ 好的标题+ 少图片、少链接+ 行文简洁清晰+ 有吸引客户的 Key Point+ 运气 or 时机1.Basic Search, Target Right(初步调查,有的放矢)开发信写的再出彩,但你能保证开发信递送到真正的买家吗?先进行初步的调查了解,前期的工作很必要!2.避开 spam 过滤词什么样的邮件会被判定为垃圾邮件?根据国际电子邮件协会的判定规则:未经收件人允许的在一段时间内,发送频率过快,内容重复度过高;对方未订阅但发件人发送附件的;邮件中含有 spam 高频词。


3.好的标题一个好的标题尤其重要,当买家收到一封邮件时,最多 3 秒就决定看或者直接 delete,所以开发信的标题我们绝不可大意。





有些国外邮件客户端默认就不显示图片,这样你的图片就变成了 blocked images!而超链接能不用就不用,文中千万不要写类似“For more details, pls visit our website ”之类的文字,有些反垃圾邮件机制对正文中的链接非常敏感。








开发信标题:hot sale xx product for your market开发信正文:Dear Cecilia,How is your business?Now we have some hot sale wired earphone and they are unique design.We have sold well to USA, India,Dubai,Russia and Argentina, and we believe it will be a best seller in your market.Please go through the attached wired earphone catalog,which one do you like?We can customize the earphone to meet your target price and open a tooling by ourselves to support your business to the best,we only want to develop new markets with you and try our best to be a professional audio service provider.Please come back to us if you have any comment or idea.Thanks in advance.总结内容就是:第一段打招呼,第二段开门见山我们有热卖产品,在你们地区都卖的特好,我们确信在你的市场也可以卖的好。



Dear,It is glad to write to you with hope to open a business relationship with your company .The following is what we can provide. Products: Magazines, Catalogue, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc.The aim of the company is to provide perfect quality, competitive marketing prices, good services and to meet the needs of the customers.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Sincerely Yours,CarrieHi,Glad to hear that you're in the market for printing.We specialize in this field for several years, with good quality and pretty competitive price.The following is what we can provide.Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, photo books, flyers, booklets, Calendars etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Thanks & best regard,CarrieDear,I am Carrieworking for a printing factory from China.The following is what we can provide. Products Catalogue: Magazines, Catalogue, Books, flyers, booklets, paper cups, Calendars etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Yours sincerely,CarrieHello,Glad to get your contact info from your website.I wonder if you need this product; Carriebe now you have regular business partner. We supply printing magazines, Catalogs, Books, booklets and Calendars with good quality and very competitive price.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Hope to be a partner in your company!Best regards,CarrieGood day,We are printing supplier from China, We can provideprinting service like magazines. Catalogs, Books, booklets, calendars etc.And we have researched & designed some new product.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Regards.CarrieHi,Sorry for troubling!I am Carriefrom China.Regarding our company hot-selling printing products like magazines, Catalogue, Books, Calendars etc.May be you need this products.So.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regards,CarrieHi there,Glad to hear that you're in the market for printing and other printing items.This is Carriefrom a printing company in China.Our company specialized in Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.And hopes to find a way to cooperate with you!Best regards,CarrieDear,We are professional in printing service for developed country.Covering high quality Catalogue, magazines, books, flyers, calendars etc. Hope to establish business relationship with you!Should you wanna know more about our company?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regards,CarrieDear,I am Carrie from a professional printing company based in China.Products:Catalogue,brochures,magazines,flyers/leaflets,hardcoverbooks,labels/stickers/tags, calendarsWe can provide you high quality products at very competitive prices.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regards,CarrieHello,This isCarrie froma printing company in China.The following is what we can provide.1. Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc.2. Transportation: Direct vessels to many international ports.3. Printing Price: Only 40% cost of your local printers.It will be a great start of our cooperation!More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regards,CarrieHi,This is Carriefrom a printing company basedin China.We export printing products like Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etc.Good quality and competitive prices will be provided.What product do you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regards,CarrieHello!Thisis Carrieworking for a printing company based in China.Our products include picture albums, books,magazines, Catalogue, labels and stickers, hang tags, packaging boxes, booklets, flyers, playing cards, calendars, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Bestregards,CarrieHi,I am Carrie from a leading exporter of printing products in China.The following is what we can provide.Products: Magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Books, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regards,CarrieHi,This isCarriefrom a printing company based in China.We export printing products like Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etcMore information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kindregards,CarrieHi there,Iam Carrie from a professional printing factory based in China.Just had a good look at your company website andseeks to cooperate withpossibilities.Our factory Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regards,CarrieHello,This is Carriefrom a leading exporter of printing products in China.We can produce all kinds of printings at present. Such as magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Calendars, paper bags, etc.By the way. What product do you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Hope everything goes well.CarrieDear,This is Carriefrom a manufacturer specializing in producing prints in China.The following is what we can provide. Products: Magazine, Catalogs, Booklets, Calendars, paper bags, etc.Anyway, you could find some other items which you can put on your market.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Many Thanks & Best RegardsCarrieHi,This is Carriefrom a printing company in China.We supply such as magazine, catalogs, brochures, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.We will be happy to give you a competitive quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regardsCarrieHi there,This is Carrie working for a printing factory from China.The following is what we can provide.Such as books, magazines, Catalogue, labels & stickers, flyers, etc.Can you give me your catalogue for quote what you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regardsCarrieDear,I am Carrie working for a leading exporter of printing products in China.The following is what we can provide.1. Products: Magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Books, Booklets, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.2. Printing Price: Only half cost of your printed by local printers, and keep up to the standard quality.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regardsCarrie。





外贸开发信模板一:Hi Sir/Madam,Glad to hear that you’re on the market for furniture,we specialize inthis field for 14 years,with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUEFURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price.Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requirements.Should you have any questions,call me,let’s talk details.Best regards!Leon外贸开发信模板二:Dear purchasing manager,Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xxmanufacturer with years‘s experience.so we want to avail ours elves ofopportunity establishing business relation with you.Please link our company web site:………….if you want to know more about our product.By the way,free sample are available.Thank you in advance!Best regards!XxxCompany name:Tel:…….Fax:…….MSN:……….Skype:………..外贸开发信模板三:Subject:XX(products name)you need/XX factory/xx good quotationDear Sirs:We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx.that you are in themarket for XXXX.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourcompany and products,with the hope that we may work together in future.This is(Name)from(Company Name)which is specializing in(ProductsName)for many years.According to your information posted on xxxx,we’dlike to introduce this item for you,and its future haveXXXXXXXXXXX(products information)…..If you want to see more items,pls visit our website Should any of theseitems be of interest to you,please let us know.We will be happy to giveyou a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,Your name(position)company date….(NAME,ADDRESS,WEBSITE,MAIL,TEL AND FAX ETC.)外贸开发信模板四:Hey guy,XYZ trading here,exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me,let’s talk details.Rgds,RickCell phone:***外贸开发信模板五:Dear Mr.Mound Klamath,Glad to get your contact info from India mart!We supply homogenizers and ice cream freezing machine with good qualityand very competitive price.Hope to be a partner of your company!E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly.Thank you!Best regards,Mandy******Co.,Ltd.Add:***Tel:***Fax:***Mail:***Web:***外贸开发信模板六:To:Purchase ManagerRe:Supplier of Deep Groove ball bearingApril 29,2010Dear Sirs,It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a businessrelationship with you.I obtained your company name and email addressfrom the Internet.Ningbo Fenghai Bearing Co.,Ltd.is a factory specialized in Deep Grooveball bearing.Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality SystemAuthorities.For more information,we would like to let you know our company web site as below.Hope to hear good news from you.Sincerely Yours,SkyExport ManagerNingbo Co.,Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:Website外贸开发信模板七:Hi,purchasing manager.Good day!We are XXXX supplier,and we have researched&designed some new product.If you are interested in,I’ll send you our catalogue.Thanks for your valuable time.Regards.Yours,–XXX(Ms)company nameWebsite:wwwADD:XXXXXXTEL:+86 XXXXXFAX:+86 XXXXX外贸开发信模板八:Hi Kelvin,Glad to hear that you’re on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.This is C from***Ltd in China.We specialized in flashlights and premiumsfor 10 years,with the customers of Coca-Cola,Craft,Pepsi,etc.,and hopeto find a way to cooperate with you!Please find the pictures with models and different packaginginattachment.An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantitylastyear.I would like to try now,if it’s suitable for Europe.FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request.Call me,let’s talk more!Thanks and best regards,C***LtdTel:***Fax:***Mail:***外贸开发信模板九:Hi Chris,Glad to hear that you are on the market for stainless steel spinning parts.We,xxx Co.Ltd,is professional in precision machining for nearly10years,covering high precision machining parts,castingparts,metalparts,etc.Hope to establish business relationship with you!Should you want know more about our company,pls visit Any comments,that’ll be appreciated!Thanks.Best regards,Xxxxxxx Co.,Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:外贸开发信模板十:Dear Sir or Madam,Are you interested in saving some money on importing any of the following? -High quality thickness planer-Bench planer-Combined planer&thicknesser-Woodworking machinesAll of our products are very affordable as a result of being produced inspecial economic development regions of China and we are more thanhappy to help you with the import/export process too!My contact details are below,and I would be glad to hear from you.Kind regards,Kevin ZhuSales Executive。



Dear $buyer,We have got your order of XXXXXX。

But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price, size, etc., please feel free to contact me. After the payment is confirmed, I will process the order and ship it out as soon a s possible. Thanks!Best Regards已付款订单Dear $buyer,Your payment for item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has been confirmed. We will ship your order out within XXX business days as promised. After doing so, we will send you an e-mail notifying you of the tracking number. If you have any other questions, pl ease feel free to let me know. Thanks!Best Regards发货后Dear $buyer,The item XXXXXXXXXXXXXX you ordered has already been?shipped out and the tr acking number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The shipping status is as follows: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX. You will get it soon. Thanks for your support!Best Regards询问是否收到货Dear $buyer,According to the status shown on EMS website, your order has been received by you. If you have got the items, please confirm it on . If not, please let me know. Thanks!Best Regards客户投诉产品质量有问题Dear $buyer,I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the p ackage to make sure everything was in good condition?before shipping it out, I sup pose that the damage might have happened during the transportation. But I’m still very sorry for the inconvenience this has brought you. I guarantee that I will give y ou more discounts to make this up next time you buy from us. Thanks for your un derstanding.Best Regards订单完成Dear $buyer,I am very happy that you have received the order. Thanks for your support. I hope that you are satisfied with the items and look forward to doing more business wit h you in future.Thanks!提醒买家给自己留评价Dear $buyer,Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are striving to improve ou rselves in terms of service, quality, sourcing, etc. It would be highly appreciated if you could leave us a positive feedback, which will be a great encouragement for u s. If there's anything I can help with, don't hesitate to tell me.Best Regards货物断货Dear $buyer,We are very sorry that item you ordered is out of stock at the moment. I will cont act the factory to see when it will be available again. I would like to recommend s ome other items of similar styles. Hope you like them too. You can click on the fol lowing link to check them outXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?? ?.If there’s anything I can help with, please feel free to contact us. Thanks!Best Regards折扣Dear $buyer,Thanks for your message. Well, if you buy both of the XXXX items, we can offer y ou a XXX % discount. Once we confirm your payment, we will ship out the items f or you in time.Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.Thanks & Best regards!买家议价Dear $buyer,Thank you for taking interests in our item. I’m afraid we can’t offer you that low pri ce you bargained as the price we offer has been carefully calculated and our profit margin is already very limited. However, we can offer you a XXX % discount if you purchase more than XXXXpieces in one order. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks!大量订单询价Dear $buyer,Thanks for your inquiry. We cherish this chance to do business with you very muc h. The order of a single sample product costs $ XXXX USD with shipping fees incl uded. If you order XXX pieces in one order, we can offer you the bulk price of XXX XUSD/piece with free shipping. I look forward to your reply.Regards!买家要求免运费Dear $buyer,Sorry, free shipping is not available for orders sent to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. But we can give you a XXX% discount of the shipping cost.未付款订单改完价格再次催款Dear $buyer,We’ve reset the price for you. We have given you a XXX % discount on the origina l shipping price. Since the price we offer is lower than the market price and as yo u know the shipping cost is really high, our profit margin for this product is very li mited. Hope you are happy with it and you are welcome to contact me if there’s a nything else I can help with.Best regards!没有好评,买家对于你的产品表示怀疑Dear $buyer,I am very glad to receive your message. Although I haven’t got a high score on D Hgate, I’ve been doing business on eBay for many years and I am quite confident about my products. Besides, since DHgate offers Buyer Protection service which means the payment won't be released to us until you are satisfied with the product and agree to release the money. We sincerely look forward to establishing long b usiness relationship with you.Regards发货几天后买家没收到货Dear $buyer,We sent the package out on XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, and we have contacted the ship ping company and addressed the problem. We have got back the original package and resent it by UPS. The new tracking number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.I apologize for the inconveniences and hopefully you can receive the items soon. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to tell me.向买家推荐新品Dear $buyer,As Christmas/New year/…… is coming, we found XXXXXXXXXXXXXX has a large p otential market. Many customers are buying them for resale on eBay or in their ret ail stores because of its high profit margin. We have a large stock of XXXXXXXXX XXXXX. Please click the following link to check them out XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX. If you order more than 10 pieces in one order, you can enjoy a w holesale price of XXX. Thanks.Regards收到好评后Dear $buyer,Thank you for your positive comment. Your encouragement will keep us moving for ward.We sincerely hope that we’ll have more chances to serve you买家询问是否有直销航运Dear $buyer,We offer drop shipping service. You can simply specify the shipping address and we will deliver the order to your designated address。









inquiry...3.诱导型:如more than 20%OFF discount 。


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敦煌网分享外贸电商高回复edm开发信如何写目录一、EDM邮件营销: 高回复的开发信应该怎么写 (1)(一)EDM营销核心 (2)1,选择邮件服务商 (2)2寻找出您的客户需要的邮件内容 (2)3.了解您的市场目标以及销售目标 (2)4.对于不同邮件列表的不同命名 (2)5.邮件相关信息的隐私政策 (2)6.API的整合性 (3)二、如何写一个高回复率的邮件呢? (3)1、必须先了解客户: (3)2、字体设置: (3)3、个性签名: (3)4、主题设置: (3)5、称呼: (3)6、图文并茂: (3)三、客户不回复邮件怎么办 (5)(一)被邮箱系统过滤 (5)1. 邮件被屏蔽的原因 (5)2. 如何解决邮件被认定为垃圾邮件? (5)(二)标题&内容都过于平庸 (6)(三)在移动设备上不适配 (6)(四)、有明确的CTA (6)一、EDM邮件营销: 高回复的开发信应该怎么写随着社交网络的快速发展,EDM营销被提及的越来越少了,但是这仍然是一项最有效有快的外贸营销方法,《EDM邮件营销》课程就有具体的介绍,今天我们先普及一下:EDM营销(Email Direct Marketing)也即:Email营销、电子邮件营销。








回复率高的几个开发信模板外贸开发信模板模板一:Hi Sir/Madam,Glad to hear that you're on the market for furniture,we specialize in this field for 14 years,with thestrength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price.Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requriements.Should you have any questions,call me,let's talk details. Best regards!Leon外贸开发信模板模板二:Dear purchasing manager,Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xx manufacturer with years’s experience.so we want to avail ourselves of opportunity establishing business relation with you.Please link our company web site:............. if you want to know more about our product.by the way, free sample are available.Tahnk you in advance!Best regards]XxxCompany name:Tel:…….Fax:…….MSN:..........Skype:………..外贸开发信模板模板三:Subject: XX (products name) you need/ XX factory / xx good quotationDear Sirs:We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx. that you are in the market for XXXX. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work together in future .This is (Name ) from (Company Name ) which is specializing in (Products Name ) for many years. According to your information posted on xxxx, we'd like to introuduce this item for you, and its feture have XXXXXXXXXXX ( products infomations).....If you want to see more items,pls visit our websiteShould any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. Wewill be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,Your name ( position)company date ....(NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, MAIL, TEL AND FAX ETC.)外贸开发信模板模板四:Hey guy,XYZ trading here, exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me, let's talk details.Rgds,RickCell phone: ***(这是一个巴西的贸易公司写给陌生的美国公司的开发信)外贸开发信模板模板五:Dear Mr. Mukund Kamath,Glad to get your contact info from Indiamart!We supply homogenizers and ice cream freezing machine with good quality and very competitive price. Hope to be a partner of your company!E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly. Thank you!Best regards,Mandy******Co., Ltd.Add: ***Tel: ***Fax: ***Mail: ***Web: ***外贸开发信模板模板六:To: Purchase ManagerRe: Supplier of Deep Groove ball bearingApril 29, 2010Dear Sirs, It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a business relationship with you. I obtained your company name and email address from the Internet.Ningbo Fenghai Bearing Co., Ltd. is a factory specialized in Deep Groove ball bearing. Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality System Authorities.For more information, we would like to let you know our companyweb site as below.Hope to hear good news from you.Sincerely Yours,SkyExport ManagerNingbo Co., Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:Website老外更在意的,并不是你工厂的ISO9001之类的东西,这些都是虚的。


















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回复率高的开发信Dear,It is glad to write to you with hope to open a business relationship with your company .The following is what we can provide. Products: Magazines, Catalogue, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc.The aim of the company is to provide perfect quality, competitive marketing prices, good services and to meet the needs of the customers.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Sincerely Yours,CarrieHi,Glad to hear that you're in the market for printing.We specialize in this field for several years, with good quality and pretty competitive price.The following is what we can provide.Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, photo books, flyers, booklets, Calendars etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Thanks & best regard,CarrieDear,I am Carrie working for a printing factory from China.The following is what we can provide. Products Catalogue: Magazines, Catalogue, Books, flyers, booklets, paper cups, Calendars etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Yours sincerely,CarrieHello,Glad to get your contact info from your website.I wonder if you need this product; Carrie be now you have regular business partner.We supply printing magazines, Catalogs, Books, booklets and Calendars with good quality and very competitive price.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Hope to be a partner in your company!Best regards,CarrieGood day,We are printing supplier from China, We can provide printing service like magazines. Catalogs, Books, booklets, calendars etc. And we have researched & designed some new product.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Regards.CarrieHi,Sorry for troubling!I am Carrie from China.Regarding our company hot-selling printing products like magazines, Catalogue, Books, Calendars etc.May be you need this products.So.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Kind regards,CarrieHi there,Glad to hear that you're in the market for printing and other printing items. This is Carrie from a printing company in China.Our company specialized in Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. And hopes to find a way to cooperate with you!Best regards,CarrieDear,We are professional in printing service for developed country.Covering high quality Catalogue, magazines, books, flyers, calendars etc. Hope to establish business relationship with you!Should you wanna know more about our company?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Best regards,CarrieDear,I am Carrie from a professional printing company based in China.Products:Catalogue,brochures,magazines,flyers/leaflets,hardcoverbooks, labels/stickers/tags, calendarsWe can provide you high quality products at very competitive prices.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kind regards,CarrieHello,This is Carrie from a printing company in China. The following is what we can provide.1. Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc.2. Transportation: Direct vessels to many international ports.3. Printing Price: Only 40% cost of your local printers.It will be a great start of our cooperation!More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Best regards,CarrieHi,This is Carrie from a printing company based in China.We export printing products like Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etc.Good quality and competitive prices will be provided. What product do you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Best regards,CarrieHello!This is Carrie working for a printing company based in China.Our products include picture albums, books,magazines, Catalogue, labels and stickers,hang tags, packaging boxes, booklets, flyers, playing cards, calendars, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Best regards,CarrieHi,I am Carrie from a leading exporter of printing products in China.The following is what we can provide.Products: Magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Books, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kind regards,CarrieHi,This is Carrie from a printing company based in China.We export printing products like Catalogue, magazines, books, photo books, booklets, flyers, etcMore information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kind regards,CarrieHi there,I am Carrie from a professional printing factory based in China.Just had a good look at your company website and seeks to cooperate with possibilities.Our factory Products: Magazines, Catalogs, Books, Booklets, Calendars etc. More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kind regards,CarrieHello,This is Carrie from a leading exporter of printing products in China.We can produce all kinds of printings at present. Such as magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Calendars, paper bags, etc.By the way. What product do you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Hope everything goes well.CarrieDear,This is Carrie from a manufacturer specializing in producing prints in China.The following is what we can provide. Products: Magazine, Catalogs, Booklets, Calendars, paper bags, etc.Anyway, you could find some other items which you can put on your market.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Many Thanks & Best RegardsCarrieHi,This is Carrie from a printing company in China.We supply such as magazine, catalogs, brochures, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.We will be happy to give you a competitive quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regardsCarrieHi there,This is Carrie working for a printing factory from China.The following is what we can provide.Such as books, magazines, Catalogue, labels & stickers, flyers, etc.Can you give me your catalogue for quote what you need to print?More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you. Kind regardsCarrieDear,I am Carrie working for a leading exporter of printing products in China.The following is what we can provide.1. Products: Magazine, Catalogs, brochures, Books, Booklets, Calendars, paper bags, notepads, etc.2. Printing Price: Only half cost of your printed by local printers, and keep up to the standard quality.More information including our company website, quotation list, contact details and other printing catalogue will be sent to you if you are interested. Thank you.Best regards Carrie。
