

海康威视 X20(c)AT4222 温度传感器系统用户手册说明书

海康威视 X20(c)AT4222 温度传感器系统用户手册说明书
X20BM11 X20BM15 X20cBM11
Short description Temperature measurement X20 temperature input module, 4 inputs for resistance measurement, PT100, PT1000, resolution 0.1°C, 3-wire connections
for hazardous locations Class I, Division 2, Groups ABCD, T5
Zone 2, II 3G Ex nA nC IIA T5 Gc
IP20, Ta (see X20 user's manual)
FTZÚ 09 ATEX 0083X
Temperature: B (0 - 55°C) Humidity: B (up to 100%)
0.1 to 4500 Ω / 0.05 to 2250 Ω 1st-order low pass / cutoff frequency 500 Hz
EN 60751 >0.7 V 500 Veff Internal
250 µA ±1.25% 4530 Ω ±0.1% Short-term max. ±30 V
• 4 inputs for resistance temperature measurement • For PT100 and PT1000 • Configurable sensor type per channel • Direct resistance measurement • Configurable 2- or 3- wire connections per module • Configurable filter time























Dwyer Instruments L-FCLS 流动级别传感器说明书

Dwyer Instruments L-FCLS 流动级别传感器说明书

SPECIFICATIONSService: Liquids, powder, and bulk materials compatible with wetted materials. Wetted Materials:304 SS.Insulated Materials: PTFE.Temperature Limits:Ambient: -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C);Process: -4 to 176°F (-20 to 80°C).Pressure Limit: 285 psi (19.7 bar).Power Requirements: 110 or 220 VAC.Power Consumption: 2 W.Enclosure: Aluminum, painted.Enclosure Rating: IP65.Switch Type: SPDT.Electrical Rating: 3 A @ 250 VAC.Electrical Connections: Screw terminals. Conduit Connection: 2 x 1/2˝ female NPT.Process Connection: 2.5˝ - x 5 kg/cm 2JIS flange.Mounting Orientation: Side mount. Fail Safe: Selectable fail high or fail low. Adjustable Sensitivity: 1 to 20 pF.Time Delay: 0 to 6 seconds.Weight: 7.1 lb (3.2 kg).The Model FCLS Flush Capacitance Level Switch is ideal for level measurement of liquids and bulk solids to trigger an alarm or close a filler inlet. No probe design allows for installation where space is constrained or where material flow or material build up would damage a probe. With no moving parts, this level switch assures no jams, no wear, nothing to break, and no maintenance. Comes standard with IP65 housing with a maximum pressure limit of 285 psi (19.7 bar).Coarse CalibrationTo calibrate the coarse adjustment of the FCLS, the following steps should be followed:1. Set the sensitivity adjustment to the H position.2. Using a screw driver, adjust the coarse sensitivity until the indicator lamp turns on.3. Check to see if indicator lamp turns on when adjusting the sensitivity knob. If not,repeat procedure.Sensitivity AdjustmentTo adjust the sensitivity of the FCLS, the following procedure should be followed:1. When the material is detected by the level switch, the indicator lamp will illuminate. Otherwise, it will remain off.2. While the level switch is detecting the material, adjust the sensitivity knob until the indicator lamp turns off.3. Set the sensitivity adjustment knob in the middle position between where the indicator lamp turns on and where it turns off.4-3/8Figure ATime Delay SelectionThe time delay is the programmed time between when the surface senses the presence or absence of materials and when the relay changes state. A time delay is good for applications that could have false or rapid pulsing of level indications from sloshing or agitated material. Choose a delay setting appropriate for the specific application. The default delay setting is set at 0 seconds. The maximum time delay is 6 seconds. To increase the delay time from zero, turn the TIME DELAY potentiometer clockwise (see Fig. A).MOUNTINGThe FCLS should be horizontally mounted. The mounting wall thickness should not exceed 0.98˝ (25 mm).FAIL SAFE SELECTIONFSH ModeFail-Safe High means that the relay will be energized when the sensing surface is uncovered by the material (SIGNAL LED is on) and will de-energize with the sensing surface is covered (SIGNAL LED is off). In this mode, a power failure will cause the relay to de-energize like the surface is covered.FSL ModeFail-Safe Low means that the relay will be de-energized when the sensing surface is uncovered (SIGNAL LED is off) and will energize with the probe is covered (SIGNAL LED is on). In this mode, a power failure will cause the relay to de-energize like the surface is uncovered.MAINTENANCE/REPAIRUpon final installation of the Model FCLS no routine maintenance is required. The Model FCLS is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURNRefer to “Terms and Conditions of Sales” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus any additional application notes.©Copyright 2014 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 7/14FR# R6-444064-00 Rev. 5。

盛密科技7 SMART Sensor Module 传感器模块说明书

盛密科技7 SMART Sensor Module 传感器模块说明书

· 产品描述· 产品特点7 SMART Sensor Module 传感器模块由电化学传感器和数据采集处理板组成。



· 统一的电气接口、机械尺寸和通讯协议;· 可以根据需求选择不同的传感器,灵活应用于不同的场合;· 模块内置温度、湿度传感器,以及对应的补偿算法,以减小 环境温湿度变化对测量结果的影响;· 多种输出接口,包括USART 、I²C ;· 配置金属外壳 (可选),具有保护内部电路防尘防水功能;· I²C 地址可编程,方便用户根据需求自定义。

· 技术参数传感器配置:检测原理:测量范围:分辨率:电化学7系电化学传感器测量误差:依所选传感器规格书而定依所选传感器规格书而定依所选传感器规格书而定工作电压:工作电流:信号输出方式:USART (3.3V TTL 电平)(3.2 ~ 5.5) VDC≤ 5 mA @ 5 VI²C (3.3V TTL 电平)安装方式:工作温度:工作湿度:0% ~ 90%RH (无冷凝)11脚插针工作压力:-20°C ~ 55°C1 ± 0.1 标准大气压外壳材质:外形尺寸:重量:30 克铝合金工作寿命:Φ 33.5 x 31 毫米传感器寿命见数据手册电路板寿命5年 (无腐蚀环境下)产品尺寸·引脚定义图·PIN 1PIN 2PIN 3PIN 4PIN 5PIN PIN PIN PIN 6789PIN 10PIN 11所有尺寸标注以毫米为单位除非另有说明,所有公差±0.20毫米俯视图侧视图仰视图·USART 通信协议· 引脚定义5746321NC RX TX GND VCC NC PWR 预留针脚 (悬空)串口输入RX 串口输出TX 电源地电源 (3.2 ~ 5.5 V )预留针脚 (悬空)模块电源使能 (低电平关闭,高电平开启,内置上拉电阻) 默认上拉高电平911810SDA SCL GND VCCI²C 信号SDA (内置10kΩ上拉电阻) 默认上拉高电平I²C 信号SCL (内置10kΩ上拉电阻) 默认上拉高电平电源地电源 (3.2 ~ 5.5 V )注: 两个VCC 信号内部连通1. 串行通信参数起始位:1; 数据位:8; 停止位:1; 校验位:无; 波特率:115200 bps无特殊说明时,应答回复时间小于100ms (特殊情况请参考具体指令说明),当前命令回复前无法响应其他指令2. 帧格式 (每一通信帧的格式如下)首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位(高位在前)H ID F A N D CRC16H :数据头,1Byte 固定为0x3AID :设备码,1Byte 默认为0x10,可由用户自定义F :功能码,1Byte ,例如(0x03)A :起始地址,2Bytes ,例如0x0001N :数据长度,1Byte ,以2个字节为单位,例如(0x02: 4字节)D :数据,N*2Bytes ,高位在前,例如(MSB LSB )定义为有符号短整型(signed short )CRC16:数据校验,2Bytes ,使用MODBUS_CRC16校验算法(算法详见附录1)3. 指令说明3.1 读取传感器类型上位机发送请求0x3A 0x100x010x00000x010x00000x82B0首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位例:3A 10 01 00 00 01 00 00 82 B0模块接收正确数据应答首字节设备码功能码数据校验位0x3A0x100x01D(1byte数据)CRC16传感器类型代码 (十进制):0,1:无定义 2:CO 3:O2 4:H2 5:CH4 6:无 7:CO2 8:O3 9:H2S 10:SO2 11:NH3 12:CL2 13:ETO 14:HCL 15:PH3 16:无 17:HCN 18:无 19:HF 20:无21:NO 22:NO2 23:NOX 24:CLO2 25:无 26:无 27:无 28:无 29: 无 30:无31:THT 32:C2H2 33:C2H4 34:CH2O 35:无 36:无 37:无 38:无 39: CH3SH 40:C2H3CL 例:3A 10 01 0F 4C AD(十六进制0F=十进制15,即得到该传感器为PH3传感器)3.2 读取传感器数据 (单位为μg/m³)上位机发送请求首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00000x020x00000x7352例:3A 10 03 00 00 02 00 00 73 52模块接收正确数据应答首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00000x02D CRC16 D:接收到的数据,4Bytes 高位在前例:3A 10 03 00 00 02 00 00 00 5E 25 35 (D=0x0000005E=94, 得到传感器值为94μg/m³)3.3 读取传感器数据 (单位为ppb)上位机发送请求首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00020x020x00000x72EA 例:3A 10 03 00 02 02 00 00 72 EA模块接收正确数据应答首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00020x02D CRC16 D:接收到的数据,4Bytes 高位在前例:3A 10 03 00 02 02 00 00 00 4C A4 DA (D=0x0000004C=76, 得到传感器值为76ppb)备注:读取数据显示精度为1ppb,具体测试精度根据传感器不同而不同3.4 读取温度传感器数据 (单位为°C)上位机发送请求首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00040x010x00000x8262例:3A 10 03 00 04 01 00 00 82 62模块接收正确数据应答首字节设备码功能码起始地址数据长度数据校验位0x3A0x100x030x00040x01D CRC16 D:接收到的数据,2 Bytes 高位在前,除以100后得到温度值。




1 .高精度:传感器采用先进的传感技术,能够准确检测被测物体的位置和状态变化,具有高精度的测量结果。

2 .快速响应:传感器具有快速的响应速度,能够在短时间内对被测物体的变化做出反应,适合用于需要快速响应的场合。

3 .稳定性好:传感器经过严格的质量控制和性能测试,能够在长时间内保持稳定的性能表现,减少误差和故障率。

4 .易于安装:传感器设计简洁,安装方便,能够快速集成到各种设备和系统中。

5 .可靠性高:传感器采用耐用的材料和结构设计,能够在恶劣的环境条件下稳定工作,保证测量结果的可靠性和准确性。

1 .安装:请根据产品手册中的安装指南正确安装传感器,确保传感器与被测物体接触良好,无松动现象。

2 .电源:请使用与传感器配套的电源,并确保电源电压稳定。

3 .信号输出:根据需要选择合适的信号输出方式,如模拟信号、数字

4 .维护:定期对传感器进行清洁和维护,以保证其性能和使用寿命。


5 .请勿在有磁场干扰、电气噪声等环境下使用传感器。

6 .请勿在有机械振动、冲击的环境下使用传感器。



1. 精度:这是衡量传感器性能的重要指标,通常会以百分比或者LSD(最小可分辨位移)的形式表示。

2. 分辨率:这是指传感器能够分辨的最小信号的大小,通常会以LSB(最小可分辨量)的形式表示。

3. 线性度:这是指传感器的输出信号与其输入信号之间的关系,理想的传感器应该具有完美的线性度。

4. 频率响应:这是指传感器能够正常工作的最高频率和最低频率,通常会以Hz (赫兹)的形式表示。

5. 噪声:这是指传感器在工作过程中产生的无关信号,通常会以SNR(信噪比)的形式表示。

6. 稳定性:这是指传感器在长时间工作后的性能保持程度,通常会以%/年或者%/月的形式表示。

7. 寿命:这是指传感器能够正常工作的时间和频率,通常会以小时或者次的形式表示。

8. 工作温度范围:这是指传感器能够正常工作的环境温度范围。


海康威视 HK3035型数字温湿度传感器说明书

海康威视 HK3035型数字温湿度传感器说明书

HK3035型数字温湿度传感器产品概述HK3035 是具有高可靠性和准确性的集成智能温湿度传感器。

它有增强信号处理的功能,具有两个不同的用户可选择的I 2C 地址,通信速度高达1MHz 的。

DFN 封装尺寸为2.5mm ×2.5mm ×0.9mm 。

此外,2.15 V 到5.5 V 的宽供电电压范围保证了与各种装配情况的兼容性。

封装外形及管脚说明DFN2.5×2.5-8L 封装产品特征◆ 供电范围:2.15V —5.5V ◆ 温度范围:-40℃—+125℃ ◆ 温度准确度:±0.1℃(典型值)◆ 温度分辨率:0.015℃◆ 湿度范围:0%RH —100%RH◆ 湿度准确度: ±1.5%RH (典型值) ◆ 湿度分辨率:0.01%RH ◆ 完全标定◆ 数字信号输出◆ 微型2.5×2.5-8L 封装 ◆ 低功耗产品应用◆ 健康与舒适温湿度很大程度上会影响个人的健康和舒适度;因此,在这种情况下温湿度测量可以提高个人幸福感。


◆ 质量和可靠性温湿度影响许多过程的质量和可靠性。



◆ 节能温湿度测量有助于过程优化,从而节省能源和成本。


◆ 安全温湿度可能会影响系统、过程或人的安全性;因此,温湿度测量可以帮助确保它们的安全。

应用包括汽Jun.-2021 REV.0.1三浩实创车挡风玻璃防雾、电池组水入侵检Array测,以及基于保险目的的建筑管理。

三浩实创HK3035型数字温湿度传感器目录1主要技术参数 ....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1绝对最大额定值 .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2传感器性能 ...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3直流电气特性 .................................................................................................................................. 5 1.4交流电特性 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 ESD 警告 ......................................................................................................................................... 6 2 管脚定义 .............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1电源引脚(VDD 、VSS) ................................................................................................................... 7 2.2串行时钟和串行数据(SCL, SDA) .................................................................................................. 7 2.3 中心焊盘 ......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 ADDR 引脚 ...................................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 ALERT 引脚 .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.6 nRESET 引脚 ................................................................................................................................... 8 3基本工作原理简述 ............................................................................................................................... 8 3.1产品概述 .......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2传感器的通讯 .................................................................................................................................. 9 3.2.1 开机和通讯启动 ........................................................................................................................ 9 3.2.2开始测量 ..................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.3进入单次数据采集模式的测量命令 ....................................................................................... 10 3.2.4读取单次测量模式结果 ........................................................................................................... 10 3.2.5 进入周期性数据采集模式的测量命令 .................................................................................. 11 3.2.6 读取周期模式测量结果 .......................................................................................................... 12 3.2.7 ART 命令 .................................................................................................................................. 12 3.2.8中断命令/停止定期数据采集模式 .......................................................................................... 13 3.2.9复位 ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.10加热器 ..................................................................................................................................... 14 3.2.11状态寄存器 ............................................................................................................................. 15 3.2.12 CRC 校验 ................................................................................................................................ 16 3.2.13信号输出转换 ......................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.14通讯时序 ................................................................................................................................. 17 4封装信息 ......................................................................................................................................... 19 5订购信息 ......................................................................................................................................... 19 6联系我们 .. (19)三浩实创HK3035型数字温湿度传感器1主要技术参数1.1绝对最大额定值表 1-1 绝对最大额定值1.2传感器性能表 1-2 传感器性能注释:1. 重复性是在所述重复性和恒定环境条件下多次连续测量的标准偏差(3σ)的3倍。



Spec.No.规格书编号:S0568Rev.:1.0Page:1/5深圳市信威电子有限公司版次Rev.变更内容Revision History发出日期Issue Date 制作Issue by 复核Checked by批准Approved by 1.0首版Original release2022-4-20黄哲伦/严子光1.产品简介本压力传感器是基于MEMS 技术的硅压阻式传感器,由扩散硅充油芯片和高精度的信号调理芯片组成。

芯体由316L 不锈钢膜片及壳体和硅油密封,产品外壳采用304F 不锈钢材质,该结构使之能够测量所有与316L 和304不锈钢兼容的流体介质。

外界压力作用在充油芯体上,产生的信号经过两次校准(模拟补偿+信号调理芯片处理)后,以I2C 的形式输出。

Each product has been calibrated in plant to ensure the well accuracy in different environment 每个产品都已经在工厂里进行了标定,以确保产品在各种环境中的测量精度Spec.No.规格书编号:S0568Rev.:1.0Page:2/5深圳市信威电子有限公司3.输出接口及管脚定义注:1.产品的内部电路已经在I2C 总线上放置了4.7K 的上拉电阻2.所有管脚与产品的金属外壳之间是绝缘的4.产品外形结构(单位:mm )5.功能描述5.1.工作模式传感器的默认工作模式为:产品上电后,进入到休眠状态,仅在接收到相应的I2C 命令后才会启动一次压力和温度的测量动作,之后再次自动进入休眠状态,以节省功耗。

5.2.上电启动及休眠唤醒当电源电压小于0.2V 时,传感器处于复位状态,在电源电压以最低10V/ms 的上升速率经过1ms 的延迟后,I2C 接口处于正常状态,可以接受主机命令,在经过2.5ms 的延迟后,传感器可以进行正常的压力和温度测量。

当传感器处于休眠状态时,在接收到主机命令后的0.5ms 时间内从休眠状态进入到工作模式,详细请参Spec.No.规格书编号:S0568Rev.:1.0Page:3/5深圳市信威电子有限公司照上电时序图6.I2C 接口6.1.I2C 接口电气特性在产品内部,I2C 总线的时钟信号线和数据线已经具有4.7k 的上拉电阻6.2.I2C 通讯速率本传感器的I2C 接口可工作于标准模式(100Kbit/s )、快速模式(400Kbit/s)、和高速模式(3.4Mbit/s)。





1. 工作范围ADXL345的工作范围指的是传感器能够测量的加速度范围。




2. 分辨率ADXL345的分辨率指的是传感器可以测量的最小加速度变化值。



3. 灵敏度ADXL345的灵敏度指的是传感器对加速度变化的敏感程度。




4. 数据输出ADXL345通过数字接口(如I2C或SPI)输出加速度数据。




5. 数据格式ADXL345以16位二进制补码表示加速度数据。



6. 内部采样率ADXL345具有可调节的内部采样率,可以根据应用需求选择合适的采样率。



海纳电子资讯网 为您提供各种IC中文资料DS18B20 单线数字温度传感器新的“一线器件”BS18B20 体积更小、适用电压更宽、更经济Dallas 半导体公司的数字化温度传感器 DS1820 是世界上第一片支持 “一线总线”接口的温度传感 器。




DS18B20、 DS1822 “一线总线”数字化温度传感器同 DS1820 一样, DS18B20 也 支持“一线总线”接口, 测量温度范围为 -55°C~+125°C, 在-10~+85°C 范围内,精度为±0.5°C。

DS1822 的精度较差为± 2°C 。

现场温度直接以“一线总线”的数字方式传输, 大大提高了系统的抗干扰性。

适合于恶劣环境的现场温度测量,如:环境控制、设备或过程控制、测温类 消费电子产品等。

与前一代产品不同,新的产品支持 3V~5.5V 的电压范围,使系统设计更灵活、方便。

而且新一代产品 更便宜,体积更小。

DS18B20、 DS1822 的特性DS18B20 可以程序设定 9~12 位的分辨率,精度为±0.5°C。

可选更小的封装方式,更宽的电压适用范 围。

分辨率设定,及用户设定的报警温度存储在 EEPROM 中,掉电后依然保存。

DS18B20 的性能是新一代产 品中最好的!性能价格比也非常出色! DS1822 与 DS18B20 软件兼容, DS18B20 的简化版本。

是 省略了存储用户定义报警温度、 分辨率参数的 EEPROM, 精度降低为±2°C,适用于对性能要求不高,成本控制严格的应用,是经济型产品。



LS1206B 型旋桨式流速使用说明书潍坊金水华禹信息科技有限公司1主要用途及适用范围 (1)2主要技术性能及参数 (1)3结构特征与工作原理 (2)4 安装 (3)5使用、操作及维护 (3)5.1使用前的准备 (3)5.2流速与转子速率的关系 (4)5.3使用、操作及注意事项 (5)5.4维护、保养及注意事项 (5)6故障分析与排除 (7)7产品配置清单 (8)8保修及服务 (8)1主要用途及适用范围LS1206B型旋桨式流速仪是一种在水文测验中进行流速测量的常规通用型仪器,用于江河、湖泊、水库、水渠等过水断面中预定测点的时段平均流速的测量,亦可用于压力管道以及某些科学实验中进行流速测量。



2主要技术性能及参数1)旋桨回转直径:①70mm2)旋桨水力螺距 b : 120mm (理论值)3)起转速度v o:0.05m/s悬移质含沙量w 20kg/m 3 结构特征与工作原理LS1206B 型旋桨式流速仪由旋桨、旋转部件、支座、尾翼部件(或固 杆螺丝)、干簧管部件等组成(参见图 1)。


其回转直径为①70mm ,理论水力螺距(机械导程)为 120mm 。

旋转部件(参见图 2)由壳体及其内部的转子系统(旋转支部件,参见图3)、动套支部件和压帽等组成。

用于在旋桨推动作用力下,产生一 定的角速度,并激励干簧管产生通断信号。






目录镭神LS10A系列激光传感器 (3)镭神LS10B系列高速高精度激光传感器 (5)镭神LS11A系列激光位移传感器 (7)镭神LS11B系列高速激光位移传感器 (9)镭神LS50系列TOF激光测距传感器 (11)镭神相位法激光传感器 (12)镭神三维激光扫描仪 (13)镭神LS10A系列激光传感器LS10A基本概况LS10A系列激光传感器是深圳市镭神智能系统有限公司研发的近距离高精度的非旋转扫描测距产品。



产品参数LS10A-050 LS10A-095 LS10A-245 LS10A-350 量程起点50mm 70mm 170mm 200mm量程中点55mm 95mm 245mm 350mm量程终点60mm 120mm 320mm 500mm 高度方向测量范围10mm 50mm 150mm 300mm±0.17%FSO ±0.10%FSO ±0.13%FSO ±0.40%FSO5μm 20μm 50μm 1200μm 量程起点10mm 14mm 34mm 40mm量程中点11mm 19mm 49mm 70mm量程终点12mm 24mm 64mm 100mm360测量点/扫描线标准655nm 655nm 655nm 655nm可选405nm 405nm 405nm 405nm2M5mW 8 mW 10 mW 15 mW30° 30° 30° 30°10000lx 10000lx 5000lx 5000lx30Hz 30Hz 30Hz 30HzUSBUSB不锈钢5VDC,±10%IP65阳极氧化铝/不锈钢PMMA/安全玻璃15g2g/20~500Hz0℃~40℃-20℃~+70℃产品应用物体检查形状测量镭神LS10B系列高速高精度激光传感器LS10B基本概况LS10B系列激光传感器是深圳市镭神智能系统有限公司研发的高速高精度的扫描测距产品。

土壤型温湿度传感器说明书 (详细)

土壤型温湿度传感器说明书 (详细)

土壤型温湿度传感器说明书_ 相对湿度和温度测量_ 兼有露点_ 全部校准,数字输出,_ 卓越的长期稳定性_ 防水封装,可用于土壤测量_ 超低能耗产品概述数字温湿度传感器系列中土壤型专用传感器,它把传感元件和信号处理集成起来,输出全标定的数字信号。


传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。


每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,校准系数以程序形式储存在OTP 内存中,在标定的过程中使用。




土壤专用传感器提供4 脚引线封装,且传感器与引线之间采用接插件形式,易于更换与替换。

接口说明:技术参数:传感器外形尺寸:SHT系列传感器性能说明图 2 25℃时传感器的最大相对湿度误差图3 最大温度误差电气特性:1 默认测量分辨率为温度14 位,湿度12 位。

通过状态寄存器可分别降至12 位和8 位2 在出厂质量检验时,每支传感器都在25℃(77℉)和3.3V 条件下测试并且完全符合精度指标。


3 在25℃和1m/s 气流的条件下,达到一阶响应63%所需要的时间。

4 在挥发性有机混合物中数值可能会高一些。


5 在VDD=5.5V 和25℃的条件下,每秒进行一次12 位精度测量的平均值。

6 响应时间取决于传感器表面的热容和热阻。

使用指南1. 应用信息1.1 工作条件传感器在建议的工作条件下性能正常,请参阅图4。

超出建议的工作范围可能导致信号暂时性漂移(60 小时后漂移+3%RH)。



12)工作水Байду номын сангаас环境:水温0℃~+40℃

SmartLine STT850智能温度传感器说明书

SmartLine STT850智能温度传感器说明书

SmartLineTechnical InformationSTT850 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter Specification 34-TT-03-14, August 2023IntroductionPart of the SmartLine® family of products, the SmartLine STT850 is a high-performance temperature transmitter offering high accuracy and stability over a wide range of process and ambient temperatures. The SmartLine family is also fully tested and compliant with Experion ® PKS providing the highest level of compatibility assurance and integration capabilities. SmartLine easily meets the most demanding needs for temperature measurement applications.Best in Class Features:Industry-leading performanceo Digital Accuracy up to +/- 0.10 Deg C for RTD. oStability up to +/- 0.01% of URL per year for ten years. o 125 mSec update time for single input models. o250 mSec update time for dual input models.Reliable measuremento Built in Galvanic Isolation.oDifferential / Averaging / Redundant / Split Range measurements. o Dual Compartment Housing. o Sensor Break detection.o Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities. o Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements. o Available with 15-year warranty.o Supports Namur 107 Extended Diagnostics (FF). o Supports Namur 89 Wire break.oDirect entry of Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients R 0, α, δ and β for calibrated RTD sensors (not available on DE units).Figure 1– Smartline STT850 TemperaturetransmitterLower Cost of Ownershipo Universal input o Dual sensor optiono Multiple local display capabilities o Modular constructiono External zero, span, & configuration capability o Polarity insensitive loop wiringoDigital Output Option (only available with HART)Communications/Output Options:o 4-20 mA dco Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE) o HART ® (version 7.0)oF OUNDATION™ Fieldbu s compliant to ITK 6.1.2All transmitters are available with the above listed communications protocols.DescriptionThe SmartLine Temperature Transmitter is designed and manufactured to deliver very high performance across varying ambient temperature. The total accuracy of the transmitter including the ambient temperature effect in harsh industrial environments, allows the STT850 to replace virtually any competitive transmitter available today.Unique Indication/Display OptionsThe STT850 modular design accommodates a basic alphanumeric LCD display or a unique advanced graphics LCD display with many unparalleled features.Standard LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field).o0, 90,180, & 270-degree position adjustments.o Deg C, F, R, Kelvin, Milli volts, and Ohm measurement units.o 2 Lines 6 digits PV (9.95H x 4.20W mm), 8 Characters. o Device configuration and calibration through integral buttons or optional external buttons.o Up to 4 configurable display screens.o Configurable screen rotation timing (2 to 20 sec).o Write protect indication.o Critical fault indication.Advanced Graphics LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field)o0, 90, 180, & 270-degree position adjustmentso Up to eight display screens with 3 formats are possible o Large PV (HART), PV with Bar Graph or PV with Trend Graph.o Configurable screen rotation timing (3 to 30 sec)o Provides instant visibility for diagnosticso Multiple language capability. (EN, GE, FR, IT, SP, RU, TR, CN & JP)Configuration ToolsIntegral Three Button Configuration OptionSuitable for all electrical and environmental requirements, SmartLine offers the ability to configure the transmitter and display via three externally accessible buttons when display option is selected. Zero or span capabilities are also optionally available via these buttons with or without the selection of a display option. Handheld ConfigurationSmartLine transmitters feature two-way communication and configuration capability between the operator and the transmitter. This is accomplished via Honeywell Versatilis, field-rated, next generation multiple communication configuration tool.The Honeywell Versatilis Handheld is capable of field configuring DE and HART Devices and can also be ordered for use in intrinsically safe environments.All Honeywell transmitters are designed and tested for compliance with the offered communication protocols and are designed to operate with any properly validated handheld configuration device.Personal Computer ConfigurationHoneywell’s SCT 3000 Configuration Toolkit provides an easy way to configure Digitally Enhanced (DE) instruments using a personal computer as the configuration interface.Field Device Manager (FDM) Software and FDM Express are also available for managing HART, DE & Fieldbus device configurations.DiagnosticsSmartLine transmitters all offer digitally accessible diagnostics which aid in providing advanced warning of possible failure events minimizing unplanned shutdowns, providing lower overall operational costsSystem Integrationo SmartLine communications protocols all meet the most current published standards for HART/DE/Fieldbus.o Integration with Honeywel l’s Exper ion PKS offers the following unique advantages.•Transmitter messaging•Maintenance mode indication•Tamper reporting (HART only)•FDM Plant Area Views with Health summaries•All STT850 units are Experion tested to provide the highest level of compatibility assuranceModular DesignTo help contain maintenance & inventory costs, all STT850 transmitters are modular in design supporting the user’s ability to replace temperature boards, add indicators or change electronic modules without affecting overall performance or approval body certifications. Each temperature board is uniquely characterized to provide in-tolerance performance over a wide rangeof application variations in temperature and due to the Honeywell advanced interface, electronic modules may be swapped with any electronics module without losing in-tolerance performance characteristics.Modular Featureso Replace Temperature/Terminal board/Lightning protection*o Exchange/replace electronics/comms modules*o Add or remove integral indicators*o Add or remove external configuration buttons*Field replaceable in all electrical environments (including IS) except flameproof without violating agency approvals.With no performance effects, Honeywell’s unique modula rity results in lower inventory needs and lower overall operating costs.Digital Output OptionAn optional Digital Output (open collector type) is available on HART transmitters which can be used to activate external equipment when preset Alarm Setpoints are reached. The Digital Output can be set to monitor two independent setpoints based upon the analog value of the PV or upon device status.The following Alarm Types are available:1. PV High2. PV Low3. Critical Diagnostic Active4. Redundant Input Active**5. PV Rate of Change Alarm*6. PV Deviation Alarm*Alarms can be configured as latching or non-latching. Alarm Blocking is also available which allows start-up without the alarm energizing until it first reaches the operating region. Alarm Hysteresis is configurable from 0 to 100% of PV range.The Digital Output functionality and status is also available over the HART communications link.* These Alarm Types are available as part of the Advanced Diagnostics option. Rate of Change monitors the rate at which the PV is changing, configurable as either increasing or decreasing. Deviation monitors the PV delta from a separately configurable Setpoint value.** Available only via Communications Status.See Wiring Diagrams on page 16.Performance Specifications1,321. Digital Accuracy is accuracy of the digital value accessed by the Host system and the handheld communicator.2. Total analog accuracy is the sum of digital accuracy and output D/A Accuracy.3. Output D/A Accuracy is applicable to the 4 to 20 mA Signal output.4. For TC inputs, CJ accuracy shall be added to digital accuracy to calculate the total digital accuracy.5. These input types are not available on DE units.6. Custom Callendar-van Dusen is not available for Pt25 sensors.Differential Temperature MeasurementSmartLine Temperature supports differential temperature measurements between any two types of sensors.When the loop current mode is set to "Differential" then the input range is from A to B for sensor 1 & 2 whereA = Sensor 1 Minimum - Sensor 2 MaximumB = Sensor 1 Maximum - Sensor 2 MinimumCallendar - van Dusen Algorithm (CVD)The easy-to-use Callendar - van Dusen (CVD) algorithm allows the use of calibrated Platinum RTD sensors to increase the overall system accuracy. Simply enable the algorithm and then enter the four CVD coefficients supplied with the calibrated RTD sensor into the transmitter.Digital Accuracy for differential temperature measurementIf both the inputs are similar the digital accuracy equals 1.5 times the worst-case accuracy of either sensor type.For mixed input types, the digital accuracy is the sum of sensor 1 and sensor 2 digital accuracies.EMC Confirmity (CE, Marine and SIL)The STT850 device is compliant with IEC compliance EN 61326-1: 2013, EN IEC 61326-1: 2021 (CE) ; IEC 60533: 2015 / IACS Req. 1991/Rev.8 2021 (Marine) and IEC 61326-3-1: 2017 (SIL)Performance specifications under EMC conditions (CE and Marine):HART/DE Transmitter: Worst case deviation < 0.1% of full span (for both Analog and Digital).Foundation Fieldbus Transmitter: Worst case deviation < 1°C.Performance under Rated Conditions – All Models (continued)Parameter DescriptionStray Rejection Common ModeAC (50 or 60 Hz): 120 dB (with maximum source impedance of 100 ohms) or ±1 LSB (least significant bit) whichever is greater with line voltage applied.DC: 120 dB (with maximum source impedance of 50 ohms) or a ±1 LSB whichever isgreater with 120 Vdc applied.DC (to 1 KHz): 50 dB (with maximum source of impedance of 50 ohms) or ±1 LSBwhichever is greater with 50 Vac applied.Normal ModeAC (50 or 60 Hz): 60 dB (with 100% span peak-to-peak maximum)Operating Conditions – All ModelsParameter ReferenceConditionRated Condition Operative Limits Transportation andStorage︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒FAmbient Temperature1STT850 25±1 77±2 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -55 to 120 -67 to 248 Humidity %RH 10 to 55 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100Supply Voltage Load Resistance HART Models: 11.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals (IS versions limited to 30 Vdc) 0 to 1,400 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)DE Models: 13.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals (IS versions limited to 30 Vdc)0 to 1,300 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)FF Models: 9.0 to 32.0 Vdc at terminals1 LCD Display operating temperature -20︒C to +70︒C . Storage temperature -30︒C to 80︒C.For DE, RImax =35* (power Supply Voltage – 15)For HART, RImax = 45.6* (Power Supply Voltage – 11.8)Figure 2 - Supply voltage and loop resistance chart & calculations(not applicable for Fieldbus)Communications Protocols & DiagnosticsHART ProtocolVersion:HART 7Power SupplyVoltage: 11.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminalsLoad: Maximum 1400 ohms See figure 2Minimum Load: 0 ohms. (For handheld communications a minimum load of 250 ohms is required)IEC 61508 Safety Certified SIL 2 and SIL 3Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE)DE is a Honeywell proprietary protocol which provides digital communications between Honeywell DE enabled field devices and Hosts.Power SupplyVoltage: 13.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminalsLoad: Maximum 1300 ohms See Figure 2Foundation Fieldbus (FF)Power Supply RequirementsVoltage: 9.0 to 32.0 Vdc at terminalsSteady State Current: 20 mASoftware Download Current: 29 mAP = PermanentI = InstantiableThe AI function block allows the user to configure the alarms to HIGH-HIGH, HIGH, LOW, or LOW-LOW with a variety of priority levels and hysteresis settings.All available function blocks adhere to FOUNDATION Fieldbus standards. PID blocks support ideal & robust PID algorithms with full implementation of Auto-tuning. Link Active SchedulerTransmitters can perform as a backup Link Active Scheduler (LAS) and take over when the host is disconnected. Acting as a LAS, the device ensures scheduled data transfers typically used for the regular, cyclic transfer of control loop data between devices on the Fieldbus.Number of Devices/SegmentEntity IS model: 15 devices/segmentSchedule Entries45 maximum schedule entries50 maximum LinksNumber of VCR’s: 50 maxCompliance Testing: Tested according to ITK 6.1.2Physical LayerComply with IEC 61158 standardSoftware DownloadUtilizes Class-3 of the Common Software Download procedure as per FF-883 which allows any field devices to receive software upgrades from any host.STT850 Smart Temperature 9 Standard DiagnosticsSTT850 top-level diagnostics are reported as either critical or non-critical as listed below. All diagnostics are readable via the DD/DTM tools. All critical diagnostics will appear on the Standard and Advanced integral displays, and non-critical diagnostics will appear on the Advanced integral display.Critical Diagnostics- Sensor Module Fault- Communications Module Fault- Sensor Communications Fault- Input 1 Fault- Input 2 FaultNon Critical Diagnostics (for Advanced Display only)- Cal 1 Correct- Cal 2 Correct- Sensor Temperature- Sensor 1 Health- Sensor 2 Health- Input 1 Range- Input 2 Range- CJ Range- Input 1- Input 2- Input 1 TB5 (For RTD and Ohm types only)- Input 1 TB6 (for RTD and Ohm types only)- Input TB7 (Input 1 or 2, for RTD and Ohm types only)- Input 1 TB8 (for 4-Wire RTD and Ohm types only)- Input 2 TB8 (for RTD and Ohm types only)- Input 2 TB9 (for RTD and Ohm types only)- Factory Calibration- Loop Supply Voltage (not available on Fieldbus)- Communications Module Temperature- DAC Temperature Compensation (not available on Fieldbus)- Sensor Communications- Display Setup (not for Fieldbus)- Excess Delta Alert10 STT850 Smart Temperature Approval Certifications:Notes1.Operating Parameters:4-20 mA/DE/HART (Loop Terminal)Voltage= 11 to 42 Vdc Current= 4-20 mA Normal (3.8 – 23 mA Faults)FF (Loop Terminal)Voltage= 9 to 32 VDC Current = 30 mA2.Intrinsically Safe Entity Parametersa. Analog/DE/HART Entity ValuesTransmitter with Terminal Block Single (50086421-003), Dual (50086421-004) Input revision AA or DO(50086421-006) Option revision W or Laterb. Foundation Fieldbus Entity ValuesFISCO ValuesTransmitter with Terminal Block Single (50086421-009), or Dual (50086421-010) Input revision S or LaterFISCO ValuesNote: Transmitter with Terminal Block revision F or later, the revision is on the label that is on the module.Wiring DiagramsDE- Single InputWiring DiagramRTD Thermocouple,mV and OhmConnectionsDE- Dual Input WiringDiagram1Thermocouple andRTD Connections1 Not applicable forsingle input sensorHART/FF – Single Input Wiring Diagram RTD Thermocouple, mV and Ohm ConnectionsHART/FF – Dual Input Wiring DiagramRTD Thermocouple, mV and Ohm ConnectionsHART/FF Dual Input Wiring Diagram Remote C/J and Mixed Sensors ConnectionsDigital Output Connections for mA Load (HART only) Digital Output Connections for PLC Counting Input (HART only)Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsTRANSMITTER ENCLOSURE CAN BE ROTATED A TOTAL OF 90O FROM THE STANDARD MOUNTING POSITIONFigure 3 – STT850 housing- Horizontal Wall MountingFigure 4 – STT850 Angle Bracket Pipe Mount - Horizontal & VerticalFigure 5 - STT850 Pipe Mount housing - Horizontal & Vertical .STT850 Smart Temperature 21 Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsReference Dimensions:millimetersinchesFigure 6 – STT850 housing dimensions22 STT850 Smart Temperature The Model Selection Guide is subject to change and is inserted into the specification as guidance only.Model Selection GuideSTT850 Smart Temperature 2324 STT850 Smart TemperatureFor more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Temperature, visit https://Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess Solutions Honeywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB34-TT-03-14 August 2023©2023 Honeywell International Inc.Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061https://Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, (TAC) hfs-tac-*********************AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax: 1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 80012026455 or +44 (0)1202645583Email: (Sales)***************************or (TAC)*****************************AME RICA’SHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: (TAC) 1-800-423-9883 or 215/641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



1Housing Rated MountingOrdering no.Ordering no.diameter operating Power MOSFET,cable Power MOSFET,plug dist.(S n )1)Make &break switching Make &break switching M302)16mm Flush (built-in)CA30CLF16CP CA30CLF16CPM6M3025mmNon-flushCA30CLN25CPCA30CLN25CPM61)Object:Grounded steel plate 2)No humidity compensationProduct DescriptionProximity Sensors Capacitive Thermoplastic Polyester Housing Type CA,M 30,2-wire AC/DC•Featuring TRIPLESHIELD™Sensor Protection•Temperature stability•Humidity compensation circuit•Adjustable sensing distance 2-16mm or 2-25mm •Rated operational voltage:20-250VAC/DC •Output:Power MOSFET•Make and break switching function,selectable •LED indication•High noise immunity•Flush and non-flush types•Cable and plug versions availableType SelectionCapacitive proximity switch-es with either sensing dis-tance 16mm flush mounted or 25mm sensing distance non-flush mounted.2-wire AC/DC output with a switchfor choosing NO and NC switching.Grey M 30polyester housing with 2m PVC cable or plug.Ideal for use in level and plastic ma-chinery applications.T R I P L E S H I E L D ™Specifications2CA,M 30,AC/DCThe environments in which capacitive sensors are install-ed can often be un stable re-garding temperature,humidity,object distance and industrial (noise)interference.Because of this,Carlo Gavazzi offers as standard features in all TRIP-LESHIELD ™capacitive sen-sors a user-friendly sensitivity adjustment instead of having a fixed sensing range,extend-ed sensing range to accom-modate mechanically demand-ing areas,temperature stability to ensure minimum need for adjusting sensitivity if temper-ature varies and high immuni-ty to electromagnetic interfer-ence (EMI).Note:Sensors are factory set (default)to maximum rated sensing range.Adjustment GuideInstallation HintsCapacitive sensors have the unique ability to detect al-most all materials,either in li-quid or solid form.Capacitive sensors can detect metallic as well as non-metallic ob-jects,however,their tradition-al use is for non-metallic materials such as:•Plastic IndustryResins,regrinds or mould-ed products.•Chemical IndustryCleansers,fertilisers,liquid soaps,corrosives and pe-trochemicals.•Wood IndustrySaw dust,paper products,door and window frames.•Ceramic &Glass IndustryRaw material,clay or finished products,bottles.•Packaging IndustryPackage inspection for level or contents,dry goods,fruits and vegetables,dairyproducts.Materials are detected due to their dielectric constant.The bigger the size of an object,the higher the density of ma-terial,the better or easier it is to detect the object.Nominal sensing distance for a capaci-tive sensor is referenced to a grounded metal plate (ST37).For additional information regarding dielectric ratings of materials please refer to Technical Information.DimensionsTypeAB C D E F SW Ømm mm mm mm mm mmCA30CLF16CP(-M6)M 30x 1.5x 50285013.615.4536CA30CLN25CP(-M6)M 30x 1.5x 50286213.615.4536Not correctCorrectThe cable should not be pulledA proximity switch should not serve as mechanical stopAny repetitive flexing of the cable should be avoided3Wiring DiagramDelivery Contents•Capacitive switch:CA30..CL...CP (-M6)•Screw driver •2nuts•Packaging:Cardboard box•Installation &Adjustment Guide (MAN CAPENG/GER)Accessories•Plugs CONH6A..serie.For further information please refer to “Accessories”.CA,M 30,AC/DC。



光照传感器使用手册目录目录 (2)1.功能简介 (3)1.1.功能概述 (3)1.2.性能特点 (3)1.3.基本参数 (3)1.4.光照参数 (3)1.5.系统框架图 (4)1.6.探头参数与选型 (5)2.设备安装 (6)2.1.设备安装前检查 (6)2.2.接口说明 (6)2.3.安装说明 (6)3.基础调试 (7)3.1.传感器接入电脑 (7)3.2.传感器监控软件的使用 (7)3.3.修改波特率和设备ID (8)4.通信协议 (9)4.1.通讯基本参数 (9)4.2.数据帧格式定义 (9)4.3.寄存器地址 (10)4.4.通讯协议示例以及解释 (10)读取光照度值 (10)查询与修改设备波特率 (10)查询与修改设备地址 (11)5.设备无法连接到PLC或电脑 (12)6.包装售后 (12)6.1.产品包装清单 (12)6.2.联系方式 (12)6.3.质保与售后 (12)6.4.免责声明 (13)7.更新历史 (13)附录:CRC校验函数 (14)1.功能简介1.1.功能概述该变送器广泛适用于农业大棚、花卉培养等需要光照度监测的场合。





1.3.基本参数参数名称参数内容直流供电(默认)12-24V DC最大功耗(RS485输出)<0.4W光照强度精度±5%(25℃)光照强度0-65535Lux/0-20万Lux长期稳定性(光照强度)≤5%/y输出信号RS485输出(Mondbus协议)1.4.光照参数图1.不同波长光线对光照度影响如图1所示,波长在580nm左右最准确,比例系数为 1.图2.光照角度影响示意图如图2所示角度对光照准确度影响较大,用户使用时应注意角度的变化,以正上方为照射基准。



Instruction and OperatingManualValve Position MonitorLSB-1000 Series< Ver. 1.0 >Power-Genex Ltd.2Table of Content1. Safety Instructions / Precautions2. Overview of Structure.3. Product Specifications / Features4. Name Plate5. Part Numbering System (order code)6. Specifications of Switch and Sensors6.1 Mechanical Switch6.2 P&F Proximity Sensors NJ2-V3-N7. Wiring8. Adjusting Switch and Cam9. Dimensions345567891031. Safety Instructions / Precautions1-1. Safety instructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger .” They are all important notes for safety regulations.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.Warning. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results. The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined itscompatibility with the product. This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalogue information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment. The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed. 1. The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above areimplemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact POWER-GENEX beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalogue.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.41-2. Safety instructionsCaution1. The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries. If considering using the product in other industries consult POWER-GENEX beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary. If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements The product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”. Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered. Note 2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided. This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using POWER-GENEX products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalogue for the particular products.Note 2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pad or failure due to the Deterioration of rubber materials are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of POWER-GENEX products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of POWER-GENEX products or technology from one country to another are governed by the relevant security laws and regulations of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a POWER-GENEX product to another country, assure that all local rules governing that export are known and followed.51-3. PrecautionsOperationWarning1. Do not operate the Switch Box outside the specified range as this may cause problems. (Refer to the specifications.)2. Design the system to include a safety circuit to avoid the risk of danger should the Switch Box suffer failure.3. Be sure that exterior lead-in wiring to the terminal box is based on the guidelines for explosion-protection of manufactory electric equipment when being used as a flame proof, explosion proof construction.4. Do not remove terminal cover in a hazardous location while the power is on.5. Covers for the terminal and body should be in place while operating.6. Do not wire in a hazardous location while the power is on.Caution1. Do not touch the actuator or valve's oscillating section when supply pressure has been added, as this is dangerous.2. Make sure fingers do not get caught when mounting and aligning the cam.Cut off the pressure supply and always release the compressed air inside the Switch Box and actuator before performing this work.3. Always flush the pipe's inside before piping to ensure foreign objects such as machining chips do not enter the Switch Box.4. The actuator opening may become unstable when using the booster relay.5. Always use a ground connection to prevent noise from the input current and to prevent damage because of static electricity.6. Use the pressure reading on the supplied pressure gauge as an indication.7. The supplied pressure gauge's needle will malfunction if the pressure supply to the internalmechanism or Switch Box freezes. Ensure that the pressure gauge's internal parts do not freeze if using the pressure gauge in an operating environment with an ambient temperature of less than 0°C.For usersCaution1. Assemble, operate and maintain the Switch Boxes after reading the operation manual tho-roughly and understanding the content.61-4. PrecautionsHandlingCaution1. Avoid excessive vibration or impact to the Switch Box body and any excessive force to the armature, as these actions may cause damage to the product. Handle carefully while transporting and operating.2. If being used in a place where vibration occurs, using a binding band is recommended to prevent broken wires because of the vibration.3. When exposed to possible moisture invasion, please take the necessary measures. For example, if the Switch Box is left onsite for long periods, a plug should be put in the piping port and a body cover unit fitted to avoid water penetration.Take measures to avoid dew condensation inside the positioner if exposed to high temperature and humidity. Take enough measures against condensation especially when packing for export. 4. Keep magnetic field off the positioner, as this affects its characteristics.Operating EnvironmentCaution1. Do not operate in locations with an atmosphere of corrosive gases, chemicals, sea water, or where these substances will adhere to the regulator.2. Do not operate out of the indicated operation temperature range as this may cause damage to electronic parts and seal materials to deteriorate.3. Do not operate in locations where excessive vibration or impact occurs.72. Overview of Structure83. Product SpecificationsProduct LSB-1000Protection RateWaterproof Dustproof IP67 (Option IP68) Switch / Sensor Mechanical Switch (2) SPDT, (4) SPDTP&F Proximity Sensor (2)NJ2-V3-NAutonics Proximity Sensor (2)PSN17-5DHoneywell Mechanical Switch (2)SPDTHermetically-sealed magnetic Sensor (2)MS-20Operating Temperature -40 ~ +100℃ (-40 ~ +212℉) Electrical ConnectionsPF1/2, NPT 1/2, M20x1.5, PG13.5Body MaterialsAluminum Die-castWeight0.8kg• Non-Explosion-proof type (IP67 / IP68) Switch Box. • Made with solid Aluminum Die-Casting Material4. Nameplate- Model: LSB-1000- Switch: Shows Switch / Sensor type. - Ratings: Shows rated voltage / Current.95. Part Numbering System (order code)LSB — 1xx x — x x x x x xSwitch / Sensor MechanicalSwitch 2 x SPDT 0 4 x SPDT2 Proximity Sensor2 x NJ2-V3-N / P&F4 2 x PSN17-5D (PNP or NPN) Autonics 8Honeywell Switch2 x SPDT (Silver) J2 x SPDT (Gold)LHermeticallySealedmagnetic Sensor2 x MS-20CPosition transmitterNot IncludedProtection Rate Waterproof Dustproof IP67 7Waterproof Dustproof IP688Beacon Indicator Not IncludedN Beacon Indicator 90° (open / close) AL or T Port IndicatorDElectrical PF 1/2 C Connections NPT 1/2 DM20x1.5 EPG 13.5HNo. of Electrical Connections2 pcs2Feedback Shaft RotaryType NAMUR Shaft N Fork Lever FLinear TypeStroke 10 ~ 40mmAStroke 10 ~ 80mm B Stroke 80 ~ 150mm CStroke 80 ~ 200mmDMounting Bracket NonN 30 x 80 x 20(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 1 30 x 80 x 30(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 2 30 x 130 x 30(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2) 330 x 130 x 50(H) - VDI / VDE3845 (IEC60534-6-2)4Multi-Size Bracket M106. Specifications of Switches and Sensors6.1 Mechanical Switch 6.1.1 SPDT, SZM-V16-2FA-61< SPDT Mechanical Switch>ModelNon-Inductive Override Inductive override Resistance Lamp Inductivity Motor Allowed voltage250VAC8VDC 30VDC 125VDC 250VDC16A 16A 10A 0.6A 0.3A2A 4A 4A 0.1A 0.05A10A 10A 10A 0.6A 0.3A3A 6A 4A 0.1A 0.05A<Connection Diagram>Operating Temperature-30 ~ +105 ℃6.1.2 Honeywell SPDT, V7-1C17E9-022< SPDT Mechanical Switch>ModelNon-Inductive Override / Inductive overrideAllowed Voltage125VAC250VAC 277VAC 125VDC 250VDC15.1A 1/2HP 15.1A 1/2HP 15.1A 1/2HP0.5A 0.25A<Connection Diagram>Operating Temperature-40 ~ +82 ℃6.2 P&F Proximity Sensor NJ2-V3-N<Proximity Sensor>Standard FeaturesSwitching Functioning Factor Detection Range InstallationOutput polarityCertified Detection rangeNAMUR NC 2mm Built-in NAMUR0 ~ 1.62 mm Nominal Ratings Nominal voltage Switching Frequency HysteresisPower consumptionMeasuring plate not detected Measuring plate detected8.2 VDC0 ~ 1000 Hz 0.01 ~ 0.1 mm> 3mA < 1mA<Connection Diagram>Mechanical property Connection Type Core Cross Section Housing Material Sensor Surface Protection Rate PCV Cable, 130 mm 0.14 mm PBT PBT IP67Operating Temperature-25 ~ +100 ℃117. Wirings① Supply voltage and current as mentioned in this manual. Otherwise, it may cause critical damages to the product or malfunctions.② When using the product, earth the internal and external electrical box. ③Check +, - Polarity correctly before connection.<SPDT Mechanical Switch><Autonics 3 Wire Proximity Sensor><P&F 2 Wire Proximity Sensor>GROUNDPROXIMITY SWITCHS5O P E N GROUND1423C L O S E LOAD6LOAD+-BU BNBK +-BU BNBK SWITCHOPENSWITCHCLOSEGROUNDPROXIMITY SWITCHS5O P E N GROUNDBU BN 1423C L O S E LOAD6LOADBUBN+-+-SWITCHOPENSWITCHCLOSE128. Adjusting Switch Camsa) Users can make change the default position of the Cam. b) Pull the Cam up as shown on the diagram to turn.c) Turn the Red Cam to a position where user wishes to operate limit switches and push the Cam down to adjust.d) Blue Cam can be turned by pulling downward and place it on a positioner where user wishes to operate limit switches.139. Dimensions14Power-Genex Ltd.99, Eunbong-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon Tel : (032) 812-6644 Fax : (032) 812-6645Home Page : E-Mail : *********************Subject to change without prior notice。



LBV301Vibrating level switch Rugged, flexible and cleanable P r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o nf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice2Product descriptionThe LBV family of level sensors features a vibrating fork sensor that provides overfill or dry-run signals for containers with bulk or powdered materials. The reli -able and accurate LBV301 level sensors signal full, empty, or demand states. The rugged, stainless steel sensor design prevents bulk materials from jamming. When the probe is covered with bulk ma -terial, the changing vibration amplitude is reliably detected and converted into a switching signal. In addition, the LBV301 features an easy-to-clean monoprobethat is immune to contamination, making it suitable for use in the food industry. While the LBV311 base version is mainly mounted horizontally, the LBV321 with a suspension cable and the LBV331 with a tube extension are mounted vertically to bridge switching distances of up to 80 m or 6 m respectively. With a variety of process connections for hygienic applica -tions, and several output options, the LBV301 can be used for nearly all appli -cations, even in explosive a glance•Compact sensor from 1 in threaded •Monoprobe design prevents bulk ma -terials from sticking and jamming •Polished monoprobe for food applica -tions•Commissioning without filling•Process temperature up to 250 °C•ATEX versions (1D/2D/1G/2G) avail -able•Tube-extended version (LBV331) up to 6 m and rope-extended version (LBV321) up to 80 m available for vertical mountingYour benefits•Easy commissioning and no calibra -tion reduce setup time•Maintenance-free sensor, reduces downtime•On-site testing – no mounting re-quired, which reduces setup time•Flexible and rugged system suitablefor many types of applications•Vertical mounting in difficult installa-tion conditionsf L u i d s e n s o r s|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 3detailed technical dataMechanics Electronicsf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice4type codesLBV311approval XX Without approvalcX ATEX II 1G, 1/2G, 2G Ex ia IIC T6cK ATEX II 1,1/2,2G Ex ia IIC T6+1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*LX ATEX II 1/2G, 2G EEx d IIC T6GX ATEX II 1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*eZATEX II 3G Ex nA II T5...T1 X Version / Process temperature a Standard / –50 °C ... +150 °C B With adapter / –50 °C ... +250 °CcDetection of solids in water / –50 °C ... +150 °C Process fitting / materialGc thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 16 / 316 LGr thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 16 / 316 L, ra<0,8µm nc Thread 1” NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN16 /316Lnr Thread 1” NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN16 /316L, Ra<0,8µm cV tri-clamp 2'' / 316L, ra<0,8µmef flange dn 50 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Kf flange dn 80 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Zf flange dn 100 Pn 6 form c, din2501 / 316L Ha Flange 2‘‘ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L oa Flange 3‘‘ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L sa Flange 4‘‘ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L au flange dn 50 10K rf Jis / 316L Bu flange dn 80 10K rf Jis / 316L cu flange dn 100 10K rf Jis / 316Lelectronicsc Contactless electronic switch 20...253 V AC/DC r Relay (DPDT) 20...72 V DC/20...253 V AC (3A)tTransistor (NPN/PNP) 10...55 V DC n namur signalHousing / enclosure rate K Plastic / IP66/ IP67a Aluminium / IP66/ IP68 (0.2 bar)V Stainless steel (precision casting) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)8Stainless steel (electro buffed) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)cable entry / cable gland m M20x1,5 / withn½“ nPt / withoutLBV311-Xf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice5LBV321approvalXX Without approvalcX ATEX II 1G, 1/2G, 2G Ex ia IIC T6cK ATEX II 1,1/2,2G Ex ia IIC T6+1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*GX ATEX II 1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*eZ ATEX II 3G Ex nA II T5...T1 XVersion / Process temperature t cable PUR / –20 °C ... +80 °C H cable FEP / –40 °C ... +150 °CcDetection of solids in water / –20 °C ... +80 °C Process fitting / materialXP without / mono probe 316L, ra<0,8µm Gc thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 6 / 316LGr thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 6 / 316L, tuning stick ra<0,8µm nc Thread 1“ NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN 6 / 316Lnr Thread 1“ NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN 6 / 316L, tuning stick Ra<0,8µm efflange dn 50 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Kf flange dn 80 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Zf flange dn 100 Pn 6 form c, din2501 / 316L Ha Flange 2" 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L 0a Flange 3" 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L sa Flange 4“ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L au flange dn 50 10K rf, Jis / 316L Bu flange dn 80 10K rf, Jis / 316L cu flange dn 100 10K rf, Jis / 316Lelectronicsc Contactless electronic switch 20...253 V AC/DC r Relay (DPDT) 20...72 V DC/20...253 V AC (3A)tTransistor (NPN/PNP) 10...55 V DC n namur signalHousing / enclosure rate K Plastic / IP66/ IP67a Aluminium / IP66/ IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)V Stainless steel (precision casting) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)8Stainless steel (electro buffed) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)cable entry / cable gland m M 20x1,5 / with n½“ nPt / withoutLBV321-Xf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice6LBV331approvalXX Without approvalcX ATEX II 1G, 1/2G, 2G Ex ia IIC T6cK ATEX II 1,1/2,2G Ex ia IIC T6+1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*GX ATEX II 1,1/2,2D Ex tD IP66 T*eZ ATEX II 3G Ex nA II T5...T1 XVersion / Process temperature t Kabel PUR / –20 °C ... +80 °C H Kabel FEP / –40 °C ... +150 °CcDetection of solids in water / –20 °C ... +80 °C Process fitting / materialGc thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 16 /316LGr thread G 1 (din 3852-a) Pn 16 / 316L, ra<0,8µm nc Thread 1“ NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN 16 / 316Lnr Thread 1“ NPT (ASME B1.20.1) PN 16 / 316L, Ra<0,8µm cVtri-clamp 2" / 316L, ra<0,8µmef flange dn 50 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Kf flange dn 80 Pn 40 form c, din2501 / 316L Zf flange dn 100 Pn 6 form c, din2501 / 316L Ha Flange 2" 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L 0a Flange 3“ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L sa Flange 4“ 150lb RF, ANSI B16.5 / 316L auflange dn 50 10K rf, Jis / 316L Bu flange dn 80 10K rf, Jis / 316L cu flange dn 100 10K rf, Jis / 316Lelectronicsc Contactless electronic swi 20...253 V AC/DC r Relay (DPDT) 20...72 V DC/20...253 V AC (3A)tTransistor (NPN/PNP) 10...55 V DC n namur signalHousing / enclosure rate K Plastic / IP66/ IP67a Aluminium / IP66/ IP67V Stainless steel (precision casting) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)8Stainless steel (electro buffed) 316L / IP66, IP67 (IP68, 0.2 bar)cable entry / cable gland m M 20x1,5 / with n½“ nPt / withoutLBV331-Xf L u i d s e n s o r s|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 7ordering informationThe part numbers below show a selection of our common configurations and represent only an extract of the product portfolio. LBV311•Process connection: G 1 A•Process temperature: –50 °C ... +150 °C•Process pressure: –1 bar ... +16 bar•Housing material: Plastic•electrical connection: M20 x 1,5•Probe length:160 mmLBV321•Process connection: G 1 A•Process temperature: –20 °C ... +80 °C•Process pressure: –1 bar ... 6 bar•Housing material: Plastic•electrical connection: M20 x 1,5•Probe length:1.000 mmLBV331•Process connection: G 1 A•Process temperature: –50 °C ... +150 °C•Process pressure: –1 bar ... 16 bar•Housing material: Plastic•electrical connection: M20 x 1,5•Probe length:1.000 mmf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice8dimensional drawingsProcess connections LBV311G 1 AAll dimensions in mm (inch)G 1 ½ AAll dimensions in mm (inch)Tri-clampAll dimensions in mm (inch)Temperature adapter –50 °C ... +250 °CAll dimensions in mm (inch)f L u i d s e n s o r s|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 9Process connections LBV321G 1 AAll dimensions in mm (inch)G 1 ½ AAll dimensions in mm (inch)f L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice10Process connections LBV331G 1 AAll dimensions in mm (inch)G 1 ½ AAll dimensions in mm (inch)FlangeAll dimensions in mm (inch)f L u i d s e n s o r s|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 11Wiring planrelay outputWe recommend connecting LBV301 in such a way that the switching circuit is open when there is a level signal, line break or failure (safe condition).The relays are always shown in non-operative condition.LBV301 - Wiring plan, single chamber housing1 Relay output2 Relay output3 Voltage supplytransistor outputWe recommend connecting LBV301 in such a way that the switching circuit is open when there is a level signal, line break or failure (safe condition).The instrument is used to control relays, contactors, magnet valves, warning lights, horns as well as PLC inputs.LBV301 - Wiring plan, single chamber housing1 Voltage supply LBV301 Transistor output NPN actionLBV301 Transistor output PNP actionnamur outputFor connection of the amplifier according to NAMUR (IEC 60947-5-6, EN 50227). You can find further information in the …Technical data“.LBV301 - Wiring plan, single chamber housingf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice12contactless electronic switchWe recommend connecting LBV301 in such a way that the switching circuit is open when there is a level signal, line break or failure (safe condition).The contactless electronic switch is always shown in non-oper-ative condition.The instrument is used for direct control of relays, contac -tors, magnet valves, warning lights, horns etc. It must not be operated without an intermediately connected load, because the electronics would be destroyed if connected directly to the mains.It is not suitable for connection to low voltage PLC inputs. Do -mestic current is temporarily lowered below 1mA after switch -ing off the load so that contactors, whose holding current is lower than the constant domestic current of the electronics, are reliably switched off.LBV301 - Wiring plan, single chamber housing1 Shieldingrecommended accessoriesLock fittingf L u i d s e n s o r s|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 13mounting instructionsswitching pointIn general, LBV301 can be installed in any position. The instru-ment only has to be mounted in such a way that the vibrating element is at the height of the desired switching point.The only exception is vertical mounting of the tuning fork from below. In this position there is the danger of solid particles get-ting stuck between the fork tines.socketThe vibrating element should protrude into the vessel to avoid build-up. For that reason, avoid using mounting bosses for flanges and screwed fittings. This applies particularly to horizon-tal installation and use with adhesive products.filling openingInstall the instrument in such a way that the vibrating ele-ment does not protrude directly into the filling stream. Should such an installation location be necessary, mount a suitable baffle above or in front of the vibrating element, e.g. L80 x8 DIN 1028 (see Fig. Part …a.“). In abrasive solids, mounting according to fig. Part …b.“ has proven to be a good solution. The mound that forms in the concave baffle protects it from abrasion.a. Convex mountingb. Concave mountinginflowing mediumIf LBV301 is mounted in the filling stream, unwanted false measurement signals can be generated. For this reason, mount LBV301 at a position in the vessel where no disturbances, e.g. from filling openings, agitators, etc., can occur.Horizontal mountingTo achieve a very precise switching point, you can installLBV301 horizontally. However, if the switching point can have a tolerance of a few centimeters, we recommend mounting LBV301 approx. 20° inclined to the vessel bottom to avoid build-up. Orient the tuning fork of LBV301 so that the product cannot remain lying on the fork surface. There is a mark on the thread hexagon for aligning the fork. Make sure that the mark points upward. material coneTo achieve a very precise switching point, you can install LBV301 horizontally. However, if the switching point can have a tolerance of a few centimeters, we recommend mounting LBV301 approx. 20° inclined to the vessel bottom to avoid build-up.Orient the tuning fork of LBV301 so that the product cannot remain lying on the fork surface. There is a mark on the thread hexagon for aligning the fork. Make sure that the mark points upward.To compensate measurement errors caused by the material cone in cylindrical vessels, the sensor must be mounted at a distance of d/6 from the vessel wall.1 LBV3212 Emptying opening3 Filling openingf L u i d s e n s o r s | s i c K8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice14tensile loadWith cable version, make sure that the max. permissible tensile load on the suspension cable is not exceeded. The danger of this happening exists particularly with very heavy solids and large meas. lengths. The max. permissible load is stated in chapter …Technical data“.agitatorsDue to filling or extraction forces, vibrations or similar, the level switch can be subjected to strong lateral forces. For this reason, do not use an overly long extension tube for LBV331, but check if a LBV311 level switch couldn‘t be used instead, mounted on the side of the vessel in horizontal position. Extreme vibration caused by the process or the equIP ment, e.g. by fluidization or beaters in the vessel, can cause theextension tube of LBV301 to vibrate in resonance. This leads to increased stress on the upper weld joint. Should a longer tube version be necessary, you can provide a suitable support or guy directly above the vibrating element to secure the extension tube.This measure applies mainly to applications in Ex areas. Make sure that the tube is not subject to bending stress due to this measure.If an installation from above is necessary, check if you can use a cable version. Over a longer period of time, strong vibration can damage the instrument electronics. You can decouple the electronics from the process by using a remote (displaced) housing.Baffle protection against falling rocksIn applications such as grit chambers or settling basins for coarse sediments, the vibrating element must be protected against damage with a suitable baffle.t i t L e|s i c K 8014462/2011-09-05Subject to change without notice 15Search online quickly and safely with the SICK “Finders”Efficiency – with SICK e-commerce toolsfind out prices and availabilityDetermine the price and possible delivery date of yourdesired product simply and quickly.Request or view a quoteYou can have a quote generated online here.Every quote is confirmed to you via e-mail.order onlineYou can go through the ordering process in just a fewsteps.Product finder: We can help you to quickly target the pro-duct that best matches your application.applications finder: Select the application description onthe basis of the challenge posed, industrial sector, or pro-duct group.Literature finder: Go directly to the operating instructions,technical information, and other literature on all aspectsof SICK products.These and other Finders at ProductServiceclearly structured: You can findeverything you need for your sensorplanning under the menu items Pro-ducts, Information, and My Account.available 24 hours a day: Regard-less of where you are in the world orwhat you’d like to know – everythingis just a click away at Your data is password-pro-tected and only visible to you. Withthe individual user management,you define who can see what dataand who can execute what actions.8014462/2011-09-05 ∙ G W (2011-09) ∙ W B U S m o d i n t 37SICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | Leading technologiesWith a staff of more than 5,000 and over 50 subsidiaries and representa -tions worldwide, SICK is one of the leading and most successful manufac -turers of sensor technology. The power of innovation and solution competency have made SICK the global market leader. No matter what the project and industry may be, talking with an expert from SICK will provide you with an ideal basis for your plans – there is no need to settle for anything less than the best.Unique product range•Non-contact detecting, counting, classifying, positioning and measur -ing of any type of object or media •Accident and operator protection with sensors, safety software and services•Automatic identification with bar code and RFID readers•Laser measurement technology for detecting the volume, position and contour of people and objects•Complete system solutions for analy -sis and flow measurement of gases and liquidsComprehensive services•SICK LifeTime Services – for safety and productivity•Application centers in Europe, Asia and North America for the develop-ment of system solutions under real-world conditions•E-Business Partner Portal – price and availabi-lity of products, requests for quotation and online orderssicK at a glanceWorldwide presence with subsidiaries in the following countries:australiaBelgium/Luxembourg Brasilceská republikacanada china danmark deutschland españa franceGreat Britain india israel italia JapanMéxico nederland norge Österreich Polska românia russia schweizsingapore slovenija south africasouth Korea suomi sverige taiwan türkiyeunited arab emirates usaPlease find detailed addresses and additional representatives and agencies in all major industrial nations at 。



Created with the high-volume OEM in mind, the Global Series inductive sensor family is optimized to include only those functions necessary for basic, reliable sensing.OverviewThere’s no need to design your machine around these sensors. The Global family includesmodels in a variety of diameters, so they will fit right where you need them. Select models from 8 mm to 30 mm in diameter with standard or extended sensing ranges, to meet your specific applicationrequirements. Need something smaller? The standard offering also includes inductive proximity sensors as small as 4 mm in diameter.Even more, extended range models give you the ability to mount the sensor further from the target, reducing the potential for sensor damage caused by target impacts.Features• PNP and NPN versions •Connectivity options that include 4-pin micro and 2-meter potted cable•Shielded sensing for flush-mounted applications, as well as unshielded models for sensing long distances •Bright LED output status indicator on the sensor barrel •Available in a variety of sizes: 8 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm and 30 mm diameters•DC sensors operate on 10–30 Vdc in two-wireand three-wire (PNP or NPN) configurations, and include short-circuit protection •AC sensors operate on 20–250 Vac in two-wire configurationApprovals• CE (DC models only)•cCSAusAccessories to make installation easierEaton’s Global line isn’t just about sensors—it’s also a complete offering ofconnectivity products andinstallation accessories. To finish your installation, consider using Eaton’s Global Plus connector cables, field-wireable connectors and multi-connector junction boxes.Global Plus connector cables•Mini, micro and nano (pico) cables in various lengths, gauges and jacket materials •Single- and double-ended connector cables•Specialty cables, including those with built-in LEDs •Straight and right-angle connectors•Available in standard lengths of 2, 5 and 10 meters •Bulk cable available in any length, along with field-wireable connectors for making your own custom cablesGlobal Plus junction boxes Eaton’s multi-connector junction boxes are an easyway to quickly connect multiple sensors to a control system.Global Series inductive proximity sensorsUsing a variety of double-ended, industry-standard M12 micro connector cables, a system can be wired up in minutes,eliminating the need for multiple long runs of cable and saving installation time and expense.•Models available with four, six or eight sensor ports in one block•Block capacity can be doubled with a micro splitter accessory (CSDY5)•Available with a molded cable or spring-cage main body exit •Capacity of up to 4 amps per port and 12 amps per block •Robust design to resist vibration and moisture penetrationGet the detailsFor more information on the Global Proximity and GlobalPlus family of sensing products, including detailed specifications and wiring diagrams, see the latest edition of the Sensing Solutions Product Guide(PG08301004E), available onlineat /sensors.SpecificationsTwo-Wire Three-Wire Wiring diagramsote: N Pin numbers are for reference only; rely on pin location when wiring.Operating VoltageOutputCable ModelsConnector Models (Face View Male Shown)MicroNanoTwo-Wire SensorsEaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2009 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA05301004E / Z8942September 2009PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。

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L S B传感器说明书 This model paper was revised by the StandardizationOffice on December 10, 2020LS1206B型旋桨式流速仪使用说明书潍坊金水华禹信息科技有限公司目录1 主要用途及适用范围LS1206B型旋桨式流速仪是一种在水文测验中进行流速测量的常规通用型仪器,用于江河、湖泊、水库、水渠等过水断面中预定测点的时段平均流速的测量,亦可用于压力管道以及某些科学实验中进行流速测量。



2 主要技术性能及参数1)旋桨回转直径:Φ70mm2)旋桨水力螺距b:120mm(理论值):0.05m/s3)起转速度v4)临界速度v:约0.13m/sk(以实际检定值为准。

据统计分析,v k远小于上述值。

)5)测速范围:0.07m/s~7m/s6)输出信号:磁激式开关接点通断信号7)信号数/转子转数:2/1(每转2个信号)8)开关接点容量:DC U≤24VI≤120mA9)接点工作次数:1×107时)10)全线相对均方差m:|m|≤1.5%(用于v≥vk11)相对误差δ:|δ|≤5%(用于v<vk 时)12)工作水体环境:水温0℃~+40℃水深0.1m~30m悬移质含沙量≤20kg/m313)贮存环境:温度-25℃~+55℃湿度≤90%3 结构特征与工作原理LS1206B型旋桨式流速仪由旋桨、旋转部件、支座、尾翼部件(或固杆螺丝)、干簧管部件等组成(参见图1)。









4 安装(1)测杆安装浅水测流时,可选用CG16-1型测杆(产品选配件)(参见图4)安装。






5 使用、操作及维护流速仪的使用应严格按照SL443-2009《水文缆道测验规范》、GB50179-93《河流流量测验规范》及其它相关水文测验规范的有关规定执行。

5.1 使用前的准备流速仪入水使用前,应进行以下简单测试:(1)灵敏度测试1)对准旋桨迎水面轻缓而均匀地吹气,旋桨应能轻松起转,无卡顿现象;该项测试在很大程度上取决于使用者的实际经验,应反复测试,熟练掌握,以便今后有所比较。



5.2 流速与转子速率的关系在临界速度v k 以上,水流速度(通常指某测点的时段平均流速)与流速仪转子速率之间存在一个比较稳定的线性关系。

在确保精度的前提下,LS1206B 型旋桨式流速仪在其测速范围内提供以下统一关系式:bn a v +=(1) 式中: v —流速(时段平均流速),m/sa —流速仪常数,m/sb —旋桨水力螺距,mn —流速仪转子速率,s -1T R n /=(2) 式中: R —流速仪转子总转数T —测速历时,s为消除水流脉动对测量精度的影响,根据水文测验规范的要求,一般T ≥100s 。

对于LS1206B 型旋桨式流速仪,转子每旋转一周,流速仪产生2个信号,因此公式(1)有如下表述:TN b a v 2+= (3) 式中: N —测速历时内总信号数公式(3)中a 、b 值的确定,由专门的流速仪检定机构通过水槽检定(参见GB/T21699-2008《直线明槽中的转子式流速仪检定/校准方法》)后给出,并出具检定证书。



用户在使用流速仪前,可从检定证书中查出该台流速仪的相应a 、b 值。


5.3 使用、操作及注意事项流速仪一般需与合适的计数器一起使用。




5.4 维护、保养及注意事项LS1206B型旋桨式流速仪内部结构精密,维护和保养工作需做的精细一些。































6 故障分析与排除7 产品配置清单请根据以下清单内容,仔细核查您所收到的产品。


(1)标准配置1)流速仪主机(含旋桨).....................................1套2)固杆螺丝................................................ ................1件3)仪表油(约30ml)............................................ ...1份4)工具附件a.钩形扳手........................................................1件b.小改针............................................................2件5)备用零、部件干簧管部件.........................................................2套6)产品使用说明书................................................ ....1份7)产品检定证书................................................ ........1份8)产品合格证................................................ ............1份9)仪器箱................................................ ....................1件(2)选配件尾翼部件................................................ .....................1套8 保修及服务为便于您获得更满意的服务,保障您的权益,请您认真阅读以下条款:(1)若流速仪有任何质量或工艺缺陷,您可获得自销售之日起为期一年的免费保修服务。
