

Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

部编版六年级上册英语集体备课要点(第三单元)部编版六年级上册英语集体备课要点(第三单元)本单元教学目标- 研究并掌握本单元的词汇和句型- 培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力- 培养学生运用所学知识进行交流的能力本单元教学重点- 研究并掌握关于家庭成员的词汇,如father, mother, sister, brother等- 研究并掌握句型"My father is a doctor."和"My mother is a teacher."本单元教学难点- 学生能够运用所学词汇和句型,描述自己的家庭成员本单元教学内容和活动安排1. 词汇研究- 学生利用图片和单词卡片进行词汇研究,师生互动,巩固记忆。
- 编排词汇练游戏,让学生通过游戏巩固词汇。
2. 句型研究- 引导学生研究句型"My father is a doctor."和"My mother is a teacher.",并进行模仿和操练。
- 给学生分组,进行角色扮演,让他们运用所学句型描述自己的家庭成员。
3. 听力训练- 听取录音,让学生根据听到的内容回答相关问题,检验他们对所学词汇和句型的理解。
4. 口语表达- 小组活动,让学生结合所学词汇和句型,进行家庭成员的介绍。
- 教师引导学生用所学句型进行对话。
5. 读写训练- 设计阅读材料,让学生用所学词汇和句型理解文章内容。
- 布置写作任务,要求学生写一篇短文,描述自己的家庭成员。
教学评估- 采用形式多样的方式进行评估,如听力测试、口语表达、书面作业等。
- 根据学生的表现评定他们在词汇、句型和交流能力方面的掌握情况。
教学参考资料- 《部编版六年级上册英语教材》- 多媒体课件- 单词卡片、图片等教学辅助工具。

1. 备课时间:[具体时间]2. 备课地点:[详细地点]3. 参与人员:六年级英语教师组([列出教师名字])二、教材分析(以人教版为例)1. 教材结构。
- 六年级英语上册教材包含若干个单元,每个单元围绕一个特定的主题展开,如家庭、爱好、节日等。
- 教材的内容编排由浅入深,从简单的单词和短语学习,逐步过渡到句型的运用以及篇章的理解和书写。
2. 教学目标。
- 语言知识目标。
- 学生能够掌握课本中要求的新单词、短语和句型。
例如,在关于家庭的单元中,学生要学会“father”“mother”“sister”“brother”等家庭成员相关的单词,以及“This is my...”“I have a...”等句型。
- 了解简单的语法知识,如一般现在时的用法,包括第三人称单数形式的动词变化等。
- 语言技能目标。
- 听:能够听懂与课本内容难度相当的英语对话、短文,能准确获取关键信息。
- 说:能够运用所学的单词和句型进行简单的日常交流,如介绍自己的家庭、描述自己的爱好等。
- 读:能够读懂简短的英语文章,理解文章的主要内容,并能根据文章内容回答简单的问题。
- 写:能够正确书写单词、短语和简单的句子。
- 情感态度目标。
- 通过学习与家庭、朋友等相关的内容,培养学生热爱家庭、珍惜友谊的情感。

PPT ,disc ,word cards ,图片,多媒体
理解story,并能表演出来.掌握句子What’s wrong with her/him?及答句。
PPT ,disc ,word cards ,图片,多媒体
What’s wrong with him/her?
He /She has a ...
课 题
Unit 1 Feeling Sick (第三课时)
课本Sounds and Words及Activity部分
1、Be able to say the sound [ǝ:] .
Eg:What’s wrong with Gogo? He has a stomachache.
2.Lead in: T shows a picture of a village. Gogo and Jenny are in the village, let’s see what happen to them.
2、Look and guess.(根据碎片猜单词。)
3、Read,say and role play. (角色扮演目标句子部分)
4、小组玩卡,练习句子。What’s wrong with you ? I have ... .Please ....

部编人教版六年级英语上册集体备课计划1. 备课目标本备课计划旨在帮助六年级学生掌握部编人教版六年级英语上册的课程内容,并提升其英语听说读写能力。
2. 备课内容本备课计划包括上册全部单元的教学内容,具体包括以下几个方面:本单元主要介绍学校和校园生活的相关内容,包括对学校设施的介绍、学校日常活动等。
2.2 单元二:At the Library本单元主要涉及图书馆、借阅图书和阅读的相关话题。
2.3 单元三:What's for Breakfast?本单元主要讲述早餐的相关内容,包括早餐种类、食物和饮料名称等。
2.4 单元四:Seasons and Weather本单元主要涉及季节和天气的相关话题,包括季节的名称、天气状况和常见的季节活动等。
2.5 单元五:Let's Go Camping本单元主要介绍露营和野外活动的相关内容,包括露营地点、露营用具和野外活动项目等。
2.6 单元六:My Hobbies本单元主要涉及个人爱好的相关话题,包括不同的爱好种类和描述自己的爱好等。
2.7 单元七:Family Album本单元主要介绍家庭和亲人的相关内容,包括家庭成员的称呼、家庭照片和描述家人特点等。
2.8 单元八:Our Neighbors本单元主要涉及邻居和社区的相关内容,包括邻居的职业、社区设施和描述社区环境等。

三、教学内容安排本学期的教学内容安排如下:1.Unit 1: My School Life(我的校园生活)–学习课文中的生词和句型;–学习表达自己的日常活动;–进行情景对话练习;–完成练习册的相关练习。
2.Unit 2: My Family and Friends(我的家人和朋友)–学习课文中的生词和句型;–学习介绍家庭成员和朋友的表达;–进行问答练习,熟练使用所学内容;–完成练习册的相关练习。
3.Unit 3: My Hobbies(我的爱好)–学习课文中的生词和句型;–学习表达自己的兴趣爱好;–进行小组合作讨论,交流各自的爱好;–完成练习册的相关练习。
4.Unit 4: My Daily Routine(我的日常生活)–学习课文中的生词和句型;–学习描述一天中的日常活动;–进行听力练习,提高听力理解能力;–完成练习册的相关练习。
5.Unit 5: Festivals and Celebrations(节日和庆祝活动)–学习课文中的生词和句型;–学习描述不同的节日和庆祝活动;–进行小组合作,编写节日的邀请信;–完成练习册的相关练习。

杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课单元分析科目:英语册次:第7册第(1 )单元杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级上册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级上册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:六年级杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课单元分析科目:英语册次:第7册第(2)单元杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课单元分析科目:英语册次:第7册第(3 )单元杨林镇兰茂一小教师集体备课签科目:英语册次:第7册tomorrow/next week,师生拼读其中的四会短语。
(3)“演一演、猜一猜”活动教师准备好动词短语卡片,如:play spots,go hiking,do morning exercises.Go to the cinema,take a trip,read a magazine等以及相关道具,如电影票、杂志、背包、太阳帽等。
当有学生抽到新短语read a magazine时,教师可引导他借助道具(杂志)来进行表演,其他学生由此可能会猜:read a book,教师借机引入新词magazine。
教师可将take a trip留到最后自己表演,借助背包、太阳帽等,产生可能会猜出是go hiking,教师说:“No,I'm going to take a trip.引出新短语take a trip。

What’s good for me? Eat plenty of fruit.
1、Review 1————————————1课时
PPT, disc ,pictures word cards .图片,多媒体
2).Read andanswer the questions.
Step 4: Task
1.Work with a partner. Ask each other.
Eg: How often do you have a toothache? S1: About once a year
Do you eat lots of junk food? S2:No, I don’t.
3.Sing a song together.
Step 2: Presentation
1.T showssome pictures on the ppt,the finger points to the picture,Ss should read out the word.
2.Pass the toy.When the music stop,the student who hold the toy should find a partner to make a dialogue according to the picture.

A: How do you go to school?
B: I go to school on foot
Encourage the Ss to make up as many sentences as they can.
3.Review different places
T:Where is my home? Do you want to know?
Describe with different traffic ways and use “first” “next” “then” .
It’s a little far from here. First I go to Zenbu bus stop on foot. Then I can go by the No.74 bus to the East Bus Station... We live on the ninth floor,Room902.
Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue.
5. Group work
Read the dialogue .Then practice in groups of four. They can expand their dialogue like the following:
A:How do you go to school/ hometown?
B:Usually I go by bus.
A:Can you go by bike?
B: Yes,I can,but it's too far.Sometimes I go by taxi,because it’s fast, but it's expensive. What about you?

1. 单元整体分析。
- 以人教版六年级英语教材[具体单元]为例,本单元的主题是“[单元主题名称]”。
- 从知识结构上看,本单元涵盖了词汇、句型、语法等多个方面的内容。
2. 教材重难点。
- 重点。
- 让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型,能够在实际情境中准确运用。
例如,在描述某人的职业时,能够正确使用句型“She/He is a...”。
- 理解和运用本单元的语法知识,特别是在口语和书面表达中正确体现语法规则。
- 难点。
- 一般现在时第三人称单数形式的动词变化规则,学生容易在使用中出现错误,如忘记在动词后面加“s”或“es”。
- 对于一些抽象概念的词汇理解可能存在困难,需要教师通过多种教学方法帮助学生理解。
1. 学生已有知识基础。
- 经过之前的英语学习,六年级学生已经掌握了一定量的英语词汇和基础句型,具备了初步的英语听说读写能力。
- 在语法方面,学生对一般现在时的基本用法有了一定的了解,但对于第三人称单数形式的掌握还不够熟练。
2. 学生学习能力和特点。
- 六年级学生正处于小学向初中过渡的阶段,他们的学习能力逐渐增强,思维更加活跃,对新鲜事物充满好奇心。

以下是集体备课时需要关注的重点内容:1. 教学目标- 掌握新的词汇和短语,如动物名称、食物等。
- 理解和运用句型结构,如"What's your favorite animal?"等。
- 培养学生对动物的兴趣,提高他们的口语表达能力与听力理解能力。
2. 教学重点和难点教学重点- 研究动物的名字及其相关的词汇和短语。
- 学会使用"What's your favorite animal?"等句型进行问答。
教学难点- 使学生能够熟练地回答有关自己喜爱动物的问题,并进行简单的描述。
- 培养学生的听力理解能力,让他们能够听懂他人对动物的描述并做出相应的回答。
3. 教学准备- 备好与动物有关的图片或图片卡片,以辅助教学。
- 准备一些跟动物相关的玩具或模型,以便展示给学生观看。
4. 教学活动安排1. [导入] 使用图片或图片卡片引入新的动物词汇,帮助学生认识动物名称和其他相关词汇。
2. [研究] 教授"What's your favorite animal?"等句型,并进行示范。
3. [练] 分组让学生展示自己喜欢的动物并用简单的句子进行描述,其他同学则需要进行倾听和回答。
4. [巩固] 制作小组活动,学生之间互相提问与回答关于动物的问题,以巩固所学内容。
5. [拓展] 进行关于动物的小游戏或角色扮演,让学生通过游戏的方式增加对动物的了解与兴趣。
5. 教学评价- 准备一些听力理解题目,以检测学生对动物和句型的理解能力。
- 观察学生在口语表达和听力理解方面的表现,并及时给予反馈。

(2)教师出示地图,并说:Robinwantstosentapostcard,it’snearthemuseum.Whereisit? 引出单词 postoffice.
1.学习Let’s learn
(3)Look at the pictures and choose therightanswers.
2.学习 Be a tour guide
(1)教师在黑板上画一座房子和一个机器人,指着机器人说:Who’sthat? 学生回答:It’sRobin.再指着房子说:WherecanwefindRobin? 学生回答:Inthemuseum. 教师出示感叹句:What a great museum! (2)教师出示一张明信片,说:"It’sapostcard.Robinwanttosentapostcard.Whereshouldhego?”引出单词post office.
短语和A Let's learn部分中运用方位借此表述位置。
1.Warm---up (热身及预习展示)
2.Presentation andpractice(精讲点拨)
Unit 1 How can I get there ? Where is the cinema?

目标- 让学生能够正确听、说、读和写英语单词和句子。
- 培养学生的英语交流能力和研究兴趣。
- 提升学生的听力和口语水平。
教学内容要点1. 基本词汇- 介绍一些与学生日常生活相关的英语单词,如家庭成员、学校设施等。
- 注重在课堂中营造情境,让学生能够在实际生活中运用这些词汇。
2. 句型研究- 研究一些简单的基本句型,并通过练和对话来加深对句型的理解与应用。
- 引导学生用所学句型描述自己的家庭和学校。
3. 听力训练- 开展听力练,帮助学生提高听力理解能力。
- 使用录音材料,让学生能够听懂并理解日常用语和简单对话。
4. 口语训练- 组织学生进行口语练,加强他们的口语表达能力。
- 通过分组对话、角色扮演等活动,让学生积极参与并流利运用所学句型。
5. 读写训练- 鼓励学生进行阅读练,培养他们的阅读理解能力。
- 引导学生进行简单的写作练,如写一篇关于家庭或学校的短文。
课堂活动建议1. 家庭角色扮演- 让学生分组扮演家庭成员,进行对话练。
- 鼓励他们用所学句型互相介绍自己,并描述自己的家人。
2. 与学生交流- 常与学生进行简单的英语交流,提高他们的口语表达能力。
- 鼓励学生用所学句型回答老师的问题或与老师进行问答练。
3. 班级展示- 定期组织班级展示,让学生展示他们在英语研究方面的成果。
- 鼓励学生用英语描述自己的家庭或学校,并与同学分享。
教学评估1. 听力评估- 定期进行听力测试,检验学生的听力理解能力。
- 使用短对话、录音材料等进行听力训练和评估。
2. 口语评估- 观察学生的口语表达能力,如发音准确性、语法运用等。
- 组织口语演讲比赛或小组对话评估学生的口语水平。
3. 书面评估- 布置书面作业,考察学生的写作能力。
- 检查学生对所学词汇和句型的掌握情况。

实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part A教学目标 1.To learn the new words : science m useum , post office , bookstore , cinema , hospital2.To learn the key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The first lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Greetings2 , Free talk : the key sentencesII Revision1 , Review the words2 , Review the rules and pronunciation of the tenseIII Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :science museum , post office ,bookstore , cinema , hospital3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences :Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explain8 , Read after meIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read them 新|课|标|第|一| 网4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homework2 , Recite the key sentences板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part A教学目标1、To learn the new words : science museum , post office ,bookstore , cinema , hospital2、To learn the key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The second lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Sing a songs : “ The ABC songs ”2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the new words : science museum , postoffice , bookstore , cinema , hospital2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book 新- 课-标-第-一- 网2 , Today , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of Wu, Robin and Man4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Read after me7 , Listen to the tape and read after itIV Practice1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read themV Summary and homework 新|课|标| 第|一| 网2 , Recite the “ Let’s talk板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part A教学目标1、To learn the new words : science museum , post office ,bookstore , cinema , hospital2、To learn the key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Where is the cinema?It’s next to the bookstore.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The third lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Free talk : the key sentences2 , Let’s tryII Revision1 , Review the “Let’s talk ”2 , Let’s readIII Presentation X k B 1 . c o m1 , First , open your book “ Read and write ”2 , This is the dialogue of Wu, Robin and Mike3 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English4 , Read the text and answer the questions5 , Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story. IV Practice1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves3 , Listen to the tape and read after it4 , Give enough time to read themV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the new words2 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”3 , Finish the English excise实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part B教学目标1、To learn the new words : crossing , turn left , go straight ,turn right2、To learn the key sentences: How do you go there?I go by ...3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?No, turn left.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards, a tape , the model of road.教学环节The first lesson板书设计:blackboard designUnit One How can I get there? Part ALet’s learn :Where is the {cinema?science museumpost officebookstorehospitalIt’s { next to } the bookstore.NearBehind一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Greetings :sing a song2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the words X K b 1.C o m2 , Review the rules and pronunciation of the tense III Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :crossing , turn left , go straight , turn right3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences :Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?No, turn left. w W w .x K b 1.c o M7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explain8 , Read after meIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read them4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the new words2 , Recite the key sentences板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part B教学目标1、To learn the new words : crossing , turn left , go straight ,turn right2、To learn the key sentences: How do you go there?I go by ...3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学难点The key sentences: Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?No, turn left.教学环节The second lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Make a map and talk http://w ww.x kb1. com2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the new words :crossing , turn left , go straight , turn right2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book2 , Today , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of Wu, Mike and Robin4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Read after me7 , Listen to the tape and read after itIV Practice 新|课|标|第|一| 网1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Answer the questions and write down the books. V Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Recite the “ Let’s talk板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit One How can I get there? Part B教学目标1、To learn the new words : crossing , turn left , go straight ,turn right2、To learn the key sentences: How do you go there?I go by ...3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学难点The key sentences: Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?No, turn left.教学环节The third lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Free talk : the key sentences2 , Let ’s tryII Revision1 , Review the “Let ’s talk ”2 , Let ’s readIII Let ’s check1 , Listen and tick the places you hear2 , Write the words under the pictures3 , Listen again and answerIV Let ’s wrap it upTry to write more words X|k | B| . c|O |mV Practice1 , Recite the “ Let ’s talk ”2 , Read “ Let ’s talk ” by themselves3 , Listen to the tape and read after it4 , Give enough time to read themVISummary and homework1 , Finish the English excise2 , Recite the “ Let ’s talk ”3 , Read and write down the new words 板书设计:Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right here?crossing实验小学集体备课U n i t 4设计者:沈敏秦明艳blackboard designUnit One How can I get there? Part B Let ’s learn :No, {turn left.go straight学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part A教学目标1.To learn the new words : on foot , by bus , by taxi , by plane , by ship , by subway , by train2. To learn the key sentences: Where is the library?It’s near the post office.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Let’s go to the nature park.How do we get there?By bus.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards, a tape.教学环节The first lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization |m1 , Let’s play2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the words2 , Review the rules and pronunciationIII Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Show the new words: on foot , by bus , by taxi , byplane , by ship , by subway , by train3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences :Let’s go to the nature park.How do we get there?By bus.7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explain8 , Read after meIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read them 新|课|标|第|一| 网4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the new words2 , Recite the key sentences板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part A教学目标1.To learn the new words : on foot , by bus , by taxi , by plane , by ship , by subway , by train2. To learn the key sentences: Where is the library?It’s near the post office.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Let’s go to the nature park.How do we get there?By bus.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards, a tape.教学环节The second lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用I Organization1 , Let’s try : Turn to page fourteen2 , Free talkII Revision w W w .X k b 1. c O m1 , Review the new words : on foot , by bus , by taxi ,by plane , by ship , by subway , by train2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book2 , Today , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of Mike, Amy and Mrs Smith4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Read after me7 , Listen to the tape and read after itIV Practice四、拓展练习1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Answer the questions and write down the books V Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Recite the “ Let’s talk http://w w板书设计:实验小学集体备课U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part A教学目标1.To learn the new words : on foot , by bus , by taxi , by plane , by ship , by subway , by train2. To learn the key sentences: Where is the library?It’s near the post office.3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: Let’s go to the nature park.How do we get there?By bus.教学难点 1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards, a tape.教学环节The third lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用I Organization1 , Free talk2 , Write and say : Turn to page fifteenII Revision1 , Review the “Let’s talk ”2 , Let’s readIII Presentation1 , First , open your book “ Read and write ”2 , This is the text of Robin3 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English4 , How many ways can you think of to go to school?5 , Talk with your partner6 , Read the text and answer the questionsIV Practice1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”四、拓展练习 2 , Read “ Let ’s talk ” by themselves 3 , Listen to the tape and read after it4 , Give enough time to read themV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the new words2 , Finish the English exercise3 , Recite the “ Let ’s talk ”X K b板书设计:Let ’s go to the nature park.On foot实验小学集体备课U n i t 4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part B 教学目标 1. Learn the words : Slow down and stop at a yellow light ,Stop and wait at a red light , Go at a green light2. The key sentences:Look! The park is over there! Let ’s go!Please wait! It ’s red now. We must stop and wait!3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.blackboard designUnit Two Ways to go to school Part ALet ’s learn :How do we get there?{ By bus.By taxiBy planeBy subwayBy shipBy train教学重点The key sentences:Look! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!教学难点 1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The fourth lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization X K b 1.C o m1 , Greetings2 , Free talk : Let’s tryII Revision1 , Review the words2 , Review the “ Let’s talk ” of Part AIII Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :Slow down and stop at a yellow light , Stop andwait at a red light , Go at a green light3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences :Look! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explainIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves http://w ww.x kb1. com2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read them4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homeworkRead and write down the new words实验小学集体备课设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part B教学目标 1. Learn the words : Slow down and stop at a yellow light , Stop and wait at a red light , Go at a green lightLook! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences. 教学重点The key sentences:Look! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!教学难点 1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The fifth lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 ,Greetings2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the new words : 新课标第一网Slow down and stop at a yellow light , Stop andwait at a red light , Go at a green light2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book2 , Today , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of Wu and Mr Jones4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Listen to the tape and read after it7 , Answer the questions and write down the booksIV Practice1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after itV Summary and homeworkRecite the “ Let’s talk X k B 1 . c o m实验小学集体备课设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:六年级教学内容Unit Two Ways to go to school Part B教学目标 1. Learn the words : Slow down and stop at a yellow light , Stop and wait at a red light , Go at a green lightLook! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences. 教学重点The key sentences:Look! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s red now. We must stop and wait!教学难点 1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The sixth lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习I Organization1 , Free talk : the key sentences2 , Role play : Turn to page seventeenII RevisionReview the “Let’s talk ”III Presentation1 , First , open your book “ Story time ”2 , This is the dialogue of Annie and Amy3 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say EnglishIV Let’s check1 , Listen and number2 , Listen again and answer the questions V Practice1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves3 , Give enough time to read themVI Summary and homework1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”新|课|标|第|一| 网2 , Finish the English excisek B 1 . c o mblackboard designUnit Two Ways to go to school Part BLet’s learn :Look! The park is over there! Let’s go!Please wait! It’s { red now.yellowgreenWe must { stop and wait!slow down and stopLet’s go实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part A教学目标1. To learn the new words : take a trip , see a film , go to the supermarket , this morning , this afternoon , this evening , tonight , tomorrow , next week2. To learn the key sentences:3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.教学重点The key sentences: What are you going to do today? I’m going to see a film.教学难点1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape 教学环节The first lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知I Organization1 , Greetings2 , Free talk : Let’s try 新|课|标|第|一| 网II Revision1 , Review the words of animals2 , Review the rulesIII Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :三、实践应用四、拓展练习take a trip , see a film , go to the supermarket ,this morning , this afternoon , this evening ,tonight , tomorrow , next week3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences7 , Translate into Chinese w W w .X k b 1. c O mIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it3 , Give enough time to read them4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the new words2 , Recite the key sentences实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part A教学目标1. To learn the new words : take a trip , see a film , go to the supermarket , this morning , this afternoon , this evening , tonight , tomorrow , next week2. To learn the key sentences:3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.教学重点The key sentences: What are you going to do today? I’m going to see a film.教学难点1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The second lesson一、铺垫孕伏.I Organization1 , Sing a songs2 , Greetings X k B 1 . c o mII Revision二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习1 , Review the new words :take a trip , see a film , go to the supermarket , thismorning , this afternoon , this evening , tonight ,tomorrow , next week2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book2 , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of Mike and Sarah4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Answer the questions and write down the booksIV Practice1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after itV Summary and homework1 , Read and write down the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Recite the “ Let’s talk实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part A教学目标1. To learn the new words : take a trip , see a film , go to the supermarket , this morning , this afternoon , this evening , tonight , tomorrow , next week2. To learn the key sentences:3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.教学重点The key sentences: What are you going to do today? I’m going to see a film.教学难点1. Make sentences use the key sentences.2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The third lesson一、铺垫孕伏.I Organization X K b 1.C o m1 , Free talk : the key sentences2 Greetings二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习II Revision1 , Review the “Let’s talk ”2 , Let’s readIII Presentation1 , First , open your book “ Read and write ”2 , This is the letter from Wu Yifan3 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say EnglishIV Make a planIt is Saturday morning now. Make a plan and share itwith your partnerV Practice1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Read “ Let’s talk ”新课标第一网3 , Listen to the tape and read after it4 , Give enough time to read themVI Summary and homework1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Finish the English exciseWhat are you going to do { today?this eveningthis morningthis afternoonI’m going to { see a film.take a tripread a magazinego to the supermarketblackboard designUnit Three My weekend plan Part ALet’s learn :实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part B教学目标1. To learn the new words : postcard , word book , dictionary , comic book2. To learn the key sentences3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: What are we going?To the bookstore.I’m going to buy a new comic book.教学难点1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape 教学环节The first lesson一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知三、实践应用I Organization http://w ww.x kb1. com1 , Greetings2 , Free talk : Let’s tryII Revision1 , Review the words2 , Review the “ Let’s talk ” of Part AIII Presentation1 , Open the book “ let ’s learn ”2 , Teacher show cards of the new words :postcard , word book , dictionary , comic book3 , Listen to me carefully4 , Read after me5 , Listen to the tape and read after it6 , Learn the key sentences :X K b 1.C o mWhat are we going?To the bookstore.I’m going to buy a new comic book.7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explainIV Practice1 , Read new words by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after it四、拓展练习3 , Give enough time to read them4 , Let students make sentencesV Summary and homeworkRead and write down the new words实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part B教学目标1. To learn the new words : postcard , word book , dictionary , comic book2. To learn the key sentences3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: What are we going?To the bookstore.I’m going to buy a new comic book.教学难点1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape 教学环节The second lesson 一、铺垫孕伏.二、探求新知I Organization X|k | B| . c|O |m1 ,Greetings2 , Free talkII Revision1 , Review the new words2 , Review the key sentencesIII Presentation1 , Open your book2 , Today , We’re going to learn the “ let’s talk ”3 , This is the dialogue of John and Amy4 , Let’s translate into Chinese :Teacher say English三、实践应用四、拓展练习5 , Listen to me carefully6 , Listen to the tape and read after itIV Practice 新- 课-标-第-一- 网1 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves2 , Listen to the tape and read after itV Summary and homeworkRecite the “ Let’s talk实验小学集体备课模块U n i t4设计者:沈敏秦明艳学科:英语年级:学前班教学内容Unit Three My weekend plan Part B教学目标1. To learn the new words : postcard , word book , dictionary , comic book2. To learn the key sentences3. Student can make sentences use the key sentences.4. To learn the “ let’s talk ’’教学重点The key sentences: What are we going?To the bookstore.I’m going to buy a new comic book.教学难点1. Make sentences2. Translate into Chinese : “ Let’s talk ”教学准备The word cards , a tape教学环节The third lesson一、铺垫孕伏.I Organization1 , Free talk : the key sentences2 , Role-play : Turn to page twenty-sevenII RevisionReview the “Let’s talk ”二、探求新知三、实践应用四、拓展练习III Presentation1 , First , open your book “ Story time ”2 , This is the dialogue of Zoom and Zip3 , Let’s translate into Chinese :IV Let’s check1 , Listen and tick2 , Listen again and fill in the blanksIV Practice1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselvesV Summary and homework w W w .X k b 1. c O m1 , Recite the “ Let’s talk ”2 , Finish the English exciseWhat are we going?blackboard designUnit Three My weekend plan Part BLet’s learn :To the bookstore.I’m going to buy a new {comic book.post cardword bookdictionary。

集体备课教案PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元教学设计5篇第一篇:集体备课教案 PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元教学设计集体备课教案 PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元教学设计Teaching plan教学内容: Unit 3 What are you going to do? Part B let’s talk.Pair work.教学目标: A、语言知识目标:1)Where, what when 引导的特殊疑问句并能做出相应的问答。
2)能掌握句子:Where are you going? I’m going to … What are you going to buy(do)? I’m going to … When are you going? I’m going …并能在实际情景中运用。
三、教学准备:录音机、本课的磁带、头饰、单词卡片、多媒体课件、表格教学步骤Step1、热身(Warm-up)1、Say and do.Shake your body.Shake your shoulders, shua, shua, shua.Shake your hands, ca, ca, ca.Shake your hip, pia, pia, pia.Shake your feet, dong, dong, dong.2、T: Do you want to know me? Listen and tell me: What’s my name? What’s my hobby?(My name is Lily.I like reading books and shopping.I like eating fruits.Especially, I like pets.I have a pet.Its name is Sunny.Ilike it very much.)Step2、新课呈现及操练(Presentation & Practice)1.T: National Day is coming.Are you happy? I’m very happy.I’m going to do many things.Do you want to know where I am going and what I am going to do? Ss: Yes.T: But first you must guess some riddles.Do you want to guess? Ss: Yes.T:I have four riddles.This is a place.There are many kinds of books in it, you can buy or choose any books you want.Where is it? Ss: It’s a bookstore.同时板书句型:I’m going to the bookstore.领读并提问:Where are you going? 找几名学生回答。
英语六年级上册第2单元集体备课 教案

(六年级上册)小学校集体备课教学设计小学校集体备课教学设计小学校集体备课教学设计年级六年级学科英语第 2 单元课题Unit2 Lesson 1 What a nice room!课时Period 2主备人教学目标1. 能听懂,读懂对话,理解对话意思,培养听力及口头表达能力。
2. 能在创设的情景中灵活运用句型:——What would you like to drink?—I’d like some juice.3. 通过学习拜访与接待的交际用语,懂得为人处世的语言技能。
教学重点灵活运用句型:_What would you like to drink? —I’d like some juice.教学难点通过学习拜访与接待的交际用语,懂得为人处世的语言技能教学过程二次备课Step1、自主学习1. 旧知复习:根据汉语意思,用英语写出以下单词。
①Where is the _______(浴室). ②We like _____(拜访) friends in China.③What a ______(漂亮的) room. ④What would you like to ______(吃)?⑤My ______(书房) is beside my bedroom.2.根据课文语境,翻译下面的短语和句子:①take a seat _____________ ②help yourself to ____________③_What would you like to drink? _I’d like some juice.Step2、小组活动。
①What would you like to drink? —I’d like some coke.②What would you like to eat? —I’d like some apples.2.先自学再小组讨论,总结some的用法。
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小学英语新课程标准教材英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 )学校:年级:任课教师:英语教案 / 小学英语 / 小学六年级英语教案编订:XX文讯教育机构小学六年级英语上册集体备课教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学设计资料适用于小学六年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。
小学六年级英语集体备课记录教材简析:教者讲的是4b unit 2 at a party的第二课时。
“认人”是在第一单元所学句型who’s that…? he’s/she’s…基础上进行的拓展练习。
根据学生的认知规律,我将本课的重难点定为四会掌握句型who’s the…with (in)…? he’s/ she’s…. which one? the one in/ with…. 研讨记录:杨敏老师:本节课的教学设计,设计的很合理,思路清晰明了,值得我们学习。
课题:3a《unit 5 hello》教材简析:小学生对学习英语大多怀有好奇、兴奋、期待的心情。
hello/hi ,i’m …what’s your name?要求读音正确,语调自然。
特别要注意i’m 和name 的正确读音。
3.认识五个人物: david ,liu tao ,yang ling ,mike ,nancy . 4. 能听懂、会说以下八个动物类单词: a dog, a cat , a bird , a tiger ,a monkey , a zebra , a panda ,an elephant 。
在3a的第一单元a部分,虽然内容很简单,只有一句重点句子“hello, i’m …”。
邹巧玲老师:教学反馈效果不错,学生十分喜欢上英语课,学习积极性很高,虽然有部分同学仍羞于开口,害怕发错音,说错话,但只要经常地鼓励、刺激、调动,他们说的欲望会逐步增强,现在最重要的是给他们信心,让他们觉得学英语不是很难的事,他们会做得很好,因为教者经常说:“you’re good”.十分欣赏他。
课题:5a《unit 3 at a music lesson》教材简析:本单元的会话主要是通过mr. green上的一堂音乐课引出“谈论能力”为话题,学习can you …?yes, we can. /no, wecan’t. i can… what can you do? 等句子。
教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a lesson, a song, can, sing, dance, play, lesson, listen, swim, 2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型can you …? yes, i /we can. /no, i /we can't. i can … what can you do? 3.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型listen to …, please. now, follow me, please. yes. /ok. /all right. ok. let's start. let's sing it together. 研讨记录:杨敏老师:本单元情景的创设真实可信,能激发学生参与学习活动的热情。
unit 1 the children are playing in the park.(孩子们正在公园里玩)教材分析:本单元是通过描述孩子们在公园所发生的一件趣事来学习和正确运用现在进行时描述人物活动. 重点是理解现在进行时。
难点是正确运用现在进行时描述人物活动.单元目标:能听懂.会说新单词swing. slide. bench. bark. chain. bite. stones,能理解课文,能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动.能正确运用现在进行时态询问别人正在做什么,培养学生用英语交际、用英语解决实际问题的能力。
教学重点、难点及关键:重点是掌握本单元四会单词. 难点是理解课文.教学方法与手段:创设情景,任务教学教学实施步骤:教学内容及活动step 1 warming up1. 师生问候.2. 唱已学的英文歌曲.step 2 presentation and drill1.将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上.布置成公园的场景.2. 可出示一张秋千的图片.t: look! a swing. do you like it?板书单词swing.带读.将图片贴在黑板上[公园"的相应位置.3. 用同样的方法教单词slide和bench. bark. stone.bite. chain.帮助学生理解其含义.并带读.游戏--look and say. (看看小说)教师做口型.学生根据口型说单词.游戏--loud and low voice (大小声)教师大声说单词.学生小声重复,或者教师小声说.学生大声说.step 3 fast reading and listening1. 出示课文中人物的图片.t: look! the children are playing in the park.边说边将图片贴在[公园"的相应位置.2. 快速阅读课文a部分.回答问题.why is the dog biting mingming`s foot检查学生阅读情况.帮助学生回答所提问题.mingming is throwing stones at dog. so the dog is angry.3. 听课文a部分录音.模仿其语音.语调.掌握新词难句的正确读音.4. 教师总结.step 6 consolidation1.黑板上的单词卡片及图片复述课文.2.练习.(见p1-3)练习、作业与考核.:完成书面练习、听磁带、读课文.集体研讨记录:杨敏老师:提醒学生注意现在进行时的构成be+v.ing并特别注意强调be动词的三种变化邹巧玲老师:可以用口诀来强化记忆。
前面秘书拎包(be动李金辉老师:口诀很有趣啊,相信在形式上学生也可以较快的记住!课题:5b 《unit 3 hobbies》教材简析:本单元围绕“兴趣爱好”这个话题开展教学活动。
主要是学习一般疑问句do you have any hobbies? 及其答语yes,i do. /no, idon’t.和主语为第三人称单数动词的用法。
教学目标:(1)认知目标:能进一步掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好的词汇:take photos ,go shopping ,collect stamps, grow flowers, make model ships ,make clothes 。
能用he/she likes... 的句型描述他人的爱好和活动。