英美文化课后答案 Chapter 6 Social Life and Customs

英美文化课后答案6Lecture 6 Social Life and CustomsT ell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-10: FFFTT/FFTFT 11-20: FFFFF/TTTTT 21-29: FTFFF/FTFTFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. the public opinion; people’s morals, rule2. The Times; The Guardian; The Daily Telegraph; The Observer3. The Guardian; the Labor Party; the Conservative4. Football Association5. flat racing; hurdle racing6. American Football Conference, National Football Conference7. The New York Times; The Washington post; The Wall Street Journal; The Los Angeles Times8.2.25 million 9. candy 10. bonfires; jack-o’-lanterns 11. Football Association 12. steeplechase 13. 16 or 17 14. during the July to September quarter 15. The British LibraryChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1-10: BBDAC/DDCCA11-20: BDBCD/CCADC 21-30: DABDC/ DACBDExplain the following terms.1. TabloidTabloids always deal in some scandals and gossip of the famous people in politic s, sports or entertainment.2. BBCFor a long period, the only television programs in Britain were produced by the BBC, the British Broadcasting Company, which was funded by the sale of TV licenses. The BBC was sponsored by the national government, which broadcasts radio and television programs for domestic and foreign markets.3. WimbledonWimbledon is the place now where the best tennis players gather to compete for a championship. It is a suburb of London. The Wimbledon Cup is one of the major sports events in Britain and probably the most famous tennis event in the world.4. Horse racingHorse racing is the true sport of British Kings and Queens. The two types of horse racing are flat racing and hurdle racing. Flat racing is racing where horse riders compete on a flat track. Hurdle racing is racing across the countryside or around the obstacles encountered.5. ChristmasChristmas is celebrated on December 25 and is the greatest of the Christian festivals. Christmas is a religious holiday during which Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are three traditions for Christmas Day in Britain. The first is Christmas Pantomime, which is a comical musical play. Another tradition on Christmas is to hear the Queen of Britain give her Christmas message through television and radio. The third British tradition is Boxing Day whichis the day after Christmas.6. USA TodayOf all the newspapers, the most widely circulated paper in the United States is USA Today averaging over 2.25 million copies every weekday.7. All-Star GameIt is the game in which the best players from basketball teams from the eastern and western divisions display their skills. It begins in mid-February.8. ThanksgivingThanksgiving always occurs on the fourth Thursday in November at the end of the harvest season. It is a festival to express thanks for the year’s harvest. On Thanksgiving Day family members always gather for a rich dinner of roast turkey with stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie, which are traditional foods eaten on the first Thanksgiving.9. HalloweenHalloween is celebrated on October 31st, shortened from All-Hallows-Eve, the night when the ghosts of the dead walked around. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, haunted houses, reading scary stories and watching horror movies.10. Trick-or-treatingOn this day the children will dress like the character of a book or movie and go “trick-or-treating”. Children knock on neighbors’ doors asking for candy as a treat.Short Answer Questions1.These magazines often contain short stories and serials of strong romantic interest, as well aspractical advice and hints for housewives.2.These are terms which refer to the size of the paper: broadsheet being double the size tabloid.However, the term “tabloid” is traditionally associated with the popular press and concentrates on entertainment; broadsheet is associated with the quality press and places its emphasis on information and analysis.3.In the nineteenth century, students at Oxford and Cambridge, Britain’s two oldest universities,were huge fans of rowing. In 1829, the two schools agreed to hold a race against each other for the first time on the Thames River. The oxford boat won and a tradition was born.4.Shakespeare’s famous plays include tragedies, such as Hamlet (1603), Othello(1604), andKing Lear (1605); comedies, such as A midsummer Night’s Dream(1594-96) and Twelfth Night (1602); and history plays, such as Henry IV, part 1 – 2.5.Rugby League is played mainly in the north of England, and Rugby Union is played in therest of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The main difference between the two is that the former (which used to be strictly amateur) is played with teams of 15 players, and the latter (which is played by amateurs and professionals) has 13 players to a team.。
英美文化课后答案 Chapter 2 History

英美文化课后答案2Lecture 2 HistoryTell wheher each of the following statements is true or false1-10: FTTFT/TFTFF 11-20: FTTTF/FTTFFFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. Celt2. Romans3.5th4. Viking; 10665. Hundred Years’ War6. York7. divorce8.11 9. Elizabeth I; Queen Victoria 10. America 11. 1492 12. Virginia; 1607 13. Thanksgiving Day 14. 13 15. Declaration of Independence 16. 4th of July 17. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 18. 1865 19. World War I 20. World War II 21. Puritans, religious, Mayflower 22. Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, National Day 23. Monroe Doctrine, colonize, interfere 24. agrarian, industrial, Andrew Jackson 25. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, slavery 26. 1932, recovery, New DealChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in text.1-10: ABDCD/CBDAB 11-20: CBDCB/DCADD 21-30: BDABA/DCBCBExplain the following terms.1. The Anglo-SaxonsIn the 5th century, the tribes called the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain, coming from northern Europe. By the end of the 5th century, the Anglo-Saxons ruled most of Britain. Their language was called Old English. From them comes the name of “England” and “English”; England came from “Angle-land” meaning the land of the Anglo-Saxons.2. Norman ConquestAfter King Edward died, Duke William of Normandy, from northern France, declared that Edward had promised to let him become the king. On October 14, 1066, William and his army invaded England and defeated the English army. He was made king and crowned in Westminster Abby on Christmas Day, 1066. William is often referred to as William the Conqueror in English history.3. Robin HoodEngland's best-loved legend of Robin Hood is an outlawed Saxon nobleman oppressed by the Normans. He hid i n the forest near Sherwood with his band of followers, called “merry men”. From this secret wood, they went out to rob from the rich to give to the poor with their longbows. Robin Hood has been a popular subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics and plays.4. The Hundred Years’ WarAt the beginning of the 14th century, England developed into a stronger state in Europe. Consequently, the rich wanted to control more markets and the nobles wanted to regain their lost land. When King Edward III of England declared that he should become the French king, the French rejected his claim so he declared war on France in 1337. The war lasted intermittently for116 years, hence being known as the Hundred Years’ War.5. The Civil WarIn January 1642 the Civil War broke out between the Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) and the Cavaliers (supporters of the King). The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory and it led to the execution of Charles I, and his son Charles II was driven out of the country in 1649. In addition to that, Oliver Cromwell, the leader of the Roundheads,formed republican England, known as the Commonwealth of England and the English monarchy was abolished.6. American IndiansThe American Indians were the descendants of t he Mongoloid. The name “Indians” was given by Columbus when he mistook them for the people of India. It is believed that about 25,000 years ago the Indians crossed the Bering Strait land bridge to Alaska. The American Indians developed the brilliant civilizations of the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas.7. Columbus’ “discovery ” of AmericaIn 1492, Columbus persuaded the king and queen of Spain to finance his voyage. He believed that by sailing west from Europe, he could reach India. Columbus failed to reach India but landed at one of the Caribbean islands instead. He mistook these islands for part of India and called the local people Indians.8. The MayflowerThe Mayflower has a famous position in American history as a symbol of early European colonization. With their religion oppressed by the Church of England, in the autumn of 1620, 102 people sailed to the New World in a ship named the “Mayflower”. Late in December, the Mayflower finally landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.9. Declaration of IndependenceOn July 2, 1776, the Congress finally determined that these United Colonies ought to be free and independent states. Thomas Jefferson, assisted by Benjamin Franklin, drafted the Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776. It announced the independence of 13 North American colonies and the birth of a new nation.10. Abraham LincolnIn March 1861 Abraham Lincoln took the office of president. He realized that by making the war a battle against slavery, he could win support for the Union at home and abroad. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves.11. William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616): English playwright and poet, whose body of works is considered as the greatest in English literature. His plays, many of which were performed at the Globe Theater in London, include historical works, comedies and tragedies. He also composed 154 sonnets and 36 plays.12. Sir Francis BaconSir Francis Bacon (1561-1626): English philosopher, essayist, courtier, jurist, and statesman. His writings include The Advancement of Learning (1605) and The Novum Organum (1620), in which he proposed a theory of scientific knowledge based on observation and experimentation that came to be known as the inductive method.13. Gunpowder PlotGunpowder Plot: Conspiracy of a group of English Catholics to blow up the Houses of parliament where King James I was present on 5 November, 1605. The plan was discovered and Guy Fawkes was caught and burnt alive. In England, 5 November is celebrated with bonfires, fireworks and the burning of the effigies.14. Great Fire of LondonGreat Fire of London (2-5 September, 1666): Worst fire in London’s history. It destroyed a large part of the city, including most of the civic buildings, St. Paul’s Cathedral, 87 parish churches, and about 13,000 houses. It began accidentally at the house of the king’s baker in Pudding Lane near London Bridge.15. Suez Canal CrisisSuez Canal Crisis: A major international incident that arose in 1956 from the decision by Gamal A. Nasser, President of Egypt, to nationalize the Suez Canal, which long had been controlled by Great Britain. After Nasser took over the canal, Britain and France induced Israel to provoke a conflict with Egypt that would serve as a pretext for an Anglo-French invasion of Egypt. The United States, which had been excluded from the planned invasion, denounced it. The incident severely damaged Anglo-American relations.16. John MajorJohn Major (1943- ): British banker and conservative politician, who served as Prime Minister from 1990 to 1997. during this administration, he advocated privatization, anti-inflationary budget discipline, and negotiations for peace in Northern Ireland.17. the First Continental CongressIn September 1774, 55 representatives from all the colonies except Georgia held a meeting in Philadelphia to talk about their troubles with their mother country. The meeting was called the First Continental Congress. At the meeting the majority of representatives still thought they could settle their quarrel with the British by peaceful means. They agreed to refuse to buy British goods, hoping in this way to force the British Government to give in to their demands. They also agreed to raise a volunteer army to protect the colonies if Britain used force to break the boycott.18. Louisiana PurchaseThe most glorious achievement of Jefferson as President was the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase, in 1803, gave Western farmer use of the important Mississippi River waterway, removed the French presence from the western border of US, provided US farmers with vast expanses of land, and furthered American leaders’ vision of creating a “Great Nation”.19. US-Spanish WarThe US-Spanish War broke out in April, 1898, lasted for only 70 days and ended with US as the victor. A peace treaty was signed in December 1898 in Paris. As a result of the war, Spain was forced to cede her former colonies Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to US; US agreed to pay 20 million dollars for them in an attempt to put a good face on its foreign expansion. Cuba remained a US “protectorate”for some years, while the Philippines were not granted its independence until after the end of WW I. US seized Hawaii from Spain after the US-Spanish War. The US-Spanish War was the first imperialist war for re-dividing the world. It marked a new stage in which US transformed into an imperialist power. From that time the US began its modern history.20. roaring twentiesThe expression of “roaring twenties” is often used to describe the period of American life. The roaring twenties ushered in an exciting time of social change and economic prosperity, as the recession at the end of WW II was quickly replaced by an unprecedented period of financial growth. The stock market soared to unimaginable heights because of the so-called Second Industrial Revolution at the turn of the 20th century, which saw the development of new inventions and machines that changed American society drastically.21. Wathergate ScandalIn the presidential election year 1972, five men of the Committee for the Reelection of the President broke into the Democratic national headquarters at the Water Hotel, Washington, D.C., where they planted bugs in order to get information for the Committee. But unfortunately they were arrested. Although it was never approved that Nixon planned the Watergate break-in or that he ever knew about it beforehand, he was eventually forced out of office because he was found guilty for his effort to avoid the investigation and disclosures.。

英美文化课后答案Chapter3Politics英美文化课后答案3Lecture 3 PoliticsTell whether each of the following statement is true or false.1-10: FTTFF/FTTTF 11-20: TTFTF/FFTFT 21-30: TFTFF/TFFTT Fill in the blanks with the correct information.1. Lords; Commons2. the Prime Minister; the Sovereign/Queen3. the Queen; the House of Commons4. Conservative Party; Labour Party5. Conservative6. a federal system7. executive; judicial8. one; eight9. Senate; Representatives; two 10. the Democratic Party; the Republican Party 11. Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. 12. legislature, monarch 13. the Queen 14. Commons, resigns, dissolve 15. not, most, majority, Prime Minister, Opposition, frontbenches, Shadow 16. supreme law 17. the Articles of Confederation18. republic, state, president 19. ratification 20. Bill of Rights, amendments 21. executive, checks and balances 22. bicameral, the Senate, the House of Representatives 23. President, Constitutional Amendment, two 24. Supreme Court 25. Democratic, Republican 26. the Electoral CollegeChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1-10: CDAAC/ADDAD 11-20: DCDBC/ADDAC 21-28: BCDAB/BDBExplain the following terms.1. British ParliamentThe British Parliament today consists of three parts: the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Parliament has a number of different functions. First and foremost, it passes laws. Another role of the Parliament is to scrutinize, or examine the government.2. Life peerLife peers receive their noble titles from the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. However, a life peer cannot pass the title on to his or her children. These appointments are usually made for people’s outstanding careers or contributions to society. Famous people who have been made peers are former British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.3. British ConstitutionThe U.K. does not have a written constitution, which most countries have. While much of the constitution is written down, it is not systematically written into a single document. The British Constitution is made up of three main parts: Statutes, Common Laws and Conventions.4. The Labour PartyThe Labour Party was developed by the growing trade union movement at the end of the 19th century. It quickly replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two largest political parties in the U.K. The Labour Party supported state control of important industries and a more equal distribution of wealth. It has drawn financial support from the trade unions.5. The U.S. ConstitutionThe Constitution of the United States was written as a single political document in 1787. There were only 7 articles in it. The Constitution demands the election of the president, and provides that federal laws would only be made by a Congress. It also provides for a national court system headed by a Supreme Court. The Constitution follows these principles: federal system, “checks and balances” of the powers and respect for the Constitution.6. A federal systemA federal system is one in which power is shared between the central government and the state government. Therefore, each of the Americans is under the two governments--the federal government and the state government. The federal government has the right to declare war, to tax, to borrow or coin money and to regulate business and trade. Generally speaking, the federal government deals with foreign affairs and matters of general concern to all the states.7. Checks and balancesWhen Americans talk about the system of “checks and balances”, they often refer to the three-part government. The system limits the powers of the three branches. Each branch has powers that the others do not have, and each branch is given power to check the operations of the others, so that no one branch can become too powerful.8. The CongressThe Congress is the supreme legislative branch of the U.S. government. Under the Constitution, it is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes, and declare war upon other countries. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. BothSenators and Representatives of the House are chosen by a direct election from all of the states.9. Bill of RightsMany of the recommendations of the states ratifying conventions were considered later by James Madison as he drafted what became the Bill of The Rights. It is commonly viewed as consisting of the first 10 articles of Amendments to the Constitution. These amendments give all Americans rights to believe in any religion; to speak, write and publish as they like; to gather together peaceably and to petition the government; to be secure in their homes without fear of unreasonable searches and seizure of persons and property; and to receive fair and just treatment in courts of law. The Bill of Rights was added in 1791.10. jurisdictionJurisdiction is the authority to hear and decide cases. According to the Constitution, the federal courts exercise jurisdiction over cases in which the subject involves either the U.S. Constitution, statutes, or treaties; maritime law; or cases in which the litigants include either the U.S. government, more than one state government, one state government and a citizen of another state, citizens of more than one state, or a foreign government or citizen. The state courts exercise jurisdiction over the remaining cases. These include most criminal cases.11. Electoral CollegeIt is a body that elects the president and vice president. Each state is represented by the same number of members as in its congressional delegation. In another word, each has as many electors as the total representation in Congress (House plus Senate). The voters vote for electors who will cast their ballots in the Electoral College. Because of the winner-take-all feature ofthe Electoral College, the system gives an advantage to large states and their urban populations.12. Manifest DestinyThe 19th century journalist John O’Sullivan coined the phrase “manifest destiny”in an 1839 article. It conveyed the belief in the divinely conferred right of the republic to expand westward and bring more of the continent into “the great experiment of Liberty and Federated self-government”.Questions for Discussion1.The Articles of Confederation was the first governing Constitution of the United States ofAmerica. Although serving a crucial role in the victory in the American Revolutionary War, a group of reformers felt that the Articles lacked the necessary provisions for a sufficiently effective government. Another problem is that the government lacked taxing authority; it had to request funds from the states. Another criticism of the Articles was that they did not strike the right balance between large and small states in the legislative decision making process. 2.Legislature is a type of representative assembly with the power to create and change laws.The President has the authority to appoint federal judges as vacancies occur. Under the Constitution, the President is responsible for foreign relations with other nations. He also has the right to veto or sign any bills passed by Congress. He can call into service of the National Guard. The judicial branch is headed by the Supreme Court, which is the only court specifically created by the Constitution. The Supreme Court is the ultimate appellate court in the United States. It usually hears cases on appeal. If Congress proposes a law that the President thinks is unwise, the President can veto it. That means the proposal does not becomelaw. If Congress passes a law which is then challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, the Supreme Court has the power to declare the law unconstitutional and therefore no longer in effect.。

1、In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )∙A、Family name∙B、Last name∙C、Surname∙D、First name正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分2Bill is the short version of ( ).∙A、William∙B、Steven∙C、Robert∙D、Richard正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分3There is only one given name in western name.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )∙A、Chinese food∙B、Spring Festivel∙C、Chinese medicine∙D、Football正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分4Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society. ∙A、traditions∙B、habits∙C、customs∙D、costumes正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:33.3分5Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Topography of the USA已完成成绩:100.0分6( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.∙A、Colorado∙B、Indiana∙C、Alabama∙D、Alaska正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:25.0分7The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains.∙A、Rocky Mountains∙B、Andes Mountains∙C、Alps Mountains∙D、Atlas Mountains正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:25.0分8Which is the largest states by population?( )∙A、Texas∙B、New York∙C、California∙D、Florida正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:25.0分9Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Three icons of America已完成成绩:33.3分10Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )∙A、Because it is the first national park in the world.∙B、Because it is in America.∙C、Because it is the biggest national park in America.∙D、Because it is the first national park in America.正确答案: A 我的答案:D得分:0.0分11Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( ) ∙A、Madison∙B、Roosevelt∙C、Kennedy∙D、Adams正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分12Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )∙A、The United Kingdom∙B、Canada∙C、Australia∙D、France正确答案: D 我的答案:DComparison of the USA and China已完成成绩:83.5分13Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )∙A、Air pollution∙B、Water shortage∙C、Loss of agricultural land∙D、desertification正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:16.7分14Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )∙A、China has more railways than America.∙B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.∙C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.∙D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分15The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).∙A、Domestic∙B、Industry∙C、Livestock∙D、Agriculture正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:16.7分16In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America. ∙A、3 times∙B、4 times∙C、5 times∙D、6 times正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分17The total area of China is bigger than America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分18America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Comparison of the USA and China 2已完成成绩:60.0分19The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).∙A、White, Hispanic and Black∙B、White, Black and Hispanic∙C、White, Black and Asian∙D、White, Asian and Black正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分20In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.∙A、70∙B、72∙C、75∙D、79正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:20.0分211 kilogram is ( ) pounds.∙A、0.6∙B、1.7∙C、2.1∙D、2.2正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:20.0分22All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.∙A、the UK∙B、the USA∙C、France∙D、Japan正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分23Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )正确答案:×我的答案:√24Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )∙A、China∙B、Japan∙C、South Korea∙D、Germany正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分25Which one of following is not an American company?( )∙A、Google∙B、CocaCola∙C、Facebook∙D、Airbus正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分26Per capita means a person.( )正确答案:√我的答案:√Comparison of the USA and China已完成成绩:42.9分27According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( ) ∙A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture.∙B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.∙C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.∙D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分28Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )∙A、Most of American labour force are in services.∙B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.∙C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.∙D、American labour force is more than Chinese.正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分29( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.∙A、Water∙B、Nuclear∙C、Wind∙D、Coal正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分30The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.∙A、Canada∙B、Mexico∙C、Japan∙D、South Korea正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:14.3分31Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement inthe economy.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:14.3分32Now services in China grows very fast.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分33The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Agriculture in the USA已完成成绩:20.0分34( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.∙A、Arizona∙B、Maryland∙C、Texas∙D、Nevada正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:20.0分35Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )∙A、Large family farms are much more productive.∙B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.∙C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources.∙D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分36In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle,soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.∙A、Corn∙B、Potato∙C、Tomato∙D、Cotton正确答案: A 我的答案:D得分:0.0分3796% of the farmers are black people.( )正确答案:×我的答案:√得分:0.0分38In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:√Global Financial Crisis已完成成绩:20.0分39Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.∙A、1 quarter∙B、2 quarters∙C、3 quarters∙D、4 quarters正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分40The GFC Recession started in ( ).∙A、the USA∙B、the UK∙C、Japan∙D、France正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分41The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).∙A、Stock bubble burst∙B、Property bubble burst∙C、Dotcom bubble burst∙D、Asset price bubble burst正确答案: B 我的答案:D得分:0.0分42Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )∙A、Banks stopped lending.∙B、Companies cut jobs.∙C、Stock market crashed.∙D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分43China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×A Hero and a Villain已完成成绩:33.3分44Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.∙A、10∙B、20∙C、30∙D、40正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分45The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).∙A、Villain∙B、Hero∙C、Monster∙D、Saviour正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分46Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Discovery of the 'New World'已完成成绩:33.3分47The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain. ∙A、Italy∙B、Portugal∙C、Russia∙D、Germany正确答案: B 我的答案:A得分:0.0分48Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.∙A、Pacific∙B、Indian∙C、Arctic∙D、Atlantic正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分49Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:33.3分British Colonies已完成成绩:40.0分50The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.∙A、11∙B、12∙C、13∙D、14正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分51The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).∙A、Washington D.C.∙B、New York∙C、Boston∙D、Lexington and Concord正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分52John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) wrote The Declaration of Independence.∙A、Benjamin Franklin∙B、Abraham Lincoln∙C、George Washington∙D、Paul Revere正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分53British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayflower in 1620.( ) 正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分54The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×American War of independence已完成成绩:66.6分55The war of Independence was between ( ).∙A、America and France∙B、America and Holland∙C、America and Spain∙D、America and Britain正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分56In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.∙A、Spain∙B、Holland∙C、France∙D、Britain正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分57Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Building the New Nation已完成成绩:60.0分58The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).∙A、1778∙B、1779∙C、1780∙D、1781正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:20.0分59The first president of Amercia was ( ).∙A、George Washington∙B、Abraham Lincoln∙C、Benjamin Franklin∙D、Thomas Jefferson正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分60Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America. ∙A、State∙B、Law∙C、Treasury∙D、War正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分61There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.∙A、1∙B、3∙C、8∙D、9正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分62Thomas Paine was born in France.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×A Hero, Traitor and Genius已完成成绩:33.4分63George Washington declared ( )∙A、Thanksgiving Day∙B、Christmas∙C、Halloween∙D、New Year's Day正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分64Which one is right about George Washington?( )∙A、He was graduated from college.∙B、He had three children.∙C、He had no experience in military action.∙D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分65Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )∙A、He was also a Doctor.∙B、He loved reading.∙C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.∙D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention.正确答案: A 我的答案:C得分:0.0分66Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )∙A、The Declaration of Independence∙B、Treaty with France∙C、Peace Treaty∙D、Article of Confederation正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分67During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets toFrance.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分68Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()正确答案:×我的答案:×Timeline of Major Events (1800-1899)已完成成绩:33.3分69The first railway was built in ( ).∙A、1827∙B、1828∙C、1829∙D、1830正确答案: B 我的答案:D得分:0.0分70The war with Mexico was started in ( ).∙A、1846∙B、1847∙C、1848∙D、1849正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分71The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×Territorial Expansion已完成成绩:66.8分72America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France. ∙A、2∙B、5∙C、10∙D、15正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分73The USA purchased Florida from ( ).∙A、Spain∙B、the UK∙C、France∙D、Italy正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分74Texas was the ( ) state of America.∙A、26th∙B、27th∙C、28th∙D、29th正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分75Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )∙A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.∙B、There are 8 main islands.∙C、It is the 50th states of America.∙D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分76Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分77The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×The American Civil War已完成成绩:33.4分78The Civil War started in ( ).∙A、1861∙B、1862∙C、1863∙D、1864正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分79Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )∙A、America was kept as one country.∙B、Slavery was abolished.∙C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.∙D、The South was strong in "hard power".正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分80Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )∙A、He was the 16th president of America.∙B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.∙C、He was a businessman and then became politician.∙D、He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分81In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分82Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分83In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( ) 正确答案:√我的答案:×84Which one is wrong about the American political system?( )∙A、The government is small.∙B、Leaders are educated.∙C、There are many traditions.∙D、The society is classless.正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分85Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )∙A、He was educated in school.∙B、His first job is telegraph operator.∙C、He had many patents.∙D、He invented electric light bulb.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:25.0分86Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).∙A、General Electric is one of his companies.∙B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.∙C、When he was 20, he started his own company.∙D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分87Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball whichis a good sport for winter.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×Timeline of Major Events (1900-2014)已完成成绩:33.3分88The first long distance telephone was built in ( ).∙A、1915∙B、1916∙C、1917∙D、1918正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分89In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.∙A、1967∙B、1968∙C、1969∙D、1970正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分90President Nixon visited China in ( ).∙A、1971∙B、1972∙C、1973∙D、1974正确答案: B 我的答案:AThe Panama Canal已完成成绩:33.3分91The Panama Canal was built by a ( ) consortium.∙A、America∙B、Italy∙C、Britain∙D、France正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分92Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )∙A、Because it was too expensive.∙B、Because many people died.∙C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.∙D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves.正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分93The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×The Great Depression已完成成绩:40.0分94The Great Depression started in ( ).∙A、1929∙B、1932∙C、1933∙D、1939正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分95Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )∙A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market.∙B、More than 9000 banks closed down.∙C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.∙D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分96Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( ) ∙A、GDP went down.∙B、Income fell.∙C、Unemployment rate increased.∙D、Farmers had no food to eat.正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分97Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( ) ∙A、He was also known as FDR.∙B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression.∙C、He was elected as president for 3 times.∙D、He started many government programs to provide work to people.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分98The Great Depression only happened in America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×The Cold War已完成成绩:57.2分99Why did the Cold War avoid direct conflict?( )∙A、Because the Second World War was just finished.∙B、Because the USSR was too weak to fight.∙C、Because both sides of the Cold War had nuclear weapons.∙D、Because some countries stop the war.正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:14.3分100The Cold War began in ( ).∙A、1945∙B、1946∙C、1947∙D、1948正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分101Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )∙A、The communist countries only has one political system.∙B、The economy in communist countries is state-owned.∙C、The communist countries are against religion.∙D、The communist countries have nuclear weapons.正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分102Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).∙A、1989∙B、1988∙C、1987∙D、1986正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:14.3分103Which statement of following is wrong?( )∙A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.∙B、Germany reunited in 1990.∙C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.∙D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分104The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:14.3分105Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government builtthe Berlin Wall.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×实用文案106Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )∙A、About 3000 people were killed.∙B、It happened in 2002.∙C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked.∙D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.正确答案: B 我的答案:B得分:33.3分107The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.∙A、4∙B、5∙C、6∙D、7正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分108Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×文案大全。

大学英语《英美文化概论》练习题1、In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )•A、Family name•B、Last name•C、Surname•D、First name正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分2Bill is the short version of ( ).•A、William•B、Steven•C、Robert•D、Richard正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分3There is only one given name in western name.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )•A、Chinese food•B、Spring Festivel•C、Chinese medicine•D、Football正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分4Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society. •A、traditions•B、habits•C、customs•D、costumes正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:33.3分5Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Topography of the USA已完成成绩:100.0分6( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.•A、Colorado•B、Indiana•C、Alabama•D、Alaska正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:25.0分7The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains. •A、Rocky Mountains•B、Andes Mountains•C、Alps Mountains•D、Atlas Mountains正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:25.0分8Which is the largest states by population?( )•A、Texas•B、New York•C、California•D、Florida正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:25.0分9Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Three icons of America已完成成绩:33.3分10Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )•A、Because it is the first national park in the world.•B、Because it is in America.•C、Because it is the biggest national park in America.•D、Because it is the first national park in America.正确答案: A 我的答案:D得分:0.0分11Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( ) •A、Madison•B、Roosevelt•C、Kennedy•D、Adams正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分12Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )•A、The United Kingdom•B、Canada•C、Australia•D、France正确答案: D 我的答案:DComparison of the USA and China已完成成绩:83.5分13Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )•A、Air pollution•B、Water shortage•C、Loss of agricultural land•D、desertification正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:16.7分14Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )•A、China has more railways than America.•B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.•C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.•D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分15The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).•A、Domestic•B、Industry•C、Livestock•D、Agriculture正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:16.7分16In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America. •A、3 times•B、4 times•C、5 times•D、6 times正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分17The total area of China is bigger than America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分18America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Comparison of the USA and China 2已完成成绩:60.0分19The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).•A、White, Hispanic and Black•B、White, Black and Hispanic•C、White, Black and Asian•D、White, Asian and Black正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分20In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.•A、70•B、72•C、75•D、79正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:20.0分211 kilogram is ( ) pounds.•A、0.6•B、1.7•C、2.1•D、2.2正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:20.0分22All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia. •A、the UK•B、the USA•C、France•D、Japan正确答案: B 我的答案:C得分:0.0分23Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )正确答案:×我的答案:√24Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )•A、China•B、Japan•C、South Korea•D、Germany正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分25Which one of following is not an American company?( )•A、Google•B、CocaCola•C、Facebook•D、Airbus正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分26Per capita means a person.( )正确答案:√我的答案:√Comparison of the USA and China已完成成绩:42.9分27According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )•A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture.•B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.•C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.•D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分28Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )•A、Most of American labour force are in services.•B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.•C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.•D、American labour force is more than Chinese.正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分29( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.•A、Water•B、Nuclear•C、Wind•D、Coal正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分30The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.•A、Canada•B、Mexico•C、Japan•D、South Korea正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:14.3分31Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in theeconomy.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:14.3分32Now services in China grows very fast.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分33The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Agriculture in the USA已完成成绩:20.0分34( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.•A、Arizona•B、Maryland•C、Texas•D、Nevada正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:20.0分35Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )•A、Large family farms are much more productive.•B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.•C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources.•D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分36In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.•A、Corn•B、Potato•C、Tomato•D、Cotton正确答案: A 我的答案:D得分:0.0分3796% of the farmers are black people.( )正确答案:×我的答案:√得分:0.0分38In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )正确答案:×我的答案:√Global Financial Crisis已完成成绩:20.0分39Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.•A、1 quarter•B、2 quarters•C、3 quarters•D、4 quarters正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分40The GFC Recession started in ( ).•A、the USA•B、the UK•C、Japan•D、France正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分41The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).•A、Stock bubble burst•B、Property bubble burst•C、Dotcom bubble burst•D、Asset price bubble burst正确答案: B 我的答案:D得分:0.0分42Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( ) •A、Banks stopped lending.•B、Companies cut jobs.•C、Stock market crashed.•D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分43China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×A Hero and a Villain已完成成绩:33.3分44Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.•A、10•B、20•C、30•D、40正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分45The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).•A、Villain•B、Hero•C、Monster•D、Saviour正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分46Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Discovery of the 'New World'已完成成绩:33.3分47The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain. •A、Italy•B、Portugal•C、Russia•D、Germany正确答案: B 我的答案:A得分:0.0分48Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean. •A、Pacific•B、Indian•C、Arctic•D、Atlantic正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分49Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:33.3分British Colonies已完成成绩:40.0分50The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.•A、11•B、12•C、13•D、14正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分51The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).•A、Washington D.C.•B、New York•C、Boston•D、Lexington and Concord正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分52John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) wrote The Declaration of Independence.•A、Benjamin Franklin•B、Abraham Lincoln•C、George Washington•D、Paul Revere正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分53British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayflower in 1620.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分54The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×American War of independence已完成成绩:66.6分55The war of Independence was between ( ).•A、America and France•B、America and Holland•C、America and Spain•D、America and Britain正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:33.3分56In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.•A、Spain•B、Holland•C、France•D、Britain正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分57Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×Building the New Nation已完成成绩:60.0分58The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ). •A、1778•B、1779•C、1780•D、1781正确答案: D 我的答案:D得分:20.0分59The first president of Amercia was ( ).•A、George Washington•B、Abraham Lincoln•C、Benjamin Franklin•D、Thomas Jefferson正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分60Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.•A、State•B、Law•C、Treasury•D、War正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分61There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.•A、1•B、3•C、8•D、9正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分62Thomas Paine was born in France.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×A Hero, Traitor and Genius已完成成绩:33.4分63George Washington declared ( )•A、Thanksgiving Day•B、Christmas•C、Halloween•D、New Year's Day正确答案: A 我的答案:B得分:0.0分64Which one is right about George Washington?( )•A、He was graduated from college.•B、He had three children.•C、He had no experience in military action.•D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".正确答案: D 我的答案:B得分:0.0分65Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )•A、He was also a Doctor.•B、He loved reading.•C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.•D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention.正确答案: A 我的答案:C得分:0.0分66Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )•A、The Declaration of Independence•B、Treaty with France•C、Peace Treaty•D、Article of Confederation正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分67During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分68Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()正确答案:×我的答案:×Timeline of Major Events (1800-1899)已完成成绩:33.3分69The first railway was built in ( ).•A、1827•B、1828•C、1829•D、1830正确答案: B 我的答案:D得分:0.0分70The war with Mexico was started in ( ).•A、1846•B、1847•C、1848•D、1849正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分71The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×Territorial Expansion已完成成绩:66.8分72America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France. •A、2•B、5•C、10•D、15正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分73The USA purchased Florida from ( ).•A、Spain•B、the UK•C、France•D、Italy正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分74Texas was the ( ) state of America.•A、26th•B、27th•C、28th•D、29th正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分75Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )•A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.•B、There are 8 main islands.•C、It is the 50th states of America.•D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分76Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分77The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×The American Civil War已完成成绩:33.4分78The Civil War started in ( ).•A、1861•B、1862•C、1863•D、1864正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:16.7分79Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )•A、America was kept as one country.•B、Slavery was abolished.•C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.•D、The South was strong in "hard power".正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分80Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )•A、He was the 16th president of America.•B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.•C、He was a businessman and then became politician.•D、He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分81In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:16.7分82Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×得分:0.0分83In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×84Which one is wrong about the American political system?( )•A、The government is small.•B、Leaders are educated.•C、There are many traditions.•D、The society is classless.正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分85Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )•A、He was educated in school.•B、His first job is telegraph operator.•C、He had many patents.•D、He invented electric light bulb.正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:25.0分86Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).•A、General Electric is one of his companies.•B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.•C、When he was 20, he started his own company.•D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分87Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )正确答案:√我的答案:×Timeline of Major Events (1900-2014)已完成成绩:33.3分88The first long distance telephone was built in ( ).•A、1915•B、1916•C、1917•D、1918正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分89In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.•A、1967•B、1968•C、1969•D、1970正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分90President Nixon visited China in ( ).•A、1971•B、1972•C、1973•D、1974正确答案: B 我的答案:AThe Panama Canal已完成成绩:33.3分91The Panama Canal was built by a ( ) consortium.•A、America•B、Italy•C、Britain•D、France正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分92Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )•A、Because it was too expensive.•B、Because many people died.•C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.•D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves.正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分93The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( ) 正确答案:×我的答案:×The Great Depression已完成成绩:40.0分94The Great Depression started in ( ).•A、1929•B、1932•C、1933•D、1939正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:20.0分95Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )•A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market.•B、More than 9000 banks closed down.•C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.•D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案: C 我的答案:D得分:0.0分96Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( )•A、GDP went down.•B、Income fell.•C、Unemployment rate increased.•D、Farmers had no food to eat.正确答案: D 我的答案:A得分:0.0分97Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )•A、He was also known as FDR.•B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression.•C、He was elected as president for 3 times.•D、He started many government programs to provide work to people.正确答案: C 我的答案:B得分:0.0分98The Great Depression only happened in America.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×The Cold War已完成成绩:57.2分99Why did the Cold War avoid direct conflict?( )•A、Because the Second World War was just finished.•B、Because the USSR was too weak to fight.•C、Because both sides of the Cold War had nuclear weapons.•D、Because some countries stop the war.正确答案: C 我的答案:C得分:14.3分100The Cold War began in ( ).•A、1945•B、1946•C、1947•D、1948正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分101Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )•A、The communist countries only has one political system.•B、The economy in communist countries is state-owned.•C、The communist countries are against religion.•D、The communist countries have nuclear weapons.正确答案: D 我的答案:C得分:0.0分102Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).•A、1989•B、1988•C、1987•D、1986正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:14.3分103Which statement of following is wrong?( )•A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.•B、Germany reunited in 1990.•C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.•D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案: C 我的答案:A得分:0.0分104The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×得分:14.3分105Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×106Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )•A、About 3000 people were killed.•B、It happened in 2002.•C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked.•D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.正确答案: B 我的答案:B得分:33.3分107The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.•A、4•B、5•C、6•D、7正确答案: A 我的答案:A得分:33.3分108Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×。

第1章问题:In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )答案:First name问题:Bill is the short version of ( ).答案:William问题:There is only one given name in western name.( ) 答案:错误第2章问题:Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society.答案:customs问题:Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( ) 答案:Football问题:Chinese culture is better than American culture.( ) 答案:错误第3章问题:( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland. 答案:Alaska问题:The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains.答案:Rocky Mountains问题:Which is the largest states by population?( )答案:California问题:Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )答案:错误第4章问题:Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )答案:Because it is the first national park in the world. 问题:Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincolns faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )答案:Roosevelt问题:Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )答案:France第5章问题:Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )答案:Loss of agricultural land问题:Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )答案:China has more railways than America.问题:The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).答案:Agriculture问题:In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America.答案:4 times问题:The total area of China is bigger than America.( ) 答案:错误问题:Americas population growth rate is lower than Chinas.( )答案:错误第6章问题:The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ). 答案:White, Hispanic and Black问题:In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.答案:75问题:1 kilogram is ( ) pounds.答案:2.2问题:All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.答案:the USA问题:Everyone in America and China can read and write.( ) 答案:错误第7章问题:Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )答案:China问题:Which one of following is not an American company?( ) 答案:Airbus问题:Per capita means a person.( )答案:正确第8章问题:According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )答案:In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.问题:Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )答案:Most of American labour force are in services.问题:( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.答案:Coal问题:The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China. 答案:Japan问题:Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( )答案:错误问题:Now services in China grows very fast.( )答案:正确问题:The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( ) 答案:错误第9章问题:( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.答案:Texas问题:Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( ) 答案:In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.问题:In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.答案:Corn问题:96% of the farmers are black people.( )答案:错误问题:In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )答案:错误第10章问题:Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.答案:4 quarters问题:The GFC Recession started in ( ).答案:the USA问题:The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).答案:Property bubble burst问题:Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )答案:People got more job opportunity.问题:China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( ) 答案:正确第11章问题:Bernie Madoffs clients lost about ( ) billion dollars. 答案:10问题:The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).答案:Monster问题:Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )答案:错误第12章问题:The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain.答案:Portugal问题:Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.答案:Atlantic问题:Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )答案:错误第13章问题:The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.答案:13问题:The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).答案:Lexington and Concord问题:John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) wrote The Declaration of Independence. 答案:Benjamin Franklin问题:British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayflower in 1620.( )答案:正确问题:The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( ) 答案:错误第14章问题:The war of Independence was between ( ).答案:America and Britain问题:In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America. 答案:France问题:Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )答案:错误第15章问题:The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).答案:1781问题:The first president of Amercia was ( ).答案:George Washington问题:Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.答案:Treasury问题:There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court. 答案:1问题:Thomas Paine was born in France.( )答案:错误第16章问题:George Washington declared ( )答案:Thanksgiving Day问题:Which one is right about George Washington?( )答案:He was revered as the “Father of the United States”. 问题:Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )答案:He was also a Doctor.问题:Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( ) 答案:Article of Confederation问题:During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )答案:错误问题:Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()答案:错误第17章问题:The first railway was built in ( ).答案:1828问题:The war with Mexico was started in ( ).答案:1846问题:The first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) 答案:正确第18章问题:America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France.答案:15问题:The USA purchased Florida from ( ).答案:Spain问题:Texas was the ( ) state of America.答案:28th问题:Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )答案:It is in the Atlantic Ocean.问题:Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )答案:错误问题:The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )答案:错误第19章问题:The Civil War started in ( ).答案:1861问题:Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )答案:The South was strong in “hard power”.问题:Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )答案:He was a businessman and then became politician. 问题:In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )答案:错误问题:Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )答案:正确问题:In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )答案:正确第20章问题:Which one is wrong about the American political system?( )答案:There are many traditions.问题:Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )答案:He was educated in school.问题:Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ). 答案:He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.问题:Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( ) 答案:正确第21章问题:The first long distance telephone was built in ( ). 答案:1915问题:In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.答案:1969问题:President Nixon visited China in ( ).答案:1972第22章问题:The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium. 答案:America问题:Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )答案:Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.问题:The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( )答案:错误第23章问题:The Great Depression started in ( ).答案:1929问题:Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( ) 答案:It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.问题:Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( ) 答案:Farmers had no food to eat.问题:Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( ) 答案:He was elected as president for 3 times.问题:The Great Depression only happened in America.( ) 答案:错误第24章问题:Why did the Cold War avoid direct conflict?( )答案:Because both sides of the Cold War had nuclear weapons.问题:The Cold War began in ( ).答案:1948问题:Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )答案:The communist countries have nuclear weapons.问题:Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).答案:1989问题:Which statement of following is wrong?( )答案:The USSR was dissolved in 1990.问题:The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )答案:错误问题:Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( )答案:错误第25章问题:Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )答案:It happened in 2002.问题:The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.答案:4问题:Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )答案:错误第26章问题:Which is not the three basic principles of the Consititution?( )答案:Freedom问题:( ) was elected as the chairman of the Constitutional Convention.答案:George Washington问题:The new Constitution was singed in ( ).答案:1787问题:The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( )答案:正确问题:The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )答案:正确第27章问题:The Legislative Branch is to ( ).答案:Make laws问题:There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives.答案:435问题:There are ( ) justices in the Supreme Court.答案:9问题:Senators are elected for 5 year.( )答案:错误问题:American president can be elected for 3 terms.( ) 答案:错误第28章问题:The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States.答案:75%问题:The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ). 答案:1791问题:President Obama is the ( ) president of America. 答案:44th问题:Each State has the same Constitution.( )答案:错误问题:In America, president can not veto legislation.( ) 答案:错误第29章问题:The Democratic Party is also called ( ).答案:Liberal Party问题:The symbol of The Democratic Party is ( ).答案:Donkey问题:The supporters of the Republican Party is businessmen and ( ).答案:Farmers问题:The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )答案:错误问题:The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( ) 答案:错误第30章问题:Registering to vote costs ( ).答案:No cost问题:Voting can not be ( ).答案:Making a phone call问题:In America, voting is compulsory.( )答案:错误第31章问题:How often is the president elected for?( )答案:4 years问题:The American president can be elected for ( ).答案:2 times问题:In ( ), Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the USA.答案:2008问题:A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )答案:错误问题:In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( )答案:正确第32章问题:Which is not the reason why people are religious?( ) 答案:Religion can make people feel happy.问题:For the Christian Church, ( ) is the Sabbath.答案:Sunday问题:2014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( ) 答案:错误第33章问题:The biggest religion by followers is ( ).答案:Christianity问题:People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).答案:India问题:The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )答案:错误第34章问题:How many commandments does Christianity have?( ) 答案:10问题:About ( ) of Christians belong to Catholics.答案:55%问题:The leader of catholic church is called ( )答案:Pope问题:Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( ) 答案:正确问题:There are no catholics in China.( )答案:错误第35章问题:Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( )答案:Helping everyone in the world问题:According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity.答案:76%问题:According to ARIS, in 1990, 2001, 2008, the number of Christian, Catholic and ( ) decease.答案:Protestant问题:In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )答案:错误问题:Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( ) 答案:错误第36章问题:Why doesnt western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( )答案:Because Confucianism does not talk about an after life.问题:According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion.答案:21.9%问题:There is no Christianity in China.( )答案:错误第37章问题:In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).答案:The quarterback问题:The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).答案:AT the end of January问题:There are ( ) teams in the the National Football League. 答案:32问题:Kobe Bryant is amateur basketball player.( )答案:错误问题:In 2013, the Seattle Seahawks was the best defensive team during the season.( )答案:正确第38章问题:Kobe Bryants nick name is ( ).答案:Black Mamba问题:World Series is held in ( ) every year.答案:October问题:Michael Phelps won ( ) Olympic medals.答案:22问题:Tiger Woods is the real name of Woods.( )答案:错误第39章第40章问题:Why dont many people in New York City want a car?( ) 答案:Because there is no place to park cars in New York City.问题:Which car company has the most market in America?( ) 答案:GM问题:In 2013, the best seller in China was ( ).答案:Volkswagen问题:In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )答案:正确问题:Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )答案:正确第41章问题:To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old.答案:21问题:Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )答案:Collecting guns to sell for a high price问题:( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America.答案:Florida问题:In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.答案:Honduras问题:People in western countries all love guns.( )答案:错误问题:Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )答案:错误问题:The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )答案:正确第42章问题:Which one of following is wrong about Steve Jobs?( ) 答案:His real parents were died when he was born.问题:68% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ).答案:USA问题:Alfred Nobel was from ( ).答案:Sweden问题:In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize. 答案:7问题:Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )答案:错误第43章问题:When was the UN established?( )答案:1945问题:Where is the headquarter of the UN.( )答案:In New York City问题:The face of ( ) is on 1 dollar.答案:George Washington问题:In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )答案:错误问题:New York Stock Exchange is the worlds second largest stock exchange.( )答案:错误第44章问题:Which is right about American college?( )答案:Many American college students have part time jobs. 问题:When was Harvard University established?( )答案:1636问题:In America, its hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( )答案:错误第45章问题:45 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a persons life. 答案:Middle age问题:When is the Independent Day of America?( )答案:4th July问题:10% of people in America use left hand.( )答案:正确第46章问题:Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )答案:Vladimir Putin问题:Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )答案:USA问题:The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch areseparated.( )答案:错误第47章问题:What does When in Rome, do as the Romans do. mean?( ) 答案:If you are in another place, you should act like the local people.问题:Which one of following is polite in western culture?( ) 答案:Waiting bus in a queue问题:Which is wrong about American people?( )答案:American people like to talk about politics and religion.问题:In western countries, eye contact is important.( ) 答案:正确问题:In western countries, people dont always say thank you to other people.( )答案:错误第48章问题:In America, its common to add ( ) to a bill as a tip. 答案:15%-20%问题:Which one of following statement is wrong?( )答案:In western countries, drivers can speak on the mobile phone while driving.问题:The first course in western food is called ().答案:Appetiser问题:Bargaining is common in western countries.( )答案:错误问题:Gambling is legal in western countries.( )答案:正确第49章问题:Which statement about western marriage is wrong?( ) 答案:Woman must take husband’s family name.问题:Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( )答案:Real estate is cheap in Australia.问题:Which one of following is right?( )答案:After people die, firstly the doctor will come to confirm death.问题:In western culture, wedding rings are worn on right hand.( )答案:错误问题:Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )答案:正确第50章问题:Which one of following is not the feature of Australia?( )答案:Maoris问题:The capital city of Australia is ( ).答案:Canberra问题:Most island of Australia is dessert.( )答案:正确第51章。

成绩:92.0 分一、单选题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Interpret lawsB、Execute lawsC、Make lawsD、Change laws正确答案: D 我的答案: C2Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、America was kept as one country.B、Slavery was abolished.C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win. D、The South was strong in "hard power".正确答案: D 我的答案: D3The GFC Recession started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案: A 我的答案: A4Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Seperation of church and stateB、Variety of beliefC、Concerned with moralityD、Helping everyone in the world正确答案: D 我的答案: D5Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished. C、He was a businessman and then became politician.D、He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案: C 我的答案: C6Which one is right about George Washington?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was graduated from college.B、He had three children.C、He had no experience in military action.D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".正确答案: D 我的答案: D7Registering to vote costs ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、$5B、$10C、$20D、No cost正确答案: D 我的答案: D8The Civil War started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1861B、1862C、1863D、1864A正确答案: A 我的答案:9The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain. (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、ItalyB、PortugalC、RussiaD、Germany正确答案: B 我的答案: A10When was Harvard University established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639C正确答案: C 我的答案:11(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、EagleB、ElephantC、DonkeyHorse正确答案: C 我的答案: C12Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China. 正确答案: A 我的答案: A13When was the UN established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947正确答案: B 我的答案: B14The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、White, Hispanic and BlackB、White, Black and HispanicC、White, Black and AsianD、White, Asian and Black正确答案: A 我的答案: A15Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.There are 8 main islands.C、It is the 50th states of America.D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king. 正确答案: A 我的答案: B16When was Harvard University established?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639正确答案: C 我的答案: C17When is the Independent Day of America?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、3rd JuneB、4th JuneC、3rd JulyD、4th July正确答案: D 我的答案: D18The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、AT the end of JanuaryB、In MarchC、In MayD、In November正确答案: A 我的答案: A19To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案: D 我的答案: D20Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD、Germany正确答案: A 我的答案: A21Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is telegraph operator.C、He had many patents.D、He invented electric light bulb.正确答案: A 我的答案: A2245 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Young adultB、Middle ageC、MatureSenior正确答案: B 我的答案: B23In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、USAB、BrazilC、JamaicaD、Honduras正确答案: D 我的答案: D24How many commandments does Christianity have?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、15B、13C、10D、8正确答案: C 我的答案: C25The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ). (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord正确答案: D 我的答案: C26People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).(1.0 分) 0.0 分A、IndiaThailandC、Middle EastD、Japan正确答案: A 我的答案: C27The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour正确答案: C 我的答案: C28Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( ) (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、Apartment is preferred by young and old people.B、Couples get mortgage from bank to buy a house or an apartment. C、Real estate is cheap in Australia.D、More people live in houses than in high buildings.正确答案: C 我的答案: D29Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案: D 我的答案: D30The first course in western food is called ().(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Main courseB、DessertC、CuisineD、Appetiser正确答案: D 我的答案: D31To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案: D 我的答案: D32The Great Depression started in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1929B、1932C、1933D、1939A正确答案: A 我的答案:33Which one is wrong about the American political system?( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The government is small.B、Leaders are educated.C、There are many traditions.D、The society is classless.正确答案: C 我的答案: C34In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ). (1.0 分) 0.0 分A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver正确答案: C 我的答案: A35In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、70B、72C、75D、79正确答案: C 我的答案: C36Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1989B、1988C、1987D、1986正确答案: A 我的答案: A37Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、1 quarterB、2quartersC、3quartersD、4quarters正确答案: D 我的答案: D38The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、4B、5C、6D、7正确答案: A 我的答案: A39There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives. (1.0 分) 1.0 分A、200B、231C、435D、521正确答案: C 我的答案: C40In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、5B、6C、7D、8正确答案: C 我的答案: C41Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Most of American labour force are in services.B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.D、American labour force is more than Chinese.正确答案: A 我的答案: A42Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Because it was too expensive.B、Because many people died.C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves.正确答案: C 我的答案: C43Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market. B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案: C 我的答案: C44Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landdesertification正确答案: C 我的答案: C45Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2正确答案: D 我的答案: D46Which one of following statement is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、In western countries, drivers can speak on the mobile phone while driving.B、In western countries, when pedestrians are walking on zebra crossing, cars must stop. C、In western countries, you should chew with mouth closed.D、In western countries, before taking more food, you should finish what you have in your mouth. 正确答案: A 我的答案: A47Which statement of following is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying. B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案: C 我的答案: C48How often is the president elected for?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、3 years4yearsC、5yearsD、6years正确答案: B 我的答案: B49The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture正确答案: D 我的答案: D50According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture. B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案: C 我的答案: C二、判断题(题数:50,共50.0 分)1New York Stock Exchange is the world's second largest stock exchange.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×2Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×3In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×5"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×6Bargaining is common in western countries.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×7In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√8The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√9Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√10The total area of China is bigger than America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×11The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×12In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×13Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×14Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×15In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×16Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×17Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×18In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√19People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×20The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×21The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√22In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√23During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×24Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√25American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )正确答案:× 我的答案:×26The Great Depression only happened in America.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×27Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×28American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×29Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×30Each State has the same Constitution.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×31In 2008, most of America agriculture imports were from China.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×32In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×3396% of the farmers are black people.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×34Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×35There is no Christianity in China.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×36Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )正确答案:× 我的答案:×37In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×38The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×39In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×40In western culture, wedding rings are worn on right hand.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×41Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√42Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×43Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×4410% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√45Kobe Bryant is amateur basketball player.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×46Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×47Most island of Australia is dessert.( )正确答案:√ 我的答案:√48The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) (1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:× 我的答案:×49China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )(1.0 分) 0.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:×50In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )(1.0 分) 1.0 分正确答案:√ 我的答案:√。

英美文化答案解析【篇一:英美文化答案解析】1、introduction to course1.1、western names1.2、what is culture1、cultureis the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society.a、traditionsb、habitsc、customsd、costumes 我的答案:c得分:33.3 分2、which one is not the keyaspect of chinese culture?( )a、chinese foodb、spring festivelc、chinese medicined、football 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分3、chineseculture is better than american culture.( )2、geography of the usa2.1、topography of the usa1、which is the largest statesby population?( )a、texasb、new yorkc、californiad、florida 我的答案:c 得分:33.3 分2、() and hawaii are seperated from american mainland.a、coloradob、indianac、alabamad、alaska 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 3、 the two significant mountain ranges ofamerican are ( ) and appalachian mountains. a、rocky mountains b、andes mountains c、alps mountains d、atlas mountains 我的答案:a 得分:33.3 分2.2、three icons of america1、why is yellowstone national park important?( ) a、becauseit is the first national park in the world. b、because it is in america. c、because it is the biggest national park in america. d、because it is the first national park in america.我的答案:a 得分:33.3 分2、washington, jefferson, () and lincoln s faces are made onthe mount rushmore.( ) a、madison b、roosevelt c、kennedy d、adams我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分3、which country provided the statue of liberty to america?( )a、the united kingdomb、canadac、australiad、france 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分2.3、comparison of the usa and china (1)1、in 2013, the populationof china is about ( ) more than that of america.a、3 timesb、4 timesc、5 timesd、6 times 我的答案:b 得分:20.0 分2、which one is wrong, about thegeography of america and china?( )a、china has more railways than america.b、america has two neighbour countries, canada and mexico.c、both america and china s climates vary greatly.d、america s land is less than china s, but water in america is more than china. 我的答案:a得分:20.0 分3、which is notthe major environment issues of america?( )a、air pollutionb、water shortagec、loss of agricultural landd、desertification 我的答案:c 得分:20.0 分4、thetotal area of china is bigger than america.( )5、america spopulation growth rate is lower than china s.( )2.4、comparison of the usa and china (2)1、allthe countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), myanmar and liberia. a、the uk b、the usac、franced、japan 我的答案:b 得分:25.0 分2、in china,the life expectancy is ( ) years.a、70b、72c、75d、79 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分3、thefirst three ethnic groups in the usa are ( ).a、white, hispanic and blackb、white, black and hispanicc、white, black and asiand、white, asian and black 我的答案:a得分:25.0 分4、1kilogram is ( ) pounds.a、0.6b、1.7c、2.1d、2.2 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分3、economy of the usa3.1、overview1、which countryis the second largest economy in the world?( )a、chinab、japanc、south koread、germany 我的答案:d 得分:0.0 分2、which one offollowing is not an american company?( )a、googleb、cocacolac、facebookd、airbus 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分3、percapita means a person.( )我的答案:√得分:33.3 分3.2、comparison of usa and china1、which one is right about thelabour force in america and china?( )3.3、agriculture in the usa1、(), missouri, iowa, oklahoma and california have the most farms in the usa.a、arizonab、marylandc、texasd、nevada4、in 2008, most ofamerican agriculture imports were from china.( )3.4、global financial crisis1、which one offollowing is wrong about the gfc recession? ( )a、banks stopped lending.b、companies cut jobs.c、stock market crashed.d、people got more job opportunity. 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 2、recession is ( ) of negative gdp growth. a、1 quarter b、2 quarters c、3 quarters d、4 quarters 我的答案:d得分:25.0 分 3、the gfc recession started in ( ). a、the usa b、the uk c、japan d、france 我的答案:a 得分:25.0 分 4、china was not affected much by the gfc recession.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分3.5、a hero and a villain1、berniemadoff s clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.a、10b、204、history of america4.1、discovery of the new world1、themain european power was spain, france, ( ) and great britain.4.2、british colonies1、thebritain founded ( ) colonies along the east coast in america.a、11b、12c、13d、14 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分2、thefirst fight between local people and british soldiers was at ( ).a、washington d.c.b、new yorkc、bostond、lexington and concord 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 3、john adams, roger sherman, robert livingston, thomas jefferson and ( ) wrote the declaration of independence. a、benjamin franklin b、abraham lincoln c、george washington d、paul revere 我的答案:a 得分:25.0 分 4、british people migrated to america with the ship called mayflower in 1620.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分4.3、american war of independence1、thewar of independence was between ( ).4.4、building the new nation1、therewere ( ) chief justice in the supreme court.a、 1b、3c、 8d、9 我的答案:a 得分:25.0 分2、alexanderhamilton was the first secretary of ( ) of america.4.5、a hero, traitor and genius1、which one is wrongabout benjamin franklin?( )a、he was also a doctor.b、he loved reading.c、he startedthe first public library in philadelphia. d、he was 81 when he went to the constitutional convention. 我的答案:a 得分:20.0分2、georgewashington declared ( )a、thanksgiving dayb、christmasc、halloweend、new year s day 我的答案:a 得分:20.0 分3、which one is right about georgewashington?( )5、benjamin franklin wasborn in a rich family and well educated.()4.6、timeline of major events (1800-1899)1、thefirst railway was built in ( ).a、1827b、1828c、1829d、1830 我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分 2、the war with mexico was started in ( ). a、1846 b、1847 c、1848 d、1849 我的答案:a 得分:33.3 分 3、the first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) 我的答案:√得分:33.3 分4.7、territorial expansion1、americapurchased louisiana territory with ( ) million dollars from france.a、 2b、5c、10d、15 我的答案:d 得分:20.0 分 2、which one is wrong about hawaii?( ) a、it is in the atlantic ocean. b、there are 8 main islands. c、it is the 50th states of america. d、america took over hawaii government from the local king. 我的答案:a 得分:20.0 分 3、texas was the ( ) state of america. a、26th b、27th c、28th d、29th 我的答案:c 得分:20.0 分 4、the usa purchased florida from ( ). a、spain4.8、the american civil war1、which one offollowing is wrong about abraham lincoln?( )5、in the civilwar, the north lost more people than the south.( )我的答案:√得分:20.0 分4.9、america s economic development1、which one is wrongabout john d. rockefeller?( ).a、he established his first oil refinery when he was 24.b、at first, he worked as a bookkeeper.c、when he was 20, hestarted his own company. d、he donated all his money to the rockefeller foundation.我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 2、which one is wrong aboutthomas edison?( ) a、he was educated in school. b、his firstjob is telegraph operator. c、he had many patents. d、he invented electric light bulb. 我的答案:a 得分:33.3 分 3、because the northern america is cold, james naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( ) 我的答案:√得分:33.3 分4.10、timeline of major events (1900-2014)1、thefirst long distance telephone was built in ( ).a、1915b、1916c、1917d、1918 我的答案:a 得分:33.3 分 2、in ( ), the first humans walked on the moon. a、1967 b、1968 c、1969 d、1970 我的答案:c 得分:33.3 分3、presidentnixon visited china in ( ).a、1971b、1972c、1973d、1974 我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分4.11、the panama canal1、thepanama canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium.a、franceb、italyc、britaind、america 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 2、why did the french consortium gave up to build the canal?( )4.12、the great depression1、which one is wrongabout franklin delano roosevelt?( )4.13、the cold war1、why didthe cold war avoid direct conflict?( )a、because the second world war was just finished.5、because4.14、911 war on terror1、which one is wrongabout 9/11?( )5、political system of america 15.1、the american constitution1、which is notthe three basic principles of the consititution?( )a、republicb、federationc、rule of lawd、freedom 我的答案:c 得分:0.0 分 2、( ) was elected as the chairman of the constitutional convention. a、abraham lincoln b、george washington c、benjamin franklin d、alexander hamilton 我的答案:b 得分:25.0 分 3、the constituional convention was heldin philadelphia.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分4、theamerican consitituion is only 4 pages.( )我的答案:√得分:25.0 分5.2、a government of 3 branches1、thereare ( ) justices in the supreme court.a、 6b、7c、 8d、9 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 2、the legislative branch is to ( ). a、interpret laws b、execute laws c、change laws d、make laws 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 3、there are ( ) congressional districts in the house of representatives.a、200b、2315.3、characteristics of the constitution1、theamerican bill of rights was effective in ( ).a、1787b、1786c、1791d、1792 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分2、president obamais the ( ) president of america.6、political system of america 26.1、political parties1、thesymbol of the democratic party is ( ).a、eagleb、elephantc、donkeyd、horse4、themembership of the democratic party is hard.( )6.2、voting1、registeringto vote costs ( ).6.3、elections1、in (), barack obama was elected as the 44th president of the usa.a、2006b、2007c、2008d、2009 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分 2、the american president can be elected for ( ). a、many times4、in 2012presidential election, mitt romney is from republican party.( )我的答案:√得分:25.0 分7、religion in america7.1、what is religion1、which is notthe reason why people are religious?( )7.2、major religions1、thebiggest religion by followers is ( ).a、islamb、hinduismc、christianityd、buddhism 我的答案:c 得分:33.3 分 2、people follow hinduism are mainly from ( ).7.3、christianity1、about () of christians belong to catholics.a、45%b、50%c、55%d、60% 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分 2、the leader of catholic church is called ( ) a、priest b、pastor c、disciple d、pope 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 3、originally, the christians were called catholics.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分4、thereare no catholics in china.( )7.4、religion in america1、accordingto the 2008 aris, ( ) of american follow christianity.a、76%b、70%c、51%d、40% 我的答案:a 得分:25.0 分 2、according to aris, in 1990, 2001, 2008, the number of christian, catholic and ( ) decease. a、judaismb、islamc、protestantd、no religion 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分 3、which is not the key characteristics of religion in america?( ) a、seperation of church and state b、variety of belief c、concerned with morality d、helping everyone in the world 我的答案:d 得分:25which is not the reason why people are religious.0 分4、agnostic is 100%certain that there is no god.( )7.5、china1、why doesn t western scholarsthink confucianism is religion?( )8、way of life 18.1、way of life (1-1)1、thesuper bowl is usually held ( ).a、at the end of januaryb、in marchc、in may4、in 2013, theseattle seahawks was the best defensive team during the season.( )我的答案:√得分:25.0 分8.2、way of life (1-2)1、michaelphelps won ( ) olympic medals.8.3、way of life (1-3)1、themost popular pets in america is ( ).a、dogb、fishc、birdd、cat 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 2、in america, about ( ) of household have at least one pet.a、60%b、65%c、70%d、75% 我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分 3、it s expensive to have a horse.( ) 我的答案:√得分:33.3 分8.4、way of life (1-4)1、why don tmany people in new york city want a car?( )a、because car is expensive in new york city.b、becausetraffic is bad in new york city. c、because there is no place to park cars in new york city. d、because the number of cars is limited by government. 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分 2、in 2013,the best seller in china was ( ). a、gm b、ford c、toyota d、volkswagen 我的答案:c 得分:0.0 分 3、which car companyhas the most market in america?( ) a、gm b、ford c、toyota d、honda 我的答案:b 得分:0.0 分 4、in america and australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分8.5、way of life (1-5)1、in american countries,( ) has the highest homicide rate.a、usab、brazilc、jamaicad、honduras 我的答案:a 得分:0.0 分 2、which is not the reason why american people like guns.( ) a、personal protection4、 overthe lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popularin america.( )5、theviolent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )我的答案:√得分:20.0 分9、way of life 29.1、way of life 2-11、68% ofthe 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ).9.2、way of life 2-21、the9.3、way of life 2-31、which is rightabout american college?( )9.4、way of life 2-41、45is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person s life. a、young adult b、middle age c、mature d、senior 我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分 2、when is the independent day of america?( ) a、3rd june b、4th june c、3rd july d、4th july 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 3、10%of people in america use left hand.( ) 我的答案:√得分:33.3 分9.5、way of life 2-51、whois the most powerful person according to the 2013 forbeslist?( )10、way of life 310.1、way of life 3-11、which is wrongabout american people?( )a、american people are patriotic.b、american people like totalk about politics and religion. c、american people are outspoken. d、american people respect time. 我的答案:b 得分:25.0 分 2、which one of following is polite in western culture?( )a、throwing paper on the groundb、smoking in restaurantc、spitting in the streetd、waiting bus in a queue 我的答案:d 得分:25.0 分 3、in western countries, eye contact is important.( ) 我的答案:√得分:25.0 分4、in western countries, peopledon t always say thank you to other people.( )10.2、way of life 3-21、in america, it s commonto add ( ) to a bill as a tip.a、10%-15%b、15%c、15%-20%d、20% 我的答案:c 得分:25.0 分 2、which one of following statement is wrong?( ) a、in western countries, drivers can speak on the mobile phonewhile driving. b、in western countries, when pedestrians are walking on zebra crossing, cars must stop. c、in western countries, you should chew with mouth closed. d、in western countries, before taking more food, you should finish what you have in your mouth. 我的答案:a 得分:25.0 分 3、the first course in western food is called (). a、main course b、dessert 10.3、way of life 3-31、which statementabout western marriage is wrong?( )4、manywestern students go on a gap year after finishing highschool.( )我的答案:√得分:25.0 分10.4、way of life 3-41、which one offollowing is not the feature of australia?( )a、koalab、kangarooc、aboriginesd、maoris 我的答案:d 得分:33.3 分 2、the capital city of australia is ( ). a、sydney b、canberra c、melbourne d、brisbane 我的答案:b 得分:33.3 分3、most islandof australia is dessert.( )我的答案:√得分:33.3 分【篇二:英美文化答案解析】圣才学习网是一家为全国各类考试和专业课学习提供高清视频课程、3d电子书、3d题库、圣才图书等学习产品的教育类网站,拥有近100种考试(含418个考试科目)、194种经典教材(含英语、经济、管理、证券、金融等共16大类),合计近万小时的高清视频课程,包括考研考博、英语类、证券类、管理类、心理类、工程类、医学类等34个类别的考试和经典教材。

英美文化课后答案Chapter7英美文化课后答案7Lecture 7T ell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-10: FTFTT/FTTFT 11-20: TFTFT/TFTTTFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. Old English2. The Canterbury Tales3. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus4. William Shakespeare5. historical plays; comedies6. P. B. Shelley; William Wordsworth7. Sense and Sensibility8. Oliver Twist9. The Heart of Darkness 10. stream of consciousness 11. the Transcendentalist Club 12. Natty Bumpoo 13. Moby Dick 14. Walt Whitman 15. The Red Badge of Courage 16. King of the English 17. Lord Protector 18. Princess Diana 19. Alchemist 20. calculus, gravitation 21. religious, interpretation 22. Boz 23. clerk, potential 24. florid, poetic 25. Locomotive 26. instructor 27. James Bond Series 28. satirist, boom, 1960s 29. Julie Andrews 30. big, gigantic 31. John Peel 32. The Lady with the Lamp 33. land, water 34. George Washington 35. New Deal 36. John Fitzgerald Kennedy 37. George Walker Bush 38. Barack Hussein Obama 39. Martin Luther King 40. Ray Kroc 41. Disneyland Park 42. William Henry Bill Gates 43. The Sketch BookChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1-10: BACCA/DABDB 11-20: CABBA/CDCAD 21-30:CBADC/BACBA31-32: CDExplain the following terms.1. The Canterbury TalesChaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is made up of a series of stories. These stories are told by pilgrims who were on their way to the important Christian church at Canterbury. Although these tales are incomplete, they cover all major types of medieval literature. It contains almost all the typical medieval figures. It isa miniature of the English society of Chaucer’s time.2.William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare is probably the best known literary figure in the world. His many plays include tragedies, comedies and history plays. Shakespeare created four great tragedies. Hamlet is the most performed play in the world. Shakespeare is regarded as one of the founders of realism in the world literature.3. Jane EyreJane Eyre tells the story of an orphan, who has a loveless childhood at a terrible boarding school. When she grows up, she goes to work for Mr. Rochester as a governess to his child. Mr. Rochester becomes attracted to her because of her independence and free spirit.4. Tess of the D’UrbervillesThis story tells the tragic fate of Tess, a beautiful country girl. Tess is seduced by Alec D’urbervilles and has an illegitimate baby. She meets Angel Clare and they fall in love with each other. However, she is abandoned by Angel when he knows her past story. Tess has no choice butto live with Alec because her father dies and the family is starving. Later Angel regrets how he abandoned Tess and comes back to find her. Tess kills Alec in strong despair and greatmadness.5. Stream of consciousnessIn literary critic ism, “stream of consciousness” is a narrative mode that seeks to portray an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's thought processes, either in a loose interior monologue, or in connection to his or her actions.6. TranscendentalismTranscendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. Among transcendentalists' core beliefs was an ideal spiritual state that “transcends” the physical and empirical and is only realized through the individual's intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions. Prominent transcendentalists included Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.7. The lost generationThis is a term coined by author and poet, Gertrude Stein. Often it is used to refer to a group of American writers who lived in Paris and other parts of Europe, some after military service in the First World War. Figures identified with the "Lost Generation" include authors and poets Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ezra Pound. The Lost Generation captures the zeitgeist of the time period: disillusionment.8. Moby DickIt is considered one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. This is a story about a whaling voyage. The hero Ishmael went out to sea on the whaling ship, Pequod. The captain, Ahab, lost one leg on a previous voyage when he met the white whale Moby Dick, so he was determined to kill the white whale. At last MobyDick appeared and Captain Ahab ordered his ship to fight with it. All the crew were drowned except Ishmael, who survived to tell the story.9. Mark TwainMark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Twain had an American sense of humor; he dealt with the lower strata of society. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was an immediate success and its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, became his masterwork. Mark Twain made colloquial speech a literary medium. This is his great contribution to American literature. His style influenced writers who followed, like Sherwood Anderson and Ernest Hemmingway.10. The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece is The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald created a myth out of American life from his personal experience. Gatsby falls in love with Daisy, but he is too poor to marry her. Daisy married Tom Buchanan. In order to win his love back, Gatsby began bootlegging and other activities to make a big fortune. But finally he found Daisy was not the ideal love of his dreams. He had a strong sense of loss and disillusionment.11. Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era. He became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin used mime, slapstick and other visual comedy routines, and continued well into the era of the talkies, though his films decreased in frequency from the end of the 1920s. His most famous role was that of The Tramp, which he first played in the Keystone comedy Kid Auto Races at Venice in 1914. From the April 1914 one-reeler Twenty Minutes of Loveonwards he was writing and directing most of his films, by 1916 he was also producing, and from 1918 composing the music. With Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith, he co-founded United Artists in 1919.12. John LennonJohn Lennon (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was an English singer-songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles, and together with Paul McCartney formed one of the most successful songwriting partnerships of the 20th century. Lennon revealed a rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, his writing, on film, and in interviews, and became controversial through his work as a peace activist. He moved to New Y ork City in 1971, where his criticism of the Vietnam War resulted in a lengthy attempt by Richard Nixon's administration to deport him, while his songs were adapted as anthems by the anti-war movement. Disengaging himself from the music business in 1975 to devote time to his family, Lennon reemerged in 1980 with a comeback album, Double Fantasy, but was murdered three weeks after its release.13. David BeckhamDavid Beckham (born 2 May 1975) is an English footballer who currently plays in midfield for Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer, having previously played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, and Milan, as well as the England national team, for whom he holds the all-time appearance record for an outfield player.Beckham has twice been runner-up for FIFA World Player of the Y ear and in 2004 was the world's highest-paid footballer when taking into account salary and advertising deals. Beckham was the first British footballer to play 100Champions League matches. He was Google's most searched of all sports topics in both 2003 and 2004. With such global recognition he has become an elite advertising brand and a top fashion icon. When joining the MLS in 2007 he was given the highest player salary in the league's history, with his playing contract with the Galaxy over the next three years being worth $6.5m per year.14. James WattJames Watt (19 January 1736 –25 August 1819) was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer whose improvements to the Newcomen steam engine were fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both the Kingdom of Great Britain and the world.15. Florence NightingaleFlorence Nightingale (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) was a celebrated English nurse, writer and statistician. A Christian universalist, Nightingale believed that God had called her to be a nurse. She came to prominence for her pioneering work in nursing during the Crimean War, where shetended to wounded soldiers. She was dubbed "The Lady with the Lamp" after her habit of making rounds at night. Nightingale laid the foundation of professional nursing with the establishment, in 1860, of her nursing school at St Thomas' Hospital in London, the first secular nursing school in the world. The Nightingale Pledge taken by new nurses was named in her honour, and the annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on her birthday.Translation1. 值得怀疑的是在人们最需要开心、快乐与放松的时候,是否能有人比卓别林带给人们更多的欢乐。

3.3Agriculture in the USA1 In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton正确答案:A2 ( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasD、Nevada正确答案:C3 96% of the farmers are black people.( )正确答案:×4 In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )正确答案:×3.4Global Financial Crisis1 Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.A、1 quarterB、2 quartersC、3 quartersD、4 quarters正确答案:D2 The GFC Recession started in ( ).A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案:A3 Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案:D4 The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstD、Asset price bubble burst正确答案:B3.5A Hero and a Villain1 Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.A、10B、20C、30D、40正确答案:A2 The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour正确答案:C3 Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )正确答案:×英美文化概论1.1Western Names1 In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )A、Family nameB、Last nameC、SurnameD、First name正确答案:D2 Bill is the short version of ( ).A、WilliamB、StevenC、RobertD、Richard正确答案:A3 There is only one given name in western name.( )正确答案:×1.2What is Culture1 Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society. A、traditionsB、habitsC、customsD、costumes正确答案:C2 Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )A、Chinese foodB、Spring FestivelC、Chinese medicineD、Football正确答案:D3 Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )正确答案:×2.1Topography of the USA1 ( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.A、ColoradoB、IndianaC、AlabamaD、Alaska正确答案:D2 Which is the largest states by population?( )A、TexasB、New YorkC、CaliforniaD、Florida正确答案:C3 Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )正确答案:×2.2Three Icons of America1 Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )A、Because it is the first national park in the world.B、Because it is in America.C、Because it is the biggest national park in America.D、Because it is the first national park in America.正确答案:A2 Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )A、MadisonB、RooseveltC、KennedyD、Adams正确答案:B3 Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )A、The United KingdomB、CanadaC、AustraliaD、France正确答案:D2.3Comparison of the USA and China (1)1 In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America. A、3 timesB、4 timesC、5 timesD、6 times正确答案:B2 Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.正确答案:A3 The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture正确答案:D4 Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landD、desertification正确答案:C5 America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )正确答案:×2.4Comparison of the USA and China (2)1 The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).A、White, Hispanic and BlackB、White, Black and HispanicC、White, Black and AsianD、White, Asian and Black正确答案:A2 All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.A、the UKB、B、the USAC、C、FranceD、D、Japan正确答案:B3 1 kilogram is ( ) pounds.A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2正确答案:D4 Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )正确答案:×3.1Overview1 Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD、Germany正确答案:A2 Which one of following is not an American company?( )A、GoogleB、CocaColaC、Facebook正确答案:D3 Per capita means a person.( )正确答案:√3.2Comparison of USA and China1 Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )A、Most of American labour force are in services.B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.D、American labour force is more than Chinese.正确答案:A2 The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.A、CanadaB、MexicoC、JapanD、South Korea正确答案:C3 ( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China. A、Water B、Nuclear C、Wind D、Coal正确答案:D4 Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( ) 正确答案:×5 Now services in China grows very fast.( )正确答案:√3.3Agriculture in the USA1 In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton正确答案:A2 ( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasD、Nevada正确答案:C3 96% of the farmers are black people.( )正确答案:×4 In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )正确答案:×3.4Global Financial Crisis1 Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.A、1 quarterB、2 quartersC、3 quartersD、4 quarters2 The GFC Recession started in ( ).A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案:A3 Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案:D4 The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstD、Asset price bubble burst正确答案:B3.5A Hero and a Villain1 Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.A、10B、20C、30D、40正确答案:A2 The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour正确答案:C3 Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )正确答案:×完整版答案请打开微信扫一扫下方二维码,关注公众号帮帮ING并回复英美文化本公众号提供210门尔雅视频课选修课答案和高等数学同济第七版答案等大学350门课后答案。


1.1Western Names1【单选题】In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )A、Family nameB、Last nameC、SurnameD、First name我的答案:D2【单选题】Bill is the short version of ( ).A、WilliamB、StevenC、RobertD、Richard我的答案:A3【判断题】There is only one given name in western name.( )我的答案:×1.2What is Culture1【单选题】Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society.A、traditionsB、habitsC、customsD、costumes我的答案:C2【单选题】Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )A、Chinese foodB、Spring FestivelC、Chinese medicineD、Football我的答案:D3【判断题】Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )我的答案:×2Geography of the USA2.1 Topography of the USA1【单选题】( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.A、ColoradoB、IndianaC、AlabamaD、Alaska我的答案:D2【单选题】Which is the largest states by population?( )A、TexasB、New YorkC、CaliforniaD、Florida我的答案:C3【判断题】Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )我的答案:×2.2Three Icons of America1【单选题】Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )A、Because it is the first national park in the world.B、Because it is in America.C、Because it is the biggest national park in America.D、Because it is the first national park in America.我的答案:A2【单选题】Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )A、MadisonB、RooseveltC、KennedyD、Adams我的答案:B3【单选题】Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )A、The United KingdomB、CanadaC、AustraliaD、France我的答案:D2.3Comparison of the USA and China (1)1【单选题】Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landD、desertification我的答案:CThe most fresh water used in China is in ( ).A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture我的答案:D3【单选题】In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America.A、3 timesB、4 timesC、5 timesD、6 times我的答案:B4【单选题】Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.我的答案:AThe total area of China is bigger than America.( )我的答案:×2.4Comparison of the USA and China (2)1【单选题】All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.A、the UKB、the USAC、FranceD、Japan我的答案:B2【单选题】The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).A、White, Hispanic and BlackB、White, Black and HispanicC、White, Black and AsianD、White, Asian and Black我的答案:A3【单选题】In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years.?A、70B、72C、75D、79我的答案:C4【单选题】1 kilogram is ( ) pounds.?A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2我的答案:D3.Economy of the USA3.1Overview1【单选题】Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )A、ChinaB、JapanC、South KoreaD、Germany我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one of following is not an American company?( )A、GoogleB、CocaColaC、FacebookD、Airbus我的答案:D3【判断题】Per capita means a person.( )我的答案:√3.2Comparison of USA and China1【单选题】The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.A、CanadaB、MexicoC、JapanD、South Korea我的答案:C2【单选题】According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countriesis agriculture.B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.我的答案:C3【单选题】Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )A、Most of American labour force are in services.B、Both America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.C、Most Chinese labour force are in agriculture.D、American labour force is more than Chinese.我的答案:A4【判断题】Now services in China grows very fast.( )我的答案:√5【判断题】The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )我的答案:×3.3Agriculture in the USA1【单选题】Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )A、Large family farms are much more productive.B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources.D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.我的答案:D2【单选题】( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasD、Nevada我的答案:C3【单选题】In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.?A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton我的答案:A4【判断题】96% of the farmers are black people.( )3.4Global Financial Crisis1【单选题】The GFC Recession started in ( ).A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.我的答案:D3【单选题】The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstD、Asset price bubble burst4【判断题】China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )我的答案:√3.5A Hero and a Villain1【单选题】Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.A、10B、20C、30D、40我的答案:A2【单选题】The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour我的答案:C3【判断题】Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )我的答案:×4History of America4.1Discovery of the 'New World'1【单选题】The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain.A、ItalyB、PortugalC、RussiaD、Germany我的答案:B2【单选题】Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.A、PacificB、IndianC、ArcticD、Atlantic我的答案:D3【判断题】Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )我的答案:×4.2British Colonies1【单选题】The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.A、11B、12C、13D、14我的答案:C2【单选题】The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord我的答案:D3【单选题】John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) ?wrote The Declaration of Independence.A、Benjamin FranklinB、Abraham LincolnC、George WashingtonD、Paul Revere我的答案:A4.【判断题】The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( ) 我的答案:×4.3American War of Independence1【单选题】The war of Independence was between ( ).A、America and FranceB、America and HollandC、America and SpainD、America and Britain我的答案:D2【单选题】In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America.?A、SpainB、HollandC、FranceD、Britain我的答案:C3【判断题】Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )我的答案:×4.4Building the New Nation1【单选题】The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).A、1778B、1779C、1780D、1781我的答案:D2【单选题】Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.A、StateB、LawC、TreasuryD、War我的答案:C3【单选题】There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.A、1B、3C、8D、9我的答案:A4【判断题】Thomas Paine was born in France.( )我的答案:×4.5A Hero, Traitor and Genius1【单选题】Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )A、He was also a Doctor.B、He loved reading.C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention. 我的答案:A2【单选题】George Washington declared ( )A、Thanksgiving DayB、ChristmasC、HalloweenD、New Year's Day我的答案:A3【单选题】Which one is right about George Washington?( )A、He was graduated from college.B、He had three children.C、He had no experience in military action.D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".我的答案:D4【单选题】Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )A、The Declaration of IndependenceB、Treaty with FranceC、Peace TreatyD、Article of Confederation我的答案:D5【判断题】Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()我的答案:×4.6Timeline of Major Events (1800-1899)1【单选题】The first railway was built in ( ).A、1827B、1828C、1829D、1830我的答案:B2【单选题】The war with Mexico was started in ( ).A、1846B、1847C、1848D、1849我的答案:A3【判断题】The first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) 我的答案:√4.7Territorial Expansion1【单选题】The USA purchased Florida from ( ).A、SpainB、the UKC、FranceD、Italy我的答案:A2【单选题】America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France.A、2B、5C、10D、15我的答案:D3【单选题】Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )A、It is in the Atlantic Ocean.B、There are 8 main islands.C、It is the 50th states of America.D、America took over Hawaii government from the local king.我的答案:A4【判断题】Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )我的答案:×5【判断题】The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )我的答案:×4.8The American Civil War1【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.C、He was a businessman and then became politician.D、He was born in a poor farm family.我的答案:C2【单选题】The Civil War started in ( ).A、1861B、1862C、1863D、1864我的答案:A3【单选题】Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )A、America was kept as one country.B、Slavery was abolished.C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.D、The South was strong in "hard power".我的答案:D4【判断题】In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( ) 我的答案:×5【判断题】Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )我的答案:√4.9America's Economic Development1【单选题】Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is telegraph operator.C、He had many patents.D、He invented electric light bulb.我的答案:A2【单选题】Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).A、He established his first oil refinery when he was 24.B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.C、When he was 20, he started his own company.D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.我的答案:D3【判断题】Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith inventedbasketball which is a good sport for winter.( )我的答案:√4.10Timeline of Major Events (1900-2014)1【单选题】The first long distance telephone was built in ( ).A、1915B、1916C、1917D、1918我的答案:A2【单选题】In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970我的答案:C3【单选题】President Nixon visited China in ( ).A、1971B、1972C、1973D、1974我的答案:B4.11The Panama Canal1【单选题】The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium.A、FranceB、ItalyC、BritainD、America我的答案:D2【单选题】Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )A、Because it was too expensive.B、Because many people died.C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.D、Because the American government decided to buld it by themselves. 我的答案:C3【判断题】The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( ) 我的答案:×4.12The Great Depression1【单选题】Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market.B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.我的答案:C2【单选题】The Great Depression started in ( ).A、1929B、1932C、1933D、1939我的答案:A3【单选题】Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )A、He was also known as FDR.B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression.C、He was elected as president for 3 times.D、He started many government programs to provide work to people.我的答案:C4【单选题】Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( )A、GDP went down.B、Income fell.C、Unemployment rate increased.D、Farmers had no food to eat.我的答案:D4.13The Cold War1【单选题】Berlin Wall was ended in ( ).A、1989B、1988C、1987D、1986我的答案:A2【单选题】The Cold War began in ( ).A、1945B、1946C、1947D、1948我的答案:D3【单选题】Which statement of following is wrong?( )A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.我的答案:C4【单选题】Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )A、The communist countries only has one political system.B、The economy in communist countries is state-owned.C、The communist countries are against religion.D、The communist countries have nuclear weapons.我的答案:D5【判断题】The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )我的答案:×4.14 911 & War on Terror1【单选题】Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )A、About 3000 people were killed.B、It happened in 2002.C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked.D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.我的答案:B2【单选题】The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.A、4B、5C、6D、7我的答案:A3【判断题】Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( ) 我的答案:×5Political System of America 15.1The American Constitution1【单选题】The new Constitution was singed in ( ).A、1787B、1786C、1785D、1784我的答案:A2【单选题】( ) was elected as the chairman of the Constitutional Convention.A、Abraham LincolnB、George WashingtonC、Benjamin FranklinD、Alexander Hamilton我的答案:B3【判断题】The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( ) ?我的答案:√4【判断题】The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )我的答案:√5.2A Government of 3 Branches1【单选题】There are ( ) justices in the Supreme Court.A、6B、7C、8D、9我的答案:D2【单选题】There are ( ) Congressional Districts in the House of Representatives.A、200B、231C、435D、521我的答案:C3【判断题】Senators are elected for 5 year.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )我的答案:×5.3Characteristics of the Constitution1【单选题】The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of theStates.A、72%B、73%C、74%D、75%我的答案:D2【单选题】The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).A、1787B、1786C、1791D、1792我的答案:C3【单选题】President Obama is the ( ) president of America.A、44thB、45thC、46thD、47th我的答案:A4【判断题】In America, president can not veto legislation.( ) 我的答案:×6Political System of America 26.1Political Parties1【单选题】The symbol of The Democratic Party is ( ).A、EagleB、ElephantC、DonkeyD、Horse我的答案:C2【单选题】The supporters of the Republican Party is businessmen and ( ).A、FarmersB、WorkersC、City peopleD、Teachers我的答案:A3【判断题】The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( ) 我的答案:×6.2Voting1【单选题】Registering to vote costs ( ).A、$5B、$10C、$20D、No cost我的答案:D2【单选题】Voting can not be ( ).A、In personB、AbsenteeC、Making a phone callD、By mail我的答案:C3【判断题】In America, voting is compulsory.( )?我的答案:×6.3Elections1【单选题】How often is the president elected for?( )A、3 yearsB、4 yearsC、5 yearsD、6 years我的答案:B2【单选题】In ( ), Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the USA.A、2006B、2007C、2008D、2009我的答案:C3【判断题】A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( ) 我的答案:×4【判断题】In 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney is from Republican Party.( ) 我的答案:√7Religion in America7.1What is Religion1【单选题】Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )A、Religion is inheritted from parents.B、Religion can help to explain life.C、Religion helps us to acccept our situation.D、Religion can make people feel happy.我的答案:D2【单选题】For the Christian Church, ( ) is the Sabbath.A、SundayB、SaturdayC、FridayD、Monday我的答案:A3【判断题】2014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( ) 我的答案:×7.2Major Religions1【单选题】The biggest religion by followers is ( ).A、IslamB、HinduismC、ChristianityD、Buddhism我的答案:C2【单选题】People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).A、IndiaB、ThailandC、Middle EastD、Japan我的答案:A3【判断题】The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )我的答案:×7.3Christianity1【单选题】How many commandments does Christianity have?( )A、15B、13C、10D、8我的答案:C2【单选题】The leader of catholic church is called ( )A、PriestB、PastorC、DiscipleD、Pope我的答案:D3【判断题】Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( ) 我的答案:√4【判断题】There are no catholics in China.( )我的答案:×7.4Religion in America1【单选题】Which is not the key characteristics of religion in America?( )A、Seperation of church and stateB、Variety of beliefC、Concerned with moralityD、Helping everyone in the world我的答案:D2【单选题】According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity.A、76%B、70%C、51%D、40%我的答案:A3【判断题】In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )我的答案:×4【判断题】Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )我的答案:×7.5Religion in China1【单选题】Why doesn't western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( )A、Because Confucianism does not talk about an after life.B、Because Confucianism is not accepted by western people.C、Because western scholars don't know Confucianism.D、Because very few people follow Confucianism.我的答案:A2【单选题】According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion.A、18.2%B、5.1%C、13.8%D、21.9%我的答案:D3【判断题】There is no Christianity in China.( )我的答案:×8Way of Life 18.1Way of Life (1-1)1【单选题】In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver我的答案:C2【单选题】There are ( ) teams in the the National Football League.A、30B、31C、32D、33我的答案:C3【单选题】The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).?A、AT the end of JanuaryB、In MarchC、In MayD、In November我的答案:A4【判断题】Kobe Bryant is amateur basketball player.( ) 我的答案:×8.2Way of Life (1-2)1【单选题】Kobe Bryant's nick name is ( ).A、TigerB、Flying fishC、Black MambaD、Shark我的答案:C2【单选题】World Series is held in ( ) every year.A、JulyB、AugustC、SeptemberD、October我的答案:D3【判断题】"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( ) 我的答案:×8.3Way of Life (1-3)1【单选题】The most popular pets in America is ( ).A、DogB、FishC、BirdD、Cat我的答案:D2【单选题】In America, about ( ) of household have at least one pet.A、60%B、65%C、70%D、75%我的答案:B3【判断题】It's expensive to have a horse.( )我的答案:√8.4Way of Life (1-4)1【单选题】Why don't many people in New York City want a car?( )?A、Because car is expensive in New York City.B、Because traffic is bad in New York City.C、Because there is no place to park cars in New York City.D、Because the number of cars is limited by government.我的答案:C2【单选题】Which car company has the most market in America?( )A、GMB、FordC、ToyotaD、Honda我的答案:A3【判断题】In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )我的答案:√4【判断题】Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )我的答案:√8.5Way of Life (1-5)1【单选题】In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.A、USAB、BrazilC、JamaicaD、Honduras我的答案:D2【单选题】( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America.A、FloridaB、TexasC、New YorkD、Georgia我的答案:A3【单选题】Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting我的答案:C4【判断题】Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )我的答案:×5【判断题】The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )我的答案:√9Way of life 21Way of Life 2-11【单选题】Which one of following is wrong about Steve Jobs?( )A、He dropped out of college.B、He started Apple when he was 21.C、His real parents were died when he was born.D、He was a Buddist.我的答案:C2【单选题】Alfred Nobel was from ( ).A、SwedenB、SwitzerlandC、USAD、UK我的答案:A3【单选题】In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.?A、5B、6C、7D、8我的答案:C4【判断题】Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )我的答案:×2Way of Life 2-21【单选题】Where is the headquarter of the UN.( )A、In LondonB、In ParisC、In Washington DCD、In New York City我的答案:D2【单选题】The face of ( ) is on 1 dollar.?A、George WashingtonB、Thomas JeffersonC、Abraham LincolnD、Benjamin Franklin我的答案:A3【单选题】When was the UN established?( )A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947我的答案:B4【判断题】In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( ) 我的答案:×3Way of Life 2-31【单选题】Which is right about American college?( )A、Many American college students have part time jobs.B、There is only one chance to do college entrance exam.C、There are many classed even at night.D、Friends and classmates will help you to study.我的答案:A2【单选题】When was Harvard University established?( )A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639我的答案:C3【判断题】In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( ) 我的答案:×4Way of Life 2-41【单选题】45 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.A、Young adultB、Middle ageC、MatureD、Senior我的答案:B2【单选题】When is the Independent Day of America?( )A、3rd JuneB、4th JuneC、3rd JulyD、4th July我的答案:D3【判断题】10% of people in America use left hand.( )我的答案:√5Way of Life 2-51【单选题】Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )A、Vladimir PutinB、Barack ObamaC、Xi JinpingD、Pope Francis我的答案:A2【单选题】Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )A、UKB、JapanC、SpainD、USA我的答案:D3【判断题】The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch are separated.( )我的答案:×10Way of Life 310.1Way of Life 3-11【单选题】Which one of following is polite in western culture?( )A、Throwing paper on the groundB、Smoking in restaurantC、Spitting in the streetD、Waiting bus in a queue我的答案:D。
英美文化课后答案 Chapter 1 Geography

英美文化课后答案1Lecture 1 GeographyTell whether each of the following statement is true or false.1-10: TTTFF/FTFTT11-20: FTFFF/TFFFTFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. the North Sea, the English Channel2. Great Britain, Ireland3. the highland zone, the lowland zone4. the Republic of Ireland5. London6. Buckingham Palace7. the Royal Standard8. Edinburgh9. the British Isles 10. Scotch whiskey 11. fourth 12. Canada, Mexico 13. Pacific Ocean 14. the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains 15. cold, mild 16. Christopher Columbus, George Washington 17. Wall Street 18. San Francisco 19. the Oscars 20. Walk of Fame 21. English Channel 22. North Sea, Atlantic Ocean 23. cooler, rainfall, sunlight 24. Highlands 25. 11.8 26. 58.4, 239 27. Anglo-Saxons, Celts 28. English, Gaelic, Welsh 29. established 30. free, Baptist, the United Reformed Church, Methodists, Quaker 31. Reformation 32. Christians 33. Sabbath 34. metric, monetary 35. Canada; Mexico; Russia 36. 1783 37. Russia; Canada; China 38. north-central; four 39. tropical; volcanic islands 40. “Father of Waters”; “Old Man River”, the Rockies; the Gulf of Mexico 41. the Mississippi River; the Columbia River 42. the Great Lakes, lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Canada 43. the west, the USA, Mexico, Canada 44. hurricanesChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stted in the text.1-10: BDBDC/ADCAA 11-20: ABDBA/CCBAB 21-30: ABDDA/BCCDA 31-40: CADAA/BCBABExplain the following terms.1.The British IslesThe British Isles is the name of some islands in Western Europe, separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. Among the islands, Great Britain and Ireland are the two main ones. The country of the U.K. mainly consists of these two islands.2.LondonLondon is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom, and the world’s ninth largest city. As one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centers, it carries a lot of influence in aspect of politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts. The city is also a major tourist destination for both domestic and overseas visitors.3.Edinburgh FestivalEdinburg h is well known for the annual Edinburgh Festival, the world’s largest arts festival. Established in 1947, it takes place in the city during three weeks every August alongside severalother arts and cultural festivals, collectively known as the Edinburgh Festival.4. New York CityThe city of New York, the largest city in the United States, is known for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center. The city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Among American cities, New York is unique for its 24-hour mass transit, so the city is sometimes referred to as "The City that Never Sleeps". New York City is the most populous city in the United States, and it is unique for the density and diversity of its population.5. White HouseThe White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States. It was built between 1792 and 1800 in the late Georgian style and has been the executive residence of every U.S. President since John Adams, the 2nd president of the U.S.6.HollywoodHollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California. Because it is well known as the historical center of movie studios and stars, the word "Hollywood" is often used as a symbol for the American film and television industry. Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards. Hollywood is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism and home to the Walk of Fame.7. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is that part of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It consists of Scotland, Wales and England, and also the Northern part of Ireland. The full title of the United Kingdom is therefore “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.8. The highland zoneThe highland zone is an area of high hills and mountains in the north and west. And the highest elevations in the Britain Isles are in the highland zone. The highland zone is cooler than the lowland zone, and receives more rainfall and less sunlight.9. The lowland zoneThe lowland zone in the south and east of Britain consists mostly of rolling plains with a gentle, undulating surface and extensive areas of almost-level ground. It receives less rain and more sunshine than the highland zone and much of the soil in the zone is fertile. Most of Britain’s population lives densely packed into the lowland zone, which covers most of England. The metropolis of London and most of Britain’s large cities are located in the lowland zone.10. The Pennine ChainThe Pennine Chain is the backbone of England. It is a massive upland area extending 260km north to south, starting at the Cheviot Hills on England’s border with Scotland and ending in the Midlands of central England. It is made up of several broad, rolling, windswept moorlandsseparated by deep river valleys. Many of England’s major industrial areas lie on the flanks of the Pennie Chain, where there are many coalfields.11. ThamesThe Thames is the second longest river in Britain. It is 338km long, and flows eastward out of the Cotswold Hills and weaves through the metropolis of London. The Thames provides water to the city of London and is used to carry commercial freight.12. The Church of EnglandIt is the established church of the English nation, with the king or queen as the head of the Church and being crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Westminster.13. Free ChurchesThey are Protestant churches outside the Church of England, including Baptists, the United Reformed Church, Quakers and Methodists. They suffered religious and political persecution in the 17th century, and were excluded from many offices and places, until the early 19th century. They were once called “dissenters” and “non-conformists”, now they are called members of Free Churches.14. EasterIt is a Christian festival, kept on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the vernal equinox, commemorating Christ’s resurrection. Parents usually color hard-boiled eggs before Easter. Late Saturday night or early Sunday morning the eggs are hidden, and the children have an Easter egg. Little children believe the Easter rabbit comes and leaves the eggs for them.15. Westminster AbbeyIt is an ancient church where kings and queens are crowned and where, particularly in Poets’Corner, many famous men and women are buried.16. ReformationIt began as a political movement as much as a religious one: when the Pope would not let Henry VIII divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, Henry declared himself head of the English Church and dissolved the monasteries. Protestantism, of a Calvinist type, was introduced under Edward VI, Mary I brought a catholic reaction, but with Elizabeth I the Church of England was established on a moderate protestant basis.。

1Which is not the major environment issues of America?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landD、desertification正确答案:C 我的答案:C2Which is wrong about American people?( )(1.0分)0.0分A、American people are patriotic.B、American people like to talk about politics and religion. C、American people are outspoken.D、American people respect time.正确答案:B 我的答案:C3Which one of following is wrong about Steve Jobs?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、He dropped out of college.B、He started Apple when he was 21.C、His real parents were died when he was born.D、He was a Buddist.正确答案:C 我的答案:C4The war of Independence was between ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、America and FranceB、America and HollandC、America and SpainD、America and Britain正确答案:D 我的答案:D5Texas was the ( ) state of America. (1.0分)1.0分A、26thB、27thC、28thD、29th正确答案:C 我的答案:C6(1.0分)1.0分A、About 3000 people were killed.B、It happened in 2002.C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked. D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.正确答案:B 我的答案:B7The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、Interpret lawsB、Execute lawsC、Make lawsD、Change laws正确答案:D 我的答案:D8Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America. (1.0分)1.0分A、StateB、LawC、TreasuryD、War正确答案:C 我的答案:C9In total, there are ( ) Chinese won the Nobel Prize.(1.0分)1.0分A、5B、6C、7D、正确答案:C 我的答案:C10According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity. (1.0分)1.0分A、76%B、70%C、51%D、40%正确答案:A 我的答案:A11According to the 2008 ARIS, ( ) of American follow Christianity. (1.0分)1.0分A、76%B、70%51%D、40%正确答案:A 我的答案:A12Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、He was also a Doctor.B、He loved reading.C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention. 正确答案:A 我的答案:A13Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Large family farms are much more productive.B、In 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.C、Most income of farm households is from non-farm sources. D、In America, all farmers have jobs in cities.正确答案:D 我的答案:D14George Washington declared ( )(1.0分)0.0分A、Thanksgiving DayB、ChristmasC、HalloweenD、New Year's Day正确答案:A 我的答案:D15How many commandments does Christianity have?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、15B、13C、10D、8正确答案:C 我的答案:C16About ( ) of Christians belong to Catholics.(1.0分)1.0分A、45%B、50%C、55%D、60%正确答案:C 我的答案:C17The Panama Canal was built by a ( ) consortium. (1.0分)1.0分A、AmericaB、ItalyC、BritainD、France正确答案:D 我的答案:D18The most fresh water used in China is in ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、DomesticB、IndustryC、LivestockD、Agriculture正确答案:D 我的答案:D19The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes. (1.0分)1.0分A、4B、5C、6D、7正确答案:A 我的答案:A20The GFC Recession started in ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、the USAB、the UKC、JapanD、France正确答案:A 我的答案:A21According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture.B、The biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.C、In 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.D、In 2013, America's inflation rate is lower than China's.正确答案:C 我的答案:CWhen was the UN established?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947正确答案:B 我的答案:B23Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished. C、He was a businessman and then became politician.He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案:C 我的答案:C24In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.(1.0分)1.0分A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970正确答案:C 我的答案:C25The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、Washington D.C.B、New YorkC、BostonD、Lexington and Concord正确答案:D 我的答案:D26In America, it's common to add ( ) to a bill as a tip. (1.0分)1.0分A、10%-15%B、15%C、15%-20%D、20%正确答案:C 我的答案:C27Michael Phelps won ( ) Olympic medals.(1.0分)1.0分18B、20C、22D、25正确答案:C 我的答案:C28Which statement of following is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案:C 我的答案:CWhich is not the reason why American people like guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting正确答案:C 我的答案:C30All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.(1.0分)1.0分A、the UKB、the USAC、FranceJapan正确答案:B 我的答案:B31To buy a handgun, you must be ( ) years old. (1.0分)1.0分A、18B、19C、20D、21正确答案:D 我的答案:D32The capital city of Australia is ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、SydneyB、CanberraC、MelbourneD、Brisbane正确答案:B 我的答案:B33In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、The offensive backB、The running backC、The quarterbackD、The receiver正确答案:C 我的答案:C34According to ARIS, in 1990, 2001, 2008, the number of Christian, Catholic and ( ) decease.(1.0分)1.0分A、JudaismB、IslamC、ProtestantD、No religion正确答案:C 我的答案:C35How often is the president elected for?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、3 yearsB、4 yearsC、5 yearsD、6 years正确答案:B 我的答案:BWhich country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The United KingdomB、CanadaC、AustraliaD、France正确答案:D 我的答案:D37( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA. (1.0分)1.0分A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasNevada正确答案:C 我的答案:C38Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、General Electric is one of his companies.B、At first, he worked as a bookkeeper.C、When he was 20, he started his own company.D、He donated all his money to the Rockefeller Foundation.正确答案:D 我的答案:D3968% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ). (1.0分)1.0分A、AustraliaB、C、GermanyD、USA正确答案:D 我的答案:D40Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars. (1.0分)1.0分A、10B、20C、30D、40正确答案:A 我的答案:A41( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America. (1.0分)1.0分FloridaB、TexasC、New YorkD、Georgia正确答案:A 我的答案:A42Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China. 正确答案:A 我的答案:AWhy doesn't western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、Because Confucianism does not talk about an after life.B、Because Confucianism is not accepted by western people.C、Because western scholars don't know Confucianism.D、Because very few people follow Confucianism.正确答案:A 我的答案:A44The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、Stock bubble burstB、Property bubble burstC、Dotcom bubble burstAsset price bubble burst正确答案:B 我的答案:B45Which one is wrong about the Great Depression?( )(1.0分)1.0分A、The Great Depression started with the crash of the New York stock market. B、More than 9000 banks closed down.C、It took a short time for the New York Stock to recover.D、Many people became homeless because of the Great Depression.正确答案:C 我的答案:C46The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States. (1.0分)1.0分A、72%B、C、74%D、75%正确答案:D 我的答案:D47Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分A、Personal protectionB、HuntingC、Collecting guns to sell for a high priceD、Target shooting正确答案:C 我的答案:C48In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat.(1.0分)1.0分A、CornB、PotatoC、TomatoD、Cotton正确答案:A 我的答案:A49When was Harvard University established?( ) (1.0分)1.0分A、1560B、1620C、1636D、1639正确答案:C 我的答案:C50The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).(1.0分)1.0分A、1787B、1786C、1791D、1792正确答案:C 我的答案:C二、判断题(题数:50,共50.0分)1During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×2The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×3The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√4Gambling is legal in western countries.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√5Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×6In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×7It's expensive to have a horse.( )(1.0分)1.0分8The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×9Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√10Now services in China grows very fast.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√1110% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√12Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0分13Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√14In western countries, people always say thank you to other people.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×15The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√16People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×17America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×96% of the farmers are black people.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×19Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√20People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×21The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×22Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×24There are no catholics in China.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×25Per capita means a person.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√26Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×272014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×28The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×29In America, it's hard to enter college, but easy to graduate.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×30Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×31In America, voting is compulsory.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×32In western culture, wedding rings are worn on right hand.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×33In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )正确答案:√我的答案:√34In America, president can not veto legislation.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×35"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×36Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×37Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×38Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×39The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×40A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×41Because many West Germans fled to the East,the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×42Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×43In 2008, most of America agriculture imports were from China.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×44American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×45Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√46Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×47In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×48Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )正确答案:×我的答案:×49The first telephone line was built in 1877.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:√我的答案:√50Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( ) (1.0分)1.0分正确答案:×我的答案:×。

英美国家文化概况课后选择题答案UNIT31.Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants.2. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.3. The following were the main Reformation leaders exceptMartin Luther King4. The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism exceptsalvation through the church.5. Which of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism?separation of state and church.6. Lord Baltimore's feudal plan failed becausethe English king did not like the plan.7. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic exceptWilliam Penn.8. The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly fromJohn Locke.9. Which of the following was NOT a denomination of Protestantism?Catholics.10. "No taxation without representation" was the rallying cryof “the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution.UNIT41. Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined.2. According to the author, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the following reasons. Which is not true?Some new states wanted to be free from the Union.3. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention?Rhode Island.4. Which of the following statements was NOT correct? When the Constitution was written,t here was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.5. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? The legislative.6.Which of the following is NOT a power of the president?The president can make laws.7. The Bill of Rights consists of10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791.8. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?The freedom of searching a person's home by police.9. The following were NOT written into the Constitution in 1787 exceptthe powers of the president.10. The New Deal was started byFranklin Roosevelt.UNIT 51. The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, in the state of Rhode Island.2. The “American system” of mass production was first used in United States.firearms industry3. The United States had the first standard paper currency in 1863.4. In which year was the United States rated NO.1 in terms of production capacity in the world? 19455. Which of the following is NOT considered as part of the service industry?Steelmaking6. The United States was rated forth in the world in terms of land area and the size of population.7. The United States produces as much as half of the world’ssoybeans and corn.8. Which of the following is generally considered as an important institutional factor that contributed to the success of American business and industry?Laissez-faire9. Who has extolled the virtues of farmers?Thomas Jefferson10. The latest technology that farmers have adopted iscomputersUNIT61. Which of the following was NOT a Protestant denomination?The Catholics2. Which of the following is unconstitutional in the United States?Public money is provided to support religious schools.3. Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the three basic religious beliefs?Islamic4. Which of the following is true?Liberal Protestants and Jews join non-believers in maintaining that abortion is a basic right for women,5. Which of the following continues to have an all-male clergy?The Catholic Church6. Which of the following features is NOT distinctively American?There has been very much concentration on doctrine or religious argument in the US.7. In the United States, people go to church mainly for the following reasons except for finding a job in society.8. Which of the following statement is NOT correct according to the author?Protestant Church is an established church by law in the US.UNIT 71. Which of the following was a writer of the post-Revolutionary period?Washington Irving2. Which of the following is considered an American masterpiece?Moby Dick3. Which of the following was written by Henry David Thoreau?Walden4. Whitman’s poetry has the following characteristics exceptfragmented haunting images5. Mark Twain’s work are characterized by the following exceptegotism6. Three of the following are characteristics of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Which one is NOT? Her poems are very long and powerful.7. Henry James was mainly interested in writing about American living in Europe.8. Sherwood Anderson is NOT included in the group of naturalists.9. Three of the following authors are Noble Prize winners. Which one is NOT?F.Scott Fitzgerald.10. John Steinbeck does NOT belong to the ‘Lost Generation’.11. Lig ht in August was NOT written by Hemingway.12. Which of the following is NOT an African-American author?Alan Ginsberg13. The following author were women writers who wrote novels in the 19th and early 20th century with the exception of Willa Cather14. The following writers represent new American voices exceptT.S.Eliot15. Among the following Native American writers, whosepublications are regarded as sparking the beginning of the Native American Renaissance?Scott Momaday’sUNIT 81.Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?Politics and business education.2. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by _______.boards of education3. In the United States school systems, which of the following divisions is true?Elementary school, secondary school.4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education?Research institutions5. Three of the following factors have contributed to the flourishing of large universities in America, which is the exception?Large universities offer scholarships to all students.6. The most important reason for students wanting to get into more desirable institutions because they find it easy for them to get jobs after having graduated from one of them7. In order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that _______.they pass the college entrance examinations8. Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors. Which is the exception?The State University of New York9. Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except _______. Investment10. To get a bachelor's degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following except taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophyUNIT 91. Black American sang the anthem of the civil rights movement, ______affirming their commitment to fight racial prejudice.We Shall Overcome!2. The most notorious terrorist group against black civil rights workers in the South was known as Ku Klux Klan.3. The reason why many young people were involved in the social movements of the 1960s was thatthey resented traditional white male values in US society4. In addition to such tactics as sit-ins, young students also added ______to educate people about war in Vietnam.Teach-in5. According to the author, three civil rights groups provided the leadership, the tactics, and the people to fight against Southern segregation. Which is the exception?The students for a democratic society6. A historic moment of the civil rights movement was the March on Washington of August 28, 1963 when ______delivered his “I Have a Dream”Martin Luther King, Jr.7. In January 1965, President Johnson declared “_______”to eliminate poverty “by opening to everyone the opp ortunity to live in decency and dignity.”War on poverty8. Unlike Martin Luther King, _______the chief spokesperson of Black Muslins advocated violence in self defense and blackpride.Malcolm X9.During the early stages of the civil rights movement, the major integration strategy initiated by the Congress of Racial Equality was known as _____to integrate interstate buses and bus station in the South.Freedom rides10. Due to his firm belief in nonviolent peaceful protest in the spirit of India’s leader Ga ndhi, _______was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1964.Martin Luther King,Jr.11. The one group within the counter culture best known for their pursuit of happiness as their only goal in life was called____ the Hippies12. In the 1960s, feminism was reborn. Many women were dissatisfied with their lives, and in 1963, with the publication of _______by _________, they found a voice.The Feminine Mystique, Betty FriedanUNIT 101. Which of the following statement is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s?Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life.2. the main factor contributing to the widening income gap between blacks and whites in the 1970s was _____black had low position and low pay in the workplace hierarchy3. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the higher arrest rates among minority groups? The aggressive nature of these groups.4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime?Robbery5. Which of the following statement is NOT true?The Northern states did not have racial discrimination.6. Accoding to the text, which of the following is NOT a dysfunction caused by drug abuse? Drug abuse is a major cause of unemployment.7. If white-collar crimes were included in the Crime Index, the profile of a typical criminal in the United States would be the following EXCEPTliving near city centers8. Which of the following used human beings as guinea pigs to test drugs like LSD?The CIAUNIT111. When did the word stereotype come into use in English?Early 17th century2. Which organization in the United States demonstrated strongly against any laws that might restrict gun ownership?The NRA (national Rifle Association)3. Which of the following websites are meant to cater to young tastes?Facebook4. Who was the author of the popular play The Melting Pot which was associated with life in America since the late 18th century?Israel Zangwill5. What was the major historical event that resulted in the separation of the Protestants from the Roman Catholic Church?The 16th-century Reformation6. Which of the following expressions represents the core value of the mainstream society in the USA?Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.7. Which of the following was President FranklinD.Roosevelt’s mai n concern?Social justice8. According to the author, the mosaic metaphor for American image has one fatal flaw. What is it?American is not open to change .9.The internet has several characteristics that reflect life in the USA today. Which one is NOT? People can freely download MP3 music10. Which of the following institution is responsible for the making of the Internet?The US military11. Free use of the Internet in the US responds to the basic American values, except that _____it doesn’t help create material wealth.12. Which of the following helps theorize the concept of Fraternity? Karl Marx。
英美文化课后答案 Chapter 5 Education

英美文化课后答案5Lecture 5 EducationTell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-10: FFTFF/FTFTT 11-20: TFFFF/FFTFF 20-26: FTFFF/TFill in the blanks with the correct information.1. an infant section; a junior section2. the state schools; independent schools3. Grammarschools 4. public schools 5. General National V ocational Qualifications 6. Oxford University; Cambridge University 7. Oxford 8. 1836 9. Open University 10.B achelor’s degree; M aster’s degree; D octor’s degree.11. elementary 12. kindergarten13. elementary education; secondary education 14. home schooling 15. critical-thinking16. Harvard University 17. Harvard University 18. Yale University 19. PrincetonUniversity 20. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyChoose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1-10: BBCBB/BCABD 11-20: BABBC/DBABA 21-25: CCDDASentence Completion1. Oxford, Cambridge2. Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester3. 5, 164. independent5. academic, practicalExplain the following terms.prehensive schoolComprehensive schools were established before 1960, when pupils were not separated by the criterion of academic ability. Such schools provide general education. The pupils study a wide variety of subjects at first and after two or three years they may give up some of them and only study the subject they like.2.Grammar schoolGrammar schools are the oldest schools in the U.K. Grammar schools select children; the children who get high marks in the“Eleven Plus” examination can attend them. The students who show academic potential can attend grammar schools in which the emphasis is advanced academic work rather than the more general curriculum of comprehensive schools.3.Independent schoolIndependent schools are also confusingly called public schools. Independent schools are funded through the private sector, tuition fees and minimal government assistance. Independent schools generally recruit the best teachers and provide advanced facilities. As a result, graduates of independent schools are more likely than those of state schools to be accepted by famous universities.4.OxbridgeThe term Oxbridge is used to refer both Oxford University and Cambridge University as asingle entity.5.Open UniversityThe Open University (OU)is the U.K.’s largest university for part-time higher education. It was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970. It is open to everybody and doesn’t require the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. University courses are taught through TV, radio, videos and a network of study centers.6.creditCredit is used to measure an undergraduate in academic progress. A credit equals to one hour of classroom lecture, or two or three hours of experiments per week in a semester.7.higher educationHigher education in the United Stated began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. When the students have finished high school (twelfth grade), they may go on to a college or a university. College or university study is kno wn as “higher education”.8.Harvard UniversityHarvard University, the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, was established in l636, and named for its first benefactor,John Harvard. Harvard University is known around the world for its outstanding academic achievements. It has produced more than 40 Nobel laureates.Short Answer Questions1. The traditional “three R’s” are: reading, writing and arithmetics.2. After the Second World War a new educational system emphasizing equality was constructed with the assistance of church and trade unions. The Education Act in 1944 made entry to secondary schools and universities meritocratic. In other words, more children had access to a good education not because of their social class or their parents’ possession, but for the abilities they display. All children were given the right to a free secondary education.3. British high education is world renowned for two reasons: history and research output.4. Most universities in the United Kingdom can be classified into six main categories:1) Ancient universities – universities founded before the 19th century.2) London universities – universities founded in the 19th and early 20th centuries.3) Red Brick universities –universities founded in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The term “redbrick” is not used much today, but it is a useful way of describing this group of universities, many of which were built in the favorable building material of the time – red brick.4) Plate Glass Universities – founded in the 1960s which were known as “New Universities” when first created, but which are now more commonly considered a sub-section of the “Old Universities” which existed prior to the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 which allowed Polytechnics to become Universities.5) The Open University – founded in 1968, Britain’s sole mainly distance-learning University.6) New Universities –created in or after 1992 often called post-1992 universities, from polytechnics and colleges of Higher Education.5. The Open University is a degree-granting institution that provides courses of study for adults of all ages through television, radio, produced books, audio/video cassettes, correspondence courses and local study programs.6 .No Child Left Behind Act was passed to mandate Adequate Yearly Progress, which helped, to some extent, set some national learning standards.7. Because the individual state has the law-endowed rights to make its own educational decisions.8. American universities select their students up to their GPA and SAT mainly, at the same time, they may also take into consideration some subjective factors such as a commitment to extracurricular activities, a personal essay, and possibly an interview.9. GPA stands for Grade Point Average; SAT stands for School Aptitude Test.10. Charter schools receive public money but have been freed from some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each school’s charter.School vouchers, or education vouchers are a certificate issued by the government by which parents can pay for the education of their children at a school of their choice, rather tahtn the public school to which they are assigned.。

一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1Which statement of following is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C2Which one of following is polite in western culture?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D3Which statement about western marriage is wrong?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D4Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A5( ) was elected as the chairman of the Constitutional Convention.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B6Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A7Which is not the reason why American people like guns.( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C8Why don't many people in New York City want a car?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C9The terrorists Hijacked ( ) planes.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A10The symbol of The Democratic Party is ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C11Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C12The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C13The USA purchased Florida from ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A14The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A15Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D16There are ( ) justices in the Supreme Court.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D17Which one is not the results of the Great Depression?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D18Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A19The face of ( ) is on 1 dollar.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A20Which was not the reason why the West against Communism?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D21Which one of following is not the feature of Australia?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D22Which one of following is right?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B23The first president of Amercia was ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A24The Democratic Party is also called ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D25The GFC Recession started in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A26The first railway was built in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B27The supporters of the Republican Party is businessmen and ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A28Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B29Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D30What does "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." mean?( )(1.0分)0.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D31Where is the headquarter of the UN.( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D32Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D33Kobe Bryant's nick name is ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C34The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A35The Legislative Branch is to ( ).(1.0分)0.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C36The new Constitution was singed in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A37( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A38Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D39The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D40Which is right about American college?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A41America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D42How often is the president elected for?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B43John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( ) wrote The Declaration of Independence.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A44People follow Hinduism are mainly from ( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A45Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D46Why did the Cold War avoid direct conflict?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C47Which car company has the most market in America?( )(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:A48Which one is wrong about John D. Rockefeller?( ).(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:D49In ( ), Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the USA.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:C5045 is belong to ( ) at the stages in a person's life.(1.0分)1.0 分•A、•B、•C、•D、我的答案:B二、判断题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)196% of the farmers are black people.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×2Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.()(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×3In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×4America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×5Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×6The total area of China is bigger than America.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×7The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×8There are no catholics in China.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×9Thomas Paine was born in France.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×10Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√11Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×12Senators are elected for 5 year.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×13In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案: ×14Now services in China grows very fast.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√15Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×16Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×17Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×18The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√19Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government built the BerlinWall.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×20During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案:√21China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案: ×22In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×23American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案:√24In America, government wants to involve in religion, but the religious people reject them.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×25In America, voting is compulsory.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×26The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×27The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×28In America, president can not veto legislation.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×29Bargaining is common in western countries.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×3010% of people in America use left hand.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√31In western countries, eye contact is important.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√32There is no Christianity in China.( )(1.0分).-1.0 分我的答案: ×33The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×34"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×35The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch are separated.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案:√36Per capita means a person.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√37Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×38Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√39In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√40Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×41In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×42The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√43Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√44Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×45The violent crime rate delines when the incarceration rate increases.( )(1.0分)0.0 分我的答案: ×46Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√47There is only one given name in western name.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×48People in western countries all love guns.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×49The Great Depression only happened in America.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案: ×50The American Consitituion is only 4 pages.( )(1.0分)1.0 分我的答案:√。
2021智慧树答案 英美文化 知到网课章节测试答案

Newspapers offer the electorate objective reports about what is happening in the country.;
答案: 【错】
第十章 章节测试
1、选择题:Britain is the birthplace of modern football.
答案: 【对】
2、选择题:The Royal Ascot is the biggest socialevent associated with ________, where women especially wear very elaborate and exotic hats.
8、选择题:British spellings are highly influencedby French spellings; many words keep the aspects of spelling that of French origin, while Americans use more phonetic spellings.
答案: 【CBS;
5、选择题:Broadcasting forms a very large segmentof the mass media.
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免费搜题1、单选题In 2012, the top 5 agricultural modities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat、(1、0分)Corn2、单选题The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium、(1、0分)America3、单选题Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln's faces are made on the Mount Rushmore、( )(1、0分)Roosevelt4、单选题The most popular pets in America is ( )、(1、0分)Cat5、单选题Berlin Wall was ended in ( )、(1、0分)19896、单选题In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years、(1、0分)757、单选题There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court、(1、0分) 18、单选题In American football, the boy who throws the ball is called ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~9、单选题The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~10、单选题The Super Bowl is usually held ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~11、单选题Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~12、单选题When is the Independent Day of America?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~13、单选题The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( )、(1、0分)178114、单选题Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~15、单选题Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )(1、0分) 没搜到哦~16、单选题The most fresh water used in China is in ( )、(1、0分) Agriculture17、单选题The first railway was built in ( )、(1、0分)182818、单选题The war of Independence was between ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~19、单选题Registering to vote costs ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~20、单选题Which country of following is not constitutional monarchy?( )(1、0分)USA21、单选题The biggest religion by followers is ( )、(1、0分)Christianity22、单选题Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~23、单选题The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States、(1、0分)75%24、单选题The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain、(1、0分)Portugal25、单选题Where is the headquarter of the UN、( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~26、单选题Which is not the three basic principles of theConsititution?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~27、单选题George Washington declared ( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~28、单选题Which one is wrong about John D、Rockefeller?( )、(1、0分) 没搜到哦~29、单选题68% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( )、(1、0分)USA30、单选题For the Christian Church, ( ) is the Sabbath、(1、0分) Sunday31、单选题Bill is the short version of ( )、(1、0分)William32、单选题According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion、(1、0分)21、9%33、单选题The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~34、单选题In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~35、单选题Which statement about western marriage is wrong?( )(1、0分) 没搜到哦~36、单选题Why did the French consortium gave up to build thecanal?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~37、单选题Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~38、单选题The GFC Recession started in ( )、(1、0分)没搜到哦~39、单选题( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China、(1、0分)没搜到哦~40、单选题Which one of following statement is wrong?( )(1、0分)没搜到哦~41、多选题All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( )?(2、0分)Myanmar&Liberia42、多选题What the reason why people are religious?(2、0分)没搜到哦~43、多选题What kinds of ethnic groups in China?(2、0分)Han44、多选题What are the services include in the USA?(2、0分) Education&Entertainment45、多选题What are wrong about George Washington?(2、0分)没搜到哦~46、多选题What are the key characteristics of religion in America?(2、0分)没搜到哦~47、多选题What are the goverment of 3 branches in the USA?(2、0分)没搜到哦~48、多选题What followings are include the three basic principles of the Consititution?(2、0分)Republic&Federation49、多选题What are right about the Old Faithful?(2、0分)没搜到哦~50、多选题What the following are American pany?(2、0分)Google&CocaCola&Facebook&McDonald's51、多选题What are the key aspect of Chinese culture?(2、0分)没搜到哦~52、多选题Who are the supporters of the Republican Party?(2、0分) Businessmen&Farmers53、多选题What are the similar between the USA and China?(2、0分) Area&Literacy54、多选题What animal is there in Yellowstone National Park?(2、0分) 没搜到哦~55、多选题What are right about 9/11?(2、0分)没搜到哦~56、判断题It's expensive to have a horse、( )(1、0分)true57、判断题In western countries, eye contact is important、( )(1、0分)true58、判断题There is only one given name in western name、( )(1、0分) false59、判断题Each State has the same Constitution、( )(1、0分)false60、判断题The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city、( )(1、0分)false如果没找到答案,请关注gzh:音速校园。