日本分析科学Analytical Science




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analytical chemistry 影响因子中科院分区

analytical chemistry 影响因子中科院分区

analytical chemistry 影响因子中科院分区Analytical Chemistry在中科院分区中的影响因子分析Analytical Chemistry,作为化学领域中颇具影响力的学术期刊,其影响因子在中科院分区中具有显著的地位。




那么,我们来具体看看Analytical Chemistry的影响因子在中科院分区中的位置。

根据最新的数据,Analytical Chemistry的影响因子为X(X为具体数值,因数据实时更新,此处不展示具体数字)。


进一步地,在中科院分区中,Analytical Chemistry被归为X区(X为具体的分区数字,因分区标准可能随时间变化,此处不展示具体数字)。



值得一提的是,Analytical Chemistry能够在中科院分区中获得高影响因子和良好分区的原因是多方面的。


其次,Analytical Chemistry 的编委会由世界范围内化学分析领域的知名专家组成,他们的高水平审稿确保了期刊的学术质量。


综上所述,Analytical Chemistry在中科院分区中的影响因子和分区位置均表明其在化学分析领域的领先地位。




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1. 分析化学类Anal. Chem. IF 5.646 ACS米果化学会的分析化学杂志,分析化学的No.1,对于做药分的同志,如果你的文章的创新非常大,比如说提出了一种新的分析方法或分析手段,比之以前的分析方法有了明显的进步,具有很重大的意义;或者说你的应用体系非常的具有新意,可以考虑投AC。

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Anal. Chim. Acta IF 2.894 分析化学快报, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,Journal Country/Territory: NETHERLANDSTalanta IF 2.81 塔兰塔(应用与纯粹化学会杂志)Elsevier的两个分析化学杂志,对新意要求不是那么严格,一般来说,只要有一定的新意,能说出比以前的方法的进步之处,实验数据充实,文章条理清晰,都能被接受。



1.请分别列出五个以下各类期刊的刊名英文全名称及缩写形式(要求SCI收录)(1)物理化学、化学物理催化学报Chinese Journal of Catalysis(Chinese.J. Catal )分子催化Journal of Moleclar Catalysis (J. Mol. Catel )化学物理学报Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (Chinese .J. Chim Phys )物理化学学报Acta Physico-Chemical Sinica(Acta Phys-Chem Sin )物理化学杂志(A,B,C快报)The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B, C, Letters(J. Phys. Chem.A.B.C.Lett)催化杂志Journal of Catalysis(J. Catal.)化学热力学杂志The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics(J. Chem. Thermodyn)化学物理快报Chemical Physics Letters(Chem. Phys. Lett.)热化学学报Thermochimica Acta (Thermochim. Acta)(2)无机化学分析化学学报Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Chinese. J. Inorg Chem)无机化学Inorganic Chemistry (Inorg. Chem.)配位化学杂志Journal of Coordination Chemistry (J. Coord. Chem.)配位化学评论Coordination Chemistry Reviews (Coord. Chem. Rev.)无机化学进展Progress in Inorganic Chemistry (Prog. Inorg. Chem.)(3)分析化学分析化学Analytical Chemistry (Anal. Chem.)分析科学学报Journal of Analytical Science (J. Anal Sci)分析化学家Analyst (Analyst)分析化学评论Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem.)塔兰塔Talanta (Talanta)分析通讯Analytical Communications (Anal. Commun.)(4)有机化学有机化学Chinese Journl of Organic Chemistry (Chinese.J. Org Chem )有机化学杂志Journal of Organic Chemistry (J. Org. Chem. )杂环化学杂志Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (J. Heterocycl. Chem.)四面体Tetrahedron (Tetrahedron)四面体快报Tetrahedron Letters (Tetrahedron Lett.)碳水化合物研究Carbohydrate Research (Carbohydr. Res.)有机化学通讯Organic Letter (Org. Lett.)(5)高分子化学与物理高分子学报Acta Polymerica Sinica (Acta Polym Sin )聚合物科学Journal of Polymer Science (J. Polym. Sci.)聚合物Polymer (Polymer)应用聚合物科学杂志Journal of Applied Polymer Science(J. Appl. Polym. Sci.)聚合物科学进展Progress in Polymer Science (Prog. Polym. Sci.)欧洲聚合物杂志European Polymer Journal (Eur. Polym. J.)(6)化学工业与化学工程化工学报Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology(J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol.)化学工程Chemical Engineering (Chem. Eng.)现代化工Modern Chemical Industry (Mod Chem Ind)化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology (Chem. Eng. Technol.)化学工程科学Chemical Engineering Science (Chem. Eng. Sci.)(7)化学综合类美国化学会志Journal of the American Chemical Society (J. Am. Chem. Soc.)化学研究报告Accounts of Chemical Research (Acc. Chem. Res.)德国应用化学Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.)自然化学Nature Chemistry (Nat Chem)化学通讯Chemical Communications (Chem. Commun.)中国化学Chinese Journal of Chemistry (Chin. J. Chem .)(8)材料化学类材料花学Chemistry of Materials (Chem. Mater. )先进材料Advanced Materials (Adv. Mater.)先进功能材料Advanced Functional Materials (Adv. Funct. Mater.)材料化学杂志A,B,C: Journal of Materials Chemistry A,B,C(J. Mater. Chem.A,B,C)先进能源材料Advanced Energy Materials (Adv Energy Mater)2.科技文献按文献性质不同可划分为哪几类文献?定义分别是什么?并举例说明。


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1.Analytical Chemistry
对文章的新意要求也是比较高的,要求在方法学 或者体系有明显的创新,然后才有被接受的可能, 不过比之AC还是有不小的差距。
3.Analytica Chimica Acta
出版者:Elsevier Science(荷 兰) 影响因子:4.309(2010) ISSN号:0003-2670 检索数据库:Science Direct 出版周期:周刊
SCI的介绍 SCI分析类杂志的介绍 SCI投稿的介绍
SCI全称:Science Citation Index即科学引文索引 由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文 数据库。SCI是一部国际性的检索刊物,包括有:自
3.Chromatographia IF 1.171 色谱家杂志,对创新要 求不高,较容易发表. 质谱类 J AM SOC MASS SPECTR IF 3.307 美国质谱学会 杂志,水准很高的质谱杂志!
2.Journal of Chromatography A
出版者:Elsevier Science(荷兰) 影响因子:4.193(2010)


(1.齐齐哈尔大学化学与化学工程学院,黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161006;
2.齐齐哈尔食品药品检验检测中心,黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161005;
3.浙江大学环境与资源学院环境健康研究所,浙江杭州 310012)

要:建 立 一 种 毛 细 管 电 色 谱-电 喷 雾 电 离-飞 行 时 间 质 谱(
n 作为鞘流液流速。
4 混合手性药物的 CEC
-TOF MS 定性分析
在本实验优化的条件下,检测出两混合手性药物的 4 组分。图 5 为混合手性药物总离子流图色谱图。
为了验证检测出两混合手性药物 4 组分的主要成分,采用 MS 对图 5 中 4 组分峰进行定性分析,各组分提
取质谱图见图 6。
0016gAMPS 和0.
10g MAH0.
2g mL 超声混匀。将混合物填充至毛细管柱
β-CD 的 DMSO 溶液(
中 24.
0cm 处(柱总长 130cm),
40℃ 反应 12h 后,备用。
3 样品的制备
取 一片盐酸地尔硫卓或盐酸维拉帕米片剂重量的粉末,溶于10mL 甲醇中,超声溶解,
实现不同程度的分离(混合手性药物对映体的 4 组分峰分别用 A、
D 表示),
4 组分两果表明,
50 时 4 组分的分离效果较好,故最佳 pH 值选为 4.
表 1 pH 对两种混合手性药物分离的影响
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一、食品检验课程参考书籍1. 食品检验与分析黄伟坤等编著1989 北京轻工业出版社2. 动物性食品卫生检验山东农业大学主编1991 北京农业出版社3. 食品卫生检验手册日本食品卫生协会编1993 天津天津科技翻译出版公司4. 食品卫生检验技术手册王叔淳主编1994 北京化学工业出版社5. 食品添加剂检验方法于信令,林云芬编1992 北京中国轻工业出版社国家商检局《肉禽食品卫6. 肉禽食品加工卫生与检验1994 杭州浙江科学技术出版社生与核验》编译组[编]7. 食品商品与检验高真主编1995 北京中国轻工业出版社8. 食品卫生微生物检验标准手罗雪云,刘宏道主编1995 北京中国标准出版社册9. 掺伪粮油食品鉴别检验白满英,张金诚主编1996 北京中国标准出版社10. 动物性食品微生物学检验周阳生主编1996 北京中国农业出版社11. 中华人民共和国职业技能鉴劳动部,国内贸易部颁发1996 北京中国商业出版社定规范12. 罐头食品检验技术张水华主编1997 北京中国计量出版社13. 食品卫生检验技术郑世荣主编1997 成都四川科学技术出版社[中华人民共和国卫生部14. 食品卫生检验方法1997 北京中国标准出版社卫生监督司提出]15. 食品质量检验马兰,李坤雄编1998 北京中国计量出版社16. 食品微生物检验手册苏世彦主编1998 北京中国轻工业出版社杨惠芬,李明元,沈文主1998 北京中国标准出版社17. 食品卫生理化检验标准手册编中国食品添加剂生产应1999 北京中国轻工业出版社18. 食品添加剂分析检验手册用工业协会编19. 粮油食品微生物学检验项琦主编2000 北京中国轻工业出版社20. 食品检验杨祖英主编2001 北京化学工业出版社21. 食品分析与检验杜苏英主编2002 北京高等教育出版社22. 食品卫生检验技术手册王叔淳主编2002 北京化学工业出版社中华人民共和国劳动和23. 食品检验工2002 北京中国劳动社会保障出版社社会保障部制定24. 食品检验技术靳敏,夏玉宇主编2003 北京化学工业出版社25. 食品微生物检验牛天贵,张宝芹编著2003 北京中国计量出版社26. 无公害动物源性食品检验技张彦明主编2003 北京中国农业出版社术27. 中国进出境食品检验检疫实洪雷主编2004 北京中国海关出版社务大全28. 食品掺伪鉴别检验彭珊珊等主编2004 北京中国轻工业出版社29. 食品理化与微生物检测实验张英主编2004 北京中国轻工业出版社30. 食品检验工黄高明主编2005 北京机械工业出版社31. 食品工艺实验与检验技术蔺毅峰主编2005 北京中国轻工业出版社马永强,韩春然,刘静32. 食品感官检验2005 北京化学工业出版社波编孟宪军,李新华,张春33. 食品检验工2005 北京中国农业出版社红主编34. 食品检验工徐春主编2005 北京机械工业出版社35. 冷冻方便食品加工技术及检张文叶主编2005 北京化学工业出版社验36. 食品质量检验巢强国主编2006 北京中国计量出版社37. 食品检验工丁兴华主编2006 北京机械工业出版社38. 调味品及酱货腌制品质量检胡振洲主编2006 北京中国计量出版社验39. 食品分析与检验康臻主编2006 北京中国轻工业出版社40. 食品理化检验黎源倩主编2006 北京人民卫生出版社41. 食品检验工刘长春主编2006 北京机械工业出版社42. 食品检验技术刘用成主编2006 北京中国轻工业出版社43. 茶叶可可咖啡质量检验鲁成银,于立强主编2006 北京中国计量出版社44. 食品分析与检验曲祖乙,刘靖主编2006 北京中国环境科学出版社45. 粮油及制品质量检验苏锡辉主编2006 北京中国计量出版社46. 酒类产品质量检验田志强主编2006 北京中国计量出版社47. 食品检验技术汪浩明主编2006 北京中国轻工业出版社48. 食品质量检验吴广臣主编2006 北京中国计量出版社49. 糕点糖果蜜饯炒货质量检吴玉銮,蔡玮红主编2006 北京中国计量出版社验50. 食品检验教程章银良主编2006 北京化学工业出版社51. 食品分析与检验技术周光理主编2006 北京化学工业出版社52. 乳及乳制品质量检验朱俊平主编2006 北京中国计量出版社53. 食品掺伪检验技术陈敏,王世平主编2007 北京化学工业出版社54. 食品分析与检验程云燕,李双石主编2007 北京化学工业出版社55. 食品卫生与检验张拥军主编2007 北京中国计量出版社二、食品检验课程参考报刊1、食品类刊名著者年代出版地出版者1. 粮油加工与食品机械2000-2006 北京该杂志社2. 食品与发酵工业1975- 北京食品与发酵工业编辑部3. 中国食品1975- 北京中国食品杂志社4. 食品工业科技1979- 北京食品工业科技编辑部5. 食品科技1980- 北京食品科技杂志社6. 食品科学1980- 北京中国食品杂志社7. 食品研究与开发1980- 天津天津市食品研究所等8. 食品与生物技术学报1982- 南京江南大学杂志社9. 包装与食品机械1983- 合肥包装与食品机械杂志社10. 食品文摘全国食品科技情报中心站,北京市食品研究所1984 北京《食品文摘》编辑部11. 中外食品加工技术12. 中国食品工业1986- 北京中国食品工业杂志社13. 食品工业1989- 上海食品工业杂志社14. 中国食品卫生杂志1989- 北京中国食品卫生杂志社15. 食品与生活1991- 上海食品与生活杂志社16. 食品与机械1991- 长沙食品与机械杂志社17. 现代食品与药品杂志1991- 广州广东药学编辑部18. 现代食品与药品杂志该刊编辑部1991 广州现代食品与药品杂志编辑部19. 营养与食品卫生1992- 广州营养与食品卫生杂志社20. 粮油食品科技1993- 北京粮油食品科技杂志社21. 国际食品中国粮油食品进出口(集团)有限公司主办1994 北京《国际食品》杂志社22. 食尚中国粮油食品进出口(集团)有限公司主办1994 北京《国际食品》杂志社23. 国际食品该刊编辑部1994 北京《国际食品》杂志社24. 冷饮与速冻食品工业1995- 常熟(江苏)冷饮与速冻食品工业杂志社25. 无锡轻工大学学报1995- 无锡(江苏)无锡轻工大学学报编辑部26. 中国保健食品2001- 北京中国保健食品杂志社27. 中国食品报北京该报社28. 上海食品报上海该社29. 食品导报杭州该社30. 四川食品报成都该社31. 广东食品广东药学院……[等]主办广州《广东食品》杂志社32. 食品信息中国人民大学主办北京中国人民大学书报资料中心33. 食品信息山东轻工业学院图书馆科技信息部山东该部34. 中国食品质量报北京《中国食品质量报》编辑部35. 中外食品工业信息中国食品工业(集团)公司,中国食品科学技术学会主办北京《中外食品工业信息》编辑部36. 食品与健康天津市医学科技信息研究所,天津市科技期刊编辑学会主办天津《食品与健康》编辑部37. 中国食品报北京该报社38. 中国畜产与食品《中国畜产与食品》编辑部南京《中国畜产与食品》编辑部39. 中外食品中外食品杂志社北京中外食品杂志社40. 中外食品中国食品工业(集团)公司,中国食品科学技术学会主办北京《中外食品》编辑部2、检验类(1)分析化学(FENXI HUAXUE ,Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry)编辑部地址: 长春市人民大街159号,邮编:电话:(0431)5262017,E-mail: fxhx@,网址:/FXHX (2)分析科学学报(FENXI KEXUE XUEBAO,Journal of Analytical Science )光谱编辑部地址: 湖北省武昌武汉大学化学与环境科学学院,邮编:430072电话:(027)87682248(3)分析试验室(FENXI SHIYANSHI,Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory )编辑部地址: 北京新街口外大街2号,邮编:100088电话010)82013328或(010)62014488-5112,E-mail:fenxi@(4)分析测试学报(FENXI CESHI XUEBAO,Journal of instrumental analysis)编辑部地址: 广州市先烈中路100号中国广州分析测试中心内,邮编:510070电话:(020)87759776,E-mail:fxcxb@(5)理化检验-化学分册[LIHUA JIANYAN(HUAXUE FENCE),Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis ,Part B Chemical Analysis]5J)U.RRbJ0h分析化学论坛编辑部地址: 上海市邯郸路99号,邮编:200437E-mail:mppnc@(6)色谱(SE PU,Chinese journal of chromatography)编辑部地址: 大连市中山路457号,邮编:116023电话:(0411)4379021,E-mail:sepu@,网址:(7)中华检验医学杂志(ZHONGHUA JIANYAN YIXUE ZAZHI,Chinese Journal of laboratory medicine)编辑部地址:北京市东四西大街42号,邮编:100710电话:(010) 65122268-1447,E-mail: cmajy@(8)化学研究与应用(HUAXUE YANJIU YU YINGYONG,Chemical Research and Application)编辑部地址:成都市望江路29号四川大学化学学院内邮编:610064电话:(028)5418495,E-mail: SUQCP@,网址:(9)质谱学报(ZHI PU XUEBAO,Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society)编辑部地址:北京275信箱65分箱《质谱学报》编辑部,邮编:102413电话:(010)69357734(10)临床检验杂志(LINCHUANG JIANYAN ZAZHI,Chinese journal of clinical laboratory science)编辑部地址: 南京市中央路42号,邮编:210008电话:(025)7714280,E-mail: jcls@(11)上海医学检验杂志(SHANGHAI YIXUE JIANYAN ZAZHI,Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences)编辑部地址:上海市泰安路120弄3号,邮政编码:200052电话:(021)62830572 ,电子邮件:shyxjyzzs@(12)药物分析杂志(YAOWU FENXI ZAZHI,Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis)编辑部地址: 北京天坛西里2号中国检定所编辑室,邮编:100050。



分析化学期刊及其影响因⼦Science Citation IndexANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYJournal List分析化学期刊(共59 种)1、ADVANCES IN CHROMATOGRAPHYAnnualISSN: 0065-2415MARCEL DEKKER, 270 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 100162、AMERICAN LABORATORYSemimonthlyISSN: 0044-7749INT SCIENTIFIC COMMUN INC, PO BOX 870,30 CONTROLS DRIVE, SHELTON, CT, 06484-08703、ANALUSISMonthlyISSN: 0365-4877E D P SCIENCES, 7, AVE DU HOGGAR,PARC D ACTIVITES COURTABOEUF,BP 112LES ULIS CEDEXA, FRANCE, F-919444、ANALYSTMonthlyISSN: 0003-2654ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE,SCIENCE PARK,MILTON RD,CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND, CB4 0WF5、ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTAWeeklyISSN: 0003-2670ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE6、ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRYSemimonthlyISSN: 0003-2697ACADEMIC PRESS INC, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92101-44957、ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYSemimonthlyISSN: 0003-2700AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC, 20036序号:3序号:108、ANALYTICAL LETTERSMonthlyISSN: 0003-2719MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 100169、ANALYTICAL SCIENCESBimonthlyISSN: 0910-6340JAPAN SOC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 26-2 NISHIGOTANDA 1 CHOME, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN, 14110、ANNALI DI CHIMICABimonthlyISSN: 0003-4592SOC CHIMICA ITALIANA, VIALE LIEGI 48, ROME, ITALY, I-0019811、BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHYBimonthlyISSN: 0269-3879JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD12、BUNSEKI KAGAKUMonthlyISSN: 0525-1931JAPAN SOC ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 26-2 NISHIGOTANDA 1 CHOME, SHINAGAWA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN, 14113、CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL SCIENCES AND SPECTROSCOPY BimonthlyISSN: 1205-6685SPECTROSCOPY SOC CANADA, OTTAWA, C/O DR J G SEN GUPTA,PO BOX 332, STATION A, OTTAWA, CANADA, KIN8V314、CHEMIA ANALITYCZNABimonthlyISSN: 0009-2223INSTYTUT CHEMII FIZYCZNEJ PAN, UL KASPRZAKA 44/52, WARSAW, POLAND, 01-22415、CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMSMonthlyISSN: 0169-7439ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE16、CHIRALITYMonthlyISSN: 0899-0042WILEY-LISS, DIV JOHN WILEY & 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20877-250432、JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED METHODS & MANAGEMENT IN CHEMISTRY BimonthlyISSN: 1463-9246TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 11 NEW FETTER LANE, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC4P 4EE33、JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICSBimonthlyISSN: 0886-9383JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD34、JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHIC SCIENCEMonthlyISSN: 0021-9665PRESTON PUBLICATIONS INC, 7800 MERRIMAC AVE, PO BOX 48312, NILES, IL, 6064835、JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY AWeeklyISSN: 0021-9673ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE36、JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY BSemimonthlyISSN: 0378-4347ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE37、JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYSemimonthlyISSN: 0022-0728ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, PO BOX 564, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 100138、JOURNAL OF FLUORESCENCEQuarterlyISSN: 1053-0509PLENUM PUBL CORP, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY, 1001339、JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALSMonthlyISSN: 0362-4803JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD40、JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Semimonthly ISSN: 1082-6076MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 1001641、JOURNAL OF MICROCOLUMN SEPARATIONSMonthlyISSN: 1040-7685JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 605 THIRD AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 10158-001242、JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCEBimonthlyISSN: 1075-2617JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD43、JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSISMonthlyISSN: 0731-7085PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORDLANE,KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GB44、JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRYMonthlyISSN: 0236-5731KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, SPUIBOULEVARD 50,PO BOX 17, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3300 AA45、JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRYBimonthlyISSN: 1044-0305ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 655 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY, 1001046、JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRYMonthlyISSN: 1418-2874KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, SPUIBOULEVARD 50,PO BOX 17, DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS, 3300 AA 47、JPC-JOURNAL OF PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY-MODERN TLCBimonthlyISSN: 0933-4173SPRINGER HUNGARICA KIADO KFT, WESSELENYI U 28, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, H-107548、LC GC NORTH AMERICAMonthlyISSN: 1527-5949ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, 131 W FIRST ST, DULUTH, MN, 5580249、MICROCHEMICAL JOURNALMonthlyISSN: 0026-265XELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE50、MIKROCHIMICA ACTABimonthlyISSN: 0026-3672SPRINGER-VERLAG WIEN, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6,PO BOX 89, VIENNA, AUSTRIA, A-120151、PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSISBimonthlyISSN: 0958-0344JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD52、QUIMICA ANALITICAQuarterlyISSN: 0212-0569ELSEVIER INFORMACION PROFESSIONAL, S A, C/ENTENCA, 28 ENTL, BARCELONA, SPAIN, 08015 53、RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRYSemimonthlyISSN: 0951-4198JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, BAFFINS LANE, CHICHESTER, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND, PO19 1UD54、SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICALMonthlyISSN: 0925-4005ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA, PO BOX 564, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND, 100155、SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION METHODSSemiannualISSN: 0360-2540MARCEL DEKKER INC, 270 MADISON AVE, NEW YORK, NY, 1001656、TALANTAMonthlyISSN: 0039-9140ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE57、THERMOCHIMICA ACTASemimonthlyISSN: 0040-6031ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE58、TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRYMonthlyISSN: 0165-9936ELSEVIER SCIENCE LONDON, 84 THEOBALDS RD, LONDON, ENGLAND, WC1X 8RR59、VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPYQuarterlyISSN: 0924-2031ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AEO6化学类核⼼期刊表1.化学总论类核⼼期刊表序号刊名中⽂译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志 540B0003-1 美国2 Chemical reviews 化学评论 540B0010 美国3 Angewandte Chemie 应⽤化学 547E0002 德国4 Chemical communications 化学通讯 540C0007-D 英国5 Accounts of chemical research 化学研究述评 540B0059 美国6 Chemical Society reviews 化学会评论 540C0005 英国7 Chemistry 化学 540E0070 德国8 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 固体物理学与固体化学杂志 538C0003 英国9 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan ⽇本化学会通报 540D0005 ⽇本10 Canadian journal of chemistry 加拿⼤化学杂志 540NA001 加拿⼤11 Journal of chemical education 化学教育杂志 540B0053 美国12 Pure and applied chemistry 理论化学与应⽤化学 540B0005 美国13 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 化学与药学通报 633D0008 ⽇本序号刊名中⽂译名中国刊号出版国14 Journal of chemical research 化学研究杂志 540C0010 英国15 Chemistry world 化学世界 540C0004 英国16 Chemistry letters 化学快学 540D0060 ⽇本17 Current medicinal chemistry 当今医药化学 633JM001 阿联酋18 Theochem 分⼦结构杂志 540LB057 荷兰19 CALPHAK 相图计算 542C0062 英国20 Journal of computer-aided molecular design 计算机辅助分⼦设计杂志 542LB010 荷兰21 Journal of computational chemistry 计算化学杂志 540B0023 美国22 Neurochemistry international 国际神经化学 595C0001 英国23 New journal of chemistry 化学新志 540C0077 英国24 Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 化学信息与计算机科学杂志540B0052 美国25 Helvetica chimica acta 瑞⼠化学学报 540E0011 德国2.⽆机化学类核⼼期刊表序号刊名中⽂译名中国刊号出版国1 Inorganic chemistry ⽆机化学 543B0001-1 美国2 Dalton transactions 道尔顿汇刊 540C0007-A 英国3 Inorganica chimica acta ⽆机化学学报 543LD002 瑞⼠4 Polyhedron 多⾯体 543C0001 英国5 Carbon 碳 812C0052 英国6 European journal of inorganic chemistry 欧洲⽆机化学杂志 540E0001 德国7 Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 放射分析化学与核化学杂志542LB013 荷兰8 Journal of biological inorganic chemistry ⽣物⽆机化学杂志 540E0068 德国3.有机化学类核⼼期刊表序号刊名中⽂译名中国刊号出版国1 Journal of organic chemistry 有机化学杂志 545B0002-1 美国2 Tetrahedron letters in organic chemistry 四⾯体通讯 545C0003 英国3 Macromolecules ⼤分⼦ 545B0012-1 美国4 Tetrahedron 四⾯体 545C0002 英国5 Organometallics 有机⾦属化合物 545B0014-1 美国6 Organic & biomolecular chemistry 有机与⽣物分⼦化学 540C0017 英国7 Advances in organometallic chemistry 有机⾦属化学进展 545B0019 美国8 Synlett 合成化学快报 545E0052 德国9 Synthesis 合成 545E0002 德国10 European journal of organic chemistry 欧洲有机化学杂志 540E0002 德国11 Biopolymers ⽣物聚合物 545B0006 美国12 Aldrichimica acta 奥尔德⾥奇化学公司学报 545B0067 美国13 Journal of organometallic chemistry 有机⾦属化学杂志 545LD002 瑞⼠。



国内、外主要分析化学及其相关学术期刊一、国内期刊(1)分析化学(FENXI HUAXUE ,Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry)编辑部地址: 长春市人民大街159号,邮编:130022电话:(0431)5262017,E-mail: fxhx@,网址:/FXHX(2)分析科学学报(FENXI KEXUE XUEBAO,Journal of Analytical Science )编辑部地址: 湖北省武昌武汉大学化学与环境科学学院,邮编:430072电话:(027)87682248(3)分析试验室(FENXI SHIY ANSHI,Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory )编辑部地址: 北京新街口外大街2号,邮编:100088电话:(010)82013328或(010)62014488-5112,E-mail:fenxi@(4)分析测试学报(FENXI CESHI XUEBAO,Journal of instrumental analysis)编辑部地址: 广州市先烈中路100号中国广州分析测试中心内,邮编:510070电话:(020)87759776,E-mail:fxcxb@(5)理化检验-化学分册[LIHUA JIANY AN(HUAXUE FENCE),Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis ,Part B Chemical Analysis]编辑部地址: 上海市邯郸路99号,邮编:200437E-mail:mppnc@(6)冶金分析(YEJIN FENXI,Metallurgical Analysis)编辑部地址:北京市海淀区学院南路76号,邮编:100081电话:(010)62182398 ,E-mail:nacis@(7)岩矿测试(Y ANKUANG CESHI,Rock and Mineral Analysis)编辑部地址: 北京市阜外百万庄路26号,邮编:100037电话:(010)68326148,E-mail:ykcs@(8)色谱(SE PU,Chinese journal of chromatography)编辑部地址: 大连市中山路457号,邮编:116023电话:(0411)4379021,E-mail:sepu@,网址:(9)中华检验医学杂志(ZHONGHUA JIANY AN YIXUE ZAZHI,Chinese Journal of laboratory medicine)编辑部地址:北京市东四西大街42号,邮编:100710电话:(010) 65122268-1447,E-mail: cmajy@(10)临床检验杂志(LINCHUANG JIANY AN ZAZHI,Chinese journal of clinical laboratory science)编辑部地址: 南京市中央路42号,邮编:210008电话:(025)7714280,E-mail: jcls@(11)上海医学检验杂志(SHANGHAI YIXUE JIANY AN ZAZHI,Shanghai Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences)编辑部地址:上海市泰安路120弄3号,邮政编码:200052电话:(021)62830572 ,电子邮件:shyxjyzzs@(12)药物分析杂志(Y AOWU FENXI ZAZHI,Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis)编辑部地址: 北京天坛西里2号中国检定所编辑室,邮编:100050。





正文:一、国际一流期刊1. Nature:Nature作为全球顶级科学期刊,在分析化学领域也有着广泛的影响力。


2. Science:Science是另一个国际知名期刊,它涵盖了广泛的科学领域,包括分析化学。


二、专业分析化学期刊1. Analytical Chemistry:作为分析化学领域最著名的期刊之一,Analytical Chemistry发表了许多原创的研究文章,涵盖了各个分析化学领域的重要进展。

2. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry:该期刊专注于原子光谱分析,包括原子发射光谱、原子吸收光谱和原子荧光光谱等。


三、前沿研究期刊1. Analytica Chimica Acta:Analytica Chimica Acta是一本专注于分析化学领域的前沿研究期刊。


2. Trends in Analytical Chemistry:Trends in Analytical Chemistry通过发表综述和前沿研究论文,向读者展示了分析化学领域的新兴技术和趋势。

四、区域性期刊1. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry:Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry是中国分析化学领域的核心期刊之一。


2. Analytical Sciences:Analytical Sciences是日本的一本分析化学期刊,它发表了许多高质量的研究文章,涵盖了分析化学的各个方面。

第四章 化学化工期刊及其全文数据库

第四章 化学化工期刊及其全文数据库

9、《中国科学:化学》(《SCIENCE CHINA Chenistry》)
前身《中国科学B辑》,ISSN 1674-7224, CN 11-5838/O6。 主要反应中国自然科学中化学的最新科研成果。
10、《中国化学》(《Chinese Journal of Chemistry》缩
写为Chin. J. Chem.) 德国Wiley出版,ISSN 1001-604X, CN 31-1547/O6。是向国 内外公开发行的英文版、学术类化学期刊。
英国著名 3、《科学通报》(《Chinese Science Bulletin》)
3 ISSN 0023-074X, CN 11-1784/N, 是我国自然科学综合性学术刊物之一。
二、化学化工综合性期刊 1、《美国化学会会志》(《Journal of the American Chemical Society》缩写为J. Am. Chem. Soc. 或JACS)
ISSN 1434-1948。该刊主要发表有关无机化学和有机金属化 学研究方面的论文。
ISSN 0277-5387。
5、《无机化学学报》(《Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry》缩写为Chinese J. Inorg. Chem.)
6、《欧洲有机化学杂志》(《European Journal of Organic Chemistry》缩写为Eur. J. Org. Chem.)
ISSN 1434-193X。主要发表有机化学和生物化学方面的论文。 7、《亚洲有机化学杂志》(《 Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 》缩写为Asian J. Org. Chem.) ISSN 2193-5807。主要发表有机化学和生物化学方面的论文。12



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1.1 Analytical Chemistry分析化学的No.1国家:美国出版者:American Chemical Society美国化学协会影响因子:5.646期刊号:0003-2700检索页:/wls/journals/query/subscriberSearch.html收费情况(检索):免费,摘要分析化学杂志是这样一本前沿性的研究学报:探索分析测量方面新的方法和研究更新更好的方法以增加准确性、选择性、灵敏度和重复性。




例:盛亮洪, 李萍*, 邹汉法. 固定化脂质体色谱与动物小肠吸收模型的相关性研究方法及其应用. 分析化学, 2005, 33(1):13-16Analyst 分析家国家:英国出版者:The Royal Society of Chemistry(英国皇家化学会)ISSN:0003-2654影响因子:3.198描述页:/Publishing/Journals/an/index.asp投稿页:/Publishing/ReSourCe/index.cfm用户指南:/Publishing/ReSourCe/AuthorGuidelines/index.asp检索页:rsc 的检索页//search?ie= ... tom=%3CADVANCED/%3E (免费目录)国际性月刊,关注分析和生物分析技术的发展和应用。



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例 Zhang Xi, Qi Lian-Wen,
Li P*,Li Yan-
Rui, Ren Mei-Ting. Cell extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Analysis for Screening and Identification of Potential Bioactive Components in Radix Astragali(黄芪). (黄芪) Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 36(6): 475-479.






















2.2.3 pH 对合成 CDs的影响 研究了 CDs在不同 pH 条件下的荧光光谱,如图3a。发现在 pH=4~9 范围内,荧光强度保持稳定。说明合成的 CDs可以应用于酸性或者碱性体系中。 2.2.4 CDs的稳定性 为了考察 CDs的稳定性和应用于 生 物 标 记 的 可 行 性,将 合 成 的 CDs经 过 紫 外 灯 (365nm)照射,每隔10min取样测定一次荧光强度,连续测定60min,发现照射前后的荧光强度几乎没有变 化(图3b)。表现出很好的抗漂白性,适用于长时间的检测和示踪实验。
由表1可知,激发波长在310~380nm 之 间,CDs溶 液 的 荧 光 量 子 产 率 变 化 不 大。 在 不 同 激 发 波 长 下 ,计 算 的 荧 光 量 子 产 率 出 现 稍 微 不 同 的 原 因 可 能 是 由 于 仪 器 (光 栅 对 于 不 同 波 长 的 光 有 不 同 的 通 过 率 )、
宁标准溶液与 CDs溶液的荧光积分强度,列于表1中。
图5 硫酸奎宁(a)和合成的 CDs(b)溶液在不同激发波长下的荧光光谱 Fig.5 Fluorescencespectraofquininesulfate(a)andtheas-preparedcarbondots(b)atdifferentexcitationwavelength a:(1→10):380,370,300 ,310,313,360,320,330,340,350nm;b(1→10):300,310,380,313,320,370,330,360,340,350nm.
图4 硫酸奎 宁 (a)和 合 成 CDs(b)溶 液 的 紫 外-可 见吸收光谱
Fig.4 UV-Visspectraofquininesulfate(a)andthe as-preparedcarbondots(b)


38 J MICROMECHANIC MICROENGINEER Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 微观力学与微型工程学报
39 AUTOMATICA Automatica 自动化
40 APPL SPECTROSC Applied spectroscopy 应用光谱学
36 IEEE TRANS IMAGE PROCESSING IEEE transactions on image processing 成像过程——IEEE 协议
37 IEEE TRANS BIOMED ENG IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 生物化学工程——IEEE 协议
34 MICROELECTRON ENG Microelectronic engineering 微电子工程
35 SPECTROCHIM ACTA PT B-AT SPEC Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 吉林大学文献 B 部分——原子光谱学
IEEE transactions on power systems 电力系统——IEEE 协议 58 NEURAL COMPUT Neural computation 神经计算原理 59 PROC COMBUST INST Proceedings of the combustion institute 燃烧学会诉讼 60 IEEE TRANS WIREL COMMUN IEEE transactions on wireless communications 无线通讯——IEEE 协议 61 INT J PLASTICITY International journal of plasticity 国际塑性材料学学报 62 J AIR WASTE MANAGE ASSOC Journal of the air 与 waste management association 空气与废气管理联合会学报 63 LECT NOTE ARTIF INTELL Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems 基于学术的智能信息工程系统 64 SMART MATER STRUCT Smart materials 与 structures 智能材料与结构 65 IEEE TRANS CIRC SYST VIDEO T IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 动态影像技术的电路系统——IEEE 协议 66 INT J PROD RES International journal of production research 国际产业研究学报 67 J BIOMECH ENG Journal of biomechanical engineering-transactions of the asme 生物力学工程学报——ASME 协议



刊名简称刊名全称小类名称(中文)Chem Rev Chemical Reviews 化学评论美国化学综合Accounts Chem Res Accounts Of Chemical Research 化学研究述评美国化学综合Prog Polym Sci Progress In Polymer Science高分子科学Chem Soc Rev Chemical Society Reviews 化学会评论英国化学综合Aldrichim Acta Aldrichimica Acta有机化学Annu Rev Phys Chem Annual Review Of Physical Chemistry物理化学Surf Sci Rep Surface Science Reports物理化学Surf Sci Rep Surface Science Reports物理:凝聚态物理Angew Chem Int Edit Angewandte Chemie-International Edit德国应用化学化学综合Coordin Chem Rev Coordination Chemistry Reviews无机化学与核化学Nat Prod Rep Natural Product Reports医药化学Nat Prod Rep Natural Product Reports有机化学Nat Prod Rep Natural Product Reports生化与分子生物学Adv Catal Advances In Catalysis物理化学J Am Chem Soc Journal Of The American Chemical Soc美国化学会志化学综合Catal Rev Catalysis Reviews-Science And Enginee物理化学Int Rev Phys Chem International Reviews In Physical Chem物理化学J Photoch Photobio C Journal Of Photochemistry And Photob物理化学Adv Polym Sci Advances In Polymer Science高分子科学Anal Chem Analytical Chemistry分析化学Top Curr Chem Topics 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Electroanalysis分析化学Electroanal Electroanalysis电化学Synlett Synlett有机化学New J Chem New Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Crit Rev Anal Chem Critical Reviews In Analytical Chemistr分析化学Comment Inorg Chem Comments On Inorganic Chemistry无机化学与核化学Match-Communications In Mathematic数学跨学科应用Match-Commun Math CoMatch-Communications In Mathematic计算机:跨学科应用Match-Commun Math CoMatch-Communications In Mathematic化学综合Match-Commun Math CoJ Mol Catal A-Chem Journal Of Molecular Catalysis A-Chem物理化学Eur J Inorg Chem European Journal Of Inorganic Chemis无机化学与核化学Catal Today Catalysis Today工程:化工Catal Today Catalysis Today应用化学Catal Today Catalysis Today物理化学J Sep Sci Journal Of Separation Science分析化学Tetrahedron-Asymmetr Tetrahedron-Asymmetry物理化学Tetrahedron-Asymmetr Tetrahedron-Asymmetry无机化学与核化学Tetrahedron-Asymmetr Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 四面体英国有机化学Tetrahedron Lett Tetrahedron Letters 四面体通讯英国有机化学Micropor Mesopor Mat Microporous And Mesoporous Material材料科学:综合Micropor Mesopor Mat Microporous And Mesoporous Material应用化学Micropor Mesopor Mat Microporous And Mesoporous Material物理化学Micropor Mesopor Mat Microporous And Mesoporous Material纳米科技Adv Phys Org Chem Advances In Physical Organic Chemistr物理化学Adv Phys Org Chem Advances In Physical Organic Chemistr有机化学J Electroanal Chem Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry分析化学Eur J Med Chem European Journal Of Medicinal Chemis医药化学Theor Chem Acc Theoretical Chemistry Accounts物理化学Prog Solid State Ch Progress In Solid State Chemistry无机化学与核化学Ultrason Sonochem Ultrasonics Sonochemistry声学Ultrason Sonochem Ultrasonics Sonochemistry化学综合Catal Commun Catalysis Communications物理化学Synthesis-Stuttgart Synthesis-Stuttgart有机化学J Colloid Interf Sci Journal Of Colloid And Interface Scien物理化学Top Catal Topics In Catalysis应用化学Top Catal Topics In Catalysis物理化学Chem Phys Lett Chemical Physics Letters物理化学Chem Phys Lett Chemical Physics Letters物理:原子、分子和化学物理Adv Chromatogr Advances In Chromatography分析化学Aust J Chem Australian Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Comb Chem High T Scr C ombinatorial Chemistry & High Thro应用化学Comb Chem High T Scr C ombinatorial Chemistry & High Thro生化研究方法Comb Chem High T Scr C ombinatorial Chemistry & High Thro药学J Fluoresc Journal Of Fluorescence分析化学J Fluoresc Journal Of Fluorescence生化研究方法Polym Degrad Stabil Polymer Degradation And Stability高分子科学Eur Polym J European Polymer Journal高分子科学Pure Appl Chem Pure And Applied Chemistry 理论化学与应用化学美国化学综合J Photoch Photobio A Journal Of Photochemistry And Photob物理化学J Organomet Chem Journal Of Organometallic Chemistry无机化学与核化学J Organomet Chem Journal Of Organometallic Chemistry有机化学Macromol Chem Phys Macromolecular Chemistry And Physic高分子科学Carbohyd Polym Carbohydrate Polymers高分子科学Carbohyd Polym Carbohydrate Polymers应用化学Carbohyd Polym Carbohydrate Polymers有机化学J Solid State Chem Journal Of Solid State Chemistry无机化学与核化学J Solid State Chem Journal Of Solid State Chemistry物理化学Adv Heterocycl Chem Advances In Heterocyclic Chemistry有机化学Microchem J Microchemical Journal分析化学Chem Phys Chemical Physics物理:原子、分子和化学物理Chem Phys Chemical Physics物理化学Org Process Res Dev Organic Process Research & Developme应用化学Org Process Res Dev Organic Process Research & Developme有机化学Catal Lett Catalysis Letters物理化学Inorg Chem Commun Inorganic Chemistry Communications无机化学与核化学Vib Spectrosc Vibrational Spectroscopy分析化学Vib Spectrosc Vibrational Spectroscopy光谱学Vib Spectrosc Vibrational Spectroscopy物理化学Surf Sci Surface Science物理:凝聚态物理Surf Sci Surface Science物理化学J Anal Appl Pyrol Journal Of Analytical And Applied Pyr分析化学J Anal Appl Pyrol Journal Of Analytical And Applied Pyr光谱学Usp Khim+Uspekhi Khimii化学综合Polyhedron Polyhedron晶体学Polyhedron Polyhedron无机化学与核化学Carbohyd Res Carbohydrate Research应用化学Carbohyd Res Carbohydrate Research生化与分子生物学Carbohyd Res Carbohydrate Research有机化学Supramol Chem Supramolecular Chemistry化学综合Inorg Chim Acta Inorganica Chimica Acta无机化学与核化学Mini-Rev Org Chem Mini-Reviews In Organic Chemistry有机化学Solid State Sci Solid State Sciences物理:凝聚态物理Solid State Sci Solid State Sciences物理化学Solid State Sci Solid State Sciences无机化学与核化学Colloid Surface A Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemic物理化学Microchim Acta Microchimica Acta分析化学Adv Quantum Chem Advances In Quantum Chemistry物理化学J Mol Model Journal Of Molecular Modeling化学综合J Mol Model Journal Of Molecular Modeling计算机:跨学科应用J Mol Model Journal Of Molecular Modeling生化与分子生物学J Mol Model Journal Of Molecular Modeling生物物理Polym Int Polymer International高分子科学Curr Anal Chem Current Analytical Chemistry分析化学Anal Sci Analytical Sciences分析化学Chem Lett Chemistry Letters化学综合Sep Purif Rev Separation And Purification Reviews工程:化工Sep Purif Rev Separation And Purification Reviews应用化学Sep Purif Rev Separation And Purification Reviews分析化学Thermochim Acta Thermochimica Acta分析化学Thermochim Acta Thermochimica Acta物理化学J Fluorine Chem Journal Of Fluorine Chemistry无机化学与核化学J Fluorine Chem Journal Of Fluorine Chemistry有机化学Colloid Polym Sci Colloid And Polymer Science高分子科学Colloid Polym Sci Colloid And Polymer Science物理化学J Phys Org Chem Journal Of Physical Organic Chemistry物理化学J Phys Org Chem Journal Of Physical Organic Chemistry有机化学B Chem Soc Jpn Bulletin Of The Chemical Society Of Ja日本化学会通报化学综合J Mol Struct Journal Of Molecular Structure物理化学J Therm Anal Calorim Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calo分析化学J Therm Anal Calorim Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calo物理化学Magn Reson Chem Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry光谱学Magn Reson Chem Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry物理化学Magn Reson Chem Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry化学综合Helv Chim Acta Helvetica Chimica Acta化学综合Calphad Calphad-Computer Coupling Of Phase 热力学Calphad Calphad-Computer Coupling Of Phase 物理化学J Inorg Organomet P Journal Of Inorganic And Organometa高分子科学J Iran Chem Soc Journal Of The Iranian Chemical Socie化学综合J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics计算机:人工智能J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics数学跨学科应用J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics统计学与概率论J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics仪器仪表J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics自动化与控制系统J Chemometr Journal Of Chemometrics分析化学Polym J Polymer Journal高分子科学Cr Chim Comptes Rendus Chimie化学综合J Brazil Chem Soc Journal Of The Brazilian Chemical Soc化学综合Int J Quantum Chem International Journal Of Quantum Che数学跨学科应用Int J Quantum Chem International Journal Of Quantum Che物理化学Int J Quantum Chem International Journal Of Quantum Che物理:原子、分子和化学物理Struct Chem Structural Chemistry物理化学Struct Chem Structural Chemistry化学综合Struct Chem Structural Chemistry晶体学Surf Interface Anal Surface And Interface Analysis物理化学Appl Organomet ChemApplied Organometallic Chemistry应用化学Appl Organomet ChemApplied Organometallic Chemistry无机化学与核化学Solvent Extr Ion Exc Solvent Extraction And Ion Exchange化学综合Anal Lett Analytical Letters分析化学Chromatographia Chromatographia分析化学Chromatographia Chromatographia生化研究方法Z Anorg Allg Chem Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allge无机化学与核化学Can J Chem Canadian Journal Of Chemistry-Revue化学综合Catal Surv Asia Catalysis Surveys From Asia物理化学Mol Simulat Molecular Simulation物理化学Mol Simulat Molecular Simulation物理:原子、分子和化学物理J Incl Phenom Macro Journal Of Inclusion Phenomena And M化学综合J Incl Phenom Macro Journal Of Inclusion Phenomena And M晶体学J Appl Polym Sci Journal Of Applied Polymer Science高分子科学Int J Chem Kinet International Journal Of Chemical Kine物理化学J Math Chem Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry数学跨学科应用J Math Chem Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry化学综合Arkivoc Arkivoc有机化学J Solution Chem Journal Of Solution Chemistry物理化学B Kor Chem Soc Bulletin Of The Korean Chemical Socie化学综合Radiochim Acta Radiochimica Acta核科学技术Radiochim Acta Radiochimica Acta无机化学与核化学J Porphyr Phthalocya Journal Of Porphyrins And Phthalocya化学综合Monatsh Chem Monatshefte Fur Chemie化学综合J Mol Struc-Theochem Journal Of Molecular Structure-Theoch物理化学J Mol Liq Journal Of Molecular Liquids物理化学J Mol Liq Journal Of Molecular Liquids物理:原子、分子和化学物理J Coat Technol Res Journal Of Coatings Technology And R应用化学J Photopolym Sci Tec Journal Of Photopolymer Science And T高分子科学Heterocycles Heterocycles有机化学Polym Bull Polymer Bulletin高分子科学Molecules Molecules有机化学Bioinorg Chem Appl Bioinorganic Chemistry And Applicatio生化与分子生物学Bioinorg Chem Appl Bioinorganic Chemistry And Applicatio无机化学与核化学Bioinorg Chem Appl Bioinorganic Chemistry And Applicatio有机化学Heteroatom Chem Heteroatom Chemistry化学综合Synthetic Commun Synthetic Communications有机化学Lett Org Chem Letters In Organic Chemistry有机化学J Chem Sci Journal Of Chemical Sciences化学综合J Chromatogr Sci Journal Of Chromatographic Science分析化学J Chromatogr Sci Journal Of Chromatographic Science生化研究方法J Clust Sci Journal Of Cluster Science无机化学与核化学J Liq Chromatogr R T Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & 分析化学J Liq Chromatogr R T Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & 生化研究方法Chimia Chimia化学综合Jpc-J Planar Chromat Jpc-Journal Of Planar Chromatograph分析化学Transit Metal Chem Transition Metal Chemistry无机化学与核化学Acta Chim Slov Acta Chimica Slovenica化学综合Radiat Phys Chem Radiation Physics And Chemistry核科学技术Radiat Phys Chem Radiation Physics And Chemistry物理化学Radiat Phys Chem Radiation Physics And Chemistry物理:原子、分子和化学物理J Carbohyd Chem Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry生化与分子生物学J Carbohyd Chem Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry有机化学J Coord Chem Journal Of Coordination Chemistry无机化学与核化学J Theor Comput ChemJournal Of Theoretical & Computation化学综合Collect Czech Chem C Collection Of Czechoslovak Chemical C化学综合Quim Nova Quimica Nova化学综合E-Polymers E-Polymers高分子科学J Polym Res Journal Of Polymer Research高分子科学J Heterocyclic Chem Journal Of Heterocyclic Chemistry有机化学J Disper Sci Technol Journal Of Dispersion Science And Tec物理化学Acta Chromatogr Acta Chromatographica分析化学Z Naturforsch B Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section 无机化学与核化学Z Naturforsch B Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section 有机化学Int J Mol Sci International Journal Of Molecular Scie化学综合Chinese J Chem Chinese Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Acta Chim Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica化学综合J Macromol Sci A Journal Of Macromolecular Science-Pu高分子科学Nat Prod Res Natural Product Research医药化学Nat Prod Res Natural Product Research应用化学High Perform Polym High Performance Polymers高分子科学Phys Chem Liq Physics And Chemistry Of Liquids物理化学Phys Chem Liq Physics And Chemistry Of Liquids物理:凝聚态物理Org Prep Proced Int Organic Preparations And Procedures I有机化学Croat Chem Acta Croatica Chemica Acta化学综合Chinese J Org Chem Chinese Journal Of Organic Chemistry有机化学Polycycl Aromat CompPolycyclic Aromatic Compounds有机化学Des Monomers Polym Designed Monomers And Polymers高分子科学Chinese J Struc Chem Chinese Journal Of Structural Chemist晶体学Chinese J Struc Chem Chinese Journal Of Structural Chemist无机化学与核化学J Adv Oxid Technol Journal Of Advanced Oxidation Techno物理化学Cent Eur J Chem Central European Journal Of Chemistr化学综合Mendeleev Commun Mendeleev Communications化学综合J Syn Org Chem Jpn Journal Of Synthetic Organic Chemistr有机化学Iran Polym J Iranian Polymer Journal高分子科学Turk J Chem Turkish Journal Of Chemistry工程:化工Turk J Chem Turkish Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Isr J Chem Israel Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Chem J Chinese U Chemical Journal Of Chinese Universit化学综合J Chin Chem Soc-Taip Journal Of The Chinese Chemical Socie化学综合Beilstein J Org Chem Beilstein Journal Of Organic Chemistry有机化学Chinese J Polym Sci Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science高分子科学Colloid J+Colloid Journal物理化学Indian J Chem A Indian Journal Of Chemistry Section A化学综合Phosphorus Sulfur Phosphorus Sulfur And Silicon And Th无机化学与核化学Kinet Catal+Kinetics And Catalysis物理化学Rev Anal Chem Reviews In Analytical Chemistry分析化学Acta Phys-Chim Sin Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica物理化学J Chem Crystallogr Journal Of Chemical Crystallography光谱学J Chem Crystallogr Journal Of Chemical Crystallography晶体学Ann Chim-Rome Annali Di Chimica分析化学Ann Chim-Rome Annali Di Chimica环境科学Inorg React Mech Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms无机化学与核化学Int J Polym Anal Ch International Journal Of Polymer Analy高分子科学Sci China Ser B Science In China Series B-Chemistry化学综合Res Chem Intermediat Research On Chemical Intermediates化学综合J Anal Chem+Journal Of Analytical Chemistry分析化学React Kinet Catal L Reaction Kinetics And Catalysis Letters物理化学Chem Listy Chemicke Listy化学综合Chinese J Inorg Chem Chinese Journal Of Inorganic Chemistr无机化学与核化学J Radioanal Nucl Ch Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclea无机化学与核化学J Radioanal Nucl Ch Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclea分析化学J Radioanal Nucl Ch Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclea核科学技术Chem Anal-Warsaw Chemia Analityczna分析化学J Chil Chem Soc Journal Of The Chilean Chemical Socie化学综合Polym Sci Ser A+Polymer Science Series A高分子科学Acta Polym Sin Acta Polymerica Sinica高分子科学J Serb Chem Soc Journal Of The Serbian Chemical Socie化学综合Ionics Ionics电化学Ionics Ionics物理化学Ionics Ionics物理:凝聚态物理Russ J Org Chem+Russian Journal Of Organic Chemistry有机化学Prog Chem Progress In Chemistry化学综合High Energ Chem+High Energy Chemistry物理化学J Chem Educ Journal Of Chemical Education化学综合J Chem Educ Journal Of Chemical Education学科教育Russ Chem B+Russian Chemical Bulletin化学综合Chinese J Anal Chem Chinese Journal Of Analytical Chemistr分析化学Pol J Chem Polish Journal Of Chemistry化学综合Russ J Coord Chem+Russian Journal Of Coordination Chem无机化学与核化学Chem Pap Chemical Papers-Chemicke Zvesti化学综合Can J Anal Sci Spect Canadian Journal Of Analytical Science分析化学Can J Anal Sci Spect Canadian Journal Of Analytical Science光谱学Stud Conserv Studies In Conservation分析化学Stud Conserv Studies In Conservation光谱学Stud Conserv Studies In Conservation应用化学Heterocycl Commun Heterocyclic Communications有机化学Rev Inorg Chem Reviews In Inorganic Chemistry分析化学J Struct Chem+Journal Of Structural Chemistry物理化学J Struct Chem+Journal Of Structural Chemistry无机化学与核化学Lc Gc Eur Lc Gc Europe分析化学Polym-Korea Polymer-Korea高分子科学Dokl Phys Chem Doklady Physical Chemistry物理化学Chem World-Uk Chemistry World化学综合Indian J Chem B Indian Journal Of Chemistry Section B有机化学Russ J Gen Chem+Russian Journal Of General Chemistry化学综合Chem Nat Compd+Chemistry Of Natural Compounds有机化学J Rare Earth Journal Of Rare Earths应用化学S Afr J Chem-S-Afr T South African Journal Of Chemistry-Su化学综合Chim Oggi Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today生物工程与应用微生物Chim Oggi Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today化学综合Russ J Phys Chem A+Russian Journal Of Physical Chemistry物理化学J Med Plants Res Journal Of Medicinal Plants Research医药化学Russ J Inorg Chem+Russian Journal Of Inorganic Chemistr无机化学与核化学Chem Res Chinese U Chemical Research In Chinese Universi化学综合Chinese Chem Lett Chinese Chemical Letters化学综合Dokl Chem Doklady Chemistry化学综合Main Group Met Chem Main Group Metal Chemistry无机化学与核化学Main Group Met Chem Main Group Metal Chemistry有机化学Chem Unserer Zeit Chemie In Unserer Zeit化学综合Prog React Kinet Mec Progress In Reaction Kinetics And Mec物理化学J Indian Chem Soc Journal Of The Indian Chemical Societ化学综合Lc Gc N Am Lc Gc North America分析化学Bunseki Kagaku Bunseki Kagaku分析化学Rev Chim-Bucharest Revista De Chimie工程:化工Rev Chim-Bucharest Revista De Chimie化学综合Polym Sci Ser B+Polymer Science Series B高分子科学Indian J Heterocy Ch Indian Journal Of Heterocyclic Chemis有机化学Chem Ind-London Chemistry & Industry应用化学Oxid Commun Oxidation Communications化学综合Rev Roum Chim Revue Roumaine De Chimie化学综合Russ J Appl Chem+Russian Journal Of Applied Chemistry应用化学Asian J Chem Asian Journal Of Chemistry化学综合B Chem Soc Ethiopia Bulletin Of The Chemical Society Of Et化学综合Afinidad Afinidad化学综合J Autom Method Manag J ournal Of Automated Methods & Man分析化学J Autom Method Manag J ournal Of Automated Methods & Man仪器仪表Kobunshi Ronbunshu Kobunshi Ronbunshu高分子科学J Chem Soc Pakistan Journal Of The Chemical Society Of Pa化学综合J Chem Res-S Journal Of Chemical Research-S化学综合Actual Chimique Actualite Chimique化学综合Russ J Phys Chem B+Russian Journal Of Physical Chemistry物理:原子、分子和化学物理Chem Phys Carbon Chemistry And Physics Of Carbon物理化学Chem Phys Carbon Chemistry And Physics Of Carbon能源与燃料Chem Phys Carbon Chemistry And Physics Of Carbon工程:化工J Appl Crystallogr Journal Of Applied Crystallography晶体学Acta Crystallogr B Acta Crystallographica Section B-Struc晶体学Acta Crystallogr A Acta Crystallographica Section A晶体学J Cryst Growth Journal Of Crystal Growth晶体学Liq Cryst Liquid Crystals晶体学Cryst Res Technol Crystal Research And Technology晶体学Acta Crystallogr C Acta Crystallographica Section C-Cryst晶体学Mol Cryst Liq Cryst Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystal晶体学Acta Crystallogr E Acta Crystallographica Section E-Struc晶体学Crystallogr Rep+Crystallography Reports晶体学Z Krist-New Cryst St Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-New C晶体学小类名称(英文)小类分区大类分区2008年影响因子2007年影响因子2006年影响因子2008年平均影响因子Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 1123.59222.75726.05424.13433Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 1112.17616.21417.11315.16767Polymer Science 1116.81912.80914.81814.81533Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 1117.41913.08213.6914.73033Chemistry, Organic 1116.73311.92910.69213.118Chemistry, Physical 1114.6889.43911.2511.79233Chemistry, Physical 1112.80811.9239.30411.345Physics, Condensed Matter 1112.80811.9239.30411.345Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 1110.87910.03110.23210.38067Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 1110.5668.5688.8159.316333Chemistry, Medicinal 117.457.6678.8898.002Chemistry, Organic 117.457.6678.8898.002Biochemistry & Molecular Biolo 217.457.6678.8898.002Chemistry, Physical 11 4.8127.66711.257.909667Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 218.0917.8857.6967.890667Chemistry, Physical 11 5.625 6.3339.2227.06Chemistry, Physical 21 6.8928.121 6.0367.016333Chemistry, Physical 21 5.36 5.7317.32 6.137Polymer Science 12 6.802 5.93 4.284 5.672Chemistry, Analytical 12 5.712 5.287 5.646 5.548333Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 5.27 6.394 4.789 5.484333Chemistry, Analytical 12 5.485 5.827 5.068 5.46Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 5.454 5.33 5.015 5.266333Chemistry, Applied 12 5.619 4.977 4.762 5.119333Chemistry, Organic 12 5.619 4.977 4.762 5.119333Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 5.34 5.141 4.521 5.000667Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 12 3.571 4.176 6.85 4.865667Chemistry, Organic 22 3.571 4.176 6.85 4.865667Chemistry, Organic 22 5.128 4.802 4.659 4.863Chemistry, Physical 22 5.493 4.354 4.63 4.825667Chemistry, Physical 22 4.6045 4.731 4.778333Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 4.542 4.836 4.192 4.523333Chemistry, Physical 22 6.511 4.041 2.893 4.481667Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 22 6.511 4.041 2.893 4.481667Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear 22 4.214 4.6 3.792 4.202Crystallography 12 4.215 4.046 4.339 4.2Materials Science, Multidisciplin22 4.215 4.046 4.339 4.2Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 4.215 4.046 4.339 4.2Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 22 4.19700 4.197Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 32 3.39 4.297 4.893 4.193333Chemistry, Physical 22 4.189 4.086 4.115 4.13Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 32 4.274 4.308 3.627 4.069667Chemistry, Physical32 5.333 3.074 3.79 4.065667 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear22 4.147 4.123 3.911 4.060333 Chemistry, Physical32 4.097 4.009 3.902 4.002667 Polymer Science22 4.146 4.169 3.664 3.993 Chemistry, Organic22 4.146 4.169 3.664 3.993 Biochemistry & Molecular Biolo32 4.146 4.169 3.664 3.993 Chemistry, Organic22 3.952 3.959 3.79 3.900333 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear22 3.815 3.833 3.632 3.76 Chemistry, Organic22 3.815 3.833 3.632 3.76 Chemistry, Analytical22 3.756 3.641 3.554 3.650333 Biochemical Research Methods22 3.756 3.641 3.554 3.650333 Chemistry, Analytical22 4.028 3.269 3.63 3.642333 Spectroscopy22 4.028 3.269 3.63 3.642333 Polymer Science22 3.821 3.529 3.405 3.585 Crystallography22 3.535 3.468 3.729 3.577333 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary32 3.535 3.468 3.729 3.577333 Physics, Atomic, Molecular & C12 3.636 3.502 3.449 3.529 Chemistry, Physical32 3.636 3.502 3.449 3.529 Chemistry, Analytical22 3.761 3.553 3.198 3.504 Chemistry, Organic22 3.184 3.961 3.232 3.459 Physics, Atomic, Molecular & C22 4.064 3.343 2.892 3.433 Chemistry, Physical32 4.064 3.343 2.892 3.433 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear22 3.6 3.325 3.303 3.409333 Biochemistry & Molecular Biolo32 3.6 3.325 3.303 3.409333 Materials Science, Multidisciplin22 3.39600 3.396 Chemistry, Physical32 3.39600 3.396 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology32 3.39600 3.396 Chemistry, Analytical22 3.181 3.664 3.307 3.384 Spectroscopy22 3.181 3.664 3.307 3.384 Chemistry, Physical32 3.181 3.664 3.307 3.384 Computer Science, Information 12 3.643 2.986 3.423 3.350667 Computer Science, Interdisciplin22 3.643 2.986 3.423 3.350667 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary32 3.643 2.986 3.423 3.350667 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear22 3.58 3.212 3.012 3.268 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 3.477 2.641 3.583 3.233667 Chemistry, Organic23 3.55 3.167 2.874 3.197 Chemistry, Analytical23 3.206 3.374 2.81 3.13 Chemistry, Applied13 3.011 3.154 3.153 3.106 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 3.011 3.154 3.153 3.106 Chemistry, Medicinal33 3.011 3.154 3.153 3.106 Chemistry, Analytical23 3.146 3.186 2.894 3.075333 Polymer Science23 3.331 3.065 2.773 3.056333 Environmental Sciences23 3.19 3.166 2.63 2.995333Chemistry, Physical33 3.19 3.166 2.63 2.995333 Spectroscopy23 2.94 3.062 2.945 2.982333 Biophysics33 2.94 3.062 2.945 2.982333 Chemistry, Organic33 2.94 3.062 2.945 2.982333 Chemistry, Physical33 2.424 3.333 3.083 2.946667 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 2.424 3.333 3.083 2.946667 Physics, Multidisciplinary33 2.424 3.333 3.083 2.946667 Physics, Atomic, Molecular & C23 2.871 2.918 3.047 2.945333 Chemistry, Physical33 2.871 2.918 3.047 2.945333 Chemistry, Analytical23 3.328 2.867 2.591 2.928667 Biochemical Research Methods33 3.328 2.867 2.591 2.928667 Oceanography23 2.977 3.085 2.663 2.908333 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 2.977 3.085 2.663 2.908333 Chemistry, Organic33 3.016 2.914 2.769 2.899667 Chemistry, Organic33 2.897 2.869 2.817 2.861 Chemistry, Organic33 2.61 2.8443 2.818 Chemistry, Analytical23 2.772 2.971 2.68 2.807667 Spectroscopy33 2.772 2.971 2.68 2.807667 Chemistry, Analytical23 2.901 2.949 2.444 2.764667 Electrochemistry33 2.901 2.949 2.444 2.764667 Chemistry, Organic33 2.659 2.763 2.838 2.753333 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 2.942 2.651 2.647 2.746667 Chemistry, Analytical33 3.5 2.973 1.656 2.709667 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear332 2.1184 2.706 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary A13 3.5 2.582 2.693333 Computer Science, Interdisciplin23 3.5 2.582 2.693333 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary33 3.5 2.582 2.693333 Chemistry, Physical33 2.814 2.707 2.511 2.677333 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear33 2.694 2.597 2.704 2.665 Engineering, Chemical13 3.004 2.764 2.148 2.638667 Chemistry, Applied23 3.004 2.764 2.148 2.638667 Chemistry, Physical33 3.004 2.764 2.148 2.638667 Chemistry, Analytical33 2.746 2.632 2.535 2.637667 Chemistry, Physical33 2.796 2.634 2.468 2.632667 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear33 2.796 2.634 2.468 2.632667 Chemistry, Organic33 2.796 2.634 2.468 2.632667 Chemistry, Organic33 2.538 2.615 2.509 2.554 Materials Science, Multidisciplin23 2.555 2.21 2.796 2.520333 Chemistry, Applied23 2.555 2.21 2.796 2.520333 Chemistry, Physical33 2.555 2.21 2.796 2.520333 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology33 2.555 2.21 2.796 2.520333 Chemistry, Physical33 1.833 2.6673 2.5 Chemistry, Organic33 1.833 2.6673 2.5。



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IntroductionPyridine derivatives are an important class of nitrogenous compounds. The pyrimidine bases (i.e . thymine and cytosine) are fundamental compounds in biological systems. They participate in processes as distinct as energy transduction, metabolic cofactors and cell signaling, and are essential building blocks of nucleic acids.1 A number of synthetic pharmacophores based upon the pyrimidyl structure exhibit antibacterial, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-HIV-1 and anti-rubella virus activities.2 Among them, 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine (TAP) (Fig. 1) is also an outstanding medicine raw material, which has been widely used to synthesize anti-cancer drugs, such as methotrexate and dyrenium. Rosowsky and coworkers 3 reported that a family of lipophilic small-molecule antifolates were synthesized using TAP, and had potential applications in the treatment and prophylaxis of AIDS-associated opportunistic microbial infections. What is more, TAP was reported to be a blocker of the cation-specific paracellular conductance pathways of several epithelia.4 The compound was also known as an inhibitor for sodium transport in frog skin,5 and affected the transmembrane potential and contractility in guinea-pig myocardium.6 Thus, the precise detection of TAP is of critical importance, not only in the field of biomedical chemistry and modern pharmacy, but also in pathological research. However, to the best of our knowledge, little literature has been reported on the determination of TAP so far, except for an IR spectrum method.7For all we known, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have some excellent properties, such as a high-aspect ratio, electrical conductivity, chemical stability and an ability to promote electron-transfer reactions. In recent years, CNTs have been widely used in analytical chemistry, including the fabrication of electrochemical sensors and biosensors.8 For doing so, CNTs were homogeneously dispersed in a Nafion solution first, and then transferred onto the electrode surfaces for fabricating Nafion/CNTs film electrodes. These modified electrodes have been used as voltammetric sensors for the determination of trace heavy metals,9–11 dopamine,12 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitrophenol 13 and clenbuterol,14 respectively.In the present work, a Nafion/CNTs film modified GC electrode was fabricated by dispersing multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in 1% Nafion solutions, and then transferred onto a GC surface. With this Nafion/MWCNTs film electrode, TAP showed electro-activity, and it gave an anodic peak at about 1.4 V . Based on this oxidizing reaction, a sensitive2010 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry†T o whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail: yebx@Electrochemical Behavior and Voltammetric Determination of 2,4,6-Triaminopyrimidine at Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes/NafionBaocheng Y ANG ,* Fei W ANG ,** Sujuan G UO ,* and Baoxian Y E *†* D epartment of Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, P . R. China ** D epartment of Material and Chemistry Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou 450007, P . R. ChinaA multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) composite with Nafion was modified on a glass carbon electrode. The modified electrode was then used as a voltammetric sensor in detecting 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine (TAP). The surface morphology of the Nafion/MWCNTs composite film was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and the electrochemical behavior of TAP at this sensor was investigated in detail. The results indicated that the Nafion/MWCNTs modified electrode exhibited efficient electrocatalytic oxidation for TAP with relatively high sensitivity, stability and lifetime. Under the optimized condition using linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), the Nafion/MWCNTs modified electrode exhibited a linear voltammetric response for TAP in the concentration range of 2.0 × 10–7 to 3.6 × 10–5 mol L –1, with a detection limit of 5.0 × 10–8 mol L –1. The electrode was applied to detect TAP added to human blood serum, with an average recovery value of 101.3%.(Received May 28, 2010; Accepted June 24, 2010; Published October 10, 2010)Fig. 1 Chemical structure of 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine.method for the determination of TAP was erected with satisfactory detection recovery.ExperimentalReagents and chemicals MWCNTs (purity ≥95%) were obtained from Nachen S&T Ltd. (Beijing, China). Nafion 117 (5%, w/v in alcoholic solution) was purchased from Alfa, and was diluted to 1% (w/v) with ethanol before use. TAP was purchased from J&KChemical Ltd. and used as received. A stock solution of TAP (1.0 × 10–3 mol L –1) was prepared using 0.01 mol/L hydrochloric acid, and stored under 4 C. All other chemicals used were of analytical grade and the experimental water used wasdouble-distilled. A mixed acid (MA: 0.04 mol L –1 H 3PO 4+ 0.04 mol L –1 HAc + 0.04 mol L –1 H 3BO 3) (pH 1.81) was used as a supporting electrolyte.Apparatus Electrochemical measurements were performed using a CHI650A electrochemical workstation (CHI Instrumental, Shanghai, China) coupled with a conventional three-electrode electrochemical cell. The three-electrode system was composedof a bare glassy carbon (GCE) (d = 3 mm) or modified GCE working electrode, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode and a platinum wire auxiliary electrode, respectively. All potentials in this paper are given against the Ag/AgCl (3 mol L –1 KCl). The UV-vis spectra were recorded by a Model UV-2102PC spectrophotometer (UNICO, Shanghai, China); 5500 atomic force microscopy (Agilent, USA) was used to observe the surface morphology of a film electrode modified by Nafion/MWCNTs.Preparation of film-modified GCEFor the preparation of a Nafion/MWCNTs-modified electrode, MWCNTs (3 mg) was added into a 5-mL Nafion ethanol solution (1%, w/v) and dispersed for 30 min under ultrasound.A Nafion/MWCNTs composite solution was obtained. Before modification, a bare GCE was first treated according to standard methods, and then cleaned ultrasonically with 1:1 nitric acid, alcohol and double-distilled water, sequentially. The Nafion/MWCNTs-modified GCE was prepared by casting 3 μL of a Nafion/MWCNTs composite solution onto a GCE surface, and dried at room temperature. A symbol of Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE was denoted for this film electrode, which was preserved indouble-distilled water in spacing interval experiments. For a comparison, a Nafion modified GCE was prepared using the same method and was named Nafion/GCE.Results and Discussion The morphology of film modified electrodesThe morphology of Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE and Nafion/GCE was observed using the atomic force microscope (AFM) technique. Nafion was evenly spread on the GCE surface, which formed a dense Nafion film (Fig. 2a). While theNafion/MWCNTs composite film was uniformly coated on theelectrode surface, it showed a strong interaction between MWCNTs and Nafion (Fig. 2b). The special surface morphology offered the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE a much larger real surface area than that of the apparent geometric area.Electrochemical behavior of TAP Figure 3 shows the cyclic voltammetric responses of TAP (1.0 × 10–5 mol L –1) at bare GCE (Fig. 3a), Nafion/GCE (Fig. 3c) and Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE (Fig. 3d) in the MA medium. Figure 3b is a CV curve of Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE in a blank solution. Under the same conditions, no anodic peak of TAP was observed at the bare GCE, but a well-defined anodic peak of TAP was observed at the modified electrodes. Especiallyusing the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE, the peak current was significantly higher than that at the Nafion/GCE. Moreover, compared with the Nafion/GCE, the anodic peak potential at the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE was negatively shifted from 1401 to1340 mV . The reasons for the notable sensitivity of the TAP reaction at the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE may be summarized asfollows: (1) TAP becomes positively charged in a MA medium,Fig. 2 AFM 2D topography images. (a) Nafion-modified mica sheet. (b) Nafion/MWCNTs film modified mica sheet. Scan area, 3 μm × 3 μm.and the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE contains the cation exchanger of Nafion, which has an enriched ability due to an electrostatic interaction; (2) the interfusion of MWCNTs into Nafion would provide an effective means to improve the sensitivity and stability of Nafion-based sensors because the Nafion/MWCNTs composite film possesses more open structures and a larger surface area, allowing faster diffusion of the adsorbed TAP, and that MWCNTs could also adsorb TAP. Without any doubt, the synergetic functions of Nafion and MWCNTs make contributions to the higher current response of TAP.It also showed that no reduction peak was observed in the reverse scan, suggesting that the electrochemical reaction was an irreversible process. For a continuous cyclic scan, the anodic peak was only obtained in the first cycle, and no any peak appeared in following cycles (data are not shown). This result demonstrated that the oxidizing product of TAP was adsorbed on the electrode surface and the product was electro-inactive. Fortunately, after agitating the solution, the peak current would be revived as the first cycle in the next cycle. Thus, the oxidation peak current in the first anodic sweep was used in following studies.The optimal solution conditionThe electrode reaction might be affected by a supporting electrolyte and the pH of the solution. Some electrolytes, such as HCl, H 2SO 4, H 3PO 4, HNO 3, HAc (each 0.1 mol L –1) and MA, were investigated, and the best response was obtained using MA. The peak currents affected by the solution pH were investigated over the pH range of 1.81 – 4.78 (adjusted with 0.2 mol L –1 NaOH solution). As shown in Fig. 4, the peak currents decreased and peak potentials shifted negatively by increasing of the solution pH. When the solution pH was over 5, the anodic peak would disappear. MA was selected as the optimal solution.Abstracting the data from Fig. 4, the relationship between the peak potentials and the solution pH was linear with a slope of 0.0581. These data elucidated that the electron numbers and the proton numbers taking part in this reaction were equal, i.e. TAP oxidation occurs by the transformation of the same number of electrons and protons.The properties and mechanism of the electrode reactionThe number of electron transfer (n). The n value was determined using constant-potential electrolysis. In a TAP solution (5.0 × 10–5 mol L –1), a constant potential (1.5 V) was applied and continually kept until the electrolysis current decreased to 1% of the starting value. The time needed was about 15 h. The quantity of the electric charge was recorded and used to calculate the n according to the Faraday law. The obtained result was n = 1.Effect of scan rates . The effect of the scan rate (v ) on the peak currents and potentials was investigated over a wide range. Figure 5 shows CV curves using scan rates of 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mV s –1, respectively. Obviously, the peak potentials shifted towards more positive, and the peak currents were markedly enhanced as the scan rates increased. The peak current showed a linear relationship with respecttoFig. 3 Cyclic voltammograms. (a) Bare GCE, (c) Nafion/GCE and (d) Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE in 1.0 × 10–5 mol L –1 TAP; (b)Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE in a blank solution. Supporting electrolyte,MA; scan rate, 100 mV/s; accumulating time, 300 s.Fig. 4 Cyclic voltammograms of 1.0 × 10–5 mol L –1 TAP at different solution pH. pH (curve a to f): 1.81, 2.21, 2.87, 3.78, 4.35, 4.78. The insert is the E p –pH relation. Supporting electrolyte, MA + NaOH (0.2 mol L –1); accumulating time, 300 s.Fig. 5 Cyclic voltammograms of TAP at different scan rates. Scan rates (curve a to h): 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 mV s –1. The insert is the i p –v relation. Supporting electrolyte, MA + 2.0 × 10–5 mol L –1 TAP.the scan rates (inset in the Fig. 5) with an I p value of 1.187 + 25 v 1/2 (V s –1) (R = 0.998). These data indicate that TAP molecules were first absorbed at the electrode surface, and then underwent irreversible reactions. Similarly, the peak potentials had a linearly relationship with the logarithm of the scan rates, described by the following equation: E pa = 0.0421ln v + 1.502, (R = 0.9978). According to Laviron ’s theory, the slope was equal to RT /αnF , which indicated that the value of αn was 0.61. That is, the value of the transfer coefficient α, was 0.61 (n = 1).A number of studies reported about the protonation of aminopyrimidine derivatives.15–17 This protonation occurred at the pyrimidine ring nitrogen [N(1) and/or N(3)] and/or at the exocyclic amino group both in the gas phase and in solution.15 The amino group at the C2 position on the pyrimidine ring was electroactive.16,17 Constant-potential electrolysis experiments coupled with UV-vis were conducted to illuminate the mechanism of TAP oxidized at the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE. The UV-vis spectra of TAP (before and after electrolysis) are shown in Fig. 6. The curves of a, b and c in Fig. 6 were obtained after electrolysis of 0, 3 and 15 h, respectively. TAP exhibited two main absorption peaks at 217 and 272 nm, respectively. By increasing the electrolysis time, the absorption peak at 217 nm was slightly decreased, but the peak at 272 nm finally disappeared (15 h). These data elucidated that the p-conjugated in TAP was destroyed after electrolysis. On the basis of these experimental results and the reported literature,16,17 a possible oxidation mechanism of TAP on the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE is proposed as Scheme 1. In the scheme, an intermediate of positive nitrogen free radical 17 was formed by the oxidation of TAP on Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE. This intermediate would have passivated the electrode, and made no peak appearance after first cycle (see Electrochemical behavior of TAP section).Effect of the accumulation timeIt was important to fix the accumulation time for an adsorption-driven electrode process. In this investigation, the peak currents were linearly increment with the prolongation of the accumulation time. This phenomenon was up to 400 s in a 1.0 × 10–5 mol L –1 TAP solution. For balancing the detection limit and linearity range, an accumulation time of 50 s was selected for erecting an analytical method of TAP.Relationship between the peak currents and the TAP concentrationsThe linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) was used to investigate the relationship between the peak currents and the TAP concentrations. As shown in Fig. 7, LSV i –E curves exhibited a linear relationship between the anodic peak currents (i pa ) and the TAP concentrations within the range from 2.0 × 10–7 to 3.6 × 10–5 mol L –1, which can be described by the following linear regression equation: Y = 0.72X + 1.39, with a correlation coefficient R of 0.999. The detection limit was 5.0 × 10–8 mol L –1. To assess the stability of the Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE, cyclic voltammetric scanning were recorded on the first day and 35 days later and compared under exacting the same conditions. The anodic peak currents of TAP recorded 35 days later was decreased about 3% compared with that of recorded on the first day (data not shown). For investigating of the reproducibility, ten measurements of a 1.0 × 10–5 mol L –1 TAP solution wereperformed, and the calculated RSD was of 2.5%.Fig. 6 UV-vis spectra of TAP after different electrolysis times. (a), (b) and (c) for the electrolysis of 0, 3 and 15 h, respectively. Supporting electrolyte, MA + 5.0 × 10–5 mol L –1TAP.Fig. 7 Linear sweep voltammograms of different T AP concentrations.TAP concentrations (from a to j): 2.0 × 10–7, 2.0 × 10–6, 4.0 × 10–6, 8.0 × 10–6, 1.2 × 10–5, 1.6 × 10–5, 2.0 × 10–5, 2.6 × 10–5, 3.0 × 10–5, 3.6 × 10–5 mol L –1. The insert is an i p vs . C TAP plot. Scan rate, 100 mV s –1; accumulating time, 50 s; supporting electrolyte, MA +TAP.Scheme 1Table 1 Determination result of TAP in human blood serum (n = 3)Sample 10–6 Added/ mol L –110–6 Found/mol L –1RSD, %Recovery, %12341.05.010151.044.9810.314. 99.6103.0 98.6InterferencesUnder the optimized experimental conditions described above, the effects of some foreign species on the determination of TAP at the 2.0 × 10–6 mol L–1 level were evaluated in detail; 200-fold of Mg2+, Pb2+, Ca2+, Al3+, Fe3+, 100-fold of ascorbic acid, folic acid, uric acid and 15-fold of dopamine and epinephrine had almost no influence on the current response of TAP (signal change below 5%). All of these results indicated that the proposed method had good selectivity for the determination of TAP.Determination of TAP in human blood serumTo evaluate the practical applicability of the proposed method, it was employed for the detection of TAP in human blood serum obtained from 4 healthy volunteers. The results were that no distinct signal of TAP was observed. That is, the TAP content in healthy human blood serum is lower than the detection limit of this method. For evaluating the veracity, some TAP standard solution was added into blood serum before analysis. Also, the recovery was determined by the standard addition method. The results of determination are listed in Table 1. The average recovery value was of 101.3%.ConclusionsIn the present work, a multi-walled carbon nanotube-Nafion modified glassy carbon electrode (Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE) was successfully developed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of TAP in a MA solution. As a voltammetric sensor, Nafion/MWCNTs/GCE showed good sensitivity and reproducibility in the determination of TAP. The proposed method offers the advantages of accuracy and time saving as well as simplicity of the reagents and the apparatus. 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